PZA Boy Stories

James Stuart
the Erotic Historian

Monastery Tales

Chapters 5-6

Chapter 5
Dramatic Events at the Monastery

When Leo awoke then next morning he noticed that all the other novices had already left to prepare breakfast. They had obviously let him remain to get a bit more rest, which he was grateful for, as it had been a dreadful night. Leo's little bed mate had slept elsewhere, though whether that was on the floor, with another boy with a spare place, or even squeezed in with two other kids, he did not know. In any case, he was thankful for the extra space for his wounded body. All the same he still woke up with a shot of pain each time his young body twisted on his side during the night. Leo turned his head, and slowly drew down the blanket to survey the damage to his poor bottom. A lot of the redness had gone, though he was still left with ugly black bruises, so if anything, it looked worse than the night before. He lightly touched his buttocks, but winced in pain, they were still very sore. He was considering getting up, when Marco came rushing into the room.

The young lad looked sadly at his best friend's well-whipped bottom, and then splurted out.

"Leo, you better get up quick, something dreadful has happened, the abbot, he's been murdered."

"What, but how, that's impossible," Leo stammered.

"It aint, and he's dead, and we all have to go out and join in the mourning, so get up now."

The 13 year old pulled himself out of bed, and with his friend's help managed to put on his grey frock. The rough material rubbed painfully on his sore rump, but his mind was so full of what he had been told that he hardly noticed.

"Who killed him?" the dark haired boy asked.

"We haven't been told that."

Marco took the hand of his confused mate, and pulled him out of the dorm and into the kitchen, where the other boys and one monk were waiting for them. The man had a rather sombre look on his face, and spoke to them all.

"Our dear departed Father is currently laying in peace in the chapel. We will now be joining everyone else, and pray that his soul makes a speedy ascent to heaven. There must be no talking, but since you are the junior boys, then weeping will be permitted." The monk paused for a while, and then added. "Indeed if I see a boy not crying, I will assume that is a mark of disrespect, and I will ensure he gets something to cry about."

The man led the boys out of the kitchen, through the abbey into the chapel, where they all took their normal place at the back. Brother Alberti, for now the head of the order, was at the end of the chapel. He was looking down at the body of the dead abbot, who lay on a wooden table, all but his head covered in a white sheet. Alberti looked tired and drawn, as he led the mourning.

Under the watchful eyes of several brothers, the boys then started the process of turning on the water works, fortunately something most children of their age can do without much difficulty. Even though for a few of the boys, the weeping looked patently false, Marco, never one to miss an opportunity to impress, had taken a small onion from the kitchen, and was crushing it into his eyes. His tears looked a lot more genuine. Leo, on the other hand, had taken almost no notice of what the monk had said. He was too busily thinking about who had done the murder, and more particularly if his friend Manuel, was involved. He'd looked angry enough when he had left the boys the night before. Yet if he had gone straight over and killed the abbot, they would have heard about it that very night. No, it was not possible, he knew Manuel too well, he was a gentle man, incapable of the wicked act of murder. Leo strained to look around the chapel, looking at all the monks assembled there, Brother Manuel was no where in sight. As it began to dawn on the boy, that the man was not present, he realised that his greatest fear must be true. It seemed that madness had driven his friend to kill the abbot, why else would he not be here? But where was he now? Had he run away, or been captured. Perhaps he had also been killed in the struggle, or maybe he had even killed himself. All possibilities were wretched, would he see his love again, or was he lost to him for ever. As this started to dawn on the young boy, tears of grief started to roll down his face, and soon he was sobbing more than any other boy in the chapel. A few of the monks watching were touched by the child's sadness at the loss of the monastery's father, but his tears were not for the abbot.

After a mourning service of a few hours, everyone filed out, and the novices prepared the midday meal, breakfast having been skipped. The boys were told that there was to be no work this day, instead they were to spend the day thinking about the good things the abbot had done, and to pray for him. Marco however, was not excused, and was busier than ever running messages in the frenetic activity between the senior monks. Leo retreated to his normal quiet spot on a small roof terrace. His young mind was a turmoil of emotions, as the full consequences of the night before hit him full force. It was not long before he began to blame himself. If only he had been more brave, and had managed to prevent Manuel from finding about the whipping, none of this would have happened. Yet now, he had lost the most important man in his life, all because he was not strong enough to take a thrashing, albeit undeserved, without complaining.

When he had a chance, Marco ran to his friend and filled him in with anything he had heard. Early on in the afternoon the news he had dreaded arrived. It seems that Manuel had committed the murder, and was currently being held in a secure cell under the care of Brother Enzo, who was in charge of all security matters at the monastery. Leo was slightly cheered to hear the man was still alive, yet his position was most precarious. The penalty for murdering an abbot was likely to be very severe indeed, though he still could not believe his man friend to be responsible for such a wicked act. Later in the afternoon Marco returned again with more news. He mentioned that Brother Manuel had been to the abbot's quarters that night, had threatened him, and then left. However it appears that later on the abbot had had his throat cut whilst preparing for bed. His slumped body was not discovered until the next morning, and when several brothers went to Manuel's cell, they found the knife, and his clothing were covered in blood.

To the anguished child it appeared now that Manuel's guilt was without doubt, as inconceivable as him being a murderer may have seemed to his young boy lover. Whilst the boy might feel flattered that a man had gone to such extremes to protect him, he actually felt wretched. As much as he resented what the abbot had done to him, he had no wish that the man pay for that with his life, particularly if that would also lead to the arrest of his dear friend.

By the evening the pain in Leo's butt was already easing as the recuperative powers of the young set to work. In a way this made him feel worse, as if he wished the pain to continue as penance for his own weakness. At least it meant that it was ok for Marco to sleep with him again, and although neither boy was in the mood, nor the condition for making love, the presence of the warm boy against his naked body was a big comfort to Leo's aching heart. If he had lost Manuel, then this young boy was the only thing left in the world that mattered to him, and with that thought the two drifted to sleep in each others' arms.

The next day everyone was back to work almost as if nothing had happened. Leo found it very difficult to concentrate on his tasks, though they helped take his mind off the dreadful events of the day before. When he was sent into the archive room to fetch something, the sight of Brother Manuel's now empty desk almost made the boy break down and weep. At least with Leo's bruises fading fast, the two boys could resume their nightly love making, though Marco was happy to have his own ass fucked without asking for the same favour from his friend. Throughout the next few days, little snippets of news came through, thanks mostly to his young bed companion. It seemed that Brother Alberti was almost certainly to be made the new abbot, he came from a well connected family, and having ruled the monastery during Francisco's many absences, it was little surprise that he was considered the best man to take over. He simply had to wait for the confirmation from Rome, before he would move into the now vacant abbot's apartment, and would from then on be addressed as the new father. However four days after the murder, Marco rushed to meet his friend during the rest period, and had some most surprising news.

"Brother Manuel is to be tried, I heard today. The trial is to be held in two weeks once Rome decides on the judges."

"But why is there a trial? I thought Manuel's guilt was not in question."

"Well apparently he denies any part in the murder."

At that Leo's heart jumped, it really was the best news he had heard since the abbot's death.

"Then he must be innocent," Leo shouted in joy. He found the thought of his friend being a murderer bad enough, but he would never deny it if he was guilty.

"Well if he is, or isn't, Brother Alberti is furious, he thinks the trial is a waste of money. However under church rules even the lowest monk can request for a clerical trial in a capital case."

"I know he did not do the murder, I know it, you have to believe me, all life was precious to Manuel, he told me so, he really could not hurt a fly."

"Well, I'd like to believe you," the blond lad replied, "but considering the evidence, I'd say it looks pretty bad. Besides, if he did not murder the abbot, who did?"

"I don't know, we will have to try and find out."

"Oh, this sounds exciting," the little boy said, and sat down, looking forward to the two of them playing detective.

"Now then," Leo said, rubbing his chin in concentration. "Who could possibly have a motive for wanting to kill the poor abbot? I think we can rule the junior novices out, but any senior novice, or one of the brothers, have to be a suspect."

"Hmmm, well Father Francisco was not particularly liked by most of the other monks, but not enough to want to kill him. Besides, if Brother Alberti does become the new abbot, he is likely to be even less popular."

"I once heard him having a theological argument with Brother Florentius, perhaps he is the killer," Leo suggested.

"That hardly seems a strong enough motive for murder," Marco answered, although the young boy was not aware that many a good man had died for their alternate religious opinions.

"Hmmm, true. I know, how can we have been so blind, it must have been Brother Alberti. Since he was to become the new abbot, he had a very big motive for wanting Father Francisco dead."

Marco looked rather alarmed at this idea, and glanced around to ensure they were not being watched.

"Don't ever suggest that to anyone, Brother Alberti would kill you. Though now you've mentioned it, I admit the man is probably mean enough to have done it."

"He had to be the one, it all makes sense now," Leo said, getting very excited. "He heard Manuel threaten the abbot, so, seizing his chance, he slipped into the Father's apartments that night, slit his throat, and then planted the knife in Manuel's room, knowing he would be blamed. Also, did you notice how tired he looked during the mourning service? I'd guess he been awake all night, racked with guilt over what he had done. Great, we have the killer, all we need now is the proof."

"Hmmm, I'm not sure, though I suppose it's possible. How will we find any evidence to prove what you said."

"That aint going to be easy," Leo said, and sat in thought for a while. "I know what, we will have to search Brother Alberti's room."

"I don't know about that, we are strictly forbidden to enter any monk's room without permission. It sounds rather dangerous."

Leo noticed a look of fear in his friend's eyes, and knew he could not ask the young boy to go through with this. Manuel was his friend, he would take the risk.

"That's all right, I will search his room, you can just keep watch, ok?"

Marco tried to persuade his buddy not to go through with it, to think of the consequences if he was caught, but Leo's mind was made up, and so it was decided that the search would take place that coming Wednesday, straight after dinner. At this time the abbot usually took the confessions of the senior monks, so they assumed Brother Alberti would take over that responsibility, and thus be absent from his room.

On the day of the operation both boys were very nervous. They snuck off shortly after dinner, hoping their absence at the washing up would go unnoticed. Brother Alberti's room was located in the middle of a long corridor, within the same building as the cells of the other senior monks. The plan was that Leo would go in the room, whilst Marco remained outside, and would knock on the door if anyone was coming.

Thankfully, like most of the other monks, Brother Alberti left his door unlocked, and Leo was able to slip quickly inside. There was two rooms, like he had seen inside Brother Sergius' room, the senior monk he and Marco 'seduced' so he could get his job in the library. It was certainly far better than the half a bed the junior novices got, and a step up from the small cell of a normal monk. However, in comparison to the luxuriant apartments of the abbot, this was very ordinary indeed. Leo understood very well why Alberti would want to make the jump up to monastery leader, it made the boy even more convinced of the man's guilt.

Leo did not really know what he was looking for in his search, but noting that the first room was also the monk's office, it seemed a good place to start. He rummaged through some papers that lay on a nearby desk, most of which seemed to deal with the administrative side of the running of the monastery. However, he then found an interesting letter, which was the reply by the abbot's nephew to his uncle, stating that he would be delighted to come and visit him, and discuss the future of the monastery and other matters. The boy wondered what Brother Alberti was doing with the letter, but it then occurred to him that maybe the man knew about Father Francisco's plans to groom his nephew as the next abbot. If so, then that would provide yet another incentive for the murder, as Alberti was hardly likely to stand by and watch a newcomer take the job he so coveted. The boy continued his search and found some more letters, mostly to people he had not heard of, and none of them seemed relevant.

Having completed his examination of the first room, Leo moved onto the second. This was the bedroom. It seemed unlikely that he would find anything here, but one could never be certain. Maybe there would be some bloodstained clothing or something. The room consisted of little more than a plain wooden wardrobe, a bed, and a small table next to the bed. He searched the wardrobe, but apart from a few clean monk frocks, and some sandals, he found nothing. He looked under the bed, and under the mattress, but still nothing. On the small table was a jar of grease, almost empty, and a small piece of polished wood shaped a bit like a very thick finger. Leo had no idea what that was used for, but as he was examining it, he heard an urgent knocking on the door. Knowing that was the signal, he ran to the main entrance, but before barging through, just opened it slightly and peered through. He nearly passed out when he saw Brother Alberti, accompanied by a very young novice, just entering the corridor. He darted back, and started to panic. He knew he would be seen if he left through the door, so he would have to hide. There was nowhere in the first room, and the only hiding places in the bedroom were under the bed or in the wardrobe. As the bed was quite large he chose the former location, and had just settled underneath, when the main entrance opened, and Leo heard footsteps inside.

The young lad under the bed prayed they would not enter the bedroom, but that was precisely where they came almost immediately, and the bedroom door was closed behind them. Leo could see two sets of feet, those of a man, and those of a very young boy. He guessed the smaller pair belonged to one of the youngest novices, that must have made him little more than 8 or 9 years old. His young age was further confirmed by the high voice that came out when he spoke.

"I'm sorry I missed chapel Brother, I just wanted to check on the new calves in the stables. Are you going to beat me?" he said.

"Well, if your a good boy, that will not be necessary. It's just a good job I caught you, and not Brother Domingos, or you little rump would be on fire now. Anyway I thought we would do some of the fun things we did last time."

"Ohh, wasn't that rather naughty?" the young voice replied with a giggle.

"Well not as long as only you and I know about it," the man replied. "Now lets have a look at that beautiful slim body of yours." A few moments later Leo noticed a grey flock falling to the ground near to the boy's feet, and a satisfied sigh came from the monk. He then heard the sound of kissing, and these became more rapid as the man proceeded to kiss the child all over. Leo could see Brother Alberti fall to his knees, and shrank back further against the wall, worried the man would look under the bed. However it soon became apparent from a loud slurping noise that the monk's mouth had proceeded no further than the little boy's penis. After a few minutes of sucking he could see the youngster's legs starting to quiver, and then there was a shout of joy from the child, and he was caught by the man as he collapsed.

Leo jumped when the boy was dropped onto the bed. It was not very high, and the bulge in the mattress formed by the young boy, was not far from touching the lad underneath. Leo saw the monk's habit drop down to the floor, and then the man joined the youngster on the bed. Leo could now hear a lot more kissing and touching, and the gasps of pleasure was beginning to turn him on, despite the dangerous position he was in. His penis was getting hard, and he almost envied the little kid above having sex. All the same, he could hardly crawl from under the bed, and join the two above. Apart from having to explain his presence there, it was now obvious that whilst the old abbot liked boys around Leo's own age, the soon to be new leader preferred them a good few years younger.

"Now then my little pet, can you see that my own thing has grown like yours did."

"It's much bigger than mine," the young boy giggled.

"Well it really wants to go inside your pretty little mouth, can you do that?"

"I'll try," came the answer, and Leo saw the bulge marking the youngster move down towards the foot of the bed. Soon came the familiar sounds of licking and sucking as the kid started to give the man a blow job.

"Oh yes baby, that's really nice, try getting more into your mouth 3;, Ah yes, that's lovely," came the grunts from the man. The monk continued to ooh and ahh, as the slurping from above continued, and steadily intensified. After about ten minutes or so Leo heard the man tell his boy sucker to stop, and so the sucking sound was replaced with yet more kissing and caressing.

"Now guess where my big long thing wants to go now?" the man asked.

"Into my bottom," came the answer.

"That's right, you don't mind do you sweetie? you know that when a boy offers his bum to a man, he is granting him the greatest pleasure there is."

Leo could tell from the movement above that the boy was getting himself in position, and soon four small bulges appeared marking the lad's hands and knees. The next sound was yet more licking, and this time it was the child cooing in pleasure. Leo assumed he was having his asshole treated to a wet bath, and from further pulling sounds, no doubt the monk was masturbating the boy as well.

"Shall I use my the wooden tool to open you a bit," Alberti asked, which informed Leo of the true purpose of that comical thing he had seen earlier.

"Yes please."

Leo heard more gasps from the boy as the thing was pushed up his tight butt, but after just a minute or so it came out with a loud plop, and from the movement above it was obvious the monk was getting into position. Now both the lovers were making noises, for the monk gasps of pleasure at the tight constriction of the child's hot anus on his prick, but for the boy it was likely to be shouts of both pleasure and undoubtedly, due to his tender age, also some pain. For several minutes the movements above were gradual, as the man sought to achieve full penetration. Yet soon thereafter they became more and more rapid as the young boy was thoroughly ass fucked. The bed creaked each time the monk's thighs slapped into the soft buttocks of the embuggered boy, and soon Leo was starting to panic that the whole thing might collapse and the two lovers would come falling down on top of him. Fortunately the bed held fast, and after a further ten minutes the man was almost screaming in joy.

"Get on your back boy, I want to see your lovely face as I fuck you."

Soon the four bulges the boy's hands and knees had made were replaced by a single one made by his back, and after a short gap the fucking began again, immediately returning to the frantic pace it had reached before.

"Ohhh, I'm about to shoot, open your mouth pretty, and I'll treat you to a drink."

After a few more thrusts the bulges made by the man's knees rapidly moved to where the child's head was placed, and from the cries of pleasure, it was evident that Alberti was happily discharging his cream down the young boy's throat. A few moments later all was still, the monk had lain down beside his boy, and temporarily there was silence. It was the youngster that was the first to speak.

"Your milk tastes funny," he said.

"It will help make you grow strong," came the answer. "Besides, I think you are really going to become one of my favourite little boys, so you had better get used to the taste."

"If I am one of your boys, can I have a job working with the animals?" the child asked.

"Of course, of course, and soon when I am the abbot, I'll buy you any pet you want to put in the stables."

"That would be nice," came the answer. "I'd really like to have a puppy."

"You will," the man said, and soon Leo could hear yet more kissing and such from above, and from the ever increasing gasps of the boy it was evident the brother was masturbating the boy to another orgasm. When he had achieved that, the two got off the bed, and Leo could see the discarded frocks being retrieved and donned. A moment later the bedroom door was opened, the two departed and there was silence. Leo remained where he was, his heart beating so fast he could almost hear it. He heard a short knock on the door, and assuming that it was Marco indicating the all clear, he scrambled out from under the bed, and quickly made his exit. The two boys then ran off back to their dorm, the evening chapel was over, and all the other boys were already in bed. Leo rapidly told his friend everything he had discovered, seen and heard. Still randy from the love making his ears had witnessed, the two boys were soon masturbating each other, and in no time Leo was ramming into his little friend's ass. When they had finished and lay panting together, he quickly glanced around the dormitory and wondered which one of the younger boys had been entertaining Brother Alberti. Still, if he ever heard one say that he soon hoped to get a puppy, then he would know.

The following morning both Leo and Marco were summoned to see Father Sergius. It appeared that whilst no one had noticed that they had skived out of the evening's clearing up, their absence at the following chapel service had been noted. The old monk told the boys to remove their frocks in preparation for punishment. Marco tried his old trick of offering the man the pleasure of their assholes instead, but Brother Sergius was not to be duped this time. Discipline had to be maintained, and attendance of chapel was not optional. Thus when the boys were naked before him, he instructed Leo to lie across his knees and the man delivered 20 hard slaps to the boy's exposed behind. The spanking really stung, but in comparison to the dreadful whipping Leo had had from the abbot, this punishment was very mild. What really upset the 13 year old was that his young friend was also going to get a hiding, for what had been his idea, and so he pleaded with Brother Sergius to spank him again instead, insisting it had been his fault that they had skipped chapel. Unfortunately for Marco the old man ignored his request, and thus both boys were rubbing their sore butts when they exited the monk's office.

Leo put his arms round his little friend and giving him a hug, said how sorry he was. The young blond boy snuggled further into the older lad's body, enjoying the attention. He just said that these things happen and shrugged. Although Marco was no keener than any other boy at getting his bare bottom tanned, he did feel that a shared spanking experience was just one more thing that bonded him and Leo together.

Nothing much occurred for the next day or so, as Leo considered his next move in trying to prove his man lover's innocence. Yet an incident then happened, that whilst not helping him in this, threw a little light on the grim events of the night of the murder. It was when the boys were washing up at the end of a midday meal, Leo overheard one of the boys talking about having to help the monastery physician, Brother Clovis, clean up the body of the dead man.

"Ugh, it was horrible, there was blood absolutely everywhere, and there was a long deep knife cut running along his neck," the boy said, amidst exclamations of horror, and morbid fascination from the boys listening.

"Brother Clovis reckons that the abbot was attacked from behind, the killer swiftly cutting his throat, and leaving the victim reeling on the ground to bleed to death." The narrator picked up a wooden spoon, and selecting a nearby young friend continued, "I'll show you how Brother Manuel did this grim deed 3;"

"We don't know it was Brother Manuel," Leo shouted out in defence of his friend. There were laughs and jeers from many of the other boys present, as if Leo was either mad, or blind to the facts.

"Anyway, as I was saying," the boy with the spoon said. "This was how Brother Manuel slit the abbot's throat," and he pulled the chosen 'victim' so that he was behind him. Lifting the spoon over the boy's right shoulder, he drew the wooden tip from the left side of the kid's throat down to his right shoulder, following the cut he had seen on the abbot's dead body. The boy whom he had 'killed' then dropped to his knees, and pulling his hands back and forward from his throat, simulated blood gushing from the open wound. The boys all around were in hoots of laughter at the antics of the two actors, and it was a good job there was no brothers in the room at the time, as every boy present would have had his hide well tanned for sharing in a joke of such appalling poor taste.

The incident helped to make Leo even more certain that Manuel was innocent, he just could not believe that his friend would kill the abbot in such a cowardly way, attacking the man from behind whilst he got ready for bed. Leo preferred to think, that if Manuel had been responsible, he would have challenged the abbot with swords, like two knights in a duel. However, it was also brought home to the lad how alone he was in this belief, as it seemed all the other boys, and no doubt the monks too, did not question Manuel's guilt. He was sure that even Marco had his doubts, though if so, the young boy kept these to himself so as not to upset his friend. Leo decided that there was only one way he could be truly certain, he had to speak to Manuel himself. The boy was sure, due to the love between them, that if he looked the man in the eyes, Manuel could not lie to him about his involvement in the murder.

When he told Marco about wanting to speak to the accused, the boy threw a fit of panic.

"What! you can't do that, Brother Manuel is locked up in the care of Brother Enzo, no one is permitted to see him except the acting abbot. There is no way they will let you speak to him."

The 13 year old was not to be put off his intention. "Maybe I can persuade Enzo to let me see him, do you think he is in to boys?"

"Hmmm, I'm not too sure, I've never done anything with him. However, most holy men seem to be unable to resist the charms of a good looking lad, I'm sure he is no different. Yet even if you succeed in seducing him, I'm sure he will still not let you see Brother Manuel, certainly not alone."

Leo considered this for a while, he was certain his young friend was right, and if he could not see Manuel alone then little would be gained.

"I believe that it is permitted for a novice to spend the whole night with a senior monk?" he asked.

"That's true, even though it is not allowed with a lesser brother. The official reason is in case a senior brother needs some help whilst working through the night, or in a long session of prayer with the lord. However I'm sure the rule was thought up to give the senior monks the pleasure of a warm boy in their beds, all night should they so choose. Anyway why is this important?"

"Well since Brother Enzo is a senior monk, maybe I can find a way of persuading him to let me spend the night with him. Then during the night, I can sneak off and see Manuel."

Once more there was a long argument as Marco told his best friend that this was too dangerous, but once Leo had made his mind up, he knew he would go through with it. Besides, innocent or guilty, he had to see the man he loved once more, he owed him that.

Leo chose a Sunday night to make his move, as the evening chapel service was longer on this occasion he hoped that a bored Brother Enzo would be all the more receptacle to the offer of a young boy's sweet flesh. As it happened, the idea of having sex with Brother Enzo was not at all unappealing to the horny young teenager. As a former soldier, Enzo was one of the best toned of all the men in the monastery, and despite his military training being in the past, he still boasted a strong lean body. It was hardly surprising that he was in charge of the monastery security. Leo reckoned that a combination of seduction and flattery would get the man eating out of the palm of his hand, or, if not, eating out his ass at least.

Straight after the service Leo hid outside whilst the rest of the boys filed off to bed. He watched Enzo make his way out of the chapel, and walk towards the senior monks' building. The boy crept after him. Brother Enzo's room had a heavy iron bound door, which he kept locked, not surprisingly given that his quarters led to the prison cells. Allowing a short interval after the man had gone inside, which Leo used to build up the courage for his coming daring deeds, the boy walked over to the door and knocked on it. After a few seconds there was a loud click as the door was unlocked, and then swung open as Brother Enzo looked to see who his visitor was.

"What do you want at this time boy, shouldn't you be in bed now?"

"Well yes, Brother, but I wanted to ask you a favour, would you mind me seeing the knife that was used to kill Father Francisco."

"Whatever do you want to see that for boy, now you better get off to bed now."

"Please, please, Brother, I'd be ever so grateful. It's just I'd like to see the weapon that evil Brother Manuel used to murder our beloved abbot."

Enzo looked at the attractive boy for a short while, then decided there was no real harm in granting him his request, it would not take very long.

"Very well boy, just for a moment," and stepping aside he let the lad inside. The knife was lying on a table, along with the blood stained clothes of Brother Manuel. There were two further doors leading off the room he was standing in, presumably one to Enzo's bedroom, and the other to where ever the prisoners were held. Enzo picked up the knife and handed it to the boy. It was quite a fine one, with a long steel blade, that was serrated near the tip. Two unicorns were carved into the wooden handle, and where their horns met was ball of fire.

"It's a beautiful weapon," the boy said, "it saddens me that such a fine object should have been used on poor Father Francisco."

"Beauty can be deadly in the devil's hands," Enzo replied, and took the weapon back from the boy.

"Did you arrest Brother Manuel yourself?"

"That's right boy."

"I think you are really brave, imagine what would have happened had he attacked you with the knife."

"I am trained in unarmed combat, I'm sure I would have coped all right."

"You so big and strong, I would have been really frightened had he come for me. Do you think I might have muscles like you one day?" the young teenager asked.

"You might, when you grow up, and if you do the right exercises."

"But my arms are so thin, they're almost like match sticks," the boy moaned, and then, in one swift motion swept off his novice's grey frock, and discarded it on the ground, giving the startled monk a full view of his luscious nude body.

"Look at my arms," he said, displaying his slim limbs to the man. Yet Brother Enzo's eyes were locked on the boy's beautiful prick and balls, and his shapely ass. He knew the boy could have just as easily shown him his arms by rolling up the sleeves of his garment, and the monk was wondering why the boy had decided to strip completely.

"You're still just a child," the man stammered.

"But I'm thirteen, shouldn't I be bigger by now?"

The monk was thinking he looked just perfect as he was, but the boy persisted.

"I really want to be strong like you, can you teach me the exercises I have to do, can you show me what my muscles should look like?"

There was no way Brother Enzo was going to take off his habit now, as he would have revealed to the boy his rapidly hardening penis. The monk was a bit confused what to do, was the boy trying to turn him on? did he want to have sex? Enzo had certainly enjoyed the pleasures a boy can give to a man before, but he always felt terribly guilty about it afterwards, as he was sure Jesus would not have approved. All the same, his will was weakening, maybe the boy would leave if he taught him a few exercises he thought.

"Very well, I'll show you just a few," the man said, and walking back to the main door he locked it, and then hung the key around his neck. "Lets go into the bedroom."

Enzo noted the boy did not bother to dress, and he was not complaining. Once in the bedroom, the monk laid a blanket on the floor, and started showing the boy various body toning exercises like one and two armed press ups, lifting his legs in the air whilst on his back, and so forth. The monk ensured that he got lots of gropes of the boy's silky smooth skin whilst he helped him into each position, and during the press ups the man permanently had a hand resting on Leo's young rump, timing the boy's up and down motions. Not surprisingly the lad's prick had soon swelled up to its full 4 inches [10 cm], though neither of them made any mention of it. After a short while, the boy had another request.

"Shouldn't we wrestle as well?"

"OK, that's another good exercise," Enzo answered, and thought of all the opportunities this would give him to touch the sweet child.

"The ancient Greeks always wrestled in the nude, don't you think we should too?"

"Very well then," though he knew only too well what this would inevitably lead to. Still, right now the man was so horny, he was beyond caring. Enzo stood up and drew his brown robe over his head. Leo's eyes grew wide as he looked at the healthy muscular body of the monk, his arms and legs were so much thicker than those of the child. The man's body was far superior to the elderly Brother Sergius, the first man Leo had had sex with, and he had to admit, that it was better than his own man lover's too. Yet what really thrilled the boy was that Enzo's penis was heavily swollen with hot blood, and that was the final evidence that he was turned on by the boy's own, somewhat smaller body. The first stage of the crafty kid's plan was now in full swing, he now needed to tire the big man out, and what better way than a bit of heavy sex action.

Enzo knelt back down on the blanket, and soon they were wrestling away. The boy fought hard, though he was always quickly over powered by the far stronger man. As the time went on, both seemed more interested in grabbing their partner's cock or ass, then trying to win the wrestle. Eventually Enzo let the boy win once, and with a look of triumph, Leo raised his arms in the air, as he finished with his legs astride of the man's chest, in theory pinning him to the ground. Both of them were sweating, and the naughty young teen then slid his butt down so that it was on top of the man's hard penis, and by rotating his ass he ground his smaller organ against Enzo's, causing the monk to groan in pleasure. The boy then slowly lowered his face to the man's and lightly kissed him on the lips. The monk's passion now fully roused, he grabbed the back of the lad's head, and crushed their lips together his tongue pushing up into his partner's mouth. They held the embrace for some minutes, the horny lad keeping up the perpetual movements of his ass, so that the monk soon felt he was about to explode. Eventually Leo came up for air, and looking straight into the man's eyes, he gave him the most beautiful smile, and then asked.

"Do you want me to suck you?"

It would have been an insane man that refused such an offer from such a pretty face, and all the monk could do was nod in agreement. Leo kissed him lightly on the lips again, and moved his face slowly down the strong body kissing the flesh as he went. When Enzo felt the kid's lips wrap round his cock, he arched his back in sheer pleasure, and was soon sent to an even higher plane as his prick slowly disappeared down the boy's throat. Leo felt the iron hard prick swell to even greater dimensions as he commenced his blow job. Enzo definitely had the largest prick of the men he had played with, and the boy knowing that the large pole would be making the trip up his asshole that night, was a bit concerned he might have taken on more than he had expected. With all the stimulation the man had had, and the fact it had been some time since he had last relieved his balls, Enzo's prick suddenly exploded and started shooting wads of hot cream into the boy's mouth. This surprised the teenager, not really expecting the man to cum so quickly, and although he swallowed what he could, there was too much, and a lot of cum leaked out leaving a trail of sticky liquid dribbling down the boy's chin.

The lad lay down next to the panting man, and for the next few minutes they kissed and petted more sedately. Enzo put his big arm round the boy, and gently stoked his soft round ass. Leo was relieved to see that the monk was still half hard, he knew the fit man was not anywhere near tired enough yet, and it would take at least one vigorous ass fuck to drain the energy from him. The boy took hold of the monk's prick, and his small hand soon pulled it back to a full erection.

"Fuck me," he demanded.

The man looked at the boy quizzingly. He had no real objection to the request, but he wanted to satisfy the boy first.

"Don't you want me to suck you off." There was little the boy wanted more, his own small erection was straining for relief, but he wanted to conserve his strength.

"No thank you, fuck me now, please."

Although a little disappointed at not getting to taste some sweet boy cum, the man was excited by the prospect of getting into the gorgeous boy's hot ass. Leo had no intention of riding the man, he was determined that it would be Enzo that did all the work, so he got on his hands and knees and spread his legs wide. He then spat on his fingers and worked a few of them in and out of his hole to lubricate it, a trick he had learnt from his bed mate. Fortunately the monk's prick was already wet and slimy from both the boy's spit, and his own cum, so after kissing each of the offered globes, he got himself into position behind the boy, and lined up his cock with the hairless pink hole of the lad's ass. Enzo just could not believe how tonight had worked out. Faced with another night alone, he now was about to bugger one of the prettiest boys in the monastery.

The boy cried out as the large prick entered him, and so the monk took it slow, gradually easing himself into the tight anal tunnel. After he had gotten used to the size, Leo shuddered in delight, and his penis once more went rock hard. As the man began a slow fucking action, it was soon clear that he was a master butt fucker. Unknown to the boy, Enzo had been very keen on tight bottoms whilst in the army, and had fucked the asses of the many prostitutes that always hung around the military camps. These included boys, girls and women. As a result, he knew exactly how to ram his penis to maximise the pleasure for the person getting fucked, ensuring each time it hit that little prostrate that governed much of the pleasure in that region of the body.

Even though he was soon sodomising the kid at a good pace, Leo kept telling him to go faster and harder, and the man was happy to oblige. It was soon to much for the boy, and despite his wish not to, he shot his small load over the blanket. Since the monk had already cum earlier he was able to hold out a lot longer and pounded away at the youngster's tight ass for what must have been twenty minutes or more, till poor Leo's hole was feeling more that a bit sore. Yet the man was in heaven as with each stroke he drew his long prick right out, so that only the head was still inside, and then he drove it all the way back in right up to the very root, crushing his loins against the ravishing boy's smooth buttocks. Eventually his swollen balls needed relief, and so he discharged his second load of the evening down the young boy's fuck tube.

The two lay panting for a while, until the monk staggered to his feet, and led the boy over to the bed, where they lay down together.

"Thanks boy, that was great, sex is excellent exercise, so if you keep that up, it will soon build up your muscles."

The boy smiled, it was advice he had no problem in taking. Leo watched the monk for a while, it was obvious that the man was tired, but he did not look absolutely shattered. This was not what he wanted, if he was going to get a chance to sneak down and talk to Manuel, he needed to be certain that this man would remain asleep throughout. Although more than a little tired himself, he knew another session was going to be required.

"Lets do it again," he told the man.

"You really are an insatiable little minx. Unfortunately, I am not blessed with your young age, and as you can see, my thing is in no state for more sex." Both his and Leo's eyes looked down at the man's limp penis. "Why don't we sleep now, we can do it again in the morning."

"But your so fit and strong," the boy complained, "I bet I can make it stand up again," and without waiting for the man's permission, he slid down and once more took the monk's penis into his warm mouth. As much as the Enzo greatly enjoyed the feel of the boy's soft lips and tongue, at best, it could only produce a slight swelling of the worn out tool. Still Leo had not given up all hope, he knew there was one thing that always made him erect, and he hoped it would have the same effect on the man. So asking Enzo to roll on to his belly and part his legs, the man did as he requested, unable to deny anything to this delightful boy, wondering what surprise he would spring next. Leo pulled the strong firm bum cheeks apart, and lowing his face, was soon licking away at the monk's most sensitive hole. Enzo cooed in delight, this was quite a treat, and the boy pushed his hand under the man, so he could wank his penis at the same time. As he came up for air, the boy noticed a rather comical looking birthmark located at the top of Enzo's left buttock. It was shaped almost exactly like a small four-legged animal, and the boy giggled at the coincidence of nature that had given him suck a mark. Still he knew he had a job to do, so diving back down he continued to vigorously rim the man, until he was rewarded with the feel of a hard penis in his young hand. Now it was time for the monk to work again, so pushing the man on to his side he lay down with his back to Enzo, and lifting his top leg slightly, said.

"Fuck me again."

The monk just shook his head in disbelief, this boy really had the horniest ass of anyone he had met. Still, having succeeded in getting him hard again, something he had not really expected could be done, if the child wanted to get fucked again, it was the least he could do to oblige. Thus, lining up with the still extended hole, he plunged in and began a long slow fuck. As he began to get more and more excited the pace picked up again, and by the time he was finally able to shoot for a third time he was banging in and out of the boy like a madman, sweat dripping down his forehead, and his body was aching with tiredness. As the orgasm subsided, Enzo flopped back onto his back, then went out like a candle in a thunderstorm. When Leo turned round to check on the man he was already snoring contentedly.

The boy prodded the monk a few times, to make sure he really was asleep, but he got no response. There was two items hanging round his neck, one was a silver crucifix, and the other was a key. Leo carefully located the hook in the chain, and undid it. He then gradually pulled off the key. As he did this, he noticed there was a small inscription on the back of the crucifix, and curious, he bent down to read it. 'Thanks for everything, love LB' was the short phrase. Who was LB? the boy wondered. Perhaps it was the initials of some pervious lover of the man, that had been taken in by the skill of the monk's large prick, as it ploughed their ass. Whoever it was, was not important, the boy had the key in his hand, and had an appointment with his own lover. He slowly slivered off the bed, and then stood up. At first his legs wobbled somewhat, given the battering his asshole had just taken, but he recovered his balance, and crept out of the bedroom.

After putting back on his frock, Leo was relieved that the key he had fitted the door he assumed led to the dungeon cells. As it swung open he found a set of dark stairs leading down, and so lighting a lantern he proceeded down into the gloom. After a short descent, Leo came to another door, this time with a small grill located within it. He could see a man sleeping on a bed within. The boy was surprised that there was only one cell, but after all, he thought, this was meant to be a monastery, not a prison. The key fitted this door too, so he quietly opened it, and crept over to the sleeping form. He shone the lantern so he could see the owner's face, and knew immediately it was his friend. The light had obviously woken the man, as he now stirred and turned around blinking.

"Who is that, is it dinner time already?" the confused man stammered.

"No, its me, Leo," the boy said, tears already forming in his eyes.

"What, Leo, but that's impossible, is this a dream?"

"It's no dream," and the boy put down the lantern, and sat on the edge of the bed, tears pouring down his cheeks. Manuel sat up as well.

"It is you, it really is," and not caring if this was a dream or not, he threw his arms around the boy, and wept too. The two remained like that for some time, before the man managed to regain his wits.

"How come you are here? where is Brother Enzo or Alberti? who allowed you to come?"

"Brother Enzo is upstairs asleep, and I sort of invited myself."

"What, but this is too dangerous, what if he wakes up, you must go back at once," the man ordered.

"Lets not argue, please, we have so little time, Brother Enzo will not awaken, I tired him out too much, he would not wake up if a volcano exploded in the next room."

Brother Manuel relaxed a bit, and the two held each other once more. Then the boy got up, slipped off his frock, and lay down on the bed beside the man.

"Let's make love, I don't know when we will get another chance."

The man was confused, he couldn't believe what was happening. Still if this was a dream, then he might as well make it an erotic one, and if not, then he prayed the boy was saying the truth, and they really could have some time alone.

The sex was short but intense, with the two sixty-nineing until they had cum in each other's mouth. The boy then insisted the man fuck him, even though Leo's asshole had had enough of a battering for one day. However he didn't want to deny Manuel any pleasure, as this really could be their last time. When it was over, the two lay in each other's arms in silence for a while, the cares of the world at that time far away. Yet Leo could wait no longer, he had to ask the question that had been burning inside him ever since he had heard about the abbot's murder. He thus leaned up on his elbows, and looked the man straight in the eyes.

"Did you kill the abbot?" he asked, deciding to be direct.

"No, of course not, do you think I did?"

It was the words Leo had been wanting to hear, and seeing no deceit in his lover's eyes, he now knew the man to be innocent.

"Well at least I don't think I did," Manuel corrected himself.

"How can you not know a thing like that!."

"Well, although I'm ashamed to admit it, I did get very drunk after I left the abbot's apartment, I suppose in theory I could have killed him, and then forgotten all about it."

"How on earth can you forget that you killed someone!."

"Well alcohol can have the effect of erasing the memory on some people, although it has never done that to me, and I'm afraid I have been at least as drunk before. I know I have a bit of a drink problem, we all have our weaknesses, I'm sorry."

"I can't believe you could have committed such a murder in a drunken state," the boy said.

"Me too, I also have no idea where the knife came from. Until Brother Enzo showed it to me when he searched my room, I'd never set my eyes on it before."

"I think we can discount the possibility of you being the murderer."

"That's my opinion too," the man added.

"In which case who did do it?"

"That's precisely what I have been asking myself over and over again. In here I've had a lot of time to think about it."

"So who do you think did it?"

"I have someone in mind."

"So do I, I think it was Brother Alberti," Leo said.

"Your a smart boy, that was my guess too. In the time I have known the man he has always been ruthlessly ambitious, I'm sure he would prostitute his own mother, if he could make any political gain from it," the man paused for a while, and then added quickly. "You haven't said that to anyone else have you?"

"No, of course not, well only Marco."

"Well you boys keep it to yourselves, don't get into any trouble, indeed don't get involved with my situation at all, please."

"But I am involved, you only went to the abbot because of me, I want to help, I won't let them do anything to you."

"Look, I know you want to do something, but things are not as bad as it seems, do you know who the trial judge is?"

"Oh, Marco told me it was the Bishop of Turin."

"That's right, I almost jumped with joy when I heard the news. The bishop used to be the abbot here, it was when I was just a boy novice, and well, he and I were very good friends, you know, like we are."

"What! then you are saved he will never convict you."

"Well is not as easy as that. You have to understand that the bishop is a very fair and pious man, which is rather rare among the senior clergy these days. I have often wondered how he has done so well without the ruthless ambitious streak of most powerful men. I guess it's because he comes from a very influential family. Something you should realise is that he and I were never lovers in the sexual sense, though we were very close emotionally. I tried to make things more intimate, I was about your age at the time, and just as horny as you are now. However, as I said, he is very pious, and would not do anything he thought was against the scriptures. Now, although he will give me a fair trail, he would convict me if he thought I was guilty, even though we were so close. Fairness and justice is paramount to him."

"I'm sure when he hears the facts he will know you are innocent."

"Well maybe, though as it stands the evidence is rather stacked against me. However, there is a further problem, the bishop is not the only judge at my trial, there will be three in total, and if the other two vote to convict, my old friend will be powerless to help me. Now one of the other judges is Brother Alberti, and I think we can be certain he will be against me no matter what evidence is shown, particularly if he is the real killer. The other one will be a cardinal sent from Rome. Who knows how he will stand on this, I just hope he doesn't have a political reason for wanting to see me guilty."

"There is another possibility, I have the key to the main door, we can flee now, and be away."

"No, I will not do that. Everyone will know it was you that helped me escape, and you will be a life long fugitive as well. It would be like an admission of guilt, and I will not let your life be destroyed over this. No, if God truly looks after the innocent, then I pray that the bishop will find a way to save me. Now you really should be getting back now, and remember don't get involved, you will only get hurt."

The boy put his clothes back on, and then turned to face the man, he had a look of despair in his eyes, and it was clear he did not want to leave.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Manuel said, "I have something for you, they never took it off me when I was arrested, and I wanted to give it to you."

The man pulled out the book of boy love stories and poems, and showed the boy what it was, and what the basic contents were. Leo was thrilled with it, and said he would hide it somewhere safe.

"Oh, they let me have some ink and paper, so I can write an inscription for you." Manuel took hold of his quill, and wrote, 'To my beloved Leo, may your future be prosperous and full of love', then he signed it. Leo had seen the man's handwriting a few times before, but this was the first time he had seen him write. The boy thought he had an awkward style for someone whose writing was so beautiful, and something about the way he wrote did not look right.

When it was done, the two once more held each other for a long time, before the monk had to physical pull the boy off him, tears now rolling down the child's cheeks, the parting had overwhelmed his emotions.

"Please, Leo, go now, or I will start to weep as well, don't worry lad, in my heart I know we will meet again."

The boy was still crying as he stumbled back up the stairs and locked the door behind him. He then discarded his frock where he had first removed it on entering Brother Enzo's quarters, and crept back on to the bed, so he could carefully replace the key. As he lay down beside the still snoring monk, his young heart was filled with a sense of despair, and it was only his physical exhaustion that allowed him to drift off to sleep.

As he ran to help with the breakfast, Leo was eager to meet up with his friend, and tell him everything that had happened. He was now more convinced than ever that Brother Alberti was the murderer, particularly since even Manuel thought that. The young teenager was almost bow legged, his asshole was so sore. When Enzo had awoken, he had vigorously buggered the boy once more, assuming that is exactly what the horny little catamite wanted. Although the boy enjoyed having his ass fucked, having it done the fourth time in less that eight hours was not really how he wanted to start his day.

Marco was not there, apparently he had already been sent out to deliver a message, and when the boys met for breakfast there was no time to talk. Indeed it was the same throughout the day, as for one reason or another they were always missing each other. The best they could do was exchange a few words, when Leo told the young boy he had some news to tell him, at which the blond lad replied, "So have I."

Finally after evening chapel, they got to meet properly and rushed off to bed, to engage in a rapid discussion. Leo told of his tale first, giving his young friend all the details, and particularly emphasising that Manuel agreed with him about who was the real villain. When he had finished, he asked Marco what it was he wanted to say.

"Well, I'm not too sure you going to be happy to hear it, but you'd better do so anyway. It's something the twins told me, maybe it's better if you got it straight from them."

The blond boy led his friend to one of the corners of the dormitory, where two ten year old boys were getting ready for bed. One of them was already nude, and sitting on the bed happily playing with his hard two inches [5 cm] of boy flesh. The other was just pulling off his frock as the two boys joined them. The twins were two cute young lads with freckled faces, button noses, and a mob of curly brown hair. They were both completely identical, and even naked no distinguishing mark could be seen to tell them apart.

"Hi kids," Marco said, "Can you tell Leo what you told me earlier, you know, about the night the abbot was killed."

"Oh, why can't you tell him?" One of them said.

"Because you two are brilliant story tellers," he replied, and this compliment did the trick, as the two boys beamed, and was now only too happy to tell all.

"Well, it all starts during the evening meal," the boy on the bed said, who commenced the narrative "Me and Canti were larking around, trying to throw some little bits of food at one of the brothers, who we thought had dropped to sleep. Anyways, Brother Alberti spotted this, and immediately grabbed us."

"Yeah, sometimes he can be real creepy, he seems to able to jump out of nowhere," the other twin commented. Leo thought that would be a useful skill for an assassin.

"Anyways, he shook us a bit, then told us to go to his room straight after helping to clear away, and wait for him to come back. This we did, and we had to wait ages, as he had a meeting with the other senior brothers."

"That's the meeting Brother Manuel stormed into," interrupted Canti, although it was something Leo already knew.

"That's right," the first boy continued, "and, as you can guess, we were real nervous. We were sure that Brother Alberti was going to whip our behinds real good. He's done it before, he likes to spank one of us on our right cheek and the other on the left till they're bright red, he says it gives him something to tell us apart. He can be a real mean bastard at times."

"Well me and Canto were resigned to our fate," Canti said, "When up walked Brother Alberti, and he was all smiles, and everything. We couldn't understand it, he invited us inside, gave us a drink, and something to eat, and was real nice to us, very much unlike him normally. He then says that it was his lucky day today, and instead of spanking us like we deserved, the three of us were going to have an orgy."

"That sounded a lot more preferably to a whipping, although we had had a sex session with the Brother before, and knew he could be a bit rough."

"That's true, but he has the most amazing tongue, I've never felt anything as good as when he sticks that in me bumhole," Canti said, in the man's defence.

"He said he wanted an orgy, and that's what he got, but we did not know at the start that he wanted it to go on all night," said the young twin on the bed, who was still idly pulling his little erection. "After he had sucked us both off, licked us, fucked us both real hard, and finally sprayed into our mouths, we thought that was the end of it, and we would all then get some sleep. Yet no, he wanted to keep going, and so whilst one of us would be trying to get some sleep, the other one would be sucking him some more, or getting his butt banged. During the times he couldn't get an erection, he would be licking us all over, and I mean everywhere. He'd start on the ears, and face, then move on to the chest, and belly, under the arms, all over the legs, even the feet and between the toes, boy did that tickle. Of course our cocks and asses would get the longest attention of his insatiable tongue. When he tired of that, he'd shove that wooden thing of his up our bum, until his cock was stiff enough to take its place."

"It was real fun at first," Canti continued, "but later on I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep. I'm just glad there was two of us, so we could get some rest whilst he operated on the other one."

"By the end of the evening my ass was so sore, I reckon the spanking would have been easier on it."

The two stopped talking for a short while, then Marco said.

"So if he was fucking these two all night, what could he not have been doing?"

Leo knew what the lad meant, but he just could not believe it, Alberti just had to be the killer, he must have had the chance to slip away at some point. Surely it would not take long to slit someone's throat, or maybe he had killed the abbot before he got to the boys. Yes, that was it, that was why Brother Alberti was in such a good mood when he met them, the man clearly had no remorse at all.

"So one of you was awake with the Brother, all night long, he never went out at anytime?" Leo asked the twins.

"No, I wish he had we could have gotten some sleep, as it was, one or sometimes both of us, was awake with him right up until someone came and told Brother Alberti that the abbot had been murdered."

"Well, that's not exactly true, Bro," Canti said. "Remember, right at the beginning, the abbot called round, and so we did not see Alberti then, as he left us in the bedroom. We could hear them though, they were talking about what to do about Brother Manuel's outburst. Eventually Brother Alberti said they would discuss it further in the morning, and so Father Francisco left. I guess Alberti was eager to get back to our orgy."

Leo almost cried out with that last bit, as it shattered his theory of Alberti killing the abbot before he joined the boys. It was now clear, if the kid's were telling the truth, that Alberti simply had no opportunity to have committed the murder, and therefore was not the killer. It also explained why the monk looked so tired that morning when they were all mourning the dead abbot. It was not because he had been lying awake, filled with guilt, but because he had been up all night having pederastic sex. The young teenager was absolutely crushed, just a few minutes ago, all he thought he had to do was find some evidence to link Alberti to the murder, and he would save Manuel. Now he was back to square one. He wondered if the twins were lying, that Brother Alberti had told them to tell this tale. Yet he realised this was total nonsense, the monk had no idea he was under investigation by one of his novices, and if anyone more senior challenged him about his whereabouts on the night of the murder, he could hardly say, 'I spent the night sodomising two ten year old boys.

Leaving the twins, Leo and Marco went back to their own bed, undressed and climbed in. Marco could tell his bed mate was very upset, he knew that it was not good news, but his friend had to know. He snuggled up to Leo, and the older boy put his arms around him, as if to indicate that he did not blame the blond boy for finding the bad news. As the young boy drifted off to sleep, Leo was left feeling confused and angry. Was Manuel lying to him after all, could he have deceived even the boy he loved. No, of course not, this was just a set back in his hunt for the real killer. Tomorrow he would have to start again.

Chapter 6
The Hunt Continues

Leo was rather down the next day. With Brother Alberti now eliminated as a possible murderer, the young boy spend his time trying to think of another suspect. He found himself considering any brother whom had had the slightest disagreement with the abbot, or might possibly gain from his death. One elderly brother had been consistently refused the status of a senior monk the boy had discovered, but he had been very ill the last couple of months, and hardly seemed capable of such a violent act. There were some others with even weaker motives, but none of these seemed to justify such a drastic step as murder.

On the Wednesday there was to be a memorial service for the dead abbot, and all the monks and novices were to attend. It was not a funeral as Father Francisco was to be buried elsewhere. Leo had thought this a bit strange, as normally an abbot was buried in his own abbey, but he assumed the man's family had made other requests. In any case it hardly mattered were he was buried, it had no bearing on his search for the killer. All his enquiries in this matter over the last few days had led to dead ends, and he was feeling somewhat down when they filed into the chapel for the memorial service. He had heard that the trial was set for the Tuesday of the following week, and time was rapidly running out.

The memorial service was conducted by Brother Alberti, the abbot elect. It was long and dreary, with many sombre hymns and depressing readings. As the boy listened to the voice of Brother Alberti as he lamented the loss of their leader, he could not help thinking how the speaker at least, was not at all unhappy. He still found it hard to believe this man was not the knife wielder.

"Oh dear lord," the monk voice shouted out, "take our beloved Father into your home, and treat him with the love and kindness he gave to us. Take now the man known as Francisco, the Abbot of our beloved house, and the Bishop of Milan."

A few seconds after those words had sunk into Leo's brain, he was rather confused, why had Alberti called the deceased the Bishop of Milan? Father Francisco was not a bishop, at least not that he knew of. Leo glanced over at his young friend who was kneeling beside him. The blond boy had his hands over his face, as if in prayer, but from close up, Leo could tell that his mate was trying to hide how bored he was.

"I didn't know the abbot was also the Bishop of Milan," he whispered to the 11 year old.

"Oh, I thought everyone knew that," the youngster replied, "why do you think he was always away so much."

It certainly did explain his long absences, and also why he was not being buried here. No doubt the real funeral was in Milan. However Leo was still confused.

"Yet how could he have time to hold two such important offices?"

"Oh it's quite common for powerful men to have two or more such positions, that way they can enjoy even greater wealth and influence, indeed 3;"

"Ssssh!" came a hiss from a monk that was now glaring at the two boys, furious that they should talk during such a solemn occasion.

This stopped the boys from talking, but could not stop Leo's thinking, which now moved into overdrive. At first this new information did not seem important, until it occurred to him that Brother Alberti was not the only man gaining from the unfortunate abbot's demise. Somewhere someone was started to relish the thought of becoming the new Bishop of Milan, inheriting all the considerable wealth and power that that noble office held. Indeed, whoever it was would have an even greater motive for wanting Father Francisco dead than Brother Alberti, as the office of Bishop of Milan not only held huge tracts of church land, and many grand buildings in the city itself, but in addition gave the holder considerable secular, as well as clerical power. The Bishop was the defacto leader of the mighty city, a position any ambitious man would covet. At last, Leo had another suspect, one that had a more powerful motive than his last one. All he had to do was find out who would be the new bishop of Milan, and somehow link him to the murder, no small task, but it was a start.

An hour later the service was over, and Leo had his chance to share his thoughts with his best friend, as the two of them immediately dashed off to be alone. Both boys were rubbing a sore ear during their discussion, as they had received a hard clout for daring to talk, but Leo was so animated with giving his theory, he hardly noticed it.

"Well I wonder," Marco said at last, "I guess you could be right, such a murder would not be beyond a man who wanted to be the new Bishop of Milan."

"Do you know who the new bishop will be?"

"No idea, sorry, here in the abbey we don't hear much about what is happening in the outside world."

"I've got to find out who it is, and where he was on the night of the murder."

"I don't see how you can," the younger boy commented.

"There is only one way, I have to go to Milan."

"What! you can't do that, you know we boys are not even allowed outside of the abbey unless we are accompanied by a monk."

"Well I'll just have to break that rule, and slip away for a while, I shouldn't need to be absent for more than a day or so."

"But you will be missed immediately, you know that, and the consequences will be very severe. You wouldn't just be whipped you know, they will expel you from the abbey, I'm sure they will. Please Leo, I beg you, don't do it, I don't want to lose you." Leo saw tears started to form in his little friend's eyes, and realised the folly of what he had suggested. In truth, even if he did find out something, it would be of little use to Manuel if he was expelled from the monastery, and he knew he could not stand to be parted from his best mate.

"But what other choice is there? I have to go, it's too important. We will have to think of a way of persuading the abbey to let me go."

"Hmmm, I don't see that as being easy, a novice would never be allowed to go alone," Marco said.

The two boys sat in silence for a while as they considered the possible ways to achieve what Leo wanted. Suddenly the younger boy piped up and asked.

"Oh, what day of the month is it?"

"Its the 15th, why?"

"Then next Monday is the third Monday of the month," he said getting more excited.


"That's when Brother Garibald goes to Milan to pick up some supplies."

"Oh, that's great, all I have to do is to persuade him to take me along."

"Well it probably will not be that easy, Brother Garibald is a bit of a grumpy sort, and what's worse, the silly man is not in to boys at all, which makes it hard to get him to do what you want." Leo thought it was just his luck that the man he needed to help him get to Milan was one of the few monks that did not appreciate the pleasures a young boy could offer.

"All the same there is still a chance," Marco continued. "Brother Garibald is illiterate, but he needs to be able to read the list of supplies required, therefore he always takes a novice that can read with him. The problem is that this role is always filled by Juan, a senior novice, the son of some important local noble, so no doubt he gets an easier life here. If we can persuade him to pretend to be ill on the day he is due to go, then you can take his place."

"Great, tell me which one he is and I'll talk to him."

"Trouble is he aint that easy to talk to, as like most of the senior novices, he don't want much to do with us young'uns. We are not allowed into the senior novices area, but I'm sure I can convince me old bed mate to escort me in, that way I can try to persuade him to skip Milan this month."

"That's nice of you to offer, but really I should do it."

"No, I can do it, please Leo, let me, I want to help."

Leo could see from his friend's eager face that he wanted to be a part of this plan, so he quickly agreed to let the young boy do the task. Leo still had one problem, as he explained to his friend.

"There is one other thing. I really need some time to myself in the city, I guess I'll be expected to stay with Brother Garibald all the time."

"No you don't, that's the best bit. Brother Garibald always insists that he stays in the city overnight, since otherwise it's too much work for the mule to be kept going all day. However, I've heard that the real reason is so he can spend a secret night with a lady lover. Apparently she is far above his social status, and many years ago when the two announced that they wanted to marry, her father refused this, and insisted that Brother Garibald go spend his life in a monastery, or else he would kill him, and ruin the Brother's family. No wondered he is so grumpy. Anyway this means that you will have the whole evening and night alone."

"Brilliant," Leo said. "This looks like the perfect opportunity." He realised that going the day before the trial was cutting things a bit fine, but he should still be back in time. However, whether or not he found out anything useful, was quite another matter.

The two boys agreed that Marco would talk to Juan the next day, and hopefully clear the way for Leo's trip to Milan.

Pedro quickly agreed to taking his old bed companion into see Juan, though the youngster was a bit coy as to why he needed to. All the same, the little blond boy had been responsible for giving him many a night of pleasure, he had buggered Marco countless number of times, and so Pedro knew that he owed the kid something. In truth he felt a bit guilty that he had so little to do with his young friend these days, but for a boy freshly promoted to a senior novice, it did not look good to be spending time hanging around with the younger children.

The senior novices' room was quite a bit bigger than that of the juniors, and each boy had his own bed, something young Marco saw as a disadvantage. All the same, some of the older boys were almost the size of grown men, and to have squeezed two of them into the narrow beds would have been very uncomfortable. The young blond boy got a few accusing stares as he walked across the room, and so he pushed closer to his friend to show that he was being escorted.

Juan lay on his bed, staring up at the roof looking rather bored. The boy was about two years older than Pedro, and his long legs overhung the edge of the small bed. He had jet black hair, that hung loosely around his long pale face. When the two boys had reached his bed side, he looked up rather curiously at them.

"What's that runt doing in our room?" he demanded.

"Say he wants to talk to you," Pedro said.

"Don't you think I have better things to do than talk to lowly juniors?," though clearly, right at the moment, he was doing bugger all.

"It will not take long," Marco said.

"Very well then," Juan sighed, "what is it?"

"I wanted to ask you a favour, I have a friend that desperately wants to visit Milan, and so I wondered if you minded skipping the trip with Brother Garibald this month, and letting him go instead."

"What! fuck off boy, that's the only time I get out of this dump."

"Please Juan, it's is really important."

"No way, that's my final word, now piss off back to the other runts where you belong."

Marco had been fairly sure this would happen, but the little lad was not used to taking no for an answer, he still had a few tricks up his sleeve.

"Look, if you do it, I'll be really grateful, and I'll make it worth your while."

"What could you possible give me?"

"Well, me of course."

"Look kid, if I wanted your ass, I'd just take it, whether you wanted to or not."

"Ahh, raping one of the juniors aint much fun," Pedro said, trying to support his young friend. "Believe me, I know he's little, but this kid is really great, if he wants to, he'd give you a really great time. He has a hell of a tighter hole than the boys you fuck in here."

"I'll do anything you want, anything, no matter how strange," Marco said, as he pleaded with the older boy.

"I get as much sex as I please you know."

"Maybe," Marco said, and he put on his best seductive voice, "but this would be something real special." The young lad laid his hand on the teenager's crotch, and could tell he was getting rather hard.

"How often?"

"Once before your due to go, and once afterwards, to make sure you keep your side of the bargain." Juan smiled at the kid's last comment, he was certainly no idiot.

"Okay, I'll agree on one condition, that is I get both of you, and you will do everything I want, I mean everything, without question."

Marco quickly agreed, but Pedro looked rather reluctant. He had no reason to see why he should be involved in this, and still did not understand why it was so important that Juan not go to Milan. Yet Marco pleaded with him to help, and he had to admit that he still had a soft spot for the little imp. When he thought of the many times the blond boy had let him plough his soft ass, or had given him a great blow job without asking for anything in return, then he knew he owed him a favour. For some reason, this meant a lot to the young boy, and thus he agreed to Juan's terms, making the youngster jump with joy. Who knows, Pedro thought, this might even be fun. The three agreed to meet on the Sunday for payment of the first instalment.

On Friday afternoon the Bishop of Turin arrived, and there was a rush of activity to get things ready to receive him. He was to stay in the still empty abbot's quarters until the trial was over. On arrival Bishop Lorenzo was greeted by Brother Alberti and the other senior monks. He had a wash and a quick bite to eat, and then insisted on going to see the accused, even though Alberti told him this was not necessary. However the bishop was determined to have a talk with his old friend, something he had wanted to do ever since he heard the shocking news of what had happened here. Manuel had only just become a monk when Lorenzo left the abbey to take up the Turin bishopric, but he knew that both as a boy and a young man, he had always been so gentle and kind. He found the idea of him being a murderer difficult to believe, although he had been told that that the evidence was irrefutable. He had said to no one how close he had once been to the accused, as that would have meant him being removed as the senior judge, and he wanted to ensure his old friend got a fair trial.

"I believe Brother Manuel denies any part in the abbot's murder," the bishop said as he and Alberti headed for the jail.

"A complete lie of course, which just further compounds his sins before God. You must be careful with the man, I am convinced he has the devil in him," the brother replied.

The two men were met by Brother Enzo, who led them to the monk's cell, and let them in before withdrawing to leave Manuel with the two visitors. The relief on Manuel's rather drawn face was obvious when he first saw his friend, though given the circumstances, a greeting embrace would not have been appropriate. Manuel sat on his bed, and the bishop sat down beside him. Brother Alberti remained standing and started to pace the room impatiently, clearly annoyed by this interview.

Lorenzo asked for Manuel's version of the events of that night, and the monk told him all, including his stupidity in getting himself drunk. Throughout the narrative Alberti kept interrupting with unhelpful remarks like "lies, lies," or "admit your guilt now." Finally with his frustration at boiling point the senior monk banged his hand on the table and shouted.

"Admit your wickedness, and dealings in black magic. We know you have been having sodomy with the devil."

Manuel looked at the man in disgust. He wanted to say, 'like yourself I have buggered a lot of little angels', but thought better of it.

"Don't be ridiculous," he said.

Since it was clear the two men might start a fight, Bishop Lorenzo requested to speak with the accused alone, and despite protests from Alberti, he knew he was outranked, so eventually left the cell and went upstairs.

"Brother Alberti is furious that you will not admit to the killing, I am sure he will insist you are tried for heresy, as well as murder. I hope you know what you are doing."

"I didn't do it, you have to believe me," Manuel insisted.

"I truly want to, but I have to consider the evidence, and it does not look good. If you plead guilty, I might be able to save your life, and have you declared mad and confined somewhere. However if there is a trial, and you are convicted of heresy, then you will be burnt alive."

"I know the consequences," Manuel said grimly. "but I will not plead guilty to a crime I did not do."

"You must understand that if you are burnt for heresy, then you will not only die, but you risk losing your soul too."

Manuel couldn't see why God would be influenced at all by the actions of some earthly court, but he said nothing other than to further insist on his innocence.

"Very well my boy, I will try to find out something that can prove you are correct, but I can make no promises. You are a man now, and must face the consequences of you own actions."

Manuel thanked him, and soon after the bishop left. It was now just four days until he was tried, and he was getting increasingly nervous.

"It's a bit dark in here, aint it," Marco said as he stared around the small storeroom he and the two teenagers where located in.

"What's wrong imp, are you scared?" Juan sneered, "You can still back out if you want?"

"No way, what do want us to do?"

Juan scratched his chin for a while as he decided how to start. He had spent most of the last few days thinking about the kind of fun he could have with two young slaves. Although he was 15 years old, Pedro was still not fully grown, and was a good half a head below the older teenager. He was very attractive, with thick brown hair, a dark complexion, and although well into puberty, he still retained a boyish face. Juan had wanted this lad ever since he first got into the senior dorm, and now he was going to get his chance. Marco was a full head shorter than Pedro, and although he was quite a puny little kid, he had a cute face, with a few freckles sprinkled round his small button nose. It had been a while since Juan had messed about with a boy this age, and his cock was already hardening at the thought of it.

"Pedro, get that young runt stripped," was his first order. Marco put his arms in the air and let the older boy pull off his grey frock. Juan leered at the naked young boy for a while, and then gestured for him to come closer.

"Call that a cock, boy, I can barely see it, can you spunk yet?"

"No," Marco replied. He had expected to get lots of insults, and they really didn't bother him.

"I guessed not, guess you wouldn't get much in those tiny nuts of yours anyhow. Well, since there aint much we can do with what you've got up front, turn around and show us your ass, it better be a good one for fucking, that's all you little'uns are good for."

Marco did as he was asked, and the older boy ran his hand over the smooth skin of the youngster's buttocks.

"A bit skinny," Juan commented, "but nice and soft, that's how I like them. Your gonna get the fucking of your life kid." Marco had to suppress a grin at that comment, many of the older novices or monks he had had sex with said that, but most were unable to fulfil the promise.

Juan sat on a nearby barrel, and grabbing hold of the young boy's wrists, he pulled him over his knee.

"First I'm going to spank you for making miss my trip to Milan," the older boy growled, and gently rubbed the upturned buttocks he would soon be beating. Marco had half expected that he would suffer such a fate, though he had not relished the thought. All the same he had to considered that when you agree to do anything, you can hardly expect to enjoy it all, and after all, he had been spanked many times before for far less important reasons.

As Juan started to strike the youngster's bare behind, hitting first one cheek and then the other, the little boy soon started to cry and bawl. In truth he was not in that much pain, but Marco had learned that by turning on the water works immediately, it often brought beatings to an end quicker. Happy he had hurt the boy, Juan stopped when his bum was nice and red, and then let him up, whereupon the little imp leapt around rubbing his sore rear, his pretty face stained with tears.

"Okay your next," Juan yelled at Marco's former bed companion, "get stripped and over my knee." The young teenager rather gulped at this order, he was not over happy to comply. It was not really the pain he dreaded, his young mate had taken it, and so could he. All the same when the brothers punished a senior novice, he was normally bend over a table or chair and beaten with a stick, only the juniors were stripped naked and unceremoniously draped over the spanker's knee. Seeing his reluctance Marco went over to the boy, and pleaded with him. Well, he wasn't going to made to look like a wimp in front of an 11 year old, so he took off his garment and got into position.

Juan spent even longer admiring and stroking the older boy's somewhat fuller behind. When he had had his fill, he started to hit him, a fair bit harder than he had Marco, with a longer gap between spanks. Despite the quickly escalating pain, Pedro's stubborn boyish pride kept him from crying out, but fortunately Juan had no wish to reduce the teen to tears, he simply wanted to warm up his bum a bit. So he stopped after the lad's bottom was slightly red, as he did not want to spoil its appearance.

When Pedro rose rather awkwardly from the older boy's lap, his prick was standing fully erect. The teen was quite proud of his six inches [15 cm] of boy meat, and the small patch of soft hair just above, so made no attempt to cover it up. Juan stared at the boy's fine poker for a while, before reaching over and grabbing it, causing a shudder of pleasure to go through the owner, as he quickly forgot the pain in his burning buttocks.

"Not too bad for his age," the eldest boy commented, "I reckon you'll never have one this size," he said to the Marco, who just shrugged. The little blond's own penis had grown to it's full two inches [5 cm], and looked rather unimpressive compared to that of his friend.

"Okay, it is time for you two to pleasure me," Juan said, and stood up. "Firstly, as my slaves, you will get on your knees and kiss my feet."

Marco immediately dropped down, and started to peck away at the seventeen year old's not particularly clean feet. Pedro just stared in amazement, the little kid really had absolutely no shame, is there no degrading act he would not perform to get what he wanted? He had no wish to follow him, but when the blond lad looked up at him, and gave him one of his pleading, puppy eyes look, he lowered himself to his knees and rather tentatively kissed the older boy's smelly feet. Pedro had decided that if Juan breathed a word of what happened in here, he would deny all of it.

"That's good, now start moving slowly up, kissing and licking my legs and thighs, I want a full tongue bath." His two boy slaves did as he asked, and Juan slowly raised his frock before their advancing mouths, setting the pace. Just as they reached his upper thighs, he pulled the garment completely off, and stood as naked as the other two. His cock was now at full mast, and both the younger boys paused for a moment to gaze at is impressive dimensions, a good eight inches [20 cm] long, and very thick.

"Do you think you can take that up your tight little ass?" Juan said to the youngest boy, as he patted him on the head. The boy looked a bit longer at the cock, and then nodded, it was big, but he had been fucked by even larger ones before. Marco and Pedro were instructed to bypass the cock for now, and continue to bath his upper body. He had a fair bit of cock hair, but his chest was still smooth, and his developing upper muscles were easy to see. Pedro was a bit jealous of Juan's strong looking body, although the younger teen was not much shorter, he still had the slim frame of a boy, and had no real muscles to boast about.

At just below Juan's nipples, Marco reached as far as he could get with his mouth, so he was ordered to start licking and kissing his master's buttocks. Juan then drew the other boy into his arms and started to embrace him passionately whilst roving his hands over the lad's body.

"Suck me," the eldest teen said to the Pedro, and so he got onto his knees, and took that impressive piece of boy flesh into his mouth. "Nice," Juan said, and holding onto the boy's head started to fuck his face.

"That's it kid, use your tongue, lick me all over," he roared, as he watched his cock pushing in and out of Pedro's mouth. After he had pummelled the boy's face for about five minutes, Juan grabbed the young blond boy still operating on his bum, prised his mouth open, and shoved his cock down the little kid's throat. He could only get about 5-6 inches [13-15 cm] in, but he picked up a rhythm, and was soon gasping in pleasure at the feel of the child's soft lips and tongue.

"Here I cum, time for your milk sweety," Juan yelled, and blasted a couple of spurts into the youngster's mouth, before pulling out and ejaculating the rest of his load over Pedro's face.

"Clean him up," Juan ordered the youngest boy, and so Marco swallowed the sticky goo in his mouth, and then proceeded to lick the cum off Pedro's face. The blond lad so loved the taste of thick semen, that he kept going until his friend's face was spotless.

Juan paused for a second, as he stood panting, trying to get his breath back. "Right, I'm going to watch you two play for a while, till I'm ready for the next course, namely your assholes." He pulled Pedro to his feet, and noticing that the older boy's penis had softened somewhat, he ordered Marco to blow him, something the young kid jumped to in earnest. The youngster's mouth soon had his friend fully erect again, and so Juan told the boy to get down on his hands and knee and prepare to be fucked. After Marco was ready, Pedro knelt down between the his legs, and lined himself up. It had been a while since he had been up this particular ass, one his cock knew well, and was looking forward to re-accustoming itself to it's hot tight grip.

"Not so fast," Juan yelled, "Eat the kid's ass out first, I want to see your tongue right in him."

Marco wiggled his little boy bum in delight, and was soon cooing in ecstasy as the elder boy's tongue sent shudders of pleasure right round his young frame, until he climaxed with his own dry orgasm.

"Ok, he's ready, fuck the cheeky little imp, and fuck him deep and hard," Juan ordered. It was a command that Pedro had no problem with, his hard cock was straining to get inside the boy, and within a few seconds he had rammed himself into the hilt. Marco squealed in pain, but this was not a consequence of having a hard cock up his young hole, but the fact his older mate had slammed into the boy's still sore butt.

"Ignore the little wimp," Juan yelled, "I'll teach him for thinking he can so easily manipulate me." Pedro tried to make sure that he did not slap into the young kid's rump too hard, though pretty soon the pleasure of the fucking was starting to take the Marco's mind off his sore butt cheeks. With the eroticism of the sight before him, and by using his own right hand, Juan had gotten himself fully erect again. The teenager walked over to where Marco was on his hands and knees, and started feeling up the boy.

"Admit it you little pussy, there's nothing better than getting fucked after a hard spanking," Juan jeered. From the painful wincing Marco was making, it was hardly evidence that he was of this opinion, but it seemed of little importance to the older lad. He was so turned on watching the young teenager's hard cock push in and out of the 11 year old, that he was keen for a fuck himself. He shuffled round to behind Pedro, and after prising open the lad's buttocks, he took aim and pushed up into the boy.

This time it was Pedro's turn to shout out when he felt Juan's loins crash into his beaten rump. Still he took it well, and his asshole soon accustomed itself to the elder boy's large cock. In his last year as a junior novice, Pedro had mostly played the active role, pushing his cock into some young kid's ass, or getting himself blown. Yet now he was a senior, and one of the youngest in the group again, he was becoming used to bending over and getting well buggered.

The fucking became more intensified, until Juan pulled out of the boy in front of him, and told Pedro to do the same.

"Do see that plank of wood other there?" Juan asked the boy he had just fucked.


"Well go and pick it up and come back over here."

Pedro did as he was asked, and wondered what it was needed for. If the other boy was going to command him to start to beat Marco with it, he was determined refuse, that would have been too much. Yet his fears were quickly removed as he saw the older boy position his large cock against the young blond's gaping anus, and then slowly push himself inside. He stopped after about six inches [15 cm] were in to enjoy the tightness of the youngster's ass, but he was determined to get all the way in, so he pushed forward a bit harder and was soon impaling the boy to the root. Marco took a sharp intake of breath as the large weapon shot right up him, but he relaxed his ass muscles, and the pain of initial penetration started to ease away.

Juan at first fucked the boy with long slow strokes, but then he looked up at the Pedro and gave him an order that surprised the hell out of him.

"Each time I fuck into this imp, I want you to hit my ass with that wood."

Pedro was amazed, it seemed that Juan not only enjoyed warming another boy's ass, but he actually wanted the same treatment himself. Well at least if Juan ever said anything about today to the other seniors, he'd have something to say himself. Still a bit unsure of how hard to hit Juan, he started by only lightly swatting the older boy as he fucked into young Marco.

"Harder that that, I can barely feel it," Juan yelled, and so Pedro started whacking him with much more force. After some five minutes of this Juan's butt was redder than the other two boys, and he was starting to fuck the younger lad at such a pace it was hard for Pedro to keep up with his swats.

"Fuck me now, fuck me hard," the eldest boy yelled, and so Pedro threw down the piece of wood, and leapt down to push his hard cock up the very bottom he'd just been whacking. The fucking went on at a frenzy, accompanied by the cries of pain or pleasure from them all, until first Pedro, and shortly thereafter Juan, shot their loads into their respective fuckee's asshole.

"It all went well, and Pedro will fake illness tomorrow morning," Marco told his best friend as they met up just before chapel.

"Brilliant, I don't know how I can ever thank you enough," Leo said, and put his arms around the young kid. The elder boy had a good idea that Marco had offered his ass to get the favour from Juan, but he'd have thanked the boy even more had he know what the child had to go through to complete his end of the bargain.

"That's all right, I wanted to help. I just hope that years from now, when you are rich and famous, you will not forget little me."

Leo was always amazed at this boy, he never seemed to stop trying to get Leo to like him, when the truth was he could hardly have loved him any more than he did already. He hugged and kissed the younger boy, whilst he whispered into his ear.

"Oh Marco, you know I will never forget you, you will always be my best friend. Now we had better get moving, I want to get a good night's sleep tonight, and I don't want to risk getting whipped for being late to chapel." Marco could not agree with him more, a whipping was the last thing his sore ass wanted at that moment.