There is this girl who works with me at the bistro. She doesn't wait tables like I do. She works in the pantry, making salads during the lunch shift. She brags that it leaves her nights free for other pursuits. I've never had difficulty imagining what those pursuits may be because she is a very attractive woman. At least, I think so even if others don't agree, but most of the guys at work agree with me.
She stands only up to my chest. Since I am around average height this means that she is towered over by some of our coworkers, particularly the guys on the dishline, all big, brawny African-Americans. While she is not fat, her frame still may not match her stature in the view of the anorexic porn-goddess ideal, but it doesn't lack for appeal. She looks natural, having both an eye-pleasing shape and nice womanly curves.
Her long, brown hair frames a tanned, heart-shaped face. That face frames a pair of large brown eyes so deep in color they are almost black. Her white, almost unnaturally straight teeth fill a constant, mirth-filled smile. She laughs constantly, as if she were having fun at every moment. I think she does.
Her name is Lisa. I am in love with her and have been for a long time. After last night, I think she may have fallen for me as well.
Yesterday, towards the end of the lunch shift, Jimmy sneaked into the service area from the dishline. I had mentioned at the beginning of the shift that the boss forgot to schedule me for a double, and I had gotten one of those infrequent, almost mythical, Friday nights off. For months, he and the other dishwashers had tried to get me to join them in a night out. This allowed him to make another attempt.
Of all the guys at work, Jimmy was the most insistent in trying to get me out. He saw it as his life's mission to help me out of the funk that I fell in because of a very unfortunate choice of relationship.
"We're going to be hitting a couple places tonight. Kenny, you want to come out with us. We ought to be able to find you someone."
I decided to surprise him. I said, "Sure,"
He looked at me in shock.
"You ain't joking," he asked.
"No joke." After a laugh, I added, "Just let me know where."
He agreed to let me know when they decided on exactly where they were going before going back to the kitchen. I returned to cleaning the last minute mess of coffee cups and water glasses from my section. It took a few trips because it had been a busy day, but by the time I bused my last tray of china to the dishline, the guys were still discussing the best place to go.
Lisa came to their rescue. She walked up to the dishline with two armloads of the plastic bowls she used for condiments and some of the other tools of her trade. With a matter of fact voice, she said, "I'm going to that new place on the West Side tonight. I went there last weekend and it's pretty hopping."
George looked at me and asked, "How does that sound, Kenny."
"Whatever." I said, shaking my head. "You guys go ahead and go where you want. I'm just a white boy tag-along."
That earned me a few looks and a number of friendly denials. After I had assured them I understood that I was honestly welcomed, they decided to try the new place. It settled down to Jimmy, George, Ron, Jimmy's younger brother Bill, and of course, me.
I finished clearing my section early enough that the lunch hostess (who owed me big time for covering her ass in the past) felt that she could let me go early. This left me time enough to go home and not only shed the penguin outfit but also jump into the shower. I even grabbed a quick nap before heading over to Jimmy and Bill's place.
They had started the festivities well before my arrival. They made the required token offer of the joint they were passing. I shook my head. They didn't press since they knew that I prefer more traditional approaches to separating mind from body. I, instead, grabbed a beer from their fridge.
We sat around talking shit about the Lions (what else was there to say about them, they are the Lions after all). They finished their smoke and joined me in having a beer. They had started their second and I had finished my third when the others showed up. To give Jimmy and Bill a chance to finish, George got a beer for the rest of us.
After deciding on taking Ron's SUV, we settled into a discussion on the new club. None of us knew much about it. I had read a little in the local alternative paper, but that wasn't a hell of a lot. The place was so new that the guys hadn't heard anything one way or the other about it. Still, the guys seemed excited about it based on what Lisa had told us.
"Maybe Lisa'll be there tonight," said Ron as soon as her name had been mentioned.
Jimmy laughed then said, "She might be. I saw the way she was checking me out."
"Hell she was," said George. "She was checking my package."
My three co-workers began a light argument about which of them Lisa had been looking at this afternoon. Bill laughed through the whole thing, alternatively mocking or encouraging as the need arose.
I kept quiet, but I was certain that she would be at the club tonight. I had noticed her looking discretely at each of them. I should say that she had been looking at their packages.
With the beers done, the five of us loaded up in Ron's SUV. I found myself in the back between the well-muscled frames of Jimmy and George. Bill sat in the front, where he played with the radio switching between stations. He ignored the complaining of my companions in the backseat.
I was quiet through the trip to the club. Well, let's get honest, my lack of success in all things sexual has a lot to do with a case of near fatal shyness. When I stepped into SUV, its spell hit, and as we came closer to the club it grew worse; I became less capable of speech. In fact, my mind held nothing to say, as if I was incapable of thought.
The guys were too busy laughing and joking to notice my increasing silence. Maybe they could have pulled me out of it if they had realized what had happened to me, maybe not. Knowing myself as well as can be expected, I have doubts that they could've done a thing, so I was glad that they never noticed the zombie-like way I followed them inside the club when we arrived.
Like any dance club near any college campus, it had all the ingredients for a pleasant little epileptic fit: loud with music and conversation and half-lit by lights flashing most every colour imaginable. We sat close to the dance floor, where I watched the girls dancing with each other in silence. My companions cased the crowd for potential friends, comparing the talent in loud voices.
People of every shape and flavour packed tight with each other. Young women with thin, tanned legs and flat, jeweled stomachs, their ears filled with gleaming studs, roamed the floor like exotic creatures from some lost mythic golden age. I nursed a Bud to the heavy pounding of industrial mixed with a little hip-hop.
The guys disappeared on their first sortie. I stayed at the table joined only by another Bud. The one woman I had talked to had been a waitress. That had been only the minimal amount necessary to order the bottles of beer that were acting as a sort of emotional glue. I looked down into the open O of my bottle, trying to find the courage to at least say something to someone with a pair of tits.
"Hi, Kenny," said a soft, syrupy voice from behind me, which caused me to just about shit my drawers. "Where are the guys?"
I turned my neck to look over my left shoulder. The voice belonged to Lisa. Her skirt was short and tight. Her shirt was mostly unbuttoned. Her face was wearing a confused look.
"Nothing," I answered. "I was just lost in thought."
"Oh. I'm sorry if I startled you." She waited for me to shrug in answer. "Have you seen the guys lately?"
"They're on babe patrol, right now."
"Oh. How about you, Kenny? Having any luck?
I shrugged. She was scanning the crowd and didn't notice. I considered giving a verbal answer, but thought better of it. I did offer her a seat, which she took.
We began a laboured conversation about nothing much at all. She was too concerned with watching for the guys to hold up her half. I was too preoccupied with making a break for it and going home. We were still in the stage of "whachu think" and "yeah" when Jimmy came back from his misadventure.
The moment he sat back down, a more lively conversation broke out. Over time, each of the guys returned and joined into it. Several drinks later, they had remained. I sat on the side, a seasoned benchwarmer, watching the by-play.
With the lease on the beer coming due, I excused myself to the restroom. I made my return with every intention of saying good night and grabbing a cab home. Before the first word of my excuse could cross my lips, Jimmy said to me, "'Bout time, Kenny. I was afraid that we'd have to leave you."
"Wha-? Leave me?"
"Yeah, Lisa invited us to her place." I noticed that she was gone from the table, as were Bill and George. "Seems she wants to party with us."
Not waiting for me to reply, Jimmy grabbed my shoulder and started pushing me to the door. Ron grabbed my jacket from the back of my chair. They escorted me to the door.
At the SUV, Ron said, "We told her that we were all together tonight. It didn't faze her. All she wants is for us to start laying pipe."
My confused look must have gotten the story across. As I climbed into the back, Jimmy added, "Lisa is hot for dark meat, so we're going to party."
"And how do I enter into this?"
"We gangbang," said Jimmy. "You gangbang."
"Guys, if she doesn't want me there, you can just drop me off."
"She's willing, Kenny."
Ron added, "'Cock is cock,' she said."
When we arrived at Lisa's apartment, we found the door unlocked and that the party had, for all appearances, started. The three of them were bare-assed in the living room. Lisa was on her knees with Bill and George to either side. She had Bill's cock in her mouth and pumped George's with her hand.
Bill appeared to be preoccupied. George looked over to us and waved.
"There's beer in fridge," he said before turning back to watching Lisa's white hand sliding up and down his ten-inch black cock.
I was watching Bill's dick disappearing between Lisa's lips. I could see that most of it was in her mouth. Exactly how much that was couldn't be guessed at, but by the gagging sounds that she emitted from around it, there was quite a bit inside there.
In a trance, I sat back without looking away from the sight of Lisa slowly working more of Bill's dick into her throat. Someone, either Jimmy or Ron, handed me a beer. Absentmindedly, I took the can and brought it up to drink. It wasn't open. Not taking my eyes away, I pulled the tab so I could drink.
"Come on, Kenny," said Ron's voice. "Get naked."
He stood to my right, the side from which I had gotten my beer. His shirt was undone, and he was just stepping out of his pants. Jimmy sat to my side on the couch, his clothing gone. He leaned back on the couch with his butt on the edge and his arms and legs spread. A half-grown erection about the size of George's hung twitching between his legs.
I turned back to watch Lisa pull Bill's cock from her mouth leaving her free to twist around to swallow Ron's. Bill had been very deep in her mouth with about half of his twelve-inches shining from her saliva. Lisa wrapped her hand around it and stroked slowly in time with her efforts with Ron.
George dropped next to me on the couch. He accidentally nudging me with his elbow each time he wanked his eleven-inch hard-on. I moved away a little and returned my attention to Lisa and Ron's dick. She didn't spend much time with it before she pushed him over to the loveseat.
She guided Bill over using his hard cock as leash. Both sat down and leaned back much like Jimmy. She took a place between them, still on her knees and took a dick in each hand. With a slow stroke, she tossed them both, licking her full red lips.
"I'll be back, guys." Lisa smiled brightly to both of them. "Condoms are on the end table."
She walked on her knees over to Jimmy. Maneuvering between his spread legs, she wrapped one, then the other hand around the long shaft between his legs. Lisa turned her dark eyes up to look into Jimmy's smiling face.
"God, I want your big black cock," she said just before she sank her mouth over the swollen shaft.
"Yeah, baby," said Jimmy. "Suck that thing."
He placed one of his big black hands against the back of her head and began to push her towards his flat stomach. Lisa grabbed his waist but did not push away. Instead, she used her hold to keep her balance as Jimmy directed her lower down his hard on.
He made steady progress and more and more of his cock disappeared. Lisa's lips relentlessly crawled down that black shaft until her white face appeared to be kissing his body. Jimmy held her, not against her will, and released a low moan.
The guys started hooting and hollering as Lisa lifted her head up the length of Jimmy's cock. Jimmy relaxed his grip on her head, and his hand hung limp at his side. She let her face drop slowly again. I could hardly hear his moans over the loud cheers of the guys. After a couple more times, she pulled completely away.
Looking over at me, Lisa said, "You'll have to strip if you want me to suck you, Kenny."
When I stood, she wiggled her finger at George who slid behind me, taking my place on the couch. With a beautiful open-mouthed smile, Lisa grabbed hold of his turgid meat. Her pointed, red tongue left her mouth. In one long stroke, it traveled up from his tight nut sack to his pisshole.
She used her tongue to tickle the slit before opening her mouth. She repeated her earlier performance, sinking slowly down to the base of George's cock. He kept his hands to his sides, and so not being forced, Lisa needed only one hand to steady herself. She used her free hand to gently roll his balls.
She pulled off George with a pop after she swallowed him three times. I slipped my briefs off and sat in the empty spot of the couch at the end, and she crawled between my legs. She took hold of my nine-inch erection, her thumb and forefinger almost touching. With a gentle touch, she gave it a tentative wank, her pale fingers now looking strange around my white cock. She looked up at me.
"Not bad for a white guy. And thick too." She winked at me. "I like that."
She started licking me like a popsicle. At the head of my dick, she ran the bottom of her tongue around it and then slid down to the base again. After her tongue had made several trips over the surface of my cock, she opened her mouth and began to swallow me.
Making the same gagging sound as she had with the others, she slowly descended the length of my dick. Reaching the base, she rested a moment and began to stroke my legs with both hands. She ran them softly up and down with an even, leisurely pace, grazing my asshole each time. My cock began to pulse with a slow warning beat. Lisa pulled up and as I slid completely from her mouth.
"Not yet, Kenny." She gave my dickhead a kiss. "But dress this little guy up in a raincoat, 'cause he's gonna play someplace nice and wet."
She went to the loveseat and knelt over Ron with her knees to either side of his thighs. To his very vocal approval, Lisa grabbed his cock just below where the condom covered him. She used the tip to start stroking the outer lips of her cunt.
"I want to feel that black cock of yours from inside," she said with a moan. "Fuck my wet pussy with your big, black cock."
Lisa let herself sink on to Ron's hard on. Alternating moans with calls for Ron to fuck her, she bounced up and down in his lap. Her white hands steadied her body with a firm grip on his black shoulders. Bill reached over and took hold on one of her breasts.
"Oh, yeah. Play with my fuckin' tits, you black bastard."
Encouraged, Bill began to massage the breast in his hand. She took her hands off Ron's shoulder and placed them right next to where they touched his thighs. She arched her back and let out an incoherent moan from deep inside. Bill lowered his mouth as he raised her nipple up to meet his lips.
Not able to bounce as high because of her position, Lisa began to use a more rapid rhythm on Ron's dick as Bill sucked at her breasts. Ron bent his head to her free breast. She gave a little girl squeal of delight.
"Yes. Yes," she chanted with her bounces. "Use me. Fuck my white whore cunt."
With a grunt and a mighty "oh my God," Ron grabbed Lisa and held her down by the shoulders. Several repeated spasms passed up and down his body in ripples beginning where he and Lisa joined. The flat muscles of his stomach rippled, and his hips thrust up to Lisa driving his whole cock into her.
As Ron slumped back in the afterglow of his cum, Lisa spun on her knee. She came to rest over Bill facing out towards us. She took hold of his cock and positioned it at the engorged lips of her cunt. With a back and forth motion, she dragged it over her pussy and across her clit.
She pulled it back and slowly sank over and onto it. Lisa moaned as she eased into Bill's lap. She rested for a moment at the bottom of his shaft before beginning to make an easy rotation of her hips. She looked over to us sitting of the couch. She licked her lips.
I just love your big, fuckin', black cock." She winked in our direction. "It feels so fuckin' hot in my white pussy."
Lisa began to rock on Bill's cock, leaning somewhat forward so that it moved slightly in and out of her cunt. Bill wrapped his huge black hands around her waist. He lifted her white body almost completely from his dick and pulled her back to his body. The sudden jerk caused her to let out a loud squeal. It turned into a loud plea that Bill start to fuck her.
He obliged, jacking her up and down on his cock. The powerful muscles rippled spasmodically beneath the glowing ebony of his skin with their lifting and pulling of the groaning white woman. Her brown hair flew around her head like a movie picture of a woman riding a horse. Her naturally red lips formed an 'o' shape, as she began to gasp in short, raspy breaths. Bill released a loud grunt each time he slammed Lisa into his body.
"Fuck the white bey-atch, nigga."
The last word broke my hypnotized state. It is something that I've learned to react negatively to when I hear it. Just because a person of colour uses it doesn't make it right. It took me a moment to recapture my awareness of what was happening with Lisa.
Her eyes were beginning to glaze over and her gasps had turned into a long series of hiss-like yeses. She fought against Bill, trying to create a more rapid rhythm for their fucking. His strong arms held fast to their own pace.
Just as Lisa let out a long wailing shriek, Bill shouted out, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
Bill held Lisa tight against his body. His face formed a wince as he filled his condom with cum. Lisa's eyes rolled behind her head.
"Yes," she began chanting in a loud voice. "Yes. Yes."
For a moment following Bill's last grunt, the two of them stood motionless and attached. Lisa leaned even further forward with hands resting on the floor. Bill lay draped over her, taking in and letting out air in huge puffs. Lisa craned her head around to face Bill. They touched lips.
"Thanks, baby."
"My pleasure, Lisa," said Bill in his deep bass voice.
"I could tell." Lisa looked over to the three of us sitting on the couch. "And now I want more."
Lisa moaned as she lifted herself off Bill's still hard cock. She stood and walked over to those of us sitting on the couch. Her thighs glistened from the juices spread by the fuckings she had just received from both Ron and Bill. She stopped in front of Jimmy and glance at his bare, black rod.
"Jimmy," she said with exasperation while reaching for the pile of condoms. She picked up one and tossed it to him. "If you want to get into the game, you need to suit up."
As Jimmy struggled with the foil package, Lisa stood in front of George and turned away from him. She settled back into a sitting position. George angled his dick at the lips of her waiting pussy. With her hands on the back of the couch, she held herself waiting, only the tip of the dark chocolate coloured tool touching her. He dragged his cock head back and forth along her furrow, trying, I guess, to tease her into impaling herself onto his dick. Her arms remained locked and held her steady in the twister like pose over his body, and she pulled herself up and out of the way of his probing cock.
"Not there, hon." She twisted her head to give him a big toothy smile. She lowered herself, moving slightly away at the same time. George's dick slid along her slit and past it. "I'd rather have you here."
As Jimmy moaned from disappointment, Lisa allowed her body to lower onto George's re-aimed cock. Her body dropped millimeter by millimeter as the black dick disappeared into her white ass. Her soft, drawn out grunt filled the otherwise silent room.
"So tight, girl. So fucking tight," George said through his grimace.
Long seconds passed by as the four of us watched with open mouths Lisa's slow progress down George's cock. Her stout, athletic legs spread wide at the knees. I could easily see the red, puffy lips of her clean-shaven pussy by leaning slightly forward in my seat. Her clit extended from its shield by close to a quarter inch. It was the same light pink colour as the swelled inner lips of her pussy and glistened in the light of the room.
All but the last inch of George's dick was now filling Lisa's asshole. With a final loud and pain-filled cry, she let herself collapse completely. That final bit of the black intrusion disappeared inside her body. She sat motionless for a long moment breathing in ragged huffs
She turned her head to George and said to him in a husky voice, "Like that, baby?"
George answered with a semi-nod that was more a shift of the lolling of his head. Lisa kissed him on the cheek and slowly lifted herself up most of his length. Only the head of his hard black shaft remained in her ass when she reversed her motion and allowed herself to once again to be split by George's cock.
With her ass now stretched by the black rod, she fell more swiftly onto his lap. Within a few more of these trips over George's cock, Lisa's nether hole had opened enough that she could fuck him to the same rapid rhythm that she had the others. The grunts and groans of her exertions filled the room.
They soon turned into gasps and moans as the pain of the hard dick in her ass turned into pleasure. Lisa pulled her feet onto the couch forcing her legs even further apart and opening the petals of her pussy lips. Her body leaned back tight against the sweat-covered black skin of George's chest. She threw her head back as well, leaving her cheek to cheek with George. The sounds of their passions blended into one blurred moan. After what seemed forever, but in reality was just a minute of fucking, Lisa turned her head to watch at me stare at her cunt.
"You like my pussy, Kenny." I could merely nod. "Well then stick that prick in, white boy. Give my pussy that fat cock of yours."
To show me she meant it, Lisa stopped bouncing over George's lap and spread her legs a further apart. I shifted to between her outstretched knees and, using my hand, aimed my dick at her well-used cunt.
Somehow after the black monsters that had been in her already, her cunt was tight, though she was so wet I slid in with little problem. Once I was inside her, I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to hers. Our tongues danced together as my hips made short thrusts into her pussy.
She pulled her lips from mine and shouted at me, "Fuck me, Kenny. Fuck my cunt."
I complied with her wish and plunged into her with abandon. Even though he did not have the best angle or good leverage, George began to jerk up into Lisa's asshole. I could feel the slight movements of his hard cock inside of her as my own dick glided in and out of her wet pussy.
I will admit that I didn't last long. If you would like excuses, I hadn't had sex in a very long time; Lisa was very tight and very warm and very wet; I was terribly turned on. Needless to say, I began filling my condom well before George was even close to his orgasm. With the last spasm of my cum, I felt Jimmy's tap on my shoulder.
I pulled my shrinking prick from Lisa's pussy, and Jimmy moved to take my place. As he began to give her an earnest fuck, I sank into a seated position on the floor. Only numbly aware of the continuing event, I watched as Jimmy rapidly exercised his, until now, frustrated excitement.
He pulled her legs even far apart and pushed his cock deep into her with each thrust of his hips. Each had enough force to lift her several inches above the dick buried in her ass even as Jimmy pushed her more tightly against George's body than I had managed and further limiting his movements.
Jimmy pounded his black dick deep into Lisa's pink pussy with a hard and savage rhythm. With each powerful push of his hips into her soft white body, air forced from Lisa's lungs came out as series of sharp, high pitched squeals. With these, she mixed cries of encouragement and calls to the creator.
I watched the two rock-hard, ebony shafts disappear and then reappear. Each glistened with the leakage from Lisa's pussy when extracted from either of her stretched holes, thus betraying her increasing excitement as much as her frantic vocalizations. The engorged lips of her pussy gripped the sides of Jimmy's cock as it slid out, trying to hold it inside for just another moment.
Jimmy shouted at last, "Gonna bust my nut, babe"
"God, just a little more." Lisa groaned. "Please, just a little more. Almost there."
Jimmy grunted like an animal and all but threw himself into Lisa. He stood still except for a quivering of his ass as he filled his condom with spunk. Lisa tried to push herself into Jimmy, but he held her so tight that she hadn't enough play to make any movement. Her moans of frustration were almost a whine.
His orgasm complete, Jimmy pulled his cock from Lisa's raw, red pussy. She reached for her clit with both hands. George reached for her waist. He lifted her and then dropped her down sharply onto his prick. He began to use her ass with such force that Lisa couldn't use her fingers to good effect.
Almost there, almost there," she all but pleaded as George tensed with his orgasm.
His body convulsed in time with animal grunts coming from deep in his throat. After the last tremor of his body, George heaved her from his cock and lap together. With the same smooth motion, George placed the panting white girl at his side and lay back with his arms spread wide.
Lisa spread her legs and reached into the gap. Her outer pussy lips had separated and left the inner lips and the gash of her cunt exposed. They and the skin of the surrounding area almost to the meat of her thighs were a dark, angry crimson. At the top, the pink pearl of her clit stood from the juncture of the outer folds.
I pulled her hands away. I lay the palm of her left on her leg. Holding her other hand tightly, I slipped two fingers from my free hand inside her gaping hole. Despite the assault of four cocks, the muscles inside held onto my fingers so tightly that I was left with little play to pull them out. I curled my fingers back to touch just below where the clit would be. With short punches, I began to fuck her with my fingers and lowered my mouth to her pussy. My lips found her clit. I sucked it. As I sucked, my tongue played with it, rolling it around the tip like a bead. She used her free hand to grasp the top of my head and to push it deeper into the cleft between her legs.
"Oh my God, Kenny," Lisa shouted out, her voice shaky.
Her body likewise began to shake. She flexed her hips in fruitless attempt to thrust against my immobile face as her nails dug into the skin of my scalp. Her thighs squeezed my head tightly, and her internal muscles squeezed my fingers. Again, she screamed out, this time more of a high pitch squeal than anything coherent. As her scream petered out, her hand's grip on my head slackened. It fell at her side by the time she had grown quiet. Her legs relaxed and parted limply, releasing me as well. I stood up to find that Lisa had collapsed into a sprawling pile.
"Man." said Jimmy. "It looks like you knocked her out, Kenny."
"Yeah," Ron piped in from across the room. He was putting on his pants. "But, you won't catch me doing that."
"Me either," said Bill. "I don't see how you can. That's where they pee from."
"You didn't seem to mind when Lisa was going down on you." My voice wasn't harsh, but I did add a bit of questioning stress to it. "Isn't that the same thing?"
"Ah, Kenny." George looked up as he reached for his pants. "It's completely different."
"If you say so," I said, shaking my head. "I'll be right back. I gotta piss."
I turned and headed down the single hall. I found the bathroom easily enough, seeing as how most modern apartments follow the same rough floor plan. Within a few moments, I was back in the living room. The guys and their clothes were gone. Lisa sat on the couch facing me. A cigarette dangled from her left hand. She had on fluffy terry cloth robe, which had me feeling naked.
"Where are the guys," I asked.
"They took off. I told them that I would take you home." She patted the seat next to her with her right hand. "Sit down."
I sat.
"Thanks, Kenny." She smiled. "I needed that."
"Uh," I groped for something else to say. "It was my pleasure. You have a nice tasting pussy."
"Thanks." She played with her hands for a moment. Dropping them in her lap, she continued, "Why'd you do it?"
I shrugged. "Why not? You needed to cum, and none of us seemed up to it at the moment."
"Yeah," she agreed meekly, staring at her hands.
We sat quietly. I squirmed a little as I watched my clothes going nowhere on the floor. Lisa remained as still as a statue, studying her hands. I could hear the soft rumblings of the heater going about its business.
"Lisa?" I said into silence.
"Yeah, Kenny?"
I sighed then asked, "Why am I still here."
"I wanted to thank you." She swallowed. "What you did was nice."
"Yeah, but..."
"And I didn't want the guys around."
"Oh. You could've waited till when you saw me at work."
"Kenny, today was my last day at the bistro." She looked up from her hands. "I start at the country club on Monday."
I gaped.
"I didn't want people to know I was leaving. They would just make a big deal. And I wanted to fuck the guys before I left. If they knew, they would've tried to get my number." She sighed. "I just want to fuck them, Kenny, not date them."
"Though, I do get lonely."
With a gentle giggle, Lisa leaned over and kissed my cheek. "For someone so smart, Kenny, you sure ain't very bright."
"...have two choices, Kenny. You walk out of here with my number and promise to call me after work tomorrow. Or you spend the night."
She undid the tie to her robe and pulled it open. The brown nipples of her generous breasts stuck out. She took my head and pulled me to her bosom.
"Please stay."
© 2004 Kenny N Gamera