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Melissa's Rite
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2007
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Story codes: mf, mF, MF, ff, fF, fsolo, teen, inc, oral, voy, mc, nc, toys, humil, magic
Richie waited with one hand on the doorknob, tensed as if ready to bolt. The house remained silent, growing dark in the deepening evening twilight. A frigid wind blew in the doorway, a dead leaf alighting on the carpet.
Richie slammed the door behind him and picked up the leaf. He crumpled it in his fist as he called out for his mother again. He checked the garage and found it empty.
He smirked. The joke was on Laura Bendon as far as he was concerned. His mother had not been home earlier that afternoon, and she still wasn't home. Yet his smirk faded when he thought about what his mother was likely doing at that moment.
Richie tried to put it out of his mind. Instead, he found himself drawn to the doorway of his mother's bedroom. His eyes swept the room slowly.
He hated this power. Truly hated it. He could not look at someone else's possessions now without wondering what they might tell him if he held them. Even the fleeting glimpses he got when he was not in the right place could hint at some tantalizing knowledge.
Nyssa had known about his ability, and had deemed it both powerful and dangerous.
Knowing the past was indeed dangerous. A personal recollection could be filtered and toned down to acceptability. He could fool himself into thinking that things had happened exactly as he believed he remembered them, and comfort himself in the thought that they were not as bad as they really were.
And yet it was what he had thought he had wanted for so long. It was truth. And even in the wake of the misery such knowledge engendered, he craved more.
Richie wandered into the room. He focused on the first thing that had caught his eye, the hairbrush sitting on the dresser.
He picked it up. Immediately, his surroundings shifted to morning twilight. His mother was fixing her hair, still clad in only her underwear. He jumped when he heard his own voice making a snide remark at the door.
Looking at his own doppelganger was disconcerting. Even more so was hearing his cutting words towards his mother. Soon the scene played itself out and shifted again. Now it was night. The lamp was on, but at its lowest setting. His mother was not in the chair. He heard a moan behind him and turned at the sound.
Sandra was sprawled out naked on the bed. She was writhing and panting, her legs spread. Her hand worked the handle of the brush in and out of her cunt.
"Y-yes ... yes ..." Sandra breathed. "I-I'm a good girl ... uhhn ... yes, I'm a good little girl! ... uhhhh!"
Just as Sandra moaned in orgasm, Richie let out a yelp and threw the brush to the floor. Reality winked back into place.
He opened the closet door. Several skimpy outfits hung there. He held the doorknob at arm's length as if afraid of contamination.
Finally he reached a hand forward and touched one, something that looked like a French maid's outfit. He caught a ghostly glimpse of his mother slipping off her normal clothes and revealing this sexy outfit underneath, and then of someone groping her breast.
He touched another one, a bikini. She was beside a pool in broad daylight. The place looked posh. Men and women with tall drinks ringed the background. She slipped her bottom down her legs as a hand reached between her thighs.
He snatched his hand back and slammed the closet door shut.
Richie fell heavily against the dresser. He frowned at himself in the mirror. "Fuckhead," he grumbled at his image. "Hope yer gettin' off on it."
He idly opened the top drawer, glanced inside, then slammed it shut. He did the same to the second, but stopped himself at the last moment before it could close all the way.
He pulled it back open. There were several typewritten sheets stapled together with the words "Haven Cleaning and Maid Service" at the top of the first page.
Richie took it in hand, his eyes scanning down the page. It appeared to be a schedule of sorts from several weeks ago. One entry read: Monday 10AM, 367 Messeir Court, general cleaning only. Another one for the same day read 12 noon, 6589 S. Gondin Road, delicate dusting and strip-tease (wear French maid outfit). Still another read: 2PM, 788 S. Hayden Drive, general cleaning and typical fuck-the-maid fantasy.
Richie felt disgusted at what he was reading, but something made him turn the page and glance down the next set of entries. It made his stomach churn. Some appointments dropped the pretense of a maid service entirely and described what sex act his mother was expected to perform.
He reached the third page, and when his fingers touched the paper, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.
He was not expecting it, and he jumped back a foot as his eyes came to rest on the chair. It was now occupied by his mother. She was fully dressed and staring at the very same document that Richie held. Hers was open to the exact same page. Her eyes appeared unfocused, as if she were only pretending to see what was written before her. A single fingertip lay near an entry at the bottom of the page.
Richie was not even sure he had heard it. It was whispered so softly from Sandra's barely moving lips that he thought he might have imagined it.
"Might work."
Richie blinked. "Huh? What might work?"
But the Sandra of the past did not hear him. Her lips curled into a slow, sultry smile. "A full day's work for me," she said in a husky voice. She flipped the document to the first page and returned it to the drawer. She faded back into nonexistence as the drawer was closed.
Richie frowned. He looked down at the page again. His gaze alighted on an entry near the bottom.
Thursdays thru October, 1PM, 1045 Ollander Terrace, caretaking, then little school girl routine to greet owner upon return.
Richie had to stare at it for a minute before it clicked. Wait, isn't that the address of the place we're ...
The floor rumbled with the sound of the garage door going up.
Richie cursed as he flipped the pages back, fumbling it in his haste and partially tearing the first page from the staple. He dropped the pages into the drawer and slammed it shut. He raced out of the room and into his own, then threw himself onto the bed.
Be cool, Richie thought. Just like Jason said. Don't let on something's going down later.
Each of them had conceived of a plan to get out of the house when word came that Melissa was moving against Heather. Richie's was the least inventive. He was simply going to barrel out of the house, jump on his bike, and pedal away before his mother could stop him. He would worry about the repercussions later.
He leaned over the side of his bed and reached for a sports magazine just as he heard the door from the garage open. It nearly slipped from his fingers in his surprise when the door shut a second later with a mighty slam that shook the house.
"Aw shit," Richie muttered, tossing the magazine down with a sigh.
Richie had already swung his legs over the side of the bed when Sandra stomped up the stairs to his room, so he was already seated and facing the door when she appeared.
Sandra gave Richie a hard look. She folded her arms and leaned against the door frame "All right, you sneaky little bastard. Where the FUCK were you today?"
Richie's hands gripped the edge of the mattress. "Where the fuck do you think I was?"
"Well, it sure as hell wasn't school. And don't smart-mouth me."
"Oh yeah? Says who?"
"Says your dumbass principal, that's who."
"And what the fuck would you know about it, huh? You were out all day."
Sandra reached into her pocket and pulled out a cell phone.
Richie's eyes flicked from her mother to the phone and back again. There was a moment of anxiety and doubt in his eyes, but he quickly replaced it with anger. Anger was better. It was what he understood, and it was what his mother would expect. "Yeah, and since when do we rate high 'nough to get a cell phone," he said in as snide a voice as he could muster.
"My boss gave me this, so I can keep in touch with the main office during the day."
Richie glared at her. He remembered all the "appointments" he had seen on her schedule, and for a moment it helped fuel his anger. But then the memory of what he had seen in the den welled up from the dark recesses of his mind no matter how hard he tried to banish it.
Stop it, Richie chided himself. She's not even fighting it ... She's completely given in ... You can be mad at her ... BE MAD AT HER!
Yet the sharp retort he thought to make died on his lips as a terrible thought came to him.
What if his own mother had set them up? What if she had arranged for them to meet at that house so she could feed information about them to the Darkness? What if she were helping it plan for the Harbingers' defeat?
But that couldn't be right. Wouldn't Melissa have moved against them at the meeting place if that were the case? Or was the Darkness itself waiting to take them out when they were done with Melissa?
His hands clenched into fists, and he averted his eyes.
"What?" Sandra demanded.
Richie bit his lip and shook his head. "Nothin'," he muttered. He looked at her, his gaze icy. "Okay, fine, yeah, I skipped school. Not like I haven't done it before."
"In grammar school, Richie, not high school. You don't fuck around with something like this!"
Richie just shrugged.
"It doesn't matter to you, does it? Not a damn fucking bit."
"Guess not."
"Maybe it will mean something to you if I ground you for a month?"
Richie snorted and smirked. "Yeah, okay, Mom. Grounded. A month. Got it."
Sandra stared at her son. Richie narrowed his gaze. Something was happening with her Aura. It looked agitated, as if it were angry. Some of the fury drained from Sandra's eyes, and they appeared uncertain.
He's hiding something.
Sandra swallowed as the voice of the Darkness reverberated in her head. She felt her pussy throb faintly, her thighs quivering as if in anticipation of her next command.
Not his ability. I know about it now. But he's learned something. Something important.
Richie had seen Auras do this just before Jason said he heard something from them. A chill crept down his spine at the thought that the thing he had seen in his earlier vision was in his mother's head.
"Grounded for a month," Sandra said in a hollow voice. "And don't think you can sneak off when I'm not here! I'll find a way to enforce it!"
Richie tried not to react to the threat. Instead, he just nodded and remained silent.
Watch him.
Sandra took a deep breath. Her pussy ran hot and liquid, pulsing mildly with pleasure that radiated up from her body and into her mind. Her nipples hardened and tingled.
Be my good little girl.
Sandra's fingers curled. Her pussy throbbed softly. She let out a small moan through her nose.
Richie heard it. His stomach clenched.
Don't let him out of your sight.
Sandra unfolded her arms as her orgasm faded. "Come on downstairs with me, Richie."
Richie made a face. "Huh? What for?"
"You're going to help me make dinner."
"You don't need me for that."
"Don't tell me what I need or don't need. Then ... then maybe after dinner we can watch something on TV together ..."
Richie looked at her strangely. "Are you fucking serious?"
"That's enough. No more talking back to me."
"But I don't wanna watch TV, everything on these days is crap. I just wanna ..."
"I don't care what you want!" Sandra shouted. "You always whine like a little brat about me staying home and spending time with you, and now when I give it to you, you find something else to whine about. You're really pathetic, you know that? Now, come on."
Richie fumed. Every bit of him exuded anger and hatred. All but his eyes. They held only hurt. Her hard words clashed violently with the sympathy he had mustered after seeing the horrible vision of the Rite. He had no idea what to feel or think.
He pushed himself off the bed and stomped over to his mother, giving her another glare. Sandra returned it with a blazing anger of her own before turning away.
It was only when she was halfway down the stairs, her face out of sight of Richie, that she allowed herself a single tear.
Jason's hand trembled so much that the plate rattled against the table as he set it down. He glanced anxiously at his mother as she bustled in from the kitchen. The heady aroma of her cooking rolled through the air in her wake.
"Don't take too much longer, dear, dinner will be ready soon," Audrey said, barely glancing at her son as she dropped a set of trivets on the table before turning back towards the kitchen. "And make sure to evenly space those."
"Yes, Mom," Jason said in a hollow voice, though his mother had already disappeared, the swinging door the only evidence of her passing.
He tried to steady himself. He looked nervously at the clock above the mantle in the living room. It was nearly six. Any minute now he would hear the sound of the garage door opening. Then it was going to be war.
A war of stealth, that is.
Jason set out the rest of the plates and started on the silverware. He had the toughest job of all the Harbingers. He had to get out of the house without his father interfering. His father held a more commanding position in whatever hierarchy the Darkness had conceived in Haven. Like Principal Bendon, he was not a slave to the Darkness, but he was doing everything he could to help it.
Or so Jason thought. Since it was clear that Principal Bendon was helping Melissa, it was reasonable to assume that his father would do the same.
Audrey emerged from the kitchen again, taking her own look at the clock. "He better not be late again," she muttered softly. She sighed before turning to Jason.
Jason looked away and forced himself to focus on his task. He was already mentally sweating bullets that his hack into Haven General Hospital's computer network had been discovered. It had not been as clean a break-in as he had wished. He worried that not only had he been detected, but that his father already knew and was now racing home to ream his son for it.
"Is something the matter, Jason?"
Jason's head jerked. The remaining cutlery in his hands slipped and clattered loudly to the table. He gave his mother a sheepish look. " Sorry ... Um, nothing, Mom."
"Are you sure? You've been awfully quiet since ..."
The phone rang.
Audrey slapped her arms against her sides. "That better not be ..." she muttered angrily as she barreled back into the kitchen. The ringing was silenced moments later.
Jason's heart pounded. He looked at the clock again. Get home, dammit, he thought vehemently. And at least let me know if I screwed up.
Even if he were in the clear, success was still by no means assured. Once the signal came, he had to get back into the hospital network and insert a medical emergency alert into the files of one of his father's patients. It would trigger their automated pager system and force his father to head back to the hospital.
That was the theory. The hospital system was a puzzling mixture of subnets that each had their own quirks and hence their own security roadblocks. And there was one with a firewall so bulletproof that all his efforts to breach it would be like using a peashooter against the Great Wall of China.
"Dammit, Hank, you promised!" Audrey's anguished voice suddenly rang out from the kitchen.
Jason looked up.
"Just once I would like to have ..." his mother called out again, until she caught herself and lowered her voice. Then Jason could hear only muffled noises, but it was very clear that his mother was upset.
Jason flinched when he heard the phone slammed back onto the receiver just as a timer on the stove went off. He picked up the trivets but fiddled with them in his hands anxiously until his mother emerged holding a steaming pot of potatoes.
Audrey stepped heavily to the table and cast an angry glance first at the table and then at Jason. "Will you stop fidgeting like that and put the trivets down?!"
"Huh? Oh, sorry ..." He quickly tossed one down on the table. Audrey set the pot down with a loud thud and whirled back towards the kitchen. "Mom, wait! Is something wrong?"
Audrey stopped at the door and glared at him. "Your father will not be home for dinner," she said stiffly. "He says he's had something come up at the hospital and has to stay for another few hours."
Jason could sense the hurt in her voice, but he was more concerned with the development itself. "Did he say why?"
Audrey grew annoyed. "What difference does that make, Jason? The fact is, he won't be home for dinner even after he pr ..." She caught herself again. Her jaw tightened. "Just ... just sit down. Dinner is ready anyway."
She disappeared back into the kitchen. Soon the air was filled with frustrated bangs and clatters as well as the smell of a cooked roast.
Jason sank heavily into his chair. He should be relieved. This took the burden from him. He didn't have to keep his father away from the house. He was in the clear. He could just slip out and with luck get back before ...
No, it was too easy again! Just like when they had supposedly discovered Melissa's plans in the first place. Just like when they happened to get a nice meeting place.
Was this another setup? Was he going to arrive at the location for the Rite and have to deal with both Melissa and his father? Was Henry Conner going to help the Darkness even at the cost of going against his own son?
Jason let out a long sigh. There was nothing he could do about it now. They had to go with the plans they had and deal with anything as it came up.
He was going to be glad when it was over.
Penny Sovert rose from the table. "Melinda, it's your turn to help with the dishes tonight."
Heather stood as well. "Actually, um ... I want to do it tonight."
"But it's her turn, Heather."
"I know, but I ... I want to talk to you about something." She gave her father a sidelong glance before returning her gaze to her mother. "In private."
There was a coolness to Penny's gaze as she looked at her daughter. Both Heather and Melinda had noticed that their mother was on edge not long after they had arrived home that afternoon. They had assumed she was upset with them for being so late, but she had not said a word about it.
"Don't let me interrupt in that case," said David with a small smile as he rose. "I have some email to catch up on anyway, so I'll let you girls talk."
Penny sighed as she watched David walk away. "Very well. Melinda, go to your room," she said in a snappish voice as she collected the silverware. She plunked them on a plate with a clatter and took it into the kitchen.
Melinda came alongside Heather. "I don't think it's going to work," she said anxiously. "She's really mad about something."
"I have to get it to work, Melinda," Heather said as she collected the remaining dishes. "Now get out of here before Mom really does get mad at us."
Melinda made a face and fled. Heather took a deep breath before carrying the dirty dishes into the kitchen.
"If you're going to ask for your phone and internet back, Heather, the answer is no," Penny said as soon as Heather stepped into the room. She spoke without turning from the sink, which she was already filling with water. "I heard you two whispering to each other out there. Don't think you can pull anything like that on me."
Heather put the dirty dishes in the sink and stood beside her mother. "It's nothing like that, really."
Penny's jaw clenched. Her eyes remained downcast. "So does this have anything to do with what you've been doing lately?"
Heather felt a knot of anxiety in her stomach. "What are you talking about?"
She had tried to act surprised, but it had come out sounding defensive instead. Penny cast a sharp gaze at her daughter. "I've been hearing a lot of things about you, Heather. And your friends. And what you might be doing together."
Heather's carefully rehearsed script lay in tatters the moment she looked into her mother's eyes and felt nothing but contempt rise up inside her. When she spoke again, her voice was pure acid. "Really? Would that be rumors you've heard yourself, or is someone whispering in your ear? The same someone that happened to tell you to come home early in the first place when Jason ..."
Penny slammed the spigot closed, causing a loud knock in the pipe under the sink. "That's quite enough."
"Then stop trying to dance around it! I know who ... what you're working for. And what it can do. It's not a big secret anymore."
"Fine. Then you ought to know that it's not something you should interfere with."
"But it sure as hell interferes."
"Don't use language like that in this house, I've told you over and over ..."
"Maybe I don't care what you think anymore," Heather declared. "Maybe that's something you ought to know."
Penny frowned deeply and looked away. Silence descended as Penny cleaned, and Heather rinsed.
Heather realized she was having trouble keeping her emotions in check. She was too scared of what would transpire that night, not just for herself, but Diane and Melinda as well. She was even worried about her mother. Would she just stand aside and let it happen? Would she try to interfere and get herself hurt? Both prospects were bad in different ways.
Heather finally spoke. "I invited Diane to a sleepover tonight."
There was a splash as several items of cutlery fell back into the sink. Penny turned to her daughter. "Absolutely not."
"I already invited her."
"Then call her and uninvite her."
"You said I couldn't use the phone, remember?"
"Stop being difficult, Heather!" Penny exploded, slapping her hand against the edge of the sink. She winced as she splashed water into her eye. "You cannot have her over, not tonight of all nights, and that's final."
"But I ... " Heather trailed off. She narrowed her eyes. "Wait a minute. What did you mean by that?"
"You heard me, Heather. I will not allow you to have Diane or anyone else over."
"No, that's not what you said. You said 'not tonight of all nights.' What's that about?"
Penny stared at her daughter, eyes hard but flickering with uncertainty. Her lips remained pressed tightly together, and she swallowed once.
Heather's mouth dropped open. "Oh my God. You know."
"And what business is it of yours, Heather?" Penny said hotly, though her voice was quavering. "Why do you know anything about what's going on? I'll tell you why. Because you won't leave it well enough alone. Even after I told you how I was trying to protect you."
Heather made a scoffing sound. "Yeah, some protection ..."
Penny suddenly turned away from the sink and grabbed Heather's arms. Water soaked into one of the sleeves of Heather's shirt. "Heather, stop it. Stop it. Please. Stop trying to interfere. I'm begging you."
Heather stared at her mother in shock. Penny's voice sounded as fearful as Heather felt.
"I actually don't know what specifically is happening tonight, Heather," Penny said in a softer voice. "I know ... I know it's something big ... s-something dangerous. Call Diane. Tell her to stay home. Call your other friends as well if you want and tell them to stay put, too. Please."
Heather swallowed. Her mind raced. "I-I can't ... I ... Diane has to come over. I did something to her ..."
Penny's mouth dropped open. "What??"
"I enslaved her."
Penny stared, stricken.
Heather forced a smile, though the corners of her mouth twitched. "I enslaved her, Mom. Completely. No will of her own. She's all mine."
Penny let go of Heather and staggered. She gripped the side of the sink. "You c-couldn't have, Heather. You don't ... after Nyssa, you no longer had the power to ..."
"I got some power."
Penny raised a trembling hand to her forehead. "You didn't. Please tell me you didn't ..."
Heather's stomach turned. She hated doing this. For the moment, she had forgotten how angry she was with her mother. But the deception was the only thing her mother would believe, and it would protect their real plans.
"What's the point in fighting it, Mom?" Heather said, trying to sound casual. "I just did what you did. I got some power and used it on Diane. She's a lesbian, did you know that? So it really ..."
Penny sobbed once. Heather fell silent. It was all she could do to maintain her own composure.
"That's not how it happened, Heather. I didn't take ... that is, it wasn't so much a choice as ..." She gasped and shuddered. Her eyes closed tightly, and she moaned. When she spoke again, it was in a little girl's voice. "S-sorry ... I w-won't tell ... I promise ... I'll be good ..."
Heather had to resist the urge to bolt. She could see the Darkness churning violently around her mother's body.
Penny opened her eyes. She gave Heather a quivering smile. "O-okay, Heather. You can have her over. I'll leave you to your privacy. I'll ... I'll make sure your father doesn't disturb you either. Is ... is anyone else coming over later? A-anyone at all?"
Heather could see the fear in her mother's eyes. It was a mercy to lie to her. "No one at all. Just Diane. Why would anyone else be coming over?"
Penny shook her head. "No reason at all, honey. None at all. I'll do the rest of the dishes, Heather. You go upstairs and ... and get ready for your slave."
Seconds after her statement, Penny gasped softly and let out a ragged, sultry sigh, her feet sliding apart. There was a very faint splash from under Penny's jeans.
Heather fled.
Ned tried to pay attention to his meal but could not help stealing glances at Cassie across the table. She seemed to have her attention on nothing at all. Her head was propped up on one hand, her gaze unfocused and morose. She poked bits of food around on her plate.
Ned was about to say something when Cassie sighed and put down her fork. She did not appear to notice she was sitting with someone else as she reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone. The pale glow from the LCD screen made her cheeks look ruddy in the subdued light. She made a face and slipped it back into her purse.
"That's the third time you've checked it," Ned finally said.
Cassie blinked and looked up. "Huh?"
Ned paused. Light from the candle that flickered in the center of the table danced in her glistening eyes. "Um ... is this the wrong time ta tell ya how cool yer eyes look in the candlelight?"
Cassie tilted her head. "What? Oh!" Her cheeks turned even more ruddy. She managed a very weak smile. "Thank you. And I'm sorry about the phone. I should have had them sit us near the window where the signal strength is better so I wouldn't worry about it so much."
"'sokay, babe. I just don't wanna see ya freak out about this."
Cassie sighed. "Goodness, if it's anyone that should be freaking out, it's you."
"Huh? Ya lost me there."
"Well, look at this. I'm using the pretense of a date to keep us both up after dark for ..." She waved a hand vaguely in the air. "You can't tell me this would be your idea of an ideal date."
Ned put down his fork and reached for her hand across the table. "Jeez, don't be so hard on yerself, babe. I'm doin' just fine."
Cassie's eyes slid from his eyes to his plate. "You hardly touched the main course."
"Oh, that," Ned said with a shrug. "No biggie. I guess this venshun stuff is not my fav."
"Venison. And see, I even violated your rule. I took you to a snooty place with 'bistro' in the name."
Ned smirked and chuckled, squeezing her hand. Cassie's lips curled into a tiny smile, though it faded quickly at her next thought. She pulled her hand away, eliciting a somewhat surprised look. "I can't believe you want to even look at me after what I told you earlier."
Ned had to admit it had been a disappointment to hear that Cassie could not go through with letting him use the spell on her. He sighed and reached for her hand again, this time holding it more tightly so she would not pull it away. "Look, never mind the spell, it's ... it's not really important. I mean, c'mon ... ya may feel diff'rent about it when it's all over."
"Please, don't get your hopes up about that, Ned. Right now, I don't want anything to do with that book again."
Ned paused for a long moment, then took a deep breath and let it go, forcing a confidence into his face that he did not truly feel. "Okay, then no prob. We don't do it. I won't bring it up 'gain."
"Ned, I didn't mean ..."
"No, it's fer the best, babe. Ya don't need me makin' ya feel pressured. An' ya will, I know you. 'specially after seein' how upset ya were earlier."
Cassie slowly smiled. She reached across the table and kissed him softly on the lips. "Thank you." She extricated her hand slowly from his grip and went back to eating her meal with a little more enthusiasm.
Ned smiled weakly and tried to go back to his own meal. He was not quite as eager.
Yeah, way to go, noodle-brain, he chided himself. Just gave up the only chance you'll ever have to get into bed with a girl again.
The next moment, he felt an equal amount of guilt churn in his stomach.
But that was the right thing to do, wasn't it?
"About time," Melissa muttered as she heard footsteps coming up from the basement.
A smiling Bill Radson appeared at the door. "Here you go, Melissa."
Melissa received the small wooden box with the same reverence that her mother might receive Communion at Mass were Kathy still of the mindset to do such a thing anymore.
It was not very large or impressive. Her cupped hands could encompass it. She fingered the latch and lifted the top, which moved effortlessly on shiny brass hinges. It was hardly deep enough to contain even a single paperback novel. Yet with the proper incantation, it would house the souls of four people.
"I hope you're pleased with it," Bill said.
Melissa closed it and looked up, smiling in self-satisfaction. "I love it! Thank you very much, Mr. Radson, for getting this done sooner. This means a lot to me."
Bill smiled. "You're such a nice girl, Melissa. I really do hope you keep coming around. I would like to get to know you better."
Melissa chuckled. "Oh, you can count on that, Mr. Radson. In fact, I'd say that after tonight, everyone will be getting to know me a little better. Now, if you'll excuse me, Susan and I have to go."
"Girls' night out, huh?"
Melissa grinned. "You could say that, yes. I assume it's okay for her to have the car?"
"Hmm. Technically she just has a learner's permit ..."
"I'll make sure she drives safely, Mr. Radson, no problems there."
"Hmm. Well ... all right."
"Thank you. Now, I'm sure you had other things you wanted to do tonight in your workroom, right?"
Bill paused for a moment, his eyes unfocused. "Well ... it really is getting late, and I have to get up early in the morning ..."
"But surely you have some home projects that you need to catch up with?"
Bill remained silent and unmoving, as if caught between two thoughts.
"You really want to get to them as soon as possible, don't you?"
Finally, Bill nodded slowly. "Yes ... yes, I need to catch up on them. Thank you for reminding me."
He turned and headed back down into the basement.
Melissa took a deep breath and let it go. She was trembling slightly. Maintaining her lingering influence over Debby, Bill, and her mother was taking its toll on her. She had to push to get Bill to do what she wanted.
When she took Heather, she was going to lose at least one of them. Her mother was the safest one to lose. She already had some permanent changes that would prevent her from interfering. Debby and Bill were the dangerous ones.
Melissa headed into the living room. An anxious-looking Susan was standing near the door, shivering in both fear and lust. As Melissa stepped up to her, she whimpered softly and rubbed her thighs together. Moisture ran hot and made muffled squishing noises.
"Yes, you're going to be sooo turned on by all this," Melissa cooed.
Susan moaned and shuddered as her pussy throbbed. She closed her eyes tightly. No protests would come to her. Melissa's control of her thoughts and desires was nearly complete. She wanted only what Melissa wanted of her.
"All that power you're going to help me get. Makes you just want to cum ..."
Susan's hips jerked as another orgasm was sparked.
" ... and cum ..."
She staggered and fell against the door, panting wildly as her cunt convulsed.
" ... and cum ..."
Susan's knees buckled, and she slid to the floor, shaking helplessly.
Melissa giggled and relented. Susan's orgasm faded slowly, leaving her breathless.
"Melissa ... uhhn ... w-wait, please ..."
Melissa turned around, casting a contemptuous gaze before her. She smirked. "Now now, Mrs. Radson ... aren't you afraid of your loving husband seeing you like this?"
Debby leaned against the side of the archway that led into the dining room. Her robe was open, exposing her naked body underneath. Her now aching hands gripped a thick dildo that she continued to plow into her nearly spent pussy. Her eyes were wild with both desire and desperation. "P-please ... don't do this ... i-it's too dangerous ..."
Melissa smiled and walked up to Debby. She carefully hid her irritation over how Debby was still straining against her control. "You're sounding like a broken record again, Mrs. Radson. I've heard all this before."
"L-listen to me! ... Something happened the last time ... something terrible ... y-you don't understand the forces you're dealing with!"
"And you do? Perhaps if you did, you would have taken the power for yourself. That's really what it is, isn't it? You're just upset that I thought to exploit this power first!"
"N-no! ... I never ... uhhhn! ... oh goddess ..."
Debby shuddered as she came. She still could not stop impaling herself with the sex toy. Even as she fell to her knees, the dildo slid wetly to and fro.
"That has to be it," Melissa murmured, her fingers curling around the pendant. "The power is not dangerous at all. You were just too much of a coward to take it."
Melissa turned away.
Debby lifted her head. "You c-can't keep control of me! I know parts of the Rite! Y-you have to take complete control! You can't keep me!"
Melissa gritted her teeth. "Shut up."
"I-I'll ... uhhn! ... I'll try to stop you ..."
Melissa whirled around. "Shut up! You think you're so fucking clever, holding out against me, don't you? You think that will buy you anything? You think I'm so dumb that I wouldn't take precautions? Oh yes, you'll break free from me. But not soon enough to do any good. By the time you get your wits about you, I'll have the power I want.
"But don't worry, Mrs. Radson." Her lips curled into a malevolent smile. "I'll be back to see you after that. And then you can forget about resisting me again. Then you'll do whatever I want like a good little girl."
Debby tried to stand up, stumbled, and fell onto her back. She spread her legs and mercilessly pounded the dildo into herself.
Melissa raised her hand. A set of car keys flew threw the air from upstairs and into her fingers. She tossed them to Susan, who nearly dropped them. Susan was staring at her mother with a stricken look on her face.
"Stop staring like an idiot, Susan, and let's go. We need to pick up the others."
Susan's wide eyes turned to Melissa. "Wh-what about my mother?" she asked in a weak voice. "What will you do to ...?"
"Anything I want to do with her will make you horny, you stupid cunt."
Susan shuddered and moaned, her pussy hot and steamy again. "Y-yes ... yes, of course ..." she burbled.
"Now move. Fetch Ann first, then we'll get Heather and Diane."
Susan smoothly turned and opened the door. Somewhere in the back of her head, she remembered a similar moment. It was the moment she had left this very same house to drive herself, Ann, and Melissa to the picnic grounds to perform Melissa's initiation.
An anguished, silent cry of terrible regret echoed through her head.
Diane sat down heavily on Heather's bed as Heather closed the door. She sighed and dropped her face into her hands. "God, that was nerve-wracking ... I'm not sure how I'm going to pull this off in front of Melissa."
Heather leaned against the closed door. She wrapped her arms around herself and glanced nervously towards the window. "I know, Diane, it's going to be hard. God, I hope she doesn't try to force me to tell the truth all the time like she did with Ann."
"I told you we should have used that memory spell on you!" cried Melinda. "We could have convinced you that you really did enslave Diane all along!"
"And I told you a million times already why that would cause a lot of other problems!" Heather snapped.
"Please, don't you two fight over me, this is hard enough," Diane pleaded.
Heather sat down next to Diane. She slipped an arm around her lover and held her close. "It'll be okay, Diane."
"I'm sorry I yelled," Melinda muttered. "I'm just a little scared."
"You're scared? We're the ones she's coming for, runt."
Melinda gave them a sullen look. "Melissa will probably fuck with me, too. Shit, I hardly have any clean panties left after this past week! I might as well just strip naked now."
Heather couldn't help but smirk slightly at the thought.
Melinda's eyes widened. "Don't you dare try to influence me!"
"Oh, chill out, Melinda. I'm not going to do that."
"I just don't want you thinking you need some kind of boost to your precog thing or something."
Heather's expression turned more somber. "I don't need any. I've already been sensing something is about to happen."
Diane gave Heather an alarmed look. "Melissa's already on her way?"
"Probably. She's not close yet. I'm just getting faint images in my head. I-I do know she has the box already."
Melinda shivered. "I don't want to see that," she said in a tiny, frightened voice.
Heather fought down another surge of panic for perhaps the fourth time that evening. She had to distract herself from it. "Um, Diane, you got everything set? You know what to do?"
Diane nodded and pulled out a cell phone from the pocket of her jeans. It was the slimmest one that Cassie could find at the wireless store earlier that afternoon that was not a flip phone. "I'll use this to call Cassie soon as Melissa is about to arrive," she explained. "Then I leave the line open and you try to stall for time as much as possible before she c-controls you ..."
Heather took a deep breath and nodded. "I'm hoping she wants to take a few moments to just h-humiliate me before we go," she said in a shaky voice.
"She's going to use me to do that, too," Melinda whimpered. "I just know she is."
Heather sighed in exasperation. "Yes, Melinda, she is. Stop whining about it, it's driving me nuts."
"Then I try to touch the number buttons on the keypad to let them know what's going on," Diane said a bit loudly. "One to tell them we're leaving. Two to tell them we're back on the road. Then I use three, four, or five to tell them which route we're taking to get to the other side of town. Six if we take a diversion somewhere to do something else. Seven when we're headed back towards the picnic grounds again. Eight when we arrive. Nine if she decided not to do the Rite where we thought she would do it."
"Very good, Diane."
"What if you lose the signal?" Melinda demanded. "I heard a friend of mine complain about how you get a bad signal on the west side of town."
"Cassie will call me if that happens," Diane said. "The phone is set to vibrate only. I just have to answer it and the call is open again. That is, I hope. I won't be able to tell if the signal goes away because I can't take the phone out and look at it."
"It'll work," Heather insisted. "It has to work. Jason and Cassie both thought this up."
"They have to get there first," Melinda said. "They have to! They can't leave you alone like that!"
"Melinda, please! Calm down! I'm freaking out enough about this on my own without you to ..."
Heather's own words were cut off as she suddenly gasped in the middle of her sentence and sat ramrod straight. Her fingers curled so tightly into the edge of the mattress that her fingernails nearly tore a narrow slash through the sheet.
The image was so clear that she had trouble distinguishing it from realty. For a frightening moment, she was sitting the backseat of a car riding down a darkened street. And next to her in the seat looking rather smug was ...
Diane trembled. "What? What is it?!"
Melinda stared, eyes wide in fear.
"It's Melissa," Heather said in a terrified, hollow voice. "She's coming."
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