PZA Boy Stories


The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays

(Nialos version)

Chapter 9

(Dr. Strappem's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Tom knocked on the door of Dr. Strappem's rooms just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock in the evening. The door was opened and the 10 year-old was immediately shocked by what he saw inside.

Before Tom was a naked boy. He could also see the back of a leather armchair, beyond which, on a large bed, two more young nudes cavorted whilst another undressed duo stood to the side, arms wrapped round each other whilst they watched the action in front of them. All of the boys sported fulsome erections.

Tom was later to discover that the boys were different ages. Dr. Strappem liked to add to his collection just one new exceptionally attractive catamite from each fresh annual intake of 10 year-old pupils, releasing them from his sexual service only once they reached year 8 and the age of 17.

The boy who had opened the door was 11, the two on the bed were 13 and 15 and the nearby spectators were 14 and 16. The new arrival, Tom, was soon to discover where the 12 year-old amongst Dr. Strappem's current catamite collection was positioned.

Dr. Strappem's head appeared round the side of the armchair. "Ah, Brown T," the euphorically smiling Headmaster declared, lechery obvious in his eyes, "welcome and do come in!" Tom hesitated, wanting to run away instead, but then he remembered that, if he did, Christopher would probably have to survey such a disturbing scene instead on the following Sunday.

The deeply apprehensive Tom therefore entered the Doctor of Divinity's rooms, not knowing that Christopher would reluctantly be doing similar at the Doctor of Medicine's accommodation an hour later. As the tremulous boy advanced towards the armchair occupied by the Headmaster, he suddenly realised to his disgust that the man was himself shockingly naked.

The missing 12 year-old, also nude and erect like the other boys, was kneeling in front of Dr. Strappem and his young lips and tongue were busy entertaining the Headmaster's hairy genitals. Meanwhile, the 11 year-old closed the door behind Tom and quickly went to stand to one side of the armchair so that the man could resume his earlier fondling of him.

"I've assembled the other special pupils who enjoy my patronage," Dr. Strappem advised Tom, as the deeply shocked and appalled newcomer finally arrived at the other side of the armchair from the 11 year-old, whose smooth balls the Headmaster had resumed fondling, "so that they can introduce themselves to you. After all, you'll undoubtedly become intimately familiar with all of them over the terms, if not years, ahead!"

"Now, boys," Dr. Strappem then commanded, "stop enjoying yourselves and tell Brown T here, who is to be the latest beneficiary of my kind personal patronage, who you are and what class you're in." The pupils, obedience encouraged by the nasty cane always in the Headmaster's presence, immediately proceeded to obey in ascending order of age.

"Good," Dr. Strappem subsequently commented, "now that you know the others, I'm sure that you'll want, Brown T, to become as comfortable as them. Undress and place your uniform neatly on the floor in the corner over there, alongside the other six tidy piles, and then come back here. I think that it's time that you and I also became intimately acquainted!"

(Dr. Ballsoff's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, one hour later)

Christopher knocked nervously on the door of Dr. Ballsoff's rooms an hour later. The Physician was alone apart from a naked 14 year-old boy strapped spreadeagled to an examination couch.

Consequently, Dr. Ballsoff opened the door to his rooms himself. Christopher immediately noticed the naked splayed boy and realised that the pupil was the same 14 year-old who had been lying in a similarly shaming situation when he and Tom had earlier been subjected by the Physician to their humiliatingly intimate physical checks here. Observing that Christopher was at the threshold, Dr. Ballsoff grinned and instructed "Enter, West, and shut the door behind you!" The deeply concerned boy reluctantly complied whilst the Physician returned to continue his examination of the 14 year-old's clearly excited genitals.

"Just bear with me," Dr. Ballsoff requested of Christopher, as the Physician resumed his close inspection of the bound boy's groin and carefully felt the shape of his young scrotum, including the immature balls inside, "whilst I finish my check. The miscreant's still producing unwanted emissions of semen and his guardian has agreed that I can decide my own remedy to rectify the problem. I'm just working out precisely what I should do."

Christopher waited patiently until just after the school clock struck quarter past eight. The blushing 14 year-old nude was then released from his bondage and told to wash and redress himself and return to his dormitory. The cleaning was required because the symptom of his disorder had occurred again during Dr. Ballsoff's examination, when semen had gushed out of the boy's cockhead to splash like a fountain all over his groin, belly and chest. Luckily for the pupil's bottom, the Physician's cane would not exact revenge because the man had anticipated the imminent ejaculation and had stood back to allow the energetic spurts to take their natural course, thereby avoiding being soiled with the juvenile sperm.

When Dr. Ballsoff was finally alone with Christopher, he commanded the boy to undress too. The shamed 10 year-old reluctantly did so, unsure why the order had been conveyed because he had already recently been subjected to an intimate medical check-up by the man. However, he now knew better than to query the instruction.

"Place your hands on your head," Dr. Ballsoff next ordered after seeing that Christopher, having disrobed, was trying to hide his privates with his hands. The boy, blushing and embarrassed despite having been in this situation with the Physician twice previously, reluctantly obeyed. His humiliation was then compounded when he realised that his little cock was hard.

Dr. Ballsoff walked round Christopher, taking in the boy's beautiful form but now not with professional but with erotic interest, and whilst his own already aroused hidden penis grew further as he did so. "I liked the way that you conducted yourself when you helped me with my lesson in natural sciences, West," the Physician advised, as he proceeded with his slow intimate visual inspection of the young nude.

"I've therefore asked the Headmaster," the equally cunning and manipulative Dr. Ballsoff announced, "if I can use you as a regular nude model in the frequent class demonstrations in natural sciences that I conduct around the school. Dr. Strappem has kindly agreed to my request."

Christopher was naturally appalled to learn of this development, and the redness of his face deepened as he realised the full humiliating implications of Dr. Ballsoff's announcement. "However," the crafty Physician also informed, "I have a vacancy for a first year pupil to mentor and the selected boy would of course not have time to act as a nude model as well."

"I believe," Dr. Ballsoff continued, "that you've heard my discourse on pedagogic relationships. If you don't want to be, over the next eight years, a regular living naked specimen at the lessons that I hold every day, except Sunday, for the various forms, I invite you to apply for this vacancy. You may indicate your acceptance by going through the side door over there into my private quarters where you'll find a bed. Lay on it and I'll kindly initiate our mutually beneficial association!"

(Gymnasium, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

At the same time, Jonathan was enduring his private gymnasium session with the Gamesmaster. This boy was also now naked, the teacher having suggested that the lesson should be conducted in the traditional ancient Greek fashion of complete undress.

Jonathan was already at the point of exhaustion. The naked boy had conducted several circuits of the equipment in the gymnasium, whilst being compelled to run between the various apparatus, sometimes uncertainly along low narrow wooden benches, before using the items in the required manner. Amongst the requirements inflicted on the nude 10 year-old had was the need to climb ropes and frames, jump over vaulting horses and perform somersaults, push-ups and other energetic exercises on soft matting.

The Gamesmaster thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle, albeit more for sensual than for athletic reasons. Mr. Hardcock especially liked the sight of Jonathan's completely smooth and perfectly proportioned sexual organs flopping around during the various hectic activities. He was also particularly looking forward to fondling and sucking soon the young balls that formed an essential component of the juvenile genitalia.

"You may rest for a few minutes, Morton," Mr. Hardcock subsequently advised the relieved Jonathan before disappointing the boy by adding "and then I'll supervise you running around the outside playing field. It's a bit dark, cold and rainy, especially for someone exercising in the nude, but you won't mind that, will you? I'm sure that you'll also enjoy similar daily private gymnastic lessons with me throughout your nine years at the school!"

Tears began to form in Jonathan's eyes on hearing of Mr. Hardcock's plans. The Gamesmaster therefore realised that the time was ripe to offer the boy the alternative proposal.

Mr. Hardcock began by advising that there were alternative forms of exercise and then asking whether Jonathan had listened to Dr. Ballsoff's talk about pedagogic relationships.

(Dr. Strappem's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

An hour earlier, Dr. Strappem had ordered his 11 and 12 year-old catamites to go and prepare him a cup of tea whilst he spoke to Tom. "Let me see you properly," the naked Headmaster subsequently instructed, knocking the now adjacent and similarly nude younger boy's hands away from the protection of his immature genitalia.

Dr. Strappem smirked when he saw that Tom's hands were trying to hide a little erection. The Headmaster then made the young cock, and his own, even more rigid by spending several minutes fondling the boy's sexual organs for the first time.

Dr. Strappem was delighted by the immaculate form of Tom's genitalia, which currently comprised a stiff uncut penis above a nicely smooth small spherical scrotum. The boy's balls received much attention before adult hands strayed to the lustrous curvature of the 10 year-old's bare bottom.

Dr. Strappem's fondling was eventually interrupted by the arrival of his cup of tea. The Headmaster therefore ceased his manhandling of Tom's private parts and instead, in order to enjoy to the full his refreshment, which was initially held for him between sips by the 11 year-old, he invited his newest boy catamite to sit on his knee.

Tom reluctantly felt compelled, by sight of the nearby prominently displayed cane, to accept Dr. Strappem's invitation. He was then forced to watch the lovemaking demonstration provided by the two boys on the bed.

Dr. Strappem explained, as the erotic demonstration continued, that the pair's performance would later be matched by the 14 and 16 year-olds and then the 11 and 12 year-olds. Tom was subsequently to discover during the succeeding hour or so that the boys making up each pair were required to suck their partner to excitement. The Headmaster kindly advised that this activity was pursued in order to provide their differing sized cocks with natural lubrication so that they could follow through their passions by sodomising their companions until they achieved wet or dry orgasms.

As the exhibitions of boyish lusts proceeded, Tom felt Dr. Strappem's own hard cock press against his virginal bottom. His own much smaller penis also rather guiltily maintained its rigidity throughout the lewd shows, helped by frequent fondling of his balls by the Headmaster.

(Dr. Ballsoff's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Meanwhile, Christopher's body was receiving similar ministrations from a now equally naked and rampant Dr. Ballsoff, who was lying next to the boy on his bed. The Physician was particularly keen on licking his young companion's body, spending much time doing so to his smooth balls, as well as other select parts of his delicious anatomy.

(Gymnasium, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Nevertheless, Jonathan lost his virginity first, as Mr. Hardcock was not someone who indulged in much foreplay. The Gamesmaster's fondling of his latest young catamite had quickly brought his lecherous passions to boiling point.

Jonathan was therefore instructed to bend himself over one of the smaller vaulting horses, whilst firmly grasping the far underside. Despite being assigned the most diminutive of these items of gymnastic equipment, the boy's feet were consequently raised from the shiny wooden floorboards.

Mr. Hardcock quickly undressed himself to reveal the veracity of his surname. His large erection was already drooling precum.

Mr. Hardcock then rapidly greased his penis and the young virgin's anus with substance provided by Dr. Ballsoff to all staff for just this purpose. The resultant intrusion of the Gamesmaster's large manly finger into Jonathan's tight innocent rectum caused the boy to moan in pain and shame.

Jonathan's utterances then became loud yelps when Mr. Hardcock's digit was soon ruthlessly followed by his much bigger engorged penis, which was mercilessly eagerly thrust straight inside the boy. The 10 year-old had never previously experienced such agony, even during his recent caning.

Mr. Hardcock gripped Jonathan's hips harshly and pulled them backwards and forwards in tandem with his own thrusts, whilst continuously fully filling and then emptying the yelling boy's anus, as he deflowered the tear-stained 10 year-old.

(Dr. Ballsoff's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Shortly after the gymnasium became quiet again, similar anguished yelps started to emanate from Dr. Ballsoff's quarters. Christopher's virginity was lost whilst he lay on his back holding his legs aloft so that his pink sphincter was nicely exposed for attack by the Physician's own large deflowering implement.

Like Jonathan nearby, Christopher subsequently had to suffer the more silent pleasure of orally cleaning the tool that had just deprived him of his virginity. His young tongue was compelled to lick blood, semen and worse from the still hard manly penile surface.

Also as with Jonathan nearby, Christopher's action culminated in his first act of fellatio, with the resultant semen forcibly swallowed, as his new pedagogue held the boy's head firmly in place until orgasm was complete and the product safely despatched to the 10 year-old's stomach.

(Dr. Strappem's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Tom's deflowering was to take longer, despite his earlier start, because, unlike Mr. Hardcock, Dr. Strappem enjoyed long foreplay. The boy was also subsequently ashamed to have to confess to himself that, after overcoming his initial shame, he had begun to enjoy the sexual preliminaries.

The spectacle of watching two naked boys making love immediately in front of him, and the simultaneous gentle fondling by Dr. Strappem, especially of his little balls, had not just caused Tom's own cock to harden. When the 14 year-old clearly climaxed to ejaculate inside the 16 year-old, the youngest penis in the headmaster's rooms also enjoyed its own dry orgasm.

Dr. Strappem had noticed the obvious signs of Tom's gathering climax, namely the blushing face, heavier breathing, shuddering body and vibrating cock, and had generously allowed nature to take its course. The Headmaster even smiled when the inevitable happened.

Dr. Strappem was, of course, also now looking forward to his own reward, namely enjoying the feeling of his own erection being thrust deep inside the virgin opening against which his rampant and increasingly impatient penis was currently pressing. The Headmaster secured his aim after watching all six of his other young catamites enjoy sex in pairs in front of him.

After the conclusion of the sexual shows, Tom was finally left alone with Dr. Strappem. The Headmaster had commanded the other boys to redress and had dismissed them back to their various dormitories. However, the Doctor of Divinity did not now advance to his bed to enjoy his eagerly anticipated divine moment. He had instead decided to experience his imminent pleasure whilst remaining in his armchair.

Dr. Strappem raised Tom slightly from his manly lap and targeted his erection to point directly upwards at the boy's virginal sphincter. The deflowering implement then received a little grease before the now terrified 10 year-old felt the large cockhead again pressing against his anal opening, this time with clear keen intent.

Tom knew what was about to occur. The boy also realised that he could do nothing but succumb.

Dr. Strappem whispered in Tom's ear. "Lower yourself onto me!" the Headmaster instructed the appalled boy.

Tom's body broke out in goosepimples before he slowly and with immense reluctance began to obey Dr. Strappem's instruction. However, the press of the Headmaster's broad engorged cockhead against the boy's desperately resistant virginal sphincter caused too much pain for the 10 year- old to proceed any further.

"I can't!" Tom screamed in desperation. "You can!" Dr. Strappem retorted, with eager lechery evident in his voice. The Headmaster then proved his point by grabbing the boy's thighs and, with irresistible manly resolve and strength, pushing downwards.

Tom's anal defences immediately capitulated to such resolute pressure, and a large greased adult erection suddenly slid swiftly into the boy's insides so that his buttocks quickly came to rest against Dr. Strappem's fulsome bush of pubic hair. The 10 year-old's abject excruciating surrender was accompanied by a vociferous shriek from his sweet rosy lips, as the Headmaster's cock was agonisingly rammed to the hilt inside his previously virginal rectum.

"Now, lift yourself gently off me," Dr. Strappem next instructed of Tom, after the boy had later finally calmed and quietened as he became more accustomed to the big cock inside him, "and then lower yourself again. Keep repeating the sequence until you feel me cum inside you!"

Prior to starting at Sodomhall School, Tom would not have known what 'cum inside you meant'. However, the boy had now received sufficient education of a certain type to become fully knowledgeable about such phraseology. He also reluctantly began to obey Dr. Strappem's latest demeaning and distressing command.

Tom lifted himself up and, as he did so, he could feel Dr. Strappem's erection agonisingly slide up his rectum until the cockhead had almost returned to his anal entrance. The boy then reluctantly slowly sat back down into the Headmaster's lap, in the process again painfully filling himself with manly penis, although this time the act of self-sodomy was not quite as hurtful as previously.

The now tearful Tom was rewarded for his action by a sigh from Dr. Strappem of "Good boy!" However, the deeply pained and shamed 10 year-old did not feel that he in any way currently justified such a praiseworthy description.

Tom eventually dutifully rose slightly again before lowering himself once more. The boy then gradually and with great care and much continued anguish began to establish a gentle rhythm to his actions.

Tom's grief was, of course, in inverse proportion to Dr. Strappem's delight, as the beautiful boy's previously virginal rectum pleasured the adult's manhood. The Headmaster considered the feel of young buttocks regularly landing in his lap and against his balls to be particularly exquisite. The experience also finally produced the inevitable response.

Tom had again lowered himself fully onto the hard cock of Dr. Strappem, whose own breathing had become more rapid and heavier, but he was on this occasion not allowed to withdraw. The Headmaster instead held the boy firmly in place by the thighs, as the man finally sated his passion deep inside his newest catamite.

Tom could simultaneously feel spurts of cum invade his insides, as confirmation that he was no longer a virgin. The boy's feeling of self-disgust was not helped by the fact that, as the Headmaster's ejaculate filled him, his own little cock, which had embarrassingly re-hardened, amazingly enjoyed another dry orgasm.

The noticeable simultaneous return of orgasmic shuddering to Tom's delectable form caused Dr. Strappem's own climax to intensify sweetly.

(Main hall, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, next morning)

Tom did not return to his own dormitory that night. In fact, the boy had to go for his morning run directly from Dr. Strappem's bed, on which he had slept next to the Headmaster, after earlier following the practice of Christopher and Jonathan by reluctantly cleansing and performing fellatio on his new pedagogue's more than willing cock.

The morning run also proved rather painful in two different ways for Tom, who was, of course, now only dressed in sparse tight shorts. Firstly, his recently deflowered bottom hurt a lot, particularly when mobile, which caused him to move with noticeable awkwardness and associated grimacing and groaning. Secondly, the residual dried semen on his chin and bared inside legs was further embarrassing evidence to other pupils about what he had been involved in overnight.

When Tom later met up with Christopher and Jonathan for their morning ablutions, none of the three traumatised friends spoke immediately about their awful experiences of the previous night. However, each recognised, from their morose facial expressions, awkward and anguished movements and stained faces and legs, that they had all had suffered similarly.

The three boys were also too late to eat breakfast by the time that they arrived in the schoolhall. Their running had rather understandably been much slower than usual, not that they had much appetite for food, especially as they knew that they were to pleasure their new patrons again that night.

(Playing field, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, next day)

Tom, Christopher and Jonathan were no better at practising the Sodomhall ball game on the school playing field on the next day. Their impaired mobility was the major contributory cause for their team to lose heavily, with none of the hurt and humiliated trio going anywhere near to scoring a 'path' with the leather ball.

(Main hall, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, next day)

On the next day, Dr. Ballsoff gave a special lesson in natural sciences in the schoolhall for all pupils. For the occasion, the Physician had tied the 14 year-old, whose genitals he had been examining before he had ravished Christopher for the first time, naked, spreadeagled and gagged between two wooden posts specially erected on the stage. The miscreant had already been fixed in this humiliating position when the other over 600 boys had entered to sit at their accustomed positions, with a certain younger threesome still doing so very gingerly after another busy night.

Dr. Ballsoff subsequently announced to all the embarrassing genital complaint from which the bound boy suffered. However, the resultant giggling from amongst the young audience e immediately quietened when the Physician went on to describe the experimental corrective treatment to which the miscreant's guardian had agreed. He did not add that his first recommendation, namely castration, had sadly been rejected as a solution to the problem.

The boy's genitals were to be tightly ringed at the base to reduce blood flow to his balls and so discourage unruly arousal. His sexual organs would also be fitted with a permanent chastity cage of enveloping perforated and internally spiked metal, specially made to careful measurements by the blacksmith in the local village.

The cage would tightly encase the boy's genitals. Such constriction allowed no room whatsoever for penile expansion and the internal spikes also made any attempt most discomforting. However, the perforations permitted somewhat clumsy urination.

The contraption would be attached to a belt, fixed in place by a body harness locked at the rear by a padlock. The relevant thin and light but immovable crossed leather strapping ran from the front and back of the shoulders down the upper torso and along the sides of the buttocks to link underneath with the genital cage in the area of the perineum.

After describing and showing the cruel chastity cage to all of the pupils, including the appalled 14 year-old to whom the contraption was about to be fitted, Dr. Ballsoff suggested that the audience should take careful heed of the experimental cure. The Physician advised that other boys could also be treated in the same way if they too developed similar symptoms of genital misbehaviour.

Dr. Ballsoff additionally announced that, before attaching the device, the miscreant would be punished for the previous ill-discipline of his sexual organs.

Dr. Ballsoff happily declared "I'm now going to cane the miscreant's balls!"

Chapter 10

(Northumberland, England, October 1803)

Tom was woken by the sound of coals being raked. He opened his eyes and saw pretty 11 year-old Adam, dressed only in skimpy white running shorts, attending to Flashmember's grate. The Headboy's current full-time fag was restoring the fire so that the 18 year-old's room would be warm when he arose.

Autumn in this remote bleak part of Northumberland was frequently cold and miserable. However, this day was actually to be an exception, turning out to be sunny and mild and also the worst in Tom's life so far.

Tom leaned up and looked around him. Flashmember was snoring gently next to him and on the other side of the Headboy lay a somnolent Christopher, as naked as his two bed partners.

Tom returned his head to the pillow, closed his eyes and recalled the humiliations of the previous day, not knowing that far worse was imminent. He and Christopher had been summoned after assembly to see Flashmember, who informed them that the Headmaster and school Physician had kindly allowed him to appoint them as his part-time fags to help reduce the burden on the overworked Adam. The smirking Headboy advised that he could utilise their services whenever their adult pedagogues did not require them.

Tom and Christopher were aghast, guessing correctly what some of these services would entail. Both 10 year-olds had hoped that their nights off from providing the lecherous Doctors of Divinity and Medicine with sexual favours, whilst the men enjoyed the bodies of others from their coterie of select pupils, would be spent recuperating from the adult's shameful and painful attentions. However, it now seemed that at least some of these evenings would instead now be spent entertaining Flashmember.

Flashmember also proceeded to tell Tom and Christopher that they were excused afternoon lessons, as they were to accompany him to Sodomhall village, where it was market day, and he needed some assistance with a few transactions he had to complete on behalf of himself and the Headmaster. "Report to me at the main entrance at 1 o'clock sharp, and don't forget to wear your caps as we're leaving school grounds!" was the Headboy's last command to his new fags, who thought that their first chore did not seem too bad after all. It would be the two newcomers' first excursion outside the school since they had arrived a month earlier and they actually began to look forward to the experience, a feeling that would be short-lived.

The walk to the village, along undulating muddy narrow lanes, took almost an hour and the market was very crowded and busy when the threesome arrived. Flashmember immediately made for a particular clothes retailer, provider of all the school uniforms.

The trader, a plainly attired middle-aged man of rather ugly appearance, eyed the two sweet new boys, whom he had never seen previously, accompanying Flashmember. After ascertaining that the usual discount facility was in place, the Headboy gave the man some cash to buy a box of new socks.

"Which one?" asked Flashmember. "The blonde I think!" answered the retailer.

"Fine," Flashmember replied, before turning to Christopher and instructing "Go with Mr. Coxhead here and do whatever he says, as you'll be in great trouble if you don't. Afterwards, bring the box of socks to the village inn, where you'll find Brown T and me."

Flashmember subsequently shook hands with the trader and said his farewells with the appendage "Enjoy!" The Headboy then walked away, ordering Tom to follow him.

Tom looked behind, as he trailed Flashmember, to see that the retailer, having left his stall in the charge of an assistant, had put his arm around Christopher's shoulders and was leading the boy to a large covered horse-drawn wagon. The vehicle boasted 'Coxhead for Quality Fittings' painted on the side in large lettering.

The transaction at the inn was for a crate of locally brewed bottled beer, perhaps appropriately labelled 'Dickup's Stout, the strongest Sodomhall infusion'. The innkeeper, less cleanly dressed, older and even uglier than the market trader, spied Tom and agreed to the usual price-cut.

"Mr. Dickup needs your help in the cellars, Brown T," Flashmember therefore told his remaining 10 year-old companion, "and you will oblige him, won't you? Don't forget the consequences of failing to please!"

The still rather innocent and naïve Tom compliantly followed the innkeeper behind the bar of his busy establishment, where a trapdoor was opened, giving access to the cellar below via a steep ladder. "You go first!" suggested Mr. Dickup and the boy again obeyed, expecting to have to help shift crates and barrels once down.

The innkeeper followed, closing the trapdoor behind him before turning to Tom, who was beginning to shiver in the chill of the cellar. "Now lad," Mr. Dickup declared, "you heard what the Headboy said, that you're to be good and obedient. So, you can start by taking your clothes off!"

"Teas up!" announced Adam. Tom, beginning to shiver again, not with the chill of the inn cellar but rather with the recollection of what happened there, reopened his eyes. Flashmember and Christopher followed suit. All three sat up in bed to receive mugs of hot tea from the 11 year-old, who then returned to the blazing fire to prepare the Headboy's toast using a large brass fork.

Flashmember sipped his tea and a smile came to his face as he remembered the previous evening's pleasurable activities in his rooms. He had given Adam the night off whilst his two new part-time fags entertained him. He had ordered them to strip and wash each other in his personal bath before requiring the naked 10 year-olds to show him how much they were friends by making love on his bed whilst he watched from his armchair.

Flashmember had been compelled to collect his cane from his mantelpiece before the initially very reluctant Tom and Christopher were encouraged to start kissing and fondling each other. However, use of the instrument had not been needed, as it soon became clear that, after early inhibitions had dissipated, the boys were really beginning to enjoy what they were doing, which was evident from the full erections they quickly developed, accompanied by quiet moans of genuine pleasure.

Flashmember watched the highly erotic scene for a while, whilst living up to his surname by exposing his own large cock, which he proceeded to rub gently. The Headboy then eventually ordered Tom and Christopher to "Masturbate each other to climax!"

Tom and Christopher had already brought each other close to orgasm and now experienced no compulsion whatsoever in complying with Flashmember's command. They actually needed little encouragement to pump each other's penises more vigorously to almost simultaneous ecstatic dry orgasms, the achievement of which was obvious from the way in which their beautiful nude bodies quivered in each other's arms.

After the now panting and red-faced Tom and Christopher had eventually opened their eyes, as they came down from their sexual highs, they saw that Flashmember was standing by the bed, also now naked and sporting his own fulsome erection. "My turn, I think," declared the Headboy happily, "so let me lay between you. You can lick and suck my nipples, West, whilst you, Brown T, can do the same for my cock. We'll decide later who I'll bugger first!"

In the event, Flashmember sodomised Tom first before requiring the boys to return to their former stimulating tasks on his body, although in reverse fashion, and later enjoying the tight fit of Christopher's rectum. The Headboy's delightful evening was finished off when each 10 year-old brought him to further climaxes and swallowed the product of their oral ministrations. Exhausted sleep had then overwhelmed the threesome.

"Well, Brown T and West," announced Flashmember, as he sipped his tea and ate his fresh toast, "I have another errand for you to perform for me today. Do you know which of the local hills is Atio Fell?"

Tom and Christopher, now deeply apprehensive about such missions after their experiences of the previous day, confessed that they did not. "It doesn't really matter," Flashmember replied, "as I'll point it out to you later. There's a farm on the fell. Instead of going on your morning run along the normal route, I'd like you to go there."

"Farmer Allcock," Flashmember advised, "will give you some boxes of eggs. You'll bring them back to me after making the appropriate payment, and I think that you both now understand what that'll involve!"

Both boys now did believe what Farmer Allcock would expect in return for his eggs. Their assumption appeared correct when they later set off for the fell, dressed only in their white shorts, as if performing the morning run, for they were given no money to make alternative recompense.

Tom and Christopher were silent, as they ran barefoot over the dewy fields towards the distant Atio Fell. Both boys could see the farm buildings towards the top of the hill and wondered what awful sexual services they would have to provide in order to secure the eggs.

As they proceeded, neither boy remarked on the fact that they had noticed that the bulges at the front of each other's shorts had grown noticeably bigger. They were both astounded and ashamed that recall of the events of the previous day, and realisation regarding the type of recompense that they would imminently have to provide for Farmer Allcock in return for his eggs, had somehow induced genital excitement.

As Tom ran towards his fate on Atio Fell, he remembered his experience of the day before in the cellar of Sodomhall village's solitary tavern. After stripping, the boy had been forced to lie over a barrel placed sideways on the cold floor, whilst the innkeeper undid his own trouser buttons. The 10 year-old then felt Mr. Dickup lean over him to introduce his engorged cockhead to the sadly no-longer virginal young sphincter.

Tom's subsequent agonised shriek was muted by the fact that the innkeeper had placed a hand over the boy's mouth. The man did not want his patrons upstairs to be unduly disturbed by any inconsiderate noise from his latest recompense for Flashmember's cut-price beer, which the 10 year-old now appreciated appeared to be well labelled. The large cock now painfully intruding into his innards was indeed proving to be a 'dickup 's stout', and 'the strongest Sodomhall infusion'.

A rather dirty cloth was later used to attempt to clean Tom's bumcrack of surplus semen before he was allowed to redress and clamber, now rather red-faced, back upstairs. As the boy then emerged from the cellar, many of the patrons glanced knowingly at him over their tankards of beer, whilst sporting broad grins, and consequently the 10 year-old's shame and facial blush both increased in intensity.

Meanwhile, Christopher's similar experience nearby was a bit more comfortable because the inside of the retailer's wagon was not chilly and, after disrobing, he was not required to lean over cold wood. The boy was instead bent over a steep pile of varied clothing and his own attempted screams were stifled by a sock in his mouth, whilst his sodomiser lived up to the banner on the side of his vehicle, which boasted 'Coxhead for Quality Fittings'.

The two scared runners eventually reached Atio Fell Farm and Mr. Allcock, who had seen them approach, was waiting for them in the farmyard, along with many clucking hens, a large cockerel, a wandering goat and a dirty sty full of pigs. "Come for the eggs?" the rather ancient-looking farmer asked of the boys.

"Yes, Sir!" Tom politely answered. "I've not seen you two before," the man replied before enquiring "Are you new boys?"

"Yes, Sir!" Tom repeated.

"I'll still expect the usual payment," Allcock retorted. "I suppose you do, Sir," Tom responded, "but what is that as we haven't been told?"

The farmer smirked and dropped his dirty trousers and underpants, revealing a venerable semi-hard penis. "Place your own shorts over the fence there and then come here. One of you is to suck my dick whilst the other tongues my hole!"

Tom and Christopher looked at each other, appalled expressions evident. However, they knew the likely painful consequences of failing to return to the school without the eggs and soon their skimpy shorts were resting over the fence. Both boys then tried to cover their own small embarrassing erections as they then approached the smiling old man.

After running to Attio Fell, the boys' bodies were warm and the fortunate mild sunny weather meant that their renewed complete nudity would not cause quick chilling of their highly attractive forms. Their mutual sudden shivering was therefore entirely testament to their immense distaste for the imminent price they had to pay for Farmer Allcock's eggs.

Recognising Christopher's reluctance for the particular task, Tom generously offered to take up the rear position. As the 10 year-old subsequently knelt on the muddy ground of the farmyard to view Allcock's wrinkled behind, the old man's stench overwhelmed the boy's nose.

Nevertheless, Tom still somehow managed to prise the farmer's dirty hairy bumcheeks apart to inspect his imminent workplace. The sight caused the boy to become immediately nauseous and to vomit, as well as to regret deeply his earlier decision to volunteer for this particularly unpleasant chore.

"Dirty brat," declared Allcock, as vomit flew into his dropped trousers, which he stepped out of to grasp Tom by his left ear. "I'll make you pay for that!" the farmer, red- faced in anger, then menacingly promised.

Allcock subsequently dragged the alarmed naked Tom over to a nearby shed and took him inside. The pair emerged shortly afterwards, with the boy now sporting a large leather dog collar locked around his slim neck and being dragged by the attached chain lead to the sty full of pigs.

Despite his antiquity, Allcock eventually picked Tom up and threw him into the sty, causing the swine to squeal, as they rushed aside to allow the boy to fall into thick swill- polluted mud. By the time the 10 year-old had recovered from the shock, the trouserless farmer had padlocked the end of the lead to the fence of the enclosure and was striding back to Christopher, mumbling "Act like a pig, you can be one for a day!"

To his later disgust, Christopher had been too shocked and afraid to intervene and now meekly knelt before Allcock to complete his fellatio chore before collecting the eggs and his shorts and running back to Sodomhall School, reluctantly without his best friend. Meanwhile, Tom, nude body splattered in mud and swill and after failing with shouted apologies and entreaties to persuade the farmer to release him, sat in a crouched position in a corner of the sty trying to avoid the nosy interest of the pigs.

Flashmember eventually came to rescue his new fag at lunchtime, almost six hours later. Tom had dozed off to sleep when the Headboy's voice awoke him.

"Found your true vocation in life at last, Brown T!" suggested the smirking Flashmember. The 10 year-old did not find the joke funny.

"I've made a deal with Mr. Allcock," next advised Flashmember, "for, in return for certain considerations, he's prepared to release you so that you can go on another errand for me. You're to complete the task that you failed to perform this morning, as well as repeat the one that West undertook, and your bare bottom will then receive a little chastisement from the farmer, appropriately using the belt of the trousers you soiled!"

Flashmember had brought with him from Allcock's rather ramshackle residence a bucket of water and the keys to the padlock and dog collar. He now released Tom from his demeaning situation and told him to clean up before following him back to the shabby farmhouse.

The now tremulous and still nude Tom did as he was told and was soon knocking gently on the farmhouse door. Flashmember and Allcock emerged from inside, with the latter now wearing fresh trousers, albeit equally as dirty as the previous pair.

"Kneel in the middle of the yard!" Allcock ordered and Tom proceeded compliantly to reposition himself accordingly. Meanwhile, Flashmember remained near the doorway to watch as the farmer followed the boy's sublime naked form.

Allcock took up position immediately in front of the obediently kneeling Tom, with his back to the boy, and again dropped his trousers and underpants. "Get it right this time," the farmer warned, "or you'll really be for it!"

Allcock's stink overwhelmed Tom's nasal senses as he again prised apart the man's obnoxious bumcheeks. However, the boy took several deep breaths to overcome his initial intense disgust before advancing his tongue towards the ancient adult's putrid hole.

Tom gagged a few times whilst performing his terrible task but Allcock did not seem to notice, as he proceeded to emit a number of low ecstatic moans. Time passed, with the boy reluctantly continuing to perform his awful chore and it had begun to seem that his immensely disagreeable work would carry on endlessly when the farmer suddenly advised "Right, my dick's ready!" and turned around.

Tom now saw a fully erect wrinkled cock, dribbling precum, but, as his mouth had just been somewhere far worse, he did not hesitate to comply when ordered "Suck!" Thankfully, it now did not take long to induce Allcock to orgasm, as the anal administrations had already brought the farmer close to climax, and the boy soon felt his throat filling with gushing sperm, which he somehow managed to swallow.

Allcock eventually withdrew his softening penis and picked his underpants and trousers back up. "Over there and lean against the fence," he then commanded, whilst unfastening his belt." The frightened naked Tom, a little cum drooling down his chin and with a horrible combination of tastes in his mouth and on his tongue, reluctantly obeyed. As the boy advanced to the place where he was to be beaten, he noticed that Flashmember, still standing by the farmhouse doorway, was displaying a broad sadistic grin.

Allcock, now with the leather belt in his hand, shouted to Flashmember "I believe that we agreed ten!" The Headboy confirmed the arrangement, whilst Tom, shaking hands resting on the fence as he bent himself to present his bottom in the required manner for his imminent chastisement, was aghast at hearing the number

"Hold still," instructed Allcock as he took up position behind the quaking Tom, "and take it like a man!" The boy could not help thinking that he was just a 10 year-old and how unfair life was when the first harsh blow struck his buttocks, causing him to jump and yelp in pain.

The second blow soon followed and then the third. Each hit caused similar reactions to the first, as well as tears to flow down Tom's face.

Allcock was apparently not one of those people who believed in letting boys he belted thoroughly relish each strike before landing the next. The farmer's impatience instead encouraged him to inflict the agony as quickly as possible.

Tom's bottom was soon a mishmash of wide red stripes, rapidly turning first purple and then into darker hues. However, the shock caused by the speed of his belting had enabled the screaming boy to maintain, apart from his regular jumps, his position throughout and the excruciating infliction of his torment was speedily completed.

Allcock subsequently rubbed his free hand over Tom's smarting bottom, feeling the heat on the boy's buttocks before giving them a hard slap and suggesting "You'll know what not to do next time you come for eggs!" The farmer then re-entered his farmhouse, saying to Flashmember as he passed "Time for food, want some?" The Headboy replied affirmatively before adding "But I'll just despatch Brown T on his next errand first!"

"Come here Brown T," Flashmember commanded and the sobbing Tom gingerly obeyed. The Headboy, his own hidden penis hard at watching the recent fun, noticed that the tearful boy was interestingly himself erect as he approached.

"On the next fell," Flashmember informed Tom, whilst pointing the location, "there's another farm. You're to collect some cheese from the owner, Mr. Loveboy."

The volume of Tom's tears increased when he heard the news about his next assignment, which would undoubtedly involve further sexual services for the vendor of the cheese. Flashmember therefore gently told the boy to calm and waited until he had done so before happily causing more distress.

"You'll have to go naked, I'm afraid," Flashmember announced, with cruel but happy sadism still evident in his eyes, "as Mr. Allcock's goat, apparently noticing your shorts resting on the fence, seemingly decided that they would make an excellent meal. I'll of course have to tell the Housemaster about your carelessness in losing the garment in order to secure a replacement. He's certain to want you punished for your negligence!"

Tom's tears returned but Flashmember now ignored them, instead sending the naked boy on his errand to the next farm by telling him, after checking his pocket watch, "It's just after 1 o'clock now and I want you back in my rooms by 3 o'clock. There's some cleaning for you to do before you're to report to the Headmaster. Apparently he wants you tonight. Now, off you go and don't drop the cheese on your way back!"

Tom, nude, tearful and still incongruously erect despite his deep shame and a very sore bottom, reluctantly began to run down Atio Fell into the little valley separating Mr. Allcock's farm from that of Mr. Loveboy on the next hill. As the boy reluctantly proceeded, he did not appreciate the appropriateness of the name of the location he was leaving for performing fell-atio.

The trip to Mr. Loveboy's farm took Tom half an hour but the owner was not surprised to see a beautiful naked boy arrive to collect the weekly cheese, as he had had such pleasant visits previously. His price from the newcomer for the dairy product was mutual masturbation, made easier by the fact that the 10 year-old's small cock was already still humiliatingly hard.

Loveboy wanted Tom to climax first. Accordingly, whilst lying naked with him in a haystack, he pumped the boy's erection vigorously until the lovely 10 year-old body convulsed in orgasm.

Loveboy then let go of Tom's vibrating penis to allow the boy to grasp it whilst he concluded his orgasm. The farmer's own rigid member was then ready to be manipulated by young hands.

Tom was later running back to the school through a small copse, with reddened cock and darkly discoloured bottom, when he came across five burly farm lads, all about 15 years old, sitting at the side of the narrow path eating packed luncheons. Seeing the young nude, they immediately stood up and barred the boy's way.

"Please let me pass," begged Tom, thoroughly humiliated at his nakedness, "I'm in a hurry!" "Not so fast," responded one of the lads, "tell us first why you've got no clothes, a red cock and a round cheese."

"Have you been a naughty sinful boy," the lad added, "in return for the cheese from farmer Loveboy? We all know his reputation!"

"No," answered the blushing Tom rather untruthfully, "I've just been on a school errand and lost my shorts accidentally." "I don't believe you," the lad responded, as he walked around the frightened young nude, "because you've obviously been bad as you've been beaten very recently." "His bum's black and blue!" the 15 year-old then advised his companions before commanding "Grab him!"

The cheese fell to the floor, as Tom was now overcome by the five young farm labourers. "Take him to the clearing over there," ordered the apparent leader, "where no-one can see us from the path. I think, if he can be naughty with others, he can be so with us!"

It was an hour before Tom, crying, dishevelled and dirty, emerged from the copse. His cheese had been taken and cum was oozing out of his mouth and anus. However, the boy appreciated that his very bad day was far from over. Not only did he now have to look forward to the Housemaster's chastisement for losing his shorts but also he knew that Flashmember would want to punish him for being late and failing to deliver the desired dairy product.

Tom's misery was compounded when he entered the rear entrance of the main school building. Most pupils were at lessons and the boy hoped to speed to Flashmember's rooms without being seen in the shame of nudity. Unfortunately, his wish did not come true as he literally bumped into the Headmaster.

"Why are you running round the school naked and dirty?" Dr. Strappem not unreasonably enquired. "Because of an accident when on an errand for the Headboy" was the sheepish answer.

"Well," the annoyed Doctor of Divinity pronounced, whilst observing a miraculously maintained 10 year-old erection, "as you seem to like disporting yourself around the school in this manner, you can spend the whole of tomorrow, from the start of the morning run until candles out, without the benefit of clothing. I expect better from those to whom I give my special pedagogic attentions than the boys suffering accidents from which they accrue sexual excitement!"

"Now," Dr. Strappem added, "proceed on your way to clean up and put your uniform on, and walk, don't run! I'll see how much sexual interest you retain when we meet for the night later. Remember, be at my rooms at 7 o'clock precisely!"

As Tom continued along the corridor, he wondered how he could possibly survive for another eight years at this terrible educational establishment.

Chapter 11

(Dr. Strappem's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, October 1803)

A freshly washed, groomed and redressed but tremulous Tom knocked on the door of the Headmaster's rooms just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock. The boy's bottom was still very discoloured and sore as a result of the severe beating from farmer Allcock and the subsequent gang rape perpetrated by five young farm labourers earlier in the day.

The last experience Tom now wanted to encounter was to be sodomised by Dr. Strappem. However, the boy had resigned himself to his imminent sad fate.

Tom's only consolations for now were the postponements of his beatings due from the Housemaster and the Headboy. he floggings had been earned for respectively losing his shorts and allowing Flashmember's cheese to be stolen.

Both the Housemaster and Headboy had considerately decided that Tom's young buttocks could not stand further chastisement at the present time without inflicting enduring harm. As the normally lustrously sweet curves of the boy's bottom represented a physical feature that was particularly attractive to Dr. Strappem and Flashmember, who were sharing the 10 year-old's sexual services, no such permanent damage could be countenanced.

Tom hoped that at least one good might come from the unwanted night ahead with Dr. Strappem. The boy was going to attempt to dissuade the Headmaster from insisting that the 10 year-old should go around the school completely naked throughout the next day.

Tom planned to promote the idea that his chastised posterior was unsightly. He knew that Dr. Strappem liked tidiness.

"Come in, Brown T!" Dr. Strappem commanded from inside his rooms on hearing Tom's knock and appreciating who would be arriving at this hour. The anxious boy therefore opened the door of the Headmaster's rooms.

Tom discovered that Dr. Strappem was alone and already sitting naked on his bed sporting a large erection. On seeing this disturbing sight, the deeply apprehensive boy hesitated momentarily but, after noticing the cane that the Headmaster always kept close to him, he eventually entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Right, Brown T," ordered Dr. Strappem, "take your clothes off and lay face down across my lap!" Tom's face, already expressing obvious concern at what would happen during the night ahead, suddenly displayed shock and horror at the prospect of being spanked. However, he knew better than to question the intent or ask for mercy.

Dr. Strappem, of course, knew what Tom would believe would now occur. He sadistically let the boy dwell on the notion whilst he reluctantly undressed.

Dr. Strappem simultaneously played with his own cock, now dribbling precum, whilst the clearly frightened Tom took off his shoes and socks, followed by his shirt and shorts to leave himself attired only in his skimpy briefs. There was then the usual embarrassed hesitation before the humiliated boy finally plucked up the courage to remove his last cover.

There was a little further vacillation before Tom finally summoned more mettle to walk to the bed. As the boy then did so, he was now rather incongruously exhibiting his own little erection.

As Tom approached, he next noticed an opened jar on the table on the far side of Dr. Strappem's bed, which did not appear to store the usual grease to facilitate sodomy. Meanwhile, the Headmaster himself observed that the boy had spied the container and so finally put him out of his immediate misery.

"The cream inside is for your bottom," Dr. Strappem announced with a smirk, "which is no good to anyone in its present state. It's Dr. Ballsoff's own remedy to help nature heal bruising more rapidly. So, rest over my lap and I'll rub it into your buttocks, but please try to avoid squashing my penis as you do so. I don't want it hurt before you attend to its needs!"

Tom reluctantly complied with Dr. Strappem's command with the necessary caution and, as he assumed the required demeaning position, he felt the Headmaster's hard cock press against his young belly. The boy immediately wondered how much time would elapse before the manly penis was thrust into one of his orifices.

Dr. Strappem subsequently began to apply the cream to the normally superlative but currently bruised curves of Tom's bottom with surprising gentleness, given the more usual punitive nature of the items that he delivered to pupils' posteriors. As the Headmaster slowly proceeded, the young subject of his careful manual attention could not prevent himself from eventually uttering some low groans, which were shamefully of delight and not distress as initial soreness was rapidly overcome by increasing pleasure.

As the careful adult manipulations with both adult hands continued, Dr. Strappem, with many years' experience of such matters, knew that he was bringing Tom close to climax. The Headmaster therefore deliberately prolonged his attentions, as he found the scene very erotic.

Tom's ecstatic utterances slowly became more blatant but then quickly changed to a disappointed sigh when Dr. Strappem's hands were eventually suddenly withdrawn. The boy could not help but instinctively and unashamedly raise his bottom upwards in search of the missing providers of manual pleasure.

"Say please, Brown T!" suggested Dr. Strappem and Tom, all inhibition forgotten in the midst of his sexual high, complied. The Headmaster therefore obliged the desperate boy by returning his manual ministrations to the superlatively smooth young buttocks, which remained eagerly uplifted in their desire for resumed attention.

Dr. Strappem now did not require much time to cause Tom's body suddenly to stiffen and then shudder. This phenomenon occurred just after the Headmaster had started to introduce, with his right forefinger and with great care, little dollops of the ointment to the boy's now willing anus, gently overcoming any instinctive resistance on the part of the 10 years-old's still-tight sphincter as he did so.

Dr. Strappem had had Tom's rigid cock resting on one of his legs and so had been able to feel the little shaft throbbing throughout his careful manipulations. The Headmaster also now felt something else, as the boy experienced his first wet orgasm.

Dr. Strappem simultaneously enjoyed his own climax at the feel of Tom's first semen spilling onto his limb and the young body resting in his lap shuddering in uncontrollable delectation. As the Headmaster's engorged penis shot spurt after spurt of his own sperm onto the belly of the boy's prone form, which was helpless amidst its own sexual delirium, the man noticed that the 10 year-old had grasped the bedclothes tightly with his hands whilst simultaneously curling his toes.

Tom's sweet rosy lips also on several occasions ecstatically and shamelessly shouted the word "Yes!"

(Dr. Strappem's study, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, a few weeks later, November 1803)

In the event, the night with Dr. Strappem had actually not been too unpleasant for Tom. The boy had enjoyed not only his first wet climax but also sex with a man for the first time. The latter phenomenon had arisen mainly because the Headmaster had not sodomised the 10 year-old or required fellatio from him.

Dr. Strappem had instead contented himself with further gentle manual teasing of Tom's beautiful form and a few sessions of mutual masturbation. The Headmaster had appeared to be fascinated with the boy's newly found ability to produce procreative fluid, although little was emitted during two further orgasms.

A few similar nights followed over the next weeks. However, during this period, Dr. Strappem more usually left Tom unmolested to aid his recovery, which he further helped by encouraging the boy to apply more of Dr. Ballsoff's restorative cream to his sore buttocks every night before bed.

Meanwhile, Dr. Strappem concentrated his manly sexual appetite instead on other members of his select coterie of the choicest pupils. The Headmaster also ordered Flashmember to leave Tom alone for now.

Flashmember complied. The Headboy was compensated for the loss by temporarily focusing his own voracious sexual desires on Christopher and Adam.

There was a mental as well as physical motive behind Dr. Strappem's generosity towards Tom, as the Headmaster was always very careful with the boys to whom he was a pedagogue. He did not want to destroy their spirits, as their natural vitality was as attractive to him as their bodies.

Morose characters had no place within Dr. Strappem's little harem and he always took precautions to prevent his boys developing such attitudes. Giving his select pupils, especially the newer younger ones, regular respites from satisfying his sexual needs was part of the therapy and the Headmaster generally found that they made better partners on their return.

Tom had also succeeded in persuading Dr. Strappem to withdraw his punishment of having the boy parade naked around the school throughout the following day. However, the 10 year-old's success sadly represented only a deferment and not a full reprieve.

Dr. Strappem had accepted Tom's argument about his buttocks currently being too unsightly to be exposed around the school. However, the Headmaster had added: "Your punishment can therefore await the recovery of your bottom!"

Tom's bottom was now impeccable once more, a situation confirmed and reported by Dr. Ballsoff during one of the regular physical checks he conducted on the school's prettier scholars. The boy's degrading chastisement was therefore due and accordingly he had been summoned to the Headmaster's study.

"Turn round, Brown T," commanded Dr. Strappem, as Tom stood before the Headmaster's study desk, "pull your shorts and briefs down and lift your shirt-tail up. I want to see whether Dr. Ballsoff's cream has truly fulfilled its function!" The boy reluctantly obeyed.

"Excellent, I see that the ointment has indeed worked," Dr. Strappem then announced on subsequently viewing Tom's lustrously pristine buttocks, "and I think that you know, Brown T, what that now means. No clothes tomorrow from first light until candles out and the next day report to Flashmember. He has been given the responsibility of inflicting the beating due from the Housemaster in addition to that owing from his own cane. Now redress and return to lessons!"

Tom's eyes became damp as he heard Dr. Strappem's words. The man noticed this reaction after the boy had pulled his briefs and shorts back up, tucked his shirt neatly inside the latter and turned to say politely in acknowledgement "I shall. Thank you, Headmaster."

Nevertheless, the sight of tearstained eyes did not prevent Dr. Strappem from compounding Tom's woes by adding "Also, report to my rooms this evening at 7 o'clock. A certain part of my anatomy has been missing a certain part of yours. It's a situation that I think we'll rectify several times overnight!"

"I shall. Thank you again, Headmaster," the appalled Tom subsequently confirmed in farewell.

(Dr. Strappem's rooms, Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, evening of the same day)

A freshly washed and groomed but tremulous Tom knocked again on the door of the Headmaster's rooms just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock.

"Come in, Brown T!" Dr. Strappem commanded from inside his rooms on hearing Tom's knock and appreciating who would be arriving at this hour. The anxious boy therefore opened the door of the Headmaster's rooms.

Tom discovered that Dr. Strappem was alone and already sitting naked on his bed sporting a large erection. On seeing this disturbing sight, the deeply apprehensive boy hesitated momentarily but, after noticing the cane that the Headmaster always kept close to him, he eventually entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Right, Brown T," ordered Dr. Strappem, "take your clothes off and lie next to me!" Tom's face, already expressing obvious concern at what would happen during the night ahead, suddenly displayed surprise for he saw that resting on the Headmaster's legs, just below the man's rampant cock, was a chess set with the pieces set ready to play.

Dr. Strappem simultaneously played with his own cock, now dribbling precum, whilst the clearly puzzled Tom took off his shoes and socks, followed by his shirt and shorts to leave himself attired only in his skimpy briefs. There was then the usual embarrassed hesitation before the humiliated boy finally plucked up the courage to remove his last cover.

There was a little further vacillation before Tom finally summoned more mettle to walk to the bed. As the boy then did so, he was now rather incongruously exhibiting his own little erection.

Meanwhile, the Headmaster himself observed that the boy had noticed the chess set and so finally put him out of his immediate puzzlement.

"You know that I like sports, Brown T," Dr. Strappem said with a smirk, as Tom compliantly but reluctantly lay as ordered next to him on the bed, "so I'm offering you a sporting challenge. We'll play one game of chess. If you win, I won't require you to go nude around the school tomorrow or visit Flashmember for a beating the next day. If you lose, you go naked for two days and receive your flogging publicly in the quadrangle."

Tom was appalled, recalling what had happened when he last played chess with Dr. Strappem, who was obviously currently in a particularly sexually sadistic mood. The boy had somehow conjured-up a brilliancy to achieve one draw but had easily lost all the other games and the consequences had been very painful.

Tom was a chess novice who would be confronting a master at the sport in the imminent game. The boy could surely only lose. However, before he could beg to be excused the challenge, Dr. Strappem added: "There's no need, Brown T, to thank me for my generosity, which will extend to letting you have the white pieces. Now, decide your first move. I'm sure that you'll be much better than the last time we met over a chess board."

Tom now responded to the invitation with one word, "But". However, that was all the naked boy was able to utter before Dr. Strappem defused his attempt at argument by advising firmly "I know that you're overwhelmed at my kindness, Brown T, but I won't accept too much delay. Make your first move!"

Tom now felt obliged to obey. The boy also received another shock when Dr. Strappem continued "Last time I limited the time allowed for our moves to two minutes each. However, on this occasion, Brown T, I'll help you further by letting you take as long as you want whilst I stick to the limitation, subject to one condition."

"You see, as we play, Brown T," the smiling Dr. Strappem advised to Tom's horror, "I propose to fondle your cock. If you chose to ejaculate in response, I'll assume that you're happy to forfeit the game in favour of changing our sport to one of a sexual nature and subsequently accepting the agreed public punishments!"

"Now make your first move, Brown T," Dr. Strappem commanded the shocked Tom. As the horrified boy somehow extended his tremulous right hand to obey, the aghast 10 year-old simultaneously felt the Headmaster's own fingers begin to rub his young erection.

Tom's subsequent chess technique was, if anything, worse than previously, with his nervousness at the consequences of defeat, mixed with the delicious sensations beginning to flow through his groin and extend into the rest of his lovely young body, being major contributory factors. The boy again quickly fell behind in terms of pieces and so, realising that time was of the essence because he felt that his sexual climax was rapidly approaching, he decided to launch one last desperate all-out, make-or- break, assault on the black King.

Unfortunately, Dr. Strappem appeared to be repulsing Tom's strategy with ease whilst making his own victory preparations. The boy's pieces were now arrayed as follows:- King on g1, pawns on f2 and g2, Rooks on b2 and e5, Knight on d5 and Queen on h4. Meanwhile, the Headmaster's more substantial forces were deployed as follows:- Knight on a2, Bishop on c4, Queen on a6, pawns on a7, b7, f7, g7 and h7, Rooks on a8 and f8 and King on g8.

Dr. Strappem's rubbing of Tom's now engorged cock was continuing remorselessly and the boy knew that he would be unable to prevent himself from succumbing to orgasm for much longer. The 10 year-old, now breathing deeply as delicious feelings seared through his body, temporarily closed his sensuous blue eyes, which were beginning to glaze, to try to compose himself before glancing again at the chess board. Then, suddenly from apparently nowhere, an idea flashed into his bright mind.

Tom's throbbing cock began to quiver, as its need to explode gathered urgent impetus, and so the boy, hand still shaking, moved his Rook on b2 quickly to b6. Dr. Strappem immediately smiled in the certain knowledge that the 10 year-old's imminent orgasm had made him again blunder horribly.

Dr. Strappem responded by taking the Rook with his pawn on a7, knowing that he could not use his Queen because the b6 square was covered by the white Knight on d5. However, the Headmaster's smile was soon wiped off his face when his young opponent now rapidly moved the latter Knight to f6 and declared "Check, sir!"

Dr. Strappem's manual manipulation of Tom's rigid cock now ceased whilst the Headmaster carefully studied the position on the chessboard. He suddenly realised that the boy had cleverly lured him into a trap, sacrificing a Rook and a Knight in doing so.

Dr. Strappem's next move, taking the Knight on f6 with his pawn on g7, was forced, as otherwise white's Queen would checkmate on h7. He also recognised that this would only delay defeat for, after his young opponent's undoubted subsequent Qxf6, white's next move, Rg5, would entrap the black King fatally, a situation that could not be prevented whatever he did.

Dr. Strappem disliked being defeated, both in chess and in his sadistic plans for a boy. He therefore momentarily considered trying to cause Tom to climax before checkmate could be achieved by masturbating him with rigour whilst utilising the maximum time allowance he had to make his final moves. However, such an unsporting manoeuvre was not the Headmaster's style and so he decided instead to accept defeat gracefully, recognising that many more opportunities would arise to humiliate and hurt the child publicly in future.

Dr. Strappem therefore made his next moves speedily, allowing the happy Tom finally to announce, with satisfied aplomb, "Checkmate, sir!"

Dr. Strappem appreciated a decent chess opponent and thought that at last he had one in the school. The Headmaster also knew that there would be plenty of opportunities in the years ahead to reward Tom for his ingenuity, starting with the acts of sodomy that he would now inflict vigorously upon the boy, whose happiness in victory would thereby be short-lived.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, next morning)

In fact, Tom was too late for breakfast on the next day because the pain in his bottom, resulting from the Headmaster's earnest attentions to his young anus overnight, was considerable. This anguish had caused him to hobble slowly during the morning run, despite help from Christopher and Jonathan, who thereby also missed their morning repast.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, another week later, November 1803)

Tom and Christopher had been told by their pedagogues, respectively Doctors Strappem and Ballsoff, to start attending the Gamesmaster's special gymnastic sessions, which were held one night each week for choice pupils. Jonathan already frequented the weekly drills, conducted in the manner of Ancient Greece, namely naked.

The Gamesmaster, Mr. Hardcock, was Jonathan's pedagogue and the boy had told his alarmed friends about what went on during the special gymnastic sessions. Tom and Christopher were therefore prepared for the humiliation of performing various athletic routines with a number of other very pretty and completely naked boys whilst being ogled by most of the prefects and many staff, including Doctors Strappem and Ballsoff.

Tom and Christopher, along with Jonathan, were also deeply relieved at not finishing in final place in the concluding ten-lap sprint around the gymnasium, as the reward for being last was a similar run around the playing field outside. In fact, Adam, who was a year older, won this dubious honour, having been hampered by an ankle bruised in a nude wrestling bout with an older boy.

The naked Adam was therefore forced to emerge into the horrible dark November night outside. Drizzly rain was falling, which enveloped the whole school complex like a mist, and there was a light but chill breeze blowing in from the north.

Adam's lovely pink skin had changed to a shimmering damp blue hue by the time that the boy eventually emerged from the external gloom, dank and cold. The prefects in particular found the nude boy's appearance highly amusing but none of the 11 year-old's fellow gymnasts adopted their attitude, realising that they too might someday come last in the concluding sprint.

Cold baths followed the gymnastic sessions for most of the young participants. However, Tom, Christopher and Adam were excused on this occasion, as they were invited instead to Flashmember's rooms.

Flashmember had, as usual, become very excited from watching the sport in the gymnasium and felt that he had acquired sufficient sexual motivation to enjoy the favours of all three of his fags, the two 10 year-olds not being needed by their pedagogues that night. However, he did not want cold bodies to play with and therefore allowed the boys to share a warm bath in his quarters before they shared his bed.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, next day)

The weather had not changed much by the next afternoon when form 1b was required to practise the Sodomhall ball game and all the boys, who were attired only in their shorts, were soon covered from head to toe in cold mud. This made differentiation between the two sides impossible other than by ascertaining the direction in which each participant seemed to want to go.

No one bothered much about the result, although Tom was happy to note that he had scored twice despite the conditions. The players also cared even less for the customary cold ablutions all were required to endure afterwards.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, 6 days later, November 1803)

It was Tom who suffered an injury the following week in the special gymnastics session, through slipping whilst climbing a rope and hurting his groin as he fell. However, on this occasion, the prize for coming last in the concluding sprint was not an immediate tour of the field outside.

"There's the annual special beagle hunt this Sunday," announced the Gamesmaster with a smirk, "for staff and friends of the school. It looks as if you've just nominated yourself to be the bait, Brown T. Report to me here after Sabbath assembly for your equipment and instructions!"

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, the following Sunday)

In the event, there was actually not much tackle or tuition, and even less attire. Tom was humiliatingly naked apart from having a genuine fox's brush dangling down his bumcrack and between his legs, tied in place by string fixed round his waist.

The appalled Tom had already been told about the area in which he could try to run and hide, which basically consisted of local farmland, including that of Messrs. Allcock and Loveboy, woods and forest north of the school, bounded by certain roads. He would have half an hour's start before the pack of beagles was released and over thirty men followed them in pursuit. However, the price of entrapment within three hours by the well- trained hounds was not anticipated as being torn to pieces.

Boys so caught in the special annual hunt were instead expected to entertain sexually those of their captors who fancied the experience. What most appalled Tom was being told that the right to such a reward was sometimes extended to the best beagles.

The only consolation for the naked Tom, as he set off from the school to much ribald cheering from many fellow pupils gathered behind windows to watch the sight, with only his friends not appreciating the spectacle, was that the winter weather proved rather generous. The Sunday was fortunately bright and sunny and not particularly cold.

The observing men were quieter than the ribald pupils, as they happily observed Tom run off whilst most of them drank spirits from hip flasks. However, quite a few did lick their lips at the sight of the beautiful piece of boy flesh scurrying into the distant fields as fast as his young legs could take him, incongruous reddish brown tail hiding the middle of his bottom. Their appreciation of the scene had been enhanced by the fact that the nude 10 year-old had found it impossible to shield his humiliating erection from being noticed as he started out.

Tom was out of sight when, half an hour later, the howling beagles were let loose to follow his scent. The boy bait had now run through the nearby wood and skirted Atio Fell, heading for the distant forest far beyond, which promised safety.

Tom had not stopped running since he had left the school, the activity keeping him warm despite his nakedness on a winter's day, but his pace had dropped as weariness began to creep into his nude form. However, the boy had noticed that his cock had remained resolutely rigid and he had to admit to himself that, despite his fear at what would happen if caught, he felt peculiar exhilaration, including strange sexual excitement, at being chased.

Tom had eventually been running for about an hour and a half and was approximately a quarter of a mile from the forest, traversing sheep pastures, when he heard the barks of the beagles for the first time. The sound both terrified and stimulated the boy, with the latter somehow the predominant emotion.

Tom could not now resist ceasing his running in order to stop and turn to face the direction of the chasing beagles. The boy could not see the hounds yet, as they were still distant. Nevertheless, he appreciated that every second that he delayed could prove damaging to his aim of reaching the potential safety of the forest.

Despite, or perhaps because of this realisation, Tom remained motionless, apart from moving his right hand down towards his hard penis, which was now pointing upwards. The thrill from the danger of entrapment that imminently faced the boy had aroused him so much that he lusted to satisfy his masochistic sexual desire without delay.

The otherwise still Tom next began to masturbate himself, as the beagle hounds, firmly fixed on his scent, rapidly maintained their inexorable advance towards him.

Chapter 12

(Near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, November 1803)

Tom's body quivered in ecstatic orgasm, as his cock spilled a small amount of white fluid onto the grassy surface of the sheep pasture beneath him.

During Dr. Ballsoff's last medical check-up of Brown T's wondrous 10 year-old form, the school Physician had been intrigued to discover that another youngster so tender in age had begun to produce semen. He had also noted that the phenomenon appeared to be common amongst the staff's most favoured catamites, and put the fact down to the kind early exposure of the boys to regular comprehensive sexual activity.

After eventually calming from his sexual ecstasy, Tom shook his penis to try to remove the last signs of his secret pleasure from his cockhead before being encouraged by the ever-encroaching barking of the pursuing beagles to continue his dash towards the forest, which was still half a mile away. However, the energetically sprinting 10 year-old was later still about 450 yards from the trees when he realised in horror, from the now almost deafening sound of the hounds behind him, that he was not going to reach safety in time.

Tom immediately thought that his pause to indulge in masturbatory pleasure was about to cost him dear. However, he then noticed the similarly aged boy on the horse riding skilfully and speedily towards him from his right.

The well-dressed young rider did not take long to catch the naked young runner and he did so just before the beagles. "Quick," the horseman then instructed Tom, whilst proffering a hand down to the now very scared young boy-bait, "climb up or the dogs will have you!"

Tom needed no second invitation and soon found himself, after a little bit of trouble ascending the tall mount, clinging to the rear of his young saviour as the steed bounded north to safety just in time before the beagles could reach them. The fox's brush, still worn by the nude boy and caught in the speedy draught, unfurled horizontally rearwards, resembling an impertinent tongue extended at the now frustrated and defeated hounds.

The illusion was intensified by the fact that the tail was emerging from between two cheeks, albeit those pertaining to a cute bottom rather than face. Meanwhile, although Christmas was still a month away, Tom immediately wondered whether his seasonal present had arrived early in the form of his completely unexpected rescue.

Having eventually achieved a safe distance, and seeing that the beagles had given up the chase in response to a recall bugle, the young rider brought his horse to a trot before turning his very pretty head towards his naked passenger, who was still clinging tightly to his clothed body. The boy then advised Tom, in a very posh voice, "Hello, old bean, I'm Abernethy, James Abernethy."

"I'm Brown, T, and many thanks for your help," Tom, deeply relieved at his narrow escape managed to reply despite also now being intensely ashamed of his nudity. "It was no problem, old bean," James responded, "as I knew that today was that of the Sodomhall School's special hunt. I thought I'd take a ride to see if I could help a chap in trouble."

"Luckily, old bean," James continued, "you began to run in my direction just in time, although you might have made safety on your own if you hadn't stopped to play with yourself!" The sudden revelation that his rescuer had somehow observed his masturbation caused Tom to blush from head to toe.

Tom also wondered how James had achieved the feat. He was sure that the young horseman had not been anywhere close when he had begun masturbating and then ultimately achieved the satisfying pleasurable climax.

"How did you…." Tom therefore began to ask before his intended query was answered. "I brought a spyglass, old bean," James informed, whilst patting the instrument, now secured in a special pocket on the side of his saddle, "as I thought that it would come in handy to spot the boy-bait I was hoping to help."

"I was right," James happily confirmed, "although my right eye espied more than expected!" The sudden embarrassed redness of Tom's delicious bare form intensified on hearing the explanation.

"Don't worry, old bean," James reassured, "I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret."

"Anyway," James added, illustrating his rather mature knowledge of the realities of puberty for a boy of his tender years, gained by satisfying sexual curiosity through secretly investigating the subject amidst his father's immense library, "I understand many chaps are tempted to masturbate after they've reached a certain age. I certainly do, despite suggestions that the act a grave sin, which I consider silly. However, I must say I'm very impressed that you can produce semen, as I can't do that yet!"

Tom's embarrassment immediately began to subside on hearing the apparently unperturbed and unabashed tone of James' promise and confessions, and was almost replaced by pride at hearing this last remark. However, such ego was still compromised by his continuing shameful nakedness, as he clung onto his clothed young rescuer.

"I hope that you don't mind, old bean," James next announced, "but I'm taking us home, where I can secure you some cover and refreshment. Don't worry, I'll sneak you in without anyone seeing you in your current state and I'll take you back to your school later when it's safe to do so."

Tom's transformation from frightened and shamed bait to rather relaxed and nonchalant boy was, despite his nudity, now almost completed by these phrases, which had been so soothingly spoken. His feeling of affinity with and gratitude to his young rescuer also caused him to rest the side of his head on his fellow 10 year-old's back and tighten his hold on the clothed form in front of him.

James' already hard cock began to throb in response.

(Loveboy Farm, Near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Meanwhile, about three miles behind Tom and James, the pack of beagles had been recalled by horn to their handlers and the disappointed dogs and men proceeded despondently to the barn of Farmer Loveboy, where the post-hunt luncheon had been laid out. There was plenty of food and ale to enjoy but sadly now no boy dessert.

The hounds would not have harmed Tom, if they had caught him, as they had been trained just to corner the bait. However, it was customary for the human hunters to cause the captured boy humiliation and hurt by enjoying his orifices throughout the rest of the day and night. The event was basically an annual drunken orgy to which all the participants, except the youngest, looked forward with eager anticipation and this was the first time that sexual aspirations had been denied.

"Did you see who the rider was?" asked an angry and frustrated Gamesmaster, Mr. Hardcock. "No," replied an equally aggrieved Headmaster, "but, given the location, I suspect that it was young Abernethy."

"If that's the case," Dr. Strappem added, "there's little that can done. His family's too influential in these parts. After all, they own most of the land around here, including that upon which we're currently standing. Loveboy's one of their tenant farmers!"

(Abernethy Hall, Near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Three miles away, Tom was in awe, for he had never seen a house so grand, as James guided his horse into the residence's vast landscaped grounds through an entrance whose huge open elaborate ironwork gates were supported by massive stone columns, crowned with carved lions. "Do you really live here?" the incredulous 10 year-old nude enquired, after lifting his head from his young rescuer's back to inspect the impressive scene.

"Yes, old bean," the boy answered, "as my part of the family has resided here for hundreds of years, although the main branch are Scottish. My father's another James, Sir James Abernethy, one of the more junior members of a line that also boasts several Lords and a Clan Leader." In response, Tom was momentarily speechless.

James then steered his horse off the long main pathway that led up to the distant mansion called Abernethy Hall in order to guide his steed instead into an adjacent wood. "There's a tunnel that leads from the trees, old bean," the young horseman advised his fellow 10 year-old, "to the house, where there are many secret passageways, which is a legacy of more troublesome times when they all formed part of an escape route. We'll use the system to smuggle you in to prevent your current embarrassing state of undress being witnessed by others. You can then have a wash whilst I acquire some attire for you and before I introduce you to our kitchens for some sustenance."

Tom's grateful clinging hug of his young rescuer's body became more pronounced in response to this announcement, much to the delight of the hidden cock of the recipient of such attention. James had never previously even seen another naked boy, let alone been in such close proximity to one. However, his groin was suggesting to him that he was enjoying the new experience.

The two mounted boys eventually came to a small stone outbuilding hidden amongst the trees, not far from the large mansion. James quickly climbed off his horse and looked up at the delectable Tom.

James noticed that Tom's own penis was also again hard, pointing horizontally along the horse's back. The sight caused the obvious bulge, within his own long but tight brown trousers, to increase in size.

Nevertheless, James somehow managed to acquire sufficient composure to offer Tom a helping hand to dismount from the tall steed. "Thanks," the other 10 year-old politely said, as he was subsequently aided safely to the ground after his first ever horseback ride, "thanks for everything."

"No problem, old bean," replied James, who was trying his best to hide his disappointment on now losing sight of Tom's erection, as young protective hands quickly covered the embarrassing arousal. "I suggest you take off the fox's brush attached to you and follow me," the boy subsequently gently commanded, as he strode purposefully towards the door of the outbuilding.

Tom now appreciated how handsome James was, with his straight red hair crowning a lovely face bejewelled by gorgeous brown eyes above a slim lithe body. The naked boy's now hidden genital excitement guiltily intensified as a result of the realisation.

Nevertheless, despite his genital embarrassment, Tom took off the silly fox's tail tied to him and followed his young rescuer inside the outbuilding. He found inside a gloomy single windowless chamber with a stone floor, which was empty apart from a few oil lamps and a flintlock mechanism.

James used the flintlock to light one of the lanterns and, utilising this to guide his way, went to the far side of the room. He then pressed his free hand firmly against one of the stones from which the wall there was built.

The block depressed inwards and suddenly, to Tom's amazement, an opening appeared in the apparently solid floor. James then began walking down some steps below the aperture into darkness, whilst suggesting "Follow me again, old bean, as there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Tom, still carrying the fox's brush, as not returning the tail to Sodomhall School would certainly earn him punishment, shivered as he complied because, in contrast to the surprisingly mild and pleasant autumnal day outside, the tunnel was cold and he could see his breath condense in the lamplight. Of course, the fact that the boy was still naked did not help.

James considerately paused at the foot of the steps to allow Tom, whose chilled body was now covered in goosepimples, to catch up with him. As the latter boy now needed his hands to help steady him whilst he moved downwards, the former was rewarded for his kindness with the pleasant sight of his fellow 10 year-old's lovely smooth genitalia descending towards him, with the little delightful cock present still amazingly hard.

James also noticed the shivering of Tom's body and the goosepimples present. He therefore placed his lamp on the floor in order to begin the removal of his brown jacket.

"I'm sorry, old bean, it was thoughtless of me not to do this before," James advised, as he subsequently proffered his jacket to Tom, "because you'll catch pneumonia down here without some cover. Take this, it'll help keep the chill away!"

Tom was very happy to accept the offer, as the jacket not only represented warmth but also some cover for his bare body. James was naturally less content, as the garment hid much pleasantry from view, but he was too honourably considerate not to make the gesture.

"Right, old bean," James suggested, after Tom had given appropriate thanks for the boy's kindness, "let's go!" He then picked up his lamp, pressed another stone to close the opening above and started to walk down the very dark tunnel.

Tom found the environment rather creepy. He therefore followed quickly in James' wake, albeit with as much care as he could manage in the gloom. The boy was particularly wary of cobwebs and of his bare feet treading on something nasty.

James appeared to appreciate what Tom's main concerns would be by reassuring, as they proceeded into the blackness, "Things shouldn't be too bad, old bean. Because I play here often, my father asks some of our groundsmen to clean the tunnel regularly. You should therefore find the floor underneath your bare feet not too uncomfortable and we shouldn't encounter too many spiders' webs or other nasty stuff. The lamplight should also cause any rats around to flee." However, the latter part of this attempt at comforting the other boy, mentioning vermin, only caused his concern about what lurked about him to intensify. Consequently, he began to shiver again but not now as a result of the low temperature.

Nevertheless, the two boys advanced steadily along the tunnel, passing several side passageways as they did so, before James announced, after reaching yet another junction, "We turn left here, old bean. There're some long stairs ahead that lead straight to my bedroom!"

The subsequent climb up the steps was long and quite tiring. The two boys were breathing heavily by the time James pressed another stone on a wall, activating the opening of a wooden wall panel to reveal his large opulent bedroom, which was brightly illuminated by sunlight streaming through a huge bay-window.

James invited a grateful Tom inside his bedroom before triggering the devise that closed the secret entrance to the tunnel. "Welcome to my abode, old bean," he then triumphantly said to his guest.

Tom was again momentarily speechless, this time because of the splendours of James' bedchamber, with its immense four-poster bed and magnificent scenic view through the window across the splendid gardens of the stately home. However, he eventually managed to compose himself sufficiently to remark in awe but truth "What a lovely room!"

Tom also remembered his manners and added "I must thank you once more for all your help. If there's anything that I can do for you in return, please let me know."

James was momentarily tempted to answer 'Well, actually, old bean, there is something that you can do for me!' He would have loved to play with Tom's gorgeous naked body, especially the smooth genitals that he had espied dangling between his fellow 10 year-old's legs.

James was rather mature for his tender years and was already going through a phase of sexual self-discovery, which had caused him to begin to masturbate earlier than most boys do, albeit currently without producing any ejaculate. He also now realised, from the tingling sensations that had pervaded his own form, especially his groin, when he had seen Tom naked, that he was somehow very attracted to his fellow 10 year-old.

James was tempted to ask Tom if he could play with his naked body. He had, of course, never enjoyed such indulgences with anyone else before and was not even sure what heterosexual let alone homosexual practices entailed. However, he fancied experimenting by following his natural instincts.

Nevertheless, the words that actually now flowed from James' own sweet rosy lips, in response to Tom's offer, were "Well, there's nothing that I can think of at the moment for you to do in return for my recent help. However, if I do think of something, I'll certainly let you know!"

(Loveboy Farm, Near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, same time)

Meanwhile, the Gamesmaster asked the Headmaster, in Farmer Loveboy's barn and in a slightly slurred voice as the effects of several pints of strong ale began to materialise, "Should I go and fetch some of the pupils to entertain us?" Dr. Strappem considered his answer for a moment before replying "No, I don't think so. It would break all the hunt's traditions. The sexual molestation of a boy at this event should be reserved as the forfeit for being caught as the bait. No, we'll just have to accept defeat with grace as true gentlemen and hope for a better result next year!"

Mr. Hardcock, like most of the other deeply disappointed hunters, was not happy with Dr. Strappem's response, as he felt that the lack of boy entertainment spoiled the occasion. However, he knew better than to argue with the Headmaster. He therefore had to content himself with more ale and the thought of enjoying young Morton that night, whilst his employer would undoubtedly be securing simultaneous revenge on Brown T.

(Abernethy Hall, Near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, ¼ hour later)

A quarter of an hour later and three miles away, Tom was luxuriating in a hot soapy bath, sponging his genitals clean. James would, of course, have liked personally to wash his young guest in this intimate manner but was too polite and shy to express his preference.

James had instead discreetly remained in his bedchamber, allowing Tom to enjoy privacy in the bathroom whilst he shed his borrowed jacket and plunged naked into the quickly drawn hot soapy water. The young host was also denied sight of his fellow 10 year-old's delectable private parts when he collected the garment he had lent and left behind other more appropriate spare clothing for the boy eventually to redress in.

The soapy foam covering the surface of the bath-water had denied James this particular visual treat. He therefore wondered whether he should interrupt Tom's subsequent drying of his delicious naked form as if by accident in order to feast on the wonderful sight for one last time before the boy had to be returned to Sodomhall School. However, his inherent integrity quickly dispelled such dishonourable temptation.

James instead contented himself by shouting to Tom "By the way, I don't know what your first name is. What does the 'T' in Brown T stand for?"

"'Thomas'," the bathing boy shouted in reply, whilst turning the attention of his sponge towards his legs, "or more commonly 'Tom' to those who know me." "Can I call you that too?" James next enquired.

"Of course you can," Tom responded.

(Abernethy Hall, Near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, ½ hour later)

Half an hour later, two new friends finally emerged from James' bedroom.

Both boys now sported expensive finery. Tom's, borrowed from his new friend, fitted almost perfectly, as he was very similar in size to James.

Tom subsequently ate a sumptuous meal in the kitchens, served by the chief cook herself.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, 2 hours later)

Two hours later, Tom was conveyed back to Sodomhall School in Sir James Abernethy's own liveried carriage. His new friend, the young heir to the Baronetcy, namely James, accompanied the boy.

Tom's return to the school was, of course, in marked contract to his naked departure from the educational establishment earlier in the day. However, the boy still dutifully carried the fox's brush as testament to his previous debasing role.

James' last words to Tom, as the latter disembarked from the ornate carriage to incredulous stares from those school staff and pupils who witnessed the scene, were "Remember, old bean, I'll be asking my father to make sure that the Headmaster let's you come to visit me often."

Tom knew that James was taught at home by his own tutor and therefore sadly did not have anyone to play with. He was happy to fill the gap, if allowed to do so by Dr. Strappem.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, ½ hour later)

Tom's new finery subsequently did not remain on his lovely body for long but the attire was removed within half an hour not just to be returned, with thanks, to Sir James Abernethy. The time was now early evening and the boy soon found himself naked and in Dr. Strappem's bed, as the Headmaster wanted to make up for opportunity lost earlier in the day.

"Congratulations on your success in the hunt," Dr. Strappem said, as his manly cock again penetrated Tom's anus, eliciting the usual loud anguished moan from the boy as his rectum was once more painfully filled to the hilt.

(Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, 1 month later, Christmas Eve, December 1803)

During the next month leading up to Christmas, Tom had been allowed to visit his new friend every Sunday, being collected after breakfast by Sir James Abernethy's ornate liveried carriage and returned later in the early evening in the same manner. The boys thoroughly enjoyed each other's company and the various games in which they indulged, although to the young host's hidden regret these pastimes did not yet include sexual experimentation.

By now, Tom had, of course, been introduced to James' widower father, the current Baronet Abernethy, and was treated as an honoured guest during his Sunday visits. The boy no longer ate in the kitchens but instead in the ancient family mansion's resplendently huge dining hall, served by the butler and other servants. He had never been so mollycoddled previously and enjoyed every minute of the experience, even though his new friend had had occasionally to remind him politely about expected table etiquette and the correct use for various items of cutlery.

Dr. Strappem had received a visit from Sir James Abernerthy himself to establish the arrangements. The Headmaster had felt compelled to agree to the Baronet's request for ready access to his new friend for his heir, whom the father felt would benefit from the relationship because of the lonely isolation of where his son lived.

Sir James had not sent his son away to boarding school because of his own bad experiences at such a place but was aware that having a personal tutor instead meant that the boy would be short of companionship. Having a friend or two at nearby Sodomhall seemed an ideal solution to the problem but only because the Baronet was completely unaware of the many nefarious abusive activities that took place at the educational establishment. The secrecy surrounding such deeds was well kept by those involved, with even the young victims remaining silent because of fear, shame and the lack of anyone to whom they could realistically complain and expect help.

Dr. Strappem's motives for co-operation were twofold. First, the Headmaster did not want to incur the displeasure of the richest and most influential man in this part of the county. Second, he also knew that the Baronet would now owe him a return favour, which might someday prove useful if any problems did somehow result from the naughty activities that took place within his school.

Christmas Eve arrived but no seasonal snow. The winter day was instead dry and bright, albeit somewhat chilly.

Of course, none of the pupils of Sodomhall School had returned to their families for Christmas. As previously mentioned, all of the boys were sadly so unloved by uncaring parents or, more usually in an age when orphans were common, guardians that they were not invited home to enjoy the seasonal festivities.

The traditional annual Christmas Eve Sodomhall School ball game therefore encompassed all 650 or so pupils, excluding prefects. The event was taking place on the largest of the educational establishment's playing fields, with Adonis and Ganymede Houses pitched together against those of Narcissus and Phaethon.

As customary, the boys were dressed only in tight white short shorts and thin distinguishing ribbons worn like sashes diagonally across their bare chests and backs, with blue for those in Adonis House, red for Ganymede, purple for Narcissus and yellow for Phaeton. As usual, the large rectangular playing area was demarcated by dirt pathways and the object of the game was to place the crude heavy leather ball on one of the shorter lengths of track defended by the opponents.

The few other rules meant that the whole lengthy exercise was anarchic, with many participants tackling opponents who were not near the ball just for the fun of doing so or for more malicious reasons. The former frequently entailed a desire simply to fondle an object of unrequited desire, whilst the latter often involved a wish for revenge for an earlier perceived insult or slight.

As usual, Tom, Christopher and Jonathan joined in the game with gusto. However, the trio of particularly beautiful 10 year-olds appeared to be special targets for many of their older opponents. Consequently, all three spent periods on the ground after being tackled, sometimes writhing there in agony after their own small scrotums had been clobbered or, more often, lecherously grasped with hurtful over-eagerness. However, given the proscription against sex between boys unless members of staff decreed otherwise, these happenings were understandable, as the annual event provided the only real opportunity that the more mature pupils had of fondling such delights.

No one had ever scored a 'path' in the annual Christmastime event and no one expected the situation to change today. The massed defences were seemingly impossible to break through, with the game therefore largely played out in midfield.

Tom, displaying his yellow sash, was again lying on the ground in a more isolated part of the playing field, recovering from further hurt to his groin after a particularly heavy tackle, when the game's surprising defining moment occurred. The ball was suddenly thrown high into the air from a mass brawl and landed at his feet.

Christopher and Jonathan had gone to Tom to check that he would live after he had received another anguishing genital grope. Their friend, miraculously immediately restored to fitness by the sight of the leather object next to him, instantly picked up the ball and regained his feet, even though these actions represented certain imminent and potentially excruciating danger. The boy was as a consequence now the main focus for the massed defence, over 300-strong, of Adonis and Ganymede Houses.

Christopher and Jonathan, standing either side of Tom, subsequently attempted to shield their friend, as the young frightened ball-carrier began to advance as fast as his legs could carry him towards the pathway that Adonis and Ganymede Houses were defending. There was obvious menace from the mass of opponents approaching from all around as the trio proceeded, leaving most of their Narcissus and Phaethon allies behind.

Nevertheless, Tom's natural speed and elusiveness, aided by the brave protection afforded by Christopher and Jonathan, produced miraculous results. The young ball- carrier was also helped by his own diminutive size, which made grabbing his body when he was at speed difficult to achieve successfully. Many fingers touched the elusive and skilfully zigzagging boy but quickly lost their grip, barely causing him to lose any velocity.

Christopher and Jonathan took many hits whilst trying to shield Tom but they constantly somehow quickly managed to stand again to continue to guard their friend. However, disaster eventually appeared literally to hit the young ball-carrier.

Tom was finally the recipient of a tackle that brought him toppling to the ground, surely ending his advance, as many opponents now aimed to dive on top of him. However, the boy amazingly tumbled over in such a way that he ended up back on his feet and again running, with his progress hardly checked at all.

Unfortunately, Tom subsequently did not progress very far when another excellent hit again brought him to the ground, this time with the 16 year-old tackler firmly holding on to the boy's ankles. Christopher and Jonathan, bodies now displaying many bruises, attempted to pull some of the enemy from off the top of the growing pile of young forms that had subsequently engulfed their friend but to little avail.

In the end, all that Christopher and Jonathan could do was stand by and watch as the human morass continued to grow, suggesting that the game had reached the usual impasse. However, the two boys were quickly delighted and amazed to be disillusioned in respect of this expectation when Tom, still somehow holding the precious ball, crawled out from the side of the huge scrimmage.

Tom immediately leapt to his feet and started running again so fast that most of the remaining shocked Adonis and Ganymede defence was quickly by-passed and now, miraculously, only three 17 year-old back-stops stood in the way of glory. Christopher and Jonathan speedily followed their friend, leaving behind most of their colleagues, who had been as surprised as their opponents at the turn of events.

The three last defenders stood their ground with determination. They had been chosen for their positions of last resort because of their own excellent tackling capabilities. Tom knew this and also did not believe that he could outpace on the flank pupils who were 7 years older than him. Accordingly, he shouted to Christopher and Jonathan to try to take out the two outside members of the trio whilst he dealt with the boy in the middle.

Tom, Christopher and Jonathan subsequently rapidly approached the trio of much older, bigger and stronger defenders. The pursuing mass of pupils in their wake gave the three young attackers no chance of surmounting the last formidable obstacles to glory.

Such mass opinion was speedily to be proved incorrect after Christopher and Jonathan, now allowed to lead by Tom, simply but courageously jumped without hesitation but at great velocity into their older targets. The nasty collisions caused all four boys to collapse stunned to the ground, with both 17 year-olds later sporting black eyes as a consequence.

Only one 17 year-old now separated Tom from an unprecedented 'path'. The older boy was standing with his arms outstretched and legs apart, ready to grapple the impertinent young ball-carrier, who was almost upon him.

Tom now followed his friends in jumping but not into his final opponent. Instead, he leapt with bravery onto the ground between the 17 year-old's splayed legs and his momentum carried him sliding through on the grass to the other side. By the time the bewildered last defender realised what had happened, the boy was back on his feet and running to make his score.

As Tom placed the ball down on the dirt pathway, a tumultuous roar resounded. The boy looked back whence he had come to see not only his many team-mates cheering and applauding but also most opponents and all of the staff and prefects watching on the sidelines.

Tom had never been so proud in his young life before. This feeling was increased after a number of pupils caught up with him and lifted him onto their shoulders to escort the young hero from the field to continued vociferous clamour and clapping, just as some snow began to fall.

Tom was also particularly pleased to see Christopher and Jonathan rewarded with the same well-deserved adulation. However, he was perhaps most delighted to notice later the obvious look of intense happiness and pride displayed in the eyes of James, who had been standing next to Dr. Strappem to watch the game as one of the Headmaster's guests.

Tom was much less delighted later when in the evening he again became the attention of Dr. Strappem's cock, which was thrust in and out of the boy's rectum with more hurtful eagerness and vigour than ever. The Headmaster was really turned by sodomising his school's young hero.

(Abernethy Hall, near Sodomhall School, Northumberland, England, 1 day later, Christmas Day, December 1803)

News of historic world events happening in December 1803, such as Napoleon Bonaparte's sale of Louisiana to the USA, partly in order to help fund his continuing European wars, never reached the isolation of Sodomhall School. Tom was therefore ignorant of such occurrences when Sir James Abernethy's carriage again called at the educational establishment to collect the boy.

Dr. Strappem did not feel inclined to deny Tom the pleasure of spending Christmas Day at Abernethy Hall, especially as the celebration in 1803 fell on a Sunday. The Headmaster, still keen to maintain good relations with the Baronet, also kindly agreed to Sir James' request that Christopher West and Jonathan Morton should accompany the boy.

Tom had told James about his best friends at Sodomhall School and the heir to the Baronetcy had been eager to meet them. The Christmas Day subsequently spent by the four 10 year-old boys at isolated Abernethy Hall, amidst the now snowy Northumberland countryside, eventually proved very fateful.

Four close friendships were cemented, which were to prove fateful for not only the quartet of beautiful boys concerned but also Napoleon Bonaparte.