That GuyBoy at the WindowChapter ThreeBEN DIDN'T KNOCK on Finn's door as he stepped into his house after making his way unseen through the dense growth of trees at the back of the field. The door was latched with a cooling breeze drifting through the open plan living area offering a welcome relief from the stifling heat outside. The ten year old boy saw him sitting at his computer in the office and his face brightened into a beaming smile when Finn looked his way, seeing him dressed in an old pair of blue jeans, white t-shirt and bare feet. Ben had taken off his heavy school blazer and held it on one arm with the ends of his shirt tails out andhanging down over his trousers. It was one of the hottest days of the summer so far and he could feel the dampness of his white shirt as it clung to his back, the sweat seeping into the thin material between his shoulders and under his arms. His hair was matted down over his forehead and his face was flushed with perspiration that formed on his upper lip and in the corner of his eyes. Ben squinted and knuckled the sweat away from his eyes, the salted water stinging for a few seconds before he could see clearly again."Hey kiddo," Finn said turning his way and smiling at seeing the boy who'd suddenly entered his life just a few days ago. He was the sexiest young ten year old Finn could have imagined and his heart rate doubled at just the sight of him, thrilled beyond words that he had let himself in. "Come in here. There's something I want to show you." Finn had spent the last couple hours on YouTube after finishing his latest chapter and had been watching some of the hottest young boys singing in both home made movies and professional videos. Boys like MattyB and Johnny Orlando did it for Finn, but this morning he'd found a mind blowingly sexy little boy named Carson Lueders. Fuck he was a hot little kid, albeit just a tad on the pale side for Finns' liking buthe'd watched almost every video he could find of him. But nothing on YouTube could compare to having a real boy live in the flesh, standing in his living room here for one reason only. But it wasn't the video clips he wanted to show Ben. Finn hadn't yet heard him sing and didn't want to intimidate him if he wasn't as good as these kids were. Instead, he'd looked up the email address of the principle at Ben's school and had sent her a message after Ben had left yesterday. He'd gotten an enthusiastic reply this morning with the principle agreeing to meet with him whenever was convenient. Finn was sure that Ben would be thrilled and couldn't wait to show him. He'd also downloaded a copy of Real Steel and wanted to show Ben his doppelganger in the form of Dakota Goyo and see his reaction. Ben casually dropped his blazer over the back of the couch feeling at home in Finn's house after only being inside once before. "Can I get a coke first?" he asked as he kicked off his shoes and pulled the front of his shirt outwards and fanned it over his chest trying to cool himself down a little. "Sure, grab me a water from the fridge as well buddy," Finn replied eyeing the boy's slim figure and the shirt clinging around his back. As much as he wanted him and to caress his naked body again, Finn also felt a strong need to get to know him without pressuring him into sex as if it was expected. He wanted it to be Ben's decision and Finn would let him instigate any sexual acts between them. A few moments later, after some banging of cupboard doors and the fridge opening and closing, Ben appeared at Finn's office door looking in expectantly with his hands cupped around a glass of coke and a bottle of water. Ben looked around at Finn's office as he trod quietly over to his desk, seeing the framed awards adorning the walls and reference books stacked on shelves. His mouth gaped at the huge duel screens on Finn's tidy and organised desk and sat on the spare office chair offered to him. "Kwel!" Ben said as he placed his cup on a coaster and handed Finn his water. His small frame seemed to disappear in the chair even though he sat on the edge leaning forward, his attention drawn to the screen with the paused movie, stopped with Max and the robot just before the dance scene. "What's that?" "That's what I wanted to show you," Finn said as he stared at the boy's sun-kissed face and bright eyes. The light smattering of freckles over his nose and full lips added to his allure and Finn thought back to Carson Lueders, comparing him to the young rising star and thought that they shared some similarities but that Ben outshone him easily. "Watch this and tell me what you think." Finn hit play and sat back to watch Ben. The character 'Max' was wearing the white singlet and jeans that Finn loved so much, drinking a coke and studying papers and a computer outside on a park bench with the huge robot standing behind him. Max starts the music playing and slowly begins to nod his head in time with the heavy beat as the robot mimicked his every move. As the kid turns around and sees the robot copying him he grins cheekily and starts to move from one foot to the other. Ben turned to Finn with the same cheeky smile. "He looks like me." "I know." Fin replied noting that it was the actor that looked like Ben and not the other way around. "Just watch. I think you'll like this." Max was swinging his arms as the music sped up and started jumping up and down on the spot in a hip-hop style dance, walking towards the robot and showing off his hot wee body. He moves in a languid motion in a one person Mexican wave before spinning on his feet in a complete circle. Finn watched Ben as he absently licked his lips, totally engrossed in the sexy scene before him as Max jumped up on the picnic table and did a robot dance before Hugh Jackman came out and spoilt the show. When it finished Ben looked at Finn in astonishment. "What movie is that?" he asked. "Who is he?" "His name is Dakota Goyo," Finn said, thrilled at Ben's obvious excitement. "The movies called 'Real Steel' and he was eleven years old when he was in that." "That's so kwel!" Ben said. "Do you like him too?" Finn laughed, "Of course. He looks just like you 3; Except I think you're way hotter than he is." "No I'm not, stop saying that," Ben said but his face beamed at the compliment with a playful smile. He looked back at the screen. "Can I watch it again?" "Sure," Finn said and leant forward to mouse the slider back a couple minutes. He hit play again as Ben rested his elbows on the desk with his face just a few inches from the screen watching in earnest. He sipped from his bottled water as the boy and robot danced again with Ben sitting so close to him that their knees touched under the desk. Finn could smell the fragrant flowery aroma of the ten year old boy mixed with a little sweat and his yearning for him swelled to almost boiling point. It was all he could do not to reach out and run a hand up his thigh and grasp his crotch, knowing that he could and that Ben wouldn't mind in the least. But they had plenty of time for that. He also wanted to show Ben the email from his principle and to hear him sing with Finn playing the piano along with him. When the dance scene ended for the second time, Finn quickly closed it down and brought up his email. "I got something else to show you," he said looking at Ben who sat back in the chair with his coke in hand looking a little less flushed and hot than when he'd first walked in. "What?" Ben asked coyly, the corners of his mouth turning upwards as he brought the glass to his lips. Finn was left with no doubt what was on the boy's mind. "Not that 3;," Finn said smiling at Ben. "Well, not yet anyway," he double clicked on the email from his principle. "I emailed Ms Schroder yesterday about doing the competition and she emailed back this morning," Finn said moving the email over to the screen closest to Ben so he could read it.
"That's so awesome!" Ben said once he'd finished reading. "So when are you gonna go?" "I'll see if I can go in tomorrow," Finn said to the boy who was practically bouncing up and down on the chair. "But don't get too excited, it might not happen. We'll have to see what she says." "She'll say yes," Ben said before tipping his head back and draining the last of the coke into his mouth and belching loudly. "She's really nice." "Ooooh 3; Do you have a crush on her?" Finn said teasingly as he tickled the boy's side. "Noooo!" Ben laughed and pulled away from Finn with his chair swinging around. He jumped up and skidded out the door, almost slipping over in his socks on the wooden floor before catching himself. He looked over his shoulder at Finn with a playful grin and headed back out into the living room. "Can I have another coke?" he yelled to Finn from the kitchen. "Sure okay buddy," Finn said as he got up from his chair and adjusted himself. Ben had been in his house for a full ten minutes already and it seemed to Finn that he was in no hurry for anything to happen. His cock wasn't hard, but it definitely wanted some attention. "But not too much or you'll be bouncing off the walls," he called after the excitable boy as he followed him out. Ben just grinned and poked his tongue out at him as he came into the living room. Finn noticed that his hair was still damp with sweat and clung to his forehead with the humidity hanging in the air making him look like the hot ten year old boy he was. His shirt stuck to his body like cling-film which stirred Finn's desire for him as he looked on with expectant anticipation like a kid waiting for Christmas. Ben poured himself another half glass of Coke and gulped it down, looking back at Finn with a knowing smile. Finn couldn't help but look him up and down with longing, remembering the feel of his hands on the boy's smooth skin and his sexy naked body grinding his hairless cock into his stomach the day before. "So do you wanna suck my doodle now?" Ben asked clanging the glass down on the stone bench top having thought of nothing else all morning. "You said you would." Finn smiled at the ten year old. "I know I did, and I will," he said and his cock grew instantly hard. "But first, you promised you'd let me hear you sing." Ben pulled a face. "Can I do it after?" "Just one song," Finn said looking him in the eye. He was so fucking cute he couldn't believe it. "I really want to hear you sing." "Ooookayyyyyyyy 3;" Ben said in exaggerated annoyance and slumped his shoulder down in dejection. "Thanks buddy," Finn said. "Come over here and see if you know any of the songs I've got. I can play the piano and you sing." "Yeah, kwel," Ben said his face brightening again. Ben skipped over to Finn and slid onto the bench next to him, shuffling his butt along until their arms were touching as Finn flipped through his music sheets. "What kind of songs do you sing?" he asked the lad next to him. Finn was vividly aware of how soft his touch seemed as his arm brushed back and forth over his, his small frame leaning against his body as Ben peered over to see the music sheets. "Mostly bible stuff," Ben saidand Finn felt his hand on his thigh, pressing down as he tried to push his body up a little to see over his arms. "But we do some other stuff too. Last week we did 'Love and Mercy' like Libera. Have you seen them?" "Libera?" Finn asked questioningly. "I don't think so, no. Who are they?" "They're a choir from England and they're really good," Ben said excitedly. "You should watch them." "I will," Finn said smiling. "But I don't know how to play that on the piano." Ben said "That's okay," he reached across Finn and picked up the music sheets and fingered through them. "How about if I sing Ave Maria? I'm good at that one. Can you play it?" "Yeah buddy, I can," Finn said watching Ben's face as he beamed.He knew the piece well and could play it almost without looking at his music sheet. "But why don't you stand up and face me."Although he thrilled at having Ben sat so near, he didn't think he could cope with his hot and sexy wee body actually touching him as he played a song he hadn't practiced in months. The scent of Ben's body wafted up into Finn's face as the boy hopped up with a mix of jasmine and sweat invading his nostrils. The sweet smell ignited Finn's desires anew and he could feel his cock beginning to leak pre-cum into his briefs. Fuck he wanted to taste the boy so badly and burry his face between his thighs and suck his hard and hairless little cock, but music was a passion for Finn and to hear Ben singing for him was something he'd looked forward to all day. Especially if he was half as good as he said he was. But the thing that really boiled his blood was the fact Ben knew what was coming next and eagerly wanted Finn to go down on him and suck him for the very first time. Finn's face betrayed none of his inner thoughts as he arranged the music sheets andplaced them on the stand with Ave Maria at the front. He spread his fingers across the keys and read through the first few barsfamiliarising himself with the notes, but he couldn't help glancing at the boy he knew he was going to suck. "Ready?" he asked looking back at the cute ten year old boy now standing facing him. "Yep," Ben said with a single nod of his head. He took in a deep breath puffing out his young chest, cleared his throat and swallowed as he prepared to sing in what was obviously a ritual to ready himself. Fuck 3; Finn thought as his eyes lingered on Ben's sexy chest seeing the hard nubs of his small nipples poking out through his damp shirt. With difficulty, Finn tore is gaze off the lad and concentrated on playing. The first haunting notes of Ave Maria reverberated from the baby grand and bounced around the large living room with a slight echo, and Finn looked up at Ben expectantly. His face was a mask of concentration and he held his chin low, licking his bottom lip and taking shallow breaths through his nose. Ben exhaled just as the low base noteof the opening was dying out into near silence and waited, bringing his head up and looking straight at Finn before sucking in a deep lungful of air. "AaaaaveeeeeeeeeeMaaaaaareeeeeeeiaaaaaaaaaa 3;" Ben's high voice sang out into the room and filled it with such a sweet and pure sound that Finn was momentarily taken aback, stunned at what he was hearing coming from the ten year old boy's mouth. As he watched, Ben's brows furrowed and his eyes closed as he repeated the opening line, drawing out the words into a smoothing melody and Finn felt a shiver coarse through his body making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Unconsciously,his hands stopped moving on the piano as he stared at Ben in utter disbelief at his perfectly pitched high voice and clear tones that only a prepubescent boy could achieve. But this wasn't just any old kid belting out the latest pop song at home to his parents; Ben's voice was trained and good. And not just good, it was fucking amazing! "Why'd you stop?" Ben asked after a moment's pause when Finn stopped playing. Finn struggled to find the words. "Holly shit Ben," he breathed and shook his head searching for something to say. "That was 3;" Finn said incredulously, stunned into silence. "Just 3; Wow." "Told you," Ben said smugly, smiling with his lips closed and his blue eyes sparking as if it was no big deal. "You want me to sing the whole thing?" "Absolutely," Finn said with all thoughts of getting off with the kid momentarily forgotten, but he kept staring at him for a few seconds, a fondness for the boy he hardly knew creeping into his soul. He could feel himself starting to fall in love and already couldn't imagine not being able to see or to be close to him. As their eyes lingered on each other there was a sense of belonging, an unspoken connection between them that they both felt very strongly. Again, Finn began playing and Ben followed his ritual of holding his head down and swallowing before lifting his head up and taking another deep breath. His crystal clear and sweet voice filled the room as he repeated the opening lines only this time Finn kept his fingers moving across the keys watching Ben's face. The intensity of his expressions matched the haunting sound of his voice, the high pitched notes accompanied with closed eyes and a lifting of his head, his neck stretching up trying to achieve the seemingly impossible. But he made it look so easy and at times Finn could hardly see his lips moving as he drew out single words in ever changing pitch, his face full of emotion that defied his age. The effect it had on Finn took him off guard; he felt like crying out of the pure beauty of the song and Ben's sweet high pitched voice that hit every note perfectly without wavering even once. It was obvious that Ben had a connection with this song and he sang it with all the ability he had, putting his heart and soul into it before his voice quietly died out and the last bar faded into silence. "My God, that was beautiful Ben," Finn said in shock. "Can I kiss you?" He didn't ask out of a sexual need, but simply because that's what he wanted to do right then. Ben pretended to think about it for a second twisting his mouth in thought. "Okay," he said and stepped forward to straddle the bench sitting next to Finn. "You really think I'm good?" "I do, yes," Finn said as he turned and lifted his hand to Ben's face stroking his cheek with his thumb. "That was amazing." What Finn didn't say was that he thought Ben would give any of the kids he'd been watching on YouTube a run for their money including the hugely talented and cute as fuck Carson Lueders. The ten year old smiled again as Finn slowly lent into him. Ben cocked his head to one side and licked his lips again just before Finn pressed into him with his mouth slightly open and tenderly kissed the boy. Savouring in the softness of his delicate mouth, Finn slowly ran the tip of his tongue across Ben's lips as he held his head to his and tasted the purity of his youth. He breathed in the intoxicating scent of his body held so close and felt the yearning for him increase as the boy responded, opening his mouth and allowing Finn to enter him as their breath cascaded along their cheeks. Ben's wet and velvety soft tongue tentatively met his and danced within the void of his mouth for too short a time before Finn pulled back. The boy's eyes stayed closed in joyful pleasure for a few moments before opening and his mouth spread into a huge grin that seemed to make his angelic face glow. "You're amazing 3;" Finn said just an inch away from his mouth. "And you're a really good kisser too." "Me too," Ben said. "I mean 3; you are too," he hurriedly corrected himself and they both laughed. For a second, Ben had thought Finn would tell him he loved him. It was what Ben wanted to say to the man, but he didn't. "Come on," Finn said pulling back from Ben. "Show me what else you got." "Another song?" Ben said. He'd been hoping that Finn would undress him after he'd finished and he knew that he wanted to, so he reached for his top button on his shirt and pulled it open before Finn could stop him. "Another song," Finn said chuckling at the kid's eagerness trying to hide his growing desire to pick him up and carry the ten year old boy to his bedroom. He'd held off for as long as he could and even though he wanted to hear more of Ben's sweet voice, the craving to fulfil his promise to the kid to suck his cock was far more powerful. "Ohh 3; okay," Ben said dejectedly. "But you are gonna suck my doodle aren't you?" "Course I am Ben. I'm only teasing you," Finn leant back in and pecked him on the lips and held there. "Want me to carry you into my room?" he said into the boy's mouth. In a near whisper, with his lips touching Finn's and his small dick hard in his school trousers Ben replied, "Can we do it on the couch?" "Sure buddy. Whatever you want," Finn said bringing his hands around Ben's back and stroking his sides. In the space of only a few seconds, the burning in his loins ignited like an inferno and his cock sprang to attention as Ben sighed with pleasure with Finn's tongue lapping at his lips and running across the four adult teeth at the front. He felt like a horny teenager again like the first time he'd slept with a guy other than Jay, except this time it was much more erotic and powerful. He tried to keep his lips on Ben's as he turned on the bench, bringing his leg up and over wanting to be able to pick the boy up in his arms and have him wrap his legs around him as they kissed. He failed miserably and Ben impatiently moved his legs out of the way while still keeping his mouth within an inch of Finn's. With their breaths panting over each other and their lips touching and separating a few times, Finn was able to pull the boy into his body and stand with Ben holding on tight around his neck and his legs circling his waist. Finn could feel his cock straining in his jeans and pressing up into Ben's curved ass as he walked them over to the couch with a longing to taste the boy's smooth and hairless young cock.As he navigated his way around the couch and dodged the low coffee table, Finn held the boy's tight young body close to his with his legs wrapped around his waist. He slid his hands up Ben's back and lovingly explored his mouth, tasting the saltiness of the sweat on his lips as their tongues flicked back and forth over one another. Ben was learning fast and turned his head to the other side as Finn held him by the back of the head with one hand and lowered the other to his ass. With his fingertips brushing along the cleft of the boy's valley, Finn gripped his cheek and squeezed it as his leaking cock rubbed delightfully back and forth under his clothed ass. His legs felt the leather of the couch and he broke their kiss, swallowing the ten year old boy's saliva and opening his eyes to look down over Ben's back making sure he wasn't about to drop him onto the floor. Without warning, Finn let go of the lad and fell down with him, dropping onto his knees with Ben's legs spread wide around his body. Ben let out a startled cry and then laughed after landing on the couch with Finn kneeling in front of him. "You scared me!" "Sorry. I just can't wait to suck your dick." "S'Okay," Ben said with an excited smile and flashing eyes. As Finn ran his hands up his legs and over his thighs he asked, "Are you gonna suck it now?" "Uh huh," Finn breathed in a whisper, his eyes locked on the small bulge between his legs with a hunger that was soon to be satisfied. After a lifetime of fantasising about it, it was finally going to happen. He was going to have a preteen boy's hot little fuck stick in his mouth and he was going to suck him to a very dry orgasm. He looked up at Ben's glowing face and beaming smile and said, "Undo your shirt. Let me see you." As Ben's hands hurried to his buttons eager to feel what it was like to have someone suck his dick like he did to Cory, Finn stroked his hands up the inside of his thighs and over the boy's hard boner to the button of his trousers. As he snapped it open, Ben's hands descended until they were at his crotch with his shirt open as Finn slowly slid his fly down over his hard three and a half inch [9 cm] little boy cock. Finn could see that Ben had a tight pair of briefs on with bold colors showing between the open fold of his fly. They were blue, green and red in some cartoon but he paid it little attention as his eyes wondered up his lithe and supple body showing between the white shirt of his school uniform. Finn looked up at the boy he was about to suck and licked his lips, a knowing look on his face as he pushed up with his hands under Ben's ass silently telling him to lift his hips. The kid pushed down with his feet and lifted up with his hard little pole tenting his briefs to just an inch from Finn's mouth. As the man scrunched his trousers in his fist and pulled them down over his hips Ben felt the exposed skin of his thighs prickle. He could see the outline of his young dick stretching the material of his underwear below his smooth navel as Finn closed his legs and pulled his trousers off. He was practically naked laying back with his head half way up the back of the couch and his shirt wide open and saw Finn gazing at his crotch with a grin. He looked up at him and said, "God you're so hot. I like the underwear." Ben looked down puzzled. These were just his normal undies like any other. "Why?" "It's 'Ben-10'," Finn said. "I know," Ben said still confused as to why Finn was making such a big deal of it. "You're Ben 3; And you're ten." "Oh yeah! I didn't think of that." Finn looked again at the small cock poking a tent and saw with some amusement that right where the end of Ben's hard cock ended, the cartoon of 'Ben-10' was printed with an open mouth. Some boy's underwear designer had a wicked sense of humour, Finn thought as his mouth salivated. Looking down the sexy body of the ten year old, he spread his legs apart and moved in between them once again and ran his hands up his smooth thighs and cupped his balls and short stick in one hand. "Has anyone ever sucked your dick before Ben?" Finn asked giving his immature package a little squeeze. "No," Ben said feeling the warmth of Finn's hand envelope him. "You sure you want me to?" "Yesssss!" "Why don't you say it," Finn said. "Tell me you want me to suck your dick." "I. Want. You.To. Suck. My. Dick," Ben intoned playfully but with real intensity behind his words. Finn smiled up at him and ran a hand along the outside of his thigh as he groped the boy's small package. He finally allowed himself to lean down with his eyes locked on Ben's until his lips touched the tight fabric of his briefs and the end of the boy's hard nail poking out at him. He lowered his eyes to Ben's smooth navel and slowly kissed down the short shaft to his miniature balls, taking in a deep breath of his young boy sex that fuelled his desires. With one hand caressing the inside of Ben'sopen and silky smooth thigh, Finn ran his thumb over the small bulge of his sac before cupping it fully in his palm with his fingers on one side and his thumb on the other. Finn nuzzled his face into the lump of the boy's soft bulge and felt his rock hard little boner on his lips, the faint scent of it filling his nostrils that drove him to turn his head and open his mouth around the thin shaft. He slid his free hand down and slipped it underneath the tight fitting material of the boy's thigh and reaching up, stroked his fingers along the bare flash of his hairless cock. Ben gave a jump as he made contact and quietly giggled through a sigh with the biggest grin on his angelic face. "Should we get these off sport?" Finn asked lifting his head off Ben's cock while he continued to fondle the boy.Never in his life did Finn think he'd be so close to sucking the cock of a completely smooth and hairless ten year old boy and his mouth salivated; he could taste the small prepubescent cock hidden from view and imagined he could already feel him in his mouth. Ben lifted himself up on his elbows and raised his hips without saying a word. He just stared down his youthful body at Finn as he pulled the front of his 'Ben-10' briefs outwards and down over his stiff dick, sliding his thumb along the underside of his small shaft. The boy shuddered at Finn's touch and lifted his feet onto the cushions with his legs closed allowing the man to bend and lift them up onto his chest and pull his underwear down over his feet. He then teased his ankle socks off and lowered his legs again, placing his feet on the couch and held his knees in both hands. Finnspread Ben's legs apart and slid his hands under the pit of his knees holding them up as he feasted on the glorious sight before him; the silky thighs joining at Ben's groin, the small rounded globe of his balls and the smooth perineum that Finn found so irresistible curving downward into the valley of his cheeks and virgin hole. As Finn spread Ben's legs further apart and back into his sexy body, he lent in over his couch towards the boy's erection with his eyes glued to it in longing. The hard organ was at most three and a half inches [9 cm] in length and about the width of his thumb, a perfectly shaped head with the skin pulled back to nestle just underneath the flared ridge. His small helmet was the color of lavender with a tiny piss slit at the tip, theshort shaft taut and pale with veiny blue tracks running up underneath the almost translucent skin. Ben's sac was small and wrinkled and formed into a single globe of thicker, darker skin and was completely hairless and smooth with a thin line beading down the centre to the root of his cock. With his mouth brushing the skin of Ben's inner thigh as he held his legs apart, Finn looked up the boy's sexy body to his watching eyes and glided a hand under his small cock. Holing it between his thumb and finger he lifted it outwards from his belly, perplexed at the softness of it while at the same time unyieldingly in its hardness. The boy's smooth prick felt hot to his touch and as he pulled it closer to his mouth, the resistance was like a spring being bent over, threatening to snap back onto his navel if he let it go. The soft skin around the base of his cock flattened a little with a small indentation forming around the thin shaft and Finn watched the expression on Ben's face turn to joy with the expectation of feeling his mouth envelope him. Instead, Finn lowered his head to Ben's tight little sac and breathed in the smell of him before wrapping his lips around the wrinkled skin and pulling his small sac into his mouth and tasting them with his wet tongue. His nose was mashed between where the boy's thigh met his crotch as he feasted on his hairless nuts, tonguing and sucking them in his mouth and tasting Ben's ten year old crotch for the first time. Finn breathed heavily over the skin of Ben's navel and soft mound and he heard the boy moaning quietly above him, but his eyes were focused on the hot little stick of boy flesh rubbing against his cheek. With wanton desire, Finn let the small globe of his wet sac drop from his mouth and moved to slide his lips up from the base of the boy's hard cock, licking with his tongue until he reached the small pulsating gland and flicked his tongue across the tip and tiny piss slit. Ben's immature cock twitched at the touch and he sighed with a quivering breath trying to grasp the leather cushions in his fist. Finn lowered Ben's legs to the couch around his head as he glided his lips down the underside of his preteen cock. He was on fire with lust at finally having his face buried in the crotch of a ten year old boyand to hold his small organ in his fingers; his own rampant cock was rock solid and dripping with a steady flow of pre-cum but Finn fought the urge to reach down and free himself, wanting to feel Ben's hot young body as he took him into his mouth for the first time. Ben looked down as Finn licked up his short shaft, glancing up at him for a brief second before skimming the tip of his doodle with his tongue and wrapping his lips around his miniature head and sliding down his dick. It was the most amazing feeling that Ben had ever experienced; the warm moistness of Finn's mouth encircling his dick and the pressure that pushed in from all sides as he felt himself slide fully into the man with his cheeks suctioned around it was electrifying. He moaned in blissful pleasure in his high pitched voice as he succumbed to the sensation of being blown for the first time in his short life. His cock was alive and throbbing in Finn's mouth as the man roamed his hands over his body, sucking up and down his fledgling stick with his lips mashing into his soft little boy mound each time to take him in. Ben closed his eyes and slid his ass forward on the couch, pushing his hairless groin into Finn's face wedged between his thighs. He was laying almost vertically on the couch with his rock hard boner slick with saliva as he slowly started to lift his hips up into his the man's face with slow shallow thrusts. The exhilarating sensations that coursed through his body were like non other he'd experienced before; better than when Finn had jacked him or even when he'd let him rub his doodle against the man's stomach. His small cock felt so hot in Finn's mouth with his tongue curling around his thin pole and sliding up and down, a slick moistness that threatened to overwhelm him as he shuddered in perpetual delight. And then Finn opened his mouth just as he raised his hips and sucked in both of his small nuts, drawing in the whole of his smooth preteen package with his tongue massaging his sac until he could stand no more. He whimpered through his clenched teeth as his cock was assaulted, thrusting his crotch up into Finn's mouth as he fucked his cock in and out. He felt the man roam over the protruding bone of his pelvis with one hand and the other laying flat on his mound, his hard nail poking up between his thumb and index finger causing the skin to stretch almost painfully each time he pushed up. Ben wanted to cry out and tell Finn that he loved him, that all he could think about for the last few days was Finn sucking him, but he couldn't. He was beyond speech, the only thing he could do was moan and pant and writhe on the couch as his small cock was devoured again and again, the rising of his dry orgasm nearing and clouding his thoughts until he was lost in sexual ecstasy. But just as he felt himself nearing the precipice of blissful orgasm Finn pulled off him and left his aching cock twitching and throbbing, mere seconds away from reaching his ultimate climax. Ben felt a sudden stab of resentment towards the man and shot a hand down to his crotch to finish himself off, but Finn caught his wrist and held it tightly at his side. "Not yet Ben," he said. "I want you to wait." "Please 3;" Ben begged. "I was so close." "I know," Finn said with a devilish smile. "But you have to fulfil your promise first." "What promise?" Ben asked, the fiery hot sensations in his small hairless cock still just one touch away. "You're gonna suck my cock now," Finn said to the nearly naked ten year old boy spread before him. "But can't you make me orgasm first?" Ben whined not sure he really wanted Finn's dick in his mouth, and even less sure that he wanted him to come in there either. Pausing for a moment and drinking in the sight of Ben's sexy body with his heaving flat chest, the toned stomach of his torso and legs parted either side of him Finn considered whether he could let the boy languish in sexual torment or not. As much as he wanted to feel Ben's juicy red lips and the moist warmth of his hot little mouth on his cock, the small slick prong just an inch from his own mouth and the intoxicating scent of sex emanating from his boyishly smooth crotch was enough to make his mind up for him. "Okay buddy," Finn said. "But only because you taste so good." Ben smiled with glee and brought both hands up under his head, taking in a deep breath and wriggled his crotch at Finn's face. "I know," he said down to the man between his legs. "I taste really good." The hard little nail bounced from side to side with the short pole pointing up at Ben's stomach and his small head held up an inch from the boy's soft mound in front of Finn's face teasingly. Finn stroked his hands to Ben's flanks and held him still, lowering his mouth over the taut globes of his balls and rolled his tongue across the thick wrinkled skin with his nose pressed into the base of his young cock. Hearing the boy sigh in pleasure once again, he traced his tongue up the wet shaft and engulfed his tiny head between his lips and sucked his sweet dick back into his mouth and pressed his forehead into the boy's navel. It had taken Finn a minute to adjust his technique when he'd first felt Ben's hot little member in his mouth; the tight squeeze between his thighs and the smallness of his thin cock that never slid past his tongue was as alien to him as licking pussy. He had to purse his lips tighter around the slim shaft and bob his head back and forth in shorter strokes, but he was in absolute heaven. Rather than the thick meaty cock of his other lovers, heavily ribbed and veined with a bush of pubic hair that scratched his lips and face, Ben's tender boyhood felt like the finest silk as it slid easily in and out of his mouth. The softness of his smooth and hairless mound brushing his lips as he pressed his face into it was like snuggling into cotton wool, the tenderness of his flawless skin supple at his touch. And the taste; free of the bitter saltiness he was used to, it rolled over his tongue and tasted of pure boy and the innocence of youth. Finn glided his tongue over the helmet of Ben's hard gland and the taut skin stretched around the slender ridge of his head and hummed, vibrating the excited cock in his mouth eliciting a gratifying moan from the boy. As he sucked the ten year old boy's hot little dick back and forth with his hips raising and falling, Finn gazed up his young body with his arms up under his head and pulled off his soaking dick briefly. "Hold my head and tell me when you're close," Finn said with a husky voice before plunging back down on his hard nail. Ben did as instructed and Finn felt the boy's hands on his head, clenching his hair in his fists as he pumped his crotch up and down into his mouth fucking his preteen cock into Finn's face. Ben was delirious with an urgent need for release and held his head back, forcefully gyrating his crotch as he thrust back and forth in short strokes, panting and whimpering as his orgasm approached. His small cock hit the roof of Finn's mouth as the boy mashed his soft mound into his face and held it there, holding his breath and tensed with his butt cheeks lifted off the cushions. For Finn, the two or three seconds before the explosion of orgasm hit the boy wasbreath taking; the excruciating delay of orgasm as his small cock expanded in his mouth and the quivering of Ben's body before he jolted, moaning in a long shuddering breath as he came in dry pulsating waves of pleasure in his mouth. Finn had never felt such intense feelings of joy and love that he did now; giving Ben pleasure and making him squirm in delight was all that he lived for in that moment and he relished in the slow waning of his climax, his prick twitching in his mouth with decreasing frequency as his chest rose and fell in heavy breaths. The boy opened his eyes and tilted his head looking down at Finn and licked his dry lips, smiling wanly in exhaustion as a bead of sweat ran down his temple and his chest glistened with dampness. The boy sucked in a sudden breath as Finn flicked his tongue over his head and sank back down on his short pole, luxuriating in the tingling sensation at the tip of his dick that spread down into his groin. "That was the best one ever," Ben said quietly as his breathing slowed and he lay back enjoying the gentle caress. With a long pull upwards, Finn swallowed his saliva once his little cock was free of his mouth and imagined he could taste Ben's sweet flavour lingering on his tongue. "Good," he said to the ten year old boy. "I'm glad I could be the first person to do that to you. Did you like it?" "Yeah," Ben replied unmoving letting the light breeze coming in through the open doors cool his sweaty and glistening young body. He looked down at Finn as the man crouched back onto his ankles and stood, his jeans tented out in front of him and Ben's gaze was drawn to it knowing Finn wanted him to suck it like he had Cory's, but now that the time had come, he was hesitant. Nervously, Ben pushed up from his slouched position and sat at the edge of the couch, his face level with Finn's crotch as he reached up and grasped his huge dick through his jeans and looked up at him. "Can you not shoot in my mouth?" he asked a little apprehensively. "Sure sweetie," Finn said as his heart raced, already picturing Ben and his juicy red lips wrapped around the end of his cock slurping up and down the length of his shaft. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to," he continued assuring the young ten year old but wanting nothing more than to fuck the boy's hot mouth. Ben raised his eyebrows and pulled a face at Finn. "Sweetie?" he said in his high pitched voice even as he tightened his grip on Finn's steel like tool in his small hands. "'Cos you taste so sweet," Finn said enjoying the feeling of the boy's hands absently stroking his cock through his jeans. Ben rolled his eyes but smiled at the same time looking up at Finn. "Whatever!" "You gonna just sit there playing with it or are you gonna suck it?" Finn asked playfully. Ben looked back down at Finn's crotch, his eyes seemingly crossed as he focused on the bulge just a few inches from his face. "I'm gonna suck it!" he said smiling to hide his apprehension. He raised his hands to Finn's button and fumbled with inexperience at the catch. "Can you help me to undo this?" he asked sweetly as if he was asking for a bowl of cheerios. Looking down at the nearly naked boy, the skin of his smooth and slender body revealed between the open shirt hanging loosely at his sides and his still erect penis poking up between his legs, Finn felt a surge of emotion rush through him. Just a few short days ago he had only fantasized about having a boy, any boy, to bury his face between his legs and suck him, finger his tight little ass-hole and eat him out and to fuck him and have him moan in pleasure and ask for more. But he didn't think that way with Ben; he only wanted to please and pleasure him, to show him the love he felt for him and to only do what Ben felt comfortable doing. He was giving him the chance to back out any time he wanted, but once he began, then there would be no going back. He desperately wanted this boy, more so than any other and not just because he was here in his house, but because he was so sexy in a way that only a ten year old boy can be, and that he didn't even seem to know the effect he had on him. Without saying a word, Finn reached down and placed his hands over Ben's baby fists at his button and twisted, releasing its hold and letting the boy tug down on his zipper. He watched as the boy's forehead creased in a furrow, his eyes focused closely and biting his lower lip as he pulled his fly down over the long hard shaft of his cock with his small fingers curled around it gently groping him. Helping Ben pull his jeans down, they fell to the ground around his ankles and Finn felt a fleeting fear run through him, realising that they were exposed for anyone to see through the windows and open doors. But, he rationalised, only if someone were in his backyard since the densely packed leaves of the evergreen trees surrounding his property shielded them from view. In the expensive suburb that he lived where each house had expansive gardens and outdoor swimming pools, Finn's was probably the smallest but it was nestled back further than any other where any nose they made would soon be lost in the background hum and ignored. Pushing the thought of being discovered in a compromising position with a ten year old boy to the back of his mind, Finn smiled down at Ben with his eyes glued to the large bulge and long shaft of his cock straining his briefs. "You wanna help take these off?" he said as he pulled the band of his briefs forward. He felt a thrill run up his spine as Ben licked his lips, not once but twice and swallowed before reaching out and pulling the offered material down over his throbbing prick. Finn had had many men handle his junk and even though it wasn't the first time he'd felt Ben holding him, as soon as the boy reached up and grasped his swollen shaft, he shuddered in ecstasy. Somehow, the sensation of a boy's soft hands on his cock was so much better than any mans and he let out a low hum and smiled down at Ben, moving his hand around to the back of his head and stroked the golden tanned skin of his cheek with his thumb. "That feels really good Ben," Finn said. Ben smiled, his heart pounding in his immature chest as he looked at the huge phallus in his fist, his fingers and thumb barely touching around the hard shaft of Finn's cock. He slowly brought his thumb up over the head smearing the clear slime down into his hand, his hot breath flowing over Finn's erection causing the man to shudder in delight. There was a gentle pull at the back of his head that brought his face closer to Finn's engorged prick and he puckered his lips, kissing the oozing tip of Finn's cock with his lips pressing into the sheath of taut skin of his exposed glans. Working up his courage to take Finn's cock into his mouth, Ben gently stroked his fingers along the lower half of Finn's shaft and delicately nibbled his small soft lips along his erection, unaware of how sensual the act was or that it was an incredibly 'experienced' thing for a ten year old to be doing. He went down as far as Finn's short pubic hair, his head turning to nuzzle into his crotch and back up again to the tip gliding his moist tongue along the hard shaft that sent shivers along Finn's spine. As Ben's slippery tongue came closer and closer to his sensitive glans, Finn flexed his cock in the boy's hand and hoped he'd get the hint. At long last, after a lifetime of fantasy and knowing without a doubt that it would never ever happen, he felt Ben swipe his tongue across the tip of his cock and he paused momentarily, tasting the saltiness of hispre-seminal lubricant. He hesitated and licked his lips looking up at Finn with rounded eyes, looking so pure an innocent despite the huge throbbing cock in his small fist and the wetness of Finn's cock-juice on his lips. "It tastes kinda salty like your cum did," he said softly. "Yeah it does baby," Finn said, calling Ben 'baby' without thinking about it. "You don't have to if you don't want to." "I know. I want to okay?" he said. "Okay. It's up to you." Before opening his mouth, Ben licked again at the tip and swirled his tongue around a few times and worked it into his slit. His soft lips parted slightly and the tip of Finn's head slid into the mouth of a ten year old boy for the first time. "Oh yeah," Finn moaned. The incredible warmth of Ben's hot mouth was like a silken glove as he slowly eased his cock over the boy's soft velvety tongue with just a little pressure at the back of his head. Ben's teeth briefly scraped along the ridge of Finn's glans before his lips formed a tight 'O' around his shaft and the boy sucked in, his cheeks hollowing in on the side of his face as about half of Finn's length slid inside him. Just as quickly it was withdrawn and Ben held it an inch from his mouth giggling. "Your dick's really hot!" "God kid," Finn sighed in exasperation and paused for a second. "I know. So was yours. It means it really liked what you were doing." He opened his mouth again, wider this time and sank his lips down along the hard shaft to meet his fisted hand. It wasn't far, but it was far enough that Finn could feel the hot wetness, the softness of his cheeks and the firmness of his velvety tongue as he slid down onto him, progressing cautiously but keeping his hand wrapped around his shaft the whole time as if to prevent him from going too far. Again Ben lifted off him. If Finn didn't know better he'd have though Ben was purposefully tormenting him. "You're doing great Ben," Finn said. "It's not that hard," Ben said shyly. "I just go up and down while I suck on it yeah?" "That's the idea buddy," Finn said. "Just like I did to you." "You're not going to shoot in my mouth right?" he asked for the second time. "Not if you don't want me to," Finn answered. "I promise to warn you before I do that." "What should I do then?" "Well, if you don't want me to cum in your mouth just take it out but keep your hand around it and jack me till I shoot," Finn said and contemplated his next question, unsure whether Ben would agree or if he'd find it disgusting. Instead he formed his words into a statement rather than a question. "I might come on your face so close your eyes when I tell you to okay?" Ben hesitated for a second before answering. "Okay." Finn smiled. "Now, back to work buddy. And watch those teeth!" "Sorry," Ben said with cheeky grin before his head moved back. There was no hair since Finn had shaved them smooth again that morning and suddenly Ben's lips and tongue were on them, his face nuzzled into his groin with Finn's cock snaked along the boy's cheek. Finn felt one of his balls being sucked into Ben's hot mouth with a slurp before quickly being pushed back out, his tongue darting over the wrinkled skin of his low hanging sac as the boy borrowed into him, searching for the other. After a few seconds, his head lifted up again and suddenly his lips settled over Finn's raging hard-on and took it all the way into his wide open mouth. Ben didn't gag, but he didn't hold it that far down for long enough. He backed off instantly but not before he had proven to himself that he could do it. Finn thought Ben would pull off again but he didn't. After a moment's hesitation, his head lowered and this time there was no stopping, as soon as he pulled back up with his lips tightly encircling his cock he quickly descended again, sucking with a surprisingly advanced skill that was a mystery to Finn. He began slowly at first; going up and down only one or two inches [3-4 cm] until he realised he could go further. Ben never again ventured beyond the halfway point, but three or four inches [9-10 cm] was more than enough for Finn. He knew it wouldn't take long and he soon found himself thrusting slowly back and forth into the boy's hot mouth, never pushing too far or forcing his way in or even taking control. This was going to be all Ben's doing at his pace and at his own time. With ever increasing speed, Ben's silky smooth lips glided up and down his long hard cock with one hand held firmly around the base of his shaft and the other deftly playing with his balls as Finn progressed closer and closer to orgasm. When it came, the suddenness of it took Finn by surprise. He felt the rise of climax as his cock expanded in Ben's willing mouth, the retraction of his balls in the boy's small hands and the rush of adrenaline as it coursed through his body, his heart pounding in his chest. "Jesus!" Finn almost shouted. "I'm coming 3;" With an effort to keep his promise to Ben, Finn pulled his cock from the welcoming embrace of the boy's hot mouth, wincing with the brief but sharp pain of his teeth scraping over the ridge of his bulging head. His engorged penis throbbed and jerked in the air as he gripped Ben's tightly held hand around the base of his cock, stretching the skin back into his body almost painfully smoothing out the purple flesh of his glans. He held it an inch from Ben's button nose and his angelic face before it pulsed, spraying the first of a half dozen steamy loads over the boy's face. The first shot surged up his shaft and erupted over Ben's cheek and his scrunched up eyes as the overwhelming sensations of orgasm rocked Finn's body. The sight of a gorgeous nearly naked ten year old boy sitting on the edge of his couch, his hand clenched around his shaft as he came over his face was beyond all Finn's wildest dreams. His prick pulsed again and again shooting the second and third volley over his rosy cheeks with the fourth, fifth and sixth splattering over his closed mouth and chin and down onto his exposed chest as he held onto the back of the boy's head. Slowly, his breath came back to him as he glided Ben's small grasping hands up and down his slickened cock, squeezing his shaft tightly as the last of his cum dribbled out of the gaping slit of his head and fell into the boy's lap. Looking down, his cock glistened with the saliva of Ben's mouth and his spent semen as the euphoria of climax abated, his urgent need diminishing but the desire and lust remained. Never in his life had he felt such longing at the moment of climax as he had just then; the warm velvety smoothness of a young boy's willing mouth encompassing his cock was better than anything he'd experienced before, better than he'd ever imagined it would be. No man had ever excited his sexual yearning so completely that he knew without a doubt that he would forever, from this moment on, be so addicted to boys that sex with anyone else would be meaningless. Before Finn could fully recover, Ben blindly leant in with his eyes closed against the semen pooling on his long lashes and with no direction from Finn, stuck his tongue out to lick it over the tip of his head and then took it back into his mouth. It was an act of such sensual pleasure that, for a second, Finn thought he was the butt of a young boy's deception, that Ben knew exactly how to please a man and had been doing so for quite some time. But, it was only fleeting as the warmth enveloped him again and he felt his cock gliding over the velvety smoothness in the boy's mouth only moments after his orgasm. He knew that Ben was tasting his semen, could feel his tongue lapping at his glans and rolling it over the ridge of his head, his lips tenderly sliding back and forth over the taut skin like he was sucking on a lollipop. "Oh, fuck yeah," Finn groaned in delight. He eased his roughened fingers around to the front of Ben's face and gently stroked his soft cheek as the last of his orgasm faded into blissful memory, tenderly wiping the spent semen from the boy's eyes with his thumb. Hesitantly, with his face scrunched up,Ben pulled back from Finn's dying erection and slowly opened his eyes to mere slits, the hot creamy wetness dribbling down the fold of skin between his cheek and nose and sliding over his full red lips. His tongue caught the rolling bead of semen before it fell to his chest and smeared it over his lips. He swallowed and opened his eyes further looking up at Finn with an expression he recognised; a look that shouldn't be on the face of a ten year old boy. "Did I do it okay?" Ben asked quietly, almost in a whisper. Okay? Finn thought. How could such an act performed by a preteen boy, something so wonderful and thrilling and sensual be reduced to just one simple word? Okay? Did I do it okay? It didn't come close to what Finn had felt, not even remotely. Okay? No! It wasincredible, but he knew that Ben was seeking assurance, that what he'd done was okay. But it was more than that; he looked like he expected to be rejected, to be told he'd done it wrong or that Finn hadn't enjoyed it despite the still warm evidence smearing his precious face. "Okay?" Finn said. "It was better than okay buddy. I think that was the best blow job I've ever had." "I didn't do it very good," Ben said but the uncertainty had been replaced with a beaming smile, his tongue running along his bottom lip. "Yours is a lot bigger than Cory's and it feels different." He glanced down Ben's sexy young body, at the thin line of bare chest between his open shirt and down to his now impotent penis hanging loosely over the tightly packed scrotum between his thighs. "I bet it does," he said noticing the dark stains on his white shirt. "But you did good. Sorry if I scared you when I came on your face. It looks like some got on your shirt." The boy looked down still holding his hand around Finn's softening cock and wiped at the small wet patches on his shirt. "It's not so much. Most went on my face and chest." "And some in your mouth," Finn added. "Yeah," Ben said with a smirk and his eyes seemed bashful, his long lashes curled up as his face radiated a sexual knowledge far beyond his years. God he was hot! "Looked like you enjoyed doing it 3;" Finn said still standing in front of the boy, enjoying the view of his sexy little body and cum smeared face knowing that it was his. "It sure felt good." "Really?" Ben asked. "Yeah buddy, it did," Finn said with his eyes dropping between the boy's legs for a moment. His not-quite-flaccid penis was like an overgrown worm, thin and soft with the tiny cherry colored gland peeking out deliciously between the loose folds of his foreskin. He wanted to hold it in his hand, to feel it harden as he caressed and stroked it, to taste it in his mouth once again and bask in the glory of what it was to love a boy. Finn glanced at the clock on the wall, resentment swelling up within him that their time together was measured in minutes, not hours or days or nights, at the fact that Ben had to hurry back to school leaving him with a sense that their time together was about nothing but sex. Well, it was, Finn mused, but he wanted it to be about so much more. He wanted to talk with him, get to know him even if it were just to hear his sweet little boy voice and to hear him sing! Oh, what a voice he had. "We have time if you wanted me to suck yours again," Finn managed to say with his mouth salivating and blood filling his softening prick held in Ben's small grasp. They had time. Time enough for that, and time to get him cleaned up before he had to leave again. Ben looked up at him then, his tongue rolling out and curving down flat over his bottom lip like a thirsty dog and panted in quick breaths. The upturned corners of his mouth creased the smoothly tanned skin of his cheeks as he nodded his head up and down eagerly, his playful antics failing to hide the eagerness he obviously felt. Finn couldn't resist stroking his thumb across his sweet face as he held him under the chin and circled it into the cooling semen dribbling down his cheek. He suppressed an urge to simply laugh at the innocent acceptance of Ben's natural urges and instead let the thrill of being with him fill him with a contentment he'd long wished for. "I think I've turned you into a sex maniac," Finn said in an even tone, but he was filled with a thirst for the young ten year old boy that couldn't be quenched. He looked back down between Ben's closed legs at the 'V' of his thighs and the small cock drooping over the single globe of his wrinkled sac and the bald mound of his pubis. His whole body radiated sex; the sleek lines of his neck and collar, the small and incredibly sexy indentions at the front of his shoulders, his little boy chest that hinted at a definition only a few short years away with the distinct line running down between his breast and into his stomach. The softness of his navel and the raised mound upon which that made him a boy sat proudly below the tight folds of his stomach as he sat forward on the couch showed only the barest hint of fat on him. "What's wrong with that?" Ben said with a mischievous grin even as he sat back into the couch letting go of Finn's hardening cock. "I like how it feels." "I couldn't tell 3;" Finn said in mock seriousness feeling the loss of his hand but eager to feel another part of him inside his mouth. "Why else do you keep sneaking into my house if not to get off with me?" Far from being Finn's intention, Ben took his comment seriously and seemed to consider it for a second. "Because I like you," he said. "You're nice. We don't have to do sex stuff all the time if you didn't want to." His voice lowered a little and trailed off as he wiped the back of his hand and wrist across his face and turned his body away slightly and Finn felt a wave of regret at voicing what was supposed to be a joke. "Hey, sorry buddy," Finn said. "I was only trying to tease you. We can do sex stuff as much as you want to. I really don't mind." Ben turned his head back to Finn, his eyes meeting his for a moment before the steely gaze he tried to maintain collapsed, the corners of his mouth spreading into a grin once again and his eyes sparkling with boyishglee. "Got ya!" He almost shouted. "You're such on old fart!" "You little shit!" Finn said. Without warning he dropped down with his knees either side of Ben's legs, pinning the boy to the couch and attacked his tender young body with his hands digging into his sides. Ben yelped and squirmed under him, grabbing Finn's wrists in his small hands and tried to pull them away as he screamed in abject torment. It was the first time Finn had really seen the small boy act like a kid, laughing in delighted agony at the torture Finn was inflicting on him as he twisted his back from side to side trying to get away from his tickling hands. "Nooooooo 3; Stop! 3; STOP! 3; Pleeeeeeeassssse!" Finn stopped, his fingers still touching his hot and sexy body but no longer moving. "You want me to stop?" he asked the boy. "Y 3; Yes," Ben chocked out, his breath heaving between fits of laughter with fresh tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. "Why should I?" Finn said leeringly. "I could do anything I wanted with you and you couldn't stop me." There was a hint of truth in what he said, but Finn would never do anything to hurt him. He couldn't. He wanted to love him, not hurt him. The look on Ben's face and the way he tensed his body, trying to find some way out of Finn's hold was like watching a deer caught in headlights. "Please don't do it again 3; No nonono no 3;" Ben screamed as Finn wriggled his fingers closer and closer to his sides. "Please! I'll piss my pants!" Ben cried out through clenched teeth. "You're not wearing any pants!" Finn laughed. He dragged Ben up by his wrists and turned him lengthways on the couch, holding him tightly as he straddled the young boy low over his legs and leant over him. He manhandled his small hands into one of his and held them above his head and with the other, traced a finger down his childishly muscular arm to the hot cave of his armpit. Ben thrashed his head from side to side, straining his body and pulling with all his might against Finn's grasp. Suddenly he stopped and looked Finn dead in the eyes. "Please don't," he begged. Finn could feel Ben's whole body tense and he gazed down at the nearly naked boy beneath him. The shirt tail had caught under his back and was twisted around his chest, his exposed nipples like little jewels, hard and erect, and his ribcage rising and falling in rapid breaths. Further down, the ten year old boy was soft; his energy focused on the torment and the expected attack that would come at any moment. Finn, however, was more aroused than ever. His hard cock thrust out magnificently from his body, six and a half inches [16½ cm] of blood engorged manhood drooling a bead of pre-cum onto Ben's thighs with the lust welling up inside him reaching fever-pitch. "Okay," Finn whispered as he lowered himself down onto Ben's small body feeling the heat radiate off him into his chest. He held most of his weight on one arm as he held Ben's hands just above his head in a loose grasp, their faces just a few inches away and their eyes locked on one another. Ben's face was flushed from struggling and trying to escape Finn's merciless tickling. Sweat formed in tiny beads, caughtin the small cleft above his upper lip and the soft skin that curved gracefully from the bridge of his nose and under his eyes was damp and flushed. His panting breath was warm and delicious as his slick and sweaty chest rose and fell, pressing up into Finn's body with each intake of breath and sticking to him, only to peel apartas he expelled. The moment seemed to stretch as Finn took in every detail, every sensation and feel of the boy under him. He wanted to kiss him then, to feel his lips and the warmth of his mouth, but he hesitated. Laying over him with his arms help up above his head, the folds of skin over his immature muscles around his shoulders and the hairless curve of his pits tanned lighter than the rest of his body drew his attention. With a touch so light that his lips would have felt like a feather tickling his skin, Finn brushed his lips over the smoothness of his body and slowly turned his head outwards and tasted the essence of him with his tongue. The pure scent of boy that drew him into his pit was like an aphrodisiac, the taste of him there and the intimacy of the act flooded him with desire and his hip pressed into Ben's thighs between his legs. It was only minutes since Ben had sucked him, even less since he'd wiped away his semen from his eyes; yet he was hard again. Not since he himself was a young boy, with Jay teaching him the pleasures of sex at just nine years old had he been capable of maintaining his erection and ready to go again in just a few short minutes. It was Ben that did it to him, a ten year old boy that simply radiated sex whether he knew it or not and Finn knew without a doubt that many a man would have stared at him with desire in their hearts. Finn breathed him in then, marvelling that he alone had gloried in the forbidden fruit of his body and savoured the taste and smell of him as he lifted his head again. Ben looked up at Finn, his cum streaked face and wide open eyes pleading with him in a longing he was only just discovering, laying there as if subservient to him, waiting. Finn saw it; the look in his face. There was longing there, excitement, even desire. But there was something else in his eyes, the way he laid there. He was subservient to Finn's will and lustful intent. A cold hand closed around his heart and squeezed as the realisation hit him like a hammer. He'd longed for this moment for so many years, dreamed for so many nights, alone in his bed wishing that he'd find a boy to love, a boy that would love him back that he'd not stopped to think. Of course it was obvious that he, a ten year old boy would assume the submissive role given their age difference. Finn hadn't given him the chance otherwise. He never wanted to force his will upon a boy; he wanted him to give himself willingly and on his own terms, to teach Finn as much as Finn wanted to teach him. There was nothing he could do to change the last couple days, but he could give back to Ben what he'd so thoughtlessly taken from him. He spoke the words he felt so deeply that it hurt as he lent his lips down close to the boy's ear. "I love you Ben." It was said so softly, but in the near silence of the room with only their breaths and the slight breeze rustling the trees outside, it was like a thunderclap. The truth of the words echoed in Finn's mind as he lifted his head up to meet his eyes, searching those deep vibrant pools of blue for understanding, a forgiveness of his self-indulgent desires. He waited for what seemed an eternity before Ben's eyes narrowed into slits and his brow furrowed. "I 3;" he said in a small voice that trailed off into a long pause. Finn waited, his heart beating in his chest wanting nothing more than to hear the words spoken back to him. But they didn't come; twice Ben started to say something, taking in shallow breaths and his lips formed as if to speak but he remained silent. Letting go of Ben'swrists Finn lent on his elbows and lowered one of his hand to his face and put a finger to his lips, silently telling him he didn't have to say anything. As he gently stroked the fingers of his other hand through his hair, pushing the damp loose strands of his blonde curls out of his eyes and tracing his fingers down his cheeks, he gently lifted himself off Ben and rolled onto his side between the boy and the back of the couch with his head in his hand. Ben shuffled sideways and turned his face, his eyes never wavering from Finn's as the silence stretched out between them. "You're so 3;" Finn began. He couldn't find the words to tell him how he felt, how in just a few days Ben had become the single most important thing in his life. He wanted to be with him every moment of the day and night, how his absence felt like a giant void in his heart when heleft and how much he'd yearned for his return. He took in a shallow breath and let it out as he smiled weakly at the boy laying beside him, unsure of what to say to the boy. The erection that had sprung to life again only minutes after being enveloped in Ben's warm and inviting mouth softened by the second against the smooth skin of his thigh, even as he continued to trace his fingers along the boy's hairline over and over again. "Did I do something wrong?" Ben asked in a small questioning voice Finn hadn't heard from him before, and he realised that he'd fucked it up again. The expression on the young boy's face was uncertain, looking to Finn for answers he didn't know how to give him. "No, of course not," Finn answered. "Why would you think that?" "Because you stopped." "Yeah I did sweetie," Finn said. "But only because I need to know that this is what you really want." He nodded his head. "Yeah." Finn waited for a few seconds, trying to read his the look in his eyes. "Did it make you uncomfortable when I said I loved you?" There was only a slight shrug of his shoulders as he looked up at Finn. "I dunno 3;" he said quietly. "Only my Mom and Dad and Max say that to me." "Who's Max?" Finn asked. "My brother." "Oh 3; I didn't know you had a brother," he said. It was another reminder of just how little he knew about him and his life. "Yeah, he's a couple years younger than me." "Is he as cute as you?" Finn said as he gently caressed his bare chest between the open front of his shirt, stroking just his fingertips down over his stomach and navel, barely grazing the soft mound of his boyhood. "He's a pain in the butt!" Ben said, but finally there was a smile there again. There was another long pause before Finn found the words he was looking for as he stroked his hand up Ben's body to his boyish chest and looked across at him, his face so close to his. "You know I meant it when I said I love you don't you?" "I guess," Ben murmured rather shyly as a look of confusion swept across his face. "How do you know you love me?" "Because you're a very special boy Ben," Finn saidand lent in to kiss him lightly on the lips, lingering for a few seconds as he burnt the feelings and sensations into his memory. "I knew from the first time we met that I loved you." "Yeah, but how did you know?" Ben asked inquisitively turning onto his side to face Finn. As though it was the most natural thing in the world, he snuggled his small body into him and slid a leg between his and tucked his arms up between them laying his hands flat on Finn's chest. With his head tilted back slightly he looked up at Finn with searching eyes. "What does it feel like?" "To know you love someone?" Finn said wrapping one arm over the boy and pulling him into his body, feeling the closeness of his slender form and the heat that radiated off him. The sheer joy he felt as he slowly and gently caressed Ben's back, sliding the palm of his hands up and down the short distance from the curve of his rounded butt cheeks to the bony blades of his shoulder through the thin fabric of his school shirt hindered his concentration. "I don't know 3; It's kinda like your heart wants to explode and you get a pain deep in your tummy but it doesn't really hurt. All you can think about is the person you love and you want to be with them all the time. And you miss them when they're not here." Ben was nodding his head, just a shallow nod at first but as Finn tried to explain how he felt, his movements grew and he was smiling fiercely. "Me too. But I get all tingly when I think about you 3; And I get a stiffy," he said in a quitter tone, almost a whisper as if he were afraid of being overheard. "I got one in class today thinking about coming here 3; And 3;" "And what?" Finn asked, his heart soaring at hearing Ben's words. He wanted to be here! He thought about him when they were apart and got hard! Ben just lay there for a few moments with his body pressed up against Finn's, the white shirt of his school uniform hugging his supple form and spilling open at the front with his buttoned sleeves running down his slender arms all the way down to his wrists. He looked up at Finn with his eyes wide, so full of intensity as if he wanted to get something out but didn't know how. Finn could feel every point where theirbodies' touched, Ben's leg nestled between his so intimately, his small hands on his chest with his thumb stroking back and forth absently and the hot caress of his breath cascading along his neck and throat. "It's okay Ben," Finn said reassuringly as he gently stroked the small of his back and held his boyishly sexy body close to his enjoying the intimacy of the moment. "You can tell me anything." "And I couldn't wait," Ben said and without taking a breath he continued. "I wanted you to suck my doodle again so bad 'cos it feels really good." "I know buddy, and I really like doing it too. But 3;" Finn said, not sure how to say what he wanted. "But it sort of feels like you're just doing what I tell you to do. I want you to do what you want, how you want to do it. Does that make sense?" Finn saw a look of confusion spread across Ben's face as he shrugged his small shoulders. "I mean 3; I dunno.I want 3; No, I need you to feel like you're in control as much as I am. If you want me to do something then tell me, or 3; just show me," he said as he brushed a loose strand of hair away from his eyes behind his ear,and then kissed him lightly on the lips. "Okay," Ben said smiling. He pulled back slightly with his hands pressed flat against Finn's chest, arching his body so that his crotch pushed into him. With a knowing smirk that hinted at the playfulness Finn knew was lurking just under the surface, he lowered his voice as he locked eyes with him. "Why don't you shut up and just suck my doodle already." For a moment Finn was taken aback at Ben's bluntness, but then realised that he was doing exactly what he had wanted him to do. He let the craving he felt for the gorgeous ten year old boy beside him show on his face. "Okay," he said simply. "Tell me what you want me to do." "You mean it's up to me?" Ben asked. "Of course," he said acutely aware of the boy's nakedness below his waist, his small cock and balls squashed flat into Finn's leg and his own growing erection snaking along his thigh. "Whatever you want." "Okay," Ben said with one side of his mouth turning upward in a mischievous grin. He rolled onto his back with one arm under his head propping it up. Finn watched as the boy pulled his shirt to the side andstared transfixed by the boyish curve of his shoulders and the jutting of his collar bone just below the hollow where they met his neck. His gaze lowered to the indented cave of his smooth pits and up over his exposed chest, and then quickly down to the most precious part of his body laying semi-erect over his bald mound. "Nah-uh 3;" Ben said seeing where he was looking. Finn turned his head back up at the kid and smiled as Ben pointed down to one of his small pale nipples. "Kiss me here." "Here?" Finn asked as he traced the tip of his finger around a small breast and circled it around the tiny nub of his hardening nipple. He was acutely aware that time was slipping away and that they had barely twenty minutes before Ben would have to leave him again. He played along with the boy nonetheless even though he yearned to take his small dick in his mouth, to feel its tender softness over the hardness of his shaft and to revel in the taste of him yet again. "Do you like being kissed there?" "Ah-huh. It feels good," Ben said coyly nodding his head and lifting his chest to Finn. Obeying Ben's command Finn lent down and kissed his sweet little nipple, poking his tongue out between his lips and licked it, circling the tip around the hard nub and flicking it. He breathed in Ben's boyish scent as he lavished his attention on just one tiny spot of his sexy wee body, lovingly caressing his side with the palm of his hand and feeling the ridge of each rib with his fingertips. He inched upwards towards his other nipple and gently squeezed it between his thumb and forefinger, fondling it to hardness before moving his head over with little kisses between Ben's childishly defined breasts and devoured it. Ben giggled and squirmed under him as Finn roamed his hand up and down over the tender soft skin of his body, his shallow breaths increasing as he let out a quiet moan of pleasure. "Now here," he said lifting his free arm under his head and pointing his nose own at his pits. Without a word, Finn pulled back and pressed his face into the hot curve of his glorious armpits, smelling the intoxicating musk of a ten year old boy in heat as he tasted his skin with his tongue and swallowed. Ben was laid prone with his hands cupped behind his head offering his body to Finn but he was far from subservient; he was directing Finn like a puppet, telling him where to go and what to do and thrilling in each sensation. He pointed at his neck, his ears, his nose and even his eyes, only waiting a few seconds before commanding Finn to the next spot. Pointing at his lips, they kissed opened mouthed for just a few seconds before Ben pulled away and centred a finger on his chest. Finn followed and kissed him there with Ben's finger moving an inch lower and stopping again, and again, and again until Finn had kissed him a dozen times with his body bent and reaching down to just above his tiny little innie belly button. His small hands lowered further and probed into the small cavity demanding Finn to kiss him there too. "I can't reach that far down buddy," he said. His cock was rock hard and drooling all over his navel and Ben's thighs and he could plainly see that the boy's small three and a half inch [9 cm] dick was rigid, his foreskin retracted back over his taut glans and pointing up over his soft mound at him. "We'll have to change positions if you want me to suck you." His voice grew hoarse at seeing Ben's hard little stick of boy flesh and had to fight the urge to slide down and just take it into his mouth. "Okay," he whispered quietly tilting his head down to look at Finn. "What should I do?" "Whatever you want sweetie, it's up to you remember." Ben thought for a moment and then brought his hands down from his head and sat up with his weight on his arms. "Can I stand in front of you if you sit up?" "If that's what you want, sure," Finn said and imagined Ben's body towering over him and his short hard little cock stabbing in and out of his mouth. He licked his lips in anticipation and glanced over at the clock on the wall and for the second day running fumed at the relentless passage of time, not only for just this one hour they had together, but of the short few years until Ben would lose everything that made him a boy and the inevitable changes as his body matured. With no notion of Finn's inner musings, Ben gathered his legs under him and using Finn's shoulder to push himself up, he stood up on the cushions with his white cotton shirt hanging open down his narrow waist. Finn's heart raced as his gaze wandered up the sculptured calves of his legs, noting the blonde downy hairs catching the light and up to his thighs, spread apart as Ben lent in over him with one hand on the back of the couch. Centred there, protruding out from above his small corrugated sac that was pulled up into a tight orb was the rigid pole of his boyhood, his foreskin held firmly beneath the ridge of his glans, swollen and purple-red. Seen from underneath, the two halves merged and trailed beneath his foreskin, his short shaft thin and pale when compared to the rest of his body with snaking lines of blue meandering downwards. Finn's mouth salivated at the sight with his eyes darting from Ben's magnificent preteen cock and balls to his face and then back again. "Are you gonna suck it or what?" Ben demanded playfully snapping Finn out of his revive. Aroused beyond belief that he was actually hearing a boy ask him that, he smiled up at the ten year old. "I sure am buddy. I was just looking," Finn said as he tore his eyes away for a moment and lifted himself up into a sitting position. He stretched his legs out in front of him with his feet on the floor, his oozing cock hard as steel and aching with a desire to plough into Ben's tight little virgin hole. "Come here sexy!" Ben looked down at Finn and grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Stop saying that!" "But you are," Finn said barely able to keep the swelling desire from his voice. "You're hot and sexy and I love you, and I love doing this," he reached around Ben's narrow waist with one hand and down his leg to his calf with the other, boldly pulling his body across and lifting his leg up and over until Ben was standing directly in from of him. With his face level at Ben's crotch, his eyes locked on the shiny little helmet of his small cock sticking straight out an inch away from his mouth and held his hands tight around the boy's hips with his thumbs needing the soft skin of his flesh around his groin. He breathed in deeply and sought one of Ben's hands with his own and pulled it to his head, locking his fingers in-between each small digit silently imploring him to take control. Finn gazed wantonly over the silky soft skin above Ben's erection, the firm tapered curve of his navel and the indented lines of his pronounced 'V' angling downward. He slid his other hand around with his palm flat and his fingers brushing over his mound and his thumb sliding under to press into the root of his tiny prick. The incredible satiny smoothness of him there was like touching perfection and he lent in, letting Ben's cock slide along his cheek as he lightly grazed his lips over the raised mound of his sex. Savouring the moment, Finn opened his mouth and laid his tongue flat against Ben's hot flesh, tenderly sucking his skin as if he were giving him a hickey but moved slowly downward nuzzling his lips around the base of his thin shaft. A wet film of saliva glistened on Ben's naked skin following Finn's course as his lips glided effortlessly around his small organ and he moaned quietly in blissful desire. He felt Ben lean forward over him, both hands now on his head and balledinto little fists as he clutched at Finn's hairand bent his hips back. He slid his fiery hot nail along Finn's cheek towards his lips, his intention crystal clear that he wanted Finn to open his mouth, take his cock inside and suck him. "Can you do it now please?" He breathed looking down at Finn with a slight quiver in his voice. The burning desire was evident on his face with his eyes half closed and his nostrils flaring as he pressed his shining gland to Finn's lips. His chest rose and fell in quick panting breaths, the growing urge to sink his penis into Finn's mouth swelling like a fire deep in his loins that he didn't know how to contain. All he wanted, all he could think about was the incredible feeling inside his balls as his dick slid in and out of Finn's mouth, the heat of his vacuumed mouth and the wet cushion of his tongue that enveloped him and curled around his organ. He never imagined that it, something thatnobody else wanted to talk about and that everyone said was wrong, could feel so good. Finn's thoughts matched Ben's except that he remembered the feelings, had experienced his first orgasm at a man's hands a year younger than Ben and had been fucked for the first time just after his tenth birthday. He remembered, and he knew what Ben was feeling. He wouldn't deny him his mouth and so he parted his lips and let the boy slide his rigid organ in. Once again Finn marvelled at how small and petite his cock was, how far he had to close his lips around the thin shaft in a tight ring as it glided over his tongue as he let Ben sink into him. He held his boy by the hips as his firm navel pressed into his forehead and his nose squashed against Ben's soft hairless mound. His whole three and a half inch [9 cm] length was suctioned within Finn's cheeks barely reaching the back of his tongue with his tiny helmeted gland grazing the roof of his mouth. Ben moaned imperceptibly as he held onto Finn's hair and wrapped his thighs around his face, his knees pressing into the leather of the couch either side of his head. Looking down, he could see nothing below his belly button except the top of Finn's head and his thighs moving back and forth as he hesitantly slid his short shaft in and out between the tight suctioning ring of his lips. He briefly wondered how Finn was breathing, his thighs and his dick smothering his face until he felt his hands on his ass pulling him further into the hot vacuum of his mouth. Slowly taking control of his movements Ben lent in over Finn's head and putting more of his weight on his hands, began to pump his aching dick in short sharp strokes into his mouth and crushing his balls against his chin. The burning that swelled up from the depths of his groin made him gasp with breath as he clawed at Finn's head, stabbing in and out of the unbelievably hot and wet sucking mouth as the sensations flowed over him. He ground his crotch into Finn's face and whimpered above him, every muscle in his young body tensed against the onslaught of sexual release that built with each urgent thrust. His skin prickled with sweat and his face was flushed, his blonde hair darkened and clinging to his head as he humped into Finn's mouth over and over again pushing his head down onto his throbbing dick feeling Finn's hands at his ass and spreading his cheeks apart. So lost in the delirium of sexual ecstasy, it took Ben a few moments to register the tip of Finn's finger tickling the entrance of his anus and circling around in it. It felt wet and sticky as Finn curled his finger against the fleshy lips of his virgin hole and Ben let out a moan of delight at the sensation never imagining that his ass could give him any pleasure at all. He panted stuttered rasps, his body quivering in almost unbearable torment trying with all his might to force his raging three and a half inch [9 cm] cock further into Finn's mouth. His silky soft mound was squashed against Finn's face with his navel pressed firmly into his forehead when he felt the finger massaging his anuspush in breaching the tight barrier of his lips. With his teeth clenched he loudly sucked in a breath as his ring burned around the finger sliding into him but even though it hurt, his instinctual need to come in dry orgasm overrode the stinging pain. It was brief, lasting only a moment as his lips stretched and curled inwards allowing Finn's finger to sink into him, pushing through his sphincter before easing back a little and then pressing forward again in a shallow fucking motion. Finn's head was pressed into the back of his couch as Ben used him, fucking his hot prepubescent cock into his mouth over and over again. The boy's movements were primal, grinding his hips back and forth as he whimpered in sexual bliss and Finn had reached down to coat his fingers with the oozing pre-cum from his hard cock and brought it back to the boy's virgin ass. He'd pulled his cheeks apart and brushed the puckered bud of his ass, pushing in at the centre until he felt it give a little and then curled the tip of his finger downbetween tight lips and entered him. He felt Ben tense and gasp at the intrusion but his movements never ceased or even slowed as Finn ever so slowly pushed in with just the tip of his finger to the first knuckle buried inside him. He was a little shocked that he'd even tried and even more so that it had been so easy, but now that he had he wasn't about to stop especially since Ben hadn't complained. He slowly withdrew his finger and slid it back in feeling Ben's lips curl and fold inwards as he pushed a little deeper, hollowing his cheeks and suctioning his tongue around the delicately smooth shaft of his rigid organ. Ben ground his crotch into Finn's face, squashing his soft mound against his nose almost painfully but Finn delighted in his wanton desire, to be face fucked by a ten year old boy with such unbridled abandon was nothing but spectacular. The silky softness of his mound and thighs wrapped around his face and humping cock like a red hot spear straining to reach the back of his mouth nearly tipped him over the edge. But most of all, it was the tight moist warmth of the fleshy insides of his ass that Finn focused on; the quivering muscles that clenched down on his finger as he sank deeper and deeper into him reaching for his prostate before his dry orgasm exploded in his mouth. He knew exactly where to exert pressure in adult males, but the unfamiliarity of a young preteen boy's ass and the tightness of his hot little hole was like his first time all over again. He had no idea how deep inside a ten year old boy's ass his prostate was, but he was determined to find it. His finger brushed against the soft fleshly innards of his ass searching, seeking the yielding sponginess of his immature prostate, to press into it and deliver the most incredible orgasm of Ben's young life. As the moist sheath of Ben's warm tunnel surrounded his finger, Finn held his tongue back and loosened the tight grip of his lips around the boy's raging erection in his mouth hoping to stave off his dry orgasm a few more seconds. He gripped the firm moundsof his assas Ben continued to gyrate unabated into his face, withdrawinghis finger back to the second knuckle and curling it downwards towards his preteen cock searching, seeking the elusive pleasure point that he knew was hidden within the depths of his narrow passage. After a few more seconds with no sign of hitting his mark, Finn raised his fist with his index finger speared into Ben's ass and angled it down towards his small scrotum reaching forwards from the inside until he felt a spongy mass and pressed in. The effect was instantaneous; Ben jerked upright and clenched his cheeks, his sphincter tightening like a ring around Finn's finger and his tiny cock lurched in his mouth. "Ahhhhhh 3; Shit!" Ben moaned above him with his eyes snapping open as a sudden build-up of pressure at the root of his sex deep inside him shot a searing tingling sensation up his shaft as if he was going to pee in Finn's mouth. He ground his crotch hard into Finn's face and trembled, clutching at his hair in his balled fists ripping it from his head and rode the wave of sexual climax as it tore through his preteen body. His ass clenched down on Finn's finger and he moaned in stuttered whimpering breaths, mashing his crotch hard into the man's face with his hairless ball sac flattened against his chin. With his head held back and eyes tightly closed, Ben's strangled moaning grew louder and louder as the unrelenting pressure on his prostate made his raging cock burn from the inside out to the tip of his inflamed slit. The onslaught of thrilling climax finally crashed over him as he trembled, his penis thrust as deep as he could get it in Finn's mouth with his sweat soaked thighs wrapped tightly around his face and the finger in his ass causing exquisite pleasure like he'd never felt before. Ever so slowly, Ben felt the inevitable fading of orgasm even as Finn's finger pressed harder into his prostate and, on the outside, pushed his thumb up into his scrotum to massage the root of his small cock. With the last spasms of climax Ben's heart thundered in his small chest as he opened his eyes and pulled his thighs away from around Finn's face, slipping his spent penis from his mouth as he took in a quivering breath. His wet and glistening organ twitched as the invading finger slid from his ass and, bending his knees,lowered himself down Finn's body. He sat down in Finn's lap facing him with thedampskin of his heaving chest sticking to the man's with each breath and felt his solid shaft under his butt. Without uttering a word, Ben laid his head on Finn's shoulder with his head turned inwards into his neck and reached down between them to grasp his huge cock, smearing his small hands in sticky pre-cum and slowly began to jack him up and down. Finn was so close to blowing his load again after having the ten year old boy fuck his face with such dominance and uncontrolled desire that he had to grab his hand and pull it off. He wrapped his arms around the boy under his shirt and nuzzled into his neck, kissing him softly and running his tongue over the smooth sweet tasting skin. "Did my finger feel good in your butt?" Finn asked knowing that it had judging by his reaction. "Uh huh 3;" Ben sighed as he settled down onto Finn's body with his legs stretched around his waist. His limbs felt weak and it was all he could do not to close his eyes and fall asleep as his young body recovered from the most incredible orgasm of his life with Finn's finger inside his ass and touching something there that made him feel so good. He knew that gays put their dicks in each other's bums after seeing pictures on the internet, but he hadn't known why until now. Even though he was just ten years old, he knew that Finn wanted to do that too and the thought scared him a little but it also sent a shiver of excitement through his body. "It felt good inside you too. You're so hot in there." Finnsaid into his neck as he lifted his ass up and humped the shaft of his leaking cock over the wet globe of the boy's tight nuts and along the short length of his drooping dick. He groped at his ass and dug his fingers into the fleshy mounds and between his crack, once again touching the tight knot of his anus and circling his finger around it. A stream of pre-cum oozed from his throbbing cock coating Ben's smooth and hairless navel in slimy goo and bit down gently on his shoulder as he gazed down the boy's nearly naked back. The white shirt of his uniform had fallen from his shoulders at some point and was wrapped around his waist in a thick band with his glorious ass on display as Finn continued to grind into him. His bare back was covered with a thin sheen of sweat as he pushed the boy's ass down into his crotch and thrust his raging hard-on back and forth humping into him and using his tender young body to get off. The building of orgasm was delightfully slow and intense as Finn ground his aching cock against the boy's soft body, breathing in his smell and feeling the supple skin under his hands and gazing wantonly down his back to his naked ass. His head swam as a wave of pleasure burst up from his groin with the warm cream of his orgasm spreading between their bodies and drenching them both in a sticky mess as they moved together. To Finn it felt like a river of cum was flowing from his cock in one continuous stream without pause or the familiar pulsing of climax as he luxuriated in the moment of making love to a gorgeous ten year old boy. That was how Finn would describe what they'd done even though he hadn't fucked him, and probably wouldn't for quite some time as he slowly relaxed with the young ten year old boy draped over him with cum steeping out between their bodies. He knew Ben would be a mess with sticky semen coating his navel and crotch and that he had to get him cleaned up before sending him back off to school, but instead he just laid there enjoying the feeling of his smooth and sexy preteen body pressing down onto his as his rock hard cock slowly deflated. With a growing sense of dread, Finn gently eased the sleepy ten year old up and kissed him lightly on the lips. "We better get you cleaned up kiddo," he said into Ben's warm mouth. "Can't have you going back smelling like sex." Ben pulled his head back and lifted his body with his arms looking down between them at the viscous semen smearing his belly and crotch and smiled. "It wasn't me who did that." "Believe me I know," Finn said to the boy and looked down his slender frame at the mess he'd made. It was everywhere; spread over his flawlessly smooth stomach and navel, clinging to his small semi erect penis that hung down with the foreskin rolling back over the tiny helmet and the tight nugget of his wrinkled sac glistened with cum. It had seeped between his thighs and thin translucent slivers beaded and arched and popped like bubbles as he pulled back. The sight of such a sexy and gorgeous ten year old angle like Ben covered in his cum filled Finn with renewed longing. What made it all the more unbearable was Ben's none-to-subtle reminder that he was far too young and incapable of making the same mess. "That's why you like me isn't it?" Ben asked suddenly. "Because I can't cum yet." Finn considered for a moment before answering. "At first yes," he said. "Plus the fact that you're hot and very sexy. But now 3; Now I like you Ben. Not just because I want to do this with you, because I do, but because you're a cool kid and I really want to get to know you better. I want to spend more time with you 3; not just for an hour at lunch." "You want to have sex with me and put your dick in my bum don't you," Ben blurted out. "You put your finger in there and when you did that thing inside me it made me orgasm. Will your dick do the same thing?" Holly fucking shit 3; Finn thought. Not 'would it do the same thing', but 'will it do the same thing', as if it was already decided that he'd fuck him. "Ahhhh 3; yeah, it will. But slow down a bit, that's not going to happen for a while though okay?" Finn said wishing it weren't true. "Why?" "Well, because you're very young and your 3; ummm 3; anus needs to be a bit bigger than it is now or it'll hurt a lot," Finn said hoping that he'd explained it well enough for Ben to understand. "You mean like making it bigger with your finger first?" Ben asked as he scooted backwards off the couch and stood with Finn's legs between his. He wriggled his arms free of the white shirt and dropped it on the cushions beside Finn and stood there completely naked for the first time that day. "First? Before what?" Finn asked knowing what the kid was thinking. "Before you put your dick in there," Ben said. "I know you want to, you said so." "Yeah buddy, I do," Finn said barely able to keep his eyes off his cum smeared groin and the small sausage of semi erect flesh that just a few minutes ago had been as hard as a nail and fucking his mouth. "But I don't want to hurt you." "I know, but I want to if you do," Ben smiled and made a grab for Finn's cock. He was still hard after his second orgasm in less than an hour, but who the fuck wouldn't be with a hot little sexy ten year old naked boy standing over him with semen dribbling down his thighs from his stomach and the bald mound around his tiny cock. "One day," Finn said letting the boy wrap his hand around his manhood once again. "But first we need to stretch your little hole a bit. I got something for you the other day." "What?" Ben asked, his face lighting up in a beaming smile. "I'll show you in a few days." "Awww 3; can't you show me now?" Ben begged and almost looked like the boy that he was as he pouted. "Sorry kiddo, I don't have them yet. They should be here soon though so maybe in a day or two," Finn said purposefully using the plural. "Them?" Ben said excitedly. "What did you get me?" "I'm not telling," Finn laughed and swatted his cute little behind. "Come on, let's get cleaned up." "Ooookayyyyyy 3;" Ben grumbled but let go of Finn's cock. As much as Finn wanted to tell the kid what he'd bought him and to spend the rest of the afternoon simply being with him, he knew he couldn't and that they only had a few minutes before Ben had to leave again. He had so many questions he wanted to find out the answers to; what did he like doing? What sports did he like and did he play any? Who were his friends? What did he want to be when he grew up? What were his parents like? Where did he live? Finn slowly got up off the couch and held Ben's small hand in his own and led the boy to the bathroom with their feet making quiet slapping sounds as they padded along the wooden flooring. They were both as naked as the day they were born and Finn's hard cock had softened by the time he sat on the toilet with the lid down and a hot facecloth in his hand. Ben stood in front of him and held onto Finn with his hands on his shoulders as he felt the soothing embrace of the warm cloth on his skin washing away the spent cum. A hand held him firmly by the waist holing him still as Finn gently washed down his thighs and up under his small sac and around his flaccid one inch and a half [4 cm] penis. "When will you go to my school to see Ms. Schroder?" Ben asked as Finn rinsed out the facecloth and continued to wash him. The warm water felt so good around his dick and Finn's gentle caressing of his balls and between his legs sparked the same feelings in his tummy and his little prick began to harden under the cloth and the man's hands. "I dunno buddy," Finn said enjoying the feel of the preteen boy's body and the obvious effect it was having on the lad. "I'll call her after you leave today and then I'll text you okay?" "Okay," Ben said. "Can you call me tonight when I go to bed? You said you would the other day but I forgot to text you." "Sure, I'd like that," Finn answered. "Kwel." "And 3; Next time you're here you have to promise you'll sing for me again," Finn smiled with his eyebrows raised. "Naked." Ben smiled shyly. "Noooo 3;" He pleaded completely at odds with his current nakedness. "Why not?" "Because," Ben said. "Because why?" "Just because 3; I'll feel embarrassed." "But you're naked now," Finn observed. Ben smiled as he lent his hands on Finn's legs and bent closer to him with his face only a couple inches away and their eyes level. "That's different," he whispered. "Why?" Finn whispered too playing along. "It just is." "Okay you win," Finn laughed as he moved his hands up to Ben's boyish chest and wiped away the last of his cum from his body and threw the cloth into the sink. "So long as I get to undress you after." "Mmmm 3; okay." The boy said leaning back now that he'd gotten his way. Finn lent forward and kissed one of his small dark nipples. "And we get to ask each other five questions," Finn said into his chest. "About anything we want and we have to answer truthfully 3; Deal?" "I get to ask seven questions 'cos you're older and there's more to ask," Ben countered without a second's hesitation. "Man you're a hard one to deal with eh?" "Deal?" Ben said trying to put on a commanding voice but it still sounded sweet to Finn. "Deal." "Can I ask you something now?" Ben said in a quieter voice as Finn reached out for a towel and wrapped it behind his back to dry him off. "Yeah," Finn said. "You can ask me anything." Ben was silent for a few seconds and his hand went to his mouth with the now familiar sign that he was embarrassed or nervous. "Well 3;" He began but then fell into silence once more. Finn held his hands in his and looked up at him. His face was perfect in every way and he looked like an angle standing before him with his sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair tumbling over his forehead and ears and his cute button nose and red juicy lips that were made for kissing. He was every bit boy but oh so fucking hot. "It's okay Ben, you can ask," Finn said to the ten year old. "I won't make fun of you." "When did you know you were gay?" The question wasn't unexpected. Finn had seen the signs easily enough and the readily apparent crush he had on Cory were enough to convince him Ben was gay but that he hadn't yet come to the realisation himself. He knew his 'gaydar' worked fairly well with adult men and was confident the same was true for little boys too. He even glimpsed the looks in some men's eyes as they glanced at a boy, a look that was all too familiar since he was sure he had the same hungry expression on his face. "You mean how old was I?" Finn said. Ben just nodded his head. "Well, I was a little younger than you. I thought maybe I was when I was eight but I knew definitely by the time I was nine. And then Jay came along and taught me how good it felt to make love." "But how did you know?" Ben said with all thoughts of sex and the fact that he was totally naked forgotten. His eyes seemed to bore into Finn seeking answers which he wished he could give him. But the kid would have to find the truth for himself. "I just knew. I liked other boys a lot more than girls and I was always checking them out even when I was nine." "Did you get teased?" he asked. "Teased? No, but I didn't tell anyone else so no one knew except Jay and maybe my Mom," Finn said as he towelled Ben's chest dry and moved back down his front to his crotch. "It's a little different now. Being gay isn't such a big deal anymore and people accept it 3; unless you live in some redneck town or something." "I s'pose," Ben said moving into Finn's hands letting him rub the fluffy towel around his soft dick and balls and between his legs. He could see how Finn looked at him and knew that he liked his body because he was young like so many other men he caught staring at him, but he felt safe and comfortable with him. "Can I ask you something now?" Finn said. "You don't need to answer if it embarrasses you." He shrugged. "I guess." Finn moved the towel up to Ben's neck and wrapped it around his shoulders, the big fluffy towel making him look like the child that he was. "Did you like sucking Cory's dick and wish that he'd sucked yours?" Ben nodded his head and didn't say anything. "And you think that means you're gay?" Again, just a nod of his head but he kept his eyes locked on Finn's. Finn stared back at the boy he was falling in love with knowing full well what he was going through. "Well, you might be. Or not," Finn said. "I can't answer that for you buddy, only you can. But I can promise you this; if you need someone to talk to and if you're comfortable, you can always talk to me about it. I went through the same thing at about the same age as you so I understand." "Okay," Ben said and smiled again. "But," Finn said with a more cheerful voice not really wanting to get into this discussion when they only had a few minutes left. "We need to get dressed and send you back to school young man! Let's go find our clothes." He lightly pushed Ben backwards with a hand laid flat on his smooth chest and stood up in front of the boy. For the hundredth time Finn was reminded just how young and small Ben was coming to just under his chin and his soft preteen body devoid of any hair whatsoever except the blonde locks that fell down around his eyes on top of his head. Taking his hand in his, Finn led Ben back into the living room where they gathered up their clothes and put them on. Finn caught a last quick glimpse of Ben's small marble sized sac and his limp penis laying down above them before he tugged his cute little carton briefs around his hips. He watched the boy dress, totally absorbed in his own thoughts as Ben pulled his trousers up and buttoned the fly concealing the smooth hairless skin of his navel and the bulge of his sex. Finn couldn't help but smile as Ben did a little dance trying to get both arms into the sleeves of his white shirt and felt a thrill of excitement course through him knowing that he had tasted his forbidden flesh and would do so again. "You'll be here tomorrow yeah?" Ben asked stuffing the tails of his shirt into his pants as Finn finished dressing. "I dunno kiddo," Finn said. "Maybe. We'll have to see what time I can go see Ms. Schroder. Besides, I don't think it's a good idea for you to come every day else your friends or teachers might notice and ask where you disappear to." "But I want to," Ben wined. "Can I please?" As much as Finn wanted Ben to, he did have to take some precautions and that meant not raising any suspicions. "I know you do buddy, so do I. But you do understand that nobody, and I mean nobody can know about what we do or even think it, and that means you can't come here every day." Ben's shoulders sagged and his lips pouted. "I guess," he said dejectedly. "Can I come the next day then?" "Sure buddy," Finn laughed. "I'd like that." They walked out the open bi-folding doors onto the decking and along the grass after Ben had shrugged on his blazer. They held each other's hand with neither of them saying a word as they neared the trees. It was the first time Finn had gone with him to the bottom of his garden to say goodbye before he left, heading back to school where he would transform into just another little boy who should have no clue about sex and the feel of a man's touch on his body. But he did. There was no sign left on his sexy little body but Finn could see it in his eyes as he held his head in both hands with their bodies pressed together. "Can I get a kiss goodbye?" Finn asked. Ben just smiled and nodded his head. It was brief and soft, their lips barely touching for a few moments but Finn was as horny and filled with desire as had been only an hour earlier. His hard cock pressed into Ben's stomach and he knew the kid could feel it but he didn't care. He slowly lifted his head an inch and broke their kiss as the school bell rang out shattering the silence. He felt Ben pull away from him and he reached down to hold his small hand again, but he let him go as their arms stretched out and Ben turned back to him. "Bye Finn." "See ya kiddo," Finn said as he ducked under the canopy. He stood there for a long minute, well after Ben was gone contemplating how strange it felt to know that he was in love with a ten year old boy. Would it be possible to have a relationship with him and to see him as often as he could? It would be difficult at best and most probably impossible without raising alarms and suspicions in the minds of all those do-gooders. He would spend the next two days dreaming up reasons or ways to get into Ben's life when it practically jumped out at him while watching TV. America's Got Talent was advertising for a new season and calling for auditions in cities all over the country.
Yeah, Finn thought. Fucking brilliant!
Finn had received a text from Ben shortly after 9pm three days earlier and he'd wasted no time in calling him knowing that he'd be in bed and what was probably on his mind. Their conversation had been a little awkward at first, but then they'd talked for almost an hour about everything except sex and what they'd done the last few days. Apart from a few innuendoes that made Ben giggle, it was most definitely PG even though there was a strong sexual undercurrent to their conversation in what wasn't said. Finn wasn't surprised to learn that Ben had also played guitar ever he was six years old and that he was good at it. Nothing it seemed that Ben tried his hand at was too hard for him and he excelled at everything music. He loved soccer rather than baseball or football and supported the LA Galaxy's but had never been to a game. His brother Max had just turned eight and even though he tried to act like he wasn't bothered about hi either way, Finn could tell that Ben was very protective of him and would do just about anything for his brother. When Finn asked about his parents, Ben had told him that his Mom worked very hard and that she was 'mostly kinda cool'. He hadn't mentioned his Dad and when asked, he simply told Finn that he'd left just after Max was born and they hadn't seen him since. Ben told Finn that he was good at school and that he found it easy and when asked if he wanted to be famous and sing, his response was an excited yes. Finn got the impression that he liked the idea of being the centre of attention which was a main reason he sang in the choir. He'd told Ben that he'd arranged a meeting with Ms. Schroder the following day at lunch and had dressed in casual slacks and a white shirt and had been fifteen minutes early for his appointment. He had sat in the office waiting area after announcing his arrival at reception and then watched as the bell rang for the boy's to be let out of class. Even though he'd prepared himself for the throng of young boys who filed out into the corridors, he had still found it hard not to stare at them with hungry eyes. As a lifelong lover of preteen boys Finn knew not to stare too long or show any lingering interest in them, especially not in any sexual manner that would invite unwanted attention. But damn some of them were sexy! Even some of the younger seven or eight year olds were cute as fuck and he remembered when he had been that age, playing with himself and surreptitiously stealing glances at his naked friends in the gym or the swimming pool changing rooms. It wasn't until then, usually at the naturist camps that he and his Mom went to, that he started to notice that other older boys and some of the men would glance at him the same way. Their stares would linger on his naked body with their eyes fixed on his bald crotch and the little worm of his soft penis with a look that Finn now recognised as sexual craving. As he often did, Finn wished that he had known of such things at that age. He would have willingly shown those men that they could have what they wanted if they'd only made a move on him. But, he'd only had to wait another couple years before he finally found out what all those other men had wanted from him when Jay seemed to appear out of nowhere. It was shortly after the young Finn had confided in his Mom that he made himself hard and that it felt good when he rubbed his dick, especially when he thought about the men looking at him that he'd met Jay for the first time just before his ninth birthday. His Mom had simply said that he was a friend and before long was invited to diner and he started to come around more and more often. He took the time to play with Finn and talk to him as much as to his mother, and later, he would let him cuddle up to him on the couch watching TV. Not even a month had gone by before Jay was babysitting him and Finn was left alone with him for hours at a time. A few of the boys had come into the glass panelled office where Finn was waiting, bringing Finn's attention back to the present. They had smiled at him politely as they went about their business with whatever task they were there to do, but Finn couldn't help casting his eyes up and down their bodies. They were all wearing the same uniform he'd stripped Ben out of and his mind conjured up images of them naked and wondered how many of them had experimented with sex, either with each other or with someone older. He knew the stats of course; one out of every seven boys in the US had been sexually 'molested' before they turned sixteen and one in eleven before they were thirteen. Finn quickly did the math and worked out that at this school, with over 450 students under the age of thirteen that at least forty of them had some experience with sex with an adult. He knew of one for sure and as his eyes darted from one boy to the next, he quickly categorized them into 'Definitely', 'Probably' and 'Nah'. There were three in the 'Definitely' category; boy's that he found very sexually appealing all about Ben's age and cute as fuck with hot little bodies hidden away under their school uniforms. Two were brown haired all ruffed up and styled in the latest trend, and the other was blonde with short back and sides but all three were slim and handsome with their school bags slung over their shoulders and the perfectly smooth skin of their faces a testament to their youth. As he was secretly ogling the boys in front of him while trying to appear engrossed in his smartphone, Finn didn't register the glass panelled doors next to him open inwards right away. With a rush of adrenaline, it wasn't until they came into his field of view that he saw it was Ben that looked back at him with just the faintest smile etched on his sweet face. He was with another boy about the same height and age with short light brown hair, and as they approached the counter Ben kept his eyes on him and pointed at his friend behind his back. He mouthed the name 'Cory' at Finn after checking that no one was looking and smiled before dropping his bag at his feet. He lent against the counter at chest height with his arms crossed under his chin on top of the reception desk and Finn couldn't help but keep his eyes on the boy whose body he knew so intimately. He was slightly bent at the waist and Finn was sure he was sticking his ass out at him on purpose which was confirmed a few moments later when Ben looked back around at him with his head resting on his arms and smiled coyly. It killed Finn not to be able to show any sort of recognition even as he felt his cock filling with blood, but he had to smile at the tenacity of the kid showing up in reception knowing that Finn would be there. Ben obviously wanted Finn to see Cory and had made up some reason for them to be there. He smiled back at his boy and raised his eyebrows glancing at Cory beside him and discreetly mouthing the word 'Wow' back to him. "Mr. Lewis?" A women's voice asked ripping Finn's attention away from Ben and his very cute friend. "Yes," Finn said as he stood and took the women's outstretched hand. "You must be Ms. Schroder." After a brief introduction to her vice principle, Finn was shown into her office after a quick glance back to Ben and Cory. Ben was still looking his way but he'd moved a little closer to Cory until their shoulders touching and he gave Finn a cheeky little smile before turning away. Finn spent an hour with Ms. Schroder and the vice principle in her office going over Finn's proposal to gather story ideas from students at the school. The school would run a competition open to all students starting in the new week, one that the teachers would encourage with the promise of a special introductory foreword naming the student and an 'Evening Out' with Finn for the student and his family. He was invited back on Friday morning to address each of the ten classes personally and outline the competition. Just as he was leaving her office, Ms Schroder had casually asked Finn why he'd chosen their school specifically and Finn had answered with the best reason he could think of. "I'm basically lazy 3;" he'd said. "I live next door and my yard backs onto the playing field so it was a no brainer really." When Finn had come out the lunch period was over and the boys were all back in class. He'd walked back home thinking about Ben and his cute friend Cory and what they got up to in private even though it seemed to be somewhat one sided on Ben's part. He knew he wouldn't see Ben again that day but that he'd probably come bounding over as soon as lunch started tomorrow and he couldn't fucking wait. It was after 3pm when Finn got a one word text from Ben. 'So?' Finn answered telling him that it was all set, the competition would start next week and that they'd better get their thinking caps on. Ben's reply was short and to the point. 'No duffus wat ya fnk of u no who.' He started to type out a reply but he wasn't sure how to phrase it without it being obvious they were talking about sex. He had no idea if Ben's Mom checked his phone or not but didn't want to take the risk regardless so he just typed out a simple '8/? I'll explain later' For the rest of the day and well into the night Finn got text after text from Ben from asking him for answers to his homework to telling him what they were having for diner. Even the next day, he got a simple 'Morning!' text before 8am and they didn't stop until he went into his first class for the day. Ben's last text had made him hard instantly; 'C u soon can't wait.' But, after jogging around the small man-made lake and another shower, waiting was all Finn had done until at least ten minutes past the time Ben usually made his appearance. After waiting until 12:30 he decided to text Ben to see what had happened and didn't get a reply until just before he heard the bell ring out. 'sry was with Cory. Tell u about it 2nite.' As disappointed as he was, he knew that Ben wouldn't always be able to sneak out of school without being seen and was glad that he hadn't taken any risks even though Finn had been so worked up and looking forward to their one hour together. Instead, he'd flipped through his phone looking for a number feeling a little guilty for what he was about to do. He knew that his craving was for Ben and his hot and hairless preteen body, but using his hand just wasn't the same. At least he'd be thinking of Ben and imagining him as he fucked Luke, a 23 year old assistant producer at a reasonably decent music video production company. Even though it felt like he'd be cheating on Ben, Finn rationalized that it'd help to have Luke on-side if his plans turned to fruition. He wanted to record Ben singing and produce a decent video that they could post on YouTube. Finn hadn't yet talked with Ben about it but hoped he'd jump at the chance to be famous after seeing the other videos he'd found and Luke would be a good contact to have on the inside. It hadn't taken long for Luke to leave work in the middle of the afternoon and only minutes after arriving at Finn's, they were both naked on his bed with Luke slurping on his cock like the slut that he was. He'd hooked up with Luke some weeks ago at a mutual friend's birthday where they'd left together and gone back to Finn's place. He was 23 but looked like he'd just left high school which had suited Finn at the time and they'd screwed for most of the night. He'd seen him a couple times since then and found him to be a cock hungry bottom which was exactly what Finn needed right then. After just a couple minutes of enjoying a good blow job, Finn soon had him on all fours on the bed and stood behind so he couldn't see the mass of pubic hair at his groin or his matured adult prick. Looking down at Luke's smooth and firm ass it could have been mistaken for a 13 year olds and with only a little imagination, Finn could believe that it was Ben's ass that he was fucking. He'd barely lasted ten minutes inside him, pounding his cock back and forth as he pictured in his mind the view of Ben's lithe young body hovering over him as he fucked his little cock back and forth on his stomach. He longed to taste and feel Ben's tiny fuck stick in his mouth with his thighs wrapped around his face again and to feel the tight grip of his ass around his cock as he make love to him. It was as close as he was going to get to fucking Ben for a while yet, but the fantasy was potent enough that he whispered Ben's name just under his breath as he came inside Luke's ass and thrust hard into him and turning Luke's moans of pleasure into that of Ben's sweet voice. After he'd shot his load into him and returned the favour by sucking the young stud off, Luke had left telling Finn he had to get back for a meeting. Finn had told him he'd call in a few days and that they'd go out someplace before showering and getting back to work. He'd actually gotten a lot of work done that afternoon, finishing all but the last chapter of his rewrite until the doorbell rang and a UPS deliveryman dropped off a plain cardboard box which Finn had to sign for. He knew what it was; he'd told Ben he'd ordered him something but Finn was sure he'd never gotten a present like this before. That night he got another text from Ben and he'd called him almost straight away. Their conversation was a little different this night and Finn could tell Ben was keeping his voice low. It turned out that Cory hadn't left his side all day and as soon as they'd gotten out of class for lunch had practically begged Ben to suck his doodle again. "So did you?" Finn asked feeling the same yearning for the ten year old boy and his cock leaked over his hand as he imagined him sucking another boy his own age. "Yeah, but I made him promise to suck mine too." Ben said in a whisper. "And did he?" "Yep." Ben said and Finn could picture the smile on his face. "Did he make you orgasm?" "Uh huh 3; in his mouth. It was awesome." "I bet it was buddy," Finn said as he stroked himself listening to Ben's voice. "I wish I could have watched." "I was gonna text you to tell you to hide in the shed but I couldn't." Ben said. "What'd'ya mean? Where were you?" "Behind your shed where you found me," Ben giggled. "I kept thinking of you when Cory was sucking my doodle and that you were probably inside." Fuck! Finn thought as he held his phone with his head to his shoulder and pumped his cock with long hard strokes as he roughly mashed his balls in the other hand. The voice of his little lover was quiet as he told Finn what Cory had done and how he'd taught his friend to suck him like Finn had done and it set Finn off listening to him. He'd missed out on watching Ben's cute friend Cory going down on him for the first time and he was beginning to have second thoughts about not inviting him over too. "I bet he tasted good huh Ben?" Finn said as he felt his orgasm approaching. "Yeah, he tasted goooood." Ben said copying Finn's words from the other day and laughing. He was so close now, the ache in his balls was about to explode. "Not as good as you though." "How do you know?" Ben mocked. "Maybe he tastes better than me!" "Only one way to find out." Finn said. His mind was cloudy with the image of Ben behind his shed with Cory on his knees in front of him that he said it without thinking. He'd only caught a brief glance of Cory in the school office, but that was all it took for Finn to explode. He came as he imagined that cute face contorted in sexual climax with his hairless cock buried in Finn's mouth and covered his chest in semen. He couldn't help let a soft moan escape his lips and held the phone away from his mouth. He hoped that Ben hadn't heard and that he had no clue Finn was getting off listening to his voice and talking about Cory. "Can I bring him tomorrow?" Ben asked hopefully. "You'll like him 'cos he doesn't have any hair like me too." Finn let out a long breath wishing he could say yes. The thought of Cory, another cute as fuck young preteen boy in his house who might be game enough to get naked and fool around with Ben and maybe even Finn was enough to keep him hard. "Probably not a good idea kiddo," He said wiping his spent semen from his hand onto his chest. "Let's take that one a little slow eh? Besides, I was hoping to have you all to myself tomorrow." "Okaaayyyyy 3;. You're no fun." Ben sighed pretending to sulk before he remembered something and his voice changed again. "Hey what did your text mean about Cory when you said eight and then a question mark?" "Oh that," Finn laughed a little. "It's my hot-little-boy scale. First number is how cute his face is and the second number is how sexy his body is. I couldn't tell with his uniform on so 3; he got a question mark instead." Ben giggled. "Trust me, he'd be a ten. What was I then?" "You're a nine and twelve." "A twelve?" Ben giggled and then his voice lifted a notch. "Why only a nine? I thought you said I was sexy!" "You are, but you need a haircut so you get a nine for your face." Finn teased the ten year old. After promising to be there no matter what, Ben finally hung up the phone well after 10pm leaving Finn alone in his house. The life he'd built for himself had seemed full and he wouldn't have given up his freedom to do what he liked, when he liked and with who he liked for anything. That was until Ben had come along and now something had changed. In the space of only a week he couldn't imagine not being able to see him and touch him, or to hear his sweet voice every day, but he knew that it was fantasy to imagine anything else. It wasn't often that Finn drank, but that night he'd opened his 18 year old single malt Scotch whisky thinking about Ben and his sexy hot ten year old body and not being able to tell anyone else that they were lovers. He knew without a doubt that they'd only have an hour snatched every other day or, if Ben could make up some story about staying back after school they'd have at most a couple of hours together at a time. Finn was feeling a little depressed and drained his first drink fairly quickly knowing that he wouldn't be able to get to sleep any time soon. He wanted to shout out to the world and point at Ben and have them know that he was his, but it was impossible. Their love would remain hidden away regardless of how much he longed to just be around him every second of the day. He'd never be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of seeing his bleary eyes in the morning and his hair stuck up in all directions after a night of blissful sex. He would never live under the same roof as he did and would miss out on so much of his life and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. As soon as he'd opened his eyes in the morning he regretted the three drinks he'd had. It was late; well past 8am but he rolled over and hid his head under the covers but couldn't get back to sleep. He eventually got up and threw back a couple pills followed by a vitamin drink and walked naked into his lounge to start the coffee brewing. The same morose feelings from last night still lingered in his thoughts even though he was excited to see Ben again today and hoped his exuberance would rub off on him. He knew it would; how could the sexually charged energy of a ten year old boy not have an effect on his state of mind? Part way through his second coffee and sat at his desk scanning his emails there was a knock on his door. He quickly dressed and answered it, signing for another package but this time it was a large plastic envelope which he opened straight away and spilt the contents onto his coffee table. There were dozens of envelops and small packages, all fan mail that what's-her-name from The Times had sent over. He didn't feel much like opening any of them and instead left them there on the table as his eyes glanced over at the other package that had arrived yesterday for Ben. Well, it wasn't really for Ben but he'd be the one using them. Deciding to open the plain cardboard box, Finn got his first look at the contents and smiled. Ben would certainly have some questions and might even balk at the idea once he learnt what they were for, but Finn didn't think so; not after what he'd said the other day about having to stretch his tight hole for Finn to fuck him. With that thought Finn felt his dick rising as he imagined Ben going back to school with one of the plugs buried in his ass and he hurried to the bathroom to take a long hot shower. After shaving his face, he then took his razor to his balls until they were as smooth as he could get them before his rampant cock begged him to jack it. He came against the wall within just a few minutes with his mind creating fantasies of Ben going down on Cory and then fucking him from behind before Finn flipped him over onto his back and ploughed into him too. By the time he finished and dried off he was feeling a lot better than he had when he'd woken up. He dressed in a pair of black briefs along with the same blue jeans he'd worn the other day and a T-shirt and sat down at his computer in the office. He had at least an hour before Ben would arrive and he'd once again left the doors wide open for him to let himself in, so he got to work on the last few pages of his novel thankful that he was so close to finishing. As he worked, his mind kept going over the last couple weeks since he'd first seen Ben at his window and his own experiences with Jay and the four years they'd been lovers starting when Finn was just nine years old. Thinking back all those years, he realised that he was following the same slow script with Ben that Jay had used to progress their sexual relationship. It had started even before his mother had left him alone in Jay's care; a seemingly innocent touch of his small bulge in his tight shorts or the intimate tickling of his navel as he lounged over him watching TV and the inevitable raspberry blown onto his stomach during their many wrestling matches. Jay had lavished his attention on Finn and he'd soaked it up having never had an older male to look up to so when he was finally left alone with Jay that first time, he'd felt so special when Jay had told him he loved him. Finn had come home from school and stripped down to just his trousers before helping his Mom make bread in the small kitchen ready for when Jay arrived for dinner for the third time that week. By the time they put it in the oven his young smooth chest was damp with sweat, but he busied himself setting the table knowing that his Mom expected it of him without being told. He placed a setting at the head for his Mom and one either side for both him and Jay. "My darling," She'd said softly. "Wouldn't it be so much more lovely if you and Jay sat together on one side? I'll sit on the other side just watching my two beautiful boys. Wouldn't you like that?" "Okay." Finn had answered as he moved the place settings around. He was used to the way his Mom talked to him trying to make it sound carefree and wistful, but to Finn it was just airy-fairy and kinda like someone would talk to a baby. But he never said anything because he loved her and it would hurt her feelings. "And my love, why don't you go put those trousers in the laundry. I'm sure you'll be much more comfortable without them on." "Yep." Finn said and stripped right there pulling both his trousers and Y fronts down at the same time. "No no no, sweet pea," His Mom said looking over at the table. "Closer together." She went over and moved his place a few inches closer to where Jay would be sitting. Once she was happy with the settings, she'd turned to Finn and held out her hand for his trousers. "I'll put these in the laundry my lovely, you go do your homework before Jay gets here so you two can play." Finn grinned and almost jumped up and down. "Okay!" He said before racing to his bedroom and pulling out his schoolbag. Jay was so much fun and didn't prance around like his mother did, pretending to be fairies or some other girly game that he hated. An hour later when he heard the knock at the door, Finn raced from his room yelling "I'll get it!" and pulled it open without bothering to see who it was in his excitement first. He looked up at Jay and wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him tight before reaching for his hand and practically dragging him inside. "Hey tiger," Jay said as Finn led him into the lounge with one arm outstretched in Finn's hand and a bottle in the other. "How's my favourite boy?" Finn turned around to see Jay glancing down at his bum just before looking back up. Jay was so cool! He wore tight fitting 501 jeans and a buttoned up shirt with the two top buttons undone and an old hat on his head. He'd only known Jay a few weeks, but he'd been around plenty of times already since his Mom had started inviting him over for dinner and Finn liked him a lot. He'd even brought him one of the Nintendo games as a present one time they were out shopping with his Mom, and Finn had expected her to tell him not to but she hadn't. "Good! You wanna play Cluedo?" Finn asked hopefully. "Sure, just let me say hi to your Mom and put this down." Jay said holding the bottle up for him to see. "Maybe she'll even let you have a bit with dinner." Finn smiled knowing that she probably would. He'd had beer before and wine too and the more his Mom drank, the more she'd let him have which sometimes made him feel a bit funny. Jay disappeared into the kitchen and Finn went back to his room to put his school work away and grabbed the board game from his wardrobe. He came back out into the lounge and crept through the dining room to poke his head around the corner to see what was taking Jay so long. "God, is he ever." Jay was whispering. "He's got a hot body for his age." "So what are you waiting for then? He really likes you and it is why you're here isn't it?" His Mom had said. Jay's back was to Finn and his Mom couldn't see around him to know Finn was listening. Hearing Jay talk about another man made his ears perk up and he wondered who they were talking about. He'd already figured Jay was gay ages ago and thought that he was too since he liked looking at boys a lot more than girls, but he'd never thought about Jay having a boyfriend or that his Mom even knew. "This is so fucked up 3;" Jay said and Finn's mouth gaped open. He'd never heard Jay use the 'F' word before. "I can't believe you're okay with this." "If he wasn't gay I would have shown myself but I think if I did that I'd just put him off sex for years. But you can teach him and show him how wonderful sex is." His Mom said. "Do you really think he wants to?" Jay asked her after a short pause. "How do you really know he's gay?" "I don't know if he wants to. He is curious and thinking about it though and given the right encouragement, he'd probably want to experiment. It'd be better with someone he knows rather than some stranger out there and I know he's gay because I'm his 3;" His Mom stopped just as Finn stepped around Jay and walked into the kitchen. "Who's gay?" Finn asked hoping it was someone he knew. Jay whirled around and his Mom's eyes widened in shock. "Nobody sweetie. Just a friend of Jay's." She said as Finn caught Jay glancing down at his naked body again. "Why don't you two darling boys go in the lounge and play while I finish up in here." With that, Finn dragged Jay backwards out of the kitchen and into the living room picking up the game on the way. He sat down in the middle of the room with his legs crossed in front of him and laid the board out holding the cards out for Jay to pick out three from each pile. After the game started and the pieces moved around the board, Jay got up and Finn saw him adjust his 501's at the front before heading back into the kitchen. He came back out a minute later with a glass and laid down on his side with his head in his hand a foot or two further up from the board. They talked about school and his friends a lot and although Jay had seen him naked before, it was the first time that Finn had shed all his clothes outside of the bathroom while he was there. He caught Jay looking at him more often than he usually did which in turn caused Finn to keep glancing at Jay to see if he was looking or not. Each time their eyes met, Jay would hold his stare for a few moments before looking away. More often than not his eyes would travel down his body and between his wide open legs at his groin. "Does your Mom usually let you go naked at home?" Jay asked after Finn had caught him looking at his crotch for the umpteenth time and had whined out a long 'Whaaaaaaat?' in a high pitched voice. Finn shrugged his shoulders and looked down at himself and his bare chest and the few thin folds of skin stretching across his stomach. Below, his smooth navel was tanned the same color as the rest of his body and his small penis hung loosely over the tight pouch of his nuts with the circumcised head pointing down to the carpet. "Mostly. It feels better without clothes on." "You look better too." Jay said and smiled. Finn rolled the dice and moved his piece. "Why don't you take yours off too?" "Oh, I dunno about that buddy. You might get a fright." "Why?" Finn asked. "I've seen lots of people at the camps without their clothes on." "Maybe later okay?" Jay said. "Okay." Jay took his turn and moved three spaces. "Duh!" Finn moaned at Jay seeing that he'd missed going into the Library. "You coulda gone in." "What?" Jay said looking up at him and took another sip of his wine. "Oh yeah 3; Sorry. I was thinking about something else." Finn giggled and looked down to where Jay had been staring. His flaccid penis was on display between his crossed legs with his elbows resting on his knees and his body leaning forward over the board. What was so special about his thing that Jay kept looking at it? "Professor Plum, in the ballroom, with the candlestick." Finn said after rolling his dice and moving his piece into the Ballroom. He reached out to Jay's hand and took the glass of wine from him putting it to his mouth. After Jay had nodded his head giving him permission he took a sip waiting to see if Jay would let him win again and leant back holding himself up with one arm behind him. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew that Jay wanted to see him like that just then. He watched as Jay's eyes slowly roamed over his reclining body and it made him feel good to think he was watching him so closely but he didn't really know why. "Did I win Jay?" Finn asked looking down at him through the glass as he took another larger mouthful of wine. Jay didn't even look at his cards. He just dropped them face down on the board as he looked back at Finn's face. "Yes buddy you did." It wasn't a surprise to Finn that Jay had let him win. He had the 'Candlestick' card in his hand so he knew that Jay was lying, but that's what adults did; they let kids win. What Finn also knew was that whenever Jay let him win he'd usually start tickling him and that it'd turn into a wrestling match with Finn pinned down on the ground under him. Putting Jay's glass on the table, he was expecting it when he shot up to pin him down on his back and straddle his body. He held Finn's arms above his head with one hand and his legs either side of his waist as Finn shrieked in delight. He offered only a token resistance in trying to free his hands as Jay wiggled his fingers closer and closer to his armpits. His eyes darted back and forth between Jay's and his approaching hand and saw him looking down at his naked and perfectly hairless body with a look that he was starting to like. He squealed as Jay's fingertips made contact with the smooth soft skin of his pits and he twisted his body from side to side trying hard this time to get away. He felt Jay shuffle backwards down his legs as he traced his fingers down his chest and stomach stopping with his hand held flat over the soft mound of his sex just above his dick. "I bet I know where you're most ticklish 3;" Jay said and then Finn felt his fingers brushing the end of his flaccid penis. His body froze, and for the first time in his young life he felt the touch of another person's hand on his thing. And it felt good. Really good. "That doesn't tickle?" Jay asked with a smile on his face looking down at him. "What about here?" His feathery touch snaked down his short length to circle around the small globe of his balls sending a shiver up Finn's spine. All he could do was nod his head up and down looking at what Jay was doing and try not to giggle too loudly in fear his mother might come in and tell them to stop. Even at just nine years old, he kind of knew that what Jay was doing was naughty but he didn't think his Mom would care. She'd touched him there too until he'd gotten a stiffy after she'd told him about sex and why his penis got hard sometimes, but he'd been too embarrassed to ask if boys could have sex together too. He didn't much like the idea of putting his thing in a girl. They screamed a lot and played with dolls. But, just as he felt his small dick starting to grow his mother poked her head around the corner from the dining room. "Sweeties 3;" She said and then stopped when she saw them on the floor. She couldn't see over the back of the couch, but assumed that Jay had finally taken the first step with her son. With a smile she continued on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "Jay 3;" She said in feigned exasperation. "Get off my boy or he'll think you're trying to make love with him. Can you come to the table 3; Please?" Finn groaned, embarrassed in front of Jay at what his Mom had said. "Mom 3;!" He grizzled and smiled shyly up at Jay wondering if he knew that that's exactly what he'd been thinking. "Come on sport." Jay said lifting up off his body and held out a hand to him. "Let's go eat." Finn could see the bulge in Jay's 501's and realised for the first time that Jay could probably tell him everything he hadn't asked him Mom. She was a girl after all; how could she know what his thing felt like when it got hard or if boys could have sex. Jay would know and his was hard right now too. He could see it. His Mom had said it only got hard when you wanted to have sex, so did that mean that Jay did what to have sex with him? But he wasn't a girl and couldn't have a baby and he definitely didn't have anywhere for Jay to put his thing in! Jay saw the quick glance that Finn took of the bulge in his jeans and the confusion in his face. "You okay bud?" Jay asked. "Yeah." Finn said. He was so confused and had so many questions and just wanted someone to explain it all to him so he didn't feel stupid. Why would his Mom say that if boy's couldn't have sex? Did that mean they could? He decided then to ask Jay as soon as his Mom went into the kitchen to do the dishes after diner and got up holding onto Jay's hand. Jay looked down at him and smiled again. "You sure you're okay?" "Yeah." Finn said again as they walked into the dining room. He let go of Jay's hand and then felt it a moment later on his bare shoulder as he sat down and wriggled his naked ass on the cushion. Scooting forward, he hooked his feet around the legs with his smooth thighs parted and sensed Jay's gaze on him looking down between his legs. He didn't look around but somehow he just knew where he was looking and then he felt a hand on his knee squeezing him. Finn couldn't help it; he squirmed and twisted his body sideways and pulled his leg away. "Stop it Jay 3;" He said giggling and looking up at him. "It tickles." "It's supposed to." Jay said but he took his hand away. For the next half hour he shovelled food into his mouth and tried to seem interested in what his Mom and Jay were talking about. Something to do with Nelson Mandela being released from prison, whoever he was, but his attention was focused on his leg constantly brushing against Jay because of how close his Mom had made him set the places. It was only when he'd finished that he realized Jay had moved his arm to rest along the top of his chair and when he lent back Jay stretched his arm around his neck and stroked the palm of his hand over Finn's naked chest. It felt nice there and a few moments later, Finn felt him rubbing his thumb back and forth right over his nipple which suddenly became very hard just like his dick did when he played with it. They kept talking but his ears perked up at the mention of Jay going with them to the nudist camp. Jay took his arm from around Finn and lent forward with one elbow on the table and the other dropped below to slowly stroke up and down Finn's leg and the inside of his thigh. Finn looked down at his lap and then back up to his mother to see if she was watching but she wasn't. It was funny, but it made him think of how he'd seen the bulge in Jay's jeans and then his own little dick started to do the same. Maybe if Jay went with them next time Finn would see him naked. He'd seen loads of men naked but he really wanted to see Jay. Just as he was about to lower his hand down to cover himself his Mom startled him by pushing her chair back and scrapping it along the wooden floor. "Oh my goodness," She said putting her hand to her mouth. "How silly of me. I forgot I told Skyler she could do a reading for me tonight." Finn's heart dropped knowing that Jay would leave before he'd had a chance to ask him all about sex and if two boys could do it together and how. Now he'd have to wait until next time Jay visited, and worse still, he'd have to go with his Mom to his Aunt's house and be bored out of his brain. They didn't even have a TV or anything and his cousin was such a girl even though he was a boy, but he did kinda look nice. "Could you be a darling Jay and look after my sweet boy? You don't mind staying the night do you?" His Mom asked. He looked up hopefully at Jay and when he looked back at him, Finn nodded his head up and down with his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised. "Yeah Jay, stay here with me." He said with the hope evident in his voice. "Where would I sleep?" Jay asked. Finn felt the hand on his leg creep up and Jay's fingers tickled the skin of his inner thigh in small circles, inching closer and closer to his growing erection. Finn no longer cared if he got a stiffy in front of Jay and hoped he'd touch him down there again. "Well, I'm not having a guest sleep on the couch." His Mom said and winked at Jay thinking that Finn wasn't looking. "You'll have to sleep in Finn's bed with him." Finn took in a quick breath as Jay's finger grazed his hard little nail now poking up from between his thighs. He looked down at Finn and smiled keeping his eyes on his, "So how about it champ? You okay if I sleep in your bed with you tonight?" He said as he slowly drew his finger up and over his small gland and down the other side making it twitch. All Finn could do was nod his head up and down and smile and eek out a quiet "Uh huh." Somehow Finn knew that Jay wanted to sleep in his bed with him even though he was pretending he didn't. He couldn't remember sleeping in the same bed with someone else except his Mom but he wanted to with Jay. Bed was where people had sex so maybe that meant they would too. Although Finn didn't see it, his mother smiled at Jay and raised her eyebrows with a look that said 'Told you so' before he took his hand away and shifted in his seat. "Well, why don't Finn and I clear the dishes away while you get ready." Jay said to his Mom. "Oh no dear," She said standing up. "I'll do those in the morning. You just go into the lounge and carry on with whatever you were doing with Finn. I'll be back out in just a few minutes to say goodbye." Finn looked up at Jay beaming. He remembered what Jay had been doing before they were called in for dinner and where his hand had been. He hoped Jay wanted to do that again. "Oh Finn dear," His Mom said as he got up. "Did you want some wine? I'll just pour the rest of this into your cup." Without waiting for an answer, she tipped the rest of the wine into his plastic cup filling it almost half way. It was the most she'd ever let him have in one go and his eyes widened figuring she must be in a really good mood. "Come on squirt, let's watch some TV." Jay said picking up his glass and holding his hand out to Finn. He jumped up forgetting that his dick was hard and didn't see his mother look down at it and back up to Jay with an approving smile on her face. With cup in hand, Finn took a big gulp and clasped onto Jay's hand tightly as he was led into the lounge. Thoughts swirled around his head about what it would be like to share his bed with Jay and if they'd both fit without falling out. He'd ever slept in the same bed with an adult except his Mom, but she didn't really count and that was when he'd been just a kid so he'd been much smaller then. For them both to fit, they'd have to sleep really close together. With a sense of excitement, he let go of Jay's hand and went straight for the couch taking another huge mouthful of wine before sitting down into the corner as Jay picked up the remote and turned the TV on. His new babysitter looked around at him with his feet tucked under his butt and his legs spread apart and he saw him look down at his hard three inch [7½ cm] hard-on. Finn's eyes darted to the bulge in Jay's jeans as he held the cup up to his mouth and he could tell that Jay's thing was hard too. As soon as his Mom left, he was going to ask him why they got hard and if he did the rubbing thing the same as he did that made his dick feel really good. "Scoot over bud," Jay said. "What'dya feel like watching?" "I don't care." Finn said moving over to let Jay take the corner seat. As he flipped through the channels, Finn lent his body into Jay's cradling his cup in both hands trying to think how he was going to ask about the sex stuff. His attention caught on the TV seeing one of his favourite movies was on. He'd read 'The Never Ending Story' a few months ago and loved the movie but the book was much better. He wanted to write a book like that one day. "The Never Ending Story!" Finn shouted. "Can we watch that pleaaaaase!" "Sure," Jay said flipping back to the right channel. "Why don't you come up and sit here." He patted his knee and held his arm out to Finn. Finn took another sip of his wine and then lent forward and put it on the table before crawling over Jay's lap and snuggled into him. He felt Jay's hand underneath his butt doing something with his thing before he held him by the hips and pulled him up a bit. With his attention so quickly glued to the TV, his small erection had softened and he paid no mind to what Jay was doing. He lent into Jay's chest as he felt him pull him backwards with his head on his shoulder and Jay wrapped his arms around him in a warm cuddle. This was the best movie ever but he didn't like this part. Atreyu and his white stallion Artex were searching for Morla in the Swamps of Sadness when Artex sank in the mud and drowned. The first time he'd seen it he'd cried and he held onto Jay's arms wrapped around him seeking comfort and he barely even noticed when his Mom came in to say goodbye. "Finn sweetie 3;" His Mom repeated. "Are you listening?" "Yeah." He said without taking his eyes off the TV. "Be a good little angle and do whatever Jay says. You two might be in bed by the time I get home so I'll see you in the morning okay?" "Okay." He said and turned to her briefly and smiled. "Have fun." She said but Finn wasn't listening. He didn't hear her whisper "You too." to Jay with a wink. And with that she was gone and his attention was back on the television. Jay moved beneath him and his hand gently stroked his smooth chest as his eyes were riveted to the TV. He shifted forward a bit thinking that Jay was uncomfortable but his hand held him in place and he felt his other hand down by his back between them. Finn briefly glanced around at Jay and smiled when he winked at him. "Stand up a sec Finn," Jay said. He hopped up and stood watching the TV again, but when he heard Jay pulling his shirt off he turned back around. Jay just smiled at him and threw his shirt on the floor and then stood next to him. He reached down to his crotch and undid his fly and Finn looked from his bulge to the TV and back again torn between which to look at. "Now that your Mom's not here we can both be naked." Jay said and sat back down once he'd kicked off his jeans and underwear. When he saw Jay's huge dick flopped over his navel and curving in towards his thigh he stared at it for a few seconds and then looked up at Jay. He'd seen plenty of men's dicks before but his was the first one he'd seen up close and the only adult one he'd thought about and really wanted to see. It wasn't as big as others he'd seen at the camps and in the communal showers, but once in a while when he caught one of the men staring at him he'd seen that sometimes their dicks were hard. He could tell Jay's wasn't hard, but it wasn't soft either. He really wanted to look at Jay's one now and ask him the questions about sex, but they didn't have a VCR to record the movie with so he figured he'd wait until it finished. He jumped back up onto Jay's lap with his eyes focused on the TV, but before he settled into his body Jay's hand was again between them and he felt him wedge his dick into his butt crack. It felt weird and harder than it had been just a few moments ago but he didn't mind and he lent back with his head on Jay's shoulder. As soon as he'd gotten comfortable Jay's arms again surrounded him with one hand on his chest, his fingers tucked under his armpit and the other flat on his stomach. He felt warm and comfortable and stretched his legs around Jay's as he rested the top of his head against Jay's cheek and he was sure he heard him take in a deep breath. It started so slowly Finn didn't even realize it at first. He thought it was just Jay's breathing that made his body rise up and down but when he felt Jay's fingers begin to tickle his stomach he started to take notice. It wasn't his breathing that made Finn's waist lift up, it was his hips; Jay was moving his hips up and down and now that he paid attention to it, he could feel his hard dick moving back and forth between his crack and Jay was actually pushing him down onto it with his hand. The adverts came on and Finn twisted his body around to look at Jay with a questioning look on his face. When Jay smiled back at him, he glanced back down as his babysitters hands went to his inner thighs and gently teased his legs apart digging his fingers into the soft flesh an inch away from his nuts and almost as far as his ass cheeks. He dragged Finn's slender body up to fully enclose his hard penis between the valley of his crack and nuzzled his face into Finn's neck as he felt Jay once again circle his fingertips over the ticklish skin of his navel. It made his tummy tense and he felt a tingling sensation inside him just under his dick whenever Jay's fingers grazed over the raised mound of his groin. It felt like Jay's fingers had somehow burrowed into him and were tickling him on the inside and he stiffed a soft moan as he tried to fight the need to squirm in delighted torment and his toes curled painfully with the sensation. Finn knew that as well as what he was feeling, what Jay was doing with his hips moving up and down was making him feel good like it did when he rubbed himself down there. Jay's breathing got heavier and heavier on his neck and his fingers where groping inside his thigh really close to his nuts and pushing his bum down into him. Looking at Jay's hands, Finn thought how huge they seemed inside his thighs; his fingers grasping and digging into his flesh between his outstretched legs. Even his thumb pressing into the soft mound of his sex was bigger than the small worm of his soft one and a half inch [4 cm] dick. He slowly stroked back and forth with his thumb closer and closer to his thing as his fingers circled and lowered until they touched his tight little ball sac. The ever present movement beneath him lifted his waist up and down in slow rhythmic motions and Jay pressed up into his balls and then started to rub them with two fingers sliding up and down. His tiny dick started to grow and rolled over his balls to angle up at him and Jay's finger traced up its short length until it rose off his mound and lengthened into a semi hard stub. He let his arms hang loosely by his side as Jay's fingers gripped and dug into his thigh, rocking his light weight body up and down in short movements as he nuzzled his face into his neck and kissed him there. Finn relaxed into Jay and let him explore his hands over his body, stroking the flat of his palm over his chest and the tips of his fingers moving back and forth between his stomach and the tight orb of his balls. His hands were everywhere and at times held his slender hips as he rocked back and forth beneath him as Finn watched, transfixed by what Jay was doing with his body and took in a sharp breath when he covered his small dick and balls with his hand. It felt so good that he stopped breathing for a few seconds but it got even better when Jay hooked his thumb under and held his hard little dick with two fingers and started to stroke him up and down. He glanced up at the TV and saw that the movie had started again; he didn't want Jay to stop what he was doing but just then the camera zoomed in for a close up of Atreyu. The dark skinned boy had long brown hair and his chest was bared with just the gold and silver medallion around his neck. Finn's mind conjured up an image of him naked doing the same thing to him as Jay was and he let out a stifled moan. Jay's other hand slid down between his thighs and cupped his balls and ground up into him as he pressed his fingers hard into the soft skin below his sac making Finn writhe on his lap. "God yeah 3;" Jay moaned into his neck as his lips brushed over his skin close to his ear. "Does that feel good?" "Uh-huh," Finn gasped as Jay's fingers continued their up and down motion on his dick. He could feel Jay's thing pushing up into his crack and sliding back and forth and he wondered if it was kinda like the same thing he did when he rubbed himself. He kept his eyes riveted to the movie and only glanced down at what Jay was doing whenever there was a scene with Atreyu and his dick hot harder. After the third time of that happening Jay whispered into his ear. "You like him don't you Finn." "Yeah," Finn said watching as the camera pulled back showing off the boy actor's bare chest again. "He's cute isn't he?" Jay said to him as he shifted below him. Finn just nodded his head with his eyes darting between the movie and his hard dick. Jay held him tightly around the hips with one hand as his body slowly undulated up and down with Jay's movements. Atreyu was just waking up wrapped in Falcor's arm and was trying to sneak away when Jay pulled his legs further apart with one hand gripping him firmly by the thighs and the other still rubbing up and down his thing. He could feel him begin to push up harder into his bum and his whole body rolled back and forth a few inches with every thrust. No longer watching the movie, his eyes closed to mere slits as he concentrated on the feelings spreading from the tip of his straining gland to the root of his thin shaft. With his arms hanging loosely at his sides he let Jay grope and fondle him between his legs and enjoyed the massaging of his small dick and balls until he felt his babysitter tense and moan into his neck. The hand covering his hairless groin squeezed tightly around his nuts and Jay's fingers dug into the soft tissue of his scrotum as he thrust up into Finn and held him there. Jay moaned into the nape of his neck with Finn's hips seemingly floating in the air, his body suspended and laid out in front of him as Jay buried his cock into the soft spongy valley of his ass. He felt it pulse and jerk within his cheeks and then a few moments later as his back came back down to rest on Jay's stomach, a warmth crept up his lower back as if hot water were being poured over him. Jay's hand relaxed at his crotch and he could feel his babysitters heavy breath panting over his neck and shoulder as his urgent movements slowed until Finn's slender body was still once more. The slacking of Jay's fingers on his hard nail made Finn groan in frustration and he lifted his hips up into his hand. "Don't' stop." He said almost in a whisper and put his hand over Jay's. "You like that huh?" Jay said from behind him as he held his hard little boner in his fingers again and started to massage back and forth. "Does it feel good?" "Uh-huh... Like when I rub it." "You masturbate?" Jay asked him with his big hand once again caressing his smooth chest. Finn relaxed his head back into Jay's shoulder lifting his chest up into Jay's hand and spread his legs further apart invitingly. Masturbate? He didn't know what that word meant, but he figured it was something to do with making his dick tingle. "What's that?" He asked. "What I'm doing now, except when you do it to yourself." Jay explained as he continued the slow up and down movement on his thing. "Yeah," Jay giggled. "I do it a lot." "Since when?" Finn thought about that for a second trying to remember as Jay's finger's worked up and down his short little dick. "I dunno 3;" He said in a quiet voice and started to slowly raise his hips in time with Jay's fingers. "Since I was about seven maybe?" "Seven?" Jay said. "Wow, I didn't start doing that until I was ten or eleven. How'd you know how to do it?" Finn shrugged his shoulders. "I just did. It got hard sometimes and it felt good to rub it." "Did your Mom show you how?" Jay asked and his hand stopped moving. "Noooo!" Finn said turning his body a little to look around at Jay. He felt the sticky mess at his back and as he turned and looked down, he saw Jay's softening dick wedged between his cheeks covered in a creamy film. Finn had noticed a little earlier that Jay was like some of the other men and boys he'd seen with skin over the knob of his dick, but now it was pulled back and he could see the fat head of his thing with milky white liquid oozing from the slit. "Is that the stuff that makes babies?" Finn asked staring down at it. He knew about sperms; his Mom had told him that's what babies were made out of but he didn't really know how. And he really didn't know why Jay was making them now since he wasn't a girl. Jay smiled and glanced down to where he was looking and gently stroked his hand up and down Finn's side. "Yeah it is buddy. It's called semen." "Why's it coming out?" Finn asked as he wriggled to one side and pressed his finger into it on Jay's navel and swirled it around. It was matted into the short hair around Jay's dick and sliding his hand between them, he could feel it on his bum cheek and half way up his back. "Because that's what happens when it really likes someone and you rub it." Jay said. "Is that why it gets hard?" "Is what why?" Jay asked him. "Because you wanted someone to rub it and make babies." Finn said not sure he really understood what he was asking. "No little man, I didn't want to make babies." Finn said smiling down at him. "It got hard because I like you and 3; Well, I wanted to make you feel good too." Finn looked down at his own small dick pointing out from between his legs and then back up to Jay. "It's still hard." "I noticed." Jay said with a smile. After a short pause Finn looked up at Jay again and smiled. "It keeps doing that but I don't know why." He said not in the least shy about it. "I think I have an idea why," Jay said. "But you should call it your penis or 3; cock. It's not a 'thing'. You're not a little boy anymore." "My cock 3;" Finn giggled testing the word out before turning around and laying back into Jay's chest. His mind played over what Jay had just said about liking him and he looked down at his small body in stark contrast to his babysitters. He'd brought his knees together when he'd turned around and they were now nestled between Jay's and seemed so tiny compared to the thick muscled thighs surrounding his legs. Equally as muscled and defined were his chest and shoulders and the arms that wrapped around him were firm and strong. But there was one difference between them that stood out more than the rest; while Jay had a light covering of hair on his arms and legs and of course around his groin, Finn on the other hand was completely hairless and smooth apart from the shaggy brown hair on his head. For the first time, he thought about his body as something more than just skin and bones and organs, instead he now looked at it as something else; something that other people might like to see and touch and feel. As soon as he thought it, he realised then that he wanted Jay to see him and to touch him because it made him feel good too. He wanted Jay to touch his 3; cock again and to rub it like he'd been doing before. Suddenly feeling anxious and wondering if he was wrong, he slowly spread his legs apart and lifted them over Jay's to hook his feet under his knees with his hard little dick pointing up over his smooth navel. With his heart pounding in his chest, Finn felt Jay's hands move back and then under his arms to creep along his sides and hold him by the hips. It felt good letting Jay touch his body and he breathed in deeply as the fingers of one of Jay's hands lightly traced small circles over his immature chest. The other moved back down to lay flat on his waist and stomach and he could feel Jay getting hard again underneath his butt. "Do you really like me?" Finn asked tilting his head to one side as Jay kissed him there. "What?" Jay said close to his ear. "Of course I do. Why did you ask that?" "You said you liked me before." Finn said and as if to emphasis it, he reached down over Jay's hand and grasped his hard little nail in his small fist and gave it a tug. "I like you too." "Do you really?" Jay asked moving his hand forward over his navel inching closer to Finn's hand and his hard dick. "Yeah." Finn said. He took his hand away and let Jay trace a finger along the soft smooth skin of his hairless mound and up the underside of his hard little cock. Almost instantly the same thrilling sensation rose up from deep in his groin as if Jay's fingers were tickling him just underneath his skin. His touch was so soft and gentle that he barely felt it as Jay traced three fingers up and down his short erection, tickling his tight wrinkled balls each time he descended to the base. Finally, coming to the tip once more he slid his thumb under and holding him with the three fingers, gave him a light squeeze before starting to move back and forth. "Can you put my fingers in your mouth Finn?" Jay asked behind him. He let go of his hard little boy cock and brought his hand up to his face and held it there while reaching down between his spread legs with the other. "What for?" Finn asked with a quizzical expression on his face as Jay dug his fingers into the soft flesh of his thigh right at the joint between his leg and balls and forced it further apart. With his legs stretched at a ninety degree angle as far as they would go, Finn's hard little cock and the hairless globe of his balls were fully exposed to Jay's hand. His grip eased then slid over the tight orb of his sac to cup his balls in his palm making Finn bit his lip wondering why Jay wanted to put his fingers in his mouth. "Because it makes it easier to rub your cock and it feels better." Jay said as he once again began pushing up into Finn's ass with his hips. With just the tips of his fingers, Jay tickled his smooth skin with a feathery touch just under his nuts while keeping them held in his palm. Finn lifted his head off his chest and looked at Jay's fingers held an inch or two [5 cm] from his mouth. "C'mon sport. I promise you'll like it." Jay told him and pressed two fingers to his lips. Finn opened his mouth and let Jay slide his fingers in over his tongue and closed his lips around them. The taste was no different than his own except there was a stronger earthy flavour to it, but they filled his mouth almost completely. He could feel Jay sliding his fingers back and forth over his tongue, gently caressing it as if it was the finest silk and scissored his fingers around the sides encouraging Finn to slide it up between them. Saliva poured from his glands and soaked Jay's fingers in his mouth as he slowly withdrew them only to push them back in over and over again. Finn kept his lips held tightly around the invading fingers like he used to suck his thumb when he was a kid and found he actually enjoyed it. Having a part of someone else's body in his mouth and tasting them, even if it was just their fingers made him feel so close to Jay and that he was sharing something special with him. With a final slurp, Jay slid his fingers from Finn's mouth and held the wet and glistening digits together in front of his face. "Great job little dude, that felt really good on your tongue." Jay said as he lowered his hand down to Finn's hard nail pointing up at them straight as an arrow. "You ready?" "Uh-huh," Finn said nodding his head up and down. He'd waited for ages for Jay to rub him again and couldn't wait for him to touch him. His waist rose and fell with Jay's movements but not nearly as much as before and he shuddered a little when he felt his slippery fingers touch him. Jay began to move them around his thin shaft coating his small dick with his saliva before gripping him with two fingers and thumb and then started to rub up and down and squeezing in with a little pressure. At first Finn didn't know what to do with his hands. He was used to doing it himself and groping his own small nuts with his fist wrapped around his pole hammering up and down, but now he had nothing to do with them. Jay's hands were all over his groin, alternating between holding and massaging his nuts to lightly caressing them in his palm while reaching down between his legs to tickle at the sensitive skin below. His fingers had curled around his dick and he now held his small cock tightly in his fist as he slid up and down causing Finn to grind his hips up into his hand. A small whimper of pleasure escaped his lips as the incredible feelings coursed through him and he unconsciously brought one hand up to his chest to circle around a hard nipple. His other hand snaked down his slender body to his hairless mound and rubbed back and forth with his fingers splayed around his cock and Jay's moving fist. Finn relaxed his head back into Jay's chest and succumbed to the growing build-up of orgasm. His whole mind was concentrated on the sensations that burnt between his legs as Jay groped and squeezed at his dick, pushing up with ever increasing urgency with his hips sliding his huge cock back and forth in the tight embrace of his ass cheeks. He closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath as his dick started to tingle and he could feel the familiar rise in his balls just before orgasm, but it was like nothing he'd felt it before. The tingling in his small dick was worse than at any other time and his little three inch [7½ cm] cock was rock solid in Jay's grasp; the small mushroomed head sliding in and out of his closed hand with a muffled squelching sound on each downstroke as Jay's fist slapped against his balls. He resisted the urge for as long as possible, but he couldn't help himself from clasping his hands over Jay's and squeezing his tiny fingers around his compelling him to tighten his grip as he stretched his legs apart until they hurt. It was as though he no longer had control of his own body; he trembled as his breath came in short rasps and his hard little cock felt like it was on fire. With his eyes closed and biting his lower lip, Finn let out an agonised moan into the air with his head held back into Jay's shoulder. His heart pounded in his small chest and it felt like his entire body was reduced down to just the three inches [7½ cm] of his cock in Jay's hand and then his head was swimming. It was as if a lightning bolt had hit him as Jay's thumb swept over the head of his exposed gland making Finn gasp and shudder from head to toe. Opening his eyes for a brief few seconds and looking down his slim frame, Finn saw with some excitement that the head of his penis had become swollen, darker than he'd ever seen it like the color of an over ripe plum. Even the normally tiny slit gaped open each time Jay jerked down on his rock hard boner exposing the flared rim and pulling the skin tight. His legs trembled as he let out a slow moan of pleasure as an inner voice he did not recognise urged him to give Jay what he most wanted; complete and unfettered access to his crotch. As his body rocked and heaved with each tantalizing stroke, Finn lifted his legs up and hooked his feet under Jay's letting his knees fall to the sides and pushed up into his fist. Jay's hand was clutching at his thigh and Finn could feel the pinpricks of sweat forming on his skin as he reached the place of delirious ecstasy, but it had never been anywhere close to this. His whole body shuddered as the pressure built and the monster that his dick had become jerked relentlessly again and again. He was so far lost in the throes of sexual release that he didn't even notice Jay's hand cupping his sex possessively, pushing down on the dark blood-engorged stork of his twitching boyhood. He only dimly heard Jay say something about it feeling really good and him being a 'beautiful and sexy boy' and about how wonderful it felt to do that to him. He felt like he'd been given a wonderful gift that no one else had and he slowly opened his eyes only to realise he'd collapsed onto his side and Jay was holding him up looking down at him. "Finn," He was saying. "Are you okay buddy?" He finally caught his breath and his voice was harsh and croaky. "Yeah 3; what happened?" "You had an orgasm Finn." Jay said with concern. "Haven't you had one before?" "Uh huh," Finn said. "But not like that." "What 3; Better or worse?" Jay asked teasingly. "Way better." Finn said as he stifled a yawn. "When I do it in bed it doesn't feel anywhere near as good." "I'm glad." Jay said looking down at him and then whispered into his ear. "I love you Finn." Finn felt his face involuntarily contort into a beaming smile as he hugged Jay around his neck. "I love you too." He said. And he did. He loved Jay more than he'd loved anything else in the world and without ever having realised how much he craved it, hearing Jay say he loved him made him feel like he was important and that he meant something to someone other than his Mom. They sat like that for a few minutes in silence, each turning back to the television and watching even though the movie was almost at an end. Finn wasn't sorry he'd missed part of it and was even happy he had. He wouldn't have wanted to miss out on what had happened for anything in the world. His eyes grew heavier and without resisting it they closed with the veiled fog of sleep descending over him like a warm blanket. His breathing grew heavier and he was only vaguely aware of being carried to his room and into his bed; the warmth of another body pressed into his back under the covers and being held lovingly around his chest. Finn had awoken in the darkness that night with Jay's hand brushing his hips and around to his front feeling for his sex. They'd done it again in the darkness that night without a word spoken between them, just the soft moans of a man and a boy enjoying each other's hands stroking back and forth. That night held a special place in Finn's heart. It was the first time that Jay had kissed him on the lips after they'd both come and they fell asleep again facing each other laying on their sides. That night had been the first of many excuses that his Mom found to need a babysitter for Finn, and soon after that first time, Finn had asked Jay all the questions he wanted answers to. A week later he'd learned firsthand just how good a 'blow job' felt and got to taste Jay's semen in his mouth. His Mom brought him a double bed and his old one was supposed to be for Jay to use whenever he came over to stay which became more and more frequent. But he never used it except when Finn convinced him to rough up the sheets to make it look like he'd slept there instead of his own bed trying to keep what they did together a secret from his Mom. When he turned ten, Finn lost his virginity to Jay after waiting a whole year. He'd wanted Jay to do it and had told him he could, but Jay had told him over and over again 'not yet' until finally he'd given in and made love to him. And even though Jay told him it would hurt, it didn't. Not much anyway. After that, Finn had wanted to do it all the time and it seemed that whenever he did, his Mom always seemed to have some important errand or job to do leaving him along with Jay yet again. Looking back now, Finn smiled to himself in his office with renewed affection towards his Mom for not making it too obvious to him that she knew. He looked down at the framed photograph on his desk. Was he ever as young as Ben is? The ten year old Finn had his arms wrapped around Jay's neck with their cheeks pressed together and they both smiled back at him through the years. Where had that boy gone? The bell sounded outside and Finn looked up smiling. He wouldn't leave Ben just because he grew up. He'd stay by his side if he could for as long as he wanted him to. He wouldn't leave Ben like Jay had left him. He looked at the clock and started counting the minutes and seconds, timing how long it would take Ben to get to his back door. He didn't have to wait long 3; Maybe you - reader - could give me some suggestions for the next chapter?
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