carlee - a thing of beauty

louisville revisited part eight

"quit it!!" there'll be no fighting in here."

"shut up lucas, come on boy," pork pie said, with a pig's foot jug in his hands.

"bigg pigg, you're on probation!!" lucas shouted. pork pie lunged at him with the jug, and bigg pigg responded with a swipe from his razor that cut pork's tie in half.

"close b.p.," pork pie said as he hit him on the head, breaking the jug. b.p. hit the floor.

"shit man, you crazy or something," he said, half dazed.

"please boys, please stop," i cried. "he's drunk too much bigg pigg, he doesn't know what he's doing." lucas was dialing the police. "please you all, stop!" and i started crying. before i knew what was happening, b.p. had me by my pony tail, his razor to my throat. "oh my god!" i cried.

"i'll cut her mister, don't think for a minute i won't."

"well, hold on here boy, let's think about this, she ain't done nothin' to you!" pork pie had sobered up eighty per cent.

"i ain't got nuthin' against cutting her pretty throat man!"

"no, bigg pigg, you don't want to do that friend."

"fuck you man, you son-of-a-bitch, get the hell out of my way."

"please bigg pigg, please," pork pie begged, almost crying.

bigg pigg pushed my head against a pool table. "nice ass," he said. "now don't you move miss, don't any of you move." i heard his shirt rip. he tied my arms behind my back. he bent down, and whispered in my ear: "now this is my game missy, you understand?" i nodded my head. the pay phone rang.

"let it be missa pok pie, let it be. bigg pigg, the cops are on their way, you hurt that girl and you're gonna fry," lucas said. b.p. took his razor, and cut my shirt away. then he unsnapped my bra.

"well, lookie here, baby titties, i like that, can i suck?"

"muthafucker!!" pork pie yelled, as he ran toward us, kicking. b.p. turned around and slashed pork pie across the nose. he hit the deck.

"my my, how easily the big man go down." pork pie was on the floor. bigg pigg kicked him in the ribs. i heard a crunch, and pork yelled. bigg pigg grabbed my left nipple. "you don't really need this, do you pretty lady? i can suck it at home, rather than here."

"you're pushing it bigg pigg," lucas said.

"kiss the girls." b. p. said as he kissed me. "didn't get any lipstick on me, did i, barkeep? my bitch is very jealous." he laughed insanely.

"i have a shotgun here boy!"

"fuck you," he answered. lucas flashed it, pointed it toward us. "go ahead man, kill us all!" bigg pigg shouted. pork pie was laying in a pool of blood, he appeared unconscious. my heart was pounding. please somebody do something!! was all i could think. "you know, you do have a nice ass lady." the pay phone rang. "i'd love to pull your pants down and tap it gently with my razor strope, yeah, then a little harder, enough to get your ass wigglin' and you're feet dancin'" he laughed again, and i was really scared.

"lay off bigg pigg." lucas said."you take your prozac today?"

"fuck you luke, you're messin' up my dreams," b.p. said. he unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans and panties down. "yes sur, ummm ummm, don't that just look too inviting," he said.

"please mister, leave me alone," i cried. b.p. felt my butt.

"you know what pain is miss?" he whispered in my ear. "at first it hurts, then it feels better, then your ass burns, and you want to touch it, want to scream, want to die, then...." at that moment pork pie rolled forward, put his feet around bigg pigg's ankles, and brought him down. he hit him in the face, stood up and kicked him in the stomach. lucas fired his shot gun in the air, shards of glass fell all around us.

"enough mr. pork pie, enough!!!" lucas shouted. the pay phone was ringing again. pork pie's shirt tail was hanging out, he was looking down at bigg pigg.

"git it," he said to me. i pulled my pants up, and got it.

"is edith there?"

"shit," i said. and hung it up. "someone give me a fucking shirt!" i yelled. lucas ran over with a white tee in his hand, still in the package. "rollin's pool room" it said. i gladly put it on over my naked top, even though it was four sizes too big. bigg pigg moaned, and pork pie kicked him again. three cops and harry burst though the door.

"what in the hell is going on here?" harry asked.

"this motherfucker," pork pointed down at b.p., "hurt that girl, captain." he pointed at me. harry looked at the barkeep. he shrugged his shoulders.

"book him," harry shouted to the uniforms.

"what's the charge captain?" one asked.

"terroristic threatening and disturbing the peace, i know this guy, andrew webber, he beats young girls to the inch of their lives, we've had him before, lost him. you all right carlee?"

"barely," i said.

"your nipples are sticking out," he observed.

"lucky to have any harry," he hugged me.

"carlee, carlee, you're a lot of trouble," he said.

"i know," i sniffed.

"come on angel, let's go."

"i can't harry, terry has the number to that phone." i pointed. "he's going to find a motel and call me here."

"where is he honey?"

"new mexico, he said." the phone rang again. damn. i thought. if this is for edith again, what the hell would edith be doing here anyway. i ran to answer it. "hello!"

"carlee?" i put my hand over the receiver.

"it's him, harry. where are you terry?"

"hojo's," he answered.

"howard johnson's, what highway, what street?"

"ain't sure carlee, not even sure of the town."

"let me talk to him carlee," harry said, as they dragged bigg pigg out. pork pie was wiping blood from his nose and finishing his german beer. "sypes, this is captain zimmerman, what happened to you man?" they talked for a long while.

"pork, why in the hell did you hit bigg pigg?"

"over you baby, said he would like to beat your white ass off."

"and you poured pig juice over his head for that?"

"i know him carlee, know what he's capable of. shit, this damn german beer is making me sick lucas, feels like i'm 'bout to puke!"

lucas handed him a bud light. "see if this ain't better missa pork pie." pork took it, killed it, and headed for the rest room.

"somma-bitch," he muttered.

"could have been a bad pig's foot," lucas said to me, apologetically.

"yeah, or the sight of his own blood."

"come on carlee, we have to get to the station."

"i can't leave harry, pork is sick."

"hell, it's a wonder he isn't dead, he'll be alright honey, now let's go." i thought for a moment. i walked up to lucas.

"lucas, please check on mr. anderson, tell him i had to leave and to have someone take him to the hospital to check on his nose, it may be broken."

"will you take this to him, miss carlee, befo' you leave?" he gently asked. he handed me a miller lite. i smiled, and kissed his cheek.

"sure i will lucas, and thanks for everything you've done." he blushed, i think. pork pie was as white as a ghost, he was on his hands and knees, over a pot. "pork, did you puke?" i asked.

"my socks up baby," he answered. i handed him the beer. he gulped half a can. "thanks baby, i needed that." his face pinked up a little.

"thank you pork pie, you may have saved my life."

he smiled. "your sweet ass anyway."

"i love you a lot big man," i said. pork hugged me, really hard.

"me too, carlee," he said as he rubbed the side of my face.

"i'll go with you pork, to the alps in italy, if you want me to."

he kissed my forehead. "shit, i thought you wanted to go back to school?"

"no hurry for that friend." his once dull blue eyes glistened.

"i'll think about it." he muttered.

"see about your nose pork pie, i have to go."

"i'm an old man sweetie, i don't deserve anyone like you."

"yes you do pork, and i'm here for you." he smiled.

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