MaiocxxAlternate ending of Patrick'sI bought five little boy slaves |
IntroductionThis story is an alternative ending for Patrick's "I bought five little boy slaves", starting where the Part Six ends. Patrick also continues writing, so the story is diverted into two endings.Why these two endings? Maiocxx sent me and Patrick on 13 March 2008 the following mail: The continuing story "I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves" is, without a doubt, the finest I have ever read of this genre. No other story has so captivated me in my 50+ years. I feel as though I'm there with Mike and the boys. It is not only a well-crafted sexual adventure; it is a triumph of the human spirit as well. A story of the heroic survival of six young boys in the face of unspeakable injustice and cruelty.And with this mail Maiocxx send a draft version for the rest of the story. Draft version? No, an almost complete story of 2,500 words with many details 3;, very modest Maiocxx remarked: Well that's it. I hope you like it and will consider it. Of course, it still needs much work, especially dialogue. I have not paid much attention to this, since you are a much more skilled wordsmith. My hope was to convey a sense of the plot, not to dictate. I did like his version and suggested to Maiocxx and Patrick to publish it as an alternative ending.
Patrick answered: Thank you very much for your mail. First let me say thank you for the compliments. I really like writing this story and I hope I'll be able to continue and meet your expections. I never had thought that someone might get into the story so much that he decides to write his own version. Of course, it's different to what I had planned, but not entirely. So here it is! Maiocxx extended his draft version to a real story and I publish it here simultaneously with Patrick's original story. Céladon Puerulus
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the authors using this feedback form, please refer to the story title. |
LifeIt is now almost two and a half years since Mike bought the five boys.All of them have bowed to his discipline; they really have no other choice. Except for Marcus, they are 'broken', existing from day-to-day, resigned to their fate and without any hope they will ever be free again. They have nothing to look forward to except endless years of toil and suffering. Indeed they have little memory of what being free means. They have simply become obedient slaves and little punishment is needed. Although Mike continues to love each of them, discipline is still harsh; his sadist streak comes thru periodically and they are treated to pain and humiliation. But not Marcus. Although obedient and hard working and a strong leader, Marcus has NEVER been 'broken.' He does what Mike asks of him and tries to rouse the spirits of the others. He treasures the memory of his mother's statement that he will change every person who his life touches. This is what keeps his flame of hope alive; he really believes their lives will change. He doesn't know when or how, but that belief sustains him. With Jan's assistance he has molded the others into a well-tuned team. By this time all boys, have nose, nipple, penis and perineum rings. The latter two, when connected form a simple, but effective chastity device, which only Mike can remove. It is impossible to get an erection when your penis is tightly pulled into your crotch. The boys hate them. Despite the lack of need for formal punishment, the boys, except Nico – yes, even Marcus – are disciplined from time to time hanging from the frame. The whip and the cane are used liberally and the boys are often left bleeding and beyond crying. Mike feels less pleasure each time, but his sadistic nature still drives him. He is frustrated beyond measure, takes out his frustration out on his victims and regrets it later. The boys struggle to bear these sessions with as little screaming as possible and only moderate crying. Tough not-so-little boys. Mike is particularly cruel and savage with Julian, who craves and needs pain to function. One afternoon, Julian curses Mike during one of his 'punishment' sessions on the frame. Mike proceeds to tie him in a very tight and painful hogtie and leaves him suspended, blindfolded from the frame. After an hour or so his cramped muscles have the boy in pure agony. Mike is determined to master this unruly child and forbids the others to release him. That night Julian's periodic shrieks and screams echo through the otherwise silent house. The slaves in their quarters adjacent to the torture room try to ease his torment by giving him sips of water and massaging his tortured limbs. They are too frightened of what Mike might do to them to do more. They had all learned – some of them the hard way – not to interfere with Julian's 'punishment.' Marcus pleads with Mike to release Julian, earns a hard spanking and has to sleep on the floor. Finally, about mid-afternoon the following day, Mike releases Julian and turns his attention elsewhere. Jan and the boys help Julian as best they can, but it is two days before he can even sit properly and almost a week until he can stand or walk unaided. Jan confides to Marcus, "I fear he will go too far one of these days and Julian will be permanently crippled. What will he do with a crippled boy?" The boys have all started into puberty, so Mike must deal with their developing sexual needs without compromising his discipline. As they mature and are able to produce sperm, they are milked every two weeks. He continues to take Marcus to bed and has considered adding Nico to their nightly games. But, he is not yet ready to allow Nico to be a boy again. hile reserving Marcus and Nico for his own use, he occasionally removes the other boy's chastity clips and allows them a night of sexual relief. Every several months, Mike entertains guests, both business and personal. Starved as they are for adult attention, the boys look forward to these affairs, even though they mean a lot of extra work. They are all, especially Timo, proud to show off the skills they have learned. They are proud, too, to show off their growing bodies, having long since ceased to be embarrassed to appear naked and erect in front of adults. Mike removes their chastity devices and allows them to mingle and speak to his guests and the boys, in turn, willingly allow his guests to stroke their bodies and fondle their sexual parts. Timo's delicacies are exquisite, their service is impeccable and, in the candlelight their well oiled bodies glisten like polished brass. Few of Mike's guests, male or female, can resist their exotic charms. While none of them will ever admit it, they all secretly enjoy having their budding bodies stroked and fondled and most of them will enjoy at least one orgasm before the festivities end. After, the guests have departed, they are allowed to finish up the leftover food – Timo always makes sure there is enough. Then, joy of joys a hot shower. Their euphoria last but a day or so before they are back to their grim existence. As Mike sees them growing into young adolescence, he begins to question the system which enslaved these boys for a simple childish prank. He begins to question his role in perpetuating it. Society needs the kind of boys they have become, and a harsh, unjust system has denied it. Just thoughts, however. Sebastian appears to have fully recovered, but his ego is fragile and needs constant reassurance. His little brother, Lucas is allowed to visit from time to time; the visits are important to both of them and Mike realizes this. Except for Barbara, the parents do not visit; it is simply too painful for them and the boys. Sometimes, when Lucas is there, Mike allows all the boys – except Nico, of course – to visit with him and play. Sebastian is more than happy to share his brother's love with the others and, for a short time. the house resounds with boyhood sounds. Trapped in his role as Mike's pet, Nico watches their play longingly and weeps. Barbara visits about every eight or ten weeks, ostensively to check on Sebastian's recovery from his horrific injuries. Mike lets the other boys visit with her as well, judging that a little 'mothering' will go a long way toward helping some of them over the rough spots. He has forbidden her to bring them treats or goodies, but she does manage to insert a few vitamins and nutritional supplements into their monotonous gruel. Except for a few welts and bruises on their behinds – in Julian's case all over his entire body – she finds them in good physical health. Their mental and emotional health is quite another matter. But she must be careful not to make herself unwelcome by overtly criticizing Mike. Each visit she finds the boys a little less human and finally confronts Mike in his office. "Mike, can't you do something to make their life a little less grim. They are all terribly depressed and you are going to loose them, if you don't do something to restore their spirits. Only Marcus seems to retain any hope; he believes fervently that things WILL get better for them. He says it's something his mother told him and he believes it with all his soul." Mike's immediate reaction is anger; how dare she question his methods. "I'm not the one who stole the stupid apples!" he shouts. "I'm not the one who sentenced them!" Then he softens. "I have tried to have their sentences commuted; believe me I've tried. The Court Administrator refuses to even see me any more. I must be very careful not to antagonize the court more or I risk having the boys taken from me." "I'm sorry Mike. I know you have tried very hard to keep them safe. But, unless something changes, I fully believe suicide is not unthinkable for some of them. Not quite yet, but as they get a little older. At least try to grant them a little more free time and some special activities. And take those bloody rings off their privates; they hate those more than anything else. Have you thought what you will do when they are no longer boys?" "Yes, Barbara, I have thought about it, but I just 3; don't 3; know. Thank you for caring about all of them and visiting. I know how painful it is for you." Barbara leaves in tears, as usual. She hopes Mike might heed her warning but is not optimistic. Mike is not ready to remove their chastity devices, but he does allow the boys more free time. He takes them, singly and in groups, on short outings and even takes all of them and Jan to a nearby lake for a day of swimming. While these help to temporarily brighten their moods, in the long run, they only slow, but do not halt their slow spiral downward into depression and hopelessness. As time passes, they loose almost completely that precious spark of boyhood. Even their play becomes wooden and routine. Except for Marcus, their love for Mike becomes rote. Mike continues to war with himself. One afternoon, Mike forces Jan and Marcus to witness his torture of Julian on the frame. Both are sickened and horrified at what they see. After a full hour Mike has used buckets of cold water to revive him several times, but Julian hangs unconscious again, his whole body a mass of bleeding welts. Mike is just about to revive him with another bucket of ice water, when Marcus throws himself at Mike's feet. "Master, please don't hurt him any more! Let me take his place! Please master!" Mike is livid at this unpardonable breach. "How dare you, you cheeky bastard? All right, you'll have your wish and I assure you you'll regret it. Jan, remove this worthless shit. I have a new play toy." "Master, yes. Right away, master." Mike fastens Marcus's wrists to the top bar, jerking him off he feet. Then his ankles so he is spread-eagled in the frame and tightens it until Marcus is almost pulled apart. He then precedes to beat Marcus unconscious. Throwing down his whip, he storms out of the room, leaving Jan two bloody, unconscious boys to deal with. With the help of the others, he treats their wounds and manages to revive them. That night, in bed, Mike holds his battered boy and cries. "Marcus, why did you do that? Why did you offer to take Julian's punishment?" "Master, I was afraid you were going to kill him! I couldn't let you do that! He is my friend and I had to save him, Master." "How can you feel any love for me after that?" "Master, I will always love you and I know you will always love me. That is enough." Mike had no answer for that and they simply hold each other until they fall asleep. DisasterOne morning, as he worked in his office, Jan appeared."Master, there is a man at the door who says he must see you on a matter of great importance, master." "Have him wait in the living room and I will be with him in a moment. Please stay with him until I come." Jan goes off to do his bidding and Mike finished up what he was working on. "It must be one of my clients", he thinks. He is annoyed, as he has asked them NOT to come to his house. He enters the living room and is surprised to find Chris's father, George, is his visitor. "Tell Marcus we have a visitor and ask him to bring us some coffee." "Master, right away, Master." In the aftermath to Chris's trial and sentencing, his mother has retreated into insanity and finally, about a year ago, had to be institutionalized. This left George to bear his own sorrow about his son and still raise little Emily. He seems nervous and is sweating; Mike is puzzled, but not overly concerned. "How can I help you George?" After a long pause, "Mike, we need to talk! At that moment, Marcus, in his visitor's tunic, arrives and George seems even more ill at ease. "Put the coffer on the table and then you may go back to your duties" "Master, right away, Master." As Marcus starts to leave, George grabs him around the throat, pulls a revolver from his pocket, and points it at the base of Marcus's skull. "I have come to take my son out of this hell-hole," he announces. "Bring him to me at once, or I will blow this boy's head off. I can't allow you to rape and beat him any longer. You are evil and I must save my son." Marcus is terrified, but Mike motions him to remain calm. He trusts Mike and offers no resistance. "George. What are you trying to do?" Mike asks. "You know you can't succeed; you will be caught and your whole family will suffer. Think of what will happen to little Emily." "We will escape to another country where I can raise our children in peace. We will be gone before the police can find us. Now, get my son up here before I hurt the boy and you. I don't want to, but I will if I must." "George, you probably don't know this and I am sure Chris doesn't. At the Slave Detention Center, all new slaves have a chip inserted into their bodies, which allows the police to track them instantly. You wouldn't make it out of town." "I don't care. GET THE BOY NOW! And don't try to summon help." To emphasize, he squeezes his hostage's throat until Marcus begins to pass out. Mike sighs. "I have to use the intercom." George watches for a moment; then nods. "Jan, have Chris report to the living room. Marcus is still here with me and will stay. Get the rest of boys and go to the slave room and lock yourselves in. Don't forget Nico." George seems to relax a little. He releases Marcus, who collapses onto the floor, unconscious. He trains his pistol on Mike. Chris arrives, head down and promptly assumes his submissive position. "Get up boy!" Chris is shocked to hear his father's voice, but remains in his position. "Get up, we're leaving here!" Chris still doesn't budge. "George, for the love of Chris, don't do this!" "Master, may I speak, Master?" "Yes, you may look at your father and speak." "Father, you can't do this. You and Emily will be killed! I won't go with you. Yes, I would like to be free, but my life is here. I love you and Emily, and I couldn't bear it if you were harmed. Yes, Mike is cruel. Yes, Mike beats us, but he is a fair master and I love him. If it weren't for him, I would have died in a mine. Look at me; I'm not a fat, sissy any more. Mike did that. I won't go with you. I can't go with you! I won't abandon my friends!" He returned to his position of submission. George bursts into tears. Seeing his opening, Mike shouts," Chris, tend to Marcus!" Mike takes the pistol from George – it is not loaded – slips it into a desk drawer and locks it. Marcus is starting to regain consciousness. " I'll be right back." He frog-marches the sobbing man to the front door. "I will forget you came here, just this once. Do not ever come to this house again, unless I invite you or I will call the police and tell them what you tried to do today. Now go!" And he thrusts George outside and slams the door behind him. He runs back to the living room where Marcus is sitting up weakly. Sweeping both boys into his arms, he hugs them and all of them cry. "Oh Marcus! Are you all right? I thought I would loose you both. Chris, you were magnificent! I don't know how we could have escaped unharmed, otherwise. You are both truly heroes." After a few minutes, "Chris, go to Jan and tell him what happened. He can release the others. Then, both of you come back here." Chris hurries off. Mike continues to cradle Marcus in his arms. "Oh, Marcus! Oh Marcus!" Jan and Chris appear. "Jan, please put Marcus to bed and treat the bruises on his throat. Marcus, you are to rest; I will come to you later. You and Chris both are off duty until tomorrow. Oh, and Chris, from now on, you have my permission to read in my library whenever you have free time. Please know that I love you both very much. Now, leave me!" Seeing their concerned looks, "I'll be all right. I just need to be alone.." Jan picks up the still weak boy and he and Chris leave, closing the door behind them. Mike slumps in his chair more shaken that he wants to admit, but fully aware how close they had been to disaster. George, called him 'Evil!' Was he evil? He would be haunted by that voice every day. That night, during their bedtime, he and Marcus simply hold each other.
CrisisA week or so later, after a particularly savage beating of Julian, Mike takes him down from the frame and holds the bleeding, unconscious boy in his arms. How can he be so cruel to a boy he has come to love so much? A chilling thought comes over him: HE IS EVIL! And, these boys will suffer because of him for the rest of their lives. He is paralyzed; he doesn't know what to do. Then, an even more chilling thought snares him; perhaps he should put them all – and himself – out of their misery.He tenderly lays Julian on the punishment bench and fashions a garrote about the boy's throat [A garrote a ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle someone to death] . Only Marcus's timely arrival to care for Julian's wounds pulls Mike back from that dark precipice. Thoroughly frightened – he saw where Mike was headed – Marcus pick up Julian and runs in search of Jan. Leaving Julian with Timo, they race back to the slave room to try to help Mike. He sits on the floor with the garrote still in his hands, staring into space. Marcus touches him, but he is like a zombie. "I don't know what's wrong with him! He was going to kill Julian. I've never seen him like this!" "I haven't either, but we will have to be very careful until he recovers from whatever caused this." Neither boy wants to think about what might happen if Mike became truly unhinged. They get Mike to his bedroom, undress him, and put him to bed. "I'll stay with him", offers Marcus and he crawls in beside him where he remains for the rest of the day and night. That night, after securing the others, Jan returns and beckons Marcus into the hall. "How is he." "No different; he hasn't moved." "Marcus, I'm going to spend the night right here. Please don't hesitate to call me if you can't handle Mike." "But Jan. what can we do; we're slaves?" Jan holds Marcus by the shoulders and looks him straight in the eyes. "Marcus, I am loyal to Mike as my master, but I simply will not allow you be harmed. I will die before I allow Mike to harm any of you!" Marcus hugs him and then returns to his post. Mike seems in a fever. He tosses and mumbles "Evil!" over and over as Marcus strokes him and tries to comfort him. "Jan was right," he thinks. "Mike surely is in some sort of great turmoil. Will he recover?" Toward morning, Mike finally sleeps and Marcus heaves a great sigh of relief. He lies there with his own thoughts, "Was his mother right? Will he change their lives? Or is it to late?" Morning comes. Mike is still shaken by what almost happened, but seems to have recovered. Assuring Jan and Marcus that he is OK, he sends them off to their duties, little guessing that Marcus's faith, love and patience is about to be rewarded.
DeliveranceThat morning, he is summoned to the, office of the District Court Administrator. He has no idea what they could possible want from him. Arriving there he is greeted by John Runion, a representative of the Appellate Court and receives astounding news. Mr. Runion reads from a document:
"Mr. Michael Cameron, you are currently in possession of six boys slaves, five of which you purchased more than two years ago and the sixth you secured from the Ajax Mining Company. You summoned Dr. John Carothers to treat one of them, Sebastian Martin, for life-threatening injuries suffered while owned by the Ajax Mining Company. "I have an official order of the court for you, setting forth these matters." He hands Mike an envelope. Michael is speechless! He leaves in a daze, stumbles home and retreats to his office. His emotions are mixed; he is euphoric that they might have a second chance but saddened to think he might loose them if they are set free. He feels a calmness, his demons have been banished. But he must carry out the court order. After an hour, he composes himself and tells Jan to assemble the boys in the living room. When they are all in place in their submissive positions, he orders them to stand, even Nico, who has to be helped. The boys are terrified as to what might have happened. He tells them. There is a shocked silence. At first they consider he is playing with their minds, a cruel new way to punish them. But he assures them he is not playing with them and the meaning of what he has told them begins to sink in. After more than two years, this was beyond their wildest hopes. As they began to comprehend they might be free again, there is pandemonium, laughing, crying. Suddenly they stop, and swarm Mike, as they know he is the one who has saved them and brought them thru this trial. They love him deeply. After some time, they are all exhausted and must rest for a time. In the meantime, Mike has all kinds of practical concerns:
The boys continue to function, keeping the house going, but with joy rather than resignation. Sleeping and meal arrangements are worked out. Timo is nearly overwhelmed, but managed to craft suitable 'family' meals. Marcus is assigned to help Nico become a boy again. Trips to the other parents are made with similar results. Nico's mother is particularly overwhelmed; he is a boy again. For Marcus, there is no one to tell and only Mike to share his joy. The day of the trial arrives. Dressed in shorts and shirts and, the boys sit in the prisoner's dock, with Thomas and Mike behind them. The other parents and siblings sit in the visitor's gallery. "Here ye, here ye! The Superior Appellate Court for the 5th District is now in session, the Honorable Mary Whyte, presiding. All rise." The judge takes her place and the trial is underway. "Before proceeding to the matter at hand, I want to offer my most sincere apologies to these six boys and their families, for the gross miscarriage of justice perpetrated upon them by corrupt former officials of the court. I wish to commend you, Mr. Cameron for having the foresight to purchase these boys and keep them from harm so they might appear here today. Who is here to represent the parents of these boys?" Thomas speaks, "I am Thomas Martin, father of Sebastian, and represent all the parents here today." "Your honor, I am Michael Cameron, former owner of these boys, and am here in support of Marcus Shay, who is an orphan." "Very good! Bailiff, please read the charges and receive the please of the defendants." The bailiff reads the single theft change and receives a guilty plea from each boy. Before pronouncing sentience, the judge asks for Statements from the parents and the boys. Thomas represents the parents. He apologizes for the boys' behavior, but admits their guilt. He tells the judge all the parents are unanimous in their in their gratitude to Mike for keeping their sons safe during their ordeal. They would ask the court to allow the boys to remain with Mike during and after whatever penalty the court may impose as they believe completely that he is best qualified to see them become useful and productive citizens." Mike can hardly speak, but he, too, asks for the boys to remain with him. Then, Marcus speaks for the boys. "I know we have done wrong and must be punished. Mike has taught us how to be good boys. I never lost hope that someday we might be free boys again. We never doubted Mike's love even though he punished us hard. We are ready to accept, without complaining, whatever the court decides. We hope that we may be free again some day." The judge was visibly moved at this statement from an 11-year old boy. After considering these statements and the injustice that had been dealt the boys she ruled: "Marcus Shay, Sebastian Martin, Nicholas Senolli, Timothy Zantel, Julian Bond and Christopher Dantz, I find you guilty of one count of Petty Theft. Although you have been shamefully treated and I believe you have learned your lesson, I cannot allow you to escape punishment entirely. I sentence you to serve two years and six months slavery 3;" The boys gasp; they had hoped the judge might free them. " 3;with credit for time already served. This means that your terms will end one month from today. You will serve this sentence as slaves of Michael Cameron and in his household. "Further, at the expiration of your terms, you will remain wards of the court, under Mr. Cameron's supervision and in his household until you reach your 18th birthdays. He will be responsible for your care and education, with funds provided by your parents and from the assets seized from the mining company. Bailiff, have the slaves taken into custody." The judge closes the court. As is the custom with newly sentenced slaves, the boys are stripped, gagged, blindfolded, chained together and led away. The guards treat them roughly and they are soon delivered to Mike's slave pen. After boys are lead away, Mike shakes hands with the parents and thanks them for their confidence. With the support of the Judge Whyte, he files a petition to adopt Marcus at the end of his sentence.
DestinyWhen he arrives home, the boys are again chained naked, gagged and blindfolded in the slave room. He orders Jan to release them, recuff and collar them and reattach their chastity clips and assemble them in the living room. There he finds them kneeling in submission.Except for meals, strict slave discipline is re-instituted, to include cuffs, collars and chastity devices. Julian rebels. "Mike, do we have to go thru this shit?" "Silence, slave. How dare you. Markus, punish this unworthy slave." Marcus had hoped they might escape punishment entirely during the remaining month of their terms. Now Julian has spoiled it on their very first day. He seizes his whip and beats Julian's ass until it is red and raw again and Julian is reduced to tears. When he is finished, he hands his whip to Mike, bends over and receives his punishment. Although it hurts terribly, he utters not a sound. The slaves resume their previous roles; except for Nico who is remain a boy; he will help Timo in the kitchen. At the end of the day, Marcus and Nico go to Mike's room and the others once again to their slave room. As usual, Mike takes Markus to bed and, for the first time, invites Nico to join them. He eagerly accepts and the two spend most of the night instructing Nico in the arts of pleasing him. The boys resume their daily routines with little complaint and minimum punishment. Before the end of their sentence, they are milked one final time and disciplined on the frame to remind them of difficult life they will soon leave and how fortunate they are to do so. This is Nico's first time on the frame and he is terrified. Their penis and perineum rings are removed. Julian objects to this, but is overruled. That night and for several night thereafter, there is much bed sharing in the slave room. A casual observer might conclude the slaves think hot saliva is the only cure for their sore penises. But they are hungry for the pleasure of each other's bodies they have been denied so long. Each boy is to choose if he wants the nose and nipple rings to remain. All of them want to keep their nipple rings, but only Julian and Sebastian keep their nose rings. A new wing is constructed on the house containing individual rooms for the boys, classrooms, and a gymnasium and pool. The seized assets of the mine help to pay for it. The following week two more court notices are delivered, one for Mike and one for Jan. Jan opens his first. It is a court order commuting his sentence to time served. He is free! He is jubilant at first, then fearful. "Oh Master, where will I go? What will I do?" "Jan, I am very, very happy for you and I want you to know that you will always have a home here for as long as you wish. I would like to employ you as my house manager at a salary we will agree on – I think you will find it generous. I hope you will accept." "Oh Master, how can I ever thank you." "Jan, I am no longer your master. You may call me Mike or sir. As to thanks, I am the one who should thank you. Without you, the boys and I could not have survived. Do you remember that dark day when I almost killed Julian? If you and Marcus and not intervened and cared for me, I would have killed him, I'm sure. And the rest of you and myself shortly afterward. So, you see, you literally saved my life and all of the boys. I will forever be in your debt for that." "Now, I anticipated this might happen, so I set aside a room for you just off the main wing. You will find some suitable clothes there as well as other things you might need. Go and get dressed and tell the others. Then come back here as we have much work to do to turn these young hellions into civilized boys again." "Oh yes, Mas 3; Mike. Right away!" A few moments later, Mike hears a sustained cheer from elsewhere in the house. The boys evidently agree with the court's judgment. Mike's envelope contains two documents The first outlines changes in the law which public outrage at their case has forced:
During this last month, each evening the boys gather in the living room after dinner to discuss and plan their new lives:
Just before midnight, the slaves kneel in the living room. Since he had been a small, but important visitor to their house, Lucas, is invited to share their moment of release and his father agrees at once. He insists on being naked, just like his big brother, and stands next to Mike beaming out at his special friends. One by one, Mike calls them forward to remove their cuffs and collars assisted by Lucas. He kisses each one before he returns to his place in line. Last of all is Marcus. After removing his cuffs and collar, Mike holds him at arms length and asks him, "Marcus, would you consider honoring me by becoming my son?" For a moment, Marcus is speechless. Then he springs into Mike's arms with a shout, "Oh yesssss!" Mike tells him the adoption will be final at midnight. He tells the others, "Although he will be my son, he is still part of your team and will have the same privileges as each of you." They hug and cry before Marcus returns to the line to the applause of the others. Lucas gathers up the cuffs and collars and slips away. The boys remain in their submissive pose. Marcus is directed to give each boy one last cut of his whip across his rump, his final punishment. They take this without a murmur. Marcus hands his whip to Jan and receives his final punishment, one cut for each of the slaves he just punished. Although the whip stings, he does not cry or flinch. Mike rises from his chair and falls on his knees in front of the boys. "This will be the very last time you kneel before me as slaves. I will no longer be your master. I hope to remain your friend and guide. I want you to know that I will I love each of you forever and how truly sorry that I have caused each of you so much pain. I want you to know how proud I am of your courage to bear the horrible life you have had, and I pledge to you I will do everything in my power to make your future lives joyous and exciting. You have taught me much about love and friendship and what it means to be a whole person." It is now a minute until midnight. The boys wait quietly, barely able to control their excitement. As the clock strikes 12, they rise and tenderly embrace each other. One by one, each boy goes to Mike and throws his arms around him. As he feels each naked boy pressed against him, he sobs like a little child. Each one whispers to him, "I love you, Mike! Thank you for keeping me safe!" Then he scampers off to explore his new room and sleep, (well maybe) in his new bed for the very first time. Last of all is Marcus, who pulls Mike to his feet. Arm in arm, father and son go off to Marcus's new room next to Mike's. Jan stands and saviors the memory of all that has happened since he came into this household. He hears the sounds of celebration from the new wing and smiles. He turns out the lights and makes his way to his room, where an excited little eight-year old named Lucas is eagerly awaiting him. THEY ARE FREE!
The Alternative End |
NoteIf your read this while reading Patrick's story, you can continue reading Patrick's original by clicking here. |