PZA Boy Stories


The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays

(Nialos version)

Chapter 5

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Jonathan, dressed in just his skimpy underpants and shivering slightly because his lovely body had not yet become accustomed to spending part of the cool early autumnal mornings outside in such sparse attire, found his naked new friends, as Flashmember had promised he would, shortly before 6 o'clock. The night had fortunately not become too cold because the sky had clouded over. This development had diffused the moonlight but that did not matter to the nude Tom and Christopher, as they slept soundly in each other's arms.

On discovering the entwined and still somnolent Tom and Christopher, Jonathan had not thought that the bodily intimacy of his new friends was strange or shaming. Most of the other newcomers to Sodomhall School had been forced into similar embraces in this wood in order to keep warm during their own initiation two weeks previously. Some boys, including himself and his own newly acquired closest chum, Timothy, had afterwards even furtively maintained their overnight familiarity whenever possible.

Jonathan gently shook Tom and Christopher on the shoulders to wake them and, when the two boys subsequently broke their embrace, they smiled, after glancing down towards their groins, in recognition that their sudden arousal no longer extended to their little cocks, which had returned to flaccidity. Their dormleader then welcomed them to their second day at Sodomhall School by advising "It's time for our morning runs!"

Tom and Christopher stood up, whilst now no longer trying to hide their genitals. After all, Jonathan, plus virtually the whole school, had gained a good view of their sexual organs on the previous evening.

Tom and Christopher then noticed that Jonathan was holding two pairs of underpants. The dormleader explained "They're yours, retrieved from the laundry basket. However, you can't put them on until we reach the door of the main school building. Only then will your initiation be complete. So, let's get going or we'll be late for our runs!"

The two newcomers temporarily used their hands to brush the leaves off their bodies, wincing somewhat when they rubbed the foliage off their still sore and striped bottoms. The trio then walked rapidly across the adjacent dew-covered playing field towards the imposing main entrance of the school. The wet grass returned goosepimples to all three young sublime bodies.

As they neared the double doorway, the threesome observed that the clock above indicated that the time was five minutes before six. They also saw that there were many faces peering out of the multitude of windows along the school's front fa‡ade, of both men and boys.

As the pair of newcomers realised that their naked bodies were again to be viewed by most of the school, they were tempted to move their hands back to genital protection duties, especially as tingling and penile growth returned to their groins in strange reaction. However, Tom suggested instead to Christopher "Let's run the rest of the way to end this ordeal as quickly as possible!" His friend agreed, as did Jonathan, and soon two little bouncing erections were pointing their direction, as the threesome sped for the main doorway.

Once the doorway was reached, Jonathan gave Tom and Christopher their underpants, which possessed on the inside, like the rest of their school uniforms and those of other pupils, a tiny white label indicating the wearer's name and form number in indelible ink. The naked boys were very grateful to redress in the tight skimpy briefs, despite the fact that the garments left little to the imagination in respect of the anatomical parts being covered.

"Sodomhall initiation successfully completed!" Jonathan then declared with a smile, which was reciprocated by Tom and Christopher. "We now have to go to the playing field at the back of the school," the dormleader next advised, "for that's where all pupils except Prefects assemble at 6 o'clock for the morning run."

The threesome now strolled round the exterior of the main school building to the rear playing field, where they were soon joined by almost 600 other similarly scantily clad boys, aged from 10 to 17 from years 1 to 8. Prefects from Adonis House had already taken up positions around the route of the run to prevent cheating.

Flashmember also emerged from the back entrance of the main school building and again shouted, this time quickly and through a megaphone, "Ready, steady, go!" The refrain immediately brought back bad memories to both Tom and Christopher and the dull pain, caused by the five dark red stripes on each of their deliciously curvaceous 10 year-old bottoms, seemed to increase. Nevertheless, they started running along with the others.

All boys now ran relatively slowly across the field towards the far wood on the opposite side of the school complex from the one where the latest newcomers had spent the night. There was soon the usual stationary bottleneck, whilst almost 600 boys funnelled onto a path only about two yards wide, before Tom and Christopher, accompanied by Jonathan, found themselves jogging along the muddy track, which was a well- trodden route that they would follow many times over at least the next eight years.

The threesome was led in front by some 16 year-olds, who quickly outpaced them. They were later overtaken by a number of other older boys, most of them eager to complete the morning preliminaries in order to have breakfast. However, as yet unknown to Tom and Christopher, there were some who were much less keen, as they were actually dreading morning assembly, from which even lateness would not excuse them.

As during the earlier preliminary gathering on the playing field, many participating young runners took the opportunity to ogle the newcomers. Most of the older boys then regretted that they did not have the time or opportunity to acquaint themselves better with Tom and Christopher, in particular with their clearly gorgeous pre-pubescent bodies. However, all of them knew that the delicious forms would undoubtedly be, like certain parts of the school, out of bounds for ordinary pupils, and that the repercussions of disobeying this restriction would be very severe if caught.

Tom and Christopher took forty minutes to complete their run alongside Jonathan and, guided through the maze of corridors by the dormleader, they then had to rush their exhausted bodies to their bathroom for the delights of cold ablutions. Many of the faster 13 and 16 year-olds from Phaeton House, who shared the amenity with the 10 year-olds, had already finished, although a few did dally in order to see the obviously exceptionally beautiful new boys in the nude more closely than they had previously been able to do.

Such boys chose to risk the wrath of the supervising trio of Prefects in order to do so. When not required to guard the route of the morning run, a trio of them were allocated to each of the three House bathrooms to make sure that bathing took place proficiently and without hanky-panky. Most liked the duty because an opportunity was thereby provided for them to check the nude forms of their younger brethren in case any of their otherwise unallocated charges were developing into the types who would find favour in the 18 year-olds' beds.

Tom and Christopher, exhausted from the run and rushed by the shortage of time, followed Jonathan's display of uninhibited bravery and quickly stripped, placed their underpants in the appropriate basket and plunged into one of the cold baths. It was crowded with many other 10 year-olds from their dormitory, plus some older boys.

Most of the boys in the bath were amazingly at least semi- erect, despite the cold water. Tom would take weeks to come to the correct conclusion that such a strange phenomenon appeared to be caused by the narcissistic stimulation provided to pretty boys when they were being seen naked by obvious admirers, whilst also surrounded by many other handsome young nudes. His realisation was to prove to be an early indication of his rapid maturation into pubescence, which was a process that was to be significantly speeded by certain events he was soon to experience.

Some of the libidinous 16 year-olds accidentally-on-purpose brushed their hands against the bare backs of Tom, Christopher and Jonathan, as the older boys eventually reluctantly left the bath to avoid arousing prefectorial suspicions about their lingering. They thereby gained sweet intensification of their erections as reward for their daring, supplementing the joy of seeing close-up the immaculate bodies of the gorgeous youngsters.

After first cleaning their sparkling teeth with their fingers, smeared with the white paste provided for the purpose in large jars, Tom, Christopher and Jonathan speedily washed, with bodies shivering and teeth chattering, and then dried and returned to their dormitory. The three supervisory prefects and the other older boys still present naturally enjoyed the sight of the younger sumptuous bare bodies, as the trio of 10 year-olds proceeded.

Tom, Christopher and Jonathan subsequently redressed swiftly in the freshly laundered uniforms delivered to their dormitory by fellow inhabitants of their room, who had been rostered and excused the morning run in order to do so, and then speeded to the main schoolhall. They arrived at the hatch to collect their filling but unappetising porridge and cup of water just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock.

All the dishes and cups of all the boys in the hall had been returned to the hatches by twenty past the hour when the headmaster, teachers and physician entered onto the platform, with the exception of the organist who assumed position next to his musical instrument. Dr. Strappem stood at the lectern to deliver his daily sermon, whilst the others on the stage sat on their chairs.

The Headmaster's short monologue concerned the Godliness of being pure in mind and body. The organ then started the music for the opening hymn, which very appropriate for this harvest time of year. When Dr. Strappem heard the refrain "We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the ground .", he, as usual, substituted certain words in his own mind.

For 'fields', Dr. Strappem mischievously substituted 'boys', whilst he replaced 'on the ground' with 'up their bums'. The Headmaster recognised that the time of year was also appropriate for the harvesting of the latest crop of 10 year- old pupils to please manly cocks as well as farm fare to satisfy stomachs.

A further hymn, the Lord's Prayer and another short prayer, in which Dr. Strappem included a wish for a particularly bountiful harvest, followed before the pupils were allowed to sit back on their benches. The Headmaster then turned his attention to school announcements.

Firstly, Dr. Strappem confirmed the arrival of two new boys. Brown T and West were subsequently commanded to go to stand beside the Headmaster on the platform so that everyone could see the newcomers, even though most present had already happily spied them without the cover of their school uniforms.

The blushing Tom and Christopher were eventually allowed to return to their table and Dr. Strappem continued with some unspectacular news before announcing "Finally, as usual, matters of discipline. The Housemasters have informed me about the serious misbehaviour of ten pupils since yesterday's assembly."

Both Tom and Jonathan immediately gulped in fear that they would be two of the miscreants concerned, given that they had been discovered fighting by a prefect on the previous day. Dr. Strappem then read out a list of six names and ordered them to the platform, whilst also informing them that "As you're the least misbehaved, you can receive your chastisement now!"

Six boys stood up from four benches and walked, with obvious reluctance and apprehension, onto the platform. There were two 16 year-olds, a pair of 15 year-olds, a 13 year-old and a 12 year-old.

"Usual positions!" commanded Dr. Strappem, as the sextet arrived on the platform. The six boys dutifully turned their backs to the watching throng of fellow pupils and bent over, firmly gripping their lower shins.

Dr. Strappem had grouped the pair of 16 year-olds and the two youngest boys together. "Caught as a foursome in the woods, with shorts and underpants round their ankles!" the Headmaster announced to loud giggling from the youthful spectators.

"As you like these garments around your ankles so much," Dr. Strappem continued, whilst displaying a broad smirk on his face, "I shall oblige you by providing you with the pleasure again!" The Headmaster then proceeded to pull down the shorts and underpants of the humiliated and frightened boys, revealing bottoms barely hidden by their shirt-tails.

Dr. Strappem next produced a cane from behind the lectern and took up position behind the first 16 year-old. The Headmaster lifted the boy's shirt-tail and folded it neatly on top of the pupil's back to expose the pleasant naked buttocks underneath.

Dr. Strappem then announced, using a phrase of which Tom and Christopher had not only heard before but also painfully experienced the repercussions, "Each will receive the same number of strokes as the years they have lived." The Headmaster rather hypocritically added "I hope that this well-merited punishment will help them to absorb the wisdom of my earlier sermon about the Godliness of being pure in mind and body!"

Dr. Strappem firmly believed that his pupils should remain relatively chaste by refraining from sexual practices with their peers, as their bodies should be the exclusive preserve of their elders and should be kept pure for such purposes. However, the call to the beds of the staff and prefects only came to the very prettiest and many of those who were neglected became fed up with solo masturbation as a means of gaining sexual relief, particularly with so much young beauty around them. They therefore regularly risked relationships with other boys.

The four boys now being punished considered themselves very unlucky, as what they had been doing in the woods was common practised by other pupils in similar quiet places within the school complex, mainly during the evening or on Sundays. However, the prefects were instructed to perform sporadic spot checks of likely locations for such liaisons and, although most had engaged in such habits themselves, they were expected to find the occasional miscreants or the staff might think that they were failing in their duties.

Some of the more sadistic prefects went about this work with enthusiasm, and the unlucky foursome had been discovered by such an 18 year-old. He had reported the younger boys' offence to their Housemaster, despite being tempted by the offer of enjoying any or all of the defaulters' bodies in return for remaining silent. However, he declined, as two even prettier 12 year-olds were already regularly pleasuring him.

Dr. Strappem landed the first blow from his cane across the quaking 16 year-old's bare bottom. As was the custom, the victim subsequently had to declare the number of the hit and thank the Headmaster for kindly inflicting it across his reddening buttocks.

After Dr. Strappem had eventually delivered the requisite 60 stokes across the four exposed boyish posteriors, his arm was a little weary but not too much so, as he had had years of experience of providing such much-needed lessons to miscreant pupils. The Headmaster had also now been forced to land an extra three blows because the crying 13 year-old forgot to provide the number of hit and associated thanks once, whilst the very upset 12 year-old had repeated this offence twice. The man had additionally happily observed the common phenomenon during beatings of the penises of his young victims becoming embarrassingly erect.

Each quietly sobbing pupil was now allowed to stand, redress and return to their tables after the completion of their punishments, but only after Dr. Strappem had carefully inspected and felt the results of his efforts to improve the boys' sadly reprobate characters. None of the red-faced tearful quartet, now with bottoms displaying a criss-cross pattern of vicious stripes of various dark hues, subsequently sat down with any comfort on their benches.

Dr. Strappem next approached the two remaining 15 year-olds and informed the wider audience "Caught fighting for the second time in a week. Their Housemaster has already chastised them once but sadly to no effect and he has referred them to me."

"I understand," Dr. Strappem added "that their Housemaster allowed the miscreants to wear their shorts when he paddled them. I shall permit no such protection when I now cane them!" The Headmaster then undertook the exposure to general view of the naked bottoms of the two trembling boys, which still exhibited the evidence of earlier punitive attentions, before advising "I think 10 stokes each will be appropriate on this occasion, double if there is a further repeat offence!"

Two bare 15 year-old bottoms then received their appropriate admonition. No-one had bothered to ask why the pupils had been fighting and the boys would have lied if they had been, as they had jealously discovered that they were both sharing the favours of the same 12 year-old.

After the sobbing boys had later returned to sit painfully on their benches, Dr. Strappem walked back to the lectern and placed his cane in its former position. The Headmaster then continued his disciplinary pronouncements by commanding a very pretty blushing 11 year-old to stand.

"This miscreant wets his bed regularly," Dr. Strappem informed the chortling audience, "which is a practice that has not been stopped by earlier chastisement by his Housemaster or, on this platform, by myself. The boy consequently obviously requires some private tuition to learn to control his bodily systems correctly. You will therefore report to my study at 7 o'clock tonight. Meanwhile, as we don't want you repeating your mishaps in the expensive uniform that I kindly provide for you to wear, you will return the garments to your wardrobe after assembly and report to your class without them!"

Dr. Strappem naturally did not advise his audience of the doctor's prognosis in respect of the young pupil's problem. The physician suspected that the regular sexual and other attentions, which the highly attractive boy was receiving from his Housemaster, were probably causing the child's embarrassing accidents.

Having instructed the now tearful 11 year-old, who was to spend the rest of the day shamefully naked, to sit down again, Dr. Strappem ordered another two boys to stand. Tom and Christopher were immediately relieved that the 8th and 9th names announced were not their own because, with only one to come, this meant that their fight of the previous day was being dealt with in-House.

"Theft," the Headmaster thundered to the two petrified 14 year-olds, "will not be tolerated, and you evil miscreants were caught eating morsels of food whilst on kitchen duty. You will therefore be placed at 7 o'clock this evening unclothed in the stocks to receive from the Headboy a comprehensive strapping across the full rear of your bodies and then be left in the same position in the quad overnight!"

Flashmember, who was sitting at year 9's table, immediately smiled because the two boys, despite not being any of the staff favourites, were nevertheless quite attractive. The Headboy rather liked the idea of flogging their exposed backs, buttocks and rear legs, and also fancied the notion of later quietly sodomising them whilst they spent the night still confined in the stocks.

A tremulous 13 year-old from Phaeton House was next on his feet. "This wicked miscreant," Dr. Strappem now yelled with fury, "has been caught running away for the second time!"

"The brat's supposedly sickening for a home he hasn't seen for three years," Dr. Strappem venomously added, "but he should know that attempts to escape from here are useless. No-one goes far in this remote bleak area, and the sparse population know that it is in their and the runaways' best interests to return such confused youngsters to our kind care whenever found!" The Headmaster did not mention that local people also received rewards for delivering such boys back to the school, which were small but nevertheless valuable to poor peasantry.

"I was assured by your stepfather in a letter, written after I informed him about your first attempt to escape home," Dr. Strappem continued, "that, even if you had miraculously succeeded in achieving your aim, you would have been immediately returned. I informed you of this fact then but neither that nor your subsequent experience in the stocks seems to have dissuaded you from retrying. We'll therefore see whether a week in the cellars will make future similar adventures unattractive. Your House prefects will make sure that you report there after assembly!"

The horrified 13 year-old immediately burst into tears, and Dr. Strappem was vengefully pleased with the boy's reaction. The reason for the pupil's homesickness and runaway attempts mainly centred on the fact that he had been one of the sadistic Headmaster's favourites for the past year, after his young beauty had really blossomed.

Dr. Strappem had not yet managed to break the boy's will fully, as was evidenced by the failed escapes, despite subjecting him to many indignities and much pain. However, the Headmaster believed that a week spent in the dreaded cellars should finally do the trick.

Dr. Strappem's contentment with the 13 year-old's reaction was only shared by the staff and prefects, who were immune from the horrors inflicted within the confines of the school cellars. All of the others present in the hall were terrified of the underground chambers, except for Tom and Christopher, who had still to be appraised about the dreadful happenings that took place there.

Tom and Christopher, who had been appalled at the humiliating and vicious punishments being meted out for what they considered trivial offences, were to remain ignorant about the goings-on in the school cellars for a while longer. They asked Jonathan about the matter after assembly had been discharged but their dormleader had been reluctant to answer.

Jonathan appreciated that Tom and Christopher were still coming to terms with the frightful nature of existence in Sodomhall School. The dormleader therefore considerately and maturely did not want to impose too many scares on his new friends in a short space of time, which might mentally harm them. He thought it best that they learn only gradually about the full terrors of the world in which they now lived.

Jonathan instead fibbed that he did not know what happened in the school cellars, as he escorted Tom and Christopher to their classroom and the two front desks, adjacent to each other, which they had been allocated by the Form-master to the two new boys. The whole form also soon gathered and eventually Mr. Younglove too arrived.

"Good morning, boys!" Younglove said. The teacher then received back from all the 10 year-olds in his class a "Good morning, Form-master!"

Younglove then lied "I didn't see you returning my greeting, Jones D." The boy, whom the teacher had targeted for seduction, nervously replied "But I did, Form-master!"

"Stop lying, Jones D," Younglove instructed before suggesting "as you know what I do to liars. You have offended again and the lesson isn't even a minute old. I'll have to beat your bottom once more in another attempt to try to teach you manners. This time I'll use a strap and deprive you of any cushioning protection from your underpants!"

The boy, whose backside was still very sore from the previous day's caning, pleaded "Please, Form-master, I did greet you, honestly." Younglove responded "You're just making matters worse for yourself, Jones D, by speaking without permission and continuing to lie. I was going to give you ten strokes of the strap but I'll now make it twenty. However, as this will be too many to apply to such a young tender bottom as yours, particularly after yesterday's deserved admonishment, I'll also target your bare back. However, I haven't time to punish you now. Report to my rooms this evening at 8 o'clock!"

Younglove set this particular time because he wanted first to watch the Headboy's earlier strapping of the 11 year-old food thieves to further stimulate his sexual appetites. The Form- master had sprung his trap and his hidden cock was already rigid at the thought of finally ensnaring his young prey.

The poor, terrified, very pretty 10 year-old, Jones D, would worry all day about the impending punishment but, when he finally arrived at the appointed time in the Form-master's quarters, he would be offered an alternative method of apologising for his fictional misdemeanour. The proposal would be linked to a tempting promise of greater mercy towards any future lapses in conduct and would involve remaining overnight in the teacher's rooms. Younglove liked compliance when he deflowered a virginal boy.

Younglove now happily settled into conveying the lesson, with pleasant thoughts about the night of bliss ahead occasionally passing through his mind. The Form-master's contentment was increased by viewing the beautiful newcomers to his class, to whom he had deliberately allocated desks at the front to enhance the local scenery.

Meanwhile, Tom's mind was partly occupied with concern that he and Jonathan still had to pay for yesterday's tussle. He occasionally pondered in what form such disturbing payment might be exacted.

The rest of the morning, which Younglove spent introducing his young pupils to the delights of English and Latin grammar, followed by mathematics, finally passed uneventfully, as did the midday meal at 12 o'clock. Most of the 16 Phaeton boys in class stuck together afterwards on a side playing field to play a type of tag game, called 'filching', which was a traditional pastime at the school amongst pre-pubescent boys in years 1 and 2.

Both Tom and Christopher were at first worried that, in order to catch his targets, the boy declared to be the 'hunter' had to grab the genitals of the others. However, in the event, they found the activity strangely both exciting and pleasurable.

The highlight for Tom and Christopher was actually when the hunter succeeded in capturing them, within the permitted tight perimeters of the space allocated to the game, and they had their already tingly sexual organs, hidden under their tight black shorts, delightfully fondled. In fact, so much did all of the young participants enjoy the pastime that most of the boys, who had to retire after being caught, carried on with their own private versions.

Two full games were completed before 1 o'clock arrived and the boys had to return to class. However, Tom's euphoria at having indulged in such an exhilarating pastime was to have a painful consequence, as he was soon daydreaming at his desk about the lovely feelings he had just experienced in his groin.

Younglove happily noticed and proved Tom's distraction by asking the new boy a question relating to what the teacher had just said. Naturally and rather unfortunately, the 10 year-old was unable to answer.

Younglove immediately ordered the now frightened Tom to his feet. "I hope, Brown T," the Form-master commented, "that I'm not going to encounter similar problems with you as I have done with Jones D. Hold out your right hand, palm upwards and flat!"

Tom complied with rightful anxiety and reluctance, as Younglove picked up a wooden 12-inch ruler. "I hope, Brown T," the Form-master then remarked, "that this will be all that will be required to gain your interest in future!"

Younglove subsequently struck the ruler hard across Tom's palm. The boy yelped in pain and removed his stinging manual appendage to the left of his chest, holding it protectively against his body with his other hand.

"I didn't tell you to remove your hand," Younglove observed, whilst feigning annoyance at this rather common and natural reaction, "so bring it back to its former position at once, as I haven't finished. I was only going to strike you twice, as it's your first offence, but I'll double that for your presumption!"

"If you remove your hand again," Younglove added, "I'll further redouble the number of blows!" However, such extra retribution did not become due, as Tom somehow now managed to keep his palm in place in order to receive the remaining three hits, whilst amidst his excruciation his sensuous hazel eyes filled with tears.

Younglove was later happy to note that the young miscreant's palm had become nicely reddened by the time that he had finished. "Sit down, Brown T," the Form-master then ordered, "and pay attention or it'll be the cane on your bottom next time."

Younglove subsequently tried to catch Tom out on a further couple of occasions when he thought that the boy's thoughts might have drifted again. However, the Form-master was to be disappointed, as the 10 year-old had obeyed his order to concentrate on the lesson.

Caesar's campaigns and the geography of Europe occupied the afternoon until the class was dismissed to return to their dormitories to prepare for the gymnasium. However, Flashmember was waiting outside and intercepted Tom and Christopher.

"No gymnastics for you two today, Brown T and West," Flashmember informed Tom and Christopher, "because, as I told you yesterday, the school doctor wants to perform your health checks. I'll take you to his rooms now, so follow me!"

Tom and Christopher obeyed and, as they proceeded, a smirking Flashmember advised "By the way, Brown T, your dormitory Prefect informs me that you and Morton have been naughtily fighting. As it's the first report on you both, I shan't inform the Housemaster about the incident but shall instead punish you both myself!"

"I'm to strap the food thieves publicly in the quad at 7 o'clock," Flashmember added, "so you and Morton can report to my rooms an hour later for your own private beatings. I do hope that my right arm will not subsequently be over-stressed with all this sadly necessary work!"

Tom did not appreciate Flashmember's attempt at humour and his body instead experienced a shiver on hearing of the punishment to come. The boy had not yet been at Sodomhall School for two days but already his naked bottom had been agonisingly caned in the quadrangle, his palm had been painfully hit with a ruler and he had spent the intervening night in the nude in the woods. Now, he could look forward to another beating before the sun set.

As Flashmember guided Tom and Christopher along yet another mystifying myriad of corridors and stairwells, the Headboy also informed the newcomers, with deliberate mischief, "By the way, the school doctor has a lucrative professional sideline, which he performs for local estate-owners and farmers. I'm also sure that he'd love to punish naughtily deviant boys by perpetrating the same act on them!"

"Oh, what's that, Sir?" Tom asked tentatively, although he was unsure whether he really wanted to know. "He gelds cattle and horses," Flashmember answered, whilst recognising from the instant fear evident in the sensuous eyes of the two very pretty boys accompanying him that, despite their tender ages, they knew what a gelding had lost.

The threesome, including the worried Tom, who was still fretting about his punishment due later, then eventually arrived at the rooms of the school physician.

A sign on the door indicated that the man's name as 'Dr. Ballsoff'.

Chapter 6

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

"Come in!" invited Dr. Ballsoff in response to Flashmember's knock on the door. The Headboy then entered the school physician's rooms with the two new boys, Tom and Christopher.

Tom and Christopher were immediately shocked to discover that the Doctor was currently attending to a naked young patient, a handsome 14 year-old, who was strapped face-up and spreadeagled to a leather examination couch. "Ah," declared Ballsoff, on observing the two young boys in Flashmember's company, "these must be Brown T and West. I've been looking forward to meeting you both personally. However, just bear with me for a moment until I finish!"

"This young miscreant from your own House," the Doctor announced, "has been sent to me for frequently soiling the Housemaster's...er...sorry...I mean his own bedclothes with involuntary penile emissions. I'm therefore examining his penis to see exactly how much it can produce."

Ballsoff happily held up a glass jar which was half full of white liquid. "I've been masturbating him," the Doctor subsequently advised "on the hour, every hour, since breakfast and he's not failed to produce!"

Both Tom and Christopher were not sure what 'masturbating' meant. However, they now guessed correctly from their experiences of the last day or so, and from observing that the 14 year-old's rigid cock was as red as his face, as the Doctor continued to rub.

The presence of three new young spectators seemed to energise the 14 year-old penis further and the experimental subject was soon raising his bottom from the couch and adding a fresh contribution to the jar. "Remarkable," declared the Doctor, "that's the eighth ejaculation today. I wonder how many more times he'll be able to produce the stuff. I'll be up all night and so will his penis at this rate!"

"I'm afraid," the Doctor added, "that the only practical cure for this malady might be physical admonition of his genitals whenever they misbehave, plus enforced celibacy, using some form of chastity belt. Ideally, the surgery that I inflict on cattle and horses would be preferable but I'm sure there would be objections to me gelding the brat!"

Tom and Christopher both immediately remembered Flashmember's earlier words about the Doctor probably possessing an inherent desire to geld pupils. They therefore quietly prayed that Ballsoff would never be provided with the opportunity. However, what neither young newcomer knew was that castration was increasingly being proposed by some physicians of the period, who were deeply imbued by so-called fundamental Christian ethics, as an ideal cure for evil addiction to self-abuse through masturbation, which supposedly inflicted certain boys. Worse still, such views were supported by a few parents and guardians.

Ballsoff, after washing his hands in a nearby sink, now turned his attention to the new boys by commanding "Right, come forward, Brown T and West, so that I can get a good look at you." Tom and Christopher complied and the Doctor then slowly strolled round them, gaining full appreciation of their sweet clothed forms and looking forward to viewing soon the uncovered variety.

Ballsoff eventually held each boy by his chin and moved their heads from side to side, as he studied their sublime facial features. The Doctor followed this up with a check of the temperature of Tom and Christopher, undertaken by placing his right palm on their foreheads. He completed his preliminary examination by inspecting their perfect white teeth.

"Right," Ballsoff then ordered, with undisguised relish, "off with your clothes, as I need to examine your naked bodies. Place your garments neatly on the floor. It's been cleaned as usual this morning by my young pupil assistant." He did not add that the 11 year-old concerned had completed his morning chores after spending the night, as usual, in the Doctor's bed.

The faces of Tom and Christopher became as red as that of the pupil still strapped to the couch, as they slowly and reluctantly began to unbutton their shirts. Meanwhile, Ballsoff sat on a chair next to the young bound patient to observe the stimulating spectacle. As the Doctor did so, he also noticed that the now flaccid cock of the adjacent 14 year-old was beginning to harden again whilst he too watched the new boys disrobing.

"Remarkable!" Ballsoff repeated, whilst his own cock, hidden under his trousers and gown, grew in sympathy. The manly shaft was to continue to increase in size, as Tom and Christopher placed their shirts on the floor, followed by their shoes, socks and shorts. The adult erection eventually became full when underpants were finally removed and the boys stood naked before him, hands shyly shielding their private parts.

"Right, Brown T," a very happy Ballsoff next commanded, "you first. Come to me!"

Tom reluctantly obeyed, with his hesitation compounded by knowledge that Ballsoff was ominously a friend of a friend of his hated uncle. The Doctor immediately reached out for the boy's left hand, which he proceeded to examine carefully, checking the clean neatly trimmed fingernails before progressing to the rest of the now outstretched arm.

Ballsoff subsequently placed Tom's left palm on top of the neat silky straight brown hair of the boy's head, telling him to keep his hand there. The Doctor then proceeded to conduct a similar inspection of the right upper limb, which in the process deprived a nicely excited little 10 year-old cock of its former manual covering.

Having subsequently forced Tom's right hand to rest next to the left on the boy's own head, Ballsoff continued his meticulous and, for him, highly stimulating intimate visual and manual check of the new pupil's beautiful body, turning the delightful form around when the sides and rear required his attention. The 10 year-old's embarrassing little erection, the sight of which delighted the Doctor immensely, eventually quivered noticeably when, amidst the humiliating procedure, he was bent over so that the physician could verify the child's currently maintained anal virginity.

Ballsoff reserved the delights of Tom's genitalia for last. "Did you know, Brown T," the Doctor asked as he weighed the deeply humiliated boy's scrotum in the palm of his right hand, "that I am acquainted with a friend of your guardian?"

"I had been told, Doctor," Tom nervously replied, whilst his facial blush achieved an even deeper hue. "Well," Ballsoff continued, with a sudden rather sinister tone in his voice, "he's asked me to take extra special care of you!"

Ballsoff then squeezed Tom's nicely hung rotund scrotum, causing the boy to wince and utter a loud anguished "Oh!" "I'm sorry," the Doctor responded, albeit without much conviction, as he reduced the painful pressure on the 10 year-old's testes, "if that hurt but now please cough!"

Ballsoff now shocked Tom further by concluding his genital examination by masturbating the ashamed and now almost traumatised boy. "Do you ever do this yourself, Brown T?" the Doctor queried, as he proceeded.

Tom stuttered truthfully "No .D .Doctor." "Well, don't be tempted," advised Ballsoff hypocritically, as he continued to rub the boy's small erection, "because it's a nasty naughty habit that reduces life essences and makes people tired and unproductive!"

Tom next uttered another "Oh!" but not with pain. The boy's body simultaneously visibly shuddered, and a little drop of colourless liquid fell from his engorged cockhead. "No semen yet, then," declared Ballsoff, as he now stood to wash his hands at the sink.

"I'll want to monitor the development of your genitals on a regular basis, Brown T, including your progress towards producing semen through masturbation," Ballsoff informed the bemused and embarrassed Tom, whilst then telling a falsehood in explanation. "You have a larger than normal scrotum for a boy of your tender years," the Doctor lied, "so I'll need to keep a watch on your sexual organs to make sure that there's nothing untoward!" In fact, the physician just liked fondling the private parts of exceptionally pretty pupils.

Ballsoff regained his seat and, after taking in one final view of the gorgeous and deeply abashed young naked form in front of him, advised "You may redress, Brown T, as otherwise you seem fine." The Doctor then happily commanded of the similarly highly attractive and nude Christopher, whom he excitedly was to examine next, "Now, young West, come here!"

The redressed Tom and Christopher, still feeling the shock resulting from their latest humiliation subsequently left Ballsoff's rooms with Flashmember just before the school clock chimed 4. The Headboy's hidden cock had fully appreciated the last hour.

Flashmember returned the two newcomers to their classroom to join up with the rest of the form, who had recently been to the gymnasium. Before departing, the Headboy reminded Tom "Don't forget, you and Morton are to come to my rooms at 8 o'clock!" The 10 year-old again shivered in response.

The next two hours were spent learning about Socrates, Plato and Aristotle before class was dismissed for the day and most of the pupils made their way to the main hall for their evening stew. However, Tom was ominously ordered by Younglove to remain behind.

"Now, Brown T," announced the Form-master, sinisterly holding in his hand the 12-inch ruler with which he had hit the boy earlier, "let's see whether you have really learnt to pay attention. One stroke of this implement for every question you answer incorrectly!"

Younglove then conducted his examination of Tom's knowledge by asking the scared boy twenty questions relating to the day's lessons. The Form-master was rather disappointed to discover that the 10 year-old only responded incorrectly only four times.

Nevertheless, the four hard stinging strokes of the ruler across Tom's right palm added nicely to the existing redness, and set up the evening pleasantly for Younglove, who now happily contemplated Jones D's later arrival in his rooms.

Tom was finally released from class to consume his evening stew, although the recent beating of his hand and the as yet unknown chastisement to come from Flashmember again rendered his appetite poor. Afterwards, he returned with Christopher and Jonathan and five other roommates to his dormitory, just as the school clock was chiming 7 o'clock.

"Where are the others?" Tom asked Jonathan, whilst noticing that eight of the boys from his dormitory and whilst also examining his sore hand. "They've been assigned chores," replied the dormleader, "but I don't know why they've been chosen and not us."

"What would normally happen now if we didn't have an appointment with Flashmember?" continued the inquisitive Tom, in respect of his first night due to be spent in the dormitory, as opposed to wood, and whilst attempting to disguise his apprehension at what the assignation with the Headboy would entail. "I believe that eventually we'll all be given chores of some kind," Jonathan answered, whilst trying to hide his own fears, "as well as, when we're more settled in, private study to perform before candles out at 10 o'clock. However, until that happens, there's nothing in particular to do other than talk and play."

"We could watch the food thieves being strapped," suggested Christopher unthinkingly. He subsequently quickly realised his mistake by noticing the looks of consternation that immediately appeared on the faces of his two new friends, to whom the scene would obviously be too reminiscent of their own impending punishment at Flashmember's eager hands. "Or perhaps not!" he therefore then said belatedly and rather sheepishly.

Tom proceeded with his questioning by asking "Do we have to stay in the dormitory?" "No," replied Jonathan, "we are allowed on the playing fields until dark and can exercise in the gymnasium if we want, as long as there's no other evening activities taking place there. However, it's already pretty gloomy, and I've had enough of the gym for one day. I also think that something happens there at this time every week."

"Exactly a week ago," Jonathan advised, "I went with my other friend, Timothy, to see what might take place in the gym of an evening. We popped our heads round the doors and were quickly chased away by some staff, but not before we saw that they and the twenty or so boys who were with them were all naked."

"Wow!" Tom responded to the revelation, "I wonder if that was what Flashmember meant when he told us that the word 'gymnasium' comes from ancient Greece, and that sometimes the exercises both in the gym and outside are conducted, for a certain group of elite boys, as they were in the original gymnasia!" His two companions then joined him in blushing at the thought.

The boys' chatter eventually became less fulsome as the school clock struck the half hour. Conversation ended completely when the quarter hour before their appointment with Flashmember chimed and Tom and Jonathan reluctantly left the dormitory to stand early outside the Headboy's rooms. As they departed, Christopher, lost for appropriate sympathetic words, instead rather incongruously wished them "Good luck!"

Tom's bottom was still sore from his humiliating experience in the quadrangle on the previous evening. He now wondered how much more his posterior would hurt after Flashmember had inflicted his punishment.

Tom's buttocks clamped together in trepidation.

Chapter 7

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Flashmember was pleased to see Brown T and Morton waiting for him when he returned to his rooms after the delight of strapping the two young food thieves in the quadrangle. The hardness of the Headboy's cock intensified at the sight of the two beautiful but clearly apprehensive 10 year-olds.

Flashmember happily opened the door to his quarters and, smirking, invited Tom and Jonathan to follow him inside. The Headboy's current very pretty 11 year-old fag had earlier lit the candles and coal fire of the main room, which would now suggest a warm cosy atmosphere to any other arriving guests except, of course, for two young boys anticipating imminent pain.

The flickering flames illuminated a couple of easy chairs on the left, close to the fire, with a small low table in between, and a comfortable bed situated under a window straight ahead. A large square floor mat occupied an otherwise empty space in front of a door on the right, which led to Flashmember's personal bathroom. Tom and Jonathan were told to stand in the middle of this small carpet.

Flashmember collected a cane that rested on the mantelpiece above the fire before approaching the rightly worried and now quivering Tom and Jonathan. "Right," announced the Headboy, "for a first offence four strokes across covered backsides are customary. I don't like breaking traditions, so that's what we'll have. However, I feel a little weary after my exertions in the quad. Consequently, as you dislike each other so much that you fight, it seems appropriate for each of you to beat the other, with no holding back. I'll recognise it if you do refrain from inflicting your worst and will hit you myself if that occurs, despite my tiredness. Brown T, you can suffer initially as you're first alphabetically. So bend over, hands on shins, and don't forget to count and thank Morton for his efforts!"

Flashmember then handed his cane to the horrified Jonathan and went to sit on his bed to enjoy the spectacle. Meanwhile, Tom reluctantly but bravely obeyed the Headboy's instruction to bend over and ready himself in an appropriate manner for imminent chastisement, and he soon felt the well- used wooden switch rubbing against his bottom, as his equally unhappy new friend took aim.

Tom tensed as the cane was then withdrawn from his tight and skimpy black shorts, as he knew that the horrible implement would soon be returned with venom. However, Jonathan was unused to wielding such a tool and missed his intended central target, striking his new friend instead at the bottom of his skimpy shorts, across the very sensitive junction of upper legs and buttocks.

Tom yelped in agony and stumbled a pace forward before eventually reclaiming his emotions and returning to his original position. "One .thank .you .Morton," the tearful boy then remembered to stutter.

Jonathan, observing the red stripe that he had inadvertently created on bare skin, took more careful aim with the next three strokes to ensure that they received some cushioning from Tom's shorts and underpants. Nevertheless, the blows still smarted and produced muted cries of anguish.

Jonathan's turn to suffer had now arrived. Unlike Tom, who had already felt the cane impact against his bottom on the previous evening, the dormleader was about to be introduced to the pleasures of physical chastisement for the first time.

Jonathan handed the cane to his now standing and tearful new friend and adopted the required humiliating stance. Tom was as na‹ve as his companion in misfortune in the use of such an implement but subsequently managed to inflict the first blow accurately on the small expanse of taut curvaceous cloth presented to him for his purpose. However, despite Flashmember's warning, he withheld some of his power from this first strike, which nevertheless still caused his young victim to shriek and begin to sob.

"Not good enough," declared the observant Flashmember, whose extensive experience of such scenes, often as one of the victims himself, helped him to see through Tom's attempt to disguise the reduced power behind the hit. "Do it again," the Headboy commanded before ominously informing "and I'll now personally give you one more stroke for trying to fool me!"

The aghast Tom naturally now fully complied with Flashmember's instructions. He was also forced to add a further additional strike on Jonathan's bottom when the anguished boy, in shock, forgot to utter the required number and thanks after his virgin posterior had acquired its first fulsome stripe indicating adequate chastisement. However, the subsequent four blows were delivered to the Headboy's satisfaction.

"Come here, Brown T," the still smirking Flashmember subsequently ordered, whilst regaining his feet, "give the cane to me and bend over the bed. Morton pull his shorts and underpants down to his ankles."

Both tearful chastised boys reluctantly complied with these instructions from Flashmember, who was subsequently rewarded with another sight of Tom's bare bottom, after he had folded the 10 year-old's shirt-tail onto his lower back. The delicious curvature of the smooth creamy buttocks was decorated with five dull brown parallel stripes, created on the previous evening, and four more vivid and haphazard fresh red ones. The Headboy was looking forward to adding a further similar but even more distinct mark.

Flashmember raised the cane and, using all his strength, delivered a vicious blow to Tom's naked rear, securing a loud scream for his efforts. However, the Headboy was subsequently disappointed that his young victim remembered to thank him for adding to the collection of stripes on his anguished bottom.

"Alright, stand up Brown T and redress," Flashmember reluctantly next commanded before adding "I hope that'll teach you not to try to fool with me for, if you don't learn that lesson, there'll be many more beatings to come!" The Headboy was then amused to see, before the sight could be hidden again within shorts, that the newcomer's little cock was once more rather incongruously rigid.

"You may go," Flashmember later instructed Tom and Jonathan, after the former had redressed, "to reflect on your misbehaviour and deserved chastisement. Try to make sure that your mischief is not repeated too often or your sufferings will become far worse!"

As the two tearful 10 year-olds departed, Flashmember also indulged in his own reflections. He knew that both boys would probably suffer many more beatings at the hands of school sadists, even if they acted in line with their angelic forms, as excuses could always be found. He also now knew that he would definitely ask the Headmaster to allow Brown T to become his new fag.

The school clock then chimed another half hour and there was a knock on Flashmember's door. 'On time as usual' he further reflected, as he issued the invite to his present 11 year-old fag to enter to meet the urgent needs of his rampant cock.

(London, England, 1 week later)

The conspiratorial uncle and solicitor were dining together in the grand home of Tom's legal guardian, which had been bought from the boy's very valuable inheritance. They were meeting mainly to discuss how to invest for their own enrichment the remainder of this substantial legacy, which they intended would be non-existent as far as the rightful beneficiary was concerned after he eventually finished at Sodomhall School.

"I have received a message from my friend, the school doctor," the solicitor advised, whilst chewing his expensive sirloin steak, "and my friend tells me that he has now met and examined your young nephew. He says that the brat's obviously settling in because he already bore marks of chastisement on his palm and buttocks!"

The uncle, after sipping some very expensive red wine, happily commented, whilst his face displayed a deeply satisfied grin, "I'm sure that brat's many sufferings over the next nine years will be well deserved!"

Chapter 8

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Tom had sat down gingerly at his desk on the morning of his second full day of studies at Sodomhall School, as his pert bottom was still smarting. He noticed that Jones D was acting likewise, presumably as a result of his thrashing from Mr. Younglove.

Tom, still naively innocent in the ways of the world, was not yet able to surmise that his classmate's problem had not been as a result of a beating across his backside with a cane but rather one up his rectum with another, much more human, implement. Meanwhile, Jones D no longer retained his own innocence. However, as a reward, the Form-master, immensely contented after a night of extreme ecstasy, stopped sadistically picking on his newly inducted catamite because his original campaign to lure him compliantly into bed had just succeeded in its wicked aim.

In fact, Mr. Younglove was so happy after his night with Jones D that he did not even bother returning his cruel chastising attentions to Tom, at least for now. Instead, the cute but sore bottoms of the two boys having been uncomfortably perched at their desks just before 8 o'clock in the morning, the young duo and their fellows had to endure the smiling Form-master pontificating about several boring subjects until mid-afternoon. The teacher was interrupted only by the midday break with its unappetising food and strangely for the participants much more delicious game of filching.

It was then time for the latest newcomers to Sodomhall, Tom and Christopher, to experience for the first time the delights of another game on the playing fields for which all the boys in their form had to return to their two dormitories to change. Redressed in just tight white short shorts and a thin ribbon, yellow for those in Phaeton House and purple for those in Narcissus and worn like sashes diagonally across bare chests and backs, the 10 year-old pupils then reluctantly but quickly re- emerged into the outside world.

The autumnal afternoon was cool, dark and drizzly. The two groups of shivering 10 years olds were to play each other at the Sodamhall ball game under the supervision of the Gamesmaster. He was an athletically built man in his early thirties who enjoyed ball games, especially if the balls concerned were owned by pretty boys and had young cocks attached to them.

The large rectangular playing area was demarcated not by white lining but by dirt pathways. The object of the game was to place the crude heavy leather ball on one of the shorter lengths of track defended by the opponents.

There were few other rules, even those relating to numbers per side, for Narcissus' team, with 22, had six more youngsters than Phaeton's. Players could run with or pass or kick the ball to each other in any direction and tackle the opposition in any manner, regardless of whether they had possession of the ball or not.

The pastime was effectively an anarchic and potentially brutal forerunner of Rugby, being played twenty years before a certain William Webb Ellis supposedly invented that sport by picking up a ball and running with it at the eponymous school. Tom and Christopher quickly appreciated the rudimentaries of the Sodomhall version and joined in with gusto, not only because of their natural enthusiasm for games but also because energetic participation seemed the only way to keep warm on this miserable autumn day.

It soon became difficult to recognise the two teams, as mud splattered the mainly bare bodies and discoloured the distinguishing ribbons of the young participants. Both newcomers to the event also spent periods on the ground writhing in agony after being clobbered by opponents, both when with and without the ball.

Included amongst the misfortunes suffered by Tom and Christopher were knees in their own much smaller balls but both boys also began to reply in kind. When the Gamesmaster eventually brought the hectic proceedings to a halt with a loud shout after half an hour, all thirty- eight young participants were covered in mud, exhausted and sore. However, most were also thoroughly exhilarated, although this attitude was quickly tempered by a return to their bathrooms for comprehensive cold ablutions.

There was a dispute between the teams over the result, measured in 'paths', for there had been a number for both sides on the field's wide open spaces, including one apiece for the speedy and elusive Tom and Christopher. The latter had received a generous and unselfish pass from his friend when the former could easily have scored again himself.

The boys from Phaeton House were sure that they had commendably, taking into account the numerical disparity between the two teams, scored at least as many 'paths' as their opponents, who naturally denied the fact. The Gamesmaster, hidden cock fully erect after watching the spectacle, declined to mediate. The man had secretly been too busy watching certain lovely young forms frolicking in the mud to bother keeping a tally.

The frequency of scoring in the game for 10 year-olds from Phaeton and Narcissus Houses was in stark contrast to the annual occasion when all the pupils in the school participated. No-one had yet been known to achieve a 'path' in that event, and the glory for anyone who ever did would be substantial.

The cleansed and redressed pupils reassembled in their classroom at 4 o'clock, all red-faced as a result of their external exertions and subsequent internal chilly bathing. The school Physician awaited them to give a lesson in natural sciences concerning the young human male body. Dr. Ballsoff had brought a skeleton as a visual aid.

The pupils were at first scared of the display but soon 10 year-old sense of fun overcame apprehension and much smiling at each other took place as the oblivious Dr. Ballsoff proceeded with his discourse. He intriguingly eventually finished by announcing that he would have live specimens to talk about next time.

Studies then came to an end for the day. It was exactly a week later, on the afternoon after the conspiratorial uncle and solicitor had met to discuss how to spend the rest of Tom's substantial legacy, that Dr. Ballsoff gave form 1b their next natural sciences lesson.

The intervening week had been rather uneventful for Tom and Christopher, who thereby began to feel less uncomfortable about their new home, which was an attitude assisted considerably by new friendships. However, both boys did not know that they were being afforded time to settle in to their new environment before certain patient older people made moves to satisfy their predatory ambitions in respect of the beautiful pair of newcomers.

Dr. Ballsoff's live specimens eventually turned out to comprise pretty pupils aged 12, 14 and 16, borrowed from their own classes and who were members of the Physician's own youthful sexual menagerie. However, he soon disclosed that he required a fourth boy for his impending lesson, which was to study the young human male form.

"I need another younger volunteer from this class," announced Dr. Ballsoff but all of the thirty-eight 10 year-olds present lowered their heads in response, trying to look inconspicuous. However, Tom and Christopher were as usual sitting at the front of the class and such positioning of particularly pulchritudinous pupils did not help their cause

"You'll do, West," declared Dr. Ballsoff on spying the gorgeous newcomer, whom he particularly fancied, "so please step forward!" Fair-haired and blue-eyed Christopher reluctantly obliged and was stood by the physician next to the 12 year-old, facing the rest of the class.

"I'm going to discuss young human male forms and their sexual progress, processes and urges," Dr. Ballsoff subsequently announced rather nonchalantly but to gasps of startled astonishment from his audience, "using these four boys to illustrate certain characteristics and behaviours." He then turned to the young quartet, who were all deeply dismayed despite the fact that the three eldest had experienced such humiliation previously, and commanded "Strip naked, placing your clothing neatly on the Form-master's desk before standing before the class with hands on head!"

Dr. Ballsoff also picked up Younglove's cane. The school Physician proposed to use the cruel well-used intimidating implement to encourage the unhappy young foursome to obey his commands without delay.

Christopher's shame was particularly acute as his stripped before his classmates. Although they were all now accustomed to seeing each other nude whilst bathing, having to disport himself naked in the circumstances that were now confronting him was new to him and appalled him. Nevertheless, the boy complied with Dr. Ballsoff's command, stimulated to do so by sight of the cane in the Physician's hand, and was soon exhibiting his exquisite unclothed body, along with the three older pupils, to form 1b.

Dr. Ballsoff subsequently kept the cane in his hand and used the implement as a pointer when then discussing the physical differences between the young human male specimens on display. The Physician concentrated initially on their different physical sizes, including that of their genitalia, and the formation of a crown of pubic hair, missing on the others, above the sexual organs of the 16 year-old.

Dr. Ballsoff eventually deliberately caused the cocks of all four deeply humiliated boys to become embarrassingly hard by carefully playing with their penises with the tip of his cane. He simultaneously verbally compared developments, including reaction times and erection shapes and sizes, and elaborated reasons for the responses and differences. He extrapolated such organs' gradual physical changes to the ageing and progression into adulthood of young human males, finally describing the stimulus for and method of procreation.

Naturally, given that he was the youngest humiliated specimen on parade, Christopher's little but nevertheless delightful cock was the slowest to react to the careful stimulation being afforded by the cane and also eventually grew to be the smallest erection. The deep shame of the lovely but currently scarlet-faced boy was not assuaged by being the first to be the recipient of Dr. Ballsoff's genital attentions, or by the Physician's description and explanation of his physical and sexual immaturity. The 10 year-old's discomfort was also not helped by the fact that his eventually clearly throbbing penile hardness was somehow embarrassingly maintained after the man had moved on to discuss the other naked pupils in ascending order of age.

The occasion was the first time that most of the intrigued rather than amused 10 year-old pupils had been made aware of the facts of life and many were shocked and disgusted at the crudity of the process in which their fathers and mothers had indulged to reproduce. There was also embarrassment at the boys' previous naivety relating to the subject.

Dr. Ballsoff continued "If you think that the reproductive process between male and female is rather distasteful, I wouldn't disagree with you. However, the activity is a necessary repugnance that must be undertaken for propagation of the species."

"In my opinion," Dr. Ballsoff added, "young masculine humans are better served by satisfying their natural urges with the assistance of more mature males. Let me illustrate how this can be achieved using these four specimens."

Dr. Ballsoff then directed Christopher, who with Tom had previously performed a similar act in front of another class, to masturbate the deeply shamed blushing 12 year- old adjacent to him, whilst the 16 year-old, holding a bowl in his left hand, did the same to the red-faced 14 year-old. The latter orgasmed quickly and his masturbator collected his spurting semen in the waiting dish.

The 12 year-old took longer for the increasingly pleasurable feelings in his groin to overcome his intense abashment. However, the boy's body eventually convulsed and he instinctively bent slightly at the waist and clasped the hand stimulating his dry orgasm.

"Good," Dr. Ballsoff subsequently proclaimed, "an excellent demonstration of the effects of masturbation. Note the climactic reactions and the fact that the 12 year-old did not produce semen but the older boy did."

Dr. Ballsoff then ordered the bowl, containing the 14 year-old's ejaculate, to be passed around the class whilst he reiterated the substance's function and discussed when the pupils inspecting the sperm could expect to produce their own. Meanwhile, most of the boys had never even heard of semen before, let alone seen it, and could not resist the temptation to dip their forefingers into the small pool of white creamy liquid. The main exception was Jones D, who had recently experienced more than enough of Mr. Younglove's reproductive fluids invading his oral and anal orifices.

As a finale for this particular part of the lesson, Dr. Ballsoff instructed the 14 year-old naked specimen to lick the returned dish dry to illustrate the safety of orally consuming the product of his own penis. Some young observers also applied their tongues to the end of their forefingers to confirm the fact to their own satisfaction.

"Now for demonstrations of the two other possible main sexual acts between males, namely fellatio and sodomy," announced Dr. Ballsoff to his startled young audience. The Physician then commanded the 12 year-old to suck Christopher's cock whilst the 14 year-old was ordered to bend over the Form-master's desk so that the 16 year-old could sodomise him. The man provided a running commentary, as these actions subsequently proceeded.

All of the spectators, including Tom, experienced their own full erections as they watched. These phenomena literally arose despite sorrow from some at the profound embarrassment obviously suffered by their fellow pupils during their demeaning re-enactment of common homosexual activities.

Tom was especially concerned with Christopher's plight. However, this worry was partly overcome when he observed his friend's blush deepen and the boy close his eyes and lay a tight grip on the 12 year-old's head.

Tom knew from their recent mutual sexual experimentation in the nearby wood what such reaction on the part of Christopher meant. He also became strangely jealous that he was not presently perpetrating the act of fellatio on his friend.

Christopher's grip on the 12 year-old's head eventually lessened. Such sudden relaxation was gradually matched by a softening of the cock the older boy had been sucking. This reaction indicated to him that dry orgasm had been achieved and he could now terminate his act of fellatio and move his lips and head away from the delightful genitalia, which he had been orally entertaining.

After the 12 year-old's head had duly retreated, Christopher's sated cock was revealed to all as having finally returned to flaccidity. Nevertheless, Tom's were not the only lips to want to try to reverse the process again.

Meanwhile, the 16 year-old was taking longer to achieve climax with his substantial cock. This inaction occurred not because he disliked ploughing the delicious 14 year- old bottom before him, which he had done many times previously in Dr. Ballsoff's rooms, with the Physician as an eager spectator, but because he disliked doing so publicly.

Dr. Ballsoff eventually became impatient and decided to encourage his oldest catamite to cum quickly by rubbing the cane up and down the boy's superb buttocks and along the bumcrack, clearly signalling his intent to beat the sumptuous curvature if there was much more delay. However, the touch of the tip of the ancient cruel implement, which had thrashed much young flesh over the years, as it passed the 16 year-old's far from virgin sphincter to penetrate the anus caused the recipient of these attentions to shudder vigorously. He then spurted copious amounts of sperm into the younger anal orifice in front of him.

When the 16 year-old and the younger boy, whom he had just sodomised, subsequently separated, an audible pop reverberated around the classroom, as a softening but still large cock was withdrawn from a ravished rectum and air rushed in to replace the earlier created vacuum. The spectating pupils were then invited to come to the front of the room to inspect closely the results of the two most recent demonstrations of homosexual activity, whose naked practitioners had been compelled to resume their earlier standing positions, with hands on heads.

All of the pupils thought that the now soft but red cocks of Christopher and the 12 year-old were strangely stimulating. However, the majority of boys decided that the sight of the 14 year-old's bottom, with sperm oozing from his bumcrack and down the inside of his legs, and the 16 year-old's large and now slightly dirty penis, still dribbling some extraneous cum, were currently more academically interesting.

After this final humiliation was concluded and the bulk of form 1b's pupils had returned to their desks, Dr. Ballsoff advised the degraded naked boy specimens that they could redress and return whence they came. The Physician also reminded the 12 year-old that they had an appointment that evening without stipulating the purpose, although most of those present could now guess the reason for the liaison.

After the abashed Christopher had quickly re-attired and resumed his seat, and the other older humiliated boy subjects of Dr. Ballsoff's amazing lesson had also rapidly redressed and retreated, the physician finished his latest session in natural sciences for the astounded young members of form 1b. He did so by cautioning the largely excited class of 10 year-olds against experimenting without adult supervision in any of the practices that they had just seen demonstrated, which on initial consideration by the pupils appeared an incongruity.

Many of the pupils wondered why Dr. Ballsoff had arranged the demonstrations if they were not to be encouraged to practise them privately amongst themselves. The boys' confusion was then increased when the physician issued a warning about the consequences of ignoring the proscription.

Dr. Ballsoff warned the pupils about the dire punishments inflicted for disobedience of the directive, including those meted out for the egotistic evil of masturbatory self-abuse. The physician then suddenly and apparently incongruously changed the topic of his lesson to history, in particular that of ancient Greece.

Most of the 10 year-olds, who subsequently listened to Dr. Ballsoff's long historical monologue, were not yet mature enough to be aware of the devious subtlety of the propaganda that now flowed from the Physician's lips. He was expounding, astutely without returning to the subject of sex, an ingenious argument that mutually caring boy- man pedagogic relationships, as practised in ancient Greece, possessed considerable advantages for all, including the whole of society.

Dr. Ballsoff went on to explain that opportunities to enjoy such pedagogic kinship would befall many of the boys whilst at Sodomhall School and that they should enter such relationships not only freely and fearlessly but also enthusiastically and elatedly. The Physician knew full well that the prettiest new pupils would soon succumb to such arrangements, leaving the others to satisfy their gradually intensifying sexual needs furtively and, especially for their bottoms and other vulnerable parts of their young anatomies, dangerously. He reflected mentally that this very panorama made this particular educational establishment so enjoyable, at least for the sadistic pederasts that comprised all of the staff.

The aims of the whole of this special propaganda lesson were, of course, threefold. First was the, as diplomatic as possible, instruction of Sodomhall's School's latest intake of new 10 year-olds in the sort of homosexual action in which the prettiest of them would soon be expected to indulge. Second was the brainwashing, which proposed that, in the right circumstances, such activities were both natural and licit. Third was the indoctrination, which propounded that the 'right circumstances' only existed when the practice of such pleasures was shared with adult staff. Self-masturbation or sexual liaisons with fellow pupils was not only forbidden but also punishable with increasing severity.

Dr. Ballsoff, having concluded the forewarning and rather foreboding propaganda lesson, delivered annually to all first-year pupils, now departed. However, before he did so, he intriguingly announced that there would be another special natural sciences lesson the following week, this time for all Sodomhall pupils in the schoolhall, although he did not elaborate as to the precise subject.

Consequently, Dr. Ballsoff's 10 year-old charges in form 1b gossiped, with a strange mix of apprehension and excitement, about what they had just learnt, as well as speculated about the precise nature of next week's special lesson, whilst they made their way for their evening stew.

Meanwhile, in the Headmaster's study, Dr. Strappem was finalising his plans to entice Tom into his own circle of catamites, a plot which he intended to initiate, rather impiously for a doctor of divinity, on the boy's second Sunday in Sodomhall School.

(Northumberland, England, the following Sunday)

In fact, Dr. Strappem believed rather profanely that Sunday was a most appropriate day on which to realise such a divine moment as Tom's seduction. He therefore instructed Flashmember to order the boy, without giving a reason, to report to the Headmaster's study after breakfast.

Consequently, the concerned Tom knocked on the study door at 8 o'clock precisely. "Enter" commanded the eagerly anticipative Dr. Strappem from within the room.

"Ah, Brown T," Dr. Strappem subsequently said, as the door was opened and he saw the beautiful form of Tom, "come in and take a chair!" The apprehensive boy proceeded to obey and sat on the proffered seat, which was immediately in front of the Headmaster's huge desk, on top of which was placed a large chess set. The diminutive 10 year-old's head could just see over the tall pieces.

"I understand," announced Dr. Strappem, "from the written information I have about you, which your guardian sent to me prior to your arrival, that you play chess. I'm always looking for fresh opponents. I believe you have no private study or chores to do today, so you'll indulge me by playing a few games, won't you Brown T?"

Tom was surprised by the request, not least because he had just learnt the game and did not think that he was very good. However, the boy knew that he could not refuse Dr. Strappem and so he replied politely "Of course, Headmaster, although I doubt if my play will be up to your standards."

Dr. Strappem also did not expect Tom to be as good as him at the game. The Headmaster's seductive as well as chess stratagem might otherwise be ruined.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be a fine opponent," Dr. Strappem lied before adding "and a contest between two worthy adversaries should be spiced with prizes to stimulate keen competition. I suggest a farthing a game!"

Tom was stunned by this suggestion, as he possessed no money. The boy was therefore forced to confess his impecuniousness to Dr. Strappem, who actually already knew.

"Oh dear," declared the devious Dr. Strappem, "if you can't stake money, we'll just have to think of something else. Now, what can it be?" The Headmaster feigned deep thought for a few moments before suggesting "Clothing! You don't want to become embarrassingly naked do you Brown T? No, of course you don't, so the possibility should provide you with sufficient motivation to make our games intriguing!"

"I'll forfeit a farthing for every game that I concede," Dr. Strappem continued, "and you'll relinquish an item of clothing for every one that you lose, shoes and socks both counting as one garment. Alright, Brown T?"

The alarmed and deeply blushing Tom was speechless. Accordingly, Dr. Strappem answered for the boy by advising "Of course it is alright and, as we can't spend all day on our pleasures, there'll be a time limit of two minutes for each move!" The Headmaster then placed his pocket-watch on the desk next to him and picked up two pawns of opposite colours.

Hiding the chess pieces in the grip of his two palms, Dr. Strappem subsequently invited the suddenly quaking Tom to pick a hand to select his opening colour. The boy's choice was white, which was to prove to be a rather inappropriate selection given that the day was to be a black one for the 10 year-old.

The horrified Tom later easily lost the first contest, and his shoes. The boy had been checkmated in fifteen moves within thirty minutes, whilst he conceded the second, with his socks, even more quickly.

Tom put up more resistance for his shirt and shorts but they too had been lost along with games three and four by the time that the school clock chimed half past ten, leaving the boy attired in just his sparse underpants. During this gradual involuntary disrobing process, Dr. Strappem had regularly stood up from his chair to walk around his study, ostensibly contemplating his next moves but really to obtain a better view as his gorgeous young opponent's bodily cover lessened.

Dr. Strappem, who had previously only seen Tom naked distantly from his window when the boy had been undergoing the humiliating initiation ritual in the main school quadrangle, was looking forward to soon gaining a much closer view of the superlative nude form. The Headmaster's hidden erection grew in eager anticipation with each discarded garment.

Tom was losing the next game badly, being quickly six pieces down, and so appeared about to suffer his fifth checkmate and the loss of his underpants. However, the boy made a last desperate attack to try to prevent the seemingly inevitable. His few white pieces were deployed as follows:- King on g1, pawns on e3, f2, g2, h2, Bishop on b3, Queen on g3 and Rook on h5. His adult opponent's apparently overwhelming black forces were arrayed as follows:- Bishops on b4, d7, pawns on b5, b7, c7, f6, g7, h7, Knights on b6, b8, Rooks on a8, e8, Queen on e7 and King on h8.

Black threatened to mate by Ra1++. Fortunately, it was white's turn next.

Tom's mind then suddenly seemed to emerge from abashed bewilderment and a plan of action amazingly presented itself. The boy subsequently proceeded to sacrifice his last remaining Rook with Rxh7+.

Dr. Strappem had been completely surprised by Tom's stratagem and his next move was forced. The Headmaster's Kxh7 was then met with the boy's Qh4+.

Dr. Strappem had no option but to play Kg6, to which Tom's response was Qg3+. The Headmaster then looked into the boy's sensuous hazel eyes with fresh respect, as he saw that his young pupil had entrapped him in a perpetual check.

Dr. Strappem would have to return his King to h7, after which Tom would just replay Qh4+ before the previous cycle was repeated. The Headmaster, who was a very good chess-player, recognised that moving his King to h5 instead would result in him being mated after white's Bd1+ (Kh6, Qh4+, Kg6, Qh5++). A draw was therefore agreed.

Unfortunately, Tom's expectation that his unexpected brilliancy would save him, at least temporarily, from nudity was quickly dashed. Dr. Strappem, smiling lecherously whilst the hardness of his hidden cock became acute, took a farthing from his pocket and handed the coin to the shocked boy, declaring "I think for a draw, Brown T, we should both forfeit. Here's my side of the bargain. Now your own is due. Please remove your underpants!"

Tom's face turned an even darker shade of red, as he reluctantly complied, placing his last cover on top of the pile of other discarded garments on the floor next to him and quickly hiding his genitals under his hands. The boy was ashamed to notice that his little cock had incongruously hardened whilst he had shed his underpants.

Dr. Strappem subsequently reassembled the chess pieces and proclaimed "Now Brown T, we must think of another forfeit for you, as you seem to have lost all of your clothes and I'd like to indulge in a few more games, especially now you're beginning to show some form. I believe that it would be beneficial for you if we also induced more fight and determination in your play. I therefore suggest, if you lose the farthing that you now possess, two strokes of the cane across your bare rump for every subsequent game conceded. I'll deliver the accumulated quantity at the end of our session, which I'm enjoying so much that I think we'll carry on into the afternoon. I'll have luncheon brought into us!"

Dr. Strappem, now as white, made the first move of the next game before standing again to prowl round his study. As the Headmaster did so, he almost ejaculated into his own underwear at the sight of the beautiful nude 10 year- old sitting on the other side of his desk.

Dr. Strappem did not mind Tom's attempts to hide his undoubtedly lovely young prize assets. The Headmaster was sure that he would gain a very full intimate view of the boy's sexual organs later in the day, which was a delectable pleasure that he was happy to await patiently.

The smirking older pupils, who eventually brought lunch, were not too surprised that Dr. Strappem was playing chess with a naked 10 year-old. They had become aware that such a scenario was one of the regular tactics used by the Headmaster annually to seduce newcomers.

By the subsequent final end of the marathon session of play, which proceeded remorselessly until the school clock chimed half past five, Tom had not only returned the farthing to his adult opponent but had built up a forfeit amounting to ten strokes of the cane. The boy's skills had been adversely affected by nakedness and trepidation, and sadly no further brilliancy had emerged from his appalled and distressed mind to allow him even the consolation of another draw.

After checkmating Tom for the tenth time, Dr. Strappem feigned disappointment that his young opponent had not been able to conjure up better resistance, suggesting ominously that perhaps the boy would play better next time. The 10 year-old had been sincerely hoping that this event was to be a one-off.

"Now, Brown T," Dr. Strappem continued, whilst removing the chess set to a nearby table, "I believe that your bare bottom is owed ten strokes of my cane. Please stand and lay yourself across my desk so that your hands hold on to the edge at the other side. Given your height, that should present your posterior nicely to receive your forfeit!"

Tom, body beginning to quake, reluctantly and therefore slowly complied. As he did so, Dr. Strappem was pleased to glance the boy's lovely little cock, which was still embarrassingly rigid.

Dr. Strappem then collected one of his collection of canes, which was hanging, along with other implements of chastisement, from hooks on his study wall. The Headmaster, whose own hidden penis was engorged with excitement, returned to take up position behind the immaculate creamy curves of Tom's upturned bare bottom.

The tremulous Tom, whose body was quaking and in whose sensuous eyes tears had already formed, subsequently felt the cane being rubbed gently up and down his backside, which was now devoid of the marks from his previous beatings. The boy also felt his hard cock quiver.

The cane gently but teasingly and ominously brushing Tom's buttocks then ceased doing so in order to take up position to land the first undoubtedly excruciating hit, which the anguished boy now fully expected to be quickly inflicted. However, instead of the swish of the wicked implement and the sound of wood striking young flesh, the 10 year-old heard Dr. Strappem's voice, as the man played his last gambit of the day, not one of chess but of conspiracy.

"I take it that you were present at Dr. Ballsoff's recent natural sciences lesson, Brown T?" Dr. Strappem asked rhetorically, as Tom felt the cane's soft teasing ministrations return to his bare backside again. The Headmaster subsequently suggested "I presume that you appreciated what he was saying about pedagogic relationships. I have taken a few boys under my personal care and tutelage in such a manner over the years to their considerable benefit. I have decided that I admire your character and would therefore like you like to join them."

Dr. Strappem did not add that Tom possessed certain other features that he admired much more before continuing "If you agree to do so, I think that I'll forget the forfeits that you now owe, as I shall not want to spoil your bottom. Instead, I shall preserve your bum in its current state of perfection for other attentions later!"

Tom was startled to feel the cane withdrawn from his buttocks, to be replaced by Dr. Strappem's free hand, which began gently and sensitively to fondle the fine curves. The boy, whose small hard throbbing cock was trapped between his lower abdomen and the desktop, pointing rigidly upwards towards his navel, did not dare move.

Tom could also not prevent himself from eventually uttering a low groan, after Dr. Strappem's expert hand ultimately explored the boy's bumcrack and the nail of an adult forefinger began to brush gently against the boy's virgin sphincter. The 10 year-old's bottom even instinctively rose slightly upwards from the desktop in pleasure, as if inviting the manly digit to penetrate him. His whole body then visibly flushed and shuddered, as a result of his enjoyment of his second-ever dry orgasm.

Dr. Strappem had become expert at exploiting the inherent sexuality of boys, even ones less mature than Tom. The Headmaster could even test himself by offering the young victims of his skilled ministrations the chance of escaping his clutches in circumstances such as now but most were too far immersed in sexual reverie and keen for pleasure to persist to make use of the opportunity.

"I see that you like my touch, Brown T," observed the delighted and appreciative Dr. Strappem, whilst he relentlessly continued to feel Tom's scrumptious bottom. "You could frequently be on the receiving end of such pleasantries," the Headmaster next commented, "throughout your long stay at the school, avoiding nasty regular distress, such as the type inflicted by the cane in my hand, if you consent to my special supervision of your welfare!"

The thoroughly humiliated but nevertheless still intensely sexually stimulated Tom was now, as he was meant to be after Dr. Ballsoff's earlier special lesson, fully aware of the implications of acceding. Despite Dr. Strappem's present skilled exploitation of the boy's sexuality, he was intending to refuse, as he was bravely prepared to face the serious and undoubtedly painful repercussions. However, the Headmaster was astutely aware of the possibility of such a courageous reaction and had already plotted to forestall a negative answer.

Tom changed his planned answer after Dr. Strappem advised him, whilst still remorselessly fondling the boy's sublime posterior, "If you decline, Brown T, I shall enjoy a chess session instead with your friend, West, next Sunday. As he doesn't play the game at all, I think that his forfeits will be much worse than those that you are about to experience if you refuse my kind offer, and I'm sure that he will therefore be happy to accept my intimate patronage."

As part of his pre-planning, Dr. Strappem had thoroughly researched the latest young subject of his desires. The Headmaster had thereby become acquainted, from information supplied by Flashmember, that Brown T and West had become close friends and that the former should become compliant to his will in order to avoid a threat to the latter.

Tom actually believed that Christopher would probably bravely adopt a similar stance to the one he was currently prepared to embrace in circumstances similar to those in which he now disturbingly found himself. However, the boy also decided that he could not let his friend follow him into such a sinister situation.

A re-clothed but still distressed Tom emerged from the ecstatic Headmaster's study shortly afterwards. The boy, who had experienced another dry orgasm after agreeing to Dr. Strappem's proposals, when the man had continued to fondle the boy's bottom expertly in celebration, had completely lost his appetite and so did not go to the schoolhall for his evening meal.

Tom, who was appalled at what he had conceded to Dr. Strappem, also carefully avoided his friends, to whom he did not want to confess what he had agreed to do. The boy instead bathed alone in his dormitory's bathroom, preparing himself as instructed for his all-night appointment, which was to start at 7 o'clock in the Headmaster's quarters.

Dr. Ballsoff entered the Headmaster's study shortly after Tom had left and had been delighted to learn that Dr. Strappem's clever manipulations had resulted in yet another success. The Physician also realised that he was now free to make his own move for Christopher, who represented his preferred choice from the fresh stock, as he had a particular liking for fair-haired blue-eyed boys.

Flashmember, smirking again, conveyed the message later to the concerned Christopher that the boy was to report to Dr. Ballsoff's rooms at 8 o'clock that night for undisclosed reasons. Meanwhile, other members of staff closed in on other new prey. For example, Jonathan had gained the interest of the Gamesmaster, who therefore invited the 10 year-old dormleader to a special evening physical exercise session in the gymnasium.

Jonathan was not to like the particular physical exercises that he was subsequently required to undertake.