PZA Boy Stories


The Other Tom Brown's Schooldays

(Eunuch version)

Chapters 6-10

Chapter 6

Various school examinations take place.

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

"Come in!" invited Dr. Ballsoff in response to Flashmale's knock on the door. The Headboy entered the school physician's rooms with the two new boys. Tom and Christopher were shocked to discover that the Doctor was apparently attending to a naked young patient, a handsome 14 years old, strapped spreadeagled to a leather examination couch. "Ah," declared Ballsoff, "these must be Brown T and West. I've been looking forward to meeting you both personally. However, just bear with me for a moment until I finish!"

"This young miscreant from your own House," the Doctor announced, "has been sent to me by your Housemaster for frequently soiling the Housemaster's……er……sorry……I mean his own bedclothes with involuntary penile emissions. I'm therefore examining his penis to see how much it can produce." Ballsoff happily held up a glass jar which was half full of white liquid. "I've been masturbating him on the hour, every hour, since breakfast and he's not failed to produce." Both Tom and Christopher were not sure what 'masturbating' meant but now guessed from their experiences of the last day or so and from observing that the 15 years old's rigid cock was as red as his face as the Doctor continued to rub. The presence of three new young spectators seemed to energise the 14 years old penis further and the experimental subject was soon raising his bum from the couch and adding a fresh contribution to the jar. "Remarkable," declared the Physician, "that's the eighth time today. I wonder how many more times he'll be able to produce the stuff. I'll be up all night and so will his penis at this rate! I'm afraid that the only cure for this malady may be surgery. I'll have to consult with the boy's guardian."

Ballsoff, after washing his hands in a nearby sink, now turned his attention to the new boys. "Right, come forward, Brown T and West, so that I can get a good look at you." Tom and Christopher complied and the Doctor strolled round them, fully appreciating their sweet clothed forms and looking forward to viewing soon the uncovered variety. The Physician eventually held each boy by the chin and moved their heads from side to side as he studied their sublime facial features, followed by a check of their temperature by placing his right palm on the lad's foreheads. He finished by inspecting the boys' perfect white teeth.

"Right," ordered Ballsoff with undisguised relish, "off with your clothes as I need to examine your bodies. Place your garments neatly on the floor. It's been cleaned as usual this morning by my young assistant." He did not add that the 11 years old had completed his morning chores after spending the night, as usual, in the Doctor's bed. The faces of Tom and Christopher became as red as that of the boy bound to the couch as they slowly and reluctantly began to unbutton their shirts. The Physician sat on a chair next to the couch to observe the spectacle and noticed that the adjacent 14 years old's soft cock was beginning to harden again as he too watched the 10 years olds disrobing. "Remarkable!" Ballsoff repeated whilst his own penis, hidden under his trousers and gown, grew in sympathy. It was to continue to increase in size as Tom and Christopher placed their shirts on the floor, followed by their shoes, socks and shorts. The erection became full when the underpants were removed and the boys stood naked before him, hands shielding their privates.

"Right, Brown," ordered Ballsoff, "you first. Come here!" Tom obeyed and the Doctor reached out for the boy's left hand, which he proceeded to examine carefully, checking the clean neatly trimmed nails before progressing to the rest of the outstretched limb. The Physician then placed the hand on top of Tom's head, telling him to keep it there, and proceeded to conduct a similar inspection of the right arm, so revealing a nicely excited 10 years old cock. Having placed the boy's right hand next to the left, Ballsoff continued his meticulous and, for him, delicious intimate visual check of the new boy's beautiful body, turning it around when the sides and rear required his attention. Tom's cock quivered noticeably when he was bent over to ascertain his virginity.

Ballsoff reserved the delights of Tom's genitalia for last. "Did you know, Brown T," the Physician asked as he weighed the deeply humiliated boy's balls in the palm of his right hand, "that I am acquainted with a friend of your guardians?"

"I had been told, Doctor," Tom replied, his face blushing more than ever. "He's asked me to take extra special care of you," Ballsoff continued whilst squeezing the boy's nicely hung ball sac, causing the lad to wince and utter a low "Oh!"

"Sorry," the Doctor said as he reduced the pressure on Tom's testicles, "if that hurt. Please cough!"

Ballsoff concluded his genital examination by masturbating Tom. "Do you ever do this yourself, Brown T?" the Doctor queried. The shamed boy replied truthfully "No, Doctor."

"Well, don't be tempted," advised the physician as he continued to rub Tom's small erection, "as it's a nasty naughty habit. Reduces life essences, making people tired and unproductive!" Tom quickly uttered another "Oh!" but not with pain. His body shuddered and a little drop of colourless liquid fell from his engorged cockhead. "No semen yet, then," declared the Doctor as he stood to wash his hands at the sink; "I'll want to monitor your progress on a regular basis until you do begin to produce, especially as you have a larger than normal scrotum for a boy of your tender years. I'll need to keep an eye on it to make sure that there's nothing untoward!" The happy Physician regained his seat and, after taking in one final view of the gorgeous, deeply embarrassed, form in front of him, said "You may redress, Brown T, as otherwise you seem fine. Now, young West, come here!"

Tom and Christopher, with Flashmale, left Ballsoff's rooms just before the school clock chimed 4. The Headboy's cock had fully appreciated the last hour. Flashmale returned the newcomers to their classroom to join up with the rest of the form, who had been to the gymnasium. Before departing, he reminded Tom "Don't forget, you and Morton, my rooms at 8 o'clock!" The 10 years old shivered.

The next two hours were spent learning about Aristotle and Plato before class was dismissed for the day and most of the pupils made their way to the main hall for their evening stew. However, Tom was ordered by Younglove to remain behind. "Now, Brown T," announced the Form-master, holding in his hand the ruler with which he had hit the boy earlier, "let's see whether you have really learnt to pay attention. One stroke of the ruler for every question you answer incorrectly!" Younglove then conducted his examination of Tom's knowledge by asking the scared boy twenty questions relating to the day's lessons. He was disappointed to discover that the lad only responded incorrectly four times. Nevertheless, the four heavy stinging strokes of the ruler across Tom's right palm added nicely to the existing redness and set up the evening pleasantly for the Form-master, who now happily contemplated Jones D's later arrival in his rooms.

Tom, Christopher and Jonathan, with five other roommates, had returned to their dormitory by 7 o'clock. "Where are the others?" Tom asked Jonathan, whilst examining his sore hand. "They've been assigned chores," replied the dormleader, "but I don't know why them and not us."

"What would normally happen now if we didn't have an appointment with Flashmale?" continued the inquisitive Tom, trying to hide his apprehension at what the assignation entailed. "I believe that eventually we'll all be given chores of some kind as well as, when we're more settled in, private study to perform before candles out at 10 o'clock. However, until that happens, there's nothing in particular to do other than talk and play."

"We could try to see the food thieves being strapped," suggested Christopher unthinkingly. He quickly realised his mistake by observing the looks of consternation that immediately appeared on his friends' faces. "Perhaps not!" he said belatedly and sheepishly.

Tom proceeded with his questioning by asking "Do we have to stay in the dormitory?"

"No," replied Jonathan, "we are allowed on the playing fields until dark and can exercise in the gymnasium if we want as long as there's no evening activities taking place there. However, it's already pretty gloomy and I've had enough of the gym for one day. I also think that something happens there at this time every week. Exactly seven days ago, I went with my other friend to see what might take place in the gym of an evening. We popped our heads round the doors and were quickly chased away by some staff, but not before we saw that they and the twenty or so boys who were with them were all naked."

"Wow!" Tom responded to the revelation, "I wonder if that was what Flashmale meant when he told us that the word 'gymnasium' comes from ancient Greece and that sometimes the exercises both in the gym and outside are conducted, for a certain group of elite boys, as they were in the original gymnasia." His two companions joined Tom in blushing at the thought.

The boys' chatter eventually became less fulsome as the school clock struck the half hour. It ended when the quarter hour before their appointment with Flashmale chimed and Tom and Jonathan reluctantly left the dormitory to stand early outside the Headboy's rooms. As they departed, Christopher, lost for sympathetic words, rather incongruously wished them "Good luck!" Tom's bum was still sore from his humiliating experience in the quadrangle on the previous evening. He wondered how much more it would hurt after Flashmale had inflicted the punishment. The 10 years old's buttocks tightened in trepidation.

Chapter 7

Tom and Jonathan experience the results of Flashmale's displeasure.

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Flashmale was pleased to see Brown T and Morton waiting for him when he returned to his rooms after the delight of strapping the two young food thieves in the quadrangle. The hardness of the Headboy's cock intensified at the sight of the two clearly apprehensive beautiful 10 years olds. He opened his door and, smirking, invited the boys to follow him inside.

Flashmale's pretty 11 years old fag had earlier lit the candles and coal fire of the main room, which now pervaded a warm cosy atmosphere. The flickering flames illuminated a couple of easy chairs close to the fire to the left, with a small low table in between, and a comfortable bed situated under a window straight ahead. A large square floor mat occupied an otherwise empty space in front of a door on the right, which led to the Headboy's personal bathroom. Tom and Jonathan were told to stand in the middle of the mat.

Flashmale collected a cane that rested on the mantelpiece above the fire before joining the worried quivering new boys. "Right," announced the Headboy, "for a first offence four strokes are customary across covered backsides. I don't like breaking traditions, so that's what we'll have. However, I feel a little weary after my exertions in the quad. Therefore, as you dislike each other so much that you fight, it seems appropriate for each of you to cane the other and no holding back. I'll recognise it if you do and will beat you myself if it occurs, despite my tiredness. Brown T, you can suffer initially as you're first alphabetically. So bend over, hands on shins, and don't forget to count and thank Morton for his efforts." Flashmale handed the cane to the dormleader and went to sit on his bed to enjoy the spectacle.

Tom reluctantly obeyed the Headboy's instruction and soon felt the cane rubbing against his bum as his friend took aim. He tensed as the horrible implement was withdrawn for he knew that it would soon be returned with venom. Morton, unused to wielding a cane, missed his intended central target, striking Tom instead at the bottom of his uplifted short shorts, across the very sensitive junction of upper legs and buttocks. Tom yelped in agony and stumbled a pace forward before eventually reclaiming his emotions and returning to his position. "One, thank you Morton," the tearful youngster then uttered.

Jonathan, observing the red stripe that he had inadvertently created on bare skin, took more careful aim with the next three strokes to ensure that they received some cushioning from Tom's shorts and underpants. Nevertheless, the blows still smarted and produced muted cries of anguish.

It was now the dormleader's turn to suffer and, unlike his friend who had already felt the cane on his bum the previous evening, he was about to be introduced to the pleasures of physical chastisement for the first time. As the red-faced Tom said "Four, thank you Morton" and stood up, Jonathan noted that the bulge at the front of his fellow 10 years old's shorts had noticeably and embarrassingly increased, as had his own.

Jonathan handed the cane to Tom and adopted the required humiliating stance. Tom was as na?ve as his friend in the use of a cane but managed to inflict the first blow on the small expanse of taut cloth presented to him. Despite Flashmale's warning, he withheld some of his power from this first strike, which still caused his friend to shriek and begin to sob. "Not good enough," declared Flashmale, experience helping him to see through Brown T's attempt to disguise the reduced power behind the hit. "Do it again and I'll personally give you one more for trying to fool me!" Tom was forced to add a further additional strike when Jonathan, in shock, forgot to utter the required words after his virgin posterior had gained its first stripe. However, the subsequent four blows were delivered to the Headboy's satisfaction.

"Come here Brown T," Flashmale ordered with a smile whilst regaining his feet, "give me the cane and bend over the bed. Morton pull his shorts and underpants down to his ankles." Both 10 years olds reluctantly complied. The Headboy folded Tom's shirt tail onto the boy's lower back, revealing the delicious curvature of smooth white buttocks decorated with five dull brown parallel stripes and four more vivid and haphazard red ones. He was looking forward to adding a further, even more distinct, adornment.

Flashmale raised the cane and, using all his strength, delivered a vicious blow to Tom's naked rear, securing a loud scream for his efforts. However, he was disappointed that the newcomer subsequently remembered to thank him for adding to the collection of red stripes. "Alright, stand up Brown T and redress," the Headboy commanded before adding "I hope that will teach you not to try to fool with me for, if you don't learn that lesson, there'll be many more beatings to come!" Flashmale was then amused to see, before it could be hidden again, that the new boy's little cock was rigid.

"You may go," instructed Flashmale, "to reflect on your misbehaviour and deserved chastisement. Try to make sure that they are not repeated too often!" As the two tearful 10 years olds departed, the Headboy undertook his own reflections. He knew that both boys would suffer many more beatings even if they acted in line with their angelic forms for excuses could always be found. He also now knew that he would definitely ask the Headmaster to allow Brown T to become his new fag.

The school clock chimed the half hour and there was a knock on Flashmale's door. 'On time as usual' the Headboy further reflected as he issued the invite to his present 11 years old fag to enter to meet the urgent needs of a rampant 18 years old cock.

(London, England, one week later)

The conspiratorial uncle and solicitor dined together in the former's grand home. "I have received a message from my friend, the school doctor," advised the latter; " he's examined your nephew and says that the boy's ideal castration material as his scrotum hangs perfectly for easy removal of the testicles and should mend equally as easily afterwards. My friend wants to know whether you still want him to wait until you can travel to the school to watch the surgery or should he go ahead now. Apparently, he has another gelding to perform and could do two at once." The uncle contemplated the answer, upon which the immediate welfare of his exiled nephew's testicles depended, whilst chewing his steak. He eventually replied, after sipping some red wine, "Please ask him to wait. There's no hurry and I would really love to see the brat lose his balls!"

Chapter 8

The seductive entrapments of Tom and his friends begin.

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Tom had sat down gingerly at his desk on the morning of his second full day of studies, his bottom smarting. He noticed that Jones D was doing likewise, presumably as a result of his thrashing from Younglove. Tom, still innocent in the ways of the world, was not to know that his classmate's problem had not been as a result of a beating across his backside with a cane but rather up his bum with another, more human, implement. Jones D no longer retained his own innocence. However, as a reward, the Form-master, immensely contented after a night of ecstasy, stopped picking on his newly inducted catamite, the campaign having succeeded in its aim. In fact, the man was so happy that he did not even bother returning his chastising attentions to Tom, at least for now.

Their bums uncomfortably perched just before 8 o'clock, the duo and their fellows had to endure the smiling Form-master pontificating about several boring subjects until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, interrupted only by the midday break with its unappetising food and delicious game of filching. It was then time for Tom and Christopher to experience the delights of another game on the playing fields for which all the boys in the form had to return to their two dormitories to change.

Dressed in just tight white short shorts and a thin ribbon worn like a sash diagonally across their bare chests and backs, the boys reluctantly but quickly re-emerged into the outside world. The ribbons were yellow for those in Phaeton House and purple for those in Narcissus. It was a cool dark drizzly autumn afternoon. The two groups of shivering 10 years olds were to play each other at the Soddamhall ball game, under the supervision of the Gamesmaster. He was an athletically built man in his early thirties who enjoyed ball games, especially if the balls concerned were owned by pretty lads and had cocks attached to them.

The large rectangular playing area was demarcated not by white lining but by dirt pathways. The object of the game was to place the crude heavy leather ball on one of the shorter lengths of pathway defended by the opponents. There were few other rules, even those relating to numbers per side for Narcissus' team, with 22, had six more youngsters than Phaeton's. Players could run with or pass or kick the ball to each other in any direction and tackle the opposition in any manner, regardless of whether they had possession of the ball or not. It was effectively an anarchic and potentially brutal forerunner of Rugby, being played twenty years before a certain William Webb Ellis picked up a ball and ran with it at the eponymous school.

Tom and Christopher quickly appreciated the rudimentaries of the game and joined in with gusto as it seemed the only way to keep warm. It was soon difficult to recognise the two teams as mud splattered their mainly bare bodies and discoloured their distinguishing ribbons. Both newcomers to the event spent periods on the ground writhing in agony when they were clobbered both with and without the ball. Both suffered knees in their own much smaller balls but both also began to reply in kind. When the Gamesmaster brought proceedings to a halt with a loud shout after half an hour, all 38 young participants were covered in mud, exhausted and sore. However, most were also thoroughly exhilarated. This was quickly tempered by a return to their bathrooms for thorough cold ablutions.

There was a dispute between the teams over the result, measured in 'paths', for there had been a number for both sides on the field's wide open spaces, including one apiece for the speedy and elusive Tom and Christopher. The latter had received a generous and unselfish pass from his friend when the former could easily have scored again himself. The boys from Phaeton House were sure that they had commendably, taking into account the numerical disparity, scored at least as many as their opponents, who naturally denied the fact. The Gamesmaster, cock fully erect after watching the spectacle, declined to mediate as he had been too busy watching certain lovely young forms frolicking in the mud. The frequency of scoring was in stark contrast to the annual occasion when the whole school took part and no-one had yet been known to achieve a 'path'.

The form reassembled in the classroom at 4 o'clock, all red-faced as a result of their external exertions and subsequent internal chilly bathing. The school Physician awaited them to give a natural sciences lesson concerning the young human male body. He had brought a skeleton as a visual aid. The pupils were at first scared of the display but soon 10 years old sense of fun overcame their apprehensions and much smiling at each other took place as the oblivious Dr. Ballsoff continued his discourse. He intriguingly finished off by announcing that he would have live specimens to talk about next time. Studies then came to an end for the day.

It was a week later, on the day after the conspiratorial uncle and solicitor had met to discuss further the timing of the nephew's castration, that Dr. Ballsoff gave form 1b their next natural sciences lesson. His live specimens comprised pretty boys aged 12, 14 and 16, borrowed from their own classes and members of his own youthful menagerie. "I need another volunteer from this form," announced the Physician. The 38 10 years olds lowered their heads, trying to look inconspicuous. However, Tom and Christopher were as usual sat at the front.

"You'll do, West," declared Dr. Ballsoff spying the newcomer, "please step forward!" Christopher reluctantly obliged and was stood next to the 12 years old. "I'm going to discuss young human male forms and sexual processes and urges," advised the Physician without demur but to gasps of startled astonishment from his audience, "using these four boys to illustrate certain characteristics and behaviours." He turned to the foursome, all deeply dismayed despite the fact that the three eldest had experienced such shame previously, and commanded "Strip naked, placing your clothing neatly on the Form-master's desk before standing before the class with hands on head!" The Doctor of Medicine had to pick up Younglove's cane to encourage the four appalled boys to obey.

Dr. Ballsoff kept the cane in his hand to use it as a pointer when now discussing the physical differences between the specimens, concentrating especially on their different sized genitalia and the formation of a crown of pubic hair, missing on the others, above those of the 16 years old. The Physician deliberately caused all four deeply humiliated boys to become hard by playing with their cocks with the tip of the cane whilst at the same time comparing reactions and sizes and elaborating reasons for the responses and differences. He extrapolated the later changes to and uses of the organs as males progressed into adulthood, describing the method of procreation. It was the first time that most of the intrigued 10 years old pupils had been made aware of the facts of life and many were shocked and disgusted at the crudity of the process in which their mothers and fathers had indulged. There was also embarrassment at their previous naivety relating to the subject.

Dr. Ballsoff continued "If you think that the reproductive mechanism between male and female is rather distasteful, I wouldn't disagree with you but it is a necessary repugnance that must be undertaken for propagation of the race. In my opinion, it is far better for young male humans to be helped to satisfy their natural urges by other mature males. Let me illustrate how this can be achieved using these four specimens." The Physician then directed Christopher, who with Tom had performed the act in front of another form two days earlier, to masturbate the deeply shamed 12 years old whilst the 16 years old, holding a bowl in his left hand, did the same to the red-faced 14 years old. The latter came quickly and his masturbator collected the spurting semen in the dish. It took longer for the pleasurable feelings in the 12 years old's groin to overcome his intense abashment but eventually his blushing body convulsed, causing him to bend in the middle and clasp the hand providing him with his dry orgasm.

"Good," Dr. Ballsoff proclaimed, "an excellent demonstration of the affects of masturbation. Note the climactic reactions and the fact that the 12 years old did not produce liquid but the older boy did." The Physician ordered the bowl, containing the 14 years old's sperm, to be passed around the class whilst he reiterated the substance's function and discussed when boys could expect to produce their own. Most of the pupils had never even heard of semen before, let alone seen it, and could not resist the temptation to dip their forefingers into the small pool of creamy fluid. The main exception was Jones D who had already experienced more than enough. As a finale for this particular part of the lesson, the Doctor instructed the 14 years old naked specimen to lick the returned dish dry to illustrate the safety of orally consuming the product of his own penis. Some observers also licked the end of their forefingers to confirm the fact to their own satisfaction.

"Now for fellatio and sodomy," announced Dr. Ballsoff who commanded the 12 years old to suck Christopher's cock whilst the 14 years old was ordered to bend over the Form-master's desk so that the 16 years old could bugger him. The Physician provided a running commentary as the actions proceeded. All of the spectators, including Tom, experienced their own full erections as they watched, despite sorrow from some at the profound embarrassment obviously suffered by their fellow pupils' during their demeaning display. Tom was especially concerned with Christopher's plight. However, this was partly overcome when he observed his friend blush, close his eyes and lay a tight grip on the 12 years old's head. He knew from their mutual experimentation in the wood what it meant.

The 16 years old was taking longer to achieve climax, not because he disliked ploughing the delicious 14 years old bottom but because he disliked doing so publicly. Dr. Strapam became impatient and decided to encourage his catamite by rubbing the cane up and down the boy's superb buttocks and along the bumcrack, threatening to beat the sumptuous curvature if the lad delayed much longer. However, the touch of the tip of the cane as it passed the 16 years old, far from virgin, sphincter to penetrate the rectum caused the recipient of these attentions to shudder vigorously and pour copious amounts of his own reproductive solution into the 14 years old anal orifice. Pupils were then invited to come to the front of the class to inspect closely the results of the two demonstrations. All thought that the now soft but red cocks of Christopher and his 12 years old partner were nice and interesting. However, the majority decided that the sight of the 14 years old bum, oozing sperm, and the 16 years old penis, still hard, a little dirty and spilling some cum, more stimulating, both academically and bodily. After this final humiliation, the Doctor told the degraded boy specimens that they could redress and return whence they came, reminding the 12 years old that they had an appointment that evening.

Dr. Ballsoff now finished the natural sciences lesson by cautioning the amazed and excited class of 10 years olds against experimenting with any of the practices that they had just seen demonstrated without adult supervision. He warned in particular about the dire punishments inflicted for disobedience, including those meted out for the egotistic evil of self-abuse. Instead, changing the topic to history, in particular that of ancient Greece, he gave a long monologue about the considerable advantages for all, not least the whole of society, of benevolent caring man/boy pedagogic relationships. The Physician explained that opportunities to enjoy such kinship would befall many of them whilst at the school and that they should enter them not only willingly without fear but also enthusiastically and with elation. He knew full well that all the pretty new pupils would soon succumb to such arrangements, leaving the others to satisfy their gradually intensifying needs furtively and, especially for their backsides, dangerously. He reflected that it was this very panorama that made Soddamhall such a great school, at least for the sadistic pederasts that comprised all the staff.

Dr. Ballsoff, having concluded the forewarning and rather foreboding propaganda lesson, delivered annually to all first year pupils, now departed. However, before he did so, he intriguingly announced that there would be a special natural sciences lesson the following week for the whole school in the hall. The subject was to be the castration of young human males and there was to be another practical demonstration. His 10 years old charges gossiped, with a strange mix of apprehension and excitement, about what they had just learnt as they made their way for their evening stew.

Dr. Strapam had decided to seduce Tom into his own circle of catamites on the boy's second Sunday at the school. The Doctor of Divinity believing that it was an appropriate day for such a divine moment. A smirking Flashmale had told Tom to report to the Headmaster's study after breakfast, eliciting no reason. The concerned boy knocked on the study door at 8 o'clock precisely.

"Enter" commanded the eagerly anticipative Doctor. "Ah, Brown T," the Headmaster said as the door was opened and he saw the beautiful form of the new boy, "come in and take a chair!" Tom sat on the seat in front of Dr. Strapam's desk, on top of which was placed a large chess set. The boy's head could just see over the tall pieces. "I observe," announced the Headmaster, "from the written information that your guardian sent me about you that you play chess. I'm always looking for fresh opponents. I believe you have no private study or chores to do today, so you'll indulge me by playing a few games, won't you Brown T!"

Tom was surprised by the request, not least because he had just learnt the game and did not think that he was very good. However, he could not refuse the Doctor and replied politely "Of course Headmaster, although I doubt if I'll be up to your standards." Dr. Strapam did not expect the boy to be or it might ruin his seductive stratagem.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be a fine opponent," the Headmaster lied before continuing "and a contest between two worthy adversaries should be spiced with prizes to stimulate keen competition. I suggest a farthing a game!" Tom was stunned for he had no money and confessed the fact to Dr. Strapam, who already knew. "Oh dear," declared the devious Doctor, "if you can't stake money, we'll just have to think of something else. Now, what can it be?" The Headmaster feigned deep thought for a few moments before suggesting "Clothing! You don't want to become embarrassingly naked do you Brown T? No, of course you don't so the possibility should provide you with sufficient motivation to make our games intriguing. I'll forfeit a farthing for every game that I concede and you relinquish an item of clothing for every one that you lose, shoes and socks both counting as one garment. Alright, Brown T?"

The alarmed and deeply blushing Tom was speechless and so the Headmaster answered for him by advising "Of course it is and, as we can't spend all day on our pleasures, there'll be a time limit of two minutes for each move!" Dr. Strapam placed his pocket watch on the desk next to him and picked up two pawns of opposite colours. Hiding the chess pieces in the grip of his palms, the Doctor invited the quaking boy to pick a hand to select his opening colour. It was white, a rather inappropriate choice given that it was to be a black day for the 10 years old.

A horrified Tom lost the first game, and his shoes, to checkmate in fifteen moves within thirty minutes and the second, with his socks, even more quickly. The boy put up more resistance for his shirt and shorts but they too had been lost with games three and four by the time that the school clock chimed half past ten, leaving the lad in just his sparse underpants. Dr. Strapam regularly stood up from his chair to walk around the study, ostensibly contemplating his next moves but really to obtain a better view of his victim as his bodily cover lessened. The Headmaster, who had only seen the newcomer naked distantly from his window when the lad was suffering the initiation ritual in the quadrangle, was looking forward to a much closer view of the superlative nude form and his hidden erection grew with each discarded garment.

Tom was losing the next game badly, being six pieces down, and it seemed that he would imminently suffer his fifth checkmate. He made a last desperate attack to try to prevent the seemingly inevitable. His few white pieces were deployed as follows:- King on g1, pawns on e3, f2, g2, h2, Bishop on b3, Queen on g3 and Rook on h5. His opponent's apparently overwhelming black forces were arrayed as follows:- Bishops on b4, d7, pawns on b5, b7, c7, f6, g7, h7, Knights on b6, b8, Rooks on a8, e8, Queen on e7 and King on h8. Black threatened to mate by Ra1++. Fortunately, it was white's turn next.

Tom's mind suddenly seemed to emerge from bewilderment and a plan of action presented itself. He sacrificed his last remaining Rook with Rxh7+. The totally surprised Headmaster's next move was forced and his Kxh7 was met with the boy's Qh4+. Dr. Strapam had no option but Kg6 to which the lad's response was Qg3+.

The Headmaster looked into Tom's gorgeous eyes with respect as he saw that the boy had entrapped him in a perpetual check. He would have to return his King to h7 after which the lad would just restate Qh4+ before the previous cycle was repeated. Dr. Strapam, a good player, recognised that moving his King to h5 instead would result in him being mated after white's Bd1+ (Kh6, Qh4+, Kg6, Qh5++). A draw was therefore agreed.

Unfortunately, Tom's expectation that his unexpected brilliancy would save him, at least temporarily, from nudity was quickly dashed. Dr. Strapam, smiling lecherously as the hardness of his cock became acute, took a farthing from his pocket and handed the coin to the shocked boy, declaring "I think for a draw, Brown T, we should both forfeit. Here's my side of the bargain. Now your own is due. Please remove your underpants!"

Tom's face turned an even darker shade of red as he reluctantly complied, placing his last cover on top of the pile of other discarded garments on the floor next to him and quickly hiding his genitals under his hands. He was ashamed to perceive that his little cock was rock hard. Dr. Strapam reassembled the chess pieces and proclaimed "Now Brown T, we must think of another forfeit for you as you seem to have lost all of your clothes and I'd like to indulge in a few more games, especially now you're beginning to show some form. I think that it would be educational for you if we also induced more fight and determination in your play. I suggest, if you lose the farthing that you now possess, two strokes of the cane across your bare rump for every subsequent game conceded. I'll deliver the accumulated quantity at the end of our session, which I'm enjoying so much that I think we'll extend into the afternoon. I'll have luncheon brought into us!" The Headmaster, now as white, made the first move of the next game before standing again to prowl round his study. He almost came at the sight of the beautiful nude 10 years old sitting on the other side of the desk. The Headmaster did not mind the boy's attempts to hide his lovely prize assets as he was sure that he would gain a full very intimate view later in the day, a delectable pleasure that the Doctor was happy to await patiently.

The smirking older boys who brought lunch were not too surprised that Dr. Strapam was playing chess with a naked 10 years old for they were aware that it was one of the Headmaster's annual tactics to seduce newcomers. By the end of the marathon session of play, which proceeded remorselessly until the school clock chimed half past five, Tom had not only returned the farthing to his opponent but had built up a forfeit amounting to ten strokes of the cane. His skills had been adversely affected by nakedness and trepidation and no further brilliancy had emerged from his distressed mind to allow him even the consolation of another draw.

After checkmating Tom for the tenth time, Dr. Strapam feigned disappointment that his opponent had not been able to conjure up better resistance, suggesting ominously that perhaps the lad would be better next time. "Now, Brown T," the Headmaster continued whilst removing the chess set to a nearby table, "I believe that your bare bottom is owed ten strokes. Please stand and lay yourself across my desk so that your hands hold on to the edge at the other side. Given your height, that should present your posterior nicely to receive your forfeit!"

Tom, body beginning to quake, slowly complied. As he did so, Dr. Strapam was pleased to glance the boy's lovely little cock, still embarrassingly rigid. The Headmaster collected one of his collection of canes hanging, along with other implements of chastisement, on his study wall. The Doctor, his own hidden penis engorged with excitement, returned to take up position behind the immaculate white orbs of the lad's upturned bum.

The tremulous shivering Tom, tears already forming in his eyes, felt the cane being rubbed gently up and down his backside, now devoid of the marks from his previous beatings. He also felt his cock quiver. The cane was removed and the boy now expected the worst. However, instead of the swish of the wicked implement and the sound of wood striking young flesh, the lad heard Dr. Strapam's voice as the man played his last gambit of the day, not one of chess but of conspiracy.

"I take it that you were present at Dr. Ballsoff's recent natural sciences lesson, Brown T," Dr. Strapam asked rhetorically as Tom felt the cane's soft teasing ministrations on his nude backside again. The Headmaster continued "I presume that you appreciated what he was saying about pedagogic relationships. I have taken a few boys under my personal care and tutelage in such a manner over the years to their considerable benefit. I have decided that I admire your character and would therefore like you like to join them." Dr. Strapam did not add that there were certain other young features that he admired much more before continuing "If you agree to do so, I think that I'll forget the forfeits that you now owe for I shall not want to spoil your bottom. Instead, it shall be preserved in its current state of perfection for other attentions later!"

Tom was startled to feel the cane withdrawn from his buttocks to be replaced by Dr. Strapam's hand, sensitively feeling the fine curves. The boy, whose small hard throbbing cock was trapped between his lower abdomen and the desktop, pointing rigidly upwards towards his navel, uttered a loud groan and, his whole body flushing, shuddered as a result of his second dry orgasm. "I see that you like my touch, Brown T," observed the delighted smiling appreciative Headmaster whilst continuing to fondle the scrumptious orbs. "You could be on the receiving end of such pleasantries throughout your long stay at the school, avoiding nasty regular unpleasantries such as the cane in my hand, if you consent to my special supervision of your welfare!"

The thoroughly humiliated Tom was now, as he was meant to be after the school Physician's discourse, fully aware of the implications of acceding and was intending to refuse, bravely being prepared to face the immediate painful, as well as the undoubtedly serious future, repercussions. However, the boy changed his mind after Dr. Strapam advised, whilst still feeling the lad's sublime posterior, "If you decline, Brown T, I shall enjoy a chess session instead with your friend, West, next Sunday. As he doesn't play the game at all, I think that his forfeits will be much worse than those that you are about to experience if you refuse my kind offer, and I'm sure that he will therefore be happy to accept my intimate patronage."

A re-clothed but tremulous Tom emerged from the ecstatic Headmaster's study shortly afterwards. He had completely lost his appetite and so did not go to the schoolhall for his evening meal. The boy, horrified at what he had conceded and carefully avoiding his friends, instead bathed alone in his dormitory's bathroom, preparing himself as instructed for his all-night appointment, starting at 7 o'clock, in Dr. Strapam's quarters.

Dr. Ballsoff entered the Headmaster's study shortly after Tom had left and had been delighted to learn that Dr. Strapam's clever manipulations had resulted in yet another success. The Physician was now free to make his own move for Christopher, his preferred choice from the fresh stock as he had a particular liking for fair-haired boys. Flashmale, smirking again, conveyed the message to the concerned youngster that he was to report to Dr. Ballsoff's rooms at 8 o'clock that night for undisclosed reasons.

Meanwhile, other members of staff closed in on other new prey, Jonathan gaining the interest of the Gamesmaster who had invited the 10 years old dormleader to a special evening session in the gymnasium.

Chapter 9

More ball games!

(Northumberland, England, September 1803)

Tom knocked on the door of Dr. Strapam's rooms just as the school clock chimed 7 o'clock. The door was opened and the 10 years old was immediately shocked by what he saw inside. Before him was a naked youngster. He could also see the back of a leather armchair, beyond which, on a large bed, two nude boys cavorted whilst another undressed duo stood to the side, arms wrapped round each other whilst they watched the action in front of them. All the boys sported full erections.

Tom was to discover that the boys were different ages. Dr. Strapam liked to add only one lad from each new intake to his collection of catamites, releasing them from his sexual service only once they reached the age of 17, in year 8. The youngster who had opened the door was 11, the two on the bed were 13 and 15 and the adjacent pair were 14 and 16. The new arrival was soon to discover where the 12 years old was positioned.

Dr. Strapam's head appeared round the side of the chair. "Ah, Brown T," the euphoric smiling headmaster declared, lechery obvious in his eyes, "welcome and do come in!" Tom hesitated, wanting to run away instead, but thought of Christopher having to survey such a scene instead on the following Sunday if he did. The deeply apprehensive boy therefore entered the Doctor of Divinity's rooms, not knowing that his friend would be doing the same at the Doctor of Medicine's accommodation one hour later.

As the tremulous Tom advanced towards the chair to come alongside, he realised that Dr. Strapam was himself naked. The nude erect 12 years old was kneeling in front of the man, the boy's mouth busy with entertaining the Headmaster's hairy genitals. The 11 years old closed the door behind the newcomer and went to stand on the other side of the chair so that the Doctor could continue to fondle him.

"I've assembled the other pupils who enjoy my patronage," advised Dr. Strapam, "so that they can introduce themselves to you. You'll become very intimately familiar with them over the terms, if not years, ahead! Now, boys, stop enjoying yourselves and tell Brown T here, the latest beneficiary of my personal tutelage, who you are and what year you're in." The lads did so.

"Good," announced Dr. Strapam, "now that you know the others, you'll want to get as comfortable as them, I'm sure. Undress and place your uniform neatly on the floor in the corner over there, alongside the other six neat piles, and come back here. I think that it's time you and I became better acquainted!"

Christopher knocked on the door of Dr. Ballsoff's rooms an hour later. The Doctor was alone apart from a naked 14 years old boy strapped spreadeagled to the Doctor's examination couch and so he opened the door himself in response to the knock. The splayed nude was the same who had been lying in a similar situation whilst Tom and Christopher were physically checked by the Physician.

Dr. Ballsoff grinned and said "Enter, West. Shut the door behind you!" The concerned 10 years old complied whilst the Doctor went to continue his inspection of the 14 years old's excited genitals. "Just bear with me," requested the Physician, peering over the bound boy's groin and feeling the shape of his young ball sac, "as I finish my check. The miscreant's still producing unwanted emissions and his guardian has agreed that I can do something about the complaint. I'm just planning precisely what to do."

Christopher waited patiently until just after the school clock struck quarter past the hour. The flushed 14 years old was then released, told to clean and redress himself before returning to his dormitory. The cleaning was required because the symptom of his disorder had occurred again during the Doctor's examination, semen spurting out all over his young loins, belly and chest. Luckily for the lad's bottom, the Physician had anticipated the gush and had stood back to allow it to take its course, so avoiding being splashed himself.

When Dr. Ballsoff was finally alone with Christopher, he told the boy to undress. The shamed lad reluctantly did so, unsure why the order had been conveyed because he had already recently been subjected to a medical check-up from the man. However, he knew better than to query the instruction.

"Place your hands on your head," commanded Dr. Ballsoff after seeing that Christopher, having disrobed, was trying to hide his privates with his hands. The boy, blushing and embarrassed despite having been in this situation with the Physician twice previously, obeyed. His humiliation was compounded when he saw that his little cock was hard.

Dr. Ballsoff walked round Christopher, taking in the boy's beautiful form not with professional but with erotic interest, his own already aroused hidden penis expanding further as he did so. "I liked the way that you conducted yourself when you helped me with my natural sciences lesson," announced the Physician as he proceeded round the young nude, "and so I've asked the Headmaster if I can use you as a regular model in the frequent class demonstrations that I conduct around the school. Dr. Strapam has kindly agreed to my request."

Christopher was appalled, the redness of his face and body intensifying as he realised the implications. "However," Dr. Ballsoff informed, "I also have a vacancy for a first year pupil to mentor and the selected boy would of course not have time to act as a nude model as well. You heard my discourse on pedagogic relationships. If you don't want to be, over the next 8 years, a regular living specimen at the three classes that I hold every day, except Sunday, for the various forms, I invite you to apply for this vacancy. You may indicate your acceptance by going through the side door over there into my private quarters where you'll find a bed. Lay on it and I'll kindly initiate our mutually beneficial association!"

At the same time, Jonathan was enduring his private gymnasium session with the Gamesmaster. This boy was also now naked, the teacher suggesting that the lesson be conducted in traditional ancient Greek undress. The 10 years old was at the point of exhaustion, having performed several circuits of the gym, running between the various apparatus before using the equipment in the required manner.

"You may rest for a few minutes," Mr. Hardcock advised the relieved Jonathan before disappointing the boy by adding "then I'll supervise you running around the playing field. It's a bit dark, cold and rainy but you won't mind that, will you Morton? I'm sure that you'll also enjoy daily private lessons with me throughout your 9 years' stay at the school!" Tears began to form in the lad's eyes. The Gamesmaster therefore realised that it was time to make another proposal. He began by suggesting that there were alternative forms of exercise and asking whether the 10 years old had listened to the school Physician's talk about pedagogic relationships.

Dr. Strapam ordered his 11 and 12 years old catamites to go prepare him a cup of tea whilst he spoke to Tom. "Let me see you properly," the Headmaster instructed, knocking the now adjacent naked 10 years old's hands away from the protection of his genitalia. The Doctor smirked when he saw that the hands were trying to hide a little hard-on. He made the young cock, and his own, even more rigid by spending several minutes feeling the sexual organs, being delighted by their immaculate shape, an uncut stiff penis displayed above two curvaceous nicely dangling scrotal orbs. The boy's balls then received much attention before adult hands strayed to the lustrous curvature of the lad's bottom.

Meanwhile, Christopher's body was receiving similar ministrations from a now equally naked Dr. Ballsoff, lying next to him on the bed. The Physician was particularly keen on licking his young companion's body, spending much time doing so to his balls as well as other select parts of his anatomy. However, it was Jonathan who first lost his virginity, Hardcock not being one to indulge in too much foreplay. The Gamesmaster's fondling of his latest youngest catamite had quickly brought the man's passions to boiling point. The boy was therefore told to bend himself over one of the smaller gymnasium horses, firmly grasping the far underside. Despite being assigned the most diminutive horse, the lad's feet were off the ground.

Hardcock undressed revealing a very hard cock, drooling precum. He greased the virgin's anus with substance provided by Dr. Ballsoff to all staff for just this purpose. The intrusion of the finger into the tight innocent rectum caused the boy to moan in pain. This became a loud scream when the digit was soon ruthlessly followed by the Gamesmater's large engorged penis. The man just mercilessly shoved his engorged member straight inside Jonathan, who had never known such agony, even during his recent caning.

Hardcock gripped Jonathan's hips harshly and pulled them backwards and forwards in tandem with his own thrusts, continuously fully filling and then emptying the yelling boy's anus as he deflowered the tear-stained lad. Shortly after the gymnasium became quiet again, curdling shrieks started to emanate from Dr. Ballsoff's quarters. Christopher's virginity was lost in a sitting position, his arms holding his own legs so that his pure pink sphincter was nicely exposed for attack by the Physician's invasion force.

Both 10 years olds had to suffer the subsequent more silent pleasures of cleaning the tools, which their abusers had used to inflict so much pain, with their young tongues, licking blood, semen and worse from the penial surfaces. Both actions culminated in their first acts of fellatio, with the resultant semen forcibly swallowed as their pedagogues held their heads firmly in place until orgasm was complete and its product safely despatched to 10 years old stomachs.

Tom's deflowerment was to take longer to happen, despite his earlier start, because Dr. Strapam enjoyed long foreplay. After the Headmaster had finished his fondling of the boy's beautiful body, whilst enjoying his cup of tea, held for him by the 11 years old, he invited the 10 years old to sit on his knee whilst they watched the 13 and 15 years olds on the bed complete their lovemaking demonstration, followed by the 14 and 16 years olds. The show was finished when the 11 and 12 years olds indulged. All three pairs were required to suck each other to excitement and to provide lubrication before following through their passions by buggering their companions to wet or dry orgasms.

Tom felt Dr. Strapam's hard cock press against his virgin bumcrack throughout the lengthy proceedings. His own much smaller penis also maintained its rigidity during the show, helped by frequent handling by the Headmaster. However, the boy also had to admit that, after overcoming his initial shame, he had begun to enjoy the spectacle and the fondling, his admission underlined when, as the 14 years old came inside the 16 years old, the Doctor's gentle stroking of the 10 years old penis caused it to vibrate in its own dry orgasm.

Dr. Strapam saw the signs of Tom's climax, the blushing face and shuddering body, associated with low moaning, and he smiled, looking forward to enjoying his own inside the virgin opening against which his own rampant cock was pressing even more. The sextet of young lovers, all originally deflowered by the Headmaster in their first year at the school, were finally sent on their way back to their dormitories, leaving the 10 years old alone with the Doctor of Divinity, now eagerly anticipating another divine moment for which he was happy to remain in his chair.

Dr. Strapham raised Tom slightly so that his manly penis pointed directly upwards at the boy's sphincter. The deflowering implement received some grease before the now terrified lad felt the large cockhead against his anal opening and knew what was about to occur. He also realised that he could do nothing but succumb. The Headmaster whispered in the youngster's ear "Lower yourself onto me!" The 10 years old body broke out in goosepimples before it slowly began to comply. However, the pain was too much for Tom to endure as Dr. Strapam's cockhead started to try to make its way past the anal opening, and the Headmaster had to help the boy by grabbing his young shoulders to push him downwards. Yet more screams were heard within the school as the last of the three 10 years old friends lost his innocence.

Tom was finally sitting again in Dr. Strapam's lap but this time the cheeks of his face were covered in tears and a large throbbing invader had passed between the cheeks of his bottom, filling his insides. The Headmaster eventually helped the sobbing boy to raise his body before impaling himself again. A steady rhythm of such movement was gradually achieved despite the intense agony experienced by the 10 years old. The excruciating pain was to continue remorselessly until the Doctor impregnated a copious quantity of sperm into the no-longer virgin orifice. The duo then retired to the bed for the night, where the younger had cleaning duties to perform before joining his friends in swallowing semen. The Doctor of Divinity would also later insist on another divine anal moment but with the provider of his pleasure now allowed to lie face down on the mattress to enjoy more humiliating distress.

Tom returned to his dormitory in time for the morning run. Christopher and Jonathan had slept in the dorm after being released by their new pedagogues at around midnight. None of the three traumatised friends spoke immediately of their awful experiences, each recognising that all had suffered similar occurrences from their facial expressions, awkward movements and stained chins and inside legs. They were all too late to eat breakfast as they found that they had to walk slowly round the route of the morning run, not that they had much appetite for food, especially as they knew that they were to pleasure their new patrons again that night.

Two days later, Dr. Ballsoff gave a special natural sciences lesson in the schoolhall for all pupils. The 14 years old, whose genitals he had been examining before he ravished Christopher, was already tied, naked, spreadeagled and gagged, between two posts specially erected on the stage when the school gathered at their accustomed positions, a certain threesome still doing so very gingerly. The Physician announced the complaint from which the bound lad suffered. However, the resultant giggling from amongst the young audience immediately quietened when the Doctor added that the miscreant's guardian had agreed to the recommended cure - castration.

The 14 years old began to struggle to escape from his bondage as he had been kept completely ignorant of what Dr. Ballsoff and his guardian, who had no real interest in the pretty boy let alone love for him, had in mind as a cure for his little accidents. However, the lad had been well secured and could not escape his fate.

Dr. Ballsoff suggested that the operation would be a useful time for the school to learn more about castration, its history, uses and methods of application both in humans and animals, before seeing a practical demonstration of the testicular emasculation of a young human. The Physician droned on with his monologue for another hour but few of the shocked pupils took too much notice of the words. Most instead just stared at the imminent victim, continuously crying and straining at his bonds, but unable to be heard because of his gag. However, the boy had developed a full erection despite, or perhaps because of, his torment at knowing what was about to be done to him.

Dr. Ballsoff eventually finished his lecture and produced a small bowl, with knife and glass jar placed inside, from under the lectern. He took up position behind the patient, from where he was to perform the operation so that the appalled but transfixed pupils could obtain a decent view. The lad's penis was throbbing vertically when he felt liquid from the bottle clean his genitals. The 14 years old produced an impressive arc, of significant circumference, of sperm when the knife first touched his ball sac.

Dr. Ballsoff made sure that one of the school handymen had arrived with a red hot poker before beginning his incision, whilst at the same time loudly continuing his lesson by describing what he was doing and why. Blood began to spurt onto the floor of the stage as the size of the cut increased. The Physician expertly brought the boy's testes into view, dangling from their connecting membranes. Dr. Strapam and some other members of staff were sufficiently interested in proceedings to accept the Physician's invitation to come forward and kneel in front of the horrified 14 years old to inspect the testicles whilst they remained attached to the lad.

Dr. Ballsoff, continuing his simultaneous commentary, then proficiently severed one testis, placing it in the bowl, before doing the same to the other. The dish was sent round the hall for everyone to inspect the contents. The Physician finally accepted the poker from the handyman and cauterised the wound of the newly created 14 years old eunuch, who mercifully fainted. As he did so, the Doctor wondered when he would be able to perform the other gelding that had been identified as particularly desirable.

Chapter 10

Tom and Christopher learn what being fags at Soddamhall School entails.

(Northumberland, England, October 1803)

Tom was woken by the sound by coals being raked. He opened his eyes and saw pretty 11 years old Adam, dressed only in skimpy white running shorts, attending to Flashmale's grate. The Headboy's full-time fag was restoring the coal fire so that the 18 years old's room would be warm when he arose, autumn days in this remote bleak part of Northumberland usually being cold and miserable. This day was actually to be an exception, turning out to be sunny and mild and also the worst day in Tom's life so far.

Tom leaned up and looked around him. Flashmale was snoring gently in the bed alongside and on the other side of the Headboy lay a somnolent Christopher, as naked as his two bed partners.

Tom returned his head to the pillow, closed his eyes and recalled the humiliations of the previous day, not knowing that far worse was imminent. He and Christopher had been summoned after assembly to see Flashmale, who informed them that the Headmaster and school Physician had both kindly allowed him to appoint them as his part-time fags to help reduce the burden on the overworked Adam. The smirking Headboy advised that he could utilise their services whenever they were not required by their pedagogues.

Tom and Christopher were aghast, guessing correctly what some of these services would entail. Both 10 years olds had hoped that their nights off from providing the lecherous Doctors of divinity and medicine with sexual favours, whilst the men enjoyed the bodies of others from their coterie of select pupils, would be spent recuperating from the adult's painful attentions. However, it now seemed that at least some of these evenings would instead now be spent entertaining Flashmale.

Flashmale proceeded to tell Tom and Christopher that they were excused afternoon lessons as they were to accompany him to Soddamhall village, where it was market day, and he needed some assistance with a few transactions he had to complete on behalf of himself and the Headmaster. "Report to me at the main entrance at 1 o'clock sharp, and don't forget to wear your caps as we're leaving school rounds!" was the Headboy's last command to his new fags, who thought that their first chore did not seem too bad after all. It would be the two newcomers' first excursion outside the school since they had arrived a month earlier and they actually began to look forward to the experience, a feeling that would be short-lived.

The walk to the village, along undulating muddy narrow lanes, took almost an hour and the market was very crowded and busy when the threesome arrived. Flashmale immediately made for a particular clothes retailer, provider of all the school uniforms. The trader, a plainly attired middle-aged man of rather ugly appearance, eyed the two sweet lads, whom he had never seen previously, accompanying the Headboy. After ascertaining that the usual discount facility was in place, the latter gave the man some cash in return for a box of new socks.

"Which one?" asked Flashmale. "The blonde I think!" answered the retailer. "Fine," replied the Headboy before turning to Christopher and instructing "Go with Mr. Coxhead here and do whatever he says as you'll be in great trouble if you don't. Afterwards, bring the box to the inn where you'll find Brown T and me." The 18 years old then shook hands with the trader, said his farewells with the appendage "Enjoy!" and walked away, ordering Tom to follow him.

Tom looked behind as he trailed Flashmale to see that the retailer, having left his stall in the charge of an assistant, had put his arm around Christopher's shoulders and was leading the boy to a large covered horse-drawn wagon with 'Coxhead for Quality Fittings' painted on the side in large lettering.

The transaction at the inn was for a crate of stout. The innkeeper, less cleanly dressed, older and even uglier than the market trader, spied Tom and agreed to the usual price-cut. "Mr. Dix needs your help in the cellars, Brown T," Flashmale therefore told the 10 years old, "you will oblige him, won't you, and don't forget the consequences of failing to please!"

Tom followed the innkeeper behind the bar of his busy establishment, where a trapdoor was opened, giving access to the cellar below via a steep ladder. "You go first!" suggested the man and the boy complied, expecting to have to help shift crates and barrels once down.

The innkeeper followed, closing the trapdoor behind him before turning to Tom, who was beginning to shiver in the chill of the cellar. "Now lad," the man declared, "you heard what the Headboy said, that you're to be good and obedient. So, you can start by taking your clothes off!"

"Teas up!" announced Adam. Tom, beginning to shiver again, not with the chill of the inn cellar but rather with the recollection of what happened there, reopened his eyes. Flashmale and Christopher followed suit. All three sat up in bed to receive mugs of hot tea from the 11 years old, who then returned to the blazing fire to prepare the Headboy's toast using a large brass fork.

Flashmale sipped his tea and a smile came to his face as he remembered the previous evening's pleasurable activities in his rooms. He had given Adam the night off whilst the two part-time fags entertained him. He had ordered them to strip and wash each other in his personal bath before requiring the naked 10 years olds to show him how much they were friends by making love on his bed whilst he watched from his armchair.

Flashmale had had to collect his cane from the mantelpiece before Tom and Christopher were encouraged to start kissing and fondling each other. However, the instrument had not been needed as it soon became clear that, after initial inhibitions had dissipated, the boys were really beginning to enjoy what they were doing, evident from full erections accompanied by low moans. "Masturbate each other to climax" was the Headboy's next order, quietly conveyed to match the erotic scene, and the two 10 years olds complied with almost simultaneous dry orgasms, nude bodies quivering in each other's arms.

After the panting and red-faced Tom and Christopher had eventually opened their eyes as they came down from their sexual highs, they saw that Flashmale was standing by the bed, also now naked and sporting his own fulsome erection. "My turn, I think," declared the Headboy, "let me lay between you. You can lick and suck my nipples, West, whilst you, Brown T, can do the same for my cock. We'll decide later who I'll bugger first!"

In the event, Flashmale sodomised Tom first before requiring the boys to return to their former stimulating tasks, although in reverse fashion, and later enjoying Christopher's anus. The delightful evening was finished off when both 10 years olds brought the Headboy to two more climaxes and swallowed the product of their oral ministrations. Exhausted sleep had then overwhelmed the threesome.

"Well, Brown T and West," announced Flashmale as he finished his tea, "I have another errand for you to run for me today. Do you know which of the local hills is Atio Fell?" Tom and Christopher, now deeply apprehensive about such missions after their experiences of the previous day, confessed that they did not. "Doesn't matter," declared the Headboy, "as I'll point it out to you later. There's a farm on the fell. Instead of going on your morning run along the normal route, I'd like you to go there. Farmer Allcock will give you some boxes of eggs. You'll bring them back to me after making the appropriate payment. Understand?" Both boys thought that they did and realised that they had been right when they later set off for the fell, dressed only in their white shorts, for they were given no money to make recompense.

Tom and Christopher were silent as they ran barefoot over the dewy fields towards the distant Atio Fell. Both could see the farm buildings towards the top of the hill and wondered what awful sexual services they would have to provide in order to secure the eggs. As they proceeded, neither boy remarked on the fact that they had noticed that the bulges in each other's shorts had grown noticeably bigger whilst both guiltily recalled the events of the previous day.

After stripping, the shivering Tom had been forced to lay himself over a barrel placed sideways on the cold cellar floor of the inn as the innkeeper undid his own trouser buttons. The 10 years old then felt the man lean over him to introduce his engorged cockhead to the boy's sphincter. Tom's subsequent agonised shriek was muted by the fact that the innkeeper had placed a hand over the boy's mouth, not wanting the patrons upstairs unduly disturbed by the lad's inconsiderate noise. A rather dirty cloth was later used to attempt to clean the 10 years old's bumcrack of surplus semen before he was allowed to redress.

Christopher's experience was a bit more comfortable as the inside of the retailer's wagon was not chilly and, after disrobing, he was not required to lean over cold wood. The 10 years old was instead bent over a steep pile of varied clothing to be sodomised, although his own attempted screams were stifled by a sock in his mouth.

The two scared runners eventually reached Atio Fell Farm and Mr. Allcock, who had seen them approach, was waiting for them in the farmyard, along with many clucking hens and a large cockerel. "Come for the eggs?" the rather ancient-looking farmer asked. "Yes, sir!" Tom politely answered. "Not seen you two before," the man replied, "new boys?"

"Yes, sir!" Tom repeated.

"Usual payment, I presume?" enquired Allcock. "I suppose so, sir," Tom responded, "but what is that as we haven't been told?" The farmer smirked and dropped his dirty trousers and underpants, revealing a venerable semi-hard penis. "Place your own shorts over the fence there and then come here. One's to suck my dick whilst the other tongues my hole!"

Tom and Christopher looked at each other, appalled expressions evident. However, they knew the likely painful consequences of failing to return to the school without the eggs and soon their skimpy shorts were resting over the fence. Both boys tried to cover their own small embarrassing erections as they then approached the smiling old man.

Recognising Christopher's reluctance for the particular task, Tom volunteered to take up the rear position. As the 10 years old knelt onto the muddy ground of the farmyard view Allcock's wrinkled behind, the old man's stench overwhelmed the boy's nose. Nevertheless, he somehow managed to prise the farmer's dirty hairy bumcheeks apart to inspect his imminent workplace. The sight caused the lad to vomit.

"Dirty brat," declared Allcock as sick flew into his dropped trousers, which he stepped out of to grasp Tom by his left ear, "I'll make you pay for that!" The farmer, red-faced in anger, dragged the alarmed naked boy over to a nearby shed and took him inside. They emerged shortly afterwards, the 10 years old now having a large locked dog collar attached to his neck and being dragged by the chain lead to a sty full of pigs.

Despite his antiquity, Allcock picked Tom up and threw him into the sty, causing the pigs to squeal as they rushed aside to allow the boy to fall into thick swill-polluted mud. By the time the 10 years old had recovered from the shock, the trouserless farmer had padlocked the end of the lead to the fence of the enclosure and was striding back to Christopher, mumbling "Act like a pig, you can be one for a day!"

To his later disgust, Christopher had been too shocked and afraid to intervene and now meekly knelt before Allcock to complete his fellatio chore before collecting the eggs and his shorts and running back to Soddamhall School, reluctantly without his best friend. Meanwhile, Tom, nude body splattered in mud and swill and after failing with shouted apologies and entreaties to persuade the farmer to release him, sat in a crouched position in a corner of the sty trying to avoid the nosy interest of the pigs. Flashmale came to rescue his new fag at lunchtime, almost six hours later.

Tom had dozed off to sleep when Flashmale's voice awoke him. "Found your true vocation in life at last, Brown T!" suggested the smirking Headboy. The 10 years old did not find the joke funny.

"I've made a deal with Mr. Allcock," advised Flashmale, "in which he's prepared to release you so that you can go on another errand for me in return for certain considerations. You're to complete the task that you failed to perform this morning, as well as repeat the one that West undertook, and your bare bottom will then receive a little chastisement from Mr. Allcock, appropriately using the belt of the trousers you soiled!"

Flashmale had brought with him, from the farmhouse, a bucket of water and the keys to the padlock and dog collar. He released Tom from his demeaning situation and told him to clean up using the water before following him to the farmhouse. The tremulous nude did so and was soon knocking gently on the farmhouse door.

Flashmale and Allcock emerged from inside, the latter now wearing fresh trousers, albeit equally as dirty as the previous pair. "Kneel in the middle of the yard!" the farmer ordered and Tom repositioned himself accordingly. The Headboy remained near the doorway to watch as the farmer followed the sublime naked form of the 10 years old.

Allcock stood immediately in front of Tom, with his back to the boy, and again dropped his trousers and underpants. "Get it right this time," the farmer warned, "or you'll really be for it!" The man's stink overwhelmed the boy's nasal senses as he prised apart the obnoxious bumcheeks. However, the lad took several deep breaths to overcome his initial intense disgust before advancing his tongue towards the ancient adult's putrid hole.

Tom gagged a few times whilst performing his terrible task but Allcock did not seem to notice as he proceeded to emit a number of low ecstatic moans. It began to seem to the boy that his immensely disagreeable work would carry on without end when the farmer suddenly advised "Right, my dick's ready!" and turned around.

Tom now saw a fully erect wrinkled cock, dribbling precum, but he did not hesitate to comply when ordered "Suck!" as his mouth had just been somewhere far worse. It did not take long to induce Allcock to orgasm as the anal administrations had already brought the farmer close to climax and the 10 years old soon felt his throat filling with gushing sperm, which he somehow managed to swallow.

Allcock eventually withdrew his softening penis and picked his underpants and trousers back up. "Over there and lean against the fence," he commanded, "whilst I collect my belt." The frightened naked boy, a little cum drooling down his chin and with a horrible combination of tastes in his mouth and on his tongue, reluctantly obeyed. As Tom advanced to the place where he was to be beaten, he noticed that Flashmale, still standing by the farmhouse doorway, was displaying a broad grin.

Allcock re-emerged from his home with the leather belt and said to Flashmale "I believe that we agreed ten!" The Headboy confirmed the arrangement. Tom, shaking hands resting on the fence as he bent himself to present his bottom in the required manner for his imminent chastisement, was aghast at hearing the number.

"Hold still," instructed Allcock as he took up position behind the quaking Tom, "and take it like a man!" The boy could not help thinking that he was just a 10 years old and how unfair life was when the first blow struck his buttocks, causing him to yelp in pain. The second soon followed and then the third. The farmer was not one of those who believed in letting his victims thoroughly relish each strike before landing the next, his impatience wanting him to inflict the agony as quickly as possible.

Tom's bottom was soon a mishmash of wide red stripes, rapidly turning first purple and then into darker hues. However, the shock caused by the speed of his belting had enabled the screaming boy to maintain his position throughout and the excruciating infliction of his torment was speedily completed. Allcock felt the heat on the lad's buttocks before giving them a hard slap and saying "You'll know what not to do next time you come for eggs!" The farmer then re-entered his farmhouse saying to Flashmale as he passed "Time for food, want some?" The Headboy replied affirmatively before adding "But I'll just despatch Brown T on his next errand first!"

"Come here Brown T," commanded Flashmale and the sobbing Tom gingerly obeyed. The Headboy, his own hidden penis hard at watching the fun, noticed that the tearful boy was erect as he approached.

"On the next fell," Flashmale informed whilst pointing the location, "there's another farm. You're to collect some cheese from the farmer, Mr. Loveboy." The volume of Tom's tears increased when he heard the news. The Headboy therefore gently told the boy to calm and waited until he had done so before causing more distress. "No shorts, I'm afraid," he announced, "one of Mr. Allcock's goats apparently decided that they would make an excellent meal. I'll of course have to tell the Housemaster about your carelessness in losing the garment in order to secure a replacement. He's certain to want you punished for your negligence!"

Tom's tears returned but Flashmale ignored them, sending the naked boy on his errand to the next farm by telling him, after checking his pocket watch, "It's just after 1 o'clock now and I want you back in my rooms by 3 o'clock. There's some cleaning for you to do before you're to report to the Headmaster. Apparently he wants you tonight. Now off you go and don't drop the cheese on your way back!"

Tom, nude, tearful and still erect despite a very sore bum, reluctantly began to run down the hill towards Mr. Loveboy's farm. The trip took him half an hour but the farmer was not surprised to see a beautiful naked boy arrive to collect the weekly cheese as he had had such pleasant visits previously. His price for the dairy product from the newcomer was mutual masturbation, made easier by the fact that the lad's small cock was already humiliatingly hard.

Loveboy wanted Tom to climax first and so, whilst lying naked with him in a haystack, he pumped the boy's erection vigorously until the lovely 10 years old body convulsed. The farmer let go of the vibrating penis to allow the lad to grasp it whilst he concluded his orgasm. The man's own rigid member was then ready to be manipulated by young hands.

Tom was later running back to the school through a small copse, with reddened cock and darkly discoloured bottom, when he came across five farm lads, all about 15 years old, sitting at the side of the narrow path eating packed luncheons. Seeing the young nude, they immediately stood up and barred the boy's way.

"Please let me pass," begged Tom, thoroughly humiliated at his nakedness, "I'm in a hurry!"

"Not so fast," responded one of the lads, "tell us first why you've got no clothes, a red cock and a round cheese. Have you been a naughty sinful boy in return for the cheese from farmer Loveboy? We all know his reputation!"

"No," answered the blushing Tom, "I've just been on a school errand and lost my shorts accidentally."

"Don't believe you," the lad responded as he walked around the frightened young nude, "because you've obviously been bad as you've been beaten very recently."

"His bum's black and blue!" the 15 years old advised his companions before commanding "Grab him!"

The cheese fell to the floor as Tom was overcome by the five young farm labourers. "Take him to the clearing over there," ordered the apparent leader, "where no-one can see us from the path. I think if he can be naughty with others he can be so with us!"

It was an hour before Tom, crying, dishevelled and dirty, emerged from the copse. His cheese had been taken and cum was oozing out of his mouth and anus. However, the boy appreciated that his very bad day was far from over. Not only did he now have to look forward to the Housemaster's chastisement for losing his shorts but also he knew that Flashmale would want to punish him for being late and failing to deliver the desired dairy product.

Tom's misery was compounded when he entered the rear entrance of the main school building. Most pupils were at lessons and the boy hoped to speed to Flashmale's rooms without being seen in the shame of nudity. Unfortunately, his wish did not come true as he bumped into the Headmaster. "Why are you running round the school naked and dirty?" Dr. Strapam not unreasonably enquired. "Because of an accident when on an errand for the Headboy" was the sheepish answer. "Well," the annoyed Doctor pronounced observing a 10 years old erection, "as you seem to like disporting yourself around the school in this manner, you can spend the whole of tomorrow, from the start of the morning run until candles out, without the benefit of clothing. I expect better from those I give my special attentions to than suffering accidents from which they accrue sexual excitement. Now, on your way to clean up and put your uniform on. Walk, don't run! I'll see how much sexual interest you retain when we meet for the night later. Remember, my rooms at 7 o'clock precisely."

As Tom continued along the corridor, he wondered how he could possibly survive for another eight years at this terrible establishment.

(London, England, same time)

The conspiratorial uncle was visiting the office of his conspiratorial solicitor. "Please inform the school Doctor," the uncle requested, "that I should have the opportunity to visit during the week before Christmas. The boy's castration should be a nice seasonal surprise for him and his testicles a pleasant present for me!"