PZA Boy Stories


Double Trouble


A writer of children's books gets new neighbours: a mother with her nine-year-old twin sons. They get to know each other very well!
Publ. Mar 1994 (alt.sex.stories.d); this site Dec 2007
Finished 23,500 words (c. 47 pages)


Cory and Chris (9yo)

Category & Story codes

Consensual Man-Boy story/love
Mb bb cons oral anal

Warning & Disclaimer

This story contains consensual sex between an adult male and two MINOR males. If that's not your cup of tea, don't read it. You have been warned.

This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual individuals, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Author's note

© 1994 Randu. All rights reserved.
Permission is hereby given to distribute this story via electronic means only, for non-profit use. This header must remain intact. All rights to this story remain the property of the author.
Replies and comments may be sent using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line.


Later The Wayward One rewrote the story into a heterosexual story, the twin boys had became twin girls. He named it Twice the Fun. A revised version of this was published in 1999 on alt.sex.stories.d by 'A shy boy'. Want to read it? Search for with Google discussions for "Twice the fun" "shy boy" (copy this exactly in the search field, including the quotes).

Chapter 1

I was working on the final chapters of my latest book when I heard the moving van come to a stop outside. My former neighbors (a very nice elderly couple who had lived next door to me for several years) had retired to Florida a few weeks ago. I lived in a four-unit, condo-style townhouse. In fact, that's what the whole neighborhood was, and I was sorry to see them go. They were one of the few neighbors I had gotten to know, always having the bachelor-writer over for dinner and telling me how much their grandson enjoyed my books. I met him once, a very cute eight-year-old who had me autograph the books he owned that were written by me. I got up from my computer and looked out the front window, watching the movers open up their truck and begin carrying boxes and furniture into the unit next door. I didn't see any signs of the owners of these belongings however, so I went back to my desk figuring I'd meet them when they got settled in.

I hadn't been working very long when I heard someone knocking lightly on my door. When I opened it I was momentarily speechless, for there on my doorstep were a pair of identical-twin boys, smiling shyly at me. They were about nine or ten years old, each with long brown hair and dressed in shorts and tank-tops, revealing well-tanned, shapely limbs.

"Hi!" said the one on the left. "We're your new neighbors!" piped the one on the right. I silently thanked my guardian angel-boy for delivering these two handsome lads into my life, into a neighborhood sorrowfully short of young boys 3; into the unit next door!

The boy on the right was looking up at me rather curiously, his head cocked to one side, almost as if he knew what I was thinking. I realized I had been staring. I held out a finger and made a show of bringing it closer to my nose, following it with my eyes until they crossed. "I seem to have been sitting at my computer too long," I teased. "I'm seeing double."

They giggled at my small joke and the left one said, grinning, "You're not seeing double, we're twins! I'm Cory and that's my baby brother, Chris."

Chris gave his twin a withering look and said, "Will you stop calling me that? You're only five minutes older than I am!"

Hoping to head off a brotherly battle I intervened. "I'm pleased to meet you," I said quite honestly. "I'm Tom."

Chris, the boy on the right, looked at me strangely again. "I know," he said, as if I were stating the obvious. As soon as he said it his brother looked sharply at him and elbowed him in the ribs. Chris's face immediately became worried, as if he'd been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to do.

"How do you know my name already?" I asked, wondering what was going on.

Cory's eyes darted quickly around until they landed on my door, still standing open. "There," he said, looking relieved, "your name's on the door: 'Tom Jannings'."

Of course, I thought, it's right there for all to see. "You guys are pretty quick. You'd make good detectives," I said, smiling at them. "Are you all through moving in already?" I could see the movers starting to clean up.

"Almost," said Cory. "Mom's inside unpacking but she said to 'get out of her hair' for awhile."

"We were only trying to help," Chris informed me, sounding slightly hurt that their efforts hadn't been appreciated.

"Is your Dad still at work or something?" I asked, wondering why he hadn't been mentioned.

"No 3;" said Cory, hesitantly. "He doesn't live with us anymore."

"He doesn't even want to see us anymore," said Chris, looking dejected.

I could tell this was a sore topic, and knew they probably blamed themselves for their parents' separation. Young kids almost always do. I changed the subject. "Would you like to come in for a drink or something or shall we carry on our conversation in the doorway?"

They looked at each other and finally Chris nodded, as if to tell his brother it was okay to go in. I ushered them into the kitchen, noticing how they stared at the 'U2' poster on the wall of my living room, the one with a young, bare-chested boy with his hands on his head. As I got some glasses and ice they sat at the table and began their own questioning.

"Are you married?" asked one.


"You live here alone?" asked the other.


"Any girl-friends?"


"How old are you?"


"Don't you work?" They were obviously wondering why I was home in the afternoon on a weekday.

"Yes." I felt like I was playing twenty questions, being grilled by identical inquisitors.

"Well, what do you do?"

"I write books." I gave them their sodas and sat down.

"Thanks," they said simultaneously, then they looked at each other and giggled at their stereo effect. I looked at them closely and could see that if I got to know them better I would probably be able to tell them apart. There were subtle differences in their expressions and appearances, the way they smiled and carried themselves. I hoped I would get to know them better! They were certainly very cute, and definitely sexy, both with dark brown eyes and expressive faces, and strong, lean bodies full of boyish energy. I found myself staring at their slender necks and rounded shoulders, admiring the tempting skin exposed by their tank-tops.

"How old are you two?" My turn for questions.

"Nine," answered the one I thought was Chris.

"Almost ten," added his twin.

"Are you from around Chicago, or did you move here from somewhere else?"

"We used to live right in the city," explained Cory, taking a drink, "but we moved to here in Glenwood 'cause Mom got transferred."

"What's your mom do?"

"She's a nurse at the hospital," said Chris proudly. Having a conversation with these two was like watching a tennis match. Chris looked at me and smiled, as if to say he knew it, it's just the way they were.

"Hey!" exclaimed Cory, looking at me as if he'd suddenly realized something. "Are you the same Tom Jannings that wrote all those books we have?"

"Well, I don't know what books you have but I'm the only Tom Jannings that I know of." I grinned at him slyly.

I really did love being recognized by my young fans. My books were written mainly for (and about) young boys, full of adventure and daring just like their readers, and also about everyday stuff like new siblings, school, divorce, even one about death. I always answered every letter I got from a reader, and also from appreciative parents who were grateful that my books had turned their kids onto reading.

Chris was looking at me again. "It is you," he said, sounding sure of himself. "We've got every book you wrote! I think they're really good, too," he told me candidly.

"Thank you!" I said, my ego always glad of praise from a young admirer. He had said that they had all of my books and I tried to remember how many there were.

"Eleven," said Chris.


"That's how many books we have that you wrote." I heard Cory kick his brother under the table and he quickly said, biting his lip, "Um, I mean, you looked like you couldn't remember how many there were."

"You're right, I didn't." I couldn't help thinking that this boy seemed to be able to read me as well as he could read my books. Strange.

"We better go now," said Cory, giving his brother a look I couldn't understand. "Mom's probably wondering where we are."

"Tell her to stop by later on for a cup of coffee, and let me know if she needs any help with anything. Feel free to come by yourselves anytime too," I added sincerely.

"OK, Tom," said Cory, politely putting his glass and his brother's in the sink. "See ya later!" I was glad he hadn't called me 'Mr. Jannings'. Neighbors should always be on a first-name basis.

As they left I found myself looking at their tight little buns and the smooth backs of their legs. Chris turned around just then and smiled at me, before running to catch his brother. It seemed my life had taken an interesting turn, and there was definitely something strange about my new friends that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

Later in the day I hadn't gotten very far with my book. My thoughts kept returning to Cory and Chris, and it was hard to keep them separate from the boy I was writing about. I got up and started a pot of coffee brewing and was about to watch the news on TV when someone knocked on the door. The boys were back with their mother in tow, a nice looking woman with brown, wavy hair like her sons', about my age or maybe a little older.

"Hi," she said, smiling and holding out her hand, "I'm Susan Gibson, your new neighbor. The twins said we had a celebrity living next door so we came for your autograph." She looked at the box the boys were carrying between them as I shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you Susan, I'm Tom Jannings but I guess they already told you that. Come on in, I just started some coffee a few minutes ago." I led the way to the living room and the boys dropped their box on the floor, flopping down on either side of me on the couch while Susan took a chair. "Did you bring me a gift or are you moving in with me?" I asked the boys jokingly.

They smiled and one of them said, "No, these are all your books."

"Well, just because my name is on them doesn't mean you have to give them back to me," I said, playing dumb.

"No, silly," said the other one (Cory?), "we want you to autograph 'em."

"You're supposed to ask him, Cory," said his mother reprovingly.

"He would have," I said, coming to his defense, "if I wasn't having such fun teasing him." I grabbed his bare leg just above the knee and lightly squeezed, making him laugh and squirm. That's always been one of my favorite places to tickle a boy. "Why don't you guys come to the kitchen with me and we'll get something to drink while your mom rests her bones? You take anything in your coffee, Susan?"

"Black, please. Are you sure I can't help?"

"Positive. You just take it easy," I said, getting up. The boys followed me into the kitchen and I showed them where the glasses were, telling them to make themselves at home and help themselves to ice and pop while I got the coffee. When we returned to the living room Susan was standing by my computer desk, and I could see her looking at the bronze figurine of a nude boy laying on his side, next to my terminal.

"Inspiration?" she asked. I was sure she had noticed the poster on the wall also.

"You could say that," I answered. I gave her one of the cups of coffee and took a pen from the desk before sitting back down between Cory and Chris. I opened the box the boys had brought in and groaned. "You guys want me to sign all of these?"

"Please?" said the one on my left (Chris?), giving me that pleading puppy-dog look that little boys are so talented at, and which I'm totally defenseless to resist.

"We really do like 'em," his brother cajoled me from the right. "They're our favorite books."

"Ah, flattery will get you everywhere," I said, digging into the box and beginning my task. They must have read the books often; most were faded and dog-eared. I came across the first one I ever wrote (dedicated to my parents) and noticed it was from the first printing, almost five years ago.

"You guys couldn't have been more than five years old when this one came out," I observed.

"That's the first book they ever read by themselves," Susan told me proudly. "They were reading Mark Twain, Moby Dick, Hardy Boys, all before they were seven."

"And you like my books best?" My books sold well but I wasn't used to being compared to Mark Twain.

"Yeah, we really do," Chris told me eagerly. "You write stories about boys but it's not like you're a grown-up talking to a kid, using simple words and stuff. You know what I mean?" He wasn't sure if he was getting his point across.

"Yes, I do. That's why I put a glossary in the back of each book, so a kid can look up a word I used that he doesn't know."

"It's your fault I had to go out and buy a college dictionary for them," said their mother, grinning. "I've read all your books myself," she added, "and I always imagined a man with such insights and understanding of boys must have a dozen of them running around the house." I saw her glance at the poster. "Chris and Cory said you weren't married; I hope they weren't rude with all their questions."

She gave each boy a stern look, who, of course, looked innocently back at her.

"No, they weren't rude at all. In fact, I asked my own questions too, just to get even."

I grabbed a boy in each arm and tickled their sides, their giggling laughs like music in my ears. Although I wanted to keep my arms around them in a hug I didn't want to risk being too forward in front of Susan, and returned to my task of book-signing.

"As to my so-called understanding of boys," I told her, reaching for another book, "I guess it helps that I'm still a kid at heart. I try to look at the world with a kid's eyes, wondering how things work, playing games on the computer and so on 3; It also helps that I don't have a real job," I added, giving her my best, boyish grin.

She laughed and said, "Yes, I suppose not having to go to work every day would definitely help keep you young. I certainly envy you on that count. My father is buying our condo for us, but it's still hard to make ends meet. I hate to accept charity like that, but this place is a lot better for the boys than in the city."

Cory and Chris had sat quietly while we talked, very well-mannered for nine-year-olds, I thought. I signed the last of their 11 books and held my arm out, with my wrist limp. "I may be a writer but this is the first time I've ever had 'writer's cramp'."

They all laughed and the boys said 'thanks' in stereo, laughing again. They asked about the neighborhood: where the stores were, where McDonalds was. Cory wanted to know where the nearest soccer field was while Chris was interested in the library. They might be identical in appearance but they had two separate and distinct personalities. They were both interested in the swimming pool by the clubhouse however, and eagerly asked their mom if they could go swimming tomorrow. She said she would be too busy unpacking to be able to watch them. I saw their faces fall in disappointment and seized opportunity by the horns, volunteering to take her place.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" she asked. "They can be quite a handful." Cory and Chris gave her comical looks of indignation, as if such a suggestion were ridiculous.

I assured her it would be no problem at all, and she gave her consent. Then she told the boys to pack up their books, thanking me for the coffee and getting up to leave. The twins thanked me again for signing all the books, telling me with boyish sincerity that they would keep them forever and never ever sell them. I told them to come get me when they wanted to go swimming, and told Susan to drop by anytime as they left. If I hadn't been the sort of man who was romantically inclined to young boys I suppose I would have been attracted to her, instead. Such was not the case, however.

Chapter 2

The next morning Cory and Chris showed up at my door at ten-o-clock; exactly when the pool opened, I might add. It was already 80 degrees [27°C] outside, a typical, early August morning, and the boys were barefoot and wearing only their gym shorts. They said their mom wouldn't let them put on their swimming-trunks until I said we could go, so I wouldn't feel obligated. I told them to go ahead and get ready and I'd take them when they came back, all the while trying to nonchalantly gaze at their bare chests, so smooth and soft, with small, sun-browned nipples that I longed to touch. Their bodies were as identical as their faces: a light sprinkling of freckles on their narrow shoulders, ribs that were only hinted at beneath their tender skin, slightly rounded bellies with just the right amount of baby-fat and small, indented navels, and long, gorgeously formed legs that were tanned and smooth down to their small feet. Simply beautiful. Before they left I said, "Wait a minute. I want to see if I have you two figured out yet." I looked at the boy on the right. "You're Chris, right?"

"Right!" he beamed, obviously pleased.

"And, my dear Watson," I said, doing my Sherlock Holmes impersonation, "through the process of elimination I can deduce that your identical sibling is therefore the esteemed Cory."

"Elementary," said Cory, with the same British accent and an impish grin. Either they had read the books or seen the old movies with Basil Rathbone (the Sherlock Holmes, in my opinion). These two were definitely not your average nine-year-olds.

"We saw the movies," Chris informed me, even though I hadn't asked. His twin grabbed him by the arm and pulled, saying it was getting hotter every minute so let's get moving before we all melted. I watched them head back to their place, Cory still holding his brother by the arm, obviously agitated about something. Chris said something that sounded like, "I can't help it! I like him!" I didn't know what the problem was; I liked them, too.

I changed into my own swimming trunks and just as I was grabbing a towel from the closet the boys returned. They knocked on the door and opened it themselves this time, coming inside to wait and asking impatiently if I was ready yet. I turned to look at them, hoping to see even more exposed boy-skin, but they were each wearing those damned 'clam-digger' shorts, the kind that covered everything between navel and knees and seemed to be all the rage this year. Whoever designed those things should be shot, I lamented. My disappointment must have shown because Chris looked at his shorts and back at me with a perplexed expression. "You don't like our swim-suits?" he asked.

How to explain to him that a boy should be unencumbered by all that cloth when swimming? That he should show off as much of his beautiful body as was legally permitted? That I wanted to see as much of his beautiful body as I could?

"Oh, they're OK, I guess," I said, not wanting to hurt their feelings. "Personally though, I think those things look old-fashioned, like a long time ago people wore suits that covered their whole bodies. I hope that doesn't come next," I added with a shudder.

They looked thoughtfully at each other, probably wondering why I made a big deal over swim-suits, no doubt. I put a hand on each small shoulder and ran both down the bare skin of their backs, pushing them out the door and heading off any further questions.

There were a few other people at the pool and the twins threw their towels on a chair and tested the water with dainty feet. The antics began immediately as Cory pushed his 'baby brother' in. Chris came up spluttering, shaking the water out of his eyes as he tried splashing Cory, who ran back to the fence and made a running dive into the pool. They were in the deep end, but I could tell they were both competent swimmers as they treaded water, beckoning me to join them. I threw my towel next to theirs and ran straight at them, doing a cannonball. I stayed under-water and swam for the shallow end, coming up to see them looking for me. They laughed when they saw me and swam over. I grabbed one and threw his light body into the air, watching him splash into the water with arms and legs akimbo and a gleeful scream. Of course, his twin wanted the same action and I gladly obliged. I took turns, throwing first one and then the other, my hands roaming freely over their slippery skins, delighting in the hardness of their little nipples when I casually brushed over them.

We played in the water until I was exhausted, but of course their own energy was boundless. One of them jumped on my back while I was heading for the side, intending to take a rest. "Where do think you're going?" he demanded, playfully.

"I need a break, Chris," I said. As I said his name I wondered how I knew it was him, since I was unable to see him and their voices were exactly alike. I knew it was Chris though, somehow.

"He's tired, Chris," said his brother. "I think we wore him out already. He's old, you know."

Of course I couldn't let him get away with that, so with Chris still on my back I whirled around and grabbed Cory, which was what he had intended by his jibe. I poked and dug my fingers in his sides, armpits and belly, tickling him until he begged for mercy. I released him and he jumped on me in the shallow water, grabbing me around the neck and wrapping his legs around me and the legs of Chris, still on my back.

"Now we've got you," he said, stating the obvious. Chris giggled in my ear.

I put my hands on his sides, running them over his water-slick skin, my face inches from his. "OK, you've got me," I said, playing along. "What're you going to do?"

"Let's dunk him!" said Chris, and immediately they began pushing down on my shoulders, trying to get me to go under. I was standing in four or five feet [1.2-1.5m] of water, but I slid beneath the surface to make them happy. I had dunked them repeatedly, and it was only fair to let them do the same. When I came back up the boys climbed on me again, front and back, only now Chris was in front.

"I know how to get you guys off," I teased. Not that I really wanted to; I could go several weeks at least before getting tired of being in the middle of a twin-sandwich, but their mother might want them back, eventually.

"Bet you can't!" said Chris, smiling and hugging me tighter.

I took a deep breath and sank to the bottom, taking them with me, and simply sat there, waiting. Chris was the first to run out of air and break for the surface, followed a few seconds later by Cory. I stayed under for a while longer, watching them stand on their toes to keep their heads above water, and cursing the designer of their shorts again before coming up for air.

"No fair," they yelled, "your lungs are bigger!"

I just smiled at them as I headed for the steps leading out of the pool. Chris came at me again, intending to stop me.

"No Chris," said his brother, looking serious, "let him take a break. He really is tired."

I was, but I didn't think I looked it. I saw Chris give him a surprised look, and Cory's expression looked exactly like Chris's had yesterday, when Chris had said he already knew my name. I wondered about it, as I went to the chair and grabbed my towel, sitting down as they resumed their play. They seemed to be especially adept at reading other people's expressions. It didn't seem to be anything to be embarrassed about, although it could be unsettling at times.

One of the neighborhood boys, Jeremy, a good looking twelve-year-old that I met here at the pool a year ago, came through the gate. He saw me and waved, smiling, and came over to say 'hi'. He had on a tight pair of swim-trunks, showing most of his smooth legs and a nice young bulge. He was one of the reasons I came to the pool so often.

"Hi Tom!" he said. "You'll never finish your book if you keep coming here every day." He wagged his finger at me, scolding with mock seriousness.

"I know, I know, but I promised my new neighbors I'd take them swimming while their mom finished unpacking." I pointed at Cory and Chris, frolicking in the water.

Jeremy studied them, sizing up the younger boys. "Twins?" he asked.

"You're quick," I said teasing him. He swatted my shoulder in return. "The one doing the dunking is Chris, and the one getting dunked is Cory," I informed him.

"How can you tell them apart?" he asked, obviously unable to do so himself.

I realized again that I was sure of which one was which, even though they were at the other end of the pool, and I didn't really know how I was doing it. I was absolutely positive though.

"I guess it's because I've gotten to know them," I said lamely, not really believing it.

They looked exactly alike from this distance, but I seemed to be able to tell them apart anyway. Jeremy accepted my explanation though, and tossed his towel on the ground before jumping in the pool. He was a friendly kid, and swam over to the twins to introduce himself. Soon enough, they were all playing together, splashing and having races, which Jeremy won since he was bigger. The twins made him work for it though, being excellent swimmers themselves, and he climbed out of the pool to catch his breath, sitting on the edge with his feet in the water.

I found my eyes drifting over to him, admiring his golden tan and smooth, shapely thighs, but every time I looked at Jeremy Chris would yell, "Hey Tom! Watch this!" and do a handstand or some other boyish stunt. It was almost as if Chris didn't want me looking at Jeremy, but that sounded ridiculous.

I was almost dry when Susan came over to get the boys for lunch, telling them to get out of the water and asking if I wanted to join them. I thanked her but said I wanted to stay by the pool a little longer, and after she called two more times to the twins they finally came out, sensing her growing anger. They knew their mother's limit, I thought to myself, smiling.

"Thanks for watching them," said Susan, as Cory and Chris grabbed towels and dried themselves off, the water sparkling on their four-foot [1.20m] frames.

"No problem at all," I told her sincerely. "I had as much fun as they did." The twins flashed their sunny smiles at me, and that was all the thanks I really needed.

They said their goodbyes, and my eyes returned to watching Jeremy, who was now swimming back and forth, doing laps. I felt someone looking at me and turned to see Chris watching me over his shoulder as he walked away. His eyes darted to Jeremy before returning to me, and his expression showed he was frustrated, before he turned around again. Could he really be jealous? Don't flatter yourself, I thought, he's just upset because he couldn't stay here and swim.

When Jeremy left – making me promise to let him read my book if I ever finished it – I went home and fixed lunch, not bothering to change out of my swim-suit, and ate a sandwich in front of my computer while playing a game. It was one of those role-playing games, where you take on the attributes of a certain character and have to find things, uncover clues, battle monsters, and save the world and some unfortunate princess from certain doom. Personally I would have preferred to save a young princeling. I always chose to be a sorcerer in these games. Something about magic and casting spells attracted the boy in me, I guess.

I was battling a rather troublesome beast, trying to find the right spell to kill it before getting killed myself (again), when the twins knocked and came in, asking belatedly if they could do so. I was glad they felt at home here, opening the door without waiting for me to get up and answer it. I waved them over to me, noticing that they had changed back into their loose-fitting gym shorts, which showed more of their thighs than their bathing-suits did. Both boys were shirtless, and when they came over to see what I was doing I put a hand on Cory's bare back, loving the feel of his warm skin beneath my fingers.

Chris asked if they could play too, and I said sure, as long as I could be the sorcerer. They agreed to my terms, and I started the game over, punching in three players. I showed them the options, and Cory chose to be a warrior, while Chris decided on the minstrel, which also had some magical abilities. Cory went and got a chair, but Chris decided to sit on my knee, which was fine with me. I showed them how to control the figures and actions in the game, but since only one person actually controlled everything they had to tell me what they wanted their character to do, such as fight, talk, or cast a spell. We took turns at the keyboard however, to keep it interesting, and had arguments over what certain clues meant or where we should go exploring.

"Maybe I should write down some of these clues before we forget 'em," said Cory, while Chris threw spells at a monster.

"Good idea, Watson," I said, making him grin. "There's paper and a pen right in front of you."

We went over the clues we had already come across and Cory dutifully wrote each one down before taking his turn at the computer. I noticed they didn't argue about whose turn it was, unlike most brothers or boys in general, but simply switched without saying anything. They certainly got along well with each other, I thought.

Chris leaned back a little, still sitting on my knee, and I placed my hand on his shoulder, letting it rest there a few seconds before running it lightly over the soft, warm skin of his back. He turned his head and smiled at me, letting me know that he liked it. Even though we had only met yesterday it was like the three of us were old friends already, I thought, amazed. As if to confirm this, Chris moved back on my leg, leaning his bare back against my chest and sitting in my lap. I folded my hands on his belly as we leaned back in the chair, holding him against me in a loose hug. He put his hands on top of mine, making himself comfortable, and the feeling of holding this warm, soft young boy against me filled me with pleasure.

I was glad he didn't think he was too old for such cuddling. I moved a thumb in small circles over his smooth tummy, and felt the beginnings of an erection in my swim-suit. I hoped Chris wouldn't be able to feel it under his butt, and I tried to relax and stop myself from getting turned on. His naked skin against my own made that hard to do though. Cory, sitting at the computer, reached down between his legs and fondled himself through his shorts, almost as if he had an erection also and was repositioning it, but I couldn't tell from this angle. Chris giggled when he saw his brother had let his attention wander and had gotten our characters into a bad situation.

"Better let Tom take his turn if you're going to play with yourself instead of the game," he told Cory tauntingly.

Cory turned and gave me a reproachful look, as if it was my fault he had a hard-on, then got out of the chair, showing a definite little bulge beneath his shorts.

"Can I get something to drink?" he asked, ignoring his stimulated condition, which was causing my own to increase even more.

"Sure Cory," I said, my voice shaking. "Help yourself. You know where everything is."

He turned and went to the kitchen, and Chris yelled for Cory to get a Coke for him, too.

I was about to add that he get me a beer while he was at it when he returned, holding two cans of Coke in one hand and a beer in the other. "I thought you might want something, too," he explained, and handed me one of the Cokes, his eyes dancing with mischief as he tried not to smile.

"Thank you," I answered, "but I think I'll have the beer. We don't want your mother to beat me silly when we've only just met."

"You're no fun," he accused, pouting and giving me the beer.

"I'm old, remember? You said so yourself."

"I was just kidding," he said seriously. "Are you gonna take your turn or not?"

"No, I'll pass this time. Chris, you can go ahead if you want." I tickled his sides, making him giggle and squirm in my lap, causing my dick to get even harder.

"OK," he said, getting up suddenly and taking Cory's chair. Cory immediately replaced his brother on my lap. Apparently I was being shared, I thought to myself.

Chris giggled. "What's so funny?" I asked him, as Cory leaned back against me.

"Oh, nothing," he said cryptically, as he took control of the game.

Before I opened my beer I rolled the cold can over Cory's bare belly, making him yelp in surprise as I held it against him. We opened our cans and took a drink, and then we all belched in unison, making us laugh until we were out of breath. "Can I have a sip?" asked Cory, eyeing my beer hopefully.

"Okay, but just a swallow," I said, figuring it wouldn't hurt him. He took two giant gulps before I pulled the can away, and then performed a long, deep belch. "I suppose you want some, too," I said to Chris.

"No thanks, I don't like beer," he declared, making a sour face. "It gives me a headache." He took another sip from his Coke before turning back to the game.

I put my can of beer on the desk and Cory sank deeper into my lap, hanging his right leg over the padded armrest of the chair and giving me a blood-stirring view of his crotch as the hem of his shorts rose upwards. Yielding to my instinctual desires I put my hand on his bare thigh, while my other hand rested on his stomach. Unable to resist his enticing flesh, and receiving no complaint from Cory, I started slowly moving my hand in small circles over the satiny, dreamy softness of his leg, boldly inching farther up towards the young boy's groin until I was stroking from his knee almost to his crotch. He must have been able to feel my hard-on pressing into his back but he said nothing, and I noticed his own shorts had something pushing up beneath them once again. Daringly, I ran my hand to the edge of the fabric and stopped, my fingers tracing along the border. Cory responded by lifting his leg farther up on the armrest, spreading himself and letting me know I could continue. My fingers explored just under his shorts, expecting to make contact with his underpants and failing to find any as I touched the incredibly tender junction of leg and scrotum.

"Sorry," I apologized as I felt the boy's leg twitch reflexively. I moved my hand a safe distance from his groin, hoping he would think it had been an accident. I couldn't believe I had been so daring, touching him so intimately when we had only known each other for one day! I had been unable to pass up the opportunity, however.

"That's OK," he said calmly. "It just tickled."

Chris looked over his shoulder at us and smiled an uncomfortably knowing smile. Did they realize what I was? That I thought they were the most incredibly beautiful boys I had ever seen? As much as I wanted to touch Cory there again I didn't dare; even though he hadn't complained I wasn't ready to start openly fondling him. I couldn't move that fast even if he wanted me to.

Seeming to sense my hesitation, Cory sighed and lowered his leg so he could lean forward and grab his pop. Chris cocked his head as if he were listening to something and said, "Mom's looking for us."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Um 3; I heard her call. Didn't you?" He looked quickly at his brother, as if seeking confirmation.

Cory nodded. I hadn't heard anything, but then my ears were filled with a pounding heartbeat from touching him. "You better go see what she wants then," I told them, but just then someone knocked on the door.

"Come on in, Mom!" Chris yelled, looking at me with a shrug. Susan walked in and I didn't have time to ask how he knew it was her, or how she knew they were here. My erection quickly wilted as I tried not to appear guilty of what I had just done.

"Are these two bothering you?" she asked, giving the boys a stern look. The fact that Cory was sitting calmly in the lap of someone they had just met didn't seem to bother her.

"No, not at all. We were just playing a game on the computer."

She laughed and said, "You realize you'll never get rid of them now, don't you? They've been badgering me to get one for quite a while now but they don't seem to understand how expensive it is. They have to settle for Nintendo."

"Sometimes I think I use it more for playing games than I do for writing books," I grinned. "It's nice to have someone to play with for a change," I added, tickling Cory.

"Well, I need to get some groceries now that the unpacking is finished." She looked at the boys. "Come on you two. Leave Tom alone for awhile. I'm sure he has better things to do."

Actually, I didn't. How better to spend one's time than with boys? The twins immediately protested. "Aw, Mom," said one. "Can't we stay home?" said the other.

"No," she said firmly. "I'm not leaving you guys alone. You're not that old, yet."

I was debating whether to volunteer to baby-sit when Chris looked at me hopefully, obviously thinking the same thing. "I wouldn't mind watching them," I told her. "That's basically what I was doing before you got here." Chris gave me a big smile, then watched his mother for the verdict.

She looked at Chris, and something unspoken seemed to pass between them. She nodded, and said to me, "If you're sure you don't mind, I guess it's ok. I won't be gone long." She looked at Chris again and then turned to leave, closing the door behind her.

"Thanks, Tom," said the twins in unison. "We promise we'll be very good," Cory added with a mischievous smile, his eyes twinkling. What was that supposed to mean, I worried?

We continued the game, talking about school, sports, and generally just getting to know each other better. They were both very articulate; I was quite impressed with their vocabulary, and felt a small amount of pride that my books had helped. Chris asked what my new one was about, and we paused the game so I could bring it up on the screen and show him. I let them read the beginning so they could get an idea. It was about a young boy who writes a computer program to do all his homework, and while that may sound like a good idea the boy wasn't learning anything that way.

"But if he could write a program like that wouldn't he already be pretty smart?" asked Chris.

"Yes, he's smart when it comes to computers but if the computer answers all his homework for him he doesn't learn about anything else."

They both pondered the pros and cons of this, which is what most of my books intend for them to do. In the end Cory decided the computer sounded like a good idea, but Chris thought the boy in the story was only cheating himself.

Before we knew it Susan was back with her groceries and the boys went off to help her. She thanked me for watching them and I told her with honest sincerity, "Anytime!"

Apparently Susan took me seriously, because the next morning she came over with a proposition. "I have to go back to work tomorrow," she began, "and I'm looking for someone to watch the boys. They seem to be quite taken with you; you're all they talk about lately. Would you be interested?" she asked hopefully.

Before I could answer she added, "I wouldn't be able to pay you very much, and my hours change a lot, but the boys are fairly well-behaved and I'm sure they wouldn't be too much trouble. In fact, they're the ones who talked me into asking you."

I couldn't believe this! Here was a woman I had only met two days ago and she was willing to practically give me her sons! I hesitated, not wanting to appear overly anxious. "Well 3; Sure, I guess that would be alright. I'm home all day anyway, so it wouldn't be any trouble or anything."

She looked at me as if she saw right through me, just like Chris did, but she looked relieved as well. "That would really be great, Tom. My mother was going to commute every day from the north-side, but she's not really comfortable with the twins." She hesitated. "They have a way of knowing 3; How to put this?" she frowned. "They're very good at sensing other people's feelings, and it makes some people uncomfortable." She looked at me as if this revelation might change my mind. It also seemed as if she wasn't telling me everything.

"As a matter of fact, I'd noticed that myself," I told her. "It doesn't really bother me. As far as paying me goes, you can forget that right now. Like I said, I'm at home all day anyways. Besides," I added slyly, "they might give me inspiration for another book."

"Well then we'll have to talk royalties," she joked, laughing. "Seriously Tom, I really appreciate this. You have no idea how much this helps."

Shortly after she left, as I was sitting there in a kind of dumbfounded haze, the twins burst in with huge grins on there impish faces. "I told her you'd say 'yes'," Chris informed me triumphantly, jumping next to me on the couch.

"Oh?" I looked at him skeptically. "What made you so sure?"

"I just knew," he said simply. "Wanna go swimming?" he asked hopefully. They were conveniently wearing their swim-suits, I noticed.

"Well, since you seem to know everything," I teased, "what do you think I want to do?"

Chris looked at me, his brown eyes penetrating. "What you really want to do is 3;"

"Chris!" Cory yelled warningly, looking alarmed.

Chris's eyes twinkled. " 3;go swimming." He looked at his brother innocently, and Cory scowled at him. Did the boy really know what I would have liked to do? Namely, love him intimately? These two had me completely off balance. I was used to the black-on-white boys printed in my books, not to flesh-and-blood scamps who seemed to see right through me. I never knew where I stood with these two. I shrugged it off and went to my bedroom to put on my swim-suit, glad that they appeared to like me as much as I liked them.

Chapter 3

After Susan went off to work the following morning – giving me the phone number at the hospital and telling the boys to behave before leaving – I took the twins to play mini-golf in town. Being with Cory and Chris was making me feel like a kid again. I had always imagined the things I would like to do if I had a son, and now I had two nine-year-olds looking to me for entertainment. After the first couple of holes it was obvious that I would win, so on the next few putts I didn't aim as carefully, hoping to even the score.

Chris watched me critically as I missed the cup and said, "You don't have to do that, Tom."

"Do what?" I replied innocently.

"You're missing on purpose. It's nice of you but you don't have to do it. We're not sore losers."

I should have known better than to try and fool him. "Sorry," I said, somewhat ashamed at having been caught. Then I teased him. "It's just that you guys seem to think that the highest score wins."

They both came at me with golf-clubs raised, trying to look fierce. "Okay, okay," I laughed, retreating. "I take it back!"

After I beat them at mini-golf we went to the arcade inside the local mall. Chris and I played 'Death Star' while Cory went off to play pinball. It didn't take long for me to realize that Chris had played this before, as he deftly out-maneuvered aliens and attacking space ships while I floundered along. Then he seemed to suddenly lose his skill, losing lives as fast as I was.

"You don't have to do that," I told him.

He looked at me with a guilty smile as he realized he had been caught doing the same thing I had done while playing golf. I put my arm around him in a hug, and we both laughed. He then proceeded to get a bazillion points to my several thousand. I didn't mind in the least, though.

When we were all out of quarters Cory suggested we go check out the sporting-goods store. As we walked through the mall I felt a small hand smoothly slip into my own, and I looked down to my left to see Chris smiling at me. As Cory took my other hand I was filled with a warm fondness for my young friends. Occasionally my eyes roamed over a boy passing the other way, but then I would feel a slight increase of pressure on my hands as the twins tightened their grips, as if to remind me they were there. We found the sports store and wandered around inside, checking out the latest hundred-dollar sneakers with air-pumps in the heels, basketballs and baseball mitts, until I found myself looking at the boys' section of speedo swim-suits, so provocative looking, and wondered to myself what Cory and Chris would look like wearing them.

Cory came up beside me, looking first at the display rack and then at me. "You don't like our swim-suits, do you," he stated, looking up at me.

"Well, like I told you, I think they're kind of old-fashioned." I wasn't sure what he would think if I suggested one of these, but then he suggested it for me.

"Do you think I'd look good in a speedo?" he asked, absently looking through the small, nylon bikinis as Chris joined us.

"Whatcha doin'?" he asked Cory.

"Looking at swim-suits," said his brother. He picked a minuscule scrap of cloth from the rack – bright red with a black racing stripe – and held it in front of his crotch. He eyed me suggestively. "Could I try this on?"

As my heartbeat increased Chris said he wanted to try one on too, but he wanted me to pick it out for him. I shakily looked through the display and pulled out a black one with a red stripe. "How's this?" I asked hesitantly.

He grinned and took it from me as they both headed to the dressing room. I was actually trembling in anticipation, knowing without a doubt how good they would look in them. If a good-looking boy had to where something when swimming, it should – by law – be a speedo.

I heard giggling behind the door and when it finally opened I felt my eyes widen and my blood-pressure rise. They had taken off all their clothes and were wearing only the small bikinis as they stood watching my reaction with wide grins.

"Well, what do you think?" demanded Cory, cocking his scantily clad hip to the side and striking a pose as Chris placed his hands behind his head, doing the same. God, they were gorgeous.

My eyes were glued to their small cocks, so perfectly outlined beneath the tight nylon; tiny balls also discernible. The bikinis fit perfectly, riding well below their hip-bones in front and barely covering their small, perky butts in the rear. I don't think I've ever seen so much smooth, naked boy-skin exposed in public before. I could see they would have to work on their tans though. Quite a bit more skin was revealed than with their shorts, leaving the area around their groins a ghostly pale.

I felt myself getting an erection as I admired their slim, almost-nude, nine-year-old bodies, and was astounded to see Cory's little penis imitating mine until it jutted out from his body beneath the brief swim-suit. He blushed shyly and covered himself with one hand.

Chris eyed Cory's condition and then looked at the tightly stretched crotch of my jeans. "You like them a lot, don't you Tom," he said confidently.

I tore my eyes from Cory's concealed young member. "I think you both look incredibly sexy," I blurted. I hoped they wouldn't mind if I thought they were beautiful. Chris was obviously aware of the effect they had on me, and I was sure Cory did, too.

"Then you'll buy 'em for us?" asked his brother. Just then a store clerk came by and noticed the two bikini-clad boys in the dressing room.

"Sir," he said, rather rudely I thought, "I'm afraid store policy requires bathing-suits to be tried-on over underwear. You'll have to pay for those even if they don't fit."

The twins looked at me guiltily, as if they had known this. "We were going to buy them anyway," I said, dismissing the clerk. "You guys put your clothes back on." I smiled at them. "Last one to the pool is a smelly fart!"

When we got back home we wolfed down sandwiches for lunch and I snipped the tags off their new bikinis before we all changed. When the boys emerged from the bathroom I was again impressed with their well- proportioned young bodies. They looked adorably sexy in the tiny briefs.

Once we were all in the pool my hands seemed to have a will of their own as they sometimes brushed over the little bulges in the twins' speedos, and roaming all over their slippery skins as we played. We all decided to take a break after a while, and each of us grabbed a lounge chair on the side of the pool, letting the hot afternoon sun dry us off. The boys were lying flat on their backs on either side of me, but I kept my chair slightly raised so my eyes could roam the same way my hands had done.

I saw Jeremy arrive, and he walked over when he noticed us. Normally I would have gazed at this beautiful specimen of boyhood, but just then Chris put his arms behind his head, using them for an improvised pillow and stretching himself out in the process. Jeremy was talking but I hardly heard him as my eyes wandered over Chris's semi-nude body. I enjoyed just watching him breath: each intake of air expanded his thin chest, stretching him out further and making his ribs and slender hips more prominent.

I mumbled something in reply to Jeremy, who astutely noticed that I wasn't paying attention to him and wandered off. Chris looked at me out of the corner of his eye, and I could have sworn he looked rather smug, as if he had beaten the competition.

We spent the rest of the afternoon there, occasionally jumping in the pool to cool off, until their mother finally came home from work. She walked over when the boys called to her, still wearing her white nurses' uniform, and they proudly showed off their new swim-suits. My thoughts raced as I realized that in the heat of their purchase I had failed to consider her reaction to the revealing briefs, or my explanation for buying them.

"My, don't you two look sexy?" she smiled indulgently, echoing my own comment as she looked at her scantily clad sons. I lowered my head nervously as her eyes shifted to me. "You really shouldn't have gone to the expense, Tom," she said. "Summer's almost over."

The boys were looking at me with amused expressions, waiting to hear my explanation. "Well 3;" I coughed, not sure what to say.

"We told him we needed new ones," Chris piped up, coming to my rescue. I had thought of saying that myself, but it wasn't really true and I didn't want to get the twins in trouble. Our eyes met and I silently thanked him. I thought I heard 'You're welcome', but his lips hadn't moved.

Susan looked at him doubtfully, not quite believing it. "There wasn't anything wrong with your old ones," she said. "They still fit." She turned back to me. "Don't give in to them so easily, Tom," she scolded. "You'll spoil them. They do look cute though, don't they?" she added suggestively.

I shrugged and smiled helplessly back, still not sure how to answer. She laughed and gathered up the boys' towels, leading them home for dinner. I watched as they trotted along behind her, admiring their saucy, barely-covered little bottoms. Cory turned to wave goodbye, his face lit up with a warm smile. I was honest enough with myself to admit that I had fallen completely in love with the two of them. It was more than a sexual attraction, though that was certainly part of it. I wanted to make them smile and laugh, teach them what I knew of life and guide them toward adulthood, give them presents so they would know I cared for them, protect them from harm, hug them, and kiss them. Making Cory and Chris happy made me feel happy, too. If you put aside our difference in ages, was the love I felt for them any different than that felt between adults? Love is love, regardless of the age or sex of the people involved. As long as it's mutual, why should anyone care?

As I walked home I wondered if it was mutual. The twins had shown there fondness for me by holding my hands – the simplest form of affection – as we walked through the mall. They seemed to flaunt their boyishly sensual bodies within easy reach, almost daring me to touch them, as if they knew I found them immensely attractive. Aside from a short fling with a young cousin many years ago however, I had no experience in dealing with a young boy's affection – other than in the realm of fantasy – and I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't sure what Cory and Chris wanted, or if I dared to provide it 3;

Chapter 4

After taking a shower and eating dinner, I changed into a pair of sweat-pants and went to work on my book. My publisher had been nagging me about it, so I figured I better try and finish it. Right around sunset the twins brightened my evening by putting in an appearance.

"You busy?" Cory asked from the open door, seeing me at the computer. His mirror-image stood beside him, both of them shoeless and wearing only their favorite gym-shorts. I wondered if they ran about half-naked all the time, or only when they were around me. I dreaded the coming of winter, when they would be forced to cover up.

"No, I'm not doing anything that can't wait a while longer," I told him. "I'd rather you came in than let all the cold air out." I eyed the open door.

"Oops, sorry!" He pushed his brother inside and quickly shut the door. "Mom yells at us all the time for the same thing."

"I wasn't yelling," I said as they came over. "I was merely voicing an opinion." I noticed their hair was damp; they must have just taken a bath. Together, I wondered?

"Mom's watchin' some dumb movie," said Chris, "so we came over here."

"You guys want to play that game we started, I suppose?"

"I was hoping you'd say that." Cory grinned and eyed the computer.

I grabbed him in a hug and tickled his hips, but instead of laughing he winced in pain, his breath hissing between clenched teeth. "What's the matter?" I asked worrisomely, quickly letting him go.

"We got sunburned," Chris explained. He pulled down his shorts a little and showed me a band of bright pink flesh running around his lower back and belly. Cory lifted the hem of his shorts to display a similar sunburned strip on his upper legs. I also noticed they weren't wearing any underpants, getting a quick glimpse of Cory's jewels.

"I should have given you guys some sun-tan lotion today," I said, feeling guilty about letting the sun shine mercilessly on tender skin that had never seen the light of day before. "You're new swim-suits don't cover as much as the old ones did. Have you put any sunburn cream on?"

They both shook their heads no, so I headed for my medicine cabinet, intent on easing their discomfort. "Here," I said, handing Chris the small bottle of lotion. "Put some of this on." He reached for it, then hesitated. "Would you put it on for me?" he asked shyly, looking like a helpless little waif.

"Sure, if you want." I tried to keep my voice calm as I opened the plastic bottle. "Pull down your shorts a little."

Cory eyed the situation critically as Chris lowered his shorts a few inches. "It'd prob'ly be easier if he laid down on the couch," he suggested. I queried Chris with a look and he shrugged back, so I walked over to the couch. "Sit down and Chris can lay across your lap," Cory told me, trying to be helpful.

Following his instructions, I sat down and Chris climbed over me, stretching himself across my lap and placing his belly on my legs. I watched his thinly covered bottom squirm as he made himself comfortable, resting his head on his arms. Cory watched as I lifted the waistband of his brother's shorts, about to squirt some lotion on the sunburned skin.

"Hang on a sec," he grinned mischievously, his eyes lit with inspiration. He grabbed the waistband from me and jerked it down, exposing Chris's perky little butt.

"HEY!" Chris objected, yelling at his twin. He twisted his head around to see what Cory was doing.

What Cory was doing was trying to pull off his brother's shorts, but they were caught underneath the boy's hips. "Help me out," he laughed, looking at me. Who was I to argue? I put a hand under each side of a protesting Chris and lifted. Cory quickly de-pantsed his brother, pulling the shorts completely off and leaving me with a naked nine-year-old lying across my lap.

"Two against one!" Chris complained. "No fair!" Cory taunted him by dangling the shorts in front of his face, just out of reach. "C'mon Cor, give 'em back!"

"Tell you what," Cory bargained. "You can pull off mine when it's my turn."

Chris considered this, and decided it was fair. "Promise?" he asked, just to seal the deal.

"Double-promise," said Cory firmly, holding out the pinky of his right hand. Chris reached out and linked his little finger with Cory's, in some kind of twinly ritual.

Satisfied, Chris relaxed again, giving me my cue that I could proceed with the ministrations. I shakily squeezed out a small dab of lotion on my fingertips, gazing at the pale, rounded posterior of my young friend. There was a two-inch [5cm] strip of pink skin running around his waist, just above his crack, and likewise around the tops of his legs, just below his little bum, leaving a triangular patch of pale skin between. I gently touched the lotion to the inflamed skin on his lower back.

"Ooooh, that's cold!" Chris squealed. I softly rubbed the cream into his skin, watching his little bottom flex and twitch as he squirmed against me. All of this activity in my lap gave me an erection, and occasionally the boy's hip rocked against it, making me even harder.

"Feel better?" I asked him, putting some lotion on the backs of his legs, rubbing just the edges of his soft buttocks.

"Uh-huh," Chris sighed, spreading his legs apart slightly as I stroked down between them. My fingertips touched his little boy-sack, and he jerked his legs back together, giggling "That tickles!"

Cory had been watching silently, but now he sank to his knees on the floor beside us, dropping his brother's shorts. "Put some on his back," he told me softly.

I obliged, squirting a thin stream of lotion from Chris's neck down to his butt, the coldness of it making his back and shoulder muscles ripple beneath his soft skin. Cory tenderly massaged the cream into his brother's back, smiling fondly at him. He obviously cared deeply for his 'baby brother', and I felt an emotional lump in my throat watching him.

Playfully, I sprinkled some lotion on Chris's bottom, gently stroking his baby-soft globes. "Hey," Chris laughed, "my butt isn't burnt!"

"Ooops, I guess you're right. I know a way to make it look burned, though." So saying, I slapped his bare behind; soft enough so that it wouldn't hurt, but hard enough to make him yell and jump in surprise. Cory laughed wickedly. "Yeah, spank him!" he enthused, brotherly-love forgotten. With his approval, I smacked his brother's rear-end again.

"OWWW! HEY!" Chris yelled in distress, realizing his twin had turned traitor. "I'll tell Tom to spank you when it's your turn!" he threatened.

That wiped the grin off his face. He looked at me worrisomely. "You wouldn't, would you?"

"Of course I would," I teased. "This is fun!" I swatted the bouncing butt again for emphasis, and gave it a little pinch for good measure, watching the two halves clench tightly together as Chris squealed again. I was enjoying myself immensely.

"Maybe that's enough," said Cory diplomatically. "I don't want him to get even."

"Well, okay," I relented. "If you insist." I laughed as Chris turned his head to scowl darkly at both of us. "I'm sorry Chris," I told him, "but I just couldn't resist." What boy-lover could?

"Hmmph!" he grunted, his pride wounded more than his posterior. Not wanting him to be angry, I tickled his sides. He squirmed and tried to hold in his giggles, but they soon burst out.

"Forgive me?" I asked, digging into his armpits and causing another fit of wiggles and laughter from the naked boy.

"Okay, okay," he shouted. "I forgive you! Stop tickling me! You're driving me nuts!"

"Alright then," I smiled. "I just didn't want you to hold a grudge." I stroked his bare back and he smiled over his shoulder at me, letting me know that he was having fun too. I looked at his brother. "Your turn?" I asked.

"But you didn't do his front," Cory pointed out.

Nobody said anything as we realized Chris would have to roll over on his back for this. "It's okay, Chris," Cory said, sensing his brother's reluctance and trying to reassure him. "We're all boys."

"Are you gonna let him do your front?" he wanted to know first.

"Sure," said Cory, shrugging. "I'm sunburned there, too."

"Okay then." He lifted himself off my lap and slowly turned over, placing his hands modestly between his legs before laying back down.

Cory gently tried pulling his brother's hands away, but Chris resisted. "It's okay," he said again, trying more firmly. This time, Chris reluctantly allowed his twin to remove his hands, placing them behind his head and arching his back across my legs. I swallowed hard as my eyes wandered over the naked nine-year-old's body, his tender little genitals exposed for all to see. His small, circumcised penis was laying limply to one side, and his tiny balls hung loosely in their satiny scrotum.

"You're a beautiful boy," I told him quietly.

He blushed prettily and then he smiled, letting me know he liked the compliment. Cory handed me the bottle of lotion, reminding me of my task. The sunburn continued here in the front, making a pale, triangular outline around his hairless groin, with a one-inch [2½cm] strip running around his hips. I put some lotion on my fingers and gently stroked the pink band of skin on his belly, making his stomach jump as the soothing cream did it's work. I widened my massage, caressing the boy's entire tummy, going briefly south to nudge his little member to the other side and making him giggle in surprise. My own member was throbbing mightily, but it's relief would have to wait.

I continued downward, putting more lotion on his legs. I winced in sympathy as I saw the burn going around his tender thighs, just short of his crotch. Gently I spread his legs, rubbing their innermost parts, occasionally brushing the edge of his scrotum and making his legs tremble, while my other hand continued stroking his bare belly.

All of this stimulating attention had the desired effect: Chris's little penis started to magically grow before my eyes. I continued my efforts, daring to tickle his balls and making him squirm. I watched, enthralled, as his tiny pecker came slowly to attention until it was sticking up in the air like a miniature missile-launcher, but I didn't think his immature testes were making any 'ammunition' yet. It was adorably sexy: maybe two-and-a-half inches [6½cm] long, the tiny piss-slit topping a somewhat bell-shaped, pale-lavender head as it poked up unashamedly from his belly like an extra little thumb.

Embarrassed at his erection, Chris made a move to cover himself, but Cory stopped him. "Mine's stiff, too," he told his brother, drawing our attention to the bulge under his shorts.

"So's mine," I said, smiling as they curiously looked at the crotch of my sweat-pants, my hard-on obvious. They were so calm and relaxed that I didn't mind admitting it.

Cory impulsively reached out and squeezed my dick through the fabric, startling the crap out of me. "It's big," he giggled, his brown eyes wide. He softly petted his brother's boner, and Chris took it so calmly that I imagined it had been touched this way before. "His is just a little one," he said, playing with it thoughtfully.

"Your's isn't any bigger!" Chris declared, insulted. He knocked Cory's hand away and sat up in my lap, putting his arms around my neck and surprising me by kissing my cheek. "Thanks Tom," he smiled. "My sunburn feels better now."

I hugged the naked boy to my chest, but unfortunately I didn't get to enjoy it very long because Cory yelled, "My turn!" jumping up and hooking his thumbs in his shorts, about to pull them down.

"Hey, you promised!" Chris pouted, feeling cheated.

Cory rolled his eyes comically and held his arms out away from his body. Chris laughed delightedly at the chance to strip his twin, thereby evening the score. He climbed off my lap and got down on his knees behind Cory, grabbing the bottom of the shorts and yanking them down. Unfortunately for Cory, his little dick was still poking in the opposite direction – a perfect clothes hanger – and I cringed as the waistband caught and jerked his hard-on in a direction it didn't want to go. His upper-body jack-knifed forward as he yelled out in pain, quickly unhooking himself and dropping his shorts to the floor.

"JESUS!" he swore, his eyes watering in agony as he fingered his abused member, which – too late – was quickly wilting. "You could have broken it off!" he shouted at his twin.

"I'm sorry," Chris apologized meekly. He moved his brother's hand away to make sure it was alright, and I watched – amazed, and more than a little jealous – as he knelt forward to kiss it, planting a smooch right where it joined Cory's body. "Better?" he asked hopefully.

Cory looked pointedly at me, as if reminding his brother that I was there. Chris turned, biting his lip worrisomely, realizing I was now aware that their love for each other went beyond mere affection into the realm of intimacy. I smiled reassuringly at the two naked sprites, the one kneeling before the other, letting them know their secret was undoubtedly safe with me. "You okay?" I asked Cory, looking at the tiny penis now hanging limply between his legs.

He gave his brother a withering look. "Yeah, I'm okay, I guess." He was rubbing his sunburned waist; apparently the quick descent of his waistband had also scraped against his sensitive skin.

"Come here and I'll put some lotion on that," I suggested, eager for a repeat performance. Smiling impishly, he promptly laid down on his back across my legs, placing his hands behind his head as Chris had done, but raising his knees slightly and spreading his legs wide, giving me a heart-stopping view of his tender crotch. Obviously, he was the less-inhibited of the two.

"Am I beautiful, too?" he demanded, as my eyes wandered over his nude, slender frame. The question had no meaning, really. Physically, what one was, so was the other, right down to their sunburns. He just wanted the compliment.

I nodded my head shakily, not sure how much more of this I could stand. My dick was aching for release. "Very beautiful," I told him, as I repeated the creamy ministrations on his soft, young flesh. His boy-part came back to life as I rubbed around it, standing up just as Chris's had done, identical almost down to the tiny blood-vessels faintly visible beneath the tight skin. Sensing that he wouldn't mind, I placed my hand over it, covering it completely as my fingers fondled his tiny balls, his dick pressing warm and snug against my palm. I was rewarded with a soft, barely audible moan, as Cory slightly raised his hips, increasing the pressure against my hand.

Chris crawled over and held out his hand for some lotion, so I squeezed some out for him. I watched him massage the cream into his brother's chest, seeming to pay close attention to Cory's nipples. "He likes havin' his titties rubbed," he told me, as he fingered the tiny tips, the stimulation causing them to poke out slightly from the boy's chest. I felt Cory's body stiffen, his little erection pushing insistently against my hand. I started stroking it, running my palm over the tight, dry skin, feeling Cory press himself harder into my hand. I could feel the small organ pulse each time I stroked down it's short length, as Cory started rocking his hips slightly to increase the sensation. He seemed quite familiar with the motions required, I noticed.

Chris was still playing with his brother's tiny titties, and with my free hand I began rubbing down into Cory's crack, squeezing his soft, pliant butt muscles, my thumb gently rolling his balls around. Cory moaned loudly, his breath increasing as he squirmed on my lap. His eyes were closed tightly, his face slightly grimacing as his erection strained against me, moving faster now as he quickly approached a climax. Grunting with the effort, he pushed his penis up hard into my stroking palm, and immediately he began emitting boyish squeals of bliss, his little love-muscle throbbing beneath my fingers. Watching and feeling the quivering, orgasmic little boy was too much for me: I felt my sperm rise, spurting into my pants as I quietly moaned in relief. Chris seemed to be trembling a little also, but I couldn't be sure.

His orgasm quickly over, Cory's body sank limply back down, his breath slowly returning to normal. I looked at my palm: completely dry, as I'd suspected. That was the only difference between our climaxes though. I continued stroking the little thing, and it remained as stiff as ever, quite willing and able for another go. Cory sighed happily, opening his eyes to look at me. "You came, too, didn't you," he breathed softly. Both boys stared at the wet spot in my crotch.

"Yes, I did," I confessed, smiling at them. Surprisingly, I wasn't embarrassed to admit it. They seemed quite familiar with the workings of male anatomy.

"Can we see it?" Chris asked shyly, his eyes curious. Cory rolled off my lap, so I could show them. Put at ease by their calmness, I stood up and lowered my sweat-pants, showing them my now limp penis and the wet puddle in my shorts. Cory reached out a small hand, and took a sample.

"I've never seen sperm, before," he said, thoughtfully rubbing it between his fingers.

"Hey," Chris complained, "how come you didn't give me an orgasm when it was my turn?" His sense of fairness had once again been violated.

I shrugged, but Cory said, sounding superior, "It's 'cause I'm older, baby brother," as if this entitled him to special treatment. He stuck his tongue out at his twin, and I had to laugh.

"Only five minutes," Chris reminded him, glaring. "And if you call me 'baby brother' again I'll hafta' hurt you."

Naturally, Cory said it again. Chris jumped on him, and they began wrestling on my living-room carpet. They were both giggling between grunts, so I knew they weren't really serious about it. I stepped over the two naked wrestlers and went into the kitchen to clean myself off. When I returned, Cory had his brother's arms pinned to the floor under his knees, his still-erect little penis poking in Chris's face. "You know the rules," he grinned. "Kiss it!" If those were the rules I would willingly lose every time.

Chris tried to look disgusted, but an almost eager grin broke out as he raised his head, planting a kiss on his brother's boner. He didn't seem to mind losing, either. Cory got off of him and they both stood up, their faces flushed from their boyish exertions. Chris looked at the clock on the wall and frowned, "Mom's movie's over. We better get back home."

"Tom didn't put any lotion on my back yet," Cory protested. I sat down and pulled the naked boy between my knees, holding him still with a hand on his bare belly as I lovingly applied the cream to his back- side. I pinched his little butt when I was finished, making him yelp and thrust his hips forward.

"You didn't spank him," Chris said, disappointed. Cory quickly jumped out of reach, afraid I might decide to make his brother happy.

"We'll get him next time," I promised Chris, winking at him. Chris nodded eagerly, and Cory scowled at him for wanting to get even.

They gathered up their shorts, pulling them up their slender legs, and I was relieved to see Cory's dick was once again limp. I didn't think it wise to send him back to his mother with a hard-on poking up beneath his shorts. "We didn't get to play the computer game," he said, remembering why they had come over in the first place.

"It'll still be here tomorrow," I told him. Actually, I hoped we'd be distracted again.

Chris came over and gave me hug, kissing my cheek again as I hugged him back. His freely-given, boyish-affection filled me with love. Not wanting to be one-upped, Cory did the same.

"Oh," said Cory, remembering something. "Mom said to tell you she isn't going to work 'till later in the morning."

"Okay," I said, giving him one final squeeze before reluctantly letting him go. "Just be sure and come over when she leaves so I'll know it's my turn to watch you."

"Okay, Tom," he smiled as they headed for the door. "Good night!"

"Good night Tom," Chris echoed. "Oh, and thanks!" he added.

I said good night to my young friends, almost adding 'I love you' on the end, but the door closed behind them before it came out. With a contented sigh, I sat down by my computer again, wondering what adventures tomorrow would bring.