PZA Boy Stories



Chapter Fourteen

The Waters Turn to Blood

It was near midday when they all finally awoke. The stress of the previous day's journey had taken its toll on all of them, and the rest had been much needed. Kefe had gone to sleep in their flyer that morning, having been relieved by Adam. One by one, they straggled out of the old church, yawning and stretching and looking generally confused and pathetic.

"If this is the army that's gonna save the World, we're in bad trouble," Tym observed.

The Hunter, who had gone back to Abram's craft, looked up from his control panel. He smiled at the little one, who was adjusting his downsized body armor. Then he laughed. "One person at a time," he replied.

Tym smiled back at him, then the Hunter swore loudly.

"What is it?" Abrams asked, looking up from a pack he'd pulled from the craft.

"This is unbelievable!" The Hunter gasped. "Authority has just declared Martial Law. Old Cities are under lockdown, and no one's allowed out on the streets, Approved or not. Overnight, it seems that more than 75% of the Unapproveds in EVERY SINGLE Old City has gone Runaway! Nothing's getting done – anywhere! It's chaos! The Newsfeeds are working, but the Networks are pretty much dead! The signal keeps breaking up, but enough of it's coming through to warn everyone to stay put! Authority and Government forces are scrambling to get control of the New Cities. It's just 3; pandemonium!"

"That would be Duncan-2's doing," Dan explained, ripping into a field ration canister.

"Who's Duncan-2?" Abrams asked, then his face paled. Tym's eyebrows shot up.

"I see you know of him," the little one observed, looking around casting his Mind out over the landscape.

The Hunter jumped down from the craft. "Duncan-2, if it's the one I'm thinking of, is dead!" He replied.

"Depends on how you define 'dead'," Dan countered. "Mom says this Kel fellow set up a control station in the Ruins, that we'd need it someday. He showed her how to use it, before Jayk killed him. I spent a lot of time in that room, and I met Duncan a long time ago."

Then Chriss cleared his throat and Dan and Tym fell silent, nodding at him.

The Hunter shook his head and turned off the craft's communications systems. "Don't tell me, I don't want to know," he grumbled. Then he remembered the chips that he'd torn out of the dead Kel's head back in the Ruins. He shivered, suddenly not wanting to know what was on them as he shook his head at Dan.

Then, around back of the old church house, something exploded and everyone hit the ground. Those who had weapons drew them, and every Psion in the Gang threw his Mind at the building as an acrid cloud of blue-gray smoke rose up from behind it. Suddenly Adam began to laugh, and everyone looked him with open mouths.

"Sorry!" The young Bomber apologized, still laughing, "That was just 'R'. I'd know a Bomber's blast anywhere!"

Adam's laughter stopped, however, when he – along with everyone else – felt the gentle pressure of a Mind pass through his own. They all looked up at the front door of the old church to see Xyn, dressed in his own body armor and mirrored visor down, leading Edward IV and the little Mutant known as 'R' out. 'R' had tendrils of smoke rising from his Suit and his eyes were wild. Edward was trying to suppress a grin, but everyone could tell how Xyn felt.

Now is NOT the time for antics, his Mind told them all. We only have so much time, and we mustn't be discovered. Shar and her computers can only keep the Government and Authority systems offline for so long, and then we're on our own. We have to be in and out of Far South by tonight, and back in the Ruins by morning if we can find fuel and the crafts hold out. It's going to be a hard ride, and there's going to be fighting, I'm sure. We can't afford to take any risks or let our guard down!

Everyone stared at him for an awkward while, unsure of what to say as 'R' looked up at Xyn and began to cry. "I 3; I 3; d-dint mean t-to!" he choked, running down the steps and into Abram's arms. The former Facility Director looked up at Xyn and raised an eyebrow. "Little Mutants are prone to accidents, you'll recall," he advised in a tone he'd often used with Xyn when he was very little.

Xyn, however, said nothing as the Presence of his Mind left them and he stalked off towards the Outcasts' craft. Only Tym watched him go.

What was THAT all about? he asked, still sweeping the area in an effort to locate the Mind that he felt was watching them.

He was playing around, Xyn replied with some heat, And he knocked down a dead tree. It burst into flames, and damn nigh took him with it. This is NOT the time. YOU of all people should realize that. After all, you know everything don't you?

Xyn's reply struck Tym hard and the strange little Mutant's eyes filled. He clapped his own visor down to hide it, and returned to his search, excluding Xyn from his Mind.

I'm sorry, Xyn replied after a few moments, and Tym could feel the regret in his thought. Nothing else was needed as he hopped up on the craft's wing and got in to sit beside Xyn. Then, to his surprise, Xyn pulled him into his lap, armor and all, and held him. Tym could hear the sobs coming from behind his visor, and reached out a small hand and tentatively raised it to reveal Xyn's haunted face.

Unable to say it aloud, Xyn opened his Mind to Tym and the little Mutant understood it all in a matter of seconds.

Xyn was afraid.

They all look at me differently now, he was thinking, Like I'm some sort of hero, a mythical hero like we read about at bedtime who can't screw up or be hurt! But what if I screw up, Tym? What if I don't get Jayk back? What if someone gets killed? What if they come at us in force, looking for me? It will be ALL my fault!

"What if, what if, what if 3;You'll do fine," Tym said out loud.

Xyn swallowed hard. "There's something they're not telling me," he pried.

"And you're too mannerly to dig into it with your Psi," Tym replied.

"You know what it is," Xyn accused, still holding him tightly.

Tym nodded. "So do the Hunter, and Mr. Abrams. But you don't need to know, like he said. Just let it go. It's nothing bad. Trust me."

Xyn smiled at him through his tears, just as Abrams poked his head over the edge of the open cockpit.

"Everyone's almost ready," he advised. He then paused, staring into Xyn's bloodshot eyes. Very softly, he laid a hand on the young one's armored shoulder. "You were a lot more loveable when you didn't carry a blaster and wore a white Suit," he commented.

They flew low and avoided detection for the remainder of the day. A few times, they passed a couple of patrol craft, but without Networking and the Comm-Tell system, they remained undetected. The Outcasts' assault craft bore Government markings, and Abrams craft was personal and generic model so that those on the ground who saw them didn't' think twice. Near midday, they stopped to refuel at an Airfield where no one had come in to work. The Hunter blasted the security Bots into shrapnel without a second thought as Adam coached the little Bomber Mutant 'R' through gently blowing the locks off the tank caps. Visions of millions of gallons of fuel igniting underneath of them danced in Xyn's Mind, but he kept it to himself. By evening, they were coming in range of Far South and the New City there.

"I can feel him," he whispered through clenched teeth. "I can feel him and his Master," he almost growled, banking the craft hard to starboard and beginning a descent through the high level clouds that they had hidden in during the last leg of their flight.

Everyone looked at him, and Kefe was the first to speak. "Is he OK?" the young Nightstalker asked, licking his lips as his eyes glowed.

Xyn nodded. "HE is, but I can't guarantee the state of his Master's health for much longer," he replied, leveling out the craft and avoiding a few trees as the Hunter followed him in. They made a fast pass that gave them a view of Wilson's estate, but just barely. By the time they had landed and disembarked in the surrounding Forest, more than a few of their faces were green. Chriss found this amusing and laughed.

"Who taught YOU how to fly, boy?" The Hunter demanded, wiping at his armor.

Xyn pointed at Chriss then tapped his temple.

The Hunter grunted, and Abrams laughed. The Hunter glared at him.

Then Edward and 'R' hopped down. 'R''s Suit was stained and it was a dull blue instead of white. The little Bomber Mutant's face was red with shame, and he hid behind Abrams. "I'm sorry," he offered.

"What happened?" Tym asked, feigning ignorance and trying not to laugh.

"'R' puked on him," Edward IV stated in an amused tone as the Hunter continued to wipe at his armor and the rest of them collapsed into helpless laughter.

Xyn's Mind, however, was scanning the estate as they began to walk in that direction. The urge to run to Jayk, or at least let him know that he was there, was very powerful. Still, he resisted. His Mind passed over the grounds and into the house, feeling the presence of Ev Wilson, a few busy servants, and Jayk. Xyn wanted badly to linger there, but he moved on with some effort. At the very edges of his Mind, he could feel Tym probing the area as well. There was no one else on neither the ground floor nor the second floor. Then Xyn moved his Mind up to the third floor and roof and gasped.

Guards, he sent to them all, Government men. Armed and watching. It would seem that we were expected.

The Hunter spat out an unflattering oath and checked his weapons. The rest of them did the same.

"How many?" Abrams whispered.

"Eight!" Xyn breathed, then swore. "Make that ten."

"Pretty good odds," Kefe growled softly, flexing his arms and legs. "Shall I go in for a look?"

Xyn shook his head. "I think it might be best to just walk up to the door and knock," he mused. "After all, we don't want a mess, do we?"

"But what if they're like the spies in the Ruins?" Tym asked.

Xyn stopped in his tracks, his brows knitted. He clapped his visor down and drew his weapon as they approached the edge of the Forest. "We're running out of time," he advised, "And Tym's got a valid point." He probed the house again, and nodded, swearing beneath his helmet.

"Trained Minds, Approved," Tym explained, checking his own weapon. "But they haven't been here long. Some of them think Wilson hired them. Some of them are waiting, expecting something." Then he paused and his brows knitted in concentration. "Shit! Someone trained them pretty well, too. I can't break any of them without someone noticing it. I think someone knew we were coming."

Xyn swore again.

"WHERE did you pick up that kind of language?" Abrams asked, shocked.

Xyn shrugged. "I think you should take the little ones back to the craft wait, Mr. Rick," he suggested, slipping unconsciously into his former mode of address. "It's bound to get ugly in there, and you're not armed, nor a Mutant. In fact, I can't even ask any of you to go in with me. You got me here. That's all I wanted; more than I wanted."

Kefe stepped up beside of Xyn, as did Dan. Actually, Dan sort of just 'appeared' at his side with a sound of rustling leaves and grass, making Xyn flinch. Adam and Chriss followed, and then the Hunter. They all turned to look back at Tym.

"Don't think you're leaving me behind," he stated, walking up to Xyn and taking his hand. "I want him back, too."

Abrams nodded, taking the two little Mutants back towards the crafts. "If you're not back in a mini-Cycle, then I'm coming in with the little guns, here," he advised in a sick tone, gesturing at the little ones. His humor was dark, but Xyn understood it. Rick Abrams was a wanted man now, and he, like the Mutants, had nowhere to go. He nodded to the man who had raised him and loved him.

"If you need help, open a channel to Shar. The computer will do it for you. We still have our satellite, and you can get back to the Ruins that way with them," Xyn said in an equally sick voice. Then he sighed and squared his shoulders. "Let's go."

As they stepped out of the Forest's edge, Dan suddenly held up a hand and dashed out in front of them. He seemed to be in almost two places at once, and the others blinked.

"There's bound to be a security perimeter," he advised, "And the power grid is still online. Duncan's good, but he's not been able to knock out the Continental Power Nets yet. He's having enough trouble keeping the Networks scrambled. Let me go on ahead. I've NEVER met a security net I couldn't fool before, and the Old City has some good ones on the best shops!"

Xyn, his face hidden behind his visor, smiled. He nodded at Dan, and suddenly the little armored Mutant was gone.

"Where'd he go?" The Hunter asked in amazement.

He got his answer a few seconds later as a confused welter of emotions and a flurry of activity went off inside of Wilson's house. The guards were in a state of confusion, and Wilson was angry. Xyn let his Mind wander the house a bit, locking onto Jayk.

Jayk was laughing, and Xyn smiled.

Then suddenly Dan was back in front of them, breathing hard. He raised his visor and they saw that his face was sweating.

"Ye gods," he panted, "That's a good one. The security field told them that I was in about ten places at once. They're sort of confused and upset now."

"We noticed," Tym replied, holding up a hand with thumb upraised.

"Problem is, it SHOULD have read a massive attack on the house, the way I was moving," Dan retorted. "It's a good one. I got a look at Jayk as I passed by a window too, thank gods for body armor! I crashed into a rosebush when I saw him!"

Xyn raised his visor. "Is 3; is he OK?"

Dan nodded, and then wrinkled up his nose and his sweaty face flamed red in a blush. "You won't believe how he looks, though. That Wilson is one weird bastard, if you ask me."

The Hunter snorted, and then exhaled hard. He lifted his visor to let in a cool night breeze, despite his armor's efforts to keep him comfortable. "I think I know what you mean," he explained to the others, "When I left Jayk here, much as I didn't want to, Wilson had him all dolled up for dinner the night I left. It was rather 3; revealing, shall we say."

He was answered by the metallic sucking sound of Xyn's visor going down again, with force, and sealing. His Mind expanded in anger, and he swept the house again. He threw caution to the wind, and set his blaster for maximum yield at wide beam.

I'm here, Jayk, his Mind roared as he cried it aloud. I'm here and you're going home!

Xyn! The reply came back, You're here! But they know! You'll be killed! That fat man was here last month and 3;

I know that they know, and I'm ready for them. I brought some help, too. NOTHING is keeping me from you this time! Xyn interrupted, flashing an image of the Dealer at the Hunter. He snorted and smiled evilly.

Tym muttered a foul oath and began drawing upon his strange abilities. He probed at the men in the house, disregarding Wilson, and began to concentrate on literally tearing their Minds to shreds. None of them appeared to be Psions as he attacked. At the same time, the Hunter made his move, and the group followed suit as two of the guards went down, senseless as Xyn joined him in his attack.

They took the household by surprise, the remaining guards having written Wilson's security system off as faulty when they'd found no one after Dan's run at it. They had all just settled down to a late refreshment in the great room, wondering at their two missing companions, when Adam knocked the front door down. It exploded from its casing in thousands of smoking fragments, and Chriss promptly set fire to the back of the house, near the kitchens, to provide a distraction. The Outcasts crossed the well-maintained lawn at a dead run, but Dan was far out ahead of them. By the time they reached the smoking ruins of the door, he was long gone with Kefe struggling to keep up with him.

The little Mutant disappeared into the huge and threatening brick mansion, and they lost sight of him. Xyn and Tym, too busy with the guards, couldn't track his Mind. The men took a moment to get their bearings and realize what was going on, but when they did, things began to erupt. As the Outcasts stormed the vestibule and took the front receiving room, one of the guards went down screaming. He rolled about on the floor, hands clawing at his face and eyes wide as the illusion cast by Tym tore at his Mind. They could afford him only a slight glance as he began to tear the skin from his face, the blood soaking his uniform as he wailed in hopeless insanity.

Only half of them are armored! The Hunter sent to the rest of them, focusing his Psi at his Gang only. Leave them to me!

As Xyn blasted a hesitant and confused guard into nothingness with his blaster, taking a priceless antique stool and vase with him, Tym focused on another guard; the armored man tore his helmet off and ran screaming from the room. He paused at the patio doors long enough to fire off a shot at Tym then crashed through the etched glass and ran screaming. Adam followed him out and blew the earth out from under him. The wild shot, however, caught Tym's helmet near the top left, damaging his closed visor's hinge. The little one screamed and went to his knees. He shook his head, got back up, and began firing, in concert with Xyn, at the armored guards going for the Hunter.

The Hunter dived behind a sofa, taking as many shots as he could at the armored guards with his own blaster. Their armor was smoking here and there, but it was obvious that it could take a great deal of damage. Xyn was hoping that their own was half as good as he watched one finally fall, when an unexpected blast took him full in the back. He fell to the floor as Chriss ignited the drapery and Adam pulled part of the ceiling down upon two of the armored guards that the Hunter was firing upon. As the rubble pinned them, the Hunter blew their heads off.

"Keep in mind that the other end of this monster house is burning!" the Pyro called, hurling fireballs the remaining guards.

Xyn pulled himself up slowly, his Mind blazing and his body aching. The blast had been close, and he could feel the burns on his back. His armor was obviously damaged, but his Mind cried out for blood. Kefe, however, beat him to it. The Nighstalker fell from a chandelier in the next room, whirling about as he dropped. He landed upon an unarmored guard, sinking his fangs into the man's neck. Blood gushed as he ripped out the throat, and Xyn felt a pang of regret and horrible sadness from the floor above him.

Jayk! he screamed.

Xyn, watch out! There are more than guards! The house is going into safe mode! Get out!

Jayk, the house is on fire too, Chriss did it!

We know! Now run!

Not without YOU! Xyn cried, his helmet-encased head darting this way and that as his Psi lashed at the ominous house in an effort to locate Jayk.

He could feel the servants running away, and then feel them suddenly panic and begin to die. He afforded himself the moment of finding out why. Astonished, he felt the combined wills of Edward IV and 'R' working in tandem to lure them within the little Bomber Mutant's range. He could feel Abram's sickness as the two little ones worked the servants over – Edward lulling them into a false sense of security so that 'R' could blow them to bits.

Without warning, he was hot. Very hot. "Xyn, get back!" Chriss screamed, as a huge fireball shot past him as he hit the floor again. The fireball, which has destroyed the Pyro Mutant's armor gloves, narrowly missed him and took an armored guard full in the chest. He let off a tight-beamed blast as the fireball struck him, and it nicked Chriss' flaming hand. The Pyro screamed in pain, but he did not relax his Mind as the armored man took fire and literally began to burn to the ground. The room filled with the smell of smoking meat, and the man screamed again and again as he literally roasted alive inside of his own body armor.

"Jayk says we have to get out!" Xyn called, "Something about a safe-mode coming online."

"Fuck me!" The Hunter yelled, taking a shot at the last fleeing unarmored guard. "I know where the main control box is. Leave it to me. Wilson's as bad as the guards, Xyn. I hate to do it, but you've got to get Jayk to go Beast for us! Wilson could have a hundred traps waiting for us in here!"

Xyn shook his head and sent the thought to Jayk, who was frightened. He'd never felt THAT from Jayk before, not like this, and it frightened him as well.

I can't! Jayk protested.


Xyn, no, it's too terrible! I killed Kel like that. Please, don't make me!

I'll try and avoid it, Jayk, but you might have to! YOU know Wilson and the house better than we do! I won't leave without you, Jayk, so get ready!

The Hunter lunged for where he recalled the control box to be as a thunderous explosion shook the house. A stream of epithets and curses and slurs about the Approveds, the gods, and Mankind in general followed that explosion as Adam lashed at the back yard. Huge trees, their roots pulling up great chunks of earth, fell in front the last fleeing guard. He turned and fired his weapon at the young Bomber, but his shot had too far to travel and it bounced harmlessly off of his dinged and scuffed armor. Adam looked up, and sweeping his arm in a fluid movement, began tearing slate tiling from the roof. He hurled the tiles, which exploded in midair, at the guard. The Hunter found the house's control box and blasted it, then they all turned to watch Adam's show of destruction in sheer awe.

The Psions could even feel that Wilson, somewhere on the third floor with Jayk, had paused as well.

There were flickers of the lights as the house lost its 'mind'. With the control panel shattered, the security system and any traps that Wilson had lain with it failed. Still, Adam continued his advance upon the guard, still swearing sulfurously and raining destruction down upon him as the others regrouped. They did a head count, and found Tym missing. The Hunter, however, quickly located him on the only surviving couch in the great room, resting.

Finally, holstering his blaster, Adam confronted the guard who fired at him again as a tile exploded in front of him. A sharp fragment took off one of his hands, and blood sprayed out as he cried out for mercy.

Adam, however, had none to give him.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" He demanded, blowing a chunk out of the sod at the dying man's feet.

The last guard whimpered, clutching at the stump of his wrist and literally staring Death in the soft and unblemished face of an eternally young one.

Adam pulled off his helmet, and the guard gasped. "Y-you're just a l-lit-tle XY!" he gasped.

"No," Adam countered, "I'm not. In case you didn't notice, I'm a Mutant. Unapproved. A Runaway slave, too. But an XY, I'm not! YOUR kind saw to that. YOUR kind wanted slaves. Everything for YOU, and nothing for US! You Approveds and your desires, always getting what YOU want! And who pays for it? I DID!" He screamed, blasting half of the roof off of the back of the huge house and sending a rain of debris down upon the side lawn.

Then a deadly silence fell upon the Wilson estate.

"Wh-what are y-you, then?" the dying man choked, squeezing at his stump and trying to stop the bleeding. Uninvited, Chriss stepped up to Adam's side and laid a slim and smoking greenish-tinted hand upon his love's shoulder. He focused his Pyro ability and cauterized the man's bleeding stump.

The guard howled in agony as the bloody lump of meat smoked and stopped bleeding.

"I am an e-XY," Adam whispered, concentrating his Will upon the Approved's head.

"Adam, do you really wanna do this?" Chriss asked him.

Adam, with tears streaming down his smooth face, nodded. "I've wanted to do this ever since my Master called the Exterminators on me," he replied in a chilling and high-pitched voice. "I've wanted to do it ever since that fat-ass dealer cut me and laughed and told me how beautiful I was."

Chriss stepped back. Then be done with him, he sent. But it'll do you no good. I just burned a man alive inside of his own armor in there. I think I'm going to puke.

And with that, Adam the Bomber and e-XY Mutant Unapproved unleashed the full rage of his fourteen Cycles worth of hurt.

The unarmed man exploded into absolute nothingness. Only two indentations in the soft grass made by his knees remained.

Very slowly, Adam sank to his own knees in the green grass, staring in horror at the wreckage all around him. His mouth opened, but no sound came out. His eyes were wide and pale as Chriss went to him, taking him in his arms as he had done a few nights after the breaking down of their mental blocks. Then, exhausted as he was from expending so much energy on fireballs during the fight, he let his limited Psi reach out to the young e-XY that he loved. He swallowed hard, opening his tired Mind to Adam.

Adam's head sank into Chriss' shoulder as the young Pyro finally figured out how Xyn and Jayk had done it. They both understood the anguish in an instant, and as Adam broke down and wept like the broken-hearted little one that he was, they were replaced by an entity that was Adam/Chriss.

No one said a word as they watched them. The Hunter, who's Psi was the least spent, swept the area. "We're clear, for the moment," he warned. "How bad are we hurt?" he asked, wiping at his badly damaged and smoking armor. "Tym's resting inside, what about the rest of you?"

Xyn looked around, his vision blurry and his own armor smoking. His back stung with the burns that he knew he had as Kefe dropped from what was left of a ceiling beam. The Nightstalker's cyan eyes were shining, and his fangs dripped blood down his chin. "I'm fine," he stated, going to Xyn and looking him over. "Man, you're fucked up bad in the back, Xyn," he advised.

"Where's Tym?" Xyn asked, sweeping his Mind around the room and feeling it coming back up to power so quickly. He took a deep breath, amazed to find himself still feeling the emotions coming from the craft. Rick Abrams was ill, and the two little Mutants were somewhat elated and confused and sort of ill all at the same time. He tuned them out and concentrated upon Tym and Jayk.

From the great room that they had laid waste in battle came a soft whimper. Dan was still nowhere to be found, but Tym didn't sound good. Kefe helped Xyn to his feet, but the young Psion brushed him off and stumbled into the next room. He found Tym collapsed on a divan by a large potted palm tree in the corner. The little one had pulled his damaged helmet off and detached his gloves. His face was drawn and pale, and he was gasping for breath. There was a knot on his left temple near his eye, and he was blinking rapidly.

Xyn stumbled over to him, and with a great effort, lifted his head and shoulders and sat down. He gently laid Tym's head in his lap and smoothed his hair.

"What's wrong?" he cried, "Are you hit?" he asked, searching the little Mutants relatively unscathed body armor. Then he looked at the helmet, discarded on the rug and gasped. He saw the bump and gasped.

"Not that," Tym choked. "M-my head ins-s-ide. I h-hurt my-s-self. Over-did 3;" he wheezed, his pale head lolling over to the side. Xyn saw the veins in his forehead pulsing, and his lips were turning blue.

"Hunter!" Xyn called out, "Tym's hurt bad!"

The Hunter ran to his side, his Psi tired and his body aching. He took one look at Xyn's damage, grimaced, and then probed at Tym. Xyn watched the color drain from his face.

"What is it?" the young Psion cried. "What's wrong with him?"

The Hunter shook his head. "He's exhausted, Xyn. He's been running his little Mind full tilt almost since the day we had that Group-Mind thing after the attempt on your lives back in the Ruins. He just KNOWS that someone's out there, and he's been determined to find them. He's been watching me, you, Jayk, and looking all this time, and over all that distance. Then this fight, what he did back there to those guards, and I'm pretty sure he's been the one tampering with those two little Mutants that Abrams is watching back our crafts. NO ONE learns that fast! He's just burned himself out, Xyn."

"AND?!" Xyn cried, tears beginning to run down his flawless face.

Tym coughed, weakly reaching up a small hand. Xyn held his own up, and the Hunter reached over to pull Xyn's glove off. He took Tym's shaking hand in his own, willing him to live.

Wilson, Tym sent weakly, his not-quite-Psi a stuttering a quiet whisper.

"What about him?" Xyn asked, his voice choked with tears.

"Wils-son 3; a-f-fraid 3; Jayk's c-collar 3; can't hold it m-much longer," Tym gasped. "Fighting with s-s-someone 3;"

The Hunter snapped his fingers and nodded. "I got it! Xyn, focus your Psi on just Tym. We know he's different than us, somehow. We're not used to a Psi like his, it's so strange! But once you 'get' it, you can feel it! He's fighting someone right now and trying to keep Wilson off balance too! If he doesn't let off soon 3;"

Xyn nodded, his eyes suddenly alight as Kefe brought them a glass of water and a medkit. He took another and turned. "I'm going outside to check on the firebug and Adam," he stated, nodding to the Hunter who nodded back.

Then Xyn felt it. Another Mind, on a strange and unfamiliar operating Psionic level, was definitely there. He could feel the mental 'carnage' going on, and suddenly felt Tym's exhaustion. Ignoring the pain in his back and fueled by his own fears of failure and of losing Tym or Jayk, Xyn joined that fight. He merged into the fray, gently pushing the little one aside. Tym didn't resist, and when the Hunter was sure that he was 'clear' of it, he injected him with something from the medkit that Kefe had brought. Tym's breathing eased, and he fell asleep as his Mind shut down for the first time in months.

From the top of the stairs leading off from the dining room came a wicked laugh. "I hate Psions," Wilson sneered, clutching Jayk by the arm and holding a blaster to his head. "I wondered why I was suddenly so scared to even move, for fear that lovely Jayk here might bite me," he mused. "Ah, well. Welcome to my home, gentlemen, or rather, what's left of it? You'll get a bill, of course." Then he looked upon the Hunter, who stood up slowly. "Aren't you dead?" he asked.

The Hunter shook his head, having opened his visor some time before. "No, I'm not," he replied slowly. "Nice to see you again, Wilson. And guards? Must have cost you a fortune."

Wilson sneered. "You just can't get good help anymore," he complained. "The damn Government sends agents, I hire guards. Some odd fat man comes here and tells me that some Mutant is going to kill me. What a time I've had! Oh, how is the perverse old slob, by the way?"

"Dead," the Hunter replied coldly.

"Good," Wilson replied, "I didn't like him anyway."

Then the Hunter turned his gaze towards Jayk. Prepare yourself, he advised.

Jayk saw the Hunter as well and smiled. His silver-capped fangs hung down just past his lower lip. His perfect white teeth were framed in those ruby lips, and his almond-shaped black eyes and sloped black brows raced back towards his pointed ears in which hung two perfect silver rings each. He turned his head to look at his Master, and his long black braids, pulled back into a thick tail, rustled against his back. His dark skin was slightly oiled and shone in the remaining light, mute testimony to Wilson's plans for the evening. Upon each wrist and ankle was a padded silver cuff, more fashionable than functional. Upon his upper arms, which showed some signs of musculature, were two silver bands that reminded the Hunter of something from an ancient history lesson. There was also a silver ring on each of his middle fingers, both with a shining sapphire inlaid stone. The Hunter looked closer, and the rings drew his eyes to the missing finger. Jayk also wore the same silver slippers that the Hunter recalled, and his only other pieces of clothing were his belt and slave collar.

The collar and belt were also silver. The belt fit him well, and it encircled his slim waist and connected to the two silver leg pieces that ran from the sides and up under his thighs to meet in the back. It fit much like a pair of shorts, only there was nothing in the front to cover Jayk's nudity. The belt was built to display Jayk's near-perfect form, and the fact that he was a complete e-XY with no sign that he'd ever been born to manhood.

The Hunter gazed upon him and began to sweat. Oddly enough, since the reprogramming of his Suit, he didn't feel the familiar frustrations that he was so accustomed to. He smiled back, but he WAS sweating. Heavily. His eyes focused on the slave collar with its huge sapphire inset, and his smile grew broader. He knew the model number of the collar, and saw that the indicator light near the stone was off. Smashing the control box for the house's security field had neutralized it after all!

He smiled again.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so damn happy, were I you," Wilson sneered, starting down the steps with Jayk in tow. "Now here's what we're going to do. I know how you feel about this one, Hunter. I know you want him. I'd like to have some of my funds back, so I'm willing to trade. You're going to take me to your craft, we're going to get some Authority out here, and once I'm safe from this motley terrorist squad of yours, I'll hand Jayk over to you – papers and all! He'll be yours, I'll be safe, and we can part company. That's after you Exterminate THEM, that is!" Wilson spat, gesturing with his free hand at Xyn and Tym.

"I'm a civilized man, Hunter. What do you say? After all, they're just Unapproveds. Mutants. WE'RE different, you and I. Do we have a deal?"

"I think we should ask Jayk about that," the Hunter replied. Xyn?

From his own struggle to throw off the one who had been fighting Tym, Xyn replied.

Do it Jayk! Do it now! Xyn cried out, clutching Tym to his breast and rocking him as he fought his own Psionic war. Somewhere out there was that Mind, the one he wanted, and he was so close! More than anything, he wanted to run to Jayk, to destroy Wilson on the spot, but he could NOT leave Tym undefended. This other Mind was raging for blood, as was Xyn as well. He looked up at Jayk, his eyes full of pleading 3; and longing.

Jayk looked down at the still form in Xyn's lap. He sighed and stopped on the stairs, jerking his hand out of his Master's grasp. Xyn was asking him to do the one thing that he swore he'd never do again – turn Beast.

"What do you think you're doing?" Wilson demanded.

"I'm getting ready to go home," Jayk replied calmly, kicking off his slippers and jumping back up five steps with fluid grace, much like Kefe's.

Wilson aimed his blaster at him, but Jayk shook his head. "If you fire on me, the Hunter will shoot you. If you fire at him, his armor will block it, bad as it IS damaged, it will. Besides, Adam and Kefe and Chriss are still out there, and they'll be back soon. The Hunter needs only to send ONE tiny little Psionic urge out to them, and they'll come in here and shred you! And don't even think about stunning me with my collar. It went offline when the Hunter smashed the control box. I'd say you're in for a bad night, Master!"

"You'll never get off the grounds, Jayk," Wilson countered.

Jayk, however, shook his head and pointed to down the steps towards the doorway where the control panel used to be. Wilson's face blanched, and Jayk snarled. "Who's going to stop me?"

He stared in horror at his slave, his mind racing with the memories of the passion-filled nights he's spent with Jayk in his bed as Jayk began to change. His dark skin turned even darker, and his black eyes began to glow red. Jayk's smooth back hunched down a bit, and when he opened his mouth, the silver cosmetic caps popped off of his razor-sharp fangs as they extended down to almost touch his smooth chin. His already long arms seemed to grow even longer, and his nails extended into claws.

Wilson gazed in terror at the metamorphosis taking place before him.

From Jayk's throat came an inhuman growl, as his entire body seemed to shift, becoming bulkier. The ancient Slow-Mutant raised up then, and his cry of rage echoed through the house. It brought Kefe, Adam and Chriss running to the shattered patio doors, but they froze in their tracks as Jayk seemed to take flight.

Wilson's trembling hand dropped the blaster, and Jayk seized him in an embrace that was anything but passionate. "Kiss me, Master," he growled, sinking his long fangs into Wilson's mouth. Blood poured and Wilson screamed as Jayk's fangs tore at his lips and tongue. Jayk's own rough and lengthened tongue entered his mouth then, tearing skin as it went. His mouth filled with the hot, salty taste of fresh blood and he snarled again, throwing back his head to suck in a deep breath as Wilson's blood ran down his chest. Jayk struck again and reared his head back once more, pulling away hard and breaking his Master's teeth as he did. He spat teeth and blood down the stairs, and Wilson struggled to break away from the Beast upon him.

Jayk held fast, his long nails ripping into Wilson's back and shredding his leather smoking jacket. More blood poured from those wounds as he fell, rolling down the stairs with Jayk gracefully skipping over him. He slid down the banister and landed upon his Master again. When he reached the bottom, at the feet of the dumbstruck Hunter, Jayk was fully upon him again with his wicked claws. Months of frustration, shame, and the longing for Xyn and home welled up within him as Jayk straddled his Master and raised a clawed hand to strike.

"Jayk," Wilson gasped through his ruined mouth, his eyes filled with fear – and amazingly – lust!

Jayk saw where those eyes were focused, and snarled.

"No," he growled, struggling to keep hold of his senses, unlike when he'd changed and killed Kel. "Never again, Master," he said, his free hand running over his own empty crotch as Wilson moaned. Then, to add insult to injury, Jayk said, "I HATED it when you fucked me! You never could make ME cum! It was all for YOU! Xyn got it right the FIRST time!"

And with that, he brought his hand down, hard. His claws ripped into Wilson's chest, and when he drew his hand back, he held his Master's beating heart in his hand.

Wilson gazed upon the sight in shock, vomited up blood, then turned his head and died.

Silence filled the room as Jayk rolled backwards off of his dead Master. No one moved, except for Kefe, who rushed to his side with his medkit. He watched Jayk change back slowly, and when he was sure that his old friend was quite all right, he helped him to his feet. Jayk swayed and wobbled, but he didn't pass out. His black eyes were full of tears, and he was shaking his head; his braids rustled.

"I never wanted to do that again," he moaned, leaning upon Kefe.

"You did what you had to do, buddy," Kefe replied, looking him up and down. "And what's with this get-up?"

Jayk laughed weakly as Kefe got him over to a small divan that was not too badly burnt and sat him down. The Hunter joined him as Adam and Chriss, arms about each others' shoulders, looked on. "Hello, Jayk," the Hunter said, letting the ancient young one lean on him.

Jayk said nothing. He simply let the Hunter hold him while he cried.

Xyn caught momentary flickers of the events in the other room. He saw Jayk at the top of the stairs. He saw the change, saw the descent. He saw Wilson's death, and although he longed to run to Jayk and embrace him, he stood firm. Still, the Mind that was attacking him could not be isolated. It dodged his every strike, coming back with force to hit him and retreat. It taunted him, speaking to him as he fought with it and tried to protect Tym.

Give up.


You cannot defeat me!

Who are you?

Who are YOU?


They didn't tell you, I can see that! Oh, how I love a secret!

I'm not that stupid! You won't distract me!

I speak the truth!

And you attack little ones? How brave.

Tym is no ordinary little one. I have to admit that I never expected to run into HIM again, though.

What of him?

I got rid of the little bastard once, and I'll do it again!

You'll have to go through me first!

Leave him! The Tym-Experiment was a failure. We thought him long dead.

No! He's not a failure! He's special!

No, he's a mistake. YOU are special, Xyn Psion.

THAT got Xyn's attention. It was the name that Shar had given him, and the Mind that he fought with reminded him a great deal of her. The other Mind picked up on that.

Yes, Shar! We know her. We respect her. Misguided as she is.

What do you know of her?


This time, however, Xyn's adversary faltered at the thought of Shar. Whoever it was, he or she was afraid of her! But why?

You have only one viable course before you, Xyn Psion, and it is NOT with the Mutants of the Ruins. Do you really think that they can win this coming War? Already there is movement, action to stop them! The Ruins will be gone long before you arrive there!

Tym stirred in Xyn's lap and moaned as the others came into the room. They said nothing, watching Xyn wage his own private fight that was, in many ways, more terrible than the fight that had raged in the house not so long ago.

Xyn looked down at the little one that he had taken in. He remembered Tym, so small and helpless and so close to starving when he'd found him at the first Transport ship. He remembered the strange Places of the Mind, the Waters and the Wild, that Tym had shown him how to reach. He thought back to the attempt upon their lives, of how sick the little one had been, and of how long it had taken him to recover. He recalled his time of isolation, running the Ruins and the Flats, the Forest, climbing the stairs of the old buildings and reaching for the very sky as he struggled to tone his young body. And he thought of Jayk – how he loved him, what he'd taught him, and how he'd missed him so very badly for so long.

Such a waste, the other Mind said flatly.

No. Not a waste. Necessity.

But why?

Then Xyn felt something new. This other Mind respected him. It fought with him, but it didn't really want to kill him! It DID want to kill the other Outcasts, but not him! In a strange way, it even liked him. It wanted him.

It had plans for him.

Xyn paused in his counterstrike, creating an illusion of deep pondering. The other fell for it.

Yes! It exulted, You can be, you WILL be, so much more! You and your descendents were created, Xyn. YOU have a purpose, and it's a grand one! We want you. We need you! Badly! What can these Outcasts and lesser beings mean to one like you? You have no idea of what you and yours will bring the World!

Xyn laughed aloud, and the rest of them stared at him.

The phrase "You and your descendents were created, Xyn," struck him as hilarious.

This other Mind didn't know! It had a plan, but surely it hadn't counted on Xyn's castration! It had gambled a great deal, it seemed, upon Xyn's ability to father more little ones. Again, Xyn laughed as he stroked Tym's pale hair and held him tenderly.

Charming, that Mind spoke to him, And so fitting. Father figure, Xyn Psion, Father to the World! Come to us with this ability of yours, this ability to love and be loved in return. Take your rightful place, Heir of Kadens the Unifier!

Xyn nearly choked as he heard his title spoken in his Mind. Suddenly a flood of images that had lain dormant in his Mind came to the surface. A man in a black business suit was there, and a fat man. A robot was carrying him, and then there was Mr. Rick and the other little ones! Then something came from Tym's Mind as well – fear. All but shut down into unconsciousness, something that Tym must have hidden in Xyn's mind at some past time rose up to be noticed. Xyn breathed deeply, amazed at the new information and how they had hidden it from him. One of his eyebrows raised, and he scratched at his head. Tym knew this Mind, and he was afraid of it.

That's right, the other said to him, Do you understand?

Kadens the Unifier is my father? Xyn mused. But he's been dead for a LONG time?

The other Mind realized that Xyn wasn't grasping all of what it knew, yet it let it go. Xyn appeared to be off balance, and it relished the thought as it made a move for Tym.

Xyn, however, was NOT off balance and he struck back.

Tell me, is this job open to a eunuch? Xyn asked as the full force of his Mind finally grasped the very essence of the other and held it tightly. With a great effort, he then recalled the pain of his own brutal castration and threw the memory at the other Mind. It was a trick he'd learned from Tym.

What? The other almost screamed, struggling in vain to break out of the grip that Xyn's memory of pain had it locked into.

You know, a eunuch, an e-XY. I'm castrated! Didn't you know? The XY-hormones were messing up my Mutant abilities, so I got castrated. Problem solved! Wasn't that why the spies in the Ruins drugged me up on HRT, to limit my abilities? So, do you still want me?

The other Mind screamed as Xyn tore into it anew. He saw a man, somewhere far away, in a shining New City to the Far North where the snows had already come. Somehow, this man was a powerful Psion. Xyn had never met him before, but he felt so familiar! Others were watching the man, listening to him. They were worried, Xyn could tell. Many of them were in a near panic, and Xyn laughed. Descendents? That's going to be a serious problem, sir.

You little fool! It screamed. YOU?! An e-XY? DO you have any clue what you've done? After all the Resources that went into making you? You were the last, Xyn Psion! The LAST of the line! There can be no others! This cannot be! It wailed in agony, which confused Xyn.

Making me?

The other Mind did not answer.

"I am growing weary of you," Xyn said aloud as well as with his Mind. "It is the truth. Unless I am cloned, I cannot bear little ones, as you ask. Whatever you think of me, whatever you mean that you hide from me, must all be irrelevant now. Were you not expending so much power to keep it from me, you might have been able to defeat me. But now it's too late!"

And with that, Xyn struck a Psionic blow such as he'd never done before. He never knew where the power came from, as tired as he was. Later in life, he would convince himself that it had come from his status as an e-XY Mutant, his Psi unfettered by the lack of XY-hormones. He never found out from whence it really came.

Chriss fainted, and the Hunter fell over backwards. Back at the craft, Edward IV passed out. Up in the Ruins East, Shar jumped up from her control panel and her chat with Duncan-2 about the actions of the Mutants in the Ruins West and the global power grids. Every Psion Mutant on the Northern Continent, in fact, took notice of the Force of Xyn's Mind sweeping to the New City Far North. Those who did not faint heard the death scream of that strange Mind as it fell down towards the Pit, taking its identity and a good many secrets with it.

Xyn felt it go, and he exhaled hard. His eyes glazed over as he shivered, and then he passed out.

The Book of Life

The crafts landed softly in the wreckage of Wilson's back yard. Abrams emerged from the first one, and a rather shaky and bewildered Edward IV got out of the second. His eyes were wild, and he looked stunned. Abrams smiled at him, watching the small progression coming across the lawn. It had been at the Hunter's request that he'd brought the crafts in so that they wouldn't have to carry their fallen comrades back and make a faster getaway before any more Authority or Government figures could arrive. Their time for escaping with the satellites and Networks scrambled was running out as well, and time was of the essence.

"That wasn't so bad, was it, Eddie?" Abrams asked the little novice Psion.

Edward shook his head, his thick red hair waving. "I didn't know I could do that," he mumbled, leaning heavily upon 'R'.

"I'm sorry, but we had to do it. You don't know how to fly, and I do. I know you and 'R' are tired from the fight with the household staff, and I'm sorry I had to wake you up with those nasty smelling salts. You OK?"

Edward and 'R' both nodded.

"You need a real name," Edward said to his friend.

'R' smiled.

Abrams then gasped as he saw what the Hunter carried in his arms.

Xyn's body armor was still curling small wisps of smoke here and there, and his visor was cracked. The Hunter carried him face-down, and Abrams saw the gaping hole in the back of the young one's armor. Jayk, having not been involved in the real fighting, came beside the Hunter with Tym in his arms. Tym's armor was scuffed in a few places and his helmet was off, but his face had a gray pallor to it that Abrams didn't like; there was also the growing bump on his head. The little one's breathes came in short, ragged gasps and he whimpered as he hung limply in Jayk's long arms.

The rest followed behind them, weapons draw and Mutant abilities at the ready. They were all tired, but there was no time to rest. Very carefully, they began boarding the crafts. "This isn't going to work," the Hunter commented, setting his weapon for a tight beam and cutting the back seats loose in the stolen craft. He threw them out, making room for the injured to lie down.

"Where's Dan?" Kefe asked, suddenly looking around with his eyes shining.

"I haven't seen him since the fight broke out," the Hunter commented. "Gods, that little one can run!"

Chriss swept the area with his Psi, and he whistled. "He'll be here in a few minutes. Would you believe he ran to the nearest neighbor? He's swiped another medkit and even gotten a report from what's left of the Networks." Chriss then closed his eyes and concentrated hard. His true calling was as a Pyro, but he did have that limited Psi.

"We haven't been found out yet, but Adam did sort of get the neighbors' attention. They wanted to call the Authorities, but Dan says the communications system won't work! The power's out in town as well. Wait, here he comes now!"

Almost before Chriss could finish the sentence, Dan appeared, breathing hard. He tossed the large medkit to Kefe and sat down heavily in the grass. "I hate running in this armor," he complained. Then he looked around. "I see we were successful."

The Hunter laughed. "Neat trick with the security system, Dan. And thanks for the medkit and getting clear of the action. Your mother would have never forgiven us if we'd gotten you killed."

Dan smiled. "You were all busy, and I'm not good with a blaster. Besides, we needed information and it's hard to watch the Broadcasts with people shooting at you! Nice neighbors, really. I didn't even have to shoot any of them. Anyways, the Networks are slowly coming back online, and the Government's got one Comm-Tell orbiter working again. Martial Law is going on in all the New Cities, and the Old Cities are still under lockdown. No one's allowed out, so the trip home could be rough. Every single member of the Authority is on duty, and there's more craft in the air than anyone even knew existed! The only thing goin' for us is the fact that everyone's in a panic, and it's pretty much chaos in the Cities."

Then he paused.

"They also mentioned shots fired at the New Cities in the West and the original Old City East. It could be a rough flight home."

"Shots from who?" Chriss asked.

"The Ruins," Dan replied somberly.

The Hunter and Abrams nodded at him.

"What do you think?" Abrams asked.

"I think we fly hard and high and make for the Ruins," he replied, boosting the little ones up into the crafts and settling everyone in. Very carefully, he lifted Xyn, and then Tym, up to Abrams who laid them out in the back of the modified craft. Kefe tended to them as best he could, delicately removing Xyn's badly damaged body armor and wrinkling his nose at the burnt smell. Tym moaned as Adam moved to help strip him as well, but he did not regain consciousness.

"Let me help," Jayk asked Kefe, who nodded and handed him a damp cloth.

"Let's get the hell out of here," Abrams suggested. "They're bound to show up any time now, and I don't want to be here when they do."

The crafts took the sky and leveled out for a high cruise mode at maximum speed. Adam, in the Outcasts' craft in front with 'R' at his side stood ready for an attack. They didn't want to waste power shooting down enemies, and the Bomber Mutants, although near exhausted, stood watch like troopers. Abrams and the Hunter flew behind them with the little ones and Dan, having made room for Jayk in the lead craft.

"Damn," Kefe breathed, finally getting Xyn's ruined backplate off of him, exposing his back. It was covered with ugly blistered burns, some of which oozed and were stuck to his black undershirt. Very slowly, they finished stripping them.

As Kefe was finishing his examination of Tym for physical wounds, he looked up to see Jayk staring at Xyn's naked form. Kefe covered Tym's unmarked body with a blanket. Very slowly, Jayk reached out a long-fingered hand and touched the smoothly healed wound where the young Psion had been castrated. "He told me," Jayk whispered, "He reached out that Psi of his all the way to here when he was being cut. I cried myself to sleep that night, Kefe," Jayk whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "I've been an e-XY for many Cycles that I forget when I was cut. I couldn't believe he did it!"

Kefe laid a hand on his old friend's shoulder, and then pulled a small blanket from one of the emergency packs. He wrapped it about Jayk, who was trembling and not well dressed for the trip to colder climates. "He did it to save his Psi," the Nighstalker replied.

"I know," Jayk agreed in a sick voice full of regret, "But still 3; I never wanted him to 3; to end up like 3; me."

Kefe smiled. "He isn't like you, Jayk."

"He came for me. He always said he would," Jayk said in wonder.

"Help me with his burns," Kefe asked, propping the unconscious Xyn up so that Jayk could hold him.

"Worse than it looks," Jayk replied, "Second degree. No charred skin." He tapped at the piece of shattered armor. "Good stuff," he commented, carefully spreading some ointment over Xyn's wounds with a trembling hand.

"What about Tym?" Kefe asked.

Jayk shook his head. "I don't know, other than that bump on his head. He's a Psion, or something. I'm not. I really don't know. Do we have ship to ship comm.?"

Kefe nodded, and called for an open channel.

"Dan, it's Jayk! We need to call your mom!"


"Tym's not responding to anything we do for him. His breathing's not good, either. I think it's mental, not injury to his body. Shar would know."

Dan thought for a moment, then a soft feminine voice filled with anxiety came over the speakers.

"Dan, oh gods, Dan, are you all well? I've been waiting to hear!"

"We're fine, thanks, and you?" Jayk answered.

"Jayk!" Shar cried with relief, "Oh, Jayk. Forgive me! Is anyone hurt?"

"Xyn's got some burns and he's out cold, but Tym could be bad. He collapsed fighting a Psi-fight with someone up North, Shar. He doesn't look good."

"Hunter," Shar asked without hesitation, "Can you feel anything? How is his Mind?"

"That's just it, my Lady," the Hunter replied over the open channel running through the Mutants pilfered satellite, "I tried that. There's not much there. It's like he's an empty shell. I didn't want to alarm the others. I was rather busy at the time, but from what I could pick up on, Xyn and Tym were both in one hell of a fight with some Psion.""I know where Tym is, then," she stated confidently. "Are Xyn's wounds all physical?"

"They are," the Hunter confirmed as his Psi swept the two unconscious ones again.

"Don't wake Xyn, then. Go to his Mind, Hunter. Tell him to go to the wild place where the waters are blue. There will he find Tym, and only he can bring him back. IF he can be brought back. If their fight was as bad as you say, Hunter, it may be too late for them."

"Xyn's tougher than that!" Jayk disagreed, sitting cross-legged on the floor with Xyn's bald head in his lap. "He'll find Tym and bring him back. I know he can!"

"We shall see," Shar said.

Very softly, Jayk leaned down and kissed Xyn's forehead. He then reached over and took Tym's small and held it in his own with Xyn's. His eyes went wide for a moment, then he relaxed.

"What is it?" Kefe demanded.

"I can hear him," Jayk smiled. He's there. Where we were. In that place in his Mind. The safe place where everything is right and you can rest. He's writing, like he's trying to save something special."

Then Jayk bowed his head, still holding their hands as the crafts flew on towards the Ruins.

"What is he saying?" Chriss asked from up front, studying his injured hand as the craft cruised on automatic. Beside him sat Adam with 'R' in his lap, scanning the skies with their instruments and eyes.

"'Come away oh human child 3;'" Jayk began, but paused. "It's a very old poem I read to Xyn one night when he first came and saw all my books 3;"


The sky was a deep cobalt blue with only a few puffy, white clouds gliding by high above the soft and green grass. A warm and gentle wind blew, rippling the waters of the huge lake just off behind the great tree that was all decked out in the botanical finery of Colorfall. Birds came and went from its mighty limbs, singing and dipping into the grass as other small wild things ran here and there past the little one who sat leaning up against the rough bark with a book in his lap and a quill in his hand.

The breeze blew past him, through him somehow, it felt. He wrote quickly, his fine penmanship drawing ornate letters in the leather-bound volume in his lap that was almost bigger than he was. His eyes and hair were pale, and his skin was a very white color with a rosy glow to it. The grass and earth were soft and warm under his naked skin, and he dug his toes into the loose dirt as he wrote. He smiled as he heard the grass rustle and looked up.

Someone was coming.

The other approached him quickly, running through the tall grass with the wind whistling in his small, round ears. His head was bald, and his naked skin darker. His eyes were fixed upon the naked little one under the great tree, but those eyes were haunted. He stopped just in front of the little writer and smiled down at him, reaching a hand out to him.

The little one shook his head, and the older one sat down beside him to pull him close and hold him as he wrote.

"Nice book."

"Thank you," the little replied politely, still writing and smiling at his friend.

"What are you writing?"

"Something for you."


The little one thought for a moment, scratching his ear with the quill that never needed ink. "So you remember it all," he mused.

His friend smiled back. "You always did like long stories and old things," he replied, "What's it about?"


The older one raised an eyebrow as the wind blew a bit harder, sending a shower of brightly colored leaves down upon them. Somewhere out in the lake, a fish jumped and the birds continued to sing high above their heads. He noticed that the wind was just a bit cooler as he pulled the little one closer.

"I don't want you to forget," the little one said in a firm tone.

"Forget? Me? Forget what?"

He looked up at his friend, the only friend that he'd ever really had and trusted, and smiled sadly.

"But why so sad?" His friend asked, puzzled.

The little one sighed heavily as another gust of wind, stronger this time, brought down more leaves on them. The wind was much colder this time, and they shivered as they held each other. The little one wrote down a few more lines, amazingly fast, and then began to cry. His tears fell upon the last blank page of the book as he closed it.

"I knew you'd find me here," he whispered, leaning his pale head upon his friend's chest and smiling.

"Yes," his friend mused, rubbing his head as he kissed his small ear, "But it's getting cold. What say we go back?"

But the little one shook his head as he stared up into his friend's eyes. "I'm not going back, Xyn."


The little one closed his eyes and rubbed them. "I'm too tired."


"It was too much, Xyn. The fight. I'm hurt, back there where we really are. I'm hurt bad, and no one can save me. Not even you."

"How bad?" Xyn replied, almost panicking and bringing his Psi to bear. His Mind slipped into Tym's, and the pain struck him hard. He shook his head, gritting his teeth.

"Oh, gods no! But it's just a little bump on the head! How can that 3; how can it 3; It's not THAT bad!" Xyn cried, clutching Tym tighter, as if his very touch could somehow make it right again. Then he pulled back a bit and stared into the little one's somber face. "You knew this would happen!"

Tym nodded.

"The first blast hit me in the visor, Xyn. And I was holding that other Mind off for a long time. He was strong, but he didn't understand me. He was too busy hating me for that."

Tym coughed, but went on.

"We never named me, did we? I'm not a Psion, you guys all said. You thought I was more, or something new. But I'm all worn out, Xyn," he explained, handing him the heavy book, "I'm so very tired."

"What's in here?" Xyn choked, his tears finally spilling down his smooth cheeks. Tym reached up a small hand and touched them, one at a time.

"Everything I know, I guess," he replied. "Nothing HERE is really what it seems. Think of the book as my Mind, my Memories. I could pass them to others, you know, like I did when I met you and forced you here by accident. Or like I did to scare Shar. But this book is ME, Xyn. It's how I feel, what I think, maybe even all that I am. Or all that I was. It's all in there."

Xyn shook his head in disbelief. "I can't take it, Tym! In this place, if it is what you say it is, taking it might kill you!"

Then Tym shook HIS head. "I'm dying anyway," he said softly, snuggling into Xyn's warm body and rubbing his soft hair on his chest. "Just hold me for a little bit."

And Xyn did just that.

The wind blew colder as he held his little friend, the only one who'd seen him in the months after his castration and the lonely time that he'd spent running the Ruins in his desperate longing for Jayk. The only one who'd been able to comfort him, the only one that he could face. The one to whom he'd read a story every night, teaching him, in turn, to read. The one he'd woken up with in his bed every morning, yet shared only his Mind and chaste cuddling with.

The one who'd saved him from madness.

The leaves continued to fall upon them as they sat in the green grass and as the sun dipped low into the West, coloring the unending sky with purples and oranges and reds and yellows that dazzled their eyes. Finally, the wind became uncomfortably cold as they clung to each other. They held the large book between them in their laps, holding hands atop the leather covering where the letters "T-Y-M" were etched in ornate golden script.

A leaf landed upon their clasped hands, and they looked up.

The great tree was naked as well, all its fine colors gone. Gray clouds were beginning to fill the blue sky, and the wind was picking up with a biting chill. They shivered more, but neither of them moved as the grass turned brown and dry. Tym felt Xyn's smooth skin on his own, warm and darker than his was. Xyn felt Tym's soft and pale mop of hair against his chest, and the little one reached up to place a small hand firmly atop his bald head. He smiled at him, and Xyn saw that the slight magenta glow was gone from his cheeks and that his gray and colorless eyes were tired and haunted.

He opened his mouth to speak, and a snowflake fell. It landed on Tym's nose, lingered a moment, then melted.

Tym closed his eyes and sighed.

"Xyn," he said in a voice barely audible.

"Yes?" Xyn answered, holding him tightly and rubbing his back.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Xyn asked through his tears.

"For finding me. For feeding me. For not leaving me. For not hating me when you found out what kind of Mutant I was. For not being afraid of me. For giving me a home," Tym gasped, his breath coming in ragged and labored little puffs. Then, with a great effort, he opened his mouth to speak again.

"And for loving me."

Xyn bent down and placed his mouth over Tym's, kissing him, as if somehow his breath could forestall what the little Mutant had predicted. Tym's lips were cold as his own warm ones moved over them. He did not, however, recoil. He savored the moment, letting his aching Psi wash into Tym's Mind as it began to finally shut down. In his free hand, he clutched the book as he supported his little friend with the other. The wind picked up again, and a thick cloud of snow suddenly blew down from the sky to dust the green grass in white and chill the two laying under the tree.

When Xyn pulled back, he was almost blind from the combination of snow and his own tears. He took one last look at the face that he'd first seen on the very first stolen Transport ship in the Ruins, long before he'd become the person known as Xyn Psion – Heir to the Unifier, and was himself a frightened and lost little one without so much as even a real name.

His heart broke as Tym drew in what Xyn knew to be his last breath.

"I love you, Xyn."

Xyn held him tightly, rocking him back and forth as the snow continued to fall. He shivered, but Tym was still and unmoving in his strong arms. He kissed his forehead, and noticed the bump there.

"I love you, too Tym."

Very slowly, Tym's graying lips turned upwards in a smile; then he lay very still.

The cold soaked into Xyn's very Being as he held his friend, rocking his small and unmoving form back and forth and staring at the beautiful book in their laps. The snow blanketed them, the sky darkened and became speckled with stars, but Xyn did not feel it as he held the small body against his. He cried for a long time, alone in that wild place near the waters, until the sun came back up and the snows stopped and the winds turned warm once again. When he finally felt the soft, green grass brushing against his leg and smelled the fragrance of the magenta blossoms of the great tree, he gently laid his little friend at its base in a clump of tiny, white flowers that opened into bloom before his very eyes. His hands never left the small boy, nor the book as he knelt there.

He blinked, unable to stop the tears. It seemed as if he'd been crying for so very long, but yet they would not stop. He clenched his eyes shut, shaking his head and whining in grief. He scanned as far as he could with his powerful Psi, amazed at its regeneration, but there was no one else there. He felt the cool and delicate skin under his hands, but when he looked back, there was only the supple leather cover of the large book that he held tightly. He pulled it close to his chest and bowed his head. The sweet smelling white flowers waved in the breeze, and as the tree began to unfurl its leaves and shower him with magenta blossoms, Xyn turned to go.

He left the waters and the wild, and left a piece of his broken heart there under the tree.

He never returned.

Goodbye, Tym, he called out to the safe place where they'd once taken refuge, but no one answered him.


High above the eastern seaboard and speeding back towards the Ruins, the craft dodged a trio of patrol ships that had somehow detected it. The New Cities below them were dark, and there were no signs of life on the streets. It almost looked like the Ruins, only newer. It seemed as if everyone had taken the advice of the Authority and holed up.

"Authority craft," Chriss called over the main communication channel, "Break off your pursuit or be destroyed. Our mission is not your concern," he advised, hoping that they'd buy the markings of the stolen craft.

They didn't.

"Unidentified craft," they responded, "Your vessel is reported stolen. Land immediately or we will open fire."

"Fuck them," Jayk growled. "Get 'em, Adam!"

"WITH pleasure!"

Adam and 'R' knocked two of them down as Chriss set fire to the third. His evasive movements of the craft jostled those in the back, and Kefe began to swear.

"What is it?" Chriss called back, hearing the noises from the small medical instruments and Kefe's and Jayk's oaths and curses.

"Tym's not breathing!" Kefe cried. "I can't find a pulse!" There was furious beeping from one of the handheld scanners. "His vitals are crashing!"

"Why?" Chriss shouted back to them.

"I don't know," Kefe called back. "He was dozing, then everything just stopped!"

Beside them, as they worked furiously to revive the little one, Xyn moaned and sat up slowly. He blinked several times, trying to get his bearings, then turned to watch them working on Tym for only a second.

"Let him go," he said in a gentle voice, pulling his blanket tighter around himself and shaking.

Jayk and Kefe paused to face him, shaking their heads. From the front, Chriss and Adam craned their necks to watch as the craft flew in auto mode again. Kefe had slapped a small neuro-stimulator to Tym's brow and was preparing to shock him.

"Let him go," Xyn repeated, holding his arms strangely in front of himself as if he were carrying something, "Please."

Jayk looked deep into Xyn's eyes, and without watching, he moved his hand to stay Kefe's move to shock Tym's heart back into beating. He shook his head, taking Xyn's hand in his other.

There were no words as Kefe nodded and pulled the blanket up over Tym's small face. He turned off the medical scanners and repacked the kit. Then the Nightstalker got up and went up front with his two friends to leave Xyn and Jayk alone in the back of the craft. They had waited for so long to be together again, and it was a private moment. He closed the divider between the front and the back seats and knelt between Adam and Chriss. His eyes were not glowing as he sniffed. 'R' looked at him and sighed heavily as Adam rested his chin on the little one's shoulder. No one spoke.

They simply stared into one another's eyes, taking in the sight. It had been so long, with only brief Psionic contacts over the past Cycle and random assurances from Tym that everything was fine. Very slowly, their hands began to explore one another, touching here and there. They were both familiar, yet different. There were subtle changes in Jayk the Slow Mutant, and major changes in Xyn. Jayk was taller, a bit more muscular, and Xyn was much more so. Jayk touched him. Xyn touched back. Hands explored familiar features, new features, and Xyn helped Jayk remove his 'clothing', as it were.

Jayk was fairly much the same, but Xyn was not.

He was also an e-XY.

Jayk slowly pulled the blanket back, letting it fall, his long-fingered hand moving to touch the well-healed wound under Xyn's penis. It twitched, swelled a bit, and Jayk looked up to smile at him. His fangs flashed at him, and Xyn forced a smile. He sniffled, and then suddenly pulled Jayk into a long-awaited embrace. Once again, they became Xyn/Jayk as Xyn merged their Minds as their bodies pressed together. It was warm and comforting, and the part of him that was Xyn desperately needed that comfort.

No tears?
Just can't cry anymore.
Wish I'd known him better.
I knew him. We knew him.
He watched.
We know.
He pushed too hard.
He's gone.
We know.
He did it for us. ALL of us.

'No greater love hath any man than this 3;
3; That he lay down his life for another.'

Read that to him one night.
He loved bedtime stories.
He was sick for a long time. Hated being in bed.
He liked the big bed.
Where he wasn't alone.
Our bed.
He kept me from going mad.
I know.
We know.

They pulled back just a bit, still one Mind staring back and forth into two sets of eyes. For the moment, it was enough to just hold one another and be lost in each other's Minds. Xyn found that he longed for the pleasures that Jayk had taught him, but also realized that he hadn't thought about those pleasures for a long time. Jayk smiled and nodded. "It's like that for us. You know about it, you like it when it happens, but you don't NEED it all the time. You think you can still 3; uh?" Jayk's face flushed and he grinned a silly grin, "You know 3;?"

Xyn smiled back at him. "I think I can!"

And with that, they separated just a bit.

"I want to go home," Jayk said aloud.

"So do I," Xyn replied. "I just want to go home and go to bed and stay there!"

"I want to go back to my room and stay there for a LONG time!" Jayk added.

"I kept it warm for you."

Jayk nodded. "I know you moved into it, with Tym."

Xyn nodded, almost shyly. "He needed someone 3;" he began to explain, but Jayk shook his head, rustling his braids. The sound sent a shiver down Xyn's spine.

"I understand. It looked like I was gone for good and 3;"

"No, Jayk, I didn't 3;"

Jayk looked puzzled.

"I shared your bed – our bed – with him, but I didn't 3;"


Xyn shook his head. "It wasn't right. He was too little. And besides, like you said, I didn't think about it much since after I got 3;"

But Jayk raised a finger to Xyn's lips, touching them to signal him that he'd said enough as the craft sped back towards the Ruins. Towards home.

They followed the Hunter's craft down to refuel at the same place where he'd stopped on the way to the rendezvous. No one had secured the fuel depot, and it looked as if no one cared. The small town nearby was quiet, and several of the buildings showed signs of looting and fire damage. Everyone was either in hiding – or gone. Only the Hunter and Abrams disembarked, refueling the craft quickly. As he refueled the Outcasts' craft, he sent a thought to Xyn.

I saw pink-purple blossoms falling from a big tree, the Hunter told him, Gods, Xyn, I'm so sorry!

Thank you, Xyn sent back, and the Hunter could feel his loss. Even with Jayk at his side once again, Xyn was unhappy and overrun with grief. The Hunter shook his head as he climbed back into his craft and they took to the skies again.

"Will we ever be happy?" he muttered, "Will it ever end?"

"Pardon?" Abrams asked.

"Tym didn't make it," The Hunter informed him.

Abrams said nothing. He turned his head to stare out the window and thought about Xyn as the Hunter followed Chriss into high cruise and the cabin vacuum-sealed with a great hiss. There was nothing on the Newsfeeds but a blank screen, and the Networks were still offline.

The sight over New City Main was very different as they descended through the clouds. They had not stopped to rest, and daylight was just beginning to fade. As the crafts did their best to blend in with the colors of the surrounding sky, they all looked down and gasped.

Below them was a nightmare.

Authority and Government craft circled the New City, and several more were fending off an attack from appeared to be indistinct shapes at the perimeter where the suburbs began. The shapes fired upon the Authority ships, and they fired back. The impending sunset was marred by weapons fire and smoke, and a good size part of the New City's upper north end was burning. In the parts that were as yet unscathed, they all noticed something odd.

Not one single light was on.

"Oh shit, he finally pulled it off!" Dan breathed, leaning over to stare out the window at the destruction all around them.

"Who did what?" the Hunter demanded. "Fill me in, Dan. This is NOT a good time for secrets."

"Duncan-2, the main processor of Mom's computer system Kel built. He was going to try and crash the Continental Power Grids right before the attack."

"Attack?" Abrams barked, "Attack? As in who's attacking whom?"

Dan shrugged. "Us against them. WE knew it was coming. Didn't you?"

"The Dealer mentioned it," Abrams agreed, "But I thought there'd be more time."

"We always do," The Hunter said sadly.

Abrams shook his head. "Without the Continental Power Grids, everything's down! No Facilities, no Maintenance Centers! No Networks, and no way to coordinate anything!"

Then he thought for a moment as a wave of Government craft went after a mass of indistinct shapes heading in for a fresh assault. The shapes began to coalesce as they drew closer and closer to the City. Finally, as their own craft began to head back up to avoid the fighting, the forms solidified into assault craft much like Chriss was flying. Of those crafts, about a quarter of them made it through the line of Authority and Government defense forces and began dropping bombs on the New City. They flew at breakneck speeds, letting go unbelievable amounts of destructive payload. Below them, buildings exploded into clouds of dust and rubble and fell to take others out with them.

"Ironic how they seem to be using the Governments' own weapon against them," Abrams mused. "The Dealer told me about a 'Duncan-2' that he knew. A little one they were building to be a Leader; a Leader who allegedly died."

Dan shook his head. "I don't know about all that, but Kel brought Duncan to us a while back, even before Xyn came."

Abrams shook his head, and the Hunter grunted. "Be glad WE have Xyn and NOT them!"

On Abrams' lap, Edward IV had closed his eyes and was moaning softly. "Make it stop," he whined, and the Hunter instantly knew his pain. He cursed himself for not paying attention and slipped his lagging Psi into the little one's to block the waves of pain and panic that were assailing him from the City below. Edward closed his eyes and seemed to go to sleep.

"He doesn't need to see that now."

"None of us do," Abrams countered.

Suddenly the communications system came to life. A small and metallic voice was giving orders to the various craft, and it paused to address the two incoming craft. "Prodigal son and Seeker, return at once! The Lady awaits." Then the channel closed.

"The Seeker would be you," Dan said to the Hunter.

The Hunter grunted, opening a channel to Chriss's craft.

"Did you know this was going to happen?" he demanded.

"I suspected it, yes," the young Pyro Mutant replied.

"Great," the Hunter replied sarcastically.

"Hey, it wasn't MY idea!" Chriss retorted. "I figured it would happen, but NOW isn't really a good time for it!"

"I need to speak with Shar!"

"She's busy," Dan stated, "I can hear her. The ground forces are preparing to cross the Flats in stolen land rovers."

The Hunter swore again.

"This is all my fault, Xyn suddenly told them all. I must put a stop to this.

Abrams gasped. "And just what do you plan on doing about it, Xyn?" he asked in a panicked voice.

"I'm not sure," Xyn's voice replied over the channel, "But from what I have gathered, and what that other Mind to the Far North told me, the Government wants me. They made me. There are things I do not yet know, but I can FEEL that it all revolves around me and a sense of Order. If it's ME they want, they I'll go to them."

"There's no guarantee that they'd stop, Xyn!" Jayk's anguished voice broke in. "What makes you think they won't just Exterminate you – AND us?"

"They won't," Abrams replied, and everyone fell silent as the cruised on over the destruction below them as the Approveds and Unapproveds went to bloody war.

Tell me, Xyn whispered in Abrams' Mind, and the former Facility Director remembered that familiar touch. He sighed and nodded.

"You weren't just left at my Facility, as you were lead to believe, Xyn," he began, "You were created. Specially created from a Bio-sample that had been stored for Deca-Cycles. It was almost nonviable, but it worked. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, Xyn, but somehow I think I should be THAT one." He paused.

Everyone waited as more forces from both sides engaged in battle below them as they sped away from the New City Main and towards the Forests.

"Some men from the Government came to well-known Dealer with many connections. One of his connections was me. The Dealer found an XX to impregnate with the specially prepared Bio-sample. She became with child – YOU, Xyn. When you were born, they killed her. I won't hide the truth from you any longer. The Dealer took care of you for a short time, then he was ordered to bring you to a Facility to grow up," Abrams continued, holding the sleeping Edward in his lap.

"Once there, you joined the ranks of all the other little Inmates. You didn't get Parted out nor adopted, however. I wanted you, Xyn. I wanted to take you with me, away from that place. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I had to stay. No one else cared the way I did, I suppose. I thought I was making a difference, but I was just a pawn. Had the fire not happened and you hadn't wandered off, you wouldn't be here now. You'd have never seen the Ruins, nor met Jayk. None of this would have happened."

"The other Mind was very much upset with me telling it that I was an e-XY," Xyn said. "Why is that? What was its concern with me and my Descendents?" Xyn asked, sitting on the floor of the craft and holding onto Jayk very tightly.

Abrams sighed. "The Dealer told me much, Xyn. I never knew, I swear. I wanted you cloned, Xyn. If I couldn't have YOU, I'd have something like YOU, at least. But they denied it. I couldn't figure out why until he told me a few nights ago. You're a clone, Xyn. A clone born of an XX, but your life began in a test sample container. I suppose we should call you 'Kadens-2 Psion' instead of 'zin', that little nickname I gave you so long ago. Hail, Kadens-2 and Heir to the Unification," Abrams finished.

There were amazed whistles and gasps, and Jayk stared at Xyn in wonder as the New City far below and behind them burned and crumbled under the assault of the Unapproveds and assorted Outcasts rising up from the Ruins like Death Himself.

Xyn's jaw dropped, and his eyes shifted from gray to blue to a swirling mix of color that Jayk had never seen before. Very slowly, almost in awe, the ancient Slow Mutant reached up and touched Xyn's smooth cheek.

"Don't worry, I still love you!" He exclaimed loudly, and Xyn jumped. He then smiled, but it was not a smile of mirth. It was a wry grin of a Fate unavoidable, accepted, as Xyn reached down to feel between his legs.

"Then I am the last," he stated flatly. "One cannot clone a clone. I understand now."

He then began reaching out with his Psi. He located Shar, and busy as she was, she acknowledged him. You have succeeded!

Jayk is with me, Xyn informed her, But one little one does not return to us.

For an instant, Shar's Psi sent panic, then sorrow. He would never tell me, she replied, her Psi full of grief. But this Other finally took him?

His long Psionic battle, and a blaster shot to the head at close range, Xyn told her with a lump rising in his throat as he looked over at the blanketed form. But there is so much more. I am not who I appear to be, Shar. I may not be able to return to you.

He then began to open his Mind to her, feeding her Mind the information that he had just learned about himself. In the instant that he was done, he felt Shar's amazement.

And what will you do then, Kadens-2 and Unifier Reborn? The New War rages, here in the East and in the West as well. We cannot stop it now, we have committed. Were we to falter, the Approveds would overrun us. Our constant attack with their stolen weapons and our Mutant Abilities is our only chance. We must not let up, lest we be destroyed once and for all. I never wished this, believe me. But they have left US no other choice.

Xyn cringed at the new form of address, finding that he did not like it much. It carried a great deal of weight, and his shoulders slumped as Jayk held him. Were it only so simple, he sent to them both. Would that I could simply vanish into the Ruins and close the door with only Jayk and our books and our runs through the old towers. But that is not to be, he admitted sadly, watching the small figure of the Lady with the Torch and Book becoming larger and larger just ahead of them.

Then he felt Shar's Mind literally jump as she received news from the Psions in the ships attacking the New City Main. "The battle turns," her voice came over the communications channel, "Duncan cannot hold off the efforts of repair that the Approveds are making. They have restored power!"

From high above them, down through the very clouds, a thick beam of blazing red light descended. It struck the Flats and threw a huge explosion of dirt into the air.

"Comm-Tell is back up!" Shar cried. "The orbital defenses are rebooting!"

Chriss switched on a monitor on the craft's console, as did the Hunter in his own, and they saw the lights of the New City beginning to light up the darkening sky behind them. Another small screen filled with images of 'talking heads', reporting on the battle. The air above the City was filled with smoke and the small lights of the fighting ships that dodged here and there and fired upon one another. All of the Psions could feel the welter of emotions coming from that battle, and Xyn stood up. His blanket fell to the floor, and he stretched. Jayk gasped, staring at his carefully toned and maintained e-XY form.

"I need a new suit of body armor," Xyn snapped, "And a blaster. Chriss," he ordered in uncharacteristic heat, "Come in tight to the Lady of the Flats. Adam, I need for you to flatten off the highest of the spikes on her great crown. Can you do that?"

Adam's eyes were wide, but he nodded and focused his Bomber abilities to a fine edge. As Chriss swung the craft about with the Hunter's veering down, then away towards the Ruins, the young Bomber Mutant neatly flattened the top spike of that crown smooth. A bit of smoking rubble fell away from it, and the surface he revealed looked smooth and new.

"Give a guy a title and he goes nuts," Chriss joked.

"Xyn, what are we doing?" Jayk asked, their Minds no longer joined.

But Xyn shook his head, dressing himself as Adam stripped off his own armor and handed it to him piece by piece. "I am going alone," he told Jayk in a calm tone as the torso piece adapted itself to his body. "I have a plan."

"I'm going with you!" Jayk informed him.

Xyn shook his bald head, putting on the helmet. His hand lingered on the visor, then he pulled Jayk close and kissed him rather seriously on the mouth; he deftly avoided the fangs as Jayk returned his kiss in surprise. Another beam of red light shot down from the sky, igniting the Brushline.

"WILL you two stop that!?" Chriss called. "They're targeting the Ruins! They know if they can knock it out, and the Old City, that we'll probably fall! Time's running out, Xyn! Whatever you're gonna do, DO IT NOW!"

Xyn then pulled away from Jayk and opened his Mind to Chriss. The Pyro's jaw dropped, but he nodded dumbly. He then carefully made the craft hover very closely over the Lady of the Flat's crown that Adam had shaved off square. He couldn't get as close as he wanted, with the winds buffeting the small assault craft. It was still a long drop as he hovered. A small escape hatch then opened in the floor at Chriss' command, and Xyn held up a gloved hand. His other held the hilt of his blaster. "Pick out a book and keep the chair warm for me," he told Jayk.

He then stepped backward and fell through the hatch, landing on his feet as his armor absorbed the shock.

Chriss carefully moved the craft away as a proximity alarm went off. Dead astern, another small assault craft was closing upon them, its fuel all but exhausted. It fired several times, and one of the blasts sheared away several of the protective hull plating tiles near the engines. Xyn looked up, feeling Adam's Will building again as Chriss moved away slowly so that the exhaust from their engines would not blow him off of his perch. He shook his head and drew his blaster as Abrams' hard-used craft came about to defend them. Fast as they were, Xyn was fast. He aimed the blaster, focusing his Psi upon the pilot and Adam as well. Just the canopy, he sent to the young Bomber, who ripped it off deftly. Xyn then opened fire, vaporizing the pilot. The craft veered sharply up and back, then tumbled to explode on the Flats at the Lady's feet.

High overhead, the atmosphere began to ionize with the bursts of radiant energy of the Comm-Tell System's weapons. Clouds began to gather, and the winds picked up and stirred them. Lightning began to flash with rolling thunders, and the Storm gathered strength as another bolt struck the Brushline, very close to the edges of the Ruins. Jayk screamed as Chriss went to maximum acceleration, but Kefe knocked him down and sedated him as they made for safety with Abrams' craft right behind them.

The Alpha and the Omega

He watched them go.

Standing alone atop the crown of the Lady of the Flats, Xyn watched the gathering Storm overhead; unsure of what to do, he stared at the huge moon that had risen. Another bolt of energy rained down from the Comm-Tell satellite, staining the moon red as he stared while the wind whistled around him. He gasped in surprise as the bolt of energy tore up another huge chunk of earth, and he watched as the moon slowly returned to its normal coloration. For some reason, it seemed angry, almost raging, and he wasn't sure that he didn't feel the same way. He come so far, sacrificed so much, and as he stood atop that ancient Lady's neatly beveled crown, he wondered whether or not if in the end, any of it would really matter.

He'd never felt so alone in all of his short life.

He turned after a bit to watch a Storm of another kind back to the East. He could feel the Minds of the battling Approveds and Outcasts. He could feel the Minds of the Authority and Government Troops. And he could feel the Minds, filled with fright, of the innocent Civilians in the New City as the Unapproveds did their best to lay it waste as the Approveds fought to get their defenses back online.

They don't understand, he thought, almost wanting to cry but finding that he could not. They didn't want this to happen. They didn't know this could happen. All they did was to follow the status quo, believing it to be right. The Approveds must not be held accountable for the crimes of the Government under Kadens' Descendents. Surely a few of them, but not the little ones or their parents.

Did we learn nothing from the BioGenic Wars? Was not the near-Extermination of Mankind not enough of an object lesson? Must it be repeated? Why?

And what of the Unapproveds, the Outcasts of Kadens' Society? Is it too much to ask for equal treatment? How are they so different, in that they aren't allowed all the luxuries or the lifespan? Why are they treated so differently, and why are the Approveds so surprised to learn of it? How could they not expect a Revolt?

Xyn shook his head, his helmet rubbing at his bald scalp. He made sure his visor was down, and then tried something that he'd never really done before.

He began to feel vast and without form again as he let his Psi loose. Sweat began to drip inside of his body armor, which held the wind at bay. He let it range over the Flats, his Mind's eye seeing the Ruins and the Old City, and the New City as well. He saw the fighting, felt the panic, and he took it all in. He assimilated it, and he drew strength from it. Very slowly, as the lightning danced from cloud to cloud above him and the ships fired upon one another and bombs fell upon the Innocents, Xyn Psion slipped into every single Mind that he encountered.

He felt what they felt, and he reassured him. He called upon that gift that the other Mind had told him that he had. He remembered the battle over Tym, and he recalled the love that had come – unbidden – the first time that he'd seen him. He let that love flow out of him at that moment, once he felt that he'd insinuated himself into enough Minds for it to work.

You seem to have this strange ability to love, and to be loved, someone had told him before.

He felt the battle slow a bit, and he felt confusion. What is this? the millions of Minds seemed to wonder at once. Who are you?

Then he thought of the grief he'd felt when he'd laid Tym to rest at the roots of the great tree in their own private wild place near the waters. He sent this image to them all, waited for a moment to catch his breath, and then projected his grief and suffering as he'd turned to go. He opened his eyes and looked down at his empty hands.

He saw a Book there – a supple leather-bound Volume with gold letters on the cover.

Lightning struck somewhere very near the Lady, and he fell to his knees. In his Mind, however, he held tightly to that Book and stared at it. He let what he felt flow into the Minds that he had reached, continuing to search for more. He began to tremble, his Psi threatening to overload and shut down, when he heard a scraping sound. His eyes began to close just then, in exhaustion. There were too many of them. Again, the sound – but he didn't care. If the Lady was hit or fell over, what did it matter?

It was simply too much for him, and he didn't know what to do with them all now that he had them. His grip upon them was tenuous at best, and he was so tired. His back hurt, the burns from the blaster wound that torn open his body armor beginning to sting again as the ointment that Jayk and Kefe applied to it began to wear off. He sank to his knees.

I've failed, he thought sadly to himself, desperately wanting to just lie down. I've failed and Humanity will destroy itself over these sins of the past.

Suddenly there were hands – large hands – lifting him up. Through the confused welter of the emotions of millions of other Minds, Xyn opened his eyes to see a helmet with visor down staring back at him. He reached for his blaster and gasped, losing his link to tens of thousands of Others. And then he heard a familiar voice through the cacophony of confusion that he'd created, briefly lulling the battle.

No, Xyn. You can't give up. Not now.

The visor of the one who held him slid open, and Xyn stared into the face of The Hunter.

I told them I'd catch you! He exulted, his smile broad and his Psi blazing as he hoisted a rapidly tiring Xyn up onto his armored shoulders. He bounced him a few times, much like a proud Father would his own little one. Xyn's helmet rattled a bit, and he laughed as the Hunter's hand firmly held his. His Psi slipped into Xyn's, and the young Mutant felt himself restored.

"How did YOU get here?" Xyn cried, his head beginning to spin as he looked down.

"Don't DO that!" The Hunter advised. "Just keep doing what you're doing. It's working, Xyn! Just think about Tym. Think about Jayk. Think about what that other Mind told you – WHY it wanted you! Use what they gave you. Use that inborn ability of yours. Don't think about stopping them, Xyn, that's the key! Just concentrate on this – why did you 'adopt' Tym? Why did you go after Jayk? Why did the others go with you?"

"And above all else – Why did Tym lay down his life for all of us?"

And once again, even though he'd thought he'd run out of tears, Xyn Psion, who would later come to be called 'Kadens-2, The New Unifier', began to cry. Not only his eyes wept, but also his Psi wept as well as he stared down at the precious Book he held in his shaking hands. His Mind was full of the horrors going on below them, in the air above them, and the panic that everyone involved felt. They were not, however, tears of sadness and personal grief; they were tears of sympathy and of hope.

It didn't matter that only he could see the Book. It didn't matter because every Mind that he touched COULD see it as his Psi swelled and simply overran them. And they could feel it. Very gently, he opened that Book and turned to the first page.

Rain began to fall as his Mind began to read to them all. The battling crafts above the New City stopped and simply hovered. Out on the Storm-raked Flats, the converging ground forces all stopped and parked. As it had in that wild place where he'd gone with Jayk and later with Tym, Time itself lost all meaning. Xyn himself lost all meaning as well as his Mind read from the Book. And through it all, he thought of how much he loved his friends and everything that they'd done for this little stranger who'd come straggling into the Forest one night so long ago.

When he'd finished, Xyn closed the Book and stared at it. His Psi felt a massive wave of relief passing over them all. There was confusion, regret, but most of all – there was trust. No weapons were firing, no bombs were falling, and the ground forces had never even met.

The thunder rumbled off into the distance, and the Storm began to break up. No more beams of angry red light fired down from the sky, and only the smoke rising up from the New City Main could be seen in the dim light of the last flickers of lightning. The Hunter lowered Xyn, who raised his visor and smiled weakly.

"I think you did it," he said softly, pulling him close.

"What are YOU doing here?" Xyn asked, his voice hardly a whisper as he stared into the Hunter's strange face.

"You were created for a reason, Kadens-2. And I was created to protect you. Funny, isn't it? When Abrams announced your true Identity, something clicked over in my head. I think it must have been implanted in my Upgraded Approved chips to trigger at a set time. I couldn't leave you here alone to face this. Face it, son, you're stuck with me."

Xyn thought for a moment, his Mind all but exhausted. It didn't make much sense, but it was a bit late in the game to question him.

"Please, don't call me that," he groaned, as his head slumped down to rest upon the Hunter's shoulder and he fell asleep in his arms.


His soft boots made almost no sound on the old tiled floor as he made his way down the long underground corridor. There was only one thing on his mind, now that he'd returned from his trip and rested. After the short War that he'd stopped, he'd slept for weeks in the Infirmary; he'd awakened only now and then to find someone hovering over his bed with a worried look on his or her face. Many times, it had been the face of the man who'd raised him. It seemed that he was always there, had always been there, and always would be. Oftentimes he wondered if he were dreaming, thinking that he could hear him reading stories and holding is hand.

He smiled as he thought of them all and everything they'd done together. He wondered at what he'd done, at what he was, and even WHY he'd done it.

Shar had reunited with her son, Dan. Kefe the Nightstalker had promised not to expose him to any more bad habits, after their ghastly account of the raid on Wilson's house. Adam and Chriss had taken 'R' in, and Rick Abrams had – after a great deal of Maintenance and Repairs, adapted to life in the Ruins. It had been a close call at first, but the Adult had pulled through the various Leftovers and Remnants that had attacked him upon his arrival. He'd taken up residence just down the hall from Xyn's room, and he spent a great deal of time in deep philosophical discussion with Shar and Duncan-2. Dan and Edward IV became the best of friends, and much to Abram's and Shar's dismay, they took to hanging out with Kefe at night as he patrolled the rooftops.

And then there was the Hunter, who almost never left his side.

He paused for a moment as he thought of the little one who hadn't come back, and his step was a bit slower when he finally continued. He'd tried so hard not to think about it. They'd buried him in the Forest once the opposing forces had all gone home, under a great tree near a blue berry bush. He remembered it, as he would for the rest of life. They'd shared so much, he and that strange little Mutant that they'd never put a proper title to. There had been musings for thousands of Cycles, he'd read, about the Soul of a person. That somehow, even though the carnal body was in death, the Soul lived on in some better place. Yet as hard as he'd tried, scanning the Forests and beyond that day, he'd not been able to find it. He'd been to a better Place himself, with him, and that had been where he'd died.

He was almost sick with guilt as he walked on down the corridor.

His Mind was a carefully guarded place now, and he thought to himself alone, I did it. I had to do it. I was created to do it. Maybe so that no other little ones will ever have to grow up like he did. But he sighed, trying to convince himself that he was right. He shook his head and rubbed at the fuzz there, making a mental note to find some more gel and shaking his leg now and then as he walked. He still wasn't used to how he felt when he walked, but at least he wasn't wearing armor.

In the New City Main, and in all of the others, the fires had been put out and the Authority reorganized. The Facilities had all been shut down, and the little Inmates sent to Maintenance Centers for Upgrading and Restorations – and later Adoptions. In the Old Cities, the same was happening for the masses of Unapproveds. Very suddenly, there was work to be done and not enough workers to do it all. There were Resources to be found, redistributed, and a massive breakdown of Arms for Recycling. There was also a great deal of rebuilding to do.

None of this mattered to the one who walked down the corridor at that very moment, however. It could all wait. There were others to oversee the efforts; others that knew that the instigator of these changes could check in upon them from more than half a World away, if need be, to make sure that things were being done to his liking. He smiled at that thought. "They made me, now they have to put up with me," he mumbled.

Certainly, he had NO intentions of turning Adam or his little protégé loose upon anyone who stepped out of line; but it was a good threat, and sadly, had been demonstrated for a select few in the Government who could not accept the fact that there was a new Unifier in the World. When the Governor of Far North had been blasted into thousands of tiny chunks of smoking meat, it had gotten a LOT of attention. He shook his bald head and smiled again.

'Rick', as he had decided to call 'R' in namesake of his friend Abrams, had been a bit overzealous in his defense of Xyn. He had been reluctant, he'd admitted, remembering the ordeal with the dead tree at the abandoned church on the way to Far South. However, when the Governor of Far North had threatened to launch a full scale attack upon "the ridiculous, sick joke of a new seat of power" – as he'd called the Ruins, 'Rick' had simply had a vision of his new home going up in a huge fireball and struck him down.

Kadens-2, as everyone preferred to call Xyn now, had scolded him accordingly, sending someone to find him a mop and bucket to clean up his mess. Of course, the live telecast of the revelation of his true Identity and his installment at the head of the Government had been watched all around the World, and when little 'R' had let go in true Bomber Mutant form, almost everyone on the Networks had seen it live. They also had seen the armored and scowling form of the Hunter hovering protectively over their new Leader.

Perhaps not the best way to introduce myself, Xyn mused, stopping outside the door of his destination. He reached for the ancient brass knob and turned it slowly, his Mind entering the room just a bit before he did.

And he was there, waiting.

He saw the brick walls and the bright, warm light from the overhead chandeliers. He gazed upon the rows and rows of old books, and sniffed the slightly musty smell of the antique rug. He closed the door behind him, locking it, and kicked off his short boots to walk barefoot across that old rug. He stopped to strip off his clothes in front of the very large mirror, and stared for a moment at the young one who stared back at him with glittering blue and gray eyes. He stretched himself again, his hand lingering at the place where some of his XY-Parts were missing.

His head was bald and his skin not too white. His body was lithe and almost muscular, and he stretched his long arms and sighed. He turned to face the big bed, looking at the worn blankets and many pillows longingly. His eyes then wandered to the old, overstuffed chair that shed a bit of its fillings now and then on the floor, following the sound of a crinkle of very old paper.

It was the sound of a page turning in an old book.

That sound made him think of something, and he looked down at his empty spread hands. He saw a beautiful leather book there, and crossed the room to move his empty hands up to the rows and rows of books and place it at the end of the shortest. He smiled.

"I'll never forget," he whispered.

"Having a Psionic moment?"

He nodded.

"It's going to hurt for a long time. Trust me."

He nodded again.

"You're late, you know."

"I just got back from Far North, and I'm tired."

"Not too tired, I hope! I had plans."

Xyn finally smiled as Jayk lowered his own book. Jayk smiled back at him, his sharp fangs flashing in the bright light and his black eyes glittering. He glanced at the bed, one of his raked back eyebrows raised. Xyn held out his hand, and Jayk stood up. He shook his head, and his long, black braids rustled.

"First you stop a War. Then you sleep for weeks. Then you run off with the Hunter to get 'R' all patched up and take over the World! You were supposed to be back three days ago, you know!" Jayk reminded him.

"It's not MY fault that we had to stop in Mid North to find a cybernetic eye for him," Xyn countered, smiling broadly. "Besides, we also got the chance to put in an order for some XY-Parts replacement for him too. AND Adam."

"He's only 8 Cycles old!" Jayk exclaimed. "It could have waited! Well, maybe Adam couldn't wait. How's he doing?"

"The Replacement went fine. He should be functional within a month."

"I still think it could have waited."

"The Hunter put in a Request too. We're looking."

"What about the hormone issue and abilities, headaches and stuff? Won't that mess them up?"

"We'll find a balance, I'm sure. Mr. Rick has some contacts in Maintenance, you know."

"Hide me, then!" Jayk muttered.

But Xyn knew that he was joking. At least he hoped that he was. He touched the scar under his own penis and smiled back at Jayk, taking in the perfection of his full e-XY shape. "Want me to book one for US too?" he asked innocently.

Jayk looked Xyn up and down, and embraced him. He took his lips with his own, kissing him as if he were starved for affection. "That all depends on how well we do, you know," he whispered in his ear, brushing his gleaming fangs over Xyn's small, round ear. "As I recall, we have some advantages in that area that not too many others do."

Xyn smiled at him, looking at the big bed again. It had been a very long time since he'd shared that bed with Jayk, and his Mind was suddenly full of the memory of the Forest, sun-scorched Flats and taste of blue berries and purple fruits. He ran his hands over Jayk's flat stomach, his fingers brushing at the place where Jayk's XY-Parts had been removed so many uncounted Deca-Cycles before. He shivered, and he slowly grew erect.

Jayk laughed, and Xyn flushed as he touched him there. "I wouldn't fix it if it isn't broken."

The problems of the entire World fell away in that touch as they rejoined after so long of a separation.

I love you, that one Mind said to Itself as the two bodies that were Xyn/Jayk laid down upon the bed in a lovers' embrace that had, and no doubt would again, shake the very World.

The End