PZA Boy Stories


Double Trouble

Chapter 8-10

Chapter 8

October came along with all the colors of a Midwestern fall, and the unavoidable happened: Cory and Chris turned 10. Their age no longer in the single-digits, my young friends could no longer be considered little boys, if indeed they ever were. They acted normal enough, but I knew how hard it had been for them to deal with their talents while growing up. Most little kids were safe and secure from the harsh realities of the outside world, but not Cory and Chris. Their so-called innocence had been stripped from them while they were still in diapers. To avoid being feared and misunderstood they had learned at an early age to keep their talents hidden. Rejected by their own father, the boys depended on Susan's love – and their love for each-other – to counter-balance what they heard and felt around them every day. The twins had always slept together, in spite of having bunk-beds; it made them feel more secure.

Susan had told me that when they were still very young the three of them sometimes went for walks to the park. Occasionally they would come upon a homeless person huddled against a wall somewhere. Cory would look gravely at the man or woman, feeling the destitute hopelessness coming from the person's very soul. The boy would glare at his mother angrily, as if she should be able to make things better, yet knowing she was as helpless as he. With a solemn face, Cory would dig in his pockets and give the person whatever he found; be it a piece of string, a stray penny or nickel, or some pretty stone he had found earlier. The little boy's honest, sincere compassion usually brought forth a tear and a "God bless you child" from the individual as they took his small offering. It might have been worthless, but it was far from meaningless. The only thing that could ever make one of the twins hurt another human-being was if the other were in danger. They were good boys, and it was an honor to be loved by them.

On the Saturday of their birthday I threw them a big party at the local pizza-parlor. We invited quite a few of their friends from school, including several girls. I was fairly sure neither Cory or Chris was gay, although obviously I wouldn't have had any problem with it if they were. They had both had a crush on a female teacher once, and now I could see how they were behaving towards their pretty schoolmates. (Pretty for girls, that is. Their beauty paled in comparison to that of the handsome pair of boys.) While a single boy would be somewhat torn between acting shy and showing-off, the twins split the two behaviors between them. Chris acted shy and Cory did the showing-off. For Cory that basically meant acting silly, and more than a little rude. He belched a lot, or opened his mouth wide to present a lovely display of half-chewed pizza. The girls were suitably disgusted. Susan was mostly shocked, and put a stop to it soon enough.

No, they weren't gay. The two of them were simply at that pre-adolescent stage in life where the male body, with it's familiar anatomy, was more fun to play with and more interesting than a girl's. After all, what parts did a girl have that could be stroked and fondled to an obvious state of arousal? Cory and Chris had a very hedonistic attitude when it came to their bodies and sex. Basically, if it felt good, they did it. Or let me do it. Their attraction to me was based more on love and friendship, rather than anything physical, and our love-making grew out of that. We just wanted to make each-other feel as good as possible, which is what love is all about. It was why I threw them a party; I wanted them to be happy and have fun.

I was sort of the celebrity guest-of-honor as well as the host, since most of the kids had read some of my books or had at least heard of me. The twins flaunted me like some kind of prize-trophy, making sure there were no doubts over whom I belonged to. Autographed place mats and napkins were freely given, with their permission. Cory boastfully told his friends that I was writing my next book about him and his brother, which impressed everyone nicely. I wasn't sure if it had been wise to say this, since the story dealt with their psychic talents, but it was too late now and both boys were really proud about the book. I suppose they could pass off the telepathic parts as fiction, if they wanted.

I got to meet Susan's parents when they came a little later. They seemed like a friendly couple, and reminded me a lot of my old neighbors. I'm sure they thought that Susan and I had a 'thing' going. Little did they know that my thing was for their grandsons. The boys hugged them hello, but I could see some uneasiness between them and their grandmother. She knew of their talents, and it obviously made her uncomfortable being around them, which the twins could sense. It was a shame, really. Every kid needs that special spoiling that only grandparents can give. Their grandfather, for his part, seemed to be at ease around them, and they with him. The twins led him off to play the various games the pizza-parlor offered, and all three were having a good time.

I gave the boys their gifts afterwards, when we were back home and by ourselves. Cory and Chris had insisted on spending the night since it was a Saturday, even though their mom hadn't gone out. I certainly didn't mind. I watched anxiously as they sat on the floor in front of me and tore open their presents, their faces filled with boyish curiosity and eagerness. Chris had reluctantly promised not to read my mind and ruin the surprise, so when they finally got the boxes open and saw what I had bought for them both boys were 3; stunned? Amazed? Definitely surprised. "Do you like them?" I asked, my voice sounding worried, hoping they weren't disappointed.

Chris was holding a Barney The Dinosaur coloring book and audio-tape, while Cory had a stuffed Barney doll and video-tape. I didn't care very much for the singing purple dinosaur myself, but he seemed to be rather popular lately. The twins looked slightly bewildered though, as if there had been some kind of mistake.

"Barney The Dinosaur?" Cory asked in disbelief, his voice rising into the upper octaves on the last syllable. Chris elbowed him in the ribs, giving him a warning look. Chris was always the more mannerly of the two.

"Uhh 3; Gee Tom 3; Thanks," said Chris, trying his best to be polite, but looking woefully disappointed and avoiding my eyes.

"You don't like your gifts, do you," I accused, sounding both sorry and hurt, as if it were their fault and not mine. I knew they could tell how badly I felt. Both boys looked miserably pained, torn between not wanting to hurt my feelings and telling me the truth, which was obvious. I had made a serious blunder. Barney was a gift for little kids. How could I have been so stupid?

"Um, sure we do Tom," Chris began, failing in his attempt to sound sincere. "They're 3; um 3; nice?" He looked at his brother for help, but Cory seemed to be still in shock. The boy was looking at me as if I had somehow taken leave of my senses. "Barney??" Cory asked again, his face scrunched up in mind-boggled amazement.

Their crestfallen expressions were too much for me; my concentration wavered and a small chuckle escaped me. Both boys immediately gave me suspicious looks, their eyes narrowing in doubt. I couldn't keep up the charade any longer. "Barney?!?" I cried, imitating Cory's high voice and comical face. I lost it. Cascades of cackling laughter rolled out of me as the boys frowned in disgust at each-other and then at me. They'd been had. Royally. I laughed even harder. Cory and Chris had fallen for it completely, and I'd given an Oscar-winning performance.

The two brothers scowled at me some more until finally they'd had enough of my maniacal howling. "Let's get him!" Cory declared to his twin, apparently unable to just stand there and take it any longer. Suddenly I was attacked by two just-turned ten-year-olds, tickling, poking and pinning me until we were all laughing so hard we fell off the couch in a tangled heap. It was great. I'd fooled the psychic twins!

Once I'd gotten myself under control again – which wasn't easy with them tickling me – Cory asked, "You do have something else for us, right?" His tone said I'd better have, if I wanted to live.

I chuckled again, wiping a tear of laughter from my eye. "Of course I do. They're under 3;" Before I could say "the couch" Chris was already looking underneath it. I was too exhausted to try and control my thoughts anymore. I could never do it for very long anyway. He pulled out two small, identical boxes and handed one to Cory. I watched with a bemused expression as they hesitated, looking at me doubtfully and then the gifts as if the boxes might be rigged with spring-loaded snakes or some other devious device.

"Go ahead," I told them, "those are the real ones." They ripped open their gifts – showing no mercy to the wrapping paper – and each pulled out a shiny gold necklace. "Do you like those better?" I asked, this time with genuine concern.

Cory gave me a side-long glance and shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, they're okay, I guess." He didn't sound very enthusiastic. Now I really felt bad. I thought they'd like a more adult type gift. They had gotten plenty of toys at the party. Cory let me suffer for a few moments and then he broke out in a wide grin. "I'm just teasing," said the little imp. "I like it."

"Yeah," his brother agreed, "they're cool. Put it on for me." He came over and sat beside me, handing me the necklace. I fastened the thin, delicate chain around his neck, and did the same for Cory. The 18-karat gold looked good on them, sparkling almost as brightly as their brown eyes. I've always felt that a beautiful boy looked even sexier with a simple adornment such as a necklace or an ear-stud. It somehow served to enhance the uncomplicated, pure beauty of boyhood. The twins covered me with kisses, thanking me for the gifts (the real ones, anyway) and the party, and all was well with the world. Well, almost. They did vow to get even for my joke. When I least expected it, of course.

We watched TV for a while, all three of us cuddling together on the couch. My hands would slide inside the shirts of my identical friends, stroking over their soft backs and bellies. It was delightfully cozy. Cory asked for a beer, and since it was their birthday I decided to indulge him. Chris even took a few swallows, to celebrate the occasion. Then we followed what had become our Saturday-night routine, which started with the three of us taking a shower together. It was rather crowded, but it was certainly fun. I had promised to have an outdoor, enclosed hot-tub built in the back-yard next spring, so we could enjoy our aquatic activities more fully.

With my back to the spray and Chris facing his twin in front of me, I bent down and lathered the boy from neck to groin. My hands could feel every delicate curve and contour of Chris's naked body as they slid up and down his soapy front. My favorite features in this wet, slippery expanse of sudsy boy-flesh were his pointed nipples and small, hardened cocklet. All three of us were sporting healthy erections, actually. Occasionally I'd gently tweak a stiffened boy-tit while my other hand slid over and around his very sensitive genitals; Chris would respond with a low groan and a pulsing, eager thrust of his little hard-on against my hand. Cory lovingly washed his brother's legs, gently stroking Chris's inner thighs and tickling his tiny nuts, while I turned the attention of one hand to the boy's backside. Lower backside, to be precise. I intimately cleaned between the rubbery halves of his perky little butt, creating a great deal of lather and giggles. Chris shivered in delight as his young body tingled with pleasure, and started humping harder against my sudsy hand when I tickled his anus with a fingertip. He came when the finger started pushing inside him, sharing the orgasm with us as only he could.

After rinsing him off Cory took up station between us, eager for the same treatment. I gladly obliged. Then it was my turn. With Cory in front and Chris behind me, they washed and rubbed me everywhere, being sure not to miss a spot. Their small hands fluttering over my body gave me chills of pleasure, and the boys chuckled devilishly with the knowledge of their absolute power over me. Cory masterfully soaped my erection, being careful not to take me past the point of no return. That would come later (no pun intended). When I first explained to them the joy – and need – of delaying an orgasm, they were slightly confused. A pre-teen boy can orgasm repeatedly; the adult-male's need to delay it seemed like an alien concept to them. They constantly teased me about it, saying my ability to only cum two times (once for each of them, of course) made me an old fart.

After quickly washing our hair we rinsed off one final time and grabbed our towels. Once dry, the twins headed for my room while I went around the house turning off the lights. I left a hall-light on, which dimly lit my bedroom enough to see two nude, squeaky-clean boy-angels already engaged in nocturnal diversions on top of the covers. Laying on their sides in the 69 position, the twin boys each silently suckled on an identical, stiffened penis. I stretched out alongside them, stroking the soft, curving flanks of first one and then the other, watching with wonder as they made love. It never ceased to amaze me how much they cared for each-other; so close in mind, body and spirit, one could never hit or otherwise hurt the other without feeling it himself. Pleasuring themselves bordered on narcissism. Their bodies moved as one, the buttocks of both boys flexing and relaxing in perfect unison as the rhythms of sex took control. Eyes closed, heads nestled dreamily on a smooth thigh, Cory and Chris tenderly tongued and sucked on each-other's excited genitals, twin little cocks sliding in and out of identical, puckered mouths. It was the most intimate act of brotherly-love I have ever witnessed. They came together of course, giving themselves a wonderfully personal birthday-gift.

After resting for a few minutes they turned their attentions to me. Pushing me onto my back, Chris snuggled his delightfully bare body next to mine and softly stroked my chest, playing with my nipples until they almost hurt. My one hand ran up and down the supremely soft, warm skin of his back, down to his baby-soft buttocks.

I knew what was coming next, but it always took me by surprise when Cory started kissing my cock, sending a shudder through my whole body. Laying between my legs, Cory was a maestro, playing my instrument of love with an expertise rarely seen in a young boy. Taking as much of me as he could, Cory sucked and licked the head of my erection, and used his empathic sense to bring me to the brink time and time again before backing off. My dick was covered with his warm, slippery spit, and he used his hands to squeeze and stroke what his mouth couldn't cover. Chris began darting his tongue over one of my tits, occasionally nibbling on it as well. It was wonderful, maddening, intense. The twins knew exactly how to turn me on, sensing my reactions through body and mind. They were playing a duet, and I was their groaning, whimpering, musical instrument. Cory's little tongue slurped and slobbered to-and-fro on my cock like a boy with a popsicle, one moment swirling around the head and the next driving it in and out of his mouth. When I got to the point where I thought I'd go insane if I didn't climax, Cory took me all the way. I cried out as my body orgasmed and Cory felt it just as intensely as I did, his small frame shivering between my legs. I exploded in the boy's mouth, and he sucked on me almost greedily, swallowing every spurt until I was finished and then squeezing out that last drop. I opened my eyes to see Cory grinning at me from above my wilting cock; he seemed rather pleased with himself, and licked his lips in satisfaction.

After I'd regained my breath Cory climbed up my body and snuggled on top of me, laying his small head on my chest. Feeling mischievous, I tickled his sides and under his hips. The boy giggled and squirmed against me, his bare skin sliding like living velvet on my own. Moving quickly I rolled us over so that I had him pinned beneath me. Cory smiled at me expectantly, and we kissed. His lips were softer than soft, molding to my own perfectly as we explored each-other's mouths, tasting each-other's saliva. I could feel Chris's hands stroking us both, patiently waiting his turn.

I moved down Cory's young, perfect body, kissing and licking the tiny points of his nipples, tonguing his navel until he giggled, then pecking at his pecker, still standing at attention. My own was coming back to life already. A willing, beautiful, naked boy does wonders for one's sexual stamina. I gave his aroused genitals a few licks, sucking first one and then both of his tiny balls into my mouth, and then worked my way lower towards his nether regions. Cory eagerly lifted his slender legs and spread them wide up in the air, granting my tongue and lips access to his small hole. Both boys had been surprised and delighted when I first tried this on them; they hadn't discovered the pleasures of anal stimulation on their own yet. In fact it was the one thing they wouldn't do to each-other, saving the delicacy for me to enjoy.

Cory whined softly as my tongue stroked the length of his hairless crack, and the tiny pucker loosened as I pushed inside his body, tasting the very essence of ten-year-old boyhood. It was heavenly. I could have sustained my body on nothing else for several days. Chris fondled his brother's little cock, while I enjoyed myself. After a few minutes of this I started inserting my middle-finger, first wetting it down with some spit. Feeling his little sphincter clamp down at first and then relaxing to allow it entry, soon my finger was embedded deep inside the youngster's bottom, a place it had been before on many occasions. Cory shuddered and moaned as I pressed on the tiny bulb of his prostate, sending intense pleasure-signals through his entire being. I took his straining erection in my mouth and he came almost immediately, his sphincter spasming around my finger as I touched the magic button again, the boy's little penis twitching merrily in my mouth. He was panting when it finished, exhausted, and I withdrew my finger as he lowered his legs back to the bed.

"Wow," said Cory, at a loss for words. I climbed up his body and crouched over him, and gave him a small kiss. Cory's face had a small, gentle smile on it; he was happy. I was too.

"Now do me!" demanded Chris, rolling over on his back next to us. I groaned theatrically, as if all this boy-loving were a chore. He wasn't fooled. I was about to shift over to him when Cory wrapped his arms around me, holding me in place.

"Wait a minute," he said, sounding somewhat nervous. He raised his legs back up. "I 3; um," he glanced at Chris, and his brother nodded encouragingly at him. Then he said, all-in-a-rush, "I-want-you-to-put-your-dick-in-me."

I was too stunned to speak. Cory studied my face for a moment and then took matters into his own hands; he grabbed my cock and aimed it at his back-door. I almost started pushing and then caught myself, rolling over next to him instead so that he was between me and Chris. Chris was silent, watching me (and listening) as my thoughts churned.

"What's the matter?" asked Cory, lowering his legs and looking slightly hurt that I had pulled away. "Don't you want to 3; well, you know, fuck me?" Chris raised his eyebrows at his brother's use of the F-word, and it left me slightly shocked as well.

I had to clear my throat before I could speak. "Cory, I don't think you're big enough for that yet," I explained patiently. I was more than willing to wait a year or two, if he still wanted to do it then. "If we do it now I'm afraid I'd hurt you, and I don't want to do that." I tried kissing him, but he wasn't having any of it.

"I'm 10 years old now," he stated stubbornly, as if he had somehow grown since yesterday, when he was nine. "Besides," he pointed out, "your finger felt good up there."

"Cory," I said, fearing I was losing my resolve, "my dick is a lot bigger than my finger. I don't think it could fit without hurting you." Hurting either of the boys was an impossibility, something I wouldn't even consider.

"You've thought of doing it though," he accused, and I felt guilty because I had considered it. "I know 'cause Chris told me." I glanced at Chris and he shrugged. There were no secrets between them. I had no secrets from them. Chris still hadn't said anything; I suspected he was waiting to see what the outcome would be. If I consented, it would mean a yes for both of them. There was no way I could only do it with one and not the other.

"Sure, I've thought of doing it," I admitted, stroking Cory's firm chest and playing with a delicate nipple, "but I don't need to do it." This was the truth; I didn't need to fuck either of them in order to love them. Most man/boy sex never gets beyond the oral stage, something the hysterical public can't seem to grasp. However, I did figure we would 'go all the way' eventually. It was the natural progression of how our love was growing. I just didn't expect for them to bring it up quite this soon.

"But I want to try it now," he said earnestly. "I don't want to wait until I'm older." I was weakening and the empathic boy knew it. "I'll tell you if it hurts and if it does we'll stop. Okay?" He looked at me hopefully, and I knew he could feel my desire for him. He could see it too, standing stiffly once again. "Besides," he added, playing his final card, "it's our birthday so you have to do what we say."

How could any normal boy-lover say no? How could any man, and not regret it for the rest of his life? I nodded yes, and told Chris to go get a jar of Vaseline from the medicine-cabinet in the bathroom. He gave me a curious look, and I explained it was to make Cory slippery inside.

"Have you done this before?" Chris asked suspiciously. I said this would be my first time, and he looked jealously at his brother. "Why should you be the first one?" he said, looking rather annoyed. "Why can't I go first?" I couldn't believe they would argue over who would get to lose his virginity first. I realized it wasn't that though; it was over who would be my first.

Cory looked silently at his identical sibling, and I knew they were arguing in private. Chris looked stubborn and Cory gave him an almost pleading look. Cory must have made some kind of bargain, because his brother seemed to be contemplating something, and then Chris nodded his approval. They sealed the arrangement with their exclusive 'double-promise', linking their pinkies and shaking them once together. I was left wondering what had transpired as Chris gave me a peculiar little smile and scampered off for the gel. I suggested to Cory that he lay on his stomach, but he wanted to stay on his back. When Chris returned I placed a pillow underneath Cory's rear-end and he raised his legs back up in the air. I scooped out a gob of gel and smeared it around his little hole, teasing it with a fingertip. He was tense, and I knew if this was ever going to work I needed to get him relaxed. And I did want it to work. I was honest enough with myself to admit that.

"There's no hurry," I told him. "We have to stretch your hole a little first and you need to learn how to relax it. Okay?" He nodded and shivered as my finger started pushing inside him again. Chris and I stretched out on either side of him, and he rested his legs behind us. I kissed him while my finger played inside his hot, narrow tunnel, and could see by the hard little organ between his legs that he was enjoying the stimulation. After a while I took some more Vaseline and tried for two. "Push your belly muscles like your trying to take a crap," I told him as my fingertips tried entering him. Chris giggled at that, watching the whole operation intently. If this worked, he would be next. Maybe not tonight but sometime in the near future. We spent the next half-hour like that; my fingers gently sliding in and out, our hands and mouths caressing the naked boy everywhere, driving Cory to yet another intense orgasm until he was as loose and relaxed as could be.

"Are you gonna do it now?" he asked, sounding slightly impatient.

For an answer, I got up and lubed my penis. I put more on Cory's already slippery hole, and got between his legs as he lifted them almost to his shoulders, his little package still stiff and pointing at his face. I had him pry apart his buttocks, figuring that would help, and told him that he was in charge; meaning he should tell me when to push and when to stop. In spite of my nervousness my dick was as hard as it could get. I crouched over the young boy beneath me and felt Chris guide my erection to his brother's hole, nosing it's head against the small, greasy opening. Fortunately – for both of us – my dick wasn't very big; I suppose boy-lovers are the only men who wouldn't mind being slightly smaller than average. I pushed against his tight anus, and could feel him reflexively clamp down on the tip.

"Wait a sec," he said, forcing himself to relax again. "Okay."

Again I pushed slowly, firmly, and I could see Cory strain as he pushed down with his stomach muscles. After several minutes of starting and stopping, his loosened little rose-bud had finally stretched far enough to grant me entrance. I was in. Just the head so far, but in nevertheless. Cory told me to wait again as his sphincter struggled to get used to my presence. I could feel an occasional spasm as it grabbed the head of my cock, but Cory seemed to be dealing with it quite well. I asked him if he was okay, and he gave me a determined smile. He probably wouldn't have told me even if it hurt, in spite of what he had said before, but I was sure I could tell by watching his face beneath me in the dim light.

I couldn't believe it had been that easy to enter him; I had always thought that a boy's first time was usually painful. Maybe the last few weeks of tongue-and-finger-fucking had loosened things up a bit. I was glad it wasn't hurting him. I wanted it to be as special for him as it was for me, if not more so. When Cory was ready again he told me to push some more, and I felt the flesh of my rock-hard penis being absorbed a fraction at a time by his tight, virgin rectum, pausing whenever he told me to. Finally, I could go no further. My pubic-hairs were tickling the young boy's scrotum. Cory suddenly shuddered almost violently, legs twitching on either side of me as he clamped down hard on my cock and cried out. I thought he was in pain and started to pull back, but he shook his head quickly from side to side and I realized he had climaxed again. His forehead was covered in sweat, his bangs sticking wetly to his fevered brow. If I hadn't cum once before I would never have made it this far. My entire being was thrumming with the incredible, living, squeezing heat of his inner-body.

"I can feel you almost up to my stomach," Cory said breathlessly, sounding slightly awed at this wonderful new sensation. He squeezed down on my cock, getting to know it's shape and feel inside him, and both of us groaned with pleasure. I could feel the sensitive muscles lining his rectum gripping me tightly, surrounding my penis with a vise-like heat until he relaxed again. Cory smiled hungrily, able to sense the ultimate pleasure his body gave me, and his own feelings of horny young lust combined to make him thirsty for more.

"Doesn't it hurt?" asked Chris, studying the junction of man and boy curiously, fondling his own erection as he sat beside us.

"It's kinda hard to describe," Cory told him. They looked intently at each-other, sharing the experience in their unique, twinly way.

I began fucking him. Pulling almost all the way out, I slowly, gently pushed back in. "Ohhh God," Cory whimpered, bearing down to meet my thrust. He was totally open and relaxed now, resting his ankles on my back, his hands now balled into fists beside his head. I was fucking him. I pushed my length inside him again, and again, sliding in and out easily now. I was fucking a boy on his tenth birthday. My mind refused to believe it, insisting this had to be yet another fantasy, but my body knew no dream could compare with this awesome reality.

Cory moaned with passionate feeling, whimpering either "Oh Jesus," or "Oh Tom," each time I embedded myself deep within his beautiful young body, somehow including me in the Holy Trinity. I knew the empathic boy could feel how intensely every nerve, every fiber of my being was concentrated on the loving union of our bodies as we experienced this ultimate of firsts. He pushed his bottom back eagerly each time I slowly entered his still-tight canal, his ankles digging into the small of my back, both of us moving as one. His hands gripped my forearms for added leverage as we rocked together. The boy's trembling gasps of pleasure as my cock massaged his prostate made me pick up the tempo, pushing into him faster now, both of us nearly crying as we climbed towards the peak. We came together, suddenly, yelling out as our bodies pulsed and throbbed in unison, my penis spurting deep inside him as his sphincter clutched at it possessively, the tendons in his neck straining as he almost screamed from the violent spasms wracking our bodies. In the back of my mind I could hear Chris moaning as well, caught in our spiral until we came back to earth.

Completely drained, both of us covered in sweat, I pulled my member from the youngster's body and fell beside him. Cory rolled over and hugged me fiercely. He was crying. Not from pain, but from the intense feelings of a sexual, undeniably passionate love that neither of us had ever before experienced. It had simply overwhelmed him. I wrapped my arms around both the boys, soothing Cory until he fell quickly asleep from sheer exhaustion. Chris snuggled beside me, and soon joined his twin in slumber. Chris may not have been my first, but I knew he had been able to share the experience through Cory. It was something none of us would ever forget.

I didn't sleep much that night. I never did when the twins were with me. Somehow, when a boy-lover shares a bed with a boy (or two) he can only manage an occasional doze. I drifted in and out of sleep, my mind constantly aware of the two naked boys curled up along either side of me, one of whom had given me the ultimate gift. Fondling the sleeping twins was something I couldn't stop myself from doing. My hands were thieves in the night, stealing touches from their soft, pliant bodies. I played with their occasional, nocturnal erections so gently that they never woke.

When morning regretfully came the boys stirred groggily. They had no objections to staying in bed and cuddling a while longer. It was a Sunday and no-one felt like moving. I asked Cory if he was alright, and he smiled almost shyly and hugged me tenderly, remembering the passion of last night with no regrets. I inspected his posterior, and although his little hole wasn't quite as little as it used to be there wasn't any blood or signs of damage, thank God. Finally, hunger made us seek breakfast. Cereal made that an easy chore. Afterwards, the boys offered to cremate the dreaded Barney gifts, but I insisted they take them home to Susan and she could donate them to the children's wing at the hospital. They dressed and said their goodbyes, but I knew they'd be back later in the day to play a game or something.

I worked on the book for the time being. I'd probably have it finished by early next month, at the rate I was going. My last book was about to hit the stores, and the twins were impressed when I showed them the good reviews in the newspaper. They had offered to help me answer my fan-mail, which usually increased whenever a new one came out, and I gladly accepted.

Struggling for a word in a difficult sentence (writing is work, even for an author), I was lost in thought when someone jabbed two fingers in my sides and yelled, "Boo!!" right in my ear, scaring the daylights out of me. The room was filled with Chris's boyish laughter as he crowed with delight, the little bugger. I hadn't heard a thing as he snuck up on me. "Is that what they mean by jumping out of your skin?" he giggled, smiling broadly. I noticed he wisely stayed out of my reach. That's one thing you have to say about boys: they keep you on your toes. Dealing with two was twice the adventure. Add the word psychic to the equation and even a boy-lover would find himself slightly overwhelmed.

"Maybe I better start locking my door," I told him wryly.

"Sure, go ahead," said the boy confidently. "I know where you hide the extra key."

"I'll move it."

"I'll know where you move it to," he pointed out simply. He had me there. Another argument lost to a ten-year-old. I sighed with resignation at my fate in life, and asked him where Cory was. "He stayed home with Mom," said Chris with a shrug. Sensing that I had given up and wouldn't try anything, he climbed on the chair with me, straddling the arm-rests with his legs and wrapping me up in a friendly boy-hug.

("I've got you all to myself,") I heard inside my head.

"What are you gonna do with me?" I asked worrisomely, already suspecting what he had in mind. For an answer, the boy started nuzzling my neck, giving me an instant hard-on. I pushed my hands underneath his sweatshirt and stroked his back, while his moist lips caressed me. I tilted my head to the side, exposing as much of my neck as I could. His mouth fastened in the center, and with surprise I felt him start sucking. I heard a soft purr, and was amazed when I realized it was coming from me. I could hear and feel his lips suckling like some kind of insatiable boy-vampire trying to draw blood, and it was a totally new, erotic experience for me. It made my whole body tingle. It was also new because Chris was playing the seducer, a role that Cory usually filled. Sometimes I thought they were experimenting with me, trying out new things that might come in handy when they grew up. When my neck finally started to hurt Chris stopped and admired his handiwork.

"You've got a hickey!" he said with glee, sounding rather proud of himself.

His happy smile made me chuckle. "What will your mother think?" I asked in mock alarm. Well, maybe not totally 'mock'. How far did Susan's blessing extend? To hickeys? As far as Cory and I went last night?

Chris heard my doubts, in spite of my joking manner. "Mom doesn't care," he said, trying to reassure me. Somehow I doubted that. "Well, I mean she cares," he elaborated, "but as long as it's something we want to do it's okay. She says most people tell their kids to say no about sex and stuff, but she says it's okay to say yes too, 'cause it's our bodies." The boy gave me a confidential look. "Besides, she had a hickey once. From an old boy-friend. But she called it a love-bite."

I had to laugh at that. Chris smiled at me, glad that he had put my fears to rest. Then he turned serious, hesitating slightly. "Can we pretend it's still my birthday?" he asked softly. "And you have to do what I want?"

There was no need for me to answer. At that moment, he could have asked me to jump off a cliff and I would have done it, as long as I could kiss him one final time. I was pretty sure where this was leading, and I suspected that the deal Cory had made with his twin last night had been to leave Chris and I alone, just the two of us. "Are you sure this is what you really want to do?" I asked him. "You're not just doing this because Cory did, are you?"

("I love you,") the boy thought at me. Honest, simple, right to the point. I hugged him, giving my consent to whatever he wanted to do. I was consenting to the assumed child in the relationship; the irony wasn't lost on me. He wanted to take a bath with me first, which seemed like an excellent way to get us relaxed. He told me – silently – that there was to be no talking. We could only converse through our minds. I realized it was his way of sharing his talent with me, making the experience uniquely different from that which Cory and I had shared.

We went to my bedroom and stripped off our clothes, walking naked, hand-in-hand, to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my love-bite, a reddish-purple bruise in the small, oval shape of a mouth, right in the center of my neck. He had put his mark on me; I was his now. Our minds were totally open to each-other (much like his and Cory's must have usually been), and the general drift was basically thoughts of love and friendship, mingled with 'That feels nice', or 'The water's too hot', or 'Rub it faster'.

We were stretched out in the tub, Chris laying on his belly on top me while I scooped water over his back, massaging him. I thought if he would spread his legs a bit I could insert a finger and play with his hole, so he did. I heard a thought flutter by from him about kissing, and then we were. We had only to think of something and it was carried out; a union of mind and body. It was almost a spiritual type of love-making, while with Cory it had been mostly physical. I liked both methods equally, which was fortunate. Loving one boy more than the other would have created a jealous rift between them, something I would never let happen.

When we finished our bath we held hands again as we walked down the hall to my bedroom. Last night, with Cory, it had been sort of impromptu, although I suspected they might have been planning the whole thing all along. Now, here with Chris, it felt like I was leading a virgin bride down the aisle and then on to our honeymoon suite, about to perform a premeditated deflowering that would consummate our love forever. Society would probably say it was more like leading a lamb to the slaughter, I suppose. They would have been hard pressed to tell exactly who was leading whom though.

Still keeping vocal-silence, I laid down on my back and pulled the young boy on top of me, face-up. Hearing my wish for him to stretch out, Chris placed his hands up on the pillow and his legs on either side of mine. I could feel the heavy heat of his naked body covering mine, and I heard him notice how fast my heart was beating beneath him as I began stroking his bare flesh. My erection barely touched the boy's bottom, resting on my lower stomach. Chris was proud that his body could have such a profound effect on a grown man.

My fingertips traveled lightly over his spread-eagled form, teasing his small titties, down his ribs and over his taut tummy and hips, then onto his satiny thighs, running over his stiffened little penis on the way back up. Our thoughts started running together, becoming hard to separate as I continued massaging his soft, sensitive skin: 'Tickles!' 'Love you.' 'Feels nice.' 'Don't stop.' 'So soft.' 'Love you too.' Both of us were purring with pleasure, and occasionally a sigh or groan escaped our lungs. I could feel Chris's breath quickening as I concentrated on his groin, rubbing his two tiny eggs with the fingers of one hand and his rigid, unyielding penis with the other. I reached over to the night stand where the jar of Vaseline still sat from last night and put some of the gel on his genitals, making him giggle and squirm with expectant delight.

'Tickles!' 'Should I stop?' 'No!' My right hand spread the greasy goo all over his aroused little boy-parts, and I felt his buttocks clamp together as his hips raised slightly, pushing his small member demandingly against my fingers. Chris sighed with desire when my hand went further down below, spreading his legs wider and raising them slightly when I pressed against his puckered hole. My finger entered him quite easily, and with my palm I gently pressed and rubbed the young boy's delicate scrotum and balls. My other hand was having fun with his nipples, able to stroke each sensitive, pointy tip on his narrow chest at the same time. His body-heat increased as he writhed on top of me, until sweat formed between our naked skins. I could feel every single tremor, every wonderful shudder of his beautiful body. I bent my head down and sucked on an ear-lobe, tickling it with my tongue, and he whimpered with absolute rapture. I was an octopus, striving to touch and pleasure him everywhere at once. It was my only purpose in life. Chris was no longer thinking coherently; his thoughts were a jumble of almost frantic joy and desire. I pulled my finger out of his bottom and rubbed his oily little dick, the hard, erect young organ slipping and sliding against my greasy palm. He came soon thereafter. It was all I could do to hold myself back from joining him as the orgasmic ten-year-old squealed and twisted, arching his back with bliss on top of me, his mind filling mine with starbursts of ecstasy.

("Had enough?") I thought to him as I felt his body deflate, his ragged breathing slowly returning to normal.

("Uh-uh!") Chris replied emphatically. ("Do it again! But this time use this instead of your finger.") He tilted a leg and reached beneath his butt, grabbing hold of my hardened cock with his small hand. Scooching down my body, he poked it at his little anus, seemingly trying to impale himself.

("Whoa! Wait a minute!") my mind objected, needing to slow things down a bit. The word 'insatiable' came to mind.

("What's insatiable mean?") his thoughts asked. I explained it was someone who couldn't get enough of something, and his mind saw humor in that. ("Yep, that's me!") He paused, then added perceptively, ("But it's you too.") He was right. I couldn't get enough of him either. I had to have him, and Chris wanted to be had.

I rolled us over and straddled his back, placing a pillow beneath his narrow hips. Lovingly, I massaged the bare, warm skin of his back, kneading the pliant muscles of the boy's shoulders and on down his spine. Chris sighed heavily, his head resting on his arms, obviously enjoying it as his body relaxed completely. I dipped two fingers into the jar of Vaseline and lubed his virgin hole, and then put a generous amount on my straining erection. Both our minds were filled with nervous anticipation as Chris bent his knees, spreading his legs as wide as possible.

("This is it,") I thought, about to deflower my second boy in as many days.

("Do it,") he commanded, and I pushed the head of my dick against his shiny, slick asshole. With our minds linked, I could hear if I caused him any pain and how hard I should push, and I entered his body even easier than I had Cory's. It was almost as if experiencing it with us last night had prepared Chris so that he knew what to expect and do when his turn came. I heard a wondrous, continuing moan emanating from the boy's mind as my shaft slid freely up his tight, incredibly hot tunnel for the very first time. Chris trembled beneath me when I came to a stop, my cock buried inside him completely.

("It's big!")

("You alright?")

("It's okay.")

("I love you.")

I'm not sure who thought that last one, me or him. I fucked him slowly, letting him get used to having me inside him. Whenever I pulled partially out I could tell he felt empty, and wanted me to fill him back up again. His slender legs and buttocks would strain with a a lustful yearning as he pushed his bottom back to meet my inward thrust. When Chris moved in the opposite direction, aiding my exit, his small erection rubbed against the pillow, heightening his pleasure. As for me, my second time inside a young boy's body was no less intense than the first. Once again I marveled at the near 100-degree [37.7°C] body-heat surrounding my penis in a tight, wonderfully moist tunnel of living tissue. Every tremble of the boy was felt by me, his small shudders and movements transferred directly onto my shaft. It was an incredibly erotic experience, almost as if his body were a continuation of my own. Our minds sang a passionate harmony together, building in a crescendo as we soared to the ultimate height, then dissolved into a chaotic tumult when we reached the climax of our love. Crying out with triumphant joy, mindless to all but our bodies' pleasure, Chris and I came as one. The only rational thought in our minds was ("I LOVE YOU!") as we both felt my sperm pumping inside his bottom, each pulsating throb of my penis being echoed by the youngster's own wonderful orgasm.

I felt so weak that I almost collapsed on top of the boy, but at the last minute he straightened his legs and we rolled onto our sides together, still intimately joined. I wrapped my arms around him in a gentle hug, feeling his labored breathing slowly return to normal. Our minds were still linked, and I silently asked Chris if he was alright.

("Little sore,") his thoughts answered honestly before he could stop them. I instantly felt chagrin. Our reckless, sexual abandon had hurt one of the boys I loved more than life itself. I started to pull my flaccid penis out of his bottom, feeling so bad that I broke his rule and apologized for hurting him out loud.

("No! I'm ok, really!") Chris declared emphatically in my head. ("Leave it inside, ok? I like how it feels.") He snuggled his posterior against me, making sure I didn't disobey him. ("It's just a little sore is all. You 3; You can do it again if you want,") he added suggestively.

We might have done just that but right then we heard the front door slam. Several seconds later Cory was leering at the two naked bodies laying together like a couple of spoons in a drawer. "How was it?" asked the youngster with a knowing smile.

"Awesome," Chris and I answered together. Chris craned his neck to look at me with a grin, and we both exploded with a fit of giggles. I couldn't think of any other word that would describe it better though.

"Hey, you gave him a hickey!" Cory accused his twin, noticing the small bruise on my neck for the first time and sounding slightly jealous that he hadn't thought of it first. Chris smiled smugly at his brother. If I let the two scamps have their way with me they'd probably have a competition to see who could give me the most, until my body was one big, purple love-bite. An intriguing thought, I must say.

"You wanna do me again?" Cory asked with a coy look. Chris argued that it was still his turn, and I heard myself groaning at what I'd gone and done. I had created two identical, maddeningly sensual, sex-hungry, ten-year-old boys who thought I could fuck them all day and all night and live to tell about it. What a way to go though.

"You guys are gonna be the death of me before I make 35," I told them wryly, slipping myself out of Chris's heinie and sitting up. The twins gave me their patented looks of confused innocence, which meant, "Who, us??"

"It's not our fault you're an old fart," Cory replied with typical wit, smirking and watching me warily for any sudden moves. The boy was too far away for me to go after though, and I didn't feel like chasing him naked through the house. Now, if he were naked that would be different, of course.

Suddenly Cory's face turned serious. "Mom knows," he declared simply. He didn't have to explain. I knew what he meant. Cory went on to say that his bottom had been a bit tender today and Susan had asked what was wrong. She had an uncanny intuition, which was probably where the boys had inherited their 'sixth sense' from. Rather than lie Cory had told her the truth. "She made me drop my pants so she could see if I was hurt," Cory added. I felt a knot of apprehension growing in the pit of my stomach. "She was really mad, Tom," the boy went on, looking at me with a worried expression. "Mom said she never meant you could do something like that, and she said she might even call the police." Cory's brow furrowed with concern. "They can't do anything to you, can they? I mean, it was our idea and all."

At the word 'police', the knot in my stomach tightened into a nauseous lump, filling me with a terrible dread. I felt my face go pale in absolute terror. I'd gone too far. Susan might have been willing to let her sons enjoy a little sex-play with a loving adult, but now we were talking about anal-intercourse. Cory was naive in thinking their consent would mean anything. My career was over. My life was over. Jail was a certainty. And Cory had wanted to do it again?? I raised my head to look at him, and his face was covered in a big, ear-to-ear grin.

"GOTCHA!!" he yelled triumphantly. Cory shrieked with laughter as I held my head in my hands and groaned with a mixture of tremendous relief and an overwhelming need for retribution.

"You little shit," was all I could get out, grinning in spite of my desire to throttle him. Cory laughed even harder at getting me to swear, a rare accomplishment indeed. He taunted me further by swaying his hips from side-to-side, and yelling "Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha," in a sing-song voice. It was too much. I lunged off the bed, but his 10-year-old reflexes were expecting that as he led me on a merry chase through the house, skipping and laughing just out of my reach. We ended up in the living-room, staring at each-other from opposite ends of the couch, both of us smiling and panting.

"I told you I'd get you back for last night," Cory grinned at me in defiance. "You were ready to run for the border," he added with a delighted chortle. I climbed over the couch and he had to detour down the hall, until I had him cornered by the entrance-way. Cory looked slightly worried for a moment as I advanced slowly upon him, then he realized he had the door behind him. Before you could say 'young rascal' he was outside and the door slammed behind him. It was either give-up or chase him through the neighborhood in the nude, and get arrested for streaking. Damn little bugger, I thought to myself with grudging admiration. I'd been thwarted once again by a ten-year-old.

I heard a small chuckle somewhere behind me and turned slowly around to see Chris standing there, still naked and covering his mouth to keep from laughing out-loud. Apparently he'd found the whole scene rather humorous. I still had another option left to me it seemed. I gave him a long, speculative look. "Hey, don't look at me like that," he said, now appearing a bit nervous. "I didn't have anything to do with it."

I didn't really care. If I couldn't catch Cory I'd settle for Chris. They looked the same, after all. I took a small step towards him and he backed up, holding his hands out in front of him. "Don't even think about it," said Chris, backing up another step, his wide eyes watching me warily as I did think about it. I leaped at him and he screamed with mock terror, running down the hall towards my bedroom. How convenient, I thought to myself.

A flying pillow caught me in the head when I came through the door, and the naked boy held the other one cocked in his arm, ready to fire. He was standing on the bed, watching for my next move with eager anticipation, and a big grin on his face at drawing 'first blood'. I picked up the pillow he'd thrown and advanced on him. We swung at the same time, catching each-other up-side-the-head, as it were, and then it was a free-for-all, every man (or boy) for himself. Chris fought valiantly, but he was laughing and giggling so hard that he couldn't put much into it. Finally I knocked him flat on his back and pinned him to the bed with an arm and a leg. With a 'never say die' attitude he stuck his tongue out at me. My free hand poked and tickled the nude youngster, eliciting squeals of squirming laughter until finally I let him calm down and simply stroked his bare skin. I let his arms and legs go and pulled him on top of me, belly-to-belly.

"You're mean," he accused, his pouting lips an inch away from mine as he stared at me. A smile hid behind the words, and I knew he wasn't really angry at me for picking on him when it was Cory who had fooled me. Chris was having as much fun as I was, as usual. I pecked his lips with mine and he made a disgusted face, wiping his mouth with the back of a hand. Then he kissed me back.

Boys. You gotta love 'em.

Chapter 9

Cory hadn't been lying when he had said that Susan knew what we'd done. That night, after the boys were in bed she called me over for a cup of coffee, something we did fairly often at either my place or her's.

"You didn't waste any time," she said with just a trace of resentment, referring to the loss of her sons' virginity. I didn't know what to say. Whether it had been the twins' idea or mine to go all the way didn't matter. I didn't have to agree to it. Susan sighed with a trace of melancholy.

"I'm not really mad at you Tom," she said. "It's just that they seem to be growing up so fast. While it's hard for me to believe they really enjoyed it 3; what you did 3; they say they liked it. And I could tell if they were lying." I'm sure she noticed the hickey Chris had given me, but I think she was afraid to ask which boy had done it to me. She got up and beckoned me to follow. We stopped outside the twins' room, and she pushed the door open so I could see inside.

At first I didn't notice anything unusual. Just Cory and Chris, sound asleep in their beds, appearing even more beautiful and pure in slumber. Then it hit me: In their beds. Plural. Cory was in the top bunk, and Chris was underneath. I looked at Susan questioningly, but she held a finger to her lips and quietly shut the door.

"Did they have a fight or something?" I asked her when we were back in the kitchen. It seemed inconceivable for the two brothers to go to sleep angry at each-other, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"That's what I thought too," Susan said with a look of wonder, "but when I asked them if something was wrong Cory said, 'No Mom, we're not babies anymore you know.'" She shook her head, obviously unsure of what exactly had happened. I wasn't sure either. When the boys were still in diapers they had put up such a fuss whenever Susan had tried to separate them for bed that finally she had just given up. When their father left it had been even worse. Cory and Chris slept in each-other's arms, sometimes even sucking a brother's thumb in a desperate attempt to find an anchor they could rely on in a terrifying world of confusing thoughts and emotions.

"They're changing, Tom," Susan began haltingly, "and it's because of you. Chris used to be so shy he hardly ever talked to anyone. Now I can't get him to shut up. And Cory, he's doing much better in school, and he's not nearly as rambunctious as he used to be." That last point was arguable, but I let it slide. She looked off in the direction of their room, where the twins slept in separate beds, and shook her head in amazement once again. "Now this," she said softly.

The great author still didn't know what to say. I wasn't doing anything special to Chris and Cory, and I certainly wasn't trying to change them. Even if it was for the better. All I was doing was loving them. Their mother reached the same conclusion. "It's 3; It's hard for me to approve of what you and the boys did, but I know you didn't hurt them, and it was as much for yourself as it was for them." Susan's face suddenly hardened with determination. "I need to know, Tom, are you going to just drop them when they get older? I mean, they're not gonna be young boys forever. They're going to grow up, and grow hair where you don't want it." Her bluntness made me squirm, but I knew where she was leading. "Because if you are, we're better off stopping everything right now. You'll be no better than their father was."

She was right. Relationships between a man and boy (or boys) were by nature temporary, at least in the sexual-attraction department. Boys grew up eventually, becoming men, and an integral part of the relationship would be gone forever. It's not something I liked to think about, but I couldn't avoid the inevitable. Love could still survive however, or at the very least a deep friendship. After all, sex wasn't the only reason I loved Cory and Chris, it was only one part of the 'big picture'.

"No, I'm not going to just leave them," I told her honestly. "Sure, they're going to grow up, and when they're teens they probably won't be interested in fooling around with me either. They'll find girlfriends, and this may sound presumptuous but I hope that by having been loved by and loving me they'll be better prepared for marriage and sex later on."

Susan considered this and then nodded, seeming to agree with me.

"We'll all change, but I'm not just going to ignore them when they get older. I'll still be here, and we'll all still be very good friends, I hope." This wasn't just wishful thinking on my part either. I had read several true accounts of other boy-lovers, about how the boy grew into a man and still thought of his former lover as a dear and very close friend, long after they had ceased to have sex. In some ways, the love between the man and former boy became like that shared by an elderly couple; the fire and passion might be gone, but love was still there. (And no, I'm not saying that elderly people never have sex.)

Susan looked relieved and satisfied with my answer, and I added, "Besides, maybe I could learn to like a bit of body-hair."

She laughed and gave me an exasperated look. "You're incorrigible," she declared with a grin. No arguments there.


I was not having a good day. First, there was a short power-outage and my computer had crashed, taking everything I'd written for the book in the last hour with it. Add to that the fact that I felt a cold coming on, and I was feeling rather irritable when the boys burst through the door after school. For the last couple of days they had cast aside any preamble to having sex; they just started peeling off their clothes and jumped on me in a naked tangle of boy-limbs. Today was no exception.

I gave them a sour look when they began unbuttoning their shirts. "Good grief," I said waspishly, "don't you two ever get tired of having sex?" (There. Let the self-proclaimed sex-abuse 'experts' ponder that for a while.)

Cory's eyes widened with surprise, and Chris's eyebrows furrowed in hurt confusion. Dammit. Why was I taking it out on them? "I'm sorry guys," I sighed in apology. "I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Bad day, huh?" Cory asked with a concerned look. Chris came over and sat on my lap, wrapping his thin arms around my neck in a warm, tight hug. "It's okay, Tom," he said, snuggling his head on my shoulder. "I love you even when you're cranky." I chuckled as I hugged him back. Holding the young boy in a cuddly, comfy embrace did wonders for my mood. I could have stayed like that for hours. Cory seemed to have other ideas, however.

"Take off your shirt," he ordered me. "Cory, I really don't feel like 3;"

"Just do it, okay?" he pleaded. With a sigh I disentangled myself from Chris, and pulled off my sweatshirt. I looked at Cory resignedly, figuring he wanted to fool around or something. I really wasn't in the mood though, which he should have been able to sense.

"Now lay down on the couch, on your stomach," he continued. I hesitated, feeling rather stubborn about it, and he gave me a determined look. He wasn't going to take 'no' for an answer, it seemed. I did as he said, stretching out on the couch with my arms wrapped around a pillow. I felt Cory straddle my back and sit on my butt, and then with some surprise I felt his hands start kneading my shoulders and neck. Stupid me. He wanted to give me a massage, not have sex. Gosh they were wonderful boys, I thought to myself for the thousandth time, in spite of their occasional attacks on my sanity.

"You're really tense," Cory observed, expertly rubbing and massaging my back with his soft, warm hands. As usual, Cory knew exactly how to make me feel good, concentrating his efforts on my neck and shoulders until the tightness left and I was so relaxed I occasionally sighed with a drowsy feeling of pleasure.

"He's falling asleep," I heard Chris say from somewhere around the vicinity of the computer. Soon thereafter, I did just that.


In the couple of weeks since their birthday, I had been watching the twins closely for any other signs of changes. In spite of Cory's declaration that they "weren't babies anymore," they still sometimes slept together in the same bed, and other times slept apart. Apparently old habits were hard to break. In a way I was glad, actually. I didn't want to think that I was somehow separating them.

Cory and Chris were starting to go their own ways, though. They had never been identical, personality-wise, and since I had entered their lives they no longer had to lean solely on each-other for comfort and support. Now they could share their hopes and fears with me. And share me they did. This was most apparent when one of them wanted to 'do it' (their expression for getting fucked). Both boys enjoyed it as much as I did, but strangely enough when one wanted to do it the other one would leave us alone to our own devices. Then a few days later when the other twin wanted the same action, his brother would go away until we finished. I think they were testing the waters, so-to-speak; each boy was learning to love someone on his own terms, without having his twin present to get in the way and complicate things. If I had any doubts about their love for each-other, they were put to rest on Saturday nights. Sometimes our passion carried us away and I ended up fucking both of them, but usually we would only make love with our hands and mouths. More importantly, they made love to each-other. Cory and Chris would always be extremely close, but they knew their lives would eventually lead down separate paths, and I was their first step in that direction.

Chapter 10

I was going Trick-Or-Treating. Here I was, dressed in an ostentatious, flowing blue robe covered in stars and half-moons that no self-respecting wizard or sorcerer would be caught dead in, about to parade through the neighborhood with a vampire (Chris) and a boy with a small axe embedded in his cranium (Cory). I even had a tall, pointy hat that was slightly bent at the tip. Long, shoulder-length white hair from a wig gave me a smidgen of respectability, I suppose. The twins thought I was the funniest thing they'd ever seen, laughing derisively until I petulantly declared I was going to stay home.

"No Tom! You promised!" said the pale one with haunted looking eyes and blood-red lips, dressed in a black tuxedo and white, ruffled shirt, his hair slicked straight back with gel and wearing fangs. A black cape fastened at his throat completed the ensemble.

"You look great!" added the youngster with the hatchet in his head, fake blood oozing wetly from the realistic-looking wound and splattered generously over his face and clothes. Chris looked kind of cute (he could have given me another love-bite anytime), but Cory was downright gruesome. Susan had done a good job with the costumes we had rented from the local Halloween shop a few days before. She was wearing a Catwoman outfit.

"Yeah Tom," Susan said behind her hand, where she was trying to hold in a chuckle, "you can't back out now. I need you to go with them so I can get to the hospital and get things started over there." The hospital where she worked was having a party for employees and some of the patients, and I was to bring the boys there later. "Let me get a camera so I can take a picture of the three of you," she added. Maybe she wanted to blackmail me sometime in the future with it, I thought to myself regretfully. Chris snickered at that; I could never think anything to myself when he was around.

After we had taken pictures of all the possible permutations of the four of us, the twins and I set out on a mission to deplenish the countryside of all available sweets. I drew the line at actually carrying a bag and saying "Trick-Or-Treat", but nevertheless a few neighbors gave an extra piece of candy to one of the boys for "the wizard back there."

Okay, I admit it. I was having fun. It was a beautiful Autumn evening, the sky a crystal-clear, deep, dark blue as the sun neared the horizon, and Cory and Chris skipped along gaily from door-to-door collecting treats, occasionally pulling me onward by the hand. There were dozens of little goblins and other assorted ghouls out-and-about; super-heroes, cartoon-characters and pirates were our companions. It was the ultimate kids' holiday, a costumed combination of Christmas and birthdays.

After we'd traversed I-don't-know-how-many-blocks, Cory and Chris were having trouble carrying their treasure. The sun had gone down an hour ago, and it was time to join their mom. The party at the hospital was okay, but there weren't a whole lot of kids around. The twins quickly got bored and somewhat cranky, as young boys tend to do rather easily. Susan had to work the night-shift, and since we'd already arranged for the two brothers to spend the night with me anyway I suggested the three of us go looking for a haunted-house. Susan gave her okay, but insisted that we didn't stay out too late since it was a school-night. We readily agreed to her terms, but I think she knew she was wasting her time.

I checked a newspaper and found a fairly large haunted-house within an hour's drive, and the boys and I took off on another adventure. We had to wait in line for almost two hours when we got there, but finally, after paying the admission price, we were inside. I'd psyched the twins up while we had been waiting, telling them scary stories about roaming spirits, gory druidic rituals and the terrors that were set loose on Allhallows Eve, and now a small, timid vampire was hunkered down alongside me, clutching my wizard's robe and my hand in a death-grip.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," Cory told his brother with all the bravado a ten-year-old can muster. "Nothing's real in here." I didn't ask why he was holding my other hand. Rather tightly, in fact. I also didn't tell him that there were actors undoubtedly hiding inside.

It was pitch-dark in here; as we stumbled blindly through a maze of narrow, twisting corridors, eerie music with an occasional howl or scream thrown in added the proper ambience. We could feel what were supposed to be rat's tails or snakes brushing our feet, and cobweb-like strings hung from the ceiling, tickling our faces. There's nothing like a total, complete absence of light to send a primal chill through one's soul; especially a young soul, say about ten-years-old. I let loose p, demented laugh. It felt so good I did it again.

"Cut it out Tom," I heard Chris's voice shaking nervously from somewhere near my elbow. There must be some macho, deep-seated need for a guy to scare those who are smaller than he is – be it a wife or girl-friend, or a little kid – because I did it again. One of the boys elbowed me roughly in the gut, and I finally quit. Spoilsports.

We came upon a dimly lit laboratory scene of various medical horrors, and a rather ghastly looking fellow – who looked like he'd been through a botched open-heart surgery – noticed all the fake blood on Cory. "Perhaps the young boy would like to join us for some experiments," the cadaverous gentleman asked in a hollow voice. He grabbed Cory's free hand and pulled him insistently towards an examining-table in the center of the room. Cory squealed and held on to me for dear-life, until he was released. So much for bravado. For a tempting second I had almost let him go, just to see the look of shocked betrayal on his face, but I couldn't do it. Even I'm not that cruel.

We moved into another darkened passage, and now both boys were pushing me along in front of them. I guess they were willing to sacrifice me to save themselves. Their plan didn't work though. As we came into another gloomy scenario of blood and guts Frankenstein's Monster grabbed them from behind with a menacing bellow. The two ten-year-olds almost knocked me over in their rush to place me between the monstrosity and themselves, and their eyes were wild with borderline terror as they screamed in surprise mixed with boyish-delight. Boys enjoy a good scare now-and-then, as long as they know they can't really be hurt. And I certainly didn't mind them hanging on to me with all their might, expecting me to protect them. If you've never taken a boy to a haunted- house, I highly recommend it.

We made it to the end without any further mishap. It had certainly been a good time. So good in fact that Cory wanted to go through it again, but it was getting late. It had been a long, delightfully scary evening for my young ghoul-friends (sorry, couldn't resist), and both boys fell asleep on the way home.

I managed to steer them inside my house, where I sat on the couch and began undressing Chris, taking off his cape and jacket. Cory had pulled the hatchet off his head earlier, so all he had left was blood. It felt good to get out of my robe as well. I was tired, but the two boys seemed to have gotten their second-wind when they remembered all that candy they had collected. I let them have a few pieces (and I had some too, I'll admit), and then they looked at each-other silently, obviously talking between themselves. I hated it when they did that; invariably it meant the two scamps were up to something, and it usually involved me. Chris nodded at his twin and then told me he had to go home for something. I looked at him suspiciously, but let him go. While he was gone Cory asked if I had a candle. What in the world 3;?

Cory was placing the candle in a holder on my coffee-table when Chris returned. Taking a match, Cory carefully lit the candle. Chris went through my house turning off all the lights, until all we had left was the tiny, flickering flame. Silently, the two boys sat on their legs on one side of the low table, and beckoned me to sit opposite them. Then they pulled off their shirts, and looked at me pointedly until I did the same. What were they up to, I wondered. Chris took three short pieces of string from his pocket, and laid these together on the table. I could see they were friendship bracelets, the kind that kids made and traded with their friends. Each narrow cord was tightly braided with three colors; two shades of blue (light and dark) and one of bright red. Understanding dawned on me.

"Hey, when did you make 3;" Cory and Chris shushed me with shocked looks, as if I were interrupting a church-service. For that's what they were about to perform: a ritual of naively innocent boyhood, made all the more sacred as we neared the magical witching-hour on Allhallows Eve.

Mesmerized, I watched Cory take the ends of the three bracelets and hold them several inches over the candle. Then he chanted in his soft voice:

"Through the fire, we pass these chains, three strings are one, sealed by flame." Cory quickly passed them three times through the fire, fast enough so they wouldn't scorch. Then he took one of the cords and tied it loosely in a double knot on Chris's left wrist, and silently offered him the remaining two pieces. Following his brother's lead, Chris held the colored strings above the fire, and thought for a moment before intoning:

"By flame of candle, this spell is cast, two brothers are now three, our love will last." I was totally captivated. I watched with fascination as Chris passed them twice through the candle, and then tied one of the strings around my wrist. The two boys were so serious and solemn, and their ghoulish makeup made them look rather eerie in the yellow, dancing flame of the candle. They were other-worldly, young warlocks practicing bare-chested, high-sorcery on Halloween night, and I was there charmed disciple. The analogy of boy-love as a religion struck me once again. Then I realized Chris was holding the remaining cord out to me. I was expected to contribute to the ritual as well.

Cory and Chris watched me critically as I took the small cord and held it over the candle as they had done, and gathered my thoughts. We had all had lots of practice with spells, actually. The boys were quite adept at coming up with rhymes for the book. Everyone knows the most powerful incantations have to rhyme. Just watch "Bewitched".

"Through the fire, I pass this bracelet, tied in friendship, and nothing shall break it." Chris allowed a small smile of approval to cross his face as he watched me pass it once through the flame and tie it around his brother's wrist. Then, almost reverently, my very special friends linked the little-fingers of their right hands together in their double-promise, and silently looked at me until I wrapped my pinkie around their's. I was deeply moved by this special gift. I felt myself shiver as goose-flesh broke out on my skin, almost as if there truly was magic in the air. The boys felt it as well; I could see how their small, tender nipples had become even tinier, surrounded by goose-bumps in the wavering candlelight.

The ceremony now over, Cory and Chris beamed happily at me. The reader might like to think that what followed was a wild bacchanalia of boy-sex, culminating in the ultimate expression of love, but it was a school-night. I led the two sleepy sorcerers to the bathroom and washed off as much of their makeup as possible, and then I lovingly undressed them the rest of the way. Naked, the three of us slept in a tangle of blissful contentment, covering each-other with a blanket of love and friendship.


I finished our book a few weeks later. Just before I sent it to my agent though, I added several very important lines at the very beginning, and promptly forced myself to forget about it. After he read it he said it was my best book yet, and suggested we re-negotiate my contract with the publisher. In fact he thought the book could cross genres into the sci-fi/fantasy market, which was fine with me as long as it was still marketed primarily as a kid's book. My loyalties would always be with boys, after all. When my publisher read it, and after a few more weeks of wrangling, I signed a contract for an outrageous sum of money agreeing to write at least two more books about the supposedly fictitious twins. I didn't think that would be a problem, since it was my favorite subject. I felt I had to share the wealth with the boys though, so for a Christmas present (one of many, needless to say) I had my agent draw up a contract splitting the royalties three ways. A separate the arbitrarily-magic age of eighteen Cory and Chris would have more than enough money for college or whatever else they wanted to do. Susan nearly cried when I told her what I had done, she was so grateful. The twins, of course, wanted the money now. I laughed fondly at their plans for buying airplanes and race-cars, or candy factories and arcades.

The book was published in February, and when my copies arrived the boys were still at school. We had already started on the next story in the series, but we had all been waiting anxiously for this one. When Chris contacted me he immediately picked up that it was here at last.

("You've got the book?") I heard his excited voice say in my head. He caught me off-guard, and I was afraid he'd pick up more than I wanted him too. I started singing a Beatles' song, hoping to block him out. ("Hey, what are you trying to hide?") he accused. His curiosity aroused, I knew he wouldn't give up easily. I sang louder. ("Tom! Hey, cut it out!")

"Chris, pleeease don't," I begged him. "It means a lot to me and I don't want you to ruin it. You'll find out when you get home." I started singing again, but I knew he could get what he wanted if he really concentrated.

("Oh alright,") I heard him pout. ("See you later, I guess.") I had no way of knowing if he'd really left my head. I dove into our sequel, hoping to put my mind on other things, in case the inquisitive, telepathic young boy came back for another assault. I thought about the tour my publisher wanted me to take to promote the book. If I went over spring-break, perhaps Susan would let the twins come along.

The next attack was when Cory and Chris practically tore down my front-door after school. Chris had told his twin and both boys were bubbling over with impatience as they pulled off their winter coats and rushed me. "Let's see it!" Cory yelled. "Yeah, where is it?" Chris demanded, still wondering what I had up my sleeve.

I sat on the couch and pulled out a small, gift-wrapped object. It was the book of course. I wasn't fooling anybody; I just thought wrapping it would be a nice touch. The boys sat down on my right and grabbed it unceremoniously from my hands. Cory ripped off the paper and stared at the cover.

"'Double Trouble'," he said with a smile, reading the title out-loud. The drawing on the front was the three of us, dressed in clothes that fit the story. What possessed me to use the picture Susan had taken of me on Halloween I'll never know.

"Hey, it's us!" Chris exclaimed. "Cool!" "It's my author's copy," I told the two boys, "the very first one off the press. I want you guys to have it."

Cory and Chris looked at me gratefully, but they both sensed that there was something else. Chris finally grabbed the thought from my head. He sucked in his breath with surprise, and quickly told his brother to open the book and look inside. Past all the copyright info, on an otherwise blank page, I saw their eyes widen as they stared at six simple, short lines. Their jaws dropped open with identical looks of stunned disbelief while they re-read it several times. Finally Cory found his voice, but it shook a little. "D-Does it say this in all of them?" he asked in wondering amazement.

I could only nod as I smiled at them. Their reactions were everything I'd hoped for. I was almost overwhelmed as I felt my love for the two beautiful, special young boys pouring out of my soul, and they both felt it as strongly as I did. Our eyes threatened to start leaking. Suddenly the twins threw their arms around me, hugging me in a tight, fierce embrace as I hugged them back. Nothing more needed to be said; our love spoke volumes. It's the most excellent language there is.

For Cory and Chris;
twin beams of sunlight
and happiness shining
brightly in my grateful
heart. I love you both,

The End

Author's note:

Now that it's finally finished, please let me know how I did :). And before anyone else asks: No, I'm not planning on any sequels, in spite of how it sounds in the story :).