Larry ClaytonMy Brother's Kids Are Now MineChapters 5-10Chapter FiveI lay there for at least 30 minutes, almost panicked that these two sweet young boys, now my sons, were faking sleep, and wanting to get me involved in the same play I witnessed them experimenting with earlier. Maybe I was more worried about the fact that I was beginning to desire to play that game. There was no question that I loved Korey, and the age thing was fine now that he had turned 18. But now 3; I felt the same inner surges toward Eaton and even little Casey! I was being compelled to check out them both by a burning fire of lust which seemed uncontrollable. Oh, I knew I had better find a way to keep it under wraps 3; but I was sweating and almost gasping for air as these two hot pre-teen bodies pressed against mine, a 3 inch + [8 cm] good sized finger-like little boy dick, and a 4.5 inch [11 cm] hefty pre-teen cock rubbing my legs, and these wonderful set of fingers rested gently on my own privates! I forced myself to resist every craving that grew within me, and demanded my body to force itself into a sleeping mode. I suppose I was overcome with some sleep for a while, but then I was wakened by some tittering! Then, as I returned to a semblance of awareness, I began to detect some wetness on my chest and abs. O M G 3; I must have had a wet dream! Then I heard 3; "Look, Case 3; Dad squirts even more than Korey does!" (Giggles 3;) "And his tastes stronger than Kor's too! I like Daddy's even better!" "What the? BOYS! Did I just hear what I thought I heard? You two and Korey actually have played with each other until he 3; I mean, when? How often? I mean 3; Korey really has done sexual things with you both?" "Easy, Dad 3; yes! But it wasn't his idea the first go-round! In fact, he refused for several times until during a wrestling match on the living room carpet, we held him down and I sucked while Casey fingered! Kor exploded because he couldn't help it!" "Wait a minute 3; you attacked him? Where'd the fuck you get the idea to do that? I know Casey is way too young to have that concept on his own! Eaton? 3; Explain! NOW!" "Weeeeeeellllllllll; Uh 3; from Scouts! Camp-outs! Older boys in the troop always show new scouts the ropes on those trips. Besides, I like it! I enjoyed it so much that I've been sharing what I learned with Casey when I got home. But, Dad 3; you knew that much already! You've seen us a few times, I know you have! And you never ran in and stopped us. That's why we thought it would be alright to play with you, too. You play with Kor 3; right?" "I what? With Korey? Me? And just how did you come to that conclusion?" "Daddy 3; you whisper his name when you jerk off at night. I seen ya and heard ya! Besides, even I can tell by how you look at him, and he looks back! I am nine, you know!" "Dad 3; how many times do we have to tell you it's OK with us if Kor comes to live here? It's so evident that you both love each other. In fact, Spring Break starts Monday, so maybe all four of us need to go somewhere for a week of get-away after Mama and Daddy's funeral Saturday; some place where there's no one else around, somewhere peaceful and scenic 3; where we all can just hang and get over the pressures 3; and even get to know each other better as a new family!" "Eaton, Casey 3; Getting away is a great idea, and yes 3; I will ask Korey if he wants to come with us. But, Boys 3; getting to know each other as a new family does NOT mean having sex! It's fine if you two play around. You are close enough in age that legally there's no problem if you experiment. I've said that before! But Korey and I are adults! W could be put in jail if we even hinted about doing things with you two! Damn, we could get arrested for what's already happened 3; with intent or not! Don't you understand how serious this is?" "And who do you think is gonna tell on you? C'mon Dad 3; we were the ones that made you squirt. You were asleep! Who could make a case for rape out'a that?" "Jeesh, Eaton! 3; Just letting you be in bed with me, all three of us being naked, could land me in the Big House! You want to be without a Dad all over again?" "But Daddy 3; didn'tcha like it? I kind'a thought you even hoped it would happen 3; the way you got all hard as we snuggled into you!" "Casey 3; my sweet Little Man, Even if I did want it to happen, I 3; I 3; Oh CRAP! I just admitted I wanted it! I'm not upset with you two 3; I am angry at me! There is no way I should desire things like this with you! It's not your fault 3; it's my own! As far as me and Korey 3; we're both above the age of consent, and we have accepted that we are both gay. If we do things by agreement, there's nothing legally wrong! What I hate about myself is that I am struggling with desires that I should never have in the first place 3; with two of the most wonderful, loving, and dearest young under-age men of my life; so young, in fact, that you couldn't possibly know if you're straight or not! Love isn't supposed to add lust to it 3; not this way!" "Dad 3; Let's take that get-away, and all four of us talk this whole thing out together in detail. Casey and I are not too young to know what's going on 3; or too young to know how we feel! Shit, Dad 3; the goofin' off with the scouts is just sex play, but what we all four have is so much more 3; it's real love, and that knows no age limits! It needs ways to show its depth. Even Casey can tell the difference. He loves me deeply, Dad 3; and we both love you that way too!" "I know what you're saying, Eaton 3; and I understand the purity of heart with which you say it. I need time to think! I have to sort out things in my head! I need to find ways we all can share that we can't be separated for doing! For example, I waited to show my real love to Korey until he reached 18! It wasn't easy 3; for either of us, as he finally told me at his place. I just have to 3; uh 3;" "Daddy? 3; Me and Eaton can go back to bed and let you think, if you want us to! We're sorry we made you so upset!" "Case 3; again, I am not upset with you two! Don't feel bad! I just have to deal with me! That's all! Honest! Why don't the two of you stay here and snuggle a while. I'm going to research a place for us to go to after the service is over. Maybe that will clear my head some. I do love you 3; both of you!" I crawled out of bed, put on my pants, and headed for the computer. I hunted for family resorts, camp sites, retreat grounds, whatever came to mind 3; to no avail! The one's I liked the best weren't even open until Labor Day week-end. Then it dawned on me. One of my best friends on the faculty had a cabin in the Santa Cruz Mountains near Felton. I had his e-mail addy on my contacts list, and I dropped him a note requesting the possibility of its use for a week 3; if he wasn't already going there himself for the Spring Break. I added the comment that if he was using it, I surely didn't want to make him consider changing his plans. I even asked him if he had any other options that he could suggest for me to check out. I signed it e_pal08 and closed out my search. By then, my two little guys were in the kitchen making a lot of noise. I headed there to check things out. They were trying to make breakfast for me. Casey was stirring some scrambled eggs, and Eaton was doing a fine job on making home-made corned beef hash. I guess they had picked up on Morris's talents in the cooking department. I simply sat down and watched. When all was ready and put on the table, I offered to say 'grace' 3; "Dear Lord, thank you so much for making us such a caring family together 3; and also, thank you for this wonderful meal that demonstrates just how much love my boys have for me in such a great way 3; Amen!" After we ate, I reminded the kids that it was Saturday already, and that we had to get dressed up nicely for the services. We did exactly that, and I called Korey to ask if he wanted to ride with us and sit in the family section as well. He thanked me, and said he would be ready in 20 minutes, the boys liked that, too, and so we headed his way in the Family Car provided by the Funeral Home. Randy had insisted that we accept its use as a gift from him. Otherwise, we probably would have driven my car. I guess he was right, though 3; because I was a bit shaky for a few minutes, and driving might have been an unnecessary difficulty. The service was very pleasant as far as what it dealt with, and we all left feeling comforted and surrounded by caring friends. The visual memory picture was positive as well. After the interment, the boys stood graveside holding on to Korey's hands as if they were trying to say 3; "You're a part of us all now!" 3; and he knew exactly what they were communicating. I walked up behind them, resting my hand on Korey's shoulder, and whispered in his ear 3; "I agree with the boys!" He turned his head and winked at me, as he gave me a small grin of understanding. I told the Limousine driver to take us all to my house. I figured it would be better than Korey going to his place and being alone, and besides I wanted to share the idea of a week long get-away with him. Of course, he went for it like a big kid wanting strawberry funnel cakes at the fair! Knowing that, I went to my computer again to see if I had an answer about the cabin. Sure enough 3;
Lar 3; the cabin is yours! Great idea, especially now! My fam is going to Big Sur for the holidays, so it's free. And I do mean free! My gift to you in this time of loss. Least I can do for you, Buddy! There's always food there 3; and key is under the top rock near the water well. You'll see the one I mean when you arrive. Hey 3; I think you having kids is great! And just a suggestion 3; the Drum Major kid, isn't he alone now? There's plenty of room at the cabin if you want to take him along. He could use a friend right now 3; with all his home problems! He seems to respect your friendship at school pretty well. This might help him as much as I hope it helps you. Catch ya when you return 3; Burt! I showed the e-mail post to Korey, and of course he came alive with excitement that not only did I and the boys want him to go, but that the cabin owner gave us a cover for him to be there openly without suspicion. That settled it 3; I told the kids to go upstairs and start packing, that I would take Kor to his place to get his stuff, and be back to finish getting ready myself. Off I went with Korey. While we drove to his place, I brought up the fact that I knew the boys had done stuff with him while he child-sat. He of course became a little defensive about it, until I told him I realized the boys were the aggressors, and that he was pinned down with little ability to stop things 3; so I didn't hold him responsible or wasn't trying to make him feel guilty in any way. He appreciated my insight, but that he still felt bothered that it happened. I reassured him that there would be no repercussions over the incident, and that I totally understood how it could happen 3; and that it also happened to me during the night. He was floored for a minute or so! I went on to explain all the rest of my conversation with the boys that followed the encounter, and that seemed to give Kor a little relief from his nervousness of the moment. He did admit that the first attack came when he was still under-age, as did maybe four other times 3; but as soon as he turned 18, things stopped! Kor also agreed with my concept that we needed to find other ways to show love to the boys 3; even if they didn't like the idea. I was surprised that Eaton had already declared to him that girls weren't his interest; to which, Kor did try to tell Eaton that in another year or so 3; that could change completely! He added that he and I should not be deterred from every method of expression between us, but that would remain ours and ours alone as far as he was concerned 3; adding: "at least till they turn 18" through the biggest grin I've seen him wear in months! I knew we were on the same wave length, for sure! We got back to my place, and the boys had finished getting their stuff together, and had done a good job packing mine as well. So we wasted no time in taking off for the other side of the Bay. We did make a stop in Castroville to pick up a few field-ripened artichokes, @ 5 for a buck at the collection barn 3; and then in Prunedale to buy a flat of plump juicy fresh strawberries. We continued to Highway 17 and into the mountains toward the Felton turn-off. The boys were surprised that Santa's Village was nowhere to be found. I explained that it was torn out a few years ago, probably just after they had visited it with Morris and Anne. Eaton responded with: "Oh well, the rides there were for little kids anyway! We gonna take a day to go to the Boardwalk for the good rides, Dad?" (followed by Casey's remarks 3;) "Bet Dad gets sick on the Big Dipper!" "You're on, Case! If I get sick, you get 5 bucks! If you do 3; you owe me!" Both boys figured that meant a yes, and cheered. Korey cringed from the volume of enthusiasm that hit our ears like a small tornado! I softly commented that it would be closer to the end of the week because we all needed some peace and quiet first. I drove to the locked gate that blocked the dirt road to the cabin's address. I discovered, however, that the lock was open and just hanging through the metal loop, so we didn't need a key. A small note on the back side of the gate said 3; "Came by this morning and loosened it for you, but please lock it again when you leave 3; It will look locked to passers-by while you're here. Burt!" I made sure it still had that appearance as we drove through and closed the gate again. The little road led us for about a ¼-mile [400 m] through the redwoods to a cabin 3; no, more like a small lodge that you might find in Yosemite or at Tahoe. It was splendid. Burt had never told me that it was so palatial! I was thinking more as if it was going to be tiny, rustic, and maybe even a bit cold for the season. We parked along side the building and looked for the water well. Casey saw it first, and tried to move the rock he thought was the right one. Eaton helped him, and toppled the rock off the pile, almost onto their feet, but 3; no key! Then Korey saw a smaller rock right under the bucket crank, and sure enough 3; there it was. In we went! We almost froze in our tracks looking at what we discovered inside! Two-story vaulted ceiling in the Great Room; One wall totally of windows overlooking huge redwoods, surrounding about a half-acre of cultured lawn and rock patio area, as well as a river flowing along the entire back of the property; nestled to one side were two bedroom doors 3; one with a carved sign saying: "Guest", and the other marked: "Kids of the Realm". Oh yes, I remember that Burt was married and had three boys of his own! I guess this was his sense of humor regarding his home as his Castle 3; at least as far as his wife would allow it to be! I pointed Casey and Eaton that way to settle in, and I looked around for the Master Bedroom. It took a few moments, but Korey spied a circular lighthouse-type staircase to a loft 3; and we climbed all the steps to the upper floor, which covered almost half of the entire place. There it was, and not just a room 3; a suite! A hotel room this nice would be well over 200 bucks a night or more! Again, the glass wall; king-size bed; walk-in 4-spray shower; plus Jacuzzi tub; toilet and bidet; even a small 2-person table for private dining of the King and Queen of the Realm (My thought); two recliners in front of a wide screen wall-mounted video unit; and a cozy fire place for additional atmosphere 3; as if it needed that! Korey looked at me, and with a smirk 3; "Well, Mr. F. 3; am I sleeping in the guest room next to the boys?" "Not if you want to live through this week! After the other night together, this could serve as a honeymoon suite, couldn't it, Kor?" We grabbed each other in a huge hug, and he whispered in my ear that maybe I ought to carry him over the threshold. But before I could call his bluff and do just that 3; the little guys popped into the room explaining how great their room was. When they realized that they had broken in on a tender moment, they apologized, and offered to stand there quietly while we finished our ceremony; (their word for it, not ours!) We all laughed and I swatted their fannies as we headed back downstairs together. The next thing we did was to peruse the back yard. There was a gazebo on the rock patio that was enclosed in carved wooden shutters. Case had to peak! 3; "Daddy 3; a hot tub! Big enough for six or eight, I swear! We got use it tonight! We just gotta!" Then Eaton called out from the river bank 3; "Over here, Dad 3; a dock, and a couple canoes. Swift! We can have a race! And there's a huge roped off swim area for skinny-dipping too! Like at scout camp!" Korey simply breathed out a 3; "And we thought this was going to be a rest time.!" I looked at my Love, and answered him 3; "It is a change of pace, for sure, and what better way for a new family to get acquainted but by doing all these things together 3; besides, who else has two pre-teen boys with them on their honeymoon!" (Out-and-out laughter tore the silence!) The rest of the day and evening, we all four enjoyed the scenery and the feel of cold river water as we swam (Yes 3; we skinny-dipped! Eaton would allow nothing else!) and boated a while before looking for and finding some food by sunset. I expected to find freezer meals and a few boxed quickies, but was dumbfounded by a fridge full of T-bones, Trout, and a virtual restaurant supply of other hearty cook-it-for- real healthy food at our disposal. All of it was fresh, so I knew Burt had struck again! Then I spied a huge fruit basket on the Dining Room table that none of us saw before now. There was a card stuck between two grapefruit 3; "The food is just our way of making things easier 3;(signed) your fellow faculty!" I down-right cried, but not from sadness 3; oh no 3; from the joy that hit me when I realized just how much the entire school cared for me and my newly-formed family. After dinner, we were all so beat from the day's services and from the trip out here and all, that we decided to postpone any further activity until tomorrow, and we just headed to our bedrooms. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you one thing that excited the boys when they saw their room 3; one of those bunk bed units, with the single on top and the double on the bottom. I had no doubt what the arrangements for this night would be! You want to guess? DUH! What else! Korey and I decided to soak our aching bodies in the two-person tub before hitting that king bed. I ran the water, and made sure the temperature was superb. Kor fooled around and put some bubble bath in it when I wasn't looking! I glanced at him as if to say 3; "Bubbles for two guys?" He nodded, and replied: "For us two, Dear!' 3; and we climbed in for a leisurely soak 3; and a bit of action from the underwater jets. We both decided to wait until we got to bed for any other action 3; but those jets gave us some pretty exciting feelings as it was. We relaxed there long enough for the water to cool down before we helped each other out, and dried each other off tenderly. We didn't even use the towels to get to the bed. We strolled there naked, hand-in-hand and I helped Kor into his side of the king before walking to the other side to get in myself. I soon discovered that even with all the space available, our sides came out of the middle quite rapidly. A repeat performance of our earlier evening together began the night's agenda, except for the fact that we made sure not to expel our juices just by cuddling. The conversation that was interjected between hugs and kisses led to that mutual decision 3; "Lar 3; I want you to know that I want to remain an equal in all things, but for tonight, I'll play the Bride! I want you to couple with me, and take my virginity! I want to carry your seed, My Love! It's you for whom I saved my rear entry!" "Kor, there is nothing more wonderful than that offer, and yes 3; I will be so pleased to do that for you. But you must know that I also insist on equality. You are my Man as much as I am yours! So, after we enjoy our coupling as you suggest, I want you to do the same for me! In fact, I insist!" "You'll get no argument from me, 'Groom for the Day'! 3; or is it for the Hour? (Giggle*)." We had already spent at least a half-hour in foreplay, and brought each other to maybe three close calls before this conversation took place. Therefore, I immediately put Kor on his back, lifted his legs to his chest, and began to lick his Valley of the Rose 3; making him squirm and beg for more intensive action. (Yes, I admit that I knew what pleased a man back there because unfortunately, I was not the virgin male Kor was. During my Teen years of High School and early College, I didn't think about having just one lifetime mate. Not until now did I regret that earlier choice!) I dug my tongue deep into the trap door, and excited it to an open condition that seemed to grab hold and draw me even deeper. To be honest, I almost lost control myself from the thrills generated to Kor's body. I worked my tongue absolutely as far as possible into Kor's love chute, poking, prodding, wetting, and stimulating him until he literally screamed for me to up the action to even new heights. That brought my fingers into play. Knowing he was virgin, I started with just one finger entering along side my tongue, slowly allowing Kor to get used to its invasion. When the digit passed the second knuckle, its tip found his prostrate, and I began triggering things that Kor never knew could be stimulated from his insides. I suggested he cover his face with the pillow so that the boys couldn't hear his outbursts of passion and thrill. (Even if they suspected what we might be up to tonight, I surely didn't want them to be awakened and then come upstairs to check out the strange sounds 3; and have the full truth blast them in the eyes. After all, they are still pre-teens!) Soon, I added a second finger 3; began turning and stretching the orifice gently but firmly enough to widen it to a point where a third finger could join the effort to make Korey ready for the main event. I know that there was no way to completely alleviate pain from the first coupling ahead, but I did everything I knew possible to cause the least amount of discomfort for him. Well, almost everything! I was not one for KY or Vaseline usage. I wanted things as natural as possible. I knew I had an abundance of pre-seminal fluids to lubricate the entire passageway sufficiently 3; especially after all the saliva that had already been worked into it. There was no question that Korey was now ready! He was begging, sweating, lifting and turning, cock leaking like a faucet 3; his muscles trying to drag my fingers even deeper in to his lower bowl. I withdrew my hand and replaced it with the mushroom of my hot dripping organ against that begging rosebud 3; and lovingly gave enough pressure to cause its entry past the stretched sphincter. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH GAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWD" 3; was all I heard, and I almost froze, knowing that I was causing pain in spite of all my effort to make this a wonderful first time event. After a gasp for air, and a deep sigh, Kor made his next comment 3; "Lar 3; don't stop now! I have to have you! I just need a moment to get used to your size. It didn't look that thick before! (Slight snicker*) Just take it easy till I get it all 3;OK?" "Kor, my Love 3; I had hoped to keep you from the pain, honest! If I could have spared you from it totally, I would have! You will feel a bit more until I reach maximum penetration 3; but after that 3; trust me; it will be worth it all! You'll see!" 3; and I kept advancing slow enough that it was almost undetectable 3; as much as was in my power at least 3; until my pubic bush rested against Kor's gluteus cheeks, and my ball sack lay against his pulsing gonads. I ceased any movement until I detected Kor's body relaxing and moving as if to massage my length and girth, making love to it by his own instinct. I told Kor to wrap his legs around my waist and hold me close to him, laid my body down on top of his, and began passionately kissing my Love as my own lower body stirred its member deep inside it's new habitat, sending a definite message of both romance and tender care 3; sealing our becoming one. Kor almost devoured my tongue! The edge of ecstasy being reached, however, turned him toward a full crave for more action 3; "hotter, deeper, faster, harder" were now words he was using to demand his being made mine! I unwrapped his legs from around me, pressing them to each side of his ears, and began to make love in near abandon. I was surprised that I hadn't already exploded inside him before this 3; so warm, tight, responsive 3; it took all I had to keep control! Because, this first time of intercourse wasn't for my satisfaction, but his! It had to be special and meet his every need! I figure I accomplished my hopes for him as he began to show signs of his own pending release. His body stiffened, his moaning and sexual grunts increased in volume and intensity 3; his eyes rolled back and then shut 3; his cock swelled and veins popped out even more vividly as his balls retracted into his groin, until 3; "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuu 3; YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssss 3;" He erupted like Mt.Vesuvius with hot white lava between us 3; all over both of us 3; more powerfully and with more quantity than any man I ever saw. His anal passage also tightened around my cock to almost a strangle hold with every spasm of his entire body 3; the action of which milked my own juices from me like an oil well grasshopper pump. And did my gusher ever come in! I felt like my eyeballs and my toe nails both got sucked through my entire body and out my piss slit. I lost count of how many cannon firings flew into ground zero 3; but it didn't matter because all I knew was that my True Love was being satisfied beyond all expectation, and so was I. I collapsed onto his body like a wet dishrag and the two of us panted for air as our bodies refused to move. It took over five minutes before either of us could even speak! Our sweaty bodies became glued together from all the cum Kor had expelled. We didn't care. In fact, it probably made our experience even richer! To be honest again, the first sounds we both made weren't words 3; but gentle laughter of satisfaction as we rolled to one side until we lay next to each other wrapped by arms and legs of two men finalizing a union that would hopefully last 'until death do us part'! But then 3; a strange sound invaded our honeymoon dance 3; It sounded like quiet applause! Then some giggling 3; and suddenly an exclamation of 3; "Whoopie!" 3; almost in musical harmony! OH SHIT! Don't tell me! Not 3; But it was! Sitting on the floor just inside the not quite closed doorway were two naked angelic cherubs 3; (both sporting erections) 3; Eaton and Casey 3; OMG 3; what now!
Chapter SixEaton began the conversation that soon followed 3;"Man, Dad 3; that was purely beautiful! We heard some noises clear downstairs, and we had to come see if what we hoped was happening!" "What? You two hoped? You're kidding! I mean 3; you're just 12 and 9½ 3; what the hell you two know about 3;?" "Gee, Daddy 3; Eaton's learned a lot in scouts, and I love the games, too! So we wanted you and Kor to be playin' the same ones, so you wouldn't be mad at us!" "He's got you there, Lar 3; you know the phrase: 'A little child shall lead them', don't you?" "God, Kor 3; I know kids experiment and all, but do you know how much shit we can get ourselves into if anyone ever finds out they have watched us doing it?" "C'mon, Lar 3; ease off! These two won't ever squeal on us! They like it too much, and they love us both too deeply to get us into legal problems!" "Kor's right, Dad 3; Casey and I could tell earlier just how much you two meant to each other, and we approve! Ask Kor if I didn't tell him I'd call him Uncle Kor 3; because I'd never call him 'Mom'! You can trust us never to tell a soul, especially anyone at school; not any social worker or the cops either 3; ever! It's so cool!" "Yeah, Daddy 3; same goes for me too!" "Well 3; what else can I do but trust you 3;all three of you! I'm just so overwhelmed that 3; that 3; you are so aware and accepting at your ages! In fact, I'm stunned! But, boys 3; just one thing 3; Kor and I are adults, and you two are kids. We have to keep it that way! I mean 3; no mixing! Understand?" "But Dad 3; Kor and us have wrestled a few times before, and even Casey here gets a stiffy 3; and even does the shakes like I do!" (Giggles* 3;) "Yeah, and I like it a lot, Daddy!" "Guys 3; that was before I turned 18. Now, it's against the law for me to play those games with you! Please understand. Your Dad is right! It's probably true that none of us like the idea 3; but that's the way it has to be! And believe me; we are totally sorry about it." "Now, Sons 3; go back to your room and do whatever you feel like doing 3; sleep, play games, or just talk 3; but remember that all this is just between us four 3; forever! OK?" (Together in unison 3;) "Sure Dad 3; and 'UNCLE' Korey! Enjoy your honeymoon! See ya at breakfast!" With that, the two little guys bounced out the door, snickering and almost dancing with a new-found joy that we were now a complete family in their minds. I looked at Korey, and started to ask him if we had just screwed up for life 3; to which he replied by a deep kiss and a huge wink, so communicating that he felt like all was well, and not to worry so much! Totally drained sexually and mentally for the moment, we fell asleep in each other's arms. It was clear to us both that there was no turning back 3; and our minds were made up that we wanted it this way! Meanwhile, downstairs 3; "Eaton? I know you poked me behind once or twice, kind'a like Daddy did Korey. And I bet Unca' will get to do Daddy's soon 3; don'tcha think?" "You bet, Case! I heard Daddy promise to let him do the same thing back! And, maybe even before breakfast 3; if they wake up early. Why do you ask?" "Well 3; I just wondered 3; what it 3; felt like to, uh, stick it in someone." "Little Brother, are you asking me to let you find out?" "Yeah 3;I wanna! Can I, huh? Please?" "I don't see why not! It's only fair! Case 3; I love you very much, and if that's what you want to try, I'm happy to let you." "Uh 3; I'm smaller than you, so what's the best way for me to get enough in you for you to like it?" "Not sure, but we can sure try different ways till we find out what works best. Maybe the first way is Doggie-style. Lemme show you what I mean." Eaton got up on his knees with his butt aimed at Casey's front; told Case to get himself wet and aim for the hole like his dick was his finger 3; and poke it right in, with a bit of shove added to open the entrance. Casey did as he was told, and sure enough 3; first try, in he went. Eaton had already let Matt try this at camp, so he felt no pain from Case's 3+ [8 cm]. Needless to say, though, Case immediately experienced a little part of his own private heaven as his groin bumped against Eaton's butt. Eaton kept giving Casey instruction as to how to move properly and get the best feelings from his first try at it. To be honest, Case took to it like a bear to honey 3; so naturally 3; so emotionally connected with his brother-lover. Eaton could tell just from the sounds that were coming from Case's throat as he built up his sensations and his enthusiasm. It surely didn't take too long for Case to reach his peak, and begin his most satisfying orgasm ever! He shook 3; jerked 3; yelled 3; squealed 3; spasmed 3; more than any time in his short past, until he totally collapsed onto Eaton's back 3; exhausted and drained. Of course, he was still dry! But that didn't matter to either boy at this point. The thing that was important is the fact that now both guys shared the same demonstrative method of telling each other of their love. It was unimportant that the 'gay' concept was never discussed between them. Who knows 3; in a couple of years, Eaton might fall head over heals for a girl in High School. This closeness between brothers would never be threatened by any new experiences down the road. It was so real 3; so deep 3; so 3; binding! Certainly, it's expected that since Case is not carrying a huge oversized cock, that when he came back down to earth from afterglow, his dick shrunk and fell out of Eaton's backside. As Casey rolled over onto the bed, a little sad that he couldn't remain inside his brother all night 3; like Eaton had done to him in the earlier coupling 3; Eaton rolled over to face Casey, and took him into a sweet embrace, kissing his face and cuddling him as near as possible 3; thanking him for wanting to share so deeply, and caressing his little lover until both fell deeply into a welcome sleep. Now, if you remember, this is Spring Break 3; and an entire week would be spent at the cabin (Lodge). Without question, the days were spent having family fun together by participating in swimming and boating, picnics, fishing, hiking, camera hunts for animal life, and a myriad of other activities thought up by the boys. At night, the two couples spent their own time together in separate rooms. Yes, Korey was given more than one opportunity to dominate Larry 3; maybe domination isn't the right word, but a return of the same deep loving technique as given him. (OK 3; so he fucked Larry, too! Too bad you keep asking for blunt terms! Oh Well! It's OK!) Anyway, it is now the last night of the retreat, which just happened to be April 16th. Remember what day that is? Eaton sure did! It was his 12th birthday! The foursome spent the day at Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk, and for sure, the Big Dipper was the greatest attraction 3; the bumper cars got second place, especially since Casey could attack the others like he was driving a mini-tank on maneuvers. One time, between very exciting swim sessions in the ocean surf, Korey decided it was time to try out the speed boat ride all over the bay. The boat was an older but very well-kept wooden model built for racing in its day. The faster the driver pushed the thing, the higher it bounced over the tops of the waves. I mean to tell you, the boys were never more turned on by any ride than they were about this one. I have to admit that I was not as relaxed as the other three, but the exhilaration still had its effect on me. Good thing we wore life jackets! So, I'm a bit of a worrier 3;as if you haven't noticed already! Hey 3;I'm a Dad! What do you expect? After we all settled back into a normal adrenalin level on shore, we decided to have dinner at the Shadowbrook before returning to the cabin for the night. The trees, natural river, and floral gardens that were incorporated into the atmosphere were only surpassed by the quality of food and service of the staff. Elegance is the only word that comes to mind 3; a fitting end to our time of bonding as a family. Besides, it was a good thing for the boys to discover what mealtime pleasures were to be found beyond Jack's Box and Papa Murphy's 'home-cooking' delights. I was very proud of how well they behaved throughout the new experience. Great kids! Here I thought I had totally worn out all three of my guys, and upon returning to our week-long abode, we'd all flake out and crash. Boy, did I underestimate my crew! The moment we walked in the door 3; "Daddy 3; we ain't hot-tubbed together the whole time we been here!" "Dad 3; you promised we would, remember?" "Yes, boys 3; I remember! Guess I have to allow it before we hit the sacks, huh!" "Well, Lar 3; if you don't, you and I may never hear the end of it!" "And Dad 3; you also promised that we'd have a 'skinny-dip', too. Me and Casey want us to use the tub that way 3; 'cause we never found a spot in the river without no one else around!" "Yeah, Daddy 3; all naked-like!" "I suppose that it will be OK, as long as it's just us four, and it remains part of our private stash of beautiful memories together. Go get ready 3; I'll turn on the water fall and bubbles, so the temperature will be just right." "YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!", said the boys! Soon, we all appeared at the steps of the outdoor spa in all our natural glory. Eaton mentioned that he wore his 'birthday suit' for this special occasion. We all laughed. I have to admit that my two sons were very beautiful and pleasing to the eye. I mean to tell you that if I were interested in young boys, these two would send my manly hormones into a tailspin. Damn! Some day, they both will become lady-killers! I know that Korey and I will sure encourage the possibilities of that happening 3; except that it not develop so soon that marital thoughts are still out of the question! (Knowing how sexual they are already 3; that may be tough!) My eyes quickly shifted toward my Korey! What a walking god he is! I am so blessed to have him as my True Love! For the entire four years of my teaching career I harbored hope and desire, but I almost never believed there to be any chance of his having the same response to me. But here we are 3; side by side, having coupled for a lifetime together, and already sharing parental responsibilities over two young men who adore us both. I feel so complete! Casey and Eaton looked at one another, smiled widely, and took each other's hand as they slowly stepped into the bubbling waters and sat on one side, facing us as Korey and I copied their lead and entered the jets across from them. Little did I realize what was going on in their little heads! I honestly never had a bad thought cross my mind about this family share time. After all, the limits had been set earlier, and as a teacher, I knew my students respected my borders 3; so my boys would too! So why think otherwise! The guys played like cute kids. Korey and I enjoyed watching them have fun as they experienced the bubbles and the waterfall that kept the spa filtered as it spilled over their heads as they goofed off under it. It didn't take long before the heat of the water drew their energies, and they came over to where Kor and I were sitting 3; as we were stretched out in comfort and relaxation 3; "Daddy 3; I'm kind'a tired. Hold me so I can feel the bubbles and not float away!" "Sure, Case 3; sit between my legs, let me grab you under the arms, and then just float. Let the bubbles massage you all over. You won't go under or float away, I promise!" "Me too, Korey! Do the same for me 3;please?" "Course, Eaton 3; glad to!" As the boys floated on top of all the bubble action, their little manhoods became excited by the sensation caused by the moving water. Oh well, so what! Mine reacted the same way, as did Korey's. It's a 'guy' thing, after all! Totally natural 3; nothing unusual or worrisome! Nothing, that is, until they were tired of floating and sat down into our crotches 3; and scooted as deep into us as possible 3; as if they knew about our hardness beneath the water, and wanted to feel it against their backsides. I tried to ignore it, because I didn't want to believe they had pre-planned any misbehavior! Kor looked at me as if to say 3; "Oh Jeesh 3; what now?" I was almost petrified, and had no answer to give! If we reacted in anger or disgust, we could wound their young hearts deeply. If we did nothing, the line would be crossed that could never be erased from the sand, so-to-speak! I decided to pick Casey up and put him across my legs rather than between them 3; telling him that it would be more comfortable for us both to have a variety in our positions. He giggled, but said 'OK' to the change. Korey did the same with Eaton, but Eaton added another change to the scene. He turned all the way around and straddled his legs across Kor's, scooting close enough to hug Kor's neck as he thanked us both for such a neat day for his birthday. And yes, Casey copied his brother to the 'T'. As the hugs got more intense, I noticed Case's stiffy pushing into my abs! I could tell that Korey was getting the same treatment from Eaton 3; but Kor wasn't as uncomfortable with it as was I. I could tell by the gentle smirk on Kor's face, and the fact that he wasn't really trying to pry Eaton off 3; as I was unaffectedly doing to Casey at the moment. However, that didn't last very long! At a given signal between the boys, each little guy reached for our man cocks and took hold! That was the moment that I almost lost it 3; "Eaton! Casey! I'm sorry, but 3; uh 3; this can't continue! God, it feels so good, but 3; there's no way. We agreed! It's 3;it's just 3;not 3;" "But Dad 3; if it feels so good, and it's just between us four 3; and we're the ones that want it to happen 3; why not?" "Eaton 3; like Lar said when we discussed it earlier, men and boys just can't!" "Daddy 3; Unca 3; we ain't gonna tell nobody!" "Son 3; it's this way 3; we love you both too much to ruin your life forever. Some day you may not like the idea, and you would be in emotional hell because it happened 3; and then Kor and I would become targets of hate, not loving parents! You have to trust us on this one! It hurts to have to say 'no' 3; but we have no other choice. Please don't think we want to reject your demonstration of deep love for us. Honestly, if we could 3; I know we would. But it's so not allowed." "Dad 3; it's my birthday, and if this is what I want? Case and me both want it! It's not just being sexed 3; it's how we want to show our real love! I'll be honest, Dad 3; I think I already know I'm gay, not just bi 3;" "Son 3; my beloved sweet son 3; you have years yet to make that decision! I will love you the same, no matter if you are totally straight or not! I want you to take your time to find out the whole truth without my influencing your decision by doing something with you that can't be taken back 3;ever! Please understand! That is real love. You have to believe that!" "Dad 3; what if I decide later that I still feel the same way?" "Eaton 3; if that happens, you'll probably come home to me and Korey with another man on your arms with whom you will want to share the rest of your life. And we will support that with our whole hearts 3;just as if it were a wonderful girl being introduced for our approval. That's why age 18 is the minimum legal age of such decisions. By then, there's no question as to what's real and what's just momentary desires. Can you grasp that?" "I guess! But nothing says I have to agree or how I feel inside! Dad 3; I know that both you and Kor feel a lot like me and Case do! I can tell it. So, if it's that hard for you two 3; it's gotta be harder for us! I guess we'll just have to wait it out! Some day it might be too strong for all of us to say 'no' to. If that ever happens 3; it'll still be OK with us kids! C'mon, Case 3; let's get ready for bed. Uh, Dad 3;one more thing 3;" "Yes, Son 3;" "It was a very wonderful birthday, even if we didn't get to make love! In fact, it's been a fantastic week. I love you and Kor so much! Thanks a bunch!" "Me too, Daddy! Me too, Unca Kor! And 3; I get it too! I unerstan'." The two boys took hold of each other's hand and slowly walked toward the house without looking back. I almost sank under the water for causing them such a disappointment. Kor took my hand and his eyes spoke a huge message 3; that we had done the right thing, painful to them (and us) or not 3; and that they would survive, knowing our love was so great that we would not take advantage of them in any way. We hugged! Then we headed for our room as well. In the morning, the smell of cooking bacon hit our noses and jarred us awake. I crawled out of bed and headed for the kitchen, and found the boys working on breakfast together. I called Kor to get downstairs ASAP, and watched the little guys do their magic. They did very well! I was surprised just how decently they did it all. "Dad 3; Case and I talked, and you're so right! So we wanted to make breakfast to let you know all's OK! We're not upset about last night's g'night thing! Honest!" I smiled and nodded, but the words wouldn't come out! I held out my arms for a hug, and both boys flew into my grasp as if they had been lost for a month, and finally returned by a rescue squad. And when Kor got downstairs, the scene was repeated. We all knew that the hardest moment of our combined life so far had passed, and we could all rest peaceably as we headed home later in the day. But later 3; as Kor and I retired to our bed for the night, another realization hit us smack in the face! Tomorrow was Monday again 3; Spring Break was over! School started again! We hadn't waited until the end of the school year to seal our relationship. Now 3; could we keep a proper appearance as Teacher/Student for the remainder of the time until Graduation? "Lar 3; after school, tomorrow, I'll go back to the condo! It's the only way we can keep up the image. It's the only way you'll keep your job! It'll be tough, for sure, but we have no choice, my Love!" "Oh God! Kor 3; I know you're as right about this as I was about the boys 3; but it will be pure hell as far as I'm concerned!" "Dear, we'll find a way to get some time alone together! Somehow!" "I sure hope so, Kor! I really do!"
Chapter SevenWe woke up quite early and Korey left for the condo just in case any of the school personnel happened to drive by on route to school. Of course, when the boys awakened, they wondered where he had gone 3; and why. I explained that the school folk just wouldn't understand why a Teacher and a Student lived together, and that it would be a lot easier to finish the school year before anything became more permanent to our arrangement. Casey looked a bit puzzled, but Eaton explained it to him in rather simple terms 3; "It's this way, Case 3; You know how Dad says you and I can't do things with him and Kor? Well, the school thinks that even Dad and Kor shouldn't. So they gotta play like nothing is going on 3; at least till Kor graduates. You know 3; like you and me can't tell our buddies that we play games either! Get it?" "Oh yeah! I get it now! Uh 3; Eaton? You keep Matt a secret too?" "You're the only one I've ever told about Matt! And I'm sure he ain't told no one even in the scout troop! So, Yeah! It's another secret between you and me, Little Bro! After all, if you spilled the beans on him, I wouldn't learn new stuff to show you! Wanna ruin that?" "Heck No! I wanna learn a lot more from you, Eaton!" "Good! Now we gotta help Dad and Kor keep their secret too 3; 'cause it could really mess things up for all of us if we don't!" "Gotch'a Big Brother!" As I sat there listening to the boys' discussion, I began to think that maybe I was putting too much onto their shoulders for them to handle it. Maybe it was guilt caused by the fact that they had seen me and Kor going all the way 3; and maybe it was just that I was thinking about their youthfulness being snatched out from underneath them at such tender ages. However, it was their own decisions to do the sexual things they already do. I had no part in that! Of course, I didn't make a move to stop them, either 3;because that was who they are and what they wanted to share as brothers. They had made that choice before I came on the scene as Dad! Time caught up with me and I had to get the boys to school. I dropped Casey off at his Elementary School, Eaton at his Middle School, and arrived at the High School parking lot with just about five minutes to spare. I headed for the Faculty Lounge to get my last cup of coffee, and bumped into Mr. Jacobs, (Burt, my Principal), who asked me if the time away was good. I told him that it was perfect, and helped us all to get things into perspective as a newly formed family. He asked if Korey had gone with us, and I responded with a yes 3; and a comment that he helped with the boys as well. Then I thanked Burt for making the suggestion that he go, as it benefited Korey's well being too. He nodded approval, and turned into his office. I grabbed my coffee and headed to the Band Room to get the day's programs laid out. Korey was already there ahead of me, and had put the concert music into the folders for rehearsal. I had forgotten that I already lined up the numbers we would perform for the Spring Concert in three weeks, but Kor hadn't. He's such a sharp Student Assistant! I knew that I would never have another one nearly as efficient as he. What he didn't know yet was that I was in the midst of arranging a Bank of America Scholarship in the field of Music to be presented to him at Graduation. To be honest, though, it was based on his talent, his dedication, and his scholastic achievement 3; not on the fact that he was my lover now! I chose B of A because it could be used at any college, and had a 2-year time period before it expired. That way, Kor didn't have to move away any time soon. I sure hoped he'd wait to use it! All day long, my students welcomed me back, making various comments about the substitute 3; some quite positive, which pleased me because it's tough to get a good sub for music classes or drama. But then, the after-school Sound of Music rehearsal was less satisfying in its progress. The music was going OK, but the blocking had stopped completely, and the sets 3; well, what little work that did get attempted 3; let's just say, there'd be a few all-nighters to correct and improve them before opening night! Oh well 3; I guess very few subs can handle all aspects of theater and music combined. It's tough enough for me, and I'm used to it and love it thoroughly. I was so deeply involved in the rehearsal that I lost track of time. My cell phone rang about 6 PM, and it was Kor 3; "Mr. Freeburg, Korey here 3; in case you wondered, I picked up the boys after school and brought them to my condo because I figured you'd be tied up longer. I'm feeding them now, and when you pick them up, you're welcome to come in and have a plate before you take them home." "Thank you, Korey. I'd call that above and beyond 3; but you always do think ahead and do things that way. I'm pleased to have you as a helper. I'll be by in say 3; 30 minutes." "Yes Sir, and I don't expect to be paid as a sitter because you didn't ask me to do so this time." "Nonsense! I don't expect to get freebies just because I screw up. I appreciate you thinking of the boys' welfare. Thanks again! See you soon!" As you can tell, Kor was a master at keeping things above board 3; just in case any one could possibly hear things. He was also good at arranging a few minutes here and there for us to at least kiss and hug a bit while we had to appear apart. Many times throughout the rest of the school year, his cleverness made me think that maybe he had more practice at this than I was aware of; but nah 3; no way did he have a previous lover before me! It might be interesting to find out what else he has kept hidden over the years! Maybe nothing 3; but he IS good! I arrived at the condo to eat some dinner and pick up the boys. Kor had served pork chops with apple-walnut stuffing, steamed broccoli and a raw spinach salad with poppy seed dressing 3; all my favorites! (Guess the boys told him!) While I quite appreciatively cleaned my plate, Kor mentioned that this next Saturday was the night Eaton's birthday tickets for the Oakland A's ballgame were purchased. I had forgotten the date, and had mistakenly set a scenery construction day to try to finish all the show's needed flats, the stairway, and backdrops. Again, my boys came through with a good suggestion 3; "Dad 3; I know there are only two tickets, and I hoped it would be you and me going, but the show is real important. I know that! So 3; what if Korey takes me this time, and we can go to another one this summer 3; all four of us at once?" "And Daddy 3; I could help you at the theater all day long, and then you and me could eat out kind'a Dad/Son-like!" "I'd be happy to take Eaton to the Oakland Coliseum that night for you, Lar! I know you wanted to, but if he doesn't mind, neither do I. And Case could learn some stage craft techniques and have some time alone with you as well." "Eaton 3; I am so sorry that I goofed up, but if you really don't mind, that sounds like a great way to handle the problem. You sure you're OK with it?" "Of course, Dad 3; I understand the pressures of the show! Besides, we got a lot of times we can do things together 3; and Kor's an alright guy!" "Thanks for the vote of confidence in your Uncle Kor, Eaton 3; Creep!" (Giggles* 3;) "Thanks, 'Momma'! You're the one who'll benefit from my presence! They're my tickets!" "Besides, Daddy 3; I'll get some time away from Big Brother!" (Snicker*). "As if you really want that 3; Dipstick!" "Guys! Enough! You both know that you don't mean those things! Maybe I ought to cancel the tickets and the show 3; just to get you two back in shape!" (All three voices 3;) "YOU WOULDN'T! 3; would you?" "Course not 3; but it made you think a little, right! I'm still the Dad here! Now keep things civil!" "Lar 3; they're just kidding 3; we all know that! Ease up!" "Yes Dear!" Then Kor brought out dessert for all of us 3; not that I needed any, but the young'uns had been waiting for me before scarfing it down. What was it? Crazy Kor had gone to a bakery and brought home a one-layer decorated wedding cake with two grooms on top. (He had bought the statues separately, so as not to raise suspicion at the bakery; (told you he was smart!) Did the little guys ever get a laugh out'a that! He offered me the knife, but I insisted that he stand next to me, and we cut the cake together 3; and the boys insisted we kiss and feed a bite to each other. We all laughed as Kor and I wiped our faces clean of smeared frosting. By now, I was tuckered from the day's labors, and the boys had to get home to get ready for the next day's classes. They said they had no homework 3; but having been there before, I knew better! So Kor and I said our 'good-byes' for the evening, and off the three of us went. We didn't have that far to go, but Casey fell asleep on the back seat on the way. I suppose he was quite tired from the entire week's excitement and energy drain plus a school day under his belt. Eaton sat next to me in front, and reassured me that he really was OK with the Saturday arrangement. I asked again about the homework, and Eaton promised me that they had done it at Korey's place before dinner. So when we got home, I carried Case into his room and laid him on his bed. Eaton watched one program on TV with me before he kissed me and wandered off to dreamland. I sat there in my recliner simply reflecting on the wonderful family I now had! The week went extremely well, and the musical was shaping up quicker than I hoped 3; the students really wanted to show me how much they supported me while I was out, and they worked even harder to make things successful. I now had confidence that with Saturday's work day, the show would be almost ahead of schedule 3; which excited me even more. This was going to be the best school program of my entire career to-date. I just knew it! Saturday arrived, and Case was exstatic about being with me all day. Surprisingly, he was a lot of help, too. He actually could paint sets and hold lumber as other kids constructed the stairway. He was also quite proud to let the students know I was 'Daddy'. They teased him about it by telling him I was their 'Papa', too! Long about Noon, Kor and Eaton dropped by to see how things were going before heading to Oakland. They were pleased about the progress we were making, and Eaton even complimented Casey about the work he did. Kor pulled me aside and mentioned that the game would get over real late, since it was against the Seattle Mariners, and that he called ahead to reserve a hotel room so that they won't have to drive all the way back home in the traffic jam of the game's end. I approved the idea for their safety, and off they went. After the work day was finished, Casey and I went to eat dinner. I asked him where he wanted to go, and he said Chucky Cheese in Seaside near the Fairgrounds. That wasn't my favorite pizza place, but after all, it was his 3; and this was his 'date with Daddy'. I knew why, too. The kid is an arcade freak! He even got me to play games against him so he could beat my butt! The one I was able to win was the motorcycle race 3; where we sat on motorcycle models and tipped from side to side to make corners that appeared on the video screen. He did pretty well, but I managed to stay a lap ahead only because I didn't crash as often as he did. And Oh, yes 3; almost forgot 3; 'Air Hockey King' was my night's title. Some of the other kids played the 'winner', and I still remained champ until I ran out of tokens. Case made sure we finished off the evening with a Banana Split shared between us, and home we went. From the car to the front door, Case held my hand and kept looking up to me with the biggest grin I'd ever seen on his face. That's' how much he treasured our night out together. As we got inside, and I locked the door for the night, he jumped up into my arms and looked me right in the eye 3; "Daddy 3; the night's not over!" "What do you mean, Son? "I wanna sleep with you tonight 3; please?" "I guess that will be OK, Case! Since you're used to being with Eaton anyway, and it's not a school night 3; just so you remember we're there to sleep! I'm tired from the long day's work, and you're about to fall over, yourself. We both need a shower, so you go first and then crawl in my bed. I'll be quick, and then I'll let you snuggle in 3; OK?" "Daddy 3; thanks a bunch! I love you so much!" I heard the shower running, and after about five minutes, it stopped. A couple more minutes later, I heard footsteps almost running to my bedroom. Then a 'plunk' as the headboard knocked against the wall. It was all-clear for me to hit the shower now, and boy did I ever need one. I was sore and sweaty. I spent longer under the warm water that did Casey; in fact, the water got cold as I finished rinsing the soap suds off my tired body. I then put on a clean pair of boxers and dragged myself into my room. There he was 3; right in the middle of the bed 3; covers to his chin, and a huge smile across his face as he stared at me coming his way. "Alright, Smiley 3; what's goin' on?" "Nuthin', Daddy! Just happy to see you!" "Yeah 3; right! Scoot over a little, so there's room for me in my own bed!" I crawled in from my side of the bed and pulled the covers to my waist. Casey cuddled up right next to me and hugged me tightly 3; "Uh 3; Case? Where's your underwear?" "Me and Eaton don't wear none when we sleep together!" "I think you need to when you're with me! I have mine on! Now go get a pair!" "Do I really haf'ta? I sleep better this way!" "Either that, or I may make you go to your own bed." "You and Korey weren't wearin' any the other night!" "Case 3; that's different 3; and you know it! Please do as I ask." His smile disappeared at that point, and he almost stepped on his lower lip as he leaned over the bed's edge and pulled his undies out from underneath. He knew better 3; he was testing me. He pulled the covers down and put his briefs on as he stayed laying next to me 3; letting me get a good look at his maleness in the process. I thanked him for making the right choice, and pulled him close and held him, and gave him a couple gentle kisses as we settled in for the night. Meanwhile, after the ballgame 3; at the Hampton Inn near the stadium, Kor and Eaton checked into their room for the night. It had two double beds, and Kor told Eaton he could have his choice of which one 3; closer to the TV or to the window. Eaton said he was too tired to watch TV, so he'd let Kor have that one if he wanted to see something before he fell asleep, and without being told 3; headed in for a shower. He came out of the bathroom in his boxers, and climbed into the bed near the window. Korey took a shower as well, and came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Turning out the lights and TV both, he dropped his towel and got into his bed. Soon, Kor was asleep. But Eaton evidently was not. I guess he was still excited from the game. Hearing Kor's heavy breathing and watching his chest rise and fall steadily, Eaton decided to slip quietly into Kor's bed to cuddle a while. Oops 3; as he eased under the covers, he dropped his boxers on the floor 3; making very sure not to disturb Korey's deep sleep. It didn't take too long before Eaton put his little plan into action. As he lay next to Korey's sleeping body, facing Kor's direction (with Kor practically unconscious on his back), Eaton placed his hand across Kor's chest very lightly. After checking to assure himself that he hadn't wakened Kor, his hand lowered to Kor's abs. Kor's cock stirred a little, which made Eaton freeze in place until he was sure things were still the same. At this point, Korey was still sawing logs. Eaton let his hand sink just slightly lower until the head of Kor's now swelling prick touched Eaton's hand. He kept his hand there without motion for several minutes. Still no reaction by Korey. Eaton felt pretty safe now, and laid his hand on top of the full-blown 9 inches [23 cm] of hot man-cock, his finger lightly spreading a drop of pre-cum across the tip of the mushroom cap pointed toward Kor's belly button. This caused Korey to jerk a little, but still didn't wake him to consciousness. Of course, Eaton's 4.5+" [12 cm] was at its most engorged condition, and it pressed against Kor's leg as well. Eaton began to let his finger trace the veins along the full length of his target of pleasure 3; as well as exploring the hair-covered ball sack beneath. A slight moan came from Kor's throat, but still 3; not awake. Whew! (Thought Eaton) as he got a little more bold in his experimentation. But then 3; Korey turned onto his side toward Eaton 3; and his arm fell across Eaton's body drawing him close like a teddy bear. His erection pointed directly between Eaton's legs, so Eaton let it rest on his thigh without closing his upper leg onto it 3; in hopes that Kor was still sound asleep and was unaware of Eaton's boy cock pressing into his crotch as the embrace held him gently. Korey was now having a dream, which was evident by the whispers coming from him as he held Eaton close 3; "Oh yes, Lar 3; so glad you're here with me! 3; 3; 3; Mmmmmmmmmm, so warm 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; 3; sweet! 3; 3; 3; 3; Kiss me, please!" Eaton kissed him easily, but definitely trying to copy the type of kiss Larry would give. Kor's warm breath flowed first over Eaton's chest and neck, and then across his cheeks and mouth, making Eaton get even hotter sexually. "Lar 3; put your other leg over my dick! 3; 3; 3; hold it nice between your thighs 3; 3; 3; just let it sit there!" Eaton did as was requested 3; figuring that would keep Kor enjoying his dream, and not waking up. Korey held him even closer and tighter! By now, Eaton was just about to blow his pre-teen juices between their two bodies, and tried awful hard to hold off 3; but to no avail! His body shook 3; his prick danced 3; his breathing got heavy and quick 3; and then 3; then 3; shot after shot of boy cum flowed out between them. All this motion and spasms made Korey shoot his load as well 3; between Eaton's thighs, across his rump and onto the sheets behind him. It also woke Korey from his dream 3; "GOD 3; EATON!! It's you 3; not Larry! What have I done! How'd we get this way? What am I gonna tell Larry when we get back?"
Chapter Eight"Don't tell him anything!""What! You've got to be kidding! Eaton 3; he and I are as close to being married as we can get! He has to know that I 3;" "No he doesn't! You didn't! I did! ME! Not you!" "Uh 3; yeah, that's right. I didn't even know it was happening 3; until you woke me up by all your orgasmic movement. But still 3;" "Korey 3; you gotta understand! A month ago it was fine that we played around. I can't feel any different about you now then I did a few weeks ago. It's not fair to even ask me to forget I love you too." "How do I put this, Eaton? Uh 3; it IS different! I am legally an adult now, which you have been told already, and even if that doesn't matter to you 3; I am now your Dad's lover, and that ought to mean a lot!" "But you can't look me in the eye and tell me you haven't thought about me and even Casey since you turned 18!" "FUCK! Kid 3; you are so 3; so 3; damn 3; right! I can't deny that I still think of our games together on occasion. You two are so hot and so sweet. But 3; But 3; I just can't allow my small head to rule over my large one! It's just plain wrong! I am really sorry, Eaton. I do wish we could 3; honest! But I just can't hurt Larry by letting my gut desire to be what you want take away from what he and I have together. Eaton 3; you will always be special to me 3; real special! But can't you see the struggle I have?" "Yeah 3; sort'a 3; but Korey, I have just as hard of a struggle as you do! Casey is a great little brother, and a lot of fun when we play our games. But 3; he's exactly that 3; a LITTLE brother! I need a BIG brother-type, an older guy to teach me things and to drive me to higher pleasure 3; and I chose you a while back, before you got so 'adult-like'. I need you, Korey 3; as bad as Dad does. We are family! It could stay our thing 3; our secret!" "Oh if it only could! But Eaton 3; I just don't see how! I feel like shit, now! Maybe I should have never played the game with you guys while I was just the sitter. I beg your forgiveness, Little Man 3; please!" "There's nothing to forgive! I wanted it. I almost got you to do it in the first place. Hell, if Matt hadn't got me introduced to it, neither Case nor I would have brought you into it from the start. It's you who need to forgive me. But, know what? I don't want forgiveness 3; I want you! Don't reject me 3; or Casey either! We need your loving as much as Larry." (Kissing Eaton's forehead 3;) "You have my love 3; me deepest love for you both, but that can't mean you get my cock too. I wish there was another way!" "Do I gotta go back to my own bed for the rest of the night?" "Guess not. The damage is done, and I can't bring myself to toss you away! We can cuddle and kiss if you want 3; but please don't go beyond that, for both our sakes 3; OK?" "I'll try! Hold me real close! I still want to feel your arms around me and your warm breath on my cheek. I want to know that you still do love me in a good way!" Korey did as Eaton asked, and no effort to clean up spent cum or sheets was made. The two fell asleep in much the same way Casey and Larry had at home, and no further sex became involved throughout the remainder of the night. However, on the way home the next day, Eaton could tell that Korey was quite disturbed about just what to tell Larry. "Uh 3; Korey? Can't we just forget that it happened last night? Larry doesn't need to know 3; if we just make sure it doesn't happen again. PLEEEAAAASE!" "Eaton 3; I am considering that choice, honest 3; but can we really say it won't happen again? I'm not even sure I can, and I'm a lot more mature than you are 3; well, in a lot of ways! I'm not mad at you, but I am so torn as to which way to go 3; I just have to think it over." "So 3; you're saying that maybe you do still want to love me and Casey too 3; I mean, in the way we want?" "DAMN IT, Eaton 3; I just don't know yet! Give me some space, will ya, please! Being an adult is so new to me 3; all of it! God, I didn't mean to yell at you 3; it's me I'm mad at, not you. I am so sorry 3; just give me time to come to grips with my own feelings, if you love me as much as you say you do." (Leaning over to kiss Korey on the cheek 3;) "Kor 3; I'll give you all the time you need, as long as you don't cut me off or get me 'in Dutch' with Larry. I am truly sorry that I made things so hard on you. I didn't mean to do that! So, I promise to not push anything 3; but I won't promise to stop wanting it to happen. Is that fair?" "Look, Eaton 3; I do know you had no intention of making things difficult for me. All you wanted to do is to show me your love because I opened the door for it a few months ago. Besides, you are only 12 years old. How in the heck am I supposed to hold you responsible in the first place? I don't! I'm the one that got this in such a mess, and I really don't know how to straighten it out without hurting all of us! Just trust me that I'll do whatever needed to keep the damages to a minimum. OK?" "Yeah! I do trust you, Korey 3; 'cause I do love you! And if it helps any 3; I think Larry would understand, too 3; that is IF we have to tell him at all." The rest of the trip home was made in total silence. The atmosphere was not filled with anger or tenseness 3; but with mutual sympathy for the other party involved in such a critical situation. Eaton still sat close to Korey the entire way. Korey drove with one hand on the wheel, and the other hand grasping Eaton's hand in a common bond of understanding and concern for the other person. When the two arrived at Eaton's place, there was a note on the table explaining that Larry had taken Casey to Dennis the Menace Park to allow him to use the skate park with his roller blades 3; and they'd be back by about 5:00 P.M. Korey read the note, and wrote a response that he and Eaton had a safe trip, the game was fantastic, and that he would call Larry later this evening from the condo 3; signing it, I love you 3; and then Kor left for home. Eaton simply sat on the couch and watched videos until Larry and Casey got back. When they arrived, Casey ran over to Eaton and plopped down next to him 3; "Gee, Bro 3; me and Daddy had a swell time together; almost as good as you two probably had!" (Somberly 3;) "Yeah 3; probably!" "C'mon, Bro 3; that sounded kind'a like you didn't enjoy the trip!" "Uh 3; the game was great! I'm just tired! I'm going to my room! Leave me alone a while, OK?" "Daddy?" "Yeah, Case 3; I heard! Want to talk about something, Eaton?" "NO! 3; Uh, I mean no thanks, Dad. I'm just tired. See ya both later!" Eaton got up and headed for his room. Casey looked at him in puzzlement. Larry sensed there was something wrong, but decided to wait and see if Eaton would come to him on his own later. Then he saw Korey's note on the table, and decided to call the condo. The phone rang and rang. No answer. Larry figured that if Kor was home like his note said, he'd answer his phone figuring it would be Larry calling. But, No 3; nothing. Larry decided to go over to Kor's place to make sure he wasn't hurt, or sick or something. He knew the boys would be OK left at home for a little while. They often took care of each other without problems. Casey started to watch TV, but got concerned about Eaton. So, he went upstairs to see what was going on 3; and outside Eaton's door, he could hear sobbing, maybe muffled a bit by a pillow, but he could tell Eaton was crying. He slowly opened the door and peeked in 3; only to have a pillow fly across the room and hit him in the face 3; "Get out! I said I wanted to be left alone a while! What part of alone don't you understand, twerp?" "Hey 3; what'd I do? I heard you crying, and I wanted to see if I could help any! And I ain't no twerp! I'm your brother, and I wanna help!" (sitting up and turning toward Casey 3;) "God, Bro 3; I'm sorry. You didn't do anything. C'mere!" "What's wrong, Eaton? Something's real wrong! You don't cry over nuthin' usually. What happened?" "Look, Case 3; if I could tell ya, I would. But right now, I just can't! Don't tell Dad that I was crying either 3; for me 3; OK?" "Sure, Bro 3; count on me! But if it's so bad, maybe you ought'a at least share it with me, so I can maybe help a little! Uh 3; wait a sec 3; did something happen between you and Kor while you were together? Somethin' that shouldn'ta?" "Oh God, Case 3; don't even go there! Just hold me! I need you close right now!" Casey grabbed Eaton, pulled him down to the bed, and lay side by side in an embrace without another word being said between them. Casey could tell he hit a raw nerve with his question, but he cared enough for Eaton to not press the topic. Eventually, at least before Larry returned, Eaton stopped his sobbing, washed his face, and the two returned to the TV as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, Larry used his key to enter the condo 3; and found Korey in his recliner, staring at the ceiling and not even aware that Larry came in 3; "Hey, Kor 3; Earth to Kor 3;" "Huh?" "Kor 3; I called and let the phone ring for a long time, and no answer 3; you alright?" "Uh 3; guess I was just tired and spaced 3; sorry!" "Must run in the family 3; Eaton was bone tired too. What's the matter? Didn't you sleep well at the hotel? Too noisy or something like that?" "UH 3; uh 3;" Larry sat down next to Korey and looked him straight in the eye 3; "Kor, my Dear, something is way wrong! You look like you're going to explode or fall apart. Tell me 3; I'll understand. I'm here for you, my Love!" Korey couldn't help but run to the restroom and throw up! Larry followed him, cleaned him up afterward, and brought him back to the living room 3; sitting next to him and holding his hand 3; "Kor 3; did something happen that upset you so badly?" "Lar 3; How do I tell you! I'm a wreck, and it's 3; it's uh 3;" "Family matter?" "God, yes! I am sooooo sorry!" "Want to talk it out now?" "I wish I could, but I don't know how to even start!" "Maybe I can help 3; and if I'm wrong, tell me that I don't know what the hell I'm thinking, or why 3; but 3; uh 3; did you and Eaton have a rough night in the hotel together?" (Silence 3; and tearful eyes;) "Kor 3; Somehow I knew it! Eaton is home in his bedroom, saying he's so tired he wanted to be alone. That isn't how he reacts to a ballgame or a trip 3; ever! And then I find you here physically, but way out in space mentally. I'm crazy in love with you both, but I'm not stupid! And I know that before you and I became lovers, both Casey and Eaton were already head over heals over you as a sitter 3; with some very special fringe benefits, I might add. I wasn't blind 3; just prudent. I suppose I ought to take partial blame for what happened last night because I didn't think about the consequences of a pre-teen boy being alone in a hotel with his idol. Kor 3; my sweet, I trust you and know how deeply you love me. I can only guess that Eaton came on to you while you slept, and tried to show how much he loved you as well. Am I right?" "Hell, yes 3; right on the button, Damn it! But if I hadn't played games with the boys earlier, Eaton might never have tried anything. I mean, it was before I was considered an adult and all, but still! I'm so confused 3; so scared 3; so worried 3; so fucked up in my head right now!" "Well, let me say just a couple things right now. First, don't be worried about any charges being filed from an irate father. This will be an in-house matter that we will all deal with together. Second, I know you didn't seduce him last night, so as far as I am concerned, there's no violation of the relationship you and I have 3; nor will there ever be. Thirdly, I want you to get some sleep. As soon as Eaton feels like telling me what happened, I will make sure we all sit down and smooth things out together as a family 3; with no one else interfering in our business. Promise me you will get some rest. We all have school again tomorrow, and I don't think you need to call in ill. I still love you with all my heart, OK?" "You're a Saint, Larry 3; I was afraid that we'd be through!" "And I thought you knew me better than that, Kor! Now 3; go to sleep! Let my love sooth your heart! (KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS) G'night my Love!" Larry began driving back home, a bit worried how to handle Eaton with as much tenderness as he had done for Korey 3; or whether to even bring it up until Eaton wanted to talk about it on his own. This might just be the hardest acting job he has tackled in a long time. He arrived back at his place to find the boys watching a cartoon movie 3; 'Ratatouie', I think it was 3; holding hands as they sat together. What surprised him though, was the fact that as soon as he came in, Eaton nodded to Casey, and Case got up and went upstairs with out a word or any expression, good or bad 3; "Uh 3; Dad? Can we sit together a little while?" "Sure, Son 3; I missed you while you were gone. I'm glad you liked the game." (Sitting together for several minutes before Eaton began to quiver in his seat 3;) "Dad 3; you're gonna hate me!" "Son 3; that will never ever happen!" "I'm not so sure! I gotta tell ya somethin', and you're gonna hate hearin' it!" "You sure you want to tell me tonight? You might feel better after a good night's sleep." "Dad 3; if I don't tell you tonight, I might never sleep again!" "Alright then 3; I'm all ears. But remember one thing 3; I will never hate you! I promise you that! Nothing you say or could do would ever make me stop loving you!" "UH 3; maybe I ought'a start back about a year or so 3; I told you about Matt at scouts 3; and that he and I did some things on camp-outs. What I didn't tell you was that I asked him to do it. I wanted to find out if what I thought about myself was true or not 3; and it IS! Dad 3; I was just 11, but I already figured I liked boys instead of girls. My experiments with Matt just proved it more each time we did things. Then I got caught jerkin off in bed by Case 3; and he started to copy me, and then wanted me to teach him the stuff. I enjoyed it so much that I just knew he'd like it too. Well, he did 3; uh 3; he does! In fact, he's already asking to join scouts and meet Matt when he turns 11. I dunno if Case will like girls or not, but I do know that he and I are as much lovers as you and Kor are!" "Eaton, none of this is really news to me. I already figured how deeply you two were tied together. It will never change my feelings toward either of you if you finally declare that you are gay. And if you ever decide you're straight 3; the same goes! I love you both for being 'you', not for being like me. Is that clear?" "Yes 3; and that isn't the problem 3; yet! What I didn't tell you is that Matt is his nickname 3; short for his last name 3; Matthews. We have nicknames for all our patrol leaders and even our scout masters." "Matthews? 3; uh, is he High School age?" "Yeah 3; he's 17, just a year younger than Korey." "OMG 3; you don't mean Joey Matthews, my first chair clarinet player 3; my next year's Drum Major?" "Yeah 3; but he don't know anything about your 3; uh 3; habits, honest! He just knows that you are now my Dad 3; nothin' more, I promise!" "So far then, things aren't too bad! Go on!" "Well 3; uh 3; did my real Dad ever tell you he caught me and Case doin' things one night, and that's when he made us start to use different bedrooms?" "All he told me was that you two were getting to be old enough to need separate bedrooms and some individual privacy 3; that's all." "Then he didn't tell you he checked on us every night, and made sure we were comfy 3; and when we asked for it, he gave us back rubs and foot rubs, using cocoanut oil lotion to relax us 3; real tenderly? Uh 3; he never sexed us! In fact he got real edgy if either of us got stiffies, and he left quickly! But the bad part was 3; I had dreams of him and me doing things together. I never told him, but even though I knew it wasn't right 3; I wanted to 3; uh 3; well, you get the idea." "Son 3; there's a reason he got edgy! When he was the 15-year-old big brother in High School, and I was 12 years old in Jr. High, he showed me stuff just like you show Casey. For almost two years, we did a lot of different things. But he met your Mom in his Senior year, and went head over heals for her 3; and from then on, he never did a thing with me again. He turned so anti-male it was awful! But I didn't! I cried when he refused to even hug me any more. If it weren't for a couple of my Drama and Music buddies, I might have killed myself 3; thinking I was too bad to keep living. Maybe that's why I am so willing to be here for both you guys as you make up your minds about your own sexuality." "Then when Korey watched us guys when Dad and Mom took time to get away, I actually was the one that got him to rough-house us enough to get us all hard and tented up. I kind'a sensed that Kor was a lot like me, but he never said so 3; not till I actually made a big deal out'a his boner, and made sure he knew I wanted to play with it." "Eaton, my Boy 3; I do understand the inner desires of a young guy who needs to be loved, or just needs to get his nuts off! I was there myself at your age. I am not saying it was right, or even OK 3; but I know why it happened. That inner drive is so hard to deal with. And when a boy senses another person with the same drives and needs, things do happen. What I had to learn was to keep a reign on it 3; to be very careful, and discrete about with whom and where I let my desires be known. If the wrong person ever found out 3; I might never have become a teacher or maybe I would have been tossed out of the community all together. It's that serious!" "I know that, Dad 3; I mean the seriousness of it and all! So does Casey! We have talked about it a lot together. We decided that if we kept it with just us 3; and of course, Matt and me, we'd be safe. Then when Korey stayed with us, and sort'a fell into our trap 3; even if he was willing enough to join in 3; well, we were happy as could be! But 3;" "But 3; Korey and I became lovers, and he also became an adult, and your little pleasure world collapsed?" "Yeah 3; until last night! That's the part you'll hate! I know you will!" "You mean 3; that your drives pushed you into being aggressive toward Korey again, even though he was asleep and didn't have a chance to say 'NO' before it went too far?" "Uh 3; how'd you know? God, Dad 3; I 3; uh 3; (tears again) 3; maybe I could'a helped it, but I didn't want to. That's the worst part. I still wanted Kor to do things with me and Case, but to me it wasn't just sexing any more, I felt real love toward Korey 3; even if he was your lover, too! Dad 3; I'm ashamed, and so sorry! And it's not because I'm just a kid 3; I knew what I was doing! So, if you want to hate me 3; I'll understand!" "EATON 3; How many times do I have to tell you, I will never hate you. I do understand! Sex is a powerful thing! It can ruin people if we let it. But, Son 3; I won't let it come between us 3; ever! What has to be done now, though, is for all four of us to talk it all out together. We have to come to some point of agreement that allows us all to be ourselves 3; to be a loving family, in spite of sex. Will you agree to that?" "Yes, Dad! I'll do whatever it takes to make things right again. I hurt Korey so bad! I hurt you too 3; I know it, even if you don't say so! Please say you forgive me!" "My Boy 3; I already have! If I hadn't, I surely wouldn't suggest a family conference. I am glad that you didn't wait too long before you told me, because it would have torn you apart inside 3; and I'd hate that, for sure! Like I said 3; I have been put here as your Dad for a good reason 3; because I've e been there myself, and I can help you get through it. Not too many Dads can accomplish that for their kids. We'll do it together, Son!" "Thanks, Dad 3; I think I can sleep now! Can I go to bed, and we talk more tomorrow?" "Of course! And if you need me during the night 3; just come wake me up!" Eaton melted into Larry's arms and held him very tightly, almost too tight to let him breathe. A ton of weight seemed to fall off Eaton's shoulders to the floor as Larry picked him up and carried him to his room. Casey strolled into Eaton's room as Larry was still putting him to bed 3; "Uh 3; Bro? Want some company?" "Yeah, Little Brother, I do. But nothing sexy tonight, please. Just be here with me 3; OK?" "Sure! I just don't want you to hurt or to be alone!" "Boys 3; that is a good idea. Hop in, Case 3; and take care of my Eaton for me! I'll see you both in the morning." (Together 3;) "G'Night Dad 3; we love you lots!" "Same here, guys! Always!" Larry headed back downstairs, and called Korey's number. This time, Kor answered 3; "UH 3; glad it's you, Lar. I haven't gotten a wink of sleep yet. I wish you were here holding me!" "Kor 3; I wish I was, too. But there's good news 3; might help you get some rest. Eaton unloaded to me, and he wants us all to have that chat time together 3; soon. I have assured him that nothing would ever damage our family love for one another. He's finally asleep in Casey's embrace. Tomorrow should be a positive day for us all." "I am so glad to hear that! Larry 3; you make me feel so grateful to be your significant other. I can't believe how fortunate I am to be in love with you. I can't say enough thanks to share all my heart in words! Maybe I can sleep now, too." "Meet me before classes tomorrow, and we'll help each other make it through the day in a positive manner. Now 3; go to bed!" "Yes. Dear! G'night!" (Click*) All went well during the night, and when the alarm went off around Six A.M., Larry woke to find himself between two sleeping boys with their arms across his chest and noses nestled into his neck. He nudged them awake, and kissed each son as he lifted the blankets to let them crawl out and hit the showers. Then he noticed what he hoped they hadn't 3; he had morning wood to the max. Then he heard from the hallway 3; "Gee, Eaton 3; I wonder if Daddy just had to pee, or if he likes us in bed with him more than he wants to let on?" "SSShhhh, Case! Not today! Even if we hope so, we can't do nothin' until after we all talk. Be cool, and who knows what'll happen later on 3; OK?" "Yeah! Gotch'a!" (Giggles from both boys 3;) Chapter NineLarry meets Korey at school about a half-hour early, and the two begin to discuss plans for the upcoming family discussion. Larry informs Kor about the little episode in the hallway 3; making comment that maybe those two have a stronger agenda than he and Korey realize 3; and that if it isn't nipped in the bud in a kind manner, it could mean a real problem. Kor's response is that Larry is overreacting 3; that the boys aren't that devious! He was certain that Eaton was truly repentant about his wrong choice, and that he was honestly willing to work things out as a family unit. Larry considered what Kor said, and decided to trust the boys weren't building a conspiracy after all. With that, Kor went to his first class, and Larry planned the Concert Band's rehearsal for the day.'Matt' came into Band Class a few minutes early because he had just come from a Doctor's appointment and as a result missed first period 3; "Hey, Mr. F., I just heard that you are now a Dad! That's so cool! I know your son, Eaton from scouts! He's in my Patrol. He sure learns fast! He's got more merit badges earned in shorter time than any other kid I got! He's sure lucky to have you as a Dad. Hope he appreciates what he's got!" "Thanks, Joey! (Larry is careful not to let 'Matt' know that he is aware of the nickname Eaton uses.) He seems to like you as a Patrol Leader too 3;says you inspire him to learn a lot of things! I guess I recognize your leadership abilities too. That's why I have decided to announce to the Band this week that you will be the next Drum Major 3; as soon as Korey graduates. I have made contact at Gunnison Music Camp for you to study a two week program to get you ready 3; and between now and the end of school year, Korey and I will both give you all we can to shape you up. That is, of course, you want to assume the position." "You serious, Mr F.? Honest? DANG! You bet I want the job! For two years now, I've been watching Korey's every move, and even his leadership style. I mean, it's cool to be Section Leader and Concert Master, but to have your confidence in me to become your Student Assistant Director 3; MANNNNNNNN! I just hope I don't disappoint you, after you're so used to Korey." "Joey 3; If I had any doubts, I wouldn't even offer it to you. I'm glad you want the position. The only reservation I have is 3; I hope your sports won't compete for your efforts during Marching season. The rest of the year, we can work out any possible conflicts." "Soccer and track will never be a problem, but Pep Band during Basketball season might cause some concern. Uh 3; Kor directs the Pep Band in the stands at home games 3; is that a requirement, or just a convenience?" "Well, Joey 3; It really is part of my job in the first place, and maybe another student might show some potential, and I can begin his or her training by using the home games as a starting point. So, consider that problem solved." "OG 3;OG 3;Thank you so much! You're great! I won't let you down, Mr. F., I promise!" "I'll make the announcement in today's practice, and then I'll make sure Kor starts showing you the ropes 3; especially about handing out music, copying needed parts, drawing plots for field shows 3;stuff that the 2 weeks at summer camp won't teach you." After Band begins, and Kor runs them through warm-up exercises and has them pull out the charts for the day, Larry makes his announcement. The class offers up an approving round of applause and 'whoops'. Joey makes sure that the Band is all tuned up and ready to go as Korey walks into Larry's office, and closes the door to be sure things aren't heard 3; "Mr. F.? You sure? I mean, Joey is a great clarinetist, and he does have the respect of most of the kids 3; but 3; what about his scouting experiences? Is that gonna be a spot of conflict if 3;" "Kor, he is now aware that I am Eaton's Dad. I don't think his side interests are going to go farther, and if they do 3; It's probably going to be Eaton's fault anyway. If I let it become an issue, you and I both lose. We almost have to let Eaton have his choice of someone we can trust 3; or he will pull away from us and we become the enemy. So far, 'Matt' has done nothing to hurt Eaton. Isn't it better to let it bloom rather than for Eaton to seek someone else we don't even know 3; and might do some real damage either physically or mentally to our boy?" "I guess that's actually pretty smart! And if 'Matt' ever gets out'a hand, he'll be close enough to you in a working relationship that you will be able to make comment without offending him, or giving away our 3; " "BINGO! Now let's get out and rehearse! The concert being in the middle of the school musical run can't suffer in quality if future shows are going to be approved." Later, after school 3; "Hey, Kor 3;got a minute?" "Sure, Joey 3;what's on your mind?" "Guess I just want to find out if you think I got what it takes to fill your shoes next year." "First, I trust Mr. F's choices. Second, I don't know anybody else that has been watching me so closely 3; and trying to pick up methodology as much as you have." "Uh 3;you noticed?" "Oh yeah. If I didn't know better, I might think you liked me a little too much! But I know that's not the case." "Whoa 3; you don't mean you thought 3;" "Of course not! I'd never think of you having a problem! You're too much of a Jock! Relax! I think you have a lot of potential, and I'm sure willing to help you get all you need to make good! Maybe one day a week we can spend some time in the Music Building together to get the ball rolling." "Sure 3;I'd love that! Thanks! Wednesdays is my best day 3; no team stuff on Wednesdays." "OK, then 3;this Wednesday at 3:15! Wear shorts 3; we'll start with a work-out with baton skills and body positions for marching leadership. You sure have the proper body for being a striking Drum Major." (In case you are wondering 3; 'Matt' turned 17 just two months ago; (Junior); 6'2" [1.88 m] tall, 185 pounds [84 kg] of athletic splendor; military style cut black hair, hazel eyes; Basketball, Socker and Track star, and on YMCA Swim Team as well; He sports a full 8 inches [20 cm] of uncut cock 3; thicker at base than at front; a nice wide mushroom under the helmet; and remember, he is quite close to Eaton in aspects he worries might just get discovered if things ever got leaked. And honestly, after what Korey just said, he is a bit nervous that maybe some of Kor's comments carried double meanings 3; even though 'Matt' really has been very attentive to more than just Kor's style.) "Uh 3;Kor? You really think my body is 3; uh 3; gonna look good in the uniform? (Gulp 3;<thinking 3; almost blew that one, stupid! He didn't mean it that way! But, shit 3; I wish he had! He's gorgeous!>) It's gonna be hard to follow in your shoes, ya know!" "Hell, Joey 3; you're tall and sleek while I am shorter and have to make up for it by special actions. And when Mr.F gets you a new uniform to show your best to the fans 3; you'll be bitchin'! I'm looking forward to giving you all I got!" Joey's mind kept stirring up a pot of double meanings, because you see 3; secretly, he had thought about Korey as more than a school buddy and a student leader. Oh yes, there had been many a night at home where Kor was the object of Joey's pre-sleep curriculum. Kor had no idea, but ever since 'Matt' had found out from Eaton that Kor was sitting with the boys, Joey kept digging out info about Kor from whatever Eaton related about their good times together. Eaton never let on that there was any sexual stuff happening. The kid was smarter than that, for heaven's sake! But never-the-less, Matt imagined more than just what he heard. The one thing Joey didn't figure, though, was that Korey and Larry were lovers. So, the comments about taking over for Kor after graduation hadn't yet triggered any competitiveness. Wednesday came, and the first practice session started right after school in the Music Building. Larry had purposely needed to pick up the two boys at their own schools in order to let Korey handle Joey without disturbance. That's because Kor was going to try to see just what Joey might say about the boys while the work-out was in progress. "Hey Joey 3; you remembered to wear just shorts and a tank top 3;good deal! We're going to work out pretty hard and heavy, just to show just how much it takes to keep on your toes." "Uh 3; well, I do know I gotta listen to you and really pay attention 3; so I made a note about what to wear, just so I'd remember." "One more thing, Man 3; if you get too sweaty, it's just us here, so no one's gonna care if you shed the tank too. I may do the same, myself!" <Thinking 3; GD 3;I wish you would, you fuckin' hunk! 3;> "That's cool! Maybe I ought'a just start that way. I get way hot too easily while I'm with the sports teams during practices. As long as you don't mind!" "Fine! No prob.! Maybe I will too, then." About 30 minutes into the practice time, Korey began to show Joey how to hold certain positions that would add to the commanding look 3; using his hands all over Joey's upper body to straighten shoulders, hold in the abs, proper chest and shoulder positions, chin lined up with belly button line, etc. 3; noticing that Joey was displaying signs of physical stimulation by such contact, but trying to hide it 3; none too successfully, I might add. After shaping Joey in various ways, Kor then did the same positions, allowing Joey to use his hands to compare stature and muscular control it took to hold form without looking like it was hard work. Meanwhile, Kor snuck in a few little conversation starters such as 3; "You ever teach the scouts how to have a military look when they march in parades and stuff?" "Uh 3; I have used a little 'hands-on' method a few times. Some kids take to it real fast, and like the results when they do what I say, I guess." So 3; how does Eaton like what you teach him? He seems to be happy and wants to learn more. As you say, he does have a lot of badges for his experience." (Choking a little 3;) "Uh 3; he's one of my most cooperative boys. I can see him making Life or Eagle with ease. He attacks all the hard things I give him with a fervor that won't quit! And if he develops into the football body I suspect he'll become, scouting isn't going to be his only outlet for his masculine energy." "I do know that he thinks highly of you, Joey. He talks about you all the time, especially to his younger brother. By the time little Casey gets to be a scout, he may already know most of what Eaton has learned already." "Uh 3;Kor? May I take a break? I gotta use the can!" "C'mon 3; me too! We can use Mr. F's private one behind the office. I have the key!" Since it is a private faculty bathroom, there is no divider between the urinal and the commode. So even thought each guy takes his choice as to where relief is to be found 3; some checking out happens quite innocently. Kor isn't trying to see if Joey is interested in him, but just to see what the conversation caused. Joey on the other hand was truly drooling over what he observed 3; and unconsciously made a few extra shakes after the last drop of pee had been long tossed aside. Kor decided to take an extra moment to get packed back into his shorts, just to note how long Joey would stare without realizing that he was actually doing it. Joey finally noticed that his own prick was getting hard from what he saw, and with a bit of blushing, put his swollen cock back into his shorts, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible 3; but too late! Korey made no snide or catty remarks, but remained cool as if he hadn't noticed anything, and the two returned to the rehearsal room 3; "Had enough for the day, Joey?" "I guess I am a little winded 3;or something. But Kor, I got a lot out'a the session today, and I can't wait till we can get together again! And I promise I will be thinking about everything you showed me all week long till we do." (With a gentle snicker 3; ) "I bet you will! Say 3; maybe if you get real good as fast as Eaton learns his stuff, maybe we can take a week-end to go camping together just to relax and celebrate 3; like an award celebration, or something! You, me, and Mr.F's boys; who knows! Might be a lot of fun." "You know, I have a younger brother too, and he might enjoy coming along, since he's closer to Eaton's age 3; name's Billy 3; he's 13 now, but he acts a little young. Maybe he might even like to meet Casey and hang with him." With that, Joey left the room, and Kor locked up to head home 3; knowing exactly what double meanings Joey would take from that last suggestion. Kor figured that 'Matt' would work like hell to get a time away like a camp-out. Kor also knew he had to let Larry know just what kind of a mind made Joey tick! When Kor got home, he called Larry's cell phone, so the boys wouldn't hear what needed to be said 3; "Hey Lar 3; Kor here; Man, did I ever get some insight into Joey's head! (Kor then spent several minutes explaining all the hints of interest that flew out of 'Matt's' mouth during the practice session 3; and the pissing session as well.) So, Lar 3; it's up to you if you allow him to continue with Eaton's 'education', but just so you know just how far he might go." "Kor, my Love 3; Good job investigating the situation. Do you think there's really anything to worry about? I mean, will he be gentle and caring 3; or do you think he just might get pretty forceful?" "I don't detect any forcefulness or even super-weird tendencies, so I guess Eaton won't be harmed. And besides, I think Eaton has the brains to set his own limits and boundaries that will keep him safe. By the way, when I mentioned a camp-out, Joey mentioned his younger brother, Billy and suggested that Billy might enjoy meeting Casey 3; That might be something we need to keep an eye on." "Gotch'a Pal. Just one thought for you, Sweetheart 3; From what you said, I get the idea Master Matthews has his eye on more than your instructions. Be careful that he doesn't try to steal you away from anyone else important in your life!" "Never happen, Lar 3; you're the only one I want from now on! I better get my homework done. I do want to graduate with honors and be free of HS campus life, so I can live where I want! Love ya!" 3; click* 3; The "Sound of Music" show schedule got underway, and of course, the Concert Band program arrived and went as well. So many times, Joey, Korey, and Mr. F. spent hours together in performances and extra practices to polish the show's rough spots. Korey continued his Wednesday training sessions with Joey too; each of which brought more contact between the two teens. When Kor decided to teach Joey the back-bend start-off for the sprint downfield for half-time shows, Joey almost soaked his shorts from all the hands-on assistance needed to support him until he could control his own muscles to manage the moves involved. The biggest problem with this, however, was that because Larry was so occupied with running the shows, Kor was still a hot-blooded teen male 3; and well, being so willing to give out, he lost some of his ability to keep his own horns from showing. One Saturday night, after the show's curtain dropped, Joey asked Kor to join him for a coke and burger 3; his treat as a thank-you for all the help Kor'd given so far. Kor agreed, and the two left together. As soon as they left the parking lot, a young kid found Mr. F., and pulled on his tuxedo sleeve 3; " 'Scuse me, Sir 3; but I 3; sort'a got left here by mistake!" "Well, young man, who did you come with?" "Uh 3; my big brother 3; Joey Matthews 3; an' he just got in the car and went somewhere with 3; uh 3; I think it was your Drum Major guy." "Well then, let me use my cell phone and call Korey, and see what's up. Have a seat for a minute 3;right there, and don't worry. This is easily fixed!" After a few attempts to raise Korey, Larry figured that his cell was turned off so as not to ring during the show, and that Kor had forgotten to turn it back on when he left the building. So Larry returned to Joey's little brother 3; "Hey guy 3; couldn't reach Korey, so I had an idea 3; what's your name?" "Billy Matthews, Sir. Now I'm a little scared, 'cause my folks are gone for the week-end, so no one's home to call either." "If that's the case, my idea might even be better. You know that Joey is learning to be my assistant when Korey has graduated, right?" "Uh-huh! He talks about you all the time, so I feel like I know you enough that you're not a stranger. That's why I asked you if you could help, Sir." "Good! And I am glad to help however I can. So my idea is that you come home with me tonight and in the morning, we can try to reach Joey and Korey again. How does that sound." "Uh 3; you live alone?" "Oh, no! Not at all! I have two boys that are probably near your age. You must be close to 13, I'd guess 3; and my boys are 12 and almost 10. You could meet them and then decide which one you'd like to spend the night with. I know Eaton loves being at scouts with Joey 3; and he'd be a new friend for you, if things worked out well. Of course, since he has scouts, and Casey doesn't, Casey might appreciate a new friend too. So, it'd be up to you. How's that sound?" "Oh boy! I'd like meeting two new friends. Can we at least leave a message on an answering machine so if Joey ever realizes he left me, he'll know where I am?" "You bet! I'd want him to know! That way, if your parents call him, he'll have an answer that will keep him out of trouble. I know he didn't leave you on purpose. So why should he take the heat if things are worked out decently? Unless, of course, you want him to get punished!" "Course I don't! I love my brother! Lots! He probably just forgot I came to the show tonight, 'cause he's so busy and tired and stuff. I bet he just went to his favorite burger joint and he'll be home soon to get the message. Uh 3;Sir? What do I call you?" "All the students call me Mr.F. and that's fine with me, Billy. Let's get going!" Larry made a call to his own house, and told the boys that he was bringing home an overnight guest, and that they ought to make up their beds fresh, so when he decided which person he wanted to spend the night with, things could settle in rather quickly. Then Larry called Kor's answering machine as well as Joey's, since he had the Matthews' home number in his grade book. 3; "There 3;all set. As soon as either Korey or Joey gets home, they'll know where you are. Bet you're hungry 3; what if I pick up a pizza for the three of you little guys on our way?" "Mr. F.? Can we get it at Tarentino's on Del Monte Blvd? He makes the best!" "Sure thing! Did you know that Mr. T. used to teach at my school before he quit to run his restaurant? He actually helped me get oriented to the campus my first year there. So I always buy his pizzas." "Cool! Uh 3; Pepperoni, Sausage, mushrooms and black olives 3; if your boys like all that too, please!" "I'll get a half-and-half, well maybe a 1/3 + 2/3, 3; Pepperoni only on one section for Casey, and the other with your stuff, because Eaton likes the very same combination. And say 3;some Dr. Pepper?" "Gee, how'd you know that?" "Didn't! But that's what Casey likes to drink, and Eaton doesn't care what he downs 3; just figured you were the Dr.Pepper type, too!" "You're good, Mr. F. I'm gonna like bein' at your place. The guys sound real cool!" Just then, Larry's cell rings 3; it's Korey 3; "Hey Mr. F., (just to be wise in Joey's presence, of course;) 3; Korey here. I'm with Joey, and he just almost panicked. He just realized he had his little brother with him tonight at the show, and took off without him." "Relax, Kor 3; Billy is with me, and he's coming to spend the night with my boys. I left messages at both answering machines just in case either of you got home before Joey remembered. Ask Joey if that's OK with him." (Short pause to ask, and then 3;) "He says that's a great idea, and thanks for helping out. Is Billy available?" "Sure 3; I'll put him on. Here Billy, it's Joey!" "Hey Sport, 3; you pissed at me?" "Uh 3; I might have been till Mr. F. stepped in and figured out things. But I 'm gonna have a fun night, so I guess nuthin's wrong now!" "I am real sorry, Billy 3;really I am. I was so busy and stuff 3; and that's no excuse, I know! But it just slipped my memory about you being there. Please don't tell Mom and Dad that I screwed up so bad. You know I love you, Squirt." (Giggles* 3;) "Aw gee, Big Brother, maybe I ought'a let you squirm some 3; but I won't. You can make up for it next time we 3; have a week-end alone! How's the burgers?" "How'd you know? You know me far too well, Squirt! And, they're superb. Korey didn't know about this place before, so he's really enjoying his." "Joey 3; you behave now! I bet you're gonna ask Korey to come over to our house aren'tcha? Don't forget that I do know you well! Don't miss me too much! Bye!" Billy told Larry that he was cool about things, now that Joey knew where he was going, and Larry headed to the house as rapidly and safely as he could, so the pizza would still be hot. Upon arrival, Larry and Billy were met in the driveway by two excited young people who wanted a snack, yes, but who also wanted to meet this new kid coming to visit. You see, Eaton had heard a few things about Billy from 'Matt' at camp. He didn't know anything sexually about the kid, but 'Matt' bragged about his little brother a lot, so an interest was already peaked 3; and of course, Eaton had told Casey what he already knew while they waited for Larry to get home. Talk about 'primed'! And then, when Billy stepped out of the car 3; and the boys got a glimpse of him, well 3; you can guess where thoughts went in a hurry! Dang little horn-toads! You see 3; As soon as Eaton saw who it was, he realized he already knew Billy, but had not attached a face with the name until this moment. Billy Matthews was in the 8th grade at the same Middle School as Eaton; in fact, he was on same football team as Eaton. (Not in scouts, however;) (B'day is July 10th;) He will turn 14 on his next b'day; 5'4" [1.63 m] tall, 145 pounds [66 kg], not as solidly built as Eaton, but definitely sturdy enough to be quarterback of the school team; fast and talented; medium length styled black hair (like his brother's) and gorgeous brown eyes; has 5.5" [14 cm] cock, also uncut like his brother's; it was still on the thin side compared to Eaton's; And of course, Eaton had previously 'noticed' that fact while the two schoolmates took showers after their games. Needless to say, a bit of sibling rivalry began to show itself as both boys tried to win over Billy's favor in hope that he might choose correctly. Larry knew exactly what each of his sons were thinking, and made sure to stay out of it completely. After pizza and tours of each boy's room, Billy decided to share with Casey this time, and said that if he were invited back another time, he'd share with Eaton then. "But 3;but 3; we're on the same football team, Billy. How come?" "Look Eaton 3; we're already cool with each other. Besides, Casey is smaller, so there'd be more room in his bed to share, and get some better sleep. I promise that next time 3;hey, maybe Mom and Dad will let you come to my house in a week or so, and then it'll be just us two 3;How's that?" "Guess that's cool! If Case gets too floppy and noisy, you could come join me! He ain't the quietest sleeper in the house! Just so you know!" "Like you're a log, yourself, Bro! Thanks a lot!" (Larry jumps in 3;) "Hey guys 3;it's for one night! Easy does it! Billy isn't a home-wrecker! He's a guest, and I gave him the freedom to decide where he'd be most comfortable for his first visit. Understood?" "Uh 3;.sorry, Billy. We're not fighting over you or nuthin' 3;we both just wanted you to know you were welcome! Besides, you're right. Case here doesn't have as many friends as I do, and I already know you pretty good 3; so it is best you get to know him, especially if we all start to do things together as friends. Heck, Man 3; you got an older brother, so you know what it's like to be the youngest! I'm glad you chose Casey for the first time. And Case 3; no hard feelings on my part, OK? I hope you like Billy as much as I do. G'night, guys!" Larry watched as Case gave Eaton a hug of thanks and then escorted Billy to his room. Eaton watched them head upstairs 3; and then Larry spoke to Eaton when they were alone 3; "Hey Son, 3; very nice of you to say those things. I'm proud of you. Now 3; what if I let you come stay with me tonight? It's been a long time since you and I had some time just to ourselves." "Could I 3;really? Oh Dad 3; I'd love that a lot! Man, you sure know how to make me feel special. I'll go brush my teeth and be back down in a jiff!" "Fine! I need a shower before I go to bed 3; so hot and sweaty after the show. So when you get down again 3; just crawl in and wait for me. Now, scoot!" Meanwhile, in Casey's room 3; "Billy 3; I'm real glad that you decided to get to know me better. Thanks a bunch!" "Wanna know somethin', Case?" "Yeah!" "Well, I like Eaton a lot. But sometimes, I like to be with younger guys 3; I kind'a relate better to them, sometimes. I mean, uh 3; sometimes I still feel like a little kid, even though I am getting' close to bein'14 and am already bigger'n some of my classmates. I guess it's because I don't really want to be the "big cheese" in a crowd. Is that dumb, or what!" "You know 3; I actually understand that! It's Ok with me. Sometimes I like being with older guys, myself. Maybe it's because I seem to copy Eaton a lot, and that makes me seem older than I am. So, I guess if I'm a little older-acting, and you're younger-acting 3; we're about the same age, sort'a! I like that!" "Me too! I think I already like you a lot, Casey." "You can call me Case if you want to. It makes me feel more like a good friend when someone calls me that." "Sure thing, Case! Uh 3;I don't have a nickname yet 3; none of the team guys seem to want to be my friend. They think I'm too much the boss on the field to be a friendly guy. But I am 3;really I am. I wanna be, anyway! I suppose if I'd a joined scouts, maybe more kids'd like me 3; but it's hard when your big brother is a leader 3; you can't really be yourself, ya know! Guess that's why I'm the quarterback 3; everyone expects me to be a jock like Joey! I've gotten good at it out'a self-defense I guess. But I really'd rather just be a kid, sometimes." "Well 3; I like ya for just what you are, Billy. I don't care if you're like your brother or not. Eaton likes him a lot, and it'd be OK if you were the same kind'a guy 3; but it's just as good that you're different, and wanna be! I know what I wanna be 3; your friend! Hope that's OK with you, too!" "If you mean that 3; I wouldn't mind a friendly hug to seal it between us, Case!" Case was quick to oblige, especially since Billy was such a cute guy, and so 3; uh 3; enticing a personality. It didn't hurt the situation that both boys were only wearing tidy-whiteys under the covers, either. As warm flesh pressed against warm flesh, each guy had a problem with his body's reaction to physical contact below the waist. Of course, neither wanted it to be discovered by the other 3; at least not right away. But Case being a bit outspoken for a little kid, started to snicker 3; "What gives, Case? Is there something funny? Did I snort or somethin'?" "UH 3;nope! (Giggle*) but 3; uh 3; you like my hugs as much as Eaton does!" "You mean 3;Eaton..uh 3;gets a 3; boner when you hug him? Guess you noticed mine, huh! Does it bother you? I can't help it, sometimes. I just 3;" "Don't bother me, if mine don't bug you! I've been getting 'em for a while now, too! It's kind'a natural for us guys 3;Eaton says so!" "Uh 3; Case? You ever kissed someone else, I mean other than your Dad?" "Sometimes I kiss Eaton 3; just to let him know I love him as a brother!" "Does he like it?" "He says it's OK since we're brothers and all. Why?" "Ever tried it with a friend?" "I don't have any girlfriends!" "Me neither! But I like it with Joey 3;you know, same brother thing you do 3; and 3;uh 3; I just kind'a wondered if it was the same with a good friend?" "Dunno 3; but, guess maybe we could both find out 3;if you really wanna!" "Only if you do!" "We good enough friends already to help each other satisfy curiosity?" "I hope so, because I really wanna!" "OK 3; me too! (Small kiss on lips, and quick back-off;) "Billy 3; I liked it, but it feels like it needs to be longer, or somethin'." "Yeah 3;I think you're right!" (Longer this time, and Casey adds a touch of tongue to Billy's lips, hoping that he might take the hint 3; if he's really more experienced than he has let on so far.) And yes 3; an appropriate response came, as Billy opened Casey's mouth with his tongue, and began to gently search for treasure inside the warm wet cavity. Soon, both boys were becoming more and more overtaken by the pleasure caused from their mutual oral exploration. It didn't take too much longer until Billy pulled Casey onto his chest, and two very stiff mounds inside cotton briefs began to grind together with the same intensity as tongues danced inside mouths.) (Gasp 3;) "Wow, Billy 3; we're gonna be real real good friends! I can tell!" "Damn right, Case! You're hotter than Joey 3; uh 3; uh 3; Oh Fuck! I shouldn'ta said that! Please forget I told you that 3;please 3;or Joey'd kill me!" " Hell, Billy 3; I already know that Joey and Eaton have shared stuff. I ain't never told nobody that they do 3; and I sure ain't told no one that me and Eaton practice what Joey's taught him. I ain't dumb! I like it as much as they do 3; and evidently, as much as you do, too. Real friends don't rat out their buddies! And as I said 3; you and me 3; we're gonna be really really close friends1 I can tell!" "Wanna take off our undies, then?" "You take mine off, and I'll take yours off for you!" "Golly, Case 3; you got a bit more than three inches [7½ cm] growin'! For a little guy, you're pretty nice already! And it looks even bigger 'cause you don't got any hair to cover part of it up. I really like that part!" "Damn 3;talk about nice! You got a bigger one than Eaton 3; at least a whole inch [2½ cm] longer! But 3; I think he's more thicker'n you! And 3;you got more hair than he's got, too. Can I inspect it?' "Oh shit, yeah! Go for it 3; as long as I can do the same to yours." "Sometimes Eaton and I do a 3; a 3; oh yeah, a 69, he calls it. Wanna try that?" "Fuck! You do know a lot already. Turn around, Case 3; and let's explore each other at the same time!" "Just make sure we don't get too noisy. If Eaton hears us, he might get jealous!" "God 3;you think he might like to 3; uh 3; with me, sometime? Think there'd be a chance? I've been checkin' him out in the school showers. I don't think he's noticed 3;at least I hope not 3;well, maybe I do wish he thought about me like I think about him at nights 3;but I doubt it! Besides, we'd both be toast if the other team mates had any idea!" "Billy 3; let's not talk about Eaton tonight. This is our night to become close friends. Let's just make each other happy 3;please!" "So I'm a horny shit! I know it! But, OK 3; you and me only tonight." The two began to check each other out inch by inch and tip to base, including ball sacks and even the space between that and the crack separating the halves of their bubble-butts. Billy was quite surprised that Case was able to swallow his entire five-and-a-half so easily. In fact, it took about 30 seconds for Casey's mouth to cause Billy to shoot his first load of juices deep into Case's throat. From then on, without much recovery time being involved, both boys must have had at least three orgasms each before they collapsed and fell asleep in each other's arms 3; Casey being like a Teddy Bear in Billy's gentle embrace till morning sun peaked into the window. As Casey starts to wake up, and sees Billy looking at him in a real caring way 3; "Billy 3;(yawnnnnnnn 3;) Uh 3; next time 3;if you want, I'd like to feel you inside me, if you wanna try that with me!" "You serious? You bet! And just maybe you'd let me see what someone your size would feel like in me, too. Joey's is so big, I feel a bit uncomfortable with it up there. I know I'd like yours 3;if you'd let me have it!" Meanwhile, if you remember, Eaton has slept with Larry all night. So when Larry wakens, he finds Eaton pressed against his body, one arm across his hairy chest, one leg on top of his own leg as well 3; "Eaton 3; Son 3; uh, you awake yet?" "Uh 3;yeah, Dad. Just enjoyin' bein' so close to you like this. I gotta pee, but I just didn't wanna move away yet!" "Well then, I guess we both better go pee! I have a horrible case of morning wood, and I think I detect the same problem bothering you." (Giggle 3;) "Who said I was bothered by it! You know what I'd like to do 3; but I know how you feel 3;and I already promised you I'd obey your wishes! So, can we at least go pee together?" "Guess that wouldn't cause a problem. I guess a dad has a right to share a good piss with a son whom he loves. That's a normal man-to-man thing. Nothing weird about that. C'mon, little stud! Show Dad how much of a man you are!" While these two are sharing a pissing contest and crossing streams in a little Dad-Son game, they heard a conversation in the adjacent bathroom 3; "Case 3; I am so happy we spent the night together. Thanks for becoming my friend so soon." "Hey 3; I'm as glad as you are, but don't forget 3;Eaton will probably want to be a good friend too, especially since he already knows you from school. And besides, I want you to be his friend too. I want to share you with him 3; not keep you just for myself!" "And since I know how much he likes Joey, I hope he likes me too. I really like him a lot already. I wish he felt that way toward me. And if he does, I wish he'd say so!" "Uh 3; Billy? You said something last night before we went to sleep 3;that you told Joey to make sure he behaved! What did you mean?" "I was teasing him since he was with Korey having a burger. I told him to behave and not do anything he'd be sad about later 3;teasing him about trying to get Korey to come home with him since I was gone and so was Mom and Dad 3;you know, brother stuff 3;that's all." "You think he might try to get Korey to spend the night with him? Shit! That'd be a bad thing!" "How come?" "'Cause Korey already has someone special, and I don't think he'd be too pleased to even be asked. It might hurt how they got along at school, with all the time Kor has to take with training Joey for his new position. I'd hate to see any fireworks!" Needless to say, that little conversation got Larry to thinkin'! Chapter Ten****Thoughts 3; wonder if Kor did go home with Joey? Shucks 3; even if he did, so what! He wouldn't let Joey do anything sexual 3; uh 3; at least I don't think he would 3; uh 3; but we've been so busy lately that I haven't 3; shit! 3; If he was really horny, and I wasn't there for him, would he 3; O G 3; maybe he's just young enough to be ruled by his cock instead of his heart! Man, have I fucked up and put my lover in jeopardy or under too much pressure to resist? DAMN! Oh, Kor 3; I just hope you 3; ****Telephone rings 3; "Hello 3; Larry Freeburg here 3; oh, Kor 3; it's you! Man, I was just thinking about you! Glad you called. You at home?" "Sure I am 3; where else would I be? Your house is stuffed with people today!" "Uh, Kor 3; you sound a bit upset or mad 3; what's wrong?" "What could be possibly wrong when on a Friday night, after a wonderful performance that wowed the masses 3; I somehow end up in my own apartment, all alone and pissed 3; without anyone to hold and comfort me back to being civil?" "If you had called me, I would have dropped everything and come to be there, Kor 3; you know I would have!" "Fuck, yeah 3; you sure would have 3; and left three young kids in the house all alone! Right! Like I would have expected you to do that!" "You could have shown up on my doorstep, and 3; " "And everybody at school would know about us by Monday morning! That would have been a real great choice!" "Uh 3; what can I say? You're right on both accounts. So what now? Can I do anything to help now?" "Well 3; As far as I know, Joey is on his way to your place to pick up Billy. Since Casey and Eaton know about us already, and they're cool with it 3; I guess I can come over in about an hour. I have to dump what's on my shoulders pretty soon, or I'm going to explode. See ya in about 60 or so!" **** click **** I knew Kor was really upset, but I couldn't figure why he was mad at me. All I did was get Billy out of a jam, and save his brother's ass from his parents finding out that he forgot to bring the kid home after the show. Actually, last night, Kor thought it was a good thing! It had to be something else 3; it just had to be! Kor just doesn't go off like that without a real good reason. Just then, my train of thought was knocked off the track by three hot-blooded half-dressed gorgeous little munchkins running into the living room where I had answered the phone 3; "Hey, Dad 3; Billy wants to know sumthin'!" "Yeah, Daddy 3; can we, huh 3; can we" "I don't know, Case 3; he hasn't asked yet! Chill, little Man!" "Mr. F.? Was that my brother? Is Joey on his way to get me? "Cause if he is, I kind'a wondered if Eaton and Case can come home with me for the day, and maybe go to the beach, too? 3; that is if Joey says it's OK !" "I can't answer for Joey, but I have no problem with you three having a good time together, especially at the beach. That is, if Joey goes with you guys to make sure things are safe 3; and he doesn't forget to bring you home later." (Giggles 3; *) "Yeah 3; bet he won't live that down for a while, huh!" I no sooner got those comments out of my mouth than the door bell rang. Case ran to the door to answer it, and there was Joey 3; standing there looking like he had been up all night and staring at his feet like a whipped puppy 3; "Uh 3; Hi, Mr. F. 3; uh, was Billy any problem for ya'all?" "No problem at all, Joey 3; but you look like a truck hit you. What's up?" "You may have to find another Drum Major, Sir 3; I think I ruined my chances by asking Korey something I shoudn't have! He probably never wants to see me again, let alone train me to take his place." "Aw, shit! I suppose that means I can't have friends over today, Bro? I was gonna ask if you'd 3; " "Billy 3; you and my boys all three go up to Eaton's room and watch TV for a little bit. I'll chat with Joey down here. Then we'll worry if we ask any favors or not 3; OK?" (All 3 3; ) " Yes, Sir!" 3; And off they went. Joey sat next to me on the couch, and it took him a few moments before he could even begin to explain what happened. I just waited until he was ready, though I already had figured out the probable scenario 3; especially since Kor had called in such a bad mood just minutes earlier. Joey hemmed and hawed and stammered out a few words before I broke in and opened the doorway for an easier big step into the subject matter 3; "Look, Joey 3; relax. I've been around a few years, and I can't be shocked too badly by things teen-agers do anymore. For one thing, I know that Eaton enjoys some very different activities than were in the scouting handbook when I used to read it. And, because 'Matt' is such a caring patrol leader who would never hurt my son in any way 3; and the fact that Eaton wants to learn these things 3; I am perfectly OK with it going on. This "Matt-fella" is still under age, so legalities aren't my priority, my son safely learning at his age to find out who he is sexually is most important. Does that knowledge help you tell me what's on your mind?" "Mr. F., I guess you figured out already that 'Matt' is a nickname for Matthews 3; uh 3; Joey Matthews, haven't ya?" "Yes, Joey 3; I have! In fact, Eaton told me all about it, and if it's really helping him, then you'll not get any crossfire from me 3; nor will it ever influence me in regard to school matters. Is that clear enough?" "God 3; Mr. F., I wish I could talk to my Dad like this. He'd creep out so fast!" "And if he knew you were sharing these things with Billy, too 3; what then?" "He'd probably cut off my dick and feed it to me on the way to the jail house! But Billy actually came to my bedside and asked me to show him. The kid was already playing around with a couple school mates, and he wanted to learn how to make them feel better. I couldn't tell him no! He'da been crushed! We've always helped each other 3; because it's crap to have to live with a Dad who is so busy with work that he has no time for us!" Joey 3; trust me! I know exactly how that feels. My Father never even wanted me to exist. He purposely pushed me out of his life 3; physically, emotionally, and even mentally shut me out ... making booze his wall of defense between us. My older brother held me while I cried many a time. I suppose that's why I always try to be available for my students when they need an adult male to lean on. And, Joey 3; it's a lot more prevalent than you'd ever guess. Come to think of it, I've told you I'd be there if you needed me, right?" Yes, Mr. F., you sure have. I guess I need you right now 3; "Papa". As he fell into my arms, sobbing, he choked out the fact that he had told Korey last night about the fact that he already had a crush on Kor for the last two years, and had just got up the courage to tell him so after a conversation they shared together seemed to be loaded with sexual suggestions. He said that Korey had been gentle enough with his answer, but that he already had someone who was special enough that Joey could not possibly come between them. The worst part of the answer he received was that Kor mentioned that if Joey had mentioned it a year ago, maybe 3; while Kor was still under-aged and unattached, there might have been a chance for some investigation over what two guys could do for each other in a friendly way 3; because back then, Kor admitted that he was checking Joey out too, from a distance. Neither guy wanted the school to discover their inner thinking, because they each knew their high school careers would have gone in the toilet if anyone had an idea that they could have been gay. "All I can tell you, Joey is that sometimes, guys grow out of the experimental stages of youth, and hook up with a special person on whom to focus more mature feelings. The male-female issue is a tough one to handle, no matter who you are or what your orientation is. It takes a while for everyone to come to their final decision as to sexual preferences. Kor just finally has reached that point in his life. That's a good thing, even if it hurts someone else's feelings and dreams in the process. Can you allow Korey to be himself? Do you care enough about him to let him follow his dreams? If so, you can leave room in your heart for the right person to come along for you, too." "Gee, Mr. F., That's deep! I'm glad you're my teacher. I do want the best for Kor 3; If he's found that special someone, I can let him go with it! YES! I can! And I can make sure it doesn't hurt my friendship with him, either. I still want to learn from him 3; really I do. He's the best! Can you tell him for me, please?" "NO, Joey. That's your job! It will come better from you than from me. In fact, if you can wash your face and put a smile on it, he's coming over to talk to me in just a little while. Why don't you go clean up, and I'll prep the way 3; but you have to do the talking 3; fair enough?" "Uh 3; yeah! Guess it is! Maybe I'll stop in the TV room and see what Billy wanted after I use the bathroom a moment. Mr. F., 3; Thanks a lot! I'm glad I have you as a substitute 'Papa'. You really are cool!" It wasn't three minutes after he went upstairs to freshen up that my cell phone rang 3; "Larry 3; it's me, Kor 3; out front in my car. I ain't comin' in until he gets the fuck out'a there with his brother!" "Kor 3; listen to me, I want you tro come in. I know all about why you're so upset, and that it's because of Joey. If you walk away from this now, it will burn in your head for ever. Joey wants to say something to you, and if you shut him out, now 3; it's going to affect the school, the band, and us! Please be the man I know you to be, and come in to clear the air. It's what I want, too! Please!" "If it wasn't you askin', Lar 3; I'd say 'go to hell in a hand basket.' But since it is you, I'll park the car, and force my butt in there. Stay with us, though, or I might punch his lights out if I don't like what he says!" A minute later, Kor walked in quietly, and headed for the living room to find me 3; "Lar 3; he don't know it's you and me, does he?" "Of course not! He knows there's someone special, but he doesn't know that it isn't a girl friend. I'm not about to let that cat out'a the bag to a student who could drag me off campus for life with about twenty minutes of gossip. Now sit down and look like you're willing to listen to a friend who wants to make things right again!" "Yes, Mr. F., Sir!" (Even with a salute!) 3; (Then an impish grin that let me know he was still my Kor! Joey came downstairs, and seeing Korey on the couch, froze in position like a deer in headlights. Kor cringed a bit, and then looking at me, relaxed and started the conversation 3; "Well, I understand from Mr. F. that you have something you want to say to me, Matthews?" "Uh 3; uh 3; yeah! I do, actually. I screwed up, bad! I took things all wrong. I jumped to incorrect conclusions 3; I mean, to ones I wanted to believe, not just the logical ones. Korey, I 3; I am so sorry! I wanted you to be gay because I am. There, I admitted it. And the way I felt when your hands were helping me with position and stuff, I wanted those hands to do a lot more than you meant them to do. And then that conversation we had 3; I sure took your comments the way I wanted them to be understood. I hurt you bad, and I know it now. I wish I could take it all back, and we could be friends like we have been for three years. But if we can't 3; I'll understand. Please forgive me!" "Joey 3; I have to say something too. Maybe it will surprise you, and maybe it won't. Ever since my Junior High years, I have wondered about my own sexuality. I had doubts in all directions. Like most boys, I had to try it all, and see what I wanted most. Like I said, if you had asked a year ago, I just might have allowed things. So, it's not all your fault. It's quite possible that I sent out vibes that I haven't totally rid myself of, if you get my drift. For that, I am sorry, too. But these past few months, I have finally found what I want for the rest of my life, and I just can't let it slip away from me because of old habits and desires. Can you understand that?" "Yes, Kor 3; I can. I really can! I'll promise you two things 3; first, I will not even try to stand in your way of finding happiness and fulfillment; and secondly, no one will ever hear from me that you even had previous ideas and mixed emotions. I know what it's like to have to hide stuff from idiots who can't keep their mouths shut or expand rumors until someone is totally destroyed. OMG 3; if anyone found out that 'Matt' was so close to some of his young scouts 3; even if it was by their request, I'd be hung out to dry! So you can count on me to never even hint about your past interests." "Then, I suppose that we can continue as friends, especially on campus in front of all those eyes that sure would wag tongues if they got the wrong idea about our discontinuance of instruction for the take-over. And I promise not to blow your cover as well. I couldn't do that to a buddy!" "You mean it, Kor? We can still be friends! Oh man 3; how can I thank you?" "By just forgetting that we even had this misunderstanding between us." "OG 3; OG, YES!" As Joey almost fell onto the couch from the release of tension he felt, I finally spoke to both young men 3; "Korey 3; Joey, I am glad that you two came to this new understanding without my help or interference. I want you both to know that I will stand behind each of you any way I can for as long as we have contact with one another. I will also be available to each of you as you have struggles you need to discuss. Now, as of this moment, the past is gone. What the future has in store can be beautiful. Let's head into it as a team, and trust the results to be good." (Both 3; ) "Yes, Mr. F., we can do that!" Then Joey asked me if I approved of his taking Eaton and Case with him and Billy to the beach for the day 3; to which I said "sure"! I poked a little fun as I added: "Just count heads before coming back home!" He laughed, but with a slight embarrassment showing in his blushing face. Then he and the boys left. Kor stayed 3; of course! (You don't think he wouldn't, do you?) I fixed us some lunch because I figured he hadn't eaten breakfast because of his 'mad'. As we ate, Kor did bring up his worries of us being discovered before the school year ended, but I reassured him that I had confidence in the fact that those few who did know about us would never betray us. (Mainly, the boys!) Kor asked if I thought that Joey had any idea about the real truth of who was special in his life now 3; and I said that I was sure he didn't have inkling. We spent the next hour just holding on to each other, with a few added kisses to strengthen our time alone together. I broke the mood for a short time as I mentioned how sorry I was for being so involved in the concert and the musical show to give Kor my full attention, and that I hoped it wasn't my fault that he almost fell prey to a sexual drive with another man much my junior. He tried to laugh it off, but I could tell he felt the lack of having time together. He assured me that he understood the requirements of my job, and that many times in the future, the same thing would probably happen again because I was needed by so many others who depended on me 3; and that he'd learn to handle it better each time a show came along, like a good spouse! We both laughed at that one. The rest of the day went very pleasantly, even though we couldn't get deeply into anything loving, in case the boys walked back in with Joey at an unexpected moment. Meanwhile, I suppose a visit to the beach might be in order! It was a gloriously beautiful day 3; warm temperature, no clouds, pleasant breeze, and Daylight Savings Time was sure to allow a long comfortable evening for the boys to play in surf and sand 3; which they did, for sure! Joey called about 7 P.M. and informed me that the guys were still begging for more time. I said it was fine, but that they ought to be home by dark if they wanted dinner. He agreed, and went back to join the boys. What he didn't tell me, though, was that Billy had talked my two into exploring a cave at the shoreline's edge, just beyond the public swimming area. So when Joey got back to them, it was gang-up time to get him to take them all there. There would be another hour or more of sunshine, and it was sure warm enough yet, so off they headed. Once inside the cave, however, the idea wasn't to explore the geological offerings, but the biological interests of one another. Billy decided that since he had already spent a night with Casey, he would now attempt to discover more about Eaton's interests. Casey, not being known for shyness, decided to mention to 'Matt' that he'd sure wanna be a scout as soon as he was old enough to join. Joey asked him why he was so interested at his age, to which Case replied 3; "Cause of all the things Eaton was learning!" 3; to which Joey responded with some skillful handwork of a well-trained explorer scout; discovering that Case was already well on his way to earning his first merit badge. Eaton and Billy found out quite rapidly that they both had a favorite mathematical number in common 3; something about 23 times 3 comes to mind! Swim suits disappeared right away because no one outside the cave could see into the darkness with the sun still so strong out there. Billy began his research by tongue, inspecting every possible square inch of Eaton's 4½ inch [11½ cm] thick boy cock from tip to base, and even his ball sack and the tender spots behind it. Eaton was no slacker in his response, either. He engulfed Billy's 5 ½'er with extreme interest. The fact that Billy was uncut turned Eaton into an animal. He wanted to taste, feel, and explore such a new revelation of maleness to its full depth. The sensation of his tongue licking inside the foreskin was intriguing to say the least. Eaton even tried to lightly bite the excess skin to see what it did to Billy's emotional charge ... and certainly, Billy got really charged up in his enthusiasm toward Eaton's tool. I'm sure that if Joey and Casey hadn't already been involved with one another, the pair would have been entranced by the noises and moves of these other two, as they became closer to bringing each other to the very edge of explosiveness and beyond. But, Joey was overtaken by the expressed desires of young Casey, and almost putty in the little guy's hands, so-to-speak. Case had made it known that he wanted to feel Joey's full eight inches [20 cm] up his backside 3; that is, after he had poked his little 3"+ [9 cm] into 'Matt's' foreskin, and jacked off that way 3; which Joey called 'docking', like a space ship connecting to a space station (merit badge terms again!). Joey mentioned his concern that Case was too small to handle the size of such a cock, to which Case responded that he could take Eaton's thickness easily now, so the extra length shouldn't be a problem. Well, you know Joey enough to figure out that he wasn't going to disappoint a request from one of his future scouts 3; and so 3; "Ok, then 3; Sport, I could help you start on the equestrian badge if you like." "Huh?" "Riding a horse, little buddy!" "Oh, you mean me sitting on it and riding it, don'tcha!" "Exactly, Case! Take your time 3; go as slow as you like or need, and when you get all the way on, fit yourself to the saddle, and then 3; ride the bronco to your heart's desire!" To be honest, it almost shocked Joey how quickly Case made it to the bottom. This wasn't the first time that Case had tried this method 3; nor did it cause much pain on-route. Especially since he had made sure to apply some of Joey's leaking pre-cum mixed with his own clear boy juice that had collected in the foreskin earlier to his anal gateway before starting to lower himself 3; "DAMN, Case 3; you're a tight little bugger; so perfect 3; so hot 3; I'm having a hard time not blowin' my load way before I ought'a!" "YeeHaw! Do it! And if'n you do, pard', jes make sure y'all stay with it for a second round 3; y'hear!" Even the other couple in the cave stopped at hearing that! They had to see what was going on. Billy just stared and couldn't believe how capable Case was; Eaton, however, already knew all the stuff Case could handle, and giggled at Billy's amazement. Soon, though, Eaton returned to his pleasuring of Billy, this time by laying on his back with his feet drawn near his ears, inviting Billy to see if he could flood Eaton's tunnel before Case could draw a second load out of Joey 3; and the race was on! The smells of salty sweat, male musk, and plain boy filled the cave, along with sounds that might suggest a haunted house rose to the rock ceilings as the action got hotter and more overpowering. The volume and pitches reached here would never go undiscovered at a camp-out. Total abandon reigned for over 30 more minutes of action until all at once, the climax of the entire session erupted emphatically in unison. Then 3; total silence once again, except for the gasps of air needed for recovery. And one more gasp 3; as the cold chill of a sudden wave from the approach of high tide rushed into the cave and soaked the butts of four exhausted bodies 3; shocked into the realization that it was time to escape before the cave flooded for the night. Quickly, swim suits were donned once again and the guys high-tailed it out of the cave to safety back on the beach. As the guys started to drive back to Larry's, Joey called to say they were heading home. He also asked if Mr.F. needed anything picked up for dinner, to which Larry declined the offer. He'd already cooked a small feast, knowing the boys would be famished, and extended the invite to Joey and Billy to join in before leaving for their own place. Joey said that he and Billy had to get to their house before their parents returned, so they'd take a rain-check. So when their car arrived at Larry's, Casey and Eaton jumped out, and Joey peeled away without even noticing that Korey's car was still parked in front. Inside 3; "Well, boys 3; how was the beach?" "Gee Daddy, it was so cool! Especially the cave we explored!" "Yeah, Dad 3; the exploration we did was so interesting!" "Ahem! Another merit badge earned, son?" "UH 3; uh 3; " (Giggles from Casey 3; ) "Uh-huh! I'm gonna be a scout too, Daddy!" "Larry 3; that Joey did it again! We ought to 3; " "Korey, you and I both know that Eaton has been sharing the scout thing with Casey for a while now, so if we trust 'Matt' with Eaton, I suppose we can also trust him with Casey. Case is probably even more in need of caring expertise than Eaton, and far more desirous of filling his needs. Who else would be better to bring our boys to a solid understanding of their own choices if you and I can't?" "But Lar 3; in only one more year, Joey will be an adult too. Then what? If the boys get dependant on him, what happens when 3; " "Uh 3; Dad, 3; If we still need someone by then, I'll be able to be here for Case all by myself. I'll know all I need to know about really giving him the love he needs 3; other than the love that a good Dad and Uncle can give, anyway." "Al I ask, boys, is that if anything Joey does 3; or Billy for that matter 3; that doesn't seem right or caring, I'll be told about it so I can stop bad things from hurting either of you 3; understand?" (Both 3; ) "Yeah! We promise." With that, the four ate dinner together, and the two youngins' headed off to bed because they were tuckered out by the day's fun. Larry made sure to ask Korey to spend the night with him because they both needed to meet each other's need for expressing true love after having so long a time of interruption caused by the requirements of a busy schedule. After a short discussion between the two men regarding the decision about the boys' educational experiences and the fact that they might accidentally let slip information about Larry and Kor during a training hour with Joey and/or Billy 3; {{This is a suggestion made by an admiring reader, JAY as to what happened the night Korey finally fucked Larry for the first time. Kor's actions were in response to the honeymoon night when Larry took Kor's backside and promised to allow a return favor 3; to keep equality and balance in a real "lover's" relationship, so that neither man would be the "bottom bitch" for the other. ( I did take some small liberties with the actual wording, but most of this IS attributed to Jay 3; and I want to thank him for his input!)}} 3; I looked at Korey, and started to ask him if we had just screwed up for life ... to which he replied by a deep kiss and a huge wink, so communicating that he felt like all was well, and not to worry so much! It was clear to us both that there was no turning back ... and our minds were made up that we wanted it this way! As I awoke the next morning I cannot remember ever being as content or feeling as fulfilled. Then as I slowly came to consciousness I felt three things; I was on my side and snuggled into Korey behind me, ever so gently caressing me, which felt wonderful; each time his hand drifted across my chest and brushed a nipple, there was a tingling sensation of joy that ran through my body; and lastly, when Korey brushed my nipple I felt my buttock tighten and I realized his cock was pressed between my butt cheeks. From the feel of the smooth movement of his cock he must have been leaking precum, as his cock head rubbed against my rosebud trying to gain entry. As I slowly moved my hand back and stroked his thigh I said: "Good morning my Love". I felt Korey shutter at my touch, and his dick jumped. He greeted me with a whispered: "Good morning to you, my Love". I moved with the pressure of his hand, and rolled over to face him. We kissed 3; 3; 3; .. Then he said he wanted me as I had taken him on the first night of our pseudo-wedding. I told him that it had been a long time since I had had a man inside me, but I certainly wanted him to take me and make me his. He positioned himself between my legs 3; and with the addition of a little spit to mix with his precum 3; slowly pressed his hard and slick nine-inch [23 cm] dick past my rosebud into me. As he slowly pressed the tip of his cock into my waiting tunnel of love, (pausing when he felt me tense up), he brushed my prostate, and my whole body trembled at the joyous sensation that 'my man' was now giving me. When Korey felt my excitement, he leaned forward and kissed me deeply, saying that now finding my triggering spot, he would tenderly continue his work on it. As he pushed deeper into me and pushed up with his arm to get more pressure, the sight of his torso burned deeply into my brain. His chiseled form covered with such smooth and perfect skin 3; not only covering the sculptured muscles of his arms and abs, but also stretching over all the hollows 3; to say that I was in heaven being screwed by my living version of Michael-Angelo's David is the absolute truth. It was not long before Korey kissed me again, and I felt his pubic bush sweetly pressed against my ass cheeks. He whispered: "I'm in", and I felt absolutely wonderful having his entire cock fill me. I hugged him as if I never wanting to loose this feeling 3; not only of holding my lover in my arms, but the squeezing of his beautiful cock with my butt muscles. We both murmured a soft 'mmmmmm' in response to the feeling of our being one. Korey then started to move, very slowly in short strokes 3; pulling back just a little and then slightly forward again. It felt GREAT to be impaled on my mans' hot rod! My ass quickly adjusted to him and he began to move in longer strokes 3; eventually pulling out until his mushroom was all that remained within me, and then gliding back inside completely. The action of his smooth fucking greatly excited my prostate, and it was not long before I was leaking precum more than ever before. Each time he brushed my hot spot, I writhed and purred uncontrollably. Korey heard how he was turning me on, and could feel my ass gripping him tighter when I hit some higher notes of my 'pleasure song'. He also was enjoying it, as I could tell by all his moans and gasps. Soon I was begging for him to fuck me faster, deeper, and harder. I adjusted my hips upward a little to allow my lover even greater penetration! It did not take long before I screamed out that I was going to cum 3; . Korey nodded, and soon rammed his full 9" raging rod totally into my joy-hole. As I began to expel my entire supply of man-juice, I felt Kor's cock jumping 3; as he held it in as deeply as possible 3; powerfully filling my bowels with his hot seed. As we both completely emptied our balls, we collapsed; Korey fell into my huge sticky puddle of cum that fully covered my abs and chest 3; he still being fully inserted into my still twitching canal. Like I said before, I never wanted him to pull out. As we relaxed and came back to earth from our assent into paradise, I reassuradly whispered that I truly loved him and wanted to be his always. He said that he also felt the same way 3; and adding the term joy! I gave him a squeeze and he said that we had many more years of remaining united in our beautiful relationship to come. It was then that we heard the little voices of the boys in a distant part of the house. Fortunately they had not intruded on us this morning 3; for which we mentally sent telepathic thoughts of 'thank-you' in their direction. Korey said that we should start our day, and see what the boys were up to. I nodded, feeling sorry that our session had to end, and suggested that we shower first ... to be more presentable to our sons. As Kor gently pulled his still erect cock from me, I gasped at the feeling of emptiness in my body at the loss of his manhood's presence. Korey 3; realizing this 3; promised to fill me many times 3; as he hugged me and kissed me one more time 3; and reminded me that I must keep my commitment to provide the same inner satisfaction for him just as often. Having moved to the shower, and now enjoying the pleasure of once again washing each other, we suddenly detected a presence in the bathroom 3; "G'Mornin' Dad 3; G'Mornin' Unka! You sure look happy today! Must'a been a reaaallllllll gooooooooood sleep you had! It's almost noon already!" "Sure was, Boys! Best night we've had in ages! Thanks for letting us sleep in." "What if we said: "Film at 11"? "You better be kidding, you little rascals! Now let us get finished up and get ourselves put together. Then maybe we'll decide on something we all four can do for the afternoon before Kor has to head back to his place and get ready for school tomorrow." "Dad 3; you both know what we'd really like to do together 3; But I suppose we ought'a be happy that you said we can have Joey and Billy as leaders 3; at least for now, huh!" "Dang, Eaton 3; you two ever gonna lighten up on us? Give us a break! Please!" |