PZA Boy Stories



Chapter Fourteen

All hell breaks loose as Xyn attempts to rescue Jayk. War breaks out, and Xyn is forced to confront who he REALLY is.

Under a Raging Moon

"In the searchlights, you could see us as we circled around. Down below us, you were screaming, I could hear the sound. I could see your arms, reaching up to me. Like a Demon, feel the madness running through the crowd. We were freedom, from the moment that we hit the ground. And the wild man, he laid the thunder down.

Do you remember me, like I remember you? In a sea of pain, you came shining through. In the mists of time, I could see it now. All my life I will remember this, Under a Raging Moon. For this Moment, I was born for it, under a raging moon. Under a raging moon. We were flying there, we saw us dying there, it ended all too soon. Under a raging moon.

We were out there, when they handed us the rebels' crown. All the headlines, all they try to do is tear us down. But the wild man, he didn't fool around. Do you remember me? 'Cause I remember you. Yea you want my blood, when the dream came true. When my blood ran high, I could hear it now. All my life I will remember this, Under a raging moon. For this moment I was born for it, under a raging moon. Under a raging moon. We were flying, boy. It's worth dying for, it ended all too soon. Under a raging moon Under a raging moon.

Takin' me back to better times, we never read the danger signs. Why are the young 3; why are the young so blind?

Do you remember me? 'Cause I remember you. Yea you want my blood, when my dream came true. All my life I will remember this 3; Under a raging moon 3;"

– Roger Daltrey, Under a Raging Moon, 1985, The Title Track.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End 3; Surely I come quickly.
– Jesus Christ, the final few words of the Book of Revelations, The Holy Bible, KJV.

The Angel Breaks the First Seal

Rick Abrams stared out of the window of his office in disbelief. He sipped at his coffee, watching the fat man making his way up the walk under the bright security lights. It was very late, near Midnight, in fact, but Abrams already knew that it was going to be one of those many sleepless nights that came with his job. Shaking his head, he punched a button on the intercom system to alert the reprogrammed Carebots. The last thing that he needed, with the new security measures in place, was for a well meaning but armed Carebot to shoot the Dealer.

"Admit visitor," he ordered.

"Authorization overridden," a slightly mechanical voice replied, "Visitor has issued security clearance Level 1 pass codes."

Abrams nearly dropped his coffee.

"Clarify!" He ordered, not believing what he had just heard as the door to his office slid open to admit Acer the Dealer.

"Verified," the Carebot replied.

"Of course I am!" The Dealer chuckled.

Abrams leaned back, trying to look casual. He closed the channel.

"Level 1? You're moving up in the world," he said calmly, "And keeping strange hours."

Acer smiled at him. "I get around, and I always have." Then he laughed. It was an evil sound. "And I know that YOU only have Level 2 clearance, Ricky ol' boy."

"Don't call me 'Ricky'"

The Dealer laughed again. "Oh come now, we go back, you and I. You need to see this, Abrams," he said in low voice, reaching into his overcoat.

Abrams nodded and the lights dimmed. The lock of the door slid into place, and the Network terminal went dark. The shades to the window closed, and Abrams nodded again. Acer handed him an antique video recording camera with a small screen on the back.

"This poor old dear still works after all this time," he advised, "And it's untraceable. I recorded a chat I had with a certain, ah, employer of mine last night about some problems we're having. We, no, I should say problems that YOU'RE having, Abrams. I did MY part long ago, about fourteen or fifteen Cycles ago, in fact. Watch this and think about what you're going to do."

"Your cheap theatrics don't impress me, Dealer," Abrams replied hotly, snatching the old video camera from his chubby hands.

"I told you it was about Xyn," the Dealer retorted, "And I'm doing this as a favor to you for all the business we've done in the past. Professional courtesy, I guess. I'd say it was out of friendship, but since I don't have any friends, I won't. We've woven a tangled web here, Abrams, so just watch the bloody video!"

Confused, Abrams hit the PLAY button and watched the tiny screen of the non-Networked camera. The room was secure, of course, he knew, but that didn't keep him from worrying. He watched and listened to the man in the black suit on the screen, occasionally glancing up at the Dealer with a lost look on his ashen face. When it was finished, Abrams played it again and Acer got up and made himself some coffee.

"Domestic?" he asked, sniffing the coffee and wrinkling his nose as the video played.

"Columbian," Abrams replied in a dead voice, shaking his head. He was still staring at the tiny screen of the ancient video camera, unable to believe what he was seeing and hearing. He turned the volume up.

"Bad year for the Southern Continents," he commented, sipping it and making a face.

"We need N-32 NOW!" The man in black was saying on the recording.

When it was finished, Rick Abrams gently laid the camera down and folded his arms on the desk. He sank his head down, resting it on them, and after a moment he began to sob. The Dealer said nothing, sipping at his coffee and allowing him the moment.

When Abrams finally looked up, Acer had finished his second cup of coffee and was reading some printouts. Rick's eyes were red and his face colorless. He was trembling and shaking his head, and it felt like hours had passed.

"It explains a great deal of things," the Dealer began. "All of those requests you made to clone little Xyn from those stolen blood samples, refused. Now you know why. Now you know why they wouldn't let you buy him for your own. Did you even think about trying for another little XY, or maybe a Parted-out one? I could have cut you a great deal on Replacement Parts."

Abrams slowly shook his head. "I never wanted another one. Only him. Did I fall asleep?"

"No. But I'm not surprised. You were just in shock, I think. That fellow on the video is enough to shock anyone. He'll probably want me dead now, but then again, so do a lot of people."

Abrams slowly got to his feet. "I'm glad they refused me my clone requests now. He wasn't a waste of Resources after all. He wasn't just ordinary, like they said. He was so much more! He IS so much more! And yes, I get the picture. You're mysterious friend was practically screaming the word 'clone' there. You can't clone a clone and expect it to live for long."

"True," the Dealer agreed, "We tried that once, just to see what would happen. Ghastly."

"You would," Abrams replied.

Acer scratched his head in thought. "You still don't get it do you? That's part of the problem. Even though the process was perfected long ago, there's still a great deal of public concern over cloning. Oh, growing some Parts here and there in tanks is one thing, everyone is all for that, but when you start building custom-made little ones, they get all bitchy about it."

"So Xyn's a clone, who cares? He's a healthy one, and he's a real person, no matter what the extremists think! Why do people hate clones so much? You can't even tell if someone's a clone unless you do a deep DNA scan. Even our medical staff here doesn't have the equipment to verify that, beyond reasonable doubt. You'd have thought that after the BioWars, that such nonsense would have died out with stupid little things like racism or sexual orientation. I can see the problem though. I wouldn't want to be exposed as a clone. Not in this day and age."

"You're not getting the big picture here, Rick. Prejudice IS alive and well, still. It just went from race or sexual preference to Approved or not, and to clone or not. There's a lot of anti-Government sentiment out there right now. They want reform, they want change! The News is full of it. Here, let me see that. Looks like I'm going to have to explain it to you after all."

Acer rewound the old video and watched it, nodding. He paused it and handed it back to Abrams, who pressed the play button.

" 3; and if it takes a new Mutant Kadens to do it 3;"

The Dealer watched as Abrams face lost all expression. "You don't mean 3;" he gasped in shock, "But, but that was so long ago! They're willing to go that far?"

The fat man nodded.

"They already did. Yes, Rick, our young Xyn IS a clone. And not just any old clone. He's Kadens the Unifier reborn, right down to the last strands of adenine and cytosine."

Abrams stopped pacing, almost as if he'd been slapped.

"Oh gods," Abrams breathed, "I didn't realize 3; he said that, on the video 3; but if Xyn is 3; if he's really 3; then the original Unifier was 3; Kadens was really a 3;" Words, however, failed him.

Acer nodded gravely. "He is. I can assure you of that. That's why they want him so badly. I want him. You want him. The Hunter wants him. And the Mutants HAVE him."

Abrams shook his head, still trying to deny it. "You make it sound like Xyn is some sort of 3; the next 3;" He groped for a word, but held out his hands for lack of finding any.

"Messiah?" The Dealer offered.

There was a long silence as both men thought.

"I can't bear it," Abrams finally sighed, dropping back into his chair. "I've done this for years. I've seen little ones Parted out, mutilated, adopted, and even watched them die. I was always detached, until Xyn. I broke the rules, Acer. I bonded with him. I love him. Now he's gone, out there somewhere, in a World that's falling apart."

"I see," Acer replied. "I'm not surprised that you feel that way. It's part of what he does, who he is. WHAT he is. Do you see why there were never any Parts requisitions from Xyn, then? Why he always had the very best Suits, the best food, and the best of care? Or why other little ones in his Ward got Parted out until there was nothing left of them while he remained intact?"

"I thought that it was my all doing," Abrams replied, "I was trying to protect him."

"We let you think that," the Dealer replied. "We couldn't have our Masterpiece being Parted out on us or taken home by someone, even you. He was – he IS – too important. Although looking back, maybe THAT would have been best."

"You have some very powerful friends, you know," Abrams snapped. "I think it's time you told me everything."

"I thought that that was what I was just doing," the Dealer replied.

"ALL of it," Abrams demanded, "Or you won't walk out of here alive!"

Acer laughed. "You wouldn't dare! I know you shot down a visitors' craft coming in today. Nice new security measures for our modern World! Want to tell me about that one as well?"

Abrams face was growing red with anger. "I had nothing to do with that!"

"Of course not. I believe you. Someone did, though, and I know who and why. I'll even tell you, my friend. Had that craft not been shot down by your new defenses here, you'd be entertaining the Hunter right now and not me."

Abrams thought about it for a moment, but his mind kept wandering back to Xyn. He tried to imagine what he looked like, after being gone for so long. Certainly he would have grown. But all that Rick Abrams could remember was a little XY, not a young one, who wore a white Suit and had no hair and loved to cuddle, read stories; a little one who dreamed of simple little things like going outside or having a real home and family. "Tell me everything you know about this whole bloody mess, Dealer, or I'll slit your fat throat. Or maybe worse. I know for a fact that one of my little XY's here is a Mutant. I know what HE can do. Maybe I'll just turn HIM loose on you."

Acer made himself more coffee and sat back down with a heavy sigh. "You're sure this room is secure?" he asked.

Abrams nodded.

"Want to sell him?"

"Out with it!" Abrams demanded, reaching into his desk drawer.

"Very well," he began, "You deserve that much for being, if nothing else, an excellent supplier for me. That's also a factor in the tale, but I'll put it in a nutshell. As a Dealer, I have a lot of contacts. Hunters and even plain old Unapproveds bring me little ones to sell off for them. I pay well, because I can. I like to deal in XY's, there's more profit in it. I usually geld them and sell them off as slaves, and then resell the XY-Parts. There's a HUGE market for those, but then again you already know that. There's a huge market for Parts of all kinds, but the Defects in XY-Approveds are getting worse and worse with time."

Acer took a long drink and crossed his legs as he got comfortable. It was not an attractive pose. "So," he continued, "I was doing a fine business when one night an Adult in a black suit shows up at the Club that I run below my REAL shop. He slipped the guard a very impressive chunk of change to see me, and when he left 3; well 3; let's just say I had made a new connection. He left me with a tiny Cryo-container of cellular matter, a very small amount. There were directions on what kind of XX to find to impregnate with it, and certain chemicals to inject her with before and after conception. There were also orders on where to bring her when she was due, in fact, right at the onset of labor! They were really cutting it close!

"So I find this XX, and I do the deed. I pay her off, and of course she's very willing to have a little one. I didn't bother to tell her, in fact, I wasn't totally sure, but I'm not stupid. I'd dabbled in the cloning market before, and I know Repli-Xk-4 when I smell it. The cellular matter to impregnate her with just reeked of it. Stout one, I have to say. She called me up one night near term, a bit early, and said that it was time. I picked her up, brought her to the Club, and damned if the same man in the black suit wasn't there with some of his bullyboys waiting for us! We then delivered her of a bouncing baby XY."

The Dealer paused. Abrams waited patiently, his anger ebbing as he thought about it. He just knew how this story was going to end, and who the baby had really been.

"What happened next," Acer continued, "Shocked even me. I was just getting the little tyke all cleaned up when one of the goons comes over and injects him with something. He screamed like the dickens, and then he just stopped and opened his eyes. It was almost as if he knew what were going on. His little eyebrows rose up, then his eyes just went blank. I turned him away then, because I saw one of them pulling out another hypo. He injected her, Abrams, and she was dead before the spray finished hissing! Then her body sort of began to shrink up, and minutes later, there was just an empty dress full of dust on my table and no sign of her! Made my blood freeze, I can tell you. The next thing I know, they're scanning the baby and taking blood and injecting him with something else. They gave me several containers of special food for him, and I was instructed to keep him for one week. If he lived, I was to bring him here and leave him on your doorstep. And of course, I was paid again. I think you know the rest of the story."

Rick Abrams nodded and leaned back in his chair. "You left the infant Xyn on my doorstep and somehow erased the memory of the Carebot who found him there. I suppose they gave you something to do that with, too?"

The Dealer nodded. "Simple little toy. From there on out, I was out the loop. Oh, they called me now and then, before they started spying on you. They also like to buy information, of which I have plenty. You've been monitored, Rick, ol' boy, I hate to say. I've had visits and progress reports, and I always let my employers know how little Xyn was doing as he grew up in here. They're very impressed with you, which also explains your fast rise in the Facility business. I think you've got a job promotion coming, as well. The World's falling apart, as you said."

"I know," Abrams answered in a dull tone, "The World's falling apart and the Savior has just left town. They built a boy to save us all AGAIN, and I lost him. I think I'm going to be sick."

Acer smiled at him. "'Boy.' There's a word you don't hear too often anymore. But yet, Xyn IS a boy, and they're very interested in that. You'll remember our friend in black who said that the hereditary line of the Unifier is dying out due to Defects. It also explains the original rise of the first Kadens, Rick. Think about it. We know that our young Xyn was a Psion Mutant."

Abram's jaw dropped.

Acer laughed. "Oh come now! Don't tell me you thought that you'd kept THAT a secret? They knew, Rick, they WANTED a Mutant! In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they KNEW how to make Mutants intentionally! One shot of this, a little shot of that, a germ here, a virus there, the body fights back, a few drugs, a bit of genetic manipulation 3; and what if – just suppose – what IF the original Kadens was a Mutant? One of the first? The man who saved the World from the BioGenic Wars, the first Mutant?"

"Go on," Abrams replied, not following his thinking.

"The World hates Mutants. They have Hunters bringing them in! They sterilize them; they don't allow Upgrades for them. They make them live in the Old Cities, or they Exterminate them. Life lasts a LONG time for Approveds, with Maintenance, but it only lasts thirty Cycles or so for a Mutant. How many Approved Mutants do YOU know? I don't know of any, except for maybe ONE. Most of the time, they end up in MY workshop and are sold as slaves. I don't know if that's worse, death or slavery – especially for the XY's who come in the door in one piece and go out as e-XY's.

"Anyway, what if the Authority Itself, under Kadens and his Descendents in Power, knew this? Everyone loved Kadens, he just took over! No one resisted him; he was so sensible and likeable. Here he comes, and he saves the World! He puts it all back together, and here we are now. But that was a while back. If they knew about Mutants then, they wouldn't want a whole crop of them running around loose, now, would they? That might be seen as a threat to their own power. So the Authority rounds them all up while the Approveds live out life in Kadens' dream Society?"

Abrams nodded. "It makes sense. They probably didn't foresee all of this, where it all led. I'd imagine they figured that they'd eliminate the families carrying Mutations and Exterminate the strays afterwards. But the Mutants kept increasing in numbers after the BioWars were finally finished. Lots of odd things happening back then. Too many people couldn't keep up, and the class split just got worse and worse. Those who didn't want to live the life that Kadens planned for them were left behind, and became Unapproveds. So they tried to make a new Kadens to fix it all again."

"They only did that after, as they say, Plan A failed them."

"What?!" Abrams exclaimed, "You mean that building Xyn from the leftovers of Kadens the Unifier was a fallback plan?"

Acer nodded. "Some time ago, I noticed a very strange customer. It was almost before your time, but not quite. His name was Duncan 3; Alfred Duncan. He started buying a lot of Parts – Bio and Cyber both. They were all for a little XY, his son, he claimed. I had no clue at the time, but the man had the money, Rick. Finally, he comes to me one night and asks if I know anyone willing to take some chances. I asked him why, and he showed me some video of his little XY. Most pathetic thing you've ever seen," the Dealer shuddered.

Abrams was surprised. Nothing bothered Acer.

"So I set him up with a rather brilliant fellow who was bothering me about making some deals. I worked with him for a long time, taking little XY's in trade from him. He wanted hardware, and I got it for him. It was equitable trade, and HE took a look at little Duncan-2 for me. This Alfred fellow, witty University type – hate those, you know – brought the poor thing in and this other customer, what was his name?"

"I can't believe this," Abrams interrupted. "How does this relate to me, or Xyn? Or me getting him back safely?"

"I'm getting there," Acer grumbled. "Make us some more of that nasty coffee, for gods' sake, so I can think! I missed dinner you know."

"You'll live," Abrams retorted, filling the pot with water and starting it.

"His name 3;" the Dealer thought. Then finally, it came to him.

"Kel!" He exclaimed, snapping his fingers, "Frightening fellow, Approved, University educated, had a ghastly cybernetic eye, too. Unforgettable. So this Kel fellow works on little Duncan-2 for a bit. I couldn't watch, Rick. It was hideous. There comes a time when you just have to let them go. You reach a point where Upgrading and Maintenance simply can't fix them anymore. Poor little Duncan-2 was more machine than human. It made me sick. This Kel had neither morals nor ethics. He was so driven, and frankly, I didn't understand it. I'd have let the poor little XY go with some peace, but Kel just kept working on him, and with his father's approval at that! I never found out what he was up to, though. It just escapes me, and not much does that."

"You?" Abrams asked in wonder, "Shocked? YOU, feeling sorry for a little one?"

"I'm not all bad," the Dealer replied in mock innocence. Then his fat face darkened. "Kel crossed lines that were never meant to be crossed, Rick. He and the father, Alfred, both of them! There were huge payoffs: merchandise, money, you name it. Then they both vanished without a trace after some huge crisis at the University. Then the man in the black suit showed up in my office with his offers. It's very strange. He always seemed to know when to come, and little Xyn just hated him. Cried and cried until he left. Makes me wonder."

"Him again?" Abrams observed calmly, pouring more coffee and passing the fat man a cup.

Acer nodded. "Thanks. Where was I? Oh, yes. The fellow in the black suit, the one with the tools and blueprints to create our Xyn, informs me that they were trying to build a new Kadens that way. It seems that this Alfred, an operative of theirs who spied on the Upper Class Approveds, was working with his University connections to try and design the ultimate, the PEFECT Leader who would solve all of Society's problems. The problems always seem to begin with the bored wealthy class of Approveds."

Acer paused and sipped his coffee.

"Well?!" Abrams demanded, "What happened to this little Cyber-Warrior they were building to take over the World?"

Acer shrugged. "He died."

"That's it?"

Acer nodded. "His body couldn't take what they were doing to it, trying to rewire his DNA and the constant Implants. Just up and died one night. I assume they Recycled him, but I never saw him again. By then, Kel was long gone with his payoffs too. I didn't know whatever became of him, but last I heard, he was in the Old City collecting Mutants. Now this is where it gets sticky, Ricky ol' boy. Brace yourself."

Abrams nodded. "Nothing you could say would surprise me now," he commented.

"Don't be so sure. Remember, I'm batting for several teams here. I'm playing so many different games that I sometimes pay off the wrong person on the wrong day and buy the wrong goods! It's a mess! Several Cycles later, though, this Kel calls me up. He's on some untraceable communications channel, and this was about the time that the Comm-Tell satellite system went to hell. I think we can safely blame that one on him, too. But he gives me this story that he's going to bring me a Mutant, a little XY. Claims that he's going to be a real prize, like nothing I've ever seen before and do I have the means to hold him?"

"What did he want that time?" Abrams asked.

"He wanted more money, more hardware. Then Transport ships began to go missing. We've lost what, ten of them now? Three or four in the East and six or seven in the West? And all of them going down in the Ruins? What the hell is in the Ruins? Everything dies in there, right?"

"Except for Mutants, an occasional lucky rat, and a very few hardy Approveds with a LOT of help," Abrams gasped, snapping his fingers. Then he looked down at the floor. "Xyn's in there," he whispered.

"My point exactly," the Dealer replied, "Xyn is a Mutant. Kel was collecting Mutants. AND he was a genius in Cybernetics and from what I saw of little Duncan-2, Bioengineering as well. He claims that he's going to bring me a prize, so I get ready. I never heard from him again. But why all the Mutants?"

"I don't get it," Abrams replied, "I've been too busy with the Hunter and my job and I worry about Xyn since he's missing in the Ruins and 3; gods, NO!" He screamed.

The Dealer nodded gravely. "I got his call after your big impossible fire. Let's suppose Kel had a Pyro Mutant, rare of course, in his Gang. Your Facility burnt, Xyn comes up missing, and Kel calls me – promising me the moon, so to say. Then you get in on the act and send THE Hunter out after Xyn. It all fits. Then I get this call the other night from my friend who likes black clothes."

Abrams was shaking in rage. He threw his coffee mug across the room, and it shattered upon impact. "If he were alive, I'd kill him!" He roared, looking for something else to break.

"Excuse me, but how do we know Kel's dead?" Acer asked sweetly.

"Because someone named Jayk killed him," Abrams replied hotly, "The Hunter mentioned it in his last communication, and he had to have told you, too. He caught a Runaway slave instead of Xyn, and legally, he had to take him back to his Master. Someone named Wilson in Far South. Then he vanished."

"Gods, man, did you say 'Wilson'? Ev Wilson?"

"I think that was the name, yes, why?" Abrams asked in confusion.

Acer was laughing. "I love it when a plan comes together, OR unravels!" he chortled, spilling some of the coffee. "And yes, I knew it already. My, my, but this is a grand mess!"

"I should have known that YOU would be on the sly with The Hunter," Abrams groaned.

"Oh it's too good! You see, The Hunter showed me this Jayk, the Mutant who killed Kel. He's a Slow-Beast Mutant."

Abrams whistled. "Impossible! They haven't documented a real Beast Mutant in over 300 Cycles!"

"Yes, he is! And absolutely beautiful, I might add! An e-XY, looks 14 or 15 Cycles at the most, and very old! Smooth cut, too. Dark skin, fangs, pointy ears. The works! Worth a screaming fortune, I might add. And The Hunter mentioned 3;"

" 3; that Jayk found Xyn in the Ruins and the Gangs left him behind when he went Beast on them and killed your Kel friend," Abrams concluded for him.

Acer nodded in agreement. "I see you've gotten some of the story."

"More than I wanted to know," Abrams replied, his anger rising. "If that Beast harmed Xyn 3;"

"He didn't harm him, Rick. He loves him. And Xyn loves him in return. In fact, that's why it's all so grand!"

"What so damn grand about it?"

"Jayk is owned by Ev Wilson, the man whom Alfred Duncan was working for."

Abrams looked confused again. "Working for him?"

"Butler, in fact. A spy. Alfred Duncan was, recall, an operative who was working on spying on the Upper Classes, which Wilson is the very definition of! The Hunter took Jayk back to Wilson, and he met Duncan. Then Duncan, who was obviously hiding in obscurity with his little Leader-to-be, tried to kill the Hunter. Of course, the little fellow was already dead by now, but Alfred Duncan was still there after all those years of hiding. And now I know why!"


"Because I told them that the Hunter had gone soft and could not be trusted. Operatives are everywhere, Rick. They obviously made big news of The Hunter. He was in love with that Jayk character he brought in. He so much as told me. If THAT leaked out, well 3;"

Abrams sighed and shook his head. "That craft he lost cost me a fortune," he moaned. "You're going to get killed at this, Acer."

The fat man laughed again. "But don't you see? It's just a stroke of Divine intervention, or random chance – take your pick – that Jayk, who loves Xyn, wound up with Wilson. The Hunter might have started to catch on, and now there's dissention in the ranks! Operatives knocking off Hunters? It' perfect!" The Dealer laughed again until he was wheezing. When he settled down, he went on.

"Poor old Wilson. He's in for a shock! He's got Jayk back, and from what the Hunter told me and what I can piece together, he's the perfect bait!"

Abrams face paled again. He nodded slowly. "If what you say is true, then Xyn will go after Jayk, who is still with Wilson. Alfred, the spy, might have known this, so he stayed. Enter the Hunter, and Alfred tries to kill him on orders from the Government. Alfred wanted Xyn, so did the Hunter, because I did. With Alfred being there, the Authority wouldn't be far behind. In fact, they might be watching Wilson's place because of the Hunter's death! Oh my, Wilson WILL get a shock if Xyn comes back for Jayk and the others know about it!"

Acer nodded. "Very good, Rick! You can expect Xyn to come for Jayk, and the Authority to come after Xyn. Maybe even a small army from the Authority, with Government aid. But the Hunter isn't dead. He called me. So he might yet crash their party as well. Any way you call it, Wilson's in for a bad day pretty soon!"

"Gods," Abrams breathed.

"I mentioned that earlier. The Hunter WAS coming here, to see you. Weren't you paying attention?"

"The defenses weren't my call," Abrams explained. "There were three others in that craft coming in. I thought it was a horrible accident!"

"So someone in your seniority shot down the Hunter. They knew that he was coming back, and without Xyn. Perhaps they also know that HE wants Xyn too."

"He's working for me," Abrams objected.

"Don't delude yourself, Rick. Everyone wants Xyn, for various reasons. Do you really think that the Hunter would have given him back to YOU?"

Abrams' eyes went wide again. "But what would he do with him?"

Acer shrugged. "I know far too much as it is, Rick. I don't expect to live much longer because of that fact. I just wanted you to know is all. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that he'd take Xyn back to Jayk, or run off somewhere with the both of them and live happily ever after."

"How do you know?"

"Because that's what I'd do," Acer replied in a whisper.

Then the Dealer looked away at the closed window. His face was strange, as if he were looking through the shades and off into the distance as morning approached. They had talked almost all night.

"What have I done?" he asked of Abrams, as if seeking absolution. "I helped them to create Xyn, their Savior, as it were. I played a hand in the attempt to build a new Leader with little Duncan-2, the Defective little son of an operative for the Government. I've bought and sold and cut hundreds of little Unapproved XY's. It's all come full circle, Rick. Even Xyn came full circle, since Kel almost got him, and would have, were it not for this Jayk character whom Xyn has fallen in love with! It's all so amazing! It almost makes me melancholy to think about it, after all I've done."

"And NOW you get maudlin on me?" Abrams wondered.

The Dealer laughed. Somewhere outside came a low, muffled sound.

"Oh, they won't get Xyn," the Dealer mused. "They'll never get him."

"I'm glad YOU think so," Abrams disagreed, "Since it seems that everyone wants him so badly. If the Government is working with the Authority to watch Wilson's place, if somehow they know that Xyn is coming for Jayk, then all hell is going to break loose. What chance does a young one like him stand against an army?"

Acer laughed again. "My last gift to you," he said softly, sipping at the last of the coffee. "This is really terrible you know. Anyway, in my last talk with the Hunter, he said that someone had made an attempt on Xyn's life. Of course, they weren't really trying to kill him, just subdue him. The Government is desperate to get him back, and they don't want him harmed. I suppose they can't make another Xyn, or another Kadens – if you will. I really think that somehow, Xyn's the last of the line, and he's a clone. He can't be copied, you know. Somehow they got spies into the Ruins and they almost had Xyn. It seems that some of his Mutant friends in there destroyed them. For the last several weeks, a small voice has been whispering at me in my dreams. It isn't Xyn, but it's someone very close to him. Xyn has changed, Rick. He's growing up. You hid his status as a Psion Mutant from everyone who didn't already know, but that's what they want. They want Xyn Psion, the new Kadens, at any cost.

"They're going to be coming for him, but what they don't know is that Xyn is coming for them as well. He's not the sweet little XY you once snuggled on your lap, my friend. He's a warrior now, driven by grief and loss and anger. He's also very, very powerful. The Hunter is a Psion Mutant too, the best so far."

Again, the Dealer paused.

Somewhere, there was another muffled explosion. The coffee mug on the table rattled.

"The Government took The Hunter when he was quite young. They made him what he is today – a childless and bitter man from a loving family that he never sees. He was to be their ultimate weapon, to aid the new Kadens. Once they got him built, that is. A Psionic bodyguard who'd love the little Psionic Leader as his own son. Perfect fit, if you think about it. From his background, the Hunter would eventually want a little one of his own, and Xyn – an Orphan – would need protection. But now the Mutants have Xyn, and all of their hopes. They won't get him back, though, because Xyn's better than the Hunter. The Hunter knows this, and he doesn't want to catch Xyn. Or in the very least, not give him back if he does." Then the Dealer laughed. "Ironic. They were made for each other, or so they tell me, and now he's out looking for him on YOUR orders."

Suddenly the building shook. Both men jumped. Abrams triggered the intercom, but it was dead. The lights dimmed and buzzed, then went out. Small emergency lights came on, but Acer didn't move.

"Don't worry," he said, waving a hand nonchalantly as Abrams tried to ascertain what was going on, "He won't harm him. I think the Hunter's tired of the game. Hell, we all are. He'll probably kill me, I'd imagine, since he thinks the worst of me now. I'm a bad man, Rick. I admit that I tried to play both sides, and in the end, the World may suffer for it. It all depends on what kind of Adult, no, what kind of MAN our young Xyn grows up to be."

Abrams was still fighting with the communications systems and the Network terminal when the door to the room blew out. There was a smell of burning metal and wiring drifting in from the hallway, and a little XY stepped through the door. He had flaming red hair and freckles across his nose. His tunic was scorched and ragged, and he was dirty and smelled of smoke. There were tracks down his cheeks in the grime on his face, made by his tears as he strode into the room. He glared at Abrams, who shoved the small video recorder into his pocket and reached into his desk drawer.

"Where's my brother?" he demanded in a dangerous tone.

"H2?" Abrams blinked, taking a moment to recognize him, "What are YOU doing here? Where are your parents? How did you get in?"

"He used this for a fucking key!" The Hunter bellowed, firing his blaster at Abrams. The desk exploded into a thousand pieces, and Abrams jumped back.

"You shot down our craft!" Edward IV, formerly known as H2, accused. "We were comin' to get 'R' and buy him and you shot at us! You killed my mom and dad!"

"I did no such thing!" Abrams choked, waving at the smoke.

"Hello, Hunter," Acer chimed in, not bothering to get up, "I've been expecting you."

"You!' The Hunter growled, aiming his weapon at the fat man who still sipped at his coffee.

"Oh, yes, shoot me. I deserve it. I was just telling ol' Ricky here how bad of a man I've been, and all about our young Xyn too. I hope you find him first, Hunter. Find him and take him away before the Government does. You know where he is, and where he's going. You really need to get there first."

"I don't want your lies, Dealer. I've had enough of you. You're not getting Xyn, I am. And YOU," he demanded of Abrams, "I want the little XY called 'R', now! Eddie's very upset, since he just got a new family and had to watch them die earlier today. You and I and the little ones are leaving then. I'm sure you've got a suitable craft here somewhere, and I want it! As for the Dealer, well 3; He's cut his last little XY."

And with that, the Hunter leveled his weapon at the fat man. Acer the Dealer met his gaze and nodded. Then he looked at the tear-streaked face of Edward IV. "Rick, when and if you ever get to a WorldBank, mention my name and use the password 'Xyn-32'. In some small way, perhaps I can pay for my sins after all. Have a Maintenance, on me."

The Hunter squeezed the trigger, and the fat man instantly exploded into thousands of bloody, smoking bits and pieces of quivering flesh. A smell of scorched meat filled the room. Abrams turned his head and became violently ill.

"Rat me out, you son of a bitch," The Hunter grumbled.

"Oh gods," Abrams mumbled, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.

"Good to see you again, Abrams," The Hunter commented. "Although your welcoming party left much to be desired. We need to have words. Now."

"I had nothing to do with it, Hunter. You, as a Psion, should KNOW what I want! Damn you! We DO need to talk, and fast!"

"Are you gonna shoot him too?" Edward IV asked in a sick tone, staring at the smoking remains of the Dealer with a great deal of interest.

The Hunter focused his Psi upon Abrams then, and shook his head. "No, he's not lying. He had nothing to do with the attack on us. He's scared, and he's in shock. He wants Xyn, but not for any bad reasons," he explained to the little one. "Besides, there's some thing stored on some chips I've got that he might be able to play back for me."

Abrams went to the little one slowly, picked him up and hugged him. "I'm so sorry, H2 3; I mean, Edward. Some bad people think that the Facility needs protection now, and they don't like the Hunter anymore. They think he's doing something bad, or that someone else out there in this mad World will. Tell you what, let's go get 'R', secure the rest of the little ones, and we'll go. How's that?"

Edward wiped his eyes and nodded. "We had to shoot up a couple of 'bots on the way in, though," he explained, "They didn't like us."

"I'll fix it, I hope," Abrams explained. He then began to tell the Hunter what Acer had told him. He held up the old video camera, small and lightweight. By the time they had reached a functioning Terminal, the Hunter was shaking his head in disbelief and staring at the video of the man in the black suit.

Abrams entered a few commands, as was relieved that they still worked. He ran a reboot sequence for all remaining Carebots on duty, and summoned one to bring 'R' and an extra Suit to something called "Exit Zero."

"You did say 'R', correct?" Abrams asked.

Edward nodded gravely. "We were gonna buy him," he said sadly.

Abrams smiled and tussled his thick, red hair. "I always wondered what color your hair would be," he mused, "And it just had to be 'R', didn't it? I'm so glad. If they found him here, found out, they'd kill him, too."

"Why?" Edward asked innocently.

"Because he's a Mutant," Abrams replied gravely.

"What's a Mutant?" Edward asked.

"Someone who can do things with his Mind or body that not everyone can," Abrams replied.

"You mean like N was?"

Abrams jaw dropped.

"WE all knew it," Edward replied smugly. He even showed me how to do it.

"That's enough, Eddie. I can't believe that Acer is responsible for all of this," The Hunter said as they made their way down the halls and took the stairs downwards and through more halls. Not all of the lights were working again, and Edward clung to Abrams' hand tightly. In moments, they were lost and simply following Abrams.

A Carebot was waiting with the little one called 'R' and a new Suit when the finally arrived at the hidden exit.

"This is highly unusual, Director," the robot stated, holding 'R's' hand. The little XY was bald, and his skin was darker than Edward's. They smiled at each other. 'R' had a black patch over where his right eye should have been, and his tight white Suit gave evidence to the fact that he was missing his XY-Parts. He started forward, but the robot didn't release him.

"We'll be going now," Abrams told it, "Thank you."

"I'm afraid I can't allow that," said a strange voice on the intercom system. "This Facility is now under lockdown, and you, Director Abrams, are under arrest for aiding and abetting a know Mutant sympathizer. Surrender to the Carebots and return the Inmate R-32 to us and no one will be harmed."

"Liar," Abrams disagreed.

"Oh, I'm scared now," the Hunter replied sarcastically. "You people can't stop me, you know."

The voice on the speakers paused. "We don't want to have to try. We need you. We want you. We need N-32 and you can help us. AND him."

The Hunter smiled and took careful aim with his blaster, but 'R' shook his bald head. He glared at the Carebot holding him, and it suddenly exploded into thousands of fragments. 'R' ran towards Abrams, but the Hunter caught him up. "Hang on," he advised, and blasted the door into nothingness. Dim light poured into the smoky hallway.

Cool! The Hunter heard Edward send to 'R', who giggled.

"We're losing the darkness," the Hunter stated in disgust.

Abrams stopped only long enough to pick up the spare Suit that the Carebot had brought with 'R'. Once outside, he sat Edward down and roughly pulled off his ragged tunic and dirty little shoes. He shook the Suit out, and it enveloped the naked and intact little XY instantly, hissing and beeping as it adapted and interfaced to his Approved and Upgraded body and began to clean and supplement him. The hood came up and went back down, the gloves extended over his dirty hands, and the facemask closed for a second before popping back open. It shifted from white to blue and back in a second. Abrams nodded in satisfaction and scooped him up again. They ran towards the fence as alarms began to sound.

"I think someone is on to us," The Hunter commented, "Where is that guy, anyway?"

"I have no idea. He can't be in the building, or I'd know about it," Abrams muttered, pointing to a small outbuilding by the fence. "In there. Technically, that shed's not here. I keep a few things in there."

"I like that idea," The Hunter agreed, "And you're right, there's no one else in there but for the Inmates and the robots," he stated, his Psi slipping over the frightened little Minds therein.

When they entered the shed, Abrams flipped a switch. A light came on, revealing only an empty room. Abrams kicked at a rug, revealing a trap door. He opened it, and they headed down short flight of stairs. At the bottom was a room just large enough to hold a small personal craft. "We'll have to hold the little ones on our laps," he observed, "It's small, but fast."

They climbed in and fired up the engines. "It's been on standby since I heard you'd been 'killed'," Abrams explained. "I guess I never really believed it. Things are changing. The News, the Network, the rumors – gods, it's all so insane! What the hell is going on out in the real World?"

The Hunter shook his head as the craft powered up. "I wish I knew. Transports going missing all over, strange Breakdowns on the Networks, Unapproveds vanishing, workers not showing up. Whole neighborhoods unaccounted for in the Old Cities. It seems that the whole World's on the verge of going insane, and if what Acer told you and what's on that video is true, then I doubt if even Kadens or Xyn could save us," he replied.

"Same difference," Abrams replied glumly. He then flipped another switch and the entire shed above them slid sideways. They looked up and saw stars, and 'R' gasped.

"Wow!" He breathed, and Edward reached over from Abrams' lap to hold his hand as the craft rose into the sky and flattened them all against their seats as it accelerated into the lightening sky.

The Hunter stared at the fading stars racing to meet him as a small voice filled his Mind. Abrams looked around, as did the little ones. It was apparent that they, somehow, could hear it as well.

You're coming? It asked in surprise.

I am. Are you? The Hunter replied.

Edward smiled. "That's 'N'!" He piped up.

Abrams eyes filled with tears, as he looked this way and that. "How can it be?" he asked in confusion, "He's so far away! And I can hear him as if he were RIGHT here!"

"Sounds like it to me, too," 'R' agreed.

The Hunter shook his head. "I told you he was good. And he's got friends. They're making ready for something, although they won't tell me what. We should head that way."

Abrams nodded gravely. "We can run until morning, then we'll have to think up how to refuel this thing."

The Hunter nodded. "Leave that to me," he replied in an ominous tone. "I don't think anyone's going to insist that I pay for the fuel I take."

Then another voice spoke up in all of their Minds, accompanied by the sounds of a horrendous explosion.

The first seal has been broken, Tym's Mind whispered to them, Come quickly.

A Star Falls from Heaven

Shar watched from her control room, her Psi painting the picture of the small army that was boarding the stolen craft. They were all climbing aboard: Adam the Bomber, whose Mind could knock down buildings at will. Chriss the Pyro, who could set fire to stone if need be. Kefe the Nightstalker, who could see in the dark and who was agile and tireless. Tym, the little one with the unnamed Mutant ability that was so intriguing – and so powerful. And finally her own son Dan, the Malfunctioning Approved offspring of her brief union with the treacherous Kel. Dan, who had nearly died from Defects and had been saved by Xyn's Suit.

And standing there with his lithe body armored, Psi running, and weapon drawn was Xyn.

Her Psi lingered upon him for a moment, standing there looking so different than he had when he had arrived in the Ruins with Jayk. Instead of a white Facility Suit, he was dressed in black chameleonic body armor. And instead of a bald shining head, he had donned a visored helmet.

She sighed as she watched them all checking over the craft. Her Psi then focused on her son, and she could hear his Mind even though he himself was not a Psion Mutant. Dan noticed her.

Mom, geez, I'm gonna be OK. I got Xyn. It'll be fine!

Again, she smiled and gently withdrew her Mind to watch them all at once. Her son was not a Psion, as she was, but he was something more. Since his healing, Dan had demonstrated remarkable physical abilities, the least of which was his ability to run. She had never seen anyone, not even a Nightstalker, move so fast. And Dan had been training under Kefe as well. Suddenly, she realized how very proud of them all she was, and her worries eased a bit.

Bring them back to me, Xyn Psion, she sent, All of them. I trust that you will. Know that I am with you, as long as I can be.

I will, Xyn replied, holstering his blaster. His Psi was running at levels he'd never know before his castration. The theory of male hormones corrupting XY Mutants' abilities was obviously true, and not just for a select few. With the testosterone all but gone from his pure Bio body, Xyn not only looked like, but also WAS a different person. Shar regarded him, secretly of course, as even a new breed of Mutant. It was a feeling that she had for Chriss as well, and the more she pondered it, for them all. She was watching a craft full of what could very well be the hopes and dreams of all Mutants and Unapproveds the World over. Young XY's who had, and who would, sacrifice anything for one another. The Next Generation of Mutants, more powerful than she'd ever known.

Perhaps even, she wondered, more powerful than the very World had ever known.

She opened her eyes and shook back her lustrous black hair. Her slender hands punched a few buttons, and the thin blue beam of light that ran from her right eye to the Network Interface console flickered. She smiled.

"Computer," she said softly, "Prepare for Armageddon."

"Engaging Kel-sequences now," a child-like and metallic voice replied.

"Thank you, Duncan-2," Shar replied in a sick tone as a vision of Kel came to her Mind. For a moment, but only a moment, she missed him.

The Comm-Tell System is going offline, she sent to Xyn, Program 'Kel-7' has been unleashed and Duncan-2 is online. You have twelve hours at the most before they are able to debug it and restore SOME tracking abilities. We should, however, be able to maintain OUR satellite. The virus and Duncan will play havoc on the systems, but it is not foolproof. Good luck, my sons. I shall alert the Others.

What others? Xyn asked, puzzled, "And who's Duncan?"

But Shar did not answer him.

As they settled into the stolen craft and began to power it up, Xyn looked around at his friends. "Excuse me, I don't mean to be a wet blanket here, but just HOW did this thing get in there and HOW do we get it back OUT?"

Chriss smiled at him, looking strange in his own body armor. "We brought it in a few pieces at a time while you were busy getting in shape and exploring old buildings. Some assembly was required. We get out like this 3;" he gestured to Adam.

Xyn could feel the anxiety coming from them all, but he could also feel Adam's Mind building up. It was much like it had been in the Infirmary when he'd killed the Orderly, but this time it was much more powerful. Freed of the restraints upon his Mutant powers by male hormones, Adam the Bomber and e-XY was an almost unstoppable force of destruction. Xyn let his own Mind expand, feeling vast once again. He was just beginning to crack a smile when he heard a small voice in his Mind as his eyes began to fill with the dim morning light and fading stars of the dawn.

Wow! It seemed to gasp in awe, and Xyn realized that he was, even before Adam's Mind blew out the entire ceiling and wall of the makeshift hanger bay, seeing the sky through the eyes of another.

You're coming?

Are you?

About then, Adam's Mind let loose and Xyn watched with his own eyes as most of the room simply disappeared with a thunderous explosion. As their craft shot through the dust and wreckage at maximum acceleration, he found himself pressed back against his seat and hardly able to breath. Through all of the excitement, however, he could clearly hear Tym's voice and Mind as the strange little one spoke:

The first seal has been broken.

Excuse me? The Hunter inquired.

Just something I read to Tym the other night at bedtime, Xyn explained.

Some bedtime story, the Hunter replied.

Who's the new kid? Tym asked.

That would have been Eddie. He and his little friend are both rather excited about being outside. I sort of appropriated them from Facility 32.

Xyn's Mind shuddered at the mention of that number. He glanced over at Chriss, busy at the controls, as the Pyro and Adam showed Dan and Kefe how to fly the craft. Since Xyn and Tym had taken up residence in one of the back seats, no one was watching them. Xyn slid his visor up and wiped at his eyes. Tym didn't look at him, but reached out a small hand to hold his. Is 3; is HE with you? Xyn asked tentatively, pulling his Mind back a bit and still in awe of how far he could reach with so little effort. I can see smoke and some damage to the building. I can feel 3; something bad 3; did you 3;

No, the Hunter replied, sensing his distress. And you can thank your little friend Tym for this one. I know I can't reach you from here. The Carebots gave us some trouble. Seems someone reprogrammed them all. We destroyed several of them, and made a mess of the building, I'm afraid. This 'R' fellow is one of the Inmates, a Mutant as you can see. He's a good friend of a little XY, H2 I think you knew him as, and he got me here from my long walk from Far South after my 'death'. Anyway, the rest of the Inmates are fine, and I took these two with me. And yes, Xyn, Mr. Abrams is here with me. I killed the Dealer, not him.

Xyn breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he paused. For the first time – at least with his Psi up and running – his Mind had sampled and tasted murderous fury. The Hunter, whose Mind he was in tune with via Tym, was filled with it. It was not like the time in the Infirmary when Adam had killed those people. This time, thanks to his enhanced Psi, Xyn could actually FEEL the killing of the Dealer, fresh in the Hunter's Mind, and he pondered it. He squeezed Tym's hand, but the little one shook his pale head. "It's not me," he said aloud as well as with his Mind.

What?! the Hunter marveled.

It's not Tym, Xyn replied, I think it's all me. I've, uh, gone through some, uh, changes here and my Psi is, well, sort of different now.

I always knew you were good, the Hunter commended him.

Tym smiled, but said nothing more. However, Xyn could still feel the Hunter's Mind and how he'd felt at killing the Dealer. He shivered.

I can accept that, he replied, although he knew that some part of him simply could not. Still, another part of him seethed with anger and relished in the thought of his enemies falling under the force of his Mind. He shook his head, clearing his Mind, and realized that his helmet was just a tiny bit too large. He looked over at Tym as the others, oblivious to their mental conversation, studied the craft's controls. His Mind filled with images of being little again and of Mr. Rick.

I want to see him, Xyn sent softly, his eyes beginning to fill.

I planned on that, the Hunter replied. And he wants to see you as well. Hell, I want to see you, in person, for real! Where shall we meet?

Then Tym's Mind overtook them all, and Xyn felt as if someone had thrown a blanket around them. "Someone might be watching, or listening," the little one said aloud, "Someone looking for us. We need something different, from someone they might not know. They know about US, but 3;" Then he snapped his fingers and smiled.

Edward knows a good place to meet, Tym sent to them. Let him tell you verbally, Hunter. I already know, because YOU know where it is too. As soon as Xyn learns to fly this thing, we'll meet you there!

Isn't HE just the schemer? The Hunter 'laughed'. Got it! See you there!

"What was that for?" Xyn asked, feeling the connections to the Hunter and the others break.

Tym shrugged. "There's someone out there who knows about us and might be able to overhear our Psionic chats. If Edward, whom they probably don't know about, and who isn't a known Psion, tells the Hunter verbally, we can meet there safely. I hope. I don't think anyone was listening in, but I still feel like there's something wrong here. Like someone is here that shouldn't be and I can't nail him down."

"And I have to learn to fly?"

Tym nodded. "Safer that way. You can shield your Mind better. And don't tell the rest of them where we're going."

THAT got Chriss' attention. He looked up from his pilot's seat and turned his pale head slowly back to stare at them with a stunned look. "I don't have time to teach you to fly," he said in a perplexed tone. "We can only hit the rudiments. I'm lucky that I remember it after 3; after what they did to me and Adam, I mean."

Then Adam turned to face them as well, and Xyn recalled the mental blocks that had been placed in their Minds and how painful it had been to remove them. It had been a long and hard road to recovery, but together, the Pyro and the Bomber had made it. Xyn smiled at his friends, and idea coming to him as his Mind began to work again.

"Sure you got time," he smiled at Chriss, "Now Adam, trade me places, if you would."

It was a bit of a tussle as Adam and Xyn traded places, stepping over Dan and Kefe in the process. On the way, the wind buffeted the small craft and Adam wound up in Kefe's lap as Dan narrowly avoided Xyn landing upon him. They were all laughing by the time they'd all resettled. Then Chriss turned back to his controls.

"How do I teach you how to do this then?" He asked. "We only have so much time, you know."

Xyn smiled at him. "Do you trust me, Chriss?"

The young Pyro nodded. "Of course I do," he said softly.

"Then just open your Mind and let me watch you fly," Xyn replied, laying a hand on his forearm. "All you have to do is think about it."

From her Control room far below the Ruins, Shar's Mind began to lose contact with them as they flew at alarming speeds beyond her Psi's range. Her last glimpse of them was one of Xyn taking the controls, and of his Mind flowing into Chriss'.

She smiled.

"What's wrong?" the small metallic voice asked.

"Nothing, Duncan," Shar replied, shaking back her long, black hair.

"You always shake your hair when you're worried," Duncan replied, "You started doing it at University, you know."

Then Shar shifted her thought via the Network link and a hidden panel on the wall in front of her slid away. Even though she knew what lay hidden behind that panel, she still shuddered as her eyes fell upon it. Kel's last gift to the Outcasts, his last piece of genius, appeared before her and she gasped as she looked upon the central processor of the main computer that ran everything for them in the Ruins.

Floating in a small, aerated tank with thousands of cables and Network Interfaces was a small amount of Bio-Mass with several Approved Processor chips embedded in it. It was convoluted and almost round, and the lower stem of it which supported it in the tank was glowing with the same blue light that ran the connections of Approveds when they logged on to the Networks. A small screen on her panel lit up, adjusted its resolution and color, and then the smiling face of a little XY appeared on it.

"The Others out West report ready," the small voice informed her. "The last arms ship has been secured and Comm-Tell is a mess."

Shar nodded. "We will wait until we hear from Xyn and the others," she sighed, "Or if we do not hear from them, then we will proceed as planned in twelve hours. How are you holding up, Duncan?"

The little face on the screen wrinkled its nose and blinked. "I'm fine, all things considered. I've got all the Networks pretty much confused," it replied, "And the satellite systems are ALL toast. They don't know if they're coming or going, or what's going to where or when!" it exulted. "I've made a bloody mess of the whole Information Superhighway with those programs Kel figured out for us! Hell, no one can even make a phone call right now!"

"You sound as if you're having fun," she replied sadly.

The little face nodded, smiling at her with perfect teeth. "Sure beats being dead," he answered. "Lucky for us that last ship was a heavily armed Transport."

"But are there enough of us, and are we well enough armed?" she lamented, "And must it be like this?"

Duncan's virtual face blinked again and sneered. "They brought it upon themselves. Look at what they do to Unapproveds. Look at what they did to ME! If it weren't for Kel, I'd have been Recycled by now. I was supposed to take over the World and straighten it out, you know. That's what they were building me for. Well, that's what I plan to do, with your help of course! They had their chance, and they didn't listen. Now this is all that's left. We can't hold out in the Ruins – East or West – like this for much longer. We have to ACT!"

Shar nodded and sighed once again. The presence of her son was gone from her Mind, and she wondered at how strange it felt. She reviewed one final report of Authority actions that Duncan hacked for her, then stretched and stood up.

Well over 75% of the Unapproved workforce had not gone in for the past week, and fully 35% of them were listed as 'missing' or Runaway. Hunters and Authority both were at a loss to explain it, and the Government was taking steps. The story she read was very different than what ran on the public Network news. Obviously, the talking heads that delivered the News had been given a fine list of lies to talk about. The current estimate of Runaways in Old City alone was now at 65%, and Shar knew very well where ALL of them were. Martial Law was only a few days, perhaps only hours, away as the Society built by Kadens the Unifier began to shudder towards collapse.

It was getting on towards dark again when the two craft settled to Earth near an old and abandoned church in a remote rural area near Far South. The Hunter and his party had arrived somewhat before Xyn's Gang, and were already setting up camp as they watched Xyn's craft come in for a landing. The Hunter stared at it, feeling strange, and thinking of watching meteor showers as a little one with his family. He smiled as his Psi focused upon what he'd thought was a falling star as the small assault craft took shape before his eyes and settled to Earth. There were Minds in that craft, and he wondered at his own anxiety. Xyn's in there, he mused.

Everyone was wary as they disembarked, Xyn's Gang not sure if they could trust the Hunter and Abrams, and the adults not sure about the craft full of Outcasts. Tym's plan, it seemed, had worked. All of them with Psionic Abilities kept their guards up, however, but no one seemed to sense anything amiss. The Hunter introduced everyone, since he knew them all well, thanks to Tym. It didn't take Edward and 'R' long to make up with them, and Edward attached himself to Tym as 'R' fell in with Adam. They decided to prepare an evening meal, as all of them were tired from the flight, and then to grab a bit of rest before discussing their plans in depth. Only Xyn lingered at the back of his Gang, watching the exchange in silence with his visor down and his Psi guarded as the others worked to set up a camp.

Finally, Rick Abrams spoke up as they were setting out provisions.

"Where IS Xyn?" he asked no one in particular.

They could all hear the catch in his voice, but no one said anything. Then Abrams felt a familiar 'tug' at his Mind, and he looked up towards Xyn's craft.

Standing before him in chameleonic and shimmering body armor stood a young one – or at least, the outline of one. He was about a head shorter than Abrams, and his hand was hovering above his blaster. As he stepped away from the craft, the armor seemed to coalesce into a solid form. He took a few steps towards the man who had raised him, then stopped. Very slowly, his other hand moved up to his mirrored visor and slid it up to reveal his face.

"Xyn!" Abrams breathed, as the others watched in silence.

He took a few anxious steps towards him, but Xyn didn't move. Abrams stopped. Although not a Psion himself, he knew enough of Xyn's recent life to realize that he wasn't meeting the little one that he'd once known. The Dealer had been right all along.

Standing before him was not little Inmate N-32, nicknamed Xyn.

Abrams stood, motionless, gazing upon young Xyn Psion, Mutant Clone of the Unifier, Kadens.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice catching again. "I've waited, Xyn. I've wanted to 3; I wanted 3; it's been so long!" Then he paused and shook his head, looking away.

Xyn didn't move.

"But he told me. And I guess I understand. You've been through a lot, Xyn. I'm glad you're all right, though. I guess I'm the last person you want to see now, if you know even half of the truth. I don't blame you at all."

Everyone turned away, a sense of decency and privacy in such a moment making them not want to watch the reunion. But Xyn still said nothing. His Mind was silent, and Abrams sighed heavily. There was nothing.

Always before, he could sort of 'feel' Xyn's moods and know when he was near. After all, he'd raised him. He'd hidden him. He'd loved him.

Then, as he was turning around to go back to his work, he heard a strangled cry and felt Xyn's Mind hit his own like a blow. He looked back up just in time to see the young one that he'd raised and lost running towards him with arms outstretched. It was a moment he would remember for the rest of his life: the tears in the young one's eyes, the lost look on his face, and the single, soft whimper he made as he ran. Xyn pulled off his helmet and dropped it in the grass as he ran blindly, his eyes full of tears.

Abram's first instinct was to bend down and catch him, but he realized just in time that Xyn had grown. Instead he stood firm and caught Xyn in a tight embrace, pulling his bald head to his shoulder and holding him as if he might vanish like some ghost. He said nothing. He simply held him as Xyn wept, his armored body trembling. Abram's hand rubbed the top and back of his head as he pressed his cheek against Xyn's temple. The flood of emotions from the young Psion was suddenly overwhelming, and they sank to their knees on the grass as Abram's tried to comprehend what Xyn was throwing at him.

There was a green forest and blue berries and barren wasteland. There was sun, and another little one 3; a young one with fangs and dark skin 3; there was a city 3; what had been a city 3; Ruins 3; strange and high buildings 3; tunnels 3; stairs 3; dank and musty and dark places 3; a tall and beautiful woman 3; another little one 3; books 3; explorations 3; curiosity 3; a journey 3; pain 3; fear 3; feelings of rejection and loss 3; loss so great 3; and loneliness. There was suddenly another one 3; Minds 3; so many Minds 3; exhaustion 3; pleasure 3; guilt 3; and pain.

Abrams own finite Mind caught at the pain he felt as Xyn sobbed, and something strange flashed before his eyes. He saw blood, heard a terrible scream, and pulled the armored form at his breast closer as he too began to cry. The pain was Xyn's pain, unimaginable as it tore through Abram's very being. Somehow the little one that he'd always wanted for his own had been seriously injured at some point in his journey.

Very slowly, Xyn's odyssey since the night of the fire came to him.

He held him for a long time. Very gently, he kissed Xyn's forehead then placed his hands on both cheeks to lift his flawless and tear-stained face to stare into his eyes.

"Oh, gods, I thought I'd never see you again," Abrams whispered.

Xyn shook his head and coughed, unable to speak. I was afraid too! I missed you, but I found out some things, awful things 3; and I 3; I thought you 3; I was so mad at you! I'm sorry! I was wrong. You never hurt me 3; and 3;"

"It's alright, Xyn," Abrams interrupted him, "You needn't explain, you already have. I thought I was protecting you, and in some small way, I was. I found out some things too. And I'm so proud of you!"

"Why?" Xyn choked.

Abrams thought for a moment, wondering if Xyn were 'listening' after all he'd just 'shown' him. He pulled him close again, holding him and thinking. Finally, he said, "If you don't know, I'll trust you not to pry with that Psi of yours. I think if you don't know yet, you'll be better off."

Xyn looked up at him in confusion, yet he remembered the manners he'd been taught and the things he'd just shared. And some that he hadn't. He didn't probe. He simply nodded and they stood up. Abrams' arm was about his shoulders, and Xyn's was about the man's waist as they walked toward the others.

"Always remember this, Xyn," Abrams told him, "I love you. More than you can know, probably. I never stopped loving you, and I never gave up looking for you. I sent the Hunter out after you to bring you back to me. I know you've found someone your own age to love, and that you're going to risk your life going after him. I don't want to lose you again, but I won't stand in your way."

"You can come with us," Xyn offered quickly, his eyes lighting up with hope.

Abrams laughed. "I may have to. It seems that someone doesn't like me at work anymore. Actually, I think I'm need of a new home, now."

They all laughed at that as they sat down to eat. Surprisingly, there was real food and not field rations. "All the comforts of home," Dan mentioned.

No one asked where it came from, and Xyn sat very closely next to Abrams with Tym at his other side. Abrams watched how Xyn watched Tym, and wondered at the duality of the frightened but mighty young warrior sitting at his side.

When they'd finished their meal and darkness had finally fallen, the Hunter spoke up. He himself, like Abrams, had two little ones almost in his lap. "So do we spend the night here?" he asked, gesturing towards the old church.

There was a bit of discussion, but finally, everyone agreed that sleep was in order and the church house offered shelter. Dan quickly drew up a guard schedule, and they turned to go in. Then Adam and Chriss fell back a bit, staring back at the hastily prepared campsite.

"I think a tent sounds good, though," the Pyro stated, "You know, outside, under the stars, fresh air."

"We did spend a lot of time setting them up," Adam agreed, as the two headed back outside.

The Outcasts laughed, but the joke was lost on the rest of them.

"What about the crafts?" Abrams asked, "What if someone sees them?"

Kefe laughed, his cyan eyes shining. Abrams gasped. "Sorry," he offered, his arm about Xyn's shoulders, whose arm was about Tym's shoulders.

"Leave that to me," the Nightstalker replied. "It's dark, and I'm awake. I slept some on the way here."

"And that means?" Abrams asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It means we can sleep because if anyone gets near here, Kefe and Dan will tear them to pieces," Tym explained helpfully.

Abrams stopped in his tracks.

"Life's rough," Xyn stated sagely as the entered the abandoned church.