PZA Boy Stories

Sidney Gittler

Mall Punk

Chapters 20-23

Chapter 20
First Anniversaries


A lot of you have written wanting all the juicy details of my brother David's trial. Well there wasn't one. In exchange for a guilty plea 'it' was sentenced to the Sex Offenders Unit at the New Jersey prison in Avenel. He also agreed to a divorce with almost everything going in trust to his sons.

Robert is back in the U.A.E., and away from his big brother's thumb is seeing an American psychiatrist there. I hope he means it and not just trying to get back into Dad's good graces.

Speaking of my nephews I finally got to meet them. Lamont arranged for me and Styan to have lunch with my sister-in-laws and himself first so we could get to know each other. And they could see the truth about me and not just the lies their husbands had told them.

They must have been satisfied since Robert's wife invited us to her son's birthday party that Saturday. It was really cool meeting the boys. Yes I was scared going in, and I think they were nervous and confused when I was introduced as their Uncle and fathers' younger brother but after a little while, and my playing their little boy games with them, it seemed to work.

Celebration One

"What do you mean you don't know when our anniversary is?" Joe shouted.

I threw my hands up. "I know about when we met, I know about the first time I crashed at your place but when did we become a couple?"

"President's Day Weekend, that Friday when you told me your real first name. That's when I knew for sure."

"Knew what?"

"That we were meant to be together. I liked and cared about you before, but when you showed me that trust, let me in that bit I knew."

I sat up and looked down at my lover lying on my, our bed. I thought back to that day almost a year earlier and slowly nodded. Sometimes it's hard to realize how a couple of words could change your life. They'd brought me and Joe closer together, yes made us a couple. And would I have been open to Styan a few weeks later without that first step?

"Yeah, President's Day weekend, not the date last year but the holiday weekend, that way we always have three days to celebrate," I said.

"Cool, now get back down here so we can celebrate knowing our anniversary."

"Fuck you," I said.

"No, it's my turn to fuck you," Joe said, and he did.

"So how do you want to celebrate?" I said when he was done.

"Like this."

"No, seriously. It should be something special."

"How about a party at my house and then we go with my parents and Greg into the city for the weekend. See the sights, some plays and dad says he's going to get tickets to a Knicks game."

"What city?" I asked.

"New York City silly," Joe paused, "oh shit I'm sorry Jon. Things have been so normal like I forgot. Around here there's only one 'city' and that really means Manhattan and not the other boroughs of New York City. This is the trip I passed up last year and Mom said that is not going to happen this year."

"Why stay there? It's not that far away."

"Part of the fun, and we get our own room."


"With my parents. What do you say?"

"If it's OK with Styan it would be so cool."

"Do you think Mom would tell me if they hadn't cleared it with him first? I just wanted to be the one to tell you, and now that we'll be celebrating our first anniversary it will be awesome."

"Who we going to invite to the party?"

"All our friends, this is going to be a kids party."

"Just as long as we don't play pin the tail on the donkey."

"Only one putting anything into my lover's tail is me putting my cock there," Joe said.

I hugged him, we kissed and there was a quick reminder that it was my turn to get off. When it's incessant poking got too much for Joe he knelt down, gently licked my cock and then swallowed it.

I closed my eyes and felt my lover's warm, moist mouth working on my hardening rod. I tried concentrating on my homework assignment to make it last but when his finger found my well used hole I lost that battle.

Joe picked his head up. "Keep your mind on the job at hand."

I palmed his head and pushed it down. "Then keep your mouth on it."

We both kept our end of the deal and I felt his lips kiss my cockhead and then part and take me again. This time I reveled in the sensations, letting each motion of his mouth and tongue bring me closer to the edge.

This time when he inserted a finger I groaned in delight. When he inserted a second finger I filled his mouth with my seed.

Joe grabbed his glass and swallowed the rest of his soda and lay down next to me.

"So you don't like the taste of my cum any more," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Just filling my stomach with it my dear, just washing all that wonderful protein down," he said and returned the kiss.

"I presume you cleared the party with your parents too."

"Yeah, but I told them it was because we couldn't expect Barton's parents to host all of them."

"That's true, but we'd better spread the word at school tomorrow," I said.

What's the biggest differences between our anniversary party and some of the others I've told you about? Well, four of the lesbians in the group stayed for the after party party. But first we sent them up to Greg's room.

And after kissing him good-night they went to the guest room at the end of the hall. Ton-Ton told us later that Greg was bragging in school about it, claiming two of them had groped him.

The boys ended up in the basement. Come to think of it us boys always end up in the basement. But they say our minds are in the gutter so at least our bodies are a step higher, and cleaner.

There were fifteen of us and this time they tapped me and Joe as the guests of honor. The first step was each of them gave each of us one whack on the ass in honor of the one year. Then a second whack for good luck.

For the congratulatory finale they each knelt with their heads on the floor and their asses in the air. Joe and I took turns quickly butt fucking each of them. The last two in the line were Tony and Barton. When Joe pulled out of Tony and entered Barton I took his place.

"Let's do it," Joe whispered. I smiled and nodded.

Even in this situation the perfect sexual rhythm we've developed took hold. Our strokes were in sync and as we changed speeds we stayed that way. Our right hands slapped their cheeks in unison as the others stood and circled the four of us. Together we stood our partner up and started stroking their boy cocks as we continued to fuck them. I leaned toward Joe and we kissed and as our tongues met Tony and Barton shot their loads, and we filled them with ours.

Seconds later the eleven of our friends showered us with their sperm.

Since the club started Barton and Tony are not the only boys to have paired up. There were three other couples present, and for the next hour the five couples stayed together. We talked, kissed, said "I love you" to our partners, a lot, and yes had sex. After Joe and I rested up from our "ordeal" we started to 69 and took our time at it.

Even in front of our friends this was romantic love making and not raw sex. I hope you've experienced both kinds.

That's not to say the other five were in front of the boob tube watching cartoons. Well, they were in front of the television but it wasn't cartoons they had started watching. Joe just got a great tape from a German ICQ friend called The Master and his Boys, also called The Master and His Slaves Vol. 1. Yeah, it's in German, yes it says they're all over eighteen, and yes all the boys may have shaved their body hair like I did, and yes if you like hard core S&M like I experienced in the old days it may not be hardcore enough for you. But trust me it's hot. And that description includes the master.

How long the five of them actually watched the tape I don't know, Joe had me busy, but when we finished they were going at it. Arne had pulled his belt off his pants and was lightly whipping Glenn and Tyrone's butts while the two kissed each other. Pierre was sucking Glenn while Larry worked on Tyrone. That got Joe and me hot again so we went over and I plunged my hard cock into Larry while Joe took Glenn. Arne started waving the belt at me and I shook my head. He nodded, dropped the belt and began eating out Glenn and Tyrone. The two of them howled as Arne's hands forced their red cheeks apart.

One of the great things about being a teen is that you recharge quickly. About twenty minutes after Joe and I had fed each other we were filling Pierre and Larry.

At that point the party broke down into a more free-form orgy and things got hazy. No, we didn't drink or use anything but man that much sex is a natural high.

That night as I lay in Joe's arms in his bed I thought back about all the sex I'd had during the party. The loads I'd shot and the loads I'd taken. I'd done something with everybody at least once. And Joe had given me a good-night fuck before falling asleep. My mind slipped back to my fourteenth birthday and smiled. Not at the memory of that night but at the difference between that horror and the pleasure of this night. Not just the nature of the sex, and my choice in taking part, but of how all of felt about each other.

I gave Joe one last air kiss and closed my eyes.


About five hours later, the ungodly weekend hour of ten in the morning, Joe's mother sent Greg in to wake us up so we could wake up the four girls down the hall and the thirteen boys in the basement. Greg volunteered to go in and wake the girls up but we told him a knock on the door would do just fine. He settled for going downstairs and screaming everybody awake, and barely escaping with his life.

Unbelievably by the time the limo came to pick the five of us up at noon we were all showered, fed, dressed, packed and devoid of guests. Ten minutes later everyone and everything was in the car and we were on our way to 'the city'.

Mr. and Mrs. Werner took the seat facing the back so I could see where we were going. I don't know why Styan and I haven't gone into New York City during the past year but I was excited as anything to be going in. As we drove up the NJ Turnpike on the way to the Lincoln Tunnel I saw the skyline and stared like some hick seeing it for the first time. But then I was.

Joe and Greg pointed out Giant Stadium and the Continental Arena and said that Sorrel Enterprises had season tickets to every team that played at both, but I had to talk to Lamont. I grinned and nodded. Finally we went down a curving road, crawled through the toll plaza and into the tunnel. I'll be honest, I jumped when the thought that we were traveling under millions of gallons of water hit me, and blushed when I realized the others were hiding giggles.

We turned onto 42nd Street and onto 8th and then 46th and then onto Broadway and pulled in front of the Marriott Marquis Hotel. The first words came out of Greg's mouth.

"Dad, I need to go to the bathroom."

"You'll wait till you get to the room," his mother said, and lifted a finger when Greg opened his mouth again.

Mr. Werner checked us into the two rooms and we entered the elevators and slowly rose to the fortieth floor. I took hold of Joe's hand, and he smiled while shaking his head.

"Just think of me as your country hick of a cousin," I said in my best Clinton accent.

"Well shucks boy, this here elevator may go higher than the grain elevator at my daddy's farm but it's sure enough safer," the bellhop said in a deep Southern accent.

"Oops, sorry," I said.

"Don't worry, I felt the same way when I first got here." This time the accent was a lot less noticeable.

"Why did you move here?" Joe asked.

"Where I grew up in rural Alabama it wasn't easy for our kind," he said and pointed to our joined hands.

The elevator finally stopped on the thirty-third floor and we followed a cute set of buns to our rooms. As soon as he opened the door Greg slipped by him and we heard a door slam. There was a connecting door to between the two rooms but Mr. Werner said we could lock it but had to open it when they knocked.

"Now go unpack and put everything away neatly, go to the bathroom and freshen up. We head out in thirty minutes," he finished.

Our room had two double beds with a table in between.

"One for sex and one for sleep," Joe said as he put our oversized suitcase on one bed and unzipped it.

Right on schedule came the knock on the door so we stopped kissing and got up from the sex bed. Greg was at the connecting door when we opened it. He was wearing a zipped up parka, and a frown.

We ran to the closet and got our coats on and zipped before Mrs. Werner could inflict something similar on us. It was cold but not Siberia out there.

Or so we thought, the wind tunnel effect made it a lot cooler than the weatherman had promised. Our first stop was the WWF theme restaurant on 42nd St. Greg started bouncing up and down looking at all the exhibits in the lobby. It took us a half-hour to get seated and we still had to drag him away. The food had finally arrived when all hell broke out.

"It's the Rock and Vince," someone screamed and it was picked up by a hundred other voices. Greg flew out of his seat and toward the voice.

"Take this and go," Mr. Werner handed us a pad and a pen and we took off after him.

"I'm glad you made me watch a couple of time, at least I know who these guys are," I whispered.

We caught up to Greg just as security was getting things under control. While the Rock had appeared handsome and imposing on television he was stunning in person, and Vince McMahon wasn't bad for an old guy. I handed Greg the pad and pen as the line started to move. Joe and I stayed with him and got to shake their hands. Man what grips.

I think Greg floated back to the table. He spent the rest of lunch staring at the autographs while his mother fed him.

We walked around for a while and then headed back to the hotel. By now I was an old hand with the elevator.

Joe and I locked ourselves in our room, turned on the television, stripped and lay down on the sex-bed. We kissed, said "I love you." Then we fell asleep.

The phone woke us at seven.

"If you hadn't answered in another two rings I was going to have them bust down the door," Mrs. Werner told her son, and I could hear it from where I was lying.

"Sorry Mom, what's up?"

"We leave for the theater in fifteen minutes, put on something nice," he said when he hung up.

"Great, what are we seeing?"

"She never says, it's part of the fun for her."

It was Phantom of the Opera. The music, the singing, the music, the sets, the music, they story, and yes the music. I'd never heard anything like it. I asked Mrs. Werner if this was what an opera was like and she said almost. Maybe another time she'd take the two of us to the Met to see a real opera.

We were beat so we took a cab back to the hotel, went to the coffee shop for a light supper and up to our rooms.

Joe and I opened the drapes to the city and stripped. This time we used the sex-bed for what is was meant for.

After sucking me to hardness Joe lay on his back and raised his legs to my shoulders and I placed my hard cock at his entrance.

"Is this the highest up you ever made love?" he asked.

"No, I jerked Styan off on the flight home from Las Vegas last year."

"In the bathroom?" Joe asked as I started pushing in.

"No, our seats," I said and penetrated his sphincter.

"Holy shit," Joe said as my balls slapped his buns so I'm not sure what he was referring to.

It was one of those long, luxuriant fucks. I kept it to slow strokes, stopping each time I felt myself getting close. I couldn't stop touching the love of my life. Playing with his nipples, stroking his face, rubbing his developing six-pack, his thighs and butt. And working his cock.

"Fuck me, fill me with your love," Joe said after a long while.

I picked up the pace and felt his ass muscles squeezing my cock as it thrust in and out of his hot, tight ass. It didn't take long before I shot a long hard load up his intestines.

Once I was done I gently pulled out, lowered his legs and lay besides him. We kissed. At that point saying 'I love you' would have been silly. We both knew it so deeply in our hearts that it poured out of our eyes and lips.

Eventually I swallowed his cock and quickly swallowed his nectar.

We moved to the sleep-bed.

The phone rang at nine and gave us a half-hour to be ready. We looked at our hard pricks and sighed. We gave each other's cock a quick squeeze and shot our morning loads.

After breakfast in the coffee shop we took a cab to the Museum of Natural History. We gawked at the dinosaurs and giant whales and the other exhibits. Things I'd only seen on computer screens or books.

Time flew and at two we hurried out and found a cab. When we got out of the cab I couldn't figure out where we were going. Mr. Werner led us to a hot dog stand and we had our lunch standing on the sidewalk.

"Where to Dad?" Joe asked when he'd finished wiping the mustard off his face.

"Follow me."

Which we did. Of course Greg wasn't paying any attention so he didn't realize where we were until he heard a loud roar.

Alongside the building was a large cage with a lion in it. "Lion King?" Greg shouted.

"Yes," his father said.

Ton-Ton had made me watch the video one time while our dads were out on a date so I knew the story and most of the songs. But it had been kicked up a hell of a lot for the stage version.

It was night by the time we got out and almost cold, but otherwise a clear night.

"Dad can we?" Joe asked.

Mr. Werner looked at his wife who eventually nodded. "But not too late."

We went down a staircase under the street and I dumbly followed them to a booth and then through a gate to my first subway. When we emerged we were in a whole different part of the city.

"Where are we?"

"Greenwich Village," Joe said and took my hand, leaned over and kissed me. "A part of the city where nobody looks twice at that or us holding hands as we walk down the street."

It felt so good to be able to walk along the streets, go into some of the shops while holding his hands. Better seeing other gay and lesbian couples of all ages doing the same thing. We went into a restaurant on Christopher Street, got a window table and watched as we ate. There was one family group, two men and a boy about Ton-Ton's age sitting near us. I heard the boy call one Dad and the other Pop.

"That'll be us one day," Joe said.

"Hope so, I still want you to make me a grandfather," Mr. Werner said and we laughed.

From there we took a cab back to the hotel.

And again used both beds for their proper uses.

I don't know if you remember but the day I went to my first baseball game at Skyland Park Joe told us that his father considered basketball the only real sport. While we still played with our friends at the Y on a semi-regular basis I'd never become very good but gained an appreciation for how hard and rough the game could be. President's Day found the four men in the party at Madison Square Garden for the "they should be world champion" Knicks vs the "barely more than a semi-pro team" Clippers.

For most of the game the teams proved Mr. Werner right. Then they switched places and the Clippers almost made up a huge deficit only to fall short due to a very late surge. I had never heard Mr. Werner use such language. I almost covered Greg's ears, and then almost fell off the chair laughing at that thought.

When we got back to the hotel it was time to finish packing while we waited for Mrs. Werner to get back from someplace called 5th Avenue. Mr. Werner gave her a strange look when she arrived empty handed.

"Bell hop has them dear, and he'll be up in five minutes for these bags. It was a wonderful afternoon. Love you dear." She then gave Mr. Werner a quick peck on the cheek and went into the bathroom.

"There went your college education boys," Mr. Werner said.

I think he was kidding.

Celebration Two

As important as my first anniversary with Joe was another, really more important, first anniversary was coming up at the end of March. The day that Styan picked Fido up at the mall. To be honest it's really hard to believe that it's only been one year. My life has changed so much in the year-and-a-half since my fourteenth birthday, but especially since Styan and I met.

I mean I can't even remember the last time I referred to myself as 'Fido'. Even thought about 'him'. But, to be fair to Fido, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be where I am now. I don't know where I'd be, but it really doesn't matter. Does it?

The limo dropped me off at home and Styan and I hugged when he opened the door. After I gave him a complete, well almost complete, account of the weekend and gave him his presents I brought the subject up.

"How many parties do you want boy?" Styan asked.

"As many as I can get, besides this one would be our party. Don't you like the idea?"

"Love it, in fact Eric and I were talking about it over the weekend. Ton-Ton went over the top when he heard us talking, wanting to know if Eric remembered when they'd met."

"Did he?"

"'May we have the calendar please?' Was Ton-Ton pissed."

"Do you?" I asked.

"Friday, March 26, 1999. Although it was Saturday by the time we got back here."

"So we have the party on that day?"

"Family and friends, no sex," Styan said.

Dad and I spent the rest of the day making plans, preparing the guest list, changing the menu, cutting the guest list when we remembered that while it might be technically spring by then the weather could still be winter. By the time we were finished this party looked a lot like my birthday party, no not the one at the "Super Andy's Skate Park." Except we had some fancier dishes since this was Styan's party too.

From the time I got home from school that Friday till it was time to shower and dress on Saturday I did nothing but clean the house. Next time I'm going to get Dad to use some of that child support money on a cleaning service. He's a bachelor, I'm a teenager, we are not neat people by temperament. Not slobs mind you, the vacuum does make appearances 3; occasionally.

Anyway, by three I was back downstairs in my suit ready for the guests to arrive. Eric and Ton-Ton were the first to arrive and the youngster jumped into my arms and gave me a big kiss before I could close the door.

"Down tiger, later," I said when he finally broke.

"Later? Promise?" Ton-Ton said.

"We'll see what our Dad's have in mind for after the party. And Joe."

"But I'm horny," Ton-Ton whispered and we laughed.

The doorbell rang and I gladly put the boy down. By the time the doorbell stopped ringing the house was full. We had invited Lamont and family but they'd had other plans. Or so they said, I think the idea made them uneasy. Which I guess I can understand.

Not too many presents this time, but I doubt there's any guidelines for this kind of party. Didn't really care though, it's not like I need anything. We live well within Styan's earnings and the child support is there for whatever else comes up.

Four hours after Eric and Ton-Ton rang the doorbell it was down to the four of us and Joe. The house was clean again and the trash was outside waiting for pickup. Joe, Ton-Ton and I were in the den watching television when Dad called us in.

Eric and Dad were sitting on the couch when we entered, holding hands and looking nervous.

"Something wrong Dad?" I asked.

"No, look the three of you sit down, we've got to talk about something."

We sat on the floor with Joe to my left and Ton-Ton to the right so he was in front of his father. Styan and Eric looked at each other, Eric gave Styan a kiss on the cheek, smiled and nodded.

Styan sighed. "Son, Ton-Ton, Joe, this maybe a little hard but as you can see it's a little hard for us to say."

"Is everybody, everything OK,?" Joe blurted.

"Yes, everything's wonderful," Eric said. "Oh, look, Styan and I have fallen in love and we've decided that we're going to move in together, merge households, make one big loving family."

Silence, dead silence fell. If there was anything being said or done I didn't know it. Not sure I was even breathing. What the hell was Dad doing to me?

"What the hell are you doing to me?" I yelled. I was on my feet shaking, not knowing how I got there.

"I'm not doing anything to you. This will be better for everybody. Eric and Ton-Ton have been practically living here anyway except for school nights. And we hate not being together those nights."

"But, but," I couldn't get the words out. I realized that Ton-Ton was crying too.

"Don't you want me to be your brother?" he said.

That startled me, but it wasn't important to me. "But what about us Dad?"

Styan opened his arms and I sat on his lap while Eric slipped onto the floor and pulled Ton-Ton into his arms. Styan patted the couch next to him and Joe jumped there so fast he almost sat on top of Dad's hand.

"Son, you know I love you. That your security, well-being, health and most importantly happiness is the most important thing in the world to me. I would never hurt you or Joe."

"I know Styan," Joe said as he took my hand.

I hugged Dad's neck and started crying. I knew Dad was telling the truth. But I was nervous, scared. I stopped crying but didn't move, trying to think. I knew and liked Eric, loved Ton-Ton even though he could be a pain at times. What was bothering me?

"Jon?" It was Eric.


"I'm not your stepmother. I'm not here to take your Dad away from you, hurt you like she did. I want, your Dad and I want this to be a happy family. A normal, happy, fun loving family. I love you Jon, maybe not as much as Styan does, and I never want to have sex with you, but I love you and want you to be part of my family. Do you understand."

I listened, thought, nodded and hugged Dad tighter.

"Do you love me Styan?" Ton-Ton asked.

"I've loved you since the day we met. You're a very special boy and I want you as part of my family."

"Where are you going to move?" Joe said, and I heard something in his voice.

"You can't take me away from Joe," I said.

Styan laughed and ruffled my hair, "you think I'd try and do something that silly?" He kissed both our foreheads. Eric and Ton-Ton are going to move in here, and that won't be till after schools over. In the fall he'll join you at the Academy."

"What about Jeff? He was counting on me to be with him in school," Ton-Ton said.

"We talked Dr. Montoya and his wife, told him how going to the Academy really helped Jon's transition this year so it looks like he'll be going there as well," Eric said.

I leaned back against Styan. I guessed that if I'd grown up normally I would have expected this. It was what I wanted for Joe and me one day. I turned to Ton-Ton.

"We're going to be brothers, not lovers. We may have sex when we both want it. There are going to be times when Joe and I want to be alone. You understand little bro?"

"I understand big bro. I try not to be horny everyday."

"We've got to get this kid his own boyfriend," Joe said, and Ton-Ton stuck out his tongue.


The events you've just finished reading took place a month ago. Tomorrow I go back to school after April vacation. The five of us, Eric, Ton-Ton, Styan, Joe and me, went out to Boulder, Colorado for meetings on the library.

What I took along to read was the entire two hundred pages of my story, and I read it twice. There were glorious moments, and those that made me cry and want to crawl into my Dad's lap.

But the best thing I discovered was that I'm not special, or at least different any more. I'm just your typical teenage boy living a normal suburban teenagers life. And I love it.

Well, what I'm slowly getting around to saying is that this is the end of the Mall Punk series. If something really special happens sometime in my future I might fill you in. But until then, I hope you've enjoyed Styan and my stories.

Just one final word before I let you go. If you know somebody like me or Ton-Ton or Jeff who is being abused in any way please do something about it. Give them support, encourage them to get out and give them a place to go. If they won't do that 3; then call the cops for them. You're not doing them a favor by believing them that "everything's OK," or that "they're fine with the way things are and please don't call the cops."

Thanks for reading. I hope you find the happiness I have.

Author's Epilogue

There were times I never thought this day would come but as he has so many times these last four years Jon 'spoke' to me and said it was time to end the series. I asked him if there were any last stories he wanted to tell, somehow wrap everything up. He just smiled and shook his head, and I realized how much he's grown from the boy at the mall I created back then and knew he was right. Will there be more? I tend to doubt it but I've learned never to say never.

I want to thank all of you who've followed Jon and Styan's tale over the years, especially since you never knew when the next part would come out. I especially want to thank those of you who've written to me and told me how much you've liked it, connected to it, and yes even gotten off on them.

I would like to thank the various sites that have posted Mall Punk, especially nifty.org and wish them continued long life. Because I do have other stories floating around the net and kicking around my brain. I would really like to thank Cody, Justin, Kyle, Erik, Dick, Dave and Trey for their support and love. One day in the real world guys.

My other series will be continuing and who knows what new ideas will pop up.

See you on the net.

Sid Gittler


Chapter 21

Mall Punk-Update 01/01/03

This story is a complete work of fiction. None of the places are real, especially Peckertown, AR. None of the events are real. The story does include teen-teen gay sex so if that's not your thing then either leave or skip that section. For those fans of the Mall Punk series who thought I'd ended it forever, well so did I but Jon did warn you that he might pop up again.

Hi everybody. Yes it's me, Jonathan Sorrel for the first time in way long, almost three years I guess. Things have been really cool but I just reread my story and decided it was time. Hope you don't mind.

This is really the second time I've started to write a new chapter. The first time was right after 9/11. I figured you'd want to know how we all were since Longston isn't far from New York City and with Sorrel Industries' interests all over the place. Somehow that report died. No, that isn't right. I stopped writing it because it didn't feel right. Hope that doesn't happen again but it is a good place to start now.

Short and sweet everybody you've read about made it through that nightmare. Sorrel's offices in the city are midtown so out of danger. Lamont and Joe's Dad had a couple of investment bankers in the office that morning whose offices were in the south tower so I guess you can say they saved their lives. Lamont got a kick out of that idea when I told him.

But yes some of our school friends lost parents in the disaster and it really brought the Academy closer together as we rallied to their aide. We did have a momentary panic because when Tony and Barton left for school Mr. Finch was scheduled to go to a meeting at the World Trade Center complex but we quickly found out that the meeting had been canceled right before he left the house so he'd gone to his own office in Newark, NJ instead. Tony was in Joe and my class when we heard and he was panicking until he heard. Don't blame him. I was nervous until I heard Styan and Lamont's voices.

When I stopped writing Eric and Ton-Ton were getting ready to move in despite my rather embarrassing behavior when Styan and Eric told us. It's really worked out well and really seems so normal and natural. Ton-Ton's grown and matured though he hasn't found a steady boyfriend yet. The two of us have sex periodically and sometimes he joins in with me and Joe and those sessions are enjoyable for all of us. Even brought him and his current boyfriend to the New Year's Eve party at Barton and Tony's last night but I'll get to that later.

And we're talking about moving to a new house in town. Joe's parents are looking at a bigger, ritzier house in the New Mt. Bev section of town because of the entertaining demands of his job as president of Sorrel Industries. Don't think we'll get that fancy but someplace closer to them and will give us more room too. Looked at this one place with a covered pool in the back plus a huge furnished basement with a pool table and a huge screen TV. If we do move I'll miss this house but have all the good memories.

Besides, I can always drive by in my car. Yes I'm seventeen now with my drivers license. Lamont brought me my own car and one for Joe as well when he turned seventeen. They're really hot and fast with every feature a teenaged boy of any and all sexual orientations would drool for. Plus it has some special safety and security features befitting the sons of two wealthy important men. Don't worry, no Bond features like built in machine guns.

Not that many people know that Lamont's my real father but it's been clear since Joe and I were outed that we are 'close cousins' so its almost the same security risks. In fact after 9/11 he insisted on Joe, Greg, Ton-Ton and I using a company car with bodyguard-driver to go to and from school and he was always available if we had to go someplace. Of course we weren't the only ones at school with that arrangement.

Right before school started in 2001 we were introduced to two new friends who are sort of the reason I decided to write this. If you've been reading Marc Fogel's tales from Peckertown, Arkansas called Arkansas Vacation that are also in PZA (here) you've met Chris and Dashby Scott. If you don't know that series several years ago Arkansas lowered the age of consent laws and Peckertown became boy-lover heaven.

There are times as I read that series or talk to Chris and Dashby that I wonder how my life would have been if I'd made my way down there instead of whoring around the Longston Mall. I'd heard of Peckertown, even seen some ads on the Internet but something kept me from making the move. Thank God.

Thank God not because of what happened to Chris but because I wouldn't have the life I have now. Though I guess Dashby never imagined his either. Dashby ended up down there when his father caught him having sex with his basketball coach and threw him out of the house and got the coach fired. He and the coach headed down to Peckertown. The coach sent him out to whore while he spent the money on other boys until he finally split a step ahead of loan sharks. At least we think a step ahead.

Dashby ended up getting a bellhop job at one of the hotels there and then met Chris when he arrived. Chris was from a town near Longston with a well deserved rep for being anti-gay; hell it was the last town in the area to have African-Americans living in it. When Chris realized he was gay he waited until his parents left him alone while they went on vacation and then split for Peckertown.

A guest staying at the hotel asked Dashby if he knew any boy named Scott and since Chris was using his last name only Dashby hooked them up. To keep a long story mercifully short the guy was really looking for another boy but decided to use Scott as a way to get at the other boy. Chris ended up a eunuch and they had to remove his balls completely. He's undergoing hormone replacement therapy so he'll grow and develop normally but sexually he's a total bottom now, and good at it.

The really cool thing was when his parents returned home and found the note they rushed down to Peckertown and not only brought him home but when Chris asked Dashby they agreed to bring Dashby into their home too. They moved to Longston and go to the Academy too. Oh, and Mr. Scott is one of Lamont's divisional presidents which is how we got hooked up before school started.

Which leads us to last New Year's Eve. The Scott's were taking a trip and offered to take the boys with them but Chris wanted to go back to Peckertown and see the people there who were important to him. He and Dashby asked Joe and I to go with them and after all the parents got together and worked out the details it was a go.

We flew down on New Year's Eve in a company jet to Little Rock and were met by Mr. Kevin, as Dashby calls him, the manager of the In-Boy-Inn where Dashby worked and who we would be staying with. At his house not the inn. After we dropped off our bags and freshened up we went to a party at Marc Fogel and his young lover Daniel's house. It was a great party with lots of other gay boy and man-boy couples who really loved each other. And while some of the boys had whored most were in business for themselves or worked a legitimate job, some were even richer than Joe and they were all cool.

One interesting episode was when Marc came over and even though he'd opened the door Joe sort of went into defense mode. But let me have Marc tell you what happened:

Hello, this is Marc Fogel and I'm honored that Jon asked to use my version of what happened at the party. I hope you've read at least some of my Arkansas Vacation tales so you know some of the other characters. I used to live near Longston, NJ before I moved to Peckertown several years ago 3;

All the pre-midnight arrivals were there so I looked for my boyfriend and found him talking with Paulo. Anand was sitting at his master cum lover's feet in the proper position but the twins weren't around. I fixed myself a plate, grabbed a beer and joined my guests. I noticed Orin and Bruce talking to the new boys from Longston, NJ and walked over to join them. Two really mature, smart kids and not at all spoiled.

As I approached I noticed Joe Werner going into the same kind of defense posture as Roger does with Benjy. Orin must have noticed it because he reintroduced me as soon as I was close. Jon leaned over, whispered something into Joe's ear before kissing his cheek.

Jon and I looked at each other for a few minutes, trying to see if we recognized each other from New Jersey. Longston was an upper middle-class town with a real rich section and all single-family homes near where I'd lived.

Only place to go was the Longston Mall for shopping and a movie. I tried remembering if I'd seen him slumming there instead of the Far Hills Mall, a lot ritzier.

"Once," Jon mouthed and it came back to me. Young kid in a leather jacket and jeans gave me a great blowjob in Macy's bathroom late one night.


"Long story, why Joe is the way he is at times."

I nodded, "Been here long enough I've heard most of the variations."

"Uncle, do you want to include us?" Orin said.

"No," Jon and I said.

I felt Joe staring at me and turned to him. "Can you help me in the kitchen for a second?" I turned and hoped he'd follow.

I got the super condensed version of Jon's life and I explained Jon and mine encounter.

"Marc can I ask you a question that's been bugging me?" Joe asked when I'd finished.

"And I'll answer it honestly."

Joe nodded, "I can understand your wanting to get a blowjob from a sexy young boy like Jon was then. Don't blame you either."

"But why didn't I try and help him besides giving him forty dollars?"

"Yes. It's something I've never understood. He lived there for all that time and nobody called the cops, dragged him to the police substation in the mall. Even when he wondering around when he should have been in school."

"Now I don't know how close my encounter was to his foster dad picking him up. It was after a late movie and I asked if he wanted to come to my apartment and spend the night. He turned me down, and I don't know why. If he'd said yes maybe all our lives would have been different."

Joe nodded and shrugged.

"I didn't go to the cops or drag him to them because I didn't know the whole story. All I saw was a punk boy who for all I knew turned me down because his folks were at the other end of the mall shopping. I'd like to think if I'd known that he was a runaway I'd have done something more. I know I would now because except for the money a lot of the boys here have similar stories of physical and sexual abuse before coming here. Does that help?"

Joe moved his gaze from a spot in front of his feet to my face. I moved over and put my arm around his shoulders. He hesitated before laying his head on my chest.

"It helps. Sort of hoped for that answer really and not just 'I got my rocks off, paid the slut and why should I care.'"

"There were those too love," Jon said approaching us, "others like Marc who I sensed would care more. But I wasn't ready to trust. Hadn't met you yet and without you I could never have trusted Styan. And nobody I've met since my fourteenth birthday has treated me anywhere close to what those three bastards did."

Joe moved over to Jon and they hugged.

"I'm going to see the rest of my guests, come out when you're ready," I said.

"Come out? Lord you don't know how out we are already," Joe said and the boys giggled.

I just shook my head 3;

It's Jon again and I think his conversation with Marc really helped Joe with that piece of the puzzle.

As the clock neared midnight they turned the TV on to a local boy run channel with a live special featuring Powersound, that really hot hard rock boy band. There were other singing acts and they all came out for the countdown and then broke out in Auld Lang Syne. All of a sudden they pulled the hoods off of two of another groups backup singers and it was Adam Cutler and Harley Joel Oswald. And then the two young stars came to the party and I got to meet them. They're as cute and cool as can be and very much in love with each other.

We spent a few more days there and saw some of the different clubs and shows. Joe and I are even thinking of buying a townhouse down there because of how easy it is for boys to be gay there and not so we can buy some sexual variety. Not the worst benefit though.

That was a year ago, time has flown fast this year. Great Uncle Paul had a stroke over the summer but he's getting better but is using a wheelchair almost full time now. My brother Peter's working for the Sorrel Foundation and is still sober. He also has a girlfriend, and a boyfriend. We kept the season tickets for the Sussex Cardinals and went to a lot of games and I talk with Ru a lot. Dr. Montoya and his wife adopted Jeff and he's made a lot of progress since Styan and I found him.

Joe and I are in our junior year at Longston Academy and beginning to think about college. Finding a school with a good architecture and business schools. Hopefully we can find one nearby that we can both get into since we are not going to be separated and I don't want to move that far away from Styan.

But I said I'd tell you about the party last night. There were two parties and the first one was at school and was sponsored by the Gay and Straight Student Alliance and the Student Council. We got them to open it to Ton-Ton's grade and up and the place was packed. Joe and I were on the entertainment committee and we hired a great band and a DJ for between sets. The school catered the refreshments and they went all out and not just chips and dips.

At midnight we counted down the ball and everybody kissed their dates and nobody gave a thought if it was straight or gay, though the couple of three ways did get a look.

After that we headed over to Barton and Tony's for the first orgy of the New Year. And before you even ask there isn't a drop of alcohol in that house now. Barton says his parents don't even drink at restaurants in front of them. Tony really appreciates that says their sacrifice makes him work even harder.

Anyways there were about twenty gay boys from about thirteen to eighteen in the procession and I think Ton-Ton and Frankie his boyfriend were the most excited. Mr. Finch let us in and we headed straight downstairs. The floor was covered with mats and sleeping bags. The refrigerator was stocked with soda, juice and snacks.

Along the back wall we dropped our clothes.

"Friends, tonight we not only welcome the New Year but two new members," Barton said, "Ton-Ton and Frankie please step forward and kneel to be initiated."

Joe and I nodded to the boys and they followed instructions and were soon surrounded by the rest of us.

"You will each begin sucking the boy in front of you. Every three minutes the bell will ring and you'll move one to the left and keep going to every member has fed you his first load of the evening. Commence," Barton said and fed his cock down Ton-Ton's mouth.

It took two times around before the first load was deposited but after that it went quickly. I was the last one to feed my little brother a load and when done we kissed deeply and I tasted all the loads he'd taken. I swirled the cum onto my tongue and then let it trail down his smooth chest until I reached his groin with the little patch of hair over his hard cock. I swallowed the cock and coated it with the cum as I got it even harder.

Finally I pulled off and onto my back. "Fuck me bro."

He kissed Frankie deeply before lifting my legs and aiming his cock at my hole and quickly sliding in. Frankie squatted over my face and fed me his cock and then I saw Joe feeding Frankie his.

What a hot scene to start the party with even without my cock being touched. So I started stroking myself only to have Terry knock it away and start blowing me. I shut my eyes and reveled in the sensations so I'm not sure if anybody else joined in though I'm sure with the break Terry took that somebody entered his tight ass.

We went slowly, taking our time and enjoying the building heat in our crotches. It's always special having sex with Ton-Ton, not the love and romance I feel with Joe but a different kind of love and despite the progress to normalcy that my brother and I have made there are times sex is still the way we best communicate love.

The pace picked up all around all through me and I knew a big climax was fast approaching. I opened my eyes to see Barry rimming Joe.

"Big brother I'm going to fill you with my love right now," Ton-Ton screamed and filled my insides, which brought a huge chain reaction from all involved. I even felt Barry's cum covering my face. Minutes later we were collapsed in a big pile as we collapsed under the orgasmic high.

The party and the sex kept going for a few more hours until we were all sexed out and then we partnered back up and slipped into our sleeping bags. Joe and I kissed for a while and listened as the whispers and kisses turned to sleep.

"I love you Joe Werner," I said.

"I love you Jonathan Sorrel."

Wow, I can't believe I got it done this time. Not as detailed as some other chapters but this was just meant to be an update and as I said the last time there just isn't anything in my life that exciting to talk about. Well except for us leaving for Boulder later today for the dedication of the Swiftwater Library.

Will there be more reports in the future? I have a feeling there may be, especially if you guys write and say you want more. Take care, enjoy and Happy New Year 2003.

Chapter 22

Author's note

This chapter, as have all the ones before it, is a complete and total work of fiction. It does contain scenes of teen-teen gay sex so if you don't like that please leave. If you're looking for M/T sex that stopped happening in this series a while ago, sorry. As always do nothing to a live boy to hurt him emotionally, sexually or physically.

"Thank God that's over, now maybe our parents won't worry as much," Barton said as he turned the big screen HDTV plasma set off in his family room.

We'd just watched the FBI press conference announcing the predawn raid which broke the back of a kidnapping ring targeting rich men's sons. Considering that our families combined net worth was close to a billion without 'cousin' Lamont's we certainly qualified.

"Never dreamed I'd have to worry about being kidnapped for ransom," Tony said, "Being beat up by pushers for non-payment on the other hand," he finished with a shrug.

We all laughed easily though we knew how close it was to the truth.

"You know Brian Meltzer was the next to last victim," Joe said.

Everybody nodded.

"He and his father disappeared the day after he was returned and nobody's seen them since. We have to pass the house to get out of the development and security guards are the only sign of life," Betty Collins said.

I have to admit she's gotten a lot better looking in the couple years since I met her at this very house for the freshmen orientation party. The fact that she was involved with the school newspaper frightened me at first but came in handy when Joe and I were outed.

"I think he's gay," Chipmunk said.

We all looked at him.

"I had gym with him last year. Brian has those eyes, those lingering gazes," Chipmunk said and grabbed his crotch.

And you didn't try and blow him?" Joe said.

Moved away every time I'd walk over and at 4'6" [1.37 m], 80 pounds [36 kg] soaking wet and half of that hair," he stopped to toss his ass length reddish-brown hair, "do I look like I could rape anybody?"

"No," we all shouted.

When the laughter died down we returned to planning the back to school barbeque for the Longston Academy Gay and Straight Student Alliance. Somebody suggested I ask 'cousin' Lamont if we could have it at his house. I knew he'd say yes in a heartbeat and donate everything. That father would love it and Dad would be proud and I want to accomplish both.

I leaned back and closed my eyes. Scenes from the thirteen years of torture and abuse flashed instantly before my eyes. Joe pulled me up and led me into the backyard. He wrapped me in his arms and I cried. Cried not just at what my three stepbrothers had done to me but even more what they were still doing to me mentally.

When I got myself under control I realized we were sitting on a love seat in the garden.

"How am I going to explain this? Why I can't ask my 'cousin' to host?" I asked Joe.

"We know Lamont Sorrel's your father Jon," Barton said.

"Decided it was time to tell you," Tony said as Joe and I swiveled on the bench.

"How? When?" Joe asked as I burrowed into him.

Betty took my hand, I pulled but she wouldn't let it go. "I suspected from the beginning but I let it go. After he showed up when you two were outed I couldn't any more. Took some research, not to find news accounts of your birth but to discredit the cousin story. "Forgive me Jon?"

"Who knows?" Joe snapped.

I was still too stunned to talk but I squeezed his hand.

"Sorry," Joe said, "but who knows?"

"Until now just the three of us but circumstances forced us to tell Chipmunk and Lucy," Betty said.

"I swear never to tell," Chipmunk said.

"Me too," Lucy said.

I slowly sat up and dried my eyes while all the others waited. I looked at each face individually and saw things I hadn't seen from the day my mother was killed in the car crash till I'd met Joe and then Styan.

I took a deep breath. "Two things you have to know, no three. First everybody who has had to know has known, including Joe's parents and Styan's parents. Second, my father did not physically or sexually assault me. His sin was neglect. He thought my stepmother and half-brothers were taking care of me. And they took care of me all right. While over the past couple of years we've reconciled as best we can that house is nothing but evil for me. I've been back once since I escaped and that was once to many even though good came of it.

"Finally, it has been my choice to keep the secret because I didn't want the disgrace and disaster the truth would bring," I finished and scanned the faces. "And now even more than then I don't want anything damaging our name."

"Never intended to publish or spread the story. I told Barton and Tony and we decided to keep silent until our hand was forced," Betty said.

"I guess I forced it with my idea. I'm sorry Jonathan," Lucy said.

"Glad really," Joe said, "It was a secret that was burning me inside. Wished I had somebody to talk about it."

"Didn't realize it was hurting you so much," I said and kissed him.

"One thing that always puzzled me," Tony said.

"What?" Betty said.

"When I got adopted it made the papers the next day despite everything supposedly being sealed. And if Betty could dig all the information up why couldn't the newspapers?" Tony said.

I laughed, "Nothing personal is ever written about the chairman and majority shareholder of Sorrel Enterprises and his family unless he hands out a press release. How much coverage of my half-brother's arrest and plea was there?"

"Still need place for the party," Chipmunk said.

Joe smiled and pulled out his cell phone. He dialed as he walked toward the back of the yard. "Who?" Barton asked me.

I just smiled and shrugged.

"You never answered my question," Betty said, "Do you forgive me?"

It was my turn to take her hand, "Yes darling I do. Thank you for not using the story too."

"Don't know how you can forgive him man. I know you say he didn't do it himself but that's like saying my old man didn't light my joints," Tony said.

"Hey love, thought you were past that. What you said," Barton said as he wrapped his arms around his adopted brother and lover.

"Most of the time, but times like this brings it back," Tony said.

"Never said I fully forgave him, not even close but the difference between Lamont and your father is mine's willing to admit his mistakes and try and build something. David on the other hand I'm glad to say won't be seeing the light of day for many, many years. Right now he's in his own cell twenty-three hours a day for his own protection."

"Got a place that will have half the school wanting to come even if we make every boy suck cock and girl eat pussy to come," Joe said.

"Where?" everybody asked.

"Wait, she didn't?" I said.

"Who?" Barton said.

"My Great Aunt Celia has offered the use of her humble and oh so modest home," Joe said.

"I'm confused," Lacy said.

"One of those small cottages on Upper Mt. Bev. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners are about two hundred adults in the main dining room and almost as many kids in the second room," Joe said.

"Looks down on Lamont's house literally and figuratively," I said.

"Holy shit, never imagined I'd get to go to one of those houses," Chipmunk said, "I'll blow all four of you now."

Barton, Tony, Joe and I looked at each other and big smiles crossed our faces.

"Betty, Lucy, would you mind going back inside, closing the door and watch TV for a bit?" Barton said.

Betty took Lucy's hand, "Come dear, they'll be joining us in two-minute intervals."

"Darling, I'm much to talented for that," Chipmunk said as he removed his shirt revealing a hairless chest with just a hint of a six-pack.

By the time the door was closed he was naked revealing a tiny trimmed reddish-brown pubic bush that matched the color of his hair.

"Go on Barton, you're the host so you go first," Joe said.

"I know I should be a good host but just this once I think I'll forget my manners," Barton said as he shoved his shorts and Aaron Carter boxers below his knees.

"You are kidding?" Chipmunk said a second before he sucked Barton's cock into his mouth.

Barton took Chipmunk's head between his hands, "Now don't talk with your mouth full," and started face fucking the younger boy.

"Joe, good buddy, oldest and dearest friend in the world," Tony said.

"Better run," I said.

"Why is my brother the host and not me? I do live here," Tony said.

Joe walked over and hugged Tony and gave him a firm kiss on the lips. "I'm sorry love. I guess my mouth went into automatic."

"It's ok, just punking on you bro," Tony said.

"Oh shit your mouth is so fucking hot. Work it Chip, you're going to be drinking it soon," Barton moaned.

We all turned to watch and began rubbing our crotches at the hot sucking action in front of us.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, OH SHIT," Barton said, locked his cock balls deep in Chipmunk's mouth and shuddered as he shot his load.

We could see Chipmunk swallow but cum still flowed from behind his lips. It took two minutes before Barton stumbled back, his cock flaccid and clean. Barton sat down and our other host took his place. Tony's cock was already rock hard and leaking as he slowly fed it between the kneeling boy's lips. The action was so sexy that Joe and I stripped, moved to the lawn and slid into each other's arms and down to the ground. A fierce game of tonsil hockey broke out. My hands flowed over familiar skin, caressing special crevices.

We hadn't even realized Tony had shot his load when we felt a tongue washing our balls. Joe and I looked down to see Chipmunk kneeling over us and working his tongue. A slight shift in position gave him better access to our cocks and balls while letting us return to the kissing and fondling. Chipmunk went back and forth between us regularly but suddenly stopped. Before Joe or I could talk he said, "Oh shit Tony, work my cock."

Then he got back to work on ours. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Barton stroking his cock and I raised my top leg to give him access to my hole. An offer he did not hesitate to accept.

The heat rose on that small patch of grass and I felt my cum boiling as my prostate and cock were being stroked. I used every trick in my substantial repertoire to hold out but the next time I felt those silky lips on my cockhead I fed Chipmunk everything in my nuts. A minute later I heard gasps from the others. I felt Barton's load shooting up inside me and knew the others had cum as well.

When word got out people came out of the walls looking for invites. Joe got his father to drive us to see Aunt Celia and her butler Krug to work things out. It was the first time I got the full tour and the place was so much bigger than what I'd seen that I didn't argue when they both told us not to turn anybody away and they'd take care of all the food and cooking. But this party there would be no cigars or brandy. Which was fine with me. The only thing she asked was the school supply a certificate of insurance in case anybody got sick or hurt and a few chaperones. Told her half the faculty had volunteered already.

The pool and garden areas were humongous too. Figured if everybody got into the pool at once we'd be watering the flowers.

The beginning of August came and all of us headed to the cabin in the woods. Styan and Eric in one room, Joe and me in the second bedroom while Ton-Ton and Sean Roberts took the third.

Sean is Ton-Ton's boyfriend. They met at school this past year and are both thirteen. Sean has bright red hair in a skater's cut, hazel eyes and freckles and just over an inch taller than Ton-Ton at 5'5" [1.65 m]. And just so your dirty minds know we have had foursomes and Sean is hot and with Ton-Ton as an almost total bottom man have some of the scenes been wild.

Funny thing was Sean's parents know he is gay and are fine with it. Know Ton-Ton is his boyfriend and like him, I mean what's not to like about my younger brother, that's another story, they were still nervous about him coming with us. Almost had to call Grandpa Sheriff to vouch for Styan and Eric.

One good thing about having Sean up here is this year Ton-Ton is coming out on the deck. Last year he was very reluctant, did anything to avoid it. He admitted it was because of everything that happened two years ago when he came into our lives, that it should be happy memories but he couldn't shake the bad ones. Ton-Ton's determined not to let Sean see him scared.

Sean isn't Ton-Ton's first boyfriend but the first one who stuck around and was supportive after he found out about Ton-Ton's history, survived the first nightmare. Funny, Ton-Ton seems to have them only first or second time boyfriend sleeps over. Sean got two and stuck through it. Didn't even let Eric takeover. After the second time explained that his younger brother had gone through long series of nightmares after their father had died in a car crash. Finally went away but came back every time their mother brought a date home. One hung around and comforted him and they went away again. Mother married him.

Uncle Boris and Aunt Rachael and their kids were still there when we arrived and we had a family barbeque before they took off. Unlike Styan Uncle Boris is shall we say a little rotund as is Rachael and the boys. The girl is slender though she's no slouch in the eating department. Aunt Rachael as an aunt loves Joe, Ton-Ton and me without reservation but she keeps a close eye when we're around the boys. Not that any of us have any desire to touch them.

The next couple of days it rained so we just hung out and played video games, read, played computer games and ate. Second night Styan even found an old Monopoly board and the six of us played. Making money must run in the family because I wiped them out in just over an hour. Second game they wouldn't let me play and it took three hours. Joe won when I started giving him advice. Third day dawned sunny, dry and warm. We all dressed into just our bathing suits. Sorry not Speedos, regular in teenage boy fashion long suits, but at least they stopped right above the knee and not calf length. Right after breakfast the six of us ran down to the dock and jumped into the lake. My cock and balls went prepubescent the water was so cold.

We'd forgotten the lake never got really warm to begin with and two days of solid rain had chilled it right back down to early May. Fuck early November. Joe and I started doing laps back and forth to the raft Uncle Boris had installed about fifty feet out. Not far but enough to give us a workout and warm up.

After thirty hard laps we lazed back out and climbed up. Ton-Ton and Sean were already up there worshiping the naked boy God and we joined them. The warm sun felt so nice on stroking all parts of my body. Every once in a while a boat would come past and we'd wave with one hand while carefully making sure we didn't give them a frontal show.

One rowboat with two teen boys slowed as it went past and when they came back down they stood in the boat as naked as we were and waved. For them we stood and waved back and motioned them over. They looked at each other for a second and then turned the boat. It took them a couple of minutes to get to us. After we tied the boat to the raft they climbed on board.

"Hi," I said and introduced the four of us, leaving out our relationships.

"Cool, I'm Zeus and this is my younger brother Apollo. We're staying with our parents at the hotel far end of the lake."

"We're not Greek but Mom just loves Greek mythology and so named us after her favorite Gods," Apollo said.

"Like them, says more than Joseph," Joe said.

We sat in a circle and all six of us discretely checked each other out.

"True, but the requests to do Godly things can be a bit much," Zeus said,

"We're from the city, what about you guys?"

"We all live in Longston, NJ about twenty miles west," I said.

"New Jersey? What do you guys do for fun all the way out there?" Apollo said and got a dirty look from his brother. "Sorry."

"No problem, was going to ask how you could stand living there with the pace and crowds," Sean said.

The conversation went on from there covering the usual teen boy stuff, Zeus was 15 and Apollo 13½, he insisted on the half. There was one topic missing though, even from them: girls. Ton-Ton started eyeing Apollo and our guest's semi-flaccid uncut cock and his own was beginning to respond.

"Boys, got the grill going, come on in for lunch," Styan yelled from shore.

"Dad, we got guests can they join us?" I called back after standing.

"After all of you put your suits back on, don't want anything important getting burned," Styan said.

I turned to Zeus; "You do have suits with you?"

"Yes, took them off as soon as we were away from the hotel. Dad would go nuts if he saw us naked in public, doesn't even like it when we're in our room at home," Zeus said.

"Sometimes think he'd like us to shower with clothes on," Apollo said drawing laughter as Zeus got their suits out of the boat.

"Can we leave the boat tied up here and swim in?" Zeus said as he slipped his lavender and royal blue Speedo on.

I nodded, trying not to drool as his cock got harder in its tight confine. Looked and saw Apollo was adjusting his hard rod in his identical suit. As soon as I pulled my suit in I took a running dive and was grateful the cool water deflated my hard-on fast.

Dad and Eric met us coming out of the water and handed us towels then led us back to the deck. As usual Ton-Ton hesitated for a beat going up there but I don't think anybody else noticed it this time. Once seated Joe and I handed out sodas and introduced our guests to our fathers.

"Fathers?" Zeus said.

Valid question. I don't look like Styan and there's a bigger difference between Eric and Ton-Ton with his Mexican blood. "Styan's my foster-father and Eric has adopted Ton-Ton. Joe and Sean are our respective best friends," I said.

"Friends?" Apollo said and grabbed his crotch.

"Hope you don't mind," Sean said.

"Not at all. We both have gay friends in the city and have fooled around with them occasionally but I think I'm more bi than gay," Zeus said.

"Not sure yet but I know I enjoy the gay sex and really got turned on by seeing the four of you naked out there," Apollo said.

"You two are hot too," Ton-Ton said.

"First course," Eric said and placed a plate full of hot dogs in front of us. We started laughing then Ton-Ton pulled his trick of deep throating one bun and all and Sean, Zeus and Apollo gasped. Yes I can do it too but I am much too mature for such tricks.

"Son, one day I'm going to make you swallow it that way," Eric said. Joe ducked right in time as Ton spit it out and over the railing. Halfway through lunch a series of musical tones started repeating itself.

"Oh shit," Zeus said and took off down to the lake.

"We left the cell phone in the rowboat and Dad's trying to find us. Surprised it took this long," Apollo said.

A splash. Phone cut off. "FUCK!" Zeus screamed.

"Phone in the kitchen, phonebook is in the drawer underneath if you don't know the hotel's number," Eric said.

"Follow me," Ton-Ton said.

Ton-Ton called for Eric at about the time an upset Zeus came back up to the deck. "Got there late and then their fucking phone was busy when I tried calling back. We are going to be so dead. Dad will put leashes around our neck."

Styan got up and put his arm around Zeus. "Relax, your brother went in to call as soon as we heard your scream. Eric is talking to your Dad now. But I wouldn't be surprised if he heard that fuck from your room."

"You don't know him Styan, he loves us but doesn't trust us. Can only be in our bedroom to sleep and dress and he'd rather we did that with the door open," Zeus said, his head hung down.

"Relax," Eric said from the door, "I explained everything to him, except the nude sunbathing, and he's fine. Told him you set a world record for the deck to dock dash when the phone rang."

"You did," Styan said. Zeus smiled for the first time since the phone rang.

"He said you guys can spend the afternoon here but be back for supper at six and call when you're ready to leave," Eric said.

"I told him we swam in from the raft which is why we didn't bring the phone with us. For once he understood," Apollo said. I got up and walked over to Zeus and took him from Eric who gave me a knowing smile.

"Let Joe and me show you some of the sights around here, Ton-Ton and Sean can take care of your brother."

"I think that works," Sean said and stuck his tongue out. Joe and I led Zeus down the main path and onto a smaller path where we had to walk single file. Joe was the lucky one behind Zeus. I hesitated at one point and Zeus stumbled into me and I felt his hard cock in my crack. Wanted to stop right then and go at it. Instead we went another fifty feet till we reached a small beach that was so protected by trees and vines that you had to be on top of it before you could see in from the lake.

"It's fucking beautiful here. So peaceful and quiet, surprised you only come out two weeks a year," Zeus said after we'd stripped and lay down on the blanket we always kept there. I ran my fingers down his chest, nice light coating of hair leading down to a thick pubic bush.

"Uncle Boris and his family use it a lot, mostly on those long weekends when we would. Little too far for a regular weekend,' I said.

"Be fair, he did offer us use of the unheated cabin last Christmas," Joe said. We all chuckled then Joe leaned in and kissed Zeus on the lips while I went down on him. His hips bucked up forcing his entire uncut six inches into my mouth. I wrapped my tongue around his hardening rod and bathed it.

"Oh shit, nobody's ever done that," Zeus moaned.

"You never had a mouth that experienced before," Joe said. I reached over and slapped his butt without missing a stroke.

"Hey," Joe said as he fed his cock to Zeus, "It's true and a wonderful talented mouth it is."

OK, it is true, and I love being able to give my lover and friends pleasure. Just hate remembering how I got the experience. I licked the precum from Zeus' cock and went to work as Joe took my cock into his own talented mouth. Moaned around Zeus's cock.

From further down the beach similar sounds drifted toward us.

We slipped into a slow easy rhythm.

I always enjoy these outdoor sessions with Joe and having a third person gives it an extra spark. Feel closer to nature, God's acceptance out here.

Joe rubbed my back and I relaxed a bit. Even in the middle of sex he knows when I need to calm down. As usual he was right.

I picked the pace up a little bit and more precum flowed from Zeus's head, and my own. Zeus was getting close and I wasn't ready and so a decision had to be made. The finger that was circling his anus slipped inside easily, quickly joined by a second and they made their way to his prostate. I rubbed it and he went wild. Started face fucking me and moaning, screaming around Joe's cock. It took another minute till he fed me his seed.

When I'd sucked him dry I moved away from Joe's mouth, removed my fingers from Zeus' hole and replaced it with my tongue. Lubing him up with his own sperm.

"Going to fuck your Greek god ass," I said.

"Yeah man," Zeus said.

I reached into the bag we kept the blanket in and pulled out a condom and slipped it on.

"Yeah man," Zeus said.

Placed my cock at his entrance, thanked the naked boy god, and entered him slowly. He was tight, hot as hell and silky smooth as only heaven can make a boy. I started plowing his fertile ground with long slow strokes.

Heard Joe, knew he was getting close to feeding Zeus and picked up my pace. Long and slow is great when you're making love. Hard fast sex is fun too.

"Yes," "I'm cumming," "Oh shit," came from down the beach and I filled Zeus' ass with my offering as Joe made his.

Sated we collapsed on the blanket, hugged and kissed.

"Thank you," Zeus said, "for letting me share."

"Thank you for joining us today, and not just the sex," I said.

"Wish my folks could meet yours," Zeus said.

"You'll take our phone number when you go and if they're interested we'll make it work. If you want to come down again, with or without cumming, you guys are always welcome," Joe said.

We sat quietly looking out at the lake for a while, each alone with our own thoughts. Mine were about remembering to live in the present and future, not in the awful past.

"Can you make it to the raft from here," I finally said.

"Sure," Zeus said.

We put everything away, stored the bag up in a tree and slipped our suits back on then into the water. Ahead of us we could see three other bodies heading in the same direction.

Without a word or glance we went into overdrive and quickly closed the gap. Ten feet from the raft we surged and each grabbed a boy from behind and stripped their suit off. We eluded their attempts at revenge and clambered onto the raft and waved their suits over our heads. They reached us but several boats were in the area so they hesitated.

Ton-Ton laughed and pulled himself up and stood there with his boy cock at full mast.

"Mommy, look the boy's naked and his penis is hard," a little girl shouted from one of the boats.

Ton-Ton got that look on his face and started to turn toward the voice but I tackled him back into the water. We surfaced laughing and spitting out water. Sean and Apollo were struggling to put their suits back on in the water and Joe threw Ton-Ton his. I held him from behind to make it easier.

"What are they doing now mommy?" the girl said and I knew she was pointing at us.

Mommy started sputtering and the two of us started giggling.

Ton-Ton got his suit on and twisted around in my arms and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks bro for helping me put my suit back on," he shouted.

We got back onto the raft and waved to the girl and a relieved looking woman. Looked toward the dock and relaxed, empty. Felt the icy glare and looked up at the deck. Our fathers were up there wagging their fingers at us. We wagged our six clad cocks back at them and we all started laughing. They joined us a little later.

The two brothers returned every day for the rest of the week. Their parents finally accepted our invitation for a barbeque lunch on Friday. They were nice people but I think their father was a little surprised that we let his sons run into our house at will. Even asked Zeus to get some more ice from the freezer at one point. Nothing he said, just his reaction.

What was really nice was that they totally accepted us and our relationships. Didn't even blink at two boys as young as Sean and my brother could know they're gay and be boyfriends. Guess there are some advantages to living in New York City.

We returned home and I found a list of what I had to do for the party in the mailbox. Ton-Ton groaned when he saw his.

"Hey, you're the one who insisted we include your grade so it's only fair," I said.

"Tomorrow, I'm tired."

I laughed, "You just want to spend the rest of the day online going through your email and chatting."

"You should talk," he shouted as he dragged his suitcase to his room.


My phone rang way to early Monday morning. It was barely ten. I didn't recognize the name on the caller ID but answered anyway.

"Jon, it's Chipmunk. Hope I didn't wake you."

"No problem, just hold for a second," I said.

Ran to the bathroom, took my morning piss and headed back. Took a look at the name on the caller ID again. This time it clicked. Understood.

"You still there?" I said.

"Yes, was wondering if you could help me," he said.

"Got a question first. I've got caller ID and I guess your father's name came up."

"God Damn It! Please don't tell anybody. Please don't hate me," Chipmunk finished desperately.

"If you can keep my secret I can keep yours. Just find out how to block it when you make a call from there."

"Thanks," there was a pause; "Maybe we could talk about it sometime? I think you'd understand."

"Anytime bud. Now why did you call?" I said.

"Remember at that meeting I mentioned Brian Meltzer. Betty says he's home and I want to invite him to the party."

"So call him up," I said.

"Number's unlisted, not even in the school directory. Nobody I know has it."

"Sorry, I don't have it either. Did you snail mail him an invitation?" I said.

"No answer. Shit I like him, think he's cute. What do I do?"

"Go to his house and knock on the door."

"According to Betty the security team is still there. I go up to them and say 'Hi, my name's Chipmunk and I want to see Brian.'"

"And you think if the name is Sorrel instead of Chipmunk it would work better?" I said with a laugh.

"Yep yep," he said.

We laughed.

"OK, my Dad's working and I guess you don't ask yours for a ride to often so this is how it's going to work. I've got shopping to do for the party so we'll meet me at the Longston Mall with our bikes at noon by the food court. We'll grab lunch, do the shopping and then head over."

"Great, thanks Jon, and lunch is on me, I really appreciate this," Chipmunk said.

"No sweat, what friends are for," I said. (And to those of you dear readers who haven't figured it out remember this is New Jersey and think "Sopranos.")

I was a cheap lunch date but I think Chipmunk was happy. I knew his secret and didn't care. We didn't talk about it though, too public. We talked about school though. I let him know what to expect the coming year in his regular classes. He warned me about the gym teacher I was getting for the first time.

We loaded the bags onto our bikes and took off. One thing with a suburb like Longston is that there's no public transportation and a lot of hills. So if you want to go see your friends before you can drive it's bike or walk. Great exercise though, just a few more months before I can get my license. As we rode and walked our bikes up to the Meltzer's I realized why only rich people lived up there and in areas like where Lamont and Aunt Celia do. Either need parent or servant home to drive the kids. I'm in good shape and Chipmunk's in even better condition, man those legs of his, but we were both straining when we reached their driveway.

We spotted a couple of cars and as soon as we started walking our bikes up the driveway two tall burly men in black appeared.

"This is private property," one of them said. The bulge his gun made was obvious from thirty feet away.

"Hi, we've come to see Brian Meltzer, we go to Longston Academy with him," I said as we kept walking.

"Want to see how he's doing, welcome him back home," Chipmunk said.

"Wait there. What are your names?" the other one said.

We introduced ourselves.

The first one shook his head, "The names some parents give their kids. Call them in."

It took at least five minutes before we were waved up. Could feel their eyes on me the whole time.

"Now you know what it will be like if I ever invite you to my house," Chipmunk whispered, "Can you believe he thought it was my real name?"

"You ever read through the student list? At least Chipmunk is pronounceable," I said.

A third guard was by the open door and instinctively I raised my arms. He laughed.

"Don't think I need to pat you down for weapons. Come on in and I'll lead you to Brian. I guess you can understand the security with what happened."

"No problem," I said.

I won't pretend that the house was as big or as fancily decorated as Lamont's but a homier feel. Brian was waiting for us in a large family room.

"I'll be right outside Brian," the man said and closed the door behind him.

Chipmunk walked up to Brian and hugged the bigger boy.

"Welcome home Brian," Chipmunk said.

"Thanks," Brian bent down and kissed Chipmunk on the lips. "Sorry couldn't do that last year at school."

The next kiss was longer.

"Worth the wait. Uh, Jon and I came over to invite you to the back to school party. If you or your father would prefer you can bring a security guard," Chipmunk said.

"Do you think they'd mind?" Brian asked.

"Brian, with everything in that house and everybody there I'm sure Aunt Celia won't mind a pro around."

"Then I'll be there. I wish I could tell you guys everything that happened but a lot of its just to scary to remember. Mostly just don't like thinking of it at all. But Chipmunk, if we're going to be boyfriends and even just for school Jon there's something I need to show you," Brian said.

He slid his shorts down as I walked closer. I could see the confused look on Chipmunk's face as he took hold of Brian's cock and balls. From where I was standing they looked ok but by the way Chipmunk was handling the left ball I knew it wasn't real.

"They took your left nut to keep you from talking," I said as flatly as I could.

"Yes, that's a replacement in there to make it look ok. The other one works fine though."

"Good enough," Chipmunk said and sank to his knees.


All the Gods cooperated and the day of the party dawned clear, sunny and warm and the forecast had it going up to nice and hot. Or is that hot but still nice? Either way I dressed in a T and shorts and sandals, packed party host and swim clothes, picked up my purchases and Styan drove Ton-Ton and me over to Aunt Celia's. On the way over we passed Chipmunk pushing his loaded bike up the hill. We threw his packages in with ours, hooked the bike into the trunk and he got in with us.

"Thanks Mr. Maskovitz, my father couldn't drive me today. This hill is really steep," Chipmunk said.

"Next time call and we'll pick you up. And, it's Styan."

Without turning I gave a slight shake of the head.

"Thanks," Chipmunk said.

I saw Dad's eyebrows raise and knew there would be some explaining to do. Dad dropped us off and Krug and one of his assistants came out to help us with the bags and led us to the left and to the big room where the younger set waits for the Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. Betty, Barton, Tony and amazingly Brian were already there when we came in. I looked around.

"Dad said could leave the security guard home if I wanted to after he called your Aunt Celia. I decided that it was time to get back to a normal life. Didn't want to look like the president's kid with a security guard walking the school halls with me," Brian said.

Chipmunk dropped his packages and walked over to Brian. "Boyfriend, I may be weaker than a wet noodle but I'll protect you from any bad guys."

Brian bent down and kissed his shorter boyfriend. Tears ran down his face when he broke the kiss.

"Why the tears?" Tony asked.

"There was a while there when I never thought I'd hear that word spoken to me. And to know he means it," Brian stopped, shrugged.

Tony walked over and put his arms around both boys. "I know just how you feel Brian. Just how you feel."

I looked at Joe and whispered, "Me too."

We decorated, swam, ate, dressed for the party and welcomed our friends and schoolmates. It was amazing really. The Longston Academy Gay and Straight Student Alliance had started out of an attack against me and now at least a third of the middle and high school students were at one of its parties.

Granted some of it was because of it being at Aunt Celia's house. But even that didn't count for the openness and acceptance that filled the house and grounds. When the DJ played inside gay couples, lesbian couples, straight couples, some couples or groups I wasn't quite sure of dance side by side. Barton even danced with Betty while Tony danced with Betty's latest beau. Joe and I took turns dancing with Aunt Celia and everybody cheered when she was introduced. There was quiet when she said how happy and proud her brother Eric would have been to see so many gays and lesbians dancing openly with their straight friends in his home. How happy she was to have seen the day. Joe wrapped his arms around me and I twisted to kiss him.

Author's note

More? When and if Jon 'tells me'. That's the way this series works. Comes out of his hiding place in my mind and says time to write. Of course like with chapter 1 the story he tells me he's going to tell quickly changes to something he wants or needs to tell. Hope you enjoyed. Sid G.

Chapter 23
What Happened?

Author's note

This is not a traditional Mall Punk chapter. In fact no character you've met so far appears on the story. It does take place in Longston, NJ and the main characters may appear in future, more traditional Mall Punk stories. The story is 100% fiction, while there is no sex there is talk about gay sex between two 14 year old identical twin brothers. So if that's not to your taste please leave. This is also a tale about a murder which takes place before the story starts.

"Hello Jimmy, I'm Dr. Wilson and."

"Where's Joey?"

"He's in another room here, safe and all right. Now as I"

"I want to talk to him." I stared at the man in the white coat, trying to will him to let me see my identical twin brother. "That's all anybody's told me for the last week and I want to see and talk to him now."

"Look, if I get some cooperation son."

"Don't call me that."

"OK Jimmy, is that OK?"

I nodded and gave him a little grin, which he returned.

"That's better, now as I started to say I'm Dr. Wilson, the psychiatrist appointed by the court to talk to you and your brother about your older brother's murder. If you help me out here I'll try and get the two of you together."

"How much more can I help? I've already confessed to pulling the trigger and Joey wasn't even there."

"Joey says he did it and you were sleeping the whole time."

"He's lying."

"He says the same thing about you and I think you're both protecting each other, holding something back. From what everybody's told me or the police I can't believe either one of you shot Aaron for the fun of it."

I stood up and walked over to the window and looked out over a large lawn. The doctor was right but I didn't know what to do. Hell, I'm only fourteen and my life's destroyed. Either my brother or I, or probably both of us, will end up in prison and being barely five foot and ninety pounds end up being sex toys. I know he won't tell me what Joey said but I think I can figure it out. What to do?

"You're working for the police," I said without turning. "How can I trust you? You'll just take anything I say and use it to get us worse sentences, probably even keep us apart for the rest of our lives." Damn, I felt tears flowing. Not exactly the cold-blooded killer image.

"Didn't your lawyer, Mr. Atkins, explain that he agreed to go along with my report?"

I walked over to the nightstand and pulled an envelope out of the drawer. "Tell us? Here's my copy of the letter he sent. I've seen the idiot once and all he said was he'd do the best he could. Best he could do. Couldn't even arrange for us to see each other. I don't think he'll show up for the trial."

"I'll talk to him about coming to talk to you, explain what's happening. When we met he asked the right questions, he is concerned about you two. He's read all the reports and even talked to your parents, principal and teachers. He's young but I think he'll do right by you."

"But what about you? This is really about how I feel about you. Can I trust you to do the right thing?"

"I'm here to try and understand you and why you did what you say you did. If I believe your story then yes it will have an impact on what happens to you after the trial."

"See, you'll get me and Joey executed."

"Or get you probation and placed in a group home for problem kids."

"We're not problem kids," I snapped back.

"Well to most people murder is a problem."

"It wasn't murder, it was self-defense."

"He was sleeping on his stomach when you claim to have put two bullets in his head."

"Then, what's the term, justifiable homicide."

"You know, I could buy that. But you'll have to tell me everything. And it has to be the truth."

I returned to the window. Past the parking lot I could see a park with a lake in the middle. It looked so peaceful, kids playing on the fields. I'd never play on another field that wasn't surrounded by hundred foot high electrified barbed wire fences. But maybe, just maybe I could free Joey.

I turned and scanned the room for the hundredth time since I'd been brought here from the police station.

"Are we being watched or taped? The truth please if we're going to work this out."

"The only tape recorder is the one I have." He took it out of his pocket and opened the cassette holder. "I won't turn it on until you say OK."

"They say the truth shall set you free. Now I know that's not going to be true here."

"Depends on what it is, if you had a good enough reason maybe we can avoid prison for you and your brother. I can't promise but^" his voice trailed off.

"Promise me this, if I tell you the truth you'll back my confession over Joey's."

"Did you really pull the trigger? On your honor."

"Yes I did. Where do you want me to start?"

"At the beginning would be helpful."

"Start the tape," I waited.

"This is Dr. Richard Wilson. I am interviewing James Henry Singleton regarding the murder of his brother Aaron Singleton. The interview is being conducted in Mr. Singleton's hospital room without anyone else present. Mr. Singleton, do you voluntarily consent to this interview. You can say no and you can have your lawyer present if you choose."

"Can I have my brother here?"

"I'm sorry no. Do you consent to the interview?"

"Yes I do."

"Do you understand you can pause or end this interview at any time?"

"Can we just get started?"

"Jimmy, I need this on the record. This is the last question."

"I understand and consent."

"Then please start at the beginning."

"The trouble started fourteen years ago as of last August 8th."

"The day you were born?"

I nodded. "Aaron was four and never accepted us. A couple of years ago we found the videotape of our third birthday party and Aaron's on it saying, `Well the things made it another year, with any luck they wont make another.'"

"Could you hear any reaction from your parents?"

"Yeah, mom reminds him he promised to be nice and dad's laughing. But what do you expect considering they've deserted us now."

"And Aaron's attitude never improved?"

"Let me show you something." I took off the T-shirt I was wearing and stood and pointed to a four-inch scar along my left side. The doctor described the scar. "This was his tenth birthday present to himself. If the carving knife had gone in an inch deeper I might not be standing here. They told the emergency room I'd fallen through my window and grounded him for a week." I turned around and pointed to a faint scar on my back. "That's where he `accidentally' hit me with his bicycle chain last year. The insults, punches, abuse never stopped, for either one of us.

`Very good Jimmy."

"'Very good'," I screamed. "Very good! Get out of here you bastard."

I continued screaming as the outer door opened and a burly aide started coming in but Dr. Wilson waved him out as he grabbed my shoulders. He held me till I stopped shaking.

"No, no Jimmy. I'm sorry. I don't mean what he did was very good but that the long pattern of abuse is very good for your case, especially your folks' indifference to it. Now do you want to take a break or are you ready to get to the heart of the manner?"

I took a couple of deep breaths. "You know what I'd really like?"


"A whole cold can of Coke for my self. I promise I won't throw it at you or through the window or anything stupid like that."

Dr. Wilson smiled, turned the tape off and walked out the door. I looked at my shirt and decided against putting it back on. It was warm in the room and I liked the feel of the breeze from the air conditioner on my bare skin.

The idea of finally telling someone the truth felt good, but had me nervous. Could I really trust the man? Did I have much choice if I was going to save Joey?

It was taking longer than I had expected for Dr. Wilson to return and I was getting nervous when the door opened and he walked in with two cans on a tray.

"Sorry it took so long but all they had up here was some generic crap so I went to the lobby and picked up some chips and stuff to go with our sodas. Take your pick." He put the tray down on the table by my bed and took one can. He must have spent at least five dollars on snack food. I was beginning to like this guy. I grabbed a bag of Reese's Pieces and the soda and went through about a quarter of each before saying I was ready to resume. Dr. Wilson turned the tape back on.

"Joey and I are totally identical. The only differences in our bodies are marks from outside influences. Our grades are almost the same in every subject; we like the same sports, bands. Mom and Dad started taking us clothes shopping not only separately but simultaneously so we wouldn't pick out the same things and that didn't even work."

I took another sip. I knew my next sentence, but also knew his reaction to it was critical. His feelings might determine our destiny. I wondered if I could skip it, but it would come out later anyway. I took a deep breath and spit it out.

"And we're both gay and we're lovers."

I waited for a reaction but he just nodded and took another pretzel.

"How do you feel about that? If you've got a thing against gays then let's end it here."

"This is Dr. Wilson I'm going to pause the tape for a moment." The room fell silent while he reached over to the tape and hit the stop button. "Do you think there's anything wrong about being gay Jimmy? He asked.

"No, but I know a lot of people do and that if you're one of them it could hurt me and Joey. If I'm going to keep trusting you I need to know the truth."

"Fair enough," Dr. Wilson said as he reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his wallet. He flipped it open and handed it to me. I was looking at a picture of a cute guy, probably about twenty. "Look at the next picture."

I flipped the picture and there was Dr. Wilson with his arm around the boy. Dr. Wilson's tee shirt said, "I'm the proud parent of a gay son." The boy was wearing a matching shirt that said, "I'm the son."

"Does that answer you question? Craig came out to us when he was sixteen. Not that it was a surprise to his mother, brother or me. It didn't change how much we loved him. Not one bit."

"You know, if my parents had been a tenth this supportive we probably wouldn't be here. Start the tape."

He clicked it on. "This is Dr. Wilson. James Singleton has consented to continue the interview. Whenever your ready Jimmy."

I nodded. "We'd always horsed around in our room, wrestled in the nude, stuff like that when we were little."

"Why in the nude?"

"A couple of times we ripped our clothes and mom got so mad it was a natural step to avoid the problem. A year or so ago when we started reaching puberty things started taking an added dimension. It started innocently enough, comparing our bodies as each change came along. Then as time went on things progressed and we did more and more sexual things together. You don't need the details do you?

"Did the two of you go all the way?"

"Yes, but please?"

"Fine, I understand," Dr. Wilson said.

I picked the soda back up and took a long drink. "Just give me a minute Doc. This is harder than I figured on."

"No problem, you take all the time you need. I know this has been a rough experience for you, and you're handling it well."

"Thanks, but the hardest part is not being with Joey. We've never been apart this long since we were conceived. Not to even talk to him." I found myself wiping a tear away.

"I told you he's fine, I promise you'll see each other soon. We just have to settle this first."

"But why?"

"Because if the two of you are together you can work on your stories and then we might never find out the truth."

I thought about that and nodded.

"Is that enough background?"

"For now, we may need to go back and fill in details later but you were great."

"Thanks, that does mean a lot. My parents never gave us many complements. There are times I wonder why they kept us."

"Did they abuse you?"

"They never beat us and I don't remember having sex with my father or anything like that. They fed and clothed us, just didn't love us. I mean look at my father, he's leading the parade for our executions."

"Quick question before you get back to the story," the Doctor said.


"Do you know the combination of the safe in your father's den?"

I shook my head. "Nope, Dad wouldn't give it to us, only Mom and he knew it. Why do you want to know?"

"Not important. Are you ready to get back to the story?"

I finished the soda and smiled. "Will you get me another when I'm finished?"

He laughed and I felt a twinge of regret. Why couldn't my father have been a little bit like him?

"That day," I started.

"Last Wednesday, the day of the murder?"

"Yes. It started like any normal school day. Up at six, shower, breakfast and out by seven-thirty. Joey and I have, had a fifteen-minute walk to school. Nothing unusual happened on the way there but once we crossed the street Mr. Hooligan, the principal, came and took us to the office and everything began to fall apart." I stopped, feeling tears beginning to fall. "I swear we didn't do it, Aaron put that picture on the school's web page. We never took pictures of ourselves having sex. Besides neither of us know how to change the home page like that."

"Hold it, hold it. Take a deep breath and when you're ready take a step back and start again."

I took a tissue, wipe my eyes and blew my nose. He handed me the rest of his soda and I finished it.

"Thanks, but that doesn't count as the extra can."

"I know," he smiled and I returned it. I had started talking to save Joey but was beginning to really trust the doctor. Maybe he could help both of us.

"Without saying a word they sat us in an empty office until our parents arrived. We whispered while we waited but couldn't figure out what was going on. Teacher after teacher walked by the glass walls and stared, glared at us. Shaking their heads.

"Finally our parents got there but walked into Mr. Hooligan's office without saying a word. Fifteen minutes later Mr. Hooligan's secretary got us and brought us into his office. She's always a bitch but I thought she was going to spit on us. The first thing we saw was the computer monitor. On the screen under the banner "Harding Middle School's Finest" was a color picture of the two of us fucking. On the bottom was, "If you want to join us just cum see us in the basement boy's room." I don't know what happened next but I think I fainted since the next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor with Joey kneeling over me. The adults didn't seem to care. They just started yelling at us, interrogating us. When they gave us a chance to say anything they just called us liars. Finally they suspended us indefinitely and sent us home.

"When we got there Dad made us strip and whipped our asses with his belt."

I had to stop at that point. The memories were just too painful. And the worst was yet to come.

"When he was finished he locked us in our room. For the first few minutes we sat on our own beds tears flowing while we gave each other suspicious looks. "

"I never took any pictures Jimmy. I swear on our love I had nothing to do with it," Joey broke the silence.

"Neither did I, I swear on our love too." I got off the bed and walked over to Joey's. He took my hand and pulled me over and we kissed.

When we finally broke we leaned back against the wall.

"Then who did it?" I asked.

"Had to be Aaron," Joey said, "but how?"

We tried remembering the picture on the web site but it still took us almost two hours to find the small opening almost at the top of the wall we shared with Aaron's bedroom. We could see the lens coming almost all the way through. It had a perfect view of Joey's bed and most of the floor."

"What did you do then?"

"Started pounding on the door, yelling for our mother to come. Unfortunately our father came up and told us if we needed to piss we could do it in each others mouths and it was going to be a long time before we got out of there for any reason. We tried telling him but he just walked away.

Unable to do anything else we lay down on my bed and held each other tight. I'd like to say it was comforting but we were both to wound up. Somehow we fell asleep and slept until we heard knocking on the door. It was after three in the afternoon."

"Hey faggots, click click. How'd you like the picture?"

"Aaron, you bastard, you fucking bastard." I screamed, or we both did I'm not really sure.

The door opened and he came in laughing hysterically. "Now I'm finally going to be rid of you two scum. Dad won't let any faggots live in his house. The only pity is that I'm going to lose out on selling all that kiddy porn of the two of you. That camera's been there for six years."

"We tried jumping him but he just hit us in our balls, laughed and locked the door behind him.

When we couldn't keep from pissing any more we opened the window and did it. Didn't even care that our neighbors could see us. We closed the window and started making plans to runaway that night."

"Your bedroom is on the second floor and I didn't see anyway to climb down. How were you going to get out?"

"Can't climb down but you can climb up if your limber enough. Wouldn't have been the first time we'd gotten up on the roof, over to the garage and down the tree when we were grounded."

I could see Dr. Wilson running the scene through his head and then he chuckled. "Not bad, would have gotten you out of there but we'll discuss the consequences of that move another time."

Yeah, like if we ever get out of here. We can't go home again.

"Anyway, about seven Mom brought us some food and let us out long enough to go to the bathroom. We tried talking to her, but she wouldn't listen, barely even glanced over to where the camera was when we told her about it and Aaron's confession. She just told us to be quiet and pray to God for forgiveness for our wicked ways that had brought shame on the family. Somebody must have told her about our pissing out the window since she left the door unlocked, which we didn't even realize till much later.

"About ten we took turns going to the john, set the alarm for three and went to sleep. Joey was crying in his sleep and it woke me up about one and I couldn't fall back to sleep. I got angrier and angrier until it hit me what I had to do. I sneaked downstairs to the den and got the gun from where my father hid it in the back of the top drawer of his filing cabinet. We all knew where he kept it and he'd shown us how to take the safety off. I crept back upstairs and into Aaron's room. He was sleeping on his stomach, snoring away. I picked up a thick pillow from the floor and put it over my gun hand. Brought them to the back of his head and fired twice. Wiped my hand and the gun off on a towel he'd left on the floor and ran downstairs, returned the gun and ran back up to my room.

"Joey was sitting up on his bed when I entered. I started to tell him it was time to go but the police sirens started. Before we could get dressed they were in the house and we were under arrest."

I took a deep breath. "That's the story, the whole truth. Now can I see Joey? You promised."

"There's one problem with your story. One detail that doesn't fit the facts."

"If my parents told you they were probably making it up to get us in even more trouble."

"Remember I asked you if you knew the combination to the safe?"

"Yes, I said we didn't."

"In his statement your father swears the gun was locked in the safe. A safe he says you didn't know the combination for and he can't understand how you got it out."

Everything had changed in one sentence. I must have passed out because when I opened my eyes two nurses had joined Dr. Wilson around the bed.

"Are you OK Jimmy? You gave us a scare there," Dr. Wilson said.

"Water something to drink please." I said as I barely nodded my head. "What happened?""

"You passed out and hit your head on the bed when you fell. No damage to that thick skull though."

It was another half-hour before we were alone again and I felt up to talking.

"Can I have the truth now Jimmy. For your and Joey's sake."

"Problem is I don't know if it's for Joey's sake. But all right. Everything I said is true until one o'clock in the morning. I woke up not to find Joey crying but to find him gone. I knew he wouldn't leave without me and I figured he'd gone to the bathroom when I heard this loud bang from Aaron's room."


"Yes, five minutes later Joey reentered the room white as a ghost and got under his covers without even looking at me. When I heard him sleeping again I got up and went next door and saw blood all over Aaron's head and the gun lying on the floor. I figured Joey had shot him and I didn't want him to take the fall, or at least take it alone, so I picked up the gun and shot him again. Ran downstairs, put the gun in the cabinet where the police found it and got back upstairs right before they arrived."

There was a knock on the door and when it opened Joey ran right up to me and hugged me. As I was hugging him I saw Detective Johansson enter the room and signal to Dr. Wilson. In my excitement and joy I didn't think to ask my brother what had happened.

"Jimmy, Joey, sit down and we can finish this up," Dr. Wilson said.

We sat and Detective Johansson nodded at Joey. "Joey, tell them what happened when you went to the bathroom that morning."

I looked over and shook my head but he just smiled.

"I woke up having to piss bad and while it was going to be our last night in those beds I didn't want to wet it. I opened our door a crack and slipped through it and went into the bathroom. While I was on the john I heard this bang. I waited a couple of minutes and when I opened the bathroom door I looked into Aaron's room. There was blood all over him," he took a deep breath. "Then I saw Mom standing over him."

"Mom!" I shouted.

He nodded. "I shut the door before she saw me and when I heard her footsteps I went back to bed."

"Joey finally told us this ninety minutes ago. We went to the house and confronted her. She confessed to the killing but said, well forget what she said boys," the detective said.

"Why didn't you tell anybody this before?" Dr. Wilson asked.

"Until I talked to you I didn't think anyone would listen to me. Then when Detective Johansson told me about Jimmy's fainting I decided it was time to trust someone," Joey said.

I barely heard this. I knew what Mom had said. But as I looked at my brother, best friend and more I knew it didn't matter. I turned back to the men and smiled.

"I think we'd like to be alone for a little bit, but can I have that soda now Dr. Wilson?"

Dr. Wilson smiled, "I'll get two son."

This time I smiled and nodded.

The End