The Lycian Prince
(1st version)
Chapter 66 - Cratinus
(February 292 A.D. - 1 month until Anthonius' nullification [?])
Cratinus and the sole surviving member of his gang of urchins had been terrified to learn that men, including soldiers, had been enquiring about and apparently searching for them. They had therefore tried their best to avoid discovery, not knowing what they could have done to elicit such interest. Their thieving had not been different to that conducted by the many street waifs in similar awful situations. No violence had occurred and nothing of tremendous value secured.
The duo were betrayed for some money by the leader of a gang that slept in a riverbank cave next to their own. The terrified boys were wakened to find four men with torches peering over them, two being Praetorians. All knew that it was common practice for soldiers to cull regularly the city's itinerant population. Cratinus and his friend thought that their lives were now forfeit. However, this was far from the case.
It had taken Sebastian's secret Christian friends six months to fulfil Anthonius' penultimate request to his mother, conveyed verbally by the Praetorian intermediary, the ultimate wish, the rescue of Sura from Diocletian's clutches, having already been achieved. The filthy duo quickly realised that the men were not concerned with their deaths but rather their welfare and they allowed themselves to be led from their dirty smelly hovel to a completely new life.
The two rancid boys were despatched south to Neapolis in a horse-drawn wagon. They reached the city late the following afternoon to be greeted by Queen Irene and Sura in the sanctuary of the home of Sebastian's rich mercantile friend. Anthonius' mother, with the help of her handmaidens and the young eunuch, quickly supervised the duo's bathing and grooming, overcoming the embarrassed lads' resistance to having their rags removed. The end result was two immaculately clean but blushing pretty boys, sweetly perfumed and redressed in expensive well-tailored tunics, undergarments and sandals. Sura had been especially amused by the proceedings. The rich merchant had been particularly attracted by Cratinus' 15 years old features, now fully revealed in all their glory.
Meanwhile, the kind Arab had just discovered that Anthonius' mother and sister had escaped Diocletian's clutches in Rome and that the boy's departure to Nubia and his destiny had been unnecessary. The man traded with Nubia for many of his spices and had a vessel sailing there to obtain more. The journey normally took at least a month and a half. The kind Arab offered the ship's captain and crew huge bonuses if they could transport him to Ebania by the vernal equinox.
Queen Irene, Princess Anthonia and Sura were later to leave the rich merchant's protection to visit the secret Christian communities throughout the Empire and to try to propagate their faith. They did not force their beliefs on anyone and Cratinus remained a lifelong atheist, not believing that there could be a god, given the human misery that he had seen and endured. He and his companion remained with the merchant, both happy to enjoy his loving attentions in return for lives now of privilege not suffering.
Cratinus and his companion eventually inherited their patron's great wealth and, whilst the latter concentrated on successfully continuing and developing the lucrative business, the former decided to do something with his inheritance and on-going share of profits to alleviate the plight of the street children of the Empire. Starting small with soup kitchens in both Neapolis and Rome, he eventually established a network of orphanages, becoming one of the great humanist benefactors of his time, aided by donations from many of his late patron's Christian friends and their acquaintances. However, before he embarked upon this activity at the age of twenty, he felt that there was a debt of gratitude that he had to pay the person who had been responsible for his own salvation.
In 297 A.D., whilst walking alone to the 'House of Ganymede' for an evening of pleasurable entertainment, Casperius had his throat cut whilst traversing a quiet middle-class thoroughfare. The perpetrator of the murder was never found.
Chapter 67 - Penalslavery
The day of Anthonius' scheduled nullification rapidly approaches.
(March 292 A.D. - 1 week until Anthonius' nullification [?])
Anthonius was bound naked and spreadeagled face-up on a solid wooden frame in the sacred amphitheatre, otherwise devoid of people. The boy had been returned after the spectators for the evening's genital sacrifice ceremony had all departed to their homes. The blood from the nullification was still dripping from the guillotine and the newly severed black sexual organs were displayed in front of the altar phallus in a red bowl, now containing preservative. The poor offering had chosen a red ball.
Anthonius had, as usual on Priapus' weekly sacred day, danced and suffered before the altar as part of the preliminary rituals. His anus was sore from being sodomised by the massive cock of one of the noble worshippers, selected by lot, as was customary, to enjoy the white boy's still remarkably tight rectum. Other parts of the former Prince's body were also hurting as a result of the weekly tortures that he had additionally endured.
The frame to which Anthonius was bound was angled to give him a good view of the guillotine and altar without the necessity of moving his head. However, it was also inclined sufficiently gently to permit the boy to sleep without too much discomfort because this was where he was to spend the next seven nights before his own genitals were offered to Priapus. This traditional nocturnal presentation of penalslaves, in the week up to the equinox or solstice on which their reproductive capacity might be lost, served two purposes. First, the penalslave could contemplate his possible fate in the location where it would be determined and, second, the deity would have plenty of time to scrutinise the offering before making his decision.
Anthonius' sexual organs had been smeared with sacred oil so that they could be shown to the god in the requisite manner. The boy's cock, glistening in the light from the lamps, was fully erect, throbbing and dribbling precum. This was partly as a result of the constant infusion of strong aphrodisiacs that he had experienced since he had first arrived at the terrible temple plus enforced chastity. The latter had not been continually maintained as the lad had suffered accidents, for which he had been subjected to appropriate excruciating chastisement. He had had wet dreams. He had also cum several times in his loincloth when dancing or being ritualistically buggered or tortured, the evidence being easily discernible as the white thong-like undercloth of a penalslave's skimpy loincloth, both red flaps bearing the black Priapic phallus, was made of thin transparent netting material. Dancing before and after the sodomy and torture rites would invariably induce the loincloth flaps to rise to give everyone a clear, albeit brief, view of the beauty underneath, with any semen present seeping through the netting.
Anthonius was ashamed to realise that the current arousal of his sexual equipment was not just as a result of aphrodisiac-induced unrequited desire but also perverse excitement at the danger in which he found himself. He could not help the intense feelings that this had created in his loins over the past few months, stimulated further by the physical evidence, noticeable wherever he went, of frequent nullification taking place in the awful place. It was as if his genitals wanted to enjoy their last days of life as much as possible.
Meanwhile, at the same moment, the kind Arab's boat was at anchor, it being inappropriate to continue down the Nile at night, and not only because of the danger. Such a risky enterprise would also tire the crew who, as a result, would be incapable of advancing as far during daytime as they would otherwise be able to achieve. The kind Arab was debating with the ship's captain how they could undertake the remainder of the journey within a week when it would normally take at least ten days.
As Anthonius lay on the frame looking at his throbbing cock, displayed against the background of genital guillotine and phallic edifice, his mind went back to the day after the winter solstice when he had drawn the red ball to become a temple penalslave for life. He instinctively knew that he would draw the same on the vernal equinox and again contemplated his ability to fulfil the full ceremonial rites to which he had committed himself. Penalslaves who drew the red ball were given in advance the choice of two ceremonial continuances.
Penalslaves could proceed quickly to suffering sodomy from the sacred cheetah and subsequent genital torture before their nullification or they could additionally attempt to dance between all these rites in devotion to Priapus and their own courage. No-one had known anyone in living memory to choose the latter until Anthonius did so. However, the boy had not selected this brave option to glorify the god or himself. He wished instead to give honour to his homeland and his ancestors, given that a particular male royal line would end with him. He wanted to demonstrate to the Nubians what Lycians of his family were capable of and hoped that, if he was required to suffer the rituals, he would not let his nation and his forebears down. The former Prince feared that he might physically be unable to fulfil his commitment because of the pain and damage caused earlier.
Anthonius' thoughts then wandered back to his initiation as a penalslave. After drawing the red ball, he had sufficient presence of mind, despite his distress at the outcome and the raucous celebratory atmosphere all around, to complete the ritual. He knelt to pay homage to Priapus, as one of the god's new penalslaves, by kissing the small phallus embedded in the ground just in front of the genital guillotine. The neck jewellery of a Roman Imperial boy companion was then replaced by the medallion of a Priapic penalslave, a gold chain from which dangled a small ebony phallus. The boy was then led out of the joyous amphitheatre by the Highpriest and two acolytes to return to the small shrine to be stripped, re-purified, redressed and inspected. His new attire comprised the red loincloth covered by a red sleeveless tight short tunic, with usual motif and which barely covered the loincloth flaps.
Anthonius was restored to the amphitheatre in his fresh garb, having been temporarily replaced as principal entertainer during his absence by some temple prostitutes. The tunic did not last long before it was removed so that the new penalslave could dance in his latest loincloth, highly revealing as the flaps bounced around. Most spectators gained a teasing glance of the hard cock trapped within the netting under the front and the lustrous white curves of the boy's naked bottom under the rear.
Anthonius was not subjected to the sodomy and torture rituals during this initiation ritual as that first pleasure awaited him on Priapus' sacred day the following week. Instead, after completing his dance, he was taken elsewhere so that the day's genital sacrifice offering, who had been tied between the stakes in front of the altar watching the entertainment throughout, could be released to draw his own ball of destiny.
Anthonius was led back to the lower innards of the temple to a small chamber containing two tables and where a specialist priest awaited him. The boy was stripped of his new loincloth and bound face-up and spreadeagled on the larger table. The priest picked up some tools from the smaller table and began his work.
The Highpriest had decided that there was little scope for fully decorating this particular penalslave's body with the customary tattoos because of the existing brandmarks. He had therefore ordered that only two of the traditional adornments should be applied. The first would be on the middle of the boy's chest, between the two small round brands of interconnecting eagles that encircled the lad's nipples, whilst the second, much more painful to affix, would be on the 15 years old's cock and scrotum. The patterns centred round the Priapic motif of a phallus but with symbolic creatures as heraldic supporters. The chest tattoo was to have cheetahs, standing on their rear legs and displaying large rampant members, supporting the principal emblem, whilst the three smaller genital embellishments sported snakes. The former was also to have an elaborate twisting tail, representing lifeblood and fertility, running downwards towards the navel.
The tattooist was happy to have his first nude white body as his working surface as it meant that he could use darker hues, even black, for a change. His task was to take all night and all of the next day to complete, allowing himself and the recipient of his artwork only brief respites. Anthonius managed to keep the sound of his distress at the application of his new bodily decoration to low whimpers until the work on his torso was complete. However, the boy could not prevent himself from regularly screaming and constantly sobbing when his genitalia were receiving the unnecessary beautification.
On the following morning, a still-sore Anthonius, redressed in loincloth, was displayed, tied to a post on a covered platform in the middle of the large square outside the temple, so that the whole populace of the Nubian capital could view the new white penalslave in his new finery.
Anthonius was returned to the main amphitheatre three days later, on Priapus' weekly sacred day, for the first ceremonial that would begin the attempt to expel the treacherous evil from his body. The weekly format was to be similar on all the twelve occasions that he was subjected to these purgative rituals, with only the nature of his absorption of male seed and later torment varying. This first week, he performed fellatio in front of the altar on the Priapic Archpriest's, Ebana's, rampant erection, carefully hidden from general view by a flowing robe that engulfed the young pleasure provider. The later torture, applied whilst the young victim was spreadeagled between the altar stakes, comprised attachment of crude but severe clamps to his nipples. The penalslave was somehow required to precede and follow subjection to all these rites with proficient dancing.
The following week Anthonius' loincloth lost its detachable rear flap, never to return. The garment was of the variety with a double cord running down the side of each buttock as opposed to one with a single cord running down the bumcrack. This was so that the penalslave, whilst bound again to the stakes, could enjoy sodomy from Ebana before later having his bottom paddled.
The week between each sacred day was now consumed by enjoying the delights of penal labours. The first three days would be spent as part of the team of six temple menialslaves who turned one of the huge waterwheels, located in the temple's dark dank bowels to provide the building's elaborate system of running water. All too brief respites were permitted only hourly during the half-day shift. The second three days would be engaged on assisting the construction of Ebana's pyramid, mainly by helping to push or haul large blocks of stone into place, often using wooden rollers and/or ropes. Anthonius' body would be regularly covered in protective oil to shield its beautiful form from the harsh rays of the sun.
The latter work was very strenuous and tiring but the white boy found that the most distressing time of the day was his march from and, 12 hours later, back to the temple, alone apart from a priestly escort. Anthonius, who now found his hands bound behind him, customary practice for a penalslave outside the temple despite the impossibility of escape, had to endure many insulting and humiliating comments from most of those he passed.
The third and fourth sacred days found the Highpriest impregnating Anthonius whilst the next four saw six liturgy, chosen by lot, enjoying the penalslave. Six noble laity, similarly selected, performed on the remaining four occasions. The weekly infusions of purifying seed were alternately applied to the boy's oral and anal orifices.
Meanwhile, the torture rites had changed every fortnight to become progressively more painful. Week four had seen a cane applied to the penalslave's bottom, week six a strap to his back and buttocks and week eight the advent of a short whip. Week ten had the nipple clamps reintroduced, with weights added at intervals, whilst paddle and cane were returned to the boy's posterior.
As Anthonius lay tied to the angled platform, he relived again the agony of suffering, earlier in the evening, the weighted clamps once more, this time with strap and whip striking his rear. He looked at his still hurting bright scarlet nipples and could feel the bloodied stripes on his back and bum painfully resting on the wood. However, this had not stopped his oiled penis from remaining engorged. As the boy saw the bloody guillotine and thought about the fact that, in one week's time, his sexual organs would probably not be attached to him, his body shuddered and his foreskin pulled back tightly to reveal his cockhead. Semen started spurting upwards like a fountain. It was the first time that, in the former Prince's waking moments, thought alone had induced orgasm.
Chapter 68 - Equinox
Anthonius' day of destiny finally arrives.
(The eve of the vernal equinox, March 292 A.D. - 1 day before Anthonius' nullification [?])
Anthonius was again alone in the main amphitheatre, tied naked and spreadeagled to the angled wooden frame before the genital guillotine and altar. It had been a painful week for his seriously endangered sexual organs. The penalslave had, as was customary in the period immediately before potential nullification, been excused penal labours between Priapus' previous sacred day and the day of destiny. The boy had, after the morning inspection and purification rituals, been kept during the daytime of the first five days in the acute loneliness of his cell to prepare his mind for his possible future existence. However, he had not been redressed after the rites in his usual, now backless, skimpy loincloth. Instead, his excited penis was made flaccid by application of a stinging but otherwise harmless fluid so that a tight fitting leather encasement could be fixed to his genitalia. It consisted of two joined parts, a round jacket that fitted his ball sac perfectly and a laced tubular sheath that did the same, once tied in place, for his softened cock. Both possessed internal metal spikes.
The fitment represented Anthonius' penance for ejaculating before Priapus during his first night splayed before the god's altar. After the affect of the fluid had worn off and the penalslave's cock wished to become agitated again, the spikes came into play and the resulting distress was excruciating. The boy had initially started thinking about some of the many sad events that had occurred in his life to try to alleviate the pain by discouraging erection but with little success. He found that he preferred genital torture to the awful mental torment of some of his recollections.
When the covering was eventually removed so that Anthonius could spend the night in the amphitheatre in the customary state of nudity, he invariably discovered that his quickly expanding tattooed penis also displayed vivid red spike marks, which thankfully disappeared over several hours. Unfortunately, the penalslave did not seem to learn his lesson about preventing unauthorised orgasm and came again during his penultimate night before the Priapic altar. The day before the vernal equinox was therefore not spent alone in his cell.
Anthonius, attired only in the leather genital cover, was taken to one of the temple's male brothels, closed to the public for the day as no-one other than liturgy could view the penalslave devoid of his loincloth before the vernal equinox. The boy was bound to a post on the entertainment platform in the brothel's main chamber facing a large group of sitting priestly spectators, being served food and drink by catamites. A group of the prettiest whole young temple prostitutes then danced around the former Prince before two removed their loincloths to make passionate love on the front of the stage. They were to be followed by another couple and two threesomes, all with varying sexual routines.
Anthonius had been ordered to watch all the erotic performances or suffer even worse chastisement. The natural result was prolonged unremitting agony in the boy's groin. The genital torture that he was to suffer, if he drew the red ball on the following day, had certainly started early, and was exacerbated when he was required to dance for the sacred assemblage to conclude the entertainment.
(The vernal equinox, March 292 A.D. - the day of Anthonius' nullification [?])
Anthonius' night had been sleepless before the day that would see his probable nullification dawned. However, the penalslave's tortured cock, although retaining its throbbing rigidity, had not been insubordinate to Priapus during his nocturnal contemplation of the terrible fate that would almost certainly befall him in the hours to come. The boy had tried to await his undoubted destiny with bravery but he could feel his heart pounding and various parts of his beautiful anatomy twitching in fear. Tears were in his eyes as the Highpriest and acolytes came to release him from the frame to prepare him for the forthcoming events.
Anthonius was returned to the shrine for ritualistic purification, redressing in his loincloth and inspection before being led outside the temple to be tied again to the covered platform stake in the main square so that the general populace could view that day's genital sacrifice offering. As Ebana had thought, demand for seats at the evening ceremony had been unprecedented but he had reluctantly demurred from charging admission. The King had followed the usual rota procedures for the plebeian population instead, although some of the poorer potential spectators had sold their places, money regrettably being more important to them at that time than the pleasure of seeing the beautiful white boy losing his genitals.
Anthonius was subject to constant rude remarks and insults as he was displayed in the main square, where even many of those who would view the evening's occurrences came for a close-up view of the offering to Priapus. The children especially delighted in making comments about the penalslave's uncovered bottom and trying to see how much of the 15 years old boy's hard cock, ostensibly hidden under the front loincloth flap, they could observe from the side. All were rewarded with a clear outline of the member straining against the transparent net undercloth.
The deeply shamed and very scared Anthonius was eventually released mid-afternoon from his intensely humiliating display to be the centrepiece of a priestly procession to the Nile for purification in the sacred river itself before being returned to the temple for the start of the genital sacrifice ceremony.
At that same moment, the now 15 years old Armillatus was sitting with the now 16 years old Junius outside a tavern on a quiet part of the quayside of the port of Tarraco in Hispania. It was the boy's first trip outside the environs of his new home village since he had arrived in the province. It had taken all of the lad's persuasive ability to encourage his adoptive father that it was safe for him and his friend to accompany the adult to the town's market, where much better prices could be obtained for farm produce by trading directly with exporters than through middlemen.
Although it was now ten months since Armillatus' disappearance from Diocletian's palace, and memory of the missing Imperial boy companion and the price on his head should have faded substantially if not been forgotten, the lad's adoring adoptive father was still worried about taking him to the busy town. However, he had been unable to prevent himself from succumbing to his new son's charms. The gorgeous pleading brown eyes had clinched reluctant agreement.
Armillatus, in return for his father's hesitant acquiescence, had accepted that he and Junius would keep away from the most crowded parts of the bustling port and the boys had done so. They were now enjoying a refreshing non-alcoholic drink in warm sunshine when the 15 years old's lovely complexion suddenly turned white. "What's wrong?" asked the concerned Junius but his friend was unable to answer. He had experienced an abrupt awful feeling of dark foreboding and was unsure whether it was connected with the group of soldiers who had appeared out of a nearby side street and was advancing down the quay towards the tavern, or something entirely different.
Armillatus' initial thought at seeing the Praetorians, one much more magnificently dressed than the others, was to leave quickly. However, the two friends had only just started drinking their juice, for which payment had not yet been made. The owner of the establishment, to whom the boys had been introduced by Armillatus' father earlier, had been an acquaintance of the former sea captain for years and was happy to wait until the lads had finished before charging them. The 15 years old realised that the soldiers would arrive before the transaction was complete and running away without paying might arouse unwanted suspicion as to why he was seemingly afraid of the group.
Armillatus remained where he was, trying to hide his face with his hand and hoping that none of the Praetorians would recognise someone who had been a fixture of the Imperial court for several years. However, if someone did, the boy proposed to try to bluff his way out of the dangerous predicament by suggesting mistaken identity. It was a plan that he thought that he would have to put into affect because the young man in the splendid uniform made straight for him, whilst encouraging his colleagues to sit elsewhere to order drinks. The 15 years old recognised the 20 years old's face but could not remember from where or when.
"Hello, Armillatus," the future master of the known civilised world whispered, "I wondered where you'd disappeared to!"
Anthonius, hands bound behind him, was led the lengthy distance through boisterous crowds to the small shrine on the banks of the Nile. The sacred building was roofed and enclosed on three sides, making the rituals inside invisible to the outside throngs, but extended into the river where the fourth side was open. A large black phallus stood in the water several paces from the edge. The penalslave was required to pay homage to a much smaller phallus embedded in the riverbank both before and after being unbound and removing his loincloth. He then had to wade naked towards the large, half-sunken, Priapic edifice and, when he arrived, the cool water was up to his neck. A little duck under the surface to kiss the relevant point on the structure completed this aspect of the rite.
Required purification achieved, Anthonius returned to land to pay his respects again to the smaller phallus both before and after redressing, not in his loincloth but in a tiny red thong emblazoned with black phallus. The garment barely covered the penalslave's privates, which strained for release against the sparse cover, full aroused outline clearly visible. The shamed and frightened boy was then re-bound and escorted, dripping wet, back through the jeering hordes to the temple. The sun would of course ensure that the lad was completely dry by the time the sinister huge building was reached. As the terrified former Prince passed through the main entrance doorway to proceed to the sacred amphitheatre, he glanced behind at the world outside, wondering what physical state he would be in when he again saw daylight.
"Don't worry, they can't hear," whispered the Praetorian to Armillatus, referring to his colleagues, "and they also won't know you as their duties did not include Diocletian's inner palace. I only know you from Germania and attending a few of the Emperor's banquets but your secret will be safe with me. I realise that you're a friend of Anthonius and anyone who is a friend of that boy is also dear to me. Let's talk. My friends will simply think that I'm chatting up a couple of pretty boys, as is sometimes my want!"
Junius was puzzled by some of what was being discussed and Armillatus would have to tell him the truth about his past later in explanation. However the chance encounter, caused because the young Praetorian had been directed by his father, the western Caesar, Constantius Chlorus, to visit as many of the provinces of the west Empire as possible to acquaint himself with the lands that he should rule one day, was to prove providential.
The tremulous Anthonius was escorted into the amphitheatre to resounding cheering, which almost drowned out the opening tones of the music to which the Priapic offering had to dance after he had paid the necessary homage before the altar and had his hands untied. However, despite his terror, the penalslave began his dance and performed proficiently. He did so again after being sodomised by Ebana and after being tortured with clamps, strap and whip. The thousands of raucous watchers thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle as they consumed their many food courses, washed down with much cheap drink.
The red bag with Priapic symbol was eventually presented to the anguished agonised Anthonius, whose moment of destiny had finally arrived. The penalslave looked around at the thousands of expectant black faces as he groped inside, praying to his gods that he would choose the sole white ball and not one of the 63 red orbs. The boy made his choice but then something made him reject it. He therefore gathered another and, with one last silent invocation, withdrew his tightly clasped hand. The former Prince closed his eyes as he slowly released his grip to reveal the colour of the ball that would decide his fate.
The young Praetorian's parting remark was "Well, if you still want to be soldiers when you've reached the age of manhood, look me up. I'll need good loyal men in my legions." Armillatus, who now recalled where and when he had first seen the soldier, did follow up the invitation a few years later with Junius. Their leader was to be benefit considerably from their services.
As the Praetorian left the boys' table in Hispania to rejoin his colleagues, still leaving Armillatus with a strange feeling of imminent danger, the kind Arab's vessel had almost reached Ebania. The man knew that genital sacrifices did not take place until the evening and hoped that he would be in time to save the young Lycian.
Anthonius knew from the spectators' celebratory reaction that the ball he had chosen was red. He was never to know that his original selection had been white. The accepted offering's thong was removed so that he could be viewed naked in public in Nubia for the first time. His soon-to-be lost embarrassingly hard tattooed cock popped humiliatingly into view to many shouted ribald comments. The horrified aghast boy somehow managed to pay homage again by kissing the small phallus embedded in the ground, in front of the genital guillotine to which he would shortly be attached, before the music restarted to indicate the beginning of his first nude dance.
Copious amounts of precum dribbled from Anthonius' condemned vertical penis as he was later tied spreadeagled to the stakes facing the altar and leather guards were attached to his young shoulders. The anguished boy heard the roar of the eager trained cheetah as it was brought into the amphitheatre, a sound matched by the spectators. The rampant animal was slowly brought up to the terrified lad's rear but was temporarily prevented from mounting his sexual pray. The impatient creature therefore had to content itself with passing its huge wet tongue over the former Prince's buttocks, even reaching inside the bumcrack to touch the sphincter. The 15 years old's erection vibrated wildly at the intrusion.
The pause in proceedings did not last too long as the Highpriest signalled for the next ritual to be fulfilled and Anthonius immediately felt the massive weight of the cheetah as it leapt up to place the trimmed but still dangerous claws of its forelegs on the accepted offering's shoulders. The boy's gratitude for the protection of the leather guards was brief as a massive living phallus was aimed by a priest at the lad's unshielded anus. The former Prince's scream as the invader forced entry reverberated around the building until, like his immediate predecessor on the winter solstice, the latest genital sacrifice fainted.
When Anthonius awoke, the animal had been satisfied and had withdrawn, with much bloody sperm now oozing out of the boy's badly ravaged rectum and down his legs. Nevertheless, he was released from his bondage as he had committed himself to further nude dancing. The lad never knew how he found the ability, after what he had just suffered, to fulfil the rite but he somehow did to everyone's amazement, not least his own.
After his meritorious performance, Anthonius was rebound to the stakes to suffer genital torture. This was in four parts. First, a very short, very thin but multi-strapped whip was struck with venom a number of times across the rigid cock and firm ball sac. Second, a leather strap, from which dangled three chains, was fitted tightly around the base of the boy's scrotum. The bottom of the chains were attached to a metal ring, to which weights were gradually added to stretch the young sac until the point of tearing had almost been reached. Third, as many tiny crude metal pegs as possible were clamped onto the surface of both cock and scrotum. Fourth, after the removal of the pegs, larger adjustable metal clamps were applied to each testicle and slowly tightened.
Anthonius shrieked and sobbed regularly during this torment but much of the resultant noise was drowned by the spectators' excited clamour, accompanied by music as temple prostitutes now danced to provide the crowd with secondary entertainment.
The time for the penultimate ritual now arrived and the various instruments of torment were removed from Anthonius' genitalia so that, after again being released from his bondage and re-performing homage, he could nude dance before being introduced to the genital guillotine. His performance was ragged as could be expected in the circumstances but his display of courage, unknown in living memory, finally quietened the crowd. The boy somehow finished his routine and, after again paying the required prostration and whilst the former Prince's quaking young body was being attached to the device that should soon nullify him, hardly a sound could be heard.
Meanwhile, the kind Arab's ship had finally moored at the quayside of the Nubian capital after dark and he and a number of similarly heavily armed crewmen were running down the now deserted wide thoroughfare that separated the wharf from the distant temple. The man hoped that the arms would not be needed as he now represented Nubia's largest single trading outlet, worth much more to the economy than that provided by the late unlamented obese Arab, and so possessed a certain influence over the King.
Anthonius was bound spreadeagled to the frame of the guillotine and his reddened sore genitalia, with extended ball sac, were squeezed through the chopping hole. The centre of the boy's body was tied immovably to the contraption and the ringlet of the triggering device attached to the head of his still fully erect cock. Sacred invocations were uttered by the Highpriest before all eyes, including those of the sacrificial victim, turned to the Archpriest, Ebana, sat in the royal box. The King deliberately paused to tease the former Prince.
Anthonius' eyes, trying to hold back their tears, met those of the smirking Ebana. The boy recognised that no mercy would come from the King and he was right as the man eventually gave a signal to the Highpriest. This resulted in the guillotine safety mechanism being disabled and the little bag containing excited bees being suspended from the former Prince's hard ivory-like white penis, immediately sending pleasurable vibrations down its whole length.