PZA Boy Stories

Steam Train

Chronicles of a Neighbourhood Babysitter

Chapter 20-22

20 – Dianne Spencer

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(Taking back control of Aaron seen from Daniel Green's viewpoint is described in Juvenile Deterrence, chapters 31-32)

Jennifer Dailey could hardly suppress her absolute delight when her mother informed her that tonight Jennifer and her sister Caitlin would be accompanying their mom plus their neighbours Dianne Spencer and her son Aaron to a special private meeting where Aaron Spencer would be taken back under control. Gail Dailey told her two daughters in general terms what would happen to Aaron over at the house of Owen and Vicki Green on the other side of West Eastbrook that night but they had been sworn to silence so that Aaron would not become suspicious.

Aaron had not been pleasant to either of the two Dailey girls over the last few years and they like their mum were very enthusiastic in their support of Mrs. Spencer's new actions to try and correct Aaron's behavioural slide. The fact that 'Taking Back Control' often resulted in total nudity was a secret desire that they could only hope occurred to Aaron and that they might finally get to see after many years of frustrated desire what their sexy neighbour looked like naked.

Dianne Spencer was Gail Dailey's next door neighbour and closest friend. They had bought up their families together. Dianne's son Aaron was now thirteen, a year younger than Jennifer and a year older than Caitlin. Numerous girls and a not inconsiderable number of boys at West Eastbrook Middle School where Aaron was in 8th grade drooled over his looks.

Aaron was a very attractive looking boy, blond hair, blue eyes, and five foot two [1.57 m] in height with a slim build. Aaron had the build of an Adonis and he knew it, though at the same time he was a very shy boy and never took advantage of his looks in getting a steady girlfriend however he often strutted around his neighborhood in either an open, flapping shirt or with no shirt on at all if the weather was warm enough deliberately showing off his fine featured body. This drove the girls and boys practically wild as they feasted their young eager eyes on his smooth well-developed chest and tummy muscles with its deep bronze tan which only helped to accentuate his good looks. Aaron was hoping for only one thing from this, not a girlfriend but a boyfriend!

Aaron was gay. Since he was twelve he knew he was attracted almost solely to boys. Of course even in this modern society where sexual interaction with a male slave was considered right and proper, such an association between free citizens was far less accepted and almost never flouted in public. At twelve and thirteen no one would have taken his sexuality seriously anyway. He knew what his mother's reaction would have been, 'It's just a phase you're going through growing up'. Aaron knew differently but his frustration had begun to show and his behaviour at home and school had suffered because of these pent up emotions.

Jennifer and Caitlin had been the best of playmates with Aaron when they were younger but as the years passed they grew more apart. When Mr. Spencer walked out on Dianne and Aaron when Aaron was aged eight, Dianne had had a difficult time dealing with her divorce and wanted to do everything possible to keep a good relationship with her son so she spoiled him rotten over the next four years. Soon, she was catering to his every whim and it became obvious to her friends like Gail that Aaron was ruling the roost at home.

This new 'man of the house' attitude did not go down well with Jennifer in particular. When Aaron was eleven Jennifer started babysitting and from day one she wished she was put in charge of minding Aaron. She knew she could have quickly put him straight if she was allowed to apply her newly developed talents in controlling boys.

To her great disappointment this did not happen. Mrs. Spencer never used a babysitter, allowing Aaron the freedom to look after himself from a relatively young age. He was after all now the 'man of the house' and as such Mrs. Spencer considered it not appropriate to have him babysat.

By the time Aaron was twelve, it became apparent, even to Dianne Spencer, that she had her hands full with Aaron. His grades in school were slipping badly, neighbours were complaining about him and he had become very disrespectful and often rude to her.

Dianne continued to blame all of this on the bad company he hung around with at and after school for she was convinced that Aaron was a good boy.

Both Jennifer and Caitlin just longed for the opportunity to see Aaron naked. Over the last two to three years Jennifer had managed to not just see many of her charges naked but inflict a good spanking on their naked behinds as well. It disappointed her that her 'hot' next door neighbour had not fallen under her charge like so many other boys had done.

Lately since the Federal Governments 'Taking Back Control' initiatives had come into force Jennifer had shied away from any contact with Aaron, from the fear of him coming over to her house where her mother had fully instituted 'Taking Back Control' and now made Jennifer and her sister Caitlin be naked inside the house at all times in an attempt to reduce their juvenile excessive modesty. She wanted to see him naked but had little desire to have him see her naked, especially as his mother had not instituted any of the 'Taking Back Control' initiatives in the Spencer household.

Gail Dailey had often mentioned the benefits to herself and her daughters from fully implementing 'Taking Back Control' but Dianne Spencer held a stubborn resistance to anything prospered on religious grounds and felt that the local church involvement in 'Taking Back Control', especially Gail's Episcopal Church's involvement in the initiative was too great for her and her son to become active participants.

One day Dianne was discussing Aaron's brooding and sulkiness over a morning cup of coffee with Gail. Dianne again told Gail how she was concerned that Aaron's moods were a result of all the bad kids that he was associating with at school and after school and how this was getting him a bad reputation in the local community. When Dianne asked Gail how come her daughters were so well behaved and never behaved like Aaron, Gail told her straight that she had 'Taken Back Control' and spanked her girls on their bare bottoms when required to keep them in line. She also suggested again that Dianne try that procedure on Aaron.

Dianne however still could not bring herself to take such strong action. Since her husband left them for another woman Aaron had gradually taken on the masculine role in their house. Aaron now expected to be treated like the man of the house and just the thought of spanking her son seemed an impossible course of action. Aaron would be furious about this approach if she took it and she feared it would damage her relationship with him.

However over the next months as the complaints continued to pile up about her son and his school grades continued to slip Dianne was facing an increasingly harsh dilemma. She knew that one possible answer lay in making a disposition to the juvenile court based on Aaron's behaviour to have him made a newdd. However she did not want to taint his life with the stigma of slavery even temporary enslavement like the newdd programme.

Therefore when her best friend Gail had shown her a newspaper article in the local Eastbrook Daily Prophet on the success nationally of 'Taking Back Control' Dianne read the article over coffee. The surprising statistic that had come out of some early studies into 'Taking Back Control' in a number of different localities across the nation was the number of female juveniles that had benefited from the excessive modesty initiatives of the scheme.

All across the nation it seemed, girl after girl had been caught out padding bra's in an effort to pretend they were not who they truly were. Of course 'Taking Back Control' had put an end to that deception and now these same girls were seen by the male and female juvenile population for just what they were. Many a female power hierarchy in schools across the nation had come tumbling down as the girls were exposed as fakes and deceptors.

The article however was not all about female modesty. Some counties across the nation faced with male juvenile behaviour problems had taken the new initiative to a new level and instituted indecent inexposure laws by declaring official county ordinances that made it compulsory for all boys aged 3 to 15 to be nude at all times. These laws complimented the newdd laws, with only newdd's being public property and able to be touched and punished in public, but making it law within the county that all boys be naked and exposed at all times allowing their excessive modesty and tendencies towards unacceptable attitude, aggressive behavior, and bullying to dissolve away.

Just to prove how diversified the nation was, however, the article went on to tell about one county in Florida which had declared official ordinances that made it compulsory for all females aged 9 to 15 to be nude at all times to curb what the local officials saw as extreme modesty and a very high rate of padded bras in their beach dominated county. Boys were still allowed to be modestly dressed in public unless they offended.

The article also gave the details of the local officials in charge of 'Taking Back Control' in the different parts of Tallahatchie County and when the West Eastbrook official seemed to have no obvious links to any of the local church's, Dianne had finally asked Gail Dailey to make some discrete enquiries to Doctor Milos Learner the contact listed, so that Aaron would not suspect anything was afoot.

Gail Dailey had contacted Dr. Learner as requested and asked him was there any way he could help her best friend Dianne Spencer in controlling her ever increasingly disrespectful and disobedient son, Aaron.

The outcome of Gail Dailey's enquiries was that Dr. Learner had arranged for Gail to bring Dianne and Aaron over that night to the local residence of Owen and Vicki Green for a practical session in 'Taking Back Control'.

Later that evening Aaron was in a bad mood. He was pissed off at missing one of his favourite programmes on TV when his mother had very unusually insisted that he needed to accompany her and his neighbours the Dailey's on a trip.

Despite his complaints his mother had not relented on this demand. This was very unusual and on top of this he could not seem to get a straight answer as to just where they were going with the Dailey's.

Aaron was therefore surprised when they pulled into the drive of a house only a mile or so away and even more surprised when a boy he knew, Daniel Green, who was currently a newdd opened the door of the house and welcomed them in.

Aaron could not stop staring at Daniel's exposed nakedness, especially his immature genitals.

This was Aaron's ultimate sexual fantasy come true. Given the ability to choose any boy he wanted Aaron would always have chosen a boy older than him, but one who was prepubescent. Daniel Green was the ultimate prepubescent late developing teenager.

Daniel had been badly injured when he was twelve years old when runaway slaves had slammed a stolen car into the passenger's side of Daniel's grandfather's car in which he was a passenger. He had had extensive surgery on his injuries, a broken leg and arm; internal bleeding and he had received a donor transplant liver, bladder and penis because his own were all too badly damaged to be saved.

Daniel did not know the source of his donor organs, specifically if they had come from the slave organ bank or a citizen donor, though he did know the liver was from a different donor to his bladder and penis. He also knew that his donor penis had come from a boy seven years younger than himself. The doctors at the time had said this was not ideal but it was a case of what was available at the time that Daniel needed his emergency operation. The result was that he had received the penis of a five-year-old boy!

Daniel had been told that over time his penis would grow when he went through puberty, but the Doctor had also cautioned Daniel that as the transplanted penis was seven years younger than him and that as he only had six years at the most of growth left the doctor had also advised that his new penis would never get more developed then a preteens.

To make matters worse for Daniel in the 2½ years since his hospitalisation, the onset of puberty had still had not arrived even though he was now fifteen years old. Flaccid Daniel's penis was only ¾ of an inch [2 cm] and 1¾ inches [4½ cm] erect which for an eight-year-olds penis, which Daniel's now was, meant that it fell within the lower range of normal size for that age.

Upon entering the Green residence, Mr. Green welcomed them all into his house and introduced them to his wife, family and Dr. Learner.

After introducing himself, Dr. Learner explained to the assembled crowd why he had invited them all to the Greens house. He explained the role Owen and Vicki Green would be playing in the local 'Taking Back Control' programme and how Gail Dailey had contacted him after reading in the local newspaper about the 'Taking Back Control' programme and asked was there any way Dr. Learner could help her best friend Dianne Spencer in controlling her ever increasingly disrespectful and disobedient son Aaron.

This was news however to Aaron who had not been told where he was going or why and he was already pissed off at being forced to go out and thus miss one of his favourite programmes on TV.

"I don't need fucking looking after, I am the man of our household and mum does a fine job of looking after my needs as far as I am concerned," Aaron stated.

Turning towards Aaron Dr. Learner warned Aaron that if he heard such disgusting words from his mouth again he would personally wash his mouth out with soap and asked Aaron did he understand.

"Yeah," Aaron replied with a snarl and an air of contempt.

Upon this surly reply Dr. Learner made a point to tell Aaron that in future he would address him as Dr. Learner at all times.

Dr. Learner then turned to face Dianne Spencer and explained to her that one of the prime purposes of the 'Taking Back Control' program was to assist the parent raising the child. He pointed out that Aaron was only thirteen years old, still a boy and that as a boy he needed adult guidance in growing up. Dr. Learner informed Dianne that in this program Aaron was to be treated like the child he was and his mother was to take more adult responsibility in his upbringing. Dr. Learner reminded both of them that they were welcome to leave the program if they wished but then it would be to Aaron's great detriment as he was sure based on the evidence he had collected on Aaron's behaviour that he would soon end up a newdd.

Dr. Learner pointed out that taking back control of Aaron was going to be a big job and that he and the Greens would need help.

Gail Dailey was quick to offer not just her own services but those of her daughters too if required.

Dr. Learner gratefully accepted the offers of assistance, especially of the two daughters.

He then pointed out that as part of 'Taking Back Control' Aaron should when at home during the day and the evening be kept naked. He would be able to have friends come visit him but he would not be allowed to dress and that Mrs. Spencer would need to decide if this modesty programme applied to the visitors as well, like the 'Taking Back Control' initiative recommended. He would be expected to help Dianne around the house whilst nude doing chores like sweeping, vacuuming and after dinner clearing the table and washing the dishes. Study time for homework would now also be scheduled on a daily basis in an endeavour to improve Aaron's school results and a fellow teenager would be appointed to assist Aaron through this change in his life style and act as Aaron's mentor.

Aaron stood there in shock listening to the rules being set out by Dr. Learner. There was no way he was going to allow these rules to come into being. Certainly no way he was going to get naked in front of this lot of perverts. He was used to ruling the roost at home and no goody-goody like this Learner guy was going to spoil his lot!

Dr. Learner suggested to Dianne that Jennifer and Caitlin who their mother Gail had offered to help and who he had used in some of his previous 'Taking Back Control' lectures could be used by inviting them to come over every evening to bathe Aaron. This would assist in reducing his excessive modesty. He also suggested that he saw no reason why on some occasions the girls could not bring some of their friends along with them to help with Aaron's bathing and accustom him to being naked around strangers.

Both Jennifer and Caitlin Dailey could not believe that they had just heard the suggestion that Dr. Learner had made and both girls were struggling to stifle their grins and giggles at this great news. Both the girls had hoped to see their sexy thirteen-year-old neighbour naked as he was taken back under control, now it sounded like they were going to get that wish plus much, much more!

They were not the only ones pleased with this development. Daniel Green was standing at slave rest over near the kitchen door and he along with Eric and Melissa who were peeking out at the unfolding action from the kitchen were all also aroused at the prospect of seeing this teenage Adonis naked.

Mrs. Green looked at Aaron and she thought to herself, "I think I will really enjoy working with Dr. Learner as a Guardian if all the boys are this cute looking." Owen Green was having similar thoughts but his were tinged with the additional thought that 'Taking Back Control' had been sent to test him. For all his adult life he had been fascinated by nubile bodies, now his new position of power as a guardian was throwing nubile body after nubile body at him. The test he knew was to stay within the limits of the law and not allow his fantasies to come to fruition. But temptation was now an ever present danger with the shadow of life time slavery lingering as a punishment if he strayed off the lawful path.

Dr. Learner then addressed Aaron and said, "Now Aaron, I want you to remove all of your clothes, fold them neatly and put them in a pile on the table."

Dianne Spencer sat quietly wondering where this was going, surely she had heard Dr. Learner wrong and he did not expect Aaron to get totally naked in front of her and the others present. She hadn't seen Aaron naked since he was about nine years old and she was blushing at the thought of his public nakedness as much as Aaron was himself.

"No way, you have to be kidding," said Aaron, "What are you some kind of paedophile?"

Dr. Learner reached out and slapped Aaron hard across his bottom.

Both Aaron and Dianne were startled at this sudden action. Aaron was more embarrassed than hurt as his clothing greatly padded the blow. He did however momentarily think about kicking Dr. Learner back for striking him!

"Look son," said Dr. Learner. "I'm not going to play games with you and I have no intention of being called a paedophile by anyone let alone a little boy. If you don't do exactly as I say then regardless of your mother's previous feelings I will have you made a newdd and you will be naked in public as well as in private, is that understood?"

"Yeah, 3; 3; I guess so," said Aaron very slowly.

"This is the last time I am reminding you that you call me Dr. Learner or Sir is that understood?"

"Yes Dr. Learner, Sir," Aaron said very sarcastically.

"Good, then get undressed," Dr. Learner reiterated.

Aaron felt defeated for the first time in many years. He was used to ruling the roost now his despondency showed by the way he slumped his head and shoulders.

"Fuck this," Aaron yelled out and rushed out of the lounge room heading quickly towards the front door.

He didn't get far, as Tom the Green's household slave appeared from the side and grabbing him firmly from behind carried the kicking and screaming boy easily back into the lounge room.

Tom crossed his arms and took hold of Aaron's wrists before turning in a half circle and hoisting him onto his back like a sack of potatoes, bending forward as he did so.

It was a simple matter for the strongly built Tom to lift the thirteen-year-old Aaron completely off the ground, his hands held tightly against Tom's chest, his feet dangling off the ground.

Immediately this happened Aaron again began yelling at the top of his lungs and making all sorts of threats while trying to kick at Tom. But with his body bent forward over Tom's back, he could do nothing to get at him.

The girls in particular found Aarons sack of potatoes position very comical and were giggling to themselves when Dr. Learner invited them to come forward and begin assisting Aaron to undress as he was obviously not keen to do so himself.

Suddenly Aaron felt both Jennifer and Caitlin's hands removing his shoes. Struggling furiously he glanced over his shoulder and watched as the two girls put his shoes aside. His socks soon followed. Much to his horror, Caitlin returned and reaching around his waist, opening his belt. Then she popped the snap on his jeans and began with the help of Jennifer tugging them down.

"Nooooo!" he screamed. "You nasty bitches! You can't do this to me. Stop this now! 3; Mummy help me?"

"I warned you about your mouth Aaron, for that foul language, you're going to get extra spanks tonight and if you keep that language up, you'll be even more sorry, I promise you," Dr. Learner admonished.

As Dr. Learner spoke, the girls managed to pull Aaron's jeans over his hips. Grasping the fabric at the ankles, they tugged them down and off before throwing them onto the table.

Again the two girls stepped back and reached for opposite sides of the waistband of Aaron's white cotton underpants. Unable to stop himself Aaron again let loose with another torrent of abuse which Dr. Learner chose to ignore.

Staying to the sides of his kicking feet, Jennifer and Caitlin pulled Aaron's underpants slowly down past his bottom, down, down, to his knees, and still lower till they came off completely.

With his bare bottom now fully visible, Aaron lost all self-control and yelled every foul word he knew. Ignoring his protests, Dr. Learner stood back and surveyed the girl's handiwork.

By now, Aaron had exhausted himself from trying to kick at Tom. He was also acutely aware of what he might expose if he struggled too hard. But there was nothing he could do to cover up as Tom firmly held his hands, so he just hung there, helplessly, all too aware that he was completely naked below the waist and that the eyes of everyone were getting an uninterrupted view of his naked bottom.

"Right Aaron," Dr. Learner said to Aaron, "If I instruct the servant to release you will you now co-operate or should I have the girls remove the remainder of your clothing?"

"No sir please I will do it" Aaron begged blushing profusely as he was forced to agree to strip himself naked. Having Jennifer and Caitlin strip him so far was a fate worse than death, he preferred to do it himself if he must.

Tom released his grip and as Tom did so Aaron turned his back to the audience and covered his genitals with his left hand whilst with some difficulty he slowly pulled his tee shirt over his head with his right hand and placed it on the pile of discarded clothes.

"Turn around Aaron," ordered Dr. Learner.

Aaron turned slowly to face the eager audience but he covered his genitals with both his hands as his face reddened even more from his humiliation.

Seeing his instinctive reaction, Dr. Learner said, "There, see Mrs. Spencer, far too much modesty. Little boys of Aaron's age need to be taught that the wearing of clothing is a privilege not a right. There will be no covering up or playing with yourself Aaron, so take your hands away and start folding your clothes neatly in a pile on the table."

21 – Aaron Spencer Aged 13

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Both Jennifer and Caitlin Dailey let out a giggle at the erotic sight revealed before them and Dianne Spencer looked on in amazement as her son Aaron's most private secrets were revealed.

This was the first time she had seen Aaron naked in years.

The first thing she noticed was that he had an almost invisible trail of miniscule golden peach fuzz which started just beneath his navel and extended downward passing his tan-line which erotically showed off the stark contrast between Aaron's bronze tanned abdominal muscles and the pale white skin of his extreme lower belly.

Dianne's eyes gazed lower again following the almost invisible peach fuzz trail till her eyes fell on Aaron's very sparse small and narrow thatch of silky short light brown pubic hair that had started growing just above the base of her son's tightly circumcised penis. It was the only hair down there as his penis and ball-sac were smooth and hairless.

Much to Dianne's embarrassment she saw that Aaron had at that moment a totally erect penis which was about three and a half inches [9 cm] long, its bulbous head stood pointing upwards at 45 degrees to his body. It nestled above a plump but not yet descended scrotum. Aaron's balls were no longer hidden totally by his penis unlike a real little boy however they clearly had only recently begun growing just like his sparse thatch of pubic hair.

Aaron was beet red with humiliation and embarrassment, and could not look at his mother, Mrs. Green or Dr. Learner. He was also upset because everyone was staring at him. He desperately wanted to get even with Dr. Learner somehow for making him expose himself like this but right now they seemed to have taken back control from him and he decided it was best if he did as he was told.

When he tidied up his clothes Aaron just stood there totally naked with his head bowed down feeling foolish and wishing he could run away and hide. It was obvious that everyone was still staring at his naked body. Aaron felt so embarrassed and humiliated that he just kept his eyes down while shuffling his feet, wishing something would happen.

As Aaron continued to stand in front of everyone totally naked Dr. Learner called the Greens over to watch as he began a partial slave inspection. He began to push on Aaron's stomach and worked his way down to his throbbing erection. He rolled each of Aaron's balls in his hand and asked the Greens and Dianne to come closer and examine Aaron's penis. Dr. Learner pointed out how red it was and told them it was probably from Aaron masturbating himself too much. Dr. Learner informed Dianne and the Greens that excessive masturbation was one of the things they were going to stop. In future Aaron would only be allowed to masturbate under controlled conditions. Dr. Learner then began to ask Aaron all sorts of personal and private questions while he stood there exposed as everyone else studied his red penis.

"When did you start to masturbate, how often do you do it, where, when, what do you think about?" Aaron was eventually forced under the threat of punishment to answer each question from Dr. Learner in front of his mother, the Dailey's and the Greens.

He felt he was baring his soul to all these people as he stood there totally naked.

Aaron told them that he had begun masturbating just before he turned twelve. Now he masturbated at least once every day, sometimes two or three times. He masturbated in bed before going to sleep and before getting up in the morning he also masturbated in the shower sometimes. He even confessed that one of his fantasies when he masturbated was having sex with his neighbours Jennifer and Caitlin. This was not true but even now he felt he could not reveal the real truth that most of his fantasies centred around sex with other boys from school and sport.

Dr. Learner turned to Mrs. Spencer and said, "Remind me please after I am finished with Aaron to talk to you about allowing Aaron to masturbate under controlled conditions. I know young Jennifer here runs a class just for this purpose over at the Shaw-Davis residence every afternoon after school. Perhaps we could look at booking Aaron into that session as well, say once a week."

Though Dianne was anti anything church orientated, she was too shocked at this stage of proceedings to raise any objection.

Finally satisfied that all the information had been extracted, Dr. Learner began to lecture Aaron about his behaviour. The naked and beet red Aaron just looked down at his feet unable to look anyone in the eye. When Dr. Learner asked, "What should we do about your behaviour Aaron?" Aaron replied slowly, "I should be punished?"

"Exactly," said Dr. Learner.

Dianne Spencer looked at her son and thought he was being treated like a little boy. Then it hit her. He really was just a little boy. Sure he now had the early beginnings of manhood with his sparse thatch of pubic hair but if you ignored that one sign of maturity Aaron had still been behaving very much like a little boy.

As if Dr. Learner knew exactly what Dianne Spencer was thinking the Doctor addressed Aaron saying, "Little boys don't have pubic hair so until such time as you can prove to your mother and the Greens that you are grown up enough to have pubes they will be shaved off."

Turning to Mr. Green, Dr. Learner asked, "Are there shaving utensils available we can use for this exercise?"

"Yes of course," Mr. Green replied and quickly dispatched Daniel to the bathroom to collect a razor, shaving cream and a moist face cloth.

When Daniel returned Dr. Learner ordered him to perform the chore he most wished for. He was ordered to shave off Aaron's pubes.

His own fully erect penis exposing his aroused state to everyone, Daniel took the cap off the shaving cream and squirted the soapy cream onto the palm of his left hand.

"Please don't shave me, I'll be good, I'll do anything you tell me, please!" Aaron begged as his erection quickly subsided from the humiliation he was about to suffer at the hands of Daniel in front of his mother and his neighbors. Another time another place such an intimate moment with Daniel would have been 'to die for', but not here and not now!

"Quit crying like a baby," Caitlin interjected, "it'll grow back 3; 3; maybe."

Daniel rubbed the soapy cream over Aaron's lower abdomen and pubic area quickly covering his small thatch of light brown pubic hair. Once this was done he also covered both of Aaron's arm pits with the shaving cream though there was noting showing there but some prepubescent golden peach fuzz.

When he was finished applying the shaving cream, Daniel wiped his hands clean with the washcloth and then picking up the razor, he then looked to Dr. Learner for the order to begin the shaving.

"Proceed," was the command from Dr. Learner.

Teasingly, Daniel showed Aaron the razor he was holding.

"OK, now you are going to have to stand real still so I don't accidentally cut you," Daniel warned the crimson faced thirteen-year-old who slowly nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Right!" said Daniel as he carefully lowered the razor to Aaron's lower belly and drew it across Aaron's hips just below the navel.

As he did so Daniel stared at the smooth ribbon of skin that was exposed and carefully made a second and third path across the teenager's extreme lower belly. Aaron could only tense his muscles as he felt the razor remove the almost invisible trail of baby fuzz on his belly.

"AWESOME!!" cried the two Dailey girls in unison as they watched Daniel remove their neighbor's almost non existent 'happy trail.'

Now Daniel was extra careful as he slowly and methodically shaved off the sparse silky bush which until now had sprouted above the base of Aaron's penis. A penis which was now drooping deflated between his legs.

When Daniel was done he wiped the area clean with the wet cloth and went back to 'touch-up' any hairs he may have missed. He then proceeded to shave off the shaving cream and fuzz that was underneath Aarons arm pits, wiping off any traces of leftover shave cream with the wash cloth.

Aaron lowered his head and looked down at his naked body to see that he was totally bald around penis. Even the almost invisible trail of baby peach fuzz was gone! He looked again like he had looked only six months earlier, a prepubescent little boy. As he raised his head he started to wonder what else Dr. Learner had in store for him.

He didn't have long to wait till Dr. Learner gave him his answer.

"From your red penis Aaron, it is obvious you have been masturbating far too much. From today you will only be allowed to masturbate under supervision," Dr. Learner said.

Then turning to Mrs. Dailey he asked, "Will it be alright if Jennifer and Caitlin perform Aaron's first supervised masturbation?"

Mrs. Dailey looked very concerned about her daughters performing this sexual act on Aaron, her best friend's son but both Jennifer and Caitlin begged her to allow them and finally she relented. They had a valid point, they had after all masturbated boys before with her permission and Jennifer still did so on a daily basis at the Shaw-Davis household.

"Oh well I guess it will be alright seeing it is all properly supervised and is a legal part of the Taking Back Control Programme," Mrs. Dailey informed her two ecstatic daughters.

Dr. Learner directed Jennifer and Caitlin over to Aaron's naked body and Jennifer without hesitation took Aaron's penis head into her fingers and squeezed it, which instantly elicited a moan from Aaron's mouth.

Both Jennifer and Caitlin seemed to know exactly what was required of them with out much supervision from Dr. Learner, a fact that was not lost on their mother or Dr. Learner. They both knew only too well where they had picked up those skills.

Jennifer repeatedly squeezed Aaron's penis, whilst Caitlin went and knelt in front of the teenagers legs. Carefully she reached over and cupped Aaron's smooth, tight and plump but not yet descended scrotum.

"Hey nice balls!" said Caitlin to her sister, ignoring the remainder of the audience as she separated Aaron's sensitive chestnut sized testicles within their plump tight ball sac and held them apart, one in each hand.

Aaron held his breath and didn't move as Caitlin felt his testicles; not wanting anything to happen that could damage this, the most sensitive area of his entire body.

"Way to go sis!" giggled Jennifer as she watched Aaron's small nuts handled so sensuously by her younger sister.

As Jennifer continued stroking Aaron's fully erect penis and as Caitlin continued massaging Aaron's warm silky smooth ball sac, it was becoming obvious that the thirteen-year-old boy was rapidly approaching an orgasm.

Jennifer had settled into a rhythm jacking off Aaron's totally erect penis. Caitlin sensing the teenager's orgasm was fast approaching stopped massaging his ball sack and sat back enthralled; watching as her sister expertly masturbated their teenage neighbour.

At first Jennifer had used short slow strokes and then she switched over to longer and faster ones and it wasn't long before the helpless Aaron approached the inevitable climax.

"Sis, look; he's gonna cum!!!" Caitlin exclaimed as Aaron's naked body heaved and arched.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! fuck! ohhhhhhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh! fuuuuuuck!" Aaron cried out as he reached the verge of climax.

With a final squeeze of her fingers just below the head of Aaron's turgid penis, Jennifer made the teenage boy orgasm.

Aaron's whole body was shuddering, his throat moaning, as an intense not quite dry, but not shooting either, cum overtook him.

Disappointingly for the two girls only a few clear drops of immature cum leaked from the tip of his penis.

Daniel was instructed to wipe up the few drops of cum and then Dr. Learner instructed the completely humiliated Aaron, "Now Aaron, I want you to lie over your mother's lap so she can give you a good spanking."

Blushing profusely and abjectly humiliated Aaron felt deep within himself at that moment that his life and his relationship with his mother was changing forever.

Enthusiastically taking up her new role, Dianne Spencer sat up straight in her chair as Aaron reluctantly walked over to his mother's side and then bent over her lap. Dianne helped him get into a comfortable spot with his bottom straight up in the air.

Mr. Green produced a paddle which resembled a hairbrush with no bristles for Dianne to use. He told Aaron's mum that it was a donation from the Community Watch for her to keep and she should use it freely.

Dr. Learner started to teach Dianne how to give a good spanking. He showed her how to smack Aaron's butt as hard as she could manage by improving her technique. He directed Dianne to move the swats around to cover Aaron's whole bottom. He told her she could also smack the back of his legs. Dr. Learner pointed to the spot where the thighs met the butt and told Dianne to concentrate on this area to make the spanking memorable.

All the time the Greens and Mrs. Dailey were studying his instructions and technique.

Dr. Learner also told Mrs. Spencer to ignore any promises of being good, or pleas for mercy made by Aaron, as they were only attempts to distract her from the job at hand. If there were any attempts to cover his bottom with his hands, a few sharp smacks on the fingers with the paddle would remedy that.

Then the spanking proper began.

Mrs. Spencer noticed how Aaron's body shook and shuddered with each smack.

Aaron on the other hand noticed how much each smack hurt when the paddle landed. He had never been spanked since his dad had left all those years ago and he didn't know what to expect but one thing for certain he was not expecting the pain to be so intense. He thought of himself as the man of the house, he could not be seen to be crying like a little boy but as more and more smacks reigned down on his ever reddening bottom, Aaron was finding it harder and harder to stop from crying.

Dr. Learner guided Dianne, directing her to which areas needed to be reddened more. And Dianne soon found out Dr. Learner was right. There were promises of being good and pleas for mercy. Soon all that could be heard were sobs then a little later soft crying and deep breaths from Aaron.

Aaron's bottom was now bright red and his cries began sounding more like a fifth grader than a thirteen-year-old eighth grade boy on the verge of puberty. Still his mothers arm rose and fell, the paddle making loud cracks mingling with Aaron's increasingly heart felt cries.

As the spanking continued he could hold back his emotions no more and began crying openly, without shame, exactly like the little boy he had once more become.

Long before Dr. Learner gave the instruction to cease the spanking Aaron was sobbing loudly and making every frantic, childish promise he could think of in the vain hope of ending his punishment.

When Dr. Learner finally announced the spanking was ended Aaron's rear was bright red from the top of his bottom down to his upper thighs.

Aaron jumped to his feet and began to rub his bottom doing the dance of the spanked that everyone especially Jennifer and Caitlin and his mum found very funny to watch performed.

As Aaron did his dance Mrs. Green then went out into the kitchen past her two enthralled younger children who were still peeping through the kitchen door at the scene in their lounge room and upon returning gave Dianne Spencer a wet cloth so she could clean Aaron's face which was covered with tears and snot just like he was a very little boy.

The lesson concluded and Aaron having been firmly taken back under control, Dr. Learner told Aaron to go and stand in a corner.

Then to Daniel's surprise Dr. Learner called Daniel to him and informed him that he was from this moment formally appointed as Aaron's mentor. He congratulated Daniel on his behaviour as a newdd and advised him that by serving as a mentor Daniel could reduce the length of his newdd service considerably.

Whilst the others partook refreshments served by Tom. Mr. Green took Daniel over to the corner where Aaron was standing and he formally introduced Daniel to the still sobbing little boy as his new mentor.

Aaron was still too distraught to really take in this new development but he knew between the throbs of pain that he was glad that Daniel was going to be his mentor. That would mean they would be together a lot and having the possibility of being alone with a totally naked Daniel Green was something Aaron despite his current gloom was already really looking forward too.


The very next day Jennifer was scheduled to perform her first bathing session with Aaron. She had been looking forward to bathing him all day. It had distracted her at school and even during the masturbation session at the Shaw-Davis residence. Since she had come home from that session she had repeatedly been looking at her watch, time was not moving fast enough for her!

When finally her mother indicated that she should follow her over to the Spencer residence, Jennifer was very aroused. Dominating it over Aaron was the last frontier in her list of male conquests as far as she was concerned.

"Where are you going?" Gail Dailey asked her daughter as Jennifer headed off to the front door.

"Just to get my clothes off the hook mum," Jennifer excitedly replies.

"No need for that dear," Mrs. Dailey replied, "We'll use the gate in the back yard like we usually do to get Dianne's. That way you won't have to dress and then undress once you're inside next door. Dianne has adopted the 'Taking Back Control' modesty rules too, now that Aaron has been taken under control."

Jennifer froze in her tracks. Her mother didn't see her reaction but Caitlin did. To save herself from her mother's wrath Caitlin quickly placed her hand over her mouth to muffle her giggle. She was glad she had homework to do and could not attend the first nights session.

Jennifer faced the same problem at the Shaw-Davis residence where she had been providing the medical masturbation sessions for Mat Davis and Nick Hermann. The edge was taken off her enjoyment because she too had to be naked due to 'Taking Back Control.' If she wasn't careful she exposed all her modesty to the ever willing eyes of Mat and Nick. On one occasion, the only time since the sessions had started when no one else was in the room Nick had even cupped his right hand under her breasts and fingered her moist clit with his left, bringing her to a humiliating climax in front of an awestruck Nick Hermann who had a dry orgasm just watching.

When Jennifer walked into the Spencer residence stark naked and totally exposed not even having her pubic bush to cover any of her feminine modesty, Aaron nearly dropped the plate he was putting away after having washed up the dinner things for the first time in his life. The tell tale red marks on his naked bottom told the story to everyone that Aaron had not at first taken kindly to washing up. But his mother's new found skill in spanking soon had Aaron a compliant young juvenile.

Despite his gay tendencies the sight of his long term neighbour as naked as he was, soon had his penis at full mast. Its trigger happy behaviour was not helped by the fact that his mother had given him no privacy since last evening and he had not been able to jerk off. His penis was taking every opportunity of telling him that it was overdue for relief. Unfortunately Dr. Learner was on his way over at that very moment, the barer of a device that Aaron and his penis would instantly come to hate!

Mrs. Spencer knew Dr. Learner was on his way so she made a coffee for Gail and Jennifer whilst Aaron sat across the table looking anything but pleased to be in his new situation.

When Dr. Learner arrived he joined them for a coffee then took out of his bag a strange pair of briefs and showed them to Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Dailey.

"This is the most modern form of penis clamp, it's really a piece of clothing but the retailers still call it a penis clamp, traditions die hard I guess," Dr. Learner informed them, "It is commonly used on male slaves to control their sexual activities and the slave training experts swear by it's effectiveness in changing a slaves whole outlook on life after wearing one of these garments for while. The model I have chosen to help control Aarons excessive masturbation allows him to urinate and have a full erection but he can't pleasure himself at all. He has to rely on your generosity Mrs. Spencer or on Jennifer's if you give her that authority to get any sexual release."

The penis clamp model Dr. Learner had chose was actually a garment made out of a special thick, lightweight, strong and unbreakable synthetic material. From the front its appearance was almost that of a pair of grey briefs with some modifications, at the rear however it had most of the buttocks and anus exposed. The model allowed for unobstructed erections when locked in the open position, but could also be tightened and locked over the penis to cause the wearer much discomfort if an erection should occur whilst locked in the closed position.

Aaron was not at all happy with the thought of being fitted out with a slaves penis clamp after he had been bathed, but like everything that seemed to happen in his life since last night he no longer had a say. Aaron entered the bathroom apprehensively with Jennifer followed by his mother, Mrs. Dailey and Dr. Learner. Till last night he washed alone, always locking the bathroom door even though only his mother lived in the house with him.

"Aaron, get in the bathtub please, sit down so you get wet and then stand up facing me," Jennifer instructed taking control of the situation just like she had learned to do with all her babysitting charges.

Aaron did as he was instructed and didn't mutter a word. He knew all the adults were watching his every move and action. Jennifer immediately began washing him by using the wash cloth firmly on his face. To Aaron it felt like Jennifer was trying to scrub the skin completely off his face!

"Arms up," Jennifer ordered as Aaron responded by raising his arms compliantly as she washed the length of his arms and hairless arm pits. Jennifer then lathered the wash cloth and washed his neck and chest followed by his abdomen. She paused to especially clean his navel and then progressed down the front of both his smooth hairless legs.

A slight smile erupted on Mrs. Spencer's face as she watched her son being washed. She thought to herself, 'Aaron thinks that maybe Jennifer will let him wash his own private parts because she has bypassed his groin'. Dianne was enjoying seeing her son naked. There had been no male in her life since her husband left, now the sight of her son's beautiful body had her mesmerized. Truly it was not something to be hidden away, thank heavens for 'Taking Back Control' and Dr. Learner.

"Turn around so I can wash your back and bottom," Jennifer ordered.

Aaron complied still hoping he was going to spared a genital wash. Jennifer carefully washed his back then gently began washing the still reddened globes of the thirteen-year-olds buttocks before washing the back of his legs.

Aaron's raging erection had subsided somewhat as the possibility seemed to diminish that Jennifer wouldn't make an assault on his genitals.

"Okay turn around again," Jennifer commanded as Aaron eagerly complied anticipating he was done.

Jennifer put the wash cloth on the side of the bathtub and lathered her hands. Reaching out she took his semi flaccid penis into her hand and began to rub the soap all over it. She re-lathered and did his scrotum making sure to roll each plump tight testicle around with her finger as she went. Aaron's penis immediately rose to attention as he blushed profusely at this intimate invasion of his privacy.

Once satisfied that she had extracted the maximum amount of humiliation out of Aaron from washing his genitals Jennifer asked him to turn around again and began the process of cleaning around Aaron's anus before completing his humiliation with a quick painful thrust with her middle finger past his puckered sphincter which penetrated deep into Aaron. The initially startling and painful thrust that caused Aaron to yelp was soon lost to the new sensations of sensual pleasure that Jennifer's finger had created deep within him as she stroked his prostrate.

Mrs. Dailey was impressed. Her daughter had really studied Dr. MacPherson's technique. Low betide any male who pissed Jennifer off she thought to herself!

As Jennifer moved her finger in and out, Aaron's penis began to throb. It was jumping up and down with each stroke however Jennifer stopped her massaging long before Aaron could reach a climax.

Before he left the bathroom Aaron was instructed again by Dr. Learner about the new rules for his body and this talk culminated in Aaron being fitted with his synthetic penis clamp and one key to the lock on the penis clamp was given to Mrs. Spencer and the other to Jennifer for use at bath time.

Aaron knew already that his mother would not allow him to masturbate so his only hope for future masturbation lay with his neighbor Jennifer Dailey at bath time and maybe the added possibility that Dr. Learner had hinted about that might occur at the Shaw-Davis residence. As embarrassing as that might be for him it did offer the added bonus that there he might get to see those two very hot guys, Mat Shaw-Davis and Nick Hermann naked and masturbated by Jennifer.

The pleasures of the flesh were now denied Aaron and already he was craving for a jerk off, the opportunity to climb onto that plateau of pleasure he had so enjoyed many times before, that was now denied too him.

22 – Love – Conclusion

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Aaron Spencer had over the ensuing months slowly developed a deep physical relationship with his mentor Daniel Green. Daniel was everything he desired in a lover, older than him yet almost prepubescent with the smallest penis and balls Aaron had ever seen on a fifteen-year-old guy. It was therefore the greatest of shocks when Daniel informed him that he wanted to be a lawyer more than anything else in his life and so that he did not break Aaron's heart by ignoring him to study, he was going to take up the offer of a 'Booth Scholarship' in Washington DC.

"I know we will miss each other but it will give us time to sort out our own feelings. I don't know if I am really gay, bi or hetero. By the time I am finished in Washington I am sure I will know myself far better," Daniel had told the shocked Aaron.

Aaron did not know about Daniel's two other male lovers, Gary and Marco nor they of Aaron for that matter. Daniel choose not to mention his complicated love triangle to all three of the guys instead using the 'Booth Scholarship' to legitimise his sudden impending departure.

Aaron's last afternoon with Daniel was by necessity brief but he did manage one last loving act with the first boy he had ever come to really love. Daniel had been shown by Mrs. Spencer where she kept the key to Aaron's penis clamp in case he ever needed to access it. Daniel did not agree with locking up a guys genitals and so was only too happy to assist Aaron in his desire to get regular relief. He had in fact accessed the key on numerous occasions over the last few months as their relationship built. What happened after he left for Washington was another matter and a problem for Aaron to deal with, but he guessed there was soon to be a lot more sexual frustration coming Aaron's way.

This afternoon however that was not to be the case because more than any other time he wanted to show his love for Aaron by sharing this last time together as intimately as was possible, so again he accessed the key knowing that he was going to let Aaron have his way totally this time if he so desired. Aaron was a natural top and Daniel had resisted his overtures up to this point but today, for their last time together it was going to be different.

Back in Aaron's bedroom, Aaron removed Daniel's clothing and Daniel reciprocated doing the same to Aaron. They began to caress and Aaron ran his smooth silky fingers over Daniel's hairless chest causing Daniel's penis to begin to swell, Aaron took his lover's penis in his hand and began to lick it. It was not an unpleasant a taste and felt spongy which surprised Aaron.

Daniel was already enjoying this last encounter with Aaron. He trembled in ecstasy as a drop of pre-cum oozed out of the slit of his penis. Aaron extended his tongue as far as he could and he licked up the clear, sticky droplet which had next to no taste just a faint hint of saltiness. Soon another droplet oozed out of his lovers penis and again he licked it up, and then went down on Daniel's penis before he could produce another drop. Aaron was sliding his lips up and down Daniel's tiny 1¾ inch [4 cm] erect shaft. Up and down. Up and down Aaron went, quickly bringing Daniel to the brink of orgasm. The sucking was driving Daniel crazy, it felt good, really good and Daniel was soon begging for Aaron to bring him to a climax. Equally Aaron couldn't wait for Daniel's throbbing penis to explode inside his mouth. He just kept sucking and sucking and sucking until Daniel's inevitable orgasm approached. Daniel moaned, Daniel cried out, Daniel forgot all about Aaron, the only thing that existed at that moment was the sexual pleasure building in his penis and balls.

Aaron felt Daniel's penis throb between his lips as Daniel trembled and ran his fingers through Aaron's fresh smelling hair just before he began to shoot his miniscule load. What small amount of cum Daniel could now shoot went straight down Aaron's throat and was eagerly swallowed before Aaron began to draw back off of Daniel's still throbbing 1¾ inch [4 cm] penis.

Daniel, blushing bright scarlet, lay on his back breathing heavily, whilst Aaron wasted no time in greasing up his own penis and then forced the lube up his lover's butt crack and around his tight sphincter with his greasy middle finger.

Daniel was really nervous about what Aaron was planning but he wanted Aaron so badly that he said nothing to damper Aaron's excitement.

Aaron then knelt between Daniel's legs and raising Daniel's legs over his shoulders, positioned his penis at Daniel's greased entrance. Daniel closed his eyes as he felt the hard, hot knob of Aaron's erect 4 inch [10 cm] penis wedging between his ass cheeks and he prayed he could bear the pain for the sake of his lover. Ever so slowly and gently Aaron's 4 inch [10 cm] greased penis slowly began to penetrate and Daniel inhaled sharply. Aaron was in a state of sexual euphoria as he fucked his lover for the first time.

Aaron reached for Daniels tiny erection and began to jerk him off whilst he continued to ram his hard penis deep inside Daniel's ass. It soon struck Daniel's prostrate, which sent a shiver through Daniel's groin causing him to get a throbbing erection. The feeling of his prostate being stimulated at the same time as his throbbing little penis was being masturbated again brought Daniel quickly to the edge.

Daniel let out an unrestrained "Aaaaaahhhhhh" as he convulsed to wave after wave of a dry orgasm having shot his small supply of cum just minutes earlier. The tightening of Daniel's sphincter during his spasms of joy immediately set Aaron off as he humped his hips even more furiously, then reaching his own orgasm he began to fire long deep thrusts into Daniel before filling his lovers ass with numerous shots of his almost virgin semen while grunting and moaning out loud like an animal.

When Aaron finally withdrew his penis, Daniel kept his eyes closed enjoying the moment as Aaron moved his head over Daniel's hot sweaty chest and nipples and erotically kissed his lovers heaving chest and erect nipples.


Life under the new rules of 'Taking Back Control' continued for Jennifer Dailey and the other Juveniles of Eastbrook. Much was being made in the local Eastbrook Daily Prophet and on local television and radio about the various success stories across the nation of 'Taking Back Control' and how some counties faced with a high rate of male juvenile behaviour problems relating to unacceptable attitude, aggressive behavior, and bullying had taken the new initiative to a new level and instituted indecent inexposure laws. Declaring official county ordinances that made it compulsory for all boys aged 3 to 15 to be nude at all times. These laws complimented the newdd laws, with only newdd's being public property and able to be touched and punished in public, but making it law within the county that all boys be naked and exposed at all times allowing their excessive modesty and bad behavior tendencies to dissolve away. A few counties faced with extremely high numbers of excessive female modesty based on the unbelievably high number of girls caught out padding their bras had declared official ordinances that made it compulsory for all females aged 9 to 15 to be nude at all times.

The Eastbrook Daily Prophet was leading the campaign for Tallahatchie County officials to look closely at theses measure and access if they were needed locally. Needless to say the local juvenile population was anything but enthused; the adult population however was split in its support. A major article appeared in the paper about the special measures one local school, William Alternator Middle School had implemented. Since the visit some months back of Daniel Green when he had been a newdd the school had greatly refined its procedures in implementing 'Taking Back Control' within the school.

The incident rate amongst the male student population of unacceptable attitude, aggressive behavior, and bullying had fallen greatly and the school had now standardized procedures so that all boys upon entering their classroom were deemed to be at level one and removed all clothing except their school issued briefs. If they had earned a privilege due to good behaviour they were promoted to level zero and allowed to stay dressed. On the other hand if their behaviour was unacceptable they could be demoted to level two which required them to wear nothing but a school issued jock strap that hid only their penis and scrotum nothing more, any pubic hair if not shaved off was clearly visible on the older boys. If the bad behaviour continued or was of a more extreme nature then the boy would be demoted to level three, totally naked! Beyond that for major behavioral or discipline breaches there were level four newdd punishments.

The school did not discriminate between its male and female students but because the level of unacceptable attitude, aggressive behavior, and bullying amongst the female population was low the school started all female students on level zero, fully clothed when they entered the classroom but they could also be demoted in levels for bad behaviour. Level one requiring the female student to strip to her bra and panties, level two required her to remove her bra and level free she would be totally naked having removed both her bra and panties! The staff at the school had already noted how numerous female students across the 6th, 7th and 8th grade in fear of being naked and exposed in front of their peers had suddenly suffered from shrinking breast syndrome. In other words like the national epidemic many of the girls had been padding up but now to save face in case they had to reveal all had removed any padding and returned to their natural state. Better they had decided to suffer the humiliation now when still covered than later if made to strip.

The Eastbrook Daily Prophet even carried a page three photo of a beaming Principal, Mrs. Freda Tester accompanied by some students from the 8th and 7th grade classes and the senior 8th grade teacher Mr. Williams. Amongst the students were examples of all levels of the schools 'Taking Back Control' discipline policy. A smiling thirteen-year-old Michael Porter could be seen standing fully dressed whilst fellow thirteen-year-old Troy Burgess was in his school issued briefs, whilst a blushing thirteen-year-old Alan Kirk was forced to pose in just his school issued jock strap which did nothing to hide his small thin patch of unshaven pubic hair that was growing just above his penis. The final boy in the picture was a humiliated looking 8th grader named Andrew Bladen. The thirteen-year-old had been made a newdd so the paper was free to publish his photo allowing the whole of Tallahatchie County and beyond to see all his attributes. His hairless chest and his erect nipples, the tiny sparse patches of hair under his armpits, his tight muscled stomach and innie belly button all of which complimented his uncircumcised 4 inch [10 cm] penis which in the picture was standing fully erect below his very thin smattering of short and non-curly pubic hair and his still hairless ball sack which showcased his plump chestnut sized testicles.

The paper had chosen to publish some female students in the picture too in the interests of fairness including one of William Alternator's only current girl newdd's. Blushing profusely in front of the camera standing totally naked was twelve-year-old 7th grader Lora Western, with her just budding cone-shaped nipples fully exposed along with her smooth furrowed slit which was in clear sight in the picture running down the middle of the lily white totally hairless triangle of flesh located between her slender legs. Next to her stood the embarrassed looking thirteen-year-old Lindsey Shelley, a tall seemingly fully developed girl judging by her ample attributes that were barely covered by her skimpy bra and panties. Attributes which many would have wished were as exposed as Lora's meagre showings. Standing next to Lindsay was the fully dressed thirteen-year-old 8th grader Marcia Brady who was thin and still boyish in appearance.

The tide seemed to be inevitably turning against the juvenile population of Eastbrook and it seemed only a matter of time before other schools in the Tallahatchie County would start implementing similar schemes. Jennifer was not impressed, too many people had already seen her naked. A little bit of modesty she felt was still required. In the past she would have drooled over the humiliation of boys in such a scheme but lately she seemed to have changed, she was not yet sure why her attitude had changed but it had,

Following Daniel Green's departure to Washington, Aaron Spencer's life quickly turned to one of sexual frustration. Daniel had guessed right. Unable to get the regular sexual relief from his lover Aaron only had his once weekly session at the Shaw-Davis household where he was masturbated along with Nick Hermann and Mat Shaw-Davis by Jennifer Dailey and occasionally by her sister Caitlin. There were often spectators to these sessions. Mrs. Shaw-Davis was often there and Mat's sister and brother also sat around the lounge room and watched most afternoons. However the Reverend had encouraged an open house approach so that there could never be the chance of these sessions turning into a sexual orgy and so various juveniles and occasionally even adults from the neighbourhood called by to watch the action.

And what action it was. Aaron loved the sight of the totally naked Jennifer energetically bringing Mat and Nick to orgasm. The boy he enjoyed watching the most was Nick. Like Daniel he was still basically prepubescent. Nick was now fifteen-years of age and 5 feet 9 inches [1.75 m] tall weighing in at around 135 pounds [61 kg], flaccid his circumcised penis had grown and now measured 2½ inches [6½ cm] and erect it was a respectable 4½ inches [11½ cm] long. His scrotum was where Nick had changed the most. It was well on the way to being almost adult sized, with two good-sized orbs now dangling low below his penis. There was also a trace of pubic hair surrounding his genitals. Thankfully his parents had not yet insisted it be shaved off, allowing his small short unobtrusive dusting of pubic hairs that extended only an inch [2½ cm] either side of his penis and maybe a half inch [1½ cm] or so up from his penis toward his stomach to grow.

Any hope Nick's brother Christian had had of overtaking his older brother in the penis size stakes had been put on hold for at least a couple of years till Christian reached his full maturity. Nick had always had the longer penis but now he again had the bigger balls and being unshaved, also had more hair than his shaved little brother.

Aaron had tried very hard to become a close friend of Nick's but it had proved to be a hard task. They talked and had a superficial friendship but Nick had his own group of friends his own age and looked down on Aaron both physically from his tall height and mentally due to Aaron's younger age. But Aaron persevered and one day during his visit to the Shaw-Davis household Jennifer was running late and in a panic because she had to be home and changed and off to a babysitting appointment in less than an hour, she said to Mrs. Shaw-Davis that she didn't know if she could do all the boys in the time she had. Before Mrs. Shaw-Davis could respond Aaron offered to help out, suggesting he do Nick whilst Jennifer did Mat and then Jennifer could unlock and do him, saving her some precious time.

Jennifer was about to object when Mrs. Shaw-Davis responded, "What a thoughtful idea Aaron, I don't suppose it really matters who does the masturbating really does it?"

"No Mrs. Shaw-Davis, not at all really," Aaron replied before the horrified Nick or the suspicious Jennifer could respond. Mat just stood silently to the side a smirk on his face. He was a boy who understood others better than most, even at his tender age. He knew this was what Aaron really wanted, he could just sense it.

So whilst the naked Jennifer gave Mat his daily masturbation treatment Aaron had a very unsure looking Nick lay on his back on the lounge room floor and then quickly wrapped his hand around Nick's already erect penis and began stroking slowly. Soon a small drop of pre-cum squeezed out from the tip of Nick's penis and Aaron smeared it over the head and hard, hot shaft of Nick's penis.

Aaron took his time, deliberatly stroking sensuously, whilst at the same time he gently fondled Nick's balls allowing the excitement to gradually rise deep within Nick's body.

The continual stroking brought another drip of pre-cum from Nick's penis that drooled down over Aaron's masturbating hand. Momentarily Aaron stopped stroking and removed his hand. He licked his finger tasting the musky, slightly salty virgin cum of a boy who had only just begun to produce his semen.

Aaron thought he was going to shoot his own load without any assistance, Nick was just so hot! Despite himself and the humiliation of another boy masturbating him in public Nick could not stop himself from panting and moaning softly, as Aaron resumed his relentless slow stroking.

Nick's penis was now throbbing his body muscles were clenched tight, his toes began to curl, his hips began humping as he writhed in sexual extasy, arching his back and feeling his anal muscles clench frantically, then suddenly a shot of semi-creamy semen burst from the head of Nick's penis like a cannon shot, almost shooting Mrs. Shaw-Davis who was sitting in an ajoining lounge chair supervising the proceedings.

As Nick continued to gush forth his virgin cum he was moaning and sighing, "Oh my god, oh, ooh, ohhh!"

Nick's cock stayed hard, to Aaron's surprise, maybe Nick wasn't so adverse to Aaron's machinations as he had first thought?

Aaron resumed the methodical stroking of Nick's penis. This time Nick didn't object, he knew that he should stop Aaron right there and now, firmly tell Aaron that masturbating him a second time wasn't right. But he was really horny, and Aaron's hand felt so good on his cock. So, why not, right? What was the harm? Mrs. Shaw-Davis was sitting right there and she hadn't objected and Jennifer was so totally engrossed with her boyfriend Mat to stop or say anything, besides he was beginning to really like Aaron, sure he was two years younger but why was that important, Nick reasoned. Maybe he and Aaron could become buddies, or even best friends!

It wasn't even another two minutes before Nick was arching his back off the carpet, feeling that wonderful; terrible sensation of having an orgasm raped from him. His body went taut, and he trembled and moaned as small spurts of his virgin teen essence flew hotly from the dark reddish purple tip of his very erect penis for the second time in quick succession thanks to the efforts of Aaron Spencer.


It would have surprised Daniel Green if he had still been living in Eastbrook how quickly Aaron had gotten over his departure. His relationship with Nick Hermann had blossomed, exceeding Aaron's wildest hopes. It didn't take long for Aaron to realize that Nick was turned on by him and liked to be dominated by him.

Nick was soon besotted with his new young friend. When Nick looked into Aaron's face, he couldn't help but notice how handsome this younger boy was with his soft skin, the peach fuzz dusting his cheeks, his soft gentle loving eyes. Aaron now gave Nick on a weekly basis a most intimate and sexually arousing masturbation session. Nick had never had any sort of relationship like this with his other close friends, always being ashamed of his late development.

When Aaron bluntly informed Nick on only his third visit to Aaron's house that, "I want to fuck you Nick." Nick couldn't believe what Aaron had just requested, but he felt powerless to resist. Making Nick crouch on all fours Aaron rubbed some lube around Nick's exposed asshole but when Aaron moved to mount him, Nick made one last protest.

"W-w-w-wait a second please Aaron," Nick feebly protested "You shouldn't do this, please don't do this to me!"

"Don't you want me to show how much I love you Nick?" Aaron asked, "If you truly love me you will let me show you my love!"

That was all it took, Nick, tears welling up in his eyes, bit his trembling lip and nodded his head in resigned acceptance. Aaron smiled broadly at his total domination of this fifteen-year-old 10th grade stud and ruffled Nick's hair as he mounted the older bigger boy.

Nick yelped in pain at the first jabs from Aaron's invading penis. Aaron's penis was not as big as Nick's, but to his near virgin asshole, it might as well have been. Nick whimpered freely at the assault, and became paralyzed with very confused sensations: sharp pain at first, but which slowly gave way to strange feelings of pleasure, and then sexual fulfillment. Nick realized then for the first time that he actually liked having Aaron inside him that he liked to be a bottom, to be dominated. At first he denied the feeling as he just could not bring himself to believe it, but as Aaron slowly fucked away at Nick's ass, he began to moan at each thrust, more from the pleasure than the pain. Without even being aware that he was doing it, he started to thrust his hips and squeeze his ass in order to complement Aaron's movements. Finally Nick gave in to his innermost feelings and accepted that he loved the fact that Aaron was fucking him, getting his own pleasure from him.

Aaron's breathing becoming heavier and more irregular. He thrust forward one last time, and then he moaned "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!"

Nick could feel Aaron's orgasm as his penis exploded inside of him, filling him with the teen's cum. At that same instant, without even touching his own rock hard penis, in unison and harmony with his new lover Nick too exploded, spraying his ever increasing production of cum all over his muscled chest and stomach. At first Nick could not believe that getting fucked was enough to make him cum like that, but it was and from that time on it was only through Aaron's pleasure, Aaron's satisfaction, that Nick would find total fulfillment. Aaron's pleasure was now his own pleasure and fulfillment.

The longing Nick felt for Aaron was overwhelming. He now saw that he had been fooling himself all along. He hadn't been able to admit to himself until he met Aaron that he had had gay tendencies. To confess such feelings would have bought ridicule and ostracism, but now he didn't care. Aaron was the only thing that mattered to him and he was ready and willing to begin a totally new phase of his life with Aaron.

Aaron and Nick were not the only ones now fucking when they had the chance. Occasionally Jennifer and Mat found time alone and contrary to the usual course of events it was Jennifer that begged Mat to take her. Mat was very reluctant to do so. It went against his father's teachings and his own respect for Jennifer but she wore him down. No fifteen-year-old guy no matter how principled can ignore his sexual cravings for ever especially when the girl he loves is willing and ready.

Naked together and sublimated to Jennifer's will Mat cupped Jennifer's small, upthrust, breasts. He circled her pink nipples with his thumbs as she gently moaned with pleasure. He bounced the small breasts in his hands as his penis erected fully, sticking straight out ready fir action.

Mat whispered in Jennifer's ear, "You have a beautiful pair," which bought a giggle from Jennifer.

Jennifer produced a condom that she had procured from Sarah Roberts and fitted it to the blushing Mat Davis. Now it would be Jennifer's turn to control proceedings. She made Mat lay on his back and she straddled him. Her knees were shaking as she forced herself down on Mat's erect penis which forced her pussy lips wide apart as they enfolded Mat's turgid rod.

"Ahhhhhh that hurts," she cried as his condom covered penis slid inside her. Mat looked at her concerned but before he could say anything Jennifer responded saying, "I'm alright, I want this more than anything Mat please 3; please!"

As if to acknowledge her plea Mat slowly began to thrust his penis up inside her. There was no hymen to push through, no scream as the thin membrane tore, the 'Le Femme Chicks' had long ago taken care of that problem. Likewise there would be no trickle of blood to signify Jennifer's first act of intercourse with her boyfriend.

Encouraged by Jennifer, Mat lunged his body up and down as Jennifer moaned in pleasure as Mat deflowered his willing girlfriend. Jennifer kept her eyes closed as Mat's penis plunged ever deeper inside her. Despite the initial discomfort she found herself enjoying what was her first time with a boy.

As Mat continued to thrust up into Jennifer's gaping vagina in rhythm to her own movements the only sounds were Jennifer's gasping cries as she moved rapidly to her approaching vaginal climax.

Mat arched upward into Jennifer's tight pussy and moaned with sexual ecstasy as he came first, his hot teenage sperm shooting up into his all encompassing all protecting condom.

Jennifer kept on bouncing on Mat's throbbing penis for a few more seconds gasping, moaning and squealing as his penis rubbed her insides.

"I think I'm 3; I think I'm gonna," Jennifer blurted out as she let out one final shrieking gasp then arching upward moaned as she too climaxed and then collapsed, laying down on Mat's sweaty chest.

Sex with Mat was the fulfilment of a long held desire. Mat and Jennifer were now one, bonded sexually in a loving act. As she lay cuddling Mat their sweating bodies held tightly together Jennifer's thoughts drifted back over the last few years and how she had changed. She had hated boys and loved dominating them at every chance she could, but Mat had changed that. She found it impossible to hate him. He was kind, loving and so considerate, not just to her but to everyone he met. He had something special about him that really stood him out from the crowd. What the future held for Mathias Shaw-Davis no one yet knew but Jennifer already knew even at her young fourteen years of age that she planned to be an integral part of that destiny no matter how it unfolded.

The End


I always like to acknowledge the stories that have influenced my writing. Eastbrook is a figment of my imagination but it comes from a universe created in A Middle Class Slave by Pete Brown. This was built upon in my stories A Middle Class Slave Revisited , Even the Modest Must Serve , Scales of Justice and Juvenile Deterrence .

Other stories that have influenced this work and require acknowledgement are: