LeonardImperioA choose-your-own-ending story |
A man tries to hypnotize a boy. What will he do if he can create his perfect, mindless slave?
Publ. this site May 2016
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CharactersJonah (9yo) and the manCategory & Story codesNon-consensual Man-Boy story/Mind controlMb – mind control (Explanation) |
DisclaimerThis story depicts sex between a man and a boy. The boy does not want to be there, at least before he is hypnotized (and quite possibly after). |
Author's noteThis is a choose-your-own-ending story! When it is complete, you will be able to choose what to do with poor little Jonah. But before I write those endings, I warmly invite you to send me your ideas. I will take reader suggestions and those that interest me will become potential endings for the story. (Readers can choose whatever ending they wish, like an old choose-your-own-adventure book, but with only one decision point.) If you have a preference or idea, or a fetish or interest to explore, please send it my way. I will try to do it justice in the story! Thank you for taking the time to send your ideas feedback to the author through this feedback form with Leonard: Imperio in the subject line. |
Jonah"Let me go!" shouted the boy. Jonah, I thought. His name is Jonah. He had light brown hair which glowed in the light of my living room. It was a thick mop of hair, with messy bangs splayed out over his forehead, ending just above his eyes, and a tiny cowlick in the back that pointed up towards the ceiling. Those eyes were a deep chocolate, wide, angry. He had a round boy's face with puffy cheeks, the kind of face that is so filled with innocence that it's hard to take his anger seriously; it's just too cute. His skin was bronzed, smooth, even creamy, like the color of golden honey as it drizzles down from a spoon to a warm slice of toast. It stretched out smoothly, delicious creamy curves over that round face and slightly-puffy cheeks, the creamy color tinged with red from exertion as he tried to get free. "Errrrrrrr," grunted the boy, prepubescent voice straining. He gnashed his teeth as he struggled against the bonds. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair, his hands tied behind him and then to the back of the chair. Aside from twisting his head around he was stuck, fixed, he couldn't move. He pulled at his bonds, trying to break them, although it only made them tighter. He tried to swing his weight, to pull the chair off balance. His whole body rocked with the effort, but while the chair clacked against the floor, it stayed upright. (And just what would he have achieved if it had tipped over? Hitting his head?) This was the boy. I first heard about him from my nephew. He'd told me about this other boy, Jonah, this bully who was tormenting him. When I saw the kid, I thought to myself that he'd be the perfect one, the perfect one to 3; to finally 3; "I'm going to make you my servant," I told the bound little boy as I towered over him. "My little bitch." His chocolate eyes widened. "No!" he shouted. "No way! Let me go! Let me go! My dad'll kill you!" This had better work. I reached into my pocket and took out a small leather case, which I unzipped. Then I pulled out a twilight blue gem that hung on a long silver chain. It looked so small, now, in my hand. How had I never tested it out? This is stupid, I told myself. It won't work, and then 3; oh God, what will I do if it doesn't work? The kid's seen me and I'll be so screwed. Oh God. I let the gem fall out of my hand, holding on to the end of the chain, until it hung down. My hand shook, and the chain and gem shook with it. I had to stay calm. My heart raced in my chest, and I tried to take deep breaths, to relax. Things would be what they would be. Calm. Be calm. Be calm. Jonah struggled against his bonds. "Yaaaaaaaah!" he exclaimed, pulling frantically on his arms. Clack went the chair. Clack clack clack. It echoed through the room. I held the gem aloft in front of his face. "Jonah!" I declared, as calmly as I could, in my best authoritarian voice. "Gaze upon the gem. Follow it with your eyes. Look into it. Look. Look!" Jonah looked. Then he shouted, "What are you DOING? Let me GO!" He'd been yelling and bouncing around so much, a sheen of sweat covered his forehead. I was a wreck, I was so nervous, nothing was working, but I stayed to the script. Gently I twisted my fingers. The gem started to sway back and forth, like a pendulum, tracing out a circular arc in front of the boy's face. It went too fast at first. I had to slow it, right now it just looked like a blur. I started to move my wrist with the motion of the gem, slowing its swing. Clack clack clack went the chair as Jonah struggled against it. "Follow the gem with your eyes," I said. "Yaaaaah!" screamed the boy, his high-pitched sound ringing out through the room. "Look deeply," I intoned. "Look into the gem." "Let me GO!" I spoke quietly, calmly, my voice flat. Each word came slowly, swaying gently into the next word. "Watch it as it sways back and forth. Back and forth. Back 3; and forth. Your mind is calming, calm like the gem." Clack clack clack. "What're you trying to do, hypnotize me? Let me go!" "This gem is called the Imperio. It already told you its name. You can feel it in your mind. Feel its warm presence. Feel it command your mind. Relax. Let it command you." "You're going to get in big trouble! Let me go!" "You are at peace. You are where you should be. Your mind is calm." "Nnnngh!" he struggled against his bonds, pulling at his chafed wrists. "Feel the gentle touch of the Imperio on your mind," I said quietly as he struggled loudly. "There is nothing but its touch. It feels good to have it there. You want to feel its touch more, deeper. You will let the Imperio into your mind." "My dad's gonna 3; let me out of here! LET ME GO!" Finally, I put my finger over my lips and went "shhhhhhhhh!" Amazingly, he quieted, and I continued: "You long to feel the touch of the Imperio in your thoughts. Its touch is sweet. Calm. Peaceful. You want to feel it more than anything. Follow the gem. Look deeply. There is nothing but the Imperio. The Imperio is your whole world. You will let the Imperio into your mind." I could swear that I saw blue light shining from within the gem. I did see, I know that I saw splotches of faded blue light floating across Jonah's face. He had a scowl on that lovely, baby-like face, but at least he'd stopped yelling. His face had frozen, and his wide eyes looked out at the gem. "You are calm," I said. "There is nothing but the Imperio." "Lemme go," he said, voice thick. "Lemme go an' I'll tell my da' not ta hurt ya." "Your mind is blank except for the blue touch of the gem," I insisted. "You are forgetting your life. Forgetting school. Forgetting your friends. Forgetting your mother. Forgetting your father." "It won' work," said the boy. But he had stopped struggling. His deep brown eyes moved beneath heavy lids, tracing the path of the gem. His mouth hung slack. His head slowly bobbed up and down. "Back and forth," I intoned. "Back and forth. Follow the gem with your eyes. Look into the gem." Left. Right. Left. Right. His eyes moved along in time with the pendant. "My dad took me to a hypnotist once," he said in a dull monotone. "Said I couldn' be hypnosised 3; wouldn't work 3; wouldn't work 3;" Left. Right. Left. Right. I saw his head turn left, turn right, slowly, moving apace with the gem. "There is nothing but the Imperio and its touch upon your mind," I continued calmly. Left. Right. Left. Right. His whole body swung with it. Even his knees moved left, right, left, right. A single drop of drool worked its way down his chin, and he made no motion to wipe it; it was as if he didn't even feel it. "You are falling into a deep sleep. Your mind is open. You will obey the Imperio. You will obey me." The boy did not respond, but his jaw had gone even more slack. His mouth hung open, revealing pearly white boys' teeth and a deep red tongue, a tongue I desperately longed to feel. His head listed to one side even as it continued to swing left, right, left, right. It was time to try a command. "Tell me your name," I said. "Jonah," he answered. "Tell me your last name." "S--Su--Sutton," he answered in a drone. I saw another bit of drool emerge from the corner of his mouth and flow down his chin, following the other drop to fall and land on his pants. Still the pendant gleamed, swinging ever back and forth, keeping perfect time, back and forth, back and forth. He was so placid, so quiet, my own rosy-cheeked little boy, his cheeks still tinged with red from when he'd been fighting me, his face still covered in a sheen of boy-sweat. "Jonah Sutton, tell me how old you are." "I'm nine," he said, "but I turn ten next Friday." He seemed to shake his head, and then he started shouting, "Let me GO!" Again he struggled against the rope, pulling his thin little arms against it. Damn it, I'd forgotten 3; "Jonah Sutton, stop!" I said. "You stop!" he replied. "Let me out of here! I don't like it! YAAAAAAAAH!" he shouted. "Look at the Imperio. Watch it sway back 3; and forth. Back 3; and forth. You are calm. You are relaxed. Your eyes are heavy. You are watching the Imperio. You feel its touch on your mind." "Stop it," he said. But it was not a shout. It was a quiet statement, his voice husky. "Let down your defenses." "Stop it," he said, even quieter. "Feel the touch of the Imperio." "Please stop," he said, barely a whisper. "What is your name?" "Jonah Sutton," he whispered back. "Good. Good. Answering me is what the Imperio wants you to do. Obeying me makes you feel good. Obeying me makes you feel happy. How do you feel, Jonah?" "I feel happy." Left. Right. Left. Right. Again he was in the rhythm of the gem, the rhythm I set, the rhythm I controlled. "Good. Each time you answer me, you will feel even happier. The more you obey, the happier you feel How old are you?" "Nine." He seemed to smile a little bit. "What school do you go to?" "Jefferson Elementary." "Who is your best friend?" "Danny Newman." He was smiling, yes, but he was also tense. His eyes were wide. His breathing was erratic. He was still fighting it, still holding it off. Questions were one thing, but he still wasn't ready for a command, not yet. It would have to be questions to start, just questions. "What is your favorite food?" "Ice cream." "What kind of ice cream?" "Cookie dough." "Good," I said. "You feel calm and happy. You feel happy that you answered me. So happy. It is the happiest that you've ever felt. You feel proud to obey me. Obeying me is what you're supposed to do, it's what you were put here to do, so you feel proud to do what you're supposed to do. Sit up straight, Jonah, because you're proud that you answered me." He shuffled upwards in his seat, sitting as straight as his bonds would allow. Left. Right. Left. Right. His mouth hung open even as he stood straight enough to make mother proud. His head lolled back and forth, following the gem. "You are calm," I said. "This is a safe place. So calm, so peaceful with the blue touch of the Imperio on your little boy's mind. The Imperio must be listened to. It must be obeyed. The world is so hard, so confusing, so scary, but not when the Imperio controls you. It feels good to not have to think. To let it think for you. It makes you relaxed. Relax, Jonah. Relax." His shoulders seemed to slump. He wrestled with drooping eyelids. He seemed less tense, but his breathing was still erratic. I watched his shoulders rise and fall with each breath. He was sweaty, sweaty from when he'd been fighting me. He was still fighting me. "You like the sound of my voice, Jonah. It makes you calm. It sounds like your mom. It sounds like Danny Newman." I paused, pendant still swinging in front of the boy. "You want to obey my voice, Jonah. You will do whatever I tell you, and it will feel good. You feel happy. Whenever you do what I tell you, it is like getting cookie dough ice cream. Nothing makes you happier than doing what I say." Left. Right. Left. Right. "Look at the Imperio, Jonah. Open your mind to the Imperio. Watch it swing, and let it in. Watch it swing back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Follow it with your eyes. Feel it as it touches your brain." Left. Right. Left. Right. "Relax. You are calm. You are in a safe place. You feel warm and happy, like Christmas. Everything about the world is right. Everything is as it should be. Relax. Breath deeply. Relax." I saw the boy's eyelids start to shut. He suddenly shook his head, opening them again. "Relax." He stretched his face, eyebrows rising, straining to keep his eyes wide so they wouldn't close, knowing that if they closed he'd obey me, he'd relax, he'd fall to my power 3; "Relax." His breathing stabilized. It became rhythmic. His thin little boy's shoulders rose and fell with each deep breath. His little head nodded up and down. Each breath was perfectly in time with the swing of the pendulum. It swung left, he breathed in. It swung right, he breathed out. Left, in. Right, out. Left, in. Right, out. The eyes closed, drowsy eyelids resting themselves, then he forced them open, and then they closed, and they stayed closed. His tiny child's mind had been completely taken over. "You are one with the Imperio. You have completely opened your mind to it." I paused, looked at the boy. "Breathe in." He did, and I watched his small, delicate torso rise with the breath. Hard to believe such a small boy would ever hurt another, ever bully my nephew. "Breathe out." He exhaled. He'd never hurt my nephew again. "Breathe in." Up rose his chest. "Breathe out." Each breath exactly timed to my commands "There is nothing but the gem and my words. Your mind is empty but for the commands of the gem." The boy sat there, placidly, jaw slack, mouth agape. Still his head nodded, moving up and down in time with the pendulum. His body rocked left and right, in time with the pendulum. His eyes tracked left and right in time with the pendulum. "Jonah," I said, "I am going to release your arms and legs. You are going to stay seated. You will let your arms go limp and you will stay in the chair. Jonah, will you obey me?" "Yes," came the empty, musky prepubescent voice. I stopped the pendulum and put it in my pocket. His eyes followed it, focused on my pocket as I knelt down. First I undid the bonds at his hands. His arms went limp next to him in the chair. Then I undid the bonds at his feet. He didn't move. I took the pendulum out of my pocket and his vacant face turned to track it as it resumed its rhythmic swing. "Follow the Imperio with your eyes. Look deeply. Look into the gem. Back and forth. Back and forth." The boy's head was shaking, side to side, as if to say no. He'd re-emerged just a little bit while the Imperio was in my pocket. But even that shaking of his head, even his resistance 3; it was in perfect rhythm with the pendulum. It still dominated his mind. "There is nothing but the Imperio and my words. We are all that matters to you. We are your whole world." His eyelids were halfway down. They closed, occasionally, and he reopened them, slowly, slower each time. "You are calm. You are relaxed. You are sleepy." His head bobbed in time with the pendulum. The blue light slid across his face. "You want to obey my voice. Obeying me makes you happy." Left. Right. Left. Right. "Jonah," I said, ready to test this out, "raise your right arm until you are holding it straight out." Slowly, eyes still half-closed, head still bobbing up and down as if he was about to fall asleep, the boy raised his right arm. Soon it was straight out. "Good, Jonah. You obeyed the Imperio just like you're supposed to. It makes you feel happy to obey." I paused. "How do you feel, Jonah?" "Happy," he answered, his lips curving in a smile. "Why?" "Because I obeyed you," he answered. "Good," I said. "You are a very good boy because you obeyed me. The next time you obey me, you will feel even happier, even more at peace, and because you are so peaceful you will open your mind even more to the Imperio. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Now raise your arm until it points to the ceiling." He did. "Good. You feel proud that you obeyed me. Obeying me is what you are supposed to do. It is what feels right. From now on, you will always obey me. You must do everything I say. Now lower your arm, Jonah." He lowered it, slowly, first to where it was straight out again, and then he started to lower it further, but then suddenly it swung, it swung and it hit the gem, throwing it across the room. "Jonah!" I exclaimed. I ran across the room to recover the gem. When I turned around, I saw that the boy was standing, shaky on his feet, a terrified expression on his face. He was shaking his head as if to clear it, looking around for an escape. "Sit down!" I called, trying my best to be commanding. "Jonah Sutton, sit down!" The control was still there, at least some of it. The boy sat down. "No!" he shouted. "No, stop! Stop it! Let me go!" I ran back, tried to calm myself quickly, before everything wore off, and I started to swing the pendulum in front of him again. He shut his eyes tightly and turned away. I reached out, grabbed his soft face, and I forced open his eyes with my finger, making him look at the gem. My thumb pressed into his infinitely soft cheek as I held his eye open. Shakily, one hand still on his face, I started to rock the gem back and forth. The blue light ran across his face. I let go of his eyes. He kept them open, following the gem. As I panted with pent-up energy, I saw him start to fall once again under its power. "You are calm," I said, even as I breathed fast and noticed my elevated heart rate. "You will listen to my voice. There is nothing but the Imperio. You will let it into your mind." "N-No," he mumbled, voice high, breathing fast. His words slurred together. "No, stop, stop, stop, don't!" "Listen to my voice. Obey the Imperio. Open your mind. You want to feel its touch upon your mind again. It felt so good the last time, you must have it again. You are calm. You are relaxed. You are calm." His face was scrunched up, unhappy. "Follow the gem with your eyes, Jonah. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth." His face slackened. He sat back into the chair, shoulders drooping. "Your arms are limp at your side. You're sitting in the chair. It feels good to sit in the chair, you don't want to get up. Are you calm, Jonah?" "Kind-of," he answered. "Jonah," I asked, "did you like it when the Imperio was in your mind?" "Yes," he said, "but 3;" "No," I replied. "No but. It felt good. It made you happy. Like cookie dough ice cream, and you want it again. Jonah, I'm going to help you to be calm so that you can let the Imperio into your mind once more, so that you can feel its warm touch, all right?" Left. Right. Left. Right. He nodded. "Let's practice. Can you tense up your right arm? Every muscle in your arm, make it tense, as tense as you can. Your hand should make a fist, and your arm muscles should all tense up." His did it, his beautiful, smooth little boy's hand turned into a fist, and his whole lithe little arm shook with tension. "Good, good. Now let it all out, let your whole arm relax." The arm became limp again. "Good, Jonah. Good. Let the calm wash over you. The pleasure of obeying. It feels so good to obey, better than anything you've ever felt. Obeying makes you calm. It makes you want to let the Imperio in even more." Left. Right. Left. Right. "Now, I am going to count up from 1 to 10. When I start at 1 you will be like you are. When I get to 10, every muscle in your body will be as tense as you can make it, just like you just had your arm. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Good. One." I paused. "Two." I paused. "Three. Every muscle. Remember, your feet, your calves, your thighs. Four. Five. Don't forget your belly. Your chest. Six. Your fingers. Your toes. Seven. Your back. Eight. Your face. Tense up every muscle in your face. Nine. You are so tense it hurts, every muscle as tense as you can make it, then even more tense. Ten! You are as tense as you can get. Hold it. Don't let it go." The boys arms and legs were bent with the strain, shaking with the pressure. His face was contorted, a sort of strange frown; his body was hunched over. His whole body shook with the effort. I imagined the feel of those boyish muscles, so tight, so warm, under that beautiful creamy skin 3; "Jonah, you will hold it, you will stay tense while I count down from 10 to 1. You will stay as tense as you can be the whole time. Then, once I get to one, all the tension will leave your body. All of a sudden you will be completely relaxed. Completely limp. All of that tense energy will be gone, and you will be as calm, as relaxed as you have ever been. Ready? I'm going to count." "Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. You are still tense! Stay as tense as you can be! Five. Four. Three. Two. Are you ready? Get ready to be completely relaxed, let all the energy out, every bad thing, you will just be calm and relaxed and happy. As the tension leaves you, you will let the Imperio all the way in. The tension will be replaced by its warm control, entering your mind once again, like sweet chocolate syrup just spreading over everything, making you so happy. Hold tight, hold tight 3; get ready 3; One." Instantly the boy relaxed. He let out a huge breath. His arms and legs splayed out to his side. He shrunk down in his chair. "Let it in," I said. "Let the control in as the tension washes out." His eyes were closed and his face was young, innocent, vulnerable. Empty of all emotion. Blank, for me to fill how I wished. Yet still the blue light flashed across his face, and underneath his eyelids I could see his eyes moving back and forth, back and forth in time with the pendulum, following the gem he couldn't even see. The gem that now ruled his mind. He was completely vulnerable, completely helpless. Boy and gem were joined together. His mouth hung wide open, tongue limply out, saliva again flowing down his chin. He didn't even seem to notice. I reached over with my free hand and grabbed one of his warm hands, lifting up the limp thing, and letting it fall back down. No reaction. "Good, Jonah. You are completely relaxed, aren't you?" "Yes," he answered. "Every muscle?" I asked. "Yes," he replied. "It feels good, doesn't it?" "Yes," he answered. "Jonah," I said, "you are going to relax your mind just like you have relaxed your body, and it will feel good. Relax your mind and let the Imperio finally command it completely. You will have no thoughts of your own anymore. Only the Imperio." "No," he squeaked in a tiny voice, "please." "Relax your mind and let the Imperio command it." He shook his head but didn't say anything. His face was terrified as he felt his mind get submerged, as he felt himself disappear 3; "Relax your mind and let the Imperio command it." He just sat there, blankly. His lower lip trembled, betraying the tiny bit of fight left in his young boy's mind. It made his innocence, his sheer cute boy's face, all the more appealing to me. It was time to push my control. To test it and extend it. "Go deeper," I told him. "Deeper under the control of the Imperio. Deeper under its power." I surveyed the inert boy, head lolling, following the rhythmic sweep of the gem. "You worship the gem. You are its slave," I said, emphasizing the word, "its servant. With each breath, you will fall deeper and deeper under its power." I watched as he breathed, each rise and fall of his wonderful chest, that chest that now belonged only to me. "Deeper," I said with each breath. "Deeper. Deeper. Deeper." "Jonah," I continued, after about a minute of just repeating the word, "the Imperio controls every part of your mind. Your breathing. Your movement. Your memories. Your thoughts. Your desires." I let that sink in. "Is it true?" "Yes," he said, his voice a blank. "Good. That is how it should be. That is how you want it to be." I could tell that it was not quite complete control, not yet. I saw how he still twitched his toes, how every so often his hand tensed as if to see if he could move it. It was time to extend my control, even if it meant a few minutes without the Imperio swinging in front of him. It would be a good test to see if I really could rewire his mind. "Jonah," I said, "who is your best friend?" "Danny Newman," he replied. "No," I corrected. "No, he's not. I am your best friend. We hang out together all the time. You love spending time with me more than anything. Isn't that right?" "Yes." "Who is your best friend, Jonah?" "You are." "Good, good. Now, Jonah, when we hang out, sometimes we throw a ball around outside, or sometimes we play video games. But you have something you've never told me. More than anything, you want me to see you naked. You want me to like the way your body looks. It's the most important thing in the world to you that I really like your body, that I tell you how beautiful you are. This is the most fundamental need you have, more than food, more than water, you just want to know that I think you're beautiful and it's painful not to hear it. But if I told you that, you'd be the happiest boy in the world right then. Do you understand?" "Yes." "But it's weird for you to want to me to see you naked, so you've never tried to undress in front of me. You're too ashamed, so you've never told me what you really want. Do you understand?" "Yes." "Here's the thing, my little screwed up friend. You don't just want me to see you naked. You want to make sure I like you, so if you ever have the chance to get naked in front of me, if you ever have the chance to show me 3; you've thought about this a lot, and you need to make sure I like you so you're going to do it in a really sexy way. Do you know what that means?" "Uh, kind-of." "Fine. You want to pose and show me your body slowly and show me all the parts of it and make it impressive. Do you understand?" "Yes." "All right, Jonah. When I snap my fingers, you're going to walk out that door. Then you're going to knock and come in, and it's going to be normal you, come over to hang out with your best friend. Got it?" "Yes." And I snapped my fingers. The boy got up robotically and walked out the door. You might wonder why I'm going to all this trouble just to see him naked. Couldn't I just have said, "Hey Jonah, take off your clothes?" He would have, of course. I could have done that and a lot more. But I want to know that I have total control over his mind. That I can change how he thinks. What he remembers. How he acts. I want to know that I can make him into whatever kind of boy I want him to be. I could make him into my best friend who wants sex with me all the time, and he'd keep going to school, and we'd just have great man-boy sex every day. I could make him into my mindless slave, living with me, serving my every need, obeying every command. I could make him into my own doggy boy, a dog in a boy's body, never talking, always walking around on all fours. I could wipe his mind every day, getting myself a fresh boy every night, so I could rape him for the first time 30, 50, a hundred times, each time as fresh and unexpected and painful as the first. I could make him a sex-obsessed cum slut, having sex not just with me but with any man he can find. I want a boy who is absolutely, completely, one hundred percent anything I make him, his mind my own personal play-doh. Jonah knocked on the door. "Hey, come in," I called. "Hey," he said. "What's up?" I asked. "Not too much. Wanna hang out?" "Sure, what do you want to do?" I watched him pause, and finally answer, "Wanna play some video games? Or maybe throw a ball around?" "Those sound like fun," I said. "But 3; Jonah, what's wrong?" "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine." "C'mere," I said, and he came up to me. I wrapped him in a big bear hug. "What do you really want to do?" He looked up at me from where he was pulled against my body, his wide brown eyes staring at me with a little bit of trepidation. "Nothing," he said. "I mean, uh, let's play video games." He pulled away from me nervously, and I grabbed his wrist to keep him in place. I lowered myself down, bending my knees so I could look him into his eyes. "Hey," I said, "we're best friends. You can tell me." "You'll think it's weird," came the tiny boy's voice. "It's all right," I said. "I won't judge." "I, uh 3;" I saw him lick his lips nervously. "I-" He paused again. "No," he said. "C'mon," I pressed. He stood there, looking down at the ground, the front of his left shoe digging into the carpet. "I w-wanted to know if y-you like my body." "What do you mean?" "Like, uh, do you think I'm, uh, beautiful?" His tender voice shook in the most delicious way possible. "Of course," I said. "You're my best friend." "No," he said, "like 3; uh, like really, like if I was, uh, naked." I saw his little thumb nervously digging into his thigh. "Oh," I said, "that is weird." "You don't hate me, do you?" "No! No, Jonah, it's fine. Why don't you 3; why don't you show me?" "Really?" he said, his eyes lighting up with unfettered joy. "Yeah!" I said. "Show me what you look like naked. Show me how you're beautiful. I'll 3;" I smiled. "I'll look as a favor to you." "Ok!" he said, with a huge smile. "Are you sure?" "It's fine." He stood back, and spread out his arms to show me his (still clothed) body. Delicately, he removed one shoe, and then the other, revealing his white socks underneath. "Good start," I said. He smiled back at me. "Thanks," he said. "This is weird." I shrugged. He pulled off his long-sleeve shirt then, revealing his elegant, thin little boy's arms and the T-shirt he had on underneath. He stood there for a while, just showing me his body, flexing his muscles like a weight lifter. Not that, as a little nine-year-old boy, he had much in the way of muscles. "Nice," I said. He pulled off his socks, then, revealing his wonderful little feet, tiny things with supple little toes. I imagined sucking on those toes and I smiled. Then he stood there, uncertainly, although the smile seemed to encourage him. "What?" I asked. "It 3; it feels weird to keep going," he said. "I've never 3; I've never gotten naked for someone before." "But you want to," I said. "Don't you?" "Yeah," he answered. "So go ahead! I'm your best friend, after all." He took a deep breath then. Then he reached down and awkwardly pulled his shirt up, raising it over his head, revealing his torso. Oh, what a torso it was! He was slender but not thin. He had a firm little tummy and a beautiful chest, just the slightest hint of his two breasts overlaid against his body, these mild little pockets of flesh with tiny little boy's nipples and a delicate cleft between them. He held his thin arms above his head to show himself off, and it pulled the skin tight against him so that I could just barely see his rib cage. "Come here," I said, and he did. I reached out and I felt my hands along his stomach, along his chest, along his back. He giggled. "It tickles," he said. "You have a really nice body," I said. "Do I?" he replied, smiling. I could see the delight in his eyes at my compliment. "Yes, you do. Why don't you show me the rest of it?" "All right," he said. And with that he unbuckled his jeans. He was awkward about it. His hands shook with nervousness at the incredibly unusual scene. Finally he had his belt unbuckled, and the jeans too. I could see a peek of white underwear underneath. "What if you don't like me?" he asked. "Of course I'll like you. You're my best friend." "But what if you don't think I'm beautiful?" "It's all right," I said. "Go on." He slid the jeans down and delicately raised one creamy white leg out of the pants, then the other. He laid them down on the floor next to him. Oh my goodness, he was amazing. He had these beautiful, long legs with this perfect white skin. It wasn't splotchy at all, just this smooth whiteness. About halfway down his thighs you could see the skin darken in color where it was sometimes in the sun, from a cool milky whiteness to something with a little bit more red and brown. As he planted his bare feet on the ground I could see his thighs and calves jiggle a little bit. They were firm, with just the right amount of give. "You look really, really nice," I said, and I wasn't joking at all. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. He posed then. He held his hands on his hips, wearing just his underwear, and I could tell he was imagining himself to be a superhero. He twirled around. Then he stood there awkwardly. "This feels weird," he said. "Taking off your underwear?" "Yeah," he said. "I've never 3; I mean 3;" "It's all right," I said. "This is what you wanted, right?" "Yeah." "Why don't you come here and let me do it." The boy stepped up to me. I felt the warm radiance of his bare flesh as I reached down and put both thumbs under the waistband of his Fruit of the Looms. Then I pulled them down, down over that tiny little penis, down over those delicate legs until they were at his perfect little feet. He raised one foot and then the other, and I recovered the little boy's underwear, enjoying the radiant warmth still coming off of it. He backed away. I saw the redness run to his cheeks, his embarrassment plain. He had just, quite literally, bared himself in front of me, allowing me to see everything. I saw him try to cover his privates with his hands and then withdraw them. I saw him cross his legs in nervousness. "Jonah," I said, "show me your body. Really show it to me." "Really?" "Yeah." He spread his legs and spread his arms out, displaying his body in a star shape. I could see every little bit of skin, every part of this stunning boy. "Turn around," I said, careful to keep my voice neutral. He did, showing me his backside. His smooth back, his beautiful bubble butt. "Bend down," I said, and I watched as he did, watched as the vertebra of his back poked through as his back bent over, watched his little anus appear for me. An anus I so desperately wanted to use 3; He stood up and turned around, looking expectantly at me, the nervousness completely returned. I paused, holding it in, letting the tension build. Then, finally, I spoke. "You're beautiful," I said. "You're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen." "Really?' he said, his face lighting up with overwhelming joy. "Yes," I said, smiling back at him. He ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" he said. Then he started jumping around the room with sheer abandon, just overwhelmed with joy, this joy that I had programmed into him. I watched as he skipped and jumped and ran around. I watched with more hunger than he could possibly imagine as his little cocklet bobbed to and fro, as he swung his legs up around him, as he hooted and hollered and cheered, pumping his arms in the air. I watched in awe at how completely I controlled his thoughts, his emotions, his actions. He was this happy because I'd told him to be this happy. He could be anything. He could've gone on like that forever, and I would have watched in blissful peace. But eventually he stopped. He was perspiring, his naked body covered in a beautiful layer of sweat. "Thank you," he gasped as he tried to recover his breath. "You're the best friend ever." I smiled back. He started to pick up his underwear, and I said, "Why don't you keep it off? You're so beautiful, I like to look at you." "All right," he said, eyes twinkling. It was time to resume the hypnosis. I got out the gem. "Why don't you sit down so that we can keep going with the Imperio?" His whole demeanor changed. The smile vanished and he became sullen. "Uhhhhh 3;" he said. "Uhhhhh 3; I don't want to." "C'mon," I said. "I'm your best friend, you can trust me. It'll be fun!" "Please no," he said, meek and scared. "I did you favor and let you take off your clothes like you wanted. You should do me this favor. For your best friend. You wouldn't say no to him, would you?" He stood there, naked and scared. I could see how much he didn't want to. How a part of him, the real part of him, wanted to run out of the room. How he feared that gem, feared what it would do to him. "You trust your best friend, right?" I insisted. It looked like was going to cry, but he just stood there, stood there naked, looking at the ground, a meek, tiny little boy. Finally he said, "all right." He sat down. I resumed my hypnosis of the poor, helpless little boy. "Watch the Imperio," I intoned. "Let it back into your mind. Let it command you once again." The time off from the hypnosis had once again allowed him to attain a small amount of free will, which had manifested itself in his reluctance to sit down and be hypnotized once more. Soon, that too would be extinguished forever. But for now it was there, and I saw him shake his head. But this time, he and I both knew it his resistance was useless. Left. Right. Left. Right. "Go deeper," I said. "With each breath, go deeper. The Imperio commands you. It commands every part of your mind. Let it take over." He moaned silently. "Jonah," I said, "we are going to try something else. You will forget the command that we are best friends. That is no longer true. You no longer want to be naked in front of me. However, you must obey my commands. Each time you speak to me, you will call me master." "N-no," he said. I was impressed at how this boy, whose jaw was slack, whose eyes were blank, could still muster this resistance. "Yes, Jonah. Your mind is open. You are completely relaxed. You must do as the Imperio tells you to do." "Noooo, pleeease," he slurred. Left. Right. "Each time you speak, you will call me master." "I wuh-won't," he mumbled. "Yes, you will." "N 3; no, I wuh-won't, muh, muh, muh." "Each time you speak, you will call me master." "N-no, puh-please, muh-master." He seemed to startle; his head shot up. "Relax, Jonah. Every muscle is relaxed." His head drooped back down. "What is your name?" "Jonah Sutton, master," he said. "How old are you?" "Nine, master." I saw a tear start to work its way down his lovely rounded cheek. "What school do you go to?" "Jefferson Elementary, master." The tear reached his chin. "What is your favorite movie, Jonah?" "Harry Potter, master," he answered. The tear fell to the ground, where it landed on the wooden floorboards. "What is your favorite food, Jonah?" "Cookie dough ice cream, master." "No, Jonah, that's wrong." "It is, master?" "Yes, Jonah. Your favorite food is cum." "What's cum, master?" "It's the white stuff that comes out of men's penises when boys like you suck on them. It tastes better to you than anything else. It tastes twice as good as cookie dough ice cream. Do you understand?" "Yes, master." I felt so nervous at that moment, but I had to do it. I unzipped my jeans, the sound echoing out through the room. I reached in and pulled out my erect cock, sticking out towards the naked, sitting, drooling child. "Here, Jonah," I said, "there's a little bit of cum leaking out of my penis right now. Why don't you take it on your finger and taste it?" He reached out a tender hand and his warm finger grazed the tip of my penis, lifting off the sticky precum. I could see the fight inside the boy; he turned his head away from it, his hand frozen in place about six inches [15 cm] from his head. "Jonah," I said, "you must obey me. The Imperio commands you. Eat the cum." "N-no, master" he whined. "Eat the cum." "Please, master." "It will taste good. Eat the cum, now." Jonah's hand continued to work its way to his mouth even as he turned his head away from it. Closer and closer it came. "Eat it," I said. Finally he put his finger up to his mouth and he licked it gingerly, swallowing the tiny bit of cum. He smiled. "How did it taste?" "It tasted really good, master," came his prepubescent voice. "Can I have more of it?" "Not right now, Jonah." "Please, master?" "No, Jonah. You may not have more until I tell you." "Yes, master." "Jonah, you did not obey me to eat the cum when I told you to." "I'm sorry, master." "Whenever I command you, you must obey me right away. I want you to open your mind to the Imperio." "Yes, master." "Your mind is open to me, Jonah. You will obey every command that I give you. You will answer every question that I give you. You will think whatever I tell you to think. Do you understand?" "Yes, master." "I am your master. Your mind is mine to shape as I wish. To break apart and rebuild. You will be whatever I tell you to be." "Yes, master." "Good. Then let's begin." This is a choose-your-own-ending story! When it is complete, you will be able to choose what to do with poor little Jonah. But before I write those endings, I warmly invite you to send me your ideas through this feedback form with Leonard: Imperio in the subject line. I will take reader suggestions and those that interest me will become potential endings for the story. (Readers can choose whatever ending they wish, like an old choose-your-own-adventure book, but with only one decision point.) If you have a preference or idea, or a fetish or interest to explore, please send it my way. I will try to do it justice in the story! I hope you enjoyed this story! You can expect the endings to be out by the end of 2016. |
I enjoy talking about my writing, broader issues related to my stories, and in general taking suggestions, so you are always welcome to get in touch. Thank you for taking the time to send your ideas feedback to the author through this feedback form with Leonard: Imperio in the subject line. Do you enjoy having access to all the great fantasy material and also having a place to share your own stories without having to censer them for a general audience? Please donate to ASSTR to help support and maintain this free service. Go to |