PZA Boy Stories

J.O. Dickingson

The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity

Chapters 13-14

Chapter 13

As Bobby drove over to the Kiddyland Daycare he smiled as he thought about the past weekend. It had been the greatest birthday party the forty-four-year-old trucker had ever celebrated, even greater than those he'd celebrated as a child, and it definitely was one he would never forget. He was the luckiest man in the world to have two such wonderful, loving boys. One of them, Billy Bob, was sitting in his car seat beside him and looking out the window at the passing scenery with the fascination and interest that only a three-year-old can have. When you are three, everything is new, and everything is exciting, and you want to see it all now.

Arriving at the daycare, Bobby took off Billy Bob's coat and with mixed emotions squatted down to say goodbye. God, how he loved that child, and what he would not do for him. Leaving him at the daycare was one of the more painful things he had to do. If he could, he'd have the boy with him twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, but he couldn't, and more important, even if he could have the boy accompany him wherever he went on his job, he knew that he had to leave the boy at the daycare so he would have the opportunity to meet and learn how to play with other children.

As the six-foot-four [1.93 m], two-hundred-and-seventy-pound [122 kg] trucker squatted down, his little son, standing at three feet [90 cm] tall and weighing in at thirty pounds [14 kg], still had to tilt his head up to look him in the face. Placing his hands on the boy's shoulders, Bobby leaned forward to kiss the tyke on the forehead but Billy Bob was having none of that. He deftly twisted out of the way and planted a kiss smack on Bobby's lips, and as he pressed his lips against his father's, he slipped his tongue in the big trucker's mouth. Bobby felt an immediate swelling in his pants, and as Billy Bob pressed his little thirty-pound [14 kg] body against his, Bobby was sure he felt a hot little boner pressing through his boy's jeans.

"Bye little guy. Be a good boy."

"Billy Bob be good. Billy Bob be real, real, real good," he promised empathically. "Bye Daddy."

"Love ya."

"Love ya. Love ya truckloads and truckloads."

With that the boy ran off happily to play at his favourite play centre, the Hotwheels cars and trucks toy centre where he could be a trucker like his big daddy. Already at the centre were four boys from two to seven years of age and they all greeted the toddler with wide grins. Billy Bob was one of the more popular children at the daycentre and he greeted each boy with a hug and a kiss on the lips which even the older boys didn't appear to mind. The five of them immediately began playing happily together as youngsters left on their own will. When the bus arrived to take the older students off to school, Billy Bob gave each of the boys a tight goodbye hug and another kiss. Anyone who was observant would have noticed his hugs and kisses were limited to just the boys at the daycare, but at that age that was not anything unusual.

For the next two hours he happily played at the centres with the energy and enthusiasm of a healthy, happy child. At ten thirty they all had a snack, carrots and celery sticks with Cheese Whizz and milk, and then they took out their mats and blankets to take a nap. When Billy Bob had first begun going to the daycare, once the boys had all gotten to know him there had been a daily wrestling and shoving match to be the one to lie beside him, sometimes the competition almost resulting in fisticuffs, and the daycare staff had to be constantly intervening, but by the end of the first month the staff had resolved the problem by allowing him to pick who would lay on his right and who would lay on his left. The staff had prided themselves on resolving the problem, though in reality it had been Billy Bob who had telepathically convinced the others to agree with the staff's plan, and who kept everyone happy by sharing his snuggle time with all equally.

Prior to Billy Bob's arrival, the staff had actually tried to prevent snuggling by the children with a strict "hands to yourself" rule, primarily to avoid any potential complaints and accusations from the parents but also because they believed such behaviour should be curbed, but with the toddler's arrival they soon gave that up. They had to supervise the boys around Billy Bob constantly and no matter how sternly they admonished the boys or how severe the punishments, the moment their backs were turned, Billy Bob and the boys were wrapping their arms about each other and snuggling together, and not just during nap time. Besides, they, especially the male staff, had to admit the blue-eyed, blond-haired moppet was irresistibly cuddly. Just his presence seemed to brighten up everyone's mood, child and adult alike. He was exceptionally well behaved, and he not only helped to look after the younger boys but the older children, again especially the boys, all treated him like a younger brother whom they had to protect.

So Billy Bob placed his sleeping mat on the floor and announced who would lay beside him, on this day a dark-haired, dark-eyed five-year-old boy by the name of Roberto, and a typically hyper, freckled, ginger-haired two-year-old boy by the name of Shawn, and the staff retired to the coffee room for their own snack and their midmorning break. It was not long before Roberto and Shawn had pushed their mats snug against Billy Bob's and their three short blankets had been draped over each other. It took even less time for Billy Bob to unbutton and pull down the flies of the trousers of his two companions and for the two boys to do the same to him, many children at their age still having difficulty managing their own buttons and zippers, but not the boys at Kiddyland Daycare to the surprise of the staff. Pushing down Roberto's trousers and white briefs and then Shawn's, Billy Bob allowed the two boys to push down his.

As the three toddlers lay there on their backs, Billy Bob reached over and picked up the limp but already swelling dicklet of the boy on either side of him while Roberto reached over and fiddled with Billy Bob's little weenie and Shawn reached over and fondled the three year old's already impressive nut sack, rolling the tender orbs in the sack. The breathing of the three boys became heavier as the pleasure pulsating through their swelling flesh intensified, and the daycare worker who'd stuck her head into the room to check on their charges smiled, taking their slow, deliberate breathing to be a sign the little tykes had fallen asleep and the staff could extend their break. The boys fondled each other slowly, taking the time to enjoy the pleasure they were feeling and the pleasure they were giving as Billy Bob had shown them, unlike older boys who without his guidance would have been in a hurry to reach the peak of their pleasure.

Guiding Shawn over onto his side and rolling over on his own, Billy Bob snuggled closer and slowly rubbed the tip of his now stiff little cocklet, the same length and thickness as the three-year-old's thumb, against the two-year-old's bumhole, and from past experience, two-year-old Shawn pushed outward, opening his little boy pucker for the stiff flesh seeking entrance as Billy Bob reached around him and continued to jerk on the toddler's little pink dicklet. Roberto's dark eyes narrowed with the erotic thoughts of upcoming pleasure as he similarly rolled over on his side and snuggling up against Billy Bob, pressed the swollen tip of his little, olive-toned, circumcised cocklet against Billy Bob's eager little hole. Grasping Billy Bob's slender hips, Roberto pressed forward and Billy Bob instantly pushed out, eagerly and willingly opening his little hole for the older boy. Ever so slowly the youngster's stiff little cocklet disappeared up the younger boy's hot, moist asshole until his smooth pubes were pushing tightly against Billy Bob's smooth, soft ass cheeks. All was done as quietly and as unobtrusively as possible and now the three boys began the slow rhythmic rocking motion, two of them riding the stiff cocklets behind them and two of them slowly screwing the hot, tight little assholes before them.

The dark-eyed five-year-old inhaled and exhaled slowly and deeply, thrilling with the tingling, burning sensation encircling the tip of his stiff, blood-engorged cocklet and travelling up the swollen, slender shaft, causing his little cocklet to throb and pulsate numbly with a pleasure that most boys his age are unaware of even existing and those who do are cruelly denied. He at the same time knew the pleasure he was bringing the blond-haired cherub before him, the boy in the past having worked his stiff little cocklet in and out of his own A-hole, introducing him to the pleasure of being the recessive partner as well as the dominant one. Even at his tender age, he knew that the giving of pleasure to another was just as enjoyable as receiving pleasure himself, and when that pleasure was a secret and something that only boys could enjoy, it made it all the better.

Shawn felt the same as Roberto. Though only two years of age, this was not the first time he'd had Billy Bob stick his weenie up his bum and start the strange throbbing pleasure through his bumhole, nor was it the first time the blond boy had fiddled with his little dicklet, something he'd already learned boys had to do secretly and out of the sight of grownups, though Billy Bob had told him that there were grownups and older boys who knew how good it felt and did not mind boys doing stuff like that, even boys two years of age, and some of them even did it to little boys and let little boys do it to them. He, like Roberto and many of the other boys at the daycare, was learning much from the strange, blue-eyed, blond boy who somehow seemed to be able to talk to them without moving his lips, and to understand what they were thinking without them saying anything. It was a convenient way to communicate secretly in front of the grownups and all of them believing in magic and miracles, from Santa Claus to the tooth fairy, they found this ability of Billy Bob of no great wonder. Besides, they had heard the staff call him an angel, and they all knew angels were special.

And so as the supervisors lingered over a second coffee, marvelling at how long and peaceful their young charges had been sleeping lately, unaware that the pleasure being felt by the three was being augmented and broadcast to everyone else, boys and girls alike, causing them to sleep soundly, and in addition, the boys to slumber happily with the pleasure of arousal and tiny, throbbing erections. As was his skill, Billy Bob slowed the natural biological urge to reach a climax so that the three of them could enjoy the throbbing, building sensation trice as long as other boys. Only then did they quiver, one by one, with that ultimate peak of ecstasy, with the unique powerful throbbing of their stiff little cocklets and the uncontrollable jerking of their bodies. As they lay there with their trousers and underwear about their ankles and concentrating on the pleasure throbbing through their loins, they thought of how great it felt and of others they'd like to share this pleasure with. The little cherub in the middle was doing an admirable job of preparing his young friends for lives pleasuring boylovers, and for becoming boylovers themselves.

Before long school was out and Christmas arrived. Christmas was one of the favourite holidays of all children, and many adults. It was a break from school and from work, a time for playing, for giving and receiving presents, and eating Christmas goodies. On top of that, having more time to spend with his adult lover, Bobby, and his young son, Billy Bob, made the holiday all the more special for ten-year-old Billy. There were two other things over the Christmas holidays that made this Christmas even more special than the past.

After an afternoon of skating, followed by supper at McDonald's and a couple hours of tobogganing in the city park with their parents, Billy and his cousin Taylor returned home soaked to the skin and as happy as any two young boys could be. Changing out of their wet clothes and directly into their flannel pajamas and settling down up in Billy's room with mugs of hot cocoa and gingerbread cookies, the boys began playing a new board game Billy had gotten from Bobby as the four adults settled downstairs in the living room for one of their favourite pastimes, a game of Bridge.

"Did you notice anything when we were changing clothes?" Taylor asked with a sparkle in his eyes and a look like the cat who'd swallowed a canary later that evening.

"No," replied Billy honestly.

Taylor stood and pulling up his pajamas tops and pushing down the bottoms, he stood sideways and glanced at Billy with eager anticipation.

"You're getting a fat tummy!"

"Yep," replied Taylor with a proud grin.

"You're having a baby?"

"I think so."

"That's fucking awesome!"


"How's it feel?"

"Fucking awesome," the six-year-old giggled, parroting his idol and mentor.

"Oh man, I can remember when I was pregnant," Billy said. "This is great." He slid over on the bed and rubbed Taylor's stomach gently, and then slipped his hand down and fiddled with his cousin's little dick. It of course quickly responded. "You and uncle Ted been doing sex stuff?"

"Almost every night, sometimes two or three times a night," Taylor said with an even huger grin.

"And how do you like that?" Billy asked impishly.

"It's fucking awesome too," the six-year-old replied and the two boys giggled.

"You're lucky, living with Uncle Ted and getting to do it whenever the two of you want."

"Well, not exactly whenever we want. We gotta wait til we're sure Mom isn't going to surprise us."

"If she caught you two having sex, it would be her who'd be surprised," Billy observed and the two boys giggled even louder, causing Billy's father to call up from the living room for them to quieten down and suggesting it was time for them to go to sleep. "You're going to really surprise her in another three or four months," Billy observed in a whisper and grinning as only a ten-year-old boy with a secret can.

"Oh yeah," Taylor said with a similar grin.

"How are you and uncle Ted gonna explain you having a baby?"

"We haven't quite figured that part out yet."

"I'll ask Bobby. Bet he'd have an idea. He's way smart that way." Billy studied the floor of his bedroom.

"What's wrong?"


"Tis too."

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"How I wish I could have another baby. And that Bobby and I could live in the same house and have sex whenever we wanted."

It was Taylor's turn to look pensive. "For two guys to have sex, does one have to be a grownup?"

"Heck no."

Taylor looked at his cousin, not sure if he should ask.

"You wanna do something together?" Billy asked. He did not have to be a mind reader nor to be told what was on his six-year-old cousin's mind.

"Sure," Taylor replied brightly

"What you like doing? Fucking? Sucking? Jacking off? Kissing? Hugging? Rimming?"

"All of them, but specially getting my bum fucked," Taylor replied, looking down at his slippered feet shyly. "Would that be okay with a baby starting inside me?" he asked as an afterthought.

"Sure. In fact when your baby is ready to be pooped out Uncle Ted's gonna have to fuck your bum to help him."



"How does that help?"

"I'm not sure xactly. But it is way awesome," Billy assured Taylor as he thought back. "I'll have to have Bobby 'splain stuff to Uncle Ted. Anyway, I'm sure it's okay if we do it. I don't suppose my wiener will reach as far as Uncle Ted's though, and I can't squirt stuff yet like adults can. Bobby says it'll probably be a couple more years yet before I can," he said with a hint of disappointment.

"I got far more longer to wait," Taylor said with a frown, wishing he could squirt stuff like his father could.

"Yeah, well, it still feels great even if we can't," Billy observed, brightening up.

"Yeah, fucking great," Taylor agreed and the two boys giggled, turning their heads to the door as one expecting to hear one of their parents holler.

Getting up and shutting off the light, Billy returned to his bed and the two boys lay down side by side. They grinned at each other as they pushed down their pajamas bottoms in eager anticipation.

"Lets suck each other's wiener to get hard first," Billy suggested, his favourite foreplay with Bobby.

"Sure," Taylor responded, trusting the lead of his older, wiser cousin. "You think it'll be all right? Your mom and dad won't come up to check on us, will they?"

"Let's get under the blankets just to be sure. We can pretend we're camping in a tent."


And so the two boys eagerly dived under the blankets and squirmed into a sixty-nine position. Although they knew even at their young ages that what they were about to do was considered wicked by almost everyone, grownups and kids alike, and that there were mean names for guys who did those sorts of things to each other, they knew the pleasure that resulted, the double pleasure, one that circled around one's dick as it began to swell and itch, and the other deep in one's heart that was the result of knowing that the pleasure one was feeling was the same pleasure he was bringing to the other guy, far outweighed any feelings of guilt or shame. Bobby, Billy's beefy forty-four-year-old boylover, and Ted, Taylor's father, had said that the others just didn't understand and were the ones who were wrong. Given the awesome pleasure of sucking a guy's dick and having him suck yours, the boys were easily convinced.

And so Billy took the limp, little wiener of his six-year-old cousin between his thumb and index finger, and raising it, slipped his lips over it and began to suck on the velvety tube of flesh gingerly, knowing just how sensitive the knob of a guy's dick was. Taylor similarly took his older cousin's limp cock and began to suck on it with the same care, if not the same skill. He was, after all, only six and had been doing sex stuff for just over a month. The two boys delighted in the unique and still novel smell of cock, accented by the heat of their bodies and the warm air trapped under the blankets, and they delighted even more in the delightful and unique taste of cock as their mouths filled with saliva and they swallowed the cock-flavoured spittle. The heat and moisture of their mouths, the gentle suction on their sensitive little cocklets, and the awareness of the eroticism and forbiddenness of what they were doing soon had the two boys rock hard.

Rolling over on his side, Taylor inhaled deeply as he felt his cousin slide up behind him and his hot, spit-slick wiener press against his bumhole. The boy instantly pushed out. Having regularly accommodated his father's thicker and longer cock this past month, he easily accepted the fingerling his ten-year-old cousin was slipping up his butt, but being only six and only recently a virgin, he was still tight. Billy pushed forward slowly, knowing the initial pain Taylor was feeling despite his much smaller size. He also knew the excitement he was feeling and the pleasure that was soon to come having had his own asshole fucked many times, from his lover's humongous seven-inch [18 cm] sausage to his three-year-old son's little thumb-sized pickle, the toddler having only recently added butt-fucking his ten-year-old birth father to the growing list of sexual activities between the two boys. Although size made a difference, Billy knew that what was really important was the pleasure the person being fucked was giving the other, and that even the smallest cock could bring another pleasure. As he slowly worked his wiener in and out of his young cousin's asshole, he reached around and began to tug on his cousin's little cocklet, knowing that the combined pleasure pulsating through the six-year-old's cock and the pleasure pulsating up his rectum would soon have him jerking and squirming with an orgasm.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on the tingling pleasure causing his swollen ten-year-old cock to burn with that strange combination of pain and pleasure. He was so glad that he was a boy, and that he'd learned about sex. Taylor felt the same as he felt his cousin's wiener sliding in and out of his bumhole, sending ripples of arousal out from his bumhole clutching his cousin's slender cock tightly. In his six-year-old mind he could not understand how anyone could think what the two of them were doing was wrong, or why people thought kids doing such things with adults was wicked. As the pleasure of having his bumhole fucked and the pleasure of bringing his cousin pleasure increased, he put aside such thoughts and concentrated on how great it was to be a boy and to be doing sex stuff. It was with those thoughts that he felt his still novel and always delightful orgasm begin, and from the panting and trembling and jerky movements of his cousin evidently Billy had reached his orgasm at the same time.

The two lay there under the blankets for a long time revelling in the delight of their dry orgasms and the delight of having shared that experience with each other. Finally they stuck their heads out of the blankets and kissed, and wrapping their arms about each other, they fell into a peaceful, contented sleep. When their mothers checked in on them half an hour later, the two women smiled at the sweet sight of the two innocents laying there with their' rosy boyish cheeks and ruby lips, a happy smile on their faces, and an arm wrapped about each other. If they'd known the cause of such contentment and peace, if they'd known their two sons had just engaged in activity they considered disgusting and perverted for adults and totally unthinkable between children, the two mothers would not have felt so pleased.

The next afternoon Billy received a phone call from Nicholas Billingsworth, the twelve-year-old boy that Billy Bob had blown in the restaurant on Bobby's birthday a month earlier. The two had been exchanging Email messages since over the past month on an irregular basis. Although only two years apart in age, other than Billy Bob, the two really had little in common. Of course after the incident in the restaurant, Nick was eager to see Billy Bob again, and in that Billy Bob had chosen the boy to give a blow job to, Billy, in his boyish ten-year-old trust and innocence, saw no problem with that other than the physical logistics of two boys arranging such a meeting. Whether it was by luck or pure coincidence, or if there was some higher power involved, it turned out not to be as difficult as the two boys had imagined. Nick's parents were going out to a New Year's Eve party and told him he could have a friend over. As it was, Billy's parents were also going out, and considering they'd be out until after midnight, had arranged for Billy to spend the night with Jimmy and Calvin, who had occasionally babysat Billy on those evenings Bobby had been unable to do so. That arrangement was ideal for Billy in that the two boys also looked after Billy Bob when Bobby was away on long trips or going out himself, allowing the little toddler and his ten-year-old father to spend time together. On this particular night Bobby and his wife were also going out to celebrate New Year's Eve, and were leaving Billy Bob overnight with Jimmy and Calvin. It was perfect.

Billy didn't know beans about cars, but even he knew that the limo that came to pick him and Billy Bob up that evening was no ordinary car. As they pulled up to the front entrance, he also knew that the home of Nick Billingsworth the Fifth was no ordinary home. Nicholas Henry William Billingsworth had made his fortune in textile mills and manufacturing early in the previous century, and through hard work and wise investments, his son, grandson and great-grandson had added to the family fortune. Despite their wealth and power, they were not ostentatious, but when you are born into such a family, you just take for granted many things that others can only dream about. So it was with Nick also. Like his parents and earlier ancestors, he didn't put on airs nor look down his nose at others, and he had the same interests as any other twelve-year-old boy, including an awakening interest in sex. The difference was that for Nicholas he was accustomed to having only the best and if he wanted something money was no object. He was also accustomed to others showing deference to him, whether out of genuine respect and awe because of his heritage and own personality, or in the selfish hopes of personal gain.

Billy and Billy Bob's innocence and honesty and that they didn't make any effort to suck up to him were three of the things that drew Nick to them. It was refreshing considering the company a rich boy kept and the snobbish, self-centred attitude of most of his closest friends and schoolmates. Of course there was also Billy Bob's exquisite skill in giving a blow job and the natural horniness of any twelve-year-old boy who has reached puberty.

Even when it came to sex, Nick could have gotten whatever he wanted. Handsome and rich with a trim, athletic body and sophisticated social skills, the twelve-year-old had no difficulty attracting attractive girls his age or older and, if he wanted to, charming them into going all the way. Besides, there were also those who would be willing to use their sexual favours to get what they wanted out of him. Despite that, the truth was that Nicholas Billingsworth the Fifth was a virgin. He had only recently, with the onset of puberty, become interested in girls actually, and that interest was largely purely out of curiosity and out of peer pressure, a boy his age being expected to be interested in girls and to want to make out with them. In reality, he found girls largely boring and having no common interests with him, and the few that he did like, he had no interest in balling.

His feelings about Billy Bob on the other hand were a totally different matter. His first ever sex with anyone had been with the toddler, and it had been the most fantastic and most pleasurable experience the worldly twelve-year-old had ever had. Ever since that evening he'd been unable to get the youngster and thoughts of having sex with him again out of his mind. Needless to say, that was very bothersome, which made it all the more impossible not to think about. He was a guy. He was interested in guy things, cars and sports, swimming and soccer particularly. He was also supposed to be interested in girls. There were names for guys who liked sex with guys, and even worse names for guys who liked to have sex with kids. He knew that, and he was not that type of guy, so why had sex with another male, a three-year-old toddler of all guys, felt so awesome, and why couldn't he get the kid out of his mind? He could lie and say it was because it had been his very first sexual experience, but even at his young age and lack of experience he knew that was not the reason. He desperately wanted to have sex with the kid again, and he felt guilty and filthy having such desires.

He could not deny having them though, so it had been with mixed feelings that he'd phoned Billy and Billy Bob to come over. On the one hand he wanted to experience the wonderful pleasure he'd felt that evening in the restaurant. He wanted to engage not just in receiving another blow job, but in all types of sex with the kid, both as an active and as a passive participant. That was all he could think about for the past month, and each time he did he's sprung a boner. On the other, he was hoping that a repeat performance would be a disappointment, that there would be no pleasure at all, that the experience in the restaurant had been a one-time exception because of hormones or the circumstances or something, thereby putting an end to his feelings of guilt and shame and disgust and allowing him to carry on with his life as it had been before that evening. He wanted that to be the case, he knew it would be the simplest, but in his heart he knew that wasn't what he really wanted.

The moment Billy and Billy Bob stepped through the doorway he knew that his afterthoughts were not going to be the scenario that played out that night, and that his life was never going to be the same again. Billy and Billy Bob had worn their very best, gifts they'd received for Christmas, and though not as expensive as the designer shirt and slacks Nicholas was wearing, they felt just as dressed-up as he did. As he felt a sensation of immense joy and contentment along with a wave of undescribable arousal and desire sweep over him upon seeing them, his heart also sank with dismay and despair as his undeniable lust confirmed the degenerate he was. To his surprise, the toddler seemed to know what was on his mind and in his heart. Stepping right up to him and taking his hand, Billy Bob looked up at the bewildered twelve-year-old and said with all the innocence of a three-year-old, "let's play in your bedroom."

Nick lead his two guests upstairs to his bedroom, a typical bedroom for a twelve-year-old, at least a rich twelve-year-old. It was three times the size of Billy's parents' bedroom and the mahogany desk, dresser and bookcases, the modern, recessed lighting, the large ornately-framed full-length mirror, the plush champagne carpet, and the elaborate home entertainment centre, including a forty-eight-inch [122 cm] television, DVD player and stereo, and state-of-the-art computer with a large flat screen monitor all reflected the wealth of the occupant. The posters of pop singers the Jonas Brothers and of the singer/actress Lindsay Lowen and of classic cars on the walls, the shelf of swimming and soccer trophies and ribbons, the grade seven school books and Harry Potter novels, the photo of his mother and father on his desk, and souvenirs from various holidays taken with his parents also reflected the interests of a typical twelve-year-old boy.

Still holding Nick's hand, Billy Bob headed straight for the large, king-sized bed and hopped up on it and pulled Nick down beside him. Everything just seemed to flow naturally from there. The toddler knelt up on the bed and gave his host a long French kiss, and as the boy felt the youngster's tongue slipping between his lips and sliding over his, his dick begin to swell. He had never heard of such a kiss before never mind experience it. As the twelve-year-old sat there in surprise and embarrassment, the toddler sat back down and pulled down the older boy's fly and began to fumble with his belt, finally asking Billy to help him. Nick had wondered just what he was going to do with Billy while he got another blow job from the toddler, and had taken out some of his favourite videos and video games he'd thought the boy might like and put them in one of the guest rooms.

Though he was embarrassed having the ten-year-old boy sit on the other side of him and help the toddler undo his belt and then help him pull down his pants, he didn't know what to say or do, and it was erotic. It did solve the problem of how he was going to keep Billy occupied while he had sex with Billy Bob. As the disrobing progressed, Billy and Billy Bob unbuttoning and removing their host's shirt and then removing his shoes and socks and finally together pushing down his underwear and removing it and his trousers, and then Billy and Nicholas stripping down Billy Bob, and finally Billy Bob and Nick, both now naked, stripping Billy, Nick began feeling more and more aroused and more and more at ease. He'd never considered having sex with Billy at the same time as with the toddler, but when you thought about it, it did make sense. Considering what Billy Bob had done to him in the restaurant and Billy's acceptance of it as if it was nothing unusual, Billy and the toddler evidently had to have done things together also. That awareness made Nick feel a bit better, knowing he wasn't the only one who was engaging in sex with a thirty-nine-month-old boy. Actually, when you came right down to it, the three of them were just messing around, and having a boy closer to his age messing around too was actually more comforting than had it been just he and the toddler, somehow giving justification for messing around with the child.

That it was the child who took the lead was also comforting, and discomforting at the same time. With Billy Bob initiating things he couldn't be accused of taking advantage of the child, but at the same time, as the oldest guy there he felt that he should be the one taking the initiative. Fortunately he didn't have much time to think about it. Wrestling Nick onto his back, the naked toddler sat on his chest and leaned over and began giving the twelve-year-old boy his unique blow job, slipping his lips over the boy's cockhead and blowing his spittle up the core of the preteen's rapidly swelling cock, while Billy laid down between his legs and began to lick and suck on his balls which were just beginning to develop fine, silky hairs. By the time Nick was fully erect, so were Billy and Billy Bob. Having him raise his legs in the air, Billy Bob continued with his blow job, now sucking on the boy's swollen cock with his flat stomach as a pillow for his head while Billy crouched behind him and began to rim him. That was another first for the boy and gave him a whole new meaning of "suckhole." The twelve-year-old squirmed and threw back his head in ecstasy as Billy ran the tip of his tongue around his anus and inserted it in his opening.

A couple minutes later Billy and Billy Bob raised Nick's ass still higher on the pillows from his bed. As Billy knelt behind him and pressed the tip of his rigid cock against the older boy's aroused pucker, Nick realized his intention but made no attempt to stop him he was feeling so randy from the rimming and the blow job he had received. When Billy told him to push out with his stomach like he was taking a dump, it was evident that this was not the younger boy's first time. That he was so inexperienced was embarrassing, but at the same time it was comforting having someone who knew what he was doing for his first time. He did as he was told, and ever so slowly he felt Billy's slender cocklet entering his rectum until the boy's naked pubes were pressing against his ass cheeks. After a pause, the boy slowly drew back, drawing his stiff cock back out, and Nick trembled with the unique sensation. He'd wondered what it would be like to fuck someone, but never what it might feel like to be the one fucked. That he was being fucked by another boy, rather than being disgusting or filthy as he'd expected, it felt surprisingly erotic.

So, while Billy Bob sucked eagerly on the twelve-year-old's swollen, benumbed cock, Billy slowly screwed his ass. Never in his wildest erotic daydreams had Nick ever considered such a scenario, but it would be once he'd think about many times in the future. It felt fantastic. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as he felt his anus burn and itch with a pleasant, erotic irritation and he worked his anus in time with the thrusts and withdrawals of the boy fucking him, tightening his sphincter as the boy withdrew and then relaxing as the boy sank his hard, slender cock back up his ass. He closed his eyes with the itching pleasure circling his asshole and the unique throbbing of his rectum, and with the more familiar pleasure of the itchy burning of his knob and the novel experience of having his young cock throbbing hotly in the vigorously sucking mouth of a three-year-old toddler.

Never had it taken him so long to cum, and the extended time was pure delight. His cock felt bigger than it ever had, and it felt so numb and swollen it almost felt as if it was detached. The throbbing of his stiff preteen bone and the burning stimulation about the knob seemed to be lasting forever, and combined with the unique pleasure of having his butthole stretched and stimulated by another boy's cock, the twelve-year-old was dizzy with ecstasy. When he finally did cum, he constricted his anus about the thrusting cock up his ass and trembled with delight as he felt the first spurt blast out of his cock and into the eager mouth of the toddler. At the same time he felt both Billy and Billy Bob tremble and heard them gasp with their own orgasms which magnified his own pleasure.

It was mind-boggling and he was dizzy with delight. Not only was this the most powerful and the most pleasurable climax he'd ever experienced, it was so different. Instead of cumming in a series of sudden, rapid spurts and being over in a matter of seconds, he seemed to be cumming in slow motion, each squirt lasting several seconds before the next started. While he squirted his thin, watery preteen cum into the toddler's mouth, he felt a tremendous pleasure, not just physical, but mental also, the pleasure of having brought the other two in his bed the same pleasure as he was feeling. Both Billy and Billy Bob were quivering and gasping with their own orgasms, and somehow in addition to his own pleasure he was feeling the pleasure the two of them were feeling besides.

It was a good half hour before the three of them recovered enough to speak.

"Man, that was totally wicked."

"Yeah, it was," agreed Billy.

"That kid brother of yours sure knows how to give a blow job."

"Oh, Billy Bob's not my brother."

"No? Well, cousin then."

"He's not my cousin either," Billy advised with a grin. Nick looked at him curiously. "He's my son."

"Ah, yeah, sure, your son," Nick said with a grin.

"Really." Billy proceeded to explain about Bobby and the mysterious oriental and the strange frog-like statue, and how he'd gotten pregnant, and the details of Billy Bob's birth.

"Oh man, and they say I have a wild imagination."

"It's not imaginary. It's the truth."

"Yeah, sure."

"Tis," Billy Bob confirmed with a tone far too serious for a three-year-old. "You wanna do it again?" he asked, just as seriously.

"You bet!"

They did it again, and a third time. By then if Billy had told him Billy Bob had hatched from an egg he'd laid he'd have believed him.

As the new year began, things returned back to their usual routines. Billy, his cousin Taylor and his newest friend Nicholas all returned to school. All three boys were good students and enjoyed learning and the comradery of their classmates, Billy and Taylor in the public school and Nicholas in the city's top private school. Of course it helped that all three had good teachers. By then Billy had learned that there were five kids of adults. There were those adults who liked kids and really understood them, adults like his parents and like Bobby and his uncle Ted and Taylor's grade one teacher Miss Schneider and his grade five teacher Mrs Thompson. Then there were those adults who liked kids but didn't understand them so well, which seemed to be most of the adults he'd encountered in his ten years. Third were adults who neither liked nor disliked kids. They just weren't interested in kids and were usually interested in other stuff they thought was important. Bobby's wife was one of those adults. Then there were those adults who disliked kids. A guy could sense their discomfort right away as soon as a guy got near them. He had an old aunt like that. Actually, it was his mother's aunt. She'd never married and had kids and when she was around them she got all nervous and worried like. Billy didn't like being around her any more than she liked being around him. At least she was honest about it. There were other adults who didn't like kids but pretended that they did. His dad's boss was like that, always smiling and reaching over and tousling a guy's hair and stuff like that, but it was all fake. If there was one thing a kid could tell, it was when an adult was a fake. Then there were those adults who actually hated kids, adults who beat kids or tricked them or were mean to them, and those who made up dumb laws about kids that treated kids like there were slaves or morons. He'd never met him, but Billy figured his buddy Aaron's step-dad was one of those adults.

Although he couldn't express it in words like Billy, Billy Bob was very much aware of the five types of adults also, and even more astute in recognizing them. Life had become routine again for him too. When Bobby had short runs, he accompanied him in his big eighteen-wheeler, happily sitting up in his seat and watching the world as it went by. On longer runs he went to the Kiddyland Daycare during the day and stayed with his little daddy's friend Aaron and Aaron's older brother Jimmy and his lover Calvin in the evenings and nights. Bobby's wife had come to accept that they were going to be looking after what she'd been told was the son of Bobby's unwed cousin for an indefinite period, and as long as she didn't have to look after him and he didn't interfere with her life, she was content with that. Actually, Billy Bob, sensing her indifference, was glad he could stay with Aaron when he couldn't stay with his big daddy. Besides, that also made it easier for his little daddy, Billy, to come and play with him.

Billy liked to play with him, especially cars and trucks, and they'd both pretend to be truckers like Bobby. Billy also took him to playgrounds and pushed him on the swings and played on the teeter totters with him. Like at the daycare, Billy Bob quickly made friends with the children who came to the playgrounds to play on a regular basis, charming their mothers with his cherubic looks and smiles and introducing the boys to the joys of playing with their weenies and discretely continuing his recruiting of boys for boylovers by introducing them to more intimate pleasures in the washrooms and behind bushes and flowerbeds. When you are three, it isn't that hard to find a hiding place even if just for a few minutes.

That spring it was announced that due to a lack of funding and the declining number of children, the state-run orphanage for boys in the city was closing down and the boys would be sent to an orphanage for boys and girls in another state. Times had changed. More and more mothers were keeping their out of wedlock babies and there were more and more common law living arrangements. Also, young mothers were preferring private adoptions or arrangements where they could continue seeing their babies, so there were simply fewer and fewer babies being put into state orphanages. Besides, the philosophy on raising children had changed. Agencies today preferred to place children who'd lost their parents or who were being separated from their parents in foster care or in smaller group homes maintained by religious groups and charitable organizations, making large state orphanages obsolete.

Calvin didn't give a crap about any of that and was only aware of what was happening because he knew some dealers and had some clients who had been raised in the orphanage as kids themselves, or because of their lifestyles knew friends who knew friends who had sons living at the orphanage. Then he got a phone call. The fellow didn't say who he was other than he was a priest or something of some religion Calvin had never heard of. The fellow suggested he and Jimmy buy the old orphanage and fix it up, with money that would be made available to them, and start up an agency that would promote help for boys, providing temporary care for babies being put up for adoption, counselling and social support services for boys who had lost their parents or had to be separated from them because they were in abusive homes, a group home for troubled boys, perhaps even an adoption service for international adoptions from third world countries, which were becoming a fad with the rich and famous as a result of much publicized adoptions by rich movie stars and singers. It sounded chancy, but the caller was prepared to totally fund the project and handle all the paperwork, so they really had nothing to lose, and it was certainly a better income that relying on Calvin's drug dealing. It was, the man said, an investment that would benefit all involved many times over. A week later the local paper announced that the orphanage had been purchased by the Rana Anshar Ministry, which would be providing support for boys in the city, including the present residents of the orphanage, with Calvin Bernstein and Jimmy Fields listed as local contacts. The first problem was that neither Calvin nor Jimmy had a clue who or what the Rana Anshar Ministry was.

With the arrival of Easter and the spring break, Nicholas and his parents headed to New York to visit his father's parents, and while there, of course to go shopping on Fifth Avenue, one of his mother's favourite Easter traditions. Spotting an import and export store, his mother could not resist going inside and Nicholas reluctantly had no choice but to follow. While his mother browsed, he wandered about aimlessly, until he spotted a statue almost hidden behind some large Ming Dynasty vases, a statue that looked very much like an ugly, pregnant frog with an extra pair of legs and a huge, erect dick.

"It would look very nice on the shelf beside your swimming trophies, don't you think?"

Nicholas jumped, almost knocking over the nearest vase. He hadn't heard the old man sneak up behind him. He looked and sounded just like Billy had described. This was impossible.

"How do you know about my swimming trophies?"

"You look like a boy who would have swimming trophies," the old oriental said softly with a tilt of his head. "You have the body of a swimmer, and I suspect whatever you do, you do it very well." That was a rather vague answer, and a bit obsequious, but Nicholas could not argue with it. "Of course as you are already aware, the Gargoyle is not for sale, but only for loan for those who are meant to have it," he said, putting the statue in a box. "As for these," he said, taking out a small plain brown envelope and putting it into the box also, "four hundred dollars is only pocket change for a boy like you. An investment that will benefit both of us many times over," he observed with a knowing smile.

As the months progressed, Taylor continued to gain weight. Busy with her law practice and preoccupied with making a good impression on the new firm in her first year, his mother hadn't noticed at first but eventually it was impossible to hide the pregnant six year old's condition from her. The morning sickness, the difficulty standing and sitting down, his obviously sore back, his frequent trips to the bathroom to pee, his swollen feet, and his sudden craving for dill pickles, it was obvious what the problem was except for the fact he was a six-year-old boy. She insisted that they take Taylor to see a doctor. Fortunately, with the move they had not established a new family doctor yet, and being in the middle of a big case, it was going to be difficult for her to find time to get away to see one. So Ted offered to take Taylor in himself, and returned with the news Taylor had a virus and they simply had to make sure he had plenty of rest and nourishment and the condition would clear up by mid April. He hated lying to his wife, but she would never have believed him if he'd told her the truth.

There was of course the other problem as to what they were going to do when the condition did "clear up." They had considered using Bobby's story about a distant cousin having a baby out of wedlock and asking Ted to look after it temporarily, but Ted figured his wife would wonder why a relative he'd never mentioned before would ask him to do such a thing. They considered leaving the baby with Jimmy and Calvin and paying them for looking after him, regardless if this new endeavour of theirs got off the ground or not, but that was asking a lot of them even if they could use the money. Besides, once the baby was born, they were not sure they could part with him that easily. They finally came up with the story that a colleague of his had been in a car accident with his wife, and his colleague had asked if he'd look after their baby while they were in the hospital as they had no relatives and he knew how Ted liked children. It was pretty lame and only short term, but it was the best they could come up with and time was growing short, and there was the advantage that the recovery could take considerably longer than anyone had anticipated.

Fortunately the day the baby arrived was the Friday after Good Friday. Ted's wife was at work and Ted had stayed home, Taylor having spent a particularly rough night. Taylor was still on his spring break from school, as was Billy who was there with him and knew exactly what to do. After timing his contractions, Billy had his cousin remove his baggy trousers and lie on the bed with his buttocks propped up on a stack of pillows. Though he felt embarrassed and was more than a little doubtful for the need, Ted deferred to the wisdom of his young nephew and stripped off his trousers and underwear and laid down beside his gasping, grimacing son and began to stroke his tiny dink, which looked even smaller hanging below his protruding stomach which was now bulging out like a large watermelon. To his surprise it did seem to ease his son's pain, or, he figured, more likely distracted him from the pain he was feeling. Every man knows the power of the pleasure of a stroked cock. Even so, what he found even more surprising was that both he and his son quickly became rock hard and he was feeling hornier than he had for a long time.

Still figuring it was wrong and giving in only because Billy was so insistent and he was so maddingly horny, Ted greased up his son's asshole and his swollen dick with Vaseline. Feeling totally foolish and perverted as hell, Ted knelt behind his son as his nephew had told him to and placed the tip of his greased cock against his son's lubricated hole. He ever so slowly pushed his hips forward and as Taylor pushed out with his stomach and opened up his anus, he slowly began to ease his cock into his young son's rectum. The two of them grunted and snorted and little Taylor's stomach heaved as he strained to accept his father. Fortunately the lubrication and past practice made it not that difficult. He soon had his thick, stiff cock buried up the butt of his grossly pregnant son.

He was grateful that Billy chose that moment to slip away to get a wash basin and warm towels. Assuring that his son was all right, he slowly eased his hips back, drawing his cock back out of Taylor's rectum, and then slowly sank it back up his asshole until Taylor's tiny, smooth eggs were nestled in his coarse hairs. Taylor's breathing was deep and slow, but he assured his father he was feeling all right as he reached up and began to jerk his stiff little cocklet. Satisfied, Ted continued to gently fuck his pregnant son. Billy returned with the basin and towels all too soon. Ted felt embarrassed as hell kneeling there on his son's bed and fucking his raised ass in front of his ten-year-old nephew while his son jerked his little cock. Both Billy and Bobby had insisted it had to be done and they had to know, but that didn't lessen his feeling of shame. He inhaled and exhaled deeply himself as he worked his hips to and fro, fucking his panting, gasping son as slowly and as gently as he could while his son continued to wank his swollen cocklet.

Although it sounded perverted, he had to admit it was highly erotic, and it was evident from the brightness in his eyes and the way he was squirming that Taylor was getting as much pleasure out of it as he was. That at least made him feel better and he began to speed up his thrusts and withdrawals and at the same time Taylor began to beat his little meat harder. It was not long before Ted was spurting his cum up his six-year-old son's rectum and his son was jerking wildly on his back with his own orgasm.

As Billy and Bobby had said it would, the fucking of his son's ass and the jerking off of his little cocklet initiated the birthing process. As Ted withdrew his still stiff cock, Taylor grunted and heaved his stomach upward and opened his anus as wide as he could. Feeling the baby inside him move into position, he gritted his teeth and clenched his eyes shut tightly as he pushed even harder as if he was constipated and taking the biggest dump of his life. That was exactly how it felt as he felt something enter his rectum and begin to stretch open his anus, much like it was when his dad fucked him except this time the stretching was from the inside out.

"Yes," called out Billy excitedly. "It's happening! Keep pushing!"

Taylor grasped his father's big hands tightly and yelled out with the pain as he pushed as hard as he could, and feeling his anus stretch open even wider and the object in his rectum push against his anus, he bit his lower lip and pushed again, inhaled deeply, and snorted out his breath as he pushed once more. And then the baby's head was out, and then his shoulders, and the rest popped out quickly, much to Taylor's relief, and to everyone's delight. He was a small baby, just under five pounds [2250 gram], and fortunately an easy birth considering. Baptised in Vaseline and his little daddy's shit and ass slime and his big daddy's cum shot, the little, sticky boy howled his displeasure. He was the most beautiful thing the three of them in the room had ever seen. Wiping him off with the warm towels, Billy handed him to Taylor and the little tyke quickly settled into his little daddy's arms and instinctively found Taylor's nipple. As he began to drink his first daddy milk, his big daddy wrapped his arm about his sweat-streaked, beaming six-year-old son and looked down at his new baby with disbelief and undescribable joy. Billy and Bobby had been right. Having sex with his son did more than initiate the birth of their son. It was a spiritual experience that bonded the three of them. As Billy looked on, he knew exactly how the two of them were feeling.

By the time Cheryl Marple returned home that evening, the evidence of the baby's birth had been disposed of and father and son had rehearsed their concocted story well. She was of course sympathetic, as Ted knew she would be, and knowing how much her husband wanted a child, she figured this just might be the next best thing, especially if she made it clear he'd have to do the looking after as she was at the moment far too busy. Perhaps after a couple weeks of changing diapers and sleepless nights and three a.m. feedings he'd have second thoughts about having a child. Ted and Taylor, on the other hand, were hoping that after a couple weeks of having a baby in the house, she'd want to keep it.

It was early June before Bobby noticed that Billy had gained weight, more than a healthy, growing ten-year-old should, and all of it stomach.

"I've been having dizzy spells, and my feet are always swollen too," Billy observed. "I think maybe I'm pregnant again."

"Pregnant?" Bobby asked in surprise. He looked at the ten-year-old suspiciously. "Have you seen that old Chinese?"

"No," Billy replied, knowing whom Bobby meant. "And I haven't seen that frog statue thing nor been sticking those pill things up my bum either. The only thing that's been up my bum is your cock and Billy Bob's," he said with an impish grin.

Bobby reached over and pulling up his oversized shirt Billy had taken to wearing, for obvious reasons, he pushed down his baggy pants and stroked the boy's distended stomach gently. "Then without the suppositories, I don't think you can be pregnant. Just been eating too many cheese burgers and ice cream I suspect."

"It feels the same as when I was carrying Billy Bob though."

By the end of June with his bulging stomach, morning sickness, and constant hunger, there was no question that the ten-year-old boy was pregnant.

"I don't see how this could have happened. You swear you didn't take those suppositories?"

"No, honest, I told you. I'd never do something like that without talking to you about it," Billy said, his large blue eyes wide with innocence and his voice cracking with emotion. That Bobby would think he'd do such a thing without talking to him about it hurt. "You aren't happy I'm pregnant?" he asked fearfully. This had not been the response he'd expected from Bobby.

"Of course I am. There's just complications."




"It costs money to raise a child for one. My wife hasn't said anything about the extra cost of raising Billy Bob, but I think she'd say something if I told her we had another child to raise." He ran his large, beefy hand over Billy's taut, swollen abdomen. "From the looks of your tummy and what you've been telling me, we'll at least likely be fortunate you'll give birth while we're on holiday together, but there's the problem of raising the child afterward. I doubt my wife is going to believe the story of another unwanted child from a distant cousin. I really don't know what I can tell her." He shook his head as he frowned. "I don't see how I'm going to be able to raise another child."

"I thought you wanted to have another baby," Billy said, his eyes beginning to brim with tears. "I'm sorry. I thought you'd be happy."

"Of course I'd like another child," Bobby said, taking the boy in his arms. "Next to meeting you, Billy Bob has been the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's just that having a baby is something that has to be planned. This is a big surprise."

"When I first noticed, it was a surprise to me too."

"I still don't see how it could have happened. Every birth we've ever known about has required the presence of the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity and use of the suppositories. Maybe this is a false pregnancy."

"False pregnancy?"

"When a woman wants to have a baby but can't, sometimes in her mind she's convinced that she is pregnant, and her body behaves like it is, except there's no baby in her womb."

"Oh." Billy looked down at his swollen belly sadly. Despite the problems it was causing, he really did want another baby with Bobby. "It really feels like when I was pregnant with Billy Bob," he observed hopefully.

"I'm not saying you're not pregnant," Bobby said sympathetically, knowing that Billy really wanted another baby, and despite the problems, wanting another baby with Billy himself. "It's just so strange. We've done it hundreds of times since Billy Bob was born, probably a thousand, without anything happening. I didn't even consider that we might need contraception." Bobby frowned. He could not come up with a logical answer. His frown slowly turned into a smile. He was trying to find a logical explanation how a ten-year-old boy had gotten pregnant. Now there was one for the books. "Have you been doing it with anyone else?"

"Un-unh," Billy replied, shaking his head. "Not, you know, that. I've done other stuff with guys, like sucking and jerking off and stuff with Taylor and Aaron, but you're the only one who has ever, ever fucked my bum," Billy said. "Well, you and Billy Bob."

"Well, I think we can rule out Billy Bob of being responsible," Bobby said with a smile. "He's a pretty amazing tyke, but I don't think he's quite old enough to be cumming yet."

Billy smiled. There had been one time, just after Billy Bob had first started doing it to him, that he'd thought he'd felt something shoot up his bum, but he'd checked when Billy Bob pulled his little dicky out and it wasn't dripping that baby making stuff that Bobby made and nor was his bum like when he and Bobby did it. It was only that one time, so he had figured it had to have been his imagination. Things get pretty wild when you're fucking and you feel all sorts of things. He decided not to mention it now. Bobby would just think he was foolish. It was like Bobby said. It couldn't be Billy Bob. He wasn't even four yet. He was going to be eleven in September and even he couldn't make baby making stuff yet.

"Well, don't you worry about it. We'll figure out what's happening to you, and if you are pregnant, we'll work something out," Bobby said, giving Billy a tight squeeze and a kiss on the forehead.

"Cool," Billy said, giving his hairy bear a big hug also. He knew Bobby would figure things out. "We got any dill pickles and ice cream?"

Chapter 14

With the arrival of July, Bobby, his ten-year-old boymate Billy, and their son Billy Bob, now three years and eleven months old, were looking forward to what had become their annual vacation in the Tetons. Meeting up with old friends was always special, and even more so when those friends shared the same secret relationship and special love as they did. For the two parents was also the pleasure of showing off their young son upon which they both doted. In that regard they were no different from any other parents who were proud of their child's development and eager to share their experiences with him of the past year. For Billy Bob was also the pleasure of being able to spend all day and all night with his two most favourite people in the whole world, his big daddy and his little daddy. Billy was also looking forward to seeing and playing with boys his own age in the splendour of the Tetons, and especially to introducing his cousin Taylor and Taylor's little three-month-old son, Jacob, to his friends and his uncle Ted to other men who were also boylovers and who had experienced the miraculous creation of life that he recently had. And for Bobby, was also the hope that these other boylovers might have an explanation how it was that his boymate had gotten pregnant again, without the benefit of suppositories or the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity.

As they pulled into the campground, they kept an eye out for the familiar Bowler and were delighted to see it was there, and that the camping spot beside it was vacant as was the one beside that. They pulled in to the first, and Ted and his son Taylor pulled in with their rented RV beside them. Kyle, now twenty-two, his boymate Kevin who was the same age as Billy, ten years and ten months, and their little son, Korby, who at three years and two months was nine months younger than Billy Bob, were sitting outside in their campsite and immediately came over to greet the newcomers.

"Wow, was I ever glad when I saw there was a site right beside you guys," Billy said as he gave Kevin a hug.

"When you said you were going to be here this summer, with your cousin and uncle, Kyle reserved the two sites beside us for youse," Kevin said, beaming up at his lover proudly.

"Fucking awesome," Billy said with an even wider grin. Another thing he liked about being away at the private camp was that he could use words like that and nobody minded.

After introducing his uncle and cousin and their son, Billy headed off to play on the extensive playground equipment with Kevin and Taylor, the three of them still being boys despite having sons of their own, leaving the adults to get acquainted and their little ones to take a nap. That evening they had supper together, Kyle barbequing a pile of hamburgers, Bobby frying up a mess of French fries, and Ted cooking up a pot of spicy barbequed beans, one of his specialities. After stuffing themselves, they sat back and relaxed and Taylor opened up his shirt and began to breast feed his little three-month-old son, Jacob, Billy having assured him previously that it was all right to do so openly here at the camp. The sight of the cherubic, pug-nosed seven-year-old looking down at his baby, his chocolate brown eyes filled with love and happiness as he proudly bared his breast and his little son eagerly fastening his lips to the proffered nipple and beginning to suck brought back pleasant memories for all of them, and especially Billy and Kevin who knew the indescribable pleasure of having a little baby, your own son, sucking on your teat, and of having your milk spurting out your nipple with each suck. It was, Billy had once told Bobby, almost as good as having an orgasm.

"That sure brings back memories," Kyle observed as he watched the cherubic young boy feeding his infant son.

"Yes, it sure does," observed Bobby. It seemed like an appropriate time and place to bring up his problem. "Have you and Kevin ever considered having a second son?"

Kyle and Kevin looked at each other and Bobby immediately sensed their discomfort. The two looked like little children that had just been caught with their hands in a cookie jar. Of all of those at the campground, he'd felt the most comfortable raising the real question on his mind with the two of them, but seeing their discomfort was sorry now he'd raised the matter of having babies. "Yes, we have," Kyle said after a moment, glancing over at Kevin. "As a matter of fact," he continued, having been given a subtle okay by Kevin, "we're thinking perhaps Kevin's pregnant again."

"You do? Why that's great. Congratulations," Bobby said, extending his hand.

"Yeah! Fucking awesome," Billy agreed, and Ted and Taylor congratulated the couple also.

"Well, we're not certain. It's just seemed to have happened out of the blue. What I mean is, we haven't gotten any more of those suppositories, but Kevin's showing all the signs."

"So's Billy," Bobby said, having first glanced at Billy who had eagerly nodded his assent. They had talked about raising the question of his pregnancy on the way to the Tetons, and like Bobby, he felt most comfortable talking to Kevin and Kyle before talking to the others at the campground.

"You mean, you two are expecting too?"

"We're pretty certain, but we haven't used any suppositories either. I'm thinking it could be one of those false pregnancy situations. You know about them?"

"Oh yeah, sure. That was what I thought it might be at first too."

"Well, we'll know soon enough. Billy should be popping in just over a week."

"You mean, pooping, don't you?" Billy said impishly, and the three boys laughed.

"Well, you're along a lot further than us. We're guessing Kevin's nine weeks along. He's had morning sickness for three weeks now."

That would make him about half way through his term. Now that his condition was drawn to their condition, Bobby and Ted could see that the ten-year-old was just starting to show. Billy, on the other hand, without his baggy pants and oversized shirt, was looking like he'd swallowed a watermelon whole. It had gotten to the point where his parents had noticed, and were afraid he'd come down with the same thing he had four years ago, and though he couldn't tell them so, Billy was hoping that he had.

"So you think it's possible without the suppositories, or the Gargoyle?" Bobby asked. He'd never been clear just what the Gargoyle had to do with a boy getting pregnant, but he'd concluded the suppositories had to have been some sort of dormant eggs or something. It was the only thing that had made sense, if you can make sense out of a boy being able to get pregnant.

"It sure seems like."

"But how can that be possible?"

Kevin and Kyle glanced at each other again, this time clearly feeling uncomfortable. Bobby wasn't sure exactly why, unless it was Ted's presence though the man obviously not only knew their secret of making babies but had made one of his own so their hesitancy didn't quite make sense. Still, in hindsight, he realized perhaps he should have waited until he and Kyle were alone to have this discussion.

"Little Korby's been fucking your bum, hasn't he?" Billy asked Kevin with the insight and all the innocence of a ten-year-old, and with the delight of having guessed their concern. He was even more delighted discovering he was not alone in engaging in that act with his three-year-old baby. He enjoyed it, and so did Billy Bob, but he knew Bobby was uncomfortable with him having sex with his infant son and he felt guilty doing something that upset his hairy bear, his pet name for his lover.

"And Billy Bob's been fucking yours," Kevin observed as an answer, his eyes sparkling with the same delight and relief that he was not the only one getting his ass screwed by his three-year-old son. Like Billy, he enjoyed it, and he knew his son Korby did too, but he also knew if any adults found out they'd think him some sort of sicko pervert and though he didn't give a rat's ass what adults thought, that he might be the only one did bother him.

"Yep. He started about five months ago, when he was three and a half."

"Korby started doing it just after he turned three. For the first month I didn't dare turn my back on him or the little bugger was trying to screw my ass. He even tried doing me once in the grocery store when I bent over to get something on a bottom shelf," Kevin said with a grin and Billy and Taylor laughed.

"I was shocked when I first found out what was happening," Kyle observed, not sure if Bobby had been aware of what Billy and Billy-Bob had been doing and feeling a need to justify his position. "I mean Korby was only three years old! But Korby clearly initiated the whole thing, right from the start. I thought at first he was just imitating us. We've never hidden our sexual activities from him," he added with a blush as he looked at Kevin. "It was also quite evident he was thoroughly enjoying doing it. In fact I was beginning to wonder if I was going to get any of Kevin's ass anymore. The little tyke was always on it."

The others laughed and they could not help picturing the curly-haired little cherub happily humping his young daddy, and his lean, dark big daddy having to wait patiently for his turn. Each of them felt a stirring between their legs with the image.

"It was the same with Billy Bob," Billy observed. "For a while every time we saw each other he wanted to pull down my pants and stick his little dickey up my butt. Guess he got used to it after a while though cause after the first month he didn't try doing it so much and was just as happy to snuggle and well, you know, doing other sex stuff instead."

"I was shocked too when Billy told me what Billy Bob had been doing considering Billy Bob was just three and a half," Bobby said, "but they were both enjoying it and Billy Bob didn't seem to be in any harm doing it. Luckily he has restricted his sexual activities to the privacy of our homes," he observed, unaware of Billy Bob's extended activities at the Kiddyland Daycare and playgrounds. All of them could well imagine the sort of shit that would be stirred up if others discovered how sexually active the two toddlers were.

"When the two of you did it," began Kyle, looking at Billy intently, "was there any time that was different from the rest?"

"Yeah. Once. It felt like Billy Bob shot something up my bum. I could feel it."

"Me too!" exclaimed Kevin. "Just once."

"Yeah. Just once."

Bobby recalled Billy having mentioned that, but he'd passed it off as being the boy's imagination given the impossibility of such a thing. "So, you thinking the babies got the boys pregnant?" Bobby asked incredulously.

"No, I don't think so, at least not directly. I mean there's never been any sign of Korby being able to produce sperm, and certainly no other signs of puberty."

"Nor Billy Bob. So what then?"

"I'm thinking perhaps what the boys felt shoot up their rectums was maybe something like one of the suppositories, which I'm guessing were capsules containing eggs or something along that line," Kyle observed, which was along the same line as Bobby had been thinking. "It's sort of like, you know, in seahorses, where the female injects her eggs in an abdominal pouch in the male and he carries them and gives birth to their young."

"Male seahorses give birth, like us?" Billy asked, his eyes widening with interest.

"Well, sort of," Kyle smiled. "It's not a common thing in the animal world. And it's not very easy for them. They can have up to two hundred babies, and they come out over several days, and sometimes the male has to rub his pouch on rocks or something hard to eject them."

"It's not easy for us either," Kevin said with a grin. "'Cept we don't have two hundred babies, and we don't gotta rub our bellies on something hard."

"Can you imagine having two hundred babies!" Billy observed, his eyes growing wide with wonder. "We'd be fat as elephants!" The boys laughed. "But I do like to rub my belly on something hard," he observed impishly as he glanced at Bobby. "At least it gets hard." The boys laughed even harder, and the men had to smile too. Understanding and sharing in boyish humour was one of the many great pleasures of being a boylover.

"Kyle knows all sorts of neat stuff about sea animals and stuff. Tell them about sea cucumbers," Kevin said, glancing up at his twenty-two-year-old boylover with admiration.

"I don't think they want to hear about that," Kyle responded with an embarrassed chuckle, the blush causing his dark complexion to grow even darker.

"So you're thinking the babies planted something like a suppository, which we then fertilized," Bobby confirmed.

"Yeah. It's just a hypothesis, mind you. I have no proof, not even that the babies are capable of producing something, or ever did, though it would seem like they did, the two boys evidently having the same experiences. It's something Kevin and I were wanting to ask the others about."

"We'll have to do that," Bobby agreed. "Now tell us about sea cucumbers."

The next afternoon the nine of them headed out to one of the high alpine meadows, one of the many scenic spots surrounding the private campground. It was not a hard climb for anyone who was in shape, and they all were, and they took their time, the adults carrying the toddlers on their shoulders. Kevin, and especially Billy, had to pause occasionally given their conditions, but even though they were pregnant, they were ten-year-old boys and full of energy. Lying there in the fresh grass of the secluded meadow and admiring the delicate alpine flowers and majesty of the towering peaks around them, they'd never experienced such quiet nor felt such peace and contentment. Of course Billy Bob was soon out of his training pants and streaking about naked, quickly followed by Korby, and soon the others chucked their clothes and enjoyed the freedom and naturalness of nakedness as Adam must have in the first days of Eden, before the appearance of Eve and the snake and the temptation of the forbidden fruit.

Of course being naked was not the only thing that felt natural and soon the nine of them were enjoying what comes natural to free spirits. It began with Billy Bob and Korby sitting down in the midst of the alpine flowers and kissing and fiddling with each other's tiny dinkies. As they watched, Kevin and Kyle put their arms about each other and kissed, and their hands strayed down to fondle each other's dangling pricks and balls. They had been together three and a half years now, but their love for each other had not diminished in the slightest. For Billy and Bobby it had been almost four years now and they still felt the same love and lust for each other as the first time the burly trucker had humped the six-year-old boy in his newly painted bedroom and they quickly followed suit, followed by Taylor and Ted, the father and son unaccustomed to such open and spontaneous displays of love and affection and self-conscious but delighted with the frankness and trust of the others, their son Jacob meanwhile sleeping contentedly beside them.

The dark-eyed, dark-haired twenty-two-year-old marine biologist kissed his boymate's lips and cheek, pecking his way down his neck and over his smooth chest. His eyes half-closed, he sucked on the sensitive teats of his pregnant ten-year-old boymate, and the boy cupped his boylover's pendant, hairy balls and rolled the large eggs in their sack gently and lovingly with years of experience. The two lovers inhaled deeply with the physical pleasure of their foreplay and each with the sheer delight of bringing the one they loved the most exquisite pleasure one lover can bring another. Their cocks slowly began to swell and to rise up, Kyle's slender and cut and rising up seven inches [18 cm] above his thick thatch of black hair that spread up over his belly, ten-year-old Kevin's no thicker than his lover's thumb and cut also and an impressive four inches [10 cm], jutting out under his smooth pubes. Lying on his back, Kevin spread his legs and raised his hips and Kyle knelt between the boy's milk-white thighs and guided the tip of his blood-engorged cock to his eager hole. He bowed his head, as if giving thanks for what he was about to receive, and drooled a thick gob of spittle over his bulb. Spreading the slime over his turgid flesh, he drooled a second gob on his beloved's pucker and worked the slime into the eager hole. Ever so slowly he eased forward and his gob-slick cock and Kevin's gob-slick hole touched and joined, the young man slowly and gently sliding his manhood up the boy's love chute with years of practice. Both were hot and eager and had enjoyed this special pleasure thousands of times over the past three and a half years.

Lying beside them in a sixty-nine position, Bobby and Billy hungrily licked each other's swollen, blood-engorged cock, their foreplay having gotten them fully aroused and eager for the familiar pleasure they knew each other's mouth could bring. Their personal preference was fucking as Kyle and Kevin were doing, but given Billy's condition, they were not about to chance something so rough, for no matter how gentle Bobby swore he would be, once he got his swollen cock inside his love boy he was driven mad with lust, a lust that his wife had never aroused in him. Even though they loved each other, she would never do to him what Billy presently was, the ten-year-old wrapping his fist about his swollen cock at the base as he leaned forward and swiping his tongue over Bobby's knob like he was licking a strawberry ice cream cone. From the glistening in the youngster's eyes and the eagerness with which he swirled his tongue over the blood-engorged knob, he was clearly enjoying the taste just as much.

Taylor and his father had assumed the same position as Kevin and Kyle. The self-conscious the two had initially felt fondling each other and kissing in the presence of the others had faded away as their lust grew and the blood began to pump more hotly through their veins and through their swelling flesh. They yielded to their swelling desires, and as out of the corner of their eyes they saw the lust and the love of the other two pairs, their love for each other grew still more knowing that there were others who felt the same forbidden love and the same delight as they did. They were not alone, and their hearts were lightened by that knowledge as they kissed and their swollen cocks pressed against each other's naked body, the father's hard, thick cock pressing against the smooth, flat belly of his son's, the son's slender, three-inch [7½ cm] boner pressing hotly against his father's hairy, muscular stomach.

Taylor eagerly spread apart his legs and pushed out with his stomach as his father slowly eased his cock up his ass, the two having used their spittle for lube also, Taylor having blown his spit up his father's hairy asshole and his father having goobered over his swollen cock. They panted and grunted with the effort to unite, like two rutting animals, unashamed of their lust, and they inhaled deeply with the pleasure of initial penetration, the boy closing his eyes with delight as he felt his father's cockhead spread apart his sphincter and finally pop inside and his hard, hot cock sink deep up his body, and the man throwing back his head and groaning with the ecstasy of feeling his aching cock penetrating his son and his son's hot, moist rectum enveloping his bone. No matter how many times he did it he could not help marvel how delightful it felt to penetrate his son, how delightful and how different it was fucking his son's ass compared to fucking his wife's cunt. He found pleasure screwing his wife, but this was so much better, so much hotter, so much more pleasurable. It was an act that they engaged in together fully with an equal desire and an equal feeling of pleasure, which made all the difference in the world. His son, having just turned seven last month, knew what it was like to have a stiff, itching, aching cock, and the boy worked his sphincter and his rectal muscles in time with his father's thrusts and withdrawals, working his asshole not just in response to his own pleasure but to bring his father pleasure also. The father, likewise, knew the lust the boy was feeling in his loins and that the boy's stiff cock, though so much smaller than his own, was aching with the same itch as his was.

Taylor's stiff little cocklet was aching and twitching with desire as the boy instinctively worked his rectum in time with his father's thrusts and withdrawals, tightening his anal grip on his father's throbbing bone as it withdrew and relaxing his grip as his father plunged his cock back up his asshole. Nobody had told him to do it that way. He had not read it anywhere. He just knew to do it. He knew that it brought his father pleasure, and he knew that was what having sex was all about, two people bringing each other pleasure. The seven-year-old inhaled and exhaled deeply as he felt his father's cock pumping in and out of his body and as he heard his father's steady, laboured breathing. He knew what it was like when your dink got swollen and achey, and he knew the pleasure and relief that he was bringing his father. That it was bringing him pleasure also made what they were doing all the better. It was with those thoughts that he slowly reached down and began to stroke his own swollen, achey cocklet, knowing what he was feeling his father had to be feeling tenfold with his humongous cock.

Three years older, Kevin was of the same mind as Taylor. He too worked his sphincter in time with Kyle's thrusts and withdrawals, and he too reached down and stroked his own stiff cock as his lover thrust his throbbing organ in and out of his body. He was so lucky to have found Kyle, so lucky to have someone who really loved him and cared about him. He looked up though his long, fluttering eyelashes at the face of his lover, who looked back down at him, his steel-blue eyes blurred with lust. Sweat was beading on his forehead and trickling down his chest, dampening the matt of dark hair covering his chest. Kevin could smell his sweat and he inhaled deeply, delighting in the erotic fragrance. Those who felt two guys having sex was sinful or disgusting were so totally wrong. How could anything that felt so pleasurable be sinful or disgusting? And those who felt it was disgusting for a twenty-two-year-old to have sex with a ten-year-old and that it should be illegal were so stupid. How could something that brought two people such pleasure, that two people did out of their love for each other, be disgusting? Why should it be illegal?

The same thoughts would have been going on in Billy's head also had the ten-year-old not been so caught up in the pleasure he was feeling at the moment. He sucked on his hairy bear's thick, throbbing cock hungrily, delighting in its unique taste and smell and in the immense joy of knowing the pleasure he was giving the husky truck driver, the same pleasure that the trucker's mouth and tongue were bringing him. He squirmed with delight as his swollen dicklet throbbed and began to tingle with a spreading numbness as his beefy lover slipped his lips up and down the length of his little cocklet and as his hot, moist tongue swirled around his sensitive knob, sending burning tingles of pleasure through the swollen bulb. The ten-year-old sucked deeply on the thick, turgid flesh in his mouth, eager to bring his hairy bear the same pleasure as he was feeling, eager to drink his thick man-juice as his tummy swollen with the man's love child rose and fell.

Sitting nearby, Korby and Billy Bob stroked each other's little weenies as the two toddlers watched their fathers. The two babies could sense the intense pleasure their big daddies and little daddies were feeling, and they could have combined their daddies' pleasure with their own and broadcast it across the meadow, but they refrained from doing so. It was not necessary. All three men and all three boys were already hot with arousal and throbbing hotly with pleasure as they approached their orgasms, and the air was thick with sexual tension as the members of each pair worked together toward that ultimate peak of ecstasy. The two babies squeezed each other's swollen little dicklet with an innocence and a purity that was natural, and that even at their tender ages repressed and sullied by the outside world as they watched their daddies reach that blissful pinnacle.

The two ten-year-olds, Kevin and Billy, and the recently turned seven year old, Taylor, trembled as their dry orgasms hit and their young, smooth bodies contorted and jerked uncontrollably with that electric pleasure that shot though their groins and up their spines, causing their loins to go weak and their limbs to twitch. Kevin and Taylor clenched their sphincters tightly as they trembled with their orgasms, and as they felt their lovers tremble also and the first shot of that hot, thick man-juice spurt up their rectums. Billy too was rewarded with the first spurt of his lover's hot, tart cum and he eagerly swallowed the uniquely-flavoured slime. Kyle and Bobby shot violently and with the same delightful slowness and volume that they had become accustomed to, thanks to their young sons. Spurt after spurt of love juice erupted from their bodies, Kyle's up the hot, throbbing asshole of his boymate, Bobby's down the throat of his eagerly swallowing ten-year-old beloved. Their swollen cocks throbbed out their juices and the tips burned with pleasure as shot after shot erupted from their swollen balls in a slow, never-ending volley.

Ted, still having to experience the unique blow job of his and Taylor's baby and reap the benefits, did not have the volume nor the delaying ability of the other two adults, but his time would come. For now he quivered with the delight of shooting out his load up the tight, hot asshole of his son, knowing what he was doing would be condemned by others and that he'd be thrown in jail with contempt for the physical expression of his love if anyone found out, but he knew that those who would deny a father and son such pleasure were sadly misguided. The pleasure of this act was far greater than the pleasure of intercourse between a husband and wife, for no woman could truly understand the pleasure a man felt nor a man understand the pleasures felt by a woman, and there could be no pleasure on earth greater than the sharing this ultimate of pleasures with one's own son.

Of that he was thoroughly convinced as he trembled and openly groaned with the unique delight of spurting his seed up his own son's asshole, and feeling his son's asshole clasp onto his cock as his boy trembled with his own orgasm. Taylor would have fully agreed with his father's thoughts had he known them as he felt his father's hot slime spurt deep up his rectum and his body jerked with his own orgasm. He was so lucky to be able to experience such pleasure with his father, a pleasure he knew few boys ever had the opportunity to enjoy. As he inhaled deeply with the delight of having brought his father that unique pleasure only a male can know, the same pleasure that was causing his own dickey to throb and itch so strangely, out of the corner of his eye he spotted his three-month-old son lying amongst a cluster of tiny pink and blue flowers smiling at them, his chubby little fist clutching his tiny, swollen cocklet.

That evening, their campground host, fifty-four-year-old Ray Buchanan who looked every inch the rugged outdoors man that he was, and his boymate, dark-haired eleven-year-old Michael who was tanned as dark as his lover, held a welcoming potluck, their hosts barbequing a pig on a spit and the rest bringing the vegetables, salads and desserts. Those who had been at the gathering the previous summer were all there again, Tim Jennings the teacher and his boymate Taylor Burke with their son who had been born at the campground the previous summer; the mild-mannered, bespeckled accountant Tom and his boymate Derrick, a former street kid, and their son, now twenty-eight months old; Billy's friend and classmate Aaron and his burly construction boylover John and their son JB; Jimmy, Aaron's teenage stepbrother, and his teenage lover Calvin and their two sons, now a year and four months old, the same as JB; and from Poland, Thaddeus and his boymate Klaus and their one-year-old son. Besides Ted Marple and his son Taylor and their three-month-old son, were eleven other campers, a total of thirty-eight men, boys, and babies.

Following their scrumptious meal, their host formally welcomed everyone there as they settled back comfortably with their drinks and suggested that they introduce themselves and tell the others about their backgrounds and how they'd come to be members of this unique and growing group. Ray began and told about how he had met his boymate, and the mysterious oriental that had affected all of their lives, on the beach at Big Sur and how Michael had flirted with him, the boy, who was seven at the time, enjoying being a cock tease, and how the two had ended up in Ray's motor home having sex and Michael ending up pregnant. The death of Michael's parents in a traffic accident with an oil tanker was tragic, but it was fortunate in that it resolved the problem of what they were going to do about Michael's pregnancy. So, they ended up becoming married and opening this campground and raising their son, now three years and seven months old, together. It was a sad tale, but it did have a happy ending, and it was evident the two were meant to be together.

Similarly Derrick's tale of being kicked out of his home to live in the streets by his mother and his mother's boyfriend and his life as a thirteen-year-old crack addict and boy prostitute had a tragic beginning and the way he'd been treated and how some parents shirked their responsibilities as parents and could be so insensitive caused those listening to respond with anger and sadness. Like the tale by Ray and Michael, however, his story did have a happy ending with his meeting with Tom, their subsequent love for each other, and the birth of their love child. That it had been Tom who had given birth to their child came as just as much a surprise to the newcomers as it had to those who'd been at the campground the year before.

The first of the newcomers to relate their tale was a couple from Germany, twenty-five-year-old Reinhard Gerber and his boymate, six-year-old Ernst, who was very obviously pregnant. Reinhard explained he and Thaddeus from Poland had been corresponding by Email for the past five years, having met in a boylove chat room where they'd begun swapping pictures of young boys and had become good friends. After Ernst had become pregnant, he'd made plans for a holiday to America to coincide with Thaddeus's holiday plan to return to the campground in the Tetons with his boymate, Klaus.

"So, what sort of boy pics do you like?" asked Ray. Though they had not met until Reinhard's arrival at the campground, in light of the one secret that united everyone there at the campground, there was an implicit trust and openness among them all that allowed for an honest and frank discussion of even intimate topics as that.

"I enjoy pictures of all kinds," replied Reinhard in a heavy German accent, "those of single boys, clothed and naked, and those of boys engaged in, shall we say, making of love, but not those where boys are being forced to pose or are being exploited, nor those of boys being abused. I have been collecting and taking pictures of boys since I was a teenager, and I have large collection of naturalist magazines too. Ernst and I belong to naturalist club in Frankfort. My parent's parents practised naturalism, so my parents were raised with belief that there is nothing shameful about the naked body, and they raised me with same attitude. There is something very beautiful about the naked body of the young boy. Even God saw nothing vulgar about nakedness, for he created Adam and Eve and they were naked in the Garden."

"Billy Bob would make a great naturalist," observed Bobby. "We can never get him to keep his clothes on."

"It is too bad not everyone in this society accepts the naturalness of naked body, including nakedness of children."

Most of the others nodded their agreement.

"So, is that how the two of you met?" asked Ray.

"Yes, Ernst and his parents and I are in same club. I've known Ernst since he was still a babe in his mother's arms."

"And now he is going to have a baby himself," observed Ray.

"Yes, he is. From what Thaddeus has told us, in seven more weeks, three weeks after we get back to Germany," he said, placing an arm about Ernst and smiling down at him warmly.

"And how did that come about?" asked Michael, Ray's eleven-year-old boymate.

"I think you know how that happens," replied Reinhard with a smile as he looked over at Ray and Michael's three-year-old son. "I don't think I need explain you about birds and bees."

"No, that part I know," Michael agreed with a chuckle.

"Thaddeus told me you discussed such things openly here," Reinhard said, looking at the bonfire around which they'd all gathered. "That is good. We have little opportunity to talk openly about our type of love in our country, though there are many boylovers in Germany if you believe what others say in chat rooms. From number who would exchange pictures with me, I believe that there are, but sadly, there are also those who are imposters, infiltrating such groups to expose members and arrest them for having love that is different, and for admiring naked body of boy, or pictures of boys enjoying doing what comes natural."

Several nodded that they agreed with him, or knew what he was talking about.

"So, how did we become lovers you ask. As I said, I've known Ernst from when he was little baby. So, three years ago, when his parents were jailed for possession and distribution of pornography, they signed custody of him to me rather than have him raised by the state, there being no other living relatives. We became very close so when his parents were released last April, I was very happy for them but sad to be parted from him, and he felt the same way." Ernst nodded his agreement and wrapped his arm about Reinhard.

"His parents noticed this quickly, but what to do? He loved his parents also, and they loved him, and though we visit often, it is no longer the same for us. So, after two weeks I figure it best perhaps we no longer see each other, stop cold turkey I think is how you say it. The four of us go out that weekend to a small nudist camp on the Daube, very beautiful place we have not been before, and I plan on making my announcement. But before I do, we are approached by an elderly Chinese gentleman-."

"He approached you at a nudist camp?" Ray interjected.


"What did he look like?" several asked at once.

"Very, very old, with thin face, and thin, wispy beard."

"And?" they asked eagerly, leaning forward.

"That is all to say. We were in river at the time, and all we see is his head. When he left, he was just gone. Nobody saw him go." That did not surprise them, but was disappointing not finding out what the mysterious oriental looked like under those black silk pajamas. "Anyway, he says he knows our problem, and something about we not having to split baby in half, but will make baby instead which will bring us all closer and together. And so he gives us Gargoyle of Male Fecundity and four suppositories, which I believe you are all acquainted with." They all nodded.

"So we humour him, wanting to find solution to problem, and we think of someone we'd like to make baby with like he said, his parents and me of course thinking of the two of them, and when nothing happens, we three thinking of Ernst's mother and me, but still nothing. And then I think, and there before our eyes the statue grins and his penis grows bright red. Well, so do I. I had not thought anything would happen so had been honest with my thinking, which of course I was most embarrassed to reveal when I was asked. While I was trying to put into words so as not to offend my two very good friends, Ernst spoke up and said he'd been thinking, and when they asked who he had been thinking of making a baby with, he said me." Reinhard grinned down at the smiling boy.

"Well, that of course we think is impossible to happen and we all laugh. And touched by Ernst's honesty, I admit I was thinking same thing. So his parents say why not try it? It is what we both thought, and it was no question we love each other. So what was harm trying? Of course we thought it would just be sex, not that Ernst could actually have baby."

"Not all of us," Ernst interrupted.

"True. I should have said that is what we adults thought. Ernst's innocence was not yet destroyed by living. It still has not," he observed with a warm smile. Relishing and sharing in the innocence of childhood was another benefit of being a boylover and something they all understood. "So we find secluded spot where we would not be interrupted, knowing that if we waited until we got back to Frankfort we would not do it, that is we adults thinking so of course."

"Ernst's parents just said go off and find a secluded spot and have sex?" Tom asked. He was not the only one surprised.

"Oh no, they helped us find. All four of us went together," Reinhard replied.

"Very supportive parents," Tom observed, that being a large understatement.

"Very supportive," agreed several others.

"And when you found this spot, what did they do then?"

"They joined us," Reinhard replied matter-of-factly. That was an even bigger surprise than his previous statement. "I am guessing that will offend you to know so, but this is how it was."

"That's not offensive at all," Ray observed.

"That's beautiful actually," remarked Tim.

"Oh yeah," agreed Kevin, and several others nodded their agreement. Others were still recovering from their surprise.

"It is our thinking that to have sex is just natural way for two people to show their love for each other. It does not have to just be so for husband and wife, or man and woman, or man and man. Ernst's mother and father had not done sex with him, but they did not hide how they feel about such things from him either."

"You are very lucky having such open and accepting parents," Tim said to Ernst.

"I am. To have such parents, and to have Reinhard," he said with his thick German accent, putting his arm about his boylover and snuggling in closer to him.

"So we find small spot in middle of some thick bushes along bank of Danube," Reinhard continued. "We all ask Ernst if he sure this is what he wants to do and he says if it is a way we can all be living together and being happy it is. And we ask if he understands what it is that he and I going to do, and he says yes, like he has seen his dad do to his mom, and like he has seen men and boys do in the pictures his mom and dad have. We tell him babies are not made that way, and if that is his thinking we should not do it because he will be disappointed when it does not happen, but he says old man said it would, and Gargoyle of Male Fecundity said it would, and he believes and has faith.

"So, I take Ernst in my arms and we kiss and stroke each other, and we both are feeling awkward, it being Ernst's first time doing such things and for me too as my only experience was twice before with boy prostitutes, and with them there is not so much foreplay and no love. So for us nothing happens. Ernst's father sees and says maybe if Ernst sucks so Ernst goes on knees and his father tells him how to do it, how to put his lips and how to breathe, and he takes my organ, which is still soft, and slips lips around it and does as his father says. And his father kneels behind me and begins to rim my asshole, and Ernst's mother kneels down and begins to rim her son's asshole, like many times she has done his father.

"Well, I look down and the seeing of this sweet, beautiful boy on his knees with his cheeks sunk in and thinking so hard sucking on my cock and the feeling of his father's tongue pushing up my asshole begins to get me hard."

"And when I feel Reinhard's cock getting hard in my mouth, and my mother's tongue on my asshole, I begin to get hard too."

"And seeing Ernst's little pecker starting to get hard makes me get harder faster, and as my cock swells in his mouth I see his little pecker getting harder too. So we lay down, us two, head to toe, well, head to cock, and we begin to suck on each other, and we are hard and feeling much horniness. And so Ernst goes on his hands and knees, and I kneel behind him, and I slip the suppository up his rectum like the old Chinaman said. My cock is now aching hard and slippery with his spit, and his asshole is dripping with his mother's spit, so I place my cock against his hole and begin to push and his father tells him push out with his stomach and is stroking his son's swollen cock to keep him excited. We grunt and we snort and I am thinking I am too big and he too small but ever so slow I feel me enter him, and he snorts and grunts, and I ask if it hurting and he lies and says no, and I know he is doing lie because he is hoping we will have a baby and we can all somehow live together happy.

"I am thinking to stop but then I am in and so I begin to do it, real slow so not to hurt the boy, but it is not so good as with boy prostitutes. I am worrying about hurting him and thinking it is wrong him doing it because he is thinking it will make him a baby and my mind is thinking about his mother and father. Too much other things. But then I feel Ernst squeeze his hole when I pull back and relax when I go back in and I know his father did not tell him that so I am thinking Ernst might be liking it. So I reach under him to find out and find his pecker and it makes me glad it is still hard. I wrap my fingers around it and feel it throbbing and hot so I think maybe stop and rub it and make him feel good a while. But when I stop Ernst begins to jerk his hips, thrusting his stiff little pecker in and out my fingers and sliding his ass up and down my cock. Am so glad he is liking it I let him do it a little then I start again. Soon it is feeling so good I am doing it because it feels good, and because I know Ernst is liking it too. Then I see his mom is in the same position as her son and his dad is doing her ass too and I see they have forgotten us. Ernst and I are so enjoying it too we no longer think about anything except how good we feeling and how good we making each other feel. For that is what sex is all about between people who love each other, not just your own pleasure like it is with prostitutes.

"So I grab his hips with both hands and I pump my cock back and forth in this beautiful virgin ass boy while his father bum fucks his mother beside us, and I feel his boy cunt grasping my cock and squeezing it tight and I hear him puffing with excitement. I reach down and slip fingers about his stiff little cocklet again and while I fuck his ass I jerk off his little cock. My big balls are bouncing against his backside and his little balls are bouncing against his thighs I go so fast and we are both getting closer and closer to having our orgasms. Harder and harder I fuck, like a mad man, and then I am spurting my cum up ass and he is trembling with first fuck he's ever had and with his first ever orgasm too.

"When we are done, we lay there on the grass, him in my arms, and we kiss, and he reaches down and fiddles with my now half swollen, sticky cock, and I reach down and fiddle with his little pecker, and next thing we are head to cock again, but this time he is licking my cock and sucking on it like it is a delicious bratwurst, and I am sucking on his little cocklet like it is the tastiest little wiener I've ever had in my mouth, and it is. This time I lay on my back and he leaps on me and sits on my stiff cock, and it slides right up his rectum slippery with my cum. He grins down at me and begins to ride up and down on my cock and I reach forward and begin to stroke his cocklet, and we are both dizzy with the hotness of it all. We grunt and snort like two animals rutting there in the bush, Ernst flexing his leg muscles and bouncing up and down, his asshole clenching tight on my pole and my cock aching and throbbing with joy. Again I feel my cock go numb and balls draw up tight, and then he begins to jerk with his dry orgasm and I come again, spurting my seed deep up his rectum a second time.

"I am thinking there is nothing that can feel so great, but I am wrong, because half an hour later we are doing it again, this time face to face, and I am feeling so good I cannot believe how good, and so is he, his eyes glazed with lust and his head thrown back with joy. I fuck him hard, banging him against the ground and the harder I fuck the more this beautiful boy is enjoying it. We look each other in the eyes when after a long time we come, and I see the joy in his eyes and I know I will love this boy forever even if we do not have a baby. Later his mother and father say it is like we became two wild animals and we rut there without even noticing they are there, and our lust for each other they say is catching because they have sex again too and it is hotter than they have had for many years, and they know it is because they have witnessed their little boy having his first orgasm and his first sex, and it is a beautiful thing for a parent to see.

"Well, I am seeing Ernst every day after that, and we are fucking our heads off, and we don't worry about if we are going to make baby or not because we love each other so much and love having sex so much that is all that matters. The Gargoyle disappeared that very first day and we use up the suppositories but we still do it every day, sometimes several times a day like we are newlyweds, and then Ernst begins to get a tummy, and we realize, joy of joys, he is going to have baby. And so I move in with him and his parents and him and I share one room. And so that is our story, and we are now very much looking forward to the birth of our son," he concluded, hugging his pregnant boymate and giving him a fond kiss on the forehead.

"It will be an experience you will never forget," one of the newcomers, a portly forty-six-year-old man who had introduced himself as Arland, said. "The birth of our son was the most joyous moment of our lives, even more joyous than the first time we had sex," he said, beaming down at his two-year-old son who at the moment was being suckled by his little daddy, an eight-year-old boy who had been introduced as Julian.

"So how was the first meeting for the two of you?" asked Reinhard.

"We met at a music festival," Arland explained. "I was one of the adjudicators, and Julian was one of the violin contestants. The moment he stepped out from behind the curtains it was like I was looking at an angel from heaven. Never had I seen such a beautiful child, and the light was streaming down from the skylight as if forming a halo about his head." The others could well imagine the scene. With his fine, silky, blond hair flowing down over his shoulders, his deep blue eyes, small boned features and delicate, effeminate looks, he looked the very part of an angel. "I could tell he was a very special boy," Arland continued, looking at his boymate fondly, "and when he began to play, I knew I was in the presence of someone extraordinary. When the festival was over, I simply could not get him out of my mind. I agonized over not seeing him all spring, and finally I had to find out where he lived. I spied on him from my car outside his house, waiting for hours just for the glimpse of him for a few minutes. Finally that summer I approached his parents about taking over his violin instruction in September. To my delight, they said that they and his present teacher felt he'd taken Julian as far as he could, and that they were looking for a new music teacher. So that was how we met. As for making our baby, I think perhaps Julian is the better one to tell of that."

"Well, you see," continued Julian, "I met Taylor at the annual national gifted conference in the fall the year Mister Grahn, Arland, began teaching me." He glanced over at Taylor Burke, who'd given birth there at the campground a year ago. "We didn't really have anything in common, Taylor being a science and technology nerd and all," he explained with a shy smile.

"And Julian being in the artsy-fartsy section of the conference," interjected Taylor with a grin.

"Except we both love peach cobbler," continued Julian. "So while we were having lunch at the cafeteria we both reached for the last one, and decided to share. While we were eating, we talked, mostly about our differences, except for peach cobbler and the problems of being gifted."

"Being gifted is a problem?" asked Calvin with a snort. Usually being at the bottom of the class and having failed several times, more out of a lack of effort and interest than because of his intelligence, he'd always figured those who were smart had it made in life.

"Oh yeah," Julian said, and Taylor nodded vigorously. "It's hard to make friends when everyone thinks you're a brain, and when people find out you're smart they have all these expectations of you."

"It's tough being a kid and being different," observed Taylor.

"It's tough being an adult and being different," Kyle observed, and many of the adults nodded agreement.

"I never thought of being smart that way," Calvin admitted. "Sorry I interrupted. Carry on with your story."

"Well anyway, by the end of the conference, we got to be real good friends, and that's when Taylor told me about having a son. I though he was just putting me on, you know, the brilliant science geek pulling a joke on a music nerd, but he had his son with him, and Tim was there too, though he wasn't too pleased when he found out about Taylor telling me about their secret."

"I certainly wasn't," Tim admitted. "Fortunately everything worked out all right. This time," he added, looking over at Taylor meaningfully. Everyone there knew the unfortunate need to be secretive about their forbidden relationship, and how difficult it was when one of the partners in that relationship is a young, naive boy who trusts everyone and wants to share his joy.

"Well, I got to thinking how great it would be to have someone who really loved me, besides parents and relatives that is. My parents and grandparents and other relatives all love me, but it's not the same as being loved by someone who isn't a relative, and well, like Taylor and I said, it's hard to have close friends when you're gifted. I thought about how you could see how much Taylor loved the baby he said was his son, and how great it would be to have a son.

"Well, just before Christmas we were looking for some new music, when we saw this music store we'd never seen before, and went inside. It was really messy and cluttered with all sorts of musical instruments and books and everything, sort of junky, but sort of like you'd expect a magic shop to look like, you know?" he asked. "Anyway, while my mother was looking through some music folders, I went around to the next aisle, and there I spotted it, the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity, just like Taylor had described it. I couldn't believe it, and when I turned to go tell my mom, there was this old Chinese guy that Taylor had said about too. Well, I told him I didn't have four hundred dollars, and he said my music teacher, Mister Grahn, Arland, and I were destined to make the most beautiful music of all together, the music of procreation, and that he would be paid in time. So I took the statue and suppositories home and I knew exactly who I wanted to do it with. Mister Grahn, Arland, wasn't so easy to convince though," he said with a grin.

"No, I wasn't," Arland agreed with a chuckle, causing his stomach to jiggle.

"I made all sorts of hints, you know, about how important it was for someone to be loved by someone, and how great it must be to have a son, knowing he wasn't married and didn't have a son, and how I didn't think there was anything wrong with adults loving kids. I even gave him a mushy Valentine's card, but nothing worked."

"I understood how difficult it was to be gifted, and I figured Julian was just feeling lonely and was reaching out. I also figured with our common love for music I was witnessing a bit of hero worship from my star pupil. I've had other students who became enamoured by my attention because of their music ability, and who fantasized impossible situations between us. I had no idea at the time just how impossible Julian's fantasy was mind you!" he said with another chuckle, his stomach jiggling even more as he laughed. He had a hearty, contagious laugh and the others couldn't help chuckling too.

"Well, I Emailed Taylor and asked what else I could try, and I know he asked some of you others," Julian continued, glancing around at the other boys and some of them grinning while their surprised boylovers looked at them, unaware of the network the young boys in the group had established.

"Julian's advances became more and more persistent, and more and more physical," Arland said. "Putting his hand on my thigh, rubbing his crotch up against me, saying embarrassing things like how two people making music together was like making love together." He smiled at Julian. "On the inside I was aching to yield to the temptation, but until January I'd never ever thought about doing anything sexual with a child, boy or girl, and I knew how society felt about such things, and how even more adverse they were when the situation was between a youngster and an adult in authority, a situation like the one between Julian and me."

"I even tried to get him drunk, giving him a box of chocolates I'd injected with alcohol," Julian said. He glanced over at Taylor Burke with a smile, revealing whose idea that had been.

"That was what did it," Arland commented.

"He got you drunk?" Calvin asked in surprise.

"Oh no," Arland chuckled. "I knew what he'd done with the first bite into the first chocolate." The portly man made a face and the others laughed. "We sat down and had a very long talk, a very long and unusual talk."

"I explained about the Gargoyle and the suppositories and everything, and Taylor and his baby and lover, though I didn't say any names or anything, like I promised. Arland got real upset about that part and wanted to know if anyone had done anything to me, and if anyone was trying to, and he asked about the boy I knew and tried to get more information about him and his lover, but I wouldn't say anything about who he was and made Arland promise he wouldn't tell anyone what I'd told him and I swore that Taylor was okay and everything."

"It got very tense," Arland said in support.

"Well, he said he wouldn't tell, but if I ever wanted him to or felt he should, just to say and he would. And he said he wouldn't tell my parents about what I'd done with the chocolates, and we sort of laughed about that, and he said he wanted me to promise to stop thinking the stuff I was thinking about him and me doing. I said I would, if that was what he wanted, but I asked if I could show him the Gargoyle, hoping maybe if he saw it he'd change his mind. He said yes, so I took it out of my music bag and showed him, and it did just like you said," Julian observed with a smile as he looked over at Reinhard. "Its penis turned a real bright red, and it even smiled. It really did. And I told Arland that was just like I'd been told, that it meant we were meant for each other, and to make a baby together. Well, he said it wasn't right for this guy in the music shop to have told me such stuff, though he was surprised he hadn't made me pay anything for it, or had tried to do something to me himself, and said that we should both go and see this guy and confront him. I told him that my mom had gone to the shop a few weeks later to look for more music, she was so impressed with what she'd bought the first time, but the shop was gone, and everyone she talked to swore the shop had never been there." Several of the others glanced at each other and smiled, having had a similar experience with the disappearing oriental and anything connected to him.

"Well, I found that hard to believe, but Julian said I could ask his mother about that part so I knew he had to be telling the truth. And all the while this fat frog keeps grinning at us and I swear his penis looks like it's actually throbbing, and I'm feeling this overpowering lust like I've never felt before. That is the honest truth."

"I know what you mean," Bobby said, recalling the incredible lust he'd felt that first time with Billy, "and I think a lot of us here do." The others all nodded or murmured agreement with that.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to excuse what we did, or put the blame on a statue, or some sort of magic spell or whatever. As much as I disbelieve in things like magic and spells, considering the incredible thing that ultimately happened," he explained, looking over at his two-week-old son sleeping peacefully in his blankets, "I can no longer say with certainty such things are not possible. What I can say with certainty is that what we ended up doing was completely and totally my decision, my choice, and Julian's of course."

"I know what you mean," interjected Reinhard. "It was the same for Ernst and me, the same lust, and yet the decision was ours. But please, continue with your story."

"When I saw how red the Gargoyle's penis had gotten, and how it looked like it had swollen, I knew that the Chinese guy was right and what Taylor said was the truth, and that Mister Grahn, Arland, and I were meant to be lovers and to have a son. I just knew it. So that was what I told Arland, and I could see he was feeling something too, surprise or something, and I saw how his trousers were bulging out, which I was told to look for," he said, glancing over at Billy, "and so I said he must be feeling like having sex cause I could see his penis had swollen too, and said I bet it was as red as the Gargoyle's. He sort of laughed and admitted it had swollen, and said with sort of a laugh that the end was probably as red as the Gargoyle's was too. Well I told him I wanted to see it.

"He hesitated at first but I kept after him, begging him, and finally he said okay, I could see it, but that was all. We were sitting there on the piano bench, side by side, so I slipped off and knelt on the carpet and reached up and pulled down his fly. I put my hand in and I could feel how big and hard and hot it was, and I found the fly to his underwear and slipped my fingers in but I had a hard time getting them around his dick, it was so hard."

"And my shorts so tight with my big stomach," Arland chuckled.

"So Mister Grahn undid his belt and the button on his trousers and he stood up and pushed down his trousers and I reached up and pulled down his underwear and his dick stood right up, and the end was red, just like the Gargoyle's," Julian giggled, and Arland's face turned as red as the head of his cock probably had been.

"That was all we were supposed to do," Arland said, "but before I realized his intention and before I could stop him, he reached up and wrapped his fingers about my erection."

"I just had to see what it felt like," Julian explained. "I never knew a man's thing could get so big or be so hard. I got scared right away that I'd never be able to have something that huge up my butt." Arland grew even redder, if that was possible. "But I remembered what Taylor had told me, so I reached in my music bag and took out this jar of Vaseline I got from our bathroom that Taylor had said that parents have there and that some guys use to make their dick go up a boy's butt easier." Several of the men squirmed with arousal hearing the tale from the sweet lips of an eight-year-old boy. Everyone in the room, men and boys alike, had erections by this time, and some of the men's underwear were wet with pre-cum.

"I was surprised by his mature comments about the Gargoyle and making a baby, and by his initiative grasping my erection, and I was certainly surprised when he took out the Vaseline. Not in my wildest dreams would I have expected an eight-year-old boy to be so well informed and so well prepared," observed Arland. "I just stood there with my trousers and underwear about my thighs not believing it was really happening while he unscrewed the lid and took a dollop of Vaseline and began to spread it over my erection."

"I smeared it on thick, like Taylor had said."

"He really means thick. He'd taken out enough to grease an elephant's cock," Arland observed, to the laughter of the others.

"I still had grease on my fingers, so I told Mister Grahn, Arland, he had to take down my pants and underwear for me so I could grease up my bumhole as I didn't want to get any Vaseline on my school clothes."

"By this time I'd come to my senses and I asked him just how he knew such stuff in such detail, and he said he'd been told by a friend. My first thought was that it had been this guy at the music shop, and then maybe some other adult, and when I heard it was another student, I was certain more than ever that the boy was being molested."

"Sadly that is all too often the case," observed Tom, and the others nodded agreement.

"Julian insisted that was not the case, and was becoming quite upset over my questions and objections, so I decided not to press the matter but to pursue it at another time. Besides, it was a mite difficult to have such a discussion when you are standing there in the middle of your living room with your underwear and trousers about your ankles and your erection jutting up in the air and plastered with Vaseline," Arland observed with another hearty chuckle.

"I was upset, but I knew once I got pregnant and we got a son he'd see I'd been telling the truth."

"Would be hard to argue against that sort of evidence," agreed Reinhard.

"So, what happened next?" Ernst asked.

"Well, Mister Grahn, Arland, undid my belt and pulled down my fly and then pulled my pants and my underwear off, and I reached behind me and wiped my fingers off along my bum crack and I stuck my fingers up my bum and clenched tight to wipe them off, just like Taylor had told me to. Then I said I was ready and I knelt down and bent over the piano bench. I was real nervous and scared, but I wanted to do it, real bad, and I knew Arland would be gentle, cuz that is how he is. So he took one of those, those sup-, supos-."

"Suppositories," assisted Arland.

"Suppositories and pushed it up my bum," Julian continued. "Then he knelt on the carpet behind me and when I felt the tip of his penis touch my bumhole, I pushed out with my stomach just like Taylor said," he explained, glancing over at Taylor. He had evidently been a very thorough teacher.

"It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, and it was a lot easier than I'd figured it would be. I pushed real hard and when I felt his penis stretching open my hole I pushed even harder."

"He was grunting and snorting like a little stuck pig," Arland said with a smile. "I was really sure I was hurting him but he kept insisting it was all right."

"It was. The Vaseline really helped. And then when he got the head part in, the rest was easy. He pushed his penis right up in me until his belly was pressing against my butt. It felt totally awesome feeling him inside me." The boys sitting around the campfire, snuggled in their lovers arms or cross-legged on the ground or rocking their babies, all knew exactly what Julian meant. The adults could just picture the rotund music teacher kneeling there on the floor with his underwear and trousers about his ankles, his young student bent over the piano bench, his big, round stomach pressed up against the boy's smooth, compact buttocks, his cock buried up the boy's hot, moist rectum, the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity sitting on top of the piano smiling down at them, its ceramic cock pulsating and the knob a bright red.

"Then he started to do it to me, and that really, really felt awesome," Julian continued, relating the intimate event with the enthusiasm and freshness of a child eager to share his news and his happiness. "My butthole was burning, but not in a painful way, just itchy, and I could feel him deep inside me, and that was really weird, and my dink got hard, which it never done before except sometimes during the night when I gotta pee, and when he reached around and pulled my skin back over the head part and pushed it back up, my pee-er head began to burn just like my bumhole. I wanted it to never end it felt so awesome." The others could easily relate that and there was not one of them that wasn't aching with arousal themselves at that moment.

"We did it for a long time, and then my dink got this weird feeling, like it got all numb like it had fallen asleep, and then it felt like I had to pee but couldn't and my legs got all wobbly and weak and I started to jerk and I couldn't stop it," Julian said, all flushed with the telling of his story. "And then Mister Grahn, Arland, grabbed my butt real tight and pushed forward so hard the piano bench almost tipped over and he grunted and gasped like he was having a heart attack and I could feel his penis throbbing deep inside me and something spurting up my bum. It was way awesome. We both liked it so much we did it again, and then another time. It was great," he concluded, his face beaming with the memory.

"Well," their host said huskily, "I think that's a good note to end the evening on. It's getting late, and besides," he added with a knowing smile, "I think the tales we've heard tonight have gotten everyone feeling more than a little amorous. What say we continue with the introductions tomorrow?"

On that, they all readily agreed and everyone headed back to their campsite, bright eyed and bushy tailed. It would be a long while before any of them fell asleep that night.