P ueros- Z elamir A rchive



Tamerlane's Boys

Table of Contents

1 - Caucasians
2 - Retributions
The young Georgian eunuch finds a friend and witnesses at first hand another of the terrible retributions inflicted by Tamerlane on those that displease him
3 - Tears
Vissarion and Arman face decapitation
4 - Mongols
Vissarion returns home
5 - Pursuits
Vissarion and Arman face up to the unpleasantaries that the Mongol leader has in mind for them
6 - Moscow
Vissarion and Arman enjoy some kind hospitality whereas a certain 10 years old resents that afforded to him
7 - Redress
Vissarion, Arman and Nicolai experience a few very unpleasant days
8 - Trees
Vissarion and Arman are about to meet an old acquaintance
9 - Scars
Vissarion and Arman discover the Mongols' plans for them
10 - Samarkand
Vissarion, Arman and Nicolai go with Tamerlane to one of the marvels of the ancient world
11 - Jealousies
Tamerlane learns one of life's lessons - never displease your wives!
12 - Persians
Vissarion, Arman and Nicolai undertake an unfortunate excursion
13 - Bloodshed
Tamerlane and his boys face the consequences of enforced separation
14 - Traitors
Tamerlane's boys are poised to suffer at the hands of the Persian warlord, Reza, for resisting submission to his authority. Meanwhile, traitors plot!
15 - Manhood
Tamerlane sadly loses one of his boys
16 - Emotions
Disaster befalls one of Tamerlane's boys
17 - Wisdoms
Miracles do sometimes happen!
18 - Thanksgivings
Nicolai becomes the centre of an intrigue plotted by Tamerlane's most able adversary
19 - Toqtamish
Tamerlane and a couple of his boys are ensnared by the cruel leader of the Mongol Golden Horde, Toqtamish
20 - Habits
Arman and Teimuraz encounter some nasty habits
21 - Proverbs
Arman feels the abbot's razor-sharp blade touch the first of the spermatic cords that attach the young Armenian's doomed balls to his beautiful 16 years old body
22 - Squires
Teimuraz learns some new duties
23 - Zoroastrians
Vissarion somehow manages to put himself in peril again, whilst Arman visits another religious community and the young Armenian's new squire meets sinister strangers
24 - Beliefs
Vissarion and Teimuraz are both apparently about to suffer appallingly
25 - Recruits
Whilst Vissarion and Teimuraz are saved from nasty fates, disaster befalls another boy
26 - Battles
27 - Ambassadors
Ambassadors now feature rather importantly in the continuing saga about Tamerlane and his boys!
28 - Capitals
This chapter visits some of the major capitals of the Medieval world
29 - Sons
There are just a few more chapters of this saga to go. In this one, two of Tamerlane's sons plot the downfall of their father's boys
30 - Revolutions
Some revolutions are encountered
31 - Janissaries
Interesting incidents take place in the Janissary school barracks and elsewhere
32 - Princes
This chapter reveals a little more about the lives of some of the Princes and other characters in Tamerlane's world
33 - Kurds
Rezan and Teimiraz are about to suffer cruelly on the evil orders of the ruler of Baghdad!
34 - Pilgrimages
As this saga gradually approaches its conclusion, the number of principal young characters, all of whose fates will be inter-linked, broadens somewhat
35 - Saints
Boys in general might not be saints but occasionally they need saintly assistance to rescue them from the perilous scrapes they sometimes fall into!
36 - Surprises
Surprises are encountered by various people
37 - Delhi
Disaster befalls Delhi
38 - Damascus
Yet another city, this time Damascus, experiences the wrath of the dreaded Tamerlane. However, more personally important for certain boys, certain other events take place in the vicinity of the Syrian capital that will affect their lives forever
39 - Ankara
Haluk falls into the evil and vengeful hands of the Sultan of Baghdad, Ahmad Jalayir, whilst later Mehmet, Vladimir, Kiril and Zoran fatefully encounter Tamerlane and his boys. This episode also briefly introduces someone who, with a few of this tale's more established characters, will sometime feature in a short sequel
40 - Legacies (part one)
40 - Legacies (part two)