by Honda
©Copyright 2002 Honda-Matic, All Rights Reserved. This story may
be reproduced only in its full, original, unedited and unmodified posting
where: 1) full credit is given to its author and, 2) no commercial gain
of any sort is realized as a result of its reproduction. No permission
is granted, actual or implied, to reproduce a modified version of this
story, in whole or in part, without the express consent of the author.
This story is intended for adults only. It contains
vore (woman being eaten).
It was almost midnight, but his stomach started to rumble. He probably
needed just a little snack before going to bed. Yes, that’s what the little
dragon Kushi needed, something some snack before bed. He picked up the phone
with his paw and dialed.
“Welcome to Snacks-R-Us. Please enter your username and password.” He heard
the familiar voice on the other side say.
Kushi quickly entered his info on the pad.
“User Dragon666 identified. Credit rating is excellent. You can enter your
selection at any time without hearing all the options. For a hot latina dish
enter 1, for French cuisine enter 2, for Italian enter 3, for spicy Thai
enter 4, for Japanese enter 5, for Chinese enter 6…”
Kushi pressed ‘5’.
“You have selected a Japanese snack. Is this correct. Please enter 1 to confirm
or 2 to retry. Thank you for your selection. Your selection will be delivered
in 20 minutes.”
Kushi hung up and rubbed his belly. He only got 20 more minutes to wait until
his snack arrived. What was he to do until then? He slowly walked to his
main living area and switched on his computer. This were modern times and
even dragons like all other creatures and monsters in the world had to keep
up with technology. The internet provided a lot of information and help for
these creatures. Kushi logged on to IRC and to see if any of his friends
were online and checked his favourite websites to see if there were any job
offerings for little dragons. He had once applied for a job in a popular
cooking show where they usually roasted the meat over a small grill. His
job was to provide the special effects and replace the grill. Soon he was
busily enjoying the net.
Suddenly he heard a knock on the door and then heard a sweet girl voice.
“Hello? Is anybody here? Delivery from Snacks-R-Us.”
Kushi rushed to the door and ripped it open. A young Japanese girl was standing
at his door step.
“Hi, I am delivering the snack you ordered”, she said smiling.
‘Oh yes, please come in”, Kushi said and let her enter his small cave.
She entered and he closed the door behind her while drooling all over the
floor looking at her tight little ass as she stepped into his main living
“Wow, you got internet access here.”, she exclaimed when she saw his computer.
“Yeah, it was pretty hard to get it installed. I had to work hard on holding
back and not eat the cute engineer they send to install the stuff.”, he said
as the girl was taking off her clothes.
“How would you like to eat me?”, she asked when the last piece of her clothing
dropped to the floor.
“Um, well, I like to eat you feet first so I can listen to you moan and tell
me a bit about yourself while I eat you. You see, I’ve am quite hungry and
been waiting for a while now.”
“Certainly.”, she said and walked up to Kushi who opened his mouth wide so
she could put her feet in. She moaned when her feet touched his wet tongue.
“My name is Noriko”, she said as Kushi’s tongue had pulled her legs
completely into his mouth and started gulping slowly. “I’m nineteen years
old and I was studying photography at the nearby college”, she continued
as she was swallowed up to the hips and then started to trash and moan loudly
as the back of Kushi’s tongue flipped over her pussy.
“Oh yes, eat me, dear dragon. It feels so good. I wanna be your food. I’ll
provide you with nourishment and stop your hunger”, she said between moans
as she was slowly pulled into Kushi’s mouth and slipping through his throat.
When her small pert breasts entered Kushi’s mouth, she shook violently in
ecstacy while her sensitive nipples brushed against Kushi’s lips. At that
instance she was able to directly stare into Kushi’s eyes. They both looked
at each other, both knowing and sharing the intimate moment before they finally
became one. Noriko trashed and shook wildly once last time and was hit with
her greatest orgasm before her face was engulfed with Kushi’s saliva. Then
Kushi took a final, massive gulp and Noriko slipped past his throat, sensually
rubbing her body against him from the inside before she landed in his stomach
and was slowly digested.
Kushi let out a small burp as he felt something fill his stomach. He lovingly
padded his slightly swollen belly before going to bed.