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Melissa's Rite
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2007

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Story codes: mf, mF, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic

Melissa's Rite -- Chapter 28 of 31

Cassie tightened her arm around Ned's waist and snuggled closer to him. Ned tried not to let himself think of anything beyond the fact that they were standing on the boardwalk overlooking the canal that ran through the center of town. He could feel her trembling and knew she was seeking warmth and comfort rather than anything romantic.

It helped somewhat that Harry kept a watchful eye on them from the limo, parked just a short distance away. He had already admonished them once about remaining in his sight.

"I wish it wasn't so cold tonight," Cassie said.

Ned didn't think it was that cold. His breath barely fogged the air. The clouds that had rolled in shortly after sunset slowed the night cooling. He was more concerned about snow. The clouds appeared lighter in hue, which usually meant snow was on the way.

"Ned ... please do me a favor."

Ned pulled his gaze away from the sky. "Huh? Oh, sure, babe, anything."

"If we have to use the memory spell on Harry ... y-you do it."

Ned hesitated. "Um, ya sure about that?"

"I can't do it. I just can't. I-I've done a lot for the Harbingers, but asking me to cast one of those spells is too much for me."

Ned smiled weakly and offered a brief hug. "Okay, no prob. You wanna give me the spell now?"

Cassie nodded. She separated from him enough to open her purse and fish out the piece of paper that held the incantation. She stared at it for a moment before finally handing it to Ned. "This must seem really stupid to you, doesn't it?"

"What? Oh, no, not at all ..."

"Yes, it does. It probably does to everyone else as well."

"Aw, c'mon, babe, why ya doin' this to yerself?"

Cassie turned away from him and wrapped her arms around herself. "I can't even imagine using one of these spells on someone that's willing, never mind someone unwilling. How do the rest of you do it?"

Ned felt uneasy. In his mind, it was a veiled way of saying "how dare you consider using one of these spells on me."

Cassie looked at him when he didn't respond and sighed. "That was unfair of me."

"It is kinda hard ta answer that, babe," Ned said sheepishly.

"It's easier for the rest of them, isn't it? They actually had this power and used it on each other. They ... they still do, some of them. It's like they're used to it. I guess I don't want to get that way. I don't want it to be so commonplace that I don't think twice about sapping someone's will. Or having someone take mine."

"Um ... well ... I kinda think I know the answer ta that, but ... uh ..."

Cassie stepped up to him. "Tell me, then, please. I want to know what makes it so hard for me to accept."

Ned rubbed the back of his neck, wishing he hadn't said anything. "Yer not gonna like the answer."

"I already don't like the question in the first place, or that I have to ask it. Your answer can't be any worse."

Ned sighed. "All right ... Well, it's like this ... yer used ta gettin' what ya want. None of us are."

Cassie looked at Ned in confusion.

Ned was afraid that it would take some further explanation. "Yer rich, Cassie."

"My parents are rich. I ..."

"... can take advantage of it anytime ya please. Look, don't get the wrong idea, 'kay? The rest of us are real glad ya can. It's given us just 'bout everything we need. But ya see? They can't do that. They don't have that kinda control over their lives, and this ..."

"What, you think I really have any control over my own life?" Cassie said hotly. "If I did, I wouldn't ...!"

Cassie was startled into silence when her cellphone warbled.

Ned breathed a sigh of relief. Cassie dove into her purse and yanked out her phone. "H-hello?? ... Diane! Is she ...? Oh goodness ... a-all right, I'll start calling the others. Keep the line open, please!"

Cassie pulled the phone from her ear and set it to mute. "Ned, you have the other ...?"

"Way ahead o' ya," Ned said, presenting the phone that Cassie had given him the other day when she had met with Susan's mother.

Cassie took the phone from him. She looked worriedly over Ned's shoulder. "Harry's going to give us trouble, I know it."

"Then I'll take care o' that right now while ya make the calls."

Cassie grabbed his arm just as he turned away. "Wait! You're not going to use it on him now?!"

"Yeah, babe, I am. We can't take a chance, ya know? We'll just be wastin' time flappin' our gums at him."

Cassie gave him a stricken look and wanted to argue the point. Instead, she pulled her hand away and nodded, her eyes glistening. "I hate this."

"I know, babe. Not my cup o' tea, either. Sooner we get this over with, the better. Now, let's git'r'done."

Cassie (who had to have the reference explained to her the other day) smiled wanly at him.

Jason jumped out of his chair as soon as he heard the phone ring.

He was at the door to his room by the time the first ring ended. He heard the door to the den open downstairs followed by his mother's sigh. His heart pounded as the second ring came and went.

There was no third ring.

His mother's footsteps paused, then continued, then a click. "Hello?"

Silence. Then a sigh, a hangup, and his mother's retreating footsteps.

Jason leapt away from the door. He dropped to his knees beside his bed and pulled out two pillows and a thick blanket. He stood up, yanked the blanket and sheet back from his bed, and proceeded to shape the pillows and additional blanket into the approximate shape of his own sleeping form.

He had already told his mother that he had a ton of homework and studying to do, and that he might retire directly following if he were tired enough. He hoped that seeing the light off would be enough to convince his mother he was asleep and not disturb him.

Jason pulled the blanket over his makeshift mannequin. To complete the picture, he found an old pair of eyeglasses and placed them on the night table next to the bed. He hoped that, from a distance, they would look similar enough to his present glasses to fool his mother.

Jason checked the hall. His mother had retreated into the den, and he could hear the sewing machine running.

He turned off his computer and grabbed his jacket. Something was still bothering him. He again thought that his father was making this too easy. It was as if he had purposely worked late just to lure Jason out of the house.

Or was that just paranoia? After all, he had the same suspicions about the meeting house and their mysterious benefactor. It had turned out that Melissa was using other methods to spy on them that had nothing to do with the house itself.

Jason turned off the lights and crept out of his room. He closed the door gently and stole down the stairs as quietly as possible. He ducked into the garage where his bike lay.

This was the only thing he couldn't fake. If his mother came into the garage for anything, or his father came home, his deception would be exposed. He had no choice but to risk it.

He walked the bicycle out the back door into the yard rather than go through the main garage door. He brought the bike through the gate, to the front of the house, and finally onto the street.

He jogged his bike to the corner and stopped in the circle of pale yellow illumination from the street lamp. He held his breath when headlight beams lanced through the dark, only to relax as a car he didn't recognize passed without taking notice of him. There was apparently no one waiting to stop him or follow him.

He looked up. The houses were sharply silhouetted against a rather light-colored cloudy sky. The forecast had been for snow showers, but he had hoped it was wrong.

He mounted his bike. Giving one last look around him, he launched himself into the night.

Richie stared at the screen with a sullen look on his face, his arms folded defiantly across his chest. The images from the TV flickered in his darkened eyes. That was as far as they got. Despite his fixed gaze, he was barely aware of what he was watching.

Sandra lounged in the seat next to him. She sat with her bare feet tucked under her as she worked on her second can of beer. She occasionally glanced at Richie, who had ceased to acknowledge her since they had sat down together after dinner.

She drew in a long breath and let it go in a combination of frustration and trepidation. Most days, the Darkness was not a constant presence in her head. She was aware its desires and felt its occasional reminders of her responsibilities to it. Yet since the evening began, she felt the constant chill of its touch on her mind, as if it had curled up inside a section of her head like a cat poised to spring.

The both of them were startled by the sound of the telephone.

Sandra paused and turned her head in annoyance, not moving from the couch at first, and allowed the first ring to pass. It was only when the second ring began that she put her can down and stood up.

Richie followed her with his eyes, then glanced towards the door.

Sandra had come around the end of the sofa when the second ring ended just a second sooner than normal. It was close enough that neither Richie nor Sandra noticed it. But another had.


Richie had already diverted his gaze away from his mother. Now he noticed the pause after the second ring and knew there would be no third one. He bolted from the sofa and dashed to the front door.

Richie deftly unlatched the locks on the door and started to pull it open. The knob was violently yanked out of his grip, and the door slammed shut a split-second later. He saw the hand on the door, but in his surprise and panic, he wasted a precious moment to turn around and confirm that it was his mother that had stopped him.

Before he could extricate himself, Sandra surged forward and slammed her body against his, pinning him to the door.

The force of the blow knocked the wind out Richie, delaying his reaction further. Just as he recovered his breath, he was greeted by the sensation of warm, plump flesh mashed against his face.

"Mom! Stop it! What ... mmph ... stop ..."

"Don't fight it," Sandra said, her voice quavering badly but deeply husky. Her shirt was pulled up, and she rubbed her bare tits against Richie's face. Her body trembled with mounting desire even as her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Tendrils of her Aura slithered towards Richie. "You always wanted this, didn't you?"

Richie finally managed to lift his hands and give her a hard shove. Her breasts fell away from his face, but then her knee forced his legs apart. He gasped when her thigh slid against his crotch.

Richie pushed her leg down. She mashed her boobs into his face again, and her leg slid up once more. His cock stirred and hardened. One of her hands dropped from her tits and rubbed his crotch.

"Stop it! You're my mother!" Richie cried, his voice equal parts desperation and growing lust.

A single tear trickled down Sandra's face. "Stay home, Richie, and your mother will give you the best fuck of your life," she cooed. She yanked his zipper down and slipped her fingers over the hard bulge in his briefs.

Richie moaned, and his legs trembled. He was as frightened as he was aroused. She was doing something to him, something that was rapidly draining his resistance. Tendrils of her Aura entwined themselves around his body and roamed as if seeking entry.

Her tits dropped from his face again. He thought he had a break until he realized that his mother had already opened his belt and pushed his pants down his legs. He barely had time to look down and gasp before his briefs fell, and his engorged cock was enveloped in Sandra's hungry mouth.

Richie panted hard as her head bobbed back and forth. The growing heat of lust in his body was met by the icy feel of the Darkness in his head. He saw the stain of tears down his mother's cheeks, and it helped him hang on a little longer. "M-mom ... uhhn ... y-you don't wanna do this ... s-stop ... uhhh! ... s-stop!"

Sandra shuddered and closed her eyes, and simply sucked him harder and faster.

Cassie's stomach clenched as she stepped over to the limo. Harry was still standing as motionless as a statue next to the driver side door, his eyes glazed and staring into the distance.

"Jus' about done with him," Ned said quietly to Cassie. "But wanted ta make sure I thought of everything before I snapped him outta it."

Cassie was unable to avoid staring at her driver in horrible fascination. "S-so what did you do to him?"

"Told 'im that ya got blanket permission from yer folks ta take ya anywhere," Ned explained, trying not to sound too proud at his accomplishment. "That seemed ta take. Then I tried ta tell him that yer parents said it was okay to leave ya alone with me. That was harder. Seemed ta wanna resist it."

Cassie sighed and nodded. "I know. He's very protective of me, even without my parents telling him. Please, don't push it any harder than that. I don't want to hurt him."

"'sokay. I think it took once I repeated it a coupla times. Ya got anything else?"

Cassie was already shaking her head. "No, just bring him out of it, please."

"Sure thing." Ned turned to Harry. "'kay, big guy. Awaken!"

Harry blinked rapidly and swayed. He recovered swiftly and straightened. He turned to Cassie and nodded once. "Yes, Miss Kendall? Where would you and your date like to go next?"

Cassie took a deep breath. "To the picnic grounds just off the west side of town. Same place you took me the other day, if you recall."

"Yes, I remember, Miss Kendall. Though I am not entirely sure that place is safe this time of night. Would it not be closed at this late an hour?"

Cassie looked at Ned. Ned made a "go on" gesture.

She turned back to Harry and raised her head imperiously. "Nevertheless, my mother clearly gave you permission to take me where ever I wish to go, and that is where I wish to go. And you should know by now that there are few places 'closed' to someone like me."

Harry hesitated, then nodded again. "As you wish, Miss Kendall."

Cassie let go a sigh of relief as Harry turned away to open the door for her and Ned. Ned gave her a thumb's up and a grin.

"I hate doing that," she whispered to Ned inside the car.

"I know, babe, I'm sorry," Ned said softly back. "I promise never to ask ya to do that jus' fer the hell of it."

Cassie managed a smile and squeezed his hand as the car pulled onto the road. "Thank you. Now I hope that everyone else got away okay."

"And Heather manages ta stall Melissa enough so we can get there first."

Melissa opened the door.

The drama of the moment consisted of little more than Heather standing up upon seeing her nemesis in the doorway of her bedroom. She regarded Melissa with trepidation but, surprisingly, little outright fear. Melinda was less reserved. She pulled in her breath as a soft gasp, and her eyes shimmered on the edge of panic.

But where Melissa's eyes were drawn was to Diane. Her lips curled into a smug smile.

Diane sat still with her hands folded demurely in her lap, staring at nothing in particular, a soft, vapid smile on her face. In reality, Diane was so nervous that one corner of her mouth twitched, but Melissa either did not see it or dismissed it.

Melissa raised her eyes to Heather and closed the door. She strolled forward very casually, as if this were her house and Heather were the guest. "You're not surprised to see me. Not surprised at all."

Heather swallowed and drew in a breath. She lifted her head, trying to show some resolve despite her anxiety. "Why should I be after everything you've been doing to me through Brad the last few days?" she said in a cool voice.

Melissa clicked her tongue and lay a single fingertip lightly under Heather's chin. Heather flinched as if it were a knife held to her throat. "Now that's not a nice attitude to have. But I could give you a much better one. And I will before the night is over."

Heather frowned and jerked her head from Melissa's hand. "Like you did with poor Susan? And Ann?"

Melissa laughed. "Poor? Oh hardly. They cum about ten times a day now. Doesn't that sound pleasant? Of course, now that's all they're good for." She glanced at Diane. "Sort of like sweet little Diane here."

Heather's hands clenched. Anger over what Melissa had almost made her do overrode her fear.

"How does it feel, Heather? Having your own mindless slave? Feel good? You always did want to be in control."

"You made her do that, you bitch!" Melinda blurted, jumping to her feet.

"Melinda, no, stop it!" Heather cried. "Please ..."

Melissa looked bored.

"But she did! And she made it so I couldn't warn you!"

"Melinda! I said stop it, or I'll make you cum so long and so hard you'll pass out."

Melinda gasped. "What?? Y-you wouldn't ...!"

She clamped her hand over her mouth when she saw both the stricken look on Heather's face and the twisting, horrible black of a growing Aura around Heather's body.

Melissa smiled. "It is true, isn't it? You do have some sort of lingering control over your baby sister."

Heather's eyes burned. "Who told you that? Nyssa's little pet, Principal Bendon?"

"Show me. Make Melinda horny. Really horny."

Melinda's eyes widened. She stared panic-stricken at her sister.

Heather looked at Melinda and then back at Melissa, trying to resist obeying the command. The suppression of her inhibitions still lingered, making it more difficult. It helped that the need to delay Melissa as long as possible was, for the moment, a stronger driving force.

But it wouldn't hold for long. She could already feel icy tendrils of Melissa's will casting a pall over her mind.

"You can make Melinda into a little sex toy, can't you?" Melissa persisted. "You can make her so aroused she can't even think."

"Heather, please, don't ..." Melinda begged softly, eyes glistening.

"You'd love to do that to her. It makes you wet just thinking about it."

Heather panted. She was losing the struggle. Melissa was simply too strong for her. When it had been filtered through Brad, she could focus her thoughts on something else. With Melissa, there was no something else. She thought and felt only what Melissa wanted her to think and feel.

Heather let out her breath as a ragged, lusty sigh. Intensely erotic thoughts of her little sister filled her head. In her mind's eye, she saw Melinda naked, pussy helpless and wet.

"N-no ..." Melinda moaned and collapsed to her knees. It had come on so suddenly and so intensely that she became lightheaded. She gripped the side of the bed until it passed. When her senses no longer reeled, it was as if someone had poured warm oil into her panties.

"I-I'm sorry, Melinda," Heather whispered. "I-I'm s-s ... I want you horny, baby sis. I want you dripping wet and thinking about pussy."

Melinda whimpered as images of hot, wet cunt drifted through her mind. "Mmm ... pussy ... uhhh ... n-no ..."

"That's it, baby sis. Think about eating pussy. I-It's ... it's all you want to do."

It was too much for Melinda. She was already exhausted from resisting Melissa's control earlier. She couldn't stand up to Heather's influence. She thrust her hand under her panties and sank her fingers into her sopping folds. "Uhhhn ... eat pussy ... mmm, yummy ..."

Melissa smiled in satisfaction and looked at Diane.

Test her.

Melissa's smile faltered.

Make sure she really is Heather's slave. Make sure you are not being deceived.

Now Melissa frowned. Deceived? They couldn't do that. They wouldn't dare.


Melissa's eyes snapped over to Heather. "Now I want to see your slave in action. Have her eat out Melinda."

Heather gave Melissa a stricken look. "B-but why ...?"

"I said do it! Don't ever make me give you an order twice!"

Diane struggled not to react. She already felt sick watching Heather being forced to abuse her little sister. Only by fixing the thought in her head that everything now depended on her enabled her to keep up the act and stay "in character."

Melissa smiled wickedly. "In fact, give me a show. Have Diane strip her and tease her until she's in tears begging to be eaten out."

Heather was torn. She wanted to feel elation that Melissa's ego was providing for the delay the others needed, but it meant subjecting her lover and her sister to more of Melissa's torture. She wiped at a tear as she turned. "D-Diane ..."

Diane immediately stood up. "Yes, Mistress?" she said as brightly as she could manage.

"Do ... do what Melissa just said. Strip Melinda, tease her, then ... th-then eat her out."

"Of course, Mistress. Anything to please you ..."

"And have her strip as well," Melissa said.

Diane forgot herself and turned her head towards Melissa. She managed to suppress a worried look.

"What?" Heather said weakly.

"What did I tell you before about questioning me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was a really stupid cunt for asking again," Heather said, blushing at the words Melissa forced out of her mouth.

"Much better."

Heather turned to Diane. "You heard her, slave. Strip."

Diane hesitated a moment, but then began to unbutton her blouse. "Of course, Mistress."

Diane's heart thudded. She had not counted on Melissa having her undress. She would be forced to leave the cell phone in the pocket. She had to hope that Melissa would at least have her dress again before taking her out of the house.

"Still nothing, babe?" Ned asked.

Cassie looked at her cell phone and shook her head. "The line is still open. I can sometimes hear muffled sounds in the background. And I know I heard Melissa's voice at least once."

Ned glanced out the window. As the landscape grew darker the further towards the west they traveled, the more stark grew the contrast with the cloudy sky.

"I think we're gonna beat her there," Ned said with a grin. "We're gonna get there first."

"I'll feel better if Jason gets there, too. I wish I had a to find out how close he is. Or if he got out of the house at all. Richie, too. We really need him as well."

"Aw, they'll be okay. Jason's smart and Richie ain't gonna take no cr ... er ... stuff from his Mom. He doesn't care if he gets inta trouble with her."

"I really hope so, Ned. Anyone that's going to help stop Melissa has to be there when she starts. It will be too late otherwise."

Ned craned his neck so he could see past Harry. "Well, here's hopin' we won't have long ta wait," he commented, pointing.

The first snowflakes were starting to drift down into the path of the headlight beams.

Sandra drove Richie into a frenzy, taking him so close that his cock seemed to strain right at the edge. His balls felt swollen and achy from denial. He gasped each time she curled her fingers around them and tugged them from his body, stretching them whenever he got close.

Richie writhed against the front door. His attempts to push himself away were increasingly feeble. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from begging his mother to make him cum.

He realized that his own baser desires were being used against him, like they had from the start. He felt guilty for being so obsessed with sex in the first place. He clung to this thought, as agonizing as it was, as it was the only thing stopping the encroaching Darkness from completely taking him.

Finally, his mother drew her head back and let his cock fall from her mouth. Richie was panting hard, his cock pulsing and tinged slightly purple from the strength of his erection. Sandra rose up on her knees, bringing her bosom level with his cock. She grabbed her tits from the side and enveloped his shaft in warm, soft flesh.

Richie moaned as a shudder passed through him.

"Go ahead, Richie ..." Sandra said in a husky voice. "Pump your cock in my tits. Do it. Fuck my big titties."

Richie's hands curled into fists against the door. His body shook from the effort to resist. His hips trembled and made a single very brief thrust forward. He clenched his teeth as his cock slid within invitingly pliant flesh.

Sandra squeezed her tits more firmly and kneaded his cock between them. "More, Richie ... do it ... cum in my tits ..."

Richie shook his head violently.

"Maybe you want it in my cunt instead?"

"N-no ... no, please, Mom, d-don't ..."

Sandra stood up. Her fingers curled tightly around his member. "That's what you really want, isn't it?" she said in a sultry voice. "I want it too. I'm wet for you, Richie. You like that, don't you? You like a woman getting all horny and wet for you."

Sandra pulled the crotch of her panties to one side with her free hand. Underneath, her pussy steamed and swelled. She tilted his cock down and leaned forward until the head lay nestled in her moist folds. She drew it slowly up and down her slit, wetting it and stroking it against her clit.

"Uhhh ... s-stop ..." Richie moaned.

"Oh, you don't want me to stop ... This is what you want, I know you ... Now come on ... come with me into the bedroom and fuck me ... fuck me all night ..."

Sandra lifted her hips and leaned forward. Richie quivered as his cock now lay right at her entrance, the head just barely parting her labia.

"Or fuck me right here if you want ... just enough to cum in my twat ..."

Richie felt helpless. His body burned with the desire to jerk his hips forward and impale himself in her pussy right then and there. He would cum in seconds. Sweet relief was so close. The Darkness cocooning his body shuddered in ecstasy at its moment of apparent triumph.

"Or maybe ..." Sandra withdrew her hand from her panties. They brushed against his cock. She grabbed his shoulder. " .... I need to give you a little encouragement ..."

But Richie barely heard her words, or even sensed the fact that his cock had popped past her labia and was slowly enveloped by her velvety cunt. For the moment that her panties had touched his skin, he suddenly saw his father as if the man were standing right in front of him. It was as if his mother had suddenly become transparent, as if she were not even there.

The sight of him filled Richie with an ache that went far beyond anything that the Darkness could do to him. Richie wanted to go to him, but someone was in the way. He had his chance to see his father again, but someone was trying to stop him.

Richie's hands shot up. He gave his mother a vicious shove. His cock popped wetly from her pussy. Before a surprised Sandra could react, Richie grabbed her panties and yanked them as hard as she could. As threadbare as they had become, they quickly stretched, tore, and snapped. Richie soon clutched them in his hand against his chest, holding onto them as if for dear life.

And around him, reality changed.

Sandra was no longer in front of him, but stood by the sofa instead. Her decade-younger body was wrapped in a silk negligee. Underneath it she wore only a pair of skimpy, lacy panties, the same ones that Richie now clutched in his hand.

And before her stood his father.

He was more haggard than Richie remembered him. His face was covered in a scraggly beard. His hair was unkempt, and there was a wild look to his eyes as he stared at Sandra.

"You shouldn't have come here, Mike," Sandra said, her voice flat even though her eyes smoldered. Around her body, her Aura churned excitedly.

"I didn't come here for you. Don't flatter yourself," Mike said in a tone of contempt. "I came to see Richie before I left. Where is he?"

"I-I sent him away tonight."

"Why? Just to keep him away from me?"

"No! No, it's not that ... I ..."

"I guess I should be glad you're trying to shield him from your new slutty lifestyle."

"I am not a slut!" Sandra bellowed. She shuddered suddenly and staggered. She swallowed hard as her Dark Aura swirled in obvious agitation. "I-I told you what was wrong ... you wouldn't believe me!"

Mike sighed in exasperation and rubbed at his beard. "I don't want to hear this anymore, Sandra. We've been over this. Just tell me where Richie is. I want to see him one more time."

"I can't. I'm sorry."

"Because your stupid lawyer told you so?!"

"No, that's not it! Please ... listen to me ... I ..."

"How did he do it, Sandra, huh? How?"

Sandra appeared nonplussed. "What?"

"How did he game the system? He got the divorce case heard in Haven instead of our town of residence. He got the judge to award you custody despite all the evidence of you sleeping around. He got the judge to deny me visitation rights. He even got the judge to consider a restraining order against me!"

Sandra opened her mouth, her eyes desperate, but closed it again without saying a word. Her Aura slithered around her faster.

Richie was too astounded to react. All this time he had thought that his father had skipped out on his own. It was what his mother had always implied in the little she spoke about the divorce. He had assumed that his father had stopped caring about either him or his mother.

"And now today I got called into my manager's office and guess what happened, Sandra? Or maybe you and your lawyer buddy know already. I fucking got FIRED!"

Sandra's eyes glistened as she stared at him.

"That's right. Fired. Someone stuck kiddie porn on my computer at the office. Boss says he's 'doing me a big favor' by 'just' firing me and not turning me over to the cops. Says this is my 'big chance' to 'turn my life around.' Bullshit. This was all part of the plan to run me out of my son's life."

Sandra looked stricken. Richie silently begged her to tell him that she had nothing to do with it, that none of this was planned, that it was all in his head. Instead, she said nothing.

Mike's eyes burned. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Well, you got what you wanted. Congratulations. Once it gets out that I had kid porn on my computer, I can forget about getting a job in Randall again. Or Haven. Or anywhere else in this state. Well, I guess this is goodbye. See ya in the funny papers."

Richie's heart leapt into his throat.

He turned away from Sandra and headed towards Richie. He just stared. He took in every detail of his father's appearance until tears blurred his vision.

"Mike, wait ... wait, please!"

Richie wiped at his eyes and sniffled. Sandra had grabbed Mike's arm. He spun around and glared at her.

Undeterred, Sandra stepped closer to him. She was trembling. Her Aura slithered around her body with an almost perverted sensuality. Her hand slid up his tensed, muscular arm. "You don't have to leave so soon, Mike," she said in a softer voice.

"What? Huh?" Mike said, thoroughly confused.

"I ... I had a feeling you'd show up tonight."

"Oh really? Do tell."

Sandra nodded. She caressed his shoulder and pressed her other hand into his chest. "I did. I dressed like this for you."

"You dressed ...?"

"You always liked this outfit. Ever since I wore it on our last anniversary. Remember?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I remember. So?"

Sandra smiled. She popped a few of his shirt buttons and slid her hand over his bare chest. Richie heard a slow intake of breath from his father. "So ... it can be like that again ..."

Mike hesitated before trying to turn away from her. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about ..."

Sandra reached out and pulled him back around to face her again. This time she leaned into him, pressing her lithe body against his. His hands instinctively sought her waist. "Stay with me for a bit, Mike," Sandra said in a husky voice. "Stay and let me please you."

Richie's eyes widened. His heart was pounding. Oh holy shit ... She's ... she seducing him ... like she was doing with me ...

Richie thought he was going to throw up. He saw the beginning swirls of Darkness flitting about his father's body.

Sandra drew him into a deep kiss. He seemed to resist at first, but his hands slid up her sides and then around her back and down her ass, squeezing the cheeks. Sandra broke off the kiss, panting lightly. "Yes, that's it, Mike ... Just stay with me tonight ... Maybe it will make things more clear to you ..."

Her voice was shaky. Richie could see her trembling. The Darkness was forcing her to do this. It was trying to get at his father, trying to turn him to the same Master that she obeyed.

"Sandra, stop it," Mike said in a weak voice. "You're doing something ... stop it ..."

"Only if you really want to," Sandra said in a sultry, teasing voice as she drew him into another kiss.

The kiss escalated, the two of them moaning softly into each other's mouths. Her hand reached between them. There was the sound of a zipper. Mike flinched and drew in a deep breath.

But then he held it, and his body shook. Suddenly his hands grabbed her shoulders and pushed her roughly away from him.

"No, Mike, don't push me away ... we can do this ..." She reached for his crotch again.


"MOM!" Richie screamed.

Sandra banged her leg hard against the coffee table and fell with a loud thud to the carpet. When she lifted her head, once cheek bore a red welt from where Mike had backhanded her.

Mike stood staring at her, panting hard. He raised his badly shaking hand, the one that had struck her. He curled it into a fist and closed his eyes tightly, choking back a sob. "Frank, you bastard ..." Mike murmured softly in anguish. "You fucking bastard ... you made me hit her ... you made me hit her!"

Sandra stared at him, as if not knowing what to do or how to react. Around her, the Dark Aura swirled placidly, as if it no longer had anything to do.

As if it were suddenly satisfied with what had transpired.

Mike took a deep breath and forced himself to unclench his fist. He drew himself up straight. "I've never hit anyone in my life," he said in a steadier though still quavering voice. "Never. And I was always told never, EVER to strike a woman. But Sandra ... you were doing something to me ... I don't understand it ... but I had to stop it. I had to stop it."

Sandra staggered to her feet. "Mike ..."

Mike shook his head and raised a hand in a stopping gesture. "No. This is the end, Sandra. I'm history. If I can't stop myself from being violent towards you just to protect myself from ... from whatever ... then I can't stay."

Sandra could only stare. Tears trickled silently down her face.

"If it helps any, Sandra, I don't hate you. Maybe ... maybe I understand a tiny bit of what you were trying to tell me. But it's too late now. Too little, too late. I've got to go."

Mike turned away. Sandra sobbed once and looked away as well. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.

Trembling, Richie dropped the panties from his shaking fingers. His father vanished, and his present-day mother loomed in front of him.

Melinda writhed in the throes of intense lust. Her thighs lay splayed, her young pussy helpless before Diane's skilled mouth, Diane's tongue winding and twisting around her swollen clit. Each time she tried to think of something else other than the pleasure Diane was giving her, Heather's influence filled her head with more intensely erotic thoughts.

All that her struggle could produce was the occasional soft sob interspersed among the moans and pants.

Heather's jeans and panties lay about her ankles, her fingers fucking her slit hard and fast. Melissa had told her she would be unbelievably turned on by watching Melinda made into a helpless sex doll. She could not stop masturbating as she watched.

"What a happy little slave you have, Heather," Melissa said with a sly smile. "She eats pussy like a pro, too. Must be true that she was a lezzie all along."

Heather panted, her fingers moving faster as her pleasure rose. Her eyes narrowed, as if she were still resisting by attempting to close her eyes against what she was forced to watch.

"I heard you had enslaved your little sister once," Melissa continued. "Must be why it was so easy to push you into doing the same to Diane."

"Uhhn ... n-not easy ..." Heather moaned.

Melissa grinned smugly. "Oh, you mean that bit of trouble that Melinda gave me? Don't underestimate me, Heather. You'll regret it. Oh wait. You already regret it, don't you?"

Heather swallowed and nodded.

"Regret isn't good enough! Otherwise I would've let Susan and Ann go a long time ago. No, you can keep your fucking regrets. I have what I want now, which is you under my control, where you won't cause anyone any more harm. In fact, that's what I'll do with the whole stupid town. None of them will be able to hurt me again."

Heather gasped as she rose. "Uhhn! ... y-yes ... never hurt you again ... never ..."

"That's right, never! And I'll give everyone a very special job to do. Melinda will be a sex doll, pussy always wet and ready. And you ... Someone needs a maid. A very slutty maid. And as for Diane, how about I ..."

You need to get going.

Melissa trailed off abruptly. "What??"

Heather opened her mouth to say something, but all that came out was a loud moan. Her head tilted back, and hot fluid spurted from her pussy.

Stop this petty show of power and go the place for the Rite.

"Dammit, you're the one that wanted me to test ..." Melissa muttered through clenched teeth.

Time is now of the essence! Go!

Melissa turned to Heather. "All right, show's over. Call Diane to you."

Heather stopped masturbating, still panting hard. "Diane, come here."

Diane immediately stopped licking and stood up. Melinda whimpered her distress at being left short of orgasm. Diane ignored it as best she could and headed over to Heather. "Yes, Mistress, how may your slave serve you now?"

"Both of you, get dressed, fast," Melissa said. "We're going on a little trip."

Heather's heart sank as she realized there would be no more delays. Her time was up. Now it was completely in the hands of the others.

"N-no ..." Melinda moaned. "P-please ... don't take her ..."

Melissa looked at Melinda. "I've already arranged for something to occupy your time so you can't get any silly ideas in your head about warning anyone. You ..."

Someone has already been warned.

Melissa's eyes narrowed.

I do not know how. But I can sense it. I can sense urgency and alarm.

"Sense ...? From what? From who?!"

The pendant fell silent.

"From who, dammit?!"

Heather didn't understand why Melissa was shouting. Who was she talking to? Diane was equally as confused, but she was too relieved to have the cell phone close at hand again to worry about it. As soon as she was dressed, she briefly lay a hand against her pocket to insure that the cell phone had not fallen out.

Melissa whirled around and faced Heather. "Make Melinda go to your mother. Now."

"No, please!" Melinda begged in a weak voice as she struggled to sit up. "Please, Heather ... please ..."

A tear trickled down Heather's cheek. "Go to Mom, Melinda. The thought of it makes you horny."

"Oh no ... no, please ... uhhnn ... oh God ... I ..."

"Go to her, Melinda, or you won't get to cum."

Melinda panted hard as her pussy suddenly rose and strained at the edge. She mewled her distress and shivered.

"Go, Melinda. Now."

Tears welled up in Melinda's eyes. She stood up and staggered to the door, the movement of her thighs agony against her straining pussy. She slipped out and closed the door behind her.

"You didn't have to make me do that," Heather said, wiping at her eyes.

"Oh, she's just going to get a little motherly loving, that's all," Melissa said with a smile. "Now, let's go."

For a long moment, Richie and his mother stared at each other. Sandra appeared confused. She was torn between concern for her son and the desires of the Darkness. Both drove her to approach him.

Richie was shocked out of his own stupor and stumbled away. His feet became tangled in his briefs and jeans, and he crashed to the floor. Motherly concern overriding everything else for a moment, Sandra reached down to help him.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Richie bellowed.

Shocked, Sandra jumped back.

Richie yanked his jeans and briefs up his legs enough so he could scramble to his feet. He stepped back from Sandra as he struggled to redo his belt. "Just ... j-just stay away from me, Mom. I mean it!"

Sandra did pause, but her Aura grew extremely agitated, and she stepped forward again.

Richie jumped and ran around the other side of the sofa. "Stop it! I'm not playin' this fucking game with you!"

Sandra ran to the back of the sofa and leaned out over it, as if intending to lunge at him. Richie nearly tripped over the coffee table in his attempt to stay out of arm's reach.

"Richie ... p-please ... I'm sorry ..." Sandra croaked, her voice still husky.

Richie swallowed and shook his head. "No, you're not. You're not sorry."

"Yes, I am! I-I ... that was too much ... too soon ... I should have ..."

"You tried to fucking get me!" Richie screamed.

Sandra blinked. Her eyes glistened. "I d-didn't want to ... I have to ..."

"You were gonna pull me into it. You were gonna give me to the Darkness!"

Sandra raised a trembling hand to her face. She took a few deep breaths, but her body continued to shiver in growing lust. "N-no ... nothing like that ... I just ... I just wanted to keep you here ... please, Richie, that's all it was ... that's ... Richie? Richie!"

Richie bolted for the front door. By the time Sandra could react, he had already flung it open.

"Richie, stop! I can't let you go!" Sandra cried, grabbing his arm. He wrenched it violently from her grip. "I'll come after you, Richie! I'll ..."

Richie slammed the door shut behind him.

In a panic, Sandra put her shorts back on and pulled her shirt down over her breasts. She ran upstairs to fetch her jacket and car keys.

A few moments later, a shadow appeared at the window, lingered for a moment, then disappeared. Richie re-entered the house a moment later and dashed towards the garage.

Inside the garage, he found his switchblade and opened it. He plunged the blade into the side of one of the front tires of his mother's car. The air made a long sighing noise until the wheel rim rested on the ground.

Richie heard his mother on the stairs. He ducked behind the old dead refrigerator in the back. His mother rushed in, her coat thrown on over her clothes, and circled to the front of the car.

Richie came out from behind the fridge and ran back into the house just as Sandra noticed the flat tire.

"Richie! Stop!" his mother shouted.

She took off after him, but got only as far as the door when it slammed in her face. She tried the knob but he had already locked it. She pounded once on the door. "Richie, you open this door this instant!"

In a nervous panic, whimpering as the Darkness made its displeasure known in her head, she frantically fished in her purse for her house keys. But when she finally unlatched the door and pushed it open, it made a loud thunk as it fetch up against the security chain.


Richie was already in his room. He grabbed his jacket and fell to his knees beside his bed. He knew what he was doing was wasting valuable time, but seeing his father stand up against the Darkness had inspired him. He had to have something to remind him of that.

He pulled out the shoebox and tore the lid from it. He grabbed the baseball and jumped to his feet. He heard the garage door go up as he ran down the stairs. He jumped the last four steps in one bound and rushed over to the front door, latching its security chain as well. He raced away from it just as his mother tried to open it.

Richie ran for the back door but hesitated. No, his mother would try that next.

His mother pounded the front door against the chain a few more times before she finally gave up and ran for the side of the house.

Richie looked at the baseball in his hand for a moment before stuffing it into the pocket of his jacket. He dashed back to the front door. After peering out the window to make sure his mother was not there, he slipped the chain off and headed out. By the time he reached his bike and started to undo the chain, he could hear his mother entering the house through the kitchen.

He didn't bother looking back. He vaulted onto his bike and kicked off in one smooth motion. He pedaled madly down the walk through the now gently falling snow. His front wheel skidded dangerously on the turn to the street, but he recovered and was away by the time his mother reached the front door.

Her yells quickly faded behind him into the snowy night.

The Darkness could sense it.

The time was close. It again had the chance that it had lost so many years ago. The Awakening was at hand. It would leave its confines and be free. It was now older, wiser, and more powerful than it had been the first time. Now there would be less chance of mistakes. It would know what to do.

And there was the pendant.

The Darkness could sense it as well. A tiny bit of its own intelligence, its own life energy, separated from it and trapped inside the pentacle. They were aware of each other's existence. They sought reunion. It was what drove the pendant to seek the Rite again.

But the Darkness sensed something amiss. The Harbingers might interfere again. Wretched things! They only played at having power. They had no idea what power really meant.

But of all of them, Richie was the most dangerous. The ones that had a personal ax to grind always were, especially now that he had started to learn the truth. No matter. Sandra had delayed him sufficiently. She was a good little girl who did as she was told. Now Melissa could handle the rest.

Yes, Melissa had been good. A very good tool. It seemed almost a shame to destroy her in the end.

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