PZA Boy Stories


The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays

(Eunuch version)

Chapters 11-14

Chapter 11

Tom is engaged in a variety of school sports.

(Northumberland, England, October 1803)

A freshly washed, groomed and redressed but tremulous Tom knocked on the door of the Headmaster's rooms just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock. His bum was still very sore and discoloured as a result of the severe beating from farmer Allcock and the last thing he now wanted was to be buggered by Dr. Strapam. His only consolations for now were the postponements of his thrashings from the Housemaster and the Headboy, the former due for losing his shorts and the latter for mislaying Flashmale's cheese. Both had decided that his young 10 years old buttocks could not stand further flogging at the present time without inflicting permanent harm.

Tom was also hoping to make use of his night with Dr. Strapam to dissuade him from insisting that he go around the school completely naked throughout the next day. The boy planned to promote the idea that his chastised posterior was unsightly, knowing that the Headmaster liked tidiness.

"Come in, Brown T!" Dr. Strapam commanded from inside his rooms and so Tom opened the door. The Headmaster was alone and already lying naked on his bed sporting a large erection. The deeply apprehensive boy entered and closed the door behind him.

"Right, Brown T," ordered Dr. Strapam, "take your clothes off and lay face down across my knee!" Tom's face, already expressing obvious concern at what would happen during the night ahead, suddenly displayed shock and horror at the prospect of being spanked. The Headmaster knew what the boy thought would now occur and sadistically let the 10 years old dwell on the notion whilst he undressed.

Dr. Strapam played with his own cock, now dribbling precum, whilst a plainly frightened Tom took off his shoes and socks, followed by his shirt and shorts to leave the boy attired only in his skimpy briefs. There was the usual embarrassed vacillation before the humiliated 10 years old finally plucked up the courage to remove his last cover and there was another hesitant delay before the lad summoned further mettle to walk to the bed, now exhibiting his own hard-on.

It was then that Tom saw the opened jar on the far side of Dr. Strapam, which did not contain the usual grease to facilitate sodomy. The Headmaster observed that the boy had noticed the cream and so finally put him out of his immediate misery. "It's for your bottom," the Doctor of Divinity announced with a smirk, "which is no good to anyone in its present state. It's Dr. Ballsoff's own remedy to help nature heal bruising more rapidly. So, lean over me and I'll rub it in but try to avoid my penis as you do so. I don't want it squashed before you attend to its needs!"

Dr. Strapam applied the cream to the superlative curves of Tom's bottom with surprising gentleness, given the usual nature of the items that he delivered to boys' posteriors. The 10 years old could not prevent himself from uttering some low groans, but with pleasure and not pain, as the careful adult manipulations with both hands proceeded. The Headmaster, with many years' experience of such matters, knew that he was bringing his young patient close to climax and so deliberately prolonged his attentions as he found the scene very erotic.

Tom's ecstatic utterances became more blatant as Dr. Strapam continued but changed to a disappointed sigh when the man's hands were suddenly withdrawn. The boy could not help but unashamedly raise his bottom upwards in search of the missing pleasure givers. "Say please, Brown T!" advised the Headmaster and the 10 years old, all inhibition forgotten in the midst of his sexual high, complied. The Doctor therefore obliged by returning his manual ministrations to the superlatively smooth young orbs.

It did not take long for Dr. Strapam to cause Tom's body to stiffen whilst at the same time vibrate. This occurred just after the Headmaster had started to introduce, with his right forefinger and with great care, little dollops of the ointment to the boy's anus, gently overcoming the resistance of the 10 years old's still-tight sphincter.

Dr. Strapam had had Tom's rigid cock resting on a leg and had been able to feel it throbbing throughout the recuperative exercise. The Headmaster now felt something else as the boy experienced his first wet orgasm. The Doctor simultaneously enjoyed his own climax at the feel of the 10 years old's first semen spilling onto his limb and the young body resting on him shudder in uncontrollable delectation.

As Dr. Strapam's engorged vertical penis shot spurt after spurt of his own sperm onto Tom's prone body, helpless in sexual delirium, the Headmaster noticed that the boy had grasped the bedclothes tightly with his hands whilst curling his toes. The 10 years old was also shouting the word "Yes" many times from his sweet rosy lips.

(Northumberland, England, November 1803)

In the event, that particular night with Dr. Strapam had not been unpleasant for Tom. The boy had enjoyed not only his first wet climax but also actual sex with a man for the first time. The latter was mainly because the Headmaster had not buggered the 10 years old or required fellatio from him. Instead, the Doctor contented himself with further gentle manual teasing of the lad's beautiful form and a few sessions of mutual masturbation, seemingly fascinated with the youngster's new-found ability to produce procreative fluid, although not much more was emitted during two further orgasms.

A few more similar nights followed over the next weeks but, during this period, Dr. Strapam largely left Tom to his recovery, concentrating his manly sexual appetite instead on other members of his select coterie of the choicest pupils. The Headmaster also ordered Flashmale to leave the boy alone for now and so the Headboy temporarily concentrated his own voracious desires on Christopher and Adam.

There was a mental as well as physical motive behind Dr. Strapam's generosity to Tom. The Headmaster was always very careful with the boys to whom he was a pedagogue. He did not want to destroy their spirits, as their natural vitality was as attractive to him as their bodies. Sad, morose characters had no place within his little harem and he always took precautions to prevent such development. Giving members, especially the newer younger ones, regular respites was part of the therapy and the Doctor often found that they made better sexual partners on their return.

Tom had actually succeeded in having the day, on which he was to disport himself naked around the school, deferred until his bottom was restored to its previous flawlessness, before being returned again to temporary imperfection by the punishments due from the Housemaster and Headboy. However, the boy's bum was now impeccable once more, a situation confirmed by Dr. Ballsoff during one of his regular physical checks of the educational establishment's prettier scholars. The 10 years old's chastisements were imminent and he had been summoned to the Headmaster's study.

"Turn round," commanded Dr. Strapam, "pull your shorts and briefs down and lift your shirt up. I want to see whether Dr. Ballsoff's cream has done its job!" Tom reluctantly obeyed. "Excellent, I see that it has," declared the Headmaster, "and I think that you know what that means. No clothes tomorrow from first light until candles out and the next day report to Flashmale. He has been given the responsibility of inflicting the beating due from the Housemaster in addition to that owing from his own cane. Now redress and return to lessons!"

Tom's eyes became damp as he heard Dr. Strapam's words and the man noticed this fact as the boy, after pulling his briefs and shorts back up and tucking his shirt neatly inside the latter, turned to say "Yes, thank you, Headmaster." However, this did not prevent the Doctor from compounding the 10 years old's woes by adding "Also, report to my rooms this evening at 7 o'clock. A certain part of my anatomy has been missing a certain part of yours. It's a situation that I think we'll rectify several times overnight!"

"Yes, thank you Headmaster" was again the appalled lad's meek reply.

A freshly washed and groomed but tremulous Tom knocked again on the door of the Headmaster's rooms just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock.

"Come in, Brown T!" Dr. Strapam commanded from inside and so Tom opened the door. The Headmaster was alone and already lying naked on his bed sporting a large erection. The deeply apprehensive boy entered and closed the door behind him.

"Right, Brown T," ordered Dr. Strapam take your clothes off come and lie next to me!" Tom's face, already expressing obvious concern at what would happen during the night ahead, suddenly displayed surprise for he saw that resting on the Headmaster's legs, just below the man's rampant cock, was a chess set with the pieces set ready to play.

Dr. Strapam played with his own cock, now dribbling precum, whilst a plainly puzzled Tom took off his shoes and socks, followed by his shirt and shorts to leave the boy attired only in his skimpy briefs. There was the usual embarrassed vacillation before the humiliated 10 years old finally plucked up the courage to remove his last cover and there was another hesitant delay before the lad summoned further mettle to walk to the bed, now exhibiting his own hard-on.

The Headmaster observed that the boy had noticed the chess set and so finally put him out of his immediate puzzlement. "You know I like sports," the Doctor of Divinity announced with a smirk, "so I'm offering you a sporting challenge. We'll play one game of chess. If you win, no public display of nudity tomorrow or visit to Flashmale for a beating the next day. If you lose, you go naked for two days and receive your flogging in the quadrangle."

Tom was appalled, recalling what happened when he last played chess with Dr. Strapam. He had somehow conjured-up a brilliancy to achieve one draw but had easily lost all the other games and the consequences had been very painful. It was obvious that he was a chess novice confronting a master and could only lose but before he could beg otherwise the Headmaster continued "There's no need to thank me for my generosity, which will extend to letting you have the white pieces. Now, sit next to me and decide your first move. I'm sure that you'll be much better than the last time we met over a chess board."

Tom finally managed to respond to the invitation with one word, "But". However, that was all he could utter before Dr. Strapam defused his attempt at argument by advising firmly "I know that you're overwhelmed at my kindness but I won't accept too much delay. Sit and make your move!" The naked boy felt obliged to obey and then received another shock when the Headmaster added "Last time I limited the timing of our moves to two minutes each. However, on this occasion, I'll help you further by letting you take as much time as you want whilst I stick to the limitation, subject to one condition. You see, as we play, I'll be fondling your cock and any cum produced whilst I do so will signal that you wish to forfeit the game in favour of changing our sport to one of a sexual nature!"

The aghast Tom then felt Dr. Strapam's right hand begin to rub his 10 years old erection whilst, with his own trembling much smaller hand, he made his first move.

Tom's technique was, if anything, worse than previously, his nervousness at the consequences of defeat, mixed with the delicious sensations beginning to flow through his groin and extend into the rest of his lovely young body, being major contributory factors. The boy again quickly fell behind in terms of pieces and so, realising that time was of the essence as climax slowly approached, he decided to launch one desperate all-out, make-or-break, assault on the black King. Unfortunately, Dr. Strapam seemed to be repulsing the 10 years old's strategy with ease whilst making his own victory preparations.

Tom's pieces were deployed as follows:- King on g1, pawns on f2 and g2, Rooks on b2 and e5, Knight on d5 and Queen on h4. Dr. Strapam's more substantial forces were arrayed as follows:- Knight on a2, Bishop on c4, Queen on a6, pawns on a7, b7, f7, g7 and h7, Rooks on a8 and f8 and King on g8.

Dr. Strapam's rubbing of Tom's now engorged cock continued remorselessly and the boy knew that he would be unable to prevent himself from cumming for much longer. The 10 years old, now breathing deeply as delicious feelings seared through his body, temporarily closed his to try to compose himself before glancing again at the chess board. Then, suddenly from apparently nowhere, an idea flashed into his mind.

Tom's throbbing cock began to quiver as its need to explode gathered urgent impetus and so the boy, hand still shaking, moved his Rook on b2 quickly to b6. Dr. Strapam smiled in the certain knowledge that the 10 years old's imminent orgasm had made him blunder horribly again. He immediately retorted by taking the Rook with his pawn on a7, knowing that he could not use his Queen because the b6 square was covered by the white Knight on d5. However, the Headmaster's smile was soon wiped off his face when his young opponent now rapidly moved the latter Knight to f6 and declared check.

Dr. Strapam's manual manipulation of Tom's rigid cock now ceased as the Headmaster carefully studied the position on the chessboard. He suddenly realised that the boy had cleverly lured him into a trap, sacrificing a Rook and a Knight in doing so. The man's next move, taking the Knight on f6 with his pawn on g7, was forced, as otherwise white's Queen would checkmate on h7. He also recognised that this would only delay defeat for, after his opponent's undoubted subsequent Qxf6, white's next move, Rg5, would entrap the black King fatally, a situation that could not be prevented whatever he did.

Dr. Strapam, disliking such reverses, momentarily considered trying to cause Tom to cum before checkmate could be achieved, by spending the maximum time allowance he had to make his final moves masturbating the boy with rigour. However, such a manoeuvre was not the Headmaster's style and so he decided to accept defeat gracefully, making his moves speedily and letting the 10 years old finally announce with quiet satisfied aplomb "Checkmate, I think, sir!"

Dr. Strapam appreciated a decent chess opponent and thought that at last he had one in the school. He also knew that there would be plenty of opportunities in the years ahead to reward Tom for his ingenuity, starting with the acts of sodomy that he would now inflict vigorously upon the boy, whose happiness in victory would thereby be short-lived. In fact, the 10 years old was too late for breakfast the next day as the pain in his backside, resulting from the Headmaster's earnest attentions to his young anus overnight, was considerable. This had caused him to hobble slowly during the morning run, despite help from Christopher and Jonathan, who thereby also missed the repast.

It was a week later that Tom and Christopher were told by their respective pedagogues to start attending the Gamesmaster's special gymnastic sessions held one night each week for special pupils. Jonathan already frequented the weekly drills, conducted in the manner of Ancient Greece, Mr. Hardcock being his pedagogue, and had told his alarmed friends about what went on.

Tom and Christopher were therefore prepared for the humiliation of performing various gymnastic routines with a number of other very pretty and completely naked boys whilst being ogled by most of the prefects and many staff, including the Doctors of Divinity and Medicine. They were also deeply relieved at not finishing last in the final ten-lap sprint around the gymnasium, the reward for this being a similar run around the playing field outside. In fact it was 11 years old Adam who won this dubious honour, having been hampered by an ankle bruised in a wrestling bout with an older lad.

It was a horrible dark November night. Light rain was falling, which enveloped the whole school complex like a mist, helped by a chill breeze from the north. Adam's lovely pink skin had changed to a wet blue hue by the time that the boy eventually emerged from the external cold, dank and gloom. The prefects in particular found the nude lad's appearance highly amusing but none of the 11 years old's fellow gymnasts concurred, realising that they could easily have been in his place.

Cold baths followed for most of the young participants. However, Tom, Christopher and Adam were for once happy to be invited to Flashmale's rooms. The Headboy had, as usual, become very excited by watching the sport in the gymnasium and felt that he had developed sufficient energy to enjoy the favours of all three of his fags, the two 10 years olds not being needed by their pedagogues that night. However, he did not want cold bodies to play with and therefore allowed them to share a warm bath in his quarters before they shared his bed.

The weather had not changed much by the next afternoon when form 1b was required to practise the Soddamhall ball game and all the boys were soon covered from head to toe in cold mud. This made differentiation between the two sides impossible other than by ascertaining the direction in which each participant seemed to want to go. No-one cared about the result, although Tom was happy to note that he had scored twice despite the conditions. The players cared even less about the cold ablutions all were required to endure afterwards.

It was Tom who suffered an injury the following week in the special gymnastics session, through slipping whilst climbing a rope and hurting his groin as he fell. However, the prize for coming last in the final sprint was not an immediate tour of the field outside. "There's the special annual beagle hunt this Sunday," announced the Gamesmaster with a smirk, "for staff and friends of the school. It looks as if you've just nominated yourself to be the bait, Brown T. Report to me here after Sabbath assembly for your equipment and instructions!"

In the event, there was not much tackle or tuition, and even less attire. Tom was naked apart from having a genuine fox's brush dangling down his bumcrack and between his legs, tied in place by string fixed round his waist. The appalled boy was told the area in which he could try to run and hide, basically local farmland, including that of Messrs. Allcock and Loveboy, north of the school and bounded by certain roads. He would have half an hour's start before the pack of beagles was released and the almost fifty men followed them in pursuit. The price of entrapment within three hours by the well-trained hounds would hopefully not be being torn to pieces but rather having subsequently to entertain some of both the canine and human captors. The horrified 10 years old bait thought that he knew what this meant but was prevented from querying the situation by being rendered speechless at the revelation.

It was a bright sunny winter's Sunday, not particularly cold, when the nude Tom set off from the school to much ribald cheering from many fellow pupils, gathered behind windows to watch the sight, with only his friends not appreciating the spectacle. The observing men were quieter, although many were licking their lips at the view of the beautiful piece of boy flesh scurrying into the distant fields as fast as his young legs could take him, incongruous reddish brown tail hiding the middle of his bottom. However, the 10 years old had found it impossible to shield his humiliating erection from being noticed as he started out.

Tom was out of sight when, half an hour later, the howling beagles were let loose to follow the scent. The boy bait had now run through the nearby wood and skirted Atio Fell, heading for the distant forest far beyond. He had not stopped running since he had left the school, the activity keeping him warm despite his nakedness on a winter's day, but his pace had dropped as weariness began to creep into his nude form. However, the 10 years old had noticed that his cock had remained rigid and he had to admit to himself that, despite his fear at what would happen if caught, he felt exhilaration, including sexual excitement, at being chased.

Meanwhile, back at Soddomhall School, Dr. Ballsoff, who considered beagling to be an uncivilised pursuit, even if the bait was a beautiful boy and the potential prize for success enjoyment of his young orifices, had received the message to proceed with his second castration of the year during the week before Christmas. The Physician began to plan his strategy leading up to the event.

Tom had been running for about an hour and a half and was approximately half a mile from the forest, traversing sheep pastures, when he heard the barks of the beagles for the first time. The sound both terrified and stimulated him, with the latter somehow the predominant emotion. The boy therefore could not prevent himself from stopping to turn to face the direction of the chasing creatures. He could not see them yet, as they were still distant. Nevertheless, he appreciated that every second that he delayed could prove crucial in his aim of reaching the potential safety of the trees. Despite, or perhaps because of this realisation, the 10 years old remained motionless apart from moving his right hand down towards his hard penis, now pointing upwards.

Tom then began to masturbate himself as the hounds, firmly fixed on his scent, rapidly maintained their inexorable advance towards him.

Chapter 12

Many eager beagles, as well as many lecherous men, are still in pursuit of Tom, and soon the conspiratorial uncle will be in pursuit of his nephew's testicles.

(Northumberland, England, November 1803)

Tom's body quivered in orgasm as his cock spilled a small amount of white fluid onto the grass of the sheep pasture beneath him. During Dr. Ballsoff's last medical check-up of Brown T's wondrous 10 years old form, the school Physician had been intrigued to discover that another youngster so tender in age had begun to produce semen. He had noticed that it was a phenomenon fairly common amongst the staff's most favoured catamites and put it down to the kind early exposure of the boys to regular comprehensive sexual activity.

After eventually calming from his sexual ecstasy, Tom shook his penis to try to remove the last signs of his secret pleasure from his cockhead before being encouraged by the ever-encroaching barking of the pursuing beagles to continue his dash towards the forest, still half a mile away. The 10 years old was later about 450 yards from the trees when he realised, from the now almost deafening sound of the hounds behind him, that he was not going to reach the cover of the trees in time. It was also then that he saw the boy on the horse riding skilfully and speedily towards him from his right.

It did not take long for the well-dressed young rider to catch the naked young runner and he did so just before the beagles. "Quick," the young horseman, about four years older than Tom, instructed, whilst proffering a hand down to the now very scared young bait, "climb up or the dogs will have you!" The 10 years old did not hesitate to accept the offer and soon found himself, after a little bit of trouble ascending the tall mount, clinging to the rear of his saviour as the steed bounded north to safety in the nick of time. The fox's brush, still worn by the nude and caught in the speedy draught, unfurled horizontally rearwards, resembling an impertinent tongue extended at the now frustrated and defeated hounds. The illusion was intensified by the fact that the tail was emerging from between two cheeks.

Having eventually achieved a safe distance, the rider brought his horse to a trot before turning his head towards his naked passenger, still clinging tightly to his clothed body, and advising, in a very posh voice, "Hello, old chap, I'm Abernethy, James Abernethy."

"Brown, T," the younger boy, deeply relieved at his narrow escape but now also intensely ashamed of his nudity, responded, "and thanks for your help."

"No problem, old chap. I knew that today was the day of Soddamhall School's special hunt, so I thought I'd take a ride to see if I could help a chap in trouble. Luckily, old chap, you were running in my direction and I saw you, apparently just in time, although you might have made safety on your own if you hadn't stopped to play with yourself!" The sudden revelation that his rescuer had observed his masturbation caused the 10 years old to blush from head to toe.

"How did you…." Tom began to ask before his intended query was answered. "I brought a spyglass, old chap," James informed, whilst patting the instrument, now secured in a special pocket on the side of his saddle, "as I thought that it would come in handy to spot you. I was right, although my right eye espied more than expected!" The sudden redness of the 10 years old's delicious bare form intensified on hearing the explanation.

"Don't worry, old chap," James reassured, "I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret. Anyway, all boys indulge in the practice after they've reached a certain age, including me. However, I must say, old chap, that you're the youngest I've known who can produce sperm. I was very impressed!" Tom's embarrassment had begun to subside with the pleasant and unperturbed tone of the 14 years old's comments, and was almost replaced by pride at hearing this last remark.

"I hope that you don't mind, old chap," announced James, "but I'm taking us home where I can secure you some cover and refreshment. Don't worry, I'll sneak you in without anyone seeing you in your current state and I'll take you back to your school later when it's safe to do so." Tom's transformation from frightened and shamed bait to relaxed and nonchalant boy was now completed by these phrases, soothingly spoken. The 10 years old's feeling of affinity with and gratitude to his rescuer caused him to rest the side of his head on the 14 years old's back and tighten his hold on the lad's covered form. The rider's already hard cock began to throb in response.

Meanwhile, about three miles behind them, the pack of beagles had been recalled by horn to their handlers and the disappointed dogs and almost 50 men proceeded despondently to the barn of Farmer Loveboy, where the post-hunt luncheon had been laid out. There was plenty of food and ale to enjoy but sadly no boy afters. The hounds would not have harmed Tom, if they had caught him, as they had been trained just to corner the bait. Instead, it was customary for the men to cause the captured youngster hurt by enjoying his young orifices throughout the rest of the day and night. It was an annual drunken orgy to which all the participants, except the youngest, looked forward with eager anticipation and this was the first time that sexual aspirations had been denied.

"Did you see who the rider was?" asked an angry and frustrated Gamesmaster. "No," replied an equally aggrieved Headmaster, "but, given the location, I suspect that it was young Abernethy. If that's the case, there's little that can done. His family's too influential in these parts. After all, they own most of the land around here, including that upon which we're currently standing. Loveboy's one of their tenant farmers!"

Tom had never seen a house so grand as James guided his horse into its vast landscaped grounds through an entrance whose huge open elaborate ironwork gates were supported by massive stone columns, crowned with carved lions. "Do you really live here?" the incredulous 10 years old enquired, after lifting his head from the 14 years old to peer round the lad's back at the impressive scene.

"Yes, old chap," James answered, "my part of the family's resided here for hundreds of years, although the main branch are Scottish. My father's another James, Sir James Abernethy, one of the more junior members of a line that also boasts several Lords and a Clan Leader." Tom was momentarily speechless.

James then steered his steed off the long main pathway that led up to the distant mansion and into an adjacent wood. "There's a tunnel that leads from the trees, old chap," the 14 years old advised the puzzled 10 years old, "to the house where there are many secret passageways, a legacy of more troublesome times when they all formed part of an escape route. We'll use the system to smuggle you in to prevent your current embarrassment being seen before I acquire some attire for you and introduce you to our kitchens for some sustenance." Tom's grateful clinging hug of his rescuer's body became more pronounced in response to the announcement, much to the delight of the recipient's cock.

The two mounted boys eventually came to a small stone outbuilding hidden amongst the trees, not far from the large mansion. James quickly climbed off his horse and looked up at the delectable Tom. The 14 years old noticed that the 10 years old's own penis was also again hard, pointing horizontally along the animal's back. The sight caused the obvious bulge, within his own long but tight brown trousers, to increase in size. However, he somehow managed to offer the young nude a helping hand to dismount from the tall steed.

"Thanks," Tom politely said, as he was aided safely to the ground after his first ever horse ride, "thanks for everything."

"No problem, old chap," James replied, a little disappointed to lose sight of the 10 years old's erection as young protective hands quickly covered the embarrassing arousal. "Follow me," the 14 years old gently commanded as he then strode purposefully towards the door of the outbuilding.

Tom had now appreciated how handsome James was, his straight red hair crowning a lovely face bejewelled by gorgeous brown eyes, located above a slim lithe body. The 10 years old's genital excitement intensified as a result of the realisation.

Tom followed his rescuer inside the outbuilding to find a gloomy single windowless room with a stone floor, empty apart from a few oil lamps and a flintlock mechanism. James used the latter to light one of the lanterns and went to the far wall to press his free hand firmly against one of the stones from which the barrier was constructed. The block depressed inwards and suddenly, to the naked 10 years old's amazement, an opening appeared in the apparently solid floor. His dressed 14 years old companion then began walking down some steps below the aperture into darkness, whilst suggesting "Follow me again, old chap, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Tom shivered as he complied because, in contrast to the surprisingly warm and pleasant autumnal day outside, the tunnel was cold and he could see his breath condense in the lamplight. James paused at the foot of the steps to allow the 10 years old to catch up with him and, observing the younger boy's shivering, placed the lantern on the floor in order to begin the removal of his brown jacket. "Sorry, thoughtless of me, old chap," the 14 years old announced as he proffered the garment to the young nude, "you'll catch pneumonia down here without some cover. Take this, it'll help keep the chill away!"

Tom was very happy to accept the offer, as the jacket not only represented warmth but also some cover for his bare body. James was less content, as the garment hid much pleasantry from view, but he was too honourably considerate not to make the gesture. As the 10 years old dressed, the 14 years old was delighted to notice, before it was again hidden from sight, that the younger boy's cock had remained aroused despite the cold.

The jacket would, of course, normally be too big for Tom but not on this occasion. The buttoned front was designed to finish at the waist but now terminated just below the groin and the long twin tails at the back trailed to the floor, so completely hiding his lustrous posterior. James could not help but utter a low sigh of regret as the 10 years old's immaculate form gained some cover. However, the lustful 14 years old was already planning to restore, and become much better acquainted with, the delightful vision later, an objective dictated by the needs of his rampant cock, which was maintaining the obvious protuberance at the front of his trousers.

"Right, old chap," James declared, after Tom had given appropriate thanks for his rescuer's kindness, "let's go!" The 14 years old then picked up the lamp, pressed another stone to close the opening above and started to walk down the now very dark tunnel. The 10 years old, finding the environment rather creepy, followed quickly in the older boy's wake.

"Things shouldn't be too bad, old chap," James suggested as they proceeded into the blackness, "because, as my younger brother and I play here often, my father asks some of our groundsmen to clean the tunnel regularly. You should therefore find the floor underneath your bare feet not too uncomfortable and we shouldn't encounter too many spiders' webs or other nasties. The lamplight should also cause any rats around to flee." However, for some reason, the reassurance only caused Tom's concern about what lurked about him to intensify. The 10 years old began to shiver again, but not now as a result of the low temperature.

The two boys advanced steadily, passing several side passageways as they did so, before James announced, after reaching yet another junction, "We turn left here, old chap. There're some long stairs ahead that lead straight to my bedroom!" The 14 years old's cock began to throb at the thought of what he hoped to do when that goal had been attained.

The climb up the steps was long and quite tiring and the two boys were breathing heavily by the time James, panting not entirely due to exhaustion, pressed another stone and a wooden wall panel opened outwards to reveal sunlight streaming through a large window into his huge opulent bedroom. The 14 years old invited the 10 years old inside before triggering the devise that closed the secret entrance to the tunnel.

"Welcome to my abode, old chap," James triumphantly announced. Tom was again momentarily speechless at the splendours of his rescuer's bedroom, with its immense four-poster bed and scenic view through the window of the magnificent mansion gardens. However, the 10 years old eventually managed to compose himself to remark in awe "What a lovely room!" He also remembered his manners and added "I must thank you once more for all your help. If there's anything that I can do for you in return, please let me know." It was the opportunity for which the 14 years old had been praying.

"Well, actually, old chap," advised James, "there is something!"

Meanwhile, the Gamesmaster asked the Headmaster, in Farmer Loveboy's barn and in a slightly slurred voice as the effects of several pints of strong ale began to materialise, "Should I go and fetch some of the pupils to entertain us?" Dr. Strapam considered his answer for a moment before replying "No, I don't think so. It would break all the hunt's traditions. The other boys haven't done anything to deserve such molestation and I think it right to keep such attention reserved as the forfeit for being caught as the bait. No, we'll just have to accept defeat with grace as gentlemen and hope for better next year!"

Mr. Hardcock, like most of the other deeply disappointed hunters, was not happy with Dr. Strapam's response, as he felt that the lack of boy entertainment spoiled the occasion. However, he knew better than to argue with the Headmaster. The Gamesmaster therefore had to content himself with more ale and the thought of enjoying young Morton that night, whilst his employer would undoubtedly be securing simultaneous revenge on Brown T.

Tom, again noticing the bulge on the front of his rescuer's trousers, had an idea what the answer would be when he asked "What, then, can I do in return?" James, smiling sweetly, decided that it was best to be blunt and replied "Do you know what the hunters would have done to you if you'd been caught?" The 10 years old responded sheepishly "I think so!" to which the 14 years old rejoined "Well, old chap, instead of having the cocks of almost 50 men inside you, would you mind having mine?"

James was worried how Brown T would react to his request. However, the 14 years old received a pleasant surprise when Tom, grinning happily, removed the jacket that covered him, folding the garment neatly over a chair, before standing naked and erect, hands at his sides, in front of his rescuer to announce "That's acceptable to me, old chap!"

James had never removed his own clothing so quickly in his life and soon he and Tom were kissing, embracing and fondling each other on top of four-poster bed. The 10 years old later sucked the 14 years old's cock almost to climax before, lying face up, he raised his legs, holding them in place with his hands, to present his pink sphincter to his rescuer's engorged penis. The subsequent eager but tender invasion of the youngster's anus by the older boy's rampant member was the first time that the recipient experienced no pain as a result of sodomy. In fact, both the young lovers only garnered acute ecstasy as their copulation proceeded to simultaneous orgasm to many accompanying groans of intense pleasure.

James began to shed tears as his semen poured into Tom's innards, whilst at the same time the 10 years old's vibrating cock erupted a smaller amount of sperm, forming a little pool around the younger boy's navel. The 14 years old kept his softening penis inside his young lover for a while after coitus until he finally collapsed onto the bed in delighted exhaustion, whilst still producing a few tears.

"Why are you crying?" a concerned Tom enquired. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, old chap," answered James, "that was my first time with anyone. I think I'm crying because I'm so happy!"

"Oh, is that all," retorted a relieved 10 years old, as he ran his hand under the 14 years old's lovely back to restore an embrace, "shall we now make it a second time?"

James smiled and began to rub Tom's own semen into the 10 years old's sublime belly. "Do you know, old chap," the 14 years old later announced, after more delicious foreplay and as he moved his mouth towards the younger boy's re-hardened cock, "I don't know what your first name is. What does the 'T' in Brown T stand for?"

Over two hours later, the two new friends finally emerged from James' bedroom. Both boys sported expensive finery, with Tom's now fitting almost perfectly as his host had borrowed the attire from his younger brother. The 10 years old subsequently ate a sumptuous meal in the kitchens, served by the chief cook herself, before being conveyed back to Soddamhall School in Sir James Abernethy's own liveried carriage and accompanied by the young heir to the Baronetcy. The youngster's return was in marked contract to his naked departure from the educational establishment earlier in the day.

The smiling James' last words to his new friend, as the latter disembarked from the ornate conveyance to incredulous stares from those school staff and pupils who witnessed the scene, were "Remember, Tom, old chap, I'll be asking my father to make sure that the Headmaster let's you come to visit me often. I'm taught at home by my own tutor and I therefore only have my younger brother to, er, play with. However, he doesn't play the time of games that we do!" The 10 years old grinned on hearing the cheeky remark before the 14 years old continued "Also, don't forget, Tom, old chap, if you encounter any problems here, let me know straight away!" Shortly afterwards the boys waved goodbye to each other as the carriage began to leave the scholastic grounds.

Tom's new finery did not remain on his body for long but it was removed not just to be returned, with thanks, to Sir James Abernethy. It was now early evening and the boy soon found himself in Dr. Strapam's bed, as the Headmaster wanted to make up for time and opportunity lost earlier in the day. "Congratulations on your success in the hunt," the Doctor of Divinity said as he penetrated the lad, eliciting a loud shriek from the young catamite as his anus was filled yet again but by a much larger intruder than that encountered earlier in the day.

(Northumberland, England, December 1803)

The week before Christmas had arrived and the conspiratorial uncle set off for the north of England by public coach. His destination would take a few days and eventually a change of transport to attain. However, he was looking forward to witnessing his nephew's castration, an operation that would make the man and his son very rich.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ballsoff had already made his preparations for the imminent gelding and had invited Brown T for the periodic check of the boy's delectable body.

As the school Physician closely examined the naked 10 years old's perfect and completely healthy genitalia, he announced with apparent sadness "I'm afraid that we have a problem here, young man. There's something very wrong with your scrotum. I think that I might have to operate to prevent potentially fatal infection. I'll send a message to your guardian immediately!" The news brought tears to the appalled lad's lovely eyes. He was not expecting any presents or other delights for Christmas, rather the opposite. However, never in his worst nightmares did he anticipate such a dreadful threat, and at a time when anaesthetics had not yet been discovered.

Chapter 13

The conspiratorial uncle heads north to watch, at last, his nephew's castration.

(Northumberland, England, December 1803)

The traditional annual Christmastime Soddomhall School ball game, in which all 650 or so pupils, excluding prefects, participated, was taking place on the largest of the educational establishment's playing fields. Adonis and Ganymede Houses were pitched against Narcissus and Phaethon. As customary, the boys were dressed only in tight white short shorts and thin distinguishing ribbons worn like sashes diagonally across their bare chests and backs. The ribbons were blue for those in Adonis House, red for Ganymede, purple for Narcissus and yellow for Phaeton. It was a cold but bright and dry winter afternoon.

As usual, the large rectangular playing area was demarcated by dirt pathways and the object of the game was to place the crude heavy leather ball on one of the shorter lengths of pathway defended by the opponents. The few other rules meant that the whole lengthy exercise was anarchic, with many participants tackling opponents who were never near the ball just for the fun of it or for other reasons. The latter often involved a desire for revenge for an earlier perceived slight or a wish simply to fondle an object of unrequited desire.

As usual, Tom, Christopher and Jonathan joined in with gusto but seemed to be special targets for many of the older opponents. All three spent periods on the ground after being hit, sometimes writhing in agony after their own small balls had been clobbered or, more often, grasped viciously.

No-one had scored a 'path' in living memory and no-one expected that to change, with the massed defences seemingly impossible to break through and the game therefore largely played out in midfield. However, the ball was suddenly thrown high into the air from a mass brawl and landed at the feet of Tom, lying on the ground in a more isolated part of the field after a particularly heavy tackle. Christopher and John had gone to him to check that he would live. The 10 years old immediately picked up the round object and stood up, even though these actions represented certain imminent and potentially agonising danger.

Christopher and Jonathan, standing either side of Tom, now tried to shield their friend as the young worried ball-carrier began to advance as fast as his legs could carry him. There was menace from the mass of Adonis and Ganymede players approaching from all around as the trio proceeded, leaving most of their Narcissus and Phaethon allies behind. However, the boy's natural speed and elusiveness worked a miracle, aided by his chums' brave protection and his own diminutive size, which made grabbing his body, when at speed, difficult to perform.

Christopher and Jonathan took many hits but constantly somehow quickly managed to stand again to continue to guard the zig-zagging Tom. The young ball-carrier himself was toppled to the ground a couple of times, only to tumble over in such a way that he ended up back on his feet. However, all seemed over for the 10 years old's brave effort when he was finally badly clobbered and held before many opponents dived on top of him.

Christopher and Jonathan, bodies now displaying many bruises, tried to pull some of the enemy from off the top of the growing pile of young bodies that had engulfed their friend but to little avail. In the end, all they could do was stand by and watch as the human morass continued to grow, believing that the game had reached the usual impasse. However, the two 10 years olds were delighted and amazed to be disillusioned in respect of their expectation when their friend, still holding the precious ball, emerged from the side of the huge scrimmage.

Tom immediately leapt to his feet and started running again so fast that most of the remaining shocked Adonis and Ganymede defence was quickly by-passed and now, miraculously, only three 17 years old back-stops stood in the way of glory. Christopher and Jonathan speedily followed their friend, leaving behind most of their colleagues, who had been as surprised as their opponents at the turn of events.

The three last defenders stood their ground with determination. They had been chosen for their positions of last resort because of their own excellent capabilities at the game. Tom knew this and therefore did not believe that he could outpace them on the flank. Accordingly, he shouted to Christopher and Jonathan to try to take out the two outside members of the trio whilst he dealt with the lad in the middle.

The three 10 years olds rapidly approached the 17 years olds whilst the pursuing mass of pupils in their wake gave the younger boys no chance of surmounting the last obstacles. However, without hesitation, Christopher and Jonathan, now allowed to lead by Tom, simply but courageously jumped at great velocity into their older targets, the nasty collisions causing all four boys to collapse stunned to the ground. Both 17 years olds later sported black eyes as a consequence.

Only one 17 years old now separated Tom from an almost unprecedented 'path'. The older boy stood with arms outstretched and legs apart, ready to grapple the impertinent 10 years old, who was almost upon him.

Tom followed his friends in jumping but not into his final opponent. Instead, the boy leapt with venom onto the ground between the 17 years old's splayed legs and his momentum carried him sliding through on the grass to the other side. By the time the bewildered last defender realised what had happened, the 10 years old was back on his feet and running to make his score.

As Tom placed the ball down on the dirt pathway, a tumultuous roar resounded. The boy looked back whence he had come to see not only his many team-mates cheering and applauding but also most opponents and all of the staff and prefects watching on the sidelines. The 10 years old had never been so proud in his young life before. This feeling was increased after a number of pupils caught up with him and lifted him onto their shoulders to escort the hero from the field to continued vociferous clamour and clapping, just as some snow began to fall.

Tom was also particularly pleased to see Christopher and Jonathan rewarded with the same well-deserved adulation. However, he was perhaps most delighted to notice later the obvious look of intense happiness and pride displayed in the eyes of James, who had been standing next to Dr. Strapam to watch the game as one of the Headmaster's guests.

Tom had been allowed to visit James every Sunday, being collected after breakfast by Sir James Abernethy's carriage and returned early evening. The boys thoroughly enjoyed each other's company and the various games they indulged in, especially those on top of a certain four-poster bed.

Tom had been introduced to James' family, including the Baronet and the pretty 10 years old younger brother, Charles, and was now treated as an honoured guest. The boy no longer ate in the kitchens but in the vast Abernethy mansion's resplendently huge dining hall, served by the butler and other servants. He had never been so mollycoddled previously, and enjoyed every minute of the experience, even though his new friend had had to remind him politely about expected table etiquette and the correct use for various items of cutlery.

Dr. Strapam had received a visit from Sir James Abernerthy himself to establish the arrangements. The Headmaster had felt compelled to agree to the Baronet's request for ready access to his new friend for his heir, whom the father believed would benefit from the relationship because of the lonely isolation of where he lived.

Sir James had not sent his son away to school because of his own bad experiences at such an establishment but was aware that having a personal tutor instead meant that the boy would be short of companionship. Having a friend or two at nearby Soddamhall seemed an ideal solution to the problem.

Dr. Strapam's co-operation stemmed from not wanting to upset the richest and most influential man in this part of the county. The Headmaster's motives were, as usual, multi-faceted for, as well as helping to maintain good cordial relations with a very important personage, he knew that the Baronet would now owe him a return favour, which might be useful one day if any problems brewed.

For Tom, daily existence seemed to be getting better. He had a pair of good loyal friends at school and now another not far away. He was becoming more accustomed to having frequent sex with Dr. Strapam and Flashmale, which seemed to be less and less unpleasant. He actually enjoyed the regular sex shows with other boys he was asked to indulge in as part of the watching Headmaster's and Headboy's foreplay routines, especially if his partner was Christopher. The two 10 years olds appreciated each other's bodies enormously. However, it was the weekly Sunday pastimes in which he now joined with James that had brought the biggest improvement in his quality of life. This was not just because he felt like nobility whenever he visited the mansion in which the 14 years old and his family resided, as certain mutual lovemaking was always the main highlight of the trip.

Scoring in the annual Christmastime Soddamhall ball game, and the heroic status he had assumed in the eyes of most fellow pupils of all ages, had added to Tom's sense of increased wellbeing. However, this had now been spoilt somewhat by what Dr. Ballsoff had recently told him.

(York, England, December 1803)

The conspiratorial uncle was staying in the coaching inn in York, waiting for the roads to the north to clear of snow before continuing his journey. However, he had now been told that the dirt tracks might take many days to become passable and was wondering whether to postpone his trip and return to London. He eventually decided to stay put as he had already come this far and was determined to see the matter finished. After all, he had plans for the vast loot that he would gain access to once his nephew was no longer capable of producing an heir.

Accordingly, the man accepted the fact that he would be spending Christmas in York, content that he would enjoy the season far more that his young nephew, who should know by now, in his bleak and spartan school, what fate soon had in mind for him.

(Northumberland, England, Christmas Day, December 1803)

Only the members of Phaethon House remained at Soddamhall School, as they were all boys whose parents or guardians were either unable or unwilling to accommodate them after the break of term for the Christmas holidays. For those left behind, routine would carry on much as before, with continued lessons to broaden their knowledge of obscure Latin texts and the like. However, the one concession was the treatment of Christmas Day as if it were a Sunday, although meals would be no different to usual.

Tom escaped such disappointing and monotonous fare by being allowed to spend the day with James. However, he had previously agreed with his new friend that he would tell Dr. Strapam that he was prepared to go only if he could be accompanied by Christopher and Jonathan. The boy successfully toned down the blackmail by suggesting to the Headmaster that the heir to the Abernethy Baronetcy had expressed interest in welcoming extra playmates to his home, an action approved by his father. The Doctor of Divinity therefore acquiesced.

James and the three 10 years olds enjoyed a splendid Christmas Day, although it passed without many aspects known today, such as Christmas trees. Such features were introduced from Germany later in the century, a process accelerated after Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha became consort to Queen Victoria.

As during previous visits, the highlight of the day was the time spent on top of James' four-poster, with the 14 years old host's enjoyment of the recreation improved further by the addition of two additional beautiful and gregarious naked 10 years old playmates. The whole delightful event was only spoilt when it was time for his three young friends to return to Soddamhall.

All the time, Tom, not wanting to spoil the occasion by upsetting his companions, remained silent about what he had been advised by Dr. Ballsoff. In fact, the boy was determined not to tell the others anything about the matter until it had been resolved one way or another, with the 10 years old still hoping that the operation would not be required.

(York, England, Christmas Day, December 1803)

Meanwhile, the conspiratorial uncle, having enjoyed a rather drunken Christmas Day in the inn in York, now knew that the castration of his nephew was imminent as the snow had melted and the roads north were muddy but passable. He would be rejoining his coach in the morning to travel to Newcastle, where he would have to hire local transport to convey him to the 10 years old's school. He expected to arrive at the educational establishment, allowing for the conditions, within three days.

The man appreciated that his nephew's gelding would not take too long to accomplish and intended to begin the long return journey immediately after viewing the brat's emasculation and rewarding the school Physician with his large fee. He also proposed to be accompanied on his trip home by the boy's testicles, as definitive proof to the lawyers in London of the 10 years old's permanent inability to produce a future heir.

The conspiratorial uncle smiled at the thought that his young relation would be entering the New Year of 1804 as a eunuch.

Chapter 14

The conspiratorial uncle arrives at his nephew's school to watch, at last, the boy's castration.

(Northumberland, England, December 1803)

It would be an understatement to say that Tom had not been looking forward to this day, as he knocked on the door of Dr. Ballsoff's quarters.

"Enter!" was the instruction from inside the room and the tremulous boy complied, not surprised to notice his uncle, for the first time in almost three months, sitting in a chair next to the school Physician, as he had been told about his relation's anticipated arrival. "Ah, welcome, please close the door," the doctor further commanded, "and come forward to say hello to your guardian, who's kindly come all this way from London to see to your welfare!" The terrified 10 years old meekly obeyed, extending his hand to the man who had actually travelled to see the lad gelded, although the youngster was unaware of this fact, currently just understanding that he might have to suffer some form of surgery on his scrotum.

The conspiratorial uncle had previously been introduced to the Headmaster, who, unaware of the vile plot to have his pupil unnecessarily castrated, had been genuinely saddened to learn about the reason for the man's unprecedented journey. He was also surprised, as the guardian had previously shown no sign of having any interest in his nephew at all.

The conspiratorial uncle, unable to prevent his face from displaying a broad smirk, shook his nephew's hand whilst the boy, in a nervous quaking voice said "Hello, sir!" The man delighted in noticing that the proffered young hand was also quivering, presumably in trepidation as to what might now happen.

"Now that you've been reacquainted with your kind guardian," the school Physician ordered, "please undress and lay on my surgical couch so that we may inspect your problem and decide what to do about it." Again, the scared, and now shamed, boy meekly complied, although, after lying on the couch, he initially tried to hide his genitalia from view with his hands. However, such shyness was quickly overcome when the doctor unceremoniously knocked the hands away whilst stating "No need to be so bashful as we need to inspect your privates intimately in order to arrive at the correct prognosis!" The appalled 10 years old soon felt his sexual organs being fondled, prodded and probed, causing his young cock to become humiliatingly hard, whilst the two men discussed his supposed ailment with apparent authority.

Most of the conversation in which the men indulged was incomprehensible to the deeply abashed boy until he heard the concluding statement. "We're agreed then," the school Physician declared to the still sneering uncle, "I'll have to operate without delay!" The aghast 10 years old was then too numbed with shock and intense apprehension to prevent his limbs being bound to the leather strappings located at the four corners of the couch. However, he had recovered sufficiently to enquire pleadingly of the doctor, as the man tied a thin leather cord tightly ,around the base of his young scrotum, "Is this really necessary, sir?"

"I'm afraid that it is," answered the school Physician, as he also invited his older guest to join him in a cup of tea whilst they waited for the cord to perform its task. "It's your testes or your life!" the doctor added cursorily. His young patient now began to struggle fruitlessly after realisation finally dawned as to what precisely was imminently to be perpetrated on him. However, the boy's loud entreaties were curtailed when a leather gag was inserted between his sweet rosy lips.

"There now," the school Physician soothed, as he put the oral implement in place and rubbed away some of the tears that had suddenly appeared on his young patient's beautiful face, "it'll hurt but I'll be quick and efficient, I promise." The boy continued his unrewarding attempts to extricate himself from his taut bondage and started to shake his head vigorously, trying to convey the word 'No!' However, the doctor ignored the 10 years old's actions, instead returning to his chair to finish his tea whilst chatting about the weather and other unimportant matters to his older guest.

The men's idle conversation lasted about half an hour before the duo resumed their standing positions next to the tearful shivering young patient, whose eyes widened in horror at the sight of the scalpel in the school Physician's right hand. The doctor held the boy's still-erect penis with his left hand whilst carefully re-examining the 10 years old's ball sac, now a deep red in colour, before announcing "I think we're ready!"

The school Physician ignored the muffled cries from his young patient as he introduced the scalpel to the upper centre of the boy's scrotum, instead instructing "Be still! This won't take long and I'll soon have the wound neatly stitched. After healing, your genitals will still look pleasant and you'll quickly be, er, back in the Headmaster's favour!" However, his reassurances only caused more deep concern for the intensely alarmed 10 years old, who was totally ignorant of the codicil in his late father's will that had led to this awful denouement, which would not only deprive him of his manhood and rightful inheritance but also lead to an impoverished adulthood.

More semen than ever before suddenly spurted from the 10 years old's cockhead as the school Physician began his skilful but agonising incision. However, the doctor avoided the distraction of the not unexpected expulsion, as well as accompanying blood, whilst carefully squeezing his young patient's opened ball sac to expose the left testicle. A subsequent speedy and precise slice soon had the little organ resting in the small tin box that the uncle had brought with him to transport the much-desired and, to him, very valuable goods back to London. The orb was rapidly joined in the container by its companion, after which the stitching of the new eunuch's now empty scrotum commenced.

The conspiratorial uncle had been immensely happy to witness his young relation's gelding. The dastardly deed not only made him and his son much richer but also seemed to be a due reward for a brat he had never liked, perhaps because the boy was everything that his own offspring was not. The man had had to admit privately to himself that his nephew possessed very pretty features and an almost perfect character. He considered such pleasant attributes to be nauseating and had delighted in the pleasure of seeing them be slightly amended, with the evidence now in a tin in his coat pocket.

Meanwhile, James Abernethy was having tea with Dr. Stapam in the latter's study. "Are you sure about this?" the incredulous Doctor of Divinity asked. "Absolutely, Headmaster," the boy answered, "my father has given full approval for me to become a pupil at the school from the beginning of the new term!"

"But," Dr. Strapam replied, worry evident in his face and voice, "we do things a little differently here than most other schools. Your father might not approve of some of our, er, practices."

"I'm sure you're right, Headmaster," James confidently retorted, "but he'll never find out about them, at least not from me. I approve of how you go about matters and that's all that counts!" The amazed Doctor of Divinity began to respond with another "But" but he was interrupted when the 14 years old proceeded "Don't worry, Headmaster, I really have been fully appraised about what takes place here. Brown T has been very informative. I'm really looking forward to, how shall I phrase it, ah yes, taking a full role in all, and I stress all, school activities!" The boy's adult host, sipping tea whilst his young guest made this statement, spurted his liquid refreshment over his desk when he realised what the lad was proposing.

James smiled sweetly at Dr. Strapam's reaction to his declaration before continuing "There's just a few conditions that I must insist on, Headmaster. One, I'm to be allowed to associate freely with Brown T, West and Morton. Two, we're all to be allowed to spend Sundays at my home. Three, I'm to become a pedagogue to you or one of your staff." The Doctor of Divinity spluttered his tea again and so the boy decided to reassure him by adding "And, yes Headmaster, I do know the full implications of being awarded such a role. It's why I'm requesting the honour. I think that it's about time that a boy of my age became acquainted with all aspects of human male relationships."

Dr. Strapam was too stunned to provide a riposte and so just listened as James outlined the remaining conditions. "Four," the 14 years old propounded, "apart from my earlier requests, Headmaster, I wish to be treated like any other boy, including being flogged if I deserve such chastisement, as I don't want my fellow pupils thinking that I'm being granted special treatment. Five and last, you'll have to accept four times the normal fees from my father as it'll make him feel happier that the education provided here is of good quality. It'll also make me happier that you're being properly rewarded for, if I may be so bold to suggest in all senses of the phrase, having me!" The Doctor of Divinity's teacup fell from his hand onto the floor.

(Northumberland, England, January 1804)

James, escorted by his dormleader, emerged into the winter chill and gloom of the quadrangle just as the school clock chimed the hour. He was amazed at how many boys were peering down from the candlelit windows above, which shone sufficient light to illuminate the scene nicely. A number of men were also taking in the view, including the Headmaster.

Flashmale was standing by the central stocks, holding the customary long cane in his right hand. The Headboy's mouth dried and his cock became hard as he observed the approach of the delectable newcomer, dressed only in short tight white shorts for the traditional initiation ceremony. However, the 18 years old somehow managed to compose himself sufficiently to say "Welcome, Abernethy, to the first part of your initiation into school life. As you know, the second part, spending the night in the woods, will take place later in spring as we don't want you freezing to death! "

Flashmale went on to explain the race rules by advising "You are to start in the north-west corner of the quad and, at my signal, are to run clockwise around the surrounding path. If you step onto the grass, you will automatically lose. As you're the only new boy this term, you'll have to race alone. You'll have until the school clock strikes the quarter hour to make 14, commensurate with your age, circuits of the quad. If you fail, you will be placed in the stocks to receive 14 strokes of this cane across your bare backside. Any questions?"

"No, sir," the excited James answered, large bulge evident at the front of his sole skimpy garment.

"Good," responded Flashmale, "now remove your shorts, give them to your dormleader and assume your starting position!" James moved his hands either side of his shorts but hesitated to proceed further, being acutely aware of the many eyes fixed on him. "Hurry up!" ordered the Headboy impatiently, as he had had to do twice previously on such occasions, "we haven't got all day and you've got nothing underneath that I haven't seen before!"

James blushed as he pushed downwards on the sides of his shorts, which slowly slid down his lithe loins. When his smooth hard cock, crowned by a delightful little bush of pubic hair, popped into view, one of the men, watching alone at his window above and with his own erection in his hands, orgasmed.

James walked gingerly across the grass, keeping his hands carefully in front of his excited genitalia, to the required starting position, where a white line had been painted across the path just before the corner. Flashmale followed, his hard-on intensifying at the view he now had of the lustrous 14 years old's virgin posterior. "I shall hold the cane in the air," the Headboy advised the new boy, "and, when I bring it down again, the race can start."

Flashmale raised the cruel implement and commanded "Ready!" He was happy to observe that the newcomer was now compelled to remove the shielding afforded by his hands to his hard cock whilst assuming his starting posture. "Steady," the Headboy instructed before eventually bringing the cane down and ordering "go!"

Both the starter and naked runner were aware that the 10 minutes that remained before the school clock chimed the quarter hour were probably insufficient to achieve 14 circuits of the large quadrangle. Flashmale's cock hardened in anticipation of soon being able to beat the delicious newcomer, whose own penis also became more rigid at the realisation that he would probably soon be caned for the first time in his life, and publicly too. The enjoyment of such experiences had been one of the main motives for the 14 years old to persuade his reluctant father to send him to Soddamhall School.

Nevertheless, James accepted the challenge and made a real attempt to succeed. However, the naked 14 years old had only completed 12? circuits when, to resounding cheering from above, the clock chimed. Flashmale immediately ordered the almost breathless lad to stop and advance towards the stocks, the top of one of which the Headboy swung up on its hinges. He then told the new boy to place his head and wrists in the relevant semicircles on the lower parts of the wooden contraption.

James, still-hard cock beginning to ooze precum, fulfilled the instruction and, after he had attained the required degrading stance, Flashmale lowered the top of the stocks, locking it in place to accompanying laughter from above. The new boy now found that his head and hands were securely encased and that he was slightly bent over, bum nicely presented for punishment. The Headboy then tied the 14 years old's ankles together, with rope from his pockets, to metal rings embedded in the stocks' wooden base, so that they were about two feet apart.

Flashmale assumed his own requisite position and tormented the newcomer by rubbing the cane up and down the boy's sublime bottom, causing the 14 years old now vertical penis to quiver visibly. The Headboy was, as usual, amused at the sight of the young cock's common reaction before finally removing the cane from the smooth skin to a position above his head.

"Ready……steady……go!" Flashmale teased before landing the first vicious blow across James' previously unchastised posterior to renewed cheering from above and a loud yelp from the victim. "The first of many, I think, that you'll receive over the next 4? years, Abernethy," the Headboy correctly observed before readying his cane to land the second hit.

This second strike produced the reaction that both deliverer and recipient had appreciated, from the sight of the victim's clearly acutely aroused genitalia, was inevitable at some stage during the caning. The agonising blow induced several long white arcs of semen to erupt from James' engorged cockhead to fall onto the ground in front to resounding jeering. As the second nasty red stripe began to form across the middle of the boy's previously immaculate and unblemished bum and the spilt sperm began to seep into the grass, the watching Headmaster also climaxed in his rooms above.

Flashmale proceeded with the rest of the boy's punishment with his accustomed great deliberation, for he wanted the newcomer to appreciate fully every blow and to mark his lovely backside with a neat pattern comprising 14 parallel red stripes. The school clock was chiming the three-quarter hour by the time he had accomplished both aims, which the new boy really did seem to enjoy. Despite the excruciation of his demeaning chastisement, James climaxed again, spurting more semen from his still-rigid cock, with the 10th hit across his luscious posterior.

When Flashmale had finished, he gave the cane to the dormleader and ran his fingers over his handiwork, feeling the heat present all over the lovely buttocks. James was now crying but as much with masochistic sexual delight as agony.

"I'll leave you now so that you can cool down after your excitement," Flashmale eventually announced, "and, while I'm gone, you'll probably find that some of the staff might just happen to stroll across the quad. They're sure to take the opportunity to introduce themselves to you. See you later!"

(Chateau de Gourmont, Waterloo, Belgium, 18th June 1815)

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, was surveying the carnage evident throughout the various buildings that comprised the Chateau de Gourmont, more commonly known to posterity as 'Hougoumont'. The Duke had just thanked the 16th Lord Saltoun, Lieutenant Colonel of the Light Companies of the 1st Regiment of Foot Guards, for the successful and heroic but bloody day-long defence of the redoubt by his men, assisted by soldiers from the Coldstream Guards. The Commander-in-Chief knew that such stupendous fortitude had been a vital element in defeating Napoleon at the just concluded Battle of Waterloo.

The Duke eventually found himself also congratulating, amongst the many dead and wounded, Lord Saltoun's unharmed young nephew, Captain James Abernethy, and some of the even younger bloodied but unbowed junior commissioned officers, Lieutenants Brown, West and Morton.

(Northumberland, England, September 1815)

Dr. Strapam had retired to a small but very pleasant cottage granted to him by Sir James Abernethy, who had been very grateful for the apparently splendid education afforded to his son, James, and later to his younger offspring, Charles, by Soddamhall School. The new Headmaster, unexpectedly young for such an important post, was sitting in his predecessor's study, little changed over the years from when he had first become acquainted with the room as a 10 years old.

The Headmaster had just been introduced by the new Headboy to the late newcomer. "So," the 29 years old recently qualified Doctor of Divinity announced to the apprehensive pretty 10 years old, "your name's Brown, with the initial T. That wouldn't stand for 'Thomas' by any chance?"

"No, Headmaster," the boy sheepishly replied, "my Christian name is Tristan."

"I only asked," advised Dr. Flashmale, "because we used to have a delightful pupil here called Tom Brown."

(Northumberland, England, December 1803)

The newly emasculated 10 years old finally woke from his faint, induced when the school Physician had started to stitch his empty scrotum. The boy found himself still lying on the doctor's surgical couch but with his limbs now unstrapped, mouth ungagged and his genital wound bandaged. Nevertheless, the agony in his young groin was excruciating and he began to sob again with the pain and the thought that he was now a eunuch.

At the same time, thirty miles away to the south-west, but in the same county, Tom had just returned with Dr. Ballsoff to Soddomhall School. "I thank you for your help, Brown T," the school Physician declared, "as I really appreciated the proficient manner in which you handed me my implements. I knew that your undoubted fortitude, evident when you scored that marvellous 'path' in the ball game, would make you an ideal assistant. Some others, such as your young friend West, would, I'm sure, have thrown up whilst I gelded Farmer Allcock's young colt!"

The End (for now)

Author's note:

Sorry for the tease but, if you care to re-read this story, you will find that I never said at anytime that the nephew of the conspiratorial uncle was Tom Brown or that the poor eunuch-to-be went to Soddamhall School!)