Pat and the Trucker

Kenny N Gamera
It is the Tuesday after Pat's trip south with John. Her husband, David, had known about it, of course, but he hadn't heard any of the details of what had happened. Especially, he hadn't heard about the trip itself. It had been a fun trip for the both of her and John, but it wasn't something that she felt comfortable sharing with friends and family. If it had been, there would have been no reason to take the trip.

Even this day after the day after the return, she smiles at the thoughts of her weekend of passion with John and who ever he had picked to have her tease. She finds it hard to concentrate on the day's paper work and invoices, but she somehow does with only the passing thought to her adventures.

Outside the building and behind it at the loading docks a driver making a delivery of material to the factory steps away from his truck for a smoke. The area around the loading dock is like that at almost all industrial buildings, barren and too dull to look at for long periods of time. He decides to go around towards the front of the building where he might catch a glimpse of a secretary leaving or returning on some errand. Even if he doesn't, he decides that it is better than staring at the side of yet another smelly dumpster.

He steps around the corner of the building and notices a car in the lot. He recognizes it. It is distinctive, small and red, a cute, foreign sports car.

He had been on the highway this weekend and heard about the redheaded slut and the flame red sports car. He hadn't believed the heads-up he had received on his cb, until it had passed him, slowly, giving him a good look at her tits. He had enjoyed that show, but unlike others he was greedy and wanted more.

He walks over to the car and stepped around to the back. Granted, little, red sports cars were not like Cavilers, scattered endlessly along the roads of America, but there could be more than one. He wants to be sure. He looks at the license plate and sees the same vanity registration that had burned itself in his memory several days before.

He drops his cigarette on the ground and puts it out with a step of his toe. He grinds it into the black top of the parking lot next to her car as his mind begins to put together a plan. It is a quick one, and he needs a little more information before he can do anything.

He walks back to the loading dock where they are almost finished off loading the material for the plant floor. They are close enough to being finished that one or two workers are able to take time to just stand against the dollies they have been using. The driver walks over to a group of them, sharing a smoke for a moment before returning to the task of unloading. He removes a cigarette from the pack in his shirt pocket.

"Can I get a light, guys," he asks in a friendly voice.

"Sure," answers one of them, a big and friendly looking Latino, as he pulls a cheap disposable lighter from his pants. "We're almost done here. She'll be back on the road in no time,"

"Good." He takes a puff as he lights his cigarette. "I'm getting bored just walking around."

"Si, but if you want," he is all smiles, "you can help us."

They all laugh as a group.

"Anyway, I was over in the parking lot just now and I saw this sports car. Any idea who it belongs to?"

"Si, that is the owner's wife's car."

"Oh," the trucker's heart sank. "He drives it in."

"Oh, no. She works here. She does the purchasing."

"Oh, must be nice to be able to get something like that."

"I'm sure it is." The worker looks up and sees the foreman looking at him. He drops the cigarette to the ground. "Well, we need to get to work so you can get out of here."

"No sweat," the trucker says with a deep and genuine smile. "Take your time."

Pat is sitting in her office on the computer with someone who may be a potential lover. She hasn't decided yet but the pictures he has sent her are tempting, especially that close up of his erect cock. He is a small person, but the fact that his thumb and finger just meet around the shaft tells she that he may be enjoyable to be with as something greater than a simple friend. She loads one of the pictures he sent to look at as she exchanges chitchat across the IRC.

There is a knock at the door, and she excuses herself for a moment. She looks up at the opening and sees her plant manager. He wears a concerned look on his face.

"Pat, the driver with that shipment of widgets needs a word with you. There may be a problem with the invoice."

"Do you know what the trouble is?"

"Nope. He just says he needs to talk to you about it."

"Okay, send him in."

The driver steps in and the plant manager steps out, explaining that he needs to get back to the floor. After he has exited the room, the driver turns and shuts the door. He is large, his belly threatening to pop the buttons of his soiled work shirt. He is also powerfully built beneath the padding he carries. She starts to tremble slightly and hope that it doesn't show.

His eyes study her silently as she waits for him to state his business. He just stands there, however, with a smile across the coarse features of his stubbly face. She wishes to herself that he would just come out and get this over with so she can return to her work and the lover on her computer. This man and his demeanor frighten her.

Finally, she asks "can I help you?" in a soft voice.

The driver's smile grows into what could be safely called a smirk. The red-haired bitch swallows as he looks away from her face to her chest. He doesn't try to hide his interest in it. He watches each thrust in and out with each nervous breath she takes.

Just watching her like this begins to turn him on. He didn't get much of a show really this last weekend. Mostly, he saw her tits as she was driven in that red sports car she had in the lot with both tops down. The guy driving the car had slowed enough as they had passed to give him a good view of them as she waved and blew him a kiss.

He had also noticed the other guy's upright pecker exposed from his pants. The woman's head disappeared after they had finished the pass, sinking down to her partner's lap. The driver had thought about that for a while that day. At his next stop, he had to take care of himself as he thought how nice it would be to have that mouth over his dick.

He wonders to himself how long it will take him to get her mouth around it today. He prays that it won't be too long. He needs to get back on the road and they were almost done off loading his trailer.

"They're nice even covered."

Pat sucks in a gasp of air. Part of her wants to scream at him, another part wants to run from the room. She sits paralyzed instead at the crudeness of his remark. Her heart begins to pound in her ears.

"But I liked your show this weekend much better."

"Oh my God."

She can feel the horror of his remark begin to paint across her face. His smirk grows wider consuming more of his face. He takes a step towards her, and she pulls herself closer to her desk glad to have its bulk between her and him.

"I liked your show very much, but it wasn't very... satisfying."

As he speaks, he steps closer and closer to her desk. Reaching it he stops and half sits on the top just to her right. He sees a picture and picks it up.

"This your family?" It is a portrait taken professionally just a few years ago. Both of her sons and their girlfriends sat with her and David for it. "That wasn't your husband you were with then was it. Slut."

She winces at the word. His smirk eats more of his face. She begins to wonder if it hurts him. He sits the picture on her desk. She follows his hand to where he sits it down and leaves her gaze there. He reaches over with his rough hand, stained with worn in grime. He turns her face to his.

"Does he know about your boyfriend?"

She slowly nods her head.

"How about your family? Those boys and those pretty girls?"

She shakes her head.

"How about the boys out back. Do they know what a slut the boss lady is?"

She shakes her head.

"I'd think that they would like to know. It would make a nice addition to their benefit package."

He lets go of her chin and stands up from her desk. He turns to go to the door. She looks at him, her mouth dry. Suddenly, it dawns on her that he is leaving.

"Wait." Her voice sounds like a croak and the word cracks as it leaves her lips. Nor is it very loud, but it stops him. He turns to look at her.

"You're not going to tell..."

"Yes, I am." He starts again for the door.

"Please," she calls to him her voice stronger but still weak.

He stops again.


"Please," she start to speak again, "don't say anything."



"Why shouldn't I? You seem to get off on being a slut and flashing yourself. You can't hide it on the road. Why should you hide it here?"

"I'd die if..." her voice trails off.

"Why shouldn't I tell? What's in it for me if I don't?"

She looks down to the floor and starts to tremble as he turns and walks behind her chair. He lowers his hands. Reaching over her shoulders, he starts to roughly maul her breasts through her shirt. She closes her eyes as he does so.

"What can you give me in return? The truck driver's life is very lonely. I have certain needs that never get taken care of."

His hands leave her breasts. She closes her eyes and swallows. He spins her chair around to face him. She opens her eyes to see that he has taken his cock out. It is pointing at her face through the undone fly of his stained work pants. She had thought that the member of her new friend is huge, but it's merely average compared to what this guy has aimed at her.

He looks at her with a smile that finally has grown no bigger. She, without another word, takes the monster penis that he has presented into her hands. Together, they are not enough to go around it. She starts to stroke it slowly as she looks for the courage to bring it toward her mouth, knowing that is what he wants from her.

He doesn't have patience for that game. He takes her head into his hands, covering both of her ears with his palms. He pulls her face towards his body. His cock misses her mouth and slides along her cheek.

He hisses, "open up, slut. You know you want it."

She complies nervously. She had wondered what taking her new lover would be like, but now she has this monster to take care of. The head enters into her mouth. It takes up so much room that her tongue is immobilized as he pushes himself into her throat. She gags around it and fight for air until he pulls himself out till just the head is left inside

Instead of pushing into her, he pulls her face forward and throws her head back. He begins to treat her face as just a sex toy. He uses it to jack himself off.

Her hands are free, and she can't help herself. She lowers her hands down to her sex reaching under her skirt. As John had ordered her to do and as she had teased her new lover, she has no underpants. Nothing, thus, prevents two fingers of one hand slide easily into her wet pussy. Another finger and the thumb of the same hand begin to rub her clit between each other.

He laughs. "You're really getting into this, aren't you slut?"

She mumbles a yes around the dick that is being pumped in her mouth and throat. He doesn't warn her when he starts to come. He just holds her head still as she feels it flex and fill her mouth with his seed. There is more than she can handle. It leaks from around his cock and dribbles from her lips. The trickle down her chin is enough to set her off. She resists the orgasm as best she can, concentrating on the cock in her mouth. She hope that she doesn't bite into it and receive the punishment that it would reap.

The driver takes himself from her mouth. She swallows the cum sitting on her tongue. Holding his now softening cock in front of her, he looks at her expectantly. Understanding the order in his expression, the slut licks the remaining cum from around his dick as it returns to its normal state. He orders her to lick her fingers clean as he repacks his cock.

As he heads to the door, he says, "I'm not the only one you teased on that highway. I'm telling all my friends about you, and I expect you to take care of them too. You'll know when they ask about your car."

He leaves the door open as she tries to clean him from her face. As he walks down the hall back to the plant and his waiting truck, he passes the plant manager, heading to his boss's office.

"You get it taken care of?"

"Yep. Your boss lady took care of it. She did it pretty good."

The trucker laughs and smiles that smirk that he had given the redhead moments earlier. As he went his way, he wonders if she'll get the cum off her face before her manager turns into her office.

© 2002 Kenny N Gamera