"can i carry your books carlee?" katey asked.
"thank you katey, but i'm perfectly capable," i answered.
"then can i walk with you?"
"i don't see much of you any more, carlee."
"last year in school, i'm exceptionally busy katey."
"you and nathan are quite an item these days, is he taking you
to the military ball?"
"i guess so, i mean, he hasn't asked me, but i suppose he
will, i'm not sure."
"can we walk down to the creek?"
"oh katey, well, yeah, i suppose we can, these jeans are old."
i had known katey since junior high, we both were orphans, well,
semi-orphans, her dad was manager of a grocery store, and mine was in
the army. i think her mom died when she was an infant; katey was thin,
a little taller than me, had light brown hair and blue eyes, her
figure was cute and she stuck out in front much more that i did.
"gosh carlee, it's been ages since we've been here, can we
stay a while?" it had been a while and the creek was so pretty,
the leaves were beginning to fall and the temperature was just right.
"sure, buddie, do you think the bench will still hold us both?"
katie smiled. "some of my fondest memories are about you and
me an this bench. remember the time we went to sleep on it?"
"yeah, i got into trouble, too." we laughed together.
katey took a deep breath, her sweater bulged out.
"i'm in a c cup now, carlee." i pinched her left tit, she
"yeah and mine barely fit in a b, i'm envious."
"oh carlee, you don't have to be envious of anybody."
"oh? that's something i surely didn't know," i answered.
"oh, come on," she said. "everyone knows that you're
the prettiest girl in school, and the smartest, and you even have your
own boy friend, could have a lot more, if you wanted."
"well, i'm glad to know that i have one fan left in this
world," i said, as i put my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.
"gosh carlee, this seems so right, the two of us sitting here
holding hands, i could stay right here with you forever."
i smiled. "it is nice katey."
"carlee, are you going to marry nathan?"
"mosely, god no, up until this year i could barely stand him.
yuk, katey, where do you come up with these ideas?"
"he's really nice looking carlee, and i'll bet he loves your b
cup," she said. i was kind of shocked.
"he'd probably like your c cup, if he were into cups," i
responded, rather quickly. katey took another deep breath.
"mr. milner is the only one who appreciates my underwear
carlee." mr. milner was katey's neighbor, he used to be the
school custodian. i laughed.
"does he still take them off your clothes line?" katey
slipped her arm around my waist and put her head on my shoulder.
"ole milner's gone digital these days sweetheart, now he just
takes pictures." i smiled and nuzzled my nose in katey's hair.
she slid her hands up under the back of my sweatshirt and hugged me.
her hands were so warm, they made me tingle. "carlee?"
"what katey?"
"what's it like?"
"what honey?"
"being naked, in bed with a boy?" i knew she was fishing,
trying to get me to admit that nathan and i had been together that
away. maybe to tell the other girls, but that wasn't really like
suddenly it started to rain. "god, where did that come from!"
i snapped. "let's run for it katey, or we'll be soaked." we
grabbed our books, put them over our heads, and we ran.
"my house is closer," she said. indeed it was, by almost
two blocks. i finally took my books away from my head.
"shit katey, let's slow down, we're already soaked." the
run from the creek was straight uphill, and i couldn't have been any
wetter, my hair hung very straight, to my shoulders, so did katey's.
"we'll have the house to ourselves carlee, dad won't be home
until around eight." i put my arm around katey's neck.
"i just want to get dry," i said.
katey's house was smaller than ours, god, i couldn't believe it had
been so long since i'd been in it.
"brrrrrr," she said. "it's freezing, come on."
katey's bedroom was much bigger than mine, i remembered slumber
parties here, years ago. she had her own bathroom off it. my feet were
sopping, i took my shoes off, my socks were stuck to my feet. i hated
to sit down anywhere. my jeans and sweatshirt were ringing wet. i
tried to dry my hands on my jeans, big mistake.
"carlee," katey called. "i have a towel." katie
walked out of the bathroom with a hair dryer and a large beach towel
with a picture of donald duck on it. she wasn't wearing anything. i
almost gasped. she was beautiful, naked. her small waist and long
legs, big tits and large blue eyes, not piercing, like tammy's, but
round, and soft. i was speechless. i couldn't take my eyes off of her,
i didn't know what to think, i had slept with katey countless times
over the years, and i had never even thought about being naked, she
and i, her and i. i couldn't think straight.
"let me get you out of those clothes," she said, "you'll
catch your death." she lay the towel over her lap and got down on
the floor. "lift this leg a little baby?" she asked. i did,
and she removed my wet sock. "god, carlee, your toes are turning
blue, give me your other foot?" i was trembling - from the cold?
i wasn't sure. when she had removed my other sock, she stood up and
pulled my sweatshirt over my head. "are you freezing carlee?"
"yes katey, i am." and sweating at the same time. katey
undid my bra and took it off. she tossed it in a pile with the rest of
my clothes. she looked at me and i could feel myself starting to
blush. she unbuckled my belt and pulled the zipper down, got down to
her knees and took them off. i had my eyes closed when i felt her
fingertips on the waistband of my panties. i think my pubic hair
stiffened as she pulled them off.
"i'm going to put these in the dryer, honey," she said,
as she handed me the donald duck towel. i opened my eyes. what in the
hell was happening to me. i watched katey walk to the laundry room,
her butt jiggled. god, mine was to skinny to jiggle. i started to dry
off, heard the dryer kick on, she returned and said: "sit down on
the bed carlee, i'll get us some cover." she returned with a
fuzzy dark throw, laid it in a chair and plugged the hair dryer in. "your
clothes were wringing wet baby, let me fix your hair." she sat
down beside me and turned the dryer on. the air was warm. "too
hot honey?" she asked.
"no, katey, it's just right," i answered. katey ran the
dryer through my hair, then up and down my back, then on my thighs and
down my legs.
"your feet are pinking up sweetheart, that's good," she
said. she messed with my hair with her fingers, until it was dry.
several times i felt her hard nipples on my back. when she was done
with mine, she turned the dryer onto hers.
i was very uncomfortable sitting naked here with katie, i grabbed
the throw from the chair and climbed upon the bed, pulled a pillow
from under the soft comforter, covered up and lay my head back. i felt
funny, but better. in spite of the noise of the hair dryer i could
hear the rain hitting the window. i closed my eyes, tightly. the dryer
stopped and i heard katey padding across the rug. a loud clap of
thunder sounded, and i closed my eyes even tighter.
"delicious, isn't it?" she said as i felt her climb in
the bed, over me. i opened my eyes, i could barely see, katey had
turned out the lights. i could feel her naked hip against my thigh.
"wwwhat do you want from me katey?" i stammered. she put
her arm around my neck and cuddled closer.
"i just want to lie here with you carlee and enjoy the storm."
she turned toward me and her foot touched mine. her right hand went to
my abdomen, lingered for a moment then cupped my left breast. i felt
my nipple grow hard beneath her warm fingers.
"katey," i said, not even knowing why i said her name.
"it's alright angel," she said gently, almost whispering,
then turned my body toward her and kissed me. her lips were soft, so
soft. her tongue rubbed against my front teeth. i opened my mouth a
little and katey's tongue ventured in. she moved even closer, her
breasts touched mine. as her tongue probed deeper, she put her hand
between my legs. parting my lips with her fingers, she inserted one
deep inside me. i could feel her shudder, or maybe it was me. she
kissed my neck and she pulled her finger back and forth. both of her
hands were now exploring my body and she was breathing fast.
"oh god, please touch me carlee." i caressed her breasts
as the rain beat against the window. goose pimples broke out on my
arms. i moved my hand downward until it was between her legs. warmth
broke out all over my body; her clit was hard and very prominent, i
rolled my finger back and forth over it, gently at first, then with
more pressure. "god yes carlee, please don't stop," she
muttered. she put her hand on mine and rolled over on her back. i
could hear her finger making a sucking sound and i pressed harder and
harder on her clit. i bent my head down and kissed her nipple. katey
grabbed the back of my head and pressed me harder against her. my
other hand massaged her butt.
"go up in it," she said, and just as i did, she moaned
and i could feel her orgasm. her hips bucked against my hand, again
and again, until the spasms stopped. i could hear the thunder in the
distance, the glow of lightning flickered throughout the room. i
started to remove my hand, but katey wouldn't let me. "please
honey, not yet," she pleaded. she pressed my palm flat against
her labia, then, with her hand on top of mine, she moved it back and
forth over it. she didn't stop the motion, only varied the speed. she
spread her legs further and further apart, the grabbed my other hand
from her breasts and placed it on her abdomen. she rapidly moved my
hand, which she was gripping tightly between her legs. my hand was
very wet now, katey was on fire. her entire body tensed and moments
later i could feel the muscles of her abdomen tighten and relax,
tighten and relax, rhythmic at first, then violently.
"oh god," katey sighed as her orgasm mounted. "god,"
she said again, louder and more fervently as she erupted. her whole
body bucked, and i broke out in a sweat. katey laid back, her arm over
her eyes, the lightning gave proof to her smile. i took my left hand
from her abdomen and placed it between my legs. i was dripping. my
hand felt nice there, and i knew that with the slighest motion, i
could cum in an instant. katey turned toward me, placed her fingertip
to my lips.
"shhhhh, baby. let me do it, like i've wanted to do since i
first met you." i was too hot to move, i knew that if i crossed
my legs it was all over, i had to have relief, anything that katey
wanted to do to me was welcome. a sudden clap of thunder rifled
overhead, and the lights went out in the other rooms, followed by a
loud "pop!" from outside. a transformer, i thought. the rain
beat mercilessly against our side of the house. katey pulled the throw
off of me. the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. katey gently
kissed my neck, her hands explored my breasts. she then licked my
right one while she rolled my left nipple between her index finger and
her thumb. i pushed harder on my crotch. she placed her hand over
mine, very lightly. she kissed my stomach, stopping at my belly button
where she gently inserted her tongue. i sweated more, wiggled my toes.
the sound of the rain and the feeling of katey's love.
she moved to the foot of the bed, got between my legs. she lifted
my feet and spread my legs. i started to move my hand, but she stopped
"no angel, i want to kiss your fingers." she put her
hands on my feet, restraining me in this position, then began a
sensuous process of licking my wet finger tips. her tongue brushed my
clit, and i tried my best not to cum. she licked in between my
fingers, and i pulled my hand away, i had to. i put it on my left
breast as katey licked deep inside of me, then around my clit, then
when she ravished my urethra, i could take it no longer. my uterus
convulsed, causing my stomach muscles to painfully contract. i bucked
and moaned, knowing that i was probably hurting katey, but not caring.
the room took on a pinkish appearance when i blinked my eyes, i had
never cum this long, never before.
"oh my god," i said when it was over. she lay beside me.
"you liked that carlee, i could tell."
i smiled. "yeah katie, i did," i said as i kissed her.