PZA Boy Stories


Slaveboys From Moscow & New York

Part Five - Circoncision

'This was the most unkindest cut of all.'
- William Shakespeare ('Julius Caesar', III.i.188)

Chapter 19 - Wood

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, February 2000)

The day was a working one when children were also attending school. Consequently, the sparsely attired and spectacularly decorated Sergei reluctantly emerged from the limousine onto a pavement in a poor but currently very quiet residential area of St. Petersburg devoid of anyone except the smirking chauffeur, who was contentedly holding the car door ajar.

The chauffeur, being a trusted employee of Sergei's Master, had already enjoyed the boy's sexual services on several occasions and considered him to be the most exceptional of the four beautiful young slaves his boss sometimes made available to his staff for such use. The driver was currently happy to be able to confirm his view in his own mind now, after again seeing the 14 year-old's virtually naked splendour, as the child began to run towards the gate of the nearby municipal park.

Sergei's smooth bare buttocks proved a particularly attractive sight to the chauffeur, as the shamefully still aroused boy rushed, wearing just his ballooning minuscule thong, away from him towards the park gate. The driver therefore decided that he would ask his employer whether the delectable young bottom could be made available to him later to satiate his sudden desire to indulge in sodomy.

As Sergei approached the gate, with his erection wobbling within the tight confines of his minuscule thong, he saw a small copse not far into the park and immediately decided that the trees and bushes present there had to be his first destination. The locale should provide him with some much- needed cover, whilst he ascertained how many people were around and planned his onward route to avoid them.

Sergei's natural athleticism, reinforced by the harsh and sometimes ultimately painful workouts in the basement gymnasium of his Master's dacha, soon enabled him to reach his desired destination, simultaneous to the multi- millionaire's limousine driving away. The sight and sound of the car going caused the almost naked boy to shiver.

The temperature was much warmer than normal for the time of year but still cool. However, neither this factor nor Sergei's understandable deep apprehension about his immediate future at the pillbox caused his shivering.

Sergei's shiver had instead resulted from a sudden feeling of abandonment and loneliness.

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, same time)

The doctor employed part-time by Sergei's Master to ensure that his young slaveboys remained healthy despite the abuse he inflicted upon them was now checking that he possessed the necessary medical equipment to perform a circumcision. Having read about the relevant procedure again, he was sure that he could undertake the operation competently but he also appreciated that he would not be required to do so.

The doctor's role at a forthcoming party, which his multi- millionaire employer proposed to hold for fellow members of the secret organisation that supplied his young slaves, would be simpler. He was to provide the necessary medical equipment and to act as observer and backup to the man who would actually perform the circumcision.

Whichever of the multi-millionaire's boys, Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor, lost a certain contest at the party would also lose his foreskin to one of the guests in front of the host and the other invitees. The chosen billionaire in question owned a certain dacha near Moscow and had recently enacted the dreaded contractual codicil on one of his own young slaves, whom he had earlier personally circumcised, having a fondness for and, despite possessing no medical qualification, being a trained expert at the practice.

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

Sergei scoured the full 360° surrounds of the small copse in which he was hiding. The only sign of human life that he could see was a man walking a dog in the distance, plus a couple of old women with shopping bags, probably taking a shortcut across the municipal park from shops to their homes.

The pavement and apartments that lined the opposite side of the quiet nearby road, where Sergei had alighted from the limousine, also appeared to have remained calm. There had been no traffic at the time of his emergence from the car and there was now no evidence that anyone had espied a virtually naked boy run from the vehicle into the park.

Sergei was therefore relieved that the first part of his thoroughly embarrassing mission appeared to have been performed undetected. The boy also began to plan the next phase by visually locating the small wood in the middle of the park, which was his ultimate destination, and working out precisely how he could reach there without being spotted.

Sergei estimated the distance to the relevant central wood at about 500 metres, with several intervening copses, which could provide temporary shelter as he advanced towards his objective. The boy also ascertained that the man with the dog and the two old women were walking away from him and so, with no one else in sight, he concluded that he should embark on the next phase of his mission without delay.

Sergei's decision not to delay was aided by the fact that he wanted to have whatever his sadistic Master planned for him on reaching his destination concluded as quickly as possible, certainly before nightfall. The current St. Petersburg weather might be unseasonably warmish but the boy believed that dusk would surely herald a return of freezing temperatures.

Sergei therefore summoned up all of his bravado and emerged at great speed from the protection of his copse, heading for another about 100 strides away across the intervening grassy ground. The velocity with which he subsequently reached this destination would have pleased a star boy sprinter, which was testament to both his natural swiftness and the strength of his motivation not to be seen.

A short pause, hidden in the new copse, to restore some breath to Sergei's young lungs and check his situation, was followed by another short dash. A further sequence of four similar runs then finally brought the boy to the small central wood, whilst still apparently undetected and with his minuscule thong still ballooning because his shameful erection refused to disappear.

Sergei next chose to check that no one had seen him by circumnavigating the outside fringes of the wood, whilst carefully hiding himself amidst the trees and bushes. The boy eventually satisfied himself that he had indeed not been spotted by anyone.

Sergei subsequently carefully explored the small wood to ensure that he was alone there and to locate the pillbox mentioned by his Master, which he found virtually surrounded and thereby obscured by bushes. However, there was clear evidence that the sadistic multi-millionaire did not expect the boy to be on his own in the locale for long.

Sergei discovered the chain and padlock to which his Master had referred. The horrified boy also espied a cane and a large dildo resting nearby on the ground.

Meanwhile, a sign, fixed to the wall of the pillbox, just above where Sergei's head would be after he had chained himself in place as instructed, advised in Russian 'I am a young sex pervert. Please fuck me with your cock and/or the dildo and then cane my bottom as hard as you can five times.'

(A yacht, Mediterranean Sea, same time)

The telephone rang on the ornate desk possessed by the Muscovite billionaire in the office of his large luxurious yacht, which was currently sailing around the sunny Mediterranean Sea. The man had decided to take a break from the winter in his Russian homeland.

On picking up the telephone, the billionaire's young male and very handsome secretary advised his boss that his counterpart in the employ of a certain multi-millionaire based near St. Petersburg wished to speak to him. "Put him through," the man responded, despite the fact that a very pretty naked 14 year-old boy was currently crouching under his desk and sucking his cock.

The enquiry subsequently made by the secretary located near St. Petersburg, who had been charged with organising a certain party, was answered by the billionaire when he advised "I shan't require the doctor's scalpel. I have my own, which I use for all of the circumcisions that I perform."

"I enjoy the knowledge, as I hold my scalpel," the billionaire explained, "of how many foreskins of very pretty boys the tool has taken away!" This very thought then induced the man to ejaculate into the mouth of a 14 year- old, who was new to his service and consequently still possessed his prepuce for now.

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

Sergei contemplated his predicament for a while. The appalled boy's initial idea was to disobey his Master's command to chain himself in place in such a situation, with the degrading sign above where his head would be, giving instructions for the use of the nearby cane and dildo. He believed that the cruel man's order was simply going too far. However, he also could not think of an alternative to compliance.

Sergei recognised that his Master actually represented the only realistic escape route from his current position. The man not only would surely eventually appear or send one of his staff to rescue him but also was probably somehow keeping a furtive watch on him, perhaps through a camera or third party well hidden nearby, to ensure that nothing really untoward and unwelcome happened to his valuable young slave. After all, the multi-millionaire had contractual obligations regarding the boy's ultimate welfare to observe.

Sergei himself, in his current embarrassing state of near- nudity, adorned with his slave regalia, brandmark, nipple rings and penile frenum, could also not realistically escape from the municipal park without his Master's assistance. Going undetected through the surrounding urban streets in his current humiliating state would surely be impossible. He would undoubtedly instead be ogled, laughed at and verbally abused, as well as probably arrested for indecency. He additionally had nowhere to flee to, whilst remaining in the wood being disobedient to the multi-millionaire's command would inevitably lead to worse than would be inflicted on him whilst chained to the pillbox.

Sergei therefore concluded that he had no real alternative to complying with his Master's command to chain himself in place and await developments, despite appreciating from the sign that would be above his head and the nearby cane and dildo what was likely to happen. The boy therefore reluctantly approached the dangling padlock, whilst his ballooning thong visibly quivered because the underlying unruly erection had done the same.

To Sergei's shame, the boy realised that the penile quivering had not resulted from trepidation in respect of what his imminent degrading circumstances were to be. He instead recognised that his cock was perversely excited at the hazardous situation in which he was about to place himself, namely chained to the concrete wall of the pillbox with no hope of escape unless someone else helped him.

Such self-confession again encouraged Sergei to wonder whether he did indeed possess previously psychologically well-hidden masochism, originally ingrained deep in his soul but which, by force of circumstances, was being enticed to the fore. The boy's sublimely beautiful face blushed at the notion.

Sergei was also tempted to satisfy his excited cock's obvious need with his right hand. The boy momentarily considered that furtive masturbation now would have two merits. First, he would secure sexual relief, which might not be obtainable again for a lengthy period after his genital chastity cage was restored and he was once more imprisoned in the basement cell of his Master's dacha. Second, the act would surely encourage his penis to return to flaccidity and consequently not be so much of an embarrassment if someone discovered him chained to the pillbox.

Sergei's right hand even began to venture downwards towards his ballooning thong, whilst he guiltily realised that masturbating in his current circumstances in the middle of a municipal park would somehow be perversely especially thrilling. However, the boy's arm suddenly ceased the advance towards his needy cock when another thought struck him.

Sergei's Master would undoubtedly punish him severely for wilful unauthorised masturbation and, if his guess that the man was probably somehow keeping a furtive watch on him was correct, the unsanctioned act would be witnessed. As a consequence of this thought entering his head, the boy reluctantly gave up the idea of pleasuring himself and instead with equal unwillingness prepared to chain himself to the pillbox.

As Sergei approached right up to the cool concrete wall of the pillbox against which he was to chain himself, he noticed that the relevant surface was in contrast to other parts devoid of climbing weeds and fungus, as well as of dirt and grime. The site had apparently been cleared and cleaned in readiness for him and whatever guests might later venture his way.

Whilst now standing so close to the cool concrete wall of the pillbox that his ballooning thong was touching and he could feel the chill from the surface, Sergei glanced up at the large padlock above. The boy appreciated that he was now supposed to place a silvery ring from each of his two sturdy black leather wrist-cuffs onto the currently opened jaws before clasping them shut, thereby personally irredeemably retaining him in place.

As Sergei looked above him, he fully appreciated the significance of the act of chaining himself irretrievably in such a manner. At the moment, the boy was unbound and free. However, by shutting the jaws of the padlock, he would be imprisoning himself in this place in a very degrading state and irreversibly committing himself to whatever would subsequently happen.

Sergei was therefore very reluctant to reach up on tiptoe to immobilise himself irreversibly by attaching himself to the padlock. However, the boy again soon re-confirmed in his own mind that he had no choice but to do so.

Sergei therefore summoned up all of his courage and reached up on tiptoe to place a ring from each of his two wrist- cuffs into the opened jaws of the padlock. As the boy did so, his barely covered erection rubbed the cool concrete wall against which he was now resting, almost causing him to climax in the process. However, such punishable calamity was somehow avoided for now.

Sergei next manoeuvred his palms so that they were in position to shut the jaws of the padlock and entrap him. However, before the boy performed what he had established that he had to do, he could not help but glance behind him to see if anyone was watching.

Sergei's apprehensive sensuous blue eyes eventually judged that the small central wood of the municipal park was still quiet and devoid of another human presence. The boy therefore took a deep breath and closed the padlock, whilst attempting to convey a prayer that his Master would rescue him before anyone else appeared. However, the very act of self-entrapment caused his plea to God to remain incomplete.

Sergei's rosy lips instead began to utter a groan. The boy's lovely face also became flushed and his pretty body shuddered, as a result of the sudden advent of sexual orgasm.

The danger to which Sergei had just irredeemably committed himself had finally caused his superficially incongruous sexual excitement literally to climax. The boy's simultaneous ecstatic sexual high was only momentary but was nevertheless very pleasant until his mind managed to descend back to reality.

Sergei now glanced down and immediately realised, from some spillage of semen dropping from both sides of the tiny garment, that he had seriously soiled his minuscule thong. The evidence of his shameful sudden orgasm would therefore be readily evident to the boy's Master, who would undoubtedly chastise him severely for his penile misdemeanour, as if his current dire predicament was not already punishment enough.

Sergei appreciated that, unless the spillage of semen ceased quickly and the sperm still in his black thong dried with equal rapidity and without staining too much, evidence of his acutely embarrassing productive orgasm would also be apparent to anyone else who should now venture across him. The idea of such discovery therefore became even less palatable to the thoroughly humiliated boy, who as a result was stimulated into completing the prayer that he had begun before irreverently climaxing.

Consequently, Sergei's face, as he was stretched taut on tiptoe against the cool pillbox wall, now awaiting developments just as his Master had originally commanded, remained bright red. Meanwhile, he could still feel his mischievous erection, which had refused to soften despite recent plentiful ejaculation, throbbing against the chilly concrete surface, whilst goosepimples formed all over his divine form because of both the cold and his fears.

Sergei's cock throbbed in apparent tandem with the pounding of his heart, whilst he continued to experience a strange emotional concoction of natural, in the circumstances, shame and trepidation, mixed with maintained perverse sexual excitement. For a while, the boy even believed that he would soon again orgasm. However, the increasing discomfort of his tautly stretched and increasingly chilled body, especially his padlocked wrists, which were becoming increasing sore with being burdened with almost his whole weight, eventually finally started to overcome his unusual carnal thrill at his predicament.

As a result, Sergei's cock softened at last and remained flaccid as he continued to await developments. As the boy did so, time appeared to pass very slowly to him.

Sergei was also constantly straining his lithe neck to look around and behind him to ensure that he was still alone. The boy was often stimulated into doing so by sounds from nearby, which thankfully so far turned out to be made by birds and other small animals.

Later, as more time passed, Sergei's worried scouring of his surrounds lessened because of the relentlessly increasing distress affecting his outstretched limbs and ultimately his whole body. Ache had temporarily overcome alarm at possible discovery in the boy's current mental universe.

After the first hour had passed, Sergei's weariness even caused him in desperation to free his hurting outstretched toes from the grassy but hard ground below him, resulting in him dangling against the cool concrete wall just by his wrists. However, the resultant increased anguish experienced by his arms soon encouraged him to re-establish uncomfortable contact with land.

After yet another hour, Sergei's discomfort had become acute. However, the boy perceptively realised that his situation was soon to become much worse.

A small dog had run into the wood and, detecting the smell of a human, had sought and found the source. The animal was currently sniffing Sergei's legs.

Sergei's initial worry was that the dog might choose to urinate on his legs. However, the boy's bright mind quickly went on to realise that there was a greater danger to his present situation.

Sergei's concern was confirmed when he heard another sound, this time of a twig breaking behind him as it was stepped on. However, on this occasion, the noise had not been created by an animal, as it was accompanied by a human voice.

(A yacht, Mediterranean Sea, same time)

The billionaire picked up one of the letters delivered to his desk by his male secretary. He then opened the envelope.

For the purpose, the billionaire used an implement not normally associated with letter opening, namely a scalpel. However, the tool brought him many happy memories and he always carried it with him wherever he went.

Using the scalpel prompted the billionaire to contemplate the joy that he would soon gain by using the implement again for its main purpose at a party hosted by a friend near St. Petersburg. The man also began to consider if he would use the tool on the naked boy still crouched under his desk, who was patiently awaiting his next order after completing his act of fellatio.

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

"Chekhov, Chekhov, come here!" a man was shouting to the dog, which had apparently run away from the owner, who was currently seemingly trying to reunite himself with the animal. Sergei's initial thought about this alarming development was actually rather incongruous, as the boy contemplated his dislike of naming a pet after one of his homeland's greatest dramatists. However, his attention was soon returned to the revised predicament that he was now in, which had the prelude of an apparently shocked adult asking "What the hell…?"

Sergei glanced behind to discover a middle-aged bearded man slowly approaching him, with his initial question now curtailed by a jaw wide open in apparent shock at the scene that he had discovered. In reaction, the boy's facial hue reddened even more.

"It's a silly joke being played on me by friends," the almost naked Sergei shouted to the man in desperation. "They'll be back soon to release me," he added, as the adult slowly came ever closer and was now clearly reading the degrading sign above the boy's head, "so please leave me alone, Sir!"

The man, however, initially ignored Sergei's entreaty. He instead slowly came up to within a metre of the boy.

The man's eyes subsequently kept repetitively moving for a while from the sign to Sergei and then to the cane and dildo on the ground nearby. However, the adult's apparent awed silence at what he had just discovered eventually ended in loud laughter.

Any hopes that Sergei had that the laughter indicated that the man had accepted his explanation that his predicament was a joke and that he should go away were next destroyed when the chortling stopped and the adult suddenly stepped further forward and grabbed his thighs. The chained boy was then rather roughly turned around.

A return of loud laughter subsequently ensued, as the man now saw, in addition to Sergei's black leather slave collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, which he could observe from behind, the boy's nipple rings and brandmark. The adult's chortling became even more voluminous when the 14 year-old's minuscule thong began again to balloon outwards as a certain unruly cock started once more to harden, despite, or perhaps because of, the owner's predicament.

Sergei's situation deteriorated still further when the man, whilst still giggling, although now more quietly, stooped to pull the boy's thong downwards to the ground. Aroused young genitalia, completely devoid of pubic hair and encased by a tight silvery cock-ring, then literally sprung into the adult's view.

"I see that you've already cum, pervert," the man subsequently commented, whilst regaining a standing position after observing the clear spermatic evidence inside Sergei's lowered thong. The boy's response was an even deeper reddening of his facial hue.

The man next stood still for a short while, apparently thoroughly admiring the strange scene, involving a beautiful and now naked and aroused boy, who was completely at his mercy. A crestfallen Sergei could simultaneously tell from the increasingly lecherous look in the adult's eyes that the sign above him was about to be obeyed.

Sergei's concern was proved correct when the man, having feasted his eyes on the naked boy, announced "I'm definitely happy to play along with this joke, pervert!" The adult then began to fondle the exposed young aroused genitalia in front of him.

The humiliating feel of the man's hand gently fondling his genitals and thereby rather quickly bringing him towards another humiliating climax caused Sergei to stutter his next entreaty. "P….p….please, S….S….Sir, d….d….don't," the boy begged.

"But you're obviously enjoying yourself, pervert," the man retorted, whilst remorselessly rubbing his fingers up and down Sergei's erect cock. The adult's remark then appeared to be proved correct when the boy, simultaneous to uttering another pleasured groan, again shuddered and ejaculated productively.

The man, astutely recognising the signs pertinent to imminent orgasm, managed, whilst still pumping Sergei's cock, to jump aside to avoid being splattered with the strings of semen that now erupted from the boy's uncut cockhead. "For a young teenager," the adult subsequently commented in apparent admiration, whilst looking down at the evidence on the ground, "you certainly spurt a remarkable amount of cum, pervert, especially as it's seemingly the second load you've released today!"

Given the demeaning circumstances of his latest ejaculation, Sergei, as his mental functions again descended from a sexual high back to reality, was not flattered by the compliment. The boy was instead rather ashamed that he had climaxed so quickly and productively in response to the man's manual attentions.

Sergei also did not welcome the man's next words. "Right, pervert," the adult suggested, "you've had your fun. It's now my turn.

"So turn back around, pervert," the man subsequently commanded, "so that I can fuck and cane you!"

(A public bar, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

The dowdy public bar in a poor suburb of St. Petersburg in which Sergei's Master was currently enjoying another beer was not the type that the multi-millionaire would usually frequent. Much posher and expensive haunts were now the norm. However, the place possessed the advantage of being located not far from a certain municipal park.

Sergei's Master was conversing with his chauffeur, who was, of course, consuming only non-alcoholic drinks. The multi- millionaire had just agreed to his employee's request to be able to have sex later with the boy.

"I don't mind fucking a bum that's just been severely caned," the chauffeur advised the multi-millionaire, after the latter had reminded him about the condition that the relevant boyish bottom would probably be in when introduced later to his manly cock. "In fact," the driver added, "I'd rather cherish the opportunity, as it'll make the act of sodomy more distressing for the brat and so more pleasurable for me!"

"I wonder what's happening to the brat, now?" the chauffeur then queried.

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

The front of Sergei's naked body was being continuously pushed against the cool concrete wall of the pillbox, as a big manly cock was being repetitively thrust in and out of his anus. The adult owner of the large rectal intruder was also grunting happily as he proceeded with his rape, whilst his dog watched from nearby

Fortunately for the front of Sergei's body, the cock invading his insides did not take long to achieve its sexual objective. Pausing deep within the boy, the penis soon quickly erupted, simultaneous to a loud satisfied cry from the man of "Aaaggghhh!"

Sergei could actually feel himself being impregnated with the man's semen, experiencing the sensation of spermatic spurts gushing deep into his innards. In reaction, some tears began to flow from the boy's sensuous blue eyes. However, this lachrymose display was as a result of hurt to his pride rather than his body.

Although the man's cock had been big, Sergei had by now been sodomised by larger penises and so the act of sodomy had not hurt. In fact, if the boy had not already recently ejaculated twice and had not had his body banging regularly, albeit not particularly painfully, against the wall, he might have again enjoyed having his prostate tickled.

Such a pleasurable reaction had not occurred on this occasion. Sergei instead only felt a deep sense of utter shameful degradation, hence his tears.

Sergei's low spirit was not helped by the man's next significant action at the scene. After the boy had felt a sated and softening cock withdraw from within him, and subsequently heard a trouser zip being refastened, he experienced the cane gently stroking the lustrous curves of his bare bottom. "The sign says five strokes," the adult then declared, "and that's what you'll receive, pervert!"

The man was not long in delivering his promise. He also proved rather adept at wielding the cane.

Sergei soon shrieked in agony, as the first stroke forcefully struck the middle of his bottom. The boy subsequently uttered four more loud pained yelps, as a further quartet of powerful and well-targeted hits were applied, leaving his buttocks besmirched by a quintet of parallel stripes, rapidly darkening in colour from the original scarlet.

After satisfying himself with the efficacy of his work by feeling the warm wounds that he had created and subsequently returning the cane to the ground, the man, ignoring use of the dildo, picked up Sergei's thong. As he departed, the adult advised "I'll keep this as a souvenir, pervert!"

Sergei's utter misery was then compounded when the man's dog, before also leaving the scene, finally urinated over the now quietly sobbing boy's legs.

Chapter 20 - Cuts

(Plateau de Tchigaï, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, an hour later)

Robert had concluded his humiliating dance practice. The boy had then been summoned again to the family elder's tent, where he once more was forced to live up to his derogatory nickname of 'Allaitant'.

After the family elder had finally again been fully entertained by Robert's orifices, the contented Tuareg shamed the naked boy, who was still lying next to him, even further by closely checking, both manually and visually, the young American's smooth, uncut and currently embarrassingly aroused genitals. The man eventually came to hold between two fingers the 13 year-old's cock.

Robert's cock had become shamefully erect whilst he was being sodomised by the family elder and had so far failed to return to flaccidity. The Tuareg subsequently commented in French, on observing the uncut penile tip, "I must reprimand myself because I've been neglecting your soul in favour of enjoying your body."

"Starting tomorrow," the family elder advised, "I shall therefore begin to instruct you in the true faith by introducing you to the Koran. I shall soon make a good Muslim of you unless you prefer to be beaten regularly and savagely for refusing to convert."

"In return for the sacrifice of my time," the family elder added, "you can then sacrifice your foreskin like every good male Muslim." "I'll even perform the circumcision myself," the Tuareg added, although he actually used the French word 'circoncision' for the act of cutting away the prepuce.

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

The unfinished query, heralding the fact that others had entered the small wood in which the pillbox was located, was again "What the hell….?" However, on this occasion for Sergei, the vocal tones were of a nature that he most dreaded.

Sergei was now well accustomed to being abused by men and even women. However, what he actually most feared was the acute humiliation of being subjected to similar torment by other children, especially those younger than him.

The voice that Sergei had heard was clearly young, male and pubescent. The 14 year-old therefore quickly looked again behind him with deep apprehension and as best as he could, given his chained bondage, and soon his worst fears were realised, for approaching him were four clearly intrigued younger children.

Three of the youngsters approaching the now naked Sergei were boys and one was a girl. All were about 11 years old.

Given his guess as to the current time of day, Sergei immediately concluded that the children, who were three years younger than him and proportionately smaller, must have just finished school somewhere in the neighbourhood and come to the park to play before darkness fell. Unfortunately for him, he also realised that they had found an interesting human toy with whom to enjoy their recreation.

Sergei became desperate and in his panic shouted at the children to "Go away!" The now completely naked boy subsequently added, in order to attempt to frighten them to depart, "There's dangerous men about!" However, he then recognised that, after complying, they might also summon friendly adults or even the police, which he definitely did not want to happen.

Sergei therefore added "There's adult games taking place and so you're therefore not wanted here. Just go away and leave us alone!" The desperate boy appreciated that his shout contained a weak message but it nevertheless represented the best that he could devise on the spur of the moment.

Unfortunately for Sergei, the weakness of his message undermined his hopes in respect of four young but rather streetwise children from a poor suburb of St. Petersburg. The quartet of 11 year-olds ignored the older boy's statement and instead approached nearer to read the writing on the sign.

"I am," the girl read aloud from the sign, "a young sex pervert. Please fuck me with your cock and/or the dildo and then cane my bottom as hard as you can five times". She, and the three boys with her, then burst into hysterical giggles, whilst approaching ever closer to the helpless chained Sergei.

By the time that they finally reached Sergei, the children's energetic chortling had decreased to happy tittering, intermingled by questions to each other. They were also completely ignoring the continued desperate utterances of the older boy, apart from viewing the rear of his naked and unusually adorned body with fascinated eyes.

"Do you think that he's a real pervert," the girl asked of the boys with her, "and wants fucking and caning or have some weirdoes somehow forced him to be here like this?" "Does it matter," one of the 11 year-old males answered, whilst checking that no one was inside or nearby on the other external sides of the pillbox, "because surely there's no danger in playing with him as the sign suggests?"

"There is a danger," the girl retorted, "if there's adult weirdoes nearby, who've set this up as a trap to lure us here and then grab us." The three boys listening to this statement immediately grew fearful and began to look even more carefully around and ready themselves to flee. However, unfortunately for Sergei, five factors now gave them and their female friend the courage to remain.

First, the wood was not overly thick with foliage. After their further nervous scrutiny of their surrounds, this factor assisted the children to become more confident that there was no nearby place for an adult to hide undetected amongst the surrounding trees and bushes in a pose ready to pounce on them before they could successfully run away. The gun port and entrance to the small concrete pillbox itself, which one of them had already circuited, were also so barred that no one could gain entry, and anyway someone could readily be seen inside if they had done so.

Second, the children carefully re-checked in a close group their theory about their probable safety, whilst believing that their number aided security and whilst still ready to flee if their original notion proved incorrect and swift escape proved necessary. Their cautious search reinforced their belief that there was no immediate danger and that the naked chained older boy was lying about adults being nearby.

Third, the children could view the evidence left behind by their immediate predecessor in the wood. Sergei's bottom was besmirched by the vivid scarlet stripes of a recent caning, as well as extraneous cum from equally fresh sodomy dribbling down his bumcrack and the insides of his legs. One of the more innocent younger boys was actually unable to identify this latter drying liquid as semen because he had previously remained naively unaware of the existence of the substance, and its purpose and the way it was created. However, the rather more streetwise girl now happily eliminated his unawareness by revealing in abbreviated form the facts of life to the shocked young male, including some of those pertinent to homosexuality.

Fourth, the girl encouraged two of her male companions to turn Sergei around. Loud giggling subsequently returned to the locale, as the four younger children now saw the older boy's brandmark, nipple and cock rings and the frenum barbell on a penis that was somehow again quickly rising to erection.

Fifth, the children rather fancied the idea of perpetrating on this naked chained older boy what the sign invited, although only one of the younger males wanted to attempt sodomy. The other two were shier and anyway, probably correctly, believed that their immature pubescent cocks were not up to the task. They, like the girl, were instead happy to use the dildo.

Sergei, realising that the children had not been frightened away by his earlier shouts, now resorted in his increased desperation to his original idea, despite the danger of attracting real adults, including police, to the scene. Having heard the younger quartet's earlier conversation, he attempted to add to their concerns by suggesting "You're right. There are weirdoes about, who will want to grab you and do terrible things to you. So go away!" However, the girl, who appeared the most maturely intelligent, perceptive and outspoken of the foursome, retorted "You're lying. The sign might be trying to mislead us about you being a pervert but you're also being untruthful about there being a danger to us lurking in the wood!"

"If adults have put you into this situation as part of a ploy to trap us," the clever and intuitive young girl added, "where are they?" She then symbolically looked around.

"Someone's actually instead left you temporarily alone here," the girl then continued, "either as a joke or punishment, or you've done it yourself as some perverted thrill, the consequences of which you're now desperately trying to wriggle out of. Whatever the truth, I think we're free to do what the sign suggests!"

The girl immediately began to confirm her stance by stepping forward to rub a forefinger gently along Sergei's freshly invigorated erection, which quivered and grew further in response. Such a reaction encouraged her to suggest, amidst renewed loud giggling from her young male companions, "Mmmm, you've got a nice dick and it's becoming hard either because of my fondling or at realising what's about to happen to you or both. The sign must therefore be right. You really are a pervert, boy, and so you'll really deserve what you're about to receive. I'm sure that, given your perversion, you'll thoroughly enjoy it too!"

The girl next encouraged her young male companions to return Sergei to his original position, namely with his naked back towards her. She subsequently happily ran her forefinger along the vivid scarlet stripes currently besmirching the older boy's normally exquisite curvaceous bottom.

The girl then announced, in clarification of what she believed Sergei really deserved to receive, "I'm now looking forward to adding to these soon. However, because you've clearly been lying to us, I think that we all deserve double the ration from the cane suggested by the sign. That's ten strokes each, or forty in total, but first we'll use the dildo!"

"I want to try to fuck him properly," one of the boys, who had been more knowledgeable about sex than the other two, however, interrupted to confirm. The girl therefore amended her threat by saying "It seems that Vladimir here wants to attempt to use his real cock and he can, of course, do so but only after we've used the dildo first!"

On hearing the girl's words, Sergei revised an earlier opinion relating to when his life had reached a true nadir. Surely, the boy now believed, nothing could be worse than what he was currently suffering.

The naked Sergei was being intimately fondled by a girl three years his junior, who would also soon sodomise him with a big dildo and cane him ten times, with a trio of similarly aged younger boys perpetrating similar on his already ravaged rear. There was additionally the real prospect of other torments to follow after the children's sadism had finally been sated and they had departed. He did not know whom they would subsequently alert about his presence and predicament in the wood, if anyone, or who else might chance upon him until his Master finally came to rescue him.

Sergei hated his Master intensely but he realised that his quick arrival now would be sincerely welcomed.

(A public bar, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

Sergei's Master enjoyed his alcohol and was currently consuming his tenth bottle of beer. Nevertheless, his voice was not slurred when he answered his chauffeur's latest question.

"When are you going to retrieve the brat from the park?" the chauffeur had asked. "Dusk," was his employer's one-word reply, uttered just before enjoying another swig of cold lager.

(A municipal park, St. Petersburg, Russia, same time)

"I'd spread your legs as much as you can," the girl recommended to Sergei, as she began to press the tip of the big dildo against the older boy's sphincter, "to make this easier for yourself." "Please don't," the 14 year-old begged in response, whilst also taking the precaution of complying with the young female's suggestion as best he could, given his taut step-toed posture.

"Don't be silly," the girl replied, "as I believe that we're both going to enjoy this. I'm looking forward to humiliating you further and hurting you by inserting the dildo into you and I think that, if you are a pervert as the sign says, you'll like me doing so!"

"I won't like it," Sergei protested, "as I'm truly not a pervert." "Too bad," the girl answered, as she pressed the dildo even harder against the older boy's sphincter, "as you'll therefore just have to suffer without enjoyment!"

Sergei's intent to plead further for mercy was then thwarted when his anal defences now surrendered to the pressure imposed on the dildo by the girl. The older boy's sweet rosy lips instead quickly uttered a loud shriek.

The entry of the tip of the dildo had caused Sergei little pain but the rest of the increasingly more bulbous shaft was a different matter, representing, at the broadest point, the widest implement yet to be inserted into his anus. However, unlike in Saudi Arabia when Gacy's sadistically mammoth tool had first penetrated him, the boy did not now experience temporary relief from his excruciation by fainting.

Sergei instead remained fully conscious to experience the acute agony created by the dildo, which momentarily took his breath away, temporarily causing his shrieking to cease. Copious tears also began to flow from the boy's sensuous blue eyes down his sublime face, as the anal intruder, aided by the girl's determination and remarkable power for an 11 year-old female, finally penetrated him to the hilt.

Blood also began to drip downwards along Sergei's bumcrack, as evidence of anal damage. However, the sight did not encourage the cruel girl to desist her torture. She instead partially withdrew the dildo before ramming it harshly back into the older boy, encouraged in her actions by laughter and shouts from her similarly young male friends.

The girl subsequently repeated her sadistic action several times, now to the accompaniment of renewed shrieks from Sergei, before she allowed a request from one of the other younger boys to assume her role. He proved as adept as his female friend in causing their older victim a great deal of anguish. However, by the time another companion took over, the 14 year-old's ravaged rear was becoming more accustomed to the big anal intruder.

Consequently, Sergei's shrieks transformed to quieter whimpering until the girl decided that the older boy was no longer suffering enough. Again resuming control of the dildo, she viciously pulled the shaft out of him, inducing one final yelp from him for her effort, and then asked young Vladimir "Do you want to use your cock now?"

Seeing the blood drip from Sergei's pained and ravaged rear, Vladimir decided against his original intent. "I'm not fucking that," he exclaimed in disgusted explanation and whilst instead picking up the cane, "and so I should be the first to beat the pervert!"

"Alright," the girl compliantly replied, "but make sure you hit him as hard as you can, as I want you to make him cry even more." "Also make sure," she cruelly added to Sergei's further consternation, "that your ten blows cover as much of his bottom as possible, as I'd like to see all of his buttocks red raw by the time we've finished with him!"

Vladimir was more than happy to attempt to comply with the girl's desires and shortly afterwards Sergei resumed his loud shrieking, as the first of forty remarkably powerful blows from the cane, delivered by a quartet of sadistic 11 year-old children, struck his bare bottom. Nevertheless, the older boy's cock remained resolutely stiff, as if relishing in the induced agony and humiliation.

By the time that Vladimir was finishing his stint, Sergei could not prevent humbling himself further by again begging, between his sobs and yelps, the younger children for mercy. "P….please….stop," he regularly but uselessly pleaded of them, whilst his desperate entreaties actually stimulated them instead into trying to hit him even harder.

The three boys eventually achieved on their own the girl's wish that Sergei's buttocks be transformed into a red raw state. By the time that she finally and eagerly grasped the cane, the whole of the 14 year-old's bottom was badly bruised in a range of colours, from bright scarlet through yellow to deep brown and purple. Some blood was also spilling from cuts, created where hits had intersected.

As the girl keenly prepared to hit Sergei for the first time by raising her cane into the air, she considered it more than likely that she would make the older boy's bare bottom even bloodier by the time she had finished. The badly bruised flesh on his buttocks now appeared so vulnerably tender and delicate that the lightest blow would cut his skin. However, by now, she was really delighting in and intrigued with the game and still proposed to show no compassion.

The girl therefore launched her first blow with as much force as she could muster. In the event, she actually succeeded in surpassing the power achieved by any of the three boys who had preceded her in caning Sergei.

The girl was rewarded by another loud shriek from Sergei, whose previous recent reactions to being hit by the boys had generally reduced to pained grunts as each blow was delivered. His mind had been lost in a sort of agonised delirium but had been returned to excruciating reality by the shear venom of her strike, which did indeed cut his flesh and produce more blood.

The girl's second blow subsequently produced another liquid to add to Sergei's blood and tears. By now, the boy's naked body simply dangled from his wrist-cuffs, as his toes had long before surrendered the battle to retain contact with the ground because the agony being experienced by his bottom overwhelmed all others, including that induced in his arms by his suspension.

Consequently, Sergei's amazingly maintained erection pressed against the cool concrete wall of the pillbox on which the front of his nude form was resting. Simultaneous to receiving the girl's second blow and the resultant further loud shriek spilling from his mouth, the boy's cock amazingly spurted more semen.

"You've made him cum," one of the boys, watching from the side and seeing the white fluid gushing onto the concrete wall, shouted enthusiastically, "so he really is a pervert!" On this occasion, Sergei's anguish had been such that he had not realised that he had embarrassingly orgasmed and ejaculated again and the current nature of his distress caused him not to care, as he felt that he had well before already reached the cusp of humiliation and shame.

"I think that he deserves another ten hits for being such a dirty pervert," the girl suggested in almost ecstatic celebration of Sergei's shame and simultaneous to launching another forceful blow against the older boy's red-raw and bloodied bottom. However, some conscience then entered her thoughts relating to whether, by personally inflicting a total of twenty blows of the cane, she might permanently damage the 14 year-old's buttocks, which might later have unwanted consequences for her.

Sergei's bottom certainly looked to the girl to be incapable of suffering much more caning without suffering permanent damage. She therefore contemplated alternatives, whilst launching her fourth blow against the scorched flesh.

The girl eventually arrived at her solution when striking Sergei's buttocks on the ninth occasion. "I'll stop the caning of the pervert's bottom after the next hit, as I don't think it can take anymore," she announced, "and instead, for being such a dirty pervert, I'll beat his cock and balls ten times!"

(New York Harbour, New York, USA, 1 week later)

In modern times, a Russian-owned merchant ship, built in Japan, flying the flag of Panama, having Bulgarian officers and a Chinese crew and exporting American goods to the port of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia is not usual. The New York harbour authorities therefore paid no special attention to the vessel, as it readied itself to sail.

The harbour authorities did not, of course, know that the ship was actually often used by Russian gangsters to smuggle drugs into the USA. They also did not realise that the vessel was now being used to send illegal exports to Saudi Arabia.

Three carefully bound, gagged and drugged beautiful 13 year- old boys, named David, John and Michael, were secretly occupying a cabin, considerately vacated by one of the bribed ship's officers. Such valuable exports would naturally never appear in any trading figures.

If such exports were to be somehow quantified in official returns, $2,000,000 would need to be cited for each boy, this being the price a certain Sheikh was spending to acquire them.

(Plateau de Tchigaï, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, same time)

The women and children of the Tuareg family group had retired to their tents for the night to allow their menfolk and male guests, comprehensively dressed against the evening chill of the desert, to continue the celebration alone. The setting for the festivity was a cleared area in the middle of the encampment, with the tribesmen sitting in a circle on mats, eating the remains of the recent feast and drinking beverages, prepared and served by attendant slaves. Personal warmth and the illumination from the full moon and stars above were supplemented by a large campfire, whilst background music was supplied by Nsikak and his drum.

Nsikak's drumbeats eventually suddenly became more agitated. The increase in tempo actually signalled the imminent appearance for the first time of the boy whose acquisition as a Tuareg slave the tribal elders were happily celebrating.

Robert, who had become quite conversant with some of the tenets of the Koran in the past week, heard the change in musical tones whilst inside the nearby tent in which he had been secreted to await the time of his dance performance. The boy immediately recognised this signal, which indicated that he had to emerge forthwith from his place of quiet sanctuary to start his humiliating act.

Robert rather naturally initially hesitated to comply with his instructions regarding the significance of the musical signal, although not because he was currently unprotected by clothing from the outside evening chill. The boy was attired only in his skimpy loincloth and he appreciated that even this minuscule modicum of cover would not last. He was expected to be naked when he completed his dance performance, although he realised that any bodily shivering encountered would not arise from the usual cold of the desert at night, as his energetic gyrations should keep him warm.

Any bodily shivering encountered would instead emanate from Robert's embarrassed nervousness, which was also currently causing him to hesitate in complying with Nsikak's musical signal. The boy was very tense because of the imminent humiliation that he would endure by dancing for the large group of Tuaregs outside, plus the possibility of punishment if he performed unsatisfactorily.

Even though Robert now believed himself competent at dancing, he considered the prospect of gyrating, first virtually and ultimately actually naked, in front of the undoubtedly lecherous Tuareg tribesmen to be both deeply degrading and still vulnerable to punishable error. The boy also positively abhorred the idea of then being compelled to return to this tent to entertain sexually any of the tribal elders who wanted to be so pleasured. The notion that he would probably have to service over a dozen men overnight both disgusted and frightened him.

Nevertheless, Robert ultimately did not delay too long in obeying Nsikak's musical signal. Recall of the pair of wooden stakes firmly embedded in the ground nearby, awaiting the attachment of any miscreant slaves for flogging, finally tempted the boy to leave his tent.

As Robert reluctantly proceeded to meet his lustful audience, his cock, tucked within the minuscule thong underneath the tiny anterior flap of his skimpy loincloth, suddenly pulsed and attempted to grow. The boy's sudden, apparently shameless and superficially incongruous, arousal at the prospect facing him was also evident by the development of a small but noticeable bulge at the front of his tiny sole garment.

Robert realised that his arousal would also soon be revealed to the Tuaregs in other ways. The boy knew from practising that his energetic dancing would cause the flaps of his loincloth regularly to rise.

Such activity would reveal, beneath the front flap, the tight thong within which the full outline of Robert's genitals would be clearly evident, as well as, under the rear, the boy's bare bottom. The ultimate shedding of the young American's sole garment in order to dance naked would also exhibit his disgraceful excitement to all.

In the event, Robert's disgrace turned out worse than he imagined. As his completely smooth uncovered genitals flapped energetically around amidst his erotic gyrations, the boy, blushing from both exertion and embarrassment, brought his dance to a literal climax to the delight and hilarity of the fascinated spectators.

In the process, the initially orgasmic but ultimately acutely abashed Robert sprayed his lithe torso and limbs with his own semen, as well as left copious creamy droplets on the ground beneath him. However, such spermatic despoliation of the boy's gorgeous young body did not distract any of the watching tribal elders from now being very eager to enjoy his soiled form in the privacy of the tent from which the young American had earlier emerged.

The honour of being the first to be thoroughly entertained by the naked young American slaveboy prostitué inside the waiting canopy was by custom afforded to the most senior and aged of the guests present. Nevertheless, this rather wrinkled, ugly and smelly septuagenarian proved to be most virile, as Robert's oral and anal orifices were to discover over the next hour, before his second keen client of the long night ahead replaced the first customer.

As Robert performed his long series of degrading sexual chores with a succession of Tuareg tribal elders for much of the night, he could hear the constant rhythm of Nsikak's slowed drumbeat, as the 13 year-old Hausa resumed his background music. The young American did not, of course, know at the time that his black friend, as he played, managed to overhear a conversation that was highly pertinent to the white boy's future.

(Plateau de Tchigaï, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, another week later)

Robert was again sitting on a high rock, adjacent to Nsikak, with whom communications had improved because of the young American's increasing understanding of the Tuareg 'Temajeg' tongue. They had once more been charged with keeping a watchful eye on the grazing sheep.

"But I've never ridden a camel," Nsikak protested in Temajeg, "and I'm sure that you haven't." "But," Robert retorted, whilst they indulged in further plotting to escape from slavery, "it's the only way that I can think of to flee successfully. If we try on foot in this desert, we'd either quickly be recaptured or become fodder for carrion!"

Robert had been planning escape ever since the family elder started schooling him in Islam, which, when his full conversion to the faith was finally assumed, would lead to circumcision by the Tuareg's knife. The boy had urgently redoubled his plotting when Nsikak had later informed him about the conversation he had overheard at the celebration one week previously.

The stimulus for Robert's desperation had not been the degradation of now sexually serving the family elder nightly or the Tuareg's fellow senior tribesmen occasionally. The revelation, overheard by Nsikak, that the young American would soon be sold on to an Arab trader, had instead spurred him into wanting to attempt a quick escape despite the difficulties.

According to the conversation overheard by Nsikak, who, having learnt from Robert about the wider world, wanted to share the dangers of his attempted flight, the family elder was now anticipating a highly lucrative trade because of the existence of a certain secret market for pretty white boys from the USA. Despite only being 13 years of age, the proposed subject of the anticipated high-value barter was also aware enough about political and other issues to appreciate the reasons why such goods were especially coveted by certain anti-American Arabs with particular sexual tastes.

Such realisation therefore enabled Robert to recognise that a change of ownership would undoubtedly lead to an even more unpleasant existence when compared to the one that he was presently suffering. Pederastic anti-American Arabs would surely enjoy not only having sex with him but also hurting him.

Robert would be even more concerned if he knew that a certain Saudi Arabian Sheikh, with a new palatial residence in the eastern Nejd Plateau, was seeking a young American slaveboy to supplement the imminent import of three delectable specimens direct from the USA and entertain in his torture chamber.

(Plateau de Tchigaï, Agadez Départment, Niger, Africa, next day)

Nsikak had been firmly bound between the two sturdy wooden stakes resolutely embedded in the ground within the Tuareg encampment. Robert had already been compelled to watch his now naked friend being severely flogged all over his back, buttocks and the rear of his legs by the family elder in front of the whole of the tribal group, including the women, children and other slaves.

"Let this be a lesson to all slaves who might be considering trying to escape," the family elder had declared before beginning his comprehensive flagellation of Nsikak with a long and heavy brutal leather scourge. He repeated his statement after he had finished, by which time the boy's back had many cuts and was bleeding profusely.

The overnight attempt of Robert and Nsikak to escape by stealing and then riding a camel had ended in farce and swift recapture. The animal, being accustomed only to the usual mount, had initially refused to stand, let alone move with the two boys on his back.

The camel had eventually only been induced to stand and move when Robert began desperately to hit the animal with a stick. However, the beast had simultaneously uttered a loud series of screeches, which had aroused the whole Tuareg encampment.

The camel also quickly secured revenge for being hit with a stick when it started to jerk its back wildly and continuously. This frantic reaction caused the animal's two young riders, who did not have the benefit of a saddle or stirrups to help them cling onto the beast, to tumble off. The boys were then rapidly recaptured by the furious Tuaregs only a couple of hundred metres from the encampment.

The family elder now concluded Nsikak's punishment by rubbing salt into the boy's cuts, during which process the child thankfully fainted. By now, the face of Robert, who was standing nearby, was awash with his own tears, after watching the appalling punishment inflicted on his friend.

Robert now sincerely wished that he had not influenced Nsikak to seek freedom and want to try to escape with him. However, the young American's regretful thoughts were then swiftly overcome by concerns for his own welfare.

Robert had heard the family elder command the removal from the dreadful scene of the unconscious Nsikak and then order fellow tribesmen to "Strip 'Allaitant' naked, as it's now his turn to be similarly punished!"

(A large luxurious dacha in a quiet part of the Russian countryside, conveniently close to St. Petersburg, 2 weeks later later, March 2000)

Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor had originally been given the task of serving their Master and his party guests with expensive champagne in crystal glasses placed on the silver trays that the four boys carried. The quartet of exceptionally beautiful young slaves had for the purpose been attired only in skimpy black briefs, with the usual double-headed eagle logo and without their genital chastity cages underneath.

The gorgeous bodies of all of the four boys unusually currently displayed no damage resulting from the sadistic activities of their Master or others. At least one of them generally showed signs of recent abuse but not on this occasion, as the multi-millionaire had deliberately refrained in the preceding weeks from inflicting injury because he wanted to present his young slaves to his party guests in perfect form.

The expert careful attentions of the multi-millionaire's doctor had ensured that Sergei had been returned to full physical perfection after his extremely humiliating and painful experiences in a certain municipal park. However, the boy's mental recovery from the trauma of the event had not been completed, as he still suffered frequent nightmares about what had happened to him there, especially at the hands of a younger girl.

Sergei regularly awoke in the middle of the night in the lonely basement cell of his Master's dacha in a fevered sweat, after his latest nightmare had recalled his genitals being excruciatingly caned by the girl. The boy usually found that his hands had, whilst he had still been unconscious, drifted towards his perspex chastity cage to cover in a protective gesture his sexual organs from further harm.

Sergei still did not know how his genitals had survived the girl's viciousness. The caning of his cock was bad enough but he had incorrectly believed at the time that the blows against his balls must have emasculated him.

The girl might indeed have turned Sergei into a eunuch if she had been permitted to deliver more than five blows of the cane to the boy's genitals. However, just as dusk was falling, she and her friends had been interrupted by the arrival of a couple of men in the small central wood of the municipal park, which had caused the children to run away in fright.

Sergei had never previously been so happy to see his Master and the multi-millionaire's chauffeur, although he was less pleased when the latter, before releasing him, indulged in the act of sodomy that his generous employer had granted him. As the driver had conjectured earlier, the sexual deed proved agonising for the boy, given the comprehensive damage to his bottom, but consequently proved more pleasurable to the cruel man.

Sergei was now again in a fevered sweat but not as a result of a frightening dream. The boy's current very scary nightmare was instead being experienced whilst he was fully conscious.

Whilst performing their waiting duties, Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor had, as usual, been subjected to much intimate fondling by many of the party guests of both sexes, who were wearing the customary leather uniforms of bdsm masters and dominatrixes. Such embarrassing petting only finally ended when the four boys were eventually excused from holding their trays and instead commanded to strip naked.

Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor subsequently confirmed that the significant bulges, which had formed at the front of their skimpy briefs, outlined fully aroused cocks after they all reluctantly removed their sole garments. Given their earlier subjection to much fondling and a previous lengthy period of enforced chastity, during which time strong aphrodisiacs had continued to be secretly fed to them, such penile phenomena were naturally not unexpected.

What was unexpected, at least to Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor, was, after they had compliantly stripped naked, the wheeling into the huge entertainment hall of their Master's luxurious dacha of five large medical trolleys of silvery metal. Four were clear of impedimenta, apart from disturbing bondage rings embedded at each corner. However, on the fifth even more worryingly rested an array of surgical tools and other paraphernalia, including bottles and jars of liquids and creams, plus four cheap penile vibrators. The latter consisted of a simple plastic ring with a tiny motor underneath, powered by batteries contained in a separate control mechanism linked by a wire.

Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor, who did not yet know what was ultimately to happen to them, were subsequently commanded by their Master to mount and lie face-up and spreadeagled on a trolley apiece, which was an order that none of them dared to disobey despite their deep concerns. After they had complied, the sturdy black leather wrist and ankle cuffs of each of the boys were soon chained in place on the cool metal surfaces by the multi-millionaire, immobilising them in position.

The boys' Master next cheerily placed one of the penile vibrators on each of their still embarrassingly erect cocks and invited four of his guests to prepare themselves to start the devices simultaneously on his command. He then announced, whilst a certain billionaire from Moscow appeared with his scalpel, that, as a bit of party fun, whoever of Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor ejaculated first would immediately be circumcised.

Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor were naturally appalled to hear their Master's announcement. However, none of them protested.

The boys knew that such protest not only would be useless but also would engender punishment. They also recognised that, to enhance the value significantly, they had committed themselves to the possibility of circumcision in their original contracts, although all had hoped that the deed would never be perpetrated. Unfortunately, in respect of one of them, the clause was about to be enacted, just for the amusement of their sadistic Master and his party guests.

"Begin!" their Master instructed and soon the erect cocks of the four beautiful boys, tightly encased at the base by the ring of the plastic vibrator, with the tiny motor resting on their hairless scrotums, started to quiver. Sergei, Yuri, Sasha and Viktor immediately attempted to avert disaster by adopting their usual tactic in similar circumstances, namely trying to think of other, preferably sad, matters.

Unfortunately, also as usual in similar circumstances, the needs of the boys' recently compulsorily neglected cocks and libidos, enthused by secret consumption of strong aphrodisiacs, nullified the tactic. The incessant vibrations stimulating their penises proved too irresistible to ignore.

Despite the fact that the vibrators had been placed at the base of the boys' erections, where stimulation to ejaculation would be harder to achieve than if positioned nearer to the cockheads, they were quickly brought close to disaster. Their gorgeous naked bodies were soon squirming within the tight confines of their spreadeagled bondage, as, with increasingly fevered brows and reddened faces, they fought fruitlessly against the advent of inevitable climax.

To the intrigued adult spectators, the boys' squirming clearly indicated that the party game no longer entailed whether any of the boys would orgasm but instead which of them would first ejaculate and so lose his foreskin. Meanwhile, Sergei was sure that he was about to be the imminent victim of the Muscovite billionaire's scalpel.

Sergei could see his engorged vertical erection throbbing wildly between his splayed legs. His seriously endangered foreskin had withdrawn slightly down his penile shaft to expose his scarlet cockhead, which was on the point of exploding.

In Sergei's distressed mind, his groin felt as if it were a volcano boiling and about to erupt spectacularly with cum. In fact, this mental metaphor speedily proved a prurient prediction when the boy entered a sadly too short phase of extreme ecstasy, which momentarily expelled all other awareness from his brain, even the loud sound of exultant laughter from all around.

Sergei temporarily experienced nothing but intense pleasure, whilst his whole body shuddered within the tight confines of his bondage and his throbbing cockhead energetically spurted copious cum into the air before the gushes of ejaculate fell back onto his genitals, legs, belly, chest and even his face, as well as the trolley on which he was chained. However, the boy's mind eventually returned from his sexual high to reality.

Despite some cum in his eye, Sergei then saw the Muscovite billionaire preparing to use his scalpel.

(To be continued in part 6 - Charité)