carlee - a thing of beauty

carlee and jayney part two

i couldn't help but think about my conversation with jayney for the rest of the afternoon and evening. after i had supper, i could stand it no longer, i called her.

"hi," she said.

"jayney, i was just curious, did timmy call you?"

"sure, i told you he would, he should be here in a few minutes, for fun and games, you're invited too carlee, might get you turned on, you may even want to participate."

"thanks jayney, but i have tests tomorrow, just tell me about it, ok?"

"you'll be missing a lot babe, i think he's pretty cute." she sounded like she really meant it.

"enjoy yourself jayney, and tell timmy that i think he's cute too." i hung up. damn. i thought. i should go. back to physics. a lot of people didn't know that astronomy was a branch of physics, i thought it was thrilling, i had asked for a telescope for christmas, but i did every year, the colonel always said: "too much mercury vapor here carlee, be a waste of money." he was right, of course, always was. timmy. god, maybe i should take a cold shower, i've heard that works. i just had to keep my mind on my studies. m1, the crab nebula, in taurus, near aldebaran; type: k, magnitude .84, ra=04:36", dec=16*31* n, uncircumsized. god, i couldn't concentrate on physics. an hour past, and i was as hot as a firecracker, the perverbial firecracker. a half an hour later, the phone rang.

"hi." i answered.

"he's perfect," jayney whispered. "great kisser, better licker."


"no, nathan dopey."

hmmm. "how big is he?" i asked.

"oh, six two, around one eighty."

"oh, come on jayney, you know what i mean."

"well, i haven't gotten my tape measure out yet, carlee, but maybe eleven inches."

"bull shit," i said.

"would you believe seven?"

"i'd probably believe anything you told me, at this point, jayney," i stammered.

"anyway, the reason i called you, is that we need a condom."

"and you called me?"

"yeah, help us out."

"i thought you'de been on the pill since you were eight," i said.

"it's not that carlee, tim is so worked up, well, it would make it last a little longer."

"why don't i bring a six pack over jayney, make it last all night?"

she laughed. "one will do sweetie, i have classes in the morning."

"and where in the hell do you think i'd find one?" i asked.

"look in your dad's bed side table, carlee."

"what did you do with your folks jayney?"

"sent them to the opera," she replied.

"bet your dad's enjoying that," i smiled and said.

"actually, he enjoys the opera," she answered.

"bring the six pack carlee, you can put them on me."

it was timmy. "speaker phone?" i asked.

"yeah," she answered."

"turn the volume up," i said. she did. "much better."

i ran to the colonel's room and searched his bed side table, nothing. rats! i thought. "oh, you're biting too hard jayney!!" i heard. "ohhhhh, yeah that's better." i listened, hard. "want me to do you?" he asked her. "sure tim," jayney answered. i heard some shuffling. "spread a little more," he said. i was dying. "yes, oh yes," i heard jayney say. "oh tim, don't stop." i was dying. "yes, yes, put it in me," jayney said. i was dying. "shit tim!" she said. "you didn't even get it in!" she screeched. "i'm sorry baby." i had to smile.

"i have the condoms love, six of them, all different colors," i smirked.

"forget them carlee, i just need some kleenex." she muttered.

"i'm so sorry jayney, it was good though?"

"excellent," she chided. "almost perfect," she added.

"that's what you get for being so beautiful," i said.

"no, that's what i get for having sex with a man, carlee." i smiled. i'm available. i thought. i would give the earth to rub kleenex over jayney's body right now. i thought. she hung up. ingrate. i thought. the phone rang in a couple of minutes.

"jayney?" i answered.

"no, nathan, who in the hell have you been talking to"

"my dad, why?"

"i thought he was overseas?"

"god nathan, they have phones all over the world."

"c-c-can i come over?" he stammered. i thought for a moment. it's now or never carlee, "when you're as hot as a firecracker" yeah practically, almost, hell yes.

"sure nathan, i'm in the basement, studing."

"anybody with you?"

"no, here by myself."

"unlock your back door, i'll let myself in."

i undressed. sprayed on some light perfume in special places, put on a pink tee shirt the said "purrfect" and a pair of white shorts, tied my hair back in a pony tail. barefoot and ponytailed, i liked me like that. i looked at myself in the mirror, nipples shown through my tee, only nipples. damn, i just had to grow some boobs. i did my boob producing exercises while i waited for nathan. i might be a c cup when he got here. actually, the only thing this exercise had ever done for me was to make my arms sore. "your honor, the prosecution will be represented by baby carlee mccord, 'no nox', the little girl over there." shit. i thought. "she's the very assistant district attorney over in that large chair. is 'pigshit herrod's' defense ready?" god, maybe dr. hampton was right, maybe i should become an astronomer. "the pay's not the best carlee, but it will get you by." confusion, thy name is confusion.

the back door opened. i shuddered. "carlee?" nathan said.

"down here." i was sitting on my feet with a physics book in my lap. he looked nice, wearing tight jeans and a midriff friendly tee shirt that had "carlee rocks" on the front. he stood in front of me and turned around. my picture was on the back. "not bad," i smiled and said. "how'd you do that?"

"made it myself, i'm getting smarter every day." his remark sounded guinuine, not smug as usual. his smile was even pleasant.

"sit," i said. we snuggled, and kissed. "i love your shirt nathan, anyone see it yet?"

"sure babe, everyone has, they love it. want one of me?" yeah, crooked dick and all, the only thing i liked about nathan was his belly button.

"sure baby, that would be neat, do it." nathan kissed me and grabbed my breasts. not that! i thought. oh, it's alright. next thing i knew, nathan was on top of me, grabbing, probing, kissing. what happened to the days when we would just sit, and discuss a book.

"carlee, i am so sorry to make you think that my inviting you to the military ball was contingent on........"

"never mind nathan, i never thought that," i answered.

"i love you carlee, very much." yeah me too. i thought. at least i can stand you now. i smiled at him.

"thanks mosely, i love you too, in my fashion." he looked perplexed.

"i want to marry you some day, miss mccord." i relunctantly smiled again. mrs. carlee mosely. nope, not a nice ring. quit the bullshit mosely. i thought. let's just get on with this.

nathan nibbled my ear. "did you just make the one shirt nathan?"

"shhh, i'm nibbling something," he answered.

"hey, i'd like to nibble something, but you have to take that shirt off. he quickly took it off. i played with his belly button and kissed his shoulder. "nice? i asked.

"very," he said. i kissed down to his left nipple. mosely didn't have a hair on his chest. "and ain't got a hair in his ass" i could hear mr. leisure say in my mind. i sucked it gently. mr. leisure was probably right. i hadn't checked nathan for that. "oh, carlee," nathan moaned. i unbuckled his belt. i bent down and nibbled his belly button while i unzipped his pants. i reached in. he wasn't mushy, just hard and crooked. god, sex is like an anaesthetic, one minute you're fine and the next, you're on fire. "i'll undress, if you will first carlee," he propositioned. i stood up, removed my top, then stepped out of my shorts. i was already barefoot, so all i had on was my panties. "my boyfriend jacks off six times before we go out, so his won't cum in his pants when i pull my panties down," i remembered jayney telling me, as i crooked my fingers in the waistband. oh well! i thought. and down they went. i waited, but he didn't cum, at least i didn't think so. "you're really beautiful mrs. mosely." he said. god, he was going to make me puke. he took his shoes and socks off, then stood up and took off his jeans and undershorts. he was still hard, well, maybe jayney's sexier than me, big deal. nathan moved over toward me and held me tightly. "you have the best body in the world carlee," he said as he kissed me. right! i thought. i know darling, i shame katie holmes, princess madeleine, and teri hatcher. aren't you a lucky duck. i couldn't help but smile.

"and you have the best male body nathan," i said, without smiling. nathan sat down, grabbed my hand and guided it to his dick. i knelt down on the floor and manoeuvered myself in between his legs. i kissed his balls, then licked, then lifted them with my hand. god, no hair there.

"what are you doing love?" he asked, as i took his dick into my mouth. "oh, god!" he moaned. i sucked. "not hard, just bob your head up and down" i was reminded of jayney's advice.

"oh shit carlee, i don't want you to do that," he uttered. i bobbed faster. i wondered what it would be like, what if i puked? i could feel it harden in my mouth. almost. i thought. it wasn't totally unpleasant, actually it felt kind of nice. i stopped, and put my tongue to his urethra, and pulled the skin back tightly. "oh my god," he said. it felt even harder in my hand. special place. i thought. i tried to get it all the way in. "shit!" he said. "i don't want to cum like this carlee!" i looked at it and pulled the skin forward, then put it deep into my mouth and bobbed, as i was instructed. i put my left hand on his balls, and felt them tighten. he moaned, and pulled it out. the first squirt hit my left ear, the next in my hair, as did the third and fourth.

"shit nathan, i'd rather you did it in my mouth than in my hair."

"i'm sorry baby." i ran my hand through my hair. good god, this was awful, and the stuff was as thick as elephant shit. "it's kind of snotty carlee, it can make you puke," said jayney. i was ready to puke anyway.

"you didn't have to do that carlee, you know that don't you?"

"i wanted to nathan, that's all, i just wanted to," i answered.

"accompany me to the military ball?"

"sure, i'd be honored to."

"be my wife?"

"i have eight more years of school when i get through this one nathan, talk to me later." he looked disappointed.

"thank you anyway," he said.

"now go mosley, charlie brown's about to come on." the anaesthetic wore off.

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