PZA Boy Stories

James Stuart
the Erotic Historian

The Country Manor

Chapters 8-10

Chapter 8
A Royal Guest

At last the weekend had arrived, Jamie had told his parents that he was needed a bit earlier at the Manor, and had set off early to ensure that he arrived on time. This resulted in him getting to the Manor at 12.30, where he met up with the squire's three boys, who did not seem concerned that he was too early. The four of them played in the house for a while, until a heavy clatter of horses' hooves and creaking wheels was heard from outside, and John announced that 'they' had arrived, at which point the children went outside. Drawing up to the entrance of the Manor was a train of carriages, and as soon as they drew to a halt the doors swung open and out poured a large quantity of boys, of all ages and sizes. Jamie reckoned that were at least forty boys in the group. The squire's three son's went to greet them, and then led the whole host into one of the bigger reception rooms inside. Jamie had tagged along at the back, and was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden big increase in the number of people present. All the boys seemed to know each other, and there was quite a din with all the chattering, laughs, and shouts. Jamie recognised a few faces from the party last month, but for all he knew they could have all been there as it had been such an incredible evening, there was no way for him to remember every face he had seen. The young boy was standing on his own in the corner, as he was a bit shy to introduce himself when everyone else all seemed to know each other. However he was soon spotted by Billy who came up to keep him company, then introduced the kid to some other boys their age.

"Where have all these boys come from?" Jamie asked. Billy just touched his nose and replied.

"Sorry Jamie, but we are not allowed to say."

After around twenty minutes of the incessant din, there was a large clapping at the far end of the room, and when Jamie looked over, he saw the squire standing there trying to get everyone to quieten down. After he had achieved this, Sam started going through the various shows that would form part of the evening's entertainment. It was all new to Jamie, but it was apparent that most of the other boys knew what each show would consist of, and had clearly already done some rehearsals. Jamie heard that the theme for the night was going to be ancient Egypt, though this was not something he knew much about, as they had not covered it at school. Sam described in detail what roles would be played by each boy, and there was even some practice of the various speaking parts. No costumes were donned, so this was not a dress rehearsal. However it soon became apparent to Jamie that throughout most of the show the boys would be wearing little or nothing, so an undress rehearsal would have been more appropriate.

After a couple of hours Sam seemed to be satisfied that everyone knew what they had to do, and told the boys that it was time for them to take a rest. Jamie followed the noisy crowd out of the room and then through the Manor until they had reached the dormitory where he had slept during the party the month before. Each boy took one bed, and an old woman entered carrying some glasses of milk. Jamie drank his down, though he noticed that a few of the older boys had not been supplied with the drink, and were simply settling down to rest. Obviously these were trusted to rest without the need of the sleeping drug given to the younger boys.

Jamie lay back on his bed, and as if no time had passed at all he felt someone waking him up, and looking round noticed that many boys were up and rushing around, play fighting and the like. It was clear he had been asleep some hours, and the young boy spent a few moments stretching himself until he felt more awake. When he looked around it was apparent that there were even more boys in the dormitory than before he had fallen asleep, with the totally number having now swelled to some sixty lads. He guessed that these must have arrived later, and there was a number he recognised as boys who lived locally. After Jamie had risen the young boy was led along with the others to yet another large room located in the Manor. This was filled with a number of tin baths, each filled with steaming water. All the boys started to undress, and began hoping into the baths, two, three or sometimes four to a single tub. Three young women rushed around with bars of soap attempting to supervise the bathing. There were too many boys for them to clean personally, so they simply ensured that each child had either started to wash himself, or was operated on by a companion. Naturally in no time chaos ensued, with water being splashed, and various soap bars starting to fly around. The poor women tried to keep things going smoothly, but frequently ended up getting dosed with water themselves, which annoyed them no end, and a sharp slap would be administered to the bare bottom of the offender.

When the boys had finally been washed, dried, and had their hair combed, it was time to don their costumes for the evening. This did not take very long, as what they were given to wear was even scantier than the previous month's party. Most of the boys were supplied with little more than a strip of black cloth, a few inches wide and about one foot in length. This was tied to their waists by means of a thin cord and then hung so that it covered their privates and very little else. The wearer's bottom was left completely bare. Jamie noticed that some of the elder boys got some headgear, and a few were supplied with a kind of white short skirt instead of the strip of cloth. This covered them somewhat more than their younger companions, but was so attached that there was a slit along one side, allowing easy access to a roaming hand should it so desire. When they were ready, Mr Grange entered the room, and was greeted with cheers and whistles when the boys observed that the master had himself donned a costume. Sam was clad like an Egyptian pharaoh, with a brightly coloured long skirt, a short jerkin, and a very elaborate piece of headgear. In his hand he held a golden staff of the kings. Sam was never very keen about dressing up himself, but his three young sons always insisted on it. He had managed to avoid it the month before, because as the theme was heaven, the only role he could have played would have been God, and this was just a bit too blasphemous to remain in good taste. The man bowed to the audience and then started putting small silver necklaces onto the youngest children.

"Why is the squire doing that?" Jamie asked another lad. The boy grinned at the question and then lightly patted his own ass checks.

"This is out of bounds to the guests for any boy with a necklace," he answered. Jamie had a good idea what the boy meant, and since he was not given a necklace himself, it indicated that his own ass was therefore fair game.

Sam shouted for all the boys to be quiet, and then gave his normal pre-party lecture to the boys about the importance of behaving well in front of the guests, and doing whatever they were told. The boys were then led off towards the main hall were the party was held the month before, and when they entered it seemed that most of the guests had already arrived and were seated as before. Altogether there were approximately forty guests, and around a third of these had one or more boys seated behind them, most of whom were completely nude. This brought the total number of boys to almost one hundred. It was clear that the Manor parties were no small affair.

As the boys entered most of the guests started clapping, and a number of the children ran towards their favourite gentlemen, and were greeted with hugs and kisses. Six of the elder teenagers took up a position at the side of the hall, and picking up instruments started to play some soft music. Another group broke off to pick up prepared platters of food and drink, which they began to distribute to the guests. Jamie joined the majority of the boys in the centre area, where they sat on the cushions and waited to be summoned by a gentleman. Sam took his seat at the centre of the enclosing semicircle like the month before, and Jamie spotted the squire's three sons seated behind him. Billy and Charles had donned the rather simply cloth outfit that Jamie was wearing, though John wore the rather more modest outfit of the elder boys. He also saw another, very finely dressed gentleman, seated next to Mr Grange, his seat raised to a similar level as the host's, giving him an equal status.

"Who's that next to the squire?" Jamie asked a blond kid next to him.

"That's a member of the royal family, we're not allowed to ever mention his actually name, so he is simply referred to as the Prince."

Jamie gasped in awe, he just could not believe that a lowly farm boy like himself, was now in the presence of royalty. He did not have long to ponder the question as he shortly had a tap on his shoulder and a young messenger boy was pointing out an elderly gentleman who requested the pleasure of Jamie's company. Although feeling a bit nervous the boy walked over to the man, and sat on his knee as requested. The old man hugged the boy, and kissed him lightly on one of his cheeks. He did not say anything but began to gently stroke the child's thighs and was soon rewarded with the sight of Jamie's little prick going erect. The man then started to manipulate it, causing the boy to shudder with pleasure.

Throughout the next couple of hours Jamie spent some time with a good number of the guests. He generally only remained with any one gentleman for ten minutes or so, before he was sent back into the middle, frequently having been asked to send over one or more other boys as replacements. No sooner had he sat back down, when he was again summoned to someone else. As he was both a new boy and very pretty, it was no surprise that young Jamie was in such high demand. Most of the guests were gently and nice to the boy, kissing and caressing him, or started to tickle him or tell him funny jokes making him laugh. A few others were not so pleasant, remaining rather stiff and formal, or who handled the boy a bit roughly. Fortunately this type were in the minority.

With the nicer ones Jamie enjoyed the attention and erotic stimulation he received, as his young prick and balls were frequently handled, and his smooth ass gently stroked. This kept him almost permanently erect. Some of the guests took greater liberties with the boy, such as deep kissing him, bending over to suck or lick his hairless genitals, or even getting him to stand up between their legs whilst they rimmed his asshole, which sent the boy wild. The majority of the men remained fully dressed whilst they played with Jamie, but a few had opened up their breeches to release their own straining members. The boy was then told to masturbate the owner whilst they pleasured themselves touching the child's soft body. One guest instructed Jamie to suck him whilst he stroked the boy's bottom. Fortunately the kid had had a lot of practice in this art during the last month of playing with the squire's sons, and so was determined to do his best to please the man. Jamie immediately discovered that the man's prick was already soaking wet, so he guessed that this particular gentleman requested this favour each time he summoned a new boy.

Eventually Jamie found himself with Mr Scott, the gentleman who had purchased his supposedly virgin ass the month before. The man hugged and kissed Jamie, and told him how wonderful he thought the boy had performed that day. Seated behind him was his son, George, who was currently enjoying a blow job given to him by a little imp of a lad, who could hardly have been much older than eight. Jamie was pleased to see that the teenager had recovered from his painful encounter with the huge prick of the Russian. What Jamie did not know was that the boy had received some compensation for his pains, as Mr Scott had felt so guilty about the affair, he had purchased his son a new horse. Furthermore George's friends had been so keen to hear about the whole matter, that he had persuaded a number of them to let him fuck them as payment for the story.

As the party continued, Sam Grange surveyed the scene before him. He always tried to remain objective throughout, since being the host he could not let his passions cloud his supervision of the proceedings. All the same it was difficult, as the constant display of delicious boy flesh, and the scenes of sexual play were arousing him a lot. The Prince was now occupied playing with a handsome fourteen-year-old that was associated with one of the guests, so the men's conversation had been temporarily halted. Sam gave a quick glance to the side, and noticed that the card table had attracted six players this evening, who were being ably supported by a similar number of boys, who supplied the men with drinks, as well as providing more enjoyable diversions. A lot of the kids that had been brought along by some of the guests had left their original high stools behind their guardian and were engaged in various sexual situations, either with other guests, or some of the boys supplied by the host. Not a single man was alone, some having a lone boy with then, others having two or more. The normal large crowd of young boys was gathered around the old Colonel, no doubt listening to another of his endless supply of old army stories.

At this early stage in the evening the majority of the sexual activities consisted of little more than gentle petting and the like. Most of the men seemed content to arouse the boys rather than risk getting too excited themselves, as this way they could make their inferior sexual staying power stretch over a longer period. However a few, particularly those that had had no boy companion through the rest of the month, could not wait. Thus a couple of gentlemen were receiving blowjobs, and one was having a boy ride his erect prick.

As his eyes swung over the entire area, Sam was pleased to see everything was running smoothly. He had to check that all the boy's were behaving well, and were carrying out any instructions obediently. Fortunately given the rather horny nature of young males, most were only to willing to comply with any request. This led on to the second thing that Sam was looking for, namely that none of the guests were going too far. Sam thought of the parties as being a meeting of a private club, and its members had certain restraints on their behaviour. He knew that some of them were less pleasant to the boys than others, considering them as little more than available meat to satisfy their own lusts, but Sam needed to make sure none of the boys were being severely mistreated. At this time at least everything seemed in order, so he relaxed somewhat.

As his eyes continued to roam, they eventually came to rest on a foreign gentleman, who was currently running his hands over two blond boys that were sharing his seat. This man was not an official member of the club, but was in fact a Turkish guest of the Prince's, whom he had bought here. For obvious security reasons, Sam normally forbade any guest from bringing along acquaintances that he had not yet had the chance of vetting as full members, yet clearly one had to make exceptions for royalty. The Prince had explained to Sam that the foreign office had considered it good diplomacy if the man was allowed to stay a while at the Prince's London residence. This had rather annoyed him at the time, since he realised it would clash with the date of the party, and he had wished to attend on this occasion. However when the Prince discovered that the man also appreciated the pleasures a boy could provide, he had decided they could both come in any case. As Sam watched the man, the Turk's head unexpectedly swung round, and momentarily the eyes of the two men locked. The foreigner then excused his two young companions, and made his way over to talk to the host.

"I did not have the chance to properly introduce myself, I am Abdul Maffah, and I am most grateful of you to extend me the hospitality of this event."

"Your most welcome," Sam answered. He was impressed with the quality of the man's English, Sam wondered if he had been educated in this country.

"It is a most wonderful party, all your boys are very beautiful, may I commend you on your selection skills."

"That's most kind of you, I try to provide the best for all my guests."

"I was wondering if it would be possible for me to purchase any of the boys, I am a rich man in my country, and I will pay a good price."

Sam almost choked when he heard this, it was not the kind of request he had heard before.

"I am sorry sir, but in my country there are laws forbidding the sale of people, slavery was abolished some years ago."

The Turk smiled, and then waved his hand at the erotic scenes before them.

"It seems that you do not pay much attention to the law. If I understand correctly, this kind of behaviour is not permitted in Great Britain," he said.

The man clearly had a point, the sexual activities at the Manor parties were highly illegal, which is why Sam was always concerned about restricting the number of people that knew about them. Still even he had a moral line at what was acceptable.

"You are correct that we choose to ignore certain laws that we feel are unnecessary," Sam said, "but all the same I can not sell you any of these boys even if I wanted to. I have merely acquired their services for the evening, they do not belong to me, and are thus not mine to sell."

Abdul looked a bit disappointed about this, but did not give up just yet.

"Well surely your own three boys belong to you, perhaps I could buy at least the youngest, name your price."

At this Sam's trying patience snapped, and his hands clenched up at the thought of the man wanted to run off with his beloved sons.

"I would not sell my boys for all the gold in Turkey," he growled, "and I would kill any man that attempted to take them from me."

The Turk realised that he had made a mistake with his suggestion, and decided it would be best if he withdrew.

"Of course, I understand," the man said, "If I had three such ravishing children as yours, I too would not wish to be parted with them". He then bowed and returned to his seat.

Sam watched him sit down, his anger slowly beginning to subside. He turned round and kissed each of his three sons, as if to check they were still there. The boys had naturally heard the whole conversation, and had been a bit surprised the man had thought they were for sale, not that they ever thought for a second that their father would take up the offer.

"I must apologise for that outburst", the Prince said, who had also overheard the conversation. "If I had known that would happen, I would never have brought the man along."

"It is not your fault, your highness," Sam replied. "You can hardly be held responsible for the actions of your guests. We must remember that he comes from another land, where customs and cultures are different."

After another half an hour Sam decided that it was time for the shows to commence. As there were no young virgin asses for offer this evening, Sam had planned for a longer performance. Showtime was the favourite part of the evening for most of the boys, and for a good number of the guests also, so when Sam announced that they would shortly begin, there was a general cheer from the crowd.

The shows were to be conducted on the main stage. This had been fitted with a curtain, and was currently closed. Sam proceeded to a door that led to the back of the stage, and was followed by all the boys that were to take part in the first part, one of who was young Jamie. The remaining lads remained with the guests to help with the tactile stimulation that that would accompany the guest's visual pleasures. After a number of minutes the audience was sitting patiently watching the stage for things to begin, the card game had been abandoned, and the players had returned to their more comfortable seats within the semicircle, so that they could get a better view.

The first thing they saw was Charles, who stepped through the two curtains and announced that the first show was about to begin, and would be called 'Burial of a Pharaoh'. As normal, Charles would be the narrator for the entire performance, a role he liked best. He also had a major role in the design of the shows, along with his elder brother, and of course his father. Sam always had to ensure that the ideas remained with the bounds of what was possible.

Charles returned back behind the curtain, and then shortly thereafter it parted for the beginning of act one. Immediately the audience gasped at the strange scene in front of them. On the stage was about 14 completely naked boys, and Charles still dressed in his skimpy Egyptian outfit, who was sat on a seat on the left hand side. Eight teenagers formed a kind of square with their arms around each other, and on top of their shoulders, one on each side, was a younger boy, around 11 or 12 years old. These young lads also had their arms around each other, and had leaned close together so that their heads were touching and they formed the apex of the formation. With a bit of imagination the result was a kind of pyramid, the boys naked flesh representing the sand swept granite blocks of the real thing. Just in case any guests were having any trouble recognising the construction, Charles explained exactly what it was, and that it was built to house the body of a dead pharaoh. Mind you the boy had considered it inconceivable that any of the audience would need this assistance, unless they had spent the last few years living on a desert island. After all the newspapers where currently filled with stories concerning the latest expeditions of various English and French archaeologists to Egypt. Charles had also wanted the pyramid to be three boys high, but Sam had rejected this, they were after all not acrobats.

There were two boys of the 14 on the stage that were the youngest, at just 10 years of age. One of these was Jamie, and the other was Billy. They stood shoulder to shoulder at the front of the pyramid covering the gap between the two older boys behind them. They thus formed a kind of door, although this was hardly to scale with the real thing. After the crowd had had the chance to admire the scene and its plentiful display of bare boy buttocks, the band started to play a slow sombre music. Shortly thereafter a small procession entered the stage from the right. This consisted of six young teenagers, 13 to 15 years old, clad in the costumes of the elder youths. They were carrying what could only be another boy, wrapped from head to foot in strips of white cotton. The group walked slowly towards the pyramid, and as they approached Jamie and Billy swivelled round to represent the doors opening. The funeral procession then squeezed through the small gap that had been revealed, although this was not without some difficulty, as it was important not to topple the whole thing over with too much rigorous pushing. The real pyramids may have stood for 5000 years, but it was obvious it would not take much to reduce this one to a pile of giggling boys. After a short pause the six body bearers came back out again, naturally having left the dead pharaoh behind, and exited the stage. The two young boy 'doors' then swivelled shut, sealing the body inside. A few moments later the curtains swung closed again, and there was loud applause from the seated crowd. During the interlude before the next act began, a few kids, including Jamie, returned from the back of the stage to help entertain the guests, whilst some of those that had missed out on the first act now left to take part in the next.

The curtains once more parted, and there, apart from the narrator, was just the boy who had been 'buried'. He was still covered in the strips of cloth, thus representing the Egyptian mummy.

"Following death, the pharaoh must arise and complete the many trials that lay before him on his road through the underworld. Only then can he go to live amongst the Gods," the narrator announced.

Shortly after the words had been spoken, the 'corpse' started to move, and slowly unravelled himself from the loosely bound bandages that encased his head and body. In a few minutes out popped the most gorgeous 12-year-old, with dark hair, brown eyes, and a slim sexy body. Once free of his bounds, he did a little dance, twisting round to give the audience a view of his well-shaped buttocks, hairless prick and round little balls.

The trials themselves were, not surprisingly, mostly sexual. One by one the various creatures of the underworld, represented by boys of all ages and sizes, came out to challenge the young deceased pharaoh. The underworld creatures, like the boy they came to face, where all naked, but each wore a facemask representing some animal. The pharaoh had to placate the creatures in order that he could pass, and this normally meant him having to give them a blowjob, or offering them his rather tasty ass to fuck. Sometimes, particularly with younger boys than himself, he would choose to fight instead, and following a staged play fight, he might get the defeated creature to let him enjoy a mouth or tight asshole. In some other cases the pharaoh had to deal with two or more foes at the same time, and most often in these circumstances end up having to suck one boy, whilst another rammed away in his, by this stage, well fucked young ass. None of the elder boys were permitted to cum, as this sweet juice was meant to be reserved for the enjoyment of the adult members later in the evening. For this reason the various couplings were kept short, although the boy representing the pharaoh was permanently aroused, and shot his very small load on a couple of occasions. Also one of the older teens had been unable to hold back, and the white sperm dribbling out of the pharaoh boy's mouth, betraying what had happened.

There was little speech throughout all this, although occasionally the young dark haired boy parleyed a little with his fellow actors before the trial began. The boys representing the underworld creatures would describe what he had to do, such as licking their anuses, or sucking their cocks. It had to be said that from a purely thespian viewpoint, this entire performance was not surprisingly very amateurish. The boys sometimes forgot what their lines where, or what they were supposed to do, and quite often one or more would have a fit of giggles. When this occurred Charles would glare at the offender, and would hiss to them what it was they had forgotten. Of course it was somewhat easier for Sam's 12-year-old son, as he had the entire script in front of him. In any case the audience did not seem to be troubled by the lack of acting ability, being caught up in the erotic scenes before them.

Eventually the young pharaoh had successfully overcome all his trials, and then he was borne on the shoulders of a number of the elder youths representing his symbolic rise to the heavens to become one of the Gods. Here he was met by the Egyptian God of Gods, Rai, the Sun God, played by Sam. He was clad in an elaborate red robe, and wore a golden mask. Normally Sam did not take a part in the shows held during the parties, but both John and Charles had argued that the greatest of all the Egyptian Gods could not be played by a mere boy. In order to take up his place in the heavens, the boy playing the pharaoh had to perform homage to his overload, and not surprisingly, this comprised of him giving the man a blowjob. The boy went to this task with some zeal, and in no time the audience were treated to the sight of the man's seven-inch erection pushing in and out of the pretty boy's mouth. During this time various other boys, representing other lesser Gods, crowded round and stimulated the man further with kisses and caresses. After a few minutes of this, Sam could hold out no longer, and splattered his white cream all other the face of his suckee. Sam was happy to be relieving his bursting balls this early in the proceedings, as it would allow him to be a bit more objective for the remainder of the evening. The young pharaoh boy then walked to the centre of the stage, and with his soft face still covered in cum, bowed to the crowd, and wild applause broke out as the curtains were once more drawn together.

There was a longer pause this time as the last act had been quite long. This provided time for the straining erections of the audience to slowly subside, and also so they could top up with refreshments. After about ten minutes, and following various comings and goings of boys between the back of the stage and amongst the crowd in front of it, a hush once more descended as the curtains drew apart.

The stage was empty of all but the narrator, who spoke.

"We will now behold the incestuous weddings of the pharaohs, where frequently a brother married his sister".

This said, a group of boys entered the stage, consisting of kids representing the bride and groom, and also accompanying attendants. The wedding pair represented brother and sister, but given the exclusively pederastic nature of these affairs, they were of course both boys. All the same they looked so alike it was obvious that the two were real life brothers. The groom was the elder boy, around 13 years old, outfitted like a pharaoh. His brother, or 'sister', playing the bride, was about two years younger, and dressed in the costume of an Egyptian queen. He was attended by Jamie and Billy, also in female clad, whilst the Pharaoh was flanked by two naked bodyguards consisting of older boys. After the group had reached the centre stage, another smaller group entered, this comprising of an Egyptian high Priest, played by John, and two small slave attendants, played by a couple of seven year olds. The priest was clad in elaborate robes and headgear, but his little followers that held the tails of his outfit were clad in the outfit of Egyptian slaves, in other words, nothing at all. This was the first role John had played in the show, and he was obviously determined to make a grand entrance.

The wedding itself was brief, consisting of little more than an exchange of vows, and the bride saying she would obey her husband as a lord and master, after which all but the new man and wife left the stage. As these two engaged in a loving embrace, a small bed was hauled in from the side of the stage, as it was time for the marriage to be consummated. The pharaoh quickly cast his clothes aside, and then started to undress his wife, removing her head and footwear first. As the dress that enclosed the 'girl' was dropped to the ground leaving her nude, the watching crowd burst out laughing. Tied in front of the unfortunate boy's genitals was a small batch of furred cloth, which hid his little cock and balls, which of course as a girl, were not supposed to be there. The rather plentiful pubic hair this gave to the bride rather put to shame the few sparse wisps of hair above the pharaoh's cock. Ignoring the audience's mirth, the groom once more started to kiss his new bride all over 'her' small body, lavishing particular attention on his younger brother's backside. During this operation the audience was further amused to see the small patch of fur being pushed steadily outwards as the younger boy's erection grew. Eventually the pharaoh got to his feet and pushing his wife to her knees soon had her sucking away at his own four inches of hard boy flesh. After a few minutes of this he was ready to move on to the main event, and leading the younger boy to the waiting bed laid him down on his back. The little lad lifted his legs tight up to his body, offering the elder child his boy pussy. The pharaoh pushed his prick inside the tight orifice, and was soon ploughing what was meant to be his sister's virgin cunt, but was of course, his younger brother's often fucked asshole. The crowd watched a short but vigorous fuck, before the elder brother cried out in ecstasy and shot his load into the other boy's tight hole. Thus, the narrator explained, the pharaoh planted his incestuous seed into his sister's womb, ensuring the continuation of the divine line. Obviously no pregnancies would be resulting from this affair, but the audience applauded in any case, and the curtains were sealed once more, hiding the stage from view.

Now all the boys that were to play any part in the show disappeared behind stage, leaving the gentlemen with those boys that had arrived at the Manor after Sam went through the performance, plus those brought along by the guests. From the shouts behind the curtain the guests could guess the next scene was going to involve a lot of participants, and when the curtains rolled back they were not disappointed. Crowded onto the stage was almost 40 boys, 20 on each side, with the poor narrator so squashed to one end, he was in danger of being knocked off the stage all together. Still Charles managed to set the scene for the onlookers. This act was to represent the battle when the Egyptians, represented by the boys on the right, finally drove out their archenemies the Hittites, consisting of the boys on the left. All the boys were completely nude, which was a historical liberty, as unlike certain Celtic and Germanic tribes, neither the Egyptians nor the Hittites went to war naked. However none of the onlookers were complaining. John played the Egyptian leader, and facing him was Billy, leading the Hittites. Jamie was also playing a Hittite.

Now it was soon obvious to everyone watching that this contest was not in the least bit fair. The boys representing the Egyptians were older, bigger boys ranging from 12 to 16 years old, whilst the Hittites consisted mostly of 9 to 12 year olds, and had a few even younger than that. Again this was not remotely historically accurate, as the Hittites were not a race of midgets, but were in fact a travelling tribe from the middle east that were the first people to conquer Egypt, and held that proud nation under the yoke for many years. Still this theme night was meant to glorify the Egyptians, not the Hittites, whom most of the audience had never even heard of.

The opposing armies faced each other for a short while, trading insults and making war cries, and then the Egyptians forces rushed forward and battle commenced. It was a frantic battle mostly consisting of wrestling one another to the floor, giving the onlookers an exciting view of flailing slim limbs, and swinging balls and cocks. It was not long before the younger and weaker side was completely pinned down, and Charles awarded a decisive victory to the Egyptians. The curtains were closed once again, but remained so for just a short time before swinging back open again.

This scene featured John sat on his throne, with some of his men, now clad in their Egyptian outfits, at either side of him. Then, from the left, all the boys that had been part of the defeated Hittite army were marched in, each one with his hands tied in front of him. These were now the slaves of the pharaoh, to be dealt with as he saw fit. The young boys were led in, and told to kneel before their new master. John announced that he was to turn his slaves over for the entertainment of the victorious forces, and there was little doubt what they would want. Thus commenced the grand finale of the show, and as with every month, it would end in a general orgy. The young slaves lined up in a row on the stage still in the kneeling position, and in front of each stood one of the elder boys, whom, after dropping the short skirt round his loins, pushed his penis into the waiting mouth. Soon the audience was watching twenty simultaneous blowjobs, and each onlooker was unsure of exactly where to feast his eyes next. Jamie was servicing a tall 16- year-old youth, with a rather thick six-inch penis. The teenager seemed to be enjoying his blowjob enormously, and was holding the top of the blond boy's head as he pushed his hard member in and out. Jamie was rather proud that he seemed to be doing such a good job, though he found his nose tickled on the elder lad's rather considerable pubic bush.

After a couple of minutes of sucking, the young boys were ordered onto their hands and knees, and they were treated to a long session of ass licking from their captors. Of course, normally masters would not perform such a service for their slaves, but the youngsters did not seem to be bothered about this departure from history. Furthermore the ass licking was good preparation for the next stage, which was the insertion of all those still hard penises into the small holes of the crouching boy before them. Thus the audience were soon viewing a row of horny boys happily buggering a cute young boy before them. The only exception to this rule was those few of the younger boys that wore a silver chain, and were thus considered too young for fucking at the these parties. The older boy's assigned to these therefore had to content themselves with a simple thigh fuck. Jamie, who did not get offered this alternative, winced as the teen's prick was pushed into him for the first time. He had been buggered by John several times during the last month, but he had not had to accommodate a penis of this size up his fundament since Mr Scott had fucked him at the last party. Still, despite some initial discomfort, his anus soon expanded to its new size, and in no time he was getting those nice feeling he always received when being ass fucked.

Sam knew he had to bring it too an end, or a lot of teen cum would end up wasted in the asses of the younger boys. So after a few minutes of buggering, the curtains slowly drew closed, and the audience, although a little disappointed at the rapid end, applauded wildly. After a quick pause, the curtains once more opened to show all the boys standing up, holding hands in a long line, where they bowed to show their appreciation. When the clapping had finally died down, Sam came to the front and said its was now time for the guests to retire to their separate rooms, and indulge in whatever pleasures they saw fit.

Soon after this was said a lot of the boys leapt off the stage and made their way towards various guests whom had obviously already requested the pleasure of their company for the night. Others glanced round to see if a beckoning finger was pointed at them. One boy that received just such a signal was the teenager who had been fucking Jamie a few moments before, and the man that wanted him to come over was none other than the Prince himself. The boy quickly jumped off the stage and made his way into the royal presence.

"Hello there young Edward," the Prince said when the boy had reached him. "I know I slept with you the last time I was here, but since I had such a good time, I wondered if you would mind joining me again."

"Of course your highness, I would be honoured," the boy replied.

"That's splendid, now I fancy having another boy play with us as well, do you know who was that beauty with curly brown hair whom was fucking the youngster next to you?."

The prince pointed out a ravishing 15 year old boy still standing on the stage.

"That's Tommy," Edward replied.

"Well run over and ask him to come and join us."

"Sire, if it is alright with you, could I also invite that little blond boy that I was playing with during the show, his mouth was a real pleasure."

The prince pondered the request for a while, looking over at the young child, who looked a bit lost for what to do next.

"A bit young for my tastes, but he's a pretty little thing all the same, and if it will please you, then by all means bring him along."

Edward left the prince and immediately returned to the stage area that was rapidly depleting of boys as the various guests made their choice. Jamie had not received an invitation during the earlier part of the evening, perhaps because all the guests, knowing he was a new boy, had assumed he was already spoken for. He was just beginning to wonder if he should be doing something, when an elderly gentleman asking him if he was free approached him. Jamie looked at the kind gentleman and was about to say he was free, when two teenagers came up and told the man that Jamie had been requested by the prince. The old man immediately gave way to such an honoured guest, and went off looking for another child. Edward took Jamie by the hand and led him from the stage.

When Jamie saw whom it was that he would be entertaining he almost died of excitement. He could not believe that he, a young insignificant farm boy, would find himself in the presence of a member of the royal family. He couldn't wait to tell his mother, she would be so proud, but he quickly realised that was not going to be possible. Mothers have a habit of wanting to know everything, and he was sworn to secrecy about everything associated with the party and its guests.

Jamie was flush with excitement, and more than a bit overawed, as the prince led the three boys out of the main hall. They passed through a few corridors and eventually ended up in a private room. The man asked the three kids to lie on the bed whilst he got undressed, the boys tossing off what little they had on in a matter of seconds. Despite it being summer and very warm, the prince, like all fine English gentlemen, still wore a good deal of clothing. It took him some minutes to remove his jacket, waistcoat, shirt, cufflinks, trousers, and underclothes. Once he too was in the same state as the boys, Jamie felt a bit embarrassed, not too sure if was allowed to look at a member of the royal family in his birthday suit. The man himself hardly seemed bothered about such things, he was feasting his eyes on the lovely spread of boy flesh he was about to enjoy. In his mid-thirties, the prince boasted a body that did not let Britain's first family down. He only had a slight belly on him, and his body was muscular, revealing the large amount of Germanic blood in the royals.

The man joined the boys on the bed, lying down beside Tommy, the 15-year-old. The boy's body was only just beginning to acquire the shoulder and arm muscles of a man, but he had a well filled out butt, and the prince wasted no time in having a good grope of it. He then bent down his neck and started to kiss the lad full on the lips, whilst his hand roamed round to start yanking on the teenager's hardening prick. Jamie and Edward watched as the prince ground his loins against the boy's ass, and started shoving his tongue deep down his throat. When the prince turned Tommy round to gain a more comfortable position, the man's now fully erect cock came into view, and Jamie gasped when he saw the dimensions. It was well over nine inches in length, and very wide, the young boy reckoned that it was probably bigger than Jack's monster. He wondered whether all royal men were blessed with such a tool. Both the watching boys had become hard, and Edward reached over and started touching the younger boy. He took Jamie's little penis between two fingers and started to masturbate the child, whilst they continue to watch the scene before them.

Eventually the prince broke his embrace and looked up at the other two boys.

"You do not mind playing with your young friend for a while do you Edward dear, it's just that I have an incredible lust to sodomise Tommy's ass," the prince said. "Get on all fours my boy, I'll take you doggy style."

The man walked up and picked up a small jar from the nearby table. He removed the lid and started to rub some of the cream inside it onto his hard pole. In the meantime Tommy had gotten into position with his head laid down on the bed, and his beautiful ass pointing up. The scamp had parted his legs very wide, and was wiggling his ass in anticipation. Jamie wondered if the boy realised what a large tool was going to be stuck up him, but guessed that if the teenager was a veteran of these parties, he would have already been fucked by plenty of such well endowed men. Edward kissed and touched the young blond boy for a while, and then started to push Jamie into a similar position to that of the 15-year-old. Jamie realised that the teenager wanted the same thing as the prince, so got ready to show his highness that he was also an obedient subject of the crown.

Tommy gasped as the prince's hard prick was shoved into his tight asshole, and just a few seconds later it was Jamie's turn as Edward's smaller teen prick found its mark as well. Soon man and boy were pounding away, enjoying the feel on their loins each time they made contact with the smooth soft buttocks of the boy they were fucking. The prince had reached under Tommy in order to masturbate him in time with his fucking action, and Edward, following the man's lead, did the same to pleasure young Jamie. The youngest boy relaxed, allowing himself to enjoy the sensations in both his ass and small prick. When he turned his head to one side, Jamie noticed a small mirror located on the wall, and guessed it was the one way one that allowed the room to be observed from the place he had been the month before. He wondered if John, Charles and Billy were watching him right now.

After a good ten minutes of fucking Tommy, the prince withdrew from the boy, and announced: "You have a fine ass boy, it was designed to be buggered". Tommy blushed red at getting a compliment from such an important person. The man stroked the teen's ass cheeks for a while, then added. "Come on Edward, lets see if your sweet ass was as nice as I remember last time."

The 16 year old pulled out of Jamie with a loud pop, and swapping places with Tommy seemed eager to prove to the prince that his anus had lost none of it's pervious qualities. The man was keen to find out, and was soon embedded inside his favourite fuck boy. Jamie was not too sure what he had to do next, but the very horny Tommy had no such hesitations, and rammed his aching cock up the blond boy's vacated hole. A further ten minutes of ass banging passed before the prince once more withdrew, pulling Tommy away from his partner, in order to kiss him and run his hand's all over his ass. Jamie looked back at the pair, but held his position. He could see the prince's giant cock, swaying before him, and if anything seemed even bigger following its simulation in the two teenager's asses. A moment of worry swept through the boy as he realised he was the next in line to get that thing pushed up his pre-teen ass. The young boy gulped, and prepared himself to take it as well as he could, determined to show his highness how a lowly soul like himself could still be brave. Fortunately for Jamie the prince preferred to fuck older boys, and announced he intended to enjoy Tommy's anus again, only he wanted to be fucked by Edward at the same time. This astonished Jamie, it had never occurred to the young boy that a man would actually want to be fucked himself. In the last few weeks he had seen numerous boys being sodomised by adult men, but had never seen a man receive the same treatment from one of his young playmates. He realised that it would be naive to believe that males stopped enjoying being fucked when they became adults, but assumed that as the dominant partner, they preferred the active role. In particular, a prince allowing his hole to be violated in such a way seemed a bit of strange, not that a royal protocol existed covering this point.

The two teenagers had no problems with the request, and quickly got into position to carry it out. Tommy lay down on his side, with his upper leg slightly raised, giving the prince easy access, the man quickly penetrated the boy to the hilt. Edward then lay behind his highness, and locating the target shoved his tool up the man's rear end. The three quickly built up a rhythm with the prince pushing his whole length into the 15-year-old at the same time as Edward did the same to him. Jamie watched the scene with interest, but he was feeling a bit left out of it. However Tommy beckoned the young boy over to him, and gently manoeuvred the child's head down to his own free prick. Jamie required no further prompting, and was soon sucking and licking the teen's tasty cock and balls like he had been taught by his three best friends. He paid particular attention to the boy's piss slit and soon had Tommy screaming in ecstasy. It was all too much for him, and grabbing hold of the back of Jamie's head, he pulled the youngster onto his cock, shooting a stream of hot teen cum down the child's throat. Jamie swallowed it down frantically before pulling his head free. Tommy, in the aftermath of his orgasm, had rolled onto his stomach, disengaging himself from the prince's prick. This left the man looking aghast, as he had lost the simulation on his penis at the very moment he was approaching the crisis point himself. With Tommy still wrapped in his own feelings, Jamie, like any good British subject, jumped into the breach to save his prince. The plucky youngster started sucking on the man's prick without waiting for the royal, 'you may'. He had to stretch his young mouth obscenely just to get the head of the large organ into inside, but as he felt the man's body quiver in pleasure, he knew he was doing the right thing. The prince had been taken by surprise by the young boy's sudden move, but soon quickly approved of his action. The feel of the child's incredible soft lips, and smooth warm tongue was almost too much of a pleasure to bear. He knew he would not last much longer and the feel of Edward discharging into his bowels was the final straw, and the prince became the second person in just a few minutes to shoot into Jamie's mouth. The young boy swallowed what he could, but the man's large load was too much, and a fair bit leaked out of his mouth. Not wanting to leave such an important man in a mess, Jamie dutifully licked up the rest. He was a bit disappointed to discover that royal spunk tasted much the same as that discharged from a commoner.

The prince and the two teenagers lay still for a while recovering from their orgasms, but eventually the man opened his eyes. Seeing the youngest boy laying still, he pulled him up and kissed him gently on both cheeks, thanking him for what he had done. Jamie was completely overcome with pride, this was in fact the first time the prince had addressed the child directly, and to praise him so nicely made the young kid's face light up in a broad style. The prince fondled the boy's small penis for a while until it had become hard again, and then he asked.

"Dear child, I don't think that you have had an orgasm yet."

"That doesn't matter your highness," the little lad replied.

"Oh, but it does, I shall see to it personally."

The prince's head began to slowly descend down the boy's body, kissing his chest and belly as he went down. As his mouth enclosed Jamie's cock and balls it dawned on the boy that he, a simple farmer's child, was about to get a blowjob from a member of the royal family. This would be a moment he would never forget, what a shame he could not tell his mother about it. In other circumstances she would have been so proud. Jamie noticed the two teenagers starting to stir, and were beginning to jack their own pricks as they watched the youngster being serviced. The youngster could see that this was going to be a long night.

Chapter 9
A Week with the Cousins

For the final week of the holidays the Grange family was expecting a visit from Sam's Sister, Kate, her husband Eric Holland, and their two boys, Paul and Michael. It had in fact been over seven years since the two families had last met. The reason that was always supplied for this was that Eric, a successful solicitor in Manchester where they lived, was always too busy. However the reality was that Sam and his sister had fallen out in a major way some years ago, even though they had been very close as children. The holiday had been arranged to final patch up their differences, and also to give the boys a week in the country. Of Sam's children, only John had the vaguest recollection of the Holland family, as he had been just seven at the time of the last meeting. Yet now all three boys were looking forward to the holiday, and in particular meeting their two cousins Paul and Michael, who at age 13 and 11 respectively, would make good playmates for the Grange boys.

The Holland family arrived by train, and Sam sent out a coach to pick them up. When they arrived back at the Manor, Sam and his boys were waiting outside to greet them. As they step out of the coach, Sam embraced his sister, but it was clear to see that the reunion was a bit formal and cold. He then shook her husband's hand, before Eric introduced his two sons, who were virtual strangers they had grown so much since Sam had last seen them. Paul was about the same height as Charles, and had blond wavy hair and sparkling blue eyes, like his mother. He smiled shyly at his uncle and cousins, and Sam was struck with the resemblance he had of his own son John. Michael was a fair bit shorter, only a little taller than Billy. He had inherited his father's stuck out ears, but fortunately little else, as his dad was no great looker, with a long thin face, and a receding hair line. The man's appearance was not improved by the rather small wire glasses he wore on top of his crooked nose. Michael still had a little boy's face, with brown hair and eyes, and freckles covering his cute little button nose. Sam shook the two boys by the hand, and welcomed them to his house.

It was then that they noticed another woman step out of the coach. She was somewhat older than Kate, well into her forties, and was very formally dressed in a long dress that reached the ground, and carried a sun umbrella in her hand. Kate introduced her as Mrs Wilson, the boy's nanny, and said that they had brought her along to keep an eye on the children, as that would give the adults some time to themselves. Sam welcomed her, and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, but his young sons were absolutely horrified. How were they going to have any fun with their cousins while she was around. They could not understand why the two needed a nanny at all, they had never had one, even after their mother had died.

The remaining afternoon and evening was very dreary, as the boys sat sullenly in their best suits whilst the adults all chatted about mundane things like the journey down, or how Eric's law practice was doing. Sam's lads were bored out of their skulls, as they wanted to run off with their cousins and show them all the fun places around the Manor. At 8 o'clock the two Holland boys were sent to bed, and although it was earlier than normal, Sam did the same to his sons. They did not complain about this, as they were so eager to get away. After they had gotten undressed and into their night-gowns, they slipped down the corridor to where they knew their cousins were sleeping, deciding to get to know them better without any adults around. Yet they were stunned when they discovered that their nanny had accompanied them to bed, and worst still, she would be sleeping in the same room with them. This holiday was going to be a disaster.

The next day, which was Sunday, things were unfortunately going to get a lot worse. As the Grange boys had given up all hope of spending some time with their cousins, and was about to dash off and play, their dad informed them that they would be remaining with his nephews under the care and authority of their nanny. It seemed Sam wanted to ensure that they stayed out of mischief during his sister's stay.

The day with the Nanny started off badly, with them remaining indoors. She took them to the house's music room and, since it was the lord's day, had the boys sing hymns whilst she played on the piano. During a dull morning where their young cousins seemed rather more enthusiastic about the singing than Sam's three, they managed to learn that Michael was called Mikey by everyone except his nanny, who stuck to the long form. He had a lovely singing voice, but by the end of the morning they had heard enough of it.

After lunch, as the woman was about to lead them once more towards the music room, John felt he had to say something, or he and his brothers would go mad.

"Mrs Wilson, it's a lovely day, can we please go outside?"

The woman looked rather strangely at the boy who had spoken, and then replied.

"Very well then, but the sun seems rather too strong, so I want you boys all to wear your hats, Michael dear, run and get my sun umbrella."

Sam's boys were not too keen about wearing their hats on such a nice day, but did as they were told, as at least it meant they could go outside. The group walked amongst the gardens, and nanny's chosen entertainment was not much better than the hymn singing. She wandered round, pointing out flowers and quizzing the boys on their common and Latin names. Kate's boys were rather better than Sam's, although Charles deliberately remained quiet on a few he knew as a kind of silent protest to the chosen activity.

"Mrs Wilson, some of the rarest and prettiest flowers are in the centre of the Maze at the bottom of the garden. If you would like, we can go and see these," John said. Charles threw his brother a rather sharp look, as if to say, for pities sakes don't encourage the woman.

"That's a fine idea John," Mrs Wilson replied. "Please do lead the way."

The maze was one of the finest in England, as many of Sam's ancestors had loved mazes and kept building extensions. It was one of John's, Charles' and Billy's favourite play places, and they knew it all by heart. John skilfully led the way to the centre, but the necessary route was so long, windy and twisted, passing numerous forks and branches, that Mrs Wilson asked John that it seemed a bit far, and wondered if they almost there. John assured her they were, and sure enough after a couple more turns the passages opened up into a large central area, wherein was a large quantity of different plants and flowers neatly arrayed in a central flowerbed.

"Oh this is lovely," Mrs Wilson said. She bent down and breathed in the fresh fragrance of one of the larger colourful flowers.

"Now then, which of you boys can tell me the Latin name of this wonderful flower?" she asked.

Paul was about to answer, but he suddenly felt a hand over his mouth, then he was shoved to his knees and pushed through a small hole at the bottom of one of the enclosing hedges. As he popped out on the other side he noticed his brother was already through, along with Charles and Billy. Scrambling through right behind him was John. Charles grabbed Mikey's hand, John that of Paul, and they ran off down the corridor pulling their cousins along with them.

"None of you know then?" Mrs Wilson persisted, "It is really very easy," but when she turned round she was astonished to see that her five young charges had simply vanished.

Billy led the way, choosing all the correct ways to lead them swiftly back out of the maze. When they reached the exit, the boys stopped to get their breath back from the running,

"Rid of the bitch at last," John said, "Two more minutes of that, and I would have gone insane."

"Brilliant idea Bro," Charles added, "It should be a while before the old cow finds her way out of that."

"We really should not leave nanny," Paul added.

"Oh she will be all right, she has got a whole bed of silly flowers to admire," John said. "Don't worry, we will look after you now, that means I'm in charge."

"Well we should not hang around here, so we'd better scarper. Let's go to the climbing tree," Billy suggested.

His brothers agreed and all three of them dashed off. Their two cousins, not wanting to be left alone, ran on after them. The climbing tree was in fact an old oak, which had stood in the Manor grounds for over a century. Since its branches were thick and evenly positioned, it made it an excellent tree for boys to climb. The only tricky part was getting up to the first branch, but the kids had hammered a few nails in at the correct positions in order to create some footholds to overcome this problem. Soon after they had arrived Sam's lads wasted no time in climbing up to the tree's lower branches. However their two cousins remained on the ground.

"Aren't you coming up?" Billy asked.

"Well I don't know," Paul replied. "It seems a bit dangerous, Nanny tells us that we are not supposed to climb trees."

"Well bloody nanny ain't here at the moment is she, so get your asses up here," John shouted down.

A little alarmed by their elder cousin's orders, and rather crude language, they did as they were told, and helped by the boys above easily climbed up into the tree. Charles then took hold of one of the branches and swung in the air with his arms for a while before dropping down onto the ground. Billy followed him down in the same manner. John then told Paul to go next, but the child looked absolutely petrified.

"Don't worry it's not that far down, and Charles will catch you if you fall. If Billy can do it, so can you," John said.

"Hurry up you girlies," came a shout from below. Now Paul was no brave boy, but he did not like being called a girl, so grasping the branch he swung down, and quickly released. He was surprised that his feet were only a short distance above the ground, and he landed easily. The boy broke into a big smile when he realised he had succeeded, and shouted up to his brother.

"Come on Mikey, that was easy." His younger brother did not look too sure, but he did not want to the only one that could not do it, particularly since he was no smaller than Billy. He too completed the task without harm, and the five boys continued to play in the tree for the next hour climbing up and jumping off, until the two cousins were doing it without any fear at all. Eventually they got bored with this, and John suggested that they all go to the summerhouse. They all agreed and ran off towards it. Once inside they lounged around on the comfortable chairs, and then Charles asked Paul.

"Don't you two ever get to play without having that bitch, your nanny around?"

"Not really, she is always with us, except when we are with our tutor, or mummy."

"Do you ever get to play with any other kids?" Billy asked.

"Sometimes there are parties at our house, or those of our neighbours, where all the children get together, but all the nannies are still there."

"Jesus, a whole fucking group of the dragons, what do you get up to at these parties?" John continued. The foul language was rather lost on the two guests, as they had not heard these words before.

"Oh we play party games, sing songs, or one of the nannies reads a story," Paul said.

"Sound as boring as hell," John added, "I'm glad dad decided not to give us a nanny."

"And does your nanny sleep in the same room as you at home?" Charles asked.

"Of course," young Mikey said, as if such thing was perfectly normal.

"Rather puts an end to any nightly games," Charles said with a giggle, and his two brothers laughed along as well, but the joke had been completed missed by the other two. The boys sat silent for a while until Charles suggested something to do.

"Let's have a wrestling competition." John and Billy immediately agreed, but Paul and Mikey looked a bit concerned.

"That sounds a bit rough."

"Nonsense, as long as no biting, scratching or other foul play is allowed," John said. "The rules are easy enough, the first one to pin the other on his back for a count of five wins. I'll start with Charles. Billy, you be the referee.

Charles put up a good fight, but in the end his elder bother's extra size and strength carried the day, and John was victorious. It was then decided that Charles would fight Paul, and despite his smaller size the dark haired boy won easily. Billy then fought Mikey, and after another quick fight a Grange boy was once more the winner. John then took on Paul, and that lasted about five seconds before the inevitable result. Then Billy and Charles wrestled, with the younger lad giving a good account of himself before being overpowered. Billy then said he wanted to go against Paul, and after a longish struggle finally got to pin Paul down and beat an opponent three years his senior, which pleased the little boy no end. Paul looked very down beat at this, and demanded a re-match, which John granted. This time he fought much harder, which rather surprised Sam's boys, and when he finally beat a tiring Billy, he jumped up and down with joy at the first victory for a Holland boy. The wrestling contest continued on for a while, with the two guests getting better and better, and even Mikey managed to score a victory against Billy, and Paul got close to beating Charles. At the very end the four youngest boys dived on John who had not lost a single fight, and easily overpowered him. They then lay panting on the floor.

"All that close wrestling has given me a hardon," Billy said, and then without warning, the young blond boy pulled down his trousers and underwear to reveal his little two-inch erection.

"Ugh, that's disgusting!" Mikey gasped, but neither he nor his brother took their eyes off Billy's small tool.

"Well your is like this too," Billy said to Mikey. "I felt it when we were last wrestling."

Charles giggled when he heard this, as he had had a good grope of Paul's crotch during their last fight, and it had almost lost him the contest. Still he was in the same state as his younger brother, and to prove it, he promptly yanked down his own trousers and pulled out his cock. On seeing this John immediately followed suit, giving the astonished cousins a view of his own 5-inch stiff prick. Paul's eyes almost popped out at the sight, he had never seen such a big one.

"Doesn't your own thing get like this some times?" Charles asked. Paul went red, but stammered out an answer.

"Sometimes, yes, particularly in the morning, yet nanny says it is sinful to touch it when it's like that."

"Oh ignore that old cow," Charles replied. "She doesn't know anything about how nice it is to play with your cock." He then started to slowly pull on his hard member drawing back the foreskin to reveal the swollen purple head.

"Well come on you two," John said, "Get your trousers down and let's see your sticks."

"That's a bit rude, we really shouldn't," Mikey answered.

"Perhaps they don't have one," Charles added with a giggle, "Maybe they are really girls."

Now of course the two Holland boys only had one way to disprove this, and nothing was worse for a boy that to be thought of as a girl. Rather reluctantly they got on their knees and slowly pulled down their trousers and pants. Hardly surprisingly given what they had been watching, the two boys were also sporting erections. Mikey had a good length for his age, almost 3 inches, but it was very thin. His elder brother's tool was only a bit longer but quite a bit thicker. Neither boy had sprouted any cock hair yet.

"It feels really nice if you gently pull on it," Charles said, and proceeded to demonstrate the correct technique. His two cousins slowly started to yank on their own pricks, and from the way Paul was acting, it was clear that he, at least, had done this before. After a few minutes of this, Charles told them that it felt even better when someone did this for them, and so he shuffled over to Billy and the two boys started to mutually jack the other off. Clearly the two cousins could not believe what they were seeing, as the thought of boys touching each other like that had never occurred to them. After a few minutes of watching Charles and Billy it became clear to John that his cousins were not going to seize the initiative, and start touching each other, so he crawled over and sat between them. He then reached out and replaced each cousin's pulling hand with one of his own. John used his expert fingers to good effect, and soon both boys were leaning back with their eyes closed, enjoying the feelings he was giving them. Paul could sense a steady pressure building up in his groin, and was wondering how much more he could stand, when he heard his little brother's voice cry out.

"Ugh, look at Charles and Billy!"

When Paul opening his eyes they almost popped out of his head, as he saw that his two younger cousins had divested themselves of all their clothing, and were in the sixty-nine position happily sucking each other's cock.

"I don't believe it," Paul gasped, "Why are they doing that? It must taste disgusting."

"On the contrary," John answered, "It is a nice taste, and a hot mouth on your cock feels even better than a hand," and without delay he let go of his cousin's straining member and slid down onto his stomach where he proceeded to suck Paul's cock. The young boy's initial thought's of telling John to stop, soon flew from his brain when he felt the boy's hot mouth on his prick. He squealed with delight as the great feeling shot from his groin to his brain, and was a little disappointed when after just a short while John stopped sucking and said to his younger cousin.

"Do you want a turn as well?"

Mikey had seen the effect on his brother, and quickly nodded his head, so John gave him the same treatment. He then spent a few minutes constantly swapping from one penis to another, but it was clear that each boy was becoming increasingly impatient waiting for his turn.

"Umm, the problem here is that I have just one mouth, now if you two were to do what Charles and Billy are doing, then you would not have to wait at all," John observed.

The two boys seemed a bit apprehensive about the suggestion, but did not struggle as John gently manoeuvred them into position. He lay Paul on his back and removed his trousers that had been around his ankles by this time, and then did the same to Mikey so that both children were now only wearing their shirts. John then placed Mikey so that he was lying on top of his brother, and each had his face to the other boy's hard prick. It was clear both were reluctant to make the first move, but Paul decided that if he was to once again get the feeling of getting sucked he had start things off. He was also more than a little curious to find out what a cock tasted like. So he took part of his brother's tiny prick into his mouth, and started to gentle suck. He had not been doing thus long when he was rewarded with the feeling of his own cock head entering his little brother's mouth. John moved from one side to the other, coaching the two on their technique, telling them how to suck, and when to lick, and also to be careful not to bite. When the two had settled down to some sort of a rhythm, he stroked Mikey's soft ass, and pulled the cheeks apart to admire the little virgin rosebud. John's own cock was incredibly hard, and he was fighting an urge to fuck the boy, but he quickly discarded the idea, as he did not want to freak him out. Besides, things seemed to be going along quite well at the time, rather better than he might have expected from a couple of wimps like his cousins. So instead, he lowered his mouth, and gently started to lick at the exposed hole. From the way Mikey was soon wriggling his ass, it was clear the boy was enjoying the feeling. After just a short while of this it became too much for Mikey, and he had a powerful, although try orgasm. After this he slipped exhausted off his brother and lay down at his side. Paul just looked up and wondered why his brother had stopped, so John lay down so that Mikey was sandwiched between them and pulling Paul on his side started sucking on his older cousin's prick. Shortly after commencing John was astonished, though rather delighted, that Paul had started sucking his own straining member, as if such a thing was a necessity when in this position. John then speeded up the motion of his mouth, and shortly thereafter was treated to Paul spurting his virgin load into his mouth. The boy gulped down the tasty, although rather small mouthful, and then overcome with lust, pulled his prick out of Paul's mouth, and thrust his penis against Mikey's smooth ass, shooting his load over the boy.

"Ughh, you've made me all sticky," Mikey complained, but John shuffled down, and to the astonishment of both of his cousins, he started to lick his own cream off the young boy's skin.

"What does that taste like?" Paul asked.

"Much the same as what you shot into my mouth," John said, and scraping a little off with his finger offered it up to Paul's mouth. As the boy had asked the question, he felt duty bound to lick it off John's fingers. Not wanting to be left out, young Mikey scraped a little off himself to try. It was clear from the expressions on the two boy's faces that they had not decided whether they liked the taste or not, but at least they did not spit it out.

The three boys then looked over to Billy and Charles. These two it appears had finished some time before, and were now warming up for a second round. Billy looked over to his eldest brother, lay himself down over one of the seats and yelled.

"Fuck me Johnny," and so the ever horny teen crawled over to the ten year old, and started to lick his hole. He then stuck his five-inch prick into the boy, and quickly started banging away. Not to be left out, Charles shoved his cock up into John's ass, and soon the cousins were given a real show as the boys fucked away until they had all cum again. After they had finished, Charles asked his cousins if he could fuck either of them, but it was clear that they did not understand what he had meant. Anyway John spoke against it and said they had gone far enough for one day, and so they all went over to suck and lick Paul and Mikey to another climax.

After this was over the exhausted boys lay still for a while before John decided that they had to make a move.

"We had better get back now, it will soon be dinner time, and no doubt that fucking cow the nanny will have the whole house out looking for us."

"I bet the bitch has found another flower she wants us to identify," Charles added with a laugh, and turning to his cousins continued, "I hope that you think our alternative entertainment was more fun."

Both boys nodded their assent, and then all five of them quickly got dressed, and dashed off in the direction of the house.

As they were running towards the Manor, they spotted their parents in the conservatory, and thought they had better make an appearance. It was clear from the moment they walked in this was not a happy scene. Sam stood with his arms crossed and glared at the children as they entered, his sister Kate, was standing next to the sofa and was using a handkerchief to fan the face on the sitting nanny, Mrs Wilson. The poor woman was softly moaning and wiping the sweat from her face. Eric Holland stood beside his wife, calmly supping a cup of Tea.

"Well, perhaps you would not mind explaining where you have been," Sam said as soon as the boys were inside.

"We were just playing," John replied.

"And why did you not remain with Mrs Wilson."

"I'm sorry, but we thought she was so interested in the flowers in the maze, that she would rather look at them alone," John explained, hoping this excuse might be sufficient.

"Well you should have asked her first. Did it not occur to you how Mrs Wilson was to have find her way out after she had finished," Sam continued.

There was a stunned silence from the five boys.

"Due to your thoughtlessness Mrs Wilson was wandering around that maze for more than two hours! If it had not been for the gardener, hearing her cries for help, she would probably still be in there now!"

Charles just stared in disbelief at the wretched woman, as she sat there moaning about how she thought she was going to die in the incessant heat as she wandered around. What an incredibly stupid bitch he thought, it was a good maze for sure, but that broke all records for how long anyone had been unable to find there way out. Even Billy had done it in just twenty minutes when he was only seven, after his elder brothers had abandoned him in the centre.

"We are very sorry sir, we didn't think it would be so difficult," John said softly.

"It seemed you didn't think at all!" Sam yelled back.

At this point the nanny looked over in the direction of the five boys, and wailed.

"Oh look what has happened to their beautiful clothes."

Unfortunately all the scrambling under hedges, climbing trees, and wrestling, had left the boys clothes in a bit of a mess, with mud and grass all over them. It had rather slipped their minds that they had gone out with Mrs Wilson in the Sunday bests, and not play clothes.

"We are really sorry, dad," Charles added, releasing that this situation was looking bad, and some good excuse was going to be needed. "We just wanted to show our cousins around the Manor."

"It wasn't our fault we left the fucking cow," Paul said suddenly, and the moment this had slipped out both John and Charles cringed. There were good and bad times to try out the new colourful words Paul had learned that afternoon, but this had to be the all time worst. Sam almost exploded, Kate looked round and glared at her eldest son, whilst Mrs Wilson threw her hands to her ears and started to weep. Even the implacable Eric Holland raised his eyebrows.

"I've heard enough of this," Sam yelled, "You're going to get it right now." He then turned to Eric and asked.

"I will deal with my three immediately, is there anything you need to handle your two?"

Eric looked rather awkward on hearing the question, and took a long sup of his tea before answering.

"Well you see old boy, it is normally nanny that handles the discipline side of things, though it is clear that she is in no state to do anything now. Since all the boys have been party to the crime, then I would think it is only fair they are dealt with in the same fashion, so if you do not mind, perhaps it would be best if you dealt with them all."

What a coward, Charles thought, he did not even have the courage to punish his own sons. It was easy to see where their cousins had inherited their wimpish attributes. Sam was thinking much the same thing, but kept this to himself.

"Of course," he said, then turning to the boys, "get upstairs and get ready, I will be up shortly."

Sam's three boys gulped at the order, but knew better than to disobey, so they immediately left the room, towing their two nervous looking cousins along with them. At least they did not have to listen to any more of that wretched woman's wailing.

Although the Manor was large enough for each of Sam's sons to have a room of his own, they preferred to share, so they had one rather large room. It was easy enough to see that they lacked a motherly influence, as the room was a bit of a mess, with clothes cast on the floor, and various wooden soldiers and other toys scattered around. A king-sized bed dominated the room. Sam had originally given them a bed each, but he had so frequently found them squeezed in to one single bed, or laying together on the floor, that he had decided to purchase them one large one. After the five boys had reached the room, John, Charles and Billy started removing their clothes, much to the confusion of the other two boys.

"Why are you taking your clothes off?" Paul asked, "It's a bit early to be going to bed."

"Dad always insists we strip completely before he trashes us, that way, he says, we are being treated like little boys," John replied.

"What!!" Mikey exclaimed, "Do you mean he is going to whip us?"

"Of course, what did you think he was going to do, come up and tell us we have been naughty, and should not do it again," John commented, but on seeing the rather horrified looks on his two cousins faces, he added.

"I assume you two have been spanked before."

"No, never," they replied, with a shake of their heads.

"You lucky devils," Billy said, "So how do you get punished, or are you two never bad?"

The last question would seem absurd to ask almost any boy, but with these two it was not certain.

"Well of course, sometimes we are lazy with our tutor, we break something, or we are too noisy, and in this case we are punished," Paul replied.

"So what happens then, does the old Bitch hit you with some flowers," Charles added with a laugh.

"Well no, normally we have to sit in the corner of our room, it can be for two hours or more, and throughout this nanny reads scripture to us."

"Ugh, how horrible," Charles said "I think I would rather get spanked. It may hurt like hell, but it doesn't last for two hours."

"Anyway you two," John interrupted. "You had better get undressed quick, if Daddy comes in and finds you are not ready, then that means you get an extra five whacks."

Of course Paul and Mikey were terrified at the thought of one whack, so they certainly had no wish to risk an extra five. They virtually tore off their clothes, and were nude in seconds. They then stood silently, feeling more than a little exposed, their hands covering their hairless genitals. Sam's boys took no such steps, seeming largely unaware of their nudity. Paul stood nervously watching the entrance way to the room, dreading his Uncle's entrance, but he was amazed that during the wait John and Charles were coolly discussing the instrument they thought would be used on them.

"How can you be so calm?" he gasped "Are you looking forward to this?"

"Not in the least," Charles answered. "But you shouldn't do the crime if you're not willing to take the punishment. Whatever is coming to us this time, we know we deserve it."

"It's a lot better though, to do the crime and get away with it," Billy added quietly.

"Anyway," John said, "as I was discussing with Charles, Dad has three ways of spanking our misbehaving butts. For relatively minor offences he uses his hand, which is not too bad. For more serious things then we get spanked with a slipper, and that can really sting. However, if we have done anything really bad, then he uses a wooden paddle, and that really hurts. I'm not too sure what he will use today, but I thought he looked particularly mad."

The five boys did not have long to wait to find out, as almost the moment John had finished, Sam appeared in the doorway. He did indeed look very angry, and there, gripped in his right hand was a rather menacing looking wooden paddle. John and Charles exchanged a kind of 'oh dear I thought so' look, whilst Billy just gulped. Poor Paul and Mikey turned as white as a sheet.

Sam did not say anything, but strode inside, seized a chair, and placed it in the centre of the room. He then sat down on it.

"I'll deal with my three first, come on John," Sam said.

Sam's boys were accustomed to the procedure, and when all three were spanked together (which was normally the case, given that they generally got up to mischief as a group), it was in the order of eldest to youngest. John walked towards his dad, and then stepping between the man's legs, bend himself over Sam's left leg. Once in position, with his head touching the ground, John placed his hands behind his back. That achieved Sam snapped his knees together, pinning John's legs between his own, and then seized both of John's wrists with his left hand, leaving the poor boy trapped and utterly defenceless. He then raised the paddle in his right hand, and brought it crashing down on his son's bare bottom with a loud slap. John immediately howled, but given his position was unable to do anything to cover his poor butt. The spanking continued at a good pace, until after twenty stokes, he stopped, and let John, sported a very red backside get up. Charles was next, and after getting into the same position, was soon having his own lovely white butt turned into a rather different colour. Poor Charles also received twenty whacks with the paddle, even though Sam normally gave his son's a decreasing number of spanks by age. However Sam had thought that loosing the nanny in the maze was such a devilishly good plan, he was convinced it had to be his clever middle son's idea. Even this was not the case, Charles had used his brains on a number of occasions before to avoid some well-deserved spankings, so he was overdue a few unearned strokes.

After Sam had finished with Charles, he got up and joined his elder brother hopping around frantically rubbing his sore butt. Both boys were rather red in the face, though neither had started to cry. Next in line was young Billy, he received ten strokes of the paddle, and a few tears were rolling down his face by the time he was let up. Then Sam turned to his two nephews, and indicated to Paul that he was next. The two youngsters had been watching the rather grim scene with fascination, it was the first time they had witnessed a spanking. Yet now that they were to play a rather more active role, they just stared at their uncle in fear.

"Please sir," Paul whimpered, "We never wanted to leave nanny at all, we were pulled away."

"So why did you not go back and find her then? Or least come and tell us that your poor nanny was stuck in the maze."

Paul just hung his head in shame, as Sam continued.

"There is nothing more I dislike then when a boy tries to blame someone else for his mistakes. Come here immediately and lay over my lap, because if I have to come and fetch you, you will get it twice as hard."

Paul knew he had no choice, and did not want to make matters any worse than they already were, so he walked over to Sam, and got into the same position as he had seen his cousins in. The poor boy howled like mad after the first stroke, he could not believe how much it hurt, and by the third whack was already in tears. Charles felt desperately sorry for his cousin, as this really was a rather severe introduction to corporal punishment. He was sure that his dad would have gone a bit easier on the boy had he known this was his first ever spanking, but Sam, like most other fathers, assumed that all naughty boys got whipped. After fifteen spanks of the paddle, Sam stopped, and it looked like Paul's ordeal was over. However the man then said.

"Now you will get five more for using foul language in front of ladies," and so the poor lad's bare bottom got struck another five times. He was then finally allowed to get up and join his cousins, tears streaming down his face, his young butt a rather angry shade of red. Mikey was the last to get spanked, and he got ten, like Billy. He was also crying by the end.

As normal, following the spanking was the lecture. This was about how important it was for them to think about the consequences of their actions before they did something stupid. Sam went on about how it was one thing for them to get up to antics between themselves, but quite unacceptable that it should result in a good woman like Mrs Wilson getting hurt. When he had finished, Sam kissed and hugged each boy, saying how much he disliked hitting them, but how necessary it was for them to learn to behave more responsibly. The Holland boys were quite surprised by this rather physical show of affection, as not surprisingly their own father never touched them. The sight and feel of these five naked boys had slightly aroused Sam, but he never mixed sex and punishment sessions, as the former the boys enjoyed, while the latter they were not supposed to enjoy at all. Finally Sam said that he forgave the boys, and the matter was now closed. However he expected them to all apologise to Mrs Wilson, after they had gotten dressed and come down for dinner, which would be in a half-hours time. He then left.

A short while later anyone staring in to the boy's bedroom would have been met by the sight of five very red bare bottoms slightly raised in the air as they all lay on the large bed. The window had been opened and each boy was trying to catch some of the slight breeze to help cool his burning butt.

"That was awful," Paul said at last, his sniffling having ceased, "Are you sure you would rather have received that than listen to some scripture?"

"Hmmm, well it was a particular severe spanking, we have not had too many that bad," Charles replied.

"My thing is hard," little Mikey whimpered, "I don't know why as I did not enjoy that all, unlike what we had done in the summer house."

"It often happens after a spanking," John commented, "just goes to show what little control we have over it. Anyway I think a spanking of that severity calls for a little of the magic cream, do you agree boys?"

Charles and Billy yelled yes, the other two had no idea of what they were talking about. The magic cream, as John called it, was in fact something Billy had been given by the doctor some while ago to help with a skin rash he had. However once it had cleared up, there was still quite a bit left. One day, following a rather harsh whipping, the boys had decided to smooth a little on their poor butts, and was amazed at how much it helped to ease the soreness. Unfortunately they were now running a little low of the stuff, and so only used it after the more serious trashings. The three lads had been trying to think up a reason to get some more without their father finding out what they used it for. It was just bad luck that Billy did not come out in another rash.

John fetched the cream from a drawer near the bed, and slowly smeared a small amount on each boy's young ass, before letting Charles put some on him. The five boys then lay down and enjoyed some relief as the wonderful cream did some of its magic. The feel of another boy's hands on their bare bottoms had made all five of them hard now, but sex, particularly fucking, would have been much to painful at the time. Besides it was soon time to get dressed and go and tell the dragon that they were sorry.

And that is precisely what they did. Each one lined up in turn and said to Mrs Wilson that they were so very sorry that she got hurt. This was done by turning to maximum the boyish charm that seems initiate to all young lads. Where they look sorrowfully at the recipient of the apology, say they were sorry for the misdeed (which they were not), that they would never do the same again (well not today anyway), and they hoped they could be forgiven. As elderly females are particularly susceptible to this spell, the five boys succeeded in charming Mrs Wilson. Following this they had to endure another meal listening to the dull adult chatter, and all the time trying to keep they young behinds slightly lifted off their chairs in order to reduce the pain of sitting down. On a couple of occasions Kate told her sons to stop fidgeting, and Paul wondered if she was actually aware of what their uncle had done to their bare bottoms.

The next day started much like the last. The five were put under the charge of the ever present Mrs Wilson, and spent an incredibly dull morning singing songs, listening to nanny play the piano, or reading the boring books nanny felt were suitable. In the afternoon, as a special treat, Mrs Wilson took them outside for an afternoon of collecting and pressing wild flowers. Yet with their young behinds still sore from the day before, the boys did everything they were told, and managed to stop themselves from going wild. The following day was a Tuesday, and after a morning along a similar pattern they got to go outside, in search of yet more blasted flowers. After an hour of this John was ready to go completely mad, and it was clear his brothers were in a similar mode. By three in the afternoon, Charles whispered to John that he had a plan where they could escape from the woman, and their butts would not have to pay for it later. John and Billy quickly agreed, and when it was mentioned to their cousins these two also consented. It seemed that they were also getting very bored, and were eager to continue the fun games the five had played two days earlier.

Charles' plan was formulated when he had noticed that Mrs Wilson was terribly short sighted, despite the stupid looking small glasses perched on the end of her nose. It soon became clear that anything further than 100 yards distant was a blur to her. So as they were wandering in the grounds looking for yet more rare plants, Charles ran up to her, and pulling gently on her sleeve shouted.

"Look over there Mrs Wilson, in the far field, the sheep have managed to break into a clover field."

"Oh, and why is that so important?" she asked, as she strained her eyes to see what he had pointed out, but it was all a fog.

"If sheep eat clover it causes a gas to build up in their stomachs which can kill them."

"Oh, how dreadful," the woman said. "We had better tell your father."

"No time for that," Charles replied hurriedly, "We will have to get them out ourselves, come on boys," and without any further delay all five of them dashed off in the direction Charles had pointed out.

"Be careful, Billy, Michael you two young boys remain with me," the nanny shouted at her disappearing charges, but neither of the younger children had any intention of being left behind, and soon all five had vanished from Mrs Wilson's rather limited vision.

Now of course the sheep were not actually breaking into the clover field, indeed their were no sheep to be seen at all at the moment, but Charles was reasonable certain the Manor's sheep were kept in fields approximately in the direction he had pointed. As soon as the boys were certain that the nanny could no longer see them, they doubled back to the Manor, and soon located Jamie as he was working today. Then all six boys dashed off to the summerhouse, where they quickly stripped off their clothes (laying them down carefully to ensure they did not come back filthy again), and a general orgy began. This lasted for around two to three hours, during which both cousins were introduced to the pleasures of active and passive sodomy.

When they returned back, they found Sam, Kate and Mrs Wilson taking tea outside under the shade of some trees. They were relieved to see nanny looking relaxed, she had obviously had no problem finding her way back this time. When asked why they had been so long, Charles told them that some fencing had been damaged and they had to repair it to stop the sheep from getting in again. Both women seemed very pleased with the boys, and praised them for their initiative. They then left to see when the dinner would be ready, leaving Sam with the five boys. He looked rather sternly at them, as if waiting for them to say something, and then spoke.

"An interesting story, and you might have even fooled me if it was not for the fact that all the sheep spent the afternoon in the shearing barn being dipped. I think another trip upstairs is needed to help you boys understand that doing as your told is not optional."

John and Charles just gasped in disbelief, how could they be so unlucky. The wretched sheep got dipped just twice a year, and it was just typical that today was one of those occasions. The five downhearted boys went up again, and got stripped for the coming punishment. Fortunately the resulting spanking was considerably milder than what they had received two days earlier. This was because Mrs Wilson had not been hurt on this occasion, so just a hand spanking was administered, though each boy got an extra three swats for lying. As they lay recovering on the bed, it was decided that Charles was not to blame for this turn of bad luck, for what was otherwise a good plan. They then started brainstorming for foolproof ideas of how to get away from nanny the next day. However they soon discovered that these were not necessary, as Sam announced at dinner that it was only fair the Mrs Wilson had some holiday as well, and he would personally be looking after them for the remainder of the week. It had become apparent to Sam that five boys were rather too much for the old lady to handle, particularly his own boisterous trio. Paul and Mikey looked rather shocked, as they anticipated a daily regime filled with spankings, but from the delighted faces of their cousins, it was clear that they could not have received a greater reward.

For the next three days, not surprisingly, flower pressing was not on the agenda. Instead Sam took the boys climbing, hunting, swimming, riding and indeed all the things fathers are supposed to do with their sons, but which Eric Holland had always failed to do with his own two. The Thursday was a particular hot day, and after they had been riding for about two hours and were a long distance from the Manor, Sam decided to have a break, so they stopped next to a small river. They had not ridden very fast, as neither Mikey nor Paul could ride, and so were passengers behind Sam and John. Soon after they had dismounted and tied the horses up, Sam's three shouted that they wanted a swim, and when Sam nodded, they quickly stripped nude and jump into the river. Sam sat down to watch his three pretty sons, and then noticed that his two nephews were standing rather nervously by, not knowing what to do next.

"Don't you boys want a swim," he asked.

"Well we can't swim," Paul replied, but in truth this was not the real reason for their reluctance, as it was easy to see that the river was not very deep. The fact was that the two boys were rather afraid to undress in front of their uncle. Not that they had anything that Sam had not seen before, the pair of the them having twice been stripped bare as they made the trip over his knee. It was just that they associated undressing in front of Sam as a preliminary to a spanking.

"Don't worry about that," Sam replied. "I will make sure you do not drown," and to the astonishment of his young nephews, Sam started to peel off his own clothing. After the man had stripped to the buff he turned round and smiled, as he could see that Paul and Mikey could not take their eyes off the nude adult. Sam was still in pretty good shape for a man in his early forties, with a good build and no unneeded fat. His young cousins had never seen a naked man before, and stared in fascination at his strong body, hairy chest, and in particular at his large cock, surrounded by a thick bush of hair. Although not erect, the sight of his naked sons had caused Sam's penis to swell, and to his nephews it looked huge compared to their own little pricks. Sam waded into the water and started to lark around with the three boys all ready there. This presented his nephews with a bit of a problem. It seemed to them that their uncle has only gone in to the water so that they would be safe to swim, so really they had no choice than to strip off and go on in as well.

As they did just this, it was greeted with a large cheer from John and Charles, and no sooner had their two cousins tentatively waded into their knees getting use to the temperature, than they were hit by a spray of splash from the boys already fully in. After all the boys had played a bit in the water, Sam picked up Paul, and waded into a deeper part of the river. He then positioned the boy so that he was belly down, with his body supported by the man's arms, and Sam started teaching him the basics of swimming. This gave the man a rather splendid view of Paul's beautiful backside, as he his kicked his legs like Sam told him. Sam was pleased his body was hidden underwater, as the sight was giving him a hell of an erection. After a while he had taught Paul the basics of the doggy paddle, and he could complete a few stokes by himself. The squire then did the same thing for Mikey, though the younger boy did not catch on so quickly. He finally left the two boys in shallower water to practice and joined his three sons, who had by now left the river and were sunning themselves on the bank. Sam had only been lying there for a while, when he felt something wet on his cock, and opening his eyes saw John taking his penis into his mouth.

"Not now John," Sam hissed, and almost passed out when he saw that the other four boys were crowded round him to watch the show.

"Why not?" John asked. "We have not had the chance to play with you like this all week." Sam just glared at John, and his eyes flashed to Paul and Mikey.

"Oh, don't worry about those two," John said, reading his father's mind, "We've already introduced them to our little games, and I know they're dying to see a rock hard man sized prick."

Sam was hardly surprised that his boys had seduced their cousins, he had largely expected that it was what they were up to during their disappearances from nanny. However the idea of having sex while his own nephews were watching did not seem right. The problem was that his prick had no such qualms, and as it stretched out to its full seven inches, he could see his nephews' eyes grow wider by the second, and they both broke into a huge grin when it was fully erect.

"Oh wow," Paul said "that is huge."

"Do you want to touch it?" John asked. Paul looked a bit frightened, then looking at Sam, he said.

"Can I Sir?"

"If you would like to, of course," the man replied, and so Paul slowly reached over and took hold of Sam's prick, and the feel of the boy's soft hand on his organ made the man shiver. Sam's brain was screaming at him to put a stop to this, but his sexual emotions had currently taken charge.

"You have to move the skin up and down," Charles told Paul, "let's get it wet first," and leaning down he managed to swallow a good proportion of Sam's hard member, then started to gentle suck on it.

The boys then took turn to suck the man, and Sam was astonished when Paul did not hesitate to take a turn when the prick was offered to him. Once Paul had sucked Sam, Mikey also wanted a go, so he followed suit. Naturally neither Paul nor Mikey were the expert suckers Sam had trained his three to be, and they only got the head into their young mouths, but the feel of their innocent lips on his cock almost made Sam cum on the spot. It had been over a week since he had last shot a load, and he could feel the cum bubbling up in his balls.

"Careful lads," he gasped, "I can't stand this much longer."

"Watch this," John said to his cousins, and taking hold of Sam's penis, he started to quickly wank it whilst he licked his father's balls. After a few seconds a stream of sperm shot out of the tip, and landed on the man's stomach, followed in quick succession by a series of lesser spurts. The two Holland boys stared in fascination at the man sized load, as Sam slowly relaxed following his orgasm. Charles scooped up some of the cum with his fingers, and pushed the cream into his cousin's mouth.

"Try some real man cum," he said. The two boys swallowed Sam's seed, but did not comment on what they thought of the taste. In the meantime Billy and John had dipped down and licked their father's stomach clean. Sam looked up and smiled.

"Thanks boys, now line up and let me return the favour."

The boys did exactly that, and one by one Sam took their smaller pricks into his mouth, and after sucking them erect used his large tongue to lap away at their testicles and the sensitive skin between their balls and asshole. Using his hands to gently massage the ass of the boy he was sucking, the action of this and his mouth quickly had the kid shivering in delight, and in no time had him crashing into an orgasm. When he had serviced all five in this way, they lay silent for a short while, before Charles said.

"I bet Paul and Mikey would love to watch daddy fuck me, wouldn't you boys?"

Charles' cousins quickly nodded their heads, and in truth Paul had been wondering if he could see this as he found it hard to believe it was possible.

"I am not too sure that's a good idea," Sam said, he was worried about frightening his young nephews.

"Oh come on Daddy," Charles replied, and pointing at Sam's stiffening prick, said "I can see you are ready." The lovely boy then knelt down on all fours, and waved his gorgeous bottom at his father. Sam realised that this had all gone too far to try and back out now, and kneeling up pressed the head of his prick at the entrance to his son's love hole. Paul's eyes almost popped out as he watched Charles' hole stretch as the large prick slowly sank inside until it was imbedded up to the hilt. Whilst their cousins watched the show, John flipped Billy onto his back, and was soon fucking his younger brother. As Sam continued to fuck Charles, Paul and Mikey positioned themselves closer so they could get a better look at the battering ram moving in and out of the pretty 12 year old boy. This allowed Sam to grab each of their stiff pricks, and he wanked them in time with his strokes.

At first Sam fucked his son quite slowly, but soon Charles was yelling him to go faster and harder, whilst the dark haired boy's own hand was frantically pulling on his own penis. As everyone had cum before, the sex action lasted longer this time, but after a while they all orgasmed one after the other, with Sam being the last as he blasted his load deep into Charles' well fucked ass.

As they rode home, Sam impressed on his two nephews that they were never to tell anyone about what happened that day, and they quickly assured him that they would remain silent. On the Friday afternoon, the last day of the holiday, Kate joined Sam and the boys as they went for a walk around the grounds. Mr Holland did not come as well, since as normal he was either reading in the library, or working on one of his cases. The presence of their mother clearly meant that their would be no opportunity of any continuance of the sex games, but it had the advantage of letting her view the change this week had had on her own sons. During the walk she was initially telling the boys to stop being so rough each time she observed them grabbing each other, or engaging in general horseplay. However as it became apparent that both Paul and Mikey were loving every minute of it, she soon discontinued. When they rested a while at the top of one of the hills within the Manor grounds, she asked her two boys if they had enjoyed their holiday, and broke into a big smile when they replied that they had had the best week of their lives.

Yet there was another change that had occurred that week, which had been largely missed by the five boys, who were caught up in their own affairs. This was the relationship between Sam and his sister. At the start of the holiday their meeting had been tense, and rather cold, but now they were walking and chatting with each other like long lost friends. The long chats the two had had during the first three days, and also each evening, had allowed the two adults to finally settle their differences, and rebuild their relationship. For this reason, and because Kate had seen how much her sons had enjoyed it here, she was determined that the family would return for another visit much sooner, and would certainly make the summer visit an annual event. Sam was happy by this announcement, and told her she was welcome at anytime. He then added with a smile, that maybe the next time she should give the nanny the week off, and Kate most definitely agreed.

The parting of the families on the Saturday morning was a rather sad affair. Sam hugged his sister and her two sons goodbye, an action repeated by his three boys. Eric Holland stood by rather awkwardly during this, though he shook Sam by the hand, and gently tapped each of his three boys on the head. Mrs Wilson thanked Sam for his hospitality, though she looked rather disapprovingly at the Grange lads. As they all climbed into the carriage, Charles observed the cheeky grins on his cousins' faces, and he wondered if the two were already planning what mischief they could get up to when they got home. Those two were in for some major scripture reading sessions, and that was no doubt. Charles wondered if the bible would be long enough.

Chapter 10
Dangerous Games

"Victorious again," John shouted, as he successfully wrestled Billy to the floor for the fifth time. The summer holidays were over, and the two had just shortly before been excused by their tutor, and had dashed off to play. Charles had obviously also been excused, but the inquisitive lad had remained behind to bombard their tutor with some questions. From the perplexed look on the man's face as John and Billy had left, it was clear he was having difficulties answering some of their smart brother's queries.

"All those boring lessons have made me horny," Billy said, "Let's play some sexual games."

"Well all right, but I'd rather wait for Charles, I'm in the mood for getting fucked, and I'm sorry to say it little brother, but you ain't really equipped to do this to my satisfaction."

Billy scowled at the older boy. He knew he was only little, particularly in the cock department, but he didn't like to be reminded of it.

"Aww, but silly Charles could be ages yet, you know what he's like when he starts asking questions."

"I'm sure you can wait."

Billy sat sullenly for a while, his cock had already hardened, and he was not too sure he could wait long. Then his eyes fell on a bundle of rope lying on the other side of the barn to that the boys were sitting in. This gave him a bright idea.

"I know, what if I tie you up, will that make it more exciting?"

An amused smile crept over John's face, and he agreed that it sounded fun, and once he was in position he'd let the little boy fuck him.

The pair chose to tie John across an old plough that was sat in the centre of the barn. They placed some stacks on the main iron cross bar, were the elder boy's body would be bent, so that it would not be too uncomfortable. John got undressed and then lay down so he had his legs on the ground at one side, and his hands face down on the other side. Billy then proceeded to use the rope to tie the boy's hands to nearby parts of the plough. The moment he had done this, John gave a swift pull of his hand, and it immediately came free.

"That's no good you useless twit, its got to be firm or it ain't no fun," John jeered.

Billy was no expert at knots, but he was determined he would tie his brother down better, so he wrapped the rope round the boy's hands several times, and did the same to the iron bar it would be attached to. This time when John tried to pull free he couldn't do it, and Billy beamed in triumph. The young blond boy then went round and secured his brothers remaining limps.

"Ok, try and get free now," Billy said after he was finished. John struggled for a few minutes against his bonds, but eventually had to concede defeat, he was stuck.

"Hmm, now I can do whatever I want with you," Billy said gleefully, and then started to tickle his brother all over, even under his arms, making the older boy howl in laughter, and he pleaded with Billy to stop.

"I'll kill you, you little imp when I get free," John yelled, and once more made a fruitless attempt to break free.

"Should have thought about that before," Billy laughed. The 10-year-old then started to stroke the bound teenager's naked body, particularly his bottom, and even gave it a few light spanks. This John enjoyed a lot more, and pretty soon his cock was rock hard, the novelty of being tied up adding to his excitement. Billy pulled his brother's firm ass cheeks apart, and kneeling down, he proceeded to lap away at the boy's hairless asshole, causing spasms of pleasure in the owner. The youngster was very horny himself now, so he quickly discarded his own clothes, and then rubbed his bare body all over that of his brother.

"Now then slave are you ready to get well fucked," Billy said.

"Oh yes Master, yes," John whimpered, getting into his role.

"I'm gonna fuck you with my 20 inch prick, you ready for that?"

John had to stop himself from chuckling at Billy's ten times over estimate of his own sexual dimensions, but he decided to remain in character.

"Yes master, shove it all up me please, you know I want it."

Billy beamed in excitement, this game had turned out to be rather fun, so he aimed his little prick at his brother's puckered asshole, and prepared to ram it home. Yet before he had the chance to do this he felt a large hand grab him from behind, and then he felt a sack being pulled over him. He struggled to pull free, but the grip on him was like iron, and soon he was being bound with the remainder of the rope he had not used on John. Billy struggled and cried out, but was very alarmed when he felt his legs pulled from under him, and they were attached to a beam high up, leaving him with just his upper torso and the ground, his legs high up on the ground. He struggled, but was stuck, being able to just yell out and moan that he wanted to be freed immediately.

"What's going on," John yelled out. He heard a struggle behind him, but from his bound position couldn't see what was happening.

"Is that you Charles? Come on, don't spoil our game, let little Billy fuck me, you can when he's finished."

"No, it's not Charles," a man's voice replied, "but I'm sure you will extend the same invitation to me."

John froze when he recognised the voice of Jack. The mean man had come to the barn to pick up some equipment, but when he spotted the boys playing, he had stopped to watch them. The sight of the naked blond teenager tied over the plough had made him instantly hard, and when he observed Billy strip off and start to rub his sexy little body all over his brother, it had driven him to a frenzy. When the elder boy had begged to be fucked by a large prick, it had been more than the man could bear, and against his better judgement he had forced himself into the game.

"Jack, what the hell do you think you're doing?" John yelled. "Leave us alone, what have you done with Billy? Untie me at once."

"Not yet my pretty, I can't give you a 20 inch prick, but you will find mine a lot more satisfying than your little brother's. Don't worry about him, maybe I'll use him for the second course."

Jack unbuckled his trousers, and as they dropped round his knees his massive erection sprung up. He rubbed the soft body of the bound teenager before him, and wondered at the kid's silky smooth skin, which was devoid of any blemish. The well-bathed body of a gentry boy was certainly going to be a pleasant change from the scruffy stable boys he mostly fucked. His hands quivering in excitement, Jack prised apart John's butt cheeks, locating the object of his desire, and guided his rock hard cock into the boy.

As John felt the large cock push into his asshole, he just could not believe that Jack was actually going to fuck him. His first reaction was to clamp up his ass to try and stop the man from invading his innards, but he knew such a move could actually cause him some injury, so he relaxed his ass muscles and allowed the man to slide in his cock to the hilt.

"Get out of me you bastard, get out," John gasped, but Jack was enjoying the feel of the boy's soft ass cheeks against his groin too much to take any notice.

"Admit it you little pussy boy," Jack growled, "You love a big prick up inside you. I bet you've been wanting me to fuck you for ages."

Now John was partial to a good fuck, but not from Jack, he was the enemy, one of the servants, how dare he violate the son of his master. He was determined not to enjoy this buggering, and how could he, he felt humiliated to be used by the man he so disliked. In addition, it had been a while since John had been fucked by cock of this size, which was even bigger than his father's, and the way it had been savagely shoved in, without any lubrication, it had caused the boy to wince in pain. This did not improve when the man started to brutally pummel the boy, pulling his long cock almost all the way out, before ramming back in again.

"Stop, stop," John moaned, but Jack was too far gone now, as he continued to ass fuck the boy at full speed. Eventually he could feel his excitement reaching climax, and the cum in his balls was getting ready to burst forth. So he stopped, and pulled his prick out to let his passions cool for a while. No, Jack thought, his sperm was destined for an altogether different hole.

John was relieved when he felt Jack pull out of his rear. His asshole had been getting rather sore from the vigorous fucking Jack had given him, but much worse was the humiliation the man was subjected him to. He lay quiet for a while, wondering why the big man had not shot inside him. Maybe Jack wanted to fuck his mouth, John thought, and he was immediately determined he would not allow this. However he was soon distracted by the sounds of struggles behind him, and then was stunned when something covered in an old sack was placed down next to him. From the struggles and cries, it was obvious the sack held his hapless little brother, and he heard a heavy slap applied to the boy's bare buttocks as Jack tried to get him to stop wriggling. Jack soon secured the young boy's struggling legs, and then moving round to the front he pulled off the sack, and secured Billy's hands. The two boys were now bound in identical positions, spread-eagled over the old plough. Jack walked back round to the rear again to admire the beautiful ass globes of the two kids, and ran his hand over the soft skin of young Billy's bum. Billy turned to face his older brother, and John could see the child's face was stained with tears.

"Let me go you beast," Billy cried, "Johnny, help me."

"Oh no," Jack said. "You're not going to get away from me now. It's your turn now to enjoy the feel of my hard prick up your pretty little ass."

Billy wailed when he heard this, but John went into a complete panic. Surely Jack was not going to put his massive cock up his little brother, that was too much. He re-doubled his struggles against the bonds that tied him, but they would not budge.

"Jack, Jack," he yelled, "Leave my brother alone you brute, he's too little to be fucked by you."

"Nonsense," the man replied, "A boy his age will easily stretch to accommodate the largest of cock's. Besides the little catamite wants it, I know he does, he even wrote to me and said so."

John groaned when he heard that. It seems the trick that they had played on Jack a few weeks back was returning to haunt them. He never guessed that the stupid man would really believe his brother wanted to get fucked by him. He couldn't allow it, so he decided to resort to another strategy.

"Jack fuck me, please Jack, I really want your big prick inside me again. Come on Jack leave that puny ass alone and fuck me." John wriggled his ass as invitingly as he could, but it was to no avail.

"Don't be greedy lad, you've had your turn, now its Billy's time to find out want a real cock up his ass feels like."

Jack continued to rub the youngster's small bum cheeks, building up for the joy that was to come. He had been dreaming of this moment for a long time, and now he wanted to drag it out. He had frequently masturbated whilst dreaming that he was buggering young Billy, and now he was going to do it for real. He knew that he shouldn't treat the squire's sons like this, but shit he thought, after the trick they played on him the little buggers deserved this. Besides, he was certain that they secretly wanted this, they were just playing hard to get. Jack prised apart Billy's ass cheeks, and the huge head of his prick slid down so that it was directly in front of the youngster's tiny pink hole. His prick had one of the biggest erections he had ever had, and he knew he had to get into the boy quickly, or he would risk shooting his cum too quickly.

"Are you ready boy here I come," and he grasped the boy's hips, and prepared himself for one massive thrust to push himself right into the kid's ass.

"Step away from that boy, or I'll blow your brains out."

Jack's heart almost stopped when he heard the voice of another man directly behind him. He slowly turned his head, and to his horror he saw Sam Grange standing just a few feet away, with a shotgun pointed straight at him. Directly behind the protective body of his father was young Charles, peering round at the scene before him. He had arrived to join his brothers just in time to see Jack getting ready to fuck John, and knowing he was too small to face the man, had sensibly dashed off to fetch his dad.

"Look, you've got to believe me, these boys wanted this," Jack stammered as he slowly backed away from Billy, his massive erection still waving in front of him. However, seeing the two boys bound by rope to the plough, even Jack realised that this didn't look good.

"You bastard, how dare how touch my boys," Sam growled. "I should kill you right now."

Jack stood still, petrified that he was facing his last moments alive, his cock rapidly contracting as fear gripped his body. Sam could feel his trigger finger twitching to do its job, but he fought to control his emotions. If he blasted the man away now, who knows how the law would take this, he might even find himself hung for murder. Hell, the bastard wasn't worth that.

"Get out of here before I decide to kill you, get off my property now, if I ever see you on my land again, I swear I'll shoot you on the spot."

Jack thought about complaining, arguing that it was the boys that started the tying up game, but he knew it was useless. He thus decided to make his exit as soon as he could, before the squire changed his mind and pulled the trigger. Jack hastily recovered his trousers, and slowly edged out of the barn, with Sam gently spinning round, keeping the gun trained on him as he moved.

"I've got some stuff up at the Manor," Jack said.

"I'll have it sent to you, go now," and after Sam had yelled those few words, Jack spun round and soon the sound of his running feet could be heard as he made his escape. With him gone, Sam Grange sighed, and lowered his gun. He felt he had let the man off easily. He could have easily summoned the constabulary, and had Jack arrested for rape. Yet it was obvious that a criminal investigation and trial could result in a probing of all the sexual going ons at the Manor, and that was definitely not something he wanted. No, it was best that he considered Jack as history, he would get another foreman, who knows maybe even a better one. With that thought, he put down the shotgun, and went to help Charles release the two bound boys.