I Bought Five Little Boy Slaves
Chapter 19-23
Chapter 19 Luke Meets His Brother
I sat on my desk making a phone call as I heard the door bell. Marcus or Jan would respond so I didn't care further. A few minutes later I noticed Jan standing in the open door to my office. I asked the caller to hold the line.
"Yes, Jan?"
"Master, I'm sorry for disturbing you, Master. There is a little boy asking for his brother. He wouldn't go away, Master."
"Well, bring him in."
Jan bowed and left. I finished the phone call and turned around as I heard the boys entering. On Jan's hand clung a small six year old boy, clearly fascinated of the naked teen's cock in a weird cage.
"Hey Luke, my little friend. What's up?"
I knelt down and opened my arms to greet him. We had always fun together and I liked the boy as I liked his brother.
"Uncle Mike!" the boy shouted as he ran into my arms.
After a good hug I lifted him up and carried him to the couch where I placed him on my lap as I sat down. Jan was dismissed. After some tickling and other funny touches I asked him why he came to me.
"Uncle Mike
3; uumh
3; my mom says Sebastian had done bad things and was taken away so he can't play with me again but in school the older boys said he is in your house. Is he and can I play with him?" he asked in his little boy's way.
I sighed. I had expected him to find out sometime but had hoped it would not be so fast. Anyway, he was here and I had to deal with.
"Well Luke, it is true that your brother had done something very bad even if he didn't intend to do so. It's called a crime. If adults do a crime they were sent to a prison where they are locked in for a long time. But if boys do a crime they become slaves. Do you know what a slave is? No? I'll tell you. You know that children had to obey their parents or their teachers. If they do not they will be punished. But apart from that you can pretty much do what you want like you did as you decided to come to my house. But a slave can't do that. A slave has a master and he had to do what the master tells him. He isn't allowed to do anything else."
The boy looked at me with wide eyes.
"Luke, you have clothes and toys at home and that belongs to you. Your brother had a golden hamster that belonged to him. A slave owns nothing. But a slave belongs to his master as the hamster had belonged to your brother. A slave isn't a free boy anymore. He is like a horse in a stable or a dog in a cage. Pets can be bought or sold. Slaves can be bought or sold too. I know that's cruel but that is the law."
I didn't expect Luke to understand what I said completely but he was clearly scared.
"Luke, your brother did a crime and he is a slave now. The boys in your school are right. He is in my house because I have bought him. He is my slave now, he belongs to me. I'm sorry Luke, but Sebastian can't go home with you. The law doesn't allow him to go home to you and your parents anymore."
Luke burst in tears now. I held him tightly and let him cry into my chest.
"Sebastian has to work now, Luke, and has not much time to play. But I will see if he can spend a few minutes with you right now. Please wait in the living room."
The boy managed a weak smile between his sobs and nodded. Sebastian was in the basement doing the washing. I called him.
"Boy, you have a visitor."
He looked at me clearly confused.
"I know that is very unusual but I couldn't send him away. I hope you remember how you have to behave with a guest in my house."
"Master, yes Master."
He shuffled behind as I entered the living room. He had his hands behind his head and kept his eyes down so he couldn't see who was waiting for him. When we stopped he sunk to his knees. Luke started to run to his brother but I caught him. Kneeling beside him I explained.
"As I said he is a slave. He won't do anything without being told to. Look up, slave!"
Sebastian lifted his head. His eyes got wide as he saw his little brother. His emotions were divided between delight to see his brother again and embarrassment to have to kneel naked in front of his younger sibling. Luke approached his older brother and wrapped his arms around his neck. Sebastian remained passively.
"Luke, if you want him to do something you have to tell him."
"Hug me, bro," the young boy said.
Sebastian obeyed but was clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
"If you want him to talk to you you'll have to allow him to talk."
"I allow you to talk, bro."
"Sir, yes Sir. Thank you Sir." Sebastian said meekly.
I could sense the effort it took for Sebastian to call his little brother 'Sir'. He was on the verge of crying. I asked Luke to let him go.
"Luke, do you understand what I have told you before?"
He nodded.
"Good. I'll leave you now. Sebastian will do what you want as long as it is not against my orders. Please stay in this room."
"Yes Mike."
"Sebastian, you can relax a bit. Play or talk with Luke, or, if you need, have a good cry together."
"Master, yes Master. Thank you, Master."
I kissed both boys on their forehead and left. The boys looked at each other in silence for a while. Eventually little Luke said with tears in his eyes
"I miss you, bro."
Sebastian could not longer maintain his submissive behaviour and pulled his little brother into his arms. He swayed him around. A few months earlier he had thought of Luke mostly as pain in the ass but now he found out how much he missed him too. They had really a good cry together.
"You can't go home with me, can you?" Luke finally asked.
"No Lukey, I can't." Sebastian answered. "I have to stay here."
"But why?"
"Lukey, I did something very stupid. I lost my freedom and have to do what Mike, uumh I mean Master, says."
The little boy was in tears again.
"Hey, it isn't that bad. Sure I have to work for him but he is really a quite good master and after all I didn't have to go to school."
Sebastian tried to cheer him up.
"Cool. I don't want to go to school."
"Lukey, listen to me. School sucks, nobody knows better than me. But if you learn well you will get a good job and maybe some day you can buy me free. Until then please think twice before you are up to no good."
"I will, 'Bastian."
They had another cry together but eventually all tears were shed. Luke remembered why he came originally. He took a card game out of his pocket.
"Do you play with me?"
Sebastian recognized the stupid comic card game his brother loved so much. At home he had always teased him how silly this game was until his brother had started to cry. But now he agreed. He still thought his brother was too old for this game but he enjoyed every minute he could spend with him. Beside that he knew exactly what would have happen to his backside if he dared to refuse. But Sebastian was glad that Luke was oblivious of his power over him.
They played for a while but suddenly Luke noticed the ring in Sebastian's nose. He started to scan his brother's body and saw first the rings in his nipples and then that Sebastian wore the same cage over his Willie he saw at the other boy before.
"What is this down there?" he asked pointing to his brothers parts.
Sebastian looked down and blushed. Instinctly he covered his crotch with his hands but knew in the very same moment he had made a mistake. Reluctantly he moved his hands away and spread his legs further. He tried to find the right words but his brother simply reached forward and pulled. Sebastian could not suppress a yelp. Luke was still curious and the fact that his brother had not pushed him away was a further invitation. He pulled again. Sebastian's cock had started to grow and the spikes bit painfully in his tender flesh.
"Ouch. Please stop, it hurts," Sebastian whimpered.
But Luke was oblivious to his brother's pain and started to twist the cage.
"Sir, please, it hurts, Sir," Sebastian cried out.
That gave Luke a start and he let the cage go. Sebastian fought against the tears in his eyes and panted.
"Sir, thank you, Sir." he whispered.
Luke was puzzled. His big brother knelt in front of him, naked with strange cages, rings and cuffs on his body. He had seen his brother naked before but not often. Luke ran his and over Sebastian's body in curiosity. Sebastian didn't know how to react. It was a strange thing having his younger brother stroking his body but at the other hand it felt good. So Sebastian changed into display position and didn't beg his brother to stop. It was embarrassing and pleasant at the same time. He winced as his cock responded to the sensations and it was prevented from getting hard by the cage. Soon his brother played with the nipple rings, encouraged by his brother's passivity, not knowing that his brother couldn't do anything even if he had wanted to.
Sebastian moaned as Luke pulled and twisted the right nipple ring roughly. By now Luke had started to enjoy inflicting some pain to his brother. He remembered how Sebastian had reacted when his father had tickled him. His little fingers ran quickly over flanks of his older brother. Sebastian couldn't resist laughing. He couldn't hold his position and fell on his back but his brother continued his attack. Eventually Sebastian could not longer stand it and pulled his brother onto his chest. Then he did something he had never done before. He kissed Luke on his lips.
"I love you, little brother. Look after mum and dad for me, will you?"
"Yes, big brother. I love you too."
I couldn't help but had to wipe a tear from my eyes. I had watched the scene through a half open door. Sebastian did a great job. The boys didn't deserve to be parted and I had already decided to allow Luke to visit his brother again. It was time for Luke to go home so his parents wouldn't have to worry. I was sure they didn't know that he was here. Both boys had tears in their eyes again as I walked Luke out. Sebastian was told to stay where he was while I brought his brother home safely.
When I returned I found Sebastian kneeling at attention. I gave him a stern glance.
"Have you anything to say, slave?"
He looked at me uncomprehendingly.
"Would you like the quite good master to give you a quite good spanking?"
He went pale. My stern glance made way for a smile.
"Or do you prefer a quite good tickling?"
I reached down and started to tickle him in the same way his brother had done. He wiggled and squirmed and soon he lost against the fight and fell to the floor. He was exhausted as I had stopped my assault. I hugged him tightly and lifted him up. My tongue found its way into his mouth as I kissed him. His feet found some support on the couch. Suddenly his eyes got wide as he felt a sharp smack on his butt. He couldn't make a sound as my lips sealed still his mouth and he couldn't go away as I held him tightly with my left arm. I kept on smacking his buttocks until I saw his eyes watering.
"You did largely well, boy, but if a guest of mine wants to play with your body don't dare to resist again, even in a loving way as you did. Do you understand?"
"Master, yes Master. I'm sorry Master."
"But don't be afraid. Some pain and humiliation will do you no harm and I am always there to protect you from worse."
"Master, yes Master."
I stood him on his feet and he was about to leave when he turned around.
"Yes, boy?"
"Master, thank you for letting me see him again, Master," he said sadly.
"It's alright, boy. I know it's hard. But you are good boys and you will get over it. Now, I think some clothes need your attention."
Chapter 20 Jan's Lessons
"Master, my I ask you something, Master?"
"Of course."
Jan sat between my legs on the floor, leaning on the seat of the couch, resting his head to my lap and watching the flames in the fireplace. I stroked over the slowly returning stubbles of black hair, caressing his cheeks with the other hand. My naked legs were crossed over his body. I liked my boys sitting there, underlining their position as slaves but keeping a certain degree of intimidation. From time to time I took the younger ones onto my lap but Jan had definitively outgrown this possibility.
"Master, please punish me, if you think it is not proper for a slave to ask this, Master."
"You can count on that but go ahead."
"Master, I'm responsible for training slaves quite a time now, here and at my old home, Master. I can threat slaves to work and to obey but I still don't understand the reasons for some orders you or my old master gave. For example both of you keep the slaves in a constant feeling of hunger. It can't be a matter of money because especially you show your generosity towards us slaves more then often, Master. Then why are you doing this? Aren't well-fed slaves better workers?"
"I see you want me to introduce you to the secrets of mastering slaves. Well, if one of the younger ones had asked me this we would be on our way to the punishment area now."
I felt his body tensing.
"But I accept that your role in this house involves you indeed into matters of slave rearing. Let us go further afield. If you deal with slaves you have to consider that it's against the human nature to belong to another human. Only very few people are born with so much submissiveness that they really need to be mastered. Surprisingly Julian is such a slave by nature. But the great majority of humans don't have this ability. So if you put a boy into slavery by law you have to force him into submission. Usually you have to break the will of a boy before he accepts his fate. Some could do that by their own will. Chris, Nico and Timo are examples of the first category, Markus fits in the latter. But even if they had accepted being a slave they are boys. Boys are up to mischief by nature. So they had to be kept in line. Slaves tend to forget their positions from time to time, especially in a household like ours. If a master wants to establish proper discipline in his house he has to install some constant reminders of their place in life for the slave boys. A very good reminder is hunger. Slaves can get used to the feeling of being hungry but they can't ignore it for long. Whenever you think about your hunger you will remember that you are a slave and you have to earn your food. Some slaves don't respond very well to other forms of punishment but denial of food is a very effective way to force them to obedience. Fortunately I didn't have to use this often now. Very important in the whole matter is that you create only a feeling of hunger and not a real starving. Believe me Jan, your body gets everything it needs from the slave food even it tastes boring."
"Master, and the fact that we have to slurp our food out of the bowls is another reminder, Master?"
"Correct. And it's simply a matter of effectiveness."
He kept staring at the fire. I could sense how his thoughts were turning.
"Jan, I want you to do 30 push ups and 30 squats right now."
The boy jumped up, looked somehow puzzled but started to do the exercises immediately. The boy was fit and so he panted just slightly as he had finished this task.
"Now take a piece of firewood, place it in front of me. Fetch two heavy books and kneel onto the edge of the wood. Quick."
Jan rushed through the living room to fetch the required items. As he knelt on the wood I ordered him to stretch out his arms at his side and gave him a book to hold in every hand, threatening him with punishment if he let his arms down under his shoulder level. I took a newspaper and started to read. Of course I kept an eye on him. After a few minutes the weight of the books took its effect. The boy started to struggle to keep his arms up. His knees started to hurt as the edge of the wood bit deep into his skin. Ten minutes passed by and I told him to put everything back at its place. Having done this he was ordered to repeat his exercises. The fetching of the books and his kneeling on the wood followed subsequently. This continued for over an hour. Finally, trenched in sweat, I allowed him to kneel in front of me without the wood. I put the papers down.
"Tell me, boy, have you just learned a lesson?"
The boy searched through his mind and shook his head. I chuckled.
"O.k., tell me what you thought before I ordered you to do the push ups?"
"Master, I can't remember, Master." he said sheepishly.
"And did you think about what I explained to you earlier while you knelt on the wood?"
"Master, no Master, I had to concentrate to keep my arms up, Master."
"Now put all pieces together into the context of your question about the secrets of mastering."
It took a few seconds but then his eyes lit up.
"Master, to distract a slave from thinking you have to keep him occupied, Master."
"Correct again. You are learning, Jan."
"Master, thank you Master." he blushed slightly.
"The younger the slave the more you have to keep him focused on his work. As long as he is focused he won't think about something else. It's the way of thinking that gets a young boy in trouble so often. That changes when he gets older. Teens can do multiple tasks at the same time. So you have to use other forms of control. And that's the point. A master has to have his slaves always under full control. Part of controlling a teen is this."
I lifted his chastity cage with my foot.
"If I wouldn't keep you in this cage you would always be distracted from your duties by unwanted erections and the need of release. I know you are often frustrated when you are aroused but you can't get hard, let alone have an orgasm. That's why other masters usually castrate their slaves when they get older."
I tapped his balls with my toes.
"Do you want me to cut this off so you can get out of the cage?"
"Master, please do not, Master. I've never complained about, Master." he pleaded.
"I know and that's why you still have it. Your advantage is that you never had experienced a real orgasm so you don't miss any. I'm afraid I had spoiled the little ones in this matter, especially Marcus. It will be a sad surprise for them when they were put into a cage after their first wet dream. At least they are told not to touch themselves. If you ever see a slave touching any cock deliberately without being told report him to me immediately."
"Master, yes Master."
"A successful master should be able not to control a slave's body alone but his mind. Therefore you have to know what your slaves are thinking. That needs a long experience. I'm glad to have it. Most of the time you boys are like an open book to read. So stop wondering about how an orgasm might feel,"
The boy blushed deeply and focused the floor.
"and pay attention when I try to teach you. A slave's live is a life of discipline."
I took the whip from my side and Jan held his hands out after I hat tipped against them. I gave a quick slash on each of his palms.
"Listen. I have a rickshaw in my garage. I want you to take it out tomorrow morning and wash it thoroughly. Bring it to the driveway. There is a harness and a bridle in the garage too. Tell the boys to put it onto you and let them chain you to the rickshaw. A plug with a tail goes right into your ass. That will make you a fine pony. When you are ready we will make a nice trip to the town. I think there will be lots of girls in the street cafes."
Jan's face was white as snow. His hands had started to shake.
"What's wrong? You like it, don't you?"
"Master, no Master."
"Why not? Do you think I'm too heavy to pull?"
"Master, no Master. I can do that. But Master, please, it would be embarrassing to let the boys put a tail into my ass, let alone all the people would see me in the town, Master."
Jan almost cried.
"Boy, stop whining, we aren't finished yet. I'm sure the kids will love my pony. I can already see them riding you through the street or pulling you with a cock leash along. How would that be?"
"Master, please Master. That would be horrible, so humiliating, Master."
"That's the purpose. So we have three ways to enforce discipline – pain, embarrassment and humiliation. A good master knows how to use them effectively. Am I a good master?"
"Master, yes Master, you know definitively to use it, Master."
"I admit it is a temptation to see you in a pony outfit but I think we postpone it until I need a proper punishment for you, boy."
"Master, thank you very much, Master."
Jan was relieved and bent forward to kiss my feet.
"Nevertheless the rickshaw should be cleaned so put it into the schedule."
"Master, yes Master."
I told him to hold out his hands again. He did without hesitation but his hands were trembling and his expression showed me his fear.
"I can see fear in your eyes. Are you afraid of the whip or of me?"
"Master, both Master. It's partly the pain but it would be bearable. Master, I'm really scared of your ability to play the instruments of discipline so virtuously, Master. You had opened the door for me to see just slightly but that was more than enough to make me shiver, Master."
I took his hands and pulled him to me, let him sit at my side and kissed him. At first he was stunned but then he returned the embrace and we kissed ardently. After a while of kissing and caressing we were just sitting together on the couch. I had an arm around his shoulder and held him tightly.
"Jan, never forget the last parts of mastering discipline: Mercy and love. Be strict and adamant when you need to but also kind when you can. The latter is the hardest part to learn but if you do it right you will earn loyal and willing slaves."
"Master, thank you for teaching me Master."
He rested his head against my shoulder. We watched the dying fire. My eyes caught some tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You know you can talk to me boy, whatever is weighing on your mind."
"Master, the boys are learning fast, Master. You won't need me anymore soon. I know I'm just a slave but I don't want to leave the best Master in the world."
"Jan, time will tell us what to do. Don't worry about tomorrow, live the now. And don't be rash in your judgement. You are with me only a few weeks now. There is a beast in me waiting to escape. I didn't furnish the punishment area just to scare my slaves. It was well used and I have an increasing desire to hear the screams of tortured boys. Julian and some of the other boys have experienced time in the frame but what they felt is only a glimpse of the pain I can inflict. I might seem to be a gentle master now but the truth is I'm a cruel sadist."
"Master, I'm your humble servant Master, whatever you want Master."
"I know, my boy. But it's getting late. Don't you think you owe my cock some attention, slave?"
"Master, yes Master." Jan smiled.
Chapter 21 Julian's Insight
'That's how cattle must feel on their way to the slaughter.' the naked boy thought as he slowly approached his master's study. Though it wasn't unusual being requested by the man how owns him there was a dreadful undertone in Marcus' voice as he told him to report to the master immediately. He produced some faint knocks and waited. His heart missed a beat when he heard the command to enter.
To say his knees were wobbly wouldn't nearly describe his state. It was kind a relief to sink on his knees in front of his master's desk. The boy couldn't say in which mood his master was because he didn't dare to look anywhere else to as to the floor in front of his legs. Though he tried to keep calm he felt his heart racing in anticipation of the pain he would feel when his master carried out the punishment.
The boy was no fool and knew exactly why he was summoned to his master. In the last week he had been at the receiving end of Marcus' whip and Jan's hand every day and Marcus had threatened him twice to report him if his work wouldn't improve properly. He had really tried hard but he couldn't get his head free. Since the day in the mountains with his master and Nico Julian's mind was puzzled by the intense emotions he had felt then.
It was as if he didn't know the boy he was anymore. He was used to being flogged occasionally and spanked regularly by his master as well as he had learned to enjoy being fucked. So it was just exciting to hike in the forest although he had guessed that his master would play with him. So he wasn't surprised he had found himself tied up tightly. Though he was scared and became really frightened as he lay there and nobody touched him for an eternity he felt strangely aroused and he remembered that his cock had stayed hard the whole time.
But was really had disturbed him was what had happened as he hang between the trees. His master had started to strap him and it had hurt a lot. But suddenly he had started to like the sting and he felt great pleasure that he couldn't understand. And his master had made Nico to suck his cock. He didn't know something could feel so good down there. It was pure ecstasy. Then master had continued to torture him with that thing in his ass and more weight at his balls. The worst were the clamps on his nipples.
The boy remembered the agony he felt while hanging at the ropes. His whole body had hurt like hell but his mind had wandered to another place. He had felt a strange but intense happiness. Master had talked to them about orgasm and sexual stimulations but he didn't really understand that. He tried to sort out his feelings but couldn't. He felt there must be something terrible wrong with him but he didn't dare to ask his master fearing a disastrous punishment.
He didn't like punishment, especially not from Jan. Marcus' whippings were painful but short, just a few licks. Jan's spankings were short too but within seconds his ass was on fire that lasted for eternity. Nobody had a chance not to end up crying and weeping after such a spanking. For the boy the worst aspect was that he couldn't get into the other world because the spankings were too short. At least there was a nice feeling when the sting finally faded.
There was one thing that would make every boy pissing himself immediately. Most of the boys had suffered nightmares. It was the source of unlimited horror. Inconceivable pain was inevitable for a boy who had to make a trip to it. Each boy knew that though only a few of them had experienced some time in the punishment frame. The only one who got a glimpse of what could be really done to a boy so far was Marcus on his very first day.
Julian knew he was lucky getting only a few licks with the whip. Chris was lucky too though he was sore for days after his punishment. None of the boys had seen what master had done to Marcus but all had heard him screaming. Marcus had never talked about but Julian would never forget that screams. It was beyond his imagination what could cause such screams. He had sworn that he would never end up in that frame.
He had failed. He knew it. After the scolding master would lead him to the frame. It was inevitable. His body trembled. Tears ran down his cheeks but he knew that was nothing compared with the frame. Could he survive? The boy doubted. Of course he wouldn't die. But in what condition would he be afterwards? A shadow fell on him and suddenly he saw the toe of his master's shoes in front of him.
Should he dare to kiss them? Was he still worth to do that? Sure he would get a kick again like he got on the first day. Master was right then. Master had given him a chance and he had blown it now. Slowly he leaned forward and lowered his head to his master's feet. He clenched his eyes shut and prepared himself for the kick.
Julian was more puzzled then ever. I didn't kick him or even scold him. I had simple heard the boy's stuttered attempts to explain what the boy couldn't explain. After that he hat quietly been ordered to wash himself and wait beside the slave's cell. Now he was kneeling in front of the dreaded punishment frame and he couldn't turn his eyes away from it. His whole body trembled in anticipation of pain he couldn't even imagine. Tears were running silently down his cheeks.
He knelt there for nearly an hour but to the boy it was an eternity. The poor boy was completely devastated as he had tormented himself mentally by imagining the worst things a little slave boy's mind could produce. He was in exactly the state I wanted him to be. I had never intended to punish him but to show him his true self.
Julian would always be the lowest of the lowest. Despite his intelligence he was just incapable to live an independent life. It would have been a disaster if he had not become a slave. It was cruel to break him the way I did it but even if I reflected I knew it was the best for the boy. A quick and clean cut. The boy obeyed instantly and was since happy with that.
He was adorable in his innocence and I would love to keep him in that state but it was too dangerous. It could destroy him if I wasn't careful enough. I knew he needed the pain and would benefit sexually from bondage and humiliation. He was the perfect boy toy and I was about to play with him. As I said the boy hat tormented himself as his mind struggled. Nevertheless his ten year old member was as hard as it could be. It was bigger than ever before and it pointed up right to his belly button. He stumbled and almost lost his balance as he got to his feet. His face was red from the long crying.
He stood before me, his head bowed, clearly trembling in fear. Marcus had arrived at the punishment area with me. It was important that he understood what was going to happen to his friend so there were no hard feelings. It was time to start the mind games.
"Marcus, I'm going now to punish this creature severely. Don't expect him to be able to work again soon after I'm finished with him."
Marcus went pale and Julian would have collapsed to the ground if I hadn't already fixed his wrists to the upper bar of the punishment frame.
"Master, yes Master."
One by one I lifted Julian's legs and fastened the ankles to the upper bar too. Now he hung suspended at his wrists, his bottom and thighs easy accessible. I removed the weight from his balls but connected the ball stretcher to a thin chain that ran over a wheel at the ceiling so his balls were pulled upright away from his body. To the other end I put a really heavy looking weight. Julian looked at me with wide eyes as I held the weight up. With a cold smile I dropped it.
It felt to Julian as if his balls were ripped from his body. His screams must be heard in the whole house. The weight was hardly heavier than double of the weight he had hung from his balls all the time and had dropped only a few centimetres so it wasn't very likely that there was any damage of his balls at all. But the boy's mind told him that it must hurt badly so to him it did. The main purpose of this was after all that his balls were safely out of way.
"I had given you a day off and how did you thank me? You were lazy! Do you really think you could go away with that? No, slave, you will not. I will make an example of you to warn the others."
I beckoned Marcus to bring a trolley from the side to me. I picked up a nasty looking whip.
"First I think I will introduce you to this nice little peace of leather. Fifty will do for to start."
Julian was white as snow and his eyes popped almost out. Marcus took a sharp breath.
"Then I will decorate your buttocks with this lovely cane. Thirty, I think."
Tears shot out of Julian's eyes as he saw the monstrous piece of rattan. Next I held up a giant dildo, about 50 cm [20 inches] in length and 8 to 10 cm [3 to 4 inches] in diameter.
"After that this little thing will go right up your bowels."
"And since you like this all as your cock shows I will finally cut your parts off with this knife. It's rather blunt, I'm afraid, so it will take some time to do this."
Although Julian hat emptied his bladder before a small fountain of urine started to ran down his crotch. A blindfold was put over his eyes and a gag pushed in his mouth. Marcus looked at me with a wide open mouth. He couldn't believe what I had announced. The boy almost flinched as I reached out to ruffle his hair. Smilingly I put all the stuff I had shown to Julian back on the trolley. Marcus looked even more puzzled than before, I knelt down and brought my mouth to his ear.
"Look at Julian. He is terrified to death. But as you can see his penis is rock hard and throbbing. Julian is frightened, of course, but this is very arousing for him. And now, even if I use just a light strap on him, his mind will tell him that it is the bull whip."
I took a light leather belt and started to work on his thighs. It stung for sure but didn't leave any bruises. Nevertheless Julian yelled and shrieked into the gag. As I stopped after about 30 (of course I had counted the last strokes up to 50 loudly) soft lashes his skin was slightly red. I took a flexible plastic switch and started on his butt. After about ten or twelve strokes Julian's fell almost silent. Some quiet groans were the only noises he made now.
"Julian has already reached the point where pain changed into ecstasy." I whispered.
Julian's butt plug came out. I pressed my fist against his anus and the boy screamed again.
"Time for him to lose his balls." I announced loudly.
But instead the knife I took a duck feather. I beckoned Marcus to stand close to me and watch. The feather hardly touched the base of Julian's scrotum and the boy cried out. Stars exploded in his mind and his body tensed and twisted. He lifted his back from the wall before he collapsed and hang limp in the frame. He had fainted. A small amount of clear fluid dripped from the glans of his penis. Having made sure the boy could breathe I turned to Marcus.
"Boy, I don't expect you to understand this but Julian needs pain and humiliation to become sexually aroused. He had just one of the biggest orgasms in his life. The boy is the perfect toy for me. I want to play with him and he will enjoy it although he will not be aware of this all the time. He will be in bondage and pain as often I want him to be. You will care for him like you do with Nico. Don't worry, you will learn as he will too. Now, leave us alone. I promise I won't do him any harm."
I lowered the frame until his butt was level with my groin and greased my cock. Entering him was a matter of seconds. In one hand I had a smelling salt and in the other a pair of nipple clamps. He awoke quickly after I held the salt under his nose. But before he could sort his mind the first clamp went on. He shrieked and tried to trash in his bondage. But his limbs were held by the straps and his butt was speared with my cock. I could feel the tension in his body. Once he calmed the other clamp made him start crying again.
"Why are you crying, boy? We haven't even started yet. There is much more to come. I know you can take it. Show me how brave you are. You promised to be a good toy. Stop your whining."
The boy gulped a couple of times but managed to cease his tears. I took his blindfold off.
"Listen to me my boy. I'm not punishing you. There is no reason to do so. I should have sensed there is something wrong. The next time you are troubled come to me, understand?"
Julian looked puzzled but nodded.
"Look Julian, your mind had tricked you. There is no damage at your butt or parts. I had played with you a little bit. But it felt fine at the end, didn't it? You enjoyed the pleasure you had experienced, didn't you?"
Even more puzzled Julian nodded again.
"That's why you are my boy toy. It's so much fun to play with you. I will hurt you Julian, I will tease you and I will humiliate you, both here and in public. You will hate it big time, you will probably hate me, but your cock will enjoy it. Open your mind for your inner needs. You need it and deep inside you want it."
Julian slowly shook his head.
"Oh yes, boy. Look down at your willie. It's hard already."
Julian blushed as he realized I was right.
"Well, that's my part of the game. If you are a good toy I will reward you. I will give you pleasure you can't imagine yet. But most important: There will be times you will want to hurt yourself, maybe when you are angry or upset. Maybe it is too early for that but these moments will come. When this happens I expect you to come to me. Don't try anything yourself. Trust me, I know what you need."
The boy was scared now. I reached forward, stroked his cheeks and undid the gag.
"Don't worry, Julian. You're one of the finest little creatures I'd ever seen. I'd never allow anyone to do any harm to you. You are what you are. You can't escape from that but there is nothing to be scared about."
I smiled at him.
"And now, my boy, you owe me a really good fuck."
Julian stumbled behind me. He struggled to avoid the pull of the leash but was rather unsuccessful. His body ached and his legs were almost numb. He had not slept the night, hanging suspended in the frame and almost continuously tortured by wicked electro shocks and running vibrators. Julian couldn't remember how often he had experienced that strange ecstasy his master had called orgasm.
His arms were securely fastened to the leather harness so he could not use them. A short chain between his thigh cuffs made walking more difficult. He had several falls as I walked him round the lawn and without hands to absorb the impact it was rather painful. But after a few rounds he got it right and we went to the car and headed to the town.
Julian, clad in nothing but his harness, was most embarrassed by the tiny flower that stuck in the piss slit of his little penis. The penis was erected and held upright by the band attached to the harness. But of course he could do nothing against it. Much to his relief people didn't care much about a little slave boy following his master through the streets. Several times when I stopped to talk to someone he managed to hide behind me. I didn't object because people usually expect slaves to make themselves invisible.
Eventually we reached our destination, the tattoo shop where my other boys had got their rings. The owner had agreed to teach me how to pierce my slaves and sell me some equipment. Julian was going to be my guinea pig. The boy went pale as he saw me heading to the shop's door. He guessed correctly that it wouldn't be me to receive some rings.
We were greeted by the sounds of a crying boy. I recognized the artist's son lying face down on the chair. His legs were spread wide and the man worked between the cheeks. Julian shrunk back until the leash prevented further retreat. John, the artist, asked me to wait a few minutes until he finished his son's punishment. Remembering what he had shown me last time I felt a bit sorry for the boy. I frowned as I saw the spiky ball beneath his anus.
"Well, he won't like sitting down for a while, I guess," the man remarked as he saw my reaction.
The boy shrieked as the spikes dug into the sensitive skin of his inner buttocks as he got up. Tears run down his cheeks as he stood in front of us, hands on his head and legs spread wide.
"You should have known better than to fool around when you should have done your homework, son. Now go to your room and finish your work. When I come up I expect you to sit at your desk."
"Yes father," the boy sobbed, knowing that sitting would be very painful.
"Sorry you had to wait, Sir. Now, what nice little specimen have you brought today?"
I pulled the leash and Julian stumbled forward.
"You have an exquisite taste Sir. Very nice. Hop on, little flower boy."
The artist padded the chair. Julian blushed by the mentioning of the flower sticking in his penis. With a little help from the man he soon sat on the chair, secured with leather straps. He was frightened since he had heard Sebastian's report of his piercing. But he was exited too. He had begged his mother for an ear ring but that had been denied. He knew he would get more than he had dreamed of and for sure he wouldn't like everything. But by getting rings he would be equal to Marcus and Sebastian. That was worth enough for him to endure the pain.
The following hours made him rethink this repeatedly but generally he did well. The boy was soaked with sweat and tears and his jaw hurt from biting into the penis shaped gag he wore since last night. The artist was pleased with my efforts too. After a few attempts at places where the boy's skin would heal without visible damage I quickly got the hang of it. I was quite nervous as I touched the boy's nipples with the needle got it right at once. Penetrating his septum was quite easy with the pair of pliers the artist had provided me with. Julian had cooperated very well to this point so I had decided to anaesthetize his little pecker before trying to pierce his glans.
When I had finished the boy was so exhausted he fell asleep immediately. We let him sleep for a while since the man gave me more instructions about hygiene and safety issues as well as sold me some equipment to use at home. Eventually Julian found himself standing in front of a mirror, seeing his new decorations for the first time. He blushed as he saw his cock trapped into the strap with a ring through the glans and a white flower on the top. What he could not see but feel was the large ring in his perineum that dug into his sensitive inner thighs. He didn't get a scrotum ring since he wore the ball stretcher. The nipple rings were quite heavy and connected with a small silver chain that led to a small but sturdy ring in his navel. He had expected to get a ring into his nose but disliked it instantly. Like the nipple rings it was thick and heavy.
The artist handed me a bag with my purchase. At the back of Julian's harness was a d-ring in I clipped the bag to it since Julian's hands were still fixed. The leash was attached and we left the shop. The boy was tired and in pain. I had to drag him behind to keep up my pace. He had tried but he needed some encouragement to get in proper motion. I took a small strap out of my pocked and started to smack the back of his thighs while holding him in place by his balls. He jumped and shrieked but couldn't get away from the nasty strap.
I put the leash to the back of his collar and made him run ahead of me, keeping him moving with occasional slaps on his butt. As we came to a corner I saw an older lady scolding a girl, about eleven or twelve years old. The girl glared back defiantly. At her feet lay several bags and fruits were scattered on the pavement.
"What's the matter, Mrs. Malkowicz?"
I addressed the women after I had recognized her. She was the mother of a friend of mine and we had met occasionally. She turned around.
"Oh, Mike, nice to see you. My son has given this slut to me to help me shopping. But all I got was her complaining about the weight of the bags. She even dropped one. Unfortunately I can't punish her because of rheumatism."
"I could help you if you wish."
I handed her the leash of my boy. Julian had tried again to hide behind me. A few swats onto his thighs made him jump.
"Who told you to stop? Keep on running on the spot, boy, and I want your legs high in the air!"
I approached the girl. She looked at me still defiantly but also a bit frightened. She tried to shrink back but I quickly grabbed her wrist. Before she could react I had slapped her face twice with her own hand. The defiance was gone immediately. Tears welled in her eyes.
"Strip, slut!"
Horror went into her expression. As she didn't react two more slaps were added. The now crying girl started to pull her tunic over her head. I let her wrist go, ready to catch her if she were so stupid to try running away. Eventually she had removed her dress. I was surprised to see her wearing underpants. She gave me a pleading look as I snatched the dress from her hands. I raised my hand as she hesitated to lower her panties. They dropped to the pavement immediately.
I wrapped my left arm around her body and bent her backwards so her groin stood out. She trashed and screamed but couldn't get away as the strap hit swat by swat her little girl cunt. I didn't count the swats and I continued until I felt her body becoming limp. I let her go and she fell to the ground, curling into a ball and weeping. I tied the bags together with her tunic and told the girl to get up. After a few kicks she stood with wobbly legs and tearstained face. I put the tunic around her neck. She winced but didn't dare to protest. To finish off I shoved her panties into her mouth.
"If she needs a further lesson please give me a call, Ma'am."
"I will, Mike. Thank you."
"At your service."
Taking over the boy's leash I drove him forward by well laid swats at his thighs. Julian jumped and shrieked but moved quickly. As we passed a popular fast food restaurant Julian spotted some kids of his age inside. He wanted to get away as fast as possible but I decided spontaneously to go in. He looked at me pleadingly but to no avail. He hung his head as we entered. I tied his leash to the leg of a free table and told him to kneel and wait for me. He hoped in vain that none of the kids at the nearby table would recognize him. He blushed as he heard his name between their giggles but didn't dare to look who it was. Julian couldn't understand why his penis seemed to become stiff.
As I came back with my food I freed him from his gag but let it hang around his neck. The boy was tired, exhausted and hungry. But his ordeal wasn't over yet, it would be a day to remember for him. I had bought some burgers and chips with a cup of soda and found it very tasty. It wasn't appropriate to buy a burger for a slave so I left some food over deliberately. The boy did well so far and had earned some reward. I put the tray on the floor in front of Julian. The boy was used to slurp his slave food at home without hands but to pick up the morsels of his master's meal in front of other people was much more humiliating so he hesitated.
He could feel the eyes of the kids on him and he blushed again. But encouraged by a smack on the back of his head he got over it and lowered his face to the tray. Once he had started he devoured everything quickly. It tasted wonderful but the salty chips made him even thirstier than he was before. He licked his dry lips as he looked at me but I just reached down and put the gag back into his mouth. The kids giggled again as they recognized the shape of it. As we passed their table on the way out I stopped and Julian stood in front of me. His face was bright red and he focused the floor.
"Watch you behaviour kids, or you might be the next to become slaves."
The kids stopped their giggles immediately and it was their turn to blush. Julian jumped forward as I slapped his butt hard with my hand. We entered the toilet area. I made the boy looking at me. I removed his gag again.
"Open my trousers and get my penis out."
His eyes went to my crotch and the up again as he helplessly pulled on his arm restraints.
"With your mouth, boy."
"Oh," slipped out of the boy's throat as he dropped to his knees. He had some difficulties but eventually my cock and balls were out of the flies.
"Are you thirsty, boy?"
He nodded.
"Well, then take my cock into your mouth and swallow."
Julian went pale and backed off. He looked at me in disbelief and attempted to say something.
"Quiet boy!" I interrupted him. "Either you drink my piss or you will slurp out that toilet bowl over there. You can choose that but then you will stay on all fours because you would be not more than a filthy animal."
Tears welled up in his eyes and in addition to his discomfort he felt a certain tingling in his groin.
"Beside, did I ever tell one of my slaves to do something dangerous or unhealthy?"
Tears ran now freely but slowly he leaned forward and wrapped his lips around my penis. I let flow and he swallowed bravely, though on the verge of vomiting. As the stream ceased he licked the last drop of my cock and I pulled it out and put it away. I grinned as I looked at his groin. His own cock was rock hard. He blushed as he realized it. I led him to the sink where I washed his face and let him rinse out his mouth. After that I took his face in both hands, smiled at him and gave him a long kiss.