PZA Boy Stories

My Evil Twin

A Boy's Balls In Men's Hands


A young boy is kidnapped by a masked man and taken to a brick building in the middle of the city where an old man is waiting for them.
Publ. Nov 2013
Finished 5,500 words (11 pages)


Boy (12yo), a masked man, and an old man

Category & Story codes

Non-consensual story/castration
Mb – non-cons mast oral castration spank toys


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

This story contains things I was afraid would happen to me, when I was younger! My story is kind of a cautionary tale. And the morale is: don't be mean! It may feel threatening throughout, that's the intention, but by the end the boy is happy to be alive! I like happy endings too, so nobody dies.

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at twinsenhero3(at)gmail(dot)com or through this feedback form with My Evil Twin – A Boy's Balls In Men's Hands in the subject line


Chapter 1

A young boy was walking to a bus stop on the outskirts of the neighbor city. He was going home after visiting his beloved grandparents for the weekend. The boy wore a warm jacket and a cute cap, self assured, yet humble. Soon a teenager, he was turning thirteen tomorrow, and it was almost all he could think about. What would he be getting, the bike that he had wished for? It didn't really matter what his mom and dad would give him though, because he loved them regardless just as they loved him.

He certainly did not notice the ski masked, big, adult man that was watching him from the shadows behind a corner. As the boy passed, the man whistled at him. Turning around, the boy stared straight into the muzzle of the masked man's silenced pistol. The masked man, wearing a tuxedo, pointed the boy into the secluded, seedy back alley. Frightened as the kid was, he didn't know what to do, except obey the guy and then quickly empty his pockets and pity wallet. He was hoping for the best, but the threatening man wasn't interested in any of his small cash. Instead the masked man told him to unzip and show off. "Shirt up, pants down, son. I gotta see how you are."

Unzipping his jacket, and slowly lifting up his shirt, the kid showed the masked man his hairless, little belly. He had some very toned abs for such a young boy. This little larva was clearly turning into a wonderful butterfly, unless 3; The masked man gesticulated with his pistol, and the boy unzipped the fly of his pants. While looking the masked man in the eyes, the boy pulled them down. He wore boxer shorts underneath. He hesitated for a second, before realizing he had no option but to continue. So he put his right hand down his shorts, and then he whipped out his still boyish, uncut cock. It barely had a wisp of hair on its base. "Good, boy. Good," the masked man remarked, checking out the boy's body. "Now, the balls."

It was no use trying to protest as that came out as just quiet stammering. The masked man pointed the gun at the boy's crotch intently. Looking away, embarrassed, the boy grabbed a hold of his scrotum, and dragged out his delicate ballsack. The masked man's jaw dropped. He had gotten just what he wanted. The boy's bag contained two big, oval eggs. This kid had obviously started growing the balls of a man, scrotum hanging wider and lower than his penis, like a long pear. And to think of all the things this boy and his pear were still to experience 3;

Using his free hand, the masked man took a firm hold of the bottom of the youth's beautiful ballbag, and humped its two nuts upwards with his wrist to get them out of the way. He slowly stretched the skin downwards, wider, too, so the boy's testicles and sperm cords became more visible. The masked man felt the testicles, and made them slide up and down through their thick, nice layers of covering membrane. The masked man giggled in excitement. He looked closely at the two bulging cords, and started gently stroking them back and forth with his thumb. The kid's eyes were wide open. "What's going on? I haven't done anything wrong!" he tried, but was strictly told to be quiet.

Letting go of the boy's hanging nuts, the masked man put his hand in his tuxedo jacket's inner pocket. Then he brought forward a weird, blue tool that the boy had never seen before.

"What is that?"

"This is an elastrator, my son."

"Uh 3; Please, please, let me go."

The masked man shook his head. "And I want you to feed both of your own two nuts into this green rubber band for me". He handed the tool over to the boy. Looking at it suspiciously, the boy squeezed its handles which made the band stretch out. The masked man looked on. "Do it, or else 3;" The boy placed the band right underneath his balls, and looked up at the masked man to see if he was doing it right.

"It won't hurt," claimed the masked man, not trying to hide the growing bulge in his black pants. The boy held back tears as he began pushing his fat organs down the loop of the green band. "Bring it as far up as possible, then release it," the masked man said. Suddenly the elastrator's elastic band snapped shut, tight around the top of boy's scrotum. The kid jumped from the acute pain, but still did his best not to make a whimper. The masked man was loving the sight of the constricted, young nuts, and all its implications. "Aha, excellent! You can now pull your pants up". The boy quickly pulled up his pants, and then the masked man tied and blindfolded him. The boy was carried to the masked man's expensive, bulletproof car with dark-tinted windows, and put in its secure trunk. He had never felt so isolated and alone before. "This isn't happening," he fantasized.

Lying in the dark trunk, being driven away, the boy started panicking. Not only about the kidnapping, but also about the rubber band that was on way too tight, making his testicles and abdomen tingle. He tried his best to bump and kick his way out of there, but soon decided to save the energy. After a while, they arrived behind a big, old brick building located someplace central in the city. The boy could hear and feel the car stop. Then the trunk was opened and he was carried out. The masked man carried him up some stairs and through the building's heavy back doors. Once inside, the doors were shut and locked.

Finally, the masked man put the boy down. He took off his blindfold and cut him loose. He did not remove the cap on his head though, since he wanted the boy to keep it on throughout his visit. The kid just stood there, afraid like a little lamb. The room had big windows, and arms and armor, and portraits of important men hanging on the walls. A wealthy, thin, old man with a kind face but wild eyes, entered from another room. He approached the masked man and the boy, and seemed rather sympathetic as he tried soothingly to calm the kid down. "You'll be safe here with us, boy. Nobody's going to harm you." The boy had his doubts though. "We'll let you go once you've understood how it's like to be a real man," the masked man responded. "We'll teach you how to shave, boy," the old man continued. "And how to grow big. And even how to treat girls! Doesn't that sound like fun? Let's take you to the men's room." The kid nodded, more confused.

A grand, spiral staircase lead downstairs. The two men first took the boy to a toilet in the basement, where they let him take a quick whizz. The kid tried not to touch his sore balls as they felt like they were about to fall off. Then he was lead into a big room with checkered floor. Four expensive video cameras were positioned around a solid, wooden chair standing in the middle, recording it. The room had some vintage storage furniture and a couple of mysterious boxes. No windows. The old man touched the boy's aching crotch. The man felt and even squeezed the boy's balls through his pants. "Oh, my dear, poor boy." The kid started panting. Are there any hope? The probabilities seemed unfairly low.

Chapter 2

In that basement room, the boy was ordered to undress. He did, everything except his cap, and then the old man had the kid's foreskin retracted. The purple glans came out, like a magnificent flower in the summer. Both of the men jumped at it with all their fingers, squeezing and rubbing it for all it was worth. Afterwards, the old man wiped the boy's Corona sulcus with a silk cloth to make it dry enough for the foreskin to stay back. The kid's scrotum shriveled up, his testicles trying to hide away. Unfortunately, the green rubber band was prohibiting any such action. The masked man took a hot towel and wrapped it around the ballsack. It made the sack's wrinkles start loosening up, with the nuts inside it soon hanging nice and low again. "First you'll be taught to shave."

While the masked man held the boy, the old man held the boy's balls. Then he took a thin syringe with a hypodermic needle, and pointed it down at the boy's right nut. When he inserted it, the old man had to use extra force as the scrotum and its inner layers of protective membrane were hard to pierce. The boy started crying and rested his head against the masked man's strong arms. Nobody ever told him that shaving was going to be this bad.

Finally entering the boy's right nut, the needle was pushed almost all the way straight through to the other side. The old man started injecting the syringe's unknown fluid, and immediately began retracting the needle halfway out. This was done to help spread the fluid better. The boy closed his eyes and bit his bright, white teeth together. He had no idea why two old men would ever want to do this to a young boy like himself. They couldn't possibly have known how nasty it felt. Was it revenge for something or 3; what the fuck?

Taking a new syringe, the old man repeated the procedure with the boy's left nut. When the needle was pulled out, the kid let out a moan. "Mmmgh." Short squirts of the fluid, mixed with some of the boy's own, jetted out of the needle prick. Maybe the pressure to the boy's balls was too high. Pleased with what they witnessed, the two men just let the squirting finish. Eventually the last drop trickled down and dripped off. The kid's ballsack was then creamed and unnecessarily shaved with a razor. Already he had enough of sharp objects on his balls.

Afterwards, the two men washed the cream off the kid's balls, and then they tied him bent over the back of the wooden chair. His beautiful, little butt strutted straight up. One of the mysterious boxes turned out to be filled with whips and canes, paddles and mouth gags, and who knows what else. The masked man picked up an old-school cane. Parting the boy's butt cheeks, he took a good look at the virgin bum hole. The old man looked on, just as eager. "This one sure has the ass of a twelve year old boy," he chuckled. Directing a blow down between the butt cheeks, the masked man took the cane to the boy's exit. He whipped his tiny exit over and over again, blow after blow, making the kid shriek.

With his arm growing tired, the masked man shifted his attention elsewhere. He proceeded caning the kid's darkening scrotum. It was more punishment for "being a naughty boy". One stroke with the cane on its backside, and the kid's banded, blue ballsack began plopping back and forth from thigh to thigh. "These things are what gives you boys expiration dates!" he shouted. Another stroke coming up from under, and the two nuts were dangling together from side to side. And again, balls going around and around, dancing for the two men. The child was still shrieking. To him it felt like his whole body was a vibrating gong of pain. To the two men it was like sweet music.

Trying to tell the boy that he was the headmaster of an all boys school, the masked man's deep voice was drowned by the boy's high-pitched howling. The information was something the youth didn't want know anyway, and the masked man knew that. "To make young men stay quiet, this has always been the preferred method. It's simply put the best discipline, a whole lot better than your typical butt spanking. And lucky for you, kid, I'm considered to be the best boy balls buster of them all." The boy was so scared, but then he turned angry. He started hissing and yelping and yelling curses at his captors, but to no avail. "Don't you like becoming a man? Perhaps you'd rather want to stay a boy 3; forever?" The kid was just furious.

After having whacked the young nuts for a while, the masked man told him about his school students, how they have to wear their nutsacks out of their uniforms all the time, for comparisons and punishments. Then the boy was untied and told to stand at attention. The chair was removed, and a clean and colorful, little bed was brought in. The kid was placed on top of it, front up, with his wrists and ankles tied spread eagle. The vintage closets and chests of drawers were filled with cute toys and stuff for young boys and male teenagers. Teddy bears, dinosaur toys, model bikes and cars, RC planes, magazines, footballs, soccer balls, basketballs, baseballs and bats, scout and sports clothes, socks and shoes. The men could've been so nice, if only they had wanted to. A basketball and a skateboard was put on the bed beside the boy. Then a hospital cart was rolled in, and its sliver tray was placed between the boy's still smooth legs. On top of the tray were surgical tools, standing out in high contrast to the bed's three toys.

After the kid's foreskin had been retracted again, the masked man placed the preteen's hardening dick upwards on the boy's smooth belly. Then the took a scalpel and began splitting open the kid's bruised scrotum down the center line. When he had made an opening a few inches long, he put the scalpel down. Then he put his fingers inside the opening and felt around. "So hot." He fingered the wet, tight crack between boy's tenderized testicles. The boy himself was now almost in a state of shock. After scanning the scrotum's insides for a while, the masked man pulled out. He then started squeezing the right nut towards the opening from the outside, trying to milk it out. The old man began milking out the left one. "Wohooo!" the young boy cried out loud. "Shhh 3;" the old man whispered, and wiped the kid's tears. The two men also massaged the boy's abdomen where the cords pass, warming and loosening them up further. The masked man then began to tickle the boy's swollen sphincter.

Trying to ridicule and laugh the boy's pain away, the old man rubbed his rosy, youthful cheeks. "There, there. Just take comfort in knowing you're not the first who's had his pubescent testicles manhandled by old geezers before. We have laid claim to millions of balls throughout history, and we'll keep on claiming them. And you'll be made into a perfect, modern castrato." The boy inhaled, with a finger poking against his cunt. The air in this building 3; it smelled of sex and death. The masked man suddenly passed through the boy's ring muscle, and the tip of his index finger was entering his warm, young body. After some time milking and fingering the boy, the left ball came out of the slit. The old man grabbed a hold of it by pinching its covering muscle membrane, the Tunica Vaginalis, and pulling it out of the scrotum.

Then the right ball popped out, and the masked man seized it while still having a finger inside the boy's rectum. Not surprisingly, both balls hung even lower now than before. Holding one testicle each, the men began pulling them out, harder and harder. The emasculation band was holding both cords in a tight grip. Pain rushed, possessing the kid, and he started screaming again. He was hoping he would somehow wake up from this epic, absorbing nightmare. Or faint. Or something. The old man also put one of his fingers in between the boy's butt cheeks, fighting for room with the masked man. When they were both holding a ball and having a couple of fingers inside him, the two men started competing about the boy's innocent prostate, pressing against it. "Oh. This feels nice," the old man mumbled.

Chapter 3

Trying to pray to God or whoever, the boy was feeling sorry for himself. "If only I had not been there right then 3; Why 3; Why me? Please, no more 3;" When both balls had been pulled and stretched several inches outside of the boy's body, the two men put them to rest on the boy's thighs. It was the worst thing he had ever seen. "Remember we promised to teach you how to treat girls?" Then the two men replaced their fingers with an almost fist-sized, fat, black dildo. It was oiled and greased, and then snuck in. The boy gasped for air, and started weeping. "Nooooo!" After struggling for about ten minutes, the two men had gotten the dildo halfway inside him. "And here we go!"

Taking his scalpel, the masked man picked up the boy's left testicle. He carefully slit open the outer Tunica Vaginalis, and then apparently another thinner, slimy membrane. He was soon getting inside to the precious stone itself. "Oh, oh, oh 3;" the boy sobbed. Nothing could save him now, nobody was saving him. Both of the men began trimming away the layers, helping each other to skin it all the way off. The boy started shaking like he had a seizure. His cap was thrown off, and his right nut slid down from his thigh. Both of the men stopped the stripping, and instead tried to relax the kid. It was as if his body had become the whole universe, and every galaxy and planet inside him suffered in great, cosmic agony. The more they did to him, the less he could believe they were truly doing it.

Having had to wait for a few minutes before they could continue, the two perverted men looked at each other. "Bliss and heaven," the old one said to the masked one. With the boy's left nut still in their hands, they continued the membrane plucking. "Stop 3;" the boy sighed. "It's 3; not 3; fun 3;" After working on it for about five minutes, the two men had finally gotten the its layers completely cut and peeled off, all the way up to the very top of the cord. The blood and nerve vessels and the sperm duct, the Vas Deferens, were exposed. The naked nut itself now looked like a lovely, dark purple pearl, or like the greatest of grapes hidden inside a blossoming, sweet fruit. When uncovered like this, the kid's left testicle turned out to be not that big anymore, but that was just what the two men expected. They couldn't stop drooling at the sight of the pulsating nut, trying to breathe. After squishing it a little, they put it down on the bed beside the still covered right one.

When the men had stared at it for a while and let the cameras roll, the masked man took his scalpel again and picked up the boy's right testicle. Then he slit open its outer membrane. "Do you want love or do you want fame?" While both of the men began removing the last nut's Tunica, the old man kissed the seemingly paralyzed boy on his cheeks. "Mommy 3;" whispered the boy. The two men were pulling and cutting off all the membrane, stripping it all the way up as before. "We're just removing some unnecessary, excess skin for you, son," the old man said while pulling. After a while, the last grape and its vessels were bared, too. Soaking up the view and frothing uncontrollably for a few minutes, the two men shook each other's hands, satisfied with their work. Then the old man positioned the boy's limp dick forwards over his now fully naked, still attached testicles for the cameras to record.

He slid the kid's foreskin back over the glans once more, covering it. Then he retracted it again. "I'll still teach you how to grow big." The boy's cock was made to grow into a big, hard erection. The old man took a rough sock and began rubbing it across the exposed, sensitive glans. Back and forth, back and forth, like when wiping the back after a shower. The boy rolled his eyes around in desperation. Such sensations. The only way he could escape was by withdrawing into himself and thinking about better days. Over fifteen minutes of expert glans rubbing later, the old man stopped to examine the results. "Precisely. Nice and flared." The boy thought of all the boys who had been and would be circumcised against their will. Was this how they felt?

Considering the glans flaring and desensitization as done for now, the old man forced the foreskin back over the boy's dry glans, covering it. Then he began masturbating him, slowly. The kid whimpered. Luckily, his young glans was still slick and smooth enough for the prepuce to glide back and forth. The old man felt the rock hard, little cock's shaft skin go up and down over the Corpus Cavernosum. He froze still, with the foreskin retracted, baring the boy's hot helmet head. Forcing the prepuce as far back as it would go, the old man made the kid's pink string of frenulum stretch at max. Any more and it would've been torn.

Stretching tightly forward and underneath, the thin skin on the glans made the boy's cock rise and shine as much as possible for now, just a couple of years before its true prime. The two men just continue looking at it all, admiring it, worshipping it. The old man bends forward and sniffs it. The boy starts laughing at the silly, obsessed, old men, and it felt good. At last, some good vibrations again. The two men didn't perceive it as humiliating at all, actually they rather wanted to let the boy's short joy last, with the old man laughing, too. "You see? It's all good now".

Using his tongue, the old man stuck the pointy tip in between the delicate lips of the boy's meatus, trying to get it down into the urethra. No such luck though, so he embraced it with his whole mouth and started sucking on it, harder than the most powerful vacuum cleaner. Any more and the kid would've gotten a glansectomy. The boy tilted his head back and forth, tripping totally. The old man took the kid's knob out of his mouth, foreskin still pushed back, glans skin still taut. He licked the Corona rim and gave the Corona itself, the top of the glans, an appreciative kiss. Then he slowly pulled the foreskin back over it, making the glans skin wrinkle up a little.

Watching the kid's cock head change shapes before going into hiding, the two men were also shaking a little. A small drop or two of the boy's very first pre-cum was squeezed out. Turning their attention back towards the two drying, bared boy orbs still hanging on by their just as bared vessels only, the two men saw how the testicles had turned colors from a deep blue to somewhat purple. "If we gave the boy blue balls before, now they're purple!" exclaimed the masked man. The old man seemed like he was just as incapable of blinking or turning his vision elsewhere as his eyes, too, were locked onto the nuts of fresh nectar, the very essence of manhood. "Yes. This 3; is magic."

"I give up 3;" the young boy pleaded in a lost, dizzy state. The masked man touched the kid's naked nuts, and took them in his cold hands. "You might give up, but we don't." The old man continued masturbating the boy, and gently teasing his frenulum. The kid's post-blue, bared balls were ripped out even further, and squeezed and slapped against each other. They were also made to hug, twisted around each other's cords, while both of the men grinned. Then the masked man pinched and teased the two recently denuded epididymis that the boy's nuts were trying their best to cling to.

Watching the wicked treatment his genitalia was getting, the boy just stayed silent, exhausted. But he almost smiled when the masked man began pulling out the enormous rubber cock from his widened anus. The kid couldn't help himself and started moaning. When the tip had finally popped out, the boy's sphincter retracted. He put his head back down when the masked man instead took the exposed, young testicles, and simply slipped them into the boy's ass.

After the unusual penetration, sodomizing the boy with the boy's own, nude nuts, the masked man tugged on the cords, making the them come out again. "Nnnnngh 3;" the boy wallowed. His testicles appeared on the other side of the sphincter, opening it, and then they were dragged out of the kid's cunt, both at once. The masked man put them down to rest on the bed again, spread apart, touching the boy's thighs. Then he reinserted the dildo. It slid in between the ball cords and then into the kid's hole.

Still masturbating the kid, the old man increased the speed. The boy's bare balls started bouncing up and down onto the big, black dildo pumping all the way in and out. Approaching his first ever orgasm, the boy's testicles were picked up by the masked man again. The kid was blushing. At least, his face was red. The masked man could feel how the nuts were trying to pull up to blast off, but without the Tunica muscles there anymore, that was proving to be difficult. "Ha-ha! Hey, kid, that tickles!" He pinched the cords a little, too.

"Go on, lad. Just shoot your load," offered the old man. Finally, rope after rope of thin, almost clear, young boy cum came shooting, like large lumps going through his blocked sperm cords, and out of his beautiful cock. The spurts, flapping in the air, landed everywhere on the boy's belly, chest and face. He twitched and gurgled in intense pain and pleasure. Despite being both pulled, twisted and pinched, his balls were pretty emptied out, and the boy was now even more exhausted. The old man then handed the boy's abused raw, soft penis over to the masked man, before slapping the used balls a few times more with the palms of his hands. It created one of the men's favorite sounds. Smack, smack, smack, smack.

Chapter 4

A needle was put through the boy's frenulum by the masked man, and pulled away from his cock. He then carefully sliced it off with the surgical knife, leaving a gap in its place. The boy huffed and puffed, but said nothing. Then again, he couldn't speak words even if he tried to. The old man took the kid's cock again, retracting its prepuce for the last time. Then he tried fitting it into a lot of Plastibell circumcision clamps in different sizes, fresh from the factory.

When he had found one of suitable size, the old man retracted the boy's foreskin, and put his glans into the bell. Then he rolled the foreskin back on top. The boy himself tried to lay still, hoping it would all end soon. "If you refuse to lie still now, son, we will have to introduce to you the new circumstraint, made especially for bigger, unruly boys just like you." After a moment with no movement, a thin cotton string was tightly twirled around the foreskin, right above the Corona sulcus. There, the bell could stay on for weeks.

Both men tied the boy's two cords over, way up under his cock. Then the men took two scissors and frayed through the blood vessels with the sharp edges. Then the nerves. Now only the two Vas Deferens remained. However, instead of fraying, the scissors were used to slowly cut each Vas off. The men came in their pants listening closely to the almost wet, well sharpened sounds of both the scissors' two steel blades as they slowly passed each other and slit the last remaining ducts. This was definitely their most favorite sound.

Sweating like hell, the kid was still trembling a little, twitching here and there. He had always thought his cock and balls would bring him pleasures in the future, never such pain. It was spiritual and surreal, almost like he couldn't sense anything anymore. It was like he's floating out of himself, watching it all from above. The boy let out two long moans as if he was reaching climax for the second time in his life, while the ends of his cords got sucked back up inside. "Mmmaaah! Mmmmmoooh."

He witnessed the extremely horny men hump their hips and rub their own cocks inside their black pants, jizzing old spunk down their legs. The kid's two testicles seemed to drop in slow motion, the four pupils of the two men wide open. Using their thumbs and index fingers, they caught the amputated nuts right before they hit the bed, but not by their uncovered, almost black bodies themselves, but by the top of both Vas, like the two professional boy ball cord catchers they were. "Congratulations, kid!" said the old man. "You're now a eunuch! Thank you for having been born." The boy had been defeated, but his youth had been preserved. He exhaled.

Right underneath the elastrator band, the rest of the scrotum was cut off as well, and sewn shut. That's when the green band finally bounced off. Then, with the Plastibell still attached to his glans and deadening prepuce, and the big dildo up his ass, the boy was dressed, tied, blindfolded, and lead out to the car by the masked man. The kid had to be helped into the trunk as he really wasn't thinking clearly at all anymore. Then the masked man drove him back to where he had picked him up, and then he disappeared.

Thinking he's just lucky to be alive, the kid stumbled into the last bus of the night. He had already forgotten much of what'd happened, and fainted and tell to the floor. The only other passenger inside, tired and careless, rose up to see what was going on from his seat in the back row. The driver, a gray bearded, old man turns around to see. "How young do they start drinking nowadays?" he complained. It took them a while to figure out what had really happened to the boy. In the end, the police arrived.


It all went well, neat and clean as always. The two old men lingered on mixed emotions about letting the boy go 'just like that'. But "The next boy, we fuck," they agreed.

"And do what the filth does, apply some electricity!"

"Yup. Using Albert Todd's boy balls taser!"

"Well, we sure got ourselves a long list of requests, don't we? Ha-ha!"

"Ha-ha-ha! Indeed."

And who would care? Nowadays, boys under the age of eighteen can get castrated legally, even without parental consent. According to these two men, this kid only got it too late.

Through their wide network, the two men easily sold the complete set of raw footage to one world renowned Hollywood movie editor, for $600,000. The price on such will keep on rising until the day they ley you watch it on Youtube. Both of the amputated, underage testicles, each with almost seven inches of cords attached to them, were cleaned, sealed and sold to certain sick, hungry European nobles, for $33,000 per piece. Supposedly, it was more than what a couple of cute, self assured, yet humble boy balls were worth. The nobles, however, are still not cured.

The End

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