Tamerlane's Boys
Chapters 24-26
Chapter 24 Beliefs
Vissarion and Teimuraz are both apparently about to suffer appallingly.
(Silk Road, east of Yadz, Persia, September 1393)
Teimuraz had spent only a little time with Arman, whilst his young Armenian master studied Zoroastrianism. The boy was not only disinterested in learning about the ancient belief but also content that his young master was being well looked after by his fellow 10 years old, Rashu, leaving him blissfully free to indulge in more agreeable alternative activities.
Teimuraz had been happy to leave Arman in Rashu's capable hands because he appreciated that his fellow 10 years old was not only highly competent but also very pleasant, both in terms of character and physique. The young squire knew that his young master would both rejoice in such fresh charming company and benefit, because the young Zoroastrian could answer the questions of belief about his faith that the young Muslim Armenian would undoubtedly want to ask.
Teimuraz was not possessively jealous about Arman's attentions. After all, the young squire already had to share them with Vissarion, Nicolai, Rezan and Sibur. The latter cavalry officer had remained in Shiraz, whilst his young lover journeyed to Yadz, because he was now Tamerlane's prime bodyguard. His protective duties were currently required more than ever because of the potential for assassins to be despatched from any restless Persian city, let alone the one that was the subject of the conqueror's present attentions.
As Teimuraz felt the cold steel of the knife belonging to the chief Chinese merchant press against the base of his endangered and painfully stretched and squeezed scrotum, he had no time to regret the delegation of duties to Rashu. The boy's terrified mind instead focused on the beliefs of the Zoroastrians because his desperate befuddled mental processes had made him, for some unknown reason, pray to their God for salvation from his imminent nullification.
Teimuraz could not later be sure whether his thoughts, as he awaited his emasculation, were as a consequence of what he had somehow subconsciously learnt, when he had been with Arman in Yadz, or whether some sacred omnipotence had placed them there. However, the 10 years old always leaned towards the idea that he had truly picked up the liturgical data via divine inspiration. Nevertheless, regardless of the reason, the boy was subsequently able to recall that, over what must only have been an instant in time, the whole theology of Zoroastrian belief flashed through his mind, whilst the Chinese trader steadied himself to perpetrate the act of nullification.
Teimuraz somehow knew that he had prayed to the single supreme God, Ahura Mazda, whilst the man who was about to emasculate him was an earthly representative of the evil spirit of violence and death, Angra Mainyu. The cosmic ethical conflict between these good and bad deities involves the entire universe, including humanity, whose individual consciousness is required to choose whom to follow. Evil, and its associated spirit, will only be completely destroyed at the end of time when spiritual dualism will come to an end and only goodness will reign.
In the interim, after someone's death, the soul, or 'urvan', is allowed three days to meditate on the past life, before being judged by a divine troika comprising Mithra, Sraosha and Rashnu. If the good thoughts, words and deeds of the deceased outweigh the bad, then the soul is taken into heaven. Otherwise, hell is the destination. Meanwhile, the universe will go through three eras, namely creation, the present world, where good and evil are mixed and people's good works are seen as gradually transforming the world towards its heavenly ideal, and a final state after when righteousness and wickedness will be separated. Eventually, a saviour, or 'Saoshyant', will be born of a virgin, but of the lineage of the Prophet Zoroaster, who will raise the dead and adjudicate on everyone in a final judgment so that all can be purified, with even the occupants of purgatory being released from their torment.
Teimuraz's tremulous feverish mind was, in the circumstances, peculiarly considering this last theological promise of ultimate salvation when his sensuous tearful eyes glanced at the man who would nullify him. Despite his acute anguish, the boy was beginning to wonder why the Chinese merchant had not yet fulfilled his awful deed.
Teimuraz noticed that the still smirking man was returning the boy's stare, but with a strange look in his eyes, as if he too was experiencing some mystic revelation. However, the 10 years old also surmised, with appropriate acute apprehension, that the Chinese merchant could surely not delay completing his evil task for much longer.
It was then that Teimuraz saw the man's eyes glaze over, as if in ecstasy. The boy now began to wonder whether the Chinese merchant was going to enjoy orgasmic ejaculation whilst he severed the 10 years old's genitalia.
Teimuraz's thought was, however, quickly disillusioned when the man's hand and knife slipped harmlessly off the boy's endangered sexual organs. The body of the Chinese merchant then crashed sideways to the ground, which was already heavily stained red as a result of the earlier nullification at this spot of the young 11 years old Persian. The sanguinity of the soil was now increased, as a result of the blood that flowed from the expertly delivered fatal arrow wound created in the middle of the Oriental trader's back.
The lives of the other watching Chinese merchants did not last much longer than that of their erstwhile leader, as a hail of arrows quickly sent them to the judgement of the divine troika comprising Mithra, Sraosha and Rashnu.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Vissarion used his wisdom to judge what his best course of action would now be, namely abject surrender or fierce resistance to inevitable rape by the three grubby middle-aged men now temporarily sharing his tiny dark dank cell. He chose the former but not out of cowardice. In fact, his choice was probably braver to select because at least the alternative would have helped him perhaps to salvage some of his inherent pride from the dreadful situation. However, the beautiful blonde blue-eyed young Georgian sagely appreciated that maintenance of a modicum of self-respect in such a place was inferior to retaining some clothes to fight off the pervading damp and chill. The diminutive young eunuch, 16 but looking two years younger, realised that otherwise his body might not subsequently endure the horrid environment for long.
Vissarion was determined to survive, at whatever cost, even that of his pride, because he had a belief, without any accompanying vanity because he truly possessed none, that he had an important contribution still to make to this world before he departed to wherever God had destined for him. The 16 years old's determination was boosted by not only a deep desire to see his dear friends again, amongst whom he included Tamerlane, but also because of another fervent unflinching belief.
The latter foretold that his beloved Arman would come sooner rather than later to his rescue. The young Georgian did not know how the young Armenian would achieve the feat but Vissarion somehow simply knew that his oldest and best friend would succeed.
For these reasons, Vissarion had elected to strip compliantly, not wanting the gaoler to carry through with the threat of depriving the young Georgian permanently of his clothes if he did not acquiesce quietly to being raped. Accordingly, having chosen abject surrender to sexual abuse, the 16 years old began to remove his once resplendent but now grimy and disheveled court clothes, much to the delight of the watching adults, who, in response, began to expose their universally obnoxious and erect circumcised cocks.
As Vissarion eventually removed his colourful silk trousers to stand before the lecherous trio dressed only in his spare underbriefs, of similar rich material, the sneering gaoler addressed the imminent victim of his libidinous attentions. "There's a good bumboy," the turnkey commented with clear derogatory intent, "you're obviously accustomed to providing your body for the pleasure of others. Well, let's see how good you really are. Strip completely and then get on your knees because you have some sucking to do to ready our dicks for your rear. Then, after we've sodomised you, you can clean our members before we give your throat some liquid reward for all your efforts!"
Vissarion's hands slipped into the sides of his sparse tight silk briefs, which already highlighted the full shape of his gelded genitalia, but some residual pride caused him to delay in carrying through with the next final shameful act of disrobing. This hesitation caused the gaoler to remark "Now, pretty bumboy, don't be so shy. We already know you're a eunuch and haven't any balls but we'd like to see and feel your dick and, of course, we'll soon want to give our full attentions to your bare buttocks!"
If such words were intended to spur Vissarion into completing his undressing, they were, of course, rather inappropriate, being somewhat demoralising to the recipient. However, the young Georgian appreciated that this was not the intent of the remarks, as he fully understood that the utterances were instead meant to degrade. Nevertheless, the 16 years old began to push his briefs downwards, his action not spurred by the gaoler's articulations but by the sudden desire to conclude the current appalling scene as quickly as possible.
Vissarion's briefs soon lay on top of the pile that represented his other discarded clothing, whilst his hands instinctively then went to shield his gelded groin from view. However, this manual genital protection only induced a further command from the smirking gaoler. "I've told you not to be so shy, pretty bumboy," the grubby man announced, "so put your hands at your sides so that we can all see what you've got between your legs, or should I say haven't got?" The last phrase created much hilarity amongst the adult trio, from the unbuttoned flies of whose dirty trousers three massive filthy throbbing erections had emerged, already drooling precum.
Vissarion reluctantly complied with the gaoler's instruction, an action that only intensified the trio's laughter and ribald commentary, as they made verbal observances about the young Georgian's amended genitalia. The 16 years old's perfect face, already blushing a little in shame, immediately turned a deeper scarlet hue.
After the gaoler and his friends eventually curtailed their mirth, the turnkey ordered Vissarion to his knees. The gorgeous completely smooth form of the young Georgian, already shivering slightly from the pervading damp chill and the awfulness of his situation, then began to quiver even more, once he had reluctantly obeyed.
These bodily reactions did not stem just from the additional cool, inflicted by the cold wet floor pressing against Vissarion's knees and lower legs, but were caused by the sight of the gaoler's wide cockhead, oozing a long thread of clear precum, now appearing before the young Georgian's sublime face. "Suck!" was the one word command then issued by the turnkey. Meanwhile, two other similarly obnoxious huge cut hairy penises appeared either side of the one eagerly demanding the 16 years old's initial oral attention.
(Silk Road, east of Yadz, Persia, same time)
"I'm sure that, in the circumstances, you can understand Arman's decision to return to Shiraz," Rashu suggested, as he and his fellow 10 years old, Teimuraz, sat close to the one of the campfires lit earlier by the now deceased Chinese merchants. "He thought," the young Zoroastrian advised, "that sadly you were dead and so believed that, instead of continuing a fruitless search for you, he had to try to rescue the friend he calls Vissarion."
"I can understand that," Teimuraz replied, "as I'd have done exactly the same in the circumstances. However, I don't understand why you, someone I hardly know, carried on the search with the cavalrymen he left behind." "Well, Rashu," responded, "by not finding your dead body, or indeed any sign of your horse, both Arman and I believed that there was a small possibility that somehow you might still be alive somewhere, although few survive the desert alone, without food and water, for long. I agreed to help his soldiers continue the search, as I know the area so well. I do think that it was both very thoughtful and brave of your master consequently to return to Shiraz on his own without any bodyguard. I'm sure there are many brigands who'd like to grab his person for ransom, given his well-known importance to Tamerlane." As the young Zoroastrain spoke these latter compliments, the similarly aged young Georgian squire recognised an unmistakable look in the boy's sensuous hazel eyes.
Teimuraz immediately appreciated that Arman had become a hero to someone else. The young squire also realised that it was obviously not an uncommon phenomenon, given the fact that the young Armenian already possessed numerous existing fans, ranging in age from 57 years old Tamerlane to 8 years old Yaroslav. The youth was clearly in the latter's heart because he had helped to rescue the youngster, as well as his older brother, Nicolai, from Toqtamish's clutches.
"Why did you eventually pursue the caravan of the Chinese merchants?" Teimuraz now enquired, still puzzled as to how he had been located, given that, in the ten days since his disappearance, he must have travelled a great distance from Yadz along the Silk Road. "Our inability," Rashu answered, "to find either your body or that of your horse. Fresh carcasses are usually easy to spot in the desert from the circling air or ground based scavengers of carrion. However, there remained no sign of you or your steed. I then began to speculate what could possibly have happened if you had disappeared for some other reason than a terrible fatal accident. Fortunately, I remembered the Oriental traders from when they passed through my city. At the slavemarket, run by Muslims not Zoroastrians I should add, they purchased more slaveboys to add to the sad naked collection I had already seen in their possession."
"I then put two and two together," Rashu proudly announced, "recognising that, if you were originally returning to Yadz along the Silk Road from the east, you undoubtedly would have encountered the Chinese on the way. Here, I have to commend the leader of Arman's cavalrymen, for he took the brave and energetic decision to have faith in my belief and put all his eggs in one basket by launching the expedition in pursuit of the caravan. I'm sure that many in his position would not have dared or bothered to act on my conjecture. However, our subsequent ability to overtake the traders before they could illicitly perpetrate the same sort of damage on you, as they were quite legally inflicting on their slaveboy purchases, was hampered by our delayed realisation, as to where you probably where, and consequent late departure from my city. We rode day and much of the night but were still very fortunate to arrive unnoticed this evening, just in time to save your boyhood!"
"I did suggest to the leader of Arman's cavalrymen," Rashu continued matter-of-factly, "that he might just want to secure your person peacefully from the Chinese. However, he told me, after noticing what the merchants were proposing to do to you, that not only did he not have time for such niceties but also that Tamerlane would insist on the deaths of the thieving traders, for stealing and trying to nullify one of his boy's young servants. In fact, he suggested that killing the merchants quickly with arrows was actually doing them a favour because he was sure that the conqueror would have had other, much more painful and lingering, methods in mind!"
Teimuraz's beautiful brown eyes felt drawn towards the campfire that was providing him and Rashu with warmth, much needed because desert nights were cold and despite the fact that he had been dressed in his original garb. The latter, presumably destined to be sold in some Chinese market, had been found in one of the deceased merchants' wagons, which, apart from the one accommodating newly nullified young eunuchs, otherwise contained much western non-human merchandise, bartered for spices and other precious Oriental goods.
Other nearby campfires were now surrounded by Arman's cavalrymen, celebrating their success in retrieving Teimuraz by consuming some of the unexpected booty that had accompanied their victory. However, although they ate and drank with relish, their prodigious consumption did not include enjoying any of the slaveboys who formed part of their plunder. All of the soldiers felt too sorry for the hurting damaged human pillage to want to satisfy any sexual needs in that way.
Instead, apart from those still recuperating from their dreadful ordeal in the recovery wagon, whose every need was attended to as far as possible, the men let the boys sit amongst them unmolested. The soldiers also shared their abundant fare with the youngsters, who were all now literally overdressed in the much-too-big gaudy silk bloodstained clothing formerly worn by their erstwhile Chinese owners. The cavalry would gain their ultimate financial reward for rescuing Teimuraz when their booty, including the young nullified slaves, was eventually sold.
Later, a very grateful Arman, at his young squire's request, saw to it that the boys went to a good master for a good price, because he in turn persuaded Tamerlane to buy the young eunuchs. They were all also then found good jobs, mainly attending some of the unused female harems that were housed in the conqueror's many palaces throughout his vast empire. The young Persian found himself serving in Tamerlane's capital, Samarkand, where he eventually became a rich and influential court official of the conqueror's immediate successor.
"Did you know," Rashu rhetorically asked of Teimuraz, whom he had noticed was seemingly transfixed by the campfire they shared, "that my people consider flames to be divine, symbolic of our God, Ahura Mazda?" The boys then embarked upon a lengthy conversation about Zoroastrian beliefs, with the young Christian Orthodox Georgian now displaying great interest in the subject.
Later, warmed by some of the bedding of the late Chinese merchants, whose naked dead bodies, dumped not far away, were currently the subject of much dispute amongst desert carnivores, Teimuraz encountered difficulty in sleeping, despite an overwhelming feeling of weariness. This inability was induced by a mixture of horrible memories, relating to the previous ten days, and elation at his timely rescue, which echoed that in the Spadonis Monastery in Armenia, and anticipated reunion soon with Arman and his friends. Accordingly, the young squire tossed and turned until he felt another young body join him amongst his bedcovers.
The highly considerate Rashu held Teimuraz gently and platonically and requested "May Ahura Mazda give you peace!" In seconds, the young Georgian squire was sleeping soundly and he would not wake until dawn.
"Thank you, Ahura Mazda," Rashu then quietly declared before he too, still holding Teimuraz, entered comforting slumber.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Vissarion was still sure about his belief that Arman would somehow eventually rescue him from his current awful plight. Nevertheless, this expectation was no longer at the forefront of his distressed mind because of his current degrading circumstance.
The naked Vissarion was now standing and leaning his palms against one of the cool damp stone walls of his cell, whilst presenting the rear of his nude body, partly bent with legs apart, so that his bumcrack was nicely positioned for imminent attack. The young Georgian's face was not as visually pleasant, as earlier in proceedings, because his visage not only sported some extraneous sperm running down his chin but also a red mark on his left cheek where he had been harshly slapped.
Vissarion, after somehow overcoming his natural desire to gag and vomit at the introduction of obnoxious cocks into his mouth, was only supposed to bring the penises of the three rapists to maximum size before presenting his anus to accept the resultant imminent penile product. However, his sucking and licking of the large, hirsute, filthy throbbing member of one of the gaoler's friends had brought the smelly man to premature climax.
Vissarion had been forced to swallow all of the man's resultant copious semen because the alternative would have been to drown, as the young Georgian's beautiful head was immovably held in place whilst the rapist enjoyed his early orgasm. However, the only reward the 16 years old secured for his successful efforts, after being released to gulp much needed air, was a facial slap and an admonition for inducing the precipitate emission.
Nevertheless, Vissarion, whilst moving to his new demeaning position, was sure that the unruly cock concerned would have enough energy and fortitude to be able soon to impregnate his rear orifice with as much enthusiasm as it had indulged in respect of the oral aperture. His certainty was increased by a glance behind that provided the unwelcome sight of the owner of the relevant penis masturbating his member back to speedy fulsomeness, whilst his friend, the gaoler, prepared to sodomise the young Georgian.
Vissarion soon felt the gaoler's wide cockhead begin to press against his sphincter, which had always remained pink and tight despite regular invasion over the years by Tamerlane and Arman. However, the latter duo had always entertained the young Georgian's rectum and prostrate with careful gentleness, wanting the pulchritudinous provider of their penile pleasure to gain as much personal entertainment from their acts of sodomy as they did. Unfortunately, the turnkey and his friends had no such ambition, only keen selfish licentiousness. Consequently, the 16 years old eunuch uttered a loud squeal as the first huge anal intruder, lubricated only by his own oral juices, was rammed fully inside him with no preliminaries or mercy, a reaction that only further energised his rapist's eager delight.
Vissarion's anguished groans continued to resound around his tiny prison as the gaoler brutally sought the deliverance of his seed deep inside the beautiful young Georgian's innards. However, the 16 years old's pained whines were almost drowned out by the laughter and commentary that accompanied the turnkey's vicious penile thrusts in and out of the eunuch's rectum, which filled virtually all of the crevice whenever the massive member advanced forwards.
Vissarion was fortunate in that the now panting gaoler's excitement and eagerness to enjoy the young Georgian's wonderful body for the first time was such that he could not delay climax. As a result, the 16 years old soon felt his rectum filling with warm creamy fluid. Nevertheless, the turnkey subsequently seemed to want to keep his gradually softening, finally temporarily placated, member inside the young eunuch before one of his friends instructed him, with clear desperate impatience, "Alright, withdraw from the whore. It's my turn now!" However, unfortunately for the man concerned, his wish was to be thwarted.
As the turnkey withdrew his cock from Vissarion, with as much brutality as he had entered, causing a loud pop to reverberate around the cell as a vacuum was overcome by air, the unlocked door of the tiny prison burst open. The gaoler turned to see who could possibly be making this unwarranted, unwanted and unexpected intrusion, as did his two companions, both masturbating their penises in acute anticipation of the pleasures to come.
The gaoler, own cock still exposed and dribbling residual cum, saw a very handsome youth, with long silky brown hair and similar coloured eyes, enter first. However, the apprehensive man had no immediate wish to appreciate the immense beauty of the young newcomer, because the latter was dressed worryingly in a warrior's uniform, which included a fur-rimmed metal-spiked hat, and carried an unsheathed curved sabre in his hand.
The gaoler's concern was compounded when the clean-shaven youth was followed into the cell by a fierce looking but immaculately dressed bearded older man.
"Who are you?" the fretting turnkey, perhaps understandably, enquired of the two unanticipated arrivals. It was the older personage who answered, having quickly taken in the debauched scene within the tiny prison.
"His name is Arman and mine is Tamerlane," the clearly furious man announced, "and it is my belief that you'll soon regret what you've just done to one of my boys!"
Chapter 25 Recruits
Whilst Vissarion and Teimuraz are saved from nasty fates, disaster befalls another boy.
(Shiraz, Persia, September 1393)
"So how did you gain access to Shiraz so easily?" an incredulous Vissarion asked of Arman, who was now without other company whilst attending to his best friend's recovery. The doctors, recruited urgently to check the young Georgian's welfare, had departed, having assured the dreaded conqueror that the 16 year-old was fine, apart from some bruising to his oral and anal cavities. This damage would heal with time, aided by the proficient herbal salve the young Armenian had recently intimately located in the latter orifice, after gently bathing his patient.
Vissarion was now redressed, and lying on the magnificent bed in the opulent palace quarters previously occupied by the now former ruler of Shiraz. Meanwhile, Tamerlane, assured as to his favourite catamite's welfare, had vengeful business to conduct elsewhere, from perpetrating certain of which his more merciful boys knew that it would be useless to attempt to dissuade the furious conqueror.
Arman, whilst sitting on the bed next to his resting best friend, who was 16 but looked 14, and whose silky golden locks he was gently stroking, smiled at the big sensuous blue eyes gazing back at him. The young Armenian then began to relate the background to Vissarion's rescue.
(Yadz, Persia, same time)
News about Tamerlane's taking of the city of Shiraz had not yet reached Yadz, far to the northeast, where Rashu was watching the arrival of another Chinese caravan in his city. The young Zoroastrian had just reluctantly said farewell to his fellow 10 years old, Teimuraz.
Teimuraz, despite the very pleasant local company and the fact that he had not had time to recover fully from his recent ordeal, had left Yadz. The dutiful boy had wanted to return immediately to Shiraz and, more importantly, Arman, accompanied by the cavalry escort kindly left behind by his young master to assist Rashu to continue the search for him.
The sight of Chinese caravans, passing through Yadz on their trading journeys along the mighty Silk Road, to and from their distant homeland, was not uncommon. However, the beautiful Rashu suffered a worrying feeling of foreboding regarding this latest arrival, which, like the one that had abducted Teimuraz, counted a number of attractive young slaveboys amongst the goods purchased and being taken to the far east.
Rashu was sad at the thought that all of the boys would undoubtedly soon be converted into nullified eunuchs for the Chinese market, where such goods from the west were greatly prized. However, the young Zoroastrian somehow did not believe that this consideration was the root cause of his distinct unease.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Tamerlane, standing near to a platform in Shiraz's main central square, was supervising the initial stages of the very slow deaths to be suffered by Vissarion's three gaol abusers. Alongside this currently exceedingly anguished trio was a fourth man, sentenced to experience a similar terrible fate. However, this condemned miscreant was not a citizen of the city but had formerly been one of the conqueror's senior generals, whose final merciful demise would not arrive for another week.
Qazagh, furious at Vissarion's accepted counsel to try to secure the surrender of Shiraz without a fight, which promised to deprive him of the lucrative spoils to be gained by looting, had despatched his own secret emissary to the city in advance of the young Georgian's embassy. One of the principal reasons for the general's previous rise, in the hierarchy of Tamerlane's vast mobile army, had been his proficient use of local spies. This practice had not only enabled him to provide his master with useful campaign information, which had brought his advancement, but also secured other private data that had led to furtively acquired rich plunder, invariably not shared with others.
Qazagh had regularly tampered with the intelligence that he passed onto Tamerlane, whenever it suited his greed. However, this avariciousness had eventually caused the general's downfall.
The man, whom Qazagh had despatched to Shiraz, was a local merchant, well-known in the area and therefore someone to whom the gates of the city, not yet surrounded or besieged by Tamerlane's army, would be opened. The trader was also of sufficient importance to have his request for an immediate audience with the local prince granted, not least because the ruler also knew him as a provider, in return for a monetary consideration, of useful information.
The merchant had been commissioned by Qazagh, in return for an eventual slice of the booty gained from the violent sacking of Shiraz, to tell the city's prince that he had learnt that Vissarion's mission of peace was false. The trader had untruthfully suggested that, if the young Georgian managed to persuade the ruler to open the gates of his metropolis, then Tamerlane would let his army destroy and pillage the place, regardless of any guarantees his 16 years old emissary had delivered.
The prince, having acquired very useful and truthful information from the mercantile source before, foolishly believed the man. However, the ruler's reaction to Vissarion's later arrival as Tamerlane's emissary was not as the devious treacherous Qazagh had anticipated.
Qazagh had expected the local prince, known for possessing a short violent temper that often caused him to act unwisely, to murder Vissarion, having been aggrieved at Tamerlane's supposed perfidy. The general was therefore highly displeased that the ruler, in the event, did not act in this manner, which would have triggered the dreaded conqueror's vengeful fury, so dooming Shiraz. Instead, the young Georgian was imprisoned as a hostage.
This acute disappointment had caused Qazagh to make his literally fatal mistake. As Tamerlane removed his army from the environs of Shiraz, in response to the local prince's promise to catapult Vissarion from the city walls if he did not, the general refused to reward the returning merchant for his covert mission.
Qazagh's lack of generosity was based on his angry declaration there was to be no plunder from which the trader could earn commission. However, the unhappy merchant was not the type of person to be messed about with in this manner, particularly as he realised that the general was already enormously wealthy and so could afford to provide him with at least a little financial recompense for his efforts. The trader also appreciated that there was someone else who would undoubtedly pay him vast riches for his particular knowledge, if the data could be safely delivered.
The merchant was astute enough to recognise that a direct approach to Tamerlane would be very unwise, given the conqueror's notorious short temper, which was often fatal towards those upon whom it was inflicted. It was the sight of Arman, rushing back from Yadz on his own, that eventually provided the clever man with the idea as to how he might accomplish another, this time hopefully highly lucrative, trade.
The merchant was aware not only of Tamerlane's famous boys, and their influence on the dreaded conqueror, but also the well-known common sense and reasonableness of Arman and Vissarion. He therefore approached the young Armenian, with confidence as to how the 16 years old would treat his story, which, of course, would be slightly amended from reality in order to sanctify the trader's own role in recent affairs.
The merchant managed to intercept Arman one evening, after the young Armenian had left the tent of Tamerlane, who was distraught at his favourite catamite's fate, to return to the canopy the youth shared with Sibur. He told the young warrior that he had information that might be of great benefit to the welfare of Vissarion and, accordingly, the 16 years old was more than happy to hear what the man had to convey.
Having found a quiet place in which to talk, the merchant confessed to his own role in undermining Vissarion's embassy, believing that the truth about this might now eventually emerge anyway, to his undoubted excruciating detriment. However, he excused his action by advising, with an air of guiltlessness, that he thought that he had been sent by Qazagh as part of a convoluted plot to take Shiraz, organised with Tamerlane's knowledge, although the trader himself was ignorant of the full details. He then told the young Armenian that subsequent happenings had made him realise that the general had been acting on his own, for perhaps treacherous reasons, and that he should somehow warn the conqueror about such duplicity.
Having secured his revenge on the greedy general, the merchant now sought monetary riches by telling Arman that he could try to make amends, for his role in Vissarion's misfortune, by obtaining information as to how the defences of Shiraz could be furtively breached. The trader lied that he would need a substantial amount of gold to secure, from others through bribery, the full details, of which he gave a brief outline, whereas, in fact, he was already aware of the requisite knowledge. He additionally requested, in return for the data, anonymity and protection from Tamerlane's wrath for his, using his own words, "Innocent involvement in Qazagh's evil plot."
Arman was not foolish enough to believe totally in the merchant's claims, including the contention that he had been an unwilling stooge in Qazagh's wicked design. However, just as the crafty trader had anticipated, the young Armenian also did not care too much about the extent of the man's involvement, as long as the situation was put right and Vissarion was rescued.
Arman therefore agreed to the merchant's terms, even securing, from the keeper of his master's mobile treasury, substantial largesse as a down-payment for the supposed bribe. Naturally, the official in charge of the conqueror's vast wealth could not deny the relevant request of one of Tamerlane's trusted boys.
On eventually delightedly receiving the information from Arman about a way to circumvent Shiraz's walls to gain furtive entry into the city, Tamerlane did not immediately turn his vast army round to return to the Persian metropolis. The conqueror did not want to alert the defenders to their possible renewed danger until it was too late.
Tamerlane instead secretly retraced his steps at night with two small mobile forces, having had the rightfully terrified Qazagh arrested and encouraged to confess fully to his deceit, by means of a visit to a tent full of torture apparatus, always ready in the encampment to question captives or traitors. The conqueror then personally organised his soldiers in their damming and diverting of the narrow stream, hidden in nearby hills, which fed some of Shiraz's wells through a long secret tunnel, usually totally filled with water.
Clambering through the drained, but still damp and very confined, lengthy tunnel was not pleasant. However, as soldiers, led by Sibur and Arman, subsequently climbed up and out of some wells to surprise Shiraz's garrison and open the gates to another, bigger, furtively waiting warrior force, headed by Tamerlane himself, all felt that the arduous endeavour had been well worth the effort.
With the somnolent garrison quickly overcome and Shiraz soon at Tamerlane's mercy, it was very fortunate, for the citizenry of the city of the poet Hafiz, that the conqueror's current forces were too small in number, as well as preoccupied with security matters, to bother immediately with vengeful rape and pillage. By the time the main army later arrived, it was also then too late to wreak such havoc because a rescued Vissarion had prevailed upon his master to forgive the people. Having learnt of Qazagh's treachery, the beautiful young Georgian had used all his substantial charms, not least his pleading sensuous blue eyes, to beg his master to reprieve the local populace from terrible retribution. However, the 16 year-old had himself been too late to save the local prince and some of the ruler's immediate male family, not from death but from being blinded and castrated.
Tamerlane had perpetrated these appalling acts because of some early unwillingness on the part of the local ruler to relate where Vissarion was being kept prisoner. The conqueror proposed to follow the extracted eyes by detaching many other parts of princely anatomies, but the eventually released young Georgian's intervention had brought this to a halt. Accordingly, only the visual organs concerned, along with some regal testes, were subsequently fed to feathered predators of carrion.
The blind emasculated local prince was eventually despatched, along with his family, some of whom were now as unfortunately disabled as him, into distant exile. Meanwhile, the wily merchant, who had revealed the rescue route into the city, not only escaped retribution, for his own original role in Vissarion's imprisonment as a hostage, but also retired from trade to live the rest of his long life in wealthy luxury in another part of Persia.
(Yadz, Persia, next day)
Rashu, beginning to miss the presence of Arman and Teimuraz in his city, was going on an errand for his guardian. As the boy traversed a shortcut, along one of Yadz's many, narrow back alleys, he heard footsteps behind. The 10 years old turned his lovely head, crowned with silky brown hair, which matched his eye colour, to see who was also taking this path. The young Zoroastrian noticed that two Chinese merchants were following.
As Rashu returned his gaze to his front, he then saw two other Oriental traders approaching him from the other direction. A shiver ran down the beautiful boy's body but nevertheless he tried to dismiss the concern that had invaded his mind. Surely, the 10 years old reasoned, there was nothing sinister in such a situation and his sudden worries were just paranoia. However, the young Zoroastrian's attempt to dismiss his fears was soon proven to be inappropriate when, shortly afterwards, four pairs of adult arms grabbed hold of him in the otherwise quiet thoroughfare and a strange-smelling cloth was placed firmly over his rosy lips.
Darkness then overwhelmed Rashu's appalled mind.
(Silk Road, east of Yadz, Persia, two days later)
As Teimuraz had so recently found himself, the tremulous Rashu was now part of a long single column of approximately twenty similarly naked and bound beautiful young boys, all aged between about 7 and 11, positioned between a central pair of wagons amidst a Chinese mercantile caravan. The young Zoroastrian's delightful 10 years old body was shimmering in the strong sun, a result of the effect of the light on the oil that had been smeared on his delectable, completely smooth form, as protection from the fierce solar rays.
Rashu had been rendered unconscious by his abductors by means of a cloth drenched in a mysterious fluid, the tranquillising properties of which would not be known to the western world for centuries. When the boy had later woken, he had found himself already naked and far from Yadz. The 10 years old then subsequently quickly found himself walking, as Teimuraz had done, towards his new destiny. The young Zoroastrian's small slim penis also incongruously rigidly pointed the direction, with his protestations at his predicament having been rapidly ended by several harsh agonising lashes of a leather crop across the lustrous curvature of his lovely bottom.
Rashu's hands were bound behind him and his lithe neck was attached by rope to the young pretty nude in front. However, unlike Teimuraz, the young Zoroastrian did not have to ask the leading boy about the identity of other youngsters, whom he had noticed were lying in the covered wagon immediately ahead, with their groins covered in bandaging. From knowledge acquired previously, the 10 years old also appreciated that, before long, he was scheduled to be placed in the cart too, whilst he recovered from the removal of his genitalia.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Arman and Teimuraz set off, with their usual cavalry protection, to return to Yadz. The young Armenian thoughtfully wanted to thank and reward Rashu for the young Zoroastrian's help in saving his squire from nullification and transit to China.
Arman and Teimuraz knew that the arduous journey, across the Zagros Mountains, to the home city of the delightful Rashu would take at least four days.
(Silk Road, east of Yadz, Persia, ten days later, early October 1393)
Rashu now endured what Teimuraz had so recently suffered at an alike spot, although that dreadful circumstance had ended happily for all concerned, except the Chinese merchants involved. The young petrified Zoroastrian, now tied, in a spreadeagled standing position, between two sturdy wooden posts, somehow did not believe that this similar event would turn out equally well for him, even after praying to his religion's supreme deity, Ahura Mazda.
Rashu's small ball sac had been tied tightly with thin leather cord to help to stem the later blood loss. The young Zoroastrian's desperate pleas not to suffer the same fate, as all the other boys in the possession of the Chinese traders, had then been not only ignored but also stifled by an effective gag. The 10 year-old could also now see the cauterising iron glowing red-hot in an adjacent brazier, and the emasculating knife in the hand of the smirking Oriental mercantile leader as he approached.
The merchant knelt before the terrified tearful Rashu and pulled the boy's doomed genitals, incongruously displaying a small but fulsome erection, harshly downwards to stretch and expose the smooth scrotum in readiness for severing. The trader then let his knife come to rest against the left side of the base of the young Zoroastrian's ball sac, before soliciting a muffled scream as he squeezed and pulled down further on the 10 years old testes.
The merchant then paused and, in decent Persian, asked Rashu "Do you know, boy, why I organised your abduction from Yadz in order to perpetrate this on you and then sell you in my homeland as a nullified slave?" The tearful anguished 10 years old was obviously not expected to answer verbally because of his gag and so just nodded his sublime appalled head negatively.
"Well," the man advised, "I recruit you for service as a eunuch because I discovered in Yadz, from boastful citizens, that you played a prominent role in the massacre of the traders in the previous caravan, which had passed through your city on the way to my homeland. Their leader, murdered by Tamerlane's men, was my brother!"
As the Chinese mercantile leader appraised Rashu of this actuality, the boy felt the sharp blade begin its dastardly and excruciating deed. Meanwhile, a small amount of white fluid was expelled from the young Zoroastrian's resolutely hard cock, representing the first and last time that he would expel such reproductive juice. Of course, the 10 years old was in no fit state to reflect on the fact that the ability of his endangered genitalia to produce such a substance, at such a tender age, was remarkable.
Rashu's beautiful frame experienced a strange concoction of intense ecstasy and agony as he was being slowly and carefully deprived of his boyhood, the unparalleled delight of previously unknown sexual orgasm mixing with the similarly unprecedented excruciation of nullification. However, despite the agonising intensity of the latter, the 10 years old somehow remained conscious. The young Zoroastrian was therefore able to appreciate fully the close-up view of his own severed bloody genitalia, presented to his appalled eyes by the now standing and happy Oriental emasculator, before the small organs were eventually nonchalantly cast onto the ground nearby.
Rashu was to retain the awful memory of his severed boyhood, little erection still oozing a little cum into the merchant's palm, for the rest of his life. However, perhaps thankfully, immediate recall was short lived, as the horrific feel and smell of burning flesh, caused by the cauterisation of his terrible wound, now induced unconsciousness.
(Shiraz, Persia, two months later, December 1393)
Tamerlane, wintering with his army in the environs of Shiraz, had been forced to commission yet another bigger personal tent. Not only did his present coterie of lovely catamites, Vissarion, Nicolai and Rezan, respectively 16, 12 and 10 years old, have to be accommodated but also his guest, the young Muscovite's 8 years old brother, Yaroslav, and a new recruit to the conqueror's service.
Meanwhile, 16 years old Arman shared, with his older lover, Sibur, another nearby tent. This canopy had also recently been enlarged, on this occasion to accommodate the young Armenian's 10 years old squire and sporadic sexual playmate, Teimuraz.
Vissarion and Nicolai were currently fussing over the latest recruit to Tamerlane's service, not in the conqueror's vast, luxurious and warm tent but in the cool open air of this bright but cold winter's day. Accompanied by the usual mounted bodyguard, the young trio had gone hunting, an activity rarely undertaken by the newcomer previously. Rezan had reluctantly remained behind in the encampment because it was his turn to look after their master's immediate daytime needs.
Vissarion and Nicolai had been gratified to observe the look of delighted exhilaration in their younger companion's face whilst they had gone about their enjoyable business. The young Georgian and Muscovite had been especially pleased to see the regular broad smiles on the boy's beautiful visage, now happily accumulating a healthy cheerful rosy hue once more.
As Vissarion, Nicolai and their new younger friend finally returned to Tamerlane's encampment, with their bodyguard and their copious hunting trophies, the newcomer asked "Can we three do that again some time soon?" "Of course we can," the young Georgian answered. He then looked at the young Muscovite and winked.
Nicolai knew instantly, from the signal, what was required of him. The young 12 years old Muscovite was to join the young 16 years old Georgian in a refrain they often mutually indulged.
"Of course we can," the beautiful and broadly smiling Nicolai and Vissarion joyously shouted simultaneously, in an almost melodic tone, "because we eunuchs have to stick together!"
Rashu could not help but join his new friends in their subsequent laughter, as he finally came to terms with the fact that there was, after all, a life to be enjoyed after nullification.
Chapter 26 Battles
(Shiraz, Persia, Spring 1394)
Tamerlane had wintered quietly with his army and his boys in the environs of Shiraz. The days had been relatively warm, enabling exciting pastimes such as hunting to continue. Meanwhile, the nights had been freezing but the conqueror rarely noticed. Neither did he have any need for hot water bottles to keep his huge bed, within his vast, luxurious personal tent, comfortable. After all, three delightful young catamites shared his bearskin, which had once been obtained for him by Arman and Vissarion, after a brave battle against just such a massive, vicious, furry beast.
Vissarion, Nicolai and Rezan, now respectively 17, 13 and 11 years old, spent each night with their infamous master, snuggled up in a great huddle, resting against either his slightly tubby and hairy manly body or each other's slim, completely smooth, boyish versions. All could happily sleep naked because of the warmth generated by their own forms, plus the efficient insulation provided by the bearskin. Meanwhile, the young Muscovite's 9 year-old brother, Yaroslav, and the new recruit to the conqueror's entourage, the 11 year-old Zoroastrian, Rahu, occupied adjacent personal compartments, whilst 17 year-old Arman shared, with his older lover, Sibur, another tent nearby. Their much smaller canopy had also recently been enlarged, on this occasion to accommodate the young Armenian's 11 year-old squire and sporadic sexual playmate, Teimuraz.
Tamerlane still had unfinished campaigning to perform in Persia, mopping up residual resistance from the previous year's uprisings. Naturally, for those foolishly continuing to resist his will, the conqueror was unlikely to exhibit much mercy.
Tamerlane also decided that it was time to try to return young Yaroslav to his family in Moscow, even though such an aim was fraught with danger. The intervening vast forests of southern Rus were still controlled by the Mongols of the Golden Horde, who had efficiently regrouped under their leading general, Toqtamish, after the acute devastation inflicted upon them a couple of years previously.
The Khanate would never fully recover from what Tamerlane had already inflicted, not least because the defeat encouraged the subject peoples of Rus to believe that they could one day perpetrate the same and evict the Golden Horde from their lands for ever. However, this growing aspiration of the currently subjugated local populations would take time to achieve and would once more need assistance provided by the stimulus of battles between the feared conqueror and the oppressors. Meanwhile, the various local principalities were forced to continue to send both tribute and hostages to the Mongols in return for peace.
Typically, Arman volunteered to lead the cavalry unit that would try to escort Yaroslav back to his family in faraway Moscow.
Naturally, Sibur offered to accompany his younger lover, whose senior military rank now matched his own after swift promotion by Tamerlane, despite the fact that the conqueror's former catamite was only 17 years of age. However, few actually begrudged this elevation, which, at first sight might suggest nepotism, because, to anyone who knew him, the young Armenian displayed both mature competence and promise in military matters.
Equally naturally, Nicolai asked to go on the expedition too, both to accompany his younger brother back to his homeland and to meet his family again. However, unlike his sibling, the now 13 year-old Muscovite had no intention of remaining in Moscow when Arman's unit set off to return to Persia.
Nicolai loved his family and home city, but he adored life with Tamerlane and his boys and army much more. The daily domestic routine in Moscow simply did not compare with the adventure, excitement and sex gained by living with the infamous conqueror. Anyway, the 13 year-old firmly believed, undoubtedly correctly, that Muscovy was no place for a eunuch, whereas his master's vast empire accepted as routine the existence of geldings like himself. It also, in his correct opinion and like all Turkic societies, offered greater opportunities for those without balls to advance to high office than those who still possessed their testicles, especially if you were intimately acquainted with the ruler.
Nicolai actually currently had no particular ambitions, other than to enjoy life. The young Muscovite was content in the knowledge that, once he had lost his looks, as far as Tamerlane's tastes were concerned, the conqueror would find him a good and appropriate post from which to launch a decent career, whatever that might be. The 13 year-old also did not expect such a development for several more years at least, going by the example of the similarly gelded Vissarion.
Vissarion was now 17 years of age but looked much younger and, if anything, more boyishly beautiful than ever, with Tamerlane's liking for his perfect, delectable, fair, blue-eyed form still undiminished. The similarly physically featured Nicolai had, of course, been close witness to the conqueror's continued lust for the young Georgian, as they and Rezan shared their master's bed throughout the winter.
Nicolai also perceptively appreciated that Vissarion was Tamerlane's undoubted favourite, of not only his current coterie of boys but also all others who had shared the conqueror's bed over the years. The young Muscovite additionally realised that such a status did not just arise from the young Georgian's unparalleled beauty but from his character as well.
Vissarion exhibited wisdom beyond his tender years, fully deserving, despite his youth and boyish appearance, his place on Tamerlane's most senior council of advisers. The young Georgian was also selflessly considerate and loving, of his master and friends, for whom he would sacrifice anything, including his own life, as he had already proved.
Nicolai possessed no jealousy towards Vissarion, as a result of his perceptive recognition that the 17 year-old was Tamerlane's favourite, which the conqueror had always tried to disguise out of consideration for both his other boys and the young Georgian's inherent modesty. The young Muscovite simply could not begrudge such a status for the perfect youth, whom he loved as much as anyone.
Despite his natural worries, resulting from previous dangerous escapades, Tamerlane could not resist the entreaties of some of his boys. Consequently, the cavalry unit, which was relatively small to facilitate speed and secrecy and which eventually tried to escort Yaroslav back to Moscow, was led jointly by Arman and Sibur, assisted by their groom, Teimuraz, and accompanied by Nicolai. Vissarion and Rezan fancied the adventure but knew that their simultaneous place was to remain at their master's side in Persia.
At dawn, on one cold, spring morning, tearful farewells, full of best wishes for respective safe campaigns, eventually sent the cavalry unit disappearing beyond the horizon, of the lofty plain surrounding Shiraz, and the vision of the damp eyes of the still watching Tamerlane, Vissarion and Rezan. Recognising that all three of them then needed cheering up, the young Georgian suggested to his master and younger fellow catamite that perhaps the trio should return to bed, although he did not have sleep in mind as the activity to be indulged under the bearskin. However, the conqueror unusually declined such an inviting invitation, after again spotting 11 year-old Rahu standing rather morosely nearby.
Vissarion and Nicolai had, over the winter, tried their best to cheer their fellow eunuch, Rahu, with the help of the still-whole Rezan, Arman and Teimuraz. Sometimes their enthusiastic efforts to rehabilitate the young Zoroastrian into normal life, after his appalling nullification, had born fruit, and he had acted like any other energetic and playful 11 year-old. However, on other occasions, the boy could not be lifted out of his melancholy and all his new friends could then really do was keep a close watch on him to ensure that he did himself no suicidal mischief.
Tamerlane was no fool when it came to the goings-on amongst his boys, as he naturally liked to maintain a furtively close watch on their welfare. The conqueror was therefore fully aware of the situation regarding the very pretty Rahu. The latter was currently not one of his catamites, not because he did not fancy the boy, as he did, but because, as had become usual in recent years, after the advent of Vissarion into his life, he no longer forced anyone into his bed.
Nevertheless, Tamerlane considered he owed a debt to Rahu, because the boy had lost his genitals in vengeance for helping to save those of Teimuraz, and so he kept the young Zoroastrian amongst his closest entourage. The conqueror's beholden status towards the 11 year-old also now caused him to attempt to salve the obviously uncured psychological scars suffered by the youngster, alongside the healed physical wounds, at the time of his nullification.
Tamerlane approached Rahu, placed a comforting arm around the small boy's shoulder and politely suggested "Come with me!" Vissarion and Rezan were still accompanying the conqueror but, cleverly realising what was afoot, the young Georgian grabbed hold of the younger Persian's hand and uttered the same words. However, the latter instruction now caused the pair of catamites to run off in a totally direction to that traversed by their master and the young Zoroastrian.
"Where are we going?" 11 year-old Rezan not unnaturally asked of Vissarion, who was still leading him away from Tamerlane and Rahu. "Wherever they're not!" the young Georgian answered, nodding at the man and boy receding into the distance.
"Why?" enquired Rezan. "Because," Vissarion patiently replied, "it's obvious that our master wants a private conversation with Rahu." "W....", the young Persian managed of the intended further question of 'Why?' before the light dawned in his normally bright mind.
"Ahhh," Rezan then commented instead, "he's going to ask Rahu why he's so often sulky!" "Partly," Vissarion responded, whilst displaying one of his famously endearing smiles, "but he, like us, already knows the answer to that question. What he's really intent on is trying to cure the boy's sulks permanently. We've failed to do so, and so I recently told our master that it's his turn to have a go when the opportunity presented itself. Our Lord obviously believes that the time is now ripe to embark on his mission!"
"Ahhh!" Rezan repeated, with a now knowing, returned sweet grin.
(Edirne, Ottoman Empire, same time)
Mehmed, first son of the present ruler of the Ottoman Empire, Bayezid I, and newly 5 year-old, was again playing with his personal slave companion, the similarly aged but castrated Vladimir, who was a Christian Slav. The boys had lived together now for almost 1½ years and, despite their different status in life, had become the closest of friends, which was perhaps not surprising giving the closeted nature of their lives in the Sultan's palace.
They were currently both naked and playing with model galleons in a large ornate bath, whilst a patient retinue of large black eunuchs attempted to bathe the spirited and mischievous infants. As the boys were eventually encouraged to desist with their naval battle to allow their mutually very pretty young bodies to be sponged by their gelded, trousered servants, Mehmed's tiny cock rose to erection.
(Delhi, India, same time)
As Krishnan made his way towards his rare and unexpected and therefore very worrying audience with the chief palace eunuch, the 7 year-old still possessed his balls, although he now feared that this happy situation might not last much longer. The young, very pretty Hindu had been bought, because of his age, looks and pleasant temperament, by an agent of the latest Muslim Sultan of Delhi, Mahmud Tughluq, a member of a dynasty founded over 70 years previously.
Like Vladimir in faraway Edirne, Krishnan had been purchased to be the menial slave and companion of the eldest, similarly aged son of a ruler. However, in this case, the 7 year-old concerned was named Ahmed.
Krishnan now occupied the worrying position of being the oldest of the Sultanate's intimate male slaves still to retain his testicles. Castration was usually perpetrated early on such servants, to prevent the later development of any sexual interest in the many girls and women of the primary family and its large household. The boy feared that his developing scrotum might now be considered ripe for the plucking of its key contents.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Tamerlane found an outcrop of rock on the extremities of his army's huge encampment, sat down on top and invited Rahu to join him. By furtive but well recognised signals, the conqueror had already ordered his permanently escorting, heavily armed adult bodyguard, comprising the most fanatically loyal and militarily efficient of his soldiers, to maintain a discreet distance so that he could conduct his conversation in privacy.
Rahu at first sat on the hard stone at a diplomatic distance from the conqueror, not from fear of the man but rather to demonstrate some public decorum. Vissarion, Nicolai and Rezan, and even Arman despite his recently revised status, would have had no hesitation in blatantly snuggling close to their master in such circumstances. However, in the young Zoroastrian's mind, the others comprised Tamerlane's famous boys, whereas at present he was merely a court hanger-on.
Tamerlane, however, was in no mood to permit such a lack of intimacy. Rahu soon found the conqueror sitting next to him, with his right arm once more round the boy's young shoulders.
"Now, boy," Tamerlane asked, "why do you dislike being in my closest entourage so much?" Rahu was deeply shocked at hearing this question, as he had never considered himself to be unhappy about his current social position. The 11 year-old's regular mental distress was instead entirely due his lack of genitalia.
"I....I....I don't dislike being in your closest entourage," Rahu eventually managed to retort. "Then," Tamerlane responded, "why does your face frequently look as if it's just experienced hell?"
Rahu was silent for a while, but Tamerlane did not break the quietude. The conqueror instead continued to hold the boy platonically, fully knowing that the 11 year-old would feel compelled to reply to his question sooner or later.
On his part, amidst the silence, Rahu felt Tamerlane's continued comforting embrace and was eventually tempted to glance into the man's brown eyes. To many rogues and rebels who had previously looked there, only merciless, deadly disdain had been decipherable. However, on this occasion, the boy could only espy caring compassion but this discovery did not at first cause him to answer the conqueror's query. The 11 year-old Zoroastrian instead broke down completely.
Tamerlane felt Rahu's small, slim body vibrate uncontrollably, whilst copious tears flowed from the boy's own sublime brown eyes. In response, the most feared man in the world tightened his platonic grip on the child and suggested "That's good! Let the demon inside be expelled!"
(Delhi, India, same time)
Krishnan's worst fears appeared justified, as he stood before the Sultan's chief eunuch. The boy's rich, silk, baggy trousers had been dropped to expose his naked groin and he was once more having his hairless genitalia humiliatingly manhandled.
The chief eunuch was again examining the boy's genitalia with another man, although the sexual organs concerned were by no means as tiny as they had been when the adult pair had last inspected the scene, 2 years earlier. "What do you think?" the former asked, whilst handing over the fondling of the acutely abashed youngster's private parts to the latter, who had recommended at the last inspection that they waited "a year or two to let the scrotum grow before I geld him". Meanwhile, just as when he had been subjected to such abject shame previously, Krishnan's slender, light brown, uncut penis was embarrassingly horizontal, whilst he stood before the men.
"He's now just right," the court craftsman advised, "as his sac is perfect for cutting to extract the balls inside and then stitch and heal the wound safely. I therefore recommend that he be starved and purged to prepare him for his castration."
On hearing this suggestion, 7 year-old Krishnan fainted.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Rahu cried incessantly, within Tamerlane's patient, caring embrace, for 10 minutes before the young Zoroastrian finally managed to restore some order to his emotions. A man's voice, the gentleness of which would have startled the vast majority of the conqueror's soldiers, officers, officials and subjects, except for his boys, then asked "Are you now going to tell me what's wrong?"
Rahu then began truthfully to answer Tamerlane's question.
(Delhi, India, same time)
When Krishnan awoke, he found himself in a tiny, dimly-lit, windowless cell, deep in the cellar bowels of the Sultan's huge palace, with the little prison guarded by a barred, metal door. The 7 year-old boy was now completely naked, and so began to shiver, as he lay forlornly on his cover-less, straw mattress.
The only sustenance within the cell was water contained in a nearby jar, which was adjacent to several large empty bowls, presumably placed thoughtfully to receive the contents of his stomach. The boy instinctively and astutely knew that once he drank some of the contents of the jug, which thirst would eventually compel him to do, his young body would start to be purged of its contents, in readiness for his impending castration. The latter sad, and undoubtedly mentally and physically painful event, would probably occur after about a week of internal purification and starvation in this horrible, lonely place.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
"I wish the Chinese merchants had extracted their revenge by killing me instead of nullifying me," Rahu announced, amidst a few continued, sporadic sobs, "as I no longer feel human without my...." The boy's alarming declaration then tailed off, although he had, of course, said enough for Tamerlane to be able to guess the root cause of the young Zoroastrian's on-going malaise.
When Tamerlane's boys, especially those who were eunuchs, namely Vissarion and Nicolai, had earlier afforded Rahu their undivided attention, in order to raise the young Zoroastrian's spirits, it appeared that the 11 year-old could quickly forget what had happened to him and instead again enjoy life once more. Unfortunately, the conqueror's catamites had been unable to sustain such a campaign permanently, because of other constraints on their time, amidst their busy lives in their master's travelling court.
Consequently, whenever such attention to his mental welfare had come to a temporary rest, Rahu had quickly retreated into deep melancholy, a regular recurrence that even the astute Vissarion had been unable personally to cure. Accordingly, the wise young Georgian, who was 17 but resembled a boy at least 2 or 3 years younger in physique but, of course, not intellect, hinted that Tamerlane himself should be able to secure the remedy.
"Ah," Tamerlane now suggested rather brutally, "so you're still feeling sorry for yourself!" Rahu's sobbing immediately ceased and, whilst he dried his residual tears with the back of his right hand, he retorted "I think that I've a lot to be sorry about!"
"Do you?" Tamerlane then responded, as he terminated his embrace in order to stand. "Well," the conqueror continued, "let's go to see if you're right. Follow me!"
Tamerlane then began to march off alone in the direction of the nearby city of Shiraz. Rahu initially remained where he was, sitting on top of the rocky outcrop, until he noticed that the conqueror's bodyguard were not following their leader. The boy then began to worry for the safety of the man, who had shown him nothing but kindness, although he probably possessed more enemies and was more feared than anyone in the world, not least in his present environs of Persia.
Rahu's fear for Tamerlane's welfare then overcame his indignity at the conqueror's accusation. The boy therefore began to run after the man.
Rahu soon experienced Tamerlane's protective, caring arm again round his shoulder, as they marched resolutely together towards the damaged walls of Shiraz. Whilst now in such comforting company and for the first time for a long time, the boy himself then somehow felt strangely shielded against the dangers and vicissitudes of the world around him.
This perception was despite the fact that Rahu also now believed that he had been ensnared into a pre-arranged trap. The boy thought that his supposition was possibly encouraged by the fact that Tamerlane's normally faultlessly dutiful but previously apparently neglectful bodyguard had now resumed a discreet tracking of their leader.
(Edirne, Ottoman Empire, same time)
"Why do you think mine does that," 5 year-old Mehmed asked of the same-aged Vladimir, whilst referring, during their mutual bathing, to the common phenomenon that was his rampant penis, "as yours never does?" "I think," his friend replied, "it's something to do with the fact that you've got balls, whilst mine have been removed!"
"Why do they do things like that to slaves?" Mehmed next enquired. "You know," his fellow 5 year-old replied, "I haven't got a clue!"
(Delhi, India, same time)
Krishnan did know why he was going to lose his balls. "Curse all girls and women!" the boy exclaimed bitterly in loneliness and grief, whilst lying naked, huddled up and shivering in his tiny cell.
(Shiraz, Persia, later that evening)
"Well," Tamerlane asked of Rahu, "are you still feeling sorry for yourself?" The boy, now alone with the conqueror in the latter's resplendent, large tent, had actually still not admitted that he was suffering such an affliction. Nevertheless, the young nullified Zoroastrian confessed "No, Lord!"
Tamerlane had led Rahu to the poorest quarters of Shiraz, where, despite the wealth of the city, many people had lived in unhealthy urban squalor, with life expectancy was low, especially amongst the children. The pair, now much more closely escorted by the conqueror's fierce and proficient bodyguard, had seen the misery, caused by acute poverty, at first hand. The boy could not help but contrast the rich clothes he was wearing, and the affluent, travelling lifestyle he currently enjoyed, with what he saw.
Tamerlane also guided Rahu to the local charity hospital, which was overwhelmed with sick patients, most aged under-5 and showing clear signs of malnutrition and associated diseases, as well as being close to death. The conqueror additionally took the boy to the city's orphanage, which was so nasty and brutal that children often preferred to live on the streets.
Later, as Tamerlane and Rahu retreated from such terrible scenes back to their nearby encampment, outside Shiraz's walls, the conqueror pointed to some hills that marked the western edge of the surrounding plain. "That's where the local leper colony is situated," he advised. He then enquired of the young Zoroastrian "Should I show you that too?" Meanwhile, one point that he omitted, during his tour, was that Vissarion was currently engaged on developing solutions for all of these dreadful local problems.
"You don't have to," Rahu replied, "as I can imagine what it's like." "I wonder if you really do," Tamerlane responded softly and sombrely, and in no way nastily, "because the poor lepers not only live in far greater squalor to what we've just observed in Shiraz but also their bodies gradually and agonisingly lose far more than just their genitalia!"
As anticipated by Tamerlane, and planned by Vissarion, Rahu was slowly beginning to feel rather ashamed about his own personal depression. Recognising this, the conqueror now proposed to administer the coup de grace to achieve a permanent change of attitude for the better within the boy's soul.
On return to the encampment, Tamerlane guided Rahu amongst the vast throng of his soldiers, to whom this place was temporary home until their, to them beloved, leader led them on fresh campaigns and into new battles elsewhere. The conqueror especially sought out particular members of his army, whilst greeting, amazingly often by name, many of his raucous warriors, who were clearly ecstatic that he was again taking the time and trouble to visit them.
Tamerlane introduced Rahu to soldiers who, despite disabilities suffered in earlier battles, had nevertheless remained well-regarded members of the conqueror's forces. For example, there were many men who were without one or more limbs, or who sported terrible scars or only one eye.
One soldier had lost both legs, but Tamerlane assured Rahu, in the proud, delighted warrior's presence, that there was no better cavalryman in the army, once he had been strapped to his horse. The conqueror then concluded his tour of the camp by introducing the young Zoroastrian to someone who was completely blind, having lost both eyes in battle.
"There's no better scout in my army," declared Tamerlane, as the blind man's chest veritably preened in grateful pride, "for he more than makes up with his other senses for what he's been deprived of by losing his eyes. He can hear and smell the enemy, and give their precise location, long before anyone else can see them!"
Rahu now continued his confession, whilst ensconced alone with Tamerlane under the man's regal canopy. "I felt that I could not live without my manhood," the boy advised, "for its loss was surely both too shameful and grievous for anyone to be expected to endure. Vissarion and Nicolai tried to assure me that such injury was easily survivable, giving as evidence that their own lives were so full of excitement and love that they rarely regretted the demise of their own balls."
Tamerlane winced a little, on hearing this comment and whilst he remembered the now deeply regretted, respectively active and ignorant, roles that he had played in the castration of Vissarion and Nicolai. However, the conqueror had little time for further reflection because Rahu continued remorselessly with his confession.
"I, however," Rahu remarked, "had, of course, lost much more than my balls. The rest of my scrotum and my penis had been shaved away by the Chinese merchant's blade. I am now forced to endure the indignity of urinating in a squatting position, like a woman. I believed, despite the contrary protestations of Vissarion and Nicolai, that I could not look forward, when I was old enough, to enjoying sex. I had no real role in life, and was also tormented by the fact that I could not follow my forefathers by continuing my paternal line by having sons."
Rahu then glanced once more into Tamerlane's brown eyes, whilst again feeling the man's strong arm embrace him. "Lord," the boy now announced, "after what you've shown and told me today, I no longer feel sorrow that I don't have a cock or balls, or have to crouch to urinate. I now truly believe Visarrion and Nicolai, when they say that there's a way for eunuchs, even the nullified variety, to enjoy sex. Sons of my own bloodline also seem unimportant, when there's so many destitute children to take care of!"
"Well then," Tamerlane reflected, as he tightened his platonic hold on Rahu and whilst appreciating that there was still one more issue to resolve before he could claim victory in his latest battle, this time a conflict against the demons in Rahu's disturbed mind, "it seems that all we've now got to find is a role in life for you. As it so happens, I have the perfect post in mind!" The boy was not surprised by the conqueror's announcement, as he suspected correctly that what he had just experienced had been carefully planned by a very clever but caring mind, of Georgian origin and only 17 years old.
It was now Rahu's turn to remain quiet, whilst he awaited Tamerlane's, or more likely Vissarion's, suggestion for his new role in life. The boy did not have to wait long for the conqueror to continue.
"Ever since Arman departed my tent for that of Sibur," Tamerlane declared, "I've been without an intimate bodyguard, someone who's literally at my side 24 hours a day, even when I'm asleep. Vissarion, Nicolai and Rezan try their best to fulfil such a role but they also have other responsibilities."
"Vissarion," Tamerlane confirmed, "is now one of my senior counsellors and so has duties to perform in this sphere, especially the accumulation of intelligence information. Meanwhile, Nicolai, who is anyway currently on his way to Moscow, and Rezan are responsible for performing for me those little tasks that nevertheless are very important. They ensure the smooth running of my daily schedules, and thereby the administration of my empire. For example, they organise my bathing and dressings, arrange my meals and refreshments, convey messages to officers and officials and timetable meetings. They also have lessons with their tutors, as you too will have."
"There is therefore a vacancy for someone to be my intimate bodyguard for 24 hours a day," Tamerlane advised, "apart from when they're at school. Would you, Rahu, care to accept the position?"
(Delhi, India, 1 week later)
Fortunately for Krishnan, after finally being forced to consume some of the water in the jug, the previously empty waiting bowls had subsequently and frequently been drained of their freshly created, obnoxious contents by slaves, who arrived periodically to perform the unpleasant deed. Consequently, the young 7 year-old Hindu's cell had not become too rancid with the smell of his own sick and defecation, as his body was slowly purged and starved.
A week later, Krishnan's previously attractive but malnourished form had begun to reveal the full outline of his internal bone structure, suggesting that his body was ready to be deprived of its regenerative capabilities, in the shape of a pair of little white orbs within his scrotum. Certainly the castrator appeared to be of this belief, as he entered the cell with a young male assistant, who was 12 years old.
"Now, boy," the castrator remarked to the petrified, cowering Krishnan, who was now sitting on his straw bed, with his knees resting against his chin, "I hope that you're not going to prove difficult today, as I'm going to geld you whether you like it or not. If you just lie quietly, I promise it'll be better for you. I can then be quick, minimise the pain and guarantee a good job that'll heal well with little scarring."
"However," the castrator continued, "if you battle against your inevitable fate, I'll be forced to call some of the palace guards, who'll not only efficiently restrain you for me but will undoubtedly whip you first for causing them trouble. Your struggles will also certainly prolong your anguish and might cause me to damage your genitals more than needed."
"So, boy," the castrator asked, "what's it to be? Are you going to be brave or a coward?"
Faced with the choice, and weakened in body and crushed in spirit by the experience of the last week, Krishnan somehow answered, in a quaking voice, "I'll try to be brave, Sir!" The boy's quivering, naked, 7 year-old body then laid itself flat and face-up on the straw, with hands at his sides and legs apart.
The castrator subsequently commanded his young assistant to "Do the usual. Tie the brave boy in place, wash his front and then bind his scrotum tightly!" The man did not mind flattering his imminent victim slightly when issuing this order, as long as the 7 year-old maintained his meek acquiescence to what was about to be inflicted on him.
(Shiraz, Persia, same time)
Rahu, freshly equipped with bejewelled dagger and suitably downsized sword and bow and arrow, had only left Tamerlane's side during the previous week when instead forced to be in the company of his newly appointed teachers. Some of these excellent instructors were charged with showing the boy, now very eager to learn, how to wield such weaponry properly in battle and other conflict, although the 11 year-old also reluctantly had to endure others of the academic variety.
Otherwise, Rahu had been ever present at Tamerlane's side, including on horseback and in bed, although the latter situation still remained platonic for now. Both the man and boy knew that it was correct to advance their burgeoning, very close relationship a step at a time. After all, the conqueror was not missing out on his nightly sexual pleasures, which Vissarion and Rezan were more than happy to continue to provide exclusively.
Tamerlane, Vissarion and Rezan indulged their sex games when they thought that Rahu, now invariably nearby under the same bearskin on the same enormous bed, was diplomatically asleep. The young Zoroastrian was, of course, rarely truly slumbering and was instead listening to the adjacent, apparently very exciting nocturnal activity, involving many low ecstatic moans and restrained giggles, as a manly cock entertained young eunuchs' oral orifices or, more pleasurably for the gelded partners, prostate glands. The trio, engaged in such pastimes, suspected that the 11 year-old might be feigning his somnolence. However, they were happy to let him continue to do so, as they now realised that it was just a matter of time before the miraculously revitalised and now seemingly permanently happy youngster joined them in their hobby.
(Delhi, India, same time)
The deeply appalled and afraid Krishnan was now immovably splayed on his straw bed, with his tightly bound and intensely sore scrotum bright purple in colour. The castrator surveyed the delightful, completely smooth, hairless, but currently sinisterly darkening, orbs of the boy's ball sac. He then judged that the time had arrived to begin his incision into the vulnerable flesh of the gagged 7 year-old, who soon felt the cold blade of the man's knife come to rest on his young scrotal flesh, just below his incongruously erect small penis. However, the gelding process was temporarily disturbed when a young voice from behind asked "Can I watch?"
The castrator turned to see Ahmed, the Sultan's 7 year-old, eldest son, standing alone at the barred, metal door of his young slave's cell.
(Western Persia, 2 months later)
Tamerlane was directing operations from a rear position, as elements of his army crushed in battle yet more local rebels. The conflict was the third to have been engaged during the last two months, as the conqueror swept away all remaining current resistance to his rule of Persia.
Rahu had been riding next to Tamerlane during all three battles. In fact, the boy had become so renowned for his constant watchful proximity to his master, now also fully-fledged lover, that he had been affectionately nicknamed 'The Little Limpet' by the non-seafaring army. However, no-one laughed at the young Zoroastian's protective capabilities, despite his tender age and diminutive, nullified physique.
Everyone had instead heard the news, spread by Rafu's instructors in the arts of battle, that the boy had quickly picked up the relevant skills to become a prospectively very deadly little warrior. Neither did anyone deny the boy's proficiency in his new guardian role, as he was apparently constantly efficiently alert and sizing up the dangers presented to his master by the people and environs around. Nor did anyone doubt that the 11 year-old might indeed prove rather fatal for someone intent on trying to slip past his young defences to harm the conqueror.
(Forests of southern Rus, 2 months later)
No-one had spotted the deserter leaving Tamerlane's encampment at Shiraz, shortly before the departure of the small cavalry unit, led by Arman and Sibur and accompanied by Nicolai, which was attempting to escort the latter's younger brother, Yaroslav, back to Moscow. Desertions from Tamerlane's army were rare, not least because of the terrible consequences if subsequently caught and the substantial bonuses to be gained by completing tours of service. However, some absences without leave did occur, mainly because of war weariness or mental shock caused by involvement in bloody conflict, or domestic problems back home.
Tamerlane and his officers were usually tolerant of soldiers wanting to terminate their service early for such reasons, sending them on their way with due pay and best wishes. Nevertheless, some members of the army were still too afraid to confess such difficulties and fled instead. However, on this occasion, the deserter escaped the conqueror's military encampment because he was a Mongol spy, who was now eager to report to Toqtamish, leader of the Golden Horde, the secret despatch to Moscow, through Khanate territory, of the enemy cavalry unit.
Toqtamish did not know what path the cavalry unit would try to take through the vast, forested lands he nominally controlled, and so split and focused his forces at the various, most likely routes. Consequently, when some of his men did indeed encounter and ambush the enemy, the Mongol leader was elsewhere.
The battle between Tamerlane's formidable, but small, cavalry unit and that of Toqtamish's equally diminished but less comptetent contingent was short but sharp. Fortunately, the superior skills and leadership of the former won the day, with the latter eventually retreating, bloodied, back into the safety of the surrounding trees.
Arman and Sibur, however, appreciated that the Mongols not only now knew of their presence in Rus but also had been forewarned. They therefore realised that it was essential either to make progress towards Moscow even more rapidly or to retreat equally swiftly back into Tamerlane's territories, before the enemy could regroup, re-strengthen and re-engage in pursuit.
Unfortunately, there was one major obstacle to meeting either of the commanders' objectives. Their cavalry unit had suffered remarkably very few casualties in the recent battle, but one that did occur was of major concern.
An arrow had pierced Nicolai's chest and the beautiful 13 year-old boy was too sickly to be moved. Death was already a strong possibility but would be a certainty if the young Muscovite was forced to travel. Meanwhile, everyone appreciated that the dreaded Toqtamish was bound to arrive at the scene soon, ready to follow the tracks of Tamerlane's cavalry.
"You must leave me behind with my knife," the agonised Nicolai bravely whispered to Arman, as his voice could not speak any louder. "If Toqtamish discovers me," the 13 year-old then advised with firm resolution, "I'll kill myself before he can capture me!"
"We've no other choice," Sibur then told his young Armenian lover bluntly, "but to do the boy's bidding, or we'll all die."
Arman sadly recognised that both Nicolai and Sibur were correct in respect of their advice.