John C
Paradise Island Book Two
Chapters 13-17
Chapter Thirteen The Lords of Langley
In the days and weeks following the adoption of the three boys from the orphanage in Majuro, John was going through a second life, a reincarnation he liked to call it. He knew that he owed this revival through the insistence of Troy who talked him into going to the orphanage. When the last member of the original group, Joshua, left for the United States to be with his ailing mother, he had told himself that the high point of his life was now over. From then on he would have his memories to sustain him as he grew older. But Troy, and Aukai, wouldn't let him wallow in sadness. Aukai especially had tried to lure John over to Kalauka Island. Technically, as Matareka, he was a member of the Kalaukan family. He was entitled to a permanent residence if he so desired. Plus the young boys knew the man from his frequent visits and always wanted to share some sexual fun with him.
John appreciated the gesture from the young chief. Sometimes he felt guilty not spending more time with Aukai as he transitioned from a teenage boy to leader of his people after the death of father, Chief Haoa. But deep inside he felt he would be betraying the 'family' he had for several years by engaging in anything sexual with another boy so soon after their departure. And although he was upbeat in the emails he sent to the four now young men in America, they knew he was sad at their departure. And they missed badly their benefactor and the amazing times on a beautiful secluded island.
During the years spent after getting rid of Lam Sin, the residents of Paradise Island couldn't be happier. It was as though five individuals with the highest sex drives were placed together on one beautiful island. Sex was non-stop. Not every one wanted to engage in something sexual every day. But never did a day go by that anywhere from two to all five lusted for one another. An outsider might have looked at this and question four boys and a grown man having continual sexual interaction on a nearly daily basis. But one had to look at life on the island to understand. A special atmosphere existed. The island itself was like a sort of aphrodisiac. Sex wasn't a chore or a ritual that had to be performed based on some kind of schedule. It was spontaneous. The human body was made to enjoy sex. Man and boy never grew tired of the pleasures given and received from one another.
With five sexually active people, the one element that couldn't be avoided was time. As the boys entered their teenage years their bodies began to change. As they grew more muscular, genital development resulted in larger cocks and balls; underarm hair and pubic hair made its appearance. Although the physical growth couldn't be stopped, short of hormones, which the boys offered to take, but John refused to use, the special ointment that the Kalaukans used to prohibit any body hair from growing did the trick. In a sense, although the boys were getting taller and heavier, living together day after day helped mask the obvious that was happening. Four totally hairless teenage boys were just as sexually exciting to be with as when they first arrived on the island.
It is said that lovers of preteen boys outgrow their attraction for them as they enter puberty. A search then begins for a fresh new younger replacement. The boys of Paradise Island did their best to maintain a preteen atmosphere even as they hit the ages of 15, 16 and 17. How? By turning back the clock in a sense, acting like they did when they first arrived. Silly games were played, boys behaving like they had never grown up. Mike, Matt, Chris and Joshua were smart. Through the Internet they researched and read many stories and articles about man/boy relationships. And although they had to be serious when necessary, they knew that time was running out. John would never ask any of them to leave, but the pretending that had been going on for the better part of seven years was reaching an inevitable conclusion.
John knew it. He loved his boys so much for their efforts in making him happy. And even though their bodies were growing, he still thought of them as the little kids he first met, especially during sex. Teen bodies were still as soft and enjoyable as ever. He still loved cuddling with each one. Their balls were now producing it's own tasty milk. And he never grew tired of feeling inside the always-tight warm tunnel of each boy's ass. Amazingly, thought anal intercourse was almost done daily, none of the boys developed the loose gapping opening one sees in pictures of such anal abuse. John knew it was the way it was done, slow and easy, allowing the ass to accommodate each entry. Forceful entrance and rough pounding were contributors to an anal opening completely ruined.
Despite the years of brotherhood and love, everyone, in their unspoken way, knew the time was rapidly coming that difficult decisions had to be made. The boys were graduating high school through their Internet schooling. The next step was college. John knew getting a high school diploma through home schooling was one thing. But you don't get a college degree without ever stepping on a campus. Yes, there were courses that could be taken online that didn't require classroom attendance. But there were other required courses the boys had to attend in person.
Although the funds had been set up for each boy's four-year tuition, John's main concern was the transition of a lifestyle predicated on freely open sex, to one where someone could end up in jail on the smallest sexual pretense. Visits to Kalauka Island only added to the illusion that sex could be enjoyed anywhere, anytime, and with anyone regardless of age. Living from five to seven years having sex nearly every day to "keeping it in his pants" was going to be hard. So as John prepared to send Mike, being the oldest, off to America, the two of them had long discussions of how the young adult must act. The man encouraged Mike to keep in close contact with him and the remaining boys. The teen was constantly reminded that he could visit Paradise Island whenever he wanted.
Surprisingly, Mike, and eventually the other three boys, did marvelously well upon returning to the United States. They had made new friends, but never got involved sexually with any of them. Through their emails they told John they wanted the memories of the love and sex everyone shared to be the cornerstone of their resistance to anything or anyone they encountered. When Mike was told of the meeting with Lord Langley, he found the perfect excuse to come back to Paradise Island. It had been two years and he really longed for home. The other boys had recently departed the island and were still adjusting to their new life. Joshua didn't want to leave. He and John had gone through so much before joining together for good. And deep inside the man didn't want to lose his last connection to the past seven years. Although Joshua visited his mother on an annual basis, Laura seemed perfectly content to allow her son to continue staying with John knowing he was being well cared for and that the man was carefully planning his future. Laura's illness forced Joshua to leave. At that time John got him enrolled in a nearby college.
During the years that the boys were living with John, the man did his own research on man/boy relationships. Not surprisingly, most articles leaned toward sex with a boy as manipulative, coercive, controlling. No one gave the boy any credit for making his own decisions about his own body. John did agree that sex below a certain age in which a boy really doesn't know what's happening to him is wrong. But neither does a boy have to be an adult before he can experience the pleasures of sex.
History showed that preteen boys were there to be sexually enjoyed. From the early Greeks right up to the 19th century in writings, paintings and sculptures, naked man and boy were shown in erotic embrace. Boys knew their roles. Their duties were to satisfy their masters with their youthful bodies. But for over 2000 years that began with a small group of individuals who believed that children were being exploited and had no say over how their bodies were used, it grew to the point that today even possessing a picture of a naked boy can put you in prison. John chuckled at that. From what he read about the hidden Vatican paintings of naked children, the Pope should be in jail.
Nonetheless, 2000 years of culture was destroyed. Until 150 years ago, girls were allowed to marry at the age of 13 in many countries. Several cultures still practice that ritual today. Marijuana was considered the first step toward hard drugs (being a dope addict) and outlawed. Now, slowly, it is being legalized. History has shown that the more you try to curtain something, the more it eventually becomes acceptable. There are now civil rights to protect individuals based on sexual orientation. Gay marriages are almost universal.
So what about the young boy of today? Any boy with Internet access can view graphic pornography. Fifty years ago the centerfold in Playboy magazine was considered the dirtiest picture you could see. But the Internet also gave growth to the topic of a man/boy sexual relationship. Although controversial, John believed many boys found the idea of sex with a grown man exciting and erotic. Until recently sex, (the birds and the bees), was usually taught to the son by the father. Today schools have taken a larger role in that area. Thus included with sex education is the installation of fear of anything sexual (stranger danger, don't let anyone touch your privates). Caution is good as sadly there are those whose sole purpose is to abuse a boy for his own gratification. This small miniscule percentage of sick men didn't represent those whose love for boys transcended the physical. And John believed that boys wanted to be abused. Not physically abused, but to have their bodies awaken to the sexual pleasures it can give, something a man can teach and demonstrate. And if written testimonies could be produced about the sexual awakenings boys have learned from men, their stories would flow of the bonds between men and boys from the emotional to the sexual. All this passed through John's mind as he said goodbye to Joshua as he boarded the plane to America, leaving him alone for the first time in seven years.
But through a series of recent events John now found himself with three new boys. And once again a theory of his that all boys desired sex proved true. After the hesitation about being naked in front of a man and other boys (except for Raphael who was horny right from the start), the three quickly learned how much pleasure their bodies were capable of receiving and giving. Even Peter, whose evangelistic parents had instilled in him all his life that sex was wrong and immoral, discovered that his body could produce feelings he never knew existed, even from parts that may be considered dirty or gross. Once any and all barriers were conquered (nudity, body contact, anal and oral) the boys couldn't get enough. Being young, they were able to experience one orgasm after another. And although they engaged the majority of their sexual pleasures amongst each other, it was John they wanted to spend the most time with.
Of course, the man couldn't be happier. He loved taking each boy's young cock, manipulating the small fleshy tube with his lips and tongue. At the same time, he would reach underneath to squeeze and fondle the soft ass cheeks, sometimes sliding a finger in the tight opening. John encouraged each boy, like he had the others before, to vocally express how they felt as their bodies were slowly rising to that mountaintop of release. Words of "oh fuck" or "oh shit" along with "don't stop" were music to the man's ears. As they got nearer to their peak, each boy seem to try to push their cocks deeper inside the man's mouth. The final shout of "I'm cumming!" along with a series of rapids breaths and a shaking young body told John he had done his part and had given them another ride of orgasmic relief. It didn't take long before they quickly recharged and wanted to experience it all over again.
Although some trepidation existed in the beginning to allowing a man's cock in their virgin tight holes because of issues of pain, as John took each boy's cherry, they learned that although there was a little discomfort the first time, it never amounted to any real pain. And something they thought they would never experience, or even allow under different circumstances, became another enjoyable aspect of their sexual education. Carlos' research on the Internet provided historical information he passed to the other two boys about sex between man and boy. Web sites like PZA provided a window of discovery to the many variations of relationship between men and boys. Some were non-consensual, some involved boys used as prostitutes or slaves, but many detailed a loving bond between a man and his boy(s). Both eagerly gave of themselves emotionally and physically. Boys were mainly pleased orally, although many times boys would do the same to the man. But it was the giving of the most private part of their body that the lad knew pleasured man the most. The colon provided a ring in which it gripped that which entered the sacred tunnel. Muscles in the anal canal would tighten and grasp the foreign invader as though preparing to expel it. And against the background of opposite forces, the male cock would continue to push deeper, to withdraw and plunge again until the balls had produced the necessary fluid ready to be shot into the dark recesses to signify success.
As with the original boys before, the newest adoptees quickly adapted to anal sex. Surprisingly, they looked forward to John entering their taut opening. They couldn't describe in words what it felt like, but enjoyed the feeling as John reached as far as he could go inside each sweet ass. And they told him it was a weird feeling as though someone was peeing inside them as the man released his jizz. John would smile recalling how the original four boys had said the same thing. So every day became a game and a challenge to see what pairings would occur and who could produce the best feelings upon one another. Lately a new twist had been added. Whip cream and chocolate syrup was used as small amounts were spread over certain parts of one's body and then the other(s) would lick it off. This usually elevated to lots of giggling and laughing as underarms and other sensitive areas were vigorously tongued to remove any trace of cream or syrup. Whether this was called kinky or not, John wasn't sure.
The visit by Lord Langley and the eventual revelation of John and Mike's time travel visit to the past was a major bump in the lifestyle on Paradise Island. Although the time spent with his Lordship was not that much, having to keep the conversation a secret from the boys was discomforting. John wanted to keep that part of the past away from them. He saw nothing gained by sharing such a sordid story of Lam Sin and his attempt to get Matt, Chris and Mike. The time travel to London and Rome, which seemed liked weeks, was actually a few minutes in real time and then they were back home. Again, John couldn't see how any of that information would benefit the relationship he currently had with Raphael, Carlos and Peter.
Also in the back of his mind was how to bring Troy into the sexual family. The man's revelation was certainly a surprise and John had no objection to the request. At the moment the boys only knew the helicopter pilot as a nice man who brought supplies to the island each week. It was one of the few occasions in which everyone dressed when they heard him approach. The Kalaukans was another issue that John knew needed to be addressed. Right now he was enjoying exclusively these three beautiful, very sexually active preteen boys.
But events forced John to re-think his strategy in regards to what and when he should reveal more secrets of Paradise Island. Mike's return prompted by Lord Langley's visit was a positive for John and the boys. The man was happy to see the adult Mike and the boys took instantly to the former resident. Very little was shared about the strange visitor and the boys took the cue not to ask too many questions.
The unexpected visit by Aukai caused more secrets to be exposed. John had no choice but to be open and honest about Lam Sin, the humming cave and his friendly relationship to the Kalaukans. Events were now moving at an ever- growing pace. The sudden appearance of Miles was a shock to everyone, including Miles himself. Peter, Carlos and Raphael tried to make the newest visitor feel at home, but how do you plan a life with someone who is technically dead, but yet alive? And how does your mind cope with the real possibility that at any moment the boy may disappear forever?
To say the first couple of days were awkward would be putting it mildly. On the surface it seemed like Miles' focus was split in half; part trying to catch up with 200 years of civilization and the other half adjusting to his new 'reincarnated' life. And although everyone understood that the English lad was well versed in sex from being a peg boy, any such acts seemed suspended for the time being. After three days everyone continued to wear clothing and no mention or offer to engage in sex arose.
"This is turning into a monastery John," Mike later told his friend. "We need to break the ice."
"How?" John would reply. "No one has ever dealt with a situation like this before. Miles is doing his best to cope with his new environment, but I can't even imagine what's going through his head. He's supposed to be dead and although he is alive right now, for how long: a day, a week, or years? How can a 12-year-old boy live with such thoughts? And what about the other boys? Although they are aware of Miles' sexual background, it seems like no one wants to be the first to engage in anything to as you stated, 'break the ice'."
"What I can't understand is with the humming cave destroyed, how can people still travel through time? Maybe what you said about the bracelet is true, but what other means of time travel may still be lingering on this island or elsewhere are we not aware of? Did our trip trigger some kind of temporal window?"
John shook his head. "I don't know Mike. Seeing Miles again was the very last thing I ever expected to happen. Don't get me wrong, I like Miles, I really do. But our original association with him was just a few hours. I realize our presence in his world made a tremendous impact on him and, like any other boy, the thoughts of a magical world full of new wonders would cause anyone to want to be a part of it."
"Be that as it may John, I really have to leave soon. I've stayed a lot longer than planned and I know I'm falling behind in my course work. How are you going to balance everything among the four boys?"
"I'm sure you've sense the uneasiness with Carlos, Raphael and Peter. They want to return to the life we were enjoying. And although Miles is the same age as they, his unusual background has made it difficult for them to integrate the boy in a bonding such as they share."
"So what's the answer?"
"Miles can't stay here."
"What! You really can't mean that!"
"I'm not saying that in a cruel way. I mean if he's going to continue his life, it should be where he's comfortable and familiar with."
"You mean somehow find a way to send him back in time? Wouldn't he just be facing the same ending as before? What future is that for him?"
"That's not what I meant Mike. I'm talking about sending him to Langley Manor."
"You're kidding."
"No, think about it. Langley Manor hasn't changed at all in 200 years. It will be as though time stood still. He'll still have to catch up on the years gone by, but the emphasis will be on the history of his own country. He'll feel a lot more closer to what life was like for him there than here. All the wonders he has seen here will be the same back home."
"And what about the current Lord of Langley?"
"Of course he's going to have to agree to take Miles back with him. But he already knows about Miles from past documents. It's not like he's taking someone who has no connection at all to the family past."
"And what about Miles? What if he doesn't want to go, but stay here instead?"
"You and I will have to convince him that it's the best opportunity to return to his real home."
"He'll think you're throwing him away John, that you don't want him."
"It will be tough, but somehow I think he's smart enough to realize that this is the best solution."
"When and how are you going to convince his Lordship to fly over here to pick up Miles?"
John thought for a moment. "I'll convince his Lordship that there is something he has to see in person without telling him what it is. After he arrives here, I'll surprise him by introducing him to Miles."
"Oh he'll be surprised all right," Mike chuckled. "He'll be totally shocked."
"Lord Langley is coming here?" Miles asked, a surprise look on his face.
"Yes, he'll be here tomorrow. I want the two of you to meet."
"Why John."
"I want you to go back with him to Langley Manor."
The 12-year-old looked shocked at the request the man was making. He shook his head, "No! I want to stay here with you."
John knew this was going to be difficult. "I know how you wanted very badly to visit the 21st century and see for yourself the marvels and wonders the past 200 years has brought. But you've seen a very tiny part of it here on Paradise Island. Going back to London will help you adjust better to your new life. Most of London the way you remember it will still be there. But you will also experience the changes London, and the world, has undergone. Lord Langley can be your mentor, telling you about the Langley history. Your secret will be kept as you attend a proper British school and make new friends. And although I know you love me and I love you, your best interest is what's important."
"But I don't want to leave John. I don't care about London and a proper school and all that. I'm happy here being with you."
"Miles, listen, my emotions are mixed too. Remember I told you about the four boys who lived here before? As they became adults, it was time for them to move on. Don't you think after five to seven years together any of us wanted to be separated? It wasn't easy. But as the person in charge, I couldn't let my selfishness in wanting them to stay here and continue what we had get in the way of what was best for them. They had to go out on their own. And each one knew they could come back here anytime they wanted, just like Mike did. You and I aren't saying goodbye forever."
Tears started welling up in the boy's eyes. "But I just got here. Can't I stay awhile?"
"Miles, I don't want to sound cruel, but I have to consider the other boys here. Normally all of us would be running around naked and having sex all day long. But you noticed that although the boys have been polite, there hasn't been any offer to play sexually? The boys can't get comfortable enough with such a special person like you, coming from the past. I just adopted them a month ago and the four of us are finally living the life we talked about and wanted to do. If you think it will be hard to leave now, how much harder will it be for you, me and the others after weeks or months living here?"
"What if Lord Langley doesn't want me?"
"I'm sure he will. Miles, you're a piece of history from the past. You can share with him things about life at the manor 200 years ago that he would never find in any book or document. You can share with him life in that great city and how you grew up in it. And he in turn will want you to be brought up like a true Langley."
Wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt, Miles then looked at John. "I guess you're right. But I want you to promise I can come here anytime I want."
"I'll look forward to every visit," as the two reached out and hugged one another.
"Can we have at least some sex fun before I have to go?"
Grabbing the hand of the boy, John smiled. "Let's go to my bedroom. I want to enjoy a peg boy one more time."
"Did you and John have a good time?" A smiling Mike addressed the English lad as he entered the kitchen. Mike knew what the man and boy had been doing and thought it was a good way to relieve some tension from the past few days. Getting a smile in return, all Miles could do was nod his head. He then caused Mike to laugh as he took a few bow-legged steps.
"Yes, John can fill you up. I remember how at times I thought he would never fit inside me. But he was always gentle, reaching down and playing with my cock at the same time. When it was over, I didn't want him to pull out because it felt so good like it should always be in my ass."
"John said he liked it too." Then Miles' tone became sad. "That's why I don't understand why he wants me to go away. At least when I came here I had you and him. Nobody I knew from the past will be alive. I will be among total strangers."
"I wish I had an answer for you Miles. No one has ever gone through what you just did. John is trying to make the best of an unusual situation. And as he has told you, his first priority has to be the boys he adopted."
"I noticed they've been nice to me, but that's all. No one's wanted to do any sex."
"You're very mature for your age. The boys here, although smart, haven't had to grow up so quickly as when you took charge of Langley Manor. Their maturity is in coping with their parents' deaths and moving on with their lives. They may feel a little intimidated by your presence."
"Don't you want me to stay?"
"It doesn't make any difference what I want. This is John's island and it's his decision who stays or not. And no matter how you feel about it today, one day you'll see that he was right."
The boy nodded his head accepting the resolution that was about to come. He then gave Mike a smile. "You never had a real peg boy sit on your cock, have you?"
"I guess I haven't. I just had the pleasure of sucking that wonderful cock."
"Then I owe you one. I feel empty inside. Will you fill me up?"
"You bet I want that sweet ass of yours. I've been waiting 200 years for it," as both Mike and Miles started laughing and heading toward an empty bedroom.
After the fantastic revelation to the three recently adopted boys that the newest visitor was a young boy who came from 19th century England and to be perfectly frank, technically dead, life on Paradise Island got quiet. John felt that the quick acceptance by the three boys of what should have been considered as totally impossible was more out of respect for John than belief in Miles' instantaneous appearance. One evening as Carlos and Raphael lay awake in their bed, both sired their thoughts.
"Do you really believe Miles is 200 years old?" Raphael asked his older friend.
"He can't be. Nobody lives that long."
"Then is he really just twelve years old who came back from the dead?"
"I don't know. I never heard of a real time machine or anyone coming here from the past."
Raphael mulled that comment in his head. "Maybe the sisters didn't want to teach us that. Maybe what John said is true."
"Maybe John is testing us," Carlos speaking a thought out loud.
"Testing us?"
"Maybe he had Miles hidden here all this time and wanted to see how we would react when we first meet him and to see if we would believe the story of him coming here from 200 years ago."
"Then you don't believe what John said about a humming cave and he and Mike going back to London and Rome?" Raphael queried his friend.
"Maybe you and I are little kids compared to grown-ups like John and Mike, but we're not stupid. Only Jesus ever came back from the dead, not some kid from England!" Carlos said with conviction.
Raphael trembled at what Carlos was trying to say. He believed too what the sisters had taught him and even before when he lived with his parents. John was trying to make them believe anyone can come back from the dead. "Carlos, do you like Miles?"
"He's OK. When we were at the glass bedroom I liked hearing his stories of when he was a peg boy. He made it sound so real, I was really believing him."
"What about now?"
"I kind of still like him. But I don't want to do any sex with him, at least not yet. I just don't know why John doesn't tell us the real truth instead of this story of time travel and Miles being from the past."
"Where do you think Miles really came from?" the 11-year-old asked.
"I don't know. Maybe Miles was adopted too from somewhere else and John was just waiting for the right time for us to meet him."
"We've been here for over a month. Where has Miles been hiding?"
"I guess that's another secret John hasn't told us yet. Maybe it's part of the test."
There was quiet for several moments before Raphael asked the question that was on both their minds. "Carlos, what if we fail the test. Will John send us back to the orphanage?" There was only silence from the older boy as he wondered the same thing.
The three boys were surprised when John called them together later that evening. Earlier, he and Miles had shared a couple of hours of man/boy sex and decided to tell the boys immediately of the decision. For both the man and the boy, it was like turning back the clock to when they were last in bed together. Miles admitted that although the boys he brought to Langley Manor from Mr. Fletcher obviously had extensive sexual experience, never did he engage in any sex play with them.
"I guess being the Lord and in charge, I wasn't supposed to do such things. I spied on the others many times having sex and wanted to join them, but I kept remembering how Jakes was always reminding me of my title and position and that I had to set the example for all the staff there."
"Weren't you tired of all the sex, especially since much of it wasn't pleasant?"
"When I was at Mr. Fletcher's I hated it. But then I had that wonderful evening with you and Mike and I realized that being a peg boy with the right man could be a fun way to having sex."
"Thanks Miles," as the two entered the living room where Mike and the three boys were waiting. John could see something in the boys' faces, but he wasn't sure if it was anxiety or something else. He got straight to the point.
"I know the past few days have been unusual to say the least. I bring in from out of the blue (literally John thought to himself) a new boy and try to convince you of a fantastic story of time travel and Miles here being a 200-year-old boy. Although it's the truth, I understand how confusing this has been. Our lifestyle has been disrupted and everyone wonders what to say and/or do. Hopefully, a solution has presented itself. Lord Langley will be here tomorrow. Miles has agreed, if we convince his Lordship, to return to England to catch up on his life there. That's his native country, so it stands to reason he should live there. I told Miles he's welcome to come and visit here anytime he wants.
"All of us have been living a way of life that has involved sex. And even though Miles has been through a lot more sex than any of us, as he told you not all of it was pleasant. Maybe his background and our own sexual lifestyle have made it hard to try anything that might be different. No one is to blame and I'm not saying you boys should have invited Miles to be a part of your fun. As a family, we've only been together a short while and have grown comfortable with what we've been doing so far. Miles has understood this. So when he returns to England, I hope you boys will return to behaving like the little horny boys you are," getting chuckles from everyone. "Now for our last dinner together, we're going to have a barbeque following by a marshmallow roast at the fire pit by the ocean." Everyone shouted in agreement and the meeting broke up.
As everybody sat around the fire with sticks of marshmallows being flicked by the flames, Miles sat between Mike and John. He looked up at the night sky. "It's so beautiful here, and so quiet. Will I ever experience another night like this again?
"Lord Langley told me that he also has an estate in Wales that sits out in the country. I'm sure the nights are just as beautiful there," John answered.
Mike then added, "When you learn about the Internet and wireless cell phones, you'll be able to talk to any of us any time of the day. We'll always be as close as the push of a button."
Miles shook his head. "To be on the other side of the world and yet talk to you like I am now, I have a lot to learn about this new world."
And so the end of the day came and everyone returned to the house and headed for bed. An amazing few days had gone by. But a very important one was to come the following morning.
"Your Lordship. May I present to you, Lord Miles of Langley."
There was a stunned silence as Lord Langley first looked at John and then at the boy standing next to him. His first thoughts were what was John trying to pull? He was about to voice that suspicion when the boy approached the man and gave a slight bow.
"Your Lordship, it's a honor to meet you."
Langley looked at John who nodded his head. "It's not an illusion. This is 'the' Miles from 200 years ago."
Since no painting was ever made of Miles, Lord Langley of course had no idea what the boy looked like. But he recognized the British accent and knew that John wouldn't try to play a hoax by passing off a dead boy. What would he gain? He had to admit that he was actually facing a boy who once ruled the Langley estate. He got up from his chair and stood in front of the boy. "No, it is I who should bow to you, Lord Miles," as the man did just that.
"Please sit down Lord Langley. I have another amazing story to share with you," as the current lordship sat down with Miles next to him. So John explained the theory that possibly touching the bracelet by both he and Mike may have brought Miles to the present day, as he was the last to touch it 200 years prior. John and Miles agreed that the boy would be better off back in England under the guidance and protection of Lord Langley.
Lord Langley just shook his head. "I want to believe what you have told me. Even with the information and painting from the past and your explanation of this time portal on your island, I still think that somehow the two of you suffered a hallucination and that you really believed your visited London in 1812. But to tell me this is Miles conflicts with every law of nature and physics."
"Your Lordship," Miles began. "I thought that you would have your doubts. Sometimes I think I'm living in a dream world. I'm supposed to be dead, yet here I am. But I really did live at the manor back then. Ask me questions about the place and anything few people would know about," the boy challenged.
"Young man, for the moment I'll accept you for whom you claim you are. But I must be sure. Even if you are the real Miles, you have no legal claim. You are not of the family bloodline. It was mistakenly placed in our genealogical records and has since been removed. But the fact remains that you did hold the title of Lord of Langley. And if you are that person, I would welcome you to come back with me and begin your new life where you were living before."
Miles stood up and faced the man. "Ask me whatever question you want."
For the next half hour Lord Langley queried the boy regarding the Langley manor, how many rooms, how the grounds were laid out. At one point Miles described a different landscape then was currently on the grounds. It caused the senior lord to pause for a moment.
"You know you're right. About a hundred years ago the current Lord wanted some changes made to the landscape, some new foliage. That area was torn out and what's there now is the new look." On several questions Miles kept referring to Jakes.
"Yes, he told me about that," referring to a question posed by his Lordship.
"You were very close to this Jakes?"
"Yes, your Lordship. I was just an orphan who was being used a peg boy for Mr. Fletcher. In one day John here rescued me from that man and gave me my freedom. A few hours later I was Lord of Langley. Jakes taught me what I needed to know to be a proper Lord."
"After John and Mike disappeared, why didn't Jakes contact a legitimate relative to take over as the Langley Lord?"
"I don't know sir. I guess he thought I was special. He had an older son that worked in the stables, so he sort of looked after me as his younger son. He told me I was a quick learner and that the rest of the staff was proud of how I was handling things."
"Tell me about this Lam Sin," getting a shiver from the boy as he recalled those memories.
"I thought he was a friend of John and Mike. He said he knew them and he was wearing the same bracelet. Jakes never liked him. And over time I found out he really wasn't a friend, but hated John." It took a moment before the boy could continue. "I was told that he poisoned me."
"And how do you feel today, being 200 years in the future and together with John and Mike?"
"I love them your Lordship. How can you not for a person who saved you, gave you your freedom and allowed me to be Lord over Langley? I was so happy to see them again as well as his new family, (the three boys were in the hallway out of sight but listening to all that transpired in the living room) but when John wanted me to go back to England I thought he didn't care for me anymore. But I now understand that no matter what year it is, England is my country and hopefully Langley Manor will be my home."
Lord Langley stood up and approached Miles. Then he wrapped his arms around the boy and drew him close. "Langley will be your home again young Miles for as long as you want."
John breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you your Lordship. I appreciate you willing to help Miles."
Lord Langley nodded at John and looked at Miles. "We're going to have a difficult road ahead. And you're going to have to use that same determination you had before to travel over this one."
"How do you intend to integrate Miles as part of Langley?" John asked.
"Well, obviously his real background must be kept a secret. This island was a great location to do that. Back in London, not a word has to leak out or he will be the freak show in a circus. Miles, you're going to have to act as normally as possible, never giving one hint of the real you. In the beginning you'll have a special private tutor that's going to have to catch you up on 200 years of schooling. Then hopefully you'll be enrolled in a distinguished academy where sons and daughters of royal and wealthy bloodlines attend. You'll meet new friends and collect a new set of memories."
"What about documentation, explaining his presence all of a sudden?" Mike asked.
"I'll take care of all of that, just like John did for you, right?" getting a smile from Mike in return. "You can never be Lord of Langley Miles, but when you become of age I can confer upon you some title of nobility."
Miles looked at John with a big grin. "Now a bad future for a former peg boy, huh?"
"Not bad at all Miles. Not bad at all."
Lord Langley was persuaded to stay for dinner and finally the three boys hiding in the hallway came out to greet his Lordship and congratulate Miles on getting a new home. After the feast, it was time to say goodbye. Carlos wanted to give Miles some more of his clothing for the trip, but Lord Langley stated that before they boarded the plane back to England, he would provide a 'proper' set of attire.
It was at that time that Mike stated he would return with Troy so he could get on an early flight back to America. So another round of goodbyes began.
With the moon high in the sky and goodbyes exchanged, the helicopter slowly rose from the landing pad and quickly faded into the darkness. Thankful that all this had worked out well for both Lord Langley and especially Miles, John then looked at the three boys standing on the landing pad with him.
"I am one horny dirty perverted old man who hasn't had any boy sex in several days. So is going to be that first ripe ass that I'm going to fuck for an hour straight?" getting laughs from the three all volunteering to be the first. Soon everyone was back home as groans and moans were heard from the two bedrooms as life resumed back to normal.
A loud crash was heard outside the closed door of Master Lee's office as Jarot was passing through the hallway performing his usual routine security checks. He immediately opened the door expecting to see the new master of the former Lam Sin empire sitting behind his desk. But instead he heard a moaning coming from the floor behind it. Jarot rushed around to see Lee lying on his side on the hardwood floor with the chair toppled on its side.
"Master Lee, are you all right? What happened?" as the big burly guard helped Chin Lee to his feet. Making sure there were no broken bones or serious injuries, Lee looked at the floor. An approximate 18-inch hole had broken through causing a leg of the chair to fall in thus sending its occupant to the floor.
"Look at that!" Lee said with some anger in his voice. "I spend a fortune on security and I nearly get killed by a hole in the floor."
"I'm sorry Master. As you know this is an old building. The wood was probably weakened over time," as Jarot lifted the chair and set it upright. It was at that moment when pointing a finger at the gap in the floor that Lee asked what was the item spotted in the bottom of the hole. Jarot bent over and pulled out what appeared to be a large yellow envelope. He starred at it for a long time while trying to recall some distant memory.
"Well, what is it?"
"I've seen this before Master many years ago."
"Give it to me," as Jarot handed the man the packet. Lee looked it over and saw to whom the envelope was addressed. "Yang? Why would anyone send anything directly here to him? Do you know something about this Jarot?"
The Oriental guard closed his eyes trying to recall events of several years ago. "It was shortly after Lam Sin disappeared and Master Yang took over. This envelope arrived by courier and I asked the master if I should sign for it. He told me to bring it to him. That was the last time I saw it. Master Yang never mentioned anything of it to me."
"Did Yang ask you to cut that hole in the floor?"
"No Master. I have no idea who did. He must have gotten a maintenance man to do it."
"And a pretty crappy job as I almost got killed," causing the guard to smile within himself at the thought. "All right, I want you to personally get to the repair of this floor and to make sure there are no other weak spots. I will go to my old office and read the contents of this envelope and try to understand why Yang wanted to hide it as he did."
"As you wish Master."
Two hours later Jarot was knocking on the door of the former office of Chin Lee getting a "Come in," as a response. He saw his current master deep in thought, the yellowed pages from the envelope spread upon a desk.
"Sir, the hole has been filled and a new section of floor installed. I checked the remainder of the office. The woodwork is good."
"Thank you Jarot. Now I have a new assignment for you. I want you to get two of your most trusted men and arrange transportation for they, you and I to take a trip."
"A trip Master?"
"Yes, a trip. We are going to visit a cemetery."
"A cemetery," Jarot responded, a little uneasiness in his voice. "For what purpose do you wish to visit a cemetery Master?"
"We are going to dig up a coffin."
Chapter Fourteen Whose in the Box?
It didn't take but a day after the departure of Miles for life to return to the pre-appearance routine. The boy was on the island for less than four days, yet the uneasiness cause by his sudden emergence from a time and place long past had made it seem longer. As John sat on the porch the following morning, the cool ocean breeze drifting over his nude body, he smiled as he saw three beautiful naked boys running along the shore with Picasso, Raphael's German Shepherd puppy, chasing after them. The solitude was welcomed back.
John hoped there would be no more bombshells. After the weeks visiting the boys at the orphanage, the wait for the court to allow the adoption and the overcoming of any final barriers regarding the sexual lifestyle of Paradise Island, the man could finally sit back and enjoy the results as the boys ran past the porch waving and yelling at John. Looking back now, he realized that it had been for the best to reveal several of the past secrets to the threesome. And although John got the impression the boys thought he was telling a tall tale about time travel and all of a sudden a 200-year-old boy appearing, they never complained. They kept their own thoughts. But it did make it awkward to invite a newcomer to participate in a very private sex club regardless of the experience Miles claimed he had. When Miles left, it was like an uneasy situation had its windows uncovered and bright sunlight shined in.
Miles never got a last minute opportunity to be sad about leaving John because he stood in awe staring at Troy's helicopter. He had heard the loud motor when it approached, but never got to see the craft until they were at the helipad. Miles looked at Lord Langley and asked with doubt in his voice, "This thing will float on water?" The boy's eyes really lit up when explained that this was a flying machine that was going to take them to another island. Lord Langley understood even more the challenges that lie ahead and that the very tip of an exciting world awaited his new ward.
A short while ago John got a cell phone call from Miles trying to explain what it was like to fly on an airplane and once in London to see vehicles without horses traveling along the same streets he recalled was used by carriages and carts. The tiny object he held by his ear in which he could hear and talk to John half a world away fascinated him the most. Lord Langley then came on the line and stated he would keep him updated on Miles transition into the 21st century.
What caught the three boys of the island off guard was the boarding of Mike also into the helicopter to head back to America and resume his college studies. He had mentioned to John the need to return. When the next opportunity presented itself for Troy to make a flight to Majuro from Paradise Island, he told his friend he was going along. Since Mike's suitcases had already been loaded, it was a quick goodbye before any protests arose from the boys. They were sad to see him go, but would always recall the many hours of fun he spent with them, especially the stories he shared when he, Matt, Chris and Joshua were their age living on Paradise Island. John arranged the travel arrangements for the following morning. So that lastl evening in Majuro, Lord Langley, Mike and Miles ate at a nice restaurant and said their final goodbyes
So as the man watched the boys disappear around the corner of the shore he thought to himself this was what he wanted; three beautiful naked boys who loved sex, loved pleasing and the beauty and privacy to enjoy it all. If there was one thing that always remained true, it was that when a boy loves his man, everything is possible and both can enjoy the pleasure this type of sexual union can provide. Here, that was multiplied three times. He thought the previous seven years with the four boys before was a once in a lifetime experience very few ever enjoyed. Yet here he was getting a second opportunity to live the same wonderful life with hopefully no more surprises. Wrong! John's cell phone rang.
"Joshua! It's good to hear your voice," as John answered. "How's your mother doing?"
"She's much better John. I think the time together has really cheered her up."
"I'm glad to hear that. How has this affected your classes?"
"Well, this semester is pretty much shot. But the professors told me if I attended some night classes I could catch up and be back on schedule when the next semester starts."
"Great! I'm sorry your mother's illness derailed your original timetable."
"Nonsense. I thought Mom was well enough for me to return to school. When she relapsed, I came back here to be with her. I can go to school anytime."
"Hasn't Donnie," referring to Joshua's older brother, "ever offered to help?"
"He's in his own world somewhere. He calls to make sure everything's all right, but that's it. I think he's always been pissed off at me because of the relationship you and I had and you sending me to college. He's currently working at some low paying job at a warehouse. He hardly ever talks to me or Mom."
"Sorry to hear that. By the way, thanks for the pictures you sent of you and your mother. She looks the same way I last remember her seven years ago when we met at that restaurant. And seeing you in a photograph showed me how you've turned into a fine young man. I guess living together I missed that perspective. I always knew you were sexy. But never thought of you as handsome until now."
'Thanks. I'm happy being home. And I've met some fine people at the college. And there's a very strong gay presence on campus."
"Have you
Getting a laugh from the other end of the phone conversation, Joshua answered. "No John, I haven't gotten involved. My roommate is straight as an arrow, always talking about this girl or that one. I think a couple of the guys have been eyeballing me, but I haven't shown any interest."
"Joshua, you shouldn't put your sex life on hold. Trust your instincts. If there's someone out there you feel comfortable with, go for it. I never told you or the others that once you left Paradise Island you could never have sex again."
John heard another laugh coming through the cell phone. "I know that. I hope this doesn't sound too corny, but it's been easier adjusting to life here with no sex than forgetting the time I enjoyed with you and the others. I knew, as I grew older, that it was becoming more and more difficult for you to think of me as the 9-year-old boy you first met. But I never loved you any less and I felt the same in return. And we still had great sex even all the time I was in my teens."
"We sure did. And if all of you were here now, we'd still have great sex. I know in the beginning I probably put too much emphasis on prepubescence as a sexual preference and I know all of you tried to play that role as much as possible. But we also knew that sooner or later you had to go out on your own, to make your own choices. The decisions that were made when it was time to leave were never due to a lessening of the love we shared or the sex we enjoyed. I hope you know that."
"Of course I do. And I know speaking for the others that they feel the same. And maybe that's why I haven't pursued anything here. I know what I find here will never equal what I shared with you."
"Thanks Josh. That means a lot."
"So how's it going with your newly adopted boys? The photos of them show some real sexy-looking kids. You're right about Peter. He does look like a young Matt. Has Matt said anything?"
"Matt says Peter doesn't look anything like he did," getting a chuckle from Joshua.
"And you have a new dog?"
"Yes, I promised Raphael I'd get him one once he was adopted. His original pet was killed at the time he was orphaned. It's a German Shepherd. Raphael wanted one that looked exactly like his previous four-legged friend. And he also gave him the same name, Picasso. That's his dog. Haven't thought of replacing mine."
"Unusual name for a dog. I miss Princess too. She and Boots were just as much family as the rest of us. And how was the cherry popping?" abruptly changing the subject and accompanied by a snicker from the now young adult. "You haven't mentioned anything about it."
"Joshua, that's rude. What makes you think there was any cherry-popping?"
"Because I remember my own very vividly. Chris, Matt and Mike also told me that it was just a few days after they arrived on Paradise Island that they felt you inside them for the first time. And how long after I arrived before I too experienced the same?"
"You kept asking me to take your virginity. But all right, Carlos, Raphael and Peter have all had their cherries popped by me."
"Ha! Ha! I knew it. Congratulations. How do they feel about anal sex?"
"Like you did, they realized that when done properly, it could be an additional source of great sexual pleasure."
"I read Mike's emails to us guys about the strange appearance of this boy Miles. What's the latest?"
So John went to describe the uneasiness everyone felt about Miles' presence and that after some thought it was decided to send the boy back to England and be raised by the current Lord Of Langley. "He left last night and Mike returned home also. Life is back to normal again." There was silence on the phone for several moments until John asked if Joshua was still there, afraid the connection had been severed.
Joshua then hit John with a shocking question. "How would you like to pop another young boy's cherry?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I never spoke of him, but I have an uncle, my mother's younger brother. I guess he was the black sheep of the family, so that's why we never talked about him. While I was living with you, I don't ever recall thinking about him and Mom never mentioned his name either. But she and I found out that he was married and they had an 11-year-old son, named Corey. They went through a nasty divorce and neither wanted custody of him."
"I'm sorry to hear that. I feel sorry for the boy. It's tough enough when a boy loses his parents through death. I imagine the pain can be just as great, if not more so, being rejected by both parents. But what has that to do with your 'popping his cherry' comment?"
"Well, Social Services contacted Mom as she was the next of kin. It was either she or foster care. But the suggestion came up that I take custody."
"Why not? I'm 21 years old. Legally I am a relative of Corey, even though he's just my younger cousin. Mom claimed she wasn't well enough to be his guardian. Social Services agreed and gave Corey to me."
"He's there with you?"
"Arrived a week ago. We've been sort of getting acquainted. He's a good-looking kid, blond hair, blue eyes and still has a little of the baby fat on him. He's not overweight, but just like a plump teddy bear. He's been adjusting great, considering neither parent wanted him. I got the impression he was pretty much left alone most of the time, hardly received any love or affection. Personally, I don't think Corey was ever planned for, if you know what I mean. He enjoys affection and has been almost hugging me like he's afraid he'll lose me."
"And you're suggesting
"He come live with you. I know he'll love it there. And I bet once you see him and his personality, you'll know he's perfect for you and the sex you enjoy with young boys."
"Thanks for pointing that out so vividly. But I already have three boys here."
"I'm sorry John. There wasn't anything meant by that. I enjoyed every minute of sex with you from day one until I left. But you always remember the early days, experiencing new feelings for the first time, giving up your cherry. And I know Corey will have those same memories. As for already having three boys, how many did you have when I arrived?"
"OK, you made your point. So you think Corey is a good candidate to join us here and partake of the lifestyle you experienced yourself?"
"Absolutely. But there are a couple other reasons too. First, sooner or later I have to return to college. He can't come with me. He needs adult supervision. He also hangs around me too much and wants to sit on my lap. He's a smart kid. He rubs his butt and can feel me getting hard. Whether he's sending a message or just teasing me, I don't know. I'm afraid of starting something with him. Whatever it is, I'm back in the United States and I know how dangerous that can be."
"You're being smart about this," as John recalled his own price paid when he was with a much younger Joshua. "Do you think he'll want to come here?"
"Yes, I'm sure. While we're getting new guardianship papers for you and a passport for him, I'll let the two of you get acquainted via email and phone calls. He can learn about your other three boys. That way when he finally arrives, he'll practically feel right at home. And then you can introduce sex to him."
"And your mother agrees with this?"
"She sure does. She hasn't had a chance yet to tell you this due to her illness, but she feels I wouldn't be the man I am today if it wasn't for the time I spent with you. And she knows that sex did nothing harmful to me. She wants Corey to have the same opportunity."
"Wow, I appreciate her confidence in me. So what kind of a time frame are we looking at?"
"We can put an emergency request in and hopefully have everything ready in a week. I thought of flying out to see you and bring Corey, but I don't want to be away from Mom too long while she's recuperating."
John thought for a moment. "I guess I could fly out there and bring him here like I did with you. I think I can leave the boys alone here for a couple of days."
"That's not necessary. I'll make sure he boards the plane and you just pick him up at Majuro. Tell Troy to give him the same exciting ride in his helicopter like he did me when I made my first trip to Paradise Island."
"All right Joshua. But let me talk to my boys first. Remember, we just had a visitor here and today is the first day of life getting back to normal. Now, I'll have to convince them to allow another boy on the island. I'm sure there will be no problem. It won't be a surprise as it was when you arrived. I'll make sure Corey feels at home."
"I was hoping you'd say that. Tell you what, I'll send some recent photos of Corey since his arrival here to your email and I'll share mine from Paradise Island with him. I won't mention anything about sex. I leave that up to you when you pick him up. John, John, are you there?"
"Yes Joshua, I'm here. I'm trying to grasp what just happened. Another boy here with me." John then heard a chuckle over the phone.
"Reminds you of when you got my first email seven years ago up until the day we met."
"I guess so."
"You'll like Corey. I wouldn't ask you this if I thought otherwise."
"I know. Okay, we'll keep in touch and as soon as it's cleared for him to leave the country, we'll discuss travel schedules."
"Great John. Take care and thanks again."
John closed his cell phone and leaned back in his chair. Although he got regular emails from Joshua, it was nice hearing his voice again. He seemed to be adapting well back at home, taking care of his mother and continuing his college pursuit. All the boys had stayed on Paradise Island until they were 19 or 20 years of age. So that put them a year or two behind normally 18-year-old college freshmen. But that seemed to not be a problem. In fact, it was a challenge, as each boy tried to work harder to get closer to where his fellow classmates would be.
Then he thought of the request to add another boy to his family. He smiled thinking it was déjà vu all over, as his life had begun with three boys and a fourth came along to add to the island population. He knew this would be a challenge. Raphael, Carlos and Peter came from parents that were killed, almost right in front of their eyes. Corey had a family, but didn't want him. Would that be an issue of any kind? Also, was the timing bad? Just 24 hours earlier an uneasy situation ended with Miles here on the island. How was he supposed to convince the boys to once again accept a boy from out of the blue?
Then he shifted his focus as he thought about Aukai and the Kalaukans. The new boys were now aware of these people but not about their lifestyle. He had brought the original boys to Kalauka Island shortly after their arrival in conjunction with Aukai's 'Right Of Manhood' test. He recalled how much he missed going over there himself, especially after the last boy left Paradise Island. To be honest, as the boys grew older, it had been fun having sex with the younger boys there. Every boy who had passed their test wanted John to have the pleasure of their tight anal opening. But for several months he justified his not visiting due to being faithful to the boys who had left, an idea Troy quickly squashed when encouraging him to check the local orphanage.
John went inside and logged on to his email. Sure enough there were three attachments waiting to be downloaded. Two were close-up facial shots of Corey; the third was of the boy standing next to Joshua. As each picture flashed on the monitor two thoughts crossed the main's mind: the boy was indeed a fine-looking 11-year-old, just as Joshua said. Of course the wheels in his dirty old mind started turning as he wondered what lie underneath the clothing the boy was wearing in the photographs. But a second thought also caused the man to crinkle his eyebrows. The boy looked familiar. John knew he never met Corey before, yet something told him he had seen that face at one time. John shrugged it off. Maybe it was another boy at the orphanage he had spotted that had the same resemblance. By coincidence his cell phone range again.
"Sister Maria, how are you?"
"I hope I'm not calling at a bad time."
"Of course not Sister, it's great to hear from you," as John chuckled within himself wondering what the good sister's reaction would be if she knew she was talking to a naked man and that the three adopted boys were also running in the nude outside? "Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Just checking. How has the past several weeks been? Has the bond you sought with these boys come to past?"
"It certainly has. We found so much in common and we share that every day," as John again tried to keep a straight face as he was referring to the sex all four of them enjoyed.
"That's wonderful news. Sadly, in many situations, what looks like a good match doesn't turn out that way and the children are brought back here. It's terrible for them as they thought they had a new family, only to find themselves hoping once again for one."
"Well, you have no need of that concern here. We're all doing
"John! John! Come on out to the beach with us," a naked Raphael shouted as he came inside the living room. John quickly raised his hand to hush the boy, getting a questioning look from the 11-year-old until he heard the man's next statement on the cell phone.
"Was that little?"
"Yes it was
3; Sister Maria," giving Raphael a look to keep quiet.
"Sounds like he wants you to accompany him, so I won't take anymore of your time. I'm glad everyone is happy. I'm sure Judge Samuel will also be glad to hear that too. And all the other children here still remember your kindness when you bought all of us lunch."
"Thank you Sister. Please call anytime you want," as the conversation ended. Then John heard a noise as Raphael burst out laughing. The noise caused Carlos and Peter to come inside from the porch to see what was so funny.
"What's going on?" Carlos asked. "What are you laughing about?"
"John just had a naked conversation with Sister Maria!"
The man blushed a little as the other two boys joined in the laughter. "She caught me off guard. I didn't know she was going to call," as he too chuckled at the thought.
"What would Sister Maria do if she knew we were all naked and having sex every day?" Peter snickered.
"Well, she will never know, right guys?" as the laughter subsided and everyone became serious. "This is our own very special world. All of us love it and want it to continue. Yes it was funny all of us standing here in the nude with the good sister on the phone. But that's as close as she will ever get to knowing our secret." Getting nods of understanding from the three, John then asked Raphael what he wanted when he came barging in.
"We didn't see you on the porch, so I came to get you so we could take a walk together along the beach."
That sounded like a good idea. While they were walking, John could reflect on Joshua's call and the request to take in another boy and how to present this to the three currently here. He also knew that Troy was looking forward to joining the boys in their sexual fun and he needed to address that issue too.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes sir. We can leave immediately. Are you sure these are the correct coordinates you wish to travel to?"
"They are correct. It's near enough to where I want to be."
"Near enough to what? The closest island will be two miles away. It's privately owned." Then the charter boat owner remembered all the expensive telescopic and photographic equipment that had been stored on board earlier. "Are you going to spy on this island? I'm sorry sir. I will refund your money, but I will not intrude on another man's privacy."
The man brought his face to within inches of the skipper. Taking a wallet out of his coat pocket, he opened it showing a badge and ID card. "I am a police officer from the United States. The man who owns that island has broken many laws. He is sexually molesting boys he brings there. But because his island is under no jurisdiction but his own, he has gotten away with it. I'm here to get proof and have warrants for his arrest issued worldwide. Now if you try to interfere, I will have you arrested for obstructing justice. Any questions?" as the boat captain trembled.
"That is a different matter," the skipper answered trying to compose himself. "If this is a criminal investigation, you have my cooperation," as the man cast off the mooring line and slowly eased the craft from the dock. He keyed in the GPS coordinates for their destination and throttled up the engines for the journey. The charter captain had known of the island for many years. His friend Troy had spoken well of the man who lived there. He had never heard anything derogatory of the owner and whoever else may be residing with him. Yet apparently he was breaking some laws. He found what the police officer claimed too wild to believe. Troy had told him that the owner of Paradise Island had raised four boys and when they grew up he sent them to colleges in America. He was now doing the same thing with three new boys. The man couldn't be the monster the officer was trying to portray him as. Whatever the reason, his job was to just transport the officer, not to speculate. The man was paying well and that was all that mattered.
"Corey, can you come here for a minute?" Joshua called from the den. Shortly after he had concluded his conversation with John, Joshua had repeated to his mother what was exchanged and John's willingness to take in the 11-year-old.
"Are you sure? You didn't pressure him or anything?"
"Mom, you knew me better than that. And you know John too. He's going to talk with the three boys there about having a new boy while I talk to Corey about living with John."
Laura slowly shook her head. "This is so different. You knew John when you were nine years old. You shared a lot together and that was the foundation for the two of you to get back together and have the life you had. Corey knows nothing of your past; living with John and especially the special intimacy you shared. Bringing this all up at once may be too much. And even more important we must depend on Corey keeping everything you tell him a secret. After just one week here, do you trust him that implicitly?"
"I think I can trust him. But I'll be very careful what I say and how I present it to him. I just have to convince him to want to go to Paradise Island. John will introduce him to the sexual lifestyle there."
"Be very careful son. This could backfire terribly and get you and I into a lot of trouble."
As Joshua called out the boy's name once more, he tried to think how best to present this proposal. A moment later the boy bounced into the room. "Yes, Uncle Joshua?"
"Corey, sit down for a minute. I need to talk to you about something very important." The boy immediately headed toward Joshua planning on sitting on his lap. "No Corey, on that chair. You're a little too old to sit on a man's lap." The boy's demeanor changed and he plopped himself down on the appointed chair with a not-too-happy look.
"Like I said, I need to talk to you. You've been here a week. You haven't been registered for school. You can't stay here at home all the time."
"You want to send me to school?"
"Yes, I do, but a different kind of school," getting a puzzled look from the boy.
"Corey, we haven't had a chance to really talk. I've been careful on what to say to you because of your parents' divorce and you ending up here when you should be living with either your mother or father or both. I know this has been rough on you."
It seemed like the boy's blue eyes darkened. "They never wanted me. I heard them say that. So the divorce was the easiest way of dumping me."
"I'm sorry Corey. My uncle and his wife were not good parents. You have every right to be upset after the way your life has been."
Corey's face seem to change, as though in deep thought. "When I was alone in my room I pretended a lot. I dreamed I lived in another world where no one was yelling and screaming at each other or at me and where there were grown-ups that really loved me." Then the boy's eyes focused on Joshua. "You love me, don't you Uncle Joshua?"
"Of course I do. And I think I can help you. How would you like to live in a real world like the one you've been dreaming about?"
The boy gave Joshua a long look. "A real world?"
"Yes. As you know I'm going to school, college. I've been here for the past couple of months because your Aunt Laura has been sick. But I have to go back soon. I won't leave until your Aunt is feeling much better, but she will never be strong enough to take care of you while I'm away."
There was fear in the boy's eyes as some horrible implication flashed through his head. "You're sending me to an orphanage?"
"No Corey, I would never send you there. I want to send you where I lived when I was a young boy."
"You didn't live here with Aunt Laura?"
"I lived with her until I was 13-years-old. Then I went to live with a man I had met when I was nine. I lived with him and three other boys for seven years." The 11-year-old had a confused look on his face. Joshua tried to think of how to simplify what he was about to reveal without exposing too many secrets.
"Where did you live?" the boy's curiosity was surfacing.
"I lived with a man named John. He owns his own island in the Pacific Ocean called Paradise Island. John, myself and the other boys named Matt, Mike and Chris were like family. On the island we could do whatever we wanted. Except for chores we had to do and going to school through the Internet, the rest of the time was for us to have fun. We did special things we could never do anywhere else. It was the best time I ever had in my life."
"A real island?"
"A real island, with trees and hills, sand and the ocean all around. The sky is so blue and clean. We never got bored. It was like a fantasy world for us."
"You mean it's like Pirates of the Caribbean," Corey's eyes lit up getting excited at what his uncle was describing.
"Well maybe not that adventurous, but still a lot of fun to live on. And, he already has three new boys living there. You would be the fourth."
"Three other boys?"
"Yes, John recently adopted them. Unlike you that lost your parents through divorce, these boys' parents are all dead. They lived in an orphanage until John decided to adopt them."
Although all what had been said to him sounded like the type of life any young boy would want to live, Corey was hesitant to make any commitment. His life had just been through a traumatic change. Adults, his own parents, had betrayed him. He was happy with Joshua and Laura. He was trying to believe his dream world was possibly here. Now he was being asked to leave them and move to an island thousands of miles away to live with a man he never met and three strange boys. Joshua could sense the unease. "Of course you need time to think about it. But let me help you," as the man turned his chair to face a computer monitor. Turning the machine on, he carefully went through some folders that included copies of photos taken over the years spent at Paradise Island. Motioning the boy over, the lad quickly sat between Joshua's legs, wiggly his butt. Joshua tried to concentrate on the screen.
"OK. Here are some pictures of the island," as he brought up each photo which was just of the island itself. The boy stared with interest.
"This is the island I would go to live?"
"Yes, it is. Now, let's stop and have something to eat. We can talk more later if you want." The boy jumped off the lap and quickly exited the room without saying a word. Joshua took some deep breaths to get his erection under control. He was sure the boy knew what he was doing and could feel the results. Was he sending a sexual message? Joshua figured that if the boy were more knowledgeable about such things, he would soon apply that as he discovered what sex was really like on Paradise Island.
As Corey ran to his bedroom, he closed the door. His uncle wasn't getting the message he was trying to convey every time he sat on the man's lap. He could feel the larger cock get hard, but Joshua acted like he hadn't felt a thing as Corey tried hard to show he wanted to share something special. Before his parents' divorce, they had gotten him a computer, hooked up the Internet and never set any parental controls. His mother had wondered if that was a good idea for an 11-year-old boy to surf in a web world dominated by so much pornography. The father's reply was, "He's old enough to start learning about sex. I can't see a better classroom than the Internet."
And what a classroom it was! There were tons of web sites featuring legal age men and women, gay and straight, into every conceivable sexual pose imaginable. It was then that he associated what he saw with his young 3" [7 cm] cock getting hard and how good it felt when he played with it. He viewed videos of men masturbating and ending with a strong stream of semen shooting as the end result. He tried rubbing his hand along his shaft. He got some good feelings, but never had anything liquid shoot out. He couldn't understand why nothing happened and knew he couldn't ask his father or anyone else about it.
Then one day a whole new world opened up to him. He came across a couple of web sites featuring stories about men and boys having sex. Most involved a man and a boy meeting, getting acquainted, finding they liked each other and taking it to the next level of having sex together. Men would suck little boy cocks. (That's when he found out that sperm doesn't start to produce until you're older). Boys would suck a man's cock and even drank of the liquid prize produced by a boy's soft lips and tongue. It sounded gross, but Corey wondered if he could swallow such a potion.
Although the 11-year-old had seen pictures and videos of men having anal sex, he never thought of a man wanting to do that to a boy until he read some of the stories. A couple of times he reached around and pressed a finger against his opening, only to find it closed tight. No way he told himself could a man's cock get inside him. It would tear him apart. Yet at least, in a storybook situation, a man's cock could get inside a very tight hole. There was that initial discomfort, maybe a little pain, but soon the boy would be begging for the man to go deeper, go harder, wanting to feel his insides stretched and finally filled when the flood of jizz erupted and coated his anal walls.
During the weeks of the divorce proceedings, Corey's mind was occupied with what his future would be. He knew he would be living with neither his mother nor father, but instead with his Aunt Laura. That's when he discovered he had a sort of uncle. When he first met Joshua, the man reminded the 11-year-old of the young men in some of the stories who had sexual relationships with boys. So how could he send a message that he wanted to do something sexually with his uncle? He figured if he could rub his butt along the man's cock and gets it hard that would send the message that he wanted to play. But it was having the opposite effect. Joshua acted like he hadn't or didn't want to understand despite the obvious hardness Cory's rubbing was doing to him.
The boy thought of confiding in his Uncle. He read among the stories of boys' secret desires to have sex with men and over time was able to convey that to a man, only to find out the man had the same desires for him. But he had known Joshua for just a week. What if he tried to say something and his uncle got upset? Would he then send him to some orphanage or foster home? It was too big a risk.
Now Joshua had proposed sending him to live on an island with a man and three boys that were his age. What was life like there? Although he though living on a private island would be fun in the usual sense, what about his sexual desires? Would he always have to play with himself in private since no one else was involved in anything sexual? Did John restrict access on the Internet? Whatever the answers he really didn't have much of a choice. Joshua was going back to school and his Aunt couldn't take care of him. Maybe living on an island would be fun. Even if sex isn't done or mentioned, at least he'd grow up with boys his own age. And the pictures did show it to be a beautiful place. Then he heard Aunt Laura's voice calling him to lunch. He decided he would tell her and Joshua that he looked forward to going to Paradise Island.
While John and the boys took a leisurely stroll along the shore of the island, it gave the man time to reflect on the physical beauty that surrounded him. He didn't think there was a place on earth that could match Paradise Island. Despite past events that threatened it's residents; the island never lost its charm, had maintained its beauty and always made the man yearn to get home as quickly as possible when away. Of course, having hot-looking naked boys made the island more attractive. A palm tree had more meaning when a nude boy was leaning against it. The spread-open legs, cock and balls visible, while climbing a rock, made even the most common looking boulder seem like part of a sexual scenery.
John looked at the three boys as they approached the house and once again the tingling in his cock triggered the daily need to spend time in bed with one of them. He decided to play a little game. At the top of the steps leading to the porch, he turned and looked at Raphael. "You know it was very impolite to interrupt me when I'm in a cell phone conversation, whether it be Sister Maria or anyone else?"
At first the 11-year-old was thrown off by the tone of the man's voice. But a quick look between the man's legs showed an ever-hardening tool. Realizing this was part of a sexual game that was about to begin, he lowered his head and replied. "Yes, John. I'm sorry. I was a bad boy."
Trying to keep a straight face, John asked, "So what punishment should this bad boy receive so that he won't make that same mistake again?"
The boy raised his head and smiled. "I should get my cock sucked as hard as you can to me until I can't stand it anymore and beg you to stop."
The man was quiet for a moment, before answering, a large grin on his face. "That seems like a suitable punishment. Now go to my shower and get cleaned up and ready for me on the bed. I will be there soon," as Raphael quickly ran into the house and headed toward the master bedroom. John motioned for the other two boys to stand in front of him. The two giggling pre-teens stood as ordered, their little peckers rigid with excitement. Reaching down, he used each hand to stroke the stiff shaft, fondling the small ball sacks and getting soft groans from each.
"Now you two are to go inside, shower, head to your bedroom and give each other the best blowjobs you can. Later, I might want to fuck you, so be ready."
"Are you going to fuck Raphael now?" Peter asked with a grin.
"None of your business," giving the blond-headed boy's balls a little squeeze getting an even larger moan of pleasure from the soft lips. "Just be ready if I call you," as he released his hold on each boy's genitals and they quickly ran inside. Yes, this was what life was meant to be as he entered the house followed by the dog. No man should travel the road of life without at least once experiencing the pleasures of boy flesh and its erotic results. And no such journey is complete without having his manhood encased in the tightest warmest cocoon a young boy's ass can provide.
It wasn't long before the body of young Raphael was reacting to the mouth of John wrapped around his cock. The man's tongue licked up and down the short staff, bringing moans of pleasure. When the boy's mushroom head was sucked on, John thought the boy was going epileptic as his body started to twist so. If the man stopped working on his cock and paid attention to the precious boy jewels below, Raphael would admonish him. "No John, just suck me, suck me hard. I want to cum so bad." What boylover wouldn't want to hear such beautiful words?
After several weeks of getting to know the three boys' sexual thresholds and limits, John could work his mouth a little differently on each one. Peter, surprisingly the newest in regards to any sexual experience whatsoever, seemed to hold on the longest. John could sense the boy's intense desire not to go over the edge no matter how hard John tried to push. But when it happened, the man knew that the 11-year-old was going through the throes of an orgasm that would take nearly a full minute before he started coming down from that high. It amazed John as never even with the previous boys did an orgasm last that long.
As the man replaced Raphael's cock in his mouth, he knew the boy was reaching the point of no return. To enhance his soon orgasmic ride, he licked a finger of his and slowly pushed it entirely into the boy's ass. It was like an electric shock. The boy's moaning grew louder; his body thrashed a little more as his ass felt the digital invader. Just before hurdling over the waterfall, Raphael shouted, "Oh God John that feels good. Push your finger in deeper. I can't take it any more. I'm going to cum," as the man released the boy's rigid member and watch with pride as the boy's body jerked and twisted in a sort of orgasmic spastic dance.
As the boy slowly started to settle down, John ran his hand over the soft chest and stomach of the lad, avoiding the now very sensitive cock. Raphael's eyes, which had been closed most of the time, opened. He looked at his adult friend and lover. With a cheeky grin he told the man, "If the punishment fits the crime, am I ever going to be so bad!"
"Well, it isn't over yet," as John reached to the nearby nightstand and grabbed the jar of lube. Taking a pillow and placing it until his hips to elevate his ass, Raphael waited for the second part of his 'punishment' as he felt his anal ring strain to open up and once again allow the now familiar visitor access to the deepest reaches of the boy's ass.
It was several days later when Chin Lee, Jarot and two guards arrived at their destination. The cemetery was located in a small village several hundred miles from the opulent palace in which Lee was now ruler and master. The four had to travel by automobile through winding roads paved mostly for carts and donkeys. People stared wide-eyed at the rare site of a motorized vehicle approaching the relatively secluded spot. At the local cemetery, the caretaker bowed low in respect to the man who had traveled from the big city to this humble village. Very few visitors ever came here. When asked about a certain gravesite, the caretaker took down some old scrolls and unfolded them as they listed the location of each burial plot and the body occupying it.
"Ah yes, here it is. Most unusual name; doesn't seem to have had any family connections here. All I have here is the date of death, March 17, 1838. You wish to pay your respects? Are you related somehow?"
"No, I wish to dig the grave up. We'll need a couple of shovels," Lee responded.
"Dig it up? Oh no sir, you can't do that. This is a sacred resting place for those who came before us. Once laid here, they are never disturbed."
Jarot took a menacing step toward the caretaker who took a step back in fear. Lee stretched his arm out stopping the burly guard. "There's no need Jarot. I'm sure we can reach an understanding." Looking at the custodian of the cemetery, Lee spoke to him in a soft voice. "There is some doubt as to who is buried there. We just wish to settle the matter. Once we do, we'll rebury the coffin and leave everything like it was. I'm sure that is not desecrating anything, is it?" as the Oriental handed the caretaker some large bills. "Now if you please, get us two shovels and show us where the plot is."
Thirty minutes later five men stood at the burial location that was mostly covered in weeds. Obviously one of the duties of the current caretaker wasn't landscaping thought Lee. Looking at the man, the Oriental made his final comments. "You can leave us. Do not spy. Once we have concluded what we're here to find out, we'll rebury the coffin, leave the shovels here and depart. You will never see us again." The caretaker nodded his head, turned and quickly left the area.
"All right Jarot, have your men start digging."
"Are you sure this is the right grave. I don't recognize the name."
Chin Lee smiled. "It wasn't meant to be recognized, except by the person who was supposed to come here. Now start digging." Jarot motioned to the two men as shovels began to hit the dirt and the soil was being removed from whatever was buried underneath. Lee smiled. No wonder Yang had hidden the envelope. Superstitious old fool that he was, he wasn't about to get involved. But if the writings on the pages of that envelope were correct, his next visit would be to a small privately owned island. He again stared at the tombstone. Like the caretaker had said, only the date of death was engraved. But it was the unusual name that only someone like Lee would know who was buried here. The engraved name was Nis Mal, spelled backward, Lam Sin.
Chapter Fifteen Here and There
The boat rocked slowly in the water. The ocean was relatively quiet, punctuated by the occasional sound of birds flying overhead. The skipper of the charter boat sat quietly on a chair observing the man as he kept peering into a telescope aimed at the island two miles away. Also on a tripod was an expensive Nikkei camera ready to start photographing anything the law enforcement officer felt should be recorded. Yesterday had been a total waste as the man just saw a helicopter take off with three adult men and a boy. A fourth man and three other boys returned to the house perched on the slopping sandy shore. As it was late afternoon, nothing else occurred of interest.
Today was the second and final day of the contract to charter the boat. At first light tomorrow, the skipper would return to Majuro and drop off this crazy American. He was paid more than enough for these two days, and the captain believed in obeying laws. But he felt this man had some obsession that went far and beyond just law enforcement. He was determined to find some visible proof that would stand up in court that the owner of the island was keeping boys only for the purpose of sexually abusing them. Occasionally the skipper would hear the man grumble under his breath saying such things as, "Come on, I know there's something going on. Let's see it," with plenty of "Damn it" in between.
Finally the man yelled, "Ah Ha!" as he reached out to the camera and started taking photos. Turning to the boat skipper, Captain Joe Longner produced a smile that spoke as though he had finally accomplished this long-awaited goal. "You told me you never heard anything bad about this man John. He was such an honorable person helping others in need, especially young boys. Well look through this telescope and tell me what you think of this man now?"
The skipper, puzzled and curious, moved toward the telescope and observed what the Barstow officer had seen and was currently photographing. After a couple of minutes, he turned and faced the Captain. "Sir, you need to place me under arrest." Then he burst into laughter.
Longer gave the skipper a hard stare. "What's so funny?"
"The boys are just running along the shore, apparently with a pet dog."
"But they are naked! They're wearing no clothes!"
Trying to keep a straight face, the skipper continued, "I take my boys to the beach not far from Majuro and they run naked along with other children. It's common and nothing obscene is made out of that. Those boys on that island are no more being molested than all the other boys and girls who run along the beaches back home without a stitch of clothing on. You have wasted your time trying to find proof of such misbehavior. I suggest we terminate this and head back to Majuro."
"No!" Longner stated emphatically turning back to his telescope. "I paid for two days and I'm getting my money's worth."
"As you wish."
Then the excited voice of the police captain yelled out again. "Maybe on Majuro children run around naked with other children, but do any of you adults run naked with them?" getting a confused look from the skipper. "Take a look." The man proceeded to peer into the telescope aimed at the western side of Paradise Island. A naked man, presumably the island owner John, had just joined the three naked boys. Although nothing sinister could be seen by such an act, the police captain read something else into it that could cause problems for those living on that island.
Turning back toward the officer, the boat captain speculated. "I know it looks unusual, but that is a private island. The man walking naked with the boys doesn't prove anything. They are just taking a walk."
"That's what we see now. But what about when a naked man and three naked boys go inside the house? How do we know he isn't sexually abusing those boys?"
"We don't sir. And it would be wrong to prematurely assume such. Isn't everyone innocent until proven guilty?" getting a snort from the officer in response.
Captain Longner continued to observe the foursome as they walked along the shore and then out of sight as they rounded the corner of the island. He decided to wait until they came back into view before taking more photographs. He loaded fresh film into the camera. He was about to peer into the telescope. But at that moment his back arched as he felt a sharp object jabbing him.
"Don't they teach you at the police academy not to jump to conclusions Captain?"
After the sexual playtime concluded between John and Raphael, the man called the other two boys into the living room. Peter and Carlos gave Raphael a grin, as they knew what had just happened and were hoping their turn would come next. John felt the sooner he brought up the issue of Corey, the quicker an agreement could be made whether to invite the boy over or not.
"This morning before I got that phone call from Sister Maria, I received one from Joshua. He asked me a favor that I felt had to be discussed among us as a family."
"Is Joshua OK?" Carlos asked.
"He's doing fine. As I told you before, he was the last one to leave here about eight months ago to be with his mother who hadn't been feeling well. I enrolled him in a nearby college where he's trying to start his freshmen year. Unfortunately, he hasn't been able to attend classes as often as he needs and he is falling behind in his very first semester. The good news is that his mother has been feeling better and soon Joshua can attend some extra classes to make up and be back on schedule. Now none of this is really anything important as concerning all of us. But I wanted you to know as you've always been, and still are, interested in the boys who lived here before." The three boys nodded their heads and waited for John to continue.
"Joshua has an uncle, his mother's brother. He's married and has an 11-year-old son named Corey. Sadly, the parents never got along and recently filed for divorce. You know what divorce is, don't you?"
"Husband and wife not married anymore?" Raphael answered.
"The Sisters said that was a sin," added Carlos.
"You're right Raphael that a divorce means the husband and wife no longer wish to be married. And in some religions Carlos, that is considered a sin. Marriage is supposed to be something for life. Regardless, Joshua's uncle and his wife did get a divorce. But in a divorce, someone innocent gets hurt."
It was Peter who raised his hand. "Corey could only live with either his mother or father."
"That's what usually happens. In this case neither Corey's mother nor father wanted him to live with them. In other words, his parents didn't want him."
The three boys were shocked at such an act. Each would have done anything to have their parents back. Yet here was a boy that wasn't wanted or loved by either. "So what happened to Corey?" Peter put forth the question.
"Well, legally Joshua's mother would be the nearest next of kin. But she's been too ill to really take care of a young boy. So the next nearest relative to Corey is Joshua. At the moment Corey is living with him and his mother."
John could tell the wheels were turning in the boys' heads. Were they reaching the same conclusion? Carlos was the first to start pinpointing where all this discussion was heading. "But Joshua's going back to school soon, right? And his mother can't take care of him on her own." John just nodded his head.
"Are they going to put him in an orphanage?" from Raphael.
It was Peter who logically figured where all this was going as he laid it out. "Joshua isn't going to let Corey end up in an orphanage," pausing for a moment. "Joshua grew up here on Paradise Island. So he wants Corey to come here and live with you?" getting startled looks from Raphael and Carlos.
All John did was nod his head as he reached toward his desk and grabbed the pictures Joshua had sent of the boy and passed it to the others. "That is Corey, and as I mentioned earlier he's 11-years-old. His parents may be alive, but to him they are just as dead as yours are. To me that is even worse to have parents that don't want you."
Raphael asked the million-dollar question. "You told Joshua that Corey could come and live here?"
"No I didn't Raphael. I told him all of us would discuss it and decide. Bringing in a new boy is a big change. I told Joshua that the timing was somewhat bad because we just went through a similar situation with another boy, Miles."
"I tried to like Miles," Peter began, "but he was different always talking about things that happened 200 years ago. It was sort of creepy."
"I can understand that," John agreed. "After all, that's where he came from, so his whole experience is from that time."
"Mike said the same thing," Carlos put in, "and that he had lots of sex experience. But all Miles talked about was being a peg boy."
"I wanted to do stuff with him," the third member Raphael added, "but I didn't know what he wanted to do. I didn't want to sit on a peg."
John spoke next. "It was a very awkward situation. First, it was trying to convince you that a 200-year-old boy magically appeared here on Paradise Island. Then despite the closeness to you in age, him being twelve, it was difficult finding common ground to build a friendship on, despite his claim of knowing about sex. All of us, including Miles, knew we had a problem. That's why I decided to send him back to England with a relative that can help him catch up on 200 years and hopefully become a normal boy."
"And Joshua wants Corey to live here?" Peter asked again.
"Of course! So Corey can have the same kind of life he did when he lived here," Carlos answered for his friend. "Right John?"
"You're right Carlos. Joshua has seven wonderful years of memories from living here. Mike shared with you how much he loved growing up on this island. So at the moment Joshua has a boy with no parents and no one who can take care of him. He remembers what it was like living here and wants Corey to experience the same."
"So you want to bring him here to live with us?" from Raphael.
"Only if all of you agree. I told you this was a family discussion. Your feelings about this are very important to me."
The three boys were silent for a while as they again looked at the photos of the boy everyone was considering adding to the current family. Peter then asked, "If we agree, when would he get here?"
"At least not for a week, maybe more. Joshua has to get documents ready so that Corey can leave the country as well as guardianship papers placing me in charge of him."
"Something like our adoption?"
"No Raphael, adoption means you belong to me forever. Guardianship means I'm taking care of Corey until he has to go back home."
Then the next question came up that John was wondering when it would be asked and how he was going to answer it. It came from Carlos. "Does Corey do sex stuff with Joshua?"
"No he doesn't. Joshua has no idea what Corey knows about sex. Plus Joshua is being very careful about that not knowing how Corey would react if he tried anything with him."
"If you bring Corey here and he's never done any sex before, how will he fit in?" came from Peter.
"Remember your own struggles deciding whether to live a sexual lifestyle with us or not? It took the three of us trying to convince you that sex was a wonderful, beautiful feeling that all boys should experience. Have you ever regretted your decision to stay here and live naked most of the time and having sex whenever you want?" getting a shake of the head and a wide grin from the boy in return.
"So the four of us will have to gradually convince Corey the same way. I'm sure he's no different than any of you deep inside. He's probably heard and maybe even read a lot about sex and often wondered what it would be like to experience it. All of us will have to show him. I'm 100% certain that once he's tried it, he'll be another horny little boy I'll have to enjoy and as well as you three as a new friend."
"What if he won't do it?" Carlos put forth.
"I hope that doesn't happen. But just like I had to make a difficult decision about Miles, so will I with Corey. He'll probably get sent back home and Joshua will have to decide what to do with him. Now I want you to think about this, talk among yourselves, ask me any question you have and in a couple of days we'll make a final decision that I'll pass on to Joshua. Now it's getting late. So let's shower and get ready for bed. Let's see, Carlos, do you want to share my bed tonight?" getting an eager affirmation from the 12-year-old knowing that a wonderful blowjob awaited him as well as another liquid deposit into his tight little ass.
The shovel hit a solid object. "Stop!" Chin Lee said to the men who had been digging up the grave with the mysterious name of Nis Mal on the tombstone. "Take it carefully now. Jarot, have the men slide the rope underneath so it can be brought up."
When the rope was in position, the men got out of the grave and began to slowly raise the old coffin from whence it had rested for nearly 200 years. Lee kept telling the men to be careful. The coffin appeared to be in relatively good shape. The wood looked of better quality, able to sustain its contents and not rot over time as many cheaper wooden coffins do. In a few minutes the large box was sitting on the ground. The two men who had dug it up backed away several feet. Whether superstitious or afraid, was unknown. It was apparent they didn't enjoy the job they had been brought here for.
"All right Jarot, let's open it up."
The guard took several looks at the coffin and back at Chin Lee. The Oriental master got exasperated. Before him stood the man with countless victims' blood on his hands, especially of those young boys when Lam Sin grew tired of them. Yet he hesitated to open a coffin with a dead body inside.
"Get back you coward. I'll open it myself." Taking a shovel, Lee slid the edge at one point and started pressing down on the handle as the first screech of a nail being pulled was heard. Several times at different points of the coffin, Lee raised more and more of the lid until finally enough was loosened so that it could be lifted off easily. "Give me a hand Jarot," as the burly guard assisted in raising the lid, exposing the body that was laid within.
When the sunlight gave a clear view of the body, Jarot screamed and backed away. "No, it can't be! Master, what have they done to you?"
"Uncle Joshua?"
"Yes, Corey."
"I've been thinking about what you told me about living on Paradise Island. Can I ask one question?"
"You sure can."
"If I don't like it, can I come back home?"
Joshua gave the question some thought. He leaned back on his chair and then looked directly at the 11-year-old. "Yes, you can, but on one condition. You have to try it for one month, 30 days. If after that, you find you don't feel comfortable there with John and the three boys living with him, I'll make arrangements to fly you back here. But you have to remember I'll be away at school and that Aunt Laura is not well. So your return and she taking care of you will be extra hard on her. So you must think carefully before making such a decision. I think you'll like living there. Now yesterday I showed you pictures of the island. Now let's look at those who are living there now," as Joshua got up and retrieved a photo album with nothing but non-nude pictures.
As Corey looked at the photos of those currently living on the island, he wondered if they would like him. He stared a long time at pictures of John, always with a smile, usually with an arm around one or all of the boys. And the boys in return seemed to return the gesture. "They all look so happy."
"They usually are. Oh, there are some bad days too. But the strong bond and connection those four have makes it easy to overcome any problem. One day I'll tell you the story of how an evil man tried to kidnap us boys and how John and others saved us."
"Someone tried to kidnap you? Who? What happened?"
"I'll tell you what. Instead of me sharing that story with you, I'll let John tell you when you get to Paradise Island." Pausing for a moment as he looked into the face of his little cousin, Joshua then continued, "Getting back to what I was trying to tell you, living on an island by yourself you can do things you wouldn't be able to do anywhere else," getting a puzzled look from the boy. "There are no secrets, Corey. When Mike, Chris, Matt and I lived with John, we did special things we could have gotten into trouble doing it anywhere else."
The boy thought on what his uncle had just told him. What were the 'things' they could do that they couldn't do anywhere else? Joshua took a deep breath and decided to take a huge risk. "Corey, what I'm about to tell you is a big secret. Can you keep a secret?" getting an affirmative nod of the head. "You have a habit of wiggling your butt every time you sit on my lap." The boy got scared and was ready to leave the room. The man grabbed the boy's arm. "Whoa! I'm not saying this because I'm upset. What I'm trying to say is that if you do that with John, he'll know what you mean and take it from there."
Corey was stunned. Was his uncle trying to say that John messed around with the boys on the island? Was sex the 'thing' Joshua was trying to say? The man continued. "Life is different on Paradise Island. John and the boys do a lot of special things together."
The 11-year-old thought carefully before asking his next question. "Did you and John do special things together?"
"Yes we did. Those were the most fun part of our lives. Now you may or may not know exactly what I mean. What I'm saying is that I believe you were trying to tell me something and sadly, for personal reasons, I couldn't answer you. But on Paradise Island, there is no embarrassment. Everyone is the same and enjoys the same things. That's what made life so wonderful for the seven years we were all together. Now remember, what I just told you stays between us. If you have any questions, ask me when you and I are alone. Is that understood?"
The boy's head whirled with thoughts of what might be going on with John and the boys. He wanted to go to his bedroom and think about it. Grabbing the pictures of John and the current boys living with him and giving the man a hug, Corey simply told him, "Thanks Uncle Joshua."
The man slowly turned around to face whoever had prodded him with a sharp object. His eyes widened as he saw that four natives had boarded the small craft. Three held spears pointed at him and simply wore some type of sarong. Their facial features convinced the police officer that they would pierce him in a second. The fourth, who looked quite young, wore a more decorative cloth and a headdress supposedly symbolizing his authority. "Who are you?"
"Let's say we don't like foreigners spying on our friends," the voice of Aukai spoke.
"That man is your friend?"
"Yes, he is. And what right have you to spy on him?"
"I am a law enforcement officer from the United States. It is of my opinion that the man who owns that island has been sexually abusing the boys living with him now as well as several boys who lived there before. I am gathering evidence to have him arrested."
Giving a signal to the warrior guards, Aukai watched as one Kalaukan prodded the officer away from his spot on the bow and kept him several feet away from where he had been observing the activities on Paradise Island. The man started to say something, but the menacing spear changed his mind. He did start yelling when the other two warriors approached the cameras and other equipment and began tossing everything overboard.
"No! No! What are you doing? Stop! Stop!" Turning to the charter boat skipper, Captain Longner screamed at him, "Do something! I put you in charge of that equipment."
"What do you want me to do against three spears?"
With a final splash, a thousand dollars worth of photographic and telescopic equipment sank to the bottom of the ocean. The police officer began to slump down to a sitting position, hands covering his face. Aukai turned to the skipper of the boat.
"Troy gave us your message. He and I appreciate you looking out for John. Take this man back to shore and make sure he gets on a place away from here."
"Are you going to say anything about this to John?"
"There's no need to. But if he ever found out, I'm sure he would feel very appreciative of your involvement."
Within ten minutes the four Kalaukans were in their canoe paddling away from the craft. The skipper fired up the engines and charted a heading back to Majuro. The police captain never spoke a word.
Thirty days later Captain Joe Longner was fired from the Barstow Police Department.
"Master, what have they done to you?" repeated Jarot. Turning to Chin Lee, Jarot took a menacing step toward the man. "What is this? Why is Master Sin in a coffin? Did you kill him and bury him here like you murdered Master Yang?" as the two accompanying guards stared at Jarot and then at Lee.
"Back off Jarot," as Lee reached into his waistband and withdrew a revolver. "Don't make accusations you can't prove. And remember your place. I AM your Master." The guard looked at the weapon and took a step back.
"First, how did you know this skeleton is of your former master Jarot?"
The burly guard turned and looked into the coffin. "The ring. Only Master Sin wore that ring. It was never off his finger."
Lee stepped forward and verified what Jarot had said. "Yes, that is Master Sin. And that is his ring."
"I don't understand. Why is he buried here?"
"Before I answer that, I want to retrieve that satchel you see him holding. That's why I came here. Master Sin directed me, or rather Yang, to come here and get it. Get me that satchel, rebury the coffin and on the way back to the palace I will tell you a fantastic story."
Giving Chin Lee a long look, Jarot did as he was instructed. He carefully lifted the skeletal fingers and grabbed the item and handed it to the Oriental. A few moments later the newest master of the empire was closely clutching the weathered pouch and the many secrets it would reveal. Shortly thereafter, allowing Jarot and the accompanying guards to say some prayers over the remains, the coffin was closed, lowered back into the ground and reburied. When the gravesite looked as close to how it was when they first arrived, the four men returned to their vehicle and began the long drive home. In the back seat sat Lee and Jarot, Lee still holding tightly to what brought him to the out-of-the-way cemetery.
In the vehicle, Lee pressed a button that rolled up a window separating the back seat from the front where the two guards were sitting. "All right Jarot. As promised, I will explain everything to you. But you must give your word none of what you are about to hear will ever be repeated." Jarot nodded his head. "All right. Do you remember assigning twenty men to accompany Master Sin seven years ago so that he could travel to an island owned by an American to pick up some young boys he had purchased?"
Corey rushed back to his bedroom, quickly closed and locked the door and jumped on to his bed. His breathing was fast, excited. He didn't want his uncle to see his reaction to what had just been shared. He needed time to think over the ramifications of what this private revelation meant.
Things, things? What was his uncle trying to tell him? Was John and the boys doing those 'things' he saw photographs of on the Internet, men and boys having sex with each other? Did his uncle do sex stuff with John while he was living with him? And did he do sex stuff with the other boys? Corey's mind flooded with questions he wanted to ask his uncle.
He looked at the photos in the album his uncle loaned him; everyone seemed to be happy and having a good time. What secrets did the four share among themselves? Was it sex? He understood what Joshua meant by living on a private island. There were no neighbors to spy on them. Basically, they could do whatever they wanted. He then asked himself the next question: If they four were involved sexually, would they include him in their sex games? What kind of sex would he have to do to prove himself?
Corey had enjoyed wiggling his butt when sitting on his uncle's lap and feeling the man's cock get stiff. He had seen photos of naked boys doing that to men and the men grabbing the boys and doing sex stuff with them. He had wondered if Joshua would react the same way. Apparently his uncle knew what message the 11-year-old was sending, but didn't want to act upon it. But he said John would if he did that to him. The thought of being naked with a grown man was making his own little cock stiffer than ever, harder than he could recall after spending time viewing the pornographic images and movies. He dropped his pants and shorts and starting playing with it the way he had seen it in the photos and movies. Soon he lay back on his bed starting to enjoy the familiar sensations he knew was coming from his stroking. He let out low moans as his fingers worked faster along his circumcised cocklet and that strange wonderful tingling sensation began to take over his entire body. Soon, he felt that wave of pleasure shake his whole form as he peaked his dry orgasm. Masturbating was a relatively new act he had read about and every chance he had he would rub his pecker back and forth until his body seemed to float as his breathing became ragged and sweat formed over him. As he settled back to the present, he wondered if this was what awaited him on Paradise Island? If so, he couldn't wait to get there.
Outside the boy's bedroom door, Joshua smiled as he heard the soft moaning coming from the young boy. Yes, his little cousin would be a perfect fit for the sexual lifestyle of Paradise Island. He envied John as he knew the man would thoroughly enjoy popping the newest cherry and depositing the first of many loads of man cum into the boy's tight chute.
Thousands of miles away, a 12-year-old boy struggled trying to absorb and comprehend the many changes the world had gone through during the past 200 years. Flying machines, carriages that ran without the need of horses, a box where people moved around inside on what Lord Langley called a flat screen TV. Microwave ovens, computers, Internet, men having gone to the moon and now living in outer space, the list went on and on. At first he was fascinated with the technology that had evolved. But it quickly turned into fear and intimidation. There was too much for a young boy to comprehend at once.
When Lord Langley took Miles for his first doctor's visit to make sure the boy was physically fit, he trembled as the doctor took his temperature and made him step on a scale that calculated his height and weight. He almost screamed in terror when the doctor produced a needle in which he was going to take a sample of the boy's blood. It took a lot of persuasion from Lord Langley to convince the boy that no one was going to suck all the blood out of his body. But it still hurt when the needle was injected into his skin and his eyes grew wide with fear as he saw the vial fill with his blood. A private tutor was hired to educate the boy. When Mr. Bedlow tried to assess how far Miles' education had progressed, he was shocked. He brought this up to Lord Langley.
"Sire, this boy has the equivalent education of a pre-school child. He does not know the alphabet nor can he read or write. And I surmise that he has never even had a book of any kind in his hands. What's even more puzzling is that he appears to be very intelligent. I do not understand."
"Mr. Bedlow, Miles is a very unique case. I can't divulge the nature of his background. What I need to know is can he be educated and how long before he catches up with students his own age?"
"Your Lordship. Even if we can accelerate at two school years every twelve months, it will take at least six years to maybe have him at the high school graduation level. And personally I wouldn't recommend such a course. I'm no doctor, but I'd be afraid he'd be burned out long before he reached that point."
And so Miles pondered his future as he sat alone in his bedroom. He became depressed. The staff at the manor was trying their best to cheer him up, but he knew they were doing so under the orders of Lord Langley. He felt like a prisoner. He had yet to meet another boy his age. And although his surroundings were familiar, he didn't feel like a part of it. He perked himself up once in a while when he told himself, "Hell, I was once running this place. I was Lord of Langley!" But now, he was just a lost confused pre-teen. Even though he wasn't a peg boy, he felt just as sad as when Mr. Fletcher owned him. His life only changed when John saved him. John! He thought to himself. He quickly got up, left the bedroom and headed to Lord Langley's office.
"Come on in Miles. What can I do for you?"
"Your Lordship, I want to go back to Paradise Island."
As John was sitting at the computer going over his financial portfolio, he heard the footsteps of three boys as they entered the living room. Turning around, he once again felt his cock start to twitch at the sight of this trio of beautiful pre-teen boys. After two months living totally naked, all had developed a gorgeous head-to-toe tan. Even Peter's white skin had taken a shade of light brown. If anything, this made the boy even more sexy-looking.
"Hi guys. What can I do for you? Are your chores done?"
"All done," spoke Carlos. "We want to tell you about our decision."
"Yes, the one you wanted us to make if we wanted Corey to come and live with us?"
"You made one already? That was fast. And the three of you agreed on the same decision?"
Carlos nodded his head. "We want you to bring Corey here."
"Are you sure you want that? He has to be treated like an equal member of the family. And you have to be careful if he doesn't know anything about sex and what the four of us do together."
Raphael was next. "Don't worry John. If he doesn't know anything about sex, we'll teach him."
John took a moment to look at all three naked boys. Then he saw them giggling. "What's so funny?"
"You get hard real fast," Raphael stated with a grin.
The man smiled in return. "I'd like to see any man not get hard standing next to three naked hot-looking young boys. Anything else you wanted to see me about?"
Peter, who had been standing with his hands behind his back, brought them forward. He was holding a photo album. John recognized it instantly. It was the one album he had yet to show the boys. In it were the photos of the trips to Kalauka Island, the naked men, women, boys and girls who lived there. Also photos of John and the previous four boys were included showing them interacting with the children of the village. After a momentary period of shock, John was about to ask them where they got the album when all three boys, after obviously practicing, stated together, "We want to go to Kalauka Island!"
The man looked at his companion as he entered the control room. "How did the anti-matter drive do?"
"Perfectly Commander, within its designed parameters. And the warp bubble pushed us straight through. We've slowed to sub-light speed since entering this part of the galaxy. We even passed an exploratory probe that had been sent out."
Getting a nod of the head the commander responded, "Yes, they are at the first steps of exploring the universe. According to the chronometer, we just completed a 41 trillion mile seven light year trip in record time."
The younger officer asked his commander, "Was the journey successful?"
"See for yourself," as a button was pushed and a window uncovered showing a blue globe surrounded by total blackness.
"I never thought I would see that again. Any messages from homeworld?"
"It seems no further signals have emanated since the two we originally picked up."
"Since only two signals were picked up, why have they waited all this time to send someone to investigate?"
Some in homeworld thought the signals were a fluke. Others didn't. So after a long debate it was decided that even though no further signals were detected, the fact that a device was activated was cause for concern. Since this unit was under our control, we were sent to check it out."
"It's all my fault Commander. I should have made absolutely sure before we left. Our presence was never supposed to be discovered nor the devices used. What damage could we have done?"
"That's what our assignment is about. Since according to homeworld the device was used twice in a short span of time and no signal of its use since then, it could be an erroneous reading by the techlab."
The junior officer scoffed. "Those guys never make a mistake. Every report they submit is treated as 100% accurate. And even after all these years, if it were found to be a mistake, would they admit it?"
"No they wouldn't," the commander had to agree. "But whether any issue exists or not, you and I have the rare privilege of visiting this planet again. Something homeworld never planned to happen. We are to investigate and take whatever appropriate action is necessary and begin the long voyage home."
"I wonder what has changed in human history? Are they still declaring wars on one another? Have they learned to get along?"
"I guess we'll find out soon enough as both men stared at the blue globe growing larger as they approached.
Chapter Sixteen New Additions?
Lord Langley leaned back on his chair as he took a long look at the boy, making Miles feels somewhat uncomfortable. "Sit down Miles," as the lad took a seat on the other side of the wooden desk. "Now what is this about wanting to go back to Paradise Island? Did I do something to upset you? Has any of the staff not been courteous or helpful?"
"Oh no, your Lordship. You have been most kind and the staff has been wonderful to me."
"Then why this desire to go to Paradise Island? It was my understanding that the relationship between you, John and his guests wasn't working out well."
"It was my fault. When I woke up on John's island, I guess I expected to see everything the way it was as John and Mike described it to me when they were here. Instead, seven years had gone by and a lot has changed. Three different boys were now there; Mike had grown up and John had forgotten about me since the humming cave was destroyed. The new boys felt uncomfortable around me because all I ever did was talk about my life as a peg boy, which I realize now was the wrong thing to talk about."
"So you think going back to Paradise Island and trying again, you'll build a better association with everyone there?"
"I want to try. I'm not happy here. There are too many things that scare me. I know no one." Miles looked directly at Langley. "Sire, I know you brought me back as a special favor to John. And I feel that happened because I let him down. I know I can make things right with him. Please, let me talk to John."
"What about schooling Miles? Right now, a 7-year-old has more education than you. You can't look at Paradise Island as a giant playground. As you know, John has placed all his former boys into colleges. For you to do the same, you'll have to study very hard. You'll have to cram twelve years of education in six. Can you do that living with John?"
"I know I can. I'll do schooling with the other boys there. I'm sure they will help me."
There was silence for a few moments before Langley spoke. "Is there more to this you're not telling me Miles?"
The boy cast his eyes down and for a few moments didn't look directly at Lord Langley. Lifting his head and taking a deep breath, he explained. "As you know, my parents died when I was 10-years-old and I went to live with my uncle. One day Mr. Fletcher
"The man who made boys sit on wooden pegs?" the Lordship interrupted.
"Yes sir. I saw him give my uncle some money and then my uncle said I now belonged to this man. Then for almost two years I had to
3;" stopping for a moment as tears began to appear. "I had to sit on those pegs so that my bottom would be loose enough for a man to stick his
3; cock in me."
"That's okay Miles," Langley halted the sordid narration, feeling uncomfortable about hearing such treatment. "You don't have to say anything more."
"But I have too sire. Please let me continue." With hesitation, the man signaled for the boy to continue. "At the end, Mr. Fletcher had been sending me to this one man almost every night who didn't care how he treated me. It hurt very badly. So one day while being taken to this man to spend another day with him, I jumped out of the carriage and tried to run away."
"And that's when you met John?"
The boy nodded his head. "He wouldn't let Mr. Fletcher take me back. In fact, he bought me from him."
"So John now owned you?"
"No, not like that. When we arrived here at the manor, John burned the document setting me free. You see, I owe my freedom to John. Later Mike told me about the future and Paradise Island. It sounded so wonderful. John didn't seem too happy about Mike telling me this, especially since I asked to go back with them. Then all of a sudden they disappeared. I waited and waited hoping they would come back for me, but they didn't." Looking directly at the man, he closed with this, "I don't know how long I'll be here. I supposedly died a long time ago. Some miracle brought me back. I may only have a month, year or whatever. Please let me spend it with John on Paradise Island."
Lord Langley was quiet for a while. Somehow the time travel episode to London, and especially to this manor, made John and Mike lords of the estate. When they disappeared, somehow it fell upon Miles as head of the Langley line. It took 200 years to discover the error. Leaning back on his chair he spoke to the 12-year-old.
"Miles, I hope you understand that being brought here was thought to be the best remedy for you to catch up on all the years you missed. I realize now I made the wrong assumption that now that you were here a long life lay ahead of you. But you're right, no one knows. Knowing that, you have the right to decide where you want to live whether it be a month, a year or longer. I'll let you talk to John. If he agrees to take you back and to live with him, I'll fly you there myself."
Miles jumped from the chair and ran around the desk and gave Lord Langley a hug, behavior not seen in proper circles. "Thank you sire, thank you."
Slowly removing the arms wrapped around his neck, Lord Langley gave a small clearing of the throat, making Miles realize the act he just performed. Quickly stepping away and returning to his chair, where he stood beside it, he spoke. "Sorry you Lordship. I got carried away."
Langley just smiled. "It's all right. I'll miss you. No one will ever know that there were two Lords of Langley here at the same time," getting a grin from the boy. Looking at his watch, Langley continued. "It's nighttime there on Paradise Island. Let's wait a few hours and then we'll call."
As soon as the boy exited the office, the desk phone rang.
"Lord Langley speaking." There was silence as the man listened to the voice coming through the speaker.
"Are you absolutely sure? All right, forward to me what you have as quickly as possible. No electronic transmission. I want this hand-delivered directly to me." Getting an acknowledgement from the other end, the man hung up the phone. Leaning back on his chair he thought about what he had just been told. This news may not mean anything, or it could affect several people severely.
"A time machine?" Jarot repeated with disbelief. He, Lee and the two guards were on their way home after exhuming the coffin of Lam Sin and retrieving a satchel that had been buried with him. Jarot wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, so Chin Lee was trying to slowly make him understand what had happened to his former master and why he had been lying in a coffin for nearly 200 years. He had opened the satchel and was trying to explain what Lam Sin had written.
"OK, let's start over one more time. Master Sin apparently purchased three American boys who looked a lot like some child movie stars and wanted them in Singapore for his sexual amusement. While these boys were on a ship bringing them across the ocean, the ship's captain betrayed Master Sin, set the boys in a lifeboat and set them adrift, hoping they would land on a nearby island, get rescued and sent back to the United States."
"But that didn't happen?"
"Yes and no Jarot. They did get rescued, so to speak, when they landed on an island. But the owner of that island decided to keep the boys for himself. Master Sin had Yang investigate and try to locate where the boys ended up. Eventually, it was discovered that the boys were on Paradise Island."
"That's when I sent the men to accompany Master Sin," Jarot began recalling that event. "I wanted to go with him, but he told me to stay behind. I was concerned as the Master hardly ever left the castle."
"Yes, you're right. And that one trip turned out to be a deadly disaster. Master Sin, in his writings here, figured a trap had been set all along. He believes John, the owner of this island, had help from some native islanders that lived close by. While these natives were murdering his men, he was led to a cave in a tunnel that had some strange machinery. He was tricked into standing in a white circle which produced a flash of light and sent him 200 years into the past."
"This time machine?" Jarot repeated, still with some skepticism.
"I know it's hard to believe. I wasn't sure if going to the cemetery was just some kind of hoax. But you identifying Lam Sin's ring confirmed that these documents are real and true."
"I don't understand. Why didn't Master Yang go to the cemetery seven years ago when he received that envelope?"
"We'll never know. I'm guessing that by coincidence that envelope arrived shortly after Master Sin's disappearance. There was no confirmation of Sin's death, but Yang went ahead and took over the empire. Then he gets this strange unbelievable letter supposedly from the grave. Yang doesn't know if it's real and that maybe Master Sin is alive somewhere watching. He panics thinking it could be a trap. So he buries the envelope. If that part of the floor hadn't given way, we wouldn't have ever known. Yang should have burned that envelope. Thankfully he didn't, so here were today."
"You said Master Sin arrived in London in 1812 and died in 1838. What did he do those 26 years?"
"Plotting his revenge Jarot, plotting his revenge."
If it wasn't for the shit-eating grin the three boys had on their faces, John might have blown up at them right then and there for snooping into his personal possessions, retrieving the photo album. He took a couple of deep breaths. He realized that sooner or later he had to tell them about Kalauka Island and their lifestyle. Aukai's visit and cryptic comments had already peaked their curiosity.
"First off, I should be upset at you for poking around my personal files. I know we're family and share everything, but there are items in this house I wish to keep secret to myself. If we're to make it as a family, there has to be some respect for one another. I know the way of life we live here doesn't make for keeping many secrets. But if you wish to know something or have a question, ask. You may not get the answer you want or like, but accept it and respect that person's privacy."
"We sorry John," Carlos spoke. "We kept wondering what Chief Aukai meant when he was here. He said he knew about our lifestyle and that we'd feel comfortable with theirs. We knew you kept other photo albums, so we wanted to know what he was trying to tell us. We found that album and saw that everyone there goes around with no clothes too. We thought it would be fun to visit them. That's why we asked."
"Sit down boys. It's time to tell you a story that began seven years ago shortly after I bought this island and was living by myself, when a 12-year-old native boy rowed over here in a canoe wanting to meet the stranger living here."
For the next hour the three boys sat in rapture by the narration of how John and Aukai met, his visit to Kalauka Island, giving Aukai the 'Right Of Manhood' test and the rescuing of Aukai's younger brother. By the time he was finished, the boys' eyes were wide, mouths open. It was Peter who spoke first.
"How many times did you go visit Kalauka Island?"
"We tried at least once every two or three months to spend a couple of days there. Sometimes Aukai would surprise us and paddle the distance and spend time with us."
"And you did sex with the boys there?" Raphael interest was piqued.
"That's their lifestyle Raphael. They believe the human body was meant to appreciate and enjoy. There are no diseases or sickness despite all the sex done. They have been living this way for hundreds of years. They've been trying to keep it a secret and won't let any strangers visit." Looking at Peter, he asked the boy, "Did your parents ever mention Kalauka Island?"
The boy thought for a moment. "I don't think so. I remember being scared a couple of times when we visited a few islands. The people there didn't want us and we left right away. Maybe Kalauka Island was one of those places."
"The people of Kalauka Island aren't against strangers. They somewhat divided their island. The eastern side, the side closer here to us is where their village is located. That's where they live the way they want. They grow their own food as well as other items they use to trade with others. They do that on the western side of the island. There's a schoolhouse there and the boys and girls, dressed of course, attend classes. Troy goes there regularly to pick up and deliver for them. The Kalaukan people know that efforts are being made at other islands and villages to 'modernize' them, including wearing clothing and proper sexual conduct. As we have talked about before, involving sex with children is considered bad. But the Kalaukans want to keep their traditions. And I for one support them."
"Me too!" a grinning Raphael. "Being naked is fun."
Carlos gave his younger friend a look. "I bet you'd enjoy being spanked as long as you were naked," getting a cheeky grin in return.
"What is the 'Right of Manhood' test? You said you gave that to Aukai," Peter asked.
John hesitated for a moment. He wasn't sure if it would upset the boys describing it. But he might as well be the one, as they would learn about it whenever they finally visited Kalauka Island. So he began by telling the story of how boys there became men by passing a test. It was given when they were twelve years old. As he described what the boy had to endure, he watched carefully the reactions on any of the boys' faces. But they seemed more fascinated than scared.
It was Carlos, being 12-year-old, who asked what was worrying him. "If we go to Kalauka Island, will I have to take that test?"
"Scared you'll cry like a baby," taunted Raphael.
"Am not!"
"Hold it. None of you can ever take that test," John interrupted.
"Why not?" Peter asked, also wondering if having fun on their island meant having to take that test first.
"I spoiled it for you," getting questioning looks from the three. "Until you are twelve and ready for the test, no man can stick his cock in your butt. You guys have already lost your cherries, so you can't take it. Anyway, the Kalaukans wouldn't force you to do something you don't want. If anything, some of the older boys and men may want to have fun with you. They don't get to have such pleasure with a younger boy," as John waited to see if they understood what he was saying.
"You mean because we're only eleven and already have experience, we'll be popular and some of the older will want to "play" with us?" from Peter.
"If you want. Their rules are like ours here. No one does anything they don't want."
"What about the girls and women?" Carlos was thinking.
"That's up to you. Matt, Mike, Chris and Joshua were real popular with the girls, especially as they got older. And even though the four of us are men who enjoy each other sexually, there's no reason not to see what sex is like with a girl or a grown woman."
"A grown-up woman?" Raphael asked with some doubt in his voice.
"They like sexy young boys like you too."
"So when will we go to Kalauka Island?" Carlos repeated the original question.
"I can't give you an exact date. First we have to see if Corey wants to come over. If he does and wants to join our sex games, he'll have to be comfortable with that before thinking of taking him along to see a village full of naked people. While you're waiting, I'll get the other photo albums of our visits to Aukai and his people. These have the pictures of the sex we did while we were there," getting an excited shout from the boys. John smiled to himself. Here were prepubescent boys getting excited waiting to look at what technically was child pornography.
After retrieving the photo albums and giving them to the boys, he let them go to the porch to see what to expect if they still wanted to make the trip. Of course, the talk of sex, whether it be on Kalauka Island or on his own got John horny wanting one of the boys to get off on. But he controlled his urges. It was helped when the cell phone rang.
"Hi Joshua. How's everything?"
"Great! And you?"
"Fine. I just had a long session with the boys about Kalauka Island. They found one of the photo albums, the PG version one, and after looking at the pictures decided they wanted to go."
"So you had to tell them the real story about their lifestyle?"
"Yes. Surprisingly they seem to get more excited the more I shared of these people. Right now I'm letting them look at the other albums."
"The ones with all the sex pictures?"
"You sure have three horny little boys over there."
"Tell me about it."
"So are you planning to take them there soon? I wish I could go along. I miss the fun there."
"When you come to visit, we'll definitely go. I know Aukai and the others miss you, Matt, Mike and Chris. Mike was sad that during his trip here he couldn't go there, but at least met Aukai when he made a surprise visit here."
"Thanks John. Now the reason for this call; Corey wants to come over on a 30-day trial basis."
"I see. I don't really have a problem with that. I hope that at the end of that month he'll be happy and want to stay here."
"I'm almost positive he will."
"What makes you say that?"
"I dropped a hint of what he might expect when he comes to visit."
"You mentioned sex?"
"No John. Remember I told you about his butt wiggling on my lap. I told him if he did that to you, you would get the message and know what to do."
"Boy, that's stretching it. That might not be the signal he's sending."
"I'm sure it was. After that conversation, he went to his room. A little later I was outside his door and heard some very familiar moaning coming from inside."
"You think he was playing with himself?"
"I'm sure he was. That's why I think he'll adapt quickly to life there."
"Could be we have another horny member of your family," getting a chuckle from Joshua.
"Hold on a minute. I'm going to get Corey and let you two say hello."
During the pause, John reached over to his desk and picked up the photos of the boy sent to him earlier. He was a cute boy he had to admit. Again he had that feeling that the boy looked familiar, but realized he had never heard of Corey until a week ago. Then a squeaky voice comes over the phone. "Hello?"
"Hello. Is this Corey? I'm John."
"Hello sir.
"No, it's not sir, it's John."
3; John."
"That's better. Joshua has told me a lot about you. You seem like a smart young man. Since he has to go back to school and Laura needs the break to get stronger and better, he asked if you wanted to come visit my island."
"Yes si
3; John. He showed me pictures of the island and of you and the boys living with you now."
"Would you like to come over? I talked with Carlos, Peter and Raphael and they want you to visit us and see if you like it here. We have lots of fun every day."
The boy on the other end of the call wondered what kind of fun the man was referring to. Could it be like what he saw on those pictures he viewed on the Internet? He knew he wouldn't find out unless he went to Paradise Island. "I'd like to come over and stay a little if I may."
"You certainly can Corey. Joshua and I will make arrangements for you to fly here? Have you ever been on an airplane?" getting a negative response in return. "Well, you're in for the treat of your life. Put Joshua back on the phone. We'll get you here as quickly as possible."
"Thank you John."
"I'm back," Joshua's voice was heard. "It seems like he wants to give it a try."
"I hope this works. When you came over, there were no secrets. We both knew what was to happen. Corey is a big question mark."
"He has an advantage. Remember, the others weren't expecting me and it was sort of a shock until we all felt comfortable among each other. You already got the approval of those there. He'll feel a lot more welcomed. He'll have like three brothers to play with. And despite being a lonely and somewhat withdrawn child, I have a feeling he's more savvy about things of the world than we give him credit for, even about sex."
"Must run in the family," getting a laugh from Joshua. "I was a horny kid, wasn't I?"
For the next several moments, arrangements were made for Corey's flight to Majuro. All the documentation would be ready to pick up in two days. The moment everything was signed and sealed, the boy would be on his way here.
After the call concluded, John sat back and mulled over the idea that another boy would be joining him. Although having another beautiful naked boy to play with and enjoy excited the man, he tried not to paint himself as just a lover of boy flesh and nothing more. He was not Lam Sin, whose boys, which had been kidnapped, were just toys for his gratification. He loved the three currently with them, just as he loved those who were here before. Being able to incorporate sex with that love just enhanced the relationship. He knew the boys never worried about his love for them, nor did he in return. It was a wonderful life. And he planned on enjoying it as much as possible.
He then went out to the porch to see how the boys were doing after going over the photo albums. "Corey has officially asked to come visit. Hopefully he'll be here in three or four days," getting acknowledgements in return.
Carlos then handed back the albums to John. "We played paper, rock, scissors. Peter won."
"Oh?" looking at the winner who had a huge smile. "And what did you win?"
Peter grabbed John's free hand and at the same time wiggled his cute rear end. "Whatever you want."
Miles was in his bedroom shivering. He wasn't sure if it was because that he might get to go live with John on Paradise Island, or, that John may say no. He felt a little guilty asking to leave Langley Manor and his Lordship. He knew the man was only trying to help. But he wanted the dream he held for so long after John and Mike disappeared to be living with them on their island. He tried not to think if his stay in the 21st century was going to be a short or long one. He knew he had no control over that. So he felt he should just make the best of each and every day.
Lunch was served and then Miles wandered the grounds. The landscape had changed tremendously since he was here before. Water squirted from the ground to keep the vegetation fed. (He later learned the devices were called sprinklers) He discovered a fenced-in area with some sort of a short net stretched across the middle called a tennis court. A large hole in the ground filled with water was called a swimming pool. Every once in a while a helicopter like the one he traveled on when he left Paradise Island took off and landed in an area behind the manor. Miles thought that if it weren't for the original buildings, this place would be totally unfamiliar to him.
He found out that one of the servants was a descendant of Jakes. He inquired about their ancestry without revealing who he really was. He was taken to a cemetery were Jakes had been buried. Those who accompanied him stood a ways off puzzled by the apparent tears this young boy shed over the burial plot and mumbling something like, "I miss you Jakes. Wish you could help me now." He couldn't locate where the other boys he had rescued from Mr. Fletcher had been buried. He had no idea what could have happened to them once he himself was gone. None of the Langley historical records listed their names.
He felt bad that he somewhat alienated the three boys on Paradise Island with his peg boy background. He wanted so badly to have them feel comfortable with him and play all the sex games young boys find to do. At least he spent the last day with John and then Mike. The two were great and made him feel good with their mouths and he returned the favor by allowing his small ass the company of each man's cock and ultimate jizz.
As he continued to roam the huge estate, a servant approached him and stated that Lord Langley was looking for him, something about a telephone call. Thanking the servant, Miles ran back to the manor and into the man's office just as he heard the connection being made.
Peter got off John after he felt the warm liquid fill his insides and the man's cock softening and slipping out. The man was lying on his back. Peter had squatted down on the hard tool and slowly felt it crawl inside. After hearing John stated how nice and tight the boy felt, Peter began an up and down motion, his eyes closed as he savored his young ass being stretched. Peter, like Raphael, Carlos and even the boys before had become addicted to having a cock up his ass. The nervousness and slight pain when a boy lost his cherry was replaced by the desire to have that gap filled as often as possible. And to John, that craving was what made boylove sex so wonderful. The three years in prison was hardly a blip in the man's conscious remembrance of the past. To him, the past seven years plus was his whole life.
The 11-yer-old lay next to John. Even though it had been a while, his young cock still tingled from the blowjob the man had given him earlier. Like the man panting next to him, Peter felt totally drained, the result of a great orgasmic ride, something a couple of months ago he never knew existed.
"Thank you Peter. As always, you were great. You're getting better at squeezing your ass muscles while I'm inside you. It makes me cum harder."
Peter turned and laid on the man's stomach, his face inches from John. The man, in return, let his hands roam down the soft flesh of the back and over the small silky ass cheeks He slid his finger in between the fleshy globes and felt the sticky substance of his recent deposit slowly leaking outside. "We better shower. We need to start thinking about fixing dinner."
As John entered the living room, still drying himself off with a towel, his cell phone rang again. "Lord Langley, it's good to hear from you. Hope all is well. How's Miles adapting there?"
"He's doing well John. In fact, he has requested this call. He has something very important he wants to ask you."
"Is he all right?"
"He's fine. I'll let him talk to you. Hold a sec.
A moment later a familiar voice come over the airwaves. "Hi John."
"Well hi Miles. Good to hear your voice. How are you doing there in London?"
There was silence for several seconds. John wondered if there was a problem. He found out what it was with the next statement from the boy. "John, I want to come back and live with you there on Paradise Island."
Now, in return, there was a momentary pause as John took in what the 12-year-old had just requested. "What's the matter Miles? I thought we agreed going to London was best for helping you acclimate to the changes you've missed over all these years."
For the next ten minutes the boy from the past repeated to John the reasons he wanted to return as he had shared with Lord Langley earlier. The man's heart went out to the boy. Maybe it was a mistake thinking Miles returning to the part of the world he grew up in would make it easier to associate and adapt to its changes. After listening to the boy, John asked to talk to Lord Langley.
"What brought this all about?" John asked.
"It was a total surprise to me also. Earlier this morning he came to my office, stated he wanted to return to your island and gave the same reasons he told you. Maybe even with familiar surroundings, not seeing those he knew from the past and not ready for boys his own age yet, is causing more harm than good. I also got a professional opinion that the accelerated academic course he needs to catch up with those his own age would be six years. I realized that's a lot of strain to place on a boy. Maybe he can't do that even living with you, but if he's happy, who knows. And Miles did have a point. We were planning his future in terms of years when we could be talking weeks or months before he
3; disappears. He deserves to live the best we can offer under those circumstances."
John's mind was whirling. He and the boys had just okayed Corey coming over for a visit. Now Miles wanted to be a part of the family. How would the three react? He had to take their thoughts and feelings into consideration. Asking to put Miles back on the phone, he explained that he had to talk with Carlos, Peter and Raphael first. "I'm sure they will understand and welcome you back. But I must get their approval."
"I understand John. I'll wait for your decision."
After the call terminated, John went to the kitchen where the other three boys, at least wearing aprons, were helping fixing dinner. He decided to wait until after the meal to discuss Miles' request and the idea that two new boys could be here very soon.
"In closing, I am dying. I know not how much time I have. Enclosed is all the information I can recall in conjunction with that cave. I have no idea if the same number of years will have passed there as here. I am hoping, though, that my return will be at the same point as when I left. If you are reading this, then you got my original message and have recovered this satchel and its contents. I have instructed that this be buried with me. The rest, Mr. Yang, I leave in your hands. As your Master, I expect you to execute my orders and return me to the present day. You will be greatly rewarded for your loyalty. Lam Sin."
Jarot looked over at Chin Lee as he heard the man chuckle as he concluded reading the contents of the satchel retrieved from Lam Sin's coffin. Seeing the guard's questioning look, Lee obliges to share his thoughts.
"Lim Sin wrote this to Mr. Yang. Unfortunately, Mr. Yang will not be able to help. In fact, he's feeding a lot of fish," Lee chuckled again as Jarot recalled the instructions to dispose of the body several miles away from land.
"But you are going to fulfill Master Sin's orders, are you not Master Lee?"
"Why should I? If I brought that man back, what do you think he would do? I killed Yang. Maybe Lam Sin wouldn't think much about it, or he could give me to Wo Fat. And don't think your position is that secure either. Your years of loyalty could mean nothing. We have no idea of what his state of mind will be when he returns."
"Then why have we gone through all this of finding Master Sin's body?"
Waving the sheets of paper with the deceased man's writing on it, Lee answered, "This. Can you imagine if what Lam Sin wrote is true; a device that allows someone to travel through time. If we can figure how to use it, we can go back and invest in stocks and inventions that in the future will make millions of dollars. Instead of ruling a tiny part of Singapore, we could be ruling the world. We'd make all the billionaires of today look like paupers."
Jarot was giving the man a hard look. What was this man talking about? Plans were already in place to increase profits. "Are you all right Master Lee?"
Lee stared back at the guard and snapped. "Don't worry about me Jarot. Let me do the thinking for both of us. You just follow orders. Now this venture to take over Paradise Island will have to be planned carefully. No stupid mistakes like Lam Sin committed. In the meantime, where are you at getting the boys we need? My clients are asking for new fresh boys for those looking for new play toys."
"Upon our return to the castle, some men and I will be going to one of the islands."
Nodding his head in approval, Lee just made one cautionary note. "Don't screw up like those men did on Kalauka Island. In fact, one of my future projects is to take care of those savages. You don't kill one of my men and get away with it."
One of Lord Langley's most trusted employees entered the man's office. Silently, he handed over a large brown envelope. Just getting a nod in return, the messenger left. Langley opened the envelope and read the enclosed report and examined the accompanied photographs.
"This is not good. Not good at all," was all his Lordship could say.
"How long must we stay in orbit Commander?" the junior officer asked.
"We need to observe current events and technological changes made. Although we've received sporadic audio and visual signals from here, they are years old due to the distance traveled. We need to know what we're dealing with should we make contact with anyone. What about the device? Any signals?"
"Nothing. Could it be we've made a long trip for nothing? Seven of their earth years have passed. Maybe those two signals we received were not from here."
The Commander was staring intently into a monitor displaying information of some sort. His eyebrows raised as a set of characters appeared. "It seems the device 'was' used. I've located the device. Its signal is weak."
"What is it?"
"The first time the device was used, a man and a boy were transported back 200 years. Then they were sent from there and back another 2000 years."
"Impossible. How could they know how to operate the temporal displacement panel?"
"I don't know."
"What happened to them?" The Commander kept reading the symbols on the monitor. "They seemed to have returned safely to the same point in time from whence they departed."
"Any temporal damage?"
"Can't tell. Signal is too weak. Wait a minute. A second displacement was made shortly thereafter." The commander was quiet for several seconds before he turned and looked a the junior officer."
"What is it Commander?"
"This man never came back."
"Are you sure?"
"We can't be sure of anything until we examine the device itself. Are we in stealth mode?"
"Yes sir."
"Fine. By the way I found out something interesting. The island this device is located on now has a name. It's called Paradise Island."
Chapter Seventeen Plus Two
The next 72 hours was a maze of excitement and anticipation. The biggest issue confronting those of Paradise Island was the discussion of Miles' request to return and live among them as part of the family. The boys weren't 100% against his arrival, but were concerned about his adaptability to their lifestyle. It was John who tried to make the boys understand what Miles has been through.
"I know you're still skeptical about Miles being from the past. With the cave blown up and no way to prove its existence to you, all you have is my word. But remember that Miles confirmed it too. And you must admit that Miles' behavior was strange due to the fact that he felt lost in a world he didn't belong in. And you three were lost trying to understand where he came from as he talked of a life that ended a long time ago. And the only sex he knew was what was forced upon him.
"Remember when we first started talking about sex, the number one rule was that no one was to be forced to do anything they didn't want. You had a choice. Miles didn't. For two years he had to endure the pain and humiliation of being a peg boy. To him, that was all the sex he knew. He's never enjoyed it in the way the four of us guys do with each other. When he shared his only experience of sex with you, well I can see where it sounded creepy.
"Miles arrived here because of what Mike and I did. We traveled back in time. Whether we were supposed to meet Miles or not is unknown. The fact is we did. And a slip of the tongue told the boy where we came from and the wonders of the future. Knowing Miles' background, wouldn't living here on Paradise Island sound like a dream come true? We may never know why he showed up when he did. The fact is, he's here. He's scared and alone. Going back to England has turned out not to be the best plan for his future. Except for the manor where he lived before, nothing is the same. All he knows is this island and us. We are the only ones who can help him."
There was quiet for several moments before the questions began, first from Carlos. "How will he be different if he comes back from the way he was before?"
"Good question. That's where the three of you come in. If you walk around ignoring each other, it will be the same. You will have to talk to him, make him feel comfortable, let him know he has friends. And although his sex life has been mostly as a peg boy, I know he'd love to see how wonderful sex is like when done properly and with respect to one another's wishes. You would have another playmate in and out of bed."
"How long will he be here?" Peter asked.
"We have no idea. I know it sounds strange talking about a boy who's been dead for 200 years. Sounds like a Dracula movie. Mike and mine's contact with Miles somehow made a connection that triggered his arrival here. For how long, it's anyone's guess: a week, a month, a year, there's no answer to that. And Miles knows this too. That's why if his 'second' life is to be short, he wants to enjoy it the way he always dreamed about. And the four of us can do that for him. We must treat him as though he's going to be here a long time. We don't talk about his past and we don't make any long-term plans for the future. We live day-by-day."
"What about Corey?" came from the 11-year-old Raphael.
"I imagine with him we'll have to start from scratch. He needs to know he's wanted and welcomed as part of the family. Even though his parents didn't die, the hurt he feels is just like what you felt. The three of you have helped each other with your bonding. He'll need to feel that too. As for sex, at 11-years-old I'm sure he's heard enough about it. Once he knows about life here, I'm sure he'll want to participate. But again, it has to be slow and easy and respect what he's willing to do.
Before the next question could be asked, the sound of an incoming helicopter could be heard. Based on pre-arranged rules from previous visits, the boys started to head to the bedrooms to get dress when John stopped them. "Today, I want you just to wear cut-offs. No shirts." This got puzzled looks, but the boys did as told, as John himself got dressed. Soon the four of them were at the helipad as the craft landed and the pilot hopped onto the ground. Troy's eyebrows rose a little as he saw the three boys half-dressed. He wondered if John had said anything about his desire to join them. Instead, he just shouted a customary greeting.
"Hi John. Hi guys. Taking advantage of this beautiful day for a suntan?" Then Troy realized how silly that sounded, as he knew, based on the boys' lifestyle of being naked indoors and out, that tanned they were, from head to toe. It was John who cut in to prevent any further misstatements.
"Good to see you Troy. I told the boys that they could be less formal around you. If it weren't for you, I would have never gone to the orphanage and met these three wonderful young men. You're like an honorary member of the family," getting confirmed nods from the pre-teens.
"Well, thank you. I'm honored."
As the weekly supply of necessities were unloaded, placed in the cart and hauled up the hill to the house, John pulled Troy aside. "I thought I would give you a sneak peek at what awaits you. I haven't told the boys your desire to join them and I apologize. So much is going on right now."
"No explanations needed John. I appreciate you even thinking about sharing your boys with me."
"Hey, listen my friend. I owe you more than I can ever repay. Despite favors done, I can't forget your help in getting this island for me, keeping the secret of the earlier boys' identities. And most important, putting your life on the line when Lam Sin threatened everyone here. And I feel less alone about my life with these boys."
"Less alone. I don't understand."
"You know the world looks down and despises those of us who have sexual relations with boys. I never told you the complete story of my background. You and I met as a man searching to purchase his own island. You never asked any questions."
"None of my business."
"I know. And when I went to get Joshua, you just accepted the fact that I knew the boy and that was it."
"John, I told you a long time ago I suspected what was going on here. I didn't say anything because as I just stated, it was none of my business. I tried not to give it much thought because as you know I was dealing with my own nightmares of being sexually abused, although I knew that wasn't happening here. I never saw a happier, healthier quartet of boys like Chris, Matt, Mike and Joshua. Yes, I know the world frowns on such behavior. It's like it was with gay marriages until recently. The world is changing. It may take longer than usual for people to accept intergenerational relationships, especially when sex is involved, but it will happen. Thankfully, if it is ever known, the life you shared here will be the model of how men and boys can live and share love together, even in a sexual manner.
"As for Joshua, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together and come to the conclusion that the quick back-and-forth trip to the United States to fetch a boy you once knew had to have a very special prior connection."
John just smiled at his best friend. "Well, that 'very special prior connection' is playing another part of my life here," as he shared with Troy about Joshua's nephew and his imminent arrival.
The pilot chuckled. "Talk about déjà vu. Instead of Joshua being the fourth boy of your family, a younger relation is coming instead. What's behind that?" As the two reached the house, John enlightened Troy on the circumstances surrounding Corey's decision to come for a visit.
"So this Corey knows nothing about your lifestyle here?"
"I think Joshua may have dropped some hints, but I must go on the assumption that he's totally ignorant of what to expect. The boys are willing to help him, but it was agreed to be a 30-day trial basis and go from there. Also you'll have to make a second trip here day after tomorrow."
"Second trip?" as the men entered the house. Both could hear the boys putting away the recently arrived supplies. Then John made the next announcement.
"Lord Langley is coming here and bringing Miles back day after tomorrow."
"Miles is returning here?"
"Apparently Miles isn't happy where he's at and wants to live here instead. The adjustment isn't working out."
"John, it's only been a little over two weeks. Is that enough time for an 11-year-old to make such a decision?"
The two reached the desk in the living room where John took out a couple of pages of printed emails that were from Miles sent in the past two days. "Read these." The helicopter pilot read Miles' sadness after going to the grave of Jakes.
"Who's Jakes?"
"He was the coachman Mike and I encountered when we were in London. After we left, Miles was pretty much left in charge of the estate and depended a lot on Jakes to guide and teach him. What's ironic is that Jakes carried Miles' coffin for burial 200 years ago and today the scene is almost reversed as it is him going to his friend's burial site."
"And this second email?"
"After Mike and I left, Miles had Jakes buy out the house where he had been part of a boy prostitution ring. He rescued the other five boys who had been living there and had the building completely demolished. Those boys came to live with him at the manor. Next to Jakes, these were his only friends. Now he can't find any record of them or what happened after the new Lord of Langley took over. To Miles, they just disappeared."
"Poor boy. He probably never considered the fact that by coming to the future, everyone he knew would be dead. Or he did and pictured you as Jakes' replacement."
"We may never know. Regardless, this adjustment wasn't working. It was thought that by bringing him back to London, to the manor he once lived in, he could more easily relate to the future he was now thrust into. Langley and I realized that except for the building itself, there was nothing for Miles to connect to as a foundation for his new life. His future, according to him, lie with living here on Paradise Island. Lord Langley is bringing him here himself the day after tomorrow."
"Wow, five boys. Your family is really starting to grow."
"So tomorrow, I need you to take me to the airport to pick up Joshua's nephew."
Troy gave John a grin. "So when you meant 'imminent' arrival you really meant it."
"Sorry for the short notice Troy. I meant to update you before now, but knowing you would be here today, I decided to pop this now. I apologize for how this affects any prior schedule."
"No John, that's no problem. I'm just still somewhat stunned from hearing that Miles will be returning, along with a nephew of Joshua. It just seems like yesterday when you returned from the United States bringing Joshua himself."
Before John could continue the three boys entered the living room. "Everything has been put away. Thanks for the pizza," Carlos announced.
"Well it's not like getting a hot one right from a pizza parlor, but it's the next best thing. Why don't you guys sit down? I was telling Troy about Corey's arrival tomorrow and Miles the next day."
"All right Corey. Here is your plane ticket. The stewardess on this flight to Honolulu and the one to Majuro will make sure you make your connection. John will be at the airport to pick you up and take you to the island."
"OK Uncle Joshua," the boy said with exasperation, having heard these instructions more than once on the trip to the airport. "I'm 11-years-old. I'm not a baby."
The man smiled at the boy. Being here at the airport had brought back memories of seven years earlier when he had convinced John to take him back to Paradise Island. The sex the evening before their departure had been wonderful after being separated for four years. Now Corey was going to have the opportunity to experience the fantastic life awaiting him. Joshua had no regrets. The years spent with John were the happiest of his life. He knew that no matter what life held for him in the future, it would pale to those memories. Looking at the boy again, Joshua answered, "I know you're a big boy and can take care of yourself. But it's a very long flight. I don't want to worry."
Corey then came up and hugged his uncle. "Thank you Uncle Joshua. I'm sure I'll have a good time." Then he shocked Joshua with his final comment. "And I can't wait to see what kind of sex I get to do there."
"Flight 1114 for Honolulu is now boarding at Gate 31. Passengers with tickets please report to Gate 31."
After a momentary shock at the boy's statement and how he had come to the conclusion what kind of life laid ahead, Joshua released the boy's hug, and looked at Corey. "Your Aunt Laura got you a nice outfit to wear for this trip. She also filled your suitcase with a lot of new clothes." Feeling more at ease at his nephew's revelation that he suspected sex to be part of his life with John, he added, "You probably won't be wearing most of those clothes. You'll be naked all the time you're there." Before Corey, with widened eyes, could respond, Joshua turned the boy around facing the boarding gate. "Now get going. Remember to call and email as often as you can. Now scoot and have a good time."
With the grin of a Cheshire cat, Corey nearly skipped along toward the short distance to the boarding gate, handing his ticket to the agent. The young lady took a quick look and then smiled at the boy. "So you're Corey. Well we have special instructions to take very good care of you until we get to Hawaii. Then I see you change planes. Where is your final destination?"
The boy, with the large grin still on his face, answered. "I'm going to Paradise Island!"
As the sun set on another day, John and the boys were inside. Anticipation, and a little nervousness, was evident. In the next couple of days, two boys would arrive to make their home on the island. One was already familiar with everyone as having been here before. Everyone knew that Miles wanted to adjust and not have his past a burden on anyone. Each boy promised to help Miles become a member of the family. The three really liked the English lad. His accent fascinated them and they wanted to know about him as a boy, not as a tool that was used by others.
Corey was the big question. John hadn't mentioned to his pre-teen family of Joshua's suspicion that the 11-year-old may know more about sex than anyone suspected. Having everyone act as though the boy was totally ignorant of sex and its pleasures, it would be easier to not only gauge what the boy really did know, but also seeing how to integrate him into the sexual lifestyle of the island. Joshua had called right after the plane left Los Angeles to say that the boy was on his way. He didn't share the boy's final comment. He wanted Corey to take small steps in discovering the pleasures of sex. By saying that the boy was sexually aware and maybe even active to some extent, activities done by the other boys and pushed upon Corey may be too much too soon.
"It's pretty quiet around here. I find that unusual to see three naked boys with nothing to say."
It was Carlos who broke the ice. "I guess we've gotten use to being a family. I mean just the four of us. I know you want to help Miles and Corey and so do we. But will we ever be just the four of us again?" getting concurring nods from the other two boys.
John looked into the questioning gazes of the three. "I know this is going to be a big change in our lives. Let's try to look at this as adding more fun to it. And regardless of how many boys end up here and for how long, always remember that you three are my family. I adopted you. That bond will never get broken. No more sad faces now. Let's think what we are going to do together for sex as our last night being just the four of us."
"Take turns during the night," Raphael suggested.
"I mean all together at the same time."
"John, the beds aren't big enough for all four of us to lie in at the same time," Peter reminded the man.
"We won't use the beds," getting confusing looks from the boys. John then instructed. "Go to the bedrooms, grab the sheets, blankets and pillows off the beds." Pointing the large space on the living room floor, he got grins as each boy began to understand at what was being suggested. The man continued, "We'll make a giant bed and the four of us will have sex together at the same time."
It wasn't long before a pile of sheets, blankets and pillows covered a large area of the floor and four nude bodies prepared to have a foursome sex play. With the rain and occasional thunder rumbling in the background, it seemed to make the upcoming event more erotic. As the final light was turned off plunging the room into darkness, everyone started grabbing at one another, erections stiff, cuddling and fondling as turns were taken and people repositioned themselves to have a few moments with a new sex partner. But all of that came to an abrupt end when a new body plopped smack dab in the middle of the four causing everyone to yell at the same time.
The storm had begun to die down. By the time authorities had arrived at the tiny island, nearly 12 hours had passed since the invaders had left. The chief elder, although injured, was able to discuss the recent events with the provisional officer. Medical staff was attending to the wounded as well as making burial arrangements for those deceased.
"Where were you? Why didn't you come when we called?" the chief, with bitterness in his voice asked. "You gave us the radio to contact you in an emergency."
"I'm sorry sir. The weather prevented us from using any aircraft. I asked for volunteers to come by water to get here," the officer responded.
The elder's voice softened, though sadness and pain was evident as he spoke. "I understand. Maybe it's not too late." A medic came to tend to the chief's shoulder wound.
"Tell me what happened."
"Six men arrived in a motor craft. How they did it in this storm, I don't know. They demanded we give them four boys to take back with them. They gave no reason why. When we refused, they shot some of our men and threatened to kill more, including the women, if we didn't comply with their demand. Then they spotted four boys, including my grandson, and took them. As they tried to get the boys into their boat, some of the men, including me, tried to stop them. All of us were shot." Then the chief asked about the conditions of the other men. All the medic could do was slowly shake his head. Tears began to form in the chief's eyes.
"Do you have any information on these men? What did they look like, or anything else? It will help us identify these men and find the boys."
The chief, closing his eyes and trying to think through the pain, recalled something. "It was dark and the rain made it hard to see their faces. They were wearing clothing that nearly covered them completely. The man who demanded the boys was called by name by one of the others with him."
"Do you recall the name? Take your time."
The chief closed his eyes, trying to focus through the pain and sorrow he was feeling. "Jarot. His name was Jarot."
The storm had delayed landings at the Majuro airport. Finally, after 30 minutes of additional waiting, the flight carrying Corey arrived. John and Troy waited by passport control for the boy. An airline executive came and asked to see the documents forwarded by Joshua giving guardianship to John.
"Sorry for the inconvenience sir. Since the boy was traveling alone, we had to make sure the appropriate individual was here to pick him up. Until then we were still responsible for him."
"I understand and appreciate the airline's additional precaution," John replied.
"With the recent abductions, we needed to add additional safety measures."
"I'm sorry?" John looked at Troy, who shrugged his shoulders, having no idea what the man was talking about. "What abductions?"
"A couple days ago some men kidnapped several boys from one of the outlying islands. A lot of the native men were injured or killed trying to stop them. It's all over the news."
"I live on my own island, so the news sort of trickles down there. Any new information?"
The airline executive shook his head. "First it was Lib Island a couple of years ago and now this. What kind of monsters kidnap children." Then realizing he was off topic, he quickly recovered. As he handed the documents back to John, the man got back to business. "My apologies sir. I'll bring the boy to you."
As the man departed, John turned to Troy. "You didn't hear anything about this?"
"No. The news must have broke after I returned here from your island. I went to bed early in order to come get you and bring you here."
"What's going on? First there was an attempt on Kalauka Island and now this. Could there be a new 'Lam Sin' character interested in abusing young boys?"
"I don't know. Just be careful with your own."
"They have strict instructions never to roam the island alone. Once Corey and Miles are settled we'll have to investigate this further; see if we can find any connections," getting an agreement from Troy.
At that moment the airline executive appeared with a young boy walking beside him. John recognized Corey instantly from the photos Joshua had forwarded. "Here you go sir. This is Corey. If you will sign this form taking over responsibility, I'll leave you now."
The form was quickly signed, the executive gone. John bent down a little as he took a closer look at the boy who would be a member of the family for at least 30 days. He stood just over four feet [1.25 m] and appeared to weigh about 85 pounds [38 kg]. His hair was golden blond and the eyes a sparkling blue. As Joshua had mentioned, the boy seem to have a little bit of the old baby fat on him, but was definitely not chubby. John figured a few weeks roaming the island and any last traces of excess weigh would be gone. Again he got the feeling he had seen this boy before, but shook it off.
"Corey, welcome to Majuro. This is Troy. He owns a helicopter that we'll be flying in to get to Paradise Island. You've had a very long flight. How do you feel?"
"I imagine so. Let's get your luggage. Troy's helicopter is a short walk away."
No other words were spoken. John wasn't expecting a bubbly talkative child after a two-day flight across the Pacific Ocean. More than likely Corey got no sleep the evening before and very little on the planes. He did brighten up somewhat when the trio approached the helicopter.
"Is this the helicopter my Uncle Joshua flew in when he first came here?"
It was Troy who answered. "The very same. And I'm taking you on the same exact ride I gave him seven years ago when he was about your age."
And the same exact ride was what was given. Skimming low over the water, Corey's mouth hung open as he saw various marine animals that surfaced along the route. John couldn't help but feel the clock had been turned back to when Joshua had the same experience. This was so much different for the boy. As opposed to a partial night flight where he couldn't see anything out the airplane cabin window, to 35,000 feet [10,000 m] where it was too high to make out anything below, here he was practically touching the water. Any fatigue he had quickly disappeared.
Soon, John pointed out to Corey the distant image of an island fast approaching. "We're coming up on your new home," getting a big smile and nod of the head in return.
The island grew larger, details began to show and the 11-year-old's excitement grew. Is this where he will live as long as he likes? It looked so beautiful, the sandy beaches, the low rolling hills covered by tropical forest. But more important, will he begin a new life involved in sex play with the other boys and John, as he looked at the man, his current guardian. The first living thing he spotted was a dog barking at the incoming craft. Soon, three boys could be seen coming down a path and waving their hands as the helicopter slowly landed on the concrete pad.
John was first to jump out and address the boys. "Sorry it took longer than I expected to be away. Last night's storm delayed Corey's flight," as he turned and helped the newest family member to the ground. "Corey, may I introduce you to Carlos, Peter and Raphael. Guys, will you take Corey to the house and help him unpack and get out of that suit? Find him something comfortable to wear until he gets settled here," with the three boys understanding what the man meant.
Turning to Troy, John announced, "One down, one to go."
"You've got a challenge ahead: an 11-year-old and 12-year-old from diverse cultures. And somehow you need to meld that into a current lifestyle involving you and your three adopted boys. And neither knows about the other, right?"
All John could do was nod his head. Somehow he felt that Corey would accept Miles easier than vice versa. Both had expected the three original boys, but would discover a newer addition. Turning to Troy, John started to say his goodbyes. "Thanks Troy for your help, especially on such short notice."
"Hey, no problem. That's what friends are for."
"By the way, I told the boys about the real Kalauka Island."
"Yeah, they snooped around and found the picture album containing the sexual playing and asked me about the people there. Since Aukai's surprise visit and cryptic comments about theirs and ours similar lifestyle, the boys got curious."
"So now you have an impending visit to schedule, maybe with five boys in tow."
"I don't know Troy. When I looked back on the early days with Chris, Matt and Mike, it seemed so much easier. Since I already had a date to go and give Aukai his 'Right of Manhood' test, I had to bring the subject matter up early in our relationship. Now, I wasn't in such a big rush."
"Well you know how Aukai has been anxious for you to visit his island. Maybe the news he brought about the attempted kidnapping could have waited. But he missed you. Why paddle all the way over here? In the past you've picked him and others up with the Sea Ray."
"You're right Troy. Although I've enjoyed my new life with these three boys, I've centered too much recently on my little paradise here. I had forgotten that my world wouldn't exist had it not been for the Kalaukan people."
And how did Raphael, Carlos and Peter react to what you told them?"
"Surprisingly they were excited at the prospect of going there and participating in their customs."
"So what's the problem?"
John didn't say anything for several moments. Then he looked at his friend. "When the boys grew of age and it was time to send them away, I was preparing myself to be alone as when I first got here. Although I was saddened, I also knew that I had more precious memories of those years spent with them than any man involved with boys could ever admit. I don't regret adopting the orphans. But am I stretching myself with five boys?"
"You could have said no," was the pilot's response.
"I guess I could have. My mindset for the next several years was with the three I had. I kept telling myself that adding Corey and Miles was more for their benefit than mine. Corey was a request by Joshua and Miles was due to our interference in our time travel trip. Part of my nature constantly looks at Peter, Carlos, Raphael and other hot naked young boys as something to sexually enjoy. But I also know that there is a serious responsibility that goes along with that also: to raise them so that they can make it in the outside world."
"So what's different with Miles and Corey? Miles already has a somewhat sexual background. From what you told me, Corey isn't exactly naïve about the subject. So you're not converting two innocent angelic young boys into fleshpots for your enjoyment?"
That caused John to laugh. "I never looked at it that way."
"John, I missed out on any possibility of learning about sex in the manner you had shared with any boy or how the Kalaukans live in their world. I didn't even know the word 'sex' or its meaning. My father was very protective of me. So imagine my shock when I discovered a grown man could use my 11-year-old body? That I had to scream and cry in pain for his pleasure? As you know, it took years to get over that. As I slowly discovered how you used sex with boys as a way for them to discover the joys their bodies could have, I realized that what happened to me was an abnormality, that not all grown men use boys the way Lam Sin did with me. Unfortunately, by then I was too old to enjoy sex as a young boy could. So I guess I looked at it from the point of being the one pleasuring them. I was worried that having this desire as a man was wrong. I'm basically a virgin in some respects. I dated and had sex with a couple of women, but my thoughts were always going back to those boys on your island."
John gently gave Troy a shove as he laughed. "What? All these years and you never told me about the dates you had and the hot sex with the women you bedded?"
The pilot blushed. "I had three dates with three different women. As for the 'hot sex', none of them ever wanted to go out with me again. Maybe I was destined to be sexually involved with children."
John put his arm over the pilot's shoulders. "To be honest, and I'm sure you're aware of this, if you had said this to someone else, you would have either been committed to a mental hospital or thrown in jail," getting a smile from Troy. "There's no way anyone can make up for what you went through. Your childhood carries a terrible scar. And from my point of view, that carried over to your relationship with women. But I would bet anything that once these boys accept and welcome you, your mental state would be the least of your worries. And look at it another way, With the additional of Corey and Miles, you'll now have five 'fleshpots' to choose from," getting a big laugh from Troy.
"Well, I better get going. I still have deliveries and pickups to make. I'll see what I can find out about those abducted boys we heard about. I'll be here with Lord Langley and Miles tomorrow morning."
"Thanks Troy. Have a safe trip."
As the chopper flew off heading to Troy's next destination, John walked back to the house. He found the four boys chatting in the living room. Corey had changed to some cutoffs and T-shirt, the same clothing the other three were wearing. John noticed how pale the boy's legs were. Obviously the 11-year-old didn't expose much skin in the sunlight. That would hopefully change quickly as those legs and the rest of his young body received a head-to-toe tan. "So are you unpacked Corey?"
"We had to move things around to make some room. Corey didn't bring much clothes though," Raphael shared.
"Well, if he needs anything, we can get Troy to bring it on his next delivery. So Corey, are you still tired? You've had a long trip. Maybe you'd like to lay down and rest for a little bit."
Adrenaline had obviously kicked in as the boy vigorously shook his head no. "I want to see the island. May I?"
"Of course. Do you boys mind showing Corey around? Great. And keep Picasso from jumping on him," as four boys exited the house. John took a deep breath. It seemed like the three boys liked Corey, so that was a good sign. Well, since Corey didn't want to take a nap, John thought this was the perfect opportunity with a quiet house to take one himself.
It was later that evening sitting around the bonfire that John got to talk privately with Corey. The four boys returning from their hike along with a barking Picasso had awakened him. Corey wanted to ask John several questions, but the man asked him to wait. A barbeque was being planned and then marshmallows roasted around the roaring fire.
Despite the probability of over 24 hours without hardly any sleep, Corey was as excited as could be. Having been a city boy, living in such an outdoors environment as was the island held fascination he never experienced. He discovered trails crisscrossing in every direction. He wanted to try the hot springs as quickly as possible as he referred to it as an outdoor bathtub. The three boys chuckled at that comment, as they knew how close to the truth that statement was. The glass bedroom drew awe from the boy as one could lie in bed and get a 180-degree view of the ocean.
John had been giving the glass bedroom some thought. Since the newest boys' arrival, it had yet to be used. Tomorrow, six people would have only three bedrooms to share. There could be pairings every night, one could use the sofa, but the glass bedroom was also available. No need to crowd everybody every night.
Corey kept staring at the evening sky, mesmerized by the uncountable number of stars in the sky. "Did Uncle Joshua see this all the time he was here?" the boy asked.
"Every night unless there were clouds. It's one of the beauties of living here. City lights blur out most of the stars. But here you can see every one. Instead of traffic and city noises putting you to sleep, the sound of the waves ending on the shore closes your eyes for the night. Joshua enjoyed this for the seven years he lived here. He wanted you to share the same beauties and wonders he did."
"How did you meet Uncle Joshua?"
"I met Joshua through your grandparents when he was nine years old. Then we got separated for four years. When your uncle turned thirteen, your Aunt Laura gave permission for him to come and live here."
"Uncle Joshua says that if I decide to stay, I'll have to go to school."
"That's right. You won't be going to school liked you've been used to. We use the Internet. I've been registering my three boys for starting the sixth and seventh grades. I'll have to sign you up too. We'll work out a schedule for computer use so everyone gets equal time."
Then the big question came up. "Where do I sleep?"
There was a long pause as John rehearsed in his mind the answer he knew he would have to give when this question was presented. Looking at the handsome boy, he began, "As you noticed in your tour, there are only three bedrooms in the house plus the glass bedroom, which isn't used as much as it should. So the four of us before today took turns sharing their bed with someone else, as each bed is large enough for two to sleep comfortably. That usually means two us had a bed to ourselves while one shared his. Now with you here we'll have to share two of the beds and only one person gets his own bed each evening."
Corey looked at the man wondering if there was something else not being told to him. His uncle had said that John would know what he was trying to tell him. Also that he would be running around naked all the time. "John, did you and my uncle do some special things together? He told me we could do things here you wouldn't be able to do anywhere else."
"Oh? What do you think he meant by that?" If there was to be any mentioning of sex, John wanted the boy to be first to bring it up. Instead the boy just shrugged his shoulders.
"I think you know what your uncle meant. Yes, we have a different way of living than you would find anywhere else. Joshua and the boys who lived here with him had a wonderful life. We didn't worry about rules or laws. We did what we wanted because it was fun. It's probably something every boy in the world wishes they could do, but very few can. Most can only dream about it or see pictures of it on the Internet."
Corey took a chance. "You mean like sex things?"
"Yes, sex things. Joshua and his friends and the boys here today feel like they should be able to do what they want with their bodies without police, school, churches and parents saying it's wrong. Do you believe you should do what you want with your body, especially if it makes you feel good?"
The ice was broken. Corey vigorously nodded his head. "I saw lot of pictures on the Internet and wished I could do some of those things."
"Well here you can. As long as no one forces you to do something you don't want to do, enjoy sex as much as you want."
"Uncle Joshua says everyone is naked all the time."
"That's true. We're dressed now because we didn't know anything about you except what your uncle told us. And since you weren't sure yourself if the life here is what you wanted to live, you placed a 30-day trial period, right?"
"I was scared. What if I didn't do sex like everyone else and all of you hated me?"
"That doesn't happen here. Sure, you'll be nervous in the beginning. Standing naked so everyone can see your private parts is a big step. But soon you'll hate wearing clothes. And the boys here will be good teachers. They want a new sex friend. If you're happy, they'll want you to stay."
"Will you do sex stuff with me?"
"If you'll let me. From what I can see, you're a sexy-looking boy, just like your uncle. So, do you want to sleep with one of the boys tonight or have a bed by yourself?"
The 11-year-old felt his little cock getting hard thinking of the prospect of sleeping in bed with another boy. He had never shared a bed with anyone else in his life. Looking at the other boys, he immediately knew who he wanted to share a bed with for the first time. "Raphael," he said with a little nervousness and excitement.
"Raphael's a good choice. He really loves sex, will make you feel good and can answer any questions you have. But before I call him over, I need to tell you one more thing," as Corey returned his gaze to the man. "Another boy is coming to live with us. He'll be arriving tomorrow. His name is Miles and he's 12-years-old."
"Another boy?"
"Yes. He came to visit a few weeks ago and everyone thought it was a bad idea. So we sent him to live with relatives. But Miles wants to come back and try again. It's just a coincidence that both your visits were next to each other. He's a good boy and knows about sex too. Raphael can tell you more." Then John whistled to the boys sitting on the other end of the bonfire and motioned Raphael to come over. The boy got up and quickly dashed to where the man and boy were.
"Corey wants to spend his first night here sharing a bed with you. Is that all right?"
"Sure!" the boy said with excitement. "Have you ever slept naked in bed before?" getting a 'no' answer from the boy. "It's lots of fun."
"Now listen to me Raphael. I know what a horny little devil you can be," causing Corey's face to flush and Raphael's to sport a big grin. "Corey has never done any sex before. And he's chosen you to help him start and learn. So don't do too much tonight or push on him anything he doesn't want to do. Understand?"
"I promise. We'll start slow and I'll show you some good feelings, most that John taught me."
"Don't stay up all night. We have to be up early and dressed when Lord Langley arrives with Miles. Let Carlos and Peter know before you head back to the house."
"Will do," as Raphael and Corey left John and headed to where the other two boys were sitting. "Corey's going to sleep with me tonight. I'm going to teach him about sex." The new boy looked away as all this open sex talk was new and he hadn't quite accepted the subject being so blatantly spoken about out loud.
It was Peter who spoke first to Corey. "I hope you like sex. If it weren't for John, I would have never experienced it. I was nervous and scared at first too. In fact, I didn't want to live here," getting nods from Carlos and Raphael as they recall how close it came to them not being adopted. "Now we have it every day as much as possible."
"I want to learn and have the same fun. My Uncle Joshua said living here was the happiest time of his life."
"Just in case it goes that far, remember nothing back there until John gets to pop his cherry," Carlos reminded his younger friend.
"We're just sleeping naked tonight, that's all," Raphael assured everyone.
"Pop my cherry. What does that mean?" a curious boy wondered, as the other three had instant recalls of their own deflowering.
"It's the last and best part of the sex," Carlos began. "John is the one who will teach you." Receiving instructions about the following morning and Miles' return, the four boys headed toward the house. Carlos held back a second and asked John if he could sleep with him.
"Of course. I'd love that," recalling the ongoing memories of the hot young boy in bed and the pleasures his body provided.
"I told Raphael not to do anything in back until you popped Corey's cherry."
At first shock, then a laugh, as John recovered. "What was Corey's reaction?"
"Curious. We told him you were going to show him the best part of having sex."
"Well Carlos," as the two grabbed some buckets of water from the ocean and put out the fire, then heading toward the house, "let's pretend it's your night to have your cherry popped. Are you ready?"
"Will this first time hurt," the 12-year-old tried to ask with a serious tone, but couldn't, as both he and John began to laugh.
"Yes, it will young man. I plan on shoving my monster cock all the way inside that tight virgin butt of yours while you scream your head off," as both continued laughing as they walked the sandy shore under the canopy of a thousand stars.
It was Corey who woke first as the bedroom was gradually getting brighter with the rising sun. It took a few seconds as he blinked his eyes open to realize that (A) he wasn't in his usual bed at his Aunt Laura's house, (B) that he was actually sleeping in someone else's bed and (C) that he was completely naked. It took a few more seconds before his thoughts went back to the day before. He had concluded a long flight and finally made it to Paradise Island where John and the three boys lived. After a tour of his new home, everyone enjoyed a barbeque dinner and later sat around a big bonfire. It was there that John, in a somewhat roundabout way, told the boy that sex was a very important part of the lifestyle of everyone who wanted to live on the island.
Then he slept for the very first time with another boy in the same bed. Corey recalled being nervous about getting undressed in front of someone his own age. Raphael understood the boy's uneasiness. He got naked first and crawled under the covers. He then turned off the lights plunging the room into darkness, thus allowing the shy 11-year-old to get undressed and join his new friend in bed. Nothing was done, as Corey felt embarrassed at his cock getting hard. He scooted to one side of the bed facing away from his bedmate. Raphael gave him his space, turned his back toward the boy and soon both were asleep.
During the night, Corey woke up to find Raphael's body snuggled tightly against his. His first instinct was to either push the boy away or create more space between them. But then his momentary panic subsided as he discovered how it felt to have a naked body lying next to his own nude form. He found himself enjoying the warmth Raphael felt against him. As he thought more about it he heard the boy moan a little and then place an arm over his chest. Gently, Corey used a free hand to lightly rub along the arm wrapped around him. While he was doing that he felt another reaction. Raphael's cock had gotten hard and was pressed against his ass. Corey wasn't sure what to make of it, but he didn't have time to give it much thought as his own cock stiffened. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Raphael's hand starting stroking his chest followed by the soft words, "You feel nice Corey." Calming down, Corey then turned to face the boy. He then ran his hand along Raphael's back as now his bed partner was rubbing his back too. Then two young cocks began making contact with one another. No words or instructions were needed as each boy, governed by nature's sexual instincts, pressed against each other. This went on for several minutes before sleep started to return. Before both boys' eyes were closed, it was Corey who made the final comment, "You feel good too."
As the memories of the evening before were replayed, Corey smelled bacon being cooked. He quietly got up and looked for towels. He realized that they must be in the hall bathroom. He either had to get dressed or proceed naked. Taking a deep breath, he left the bedroom and headed toward the shower. Before he got two feet into the hallway, he heard a voice coming from the living room. "Good morning Corey. You sure look sexy today," as he recognized the voice of John.
Taking a deep breath, he smiled as he responded, "Thank you John. I do feel sexy." The nervousness was gone, replaced by excitement. He was ready to begin his new life as a totally naked boy of Paradise Island.
"So much for taking it slow and easy," John thought to himself.
Everyone was waiting at the helipad, as the sound of the approaching craft grew louder. After getting a boost of confidence from John as he walked naked down the hallway to the bathroom, Corey received others from a also naked Peter and Carlos heading toward the second bathroom, who made comments how lucky they were to have a new friend to play sex games with. The entire Internet viewing and fantasizing he had gone through had finally come to an end as the boy realized he was now part of a world he always wanted to be. After the shower, he confidently walked into the kitchen for breakfast naked as the day he was born.
John tried not to stare, but couldn't help himself. He had gotten a quick glimpse of the nude boy as he left one of the bedrooms. But now he was here, another beautiful young boy had joined the family. Combined with that beauty was the self-assurance that he could participate in whatever sexual lifestyle everyone enjoyed. The man found himself stumbling for words. "Corey
3; you feel okay being naked so early. Not that I mind of course," getting a grin from the 11-year-old, "but you've only been here less than a day."
"I was a little nervous when I went to bed naked with Raphael. But when I woke up this morning, I don't know, I knew this was what I wanted to do. Don't you go naked also," noticing John wearing a shirt and pants?
"Most times. It depends on what I'm fixing for breakfast. Don't want to get burned cooking. Also, remember I told you last night another boy will be here this morning."
"Hey! Who's showing off?" Peter asked with a smile as he, Peter and Raphael entered the kitchen, dressed in just cutoffs.
"Whatever you did last night Raphael sure made Corey quickly feel right at home," John directed at the boy.
"We just slept naked. We didn't do any sex."
"Raphael," Corey began, "When we woke up during the night and again this morning, I liked snuggling next to you. And when we hugged each other, I knew I was right at home. I wasn't going to start naked like this. But when I walked down the hallway and John said how sexy I looked, I knew I wasn't going to be nervous anymore. I wanted to be like all of you."
Raphael looked a little embarrassed, but quickly recovered. "I liked hugging you too."
"So are you three going to let Corey be the only one naked for breakfast?" John asked with a grin.
In a flash, three boys stripped their pants and soon were sitting at the breakfast table. As John finished cooking the morning meal, he couldn't help but take quick peeks at the newest member of the family. Corey caught the man looking at him and smiled. When he thought John was looking, he's spread his legs so his cock was in view. John's own cock stiffened at that sight and the realization that soon that small, but stiff, cocklet currently on display would be his to suck and enjoy all he wanted.
Two hours later everyone, properly dressed, waited for the arrival of Lord Langley and Miles. It wasn't long before the helicopter could be seen. As the occupants could be more clearly identified, John recognized Miles who was waving his hand vigorously in greeting. It was a strange feeling seeing this boy again so soon. Would this time work out? Would five boys be too much for him to handle?
The craft landed and as the blades slowed Troy got out and went to the other side as he open the cabin door. Miles was the first to jump out as he ran towards John giving the man a hug. "John, I missed you. I'm so glad to be back."
Releasing the embrace, the man looked at the boy. "Miles, good to see you too. I hope you find what you are seeking while you're here."
Lord Langley was next to step upon the ground as John approached the nobleman. "Your Lordship. Once again, welcome to Paradise Island."
"Thank you John. Didn't think I would be back so soon, but as it has happened I'm happy to be here and to see you and your family." Looking at the four boys standing nearby, Langley queried, "Have I missed someone from my previous visits or have you a new visitor?"
John led Lord Langley and Miles to where the boys stood. "Sire, you recall Carlos, Peter and Raphael. This handsome young man, who just arrived yesterday, is Corey. He'll be with us a little while."
As Langley and John started heading toward the house, Miles approached Corey. "Hi. Have you known John before?"
"Met him for the first time yesterday. My Uncle Joshua used to live with John when he was a boy."
"Yes, I remember that name. When I was last here Mike was visiting. He told me about how he, Joshua, Chris and Matt used to live here with John. So why are you visiting?"
Corey gave Miles a large grin. "I want to have the same fun my uncle had when he was here," getting an understanding smile in return.
"Then you and I will have lots of special enjoyment together," as the two, along with the three others, who had been listening, started walking toward the house.
As lunch was being prepared, John was able to talk to Troy privately for a few moments. "Did you find out anything on those boys being abducted?"
"Not much. Several men arrived by boat and demanded some boys. When the villagers refused, several were shot and killed. Four boys were forcibly taken."
"I take it nobody has a clue as to who is behind this?"
"It was raining, the kidnappers wore hoods, nothing to really help identify and track who these men were and from whence they came."
John was quiet for a few moments. "Tell me Troy. Have you noticed anything on that island that belonged to Lam Sin, the one we rescued Kauri from?"
"Now that you mentioned it, I have. It looks like new buildings have been erected and more security measures are in place. Do you think it's being used again to hold kidnapped boys?"
"Even if that were true, who would want them? We have to assume someone in Lam Sin's old empire also enjoys boys and is implementing the same kidnapping/storing operation in getting boys back to Singapore."
"Why now?"
"It's been a quiet seven years. Guards may be down. It's the perfect opportunity for the element of surprise. Continue to see what you can find out."
"Will do John."
After a large lunch, the five boys went out to stroll along the shore. Lord Langley, Troy and John retired to the living room. It was his lordship that spoke first. "So do you think we're doing the right thing bringing Miles back here?"
"I can only hope. With Miles' unique situation, I can't help but feel he wants to live life as normally as possible. Being here with those he feels more connected with helps take his mind off of an uncertain future. Please don't misunderstand me your Lordship. I'm not hinting that being with you was a bad idea. In fact, I have me to blame. I overreacted and made assumptions too quickly."
"We both weren't looking at the whole picture. Life in London was terrifying for the boy. Even living in a manor he once occupied gave him no comfort. He was looking for ghosts, so to speak, this Jakes, as well as those boys he knew before. That only compounded his loneliness. I couldn't introduce him to other boys yet. The castle was just a giant prison to him." After a moment's pause Langley continued. "I still don't quite understand that by your own admission you knew Miles for less than 12 hours. Yet it impacted him so much that living here became an obsession."
John felt a little uncomfortable. He knew he was about to lie to Lord Langley. But there was no way to share the fact that the sex shared among all was a major factor in cementing the relationship shared by him and all the boys. "I never thought that what we shared with him about our future, little as it was, would dominate all his thoughts. He was a free boy, had his friends who had also been in sexual bondage, now sharing the same home. He should have been happy and looking forward to a long and fruitful life at the Langley estate."
"Which brings us to Lam Sin," as Langley opened a briefcase John had seen him carry. It looked like the same one brought on his Lordship's first trip to Paradise Island. The contents revealed the existence of a time travel device based on evidence from his and Mike's visit. John's heart skipped a beat. Was this good news or bad?
"I just received this a few days ago. I was going to have a courier deliver it directly to you. But when it looked like Miles was going to return here, I thought I would bring it myself. It's new information but I'm not quite sure if I understand it all. I'll share what I have. Maybe you can fill in some blank spots." Getting a nodding head in return, Lord Langley continued. "Have you heard of a man named Dian?"
"Did you say 'Dian'?" coming from Troy.
Langley looked at the pilot. "You know this man?"
Troy felt uncomfortable. He had been primarily a listener. Now a name heard recently was being mentioned. "Yes, I do. Once a long time ago and just within the past few months."
John interjected himself. "Dian used to work for Lam Sin. He failed to follow an order, so Lam Sin put out some sort of a contract to have him executed. He's been hiding ever since. He tried to blackmail Troy."
"Blackmail? I don't understand. What could he blackmail you about?"
"Lord Langley, must this be brought out? Troy has tried to bury this part of his past for a long time. Dian thought he could use it as a source of coercing him into paying him for silence. It didn't work. We never heard from him again."
"This is indeed strange. From what I was told, this Dian never mentioned Troy's name, but claimed to be a long-time friend of you John?"
"He told my contact that he wanted to help you for the assistance you gave him."
"I have no idea what he's talking about. I never met the man. My knowledge comes from what Troy shared with me."
"Okay, let me back up and see if we can get this straightened out. As you know, I've been trying to trace Lam Sin ever since he arrived in Singapore and supposedly disappeared. My contacts had been getting nowhere. Somehow Dian contacted one of my associates claiming to be a friend of yours and an enemy of Lam Sin."
"How would he know me? Like I said, I've never met the man." But John knew that somehow Dian must have discovered who helped him get a new identity and appropriate documents.
"Another mystery I'm afraid," as Langley continued. "Anyhow, apparently he's been tracking the goings on at Lam Sin's enterprises. Mr. Yang was no longer in charge. A Chin Lee was now was running operations. This gave my men a lead to work on. Last week, for some unknown reason, Chin Lee drove to a small cemetery in an isolated valley in the northern part of the country. My men followed him to see what he was up to. He dug up the coffin of someone buried there. Upon opening it, Lee was observed removing what looked like a satchel that had been buried with the corpse. Then he returned to his castle."
All John and Troy could do was shake their heads. Was this nightmare ever going to end? Then both observed Lord Langley removing several photos from his briefcase. He slowly handed one at a time to John, who then passed it to Troy.
The first few were of who apparently was now running the former Lam Sin empire. As for Mr. Yang and what happened to him, that remained a mystery. The next group of photos showed four men at a gravesite, first exhuming the coffin, opening it up, the removal of an object and the re-burying of the coffin. Whoever Lord Langley's contact was had some expensive long-range camera lens to get these crisp clear shots. It was the final photo that shook up John the most. It was the grave marker was with unusual spelling.
"I take it that those letters are Lam Sin's name in reverse?" Langley asked. All John could do was nod his head.
"I don't understand. How would this Chin Lee know where Lam Sin is buried? How could the man contact him from the grave?" John asked, the old fears returning from the past.
"An interesting question. And what could have been in that satchel that was so important to Chin Lee?" Langley added. "But now we have a dilemma," getting a questioning look from Troy and John. "We're at a dead end. We confirmed Lam Sin died in 1838. What he did those 16 years when he returned to Singapore we have yet to discover. Somehow he found out how to contact someone in the future. And I'm assuming the satchel was a complete history of what happened here seven years ago."
"If Lam Sin wrote about the humming cave, not knowing it had been destroyed, would Chin Lee know of its existence and maybe assume it's still active?" John's mouth was getting dry.
"Worst yet," Lord Langley added. "Has Lam Sin given instructions on coming to this island and trying to reverse the process to bring him back here?"
"But the humming cave has been destroyed. There is no time travel device," Troy added.
"Lam Sin didn't know that. Maybe he thought he hadn't been returned because something or someone had to manually reverse his trip. So he could be expressing an opinion for Chin Lee to check out, who also doesn't know the time travel device no longer exists," John put in.
"We must assume the worst, that sooner or later Chin Lee will be coming here. And that he'll be better prepared than Lam Sin was when he tried taking your boys," Lord Langley surmised, a thought both John and Troy already was thinking possible.
It was at that moment the five boys returned from outside. "John, we need to unpack Miles' suitcase," Carlos shared.
Regaining his composure, John smiled. "Yes, we're through. Come on in."
Langley stood up. "I guess that's all I can add. We'll keep on top of things." Looking at Miles, he continued, "Good luck to you. I hope everything works out the best for you."
"Thank you Sire
3; for everything."
As everyone headed back to the landing pad, John called Troy to his side. "How quickly can you come back?"
"As soon as I drop his Lordship at the airport, I'll return."
"Thanks. We have some thinking to do," getting an agreeing nod from the pilot.
Within moments after final goodbyes were exchanged, the craft lifted from the ground and disappeared into the sky. Taking a deep breath, not wanting to show any signs of what the latest news might mean, he turned to his new family of five boys. "All right, back to the house. We have some talking to do."
"And sex too," coming from Raphael, getting a laugh from Miles and even from Corey.
Meanwhile, unknown to all on the island, an alien craft, invisible to radar, hovered directly over them 25,000 miles into space. Soon, its presence would greatly impact on all it encountered, past, present and future.