PZA Boy Stories

James Stuart
the Erotic Historian

The Country Manor

Chapters 5-7

Chapter 5
Party at the Manor

Jamie's mother was very proud when she heard that her son was needed to help at a social event up at the Manor. It certainly showed that he had made a good impression during the short time that he had been working there. Of course she was also a little concerned, since Jamie had never before spent a night away from home, but she was sure the boy was old enough to cope.

Jamie himself was not thinking about any of these things, only of the events of the coming party, and what might happen. After all the dreadful and delightful things that had happened to him up at the Manor, it was hard to believe that he would simply be washing up.

On the Saturday morning Jamie did not have to help around the farm, as it was his birthday. Although both parents were disappointed that he would not remain with them for the whole of this important day, such things do happen. So he got his birthday cake at lunchtime, and then his presents (chocolate from his grandmother, and new clothes from his parents). By three o'clock he was ready to go.

"Now I am quite sure that you will stay the whole evening in the kitchen, but if you do see any guests, remember to be very polite. Always do exactly as you're told," Jamie's mother offered as advice as the boy was leaving.

Jamie reached the Manor about 15 minutes early. Strangely none of the farm helpers could be seen, obviously they had been given the day off, which was unusual for a Saturday. As he approached the servant's entrance, a tubby woman emerged from the door. Jamie had not seen this woman before, so did not know who it was. She looked to be in her fifties, and had a large friendly face.

"I do not recognise you boy." The woman asked, "What's your name little one?"

"Jamie Hemley, Ma'am."

"Oh the new boy, Oh well you're a little early, but that's probably for the best. Come on in then."

She ushered the youngster in and sat him down at the large kitchen table. There were a few other women busily preparing various dishes, and a wonderful smell wafted through the room. Perhaps it would not be too unpleasant to spend the evening here he thought. The first woman placed a glass of warm milk in front of Jamie and told him to drink it up, then went off to help the others. After ten minutes she returned, and was pleased to see the glass was empty.

"Now then my little lad, as it could be a long night, and you will be up till later than you are used to, I'm going to put you to bed for a short while. That way you will be bright and fresh later."

"But it is still so early," The boy complained. "I am not at all tired." Then to contradict what he had just said, he promptly yawned.

"Come on little one, I'm sure you will sleep."

As Jamie got to his feet, he felt his knees buckle under him, but the woman caught him, then effortlessly picked him up into her arms. Jamie could not understand why he suddenly felt so tired, and was having difficulty keeping his eyes open. The woman left the kitchen, and Jamie was swept though various corridors eventually stopping in a room containing a number of beds lined up against both walls. The woman laid Jamie down in the nearest one, and by the time she had removed his shoes and pulled a cover over him, the child was asleep.

When Jamie awoke he was lying on his stomach, a strong hand was shaking him gently to bring him back to the real world. He turned over, yawned, stretched, and then opened his eyes to see whom the hand belonged to. It was the same woman as had put him to bed.

"Well then lad, have you had a good nap?" the woman asked him.

"Yes, thank you Ma'am." The boy's eye's moved over to gaze out of the window, and he was astonished to see the sun was almost down.

"Gosh, how long was I asleep?"

"Many hours, little one," the woman chuckled. "Well now, we did not have time earlier to be properly introduced. My name is Mrs White, but you can call me Matron. I understand it's you birthday today, how old are you now?"

"Ten," Jamie announced proudly.

"Still so young," Matron said mostly to herself, and looked a little saddened for a while. However she broke into a smile and she said to the boy.

"Well Happy Birthday poppet. Still, no time for chatting, it's time to get up, so I can get you ready for the party."

With that said she pulled the covers off the boy, and taking his hand pulled him upright.

"What do I have to do?" Jamie asked.

"Just whatever you're told," the woman answered. "Come on, follow me."

Matron strolled out the room and the blond boy hoped out of bed, and trotted behind her. His initial tiredness at being woken up quickly passed, and soon he felt very much awake. They walked through a few more rooms and corridors, none of which Jamie recognised, but all of which were lavishly decorated and made out. They saw no one, but Jamie was sure he had heard voices coming from one of the large doors they had passed. On the route the young boy had seen a grandfather clock, and had stopped to watch it as it chimed nine o'clock. A little thrill went through him when he saw the time, as Jamie was never allowed to stay up so late. Eventually they reached another door and on entering were in a much smaller room. This had a large pot bath in the centre, which was filled with hot water, the steam of which billowed throughout the room.

"Get undressed and climb into the bath boy," Matron ordered, then left.

Jamie stripped off, then walked over to the tub. He slowly put his foot in, but pulled it out again. The water was much hotter than what he was used to at home, but nicer than the cold bath Jack had supplied him with. Steadily he eased himself into the water as his soft flesh adjusted to the temperature. When he had finally gotten all the way in, Matron returned carrying a few towels. The woman then rolled up her sleeves, armed herself with a bar of soap, and getting down beside the bath proceeded to scrub the child.

Jamie had never had a bath like it. Normally his mother quickly rubbed him over, then pulled him out to allow his little sister to enjoy what little warmth was still in the water. Matron however washed his hair twice, his face, behind his ears, inside his ears, between each finger and toe, which made the boy hoot with laughter as Matron tickled his feet. In short every inch of his small body, every nook and crevice was completely cleansed. His private parts, and his soft bottom cheeks receiving particularly close attention, which made Jamie shudder when he stood in the bath as Matron lathered his small prick. When the woman had finally finished, she commanded Jamie to stay standing and then left the room again. A minute or so later she returned, and this time was followed by a gentleman dressed in a very posh suit. The young boy gasped in dismay, and covered his small privates with his equally small hands.

"Now, now Jamie, this is Mr Blatchford, he is a doctor so you need not be shy."

Jamie let his hands fall to his sides, but still blushed as he observed the man taking in the sight before him.

"He is sure a pretty one Mavis, that's no mistake," the doctor exclaimed. "What's your name little boy?"

"Jamie sir."

"Well Jamie I am just going to examine you, so don't be frightened."

The doctor approached the bath, and put down a small leather bag on a nearby stool. From this he pulled out an instrument and fixing part to his ears, placed a small part on the other end against the child's chest."

"Cough," he commanded.

Jamie complied. He then took out another instrument with a small mirror on the end, and used it to examine the insides of Jamie's mouth. After a few more tests on his upper body, the examination proceeded further down to the boy's hairless prick. For this the doctor used a small eyepiece that he held against one eye. Jamie jumped as the doctor placed his fingers on his prick, then gently rolled back the foreskin. Jamie moaned in pleasure at this contact, which caused the man to smile. After a thorough examination of this part of the boy's anatomy, he finally let go. By this time Jamie was rock hard.

"He's got some spirit this little one," he commented.

"Certainly has, and he will need it," the Matron added.

The doctor told Jamie to turn round, and when this was done he stroked the child's lovely buttocks for a short while, before remembering his duties, he slowly prised the cheeks apart. After another thorough examination of his asshole, it was clear the boy had been previously ass fucked. So remembering his instructions, the doctor took a bottle of some ointment from his leather case and spread some on the boy's hole. It was cold at first, but soon it started to burn a little making Jamie winch.

"Hopefully that should make him look like a virgin again. Anyway he's clean and healthy," he exclaimed happily. "What luck the youth have, to possess such strong vigour to go with their beautiful bodies."

With that said the doctor packed away his tools and started to head for the door. As he was leaving he turned round and asked the Matron, "Oh, by the way Mavis, what's the theme tonight?"

"Now you know very well Harold I'm not permitted to say."

The doctor shuffled up to the woman, and placed his arm playfully round her waist.

"Ohh, go on, I will find out soon enough."

"All the more reason for you to wait," Mavis added with a laugh. "But I don't suppose it will do any harm to tell you. The theme is Heaven."

"Oh goody, I can't wait," the doctor exclaimed, and then left the room.

Matron picked up a towel and started to dry Jamie off. She lifted him out of the bath, and rubbing gently soon had the body dry, before she proceeded to strongly towel the boy's hair. When she was happy with that, she walked over to a desk and taking a jar containing some white powder, returned and started to rub some in the boy's skin. Returning to the desk again she retrieved a small bottle of perfume, and dabbed a tiny bit on each side of Jamie's neck.

"Are you going to put on some face powder, and make me up like a real gentleman?" the child asked excitedly.

"Certainly not," Mavis answered sternly. "A young boy should remain looking like the child he is, so don't you be getting any ideas that your an important man. Now sit down in front of the mirror, and I will give you some advice while I do your hair."

Jamie sat down and Matron proceeded to tackle his now tangled hair with a brush and comb. Eventually she spoke.

"Just remember that you will meet a lot of very important gentlemen tonight. Don't forget these men are very much your betters, so don't go acting out of place. Always be civil and polite, never talk unless spoken to first, and always do exactly as you're told, without any complaint. Is that clear?"

"Yes Matron," Jamie replied.

Matron made him repeat all these words of wisdom to make sure that the child was well aware of them. When she was happy with the boy's golden locks, she told him to stand up so that they could fit his costume. The woman fetched a box from underneath one of the desks, then removed a small pink outfit. Telling Jamie to lift his arms in the air, she placed it on the boy. The single piece costume resembled a short dress, and was made of very thin gauze. It was almost transparent, hiding very little of the luscious body underneath. The hem covered only the very tops of Jamie's thighs, leaving the legs almost completely bare. It was held in place with two thin shoulder straps, leaving his arms and shoulders similarly exposed. Next Matron pulled out two wire loops covered in the same material, and then twisted them together to form a small pair of wings. These she fastened to the boy's back, by using a strong but almost invisible thread that passed over his shoulders and around his chest. When these were firmly in place, she placed a gold coloured band on the boy's head, then attached a short stick at the back, on which was suspended another loop of wire made into a ring.

"Come and look at yourself in the mirror," Matron said, and led Jamie to a full-length mirror at the other side of the room. The youngster squealed in delight when he saw that he had been converted into an angel, complete with wings and a halo. When a lovely cute smile broke across the boy's face, Mavis thought that he looked every bit the part. Still, Jamie thought that being practically bare, it was rather a naughty outfit.

"Shouldn't I put on some underwear?" he asked.

"Goodness no silly boy, they do not wear such things in heaven," the woman answered. Jamie did not feel qualified to argue this point.

"Well I have some other things to do now, so just sit here quietly until someone comes to fetch you," Mavis said. "There's some books you can look at over on that shelf, but please do not do anything that will mess this place or yourself up."

When Matron had left, Jamie spent a few minutes admiring himself from all angles in the mirror. He then walked over to the bookshelf. Since he could not read very well, he ignored the numerous text filled books, and chose a large colourful one that had pictures of animals. He was so engrossed in the book the young boy lost all track of time, and when the door eventually opened he had no idea of how long he had been alone, it could have been ten minutes, or maybe half an hour. The new occupant was the squire, and Jamie jumped to his feet at the entrance of such an important person. He trembled a bit, since he was still scared of the man.

"Now you are a sight," Sam commented, and beamed down at him. "A proper little angel if I ever saw one."

"Thank you sir." The boy answered a little calmer, after hearing the man's voice was friendly. Sam wandered over to the bookshelf and pulled out a black leather bound book, then walked over to the boy and told him to take it.

"Do you know what that is?" he asked.

Jamie glanced down at the book and recognised the symbols on it.

"It's a Bible, sir," he said, awed at having such an expensive looking one in his hands.

"Good boy, now I am going to swear you in, so lay your right hand on the Bible, and repeat what I say, is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"I, James Hemley do hereby solemnly swear, in front of God, that I will reveal to no other person not present here, what I will see, hear or do on this night. I will never reveal the names of any person present at a Manor party, nor reveal the kind of activities that take place at these times. This I swear on the holy book, let God be my witness."

After each phrase Sam paused and waited for the boy to repeat what he had said. When they were finished Sam smiled again at him, and softly patted him on the head.

"Your say you're a good boy, Jamie, and I believe that. Do you understand what everything you have said means?"

"It means I have to keep the party a secret, sir."

"That's right, and you know what will happen if you do not keep this promise to God."

"I will burn in Hell," the boy said, his eyes showing true fear. The thought of anything so lovely burning horrified Sam, but he simply smiled and told the boy he was sure he could keep a secret.

"Now as for your duties tonight, you must understand that complete obedience is very important. You must do everything you are commanded. Is that clear? I can not bear any form of disobedience from those that work for me."

"I will do what I am told sir," The boy replied. He was still uncertain of what he had to do. Dressed like this, kitchen duties were looking increasingly unlikely.

"I'm sure you will," Sam answered. "Now follow me and do not speak again until I say so."

Jamie was again led through the Manor, and his path wound through one beautiful room to another. He felt an urge to run off and explore this wonderful place, but decided it was wise to simply do as instructed.

Eventually they reached a small wooden door, Sam produced a key, unlocked it, and then led the boy inside. The room was cluttered with boxes, racks of costumes and other theatre gear. However it was not this that caught Jamie's eye, but standing in the centre of the room was two boys. One was only slightly older than himself, taller and with brown hair. He was dressed identically as Jamie, and seemed very embarrassed to be clad in his rather revealing attire. His eyes shot to the ground the moment Sam and Jamie entered. The other boy looked about 12, possibly 13. He had blond hair, and piercing blue eyes. He had been given wings and a halo like the younger boys, but apart from these wore just a thin loincloth made of the same gauze as the younger boys were wearing. This left his smooth, hairless chest and most of his lean legs bare. One could see the outline of his genitals through the pink cloth covering them. Unlike the younger boy, this kid did not seem at all frightened, and seemed to be enjoying his lack of clothing. When his eyes met Jamie's, he grinned at him.

Sam did not introduce the children, but simply swept through the room, and up a small set of stairs on the far side. At the top of these was another door, when he had reached it he turned round and said.

"OK now line up at the bottom of the stairs. Ben you're first, then Jason, and you at the back Jamie. Wait here until I fetch you."

He then opened the door and walked through. As it swung open a huge amount of noise could now be heard from beyond it. It sounded like there was a large group of people, all chattering, laughing and shouting together. As Sam disappeared from sight, a huge cheer went up from beyond the door, clearly indicating that he had been spotted. The children below then heard a loud tapping, like someone was rapping a cane on a table.

"Quiet gentlemen please, quiet please," Sam's voiced boomed out.

After a short while the clamber started to die down, and following further tapping, ceased altogether, leaving a sudden quiet.

"Thank you," Sam continued. "We now start the evening's entertainment with, as normal, the auction of a few choice virgins, and I can promise you a good spread tonight, with three delightful children up for sale. Please can I have a good hand as they enter."

A moment later Sam reappeared at the door and gestured for the three to come and join him. Ben led the way, and the two younger boys followed. As he reached the top of the stairs and peered through the door, it quickly became apparent to Jamie that they were walking out onto a stage. As the first child became visible to the crowd beyond a huge cheer went up followed by loud clapping. Sam stood at a wooden podium, and instructed the three to stand in a line on his left. As Jamie reached the front of the stage he just gaped at the amazing sight laid out in front of him.

The stage was at the front of a large elaborate hall. Set out in a wide semicircle around the stage were a collection of comfortable chairs, and a few sofas. Sat on these were a good quantity of well-dressed gentlemen, of a variety of ages, shapes and sizes. Yet it was not this that had caught the child's eye, but the area immediately in front of the stage enclosed within the semicircle. Here was a carpet of soft cushions, and sitting, lying, or kneeling on these was a couple of score of boys, each with a set of wings and a halo, but otherwise completely naked. He guessed that they varied in age between 7 and 15.

Glancing again at the enclosing circle of chairs, Jamie noticed that indeed a number of gentlemen were not alone, but had one or more children sat on the floor besides them, or perched on their knees. Large hands were already roaming over their soft bodies, as the owner watched the spectacle in front of him. Directly behind some of the chairs or sofas were other children sat on tall stools, so that there were visible to all. These were not dressed in angel outfits like the others he had seen, but were either completely naked or attired in very scanty clothing. Walking around between the chairs were yet more young boys, carrying plates of various foodstuffs, or jugs with wide handles that had been shaped to form a harp. On the clip of a finger these would dash forward to offer whatever they were carrying. Some of these servant children were very young, possibly as young as six or seven. The younger looking ones all had a silver necklace around their necks. Displaced to one side was a raised area were the band was positioned. This was entirely manned by older adolescents, dressed in the same fashion as Ben. A number of the players were positioned next to harps, though at the moment the whole band was silent.

Behind the circle of chairs on the left hand side was a table, and around this was a number of gentlemen playing cards, although they had temporarily stopped to watch the scene up front. These men also had a few young bodies situated on knees or stood next to them in order to see to their needs.

Jamie's eyes then fell on the point in the semicircle directly opposite himself, which was thus centrally positioned. Here was a large wooden chair, which was raised slightly above the others giving it a throne like appearance. The chair was currently empty, but sitting nude in high chairs behind it was three familiar kids he had seen yesterday, none other than the squire's own offspring. When Charles noticed that Jamie was looking at him, he waved, and then pointed the boy out to his brothers, who also waved.

As unnerving as it was for Jamie being stood before such a large crowd, one thing put him immediately at ease, and this was the general demeanour of the many other children in the hall before him. Far from being reserved and frightened at the presence of so many important looking gentlemen, the great majority of the boys looked happy, cheerful and were obviously having a good time. They were basically quiet now, looking up at the stage to see what was going on, but a number of the kids were whispering excitedly to a nearby companion, and yet more were groping each other as they watched. Even those currently sitting with the gentlemen appeared for the most part content, particularly those fighting to keep quiet as a devilish old man was tickling him.

After the general clapping had ceased, Sam stood forward and started to speak.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Let me introduce each of them to you. 13 year old Ben," Sam pointed to the eldest boy on the stage, who immediately stood up straighter when his name was mentioned. "is certainly no stranger to most of you, being the son of our friend Mr Mecham." At this point a stocky gentleman within the audience stood up and bowed to the other members, receiving a number of cheers.

"Now a number of you will have had the pleasure of his skilled mouth on your cocks, but now you have the chance to be the first to get into his lovely ass. His father tells me the boy is now ready, but I guess he just needs the money." A number of laughs went through the crowd, including from Mr Mecham, which showed he had taken the joke well.

"The older boy is called Jason and he is 11," Sam continued. "He is the nephew of another fellow member, Mr Alan Jones, who has recently acquired custody of the child, and has kindly decided to let us all have a chance of enjoying his charms. The sweet little blond angel at the end is called Jamie, and he is 10 years old today, so you can have the extra treat of de-virginating a birthday boy. I myself was fortunate another to recently acquire his services."

Sam knew that he had lied about the boy's virginity, but since he was new to all the men here, and after the doctors magic potion, he was hopeful he could get away with it. After a fair amount of wine, he was certain most would never know, and he guessed given the shear beauty of the boy, many others would not be too bothered.

Jamie simply had not been listening to the squire as his fate was pronounce, he was still gaping in amazement at the scene in front of him. After more careful scrutiny of the many faces, he recognised one or two of the gentlemen as some of the other landowners who came down to the market, and he also knew half a dozen or so of the children scattered around the room. He saw young Peter Swathreal, John Forks, and Eddie Backett who were all village children he sometimes played with after church. Also there was David, Jimmy and Ben Potts, who were the offspring of another tenant farmer who lived quite close to Jamie's family. Jamie's father often mentioned how badly Mr Potts had fallen into the squire's debt, and normally grumbled at the special treatment this other farmer seemed to be enjoying. Then Jamie's eyes fell on a darkly dressed gentleman whose face looked rather familiar, although he was having trouble placing it. Suddenly it occurred to him, it was none other than the parson, Reverend Collins. The cleric looked quite different now that he was not dressed in his vicar's robes and white dog collar. Jamie was amazed that such a godly man would be here amongst all this naughtiness. However the very young naked boy whom he cradled in his lap, and whose small hard prick he was busy caressing, was enough of an indication that the vicar was not here to deliver a sermon!

"Before we start the bidding, the boys will come round to allow you a closer inspection."

When this was said, the audience started to talk amongst themselves, continue to play with young bodies, call for more wine, or anything else that amused them. The band also started to play, filling the room with a light sensual music. Sam walked up to the three, and had to tap Jamie on his shoulder to pull his gaze from the goings on in the hall.

"Right then Ben, started circling round from the bottom left, Jamie you from the bottom right, and Jason start from the centre. Answer truthfully anything the gentlemen ask, and let them inspect you properly."

Ben just grinned and looked ready to go, but poor Jason looked terrified at the prospect of going down amongst all those men. Jamie too was a bit nervous, but he was more excited than anything.

As Jamie began his round most of the gentlemen were very nice and polite to him. They generally would wish him a happy birthday, or ask him some mundane question, like how he eats a carrot, or did he like cream. One man, who had three teenage boys situated with him on the sofa, simply wanted to know if he had an elder brother here, and when Jamie said he did not, he waved him on to the next man. Many of the men lifted up the boy's skimpy outfit in order for a quick stroke of his small bum, or to have a good feel between his legs. Such treatment soon gave the youngster an erection. None of the men took greater liberties than this, as if there were some rule of what was permitted with a boy for sale. The men were for the most part dressed in expensive suits, although a few were clad in just bathrobes. One of these had his hard cock poking out and shoved up the ass of a boy only a little older than Jamie. The youngster had obviously gotten used to the intruder as he chatted quite animatedly about his pet pony. When the plucky boy demonstrated how he rode the animal, the action seemed to please the gentleman quite splendidly.

As Jamie progressed round he noticed that by now all the men were joined by one or more boys. Most were engaging in simple petting or kissing, or had the kids rubbing their enlarged penises. However one or two had fingers shoved up asses, and another was enjoying a blowjob from a sweet blond boy of about 11. Once or twice he saw a child being sent back to the centre, though normally these would tap another one on their shoulder that the gentleman had indicated as a replacement.

"I hope you have not been ass fucked before then." A rather unfriendly gentleman asked Jamie when he reached him. "I don't much like paying for second hand goods. Still I guess Sam would not trick us." The man twisted Jamie round and roughly squeezed his bottom cheeks, then thrust his hand's between his legs. "Still you are a pretty little thing, so you maybe worth a bid, if the price does not get too high."

When he had finished Jamie moved on, and the next gentleman was Reverend Collins, his own vicar. On his knee was still the same young boy Jamie had seen him caressing earlier. The boy looked about six years old, had an angelic, choirboy face, and short dark hair. The reverend was running his hands up and down the child's soft thighs, and toyed with the boy's small erection. When Jamie had stood there for a short while, the man finally noticed him.

"Good evening Jamie, I hope your mother is well, and your little sister is over that cold she had."

Jamie was staggered at the tone of the man's voice. Here he was, stroking a small naked child situated on his knee, and he spoke to Jamie like he was stood at the entrance to his church, wishing them goodbye at the end of the service.

"My family are fine," Jamie stammered.

The reverend then turned, and taking hold of the face of the boy on his lap in one hand, kissed him deep and passionately on the lips. Whilst doing this, he waved his other hand at the Jamie, indicating he could move on. He had not even touched the 10-year-old, the vicar clearly liked them very young.

When Jamie reached the half way stage at the centre point in the semicircle, the squire now occupied the throne situated here. He had no children with him, although his three offspring were still sat behind him, and they winked at Jamie as he approached. Sam for the moment seemed to be content to keep an eye on proceedings.

"Are you being a good boy?" he asked.

"Yes sir, I have done everything I have been asked," he answered truthfully.

"I knew you would, now carry on round."

Immediately to the squire's left was an amusing scene. Here was a portly, elderly gentleman, with a bushy red beard, and a round friendly face. Around his chair was at least eight other children, with one more sat on each knee. They were listened intently as the man chatted away, and often giggled as he spoke. This gentleman was not dressed in a suit like the others, but in a military uniform, with a line of medals pinned on his front. Instead of breeches, Jamie was a little confused to see that he wore a skirt, though it was not like a woman's, but was pleated and tartan. The skirt had been pushed up the old man's legs so the two boys on his knees had their small naked behinds touching his bare knees. The man stopped his chatting after Jamie had approached.

"Yer better get a little closer to me wee lad, I kanna see yer properly stood over there, me eyes ain't what they were in me prime." The man's thick Scottish accent gave away his ancestry, although Jamie was not knowledgeable enough to catch this. He lightly slapped the bum of one of the boys on his knee, and the child leapt from this position and joined the other children on the floor. Jamie realised what he was expected to do, and clambered onto the man's vacated knee. He noticed that a sword hung from the Scot's belt.

"Well, well, well, yer certainly a bony lad, Jamie's yer name eh little one."

"Yes sir," he answered.

"Colonel Henry McDonald at your service young man. Though retired, me arm's still good enough to swing a sword should her gracious majesty have need of me."

Jamie took an instant like for this jolly gentleman, and it was easy to see why he was so popular with the other boys. He plucked up the courage to make a request.

"Are you going to buy me sir."

The old man chuckled then answered. "Alas no laddie. Me army pension kanna match the wealth of the landed gentry here, and I'm sure a kiddie as pretty as yerself will command a handsome sum."

The Colonel then bent his head and whispered softly into the child's ear. "Besides, between yerself and me, I ain't really up to a public performance." Jamie smiled at him, then glancing at the man's large hand, presently rubbing the boy's knee, the farm boy noticed that the little finger was half missing.

"Oh, what happened to your hand sir."

"Aye, now there's a story in itself sweet laddie, I lost me wee finger there in a battle out in Egypt, against some heathen tribe. There I was on me tod, surrounded by them, and 3; 3;."

"Please, Henry, the boy has to been seen by the others," Sam interrupted. "He can hear your story another time."

"Aye, Aye, yer right, I kanna keep yee to meself boy, I'm sorry Sammy, I'll send him on. But first dear child, can I have a wee kiss to remember yee by."

Jamie nodded his consent, and the man bent his head and gave him a light kiss on the lips, his moustache and beard tickling Jamie so that he giggled. The boy then reluctantly got off the knee, and prepared to carry on round. Jamie noticed how another boy quickly leapt up to fill his space, and the others were pleading with Henry to carry on with the story he had interrupted.

The next three gentlemen paid him only scant attention, being engrossed in some argument about grain prices between themselves. Each had a quick grope of his privates then sent him on. After this was a man dressed in a brown suit, and when he saw Jamie, his eyes lit up and he dispatched a young boy he had been caressing back to the centre.

"Now you are truly a heavenly young boy."

He took hold of Jamie's hips and lifted him on to his lap. A moment later his hand was on the boy's cock, and his finger was running up and down the kid's young prick, which instantly went hard.

"I bet this sweet thing would give me a splendid ride, don't you think so George?"

He was addressing a boy sat behind him, clad in a thin robe that was fully open so hid nothing. The boy was tall, and lean with brown hair and green eyes. He looked about 14 or 15, and although his cock was long, it was still thin and there was only a small patch of hair around its base.

"I think he's beautiful, daddy," the boy answered.

"That he is, and I would pay a pretty penny to be the first in you boy, I bet your as tight as a vice."

"I don't know sir," Jamie answered, not exactly sure what he meant.

The man continued to stroke and rub Jamie, and his eyes showed real lust, and the young boy began trembling with excitement, as the man seemed skilled at stimulating the correct parts of a young boy. So engrossed with his explorations it was a while before he noticed that a large, burly gentleman was now stood in front of the group.

"Ah, hello Boris," The man said hurriedly when he had looked up, though he kept one hand stoking the side of Jamie's soft bottom cheeks. "Young Jamie, may I introduce you to Boris Kurovov, a Cossack from Russia no less."

The huge man clicked his heels and bowed his head slightly at the boy, then turned his attention back to the man caressing him.

"Good evening Mr Scott, I have come to enquire if I could purchase the services of your lovely son, I can pay you a good sum, I have the cash with me now."

"Please, not him!, Please no daddy!," George pleaded from behind his father.

"Quiet George, I make the decisions here," Mr Scott snapped back. He turned back to Boris. "Exactly how much money did you have in mind?"

"I thought that 20 pounds would be a fair price," the Cossack answered. Jamie nearly jumped out of his skin at the mention of such a large amount of money.

"Very generous," Mr Scott commented calmly. "And what will you want for that."

"Nothing extra ordinary, simply a blow job, and then I would fuck him. I assure you I would be very gentle."

At the mention of this George put his arms around his father's neck, kissing him, and again pleading. Mr Scott simply answered the Russian.

"Hmm, I hear a fuck from you my good man is anything but ordinary. I love my son, but I am prepared to share his charms with my friends. I will agree to him sucking you, though that is all. He is a horny young lad, and good at this task. If you wish, he will drink your cum happily."

"Pahh," the Cossack growled, and his powerful frame twisted angrily. "I am in the mood for a boy's ass. If I can not have it the deals off."

"Then I am afraid I must decline you generous offer, good day sir."

The Russian scowled at the man, and at Jamie, then turning he strolled off. George just sat back, the teenager looked very relieved. His father stroked Jamie a few more times between the legs, kissed him on the cheek, then with a sigh sent him on his way.

Jamie carried on round being inspected and questioned by the various guests. One old man was very short sighted, and after lifting up Jamie's clothing had to get his face right close to his cock in order for him to inspect the object for sale. Once he had sat back he then started questioning a nearby standing lamp, unaware it was not the child.

When Jamie reached the gentlemen playing cards, they instructed him to wait until they had finished the current hand. He then sat on each of the players' knees for the duration of one hand, who would kiss and stroke the boy whilst waiting for his turn to come round. Thus Jamie observed a number of games. He did not understand the rules, but it seemed to involve the men saying raise, stick, or fold, and often involved them pushing small wooden disks into the centre of the table. The winner of the game took all the disks. Jamie could not understand why the victor would look so pleased as he hauled in what looked to the child as worthless trinkets. Each player had one or more boys standing by him, whom he would grope whilst a new hand was dealt. One man had a young dark haired boy, around 8 or 9, feed him wine directly from his own mouth. From the look of his rather glazed eyes and broad grin, he had swallowed rather more than was good for a child his age. Another player had a boy of about 12 on each side whose cocks he was often stroking, so that both boys now sported 3 to 4 inch erections. Every now and then he would stoop down and take one of them in his mouth for a quick suck. Jamie noticed how a player would caress or stroke his chosen plaything rather more lovingly and gently after wining a hand. However one rather fat balding gentleman, whom Jamie had once seen before at a cattle market, had a novel way of rewarding his charge. Standing by him was a beautiful boy of 14. He had fair hair, light brown eyes and a pale complexion. His prick was long and thin, and a tiny bit of hair had started to grow just above it. When the fat man had won a hand, he took one of the chips he had gained, and pushed it up the young teen's ass until it had disappeared. The boy shivered with excitement at this and thanked his benefactor. By the look of the large pile of disks in front of this gentleman, clearly he had had a good evening, so one could only guess at how much the young boy had stored up his privates.

After the card players, Jamie had only a few more gentlemen left to inspect him. One of these was the Cossack he had seen earlier. Perched on his lap was a young boy of 11 or 12, who looked like he would rather be somewhere else. When Jamie stood before him, the man said.

"I'd be only to happy to relieve you of your virginity, but unfortunately Mr Grange will not let me fuck boys under his charge, so you might as well move on." Jamie was a little confused by this, but glad that he would not have to be sold to this unfriendly Russian.

When he had finally been seen by all, Jamie noticed that Ben and Jason had also finished and were waiting at the bottom of the stairs to the stage. A moment later Sam arrived and herded them back up. He again made his way back to the podium, and started to get the audience quiet again. When this was achieved he spoke.

"Now you have all had a closer look at what's on offer I hope that you are satisfied, and will bid generously. I will start from youngest upwards, so young Jamie is the first boy for sale."

Sam gestured for Jamie to come to him, and he then removed what few articles of clothing he was wearing. He told him to stand at the front of the stage with his arms at his sides, and when he so commanded to turn right round. When the young boy was stood before the audience completely nude, he noticed that everyone's eyes were upon him, both men and boys. Even the card players had suspended their game, and were staring at him with interest. Poor Jamie had never felt so exposed in his life, his emotions were a mixture of nervousness at the all the stares, and pride that such a mere farm boy like himself was holding the attention of so many important gentlemen.

Sam then called for the bidding to start. First to shout out was a five-pound bid from a gentleman currently caressing two young boys. Mr Scott, the man who had taken a lot of interest in Jamie, then made this eight, then another man raised it to ten. The bidding progressed quickly, until at 40 pounds the only two left was Mr Scott and one of the card players. The latest bid was from the card player, a long faced individual who had groped Jamie quite hard when he had sat on his knee. Scott countered with a bid of 45, and Sam glanced over at the card player. He paused then bid 50. Poor Mr Scott did not look too happy at that, but after a long paused when he again stared at the boy's soft waiting body, he bid 53. This time it was the card player's turn to look uncomfortable, he glanced down at the quantity of chips he had laying on the table, and then quietly raised the stakes to 55. Mr Scott had now decided that he would have this boy whatever the cost, so raised again to 60 pounds, although the pain in his voice as he said the figure was quite evident. Sam again looked at the card player who now solemnly shook his head, so the squire quickly surveyed the hall, and seeing no more bids were coming, he slammed down his cane.

"Sold to Mr Scott for 60 pounds."

At this the buyer's face broke into a huge smile, and turning round he hugged his son George in excitement. Jamie was utterly amazed he had gone for such an unbelievable amount of money. The boy was overjoyed that this was definitely going to make a big dent in the money he owed the squire. It seemed even little kids like him could make some amazing money doing naughty things. The boy was also rather pleased he had been sold to Mr Scott, as the man seemed much nicer to him than the card player that was also bidding for him.

Next for sale was Jason, he was also stripped and then told to stand facing the crowd as his ass was sold. After some lively bidding his back entrance went to a fat gentleman for only 38 pounds. Jason was cute but not as ravishing as Jamie, hence the lower sum.

As Ben stepped up for sale he took off his own scanty clothes. Unlike the younger boys, who had simply stood still during the auction, this lively lad strutted around the stage and put on quite a show. He turned round flashing his bum, or waved his now erect penis at the watching crowd. This caused quite a stir with the audience, who whistled and clapped. The bidding started at 15 and rose very quickly. Here was clearly a lad a number of the guests had lusted after for some time. The Cossack also bided, but after 30 pounds he cursingly dropped out of the race. As the figure climbed, bid followed bid, and Jamie was staggered when the cane finally came down at 112 pounds, to a rather small elderly gentleman whom was also one of the card players. When it was all over the squire again spoke.

"Thank you gentlemen. Now would the purchasers please approach the stage, since as you know, it is cash in advance please."

Ben's buyer was up first, and pulling out a very fat wallet, handed a large wad of it to the waiting squire. The gentlemen who had purchased Jason also produced the necessary notes. When Mr Scott had arrived, he too placed some notes in front of Sam, then waited patiently as the squire counted them.

"There is only 35 pounds here, the price was agreed at 60."

"I know that Sam, but you know I'll give you the rest of the money later, I simply do not have the cash with me," Mr Scott answered.

"Now you know very well Edward that I can not allow that, it would not be fair on all the others, you knew the rules when you bided."

"Yes true, but I did not know you would be offering something as ravishing as that small blond boy, so I did not bring too much money. Please Sam, make an exception this time."

"I'm sorry but I will not. I'll go and have a word with the card-player and see if he is still interested."

Edward Scott looked absolutely distraught, he was determined to have Jamie no matter what it took.

"Give me five minutes Sam, I'll get you the extra money," he finally said, then slipped off the stage. True to his word he returned a short while later and handed over the remaining money. Sam was a little curious about how he had acquired it so quickly, but simply smiled and said he hoped Edward would have fun with the boy. Had he glanced back down to the audience, and seen Mr Scott's distressed teenage son George sitting on a certain beaming Russian's knee, all would have been a little clearer.

With the financial matters now settled it was time for the men to receive what they had paid for. Whilst the three children stood at the side of the stage, a couch was brought in and laid down in the centre of it. The item was actually more like a recliner, with no sides simply a raised section at one end.

"As normal," Sam shouted, above the resumed din. "The action will take place in descending order of price paid, so Mr Bickles is up first with young Ben."

The elderly Mr Bickles did not hang around, and swept up the stage dressed in just a robe. He approached the boys, and taking Ben's hand led him to the centre, whereupon applause broke out from the crowd. The man started by kissing the youth all over his face and then deeply on his lips. This was not too difficult to perform as Mr Bickles was not much taller than the young teenager, having long started the height descent that afflicts all men past a certain age. He whispered something to the boy, who then untied the man's robe, and slipped it off his shoulders. The old man's body was not a sight to be admired, being rather thin, his pale skin sagging in a number of places. His rather small penis hung limply between his legs. Although he was no Adonis, at least he had the guts to stand nude in front of his peers, a rule of all these auctions that had caused many a rich man to refrain from bidding. Still few of the guests complained at this regulation, as it got the evening off to a bang.

The old man then knelt down, took the boy's hard penis in his mouth and started energetically sucking on it. Ben had been so turned on by being the object of all this attention, that he could not hold back very long, and soon shot into the man's mouth, who greedily swallowed it down. Getting back on his feet, the adult French kissed the boy, giving him a taste of his own sperm. After another whispered command from the man, Ben then knelt down to repay the pleasure he had received. Mr Bickles' prick had swollen a little, but was still soft. However the expert lips of the young teenager soon started to have an effect on him, and his organ hardened to a good 6 inches, although it was not very thick. Soon one member of the audience had grown impatient, and a cry came out.

"Go on Gerald, Fuck him!!."

Mr Bickles disengaged himself from the boy's mouth, and taking him by the shoulder, gently pulled him to his feet. Now that Ben knew what was to happen next, his face showed a mixture of fear and excitement. Like one who has long looked forward to something, but now that it was about to happen, was afraid to go through with it. The man turned the boy round and pushed him down so that his young frame was laid across the couch, his arms and head dandling over one side and his exposed behind and legs spilled over the other. Following a command from the man, the beautiful boy spread his legs and shoved his bottom upwards. The heavenly sight of the boy's smooth, round cheeks, and the now exposed small pink asshole was enough to make the old man shiver in excitement. There was not a soft prick in the hall, even those gentlemen that only played with young boys, had there eyes glued to that offered ass, and transferred their hands from their young playthings cocks, to run over their little pink bums.

Mr Bickles could hold back no longer, lowering himself to his knees, he pointed his prick at the target, and a moment later was buried inside. Just a small winch of pain showed on the boy's face, before he relaxed and sighed. As the man started to thrust in and out, it was not long before the boy was meeting his movements. Sam was a little concerned at the ease the kid had taken it, and although he would have had no joy in seeing the boy in pain, he hoped that this was indeed his first time. One deceit per night seemed more than enough. He trusted the boy's father, so was fairly certain the buyer was indeed the first man to enter the lad, but he suspected that a few candles may have preceded the old man's cock. If Sam had noticed the ease the boy had lost his virginity, Mr Bickles had clearly not. The old man had his eyes screwed in ecstasy as he continued to pump in and out. Despite his age, he was certainly no cripple, as he slowly accelerated his movements then straighten his legs, which had the effect of pulling the boy's rump further into the air. This exposed Ben's now re-hardened organ, and as if he had sensed it, the man lowered one of his hands and started to pull on the slender stick. The two continued fucking for sometime, now unaware of the watching eyes, until eventually the man yelled out and shot his hot cum deep into the kid's ass, followed shortly later by a jet spurting from the boy's prick, which arched up and landed on the couch. The two figures collapsed forward in fatigue, and wild applause broke out from the crowd.

A short while later, Sam helped the man to his feet, and after replacing his robe slowly led him back to his seat, his face set in a contented smile, as if his mind had still not returned to earth. Ben got to his own feet, and even managed a bow to the audience. He then rushed down the steps and jumped into his father's lap, who proudly kissed the boy, and complemented him on such a great performance. No doubt the rather considerable sum of money heading in his direction was somewhere in his mind as well.

Jamie had watched the whole performance in fascination, and his own little prick had become rigid at the sight. All the same he was aware that it was his turn next, and he was more than a little nervous at the thought. He had been surprised at how easily the boy had borne the whole thing, and how he had in fact enjoyed having an adult thrusting into his bottom. Yet he knew that Ben was both older and bigger than he, and the cock that had penetrated the kid had been much smaller in both length and width then the monster organ Jack had pushed up his own bottom. He wondered what penis size would operate on him, but he did not have to wait for an answer, as Edward Scott had now clambered onto the stage and was walking towards him. He was already naked, and due to the performance he had just seen, and the excitement of what he had to come, the man's prick was already fully erect, and swung around as he walked. It was about 7 inches long, and of average thickness. It was definitely bigger than John's erection, the last one to enter Jamie's anus, having done so just the day before. However it was also a lot smaller than the vicious gamekeeper's, whose long thick prong had been the cause of a lot of pain to young Jamie. Looking at the cock that Jamie knew would soon be entering him, Jamie was hopeful he could accommodate it without difficulty. However he knew how easy it would be on him had a lot to do with how the gentleman would handle him. Unlike the elderly man that had preceded him, Edward Scott's body was still in good shape. He was in his late thirties, and had a reasonably active lifestyle, eliminating the excess fat that plagued so many rich men. He led Jamie to the couch, and then bending down kissed him lightly on both cheeks. He could tell the boy was nervous, so he tried to calm his down.

"Relax little boy, I have no wish to hurt you. Do as I say and stay calm, it will be much easier that way."

Jamie was a lot happier when he heard this, and was calmed by the man's soft concerned voice.

"Now to make it better for you child, we need to get you and me wet, so get on your knees and suck my cock real good."

Hearing that it would benefit him, Jamie got on his knees and started to suck the man with energy. This was something he had done before, and it had never hurt him, except when Jack had tried to force it deeper into the boy's throat. All in all Jamie did not mind sucking the man, and after his games with the squire's eldest son, Jamie realised that he was beginning to enjoy cock sucking.

Jamie sucked the man for quite some time, trying to use all the techniques he had been taught during the few weeks since he had been introduced to this forbidden art. He managed to get most of the man's cock in his mouth, and moved down to lick round the part he had missed, ensuring the whole thing was wet and slippery. Edward was starting to gasp in pleasure, and had to gently disengage the boy before he came to quickly. Mr Scott sat the boy on the couch, and then positioned himself between the child's legs. He then gently pushed Jamie's chest so that he was laid down on his back across the couch, his bottom resting on the edge. He then lifted the boy's legs up, and held them to his sides, a position the flexible boy had no problem assuming. Edward bent down his head and commenced to lap away at the youngster's ass. Jamie already knew how enjoyable this would be, as it was one of the few nice things Jack had done to him. It was not long before boy felt the effects, as waves of pleasure swept through him, starting at his anus then sweeping up to his head. Edward continued licking until he had gotten the boy good and wet, and he could see that the child was now much more relaxed. As much as he enjoyed licking out a boy's ass, he was impatient now for a far more satisfying pleasure. Raising himself up, he shuffled forward and placed his still glistening penis at the entrance to the boy's love hole.

"I'm afraid this will hurt some precious, and although I do not wish to see you in any pain, my prick rules my brain today, and I must fuck you. Try to relax as much as possible, and do not try to resist my entrance, it will be easier for you."

"I will do my best sir," Jamie said, smiling up at the man, determined to show he could be brave, and ensure Mr Scott got his money's worth.

So the boy closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable. The man was breathing heavily now, and soon Jamie felt the large rod gently prodding against his small hole. A moment later the prick head was thrust forward and just entered inside him. Jamie grimaced as the large cock head pushed inside him, but he relaxed as he had been told, and the pain soon passed.

Edward was now shaking with excitement, the feel of this hot tight ass on his cock almost made him cum immediately. He pulled slightly back, then stabbed forward lodging half way in. Jamie gasped again, then went silent, but the man no longer noticed, his mind taken over by his own exquisite pleasure. He kept up a steady thrusting, inching his cock further inside, bit by bit, until finally his piston was no longer showing. The grip of the boy's tight ass around his prick was just too much, and without a further movement the man flooded the kid's bowels with his seed. Edward remained still for a while, and waited for the young boy to relax his screwed up face. The man's cock was still rock hard, and soon he started pumping in and out, very slowly and very gently. With each inward stroke the boy winced a bit in pain, but he seemed to be over the worst, and the extra lubrication of the man's own emissions made things even easier for the boy. So Edward kept on thrusting for sometime, enjoying the feel of his prick in embedded in a small warm hole. As there was no rule that stated a man could only continue until he had climaxed, Edward kept thrusting, determined to extract his money's worth. However after a while his knees started to ache, so he decided to change position.

"Come on lad, it's time that a young, strong boy like yourself did some of the work."

He withdrew, and as he did his sperm spilled out of the boy and ran down his legs. The white cream had turned pink where it had mixed with a tiny bit of blood, but Edward quickly wiped it away with his hands so as not to distress the boy further. He got up and pulled Jamie to his feet, who wobbled at first then stood. Jamie looked out at the audience staring intently at the spectacle. In the meantime Edward had lain himself down on the couch, and his prick stood up like a flagpole.

"Now straddle over me boy, and lower yourself on to my prick."

It was a new position to the boy, and Jamie was at first a little unsure of what to do. However the man guided the boy's leg over his chest until he sat on his belly facing him. He pulled his head close and kissed the boy all over his soft angel face, then ran his hands down his back and caressed his bottom.

"No let's play Gee Gees," Edward said, and placing his hands under Jamie's bottom, lifted him up, then pushed him back so the boy's asshole was directly above his prick.

"Now grasp my cock little boy, and lower yourself on me."

Still a bit nervous, Jamie did as he was told, and again winced as he slid down on the pole. All the same he was a pleased that the pain had lessened from last time, although he was still sore.

"Now push up with you legs until only the head is inside you, and then come on down again."

The delightful boy obeyed, and Edward gasped as he felt the youngster's strong anal muscles grip him as he went up and down.

"Again, and again," the man yelled, and so the boy started to ride him. The crowd behind was rewarded with the glorious sight of Jamie's small beautiful bum, bobbing up and down, a rock hard prick appearing and disappearing inside the now well stretched hole. It was all too much for some of the guests, and soon robes were torn apart, or trousers yanked down as hard pricks were plunged into one of the many small mouths or assholes that were close at hand.

For Jamie, it was still a bit uncomfortable to have such a large intruder thrust inside him, but he preferred being in control of the stokes, and felt more than a little pride that he could send the man beneath him into such a frenzy with his own movement.

"Faster, Faster," Edward yelled, and despite his discomfort Jamie speeded up his motions, even though his thin legs were beginning to tire. Jamie could feel his ass on fire, but mixed in within this uncomfortable and painful sensation, he began to feel the stirrings of pleasure he had had as John had fucked him. It was faint at first, but as he speeded up, the sensation grew and grew, and began to overwhelm the boy.

"Faster, Faster," Scott screamed again. Jamie obeyed, unable to concentrate on anything but the pleasure and pain coursing through his ass and his own body. His little heart was beating at a frantic rate, and streams of sweat were falling down his forehead, or trickling down his naked back. The boy was soon oblivious to the world around him, and he kept on riding and riding, ever faster and harder.

Edward too was senseless to the stares of the fascinated crowd, the pleasure caused by the boy's actions coursing though his body, and he began howling like a wolf. He could hold back no longer, and his body went stiff, then relaxed and he spurted his hot cream deep into the boy. Jamie stopped his motions, and then due to the combination of a sore ass and sheer exhaustion, he passed out.

Chapter 6
Secret Passages

When Jamie awoke he was back in the same room that he had slept in earlier. It was still dark outside, but there was small lamp lit, and he could see three figures standing at the end of his bed.

"He's awake," yelled John "How are you Jamie? We were very afraid when you fainted, but the doctor said it was only exhaustion. Mr Scott certainly got his money's worth."

Jamie lay still for a moment, and considered how he felt. He quickly felt round his body to make sure all his arms and legs were there.

"I'm still a bit sore," the boy answered.

"Oh, that's to be expected," Charles remarked, as if he was an expert on the issue, which in fact he was.

"Can we have a look?"

Without waiting for an answer, the lamp and the children moved closer, and the thin cover over Jamie was pulled back. He was still naked underneath, but he noticed the squire's three boys were in a similar state, acting as if total unaware of it. Charles looked down at Jamie's asshole, which was quite red and swollen.

"Lets see what we can do to help," Charles remarked, and then producing a bottle of ointment and a handkerchief, he started to softly dab some on the younger boy.

"How long was I asleep?" Jamie asked.

"About two hours sleepyhead," Billy cried. "You missed all the shows, dropping out like that."

"Yeh," Charles agreed. "One of them was real good, with a mock battle between the angels of heaven and some creatures from hell. John played the chief angel, and he was terrific!"

"I was not too bad, if I may say so, and the forces of God won in the end. Billy mind you did not do to well, as he was only playing a goblin, and got fucked by a couple of angels during the fight."

"Pah," Billy fumed. "Next time Daddy will give me a better part. Besides Johnny you got a prick up your arse from a boy playing a devil."

A general argument broke out between the two boys on the merits of their personal performances, while Charles continued to soothe Jamie's little hole. Eventually the younger boy spoke.

"Oh, I hope your father was not angry with me for fainting." Jamie was concerned that he had not fulfilled his promise to do what he was told, since he had dropped out of the proceedings so early. "Do you think I should be getting back, so he will forgive me?"

"Of course he was not angry, and don't worry, your duties are over for this party, so just relax. I think you were brilliant!"

"Jamie, you were superb," John added.

"Magic," said Billy. "A lot better than that sissy boy that followed."

"That's right," Charles continued. "He's older than you, but started to blubber like a baby when he was led to the couch. Wouldn't shut up, so they gave up. The man got his money back, and that is one boy that will not be permitted to come again. Silly twit, I know it's not nice the first time, but he will miss out on all the fun that comes later. I would have thought an older boy could have borne it a bit better, and he's supposed to be gentry, and set a good example. I didn't bawl like that my first time, and you Jamie did not cry at all, and you're only ten, and just a commoner."

Despite the ordeal he had been through, Jamie felt proud that he had done much better than an old and higher bred boy. He particular liked it because the squire's children were happy with him. The dark haired boy had resumed his dabbing with the ointment, but as normal could not stay quiet for long.

"Well I hope you feel better now, and if you are still tired we will go away and let you sleep."

"It's still a little bit sore, but I'm not at all tired now. I'm a bit hungry, is there a bit of bread and milk I can have please?"

"Bread and milk for the star performer, I'll hear none of it," Charles cried. "Can you two go and get us some proper food."

The two lads stood and bowed mockingly to their brother, then disappeared. In a few minutes they were back, arms laden with all kinds of foodstuff. The four of them then had a feast on Jamie's bed. Most of the food Jamie had no idea what it was, but it all tasted delicious, with tender meats, exotic fruits, sweet cakes, and lots of apple juice to wash it down with. He thought it was the best meal of his life, and probably ate more than he needed. When they had all had enough, John made a suggestion.

"Let's go to the secret room, Daddy won't mind if we take Jamie, as he's our friend. Do you want to come Jamie? It's ever so exciting, and I promise no one will hurt you."

Jamie loved it when John said he was their friend, and he did not want to be parted from them, so he quickly agreed to follow. A secret room in this big house just had to be fun.

John led the way, and Jamie was a little puzzled that the three seemed to tip toe around, and were careful they were not spotted. Billy explained that they did not want to get dragged in to anything before they reached their destination. In the event the corridors they passed through were reasonably quiet, although they did see an elderly gentleman, dressed in just his vest, chasing a couple of laughing nude boys down one of them. Eventually they stopped outside a small wooden door, and John, quickly glancing round, opened it, and then herded the three younger children inside.

As Jamie looked round the room he had entered, he was a little disappointed. If this was the secret room, it looked pretty boring, with just a writing desk and a number of bookshelves, stacked with dark sombre looking books. There were no other exits, not even a window. As John entered he shut the door, then fetching a key from the desk he locked it behind them. He then walked over to a bookshelf on the opposite wall, and instead of selecting a book as Jamie had expected, he took hold of the shelf side, and pulling it, the whole thing swung forward revealing a dark opening behind. A secret passage! Things were getting better. Charles then re-lit the lantern that they had kept, and passed inside. Despite his excitement Jamie was a little anxious as he wondered whether they might be long hanging spiders' webs, or even rats inside. None of the children were exactly equipped for such an adventure, as they still had not a single item of clothing between them. However as the lantern lit the corridor beyond, Jamie saw that there was carpet on the floor, and the walls were smooth and painted. It did not look like some long passage that spiralled down to the dungeons.

After a short distance the passage hit a T-Junction, and they stepped into a wider corridor. This was not dark, but was dimly lit by a number of small windows that ran along both walls in each direction, perhaps about 15 feet apart. Each window was five feet from the floor, and there was a wide bench underneath each one. Charles blew out the lamp, and taking Jamie by the hand whispered to him.

"Come on, we're going to show you some amazing scenes."

Jamie was led to one of the closest windows and the four boys scrambled up so that they stood on the bench, and peered through. The window looked into a medium sized room, 15 feet in each direction and was lavishly furnished with a large four poster bed along one wall. Positioned on this bed were three figures, one a youngish looking man, the other two were boys. All three were naked. The man was lying on his back with his prick standing up fully erect. The children were on their bellies, and had their backs to the four observers. Their little heads were pressed close to the man's hard organ. Jamie could see two delicious pairs of young buns being displayed by the youngsters. He guessed both were between 10 and 12 years old, but it was difficult to be exactly sure with just a rear view. As Jamie's gaze wandered to the young man's face, he was alarmed to notice that the chap was staring directly at him. The farm boy jumped in embarrassment then ducked his head down. The three other kids just broke into giggles, knowing what had happened, but continued to stare through the window.

"Don't worry Jamie," John said as he continued to giggle. "The window is a one way mirror, we can see in, but they can not see out. It's like magic! Mind you don't make too much noise, as that is not held back quite so well."

Jamie raised his head again and peered back into the room. The man's eyes had moved back to wander over the two children that lay on the bed, and it was quite evident that he had seen none of his observers. Jamie stared in fascination at the scene in front of him, and felt really naughty spying on people like this, particularly given the rather intimate nature of their activities. The two boys inside each had a hand on the man's large shaft, and were licking away at its length and the head. Occasionally one would take the whole head in his mouth and treat the man to a quick suck.

After just a short time Jamie noticed that John, Billy and Charles had moved away to look in other windows, clearly this was too ordinary a scene for them, and they were hunting for something more special. To Jamie though it was all so new, and he remained where he was. He could not understand why, but watching safely from behind the window at such an erotic sight was making his feel all funny. His little nipples had hardened, and his cock had started to grow. The young man now had his head tipped back and his eyes screwed shut, and he had thrust his groin in the air. Jamie could hear his loud gasps even through the wall. The two lovelies between his legs were licking faster and faster, and each had slipped a hand over to their neighbour's body, and were stroking their partner's pink bottom. After a loud squeal the man came forcefully, his spunk jumping in the air, and then dropping down to land on one of the boy's pretty face. The other boy pulled the prick over so that the second and third squirt shot into his face. After this the cumming slowed down and simply poured over the two youngster's hands. The man looked up and smiled, then said something to them both which Jamie could not hear. The two kids bounced closer to the man, and then started to lick the cream off each other's cum soaked faces. When they where finished they used their tongues to clean their own sticky hands. Jamie was a little surprised to see them perform this task with such enthusiasm, but it seemed to please the young gentleman no end, as he pulled the pair close to him and started to shower them with kisses.

Jamie was still staring at the scene when he was interrupted by Charles's voice.

"Heh, look, it's Mr Wigglesworth!," he cried in excitement.

Looking round Jamie saw John and Billy rushing to join the boy, and being curious to see what it was, Jamie jumped down from his bench and ran over as well.

When he stared inside he saw a similar room to before. In the centre of the room was a fully clothed middle-age gentleman sitting in a large comfortable chair. On his lap was a naked boy, about Jamie's age, with a large glass of orange juice in his hand. Jamie was initially a little disappointed, for although the boy was very pretty the scene seemed rather ordinary compared to what he had been watching. However the squire's boys seemed to be very excited, and were giggling like crazy.

"Let's hear what they're saying," said John. Jamie saw him stoop down and lift off an earpiece that was attached to the wall with a length of tube. His two brothers did the same, then Billy handed one to Jamie. When the farm boy pressed the piece to his ear, he was amazed that he could hear inside the room.

"Is my little sweetie ready yet?" the man said, at which the young boy started giggling. The man then whispered something in his ear, and this caused him to giggle a lot more. The little lad looked quite similar to Jamie, with the same long blond hair, and tender slim body, although his skin was a little paler. The man had one hand gently running up and down the inside of the child's leg, whilst his other one stoked the boy's abdomen, just above his delicious prick.

"I think I'm ready now sir," the boy said.

At this the gentleman turned his face to him, and softly kissed him on the lips. The boy then leapt up and waited while the man laid himself down on the floor. The little blond boy walked over to him, then placing his legs either side of his head, squatted down so that his young cock was right above his mouth. The man's tongue shot out and started to lick away at the child's tiny balls, whilst the boy started to screw up his face in concentration.

In a few seconds a golden stream shot out of the boy and hit the man on his chin. He quickly re-positioned his prick, and the man opened his mouth wide to let the young child's piss pour directly in. The boy then relaxed and smiled as he let the liquid run from his body. At one time he lifted the glass of orange he still had in his hand, and gulped down the remaining contents. This gave the watchers the illusion that the orange was pouring straight down his throat, through his body, and then out of his cock. The man underneath was quickly swallowing as he tried to gulp down as much as he could, but it was coming out of the boy at such a terrific rate, that inevitably some spilled over and dribbled out of his mouth. Eventually the stream slowed, and then it ceased altogether, allowing the man to take a breath, then sigh contentedly. The child above him had broken into another fit of giggling.

Yet he was not the only one, Jamie became aware that his three companions were now hooting with laughter. This was not so much through the drinking scene, which they had seen often before, but from young Jamie's reaction. He was absolutely gobsmacked, and simply stood staring at the man and boy with his chin dropped. When he looked at the other three, his face was one of sheer amazement, which then widened into a smile, and he also laughed.

"But why?" the confused boy asked. "I can't see why he just doesn't drink the juice himself."

"Oh but of course not," Charles refuted. "He only wants it after it's been through a pretty young boy. As to why, who can possibly understand the pleasures of gentlemen. Generally the richer they are, the more odd are their tastes, and Mr Wigglesworth is very wealthy!"

The man had by now gotten to his feet, and retrieving a towel from a nearby table used it to dry his soaking face. He then walked back over to the boy and bending over him took his pretty face between his hands and then deeply French kissed him. Thus the young thing got a bit of a taste of his own piss, but it did not seem to bother him. Mr Wigglesworth then took the boy's hand and led him over to a desk on the far side of the room. Placed on this was about half a dozen large jugs, each filled with a different coloured liquid.

"Well then lad," the man said. "What shall we try next, hmm strawberry I think." Picking up a jug holding a thick red liquid, the man poured the boy another large glass full.

"Oh yummy," replied the young boy, then he broke into yet more giggles.

Whilst Jamie's head was still reeling at what he had seen, Charles took him by the arm, and whispered.

"Come on, there's much more to see."

Charles led Jamie from the bench and they continued on down the hall, with the two other lads jumping up on benches and peering inside. Various comments shot from the two like, 'Boring', 'Seen it', or 'Asleep'. Eventually Billy stopped at one and said.

"Oh goody it's the Colonel."

The other three joined him and they all started to watch, snatching up the listening pieces so they could hear as well. Inside was a slightly larger room, and there indeed was the Colonel, still dressed in his Military outfit. In his hand was an officer's drill stick. Standing in two neat rows in front of him was a total of six boys. They were all aged between 10 and 13, with the boys in the rear row being slightly older, as each was a bit higher than the boy who stood in the front of him. The smaller boys were completely naked, but the older ones wore army caps, and had a leather belt round their waist, to which was attached a short wooded sword. Clearly little was hidden of these youngsters either, but at the moment the viewers could only see their young firm butts, as the six young soldiers all had their backs to the hidden mirror.

"Okay men, Attention!," shouted the Colonel, at which point the children all clicked their feet together and stood upright. The Colonel then walked through the ranks inspecting his troops. He frequently stopped to adjust a slanting sword belt, or to correct the posture of one of the boys by firmly pushing on their buttocks to force their chest upwards. Whilst this helped to improve the order, and general tidiness of his charges, it was quite clear that his main motive was running his hands over a smooth young body.

"Very good men, now can yee try and keep yer order." The Colonel then walked to the edge of the room, and with a shout of 'About Turn', followed by 'Quick March', he marched his soldiers around the room. This gave the viewers their first glances of the boys' penises that swung around as they marched. When the Colonel gave the order to halt, the line was perpendicular to the mirror, thus giving the hidden watchers a side view.

"Front rank about turn." The younger boys turned to face the older ones.

"Second rank, position arms." The older boys lifted their arms and placed them on the opposite boy's shoulders.

"Now starting with the left cheek, second rank should kiss the first. And. go. Left, right, left, right."

The boys were bending their heads and planting a kiss on their opposite boy's cheek, before returning to their original position and repeating with the other cheek. Clearly at this point the drill had departed somewhat from established military norms.

The younger boys were then ordered to kiss the older boys in the same manner, which they carried out with equal enthusiasm. Finally the Colonel told them to place a long kiss on their partner's lips.

"Hold it, Hold it," the old man boomed. "And, disengage."

The two ranks again stood facing each other, and awaited further orders from their commanding officer.

"Rear rank kneel," he boomed, and the boys knelt.

"At the double, suck their cocks."

On hearing this command the elder boys plunged their heads between their younger mate's thighs, and started to lick and suck away as fast as they could. In no time the still standing boys were quivering with pleasure, as soft tongues lapped away at their hairless privates. As the knees of a rather pretty red headed boy started to buckle, the Colonel marched over to him and said.

"Keep yer legs straight soldier, I kanna allow slouching in me army."

After about five minutes of licking and sucking, the boys no longer could hear the Scot's orders, and had all fallen onto their soft rumps and were wriggling around in ecstasy. Henry did not seem to mind, and smiled as he watched the spectacle in front of him. When he was sure each boy had had as much of an orgasm as was possible at their tender age, he ordered his older boy soldiers to stop, then helped the younger boys back on their feet and in to line.

"Disgraceful disobedience, lets see if the second row can perform better."

The younger boys simply giggled and awaited their orders. They too had to kneel, and their pretty young faces now faced an erect cock of slightly larger dimensions.

"Heads forward and suck them pricks," came the command, and the boys opened their mouths to start sucking on the offered member in front of them. This time it was the elder boys turn to start squirming, but the Colonel did not permit it to continue too long, and ordered the boys back to their feet.

"Front rank, two paces back," he yelled. When the boys did this they came in contact with the edge of the bed, and the colonel then walked down the line and pushed each one so that they toppled over and were lying down on their backs upon it, with their bums on the edge.

"Present bottoms," he ordered. The little boys then spread their legs and pulled their knees to the side of their bodies. This exposed their assholes to all, and the youngsters each had his eyes glued to the erect penis of his opposite number. Their cocks were not so big, averaging between 3 and 4 inches. A 13-year-old boy with a deep tan owned the biggest. His tool stood stiffly to attention, and was slightly bowed with the shiny cap uncovered. The boy opposite him was the little red headed boy, who looked at least two years his junior. The young imp had a very tempting round bubble butt, and Jamie could tell that it was taking all the older boy's will power to remain where he was.

"Wait for it, Wait for it, in any battle timing is vital," the old soldier said.

"CHARGE!!," he yelled, and without further instructions the boys rushed forwards and plunged their hard members into the soft, and very hot holes of the three younger boys.

"Keep yer thrusts in time," the man shouted, but he was clearly being ignored. Henry walked down the line, tapping the boys' rumps and telling them to thrust harder or faster. He also ordered them to lick on the younger boys' small nipples, or to run their hands up and down his sides.

"Fire when ready," came the order, and it was not long before the first kid did, his body suddenly going stiff, then the bottom of his bum started to twitch. A few minutes later it was all over, as each boy had stopped, and was now laying panting on top of the boy he had fucked. The Colonel watched the scene for a short while, then unbuckling his belt, he dropped his sword to the ground, and removed his kilt. Like a true Scotsman, Henry wore nothing underneath, so into sight popped a very stiff 7-inch erection, which did the old man proud.

The old officer lay down on the bed, then issued his final order.

"Okay troops, rally round the flag," he said, and the six kids crawled over to repay the old man for all the fun he had given them. Four of them went straight for their commanding officer's standing prick, and got to work. The old man thus had the pleasure of four soft warm tongues licking his pole and hairy balls all over. The two remaining boys presented their small cocks for the lucky man to suck and lick. With the combined attentions of six such ravishing creatures, even the Pope could not have held back for long, and Henry soon let out a long groan before ejaculating his cream all other the kiddies' faces. The children then fought with each other to lick up each drop, so within moments it was all gone.

"Ah, that twas grand my wee laddies, I really donna know how I can repay yer."

"Story time!!!," yelled six eager faces, and repositioned themselves so that four small nude bodies were surrounding the man whilst the remaining two lay on top of him. The Scotsman smiled as if the request had been expected, and indeed he would have been most hurt had it not come.

"Hmm, Let's see. Have yer heard about the time me and me regiment were ambushed in the jungles of India." After several excited shouts for him to start, the old man scratched his beard as if trying to recall the details, but before he could begin, Jamie felt Charles tugging his arm.

"Let's go, I've heard that story, it goes on for ages."

A little reluctantly Jamie was pulled away from one of the old soldier's tales for the second time that day. Just as they were turning round John came running down from one of the corridors. Jamie had not noticed, but he had disappeared some time earlier for his own explorations.

"I've found him," John said excitedly "Charles you've got to see it, it's amazing."

"You've seen him at last," the boy cried. "Come on Jamie, we've been looking for this man for ages, let's see if he's as good as his reputation." As they started racing after John, Jamie asked.

"Who are your talking about?"

"While Boris of course, the Russian."

Jamie was in no great hurry to see this fell man again, but since he would not be able to see them, then it would not be too bad. John turned round a corner, then after a few more paces stopped at one of the windows, leaping up on the bench. A few seconds later three nude forms joined him, and all four of them pressed their faces to the glass to peer inside. The Russian was lying on the bed undressed, and Jamie was mightily impressed with the foreigner's powerful arms and shoulders. Also on the bed was George Scott, who appeared to be kissing and licking the wooden bedpost. Now without his robe, his slim young body was in full view. At 15 years old George was not a little boy anymore, and in fact was only a little shorter than his father. However, in comparison to the Russian, the boy looked truly diminutive. Jamie was very confused why George should be licking the bedpost, but then the man shifted position slightly and with the new angle the full realisation of what was happening very nearly caused Jamie's eyes to jump out of their sockets. George was indeed licking the erect prick of the man, and its dimensions were absolutely awesome. It must have been at least 14 inches long from head to base, and maybe 10 or 11 inches in diameter round the shaft. The huge uncapped head was the size of a clenched fist. The man smiled and parted his legs more giving the children a view of his huge hairy balls, which looked like two bloated oranges hanging down below his prick. George's pink tongue darted all round the huge shaft, and it took him some time to lick every bit of it. Occasionally he would attempt to place the man's rod in his mouth, but it was a struggle for him to just accommodate the head. Jamie had seen Jack's large prick and that had been up his bottom. George's father also had a reasonable sized pole, and that had been up him as well. Yet that owned by this fearsome Cossack was in a different league. Only when the monster dimensions had finally sunk in, did Jamie wonder exactly why George was in there, since he had seen his father refuse to sell the lad. Seeing the operation that George was performing, it seemed to him that the Russian must have changed his mind, and settled for a suck.

The big man stretched out a long powerful arm, and grabbing hold of one of the boy's legs, he pulled the lower half of the teen's body round so that it was now in easy reach. He then started to grope George's buttocks and thighs, and none too gently either. After a period of this, he grasped the kid's neck and guided his mouth to the top of the massive prick. Boris then took hold of the shaft, and started to rub his cock head all over the boy's face, occasionally shoving it hard into the mouth. The Russian quickened his movements, and the hand holding the boy's head moved round to pull the youth's mouth wide open. He withdrew his cock a few inches from George's face, and following a few hard yanks on the thick shaft Boris started to cum hard. The first spurt shot into the boy's mouth, the next hit him in the eye, the next on his chin. The four observers watched in amazement as the massive prick just kept on spewing out huge quantities of white sticky cum. After what must have been the twentieth spurt it finally stopped, having left George's face almost unrecognisable, it was so utterly covered in the thick cream. His young mouth was so full of the liquid it dribbled out and down his chin. When Boris released George and dropped panting back onto the bed, the poor boy had quite some trouble swallowing what was in his mouth, and had to wipe cream from his eye lids just so that he could open them.

Jamie was surprised to see that the lad look quite pleased, almost relieved. He shuffled round so that he was face to face with the devil, and kissed him on the cheek. Seeing that the Russian was about to speak all four watchers dived for the ear pieces so that they could hear what he had to say.

"You're a good sucker boy, your father was right about that, he has trained you well."

"Thank you Sir," the boy answered.

The big man then started using his finger to scrape the sperm from the boy's still saturated face, which he then fed the kid. George seemed to enjoy drinking the man's plentiful cream, which made Jamie wonder if Russian sperm tasted any better than that from an Englishman.

"That's a good boy," The man whispered. "It was a daily dose of this during my boyhood that made me the man I am."

George hugged the big man, and then softly said.

"Thank you sir, for choosing to cum in my mouth."

The Russian withdrew his face slightly, and looked rather bewildered at the teenage boy, before he grinned massively when he realised why the lad had said it.

"In other words rather than up your ass. Ha, Ha, well I have some bad news for you, look!"

George followed the man's eyes and they led straight back down to his prick. That fearsome weapon had lost none of its rigidity, and stood waiting as if nothing had happened. A look of horror swept over the boy's face, which caused Boris to laugh again.

"For me, the first cum is merely a preliminary, before the main course. A means of lubricating my weapon to help it through the obstacles it will need to overcome, and ensures I last longer before I fire again. I'm sorry child, but I paid good money to ass fuck you, and I have every intention of doing so, hard and deep."

"But kind Sir, I beg you, your tool will surely kill me," the poor boy pleaded.

"Nonsense child, you are fifteen, not a little boy, and you have been ass fucked many times before, and not by small pricks judging by the size of your father. A boy's anus is designed to be fucked, and yours will easily stretch to accommodate me. In my country we bugger our boys when they are just six years old, we do not pamper them like here in the west. Have no fear lad, I have frequently fucked smaller boys than yourself, and they have all suffered no worse than to walk rather bow legged for a few days."

It was true, George was in fact no virgin, he had lost that to his own father a few years earlier. Indeed the boy had grown to enjoy the feeling of a stiff cock up his ass, but only when the owner was someone he liked, and who also considered George's own needs as well. George was not too convinced about the Russian's assurances about how easily he would accommodate that monster weapon. Up to this point the biggest cock that had fucked him had been from one of his father's friends whom the man had owed a favour. This friend had been rather brutal and had hurt poor George quite a bit. The size of that cock had been 11 inches, the owner having forced George to measure it just before fucking him.

"Well come on boy, I am eager to get inside you, get on all fours so I can get access"

George was very familiar with the position he had to assume, and decided he also wished to get it over with, so moving to the centre of the bed he buried his head in a pillow, parted his legs and thrust up his bottom. This gave the Russian a wonderful view of the boy's lovely ass. Since he was well into puberty, George's bum cheeks were fleshier than that of a mere child, but were still firm and soft to the touch. The huge man positioned himself between the boy's legs and paused to help savour the moment. Looking down at the boy he was to fuck, it reminded him of young Nicholas, the Russian boy who was his first bugger when Boris had been just fifteen. Of course his prick had been smaller at that age, but it had still been a good 11 inches even then. He fondly remembered the tight grip of the boy's anus, and the lovely feel as the child trashed around whilst being fucked.

The big Russian seized the boy's cheeks and pulled them apart, then using his thumbs prised open the anus. George's asshole popped open quite easily and a fair sized gap was offered to the man.

"I see a prick has travelled this way recently my lad, when were you last fucked?"

"Daddy went up me last night," the boy answered.

"Then I am sure that you will bear me easily, just tried to relax and enjoy what will be the ride of your life."

As Jamie and his companions stared at the huge prick, and the boy who was to fall victim to it, none of them could believe that such a thing could possibly gain entrance. Yet the Russian was a master ass fucker, and he knew all the techniques to widen a boy's anus to allow him in. After pulling, fingering, spitting on and generally stretching the kid's pink asshole he shot forward and drove his battering ram into the breach, lodging about half the head into the hole. Poor George just gasped like someone had punched the wind out of him. Boris pressed his attack home, and in a short while had gotten the rest of the head inside. He then started to jerk his hips slightly to gradually push more and more in. Jamie watched with a mixture of fascination and horror. He felt sorry for the poor youth lying there, but simply could not pull his eyes away from the giant stick, as bit by bit it slowly sank into the boy. George's face could no longer be seen, as it was buried in the pillow, but his tense back muscles and clenched hands were enough to show that he was far from comfortable. After what seemed like an age the Russian was finally fully in, and he threw back his head and roared in triumph.

"There now my boy, that was not too bad, I said you would stretch to fit. Now come on and admit it, it feels just grand."

George did not answer, if he had tried to speak it would have come out like a soprano. Without waiting for the boy's ass to properly get used to its new size, the Russian started to fuck him. At first with long slow thrusts, then shorter faster ones. Each time the man thrust inwards there was an audible slap as he met the teen's butt. Every now and again George would tense up, and grip the sheets he had clenched in his hands even tighter, but other than this there was no reaction. The man's cock was so immense it had actually numbed the nerves in the boy's anal passage, so the real pain would not hit him till later. After thrusting and thrusting for what seemed like hours, but was in fact around ten minutes, Boris finally let his juice fly, and a plentiful supply of the Russian's hot juice flew deep into the boy's ass. Boris pulled out his cock and lay back on the bed enjoying the post orgasm feelings. As he unplugged from the boy, white juice leaked from the big hole left behind and trickled down the kid's thighs. At last the Russian's prick had begun to soften, though it remained a fair size. George also fell back and could actually feel his anal channel slowly contracting to its normal dimensions. His poor ass was on fire, and although he was a keen horse rider, he knew he would be unable to sit on one for a month. As he lay there getting his breath back, the huge man dragged himself to the boy's side and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"You have a lovely tight ass boy, and that was one of the best fucks of my life, worth every penny."

George closed his eyes and tried to relax, hoping sleep would give him some relief, but the Russian had detected this.

"It's still too early for sleep my lovely, we have the whole night in front of us."

Whatever poor George had still in store for him, Jamie and his friends had seen enough and decided to move on. John was frantically trying to hide his erection, as if embarrassed that such a sight could actually turn him on. Jamie however did not notice and started chatting to Charles.

"Poor George, I think his father was very rotten to force him through that," he said.

Now Charles was a very sharp boy, and rarely missed a thing. He had watched the original dealings of the Russian and Edward Scott, and had later seen the poor lad handed over when the man had come looking for some extra money. It was quite clear to him that George had been buggered so that his father could fuck Jamie, but he thought it was best not to mention it in case Jamie felt responsible. Though in all truth you could not blame Jamie for being so pretty Mr Scott could not resist him.

"Who can understand gentlemen?" Charles said for the second time that evening.

The boys followed the other two, who had re-started their hunt for something interesting, Jamie however still had some more questions.

"What I can't understand is why the Russian paid all that money to fuck poor George, when he could have had one of many other young boys in the hall for nothing."

"It's true that he could have taken one of the boys into a chamber with him, but my father has forbidden him from actually fucking one of the boys he provides. The first time he came, before anyone knew of his hidden assets, he buggered a young boy that night. The poor kid had to be taken to the doctor after he had finished, and took three weeks before he had recovered, hence the ban. Boys sold by any of the guests however are not covered by this rule, that's why Boris was so keen to purchase the services of George. Most of the guests would never sell their boys to that Russian, but some will do anything for money, or perhaps use the Cossack as a kind of punishment if their sons misbehave."

John had decided to find something a little less extreme for them to watch next, and finding Mr Cavendish, a gentle man who enjoyed educating the very youngest children, he beckoned the others over to join him. Jamie took his place, and followed the lead of the others in acquiring a listening piece. In the chamber was a middle aged gentleman lying down on the bed, he was wearing just a short vest. The man was currently sucking the cock of a handsome lad of about 13 or 14. Jamie knew the kid, he was called Peter, and his father ran one of the village shops. It seemed funny to be spying on a nude boy being sucked whom he had seen so often before serving vegetables. Also lying on the bed was another naked boy, but this one was much, much younger, probably no more than 6 or 7 years old. This child had his head between the man's legs and was sucking Mr Cavendish's prick like it was a lollipop. Fortunately the man was not endowed with a large tool, around 6 inches in length and quite thin, so the little boy had no problem in getting it in his own tiny mouth. The kid was lying on his stomach on the opposite side of the man to the watchers, so they could only see his small head, and cute little butt and short legs. Looking into the small boy's deep blue eyes and beautiful young face, Jamie recalled seeing him running around in the hall carrying some food.

Mr Cavendish ceased his sucking for a while and stared down to check on the technique of the child.

"That's it Chris, just keep on sucking the head like I said, and rub your sweet little tongue on that tiny hole at the top. Try to watch what I'm doing with Peter."

The youngster looked over at the man who had resumed sucking Peter. Although Mr Cavendish was frequently deep throating the smaller penis of the elder boy, Chris could not do this to the man, but still did a good job for a child of his few years. The happy man then started to run his hands over the older boy's smooth buttocks and speeded up his sucking, causing the lad to throw his head back and start moaning. When Mr Cavendish could sense the boy's moment was close, he pulled his head back and said to the younger child.

"Now Chris, watch very carefully."

He then grabbed Peter's penis and started jerking on it hard whilst he stuck out his tongue and licked the head. After just a few jerks the boy screamed and shot his load. The young child watched in interest as the thick cream spurted onto the man's tongue then trickled into the open mouth. When it was finished, Peter collapsed back on the bed and squirmed around enjoying his post orgasm feelings. Meanwhile the man had closed his mouth sloshed the liquid around in his throat for a while, savouring the sweet taste, before finally swallowing it down.

"Mmm that was absolutely yummy," he said. "Now be a good kid and start sucking on me again, 3;. Ahh that's it, … Ohh yes don't stop."

"You're a brave child petal, now put your soft little hand round the shaft of my willy and start pulling the skin back and forth, oh yes you really are a fast learner."

Chris did as instructed, and the man gently laid his hand on the back of the child's head to help with the movements. He also began thrusting his prick slightly in and out of that sweet little mouth, but was careful not to shove in too much.

"I'm getting close Peter," he gasped "Get ready."

The older boy was still lying there, and when he heard the command he sprung up and ran to a nearby desk. When he returned he had a silver spoon in his hand and was holding a jar containing a white powdery substance in the other.

"That's sugar," Charles whispered, but when Jamie looked at him enquiringly he simply said "Just watch."

Peter was now kneeling on the bed very close to the young child's head, he had filled his spoon with some sugar.

"Now, Now!," Mr Cavendish cried, and so the boy grasped the younger child's mouth, and pulling it wider open, poured the contents of the spoon into the gap created, he then quickly refilled the spoon and poured in another. It was not a moment too soon as the man's penis started jerking and filled young Chris's mouth with hot sperm. As the cream mixed with the sugar, it gave the kid a rather more pleasant, if perhaps a bit false, first taste of a man's sperm. Some started trickling out between Chris's soft lips, but Mr Cavendish held the child's mouth closed and made sure most of it was swallowed. When Chris's mouth was empty, Mr Cavendish smiled and softly stoked his golden locks.

"Now, was that not delicious?" he said. "Don't worry you will be getting lots more in the months to come."

Charles giggled, then led Jamie away saying there was no more to see there.

"That's Mr Cavendish's technique for breaking the real young one's into drinking a man's cream. As time passes the quantity of sugar is reduced until none is used."

Jamie asked what they were going to see next. All these erotic images had started to get the boy very excited. His cock was rock hard, and he had largely forgotten the sore experience he had under gone earlier.

The next window John stopped at was a situation unlike that of the others Jamie had seen. In this case there were two gentlemen, and just a single boy. It looked like things had not yet started as both men were fully dressed, and the boy was still wearing his angel outfit. His costume consisted of thin clothes as well as the normal wings and halo, and Jamie recognised the boy as one of the harp players from the band. The men started to undress, and nodded to the boy to do likewise. Clearly it took just a moment for the kid to strip off his few garments, and soon he was standing totally naked for all to see. He was a very striking boy, with long black hair, and a beautiful round face. Probably his best feature was his smile, which lit up each time one of the men looked at him. It showed up a very childlike, mischievous character behind it, who was not afraid of a bit of adventure. The boy had started his growing spurt, so was one of the tallest Jamie had seen here, but his sexual maturity had not advanced far, so it was difficult to guess his age, anywhere between 12 and 14 was possible. A few short, soft dark hairs were scattered sparsely around his groin, and a luscious prick hung between his long slim legs.

The two gentlemen took quite a while to remove all the items that were the norm for a well-dressed Englishman. Thus off came jackets, ties, waistcoats, neck collars, sleeve collars, cuff-links, shirts, and this was just the top half. Both of them were quite young, perhaps in their twenties, and Jamie thought they were incredibly dashing. By the way the young boy with them was staring at the men, it seemed that he thought this too. In addition there was a strong resemblance that meant that the gentlemen were certainly brothers, with one being a year or two older than the other.

When they were both undressed, Jamie was a bit disappointed to see that their pricks were both soft. However it seemed that their young companion had decided to rectify this at once, and immediately dropped to his knees in front of them, taking one tool in his mouth and the other in his hand. Hardly surprisingly the touch of such a ravishing beauty quickly had an effect, and the mens' weapons soon started to expand. It was not long before the boy was rewarded with the sight of both pricks standing out stiffly before him. The kid showed no favouritism between the two brothers, and effortlessly transferred his sucking from one man to the other every 15 seconds or so. When they could wait no longer to feel his graceful body, the brothers pulled him up between them. One of the men kissed the boy's lips and ran his hands over the small nipples on the kid's hairless chest. The other man kissed the back of his neck, and ground his loins against the boy's sexy bottom. It looked quite amusing to see the slim young frame of the boy sandwiched between the larger bodies of two fully-grown adults, and both men had to stoop as the boy was a head shorter than the pair of them. When they each had had their fill of one side of his charms, the boy was spun round, and the exercise repeated.

Next the two gentlemen got on their knees and the one in front of the boy pushed his face between the child's legs, licking frantically at the now upstanding prick, or sucking in each of the tasty hairless balls that swung below it. The other man was also not idle, he licked and kissed the boy's glorious buttocks, and ran his hands up and down the sides of his body. The youth just closed his eyes and enjoyed the wonderful feelings running through him. He seemed to be unaware that the men were occasionally twisting him round, so that each had a turn sucking his sweet cock, and a chance to push their faces between his heavenly mounds.

The two men broke off and discussed something between them (the watchers had been too enthralled to remember going for the listening pieces). After a short while the younger one nodded, and lay himself down on the floor. When he was in position, the older brother led the still reeling boy to the prone man, and then lowered him slowly down, guiding his brother's cock to the boy's anus, and impaling him on the upright pole. Not surprisingly this bought the boy back to his senses, and he gasped as the man-sized tool penetrated his young hole. Yet entrance was effected easily enough, and the boy seemed to quickly get used to the invader. It was not long before the plucky boy was bobbing up and down, helped by the hands of the younger brother that were cupped underneath the child's butt. The older brother moved round to the boy's front, and after shaking his iron rod in front of the kid's face, the youngster eagerly grabbed it and slipped it into his mouth.

Jamie was amazed at the scene, he had never seen a boy fucked in his ass and his mouth by two men at the same time. Jamie looked at the expression on the boy's face, his eyes were closed, and each time the two cocks banged into him, his face screwed up tight.

"Is his expression one of pleasure or pain," the blond boy asked Charles.

"I'm not too sure, but I suspect it's a combination of both. As you are not doubt aware, being fucked can be painful sometimes, but it can still be incredibly pleasurable at the same time."

As the boys continue to stare at the scene, they were becoming incredibly horny, and Jamie could feel a strange sensation on his cock. When he stared down, he saw that this was not just caused by his own excitement, but by something more physical. John had pushed his head between the boy's legs, and was lapping at his small prick. Clearly the numerous spectacles they had witnessed, had made the young teenager too excited to be content to remain a spectator any longer. Billy had followed his elder brother's lead, and was servicing Charles in the same manner, who had spread his legs to give him better access. With all that was going on in front of him, and John's expert tongue working it's magic, licking both his asshole and cock, Jamie did not last long and soon had an orgasm, his young body shaking like a leaf. Charles had also come, and Jamie noticed that he then dropped down onto Billy's lap and without delay stuck the younger boy's little prick into his ass. When Jamie looked down at John his larger prick looked to be on the point of bursting, and obviously needed urgent relief.

"My ass doesn't hurt too much now, so you can fuck me if you want," Jamie said.

The older boy did not wait for a second invitation, and in a flash leapt up onto the bench beside Jamie and quickly buried himself into the still well stretched butthole. John thrust quickly into the boy using his hands to pinch the his erect nipples, and fondle his cock. Jamie relaxed, and enjoyed the manipulations of his friend, his eyes only just able to focus on the scene before him. He was astonished to notice that whilst he had been distracted by his own orgasm, the men had in fact swapped round, and now the older brother was up the boy's ass, and the younger man was fucking his mouth. After a few more double thrusts the two men gasped, and as one shot his load into the boy's ass, the other fired a helping of cream down his throat. Shortly afterwards John also came inside Jamie, and the two toppled off the bench and lay gasping on the floor. Charles and Billy jumped down to join them, and the four of them continued to excite and play with each other's bodies until finally Jamie fell asleep in John's arms.

Chapter 7
Jamie's Revenge

Jamie returned to work at the Manor the following Tuesday, and was put to work cleaning some equipment for the coming harvest. He met Jack on a few occasions, but apart from a clip round the ear for getting in the way during lunch, the man left the boy alone. He went home that evening unmolested, and whilst relieved that it seemed that the squire had told Jack to steer clear of him, Jamie was a little disappointed that the day had been rather uneventful. That Friday things were following the same pattern until around three in the afternoon. At this time he was working in one of the barns getting rather bored, but his young heart leapt when he spotted the squire's three sons wander in.

"Found you at last," John said. "We've been looking for you all over the farm." Jamie's little face lit up when the three boys joined him, and after he had stood up, they all gave him a big hug, making him happier still.

"Come on Jamie," Billy said. "You've done enough of this cleaning for today, so your next job is to come and play with us."

"Great," The boy answered. "Where shall we go?"

"I say we stay right here, let's go up into the hay loft," Charles suggested, and without further discussion the four boys clambered up the ladder into the small loft area at the top of the barn. There was lots of hay around so they lay down and made themselves comfortable.

"What shall we do?" Jamie asked. He knew what he wanted to do, but was a little embarrassed to ask.

"Let's play a number game, where we all take turns to count up, but anyone giving a multiple of 3 or 7, or is too slow, loses. So it starts 1,2,4,5,8,10 etc.," Charles suggested.

"That sound too much like hard work," John complained.

"Maybe, but the best bit is that the loser has to remove an article of clothing." The two younger boys agreed to try, as it promised some fun, and so the game began. Of course Jamie being the youngest and least educated was at a big disadvantage, and frequently lost even though the squire's children tolerated a longer thinking pause for the young farm boy. Also Jamie was wearing the lowest number of separate articles of clothing, having just two items, a scruffy shirt and his trousers. The others being gentry, also had shoes and socks (2 items each), underwear, a vest, and a light jacket. The result of all this is that the blond farm boy was completely nude after Billy had lost just his shoes and a sock, John one of his shoes, whilst Charles had not lost anything at all. After Jamie had lost again, and had nothing left to remove, this posed a problem for the game.

"Now Jamie has to do a small penalty or dare whenever he loses," Charles suggested, and so it was agreed. These started off innocent enough, with Jamie having to jump off the hayloft into the straw below, or being told to nip out into the yard when naked, or having the displeasure of eating some hay. Yet soon the penalties got more devilish, as he was made to smell all the smelly socks that had been removed, put up with a minute of tickling of his feet, or kiss all the other boys' bottoms. Of course throughout these trials the other boys were also slowly losing clothing, as they too lost some of the games, and soon Billy was also naked, and had to do the dares as well. Eventually John was down to his underwear, and after losing again pulled these off leaving him like the other two, with only Charles still dressed. As he was the cleverest of Sam's sons, he still had his trousers, shirt, vest and underwear on.

"It looks like you will all have to pay penalties until I am stripped," the dark haired boy laughed.

"Well since this silly game was Charles' suggestion, then I say we do it for him," John said, and without delay the three nude boys dived on him and started to pull his clothing off, as poor Charles tried in vain to defend himself against the rather unfair odds. In a few minutes he too was naked, but his three tormentors did not end there. Over the next few minutes they put him through most of the trials Billy and Jamie had to bear, as he was mercilessly tickled, had all three sets of socks pressed against his nose, and was forced to kiss the others' bare butts. Finally they flipped him over and John playfully spanked his white smooth ass. When they stopped all four boys were laughing and giggling, and given the frequent skin contact during the wrestling, it was not surprising that they all sported a hardon.

"Let's get down to some sex games now," John said. "Who wants to do want to whom?"

"I want Jamie to fuck me," Billy said, and all eyes turned to the young farm lad. Jamie was a little thrown by the suggestion. Although he had been fucked now on a number of occasions, it had never really occurred to him that he might do the fucking himself. It was probably down to his sense of humility, he knew he was just a young poor boy, and considered that he had to play the part of the fuckee, whilst others, more important than he, did the fucking.

"I don't really know what to do," Jamie whispered back.

"Well it's not that hard," Charles said. "You have certainly watched it done often enough. Still, to make sure you do it right we will teach you, John can fuck me so you just have to follow what he does."

His two brothers agreed to the idea, and they all thought it would be great fun to teach Jamie a new trick.

"The first step," Charles continued "is the proper preparation of the tools to be used. So you and John stand up, and let me and Billy perform this task."

Billy giggled, as it was clear that Charles was deliberately mimicking the matter of fact voice of the three brothers' tutor. John and Jamie got up and the other two kneeled up so that they were level with their partner's prick.

"We now create a lot of salvia in the mouth." Charles swirled his mouth around as an exaggeration of the action needed, and was copied by Billy.

"And so begin the lubrication of the chosen tool," Charles said, and began to suck on John's prick, as Billy plunged Jamie's much smaller organ into his mouth. Now this action finally shut the dark haired boy up, and John, despite the wonderful feelings he was getting, decided he had to take up the narrative.

"Gently take hold of the lubricator's head, and start a slow pumping action using your hips, in order to increase the efficiency of the process," he added. "Continue with the process until full lubrication has been achieved, and the tool has achieved maximum stiffness, which will aid its use ahead."

Charles and Billy continued with their sucking, swirling their tongues round the heads of their partner's prick. The action speeded up, and John, who was almost ready to burst, pulled his brother's head away, and then gasped.

"It is important not to overdo the lubrication stage, lest the tool might prematurely be worn out, and be of little further use until recharged."

With his mouth now liberated, Charles was able to carry on with the lesson.

"Now comes stage 2, preparation of the work area." Then both he and Billy got down on all fours and spun round presenting their beautiful asses to the two other boys. John knelt down behind Charles and said.

"Next we must wet the place where the tool will make its entrance." He prised apart Charles' ass checks and revealed the pink hairless hole nestled between them. Then he lowered his head and started to lap away at his brother's anus, which immediately produced a sigh of pleasure from Charles. Jamie pulled apart Billy's cheeks and started at the small boy's little asshole. At first he was a little hesitant to follow John's lead, considering the main purpose of the orifice before him, licking it seemed a rather unpleasant task. Still, it was one of the few things Jack had done to him that had given Jamie a lot of pleasure, so he knew Billy would enjoy it. Thus, so not to disappoint his little friend, the young farm boy shoved his face between the kid's soft cheeks, and sticking out his tongue, he licked Billy's hole. Jamie discovered that it did not taste anything like what he had imagined, but most importantly it was not unpleasant. He thus started to lick with enthusiasm, and when he detected a shiver of pleasure run through Billy, he knew he was doing the right thing.

"Try sticking your tongue right in, this will …. Ahhh," Charles gasped, as his last words were impossible to say as John had done what he suggested, shoving as much of his tongue as possible up the boy's rectum, he was now rimming his younger brother in earnest. Jamie heard enough of the command to know what to do, and pushed his tongue into Billy's little asshole, producing a similar gasp from the younger boy. After a couple of minutes of this Charles managed to gasp.

"John, do it now", and his elder brother discontinued his rimming and got up onto his knees behind Charles, his erection resting on the kid's beautiful pale cheeks. Jamie soon followed suit.

"Now position the target to ensure maximum comfort", John said, and he pulled Charles' legs a little further apart, then pushed down on the small of the boy's back to elevate his ass a little further. Jamie did the same to Billy, then watched John for his next move.

"Now use your hand to position the tool at the target hole, and then push in when ready", and so he did, penetrating Charles' well- dilated hole with ease, quickly shoving himself in to the hilt. Jamie grabbed hold of his little prick, and placing it at the entrance to Billy's love hole, slowly pushed himself in. Due to his inexperience, it took him a while to get inside. Although his prick was not very big, Billy's ass tube was still very tight. However, eventually Jamie succeeded, and for the first time he felt the pleasure of a hot boy ass squeezing his cock. He stayed still for a while, enjoying this new feeling, then he noticed John had started fucking Charles in long slow strokes, so he did the same.

"Steadily start to pick up the pace," John said, "and in the meantime, ensure you free hands are fully occupied."

Jamie watched John as he reached underneath his brother and grasped Charles' rock hard prick, which he then began to wank. He used his other hand to slowly stoke his partner's chest and sides, tweaking his little erect nipples. Jamie did the same with Billy, and soon had his young friend squealing in delight. As the boys picked up the pace, and started to fuck at high speed, all conversation came to an end, being replaced by the grunts and groans of the four young participants. Although enthusiastic and full of energy, young boys can not hold back for long, and soon Billy started to shudder as his orgasm hit him, the contractions this created in his ass quickly setting Jamie off as well. The two youngsters collapsed and watched the two older boys continue their banging until John had shot his cum up Charles' ass, and the young fuckee had spray his small load over his brother's hand. The two boys dropped over, and John brought his hand up to Charles' mouth so the young lad could lick off his own cum, which he did without hesitation. They lay panting for a short while, before Jamie said.

"That was great, I think I will enjoy fucking."

"Well there is still lots you have not done, different positions, and so forth," John commented.

"Yes, and you still have to fuck and get fucked at the same time, which is the best," Charles added.

After a short rest, the four youngsters started rolling around in the hay in one big pile of naked boy flesh. They wrestled or tickled each other, plus indulged in a generous amount of intimate touching and grabbing. Eventually the exertions tired them out, and then lay down to rest. Jamie lay on his stomach, enjoying the feel of the air swirling round his bare skin. John was resting with his back to the main haystack, and had Billy's head settled in his lap. Charles sat beside his bigger brother, his body slightly slumped and his head resting on John's shoulder. Jamie stared a while at the tranquil scene, the three nude brothers pressed close together, John gently stroking the blond locks of his little brother's hair as the youngster slept in his lap. Jamie did not doubt for a moment that these three little devils often fought, squabbled or traded insults with each other, but it was so clear to see that they shared a deep founded affection for one another. It was rare amongst brothers, and Jamie wondered if it was the early loss of their mother that had made them so close. As he watched them longer, Jamie could not help feeling a bit jealous of these three lucky boys. It was not the fact that they were the son's of a wealthy landowner that made Jamie feel like this, the young farm boy was on the whole a happy contented little soul, who did not attach much importance on material possessions. He knew his family were poor, but the social injustices of the day were never something he dwelt on, he simply accepting his poverty as hard fact, and got on with making the best he could. Yet looking at those three happy boys, Jamie realised how much he had missed out by not having a brother of his own, someone he could laugh and play with. He only hoped that he could remain a friend of this wonderful trio, and their summer games could go on forever.

Jamie's dreamy thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the barn door swinging open, and then he heard voices. The other three noticed too, and quietly the four boys crept up to the edge of the hayloft, and stared down to see who had come in. There were two figures, the first being Jack, the second was one of the stable boys, Matt, the teenager Jamie had met on his first day at the Manor. Jack had hold of the hapless boy by his ear, and was dragging him into the barn. The poor boy was howling to be let go.

"I've told you so many times not to steal the eggs, and now I'm gonna whip you real good until that final sinks in," the man growled.

"Ow, ow, you're hurting me Jack, let me go," the boy complained. "I only took a couple, I thought it was part of my pay."

"So why did you hide them in your hat then, and I've never heard of any agreement about boys getting eggs." The man let go of Matt's ear, and the kid started to rub it to help remove the pain. The boy's eyes went wide as saucers when he saw the gamekeeper remove one of the horsewhips hanging from the barn wall.

"Please don't whip me Jack, I promise I'll never take any more eggs," the boy whimpered.

"You won't after I finished with yer, now get yer britches down and bend over," Jack commanded.

As the two figures below stood next to each other, the four boys in the hayloft noticed that whilst Matt was only slightly shorter than Jack, the man was far greater built then the 16 year old. Matt still had the body of a young teenager, and it was clear that he could never hope to overpower the mean farm manager. All the same, he did not do as the man commanded, but reached his hand over to Jack's crotch and forcing a cheeky smile said.

"Can't you fuck me instead Jack, you can be as rough as you like," Jack did not remove the teenager's hand that was slowly rubbing his cock through his trousers, but continued to glare at the boy.

"Well I might well fuck you boy, straight after I've whipped you. You ain't offering me anything I have not had many times before. I know how much you love getting fucked, and I'm here to punish, not reward you."

"But I will suck you as well," the boy offered "as much as you want."

"You can still suck with a sore ass," the man observed.

"But if you don't whip me. I'll do it real good and slow, and I'll get your whole big cock in my mouth, I have not done that for you before."

"Really," the man said, and one could tell from the softening tone of his voice, and the steadily rising erection in his trousers, that the boy had perked his interest.

"Well I ain't so sure your pretty little mouth is big enough for me, but I'll make an agreement with you. If you manage to swallow my whole prick, right down to the hairs of my crotch, then I'll not whip you, if not, you get it twice as hard."

Matt paused as he wondered if he might have been a bit hasty with his offer. He knew Jack had a big cock, and he was not sure he could really do what he had claimed. Yet he desperately wanted to avoid the cuts of that cruel whip, so he knew he had to try.

"I agree," he replied. A wide grin spread across the man's face and he undid his belt, and pushed his trousers and underwear down to his knees. His cock was already half hard, and he looked into the teenager's face and said.

"Well what are you waiting for."

Matt lowered himself to his knees and took the head of Jack's cock into his mouth. In its present state, the organ did not look too difficult to swallow, but immediately after the boy's soft mouth had made contact, the prick started to swell up to its full size of 9 inches. After he had lubricated the head, the boy started to let the shaft slip further into his mouth, but with about 5 inches inside he gagged and withdrew. Jack just laughed.

"You've got to do a lot better than that my lad."

The problem was that Matt did not have a lot of experience of sucking such large cocks. He was no stranger to sex, as he messed about with his uncle about two or three times a week, whom had an even larger prick, about 11 inches. However that man was mainly into fucking Matt's ass, and soon after using a little grease on his cock would shove up his nephew's hole. He occasionally let Matt lick and suck the head shortly before feeding the boy his load, but that's as far as the sucking went. Matt's only other sucking experience was with the other stable boys, none of whom had equipment that compared to the gamekeeper's. He decided to try breathing through his nose whilst letting Jack's prick slip down his throat. After a couple of attempts he started to get used to have his young mouth completely filled with the man's cock, and each time let a little bit more slip down his throat. He got to the point where he had swallowed seven inches, then with a push forward he lodged in another inch, but the man's cock had hit the back of his throat. Poor Matt could barely breathe, but Jack just looked down and observed the short ring of flesh that represented that portion of his cock still outside the boy's mouth.

"Well look's like that's as far as you're going to get lad, it's time we started to lash your ass," Jack laughed.

Yet Matt was too close to be defeated by a single inch, so he partly withdrew off the man's cock, and took a few deep breaths. He then seized Jack's buttocks and pulling with his arms he rushed his head forward, the entire length of that large prick pushing into his mouth and partly lodged down his neck. His nose was now pushed up against the man's crotch hairs, and having succeeded he prepared to withdraw. Yet Jack was enjoying the novel feeling of his cock completely down the kid's throat, so grabbing the back of Matt's head he held the boy in position. Breathing being out of the question the teenager just had to hope that the fell man would let go before he suffocated. Fortunately after a few moments Jack partly withdrew and Matt managed to grab a quick breath before the large prick was shoved back down his throat. The man then started to vigorously fuck the boy's mouth, and after a few minutes of this the poor boy was feeling a bit light headed due to lack of oxygen. Then it all ended, as Jack withdrew his prick, and said to the boy, "Well done lad, and as a reward I will fuck you horny ass."

Matt did not wait for a second invitation, he was just happy to be able to breathe properly. He leapt to his feet, and undid the piece of string that held his trousers up. These crumbled down to his ankles leaving him nude from the waist down, as he had no underwear. The boy then span round, and presented his smooth full buttocks to the gamekeeper. Jack did not waste anytime, and pulling apart the boy's cheeks he located the target and shoved his cock up into the offered ass. That achieved, the teenager finally let out a sigh of pleasure, as he much preferred the man's cock fucking his often buggered hole to suffocating him. His young prick started to rise up from its previously limp position, and he seized it with a hand as he wanked himself in time with the man's thrusts. Unfortunately, due to the action of the boy's mouth, Jack was considerably further along the path to bliss than Matt, and after just a dozen or so strong thrusts, he yelled out as he deposited his load into the teen's ass. The second his prick had stopped pumping its seed, Jack yanked it out and pulled his trousers back up. As he re-did his belt, the hapless boy just looked down at his still erect prick, then said.

"What about me Jack? You pulled out before I had chance to cum."

"That's hardly my responsibility," the man answered, "Use your hand can't you. Just be quick about it, and get back to work."

With that said the gamekeeper strode out of the barn, leaving the unsatisfied teenager behind.

The four boys who had observed all this from the hayloft above felt desperately sorry for the boy below them. It was bad enough near suffocating the kid, but for Jack to leave him in that state was just too mean. As Matt slowly started to pull on his penis, his ass feeling empty and devoid, John winked at his companions, and indicated for them to head down the loft ladder. After they had reached the bottom, they surprised the stable lad as he had closed his eyes and was attempting to wank himself to relief.

"Maybe we can help you there," John said.

"That's very kind of you to offer, young masters," said the startled Matt as he surveyed the four still nude boys. "However I rather fear that you are all a bit young to offer my horny ass much a service."

"Leave that to me," John said, and bending down he retrieved the horsewhip that Jack had let fall to the ground. He then scooped up some of the cum currently leaking from the teen's ass, and smeared it over the handle of the whip. He positioned it at the entrance of Matt's asshole, and pushed it into the well-lubricated channel. The effect on Matt was immediate, as he groaned in pleasure. Charles removed the teenager's hand from his prick and seized the 6 inches of hard flesh in his own. The feel of the youngster's soft hand on his cock was soon sending Matt into ecstasy, but he was driven to further heights as Billy and Jamie joined the fray by sucking the teen's erect nipples and running their small hands all over his body. As John accelerated the pumping of the whip he thought it was ironic that the weapon had finally been used on the boy's ass after all. With all this stimulation it was clear the teenager would not last, and so a short time later his prick exploded, shooting his sperm nearly three feet as it arched up then fell down close to the barn door. Charles continued to milk the boy's penis until it was spent, and Matt sighed in satisfaction.

"Wow," Charles said, "I wish I could shoot as far as that."

"You will when you get older," Matt replied. "Thanks boys, that was real great of you to do that."

"We are only too happy to help you out after what that horrible man did," Billy said. "I would hate to be left in the state you were in. I'm glad Jack can not touch us."

"Well that's all for the better," Matt said. "As I have heard Jack is quite keen to fuck your little ass, Master Billy. Mark was telling me that whilst the gamekeeper was fucking him last week, he kept saying 'Oh Billy I love your tight ass', so I reckon he was imaging that he was buggering you."

"Well he can just dream on!!," Billy replied, "that horrible man is getting no where near my bottom."

Matt then said he had better get back to work, and so after pulling his trousers up left the four boys alone.

"Nasty old Jack", Jamie said, "Leaving Matt in that state, I'm glad we were able to help him."

"So I am," replied Charles, "but don't ever tell Daddy, he would trash us if he knew we were playing around with the stable lads."

"Why is that?" Jamie asked.

"Daddy said that we don't know what we might catch off them," Charles answered. "Yet since we did not fuck or suck him, I reckon we will be okay."

"Well, well," John said. "Fancy old Jack taking a shine to our Billy's backside. I reckon he got a taste for young'uns when he had his hands on Jamie."

"He ain't fucking me, ever!," Billy yelled.

"Well that's as maybe," Charles said, "but I have suddenly got an idea."

The three other boys stared at Charles, and both Billy and John recognised the grin that had passed over their brother's face. When he had that look they knew he had a cheeky and devilish plan in mind, and that always meant it would be great fun.

On the next Tuesday it was another boiling hot summer's day. Jack stared out of his office window and watched the Manor staff running round getting ready for the harvest that was to start the next day. There was a lot to organise and get ready, but Jack's mind was currently not on this subject. He was thinking about a letter that was sitting opened on his desk. He returned back to it, and then read it again for the fifth time.

Dear Jack,

I have been a hidden admirer of your large cock since I saw you fucking some lucky boy a while back. Now my whole body yearns for the feeling of you stiff pole shoved up my tight ass. Let us meet secretly at 11.00am today at the old barn, so you can make my dream come.

Jack only knew one Billy, and that was the squire's youngest son. He knew that the squire would never let him touch his own sons, yet this was different, as the boy was volunteering his own ass. He did say a secret meeting, so Jack hoped the squire would never know. It did not surprise him at all that the boy admired his large prick, he was proud of his assets. Yet it was odd that a boy so young was willing to have it up his bum. Still he guessed that the squire's boys were a horny bunch, and likely as not familiar with a good ass fuck. All the same Jack was still concerned, it was risky, what would happen if he was discovered. Still his hormones spoke louder than his brain, and he had dreamed of fucking young Billy for some time. It was a shame the squire had prohibited him from fucking Jamie, whose ass he had greatly enjoyed, and getting into Billy would be some way to compensate for that, as well as getting one back on the squire. Jack glanced up at the clock on his wall. It was now 10.45, so he tried to keep himself busy for the last few minutes of waiting, but it was hard to concentrate.

A few minutes before 11am, Jack left his office and headed over to the old barn. It was quite close to the Manor, and used to be the main barn of the estate, but now it was largely filled with junk. After he had reached the door, he took a deep breath to prepare himself, and then swinging the door open walked inside. The first thing that struck him was how incredibly dark it was inside. For some unknown reason someone had closed all the shutters on the small windows in the barn. Jack looked around, allowing his eyes to get use to the gloom, but could not see very far. He then whispered,

"Billy, are you here?"

"Yes Jack I am, close the door, we don't want anyone to see."

Jack closed the door, and now the only illumination available was provided by a few streaks of sunlight that penetrated the roof, or the shutters.

"I can't see a bloody thing," the man grumbled, "where are you?"

"I'm over here, and I'm now naked," a young voice answered. "Take your clothes off there and come and join me."

Jack was not too pleased about taking orders from a young boy, but he did not want to scare him off now, he was too close. The man undressed at the door entrance, and then set off in the direction he had heard the voice. After just a few paces he banged his knee on some machinery, and soon after that stubbed his toe. He yelled out in pain, and then said, "I can not find you lad, Jesus, it's so bloody dark in here."

"You have almost reached me," the voice called out, and was nearer than he last heard it. "Come quickly, my ass yearns for your cock." Jack took a few more blind paces towards the voice, and then he heard a yell.


Suddenly two of the shutters swung open and light poured into the barn. This initially blinded the man, but as his eyes adjusted he was astonished to see before him, not a beautiful young nude boy called Billy, as he had hoped, but an old Billy goat.

"What the bloody hell!!," yelled the man, but no sooner had those words left his lips when he was hit from above by a shower of thick sticky liquid. From the dreadful smell he knew immediately it was pig shit. It had clearly been dropped from the landing that ran round the old barn, but Jack was too busy trying to swipe the shit from his eyelids to see who had done it. Seconds later a shout went up and the hapless man was showered with feathers. Yet the shock of the event quickly passed from him, and it was rapidly transferred to rage.

"Where are you little bastards?" he yelled, and glancing up he noticed the landing, it was clear his attackers had to be up there. Spotting a ladder to the top the man sprang towards it, again severely banging his knee in the progress. He started up the ladder, but it was difficult, as his hands were so slippery, being covered in pig shit. When he reached the top, he noticed a discarded bucket, and some sacks, which had obviously held the feathers. He climbed onto the landing and roared.

"I'll kill you little devils when I get my hands on you", yet he soon noticed that he was alone. He spotted that one of the now unshuttered windows was open, and running over to it, he saw a ladder leading to the courtyard below. He glanced around, but the culprits had already made their escape, as there was no one in sight. Clearly he could not jump out and look for his attackers in his present state, so cursing he climbed back down the ladder leading to the landing. He then slowly made his way back to his clothes, but was utterly dismayed to discover they had gone. The man was now beside himself with rage, but he knew he needed a clear head now to get himself out of this position. Jack slightly opened the door and stuck his head out to have a look. Unusually for this time of day there was nobody around. Still he was hardly complaining, as it gave him the opportunity to dash for the milking hut some 10 yards from the old barn. The milking hut was joined to the side of the staff lounge, which would be empty at this time, and that room led to his office. Jack checked again that the coast was clear, and then ran to the door of the hut. He was relieved to find that it was not locked, and quickly passed inside. There were no animals in the hut, as it was not milking time, so Jack did not dally, but ran across the parlour and towards the door at the opposite side. This he burst through, it was just a quick walk to his office and he was clear. Yet as he entered the lounge area, to his utter dismay it was not empty as expected, but was filled with the entire staff, the kitchen women, the stable boys, and the farm labourers were all there. It is not hard to imagine their complete surprise, as they saw the farm manager and the appalling state he was in. There was a number of sharp inhaling of breath, and a few hands were thrown over mouths, but the stunned crowd was silent.

"What the hell are you lot doing here?" the gamekeeper roared.

"We heard you had called a meeting," one of the kitchen ladies replied.

"Well you heard wrong," the man growled, and then, with all the dignity a naked man covered in shit and feathers could possible muster, he strode to his office, swung open his door, slammed it closed again, and he was gone. There was a short period of silence, before the entire room erupted in an uproar of laughter and chatter. The din lasted for some time, as they tried to make some sense of what they had just witnessed.

Yet there was another little group also rolling around in laughter, just outside the staff lounge, who had just watched the entire scene unfold through the windows. This, unsurprisingly, consisted of the squire's three boys and Jamie. Naturally they had been the perpetuators of the entire trick, with young Jamie getting his own back on the gamekeeper with having the honour of dropping the bucket of shit on him. It had also been them that had arranged for the staff to gather in the lounge to see the hapless Jack, as they were certain he would use the route he did to get back to his office. After they had stopped laughing, the boys slapped each other on the backs in congratulation.

"That could not have worked out any better," John said. "It was a good plan Charles, and well done to all for a perfect execution."

"I'll never forget the look on his face as he saw his entire staff before him," Charles laughed. "I know dad will tan our hides for this trick, but that sight alone was worth it."

"I'd gladly take ten lickings to have seen that," Billy agreed.

"Why will your father beat you?" Jamie asked, "I thought the squire did not like Jack either."

"He doesn't much," Charles answered. "But all the same he is still daddy's head man, and it hardly helps the smooth operation of the Manor when he is so humiliated in front of his staff."

Since the boys did not seem over concerned at their fate, neither was Jamie. It had been agreed that no one would ever know of his involvement, or else clearly Jack would make his life a misery, so Jamie had no fear of a spanking for this affair. After they had finally calmed down, the boys ran off to play.

Since the harvest had begun, it had been arranged that Jamie would work there every day until it was done. Although his family needed the boy's help for their own farm, they were grateful for the extra money this brought in. It was hard work during this period, but Jamie did not mind, as most people seemed to be in good spirits, and at the end of each day there was a large meal laid out for all the workers. As it was such a busy period a lot of temporary workers were hired, and even the squire and his three boys came to help in the manual labour. Jamie enjoyed working with his three friends, and they often messed about during the day, until someone shouted at them to keep working. The youngster was also pleased when he heard that the squire's boys had in fact avoided their expected whipping, since the squire had never found out. It appears that news of whom the culprits were had quickly spread through the staff, but in order to help the boys, no one had mentioned in to the master. In addition Jack had made it well known, that if anyone so much as said one word about the incident, he would break every bone in his or her body.

The harvest period lasted for a few hard weeks, and when it was finally over everybody was very relieved. There was a big celebration at the end, with lots of food and drink for all, and a musical band laid on for entertainment. In addition it had now come round to the time of the month when another, somewhat different party would be held. The harvest celebration was on a Thursday, and the next Manor party was due for the Saturday. It was during the harvest meal that John informed Jamie that they had persuaded their father to let Jamie take part in the shows, if he was interested. The young child indicated that he thought it sounded fun, so John told him to be earlier that Saturday, around 1 in the afternoon. John would not tell the boy anymore, he just said we would have to wait and see. The result being that Jamie was absolutely willing for the weekend to come along quickly, as he was excited, although also a little apprehensive, at what he would experience this time. During the busy harvest period the four boys had only occasionally been able to slip away and have some fun, and little Jamie's hormones were currently on overdrive.