These are some of the many short stories that I have written over the years. They show some of my development as a writer, but I think that you should still be able to tell that they were written by the same person. Somewhere in there, I hope you may see the makings of a good writer. Maybe not. In any case, I hope you enjoy what you read here.
Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera
At the Conference
- I wrote this scene for my friend and lover, Pat, who also starred in "Pat and the Trucker." It is a short and to the point bondage fantasy that I shared with her one night while chatting that she encourage me to continue as a story.
Case of the Uncommon Whore
- This is the first sex story I ever wrote. It shows some of my early fumblings. I wrote this back in 1999 with the idea of posting it to ASSM, but took my time typing it into the computer. I hate typing. I really, really hate typing. That is one of the reasons that I write most things out long hand rather than compose directly onto the computer. Mind you, this means I finish stories, but... (shrugs). Three years and several dozen postings later, I get this one typed onto and proofed and rewriten.
I had planned on doing a series of Kevin Michaels tales. Each basically a voyeur story, as Mike tails a differant deviant. I still have ideas for him in the back of my head. If I can catch up, he may reappear.
Dead Like Me I
Dead Like Me II
- These are a couple of stories that I threw together one day at ASSD after Ray considered plot possiblities from the TV show "Dead Like Me." The main character is a young woman who, upon her death, becomes a grim reaper. She collects the souls of the recently deceased and takes them to their final distination in the after life. I took Ray's major suggestions and put them through the prism of my mind.
Fucks Sake
- When I first started hanging around ASSD, I would see a post that would just cause an idea to pop into my head; I wrote the story out in the time I had between shifts at my first job or before starting my second job. I call these stories burps.
This is a burp that started from an idea by Denny Wheeler when someone wondered what rice wine had to do with sex stories, The basic mind control plot is his. I added the humilation portion. Also, the two women mentioned at the begining of the story are Katie McN and her girlfriend at the time. I had thoughts of a sequel as I typed. Time as always got in the way. Just think of it as a lost story.
A Girl That Looks Quite like You
- suzee was watching PBS, which was playing the Crossroads Guitar Festive video. Naturally, Eric Clapton got mentioned, as did her ownership of a certain best of CD. Well, the very next day, which we both had off, I was getting romantic and put her disc on the living room system (she didn't notice, she was getting hot and was in the bedroom... well never mind... heheheheh). Anyway, later (because the player was on random/repeat). I got to listen to the whole disc. Cream's Badge is like The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkle; it is loaded with story titles. This line is the one that stuck in my head the most.
Girls Just Want to Have Cum
- I was working on another story at my favourite place to drink coffee and eat nachos when my mind started to play games with a song playing on the juke box. Then, it played games with the next song. Finally, it started to play games with songs the juke box wouldn't be caught dead playing. The song Girls Just Want to Have Fun popped into my head with a slight change in the words. The rest of the scene played out. This is another "Story Quickly Writen."
Party at Lisa's
[10, 10, 9, 10]
- This is first story that I began once I received a Palm for my birthday (Thank You Pat, {kiss, kiss} you're not forgotten at all). The bulk of the story was written on the bus on my way to work every morning. It just took forever to write. I have no clue as to why; it just did. Thankfully, it turned out really well.
Pat and the Trucker
- One day in the middle of Beggars, I recieved an e-mail from a very facinating woman. Instant attraction. We began to exchange e-mails at least once a day. Sometimes several. Hell, usaully several, and I awaited each one with all my heart. Soon, we graduated to Messenger. She began to ask me to tell her stories, This started as a bed time story I wrote into Messenger after she told me about a road trip she took with her lover.
A Pepsi
- A story that lost another Silver Clitoride. Not that I'll complain, at least I get nominated for these things now. Heck, some day I'll even deserve to win one.
This story contains many themes, but the major one is about safewords. I think that Crimson Dragon caught this based on the review of the story. So as to not spoil the story, I won't say more. By the way, Crimson's review was fair in my opinion.
A Reminder of Her
- This is a short flash that I wrote while drinking coffee and eating nachos at a bar where I'm a regular. I noticed a woman who didn't look like someone I once knew but definitely reminded me of her. The idea floated around for a few minutes and I took it from there. I finished it before I finished the nachos and actually had it typed that evening. I hoped to get it done for the Saphic Festival of 2002 but didn't finish it in time. A day late and a dollar short.
Story Quickly Written in Hotmail
- Well, the title explains it all, don't it?
In February 2001, I was going to post thirty stories in thrity days. Thanks to a slight emotional meltdown, I failed getting only to six or seven, but to even hope to get that total, I had to write and post. So, I started typing right in the Hotmail editor. I didn't make any changes, nor did I look back. The whole thing was written in one go through. I still play this game (that is how I think of it), but now I use Word so I can spell check. I don't make any other changes. It drives suzee (my lover and editor) nuts.
Oh, the story was written in the setting I discribe at the begining. The girl was based on a girl who sat near me in the lab, but naturally, it wasn't her.
Your new bride is a little spooky
-Fr. Ignatius would post links for various international news stories to ASSD, hoping to inspire stories; he calls these links Hopper Fodder. Responding to a story about a Hong Kong family advertising for a husband for their dead daughter, I wrote and posted this burp to ASSD. Traditionally, Chinese families will marry dead daughters so that the deceased will not be lonely in the afterlife. I naturally had to do a twist to this story, especially with the (at that time) up coming Irag War. The bride's name is a tip of the cap to the lesbian romances of Katie McN.