P ueros- Z elamir A rchive



The Lycian Prince

(1st version)

Chapter 61 - Arabs

Anthonius celebrates his 15th birthday.

(October 291 A.D. - 5 months until Anthonius' nullification [?])

In return for their son's salvation, Vinius' parents adopted Prodicus and afforded the illiterate boy his first education as he was well versed only in sado-masochistic homosexuality. He proved a quick eager learner and within a year had caught up with his adoptive brother, no slouch himself, in terms of academic ability. His new father was later to entrust the older lad with control of all his estates, a task that he handled with great proficiency, paying particular attention to the welfare of the tenants and workers, including the slaves. News of such benevolence, unusual for the time and which actually resulted in record productivity, spread and was never to be forgotten, making his much later appointment as Governor most welcome to the people.

Prodicus quietly maintained a taste for sex of a particular kind. Vinius would enjoy inflicting pain on his older handsome adoptive brother until the younger sibling married at 18. Thereafter, a variety of readily compliant young servants and slaves obliged. However, Prodicus did marry as he wanted children. He treasured his wife and many offspring but still enjoyed a secret weekly flogging, a predilection happily tolerated and even aided by his spouse, grateful for a thoroughly happy union.

Prodicus eventually wanted to broaden his non-sexual horizons. Having assured himself that Vinius was ready to carry on his good work, he left Lycia, with his family and under his new name, for Thessalonika. He intended to try to become one of the eastern Caesar's, Galerius', court administrators, possessing a number of letters of recommendation from prominent Lycians and the then provincial Governor. However, he did not follow through with this intent, perceiving far more potential in the western Caesar's, Constantius Chlorus', son, who happened to be visiting the Macedonian capital at the time of Prodicus' arrival.

Prodicus became one of this man's main advisers instead, his family establishing home for a few years in Trier, in Roman Germania, as a result. His judgement was well placed, although it would be many years before the duo discovered that they had both loved a certain beautiful blonde blue-eyed Lycian.

The obese Arab, who had entertained Anthonius with tests, tortures, sodomy and fellatio in his north African coastal fortress ten months earlier, was staying in his other large luxurious home in Alexandria. He was with his own black nullified eunuch, Impheli, who had inflicted so much pain on the former Prince on behalf of his master. The Arab knew Ebana well, from visiting Nubia to purchase slaves, the trade in which he specialised and which had gained him great wealth. He had dined on the Nubian King's galley before the vessel had sailed for Rome and was expecting another invitation on its return. The Arab's expectation was realised and he was pleasantly surprised to discover the identity of the star entertainer.

The Arab was well aware of Anthonius' successful escape as the boy's new owners had returned to see him to demand the return of the black slaves for whom the white lad had been exchanged, or a monetary equivalent. The Arab did not really feel obliged to comply, as it had been the Africans' carelessness that has caused their loss. However, as he valued their trade, he paid them some gold. The Arab therefore considered that the young Lycian owed him some compensation.

Having been appraised of their previous acquaintance, Ebana was only too happy to permit his guest to extract some retribution from Anthonius, not wanting to displease a very important trading partner. The King's only condition was that the boy was not permanently harmed as he had to be presented to Priapus in perfect condition. Impheli, who had accompanied his master to the banquet, was then dispatched back to the Arab's residence to obtain the necessary apparatus.

Anthonius was aghast to see the sadistic Arab and his cruel black servant amongst Ebana's guests as he stripdanced on the galley's stern platform. The boy's alarm was to be fully justified as, at the end of his erotic performance, his hands were attached with rope to one of the rear sail's crossbeams, so that he was suspended just above the deck. His feet were splayed and bound to rings embedded in the wooden floor.

Impheli, with the help of another servant, had brought two wooden boxes back from his master's villa, one much smaller than the other. The smaller was opened first and inside were eight very sharp thin long needles. Impheli regularly practised their use on young male slaves. The Arab and his eunuch liked the way in which the implements could, if used correctly, inflict great anguish without necessarily visibly marking victims.

As Ebana's white slavegirls now danced on the stern platform, Impheli, holding the box, approached the terrified Anthonius. The black eunuch placed it on the deck in front of the naked boy so that the victim could fully appreciate the evil contents. He then picked up one of the needles to display it in front of the eyes of the appalled lad, who well remembered that it had been the same young sadist who had given him his original nipple rings. The silvery alloy glinted in the light from the flaming torches held in numerous metal stands.

None of the guests, who included the Governor of Egypt, watched the dancing. All eyes were focused on Anthonius as his tormentor presented one tip of the needle to the horrified boy's left nipple, above where the gold ring was embedded. Impheli held it there momentarily with one hand whilst he made the tit stand more upright by pinching it between two fingers of his other hand. The pause also allowed the victim's mind to digest fully the awfulness of what was about to happen. A loud scream then reverberated around the crowded deck as the eunuch pushed the needle through the papilla before stopping when half the metal had penetrated. Another shriek was heard when the righthandside of the boy's body was similarly ornamented.

Impheli now gave Anthonius' cute nose attention, adorning the septum, before turning to the boy's genitals. The black eunuch pulled forward the foreskin on the lad's cock, softened through shock and pain, and placed another needle against the flesh. He smiled at his victim before pushing the implement through the skin to leave the flaccid penis dangling vertically through the weight of the metal, which was displayed horizontally.

Anthonius fainted when a further needle was inserted into the left of his scrotum, carefully avoiding the testicle. He was reawakened to experience the delight of another entering the right orb of his nicely hung sac. The remaining two needles were shoved into the boy's armpits.

The second larger box was now opened. It contained a leather water carrier, a type very familiar to Anthonius from his frequent enemas, but this had a long attachment made from expandable animal bladder, fixed to a narrow but strong slither of wood, at the end of the leather tubing running from the container. Impheli forced the slither of wood and co-joined empty bladder into the boy's rectum until the device could go no further. The carrier was filled and suspended above the traumatised lad from the crossbeam. The victim was soon to feel the gradual expansion of the anal intrusion as water slowly poured into it.

Conversation returned to the guest table as Anthonius' torture now proceeded with less noisy screaming. The sobbing boy was reduced instead to more quiet groaning as he experienced the leisurely expansion of the flexible dildo inside him. The boy, who had long lost track of calendar time, did not realise that his 15th birthday was being celebrated with these torments.

The noise from the tearful Anthonius was increasing as the inexorable flow of water began to cause considerable pain in his backside. The boy started begging for mercy when he felt that his full anus could not possibly accommodate any more of the fluid. However, no-one came to his aid and the outpouring of both liquid and desperate pleas was allowed to continue remorselessly until the container was empty.

Anthonius was permitted to enjoy his agony long after the banquet had finished and the guests departed, as he was left with the needles and dildo inside him overnight. A crew member was assigned to guard the former Prince but he had succumbed to sleep by the time daylight came. The quayside was already busy and many passers-by stopped to look at the boy. One, a rich trader walking with his son, immediately recognised the anguished lad and knew that he had to do something to end his purgatory.

The kind Arab, who had rescued Anthonius from his last African peril, was to attempt to do so again.

Chapter 62 - Heroes

Anthonius meets one of the greatest pre-Muslim Arab thinkers (see also end of chapter 18).

(October 291 A.D. - 5 months until Anthonius' nullification [?])

The first hero was the kind Arab. He immediately climbed the gangplank of the Nubian galley, quiet because everyone was sleeping-in after the festive activities of the previous night. The Arab saw the somnolent black crewman who was supposed to be guarding Anthonius. He awakened the sailor, who slowly regained his feet in puzzlement. "For the boy," the Arab whispered and proffered the man a small bag.

The crewman opened the bag and saw enough gold coinage inside to match at least twenty years' wages. He immediately helped the Arab lower the semi-conscious, deeply traumatised and moaning Anthonius on to the deck from his suspended bondage. The Arab was as disgusted to see the brands all over the boy's beautiful body as Impheli and his master had been delighted, all having previously only seen the lad display two eagles on his front thighs and a circlet of snakes around his navel.

The Arab was also shocked to see the appalling evidence of Anthonius' more recent mistreatment. He decided that he had to be cruel to be kind and, after unbinding the boy and telling the crewman to prevent the lad from collapsing onto the deck, withdrew his ornate scimitar from his equally opulent scabbard. The Arab used the razor-sharp weapon to cut the leather tube that had introduced water into the former Prince. After allowing the liquid to empty from the young ravaged anus, he pulled the cruel expandable dildo out carefully but without ceremony. The Arab also did the same to the evil needles, throwing them onto the deck, before lifting the tortured nude victim, newly 15 years old, over his shoulder.

The Arab was a strong robust man and Anthonius' weight caused him no trouble at all. He and the happy crewman disembarked, the latter to use his unexpected new riches to find a better life for himself in the great Egyptian metropolis. The Arab's pretty son, a little younger than the boy his father was carrying, waited for them on the quayside, unsurprised that his parent had decided to rescue someone in distress.

The kind Arab had used well Diocletian's large reward for his original rescue of Anthonius from north African torment, expanding his trading operations lucratively in the intervening ten months. His specialism, spices from distant lands, much prized by the Egyptians and others within the Empire, was quickly helping to make him one of Alexandria's richest men. The bag of gold that he was carrying was to pay the captain of another ship for the import of more such precious cargo, a transaction that could now be concluded later in the day once his new young guest was safe and on the mend.

Ebana was naturally apoplectic at learning of Anthonius' disappearance. The King could not make up his mind whether the missing sailor was involved or had fled in terror when he discovered, presumably after falling asleep, that his charge had gone. He sent the remaining crewmen out to scour the Egyptian capital for the boy and to investigate who could have been responsible for aiding the escapee but they enjoyed no success.

Ebana began to fear for his trading relationship with the Empire once Diocletian found out that Anthonius had escaped his destiny. The loss of the white boy harem, which was to be despatched to Nubia by the Emperor when the former Prince's penis was returned to him, was now the last of the King's worries. The failure of his expedition to Rome could easily see him bloodily deposed. The monarch knew that he could not leave Alexandria until the lad was returned.

"This is the second time that I've worn your tunics," Anthonius announced as he removed the expensive garment to reveal his wonderful body in complete nakedness before the kind Arab's son. He was lying on a huge bed in one of the luxurious guestrooms of the wealthy trader's splendid villa, in the western suburbs of Alexandria. There was a magnificent view of the sea through the window. "I know," replied 14 years old Hron, who had taken on the task of aiding the 15 years old's recovery himself, "father told me what happened ten months ago. It did after all change our lives. Until then, we were a good proud family but now we are also a wealthy one. We'll forever be grateful to you for that!"

Anthonius had overcome initial shyness at being undressed in front of Hron during the four days that he had spent here. He had instead become accustomed to the twice-daily application of salve that the young Arab, kneeling next to him on the bed, would apply to the healing needle marks and rectum. However, the former Prince, initial distress dissipated, was now concerned that the administrations might bring fresh embarrassment when he found himself becoming hard as his host's lightly tanned, dark-haired dark-eyed son gently rubbed the cream onto some of the most sexually sensitive parts of his anatomy.

At first, Hron politely pretended not to notice, although the feel and sight of his lovely patient's excitement caused his own cock to grow. The 14 years old, instinctively inquisitive, instead bombarded the 15 years old with questions. He insisted on being told the former Prince's life story, often interrupting to ask secondary points. However, he interrogated the guest sympathetically, showing genuine horror and sadness at all the, now many, bad bits of the verbal autobiography and the narrator found himself happy to relate the melancholic tale, finding it therapeutic to share his history with someone. The subject was to be the main topic of their long conversations for a few more days yet.

Hron showed particular interest in the accounts of how Anthonius acquired his rings and brands, and the 15 years old agreed to tolerate the intensely curious14 years old's close examination of all of them. However, the intimate inspection, especially of the cockring, caused the small eagle displayed on the skin just above the former Prince's genitals to become partially hidden by a rampant erection pointing upwards to the navel.

Hron smiled at the wonderful vision and, to the blushing Anthonius' astonishment, could not resist pulling his own tunic above his head and throwing it to the floor, where it was quickly joined by the boy's undergarment. The 15 years old saw that the 14 years old exhibited a similar hard-on.

"I hope you don't mind," declared Hron, "but I didn't want you to be ashamed of your excitement. As you can see, I'm rather aroused as well!" A 15 years old hand soon reached for the rigid 14 years old member, gently pulling to encourage its pretty owner to lie next to him on the huge bed. The duo did not emerge from the guestroom for several hours and, for once, chatter was missing, replaced with quiet pleasurable groans. For Anthonius, the experience was more restorative than the salves.

The second hero was Anthonius for four days later, having already said goodbye to the sombre but understanding kind Arab, he was now doing so to his new lover, the man's son. "Don't do this, Anthonius," begged a sobbing Hron, "you're safe with us and I'm sure that Diocletian won't harm your mother and sister." "As I've said many times," answered the former Prince quietly, patiently and sadly, "I'm not at all sure and I just can't take the risk."

The two boys had argued fiercely for two days over Anthonius' shocking declaration of intent but Hron, even with the assistance of his father, had been unable to dissuade the determined lad. Anthonius looked into Hron's gorgeous tear-stained eyes one last time before kissing his friend. The former Prince, wearing nothing underneath, then removed his tunic and returned the garment to its owner before walking naked up the gangplank onto Ebana's galley.

Within days of the ship sailing, both the obese Arab and his young black eunuch were found murdered, throats cut, in their shared bedchamber, a crime for which no-one was brought to justice. There had been a limit to the kind Arab's generosity towards his fellow humans. Unfortunately, it would be a long time before the avenger discovered that Anthonius' selfless sacrifice on the Alexandrian wharf had not been needed as Queen Irene and Princess Anthonia had already been spirited to safety.

The third hero was Hron and not just because he helped Anthonius to recover fully from his earlier ordeal at Impheli's hands through literal loving tender care. Hron is generally known to history as Hero of Alexandria, great thinker, mathematician and scientist, responsible for many worthy philosophies, discoveries and inventions that have passed down to the modern age. Amongst his accomplishments were geometrical formulae, such as that for the area of a triangle, and many contrivances operated by water, steam and compressed air, such as spectacular fountains, siphon systems and the first practicable fire engine. A device in which recoil of steam revolves a ball or wheel has been described as the first working steam engine.

Hron's writings, all in Greek, include a record of the thoughts of other philosophers. However, the Arab also wanted to document a testament of thanks for the display of courage that had inspired him to try to contribute positively to the world. Few know that Hron's works additionally comprise Anthonius' history, as related by the boy himself and chronicled in his native tongue.

Historical note:

Dates for the life of Hero (Heron or Hron) vary between the third century B.C. and the third century A.D.. There is also conjecture as to his race. My own research leads me to believe that the latter part of this period is correct and that the great man was Arab. A bibliography, relating to various parts of The Lycian Prince and to some of its characters, will be available from the author for any readers interested once the tale is concluded.

Chapter 63 - Nile

Anthonius concludes his journey to Nubia.

(October 291 A.D. - 5 months until Anthonius' nullification [?])

The galley sailed sedately from Alexandria through the Nile delta. Ebana appeared in no hurry to return to his troubled homeland, seemingly enjoying life afloat, especially as he had a beautiful young white catamite to himself. He had naturally been as ecstatic at Anthonius' return as he had been apoplectic at his disappearance. However, he had been able to elucidate little about the boy's days away from the ship other than that he had been rescued from his torment and treated for his wounds by unnamed kind Arabs before being returned. The King was not sure what to make of the story but had the lad flogged anyway for allowing himself to be removed from his regal custody. This did not mean that the former Prince was excused carnal duties as his flagellation was not over-severe, the victim had after all apparently returned voluntarily, and the monarch did not mind sodomising a bottom bearing vivid red stripes.

Anthonius' previous daily routine of work on the oars, lessons and performing dance routines on the stern platform and sexual ones in Ebana's bed had been resumed, the only interruption being when the ship entered the fresh water of the Nile from the salt sea of the Mare Internum. The boy, a good swimmer, was then required to remove his loincloth and jump overboard to clean barnacles and other matter off the hull of the ship whilst it lay at anchor. The naked lad received no help and it took all day to complete the task using a metal scraper. He was permitted only short respites and was exhausted by the time that he had finished. Although there was no requirement to row and he was excused lessons, the former Prince was still required to entertain the King that night.

The galley called in at many riverside cities of first Lower then Upper Egypt, including Naucratis, Heliopolis, Memphis, Antinopolis, Ptolemais Hermia, Coptos, Thebae and Syene, with Ebana enjoying much local hospitality. The King paid his respects at the Great Pyramids, some of his predecessors having ruled Egypt a thousand years previously. He took a party that included, for show, Anthonius performing servile duties, but the boy thereby saw a second wonder of the ancient world during the voyage to his destiny. As the galley eventually approached the border with Lower Nubia, a royal visit was made to the temple at Abu Simbel.

Nubia suffered one of the harshest climates in the world, the country basically being desert and mountains apart from the area bordering the Nile. However, it used to be mineral rich, possessing many gold mines, until they were depleted over time, and once being a major source of ebony, ivory and incense, much secured from lands even further south.

The ancient capital had been located at Napata beyond the 4th cataract of the Nile, just after the mighty river turns back on itself in a gigantic curve before again finally heading south to its source. Gebel Barkal, sacred mountain of Amun, dominated the metropolis. A great temple to this god was located at the base of the mountain, inside which the deity was supposed to reside. Although Napata remained a holy city, the capital was eventually moved much further down the Nile to Meroe, beyond the 5th cataract, because of the Egyptian threat, the two countries enjoying uneasy relationships and many wars over the centuries. However, Ebana's immediate predecessor had moved his administration back north to a town close to the Egyptian border in order to facilitate much needed trade with its neighbour and the wider Roman Empire. His successor renamed it Ebania.

Ebania was on the banks of the Nile before the 2nd cataract. It was not as big, populous or splendid as Napata or Meroe, consisting mainly of low mud-brick buildings. However, it had been the centre of the cult of Priapus and consequently one of its two main structures was the huge Priapic temple. The other was Ebana's half-built pyramid. He would be the last Nubian King to attempt to build a tomb of this kind for himself. Those who succeeded him would, because of the economic hardship that had befallen the country, have to content themselves with tumulus burial sites instead, although most retained the practice of taking sacrificed retainers, horses, camels and donkeys, along with other possessions, with them into the underworld.

The galley would not have been able to reach Meroe, because the Nile through much of Nubia is narrow and possesses many rapids with rocky obstructions, but Ebania, whose status as the capital would not outlive the King, was finally reached in mid-December. It was just seven days before the winter solstice when Anthonius would be expected to participate in a ceremony in the Priapic temple to determine whether he would remain there for life as one of the god's penalslaves. If he failed to draw the single white ball from the bag containing another 63 red spheres, it would also now be just over three months before he would learn, at the vernal equinox and via the same method, whether he too was to become, without further delay, a nullified eunuch.

Chapter 64 - Ebania

(December 291 A.D. - 3 months until Anthonius' nullification [?])

A large crowd gathered at the quayside of Ebania to see the magnificent galley, the likes of which they had not seen before. Few of the populace had borne much enthusiasm for their King's return, being sceptical of the success of his mission. However, after word had spread of the trading arrangements Ebana had secured and the gifts that he had brought back, many had come to the wharf to watch the unloading of the now Nubian vessel. Others preferred to line the main thoroughfare, along which the royal procession would pass from the riverside to the huge sinister Priapic temple, from the steps of which the people had been told that the King would address them later. Meanwhile, the monarch received senior officials, in whom he had entrusted the rule of his country during his absence, onboard ship for audiences in which they would brief him with recent national developments whilst he responded with international news.

Much later, Anthonius was again the last to leave the boat, although this time unbound as there was no possibility of escape. His slavecollar had been removed and he had been washed and groomed extra carefully by the youthful black eunuch before being redressed in the tunic, as well as a fresh loincloth, of a Roman Imperial boy companion. The lad's standing was to be initially maximised to the people in order to emphasise his trophy status. This was further stressed by his positioning in the triumphal parade, about four paces behind Ebana's magnificent new steed, another present from Diocletian.

The sun was relentlessly hot overhead as, to now cheering throngs, few of whom had seen white people previously, the cavalcade proceeded slowly from the quayside along the wide road. Anthonius was grateful for the liberal re-application of oil to protect the uncovered parts of his body from the searing sunlight. However, he was also very frightened. Apart from the young slavegirls, who followed him, his was the only white face to be observed amongst thousands of blacks. He could also see, directly in front, the ominous enormous rectangular dark shape of the windowless Priapic temple, where all of the now many nullified eunuchs, whom he had known, had been emasculated. The boy fearfully wondered whether this really was to be his true destiny, to live in that unmanned state for the rest of his life within the edifice that he was gradually approaching.

The building loomed bigger and bigger until Anthonius could clearly make out the massive sacred phallic symbols of Priapus carved in the exterior stonework. Despite the heat, the sight caused the boy to shiver.

The procession eventually arrived in the extensive square in front of the temple, Anthonius' feelings of terror and doom increasing with every step forward. He saw that a group of men and boys had gathered at the top of the temple steps, around what appeared to be the main entrance. The boy surmised correctly from their attire, long black robes for the adults and similar but sleeveless and shorter garb for the youngsters, all emblazoned with red phalluses, that they were some of the Priapic priests and acolytes.

The people crowded into the square as the parade disbanded, Ebana and his senior cohorts dismounting their horses to climb halfway up the long wide steps. The only people who followed them were Anthonius and the youthful eunuch, the latter guiding the former by his arm. The rest of the cavalcade departed for the royal palace, which was actually nothing more than a large villa. The tremulous former Prince, observing the slavegirls leaving towards their own destinies, wondered when he would see another white person again.

Ebana's speech, recording the successes of his visit to Rome and the largesse provided by the great Emperor Diocletian, which the populace had seen paraded through the capital, regularly received tumultuous cheers. However, the loudest acclaim came for the further public display on the steps of the temple of the beautiful Anthonius and the announcement that the white boy, Prince of Lycia and young aid to Diocletian, was to be offered, through Roman Imperial generosity, as a penalslave to Priapus at the winter solstice in 7 days.

Word had already been sent to the Highpriest about the new unique offering's imminent arrival and a couple of his liturgy now came to collect the white benefaction at a nod from their king. The two smirking priests took one of the very scared boy's arms apiece and led him to the top of the steps. The other smiling liturgy, extremely pleased to see such a delightful new donation to their god, divided to allow the duo and their charge to pass through the large open doorway of the temple.

Anthonius glanced behind to see the square bathed in hot sunlight and full of cheering people. This was in stark contrast to his new environment. Coolness, almost a chill, immediately hit him as he entered the dark of the empty entrance corridor. The boy, cock embarrassingly hard despite his terror, smelt strange fragrances whilst his eyes became accustomed to the gloom, lessened only by wall torches. As he as his escorts advanced deep into the innards of the terrible place, the light and apparent size of the doorway behind rapidly diminished. The lad began to discern smaller phallic carvings before noticing, to his horror, the many dishes containing severed black genitalia in preservative fluid also lining the passageway walls. Although he had been briefed about such display, the former Prince almost fainted at his first sight of the severed organs.

Anthonius did not know that the Priapic Highpriest, who now waited to greet him, had already selected a bowl in which to show off prominently the temple's first young white genitals.

Chapter 65 - Lottery

(December 291 A.D. - 3 months until Anthonius' nullification [?])

The frightened Anthonius was brought by his priestly escorts to a wide side stairwell down which they descended before proceeding along another passageway, also adorned with Priapic phallic symbols of both the artificial and real kind. A door was eventually reached upon which one of the priests knocked. The entrance was opened and Anthonius immediately appreciated that beyond was what appeared to be a small shrine.

The Highpriest, dressed similarly to the priests although his black robe displayed an even larger red insignia, was sat on a wooden throne, with Priapic carvings, flanked by two acolytes and in front of a high free-standing phallus. Behind the large edifice, a downpour of sacred Nile water ran from a hole in the ceiling into a circular low-walled bath, from which the liquid emptied rapidly through small drainage apertures. It was a form of primitive constantly running shower. There were also the usual carvings and bowls containing young genitalia in cubby-holes on the walls.

The quaking Anthonius was brought before the Highpriest. The boy knew, from his lessons in ritual from the youthful eunuch, whom he would not see anymore, what he had to do. After his arms were released by the priests, the lad bowed and awaited instruction, now also being conversant with the rudimentaries of the local language. He would not have to prostrate himself before any of the liturgy unless he became a Priapic penalslave, officially remaining a Roman Imperial boy companion in the interim.

The escorting priests departed leaving Anthonius alone with the Highpriest and his pair of 15 years old acolytes. The latter were not, unlike the Priapic priesthood, permanent fixtures in the temple. Boys who met the usual physical stipulations could be nominated by their families to serve Priapus for two years in such a capacity. Each priest was allocated a pair to assist them with their duties, which never included sexual favours as this was regarded as sacrilegious and, anyway, there were plenty of Priapic male prostitutes to satisfy such needs. Acceptance for and service in the role was considered a great honour, and former acolytes were granted privileges within wider Nubian society not granted to others, securing for many much better livelihoods than could otherwise be expected.

"I shall inspect you!" announced the smiling Highpriest and Anthonius, having practised the ritual whilst at sea, placed his hands on his head, causing his short tunic to rise so that the bottom of his loincloth flaps became visible. He counted silently to ten before turning to his right, hands still on head. He recounted the same number before again turning to the right so that the Highpriest could view his rear. Two more rightward movements and counts of ten brought the boy back facing the liturgical threesome.

Anthonius then removed his tunic, throwing it to one side, and repeated the exercise, covered by just his skimpy loincloth. The boy's hidden cock embarrassingly expanded further as he followed the procedure, which, once completed, was again replicated but without the benefit of his detachable loincloth flaps. He saw the smirks on the faces of the two acolytes as they perceived the clear outline of aroused 15 years old genitalia under the remaining sparse undercloth.

Anthonius blushed from head to toe as he finally removed his last cover to begin to complete the inspection routine, nude and exhibiting a throbbing erection. As previously instructed, when his back was turned to the Highpriest, the boy bent over and used his hands to spread his bumcheeks so that the man could check the still remarkably tight and pink, but far from virgin, sphincter. He also advanced towards his examiner one he had resumed a face-forward position.

The Highpriest picked up a metal spatula-like implement, which he used to inspect Anthonius' excited genitals very intimately, lifting up the cock to look at the underneath and weighing the balls inside the delicious curves of the nicely hanging and clearly defined orbs of the boy's scrotum. Despite now being 15 years old, the smooth hairlessness of the lad's body and sexual organs had been carefully maintained by both Diocletian's and Ebana's nullified black eunuchs through daily application of appropriate very effective herbal creams, whose formulas have been sadly lost over time.

After the conclusion of the genital examination, Anthonius finished the inspection ritual by stepping backwards and bowing again. "You may receive purification!" declared the Highpriest and the two grinning acolytes, delighted at the delicious sight of the first white they had ever seen, a beautiful specimen adorned with erotic gold rings and brandmarks, now took control of matters and moved towards the naked boy. Each held one of the lad's arms and guided him to the purification area.

Anthonius had been trained in this rite as well and, arms released, bowed before the downpour before stepping underneath it. His body immediately developed goosepimples and shivered because the water, despite the high temperatures outside, was cool. The boy counted silently to thirty before turning to his right. Another ninety seconds and three further rightward movements saw him able to step out of the sacred water but not to be dried by artificial means. It was sacrosanct that his chilled nude body had to dry naturally, although one of the acolytes did restore his golden silky but very damp hair to some form of order with a comb.

Anthonius was now subjected to further ritualistic inspections in front of the Highpriest, first still nude, second with his full loincloth, but not his tunic, restored, before his hands and elbows were tied together behind him. The bondage was not to prevent escape but to deter masturbation as the offering was to be kept celibate. After bowing again to the man, the boy was led by the acolytes out of the shrine to a nearby empty cell, clean but devoid of amenities. The sturdy wooden door, with a tiny window, was opened and the lad pushed inside. He heard the door locked behind him.

Anthonius sat in a corner of the dark room, the only illumination coming through the door window from the oil lamps and torches in the corridor outside. The boy moved his legs up against his body for warmth and began to cry. His feeling of foreboding being added to by his sense of lonely despairing desolation.

Anthonius would be subjected to the inspection and purification rites every day that he remained in the temple. For the next six days, these were supplemented by subsequent brief ritualistic dancing, unaccompanied by music, so that the Highpriest could check the boy's proficiency, as such activity would be a key integral part of later public ceremonial. The man was very surprised at the lad's ability as he had never seen anyone better.

Anthonius was also taken the following evening to see that day's genital sacrifice ceremony through a small open window next to the entrance through which the ceremonial participants arrived in the huge roofed amphitheatre. It was a viewing location not visible from the crowded spectator terraces, full of feasting black faces.

Anthonius saw several young temple male prostitutes, attired in black loincloths with red Priapic motif, perform quite a decent, albeit lengthy, erotic dancing routine to accompanying percussion music. The pretty sacrificial offering, about 14 years old and dressed in an obverse coloured loincloth, was then unbound from two stakes, situated several paces in front of the altar, to which the boy had been attached spreadeagled facing the entertainment. Two acolytes led the clearly terrified lad before the genital guillotine, itself just in front of a monumental black stone altar phallus. The youngster was presented with the red cloth bag with Priapic emblem that contained 64 balls, one of which would decide his destiny. His shaking right hand reached inside and he slowly pulled out a sphere. To everyone's disappointment, except his own and the watching white boy's, the object was painted black.

Anthonius therefore had to be returned the next day to observe but again a black ball was retrieved. However, the 13 years old on the former Prince's third viewing was not so lucky. The young, now uselessly struggling, naked offering was fixed immovably to the genital guillotine, his lovely smooth sexual organs displayed nicely through the tight-fitting chopping hole. The triggering mechanism was attached to the end of his erection, boosted by many days of forced celibacy and infusion of strong aphrodisiacs, and the little bag of excited bees was suspended from the rigid penis. An acolyte placed a small red bowl with Priapic emblem in front of the cockhead to gather the inevitable semen, another similar dish having already been situated on the ground underneath to collect the inevitable severed genitalia.

Anthonius could see from the sacrificial victim's facial contortions that he was desperately trying to fight off orgasm but his cock was still expanding as a result of the vibrations being felt throughout its throbbing length. The boy suddenly screamed as he came and, despite the wild shouting from many of the thousands of excited watchers, he heard the trigger release the emasculating blade. The lad fainted just after the razor-sharp implement had swiftly completed its work for the day. The Highpriest advanced to collect the bowl from the ground to walk around the ceremonial area, with the dish held high so that everyone could view the neatly severed organs. Meanwhile, priests attended to the unconscious victim to ensure that another young black nullified eunuch was available for auction. The secret of their success in regularly managing this feat, which had defied the Romans, was quick and efficient cauterisation followed by frequent subsequent cleaning of the terrible injury using herbal salves. The Nubians had realised the importance of such careful attention at a time when bloody wounds were generally treated more cursorily and unhygienically.

The shocked Anthonius, observing the scene from his window, realised that what he had just seen would happen to him, but with more trimmings, in 3 months unless his own lottery draw proved more favourable. However, he also knew that the odds were very much against him.

Anthonius was not required to watch the next two days' ceremonies but was again a guest at that taking place on the winter solstice when the one current penalslave, awaiting the sacred ruling regarding his own unmanning, was to discover his fate. The former Prince saw the pretty black 14 years old dance before making his own draw. The ball was red but the boy did not struggle as he was stripped of his loincloth and tied spreadeagled to the two stakes, this time facing the altar, seemingly having accepted his fate long ago as he too had faced odds of 63:1.

Leather guards were attached to the penalslave's shoulders and the trained sacred cheetah, massive member already rampant in anticipation, was brought in to resounding cheering. Screaming was the prominent sound after the animal rose on its hind legs to mount the boy, although mercifully not for long as the recipient of the creature's sexual attentions fainted. The priests were not able to revive the lad fully until the creature had finished and withdrawn, leaving a vast amount of sperm both inside the victim and running down the insides of his legs. However, once the 14 years old had regained full consciousness and the cheetah had departed to more enhanced shouting, some priests began the genital torture that would precede the genital sacrifice. Anthonius closed his eyes as he could not watch any more. He somehow knew that he would suffer the same ordeal at the vernal equinox, having spent an almost equally discomforting interim three months. Tears flowed down the white boy's cheeks.

Anthonius himself, as he knew, was to be the centre of ritual in the sacred amphitheatre on the following day. For the occasion, he was dressed as a Lycian Prince above the loincloths of a Roman Imperial boy companion. He had last worn the royal attire to stripdance from at one of Diocletian's banquets, deliberately arranged by Casperius and Lysus to emphasise the boy's loss of status and degradation. It was now worn here to stress the unprecedented importance of the offering to Priapus.

Anthonius had to go through the inspection and purification rituals before being attired and escorted by the Highpriest and acolytes to the packed expectant sacred amphitheatre. The sound inside was already extremely loud before the quartet arrived. As the double entrance doors from the bowels of the temple to the ceremonial area were swung open and the small party advanced through, the sound reached a crescendo, with even Ebana, in the royal box, cheering loudly.

Anthonius was eventually left alone in the middle of the ceremonial area, the huge black altar phallus and bloody genital guillotine in front of him, the royal box behind, above the entrance doors, and many thousands of raucous Nubians all around. The crude percussion music began and the boy started his long erotic ritualistic stripdance, well-executed, whilst the spectators were partially quietened by the arrival of the first of their many feast courses.

Anthonius' face became redder and redder, and not from exertion, as he gradually disrobed before the massive tumultuous throng until he was left wearing only his skimpy loincloth. It was be the first time that most of the spectators had seen the boy's uncovered body and many wondered loudly if all whites were so delicious and adorned with such jewellery and brands. The boy's intense discomfort was compounded by observing the many severed black sexual organs displayed all around the ceremonial area in dishes of preservative.

The music finally finished to announce Anthonius' first fateful moment in this terrible place. The tremulous boy was presented with the bag of 63 red balls and single white sphere. The choice of one of the former would mean penal servitude for life in this terrible place, with another similar draw in three months, after much harsh treatment in between, to determine whether he kept his genitals. Selection of the white orb would entail a return to Diocletian. The boy prayed to his gods as he placed his right hand in the bag. To cheering that seemed to cause the huge building to vibrate, the withdrawn ball was then seen to be red.