Files > Honda-Matic

directory SnuffWars/
Scenes & Previews
directory SnuffWars2/
Sci-Fi Snuff Series 2 - A New World
text/html Break In.html
text/html Buffy Vampire Savior.html
vampire and cannibal
text/html Demon King II - A Brave New World.html
consentual sacrifice
text/html Demon King III - Hell in Paradise.html
mass killing
text/html Demon King.html
brutal sacrifices (NC)
text/html Doing Babe.html
torture & dismemberment
text/html Feeding Kushi.html
cannibal / dragon food
text/html First Class Service.html
this is called travelling in comfort
text/html GMID.html
snuff, cannibalism
text/html Helping out at the Corner Shop.html
fresh food
text/html Snacks-R-Us - Angel's First Job.html
vore, dragon food
text/html Snacks-R-Us.html
vore, dragon food
application/zip Snuff Wars
Sci-Fi Snuff Series Part 1 - To Another Galaxy
text/html Testing my new Tools II.html
love & cannibalism
text/html Testing my new Tools.html
love & cannibalism
text/html The Anniversary Celebration.html
oh such brutal love
text/html The Butcher Shop.html
cannibalism, fresh meat
text/html The Dance Club.html
torture and snuff
text/html The Favour.html
text/html The Hamburger.html
cannibalism, tit burger
text/html The Saloon.html
text/html TheVibrotine.html
beheading (guillotine)
text/html Visit to the Zoo 2.html
text/html Visit to the Zoo.html
modern snuff (shooting, beheading, vore, electrocution)

Stories are © 2006 by their respective authors.  All rights reserved.
Files uploaded with permission of the authors.  Last update: 01/06/2006

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