carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee and jayney

"and that's the deal nathan, i can go with you to the military ball if i suck yours all the way?"

"well, i wouldn't put it exactly like that carlee."

"oh, how would you put it, then?" i asked.

"just think about it carlee."

"ok, i've thought, take it out and i'll do it."

"not now."


"i'm not ready right now."

"i thought that what girlfriends were for, to make you ready." i unsnapped nathan's shorts and pulled them down.

"carlee!" he shouted. my hand became wet as i slid it into his shorts.

"god, was there someone here before me, mosley?" the head of his crooked dick was swollen and the shaft thin and mushy. i'd felt it like that before.

"god no babe, i was just playing with it and got carried away."

"you don't need a girlfriend, nathan." i exclaimed.

"yes i do carlee, i was thinking about you when i did it."

"oh, sure," i said.

"i promise," he replied. "you're the most popular girl in school carlee, you just have to go to the ball with the highest ranking officer."

"i'll think about it, mosley," i said, as i left. how presumptuous, what a bastard, i thought. "my boyfriend jacks off six times before we go out on a date, to keep from cumming when i pull my panties down," jayney skidmore had bragged to me once. jayney was sexy though, slender, with perky breasts and a figure to die for. her dark brown hair touched her back, below her bra strap, and her liquid brown eyes sort of stared when she sucked on a popsicle. she said she liked to watch the boys drool when she did this. i'd seen her do this many times on the tennis court. i kind of drooled myself. jayney had four brothers, all older than her, she claimed to have had a lot of experience with sex, maybe i should call her.

"meet me at the 'end zone' carlee, this sounds too complicated to talk about on the phone," jayney told me. the 'end zone' was a little cafe-restaurant of a thing located at approximately the end zone of our football stadium. i ordered a bonnie beef sandwich and a large order of onion rings, fried medium rare, a frequent request to doodles, the manager. doodles brought my order directly to my table.

"it's always a pleasure to cook for you, carlee, you don't like anything over cooked, do you?"

"no, i don't," i smiled and said. i had hauled more than one order of half burnt onion rings back to doodles. jayney entered, wearing a cute yellow tennis outfit and carrying her racket. everyone turned and stared, she was breathtaking.

"hi," she said, as she sat across from me in the booth.

"what'll it be, miss jayney?" doodles shouted from across the bar.

"a bowl of chili and a grilled cheese," she replied. i nibbled on an onion ring while jayney looked me over. "you're beautiful, friend," she said.

"and you should talk." i winked, as i bit into my sandwich.

"so, how can i help?" she asked.

"oh jayney, you know we always come to you with our sex problems."

"men who go to bed with sex problems on their minds, wake up with the solution in their hand." we giggled.

"that's good jayney, did you make it up?"

"naaa, some chinese guy."

"what's it like?" i asked.

"are you considering it?"


"in order to get that worm to ask you to a dance?"

i smiled. "no, just considering it, that's all." jayney stuck her tongue out; there was a pearl attached to the center of it. "god, that must have hurt," i said, shivering. doodles brought her order, with extra crackers and a coke.

"thank you doodles," she said, and smiled.

"iiit's on the house, jayney," he replied, sweating, and stuttering.

"i just love it when i have that kind of effect on men," she said. doodles was far older than her father but, i could tell, she loved turning him on. "blow jobs are better when you're really hot, hot as a fire cracker, guys love them, they think that it's the ultimate thing a girl can do for them, an ego thing."

"what's the down side?"

"oh baby, i'm sure you've had a dick in your mouth before, the only down side is when they ram the son-of-a-bitch down your throat or cum so fucking thick it makes you puke."

"that's not very appealing," i said.

"letting them fuck you in your ass is the step down."

"god, jayney, you've done everything," i said.

"i like experimentation," she answered. "you and nathan gone that far?"

"no, not yet anyway."

"it's kind of nice carlee, you cum in a different way, hurts at first."

"how's your chili jayney?" doodles stopped to ask.

"delicious, as usual doodles," she replied. he winked and walked back to the bar.

"i think he likes you babe," i said. jayney smiled.

"now, what more can i tell you about blowjobs, carlee?"

"the consistency interests me, jayney."

"yeah, that can really make a difference, i always test my men out first."

"you mean they cum differently?"

"sure, some squirt, some gush, the first boy i was ever with was a squirter, he hit the overhead in a 1988 chevy, very liquid, he was alright," she smiled.

"is the taste bad?"

"well, not too bad, of course taste isn't exactly what we're looking for. it's always salty, and well, sort of snotty." god, i almost puked on my bonnie beef.

"how unappealing," i said. jayney giggled.

"it's warm though."

"so's snot," i replied, with a grimace.

"like i said honey, you have to be really really hot to enjoy it, spit ain't good either you know." we laughed.

"well, you have a point there girlfriend," i said. "that doesn't stop us from kissing."

"there's something else that's important baby. if your guy jerks off a lot, it will be thinner, less snotty."

"i never knew he did, until today."

"all guys jerk off carlee, several times a day."

"a day?" i was shocked.

"a day, ask any of them."

i really didn't want to do a survey, and jayney was about to turn me off. "how long does it take jayney?"

"from start to finish?"

"yeah," i answered.

"depends on how hot they are when you start, usually though, a minute or two."

"gosh, that's not very long, ah, you don't really blow, do you?"

"of course not carlee, you don't suck either, at least not very hard, you just bob your head up and down, use your tongue a lot, and then you'll feel him getting ready."

"there's a warning?"

"all kinds of them, usually they moan a lot and will probably tell you before they actually cum. does nathan have a lot of skin?"

"yeah, i guess."

"foreskin, dopey," she said.

"oh that, well, some, not a lot."

"does it cover the head when it's soft?"

"yes, almost."

"well then, when you do him remember to retract it tightly, does he cum much?"

"oh, i don't know, about average, i suppose." of course i had no one to compare his volume with, but i sure wasn't going to tell jayney that.

"an ounce?"

"no, half that."

"squirter or gusher?"


"thick or thin?"

"thinnish," i answered.

"well then, you'll have no problem doll, nathan sounds quite edible." she smiled.

"is this an open conversation?" timmy reins stopped and asked. timmy was a year or so younger than jayney and me, really cute, he was tall and thin, on the basketball team.

"this conversation would curl your eyelashes, reins," jayney said. timmy smiled, then took a seat beside me.

"great, then you all won't mind me chiming in." he put his arm around me. "great to see you carlee, this won't make commander mosely demote me, will it?"

"i don't think you can demote a private, timmy," i answered.

"you'll have to decide whether to spit or swallow carlee," jayney blurted out. this caused my face to turn red, timmy's too.

"yes, i've thought of that jayney," i said.

"what in the hell are you girls discussing anyway?" timmy asked nervously. jayney smiled.

"your mind's not in the gutter is it reins?"

timmy coughed. "no, not at all," he squirmed.

"actually, we're talking tobacco, timmy, to do that rather than smoking," i said, hoping to change the subject.

"oh, well, i've never seen a girl chewing that stuff, it'd certainly be different," he said.

"we're talking about blowjobs, reins." Jayney said. "and we need a guinea pig." god, i could have died right there.

"jayney!!" i snapped.

"he'd do, carlee, he's tall and lean, what size shoe do you wear reins?"

"ten." he answered shyly.

"perfect," she said. "the square root of ten is 3.16 times the cosign of the angle of the dangle, ehhhhhh, six and a half inches."

"what are you all smoking?" he asked.

"is my mathematics correct reins?"

"nearly, and i've got to meet my mother." he got up to leave.

"reins!!" she hollared. he stopped and turned. "call me tonight," she said. he shook his head and walked out the door.

"god jayney," i said.

"sexy, isn't he?"

"you scared him to death."

"i doubt it, babe."

"you think he'll call you?"

"count on it. anymore questions?"

"no, guess not, and thanks jayney." she kissed my cheek.

"no problem honey."

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