PZA Boy Stories

J.O. Dickingson

Brewster Adventures

The Second Year

10th story


The Brewster Boys

  • The twins Brent and Brett: 14 years old.
  • Benny: twelve years old.
  • Bobby: ten years old.
Their parents: Barry and Brenda Brewster

(10) 31 December 1999
A Brewster New Year's Eve

This is a story involving four brothers, two preteens and two fourteen-year- olds, who enlist the reluctant help of three high school students to teach a couple seven-year-old boys they are babysitting the facts of life, Brewster style.

Permission is not given to copy electronically nor in any other form for the purpose of redistribution or posting at sites other than those described here. This is the tenth of the Brewster Boys Series. Comments and New Year's Day wishes (gifts are cool too) can be sent to the author, J.O. Dickingson, at authorsix(at)hotmail(dot)com who suggests one of your New Year's resolutions be to always practice safe sex.

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17,500 words (35 pages)

"No shit," observed Tony Amatto, one of the seventeen-year-old boys from the high school who hung around the junior high pushing drugs and bragging about what a stud he was.

"No shit," said Brent.

The Itallian-American youth took a long drag of his cigarette and exhaled slowly as he thought about the hot brunette he'd laid in the basement of the Brewster household last Halloween night. "What did she say again?" he asked.

"She said you were the best of all the guys who fucked her that night, and we were to invite you over to our house New Year's Eve for the bang of the millennium."

"Fuck! She really said that?" the teenager asked, unable to hide his incredulity. No girl had ever said that about him before, even those that he'd drugged silly so he could get into their panties.

"Yeah, scout's honour," said Brent. He'd never been a scout in his life, but the fourteen- year-old boy had some very erotic fantasies about being one so he figured that had to count for something.

"Wait a minute," Tony said slowly as he took a drag on his cigarette, "how'd she know it was me? I never gave her my name."

"Well, that's easy," said Brett, the quickest thinking of the four brothers. Brent smiled at his twin gratefully. The four brothers often came to each other's rescue. From the webs of deception the boys wove it was essential. "She said the guy was the handsomest of them all, with a hairy chest and a man-size dick, and long slinky black hair that made him look way sexy. We immediately thought of you."

"Yeah, that's me," said Tony, straightening up and sticking out his chest as he glanced at his two buddies with a smug grin.

"She said she wanted you to come too," said Brett, addressing one of the other boys.

"Me?" asked Eddie in surprise.


"Well, that figures," the sixteen-year-old said, a smug look replacing the one of shock as he tried to act cool. "The way she went down on my dick that night you could tell she knew a real man when she saw one."

"Oh yeah," said Brent. "You could tell who the men were that night." He and his brother exchanged knowing smiles as they thought about the spell of deception they had used that night. It was all they could do to stop from giggling.

Eddie and Tony exchanged glances. Eddie, Tony's closest buddy, was a tall skinny boy with spiked dirty blond hair, an eyebrow ring, and acne. He was always hitting on the junior high girls, the boys figuring probably because he couldn't get any girls his age to go out with him.

"She wants both of us, at the same time?" asked Tony.

"Ah, yeah," Brent said, glancing over at his brother and twirling his long, blond hair nervously. The twins shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. Tony and Eddie were supposed to jump at the chance to meet up with their cousin, not ask a bunch of questions.

"Your cousin's one horny slut," Tony observed.

"Yeah, right," the twins quickly agreed.

"You should have seen her," Eddie said to the third boy. "Stacked like this." The teenager grinned from ear to ear as he illustrated an impossible breast size with his hands. "And talk about hot! I never seen such a cock hungry bitch."

"Say, what about me coming along?"

The twins exchanged glances. They were afraid something like that might happen, but they'd been unable to get Tony and Eddie alone and time was running out.

"Sorry," said Brett, "but she asked specifically for Eddie and Tony since she knows them."

"Well, she could get to know me."

"Hey, maybe another time, man," said Tony. He was willing to share her with Eddie since they'd already done her together, but she was too good a find to share with others, especially others whom she might prefer to him in the future.

"Yeah," said Brent quickly. "We can mention you. She comes to visit real regular."

"Fair 'nough."

"So, you'll come over? Nine o'clock?" asked Brett.

"Yeah, we'll come by and pick her up."

"And lay her down," said Eddie and the three teenage boys snickered as they exchanged leers.

"Kay. We'll see ya then," said Brent.

Sighing with relief and high-fiving as soon as they were out of sight, the two brothers headed down the mall in search of their younger brother Benny. They spotted him and their youngest brother, Bobby, talking to their third victim, Mark Fording, the seventeen-year-old brother of Benny's best buddy, Justin. Ever since the four boys had seen the handsome, dark- eyed teenager butt fucking his girl friend just over a year ago they had been eager to get their hands on his huge cock.

"That was some performance you gave at the Thanksgiving pageant," Benny was saying as the twins arrived.

"Yeah, that was really something, just before your big final speech too!"

"What do you mean?" the boy asked as he narrowed his eyes. Just over a month had gone by without anyone mentioning anything about him so he had figured what had happened to him had gone by unnoticed, especially since there had been a lot of talk about some of the others. He studied the faces of the four Brewster brothers. The four boys chummed around with his kid brother quite often so he was well aware that they were usually up to mischief of some sort. That he didn't mind, as long as he was not the object of their mischief, but he had a sinking feeling that his time had come.

"You know," Benny said with a wink as he nudged him in the ribs.

"No, I don't." That was not a total lie. He had a good suspicion they were talking about him having a boner during the performance of the Thanksgiving pageant, a problem a number of boys had that evening, but he could not be sure. They could be referring to something even more embarrassing, and something that had not happened to anyone else, at least as far as he knew. Just before his big speech, the last one of the pageant, the five-foot-eleven [1.80 m], hundred-and-forty-five pound [66 kg] teenager had creamed his pants in front of everyone. He prayed that was not what the boys were referring to and that they were up to something else.

"Hey, how's it hanging?" asked Brett as he and his twin brother joined their siblings.

"Well, Mark's hanging now, not like during the Thanksgiving play," said twelve-year-old Benny with a chuckle.

"Right," giggled Bobby as he purposefully stared at the boy's crotch.

'Fuck,' thought Mark, the boys had at least seen that much

"You were a way big star that night," Bobby giggled, placing the emphasis on 'big', and his three brothers snickered.

"Just what are you rug rats yakking about?" Mark bluffed.

"About when our dad zoomed in with his video camera at the end of the play and shot all the cast close up," Brent said, making a note of the insulting term 'rug rats' and vowing to get even for that.

"You really stand out, if you know what we mean," giggled Bobby, and the boys snorted.

"Course Justin told us you were really hung," observed Benny.

"You're kidding."

"No, he did."

"I don't mean about Justin. I mean about your dad and the camera."

"Course a lot of guys had boners that night," said Brent. "Guess you know that."

"Yeah, its not big deal," bluffed the seventeen-year-old grade twelve student. "When you're a stud muffin like me, it happens." The boy was a stud muffin, with a smooth, muscular body, blue-green eyes, and gelled blond hair with dark shades. He could have the pic of any girl he wanted, and he knew it. He was presently working on his eighth conquest, Amber, a gorgeous brunette cheerleader.

"Yeah, well, I guess, but there were only two of you stud muffins that had, ah, well, creamy centres," Brent observed, causing his three brothers to hang onto each other for support to stop from collapsing there in the mall with laughter.

Mark stared at him as his heart began to sink. The little shit knew. He also knew something Mark didn't two of them?

"Cheryl must have really gotten you fuckin' hot to have cum in your pants," commented Bobby.

"Cum?" Mark asked weakly as his heart sank even further as he looked at the four-foot-four [1.32 m], sixty-four pound [29 kg] youth. When he'd been ten, he hadn't known anything about cumming, and he certainly hadn't used that sort of language. With his hazel eyes, high cheek bones, and dark brown hair, he was a good-looking boy, and would have the girls falling all over him in a few years just like himself.

"From that stain in your costume you must have shot a big one," added Benny.

"Mustta been something having to say your speech with your crotch all sticky," observed Brent.

"You can really tell, in the video picture." It was more of an observation than a question.

"Well, you can if you look close."

"Even easier to see if you take a still of it and blow it up."

Bobby burst into hysterical laugher and had to lean on Benny to stop from falling to the floor of the mall.

"What's so funny?" Mark inquired.

"Blow it up," he snorted. "Get it? Blow it?"

You could barely understand him between the giggles. Mark was not amused. "So. What do you boys want?"

"Want? Whatcha mean?" asked Benny with wide-eyed innocence. With his wide, hazel eyes, pert little mouth, and fresh, pink complexion, he was the image of angelhood, a four-foot-seven [1.40 m], eighty-four pound [38 kg] angel with high cheek bones and dark brown spiked hair with blond highlights for the season.

"Why are you boys telling me this?" Mark asked, not falling for the naive look.

"Well, you know Tony Amatto and his friend Eddie."


"Well, we heard you and them don't get along."

"You heard right."

"We got a plan to really fix them New Year's Eve."

"Why do you want to 'fix' them?"

"Why you don't like them?"

Mark thought for a moment. Shit, even these four rug rats had their number. "Okay, so there's a lot of reasons to dislike those two. What's this got to do with me?"

"We figured you'd like to help us cuz you hate them, and besides, we need someone who's a good actor. We figured anyone who can deliver their speech after just having cum in their pants has to be the best actor there is."

Mark thought about the boys' comments for a moment. He did hate those two losers, and he was a good actor. "Keep talking," he said, trying not to smile at the complement.

Half an hour later the four boys headed home with wide happy grins on their faces and sharing a cigarette Tony Amatto had given them. They had two more nights before New Year's Eve, and they could not wait.

"I was talking to Mrs. Hurd at the market today," observed their mother over supper that evening.

"Yeah?" said the four boys, their ears immediately perking up and their pieces of pizza pausing in midair. Normally they would have kept on chowing down and shown only a courtesy interest, not because of their mother, but because adults rarely said anything of interest to the two boys, especially parents. Brenda Brewster knew that and had no idea why they were suddenly interested, but she wasn't going to question the rare opportunity to have their attention.

"She and her husband are taking Scott on a special New Year's outing. Seems like that Thanksgiving play really stressed the poor boy out. They say he hasn't been the same since."

"Oh?" chorused the four brothers, leaning forward with their ears wide open and their eyes glued on their mother. Scott Hurd wasn't the same in several ways, and they were responsible for every one of them, beginning with the loss of his cherry.

"Performing on stage was too much for him?" asked their father.

"No, that doesn't seem to be it."

"Being caught in his costume all evening?" asked Brent hopefully.

"No, not exactly, though that was part of it."

"Yeah? And the rest?" the four brothers asked as they held their breath and crossed their fingers under the table.

"Well," said their mother as the boys fidgeted nervously and began to think up alibis and counter accusations. "It seems what really upset him that evening. 3;"

"Yes?" the four boys almost shouted.

"Was missing out on the Thanksgiving feast."

"Fu-, fu-, for goodness sake!" Bobby burst out.

"Oh yeah," sighed his three brothers.

"Well, I can understand that," Barry Brewster observed. "A boy the size of Scott must love to eat."

"His parents are taking him to some sort of all you can eat New Year's Eve dinner theatre."

"All you can eat?" asked Bobby. "Scott's gonna really pig out!"

"The poor restaurant. Somebody should phone and warn them," observed Brent, and the four brothers laughed. Even their mom and dad had to smile with the comment.

"Bet he'll be so busy eating he won't even notice there's a play going on."

"Him and his brother Carson."

"Carson doesn't want to go."

"To an all you can eat meal? He sick or something?" asked Bobby.

"I think the poor boy is being teased about being so, well, you know," said Brenda.

"Fat," filled in Bobby.

"Now Bobby, that's just it, the poor boy's embarrassed by all his little classmates calling him that."

"Compared to Carson all his classmates are little," observed Bobby and he and his three brothers chortled as they high-fived.

"Well, not everyone is as lucky as you four boys."

"Yeah, we are in good shape," observed Brett, who like his twin, had been spending a lot of time in front of the mirror examining his body and flexing his muscles lately. The two boys had turned fourteen at the beginning of the month and had begun checking their pits daily for the first sign of hair, right after measuring their morning woods to see if they'd grown any during the night.

"That's from doing lots of pushups," observed Brent, jerking his hips.

"And breathing exercises. Suck in and breath out, suck in and breath out," added Benny, demonstrating as he spoke.

"And wrist exercises," contributed Bobby.

"Wrist exercises?" asked his brothers and parents.

"Yeah, you know, that exercise Dad does when he's alone."

"He does?" asked Barry's three sons as they looked first at Bobby, and then at their father.

"Ah 3; ," he responded as he looked at his youngest son in surprise. There could be no way he knew how his father satisfied his needs when his wife was not home, or during that time of month.

"You know, at the office."

Barry's hazel eyes widened. Now there was definitely no way the boy knew that well, unless he'd secretly installed one of those computer cameras. Barry blanched. The boy was smart enough.

"You know," Bobby said, growing irritated and trying to think of the word so hard he had no idea what his brothers and father were thinking. "That iso whatever."

"Oh that," said his three brothers and his father, the first with disappointment and the latter with a sigh of relief.

"Isometrics," Barry Brewster observed.

"Yeah," said Bobby, giving everyone a bewildered look.

Benny made a jerking motion with his fist under the table and his ten-year-old brother's face suddenly brightened with understanding. He began to giggle so hard he could barely sit in his chair.

"Maybe what Carson needs is some exercise," said Barry, shifting uncomfortably as he tried to steer the conversation away from Bobby's comment. He had no idea what the exchange had just been between Bobby and Benny, but he was too preoccupied with other thoughts to reprimand them. They were much too young to have picked up on the double meaning of 'wrist exercise', but the twins, on the other hand, were a different matter. He remembered turning fourteen. Or was he thirteen when he'd discovered that pleasure? Now forty-three, that seemed a long time ago.

"Well, they didn't know what they were going to do with him," continued Brenda, totally at a loss what the conversation had been about. "That's when I came up with my idea."

"And that was?" Barry asked, grateful to have the conversation head any direction except the direction his ten-year-old son had been headed.

"I mentioned that our boys were going to babysit Charles Elwood on New Year's Eve."


"So I suggested the Hurds bring Carson over too."

"Oh fu- fu- for goodness sake," said Bobby.

"But he can't ," began Benny.

"Great idea," interrupted Brent. He didn't believe that for one moment, but he could tell the decision had already been made so he might as well make a Brownie point. A guy never knew when he might need it.

"Yeah?" asked his three brothers as they looked at him in surprise.

"Well, I'm glad you all agree," said their mother with a wide grin, assuming the 'yeah's' by the three brothers were an indication of agreement.

"Now that's settled, has everyone decided on their New Year's resolutions? You only have two more days you know," observed Barry.

"What's yours going to be, Dad?"

"This year I'm definitely going to quit smoking. It's a very bad habit."

"I'm proud of you honey. I know how hard that is going to be for you."

Brett grinned at his brothers with a sparkle in his blue eyes and mouthed behind his hand, "it's always hard for Dad." His brothers snickered.

"Brett," warned his dad.

"I'm going to stop whispering at the supper table," he said quickly, pretending his father was asking for his resolution.

"Now that is going to be hard," said his father.

The four brothers glanced at each other, and from the twinkle in their eyes and poorly suppressed snickers, you could tell they were all thinking the same thing.

"Well, I'm going to cut down on sweets and deserts," said Brenda. "I'm gaining much too much weight."

'Unh oh,' mouthed Benny with wide-eyed shock. 'Maybe Mom's preggers,' he whispered behind his hand and his brothers giggled.


"Ah, well, ah," said Benny, quickly glancing at his dad and from his unusually stern look afraid he might have been heard. "I, ah, well," he stammered, getting more and more flustered as his three brothers practically fell off their chairs with the giggles. "For my resolution I'm also going to quit sm-, sm-, ah-, fu-, arggh," he groaned, shaking his head in exasperation.

"Smiling," suggested Brett.

"Smacking your lips," offered Brent.

"Smooching," contributed Bobby.

"Smooching?" asked Brenda and Barry.

"I couldn't think of anything else," Bobby said with a shrug as all five stared at him.

"Well, I resolve to help Mom with her resolution by eating all her candies and deserts," said Brent

"You can't resolve that," objected Benny. "You got to resolve to do something yourself."

"I am, I'm going to keep up my energy by eating Mom's candy."

"That's not a resolution."

"Yeah, tell him, Dad."

"Actually, I think I'll resolve to help Brent with his resolution," said their sweets-loving father.

"Oh sure," his sons all laughed.

"What about you, Bobby?" Barry asked.

Still giggling over his father's comment, Bobby replied without thinking, "I'm going to stop swea, swea, swsss." He glanced at his three brothers desperately.

"Sweating?" asked Benny.

"Swimming?" suggested Brent.

"Swatting?" asked Brett.

"Swahili dancing?" asked their father.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Swahili dancing?" Barry repeated in surprise.

"Sure. That's one resolution I bet I can keep," Bobby said with a grin, and his brothers and parents laughed.

"It'd be the first," said Benny.

"Remember last year, when you said you'd get an "A" in every subject."

"I can't help it if Mrs. Ferguson had a resolution to never give me an A."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure she made a resolution just about you," Benny snorted.

Actually, the boys didn't know it, but at one time or another every one of their teachers had either made a resolution or offered up a prayer for help regarding whichever Brewster they were teaching at the time.

"Speaking of A's, have you boys written your thank you letters for the Christmas gifts you received this year?"

"Oh sh- sh- shoot, I forgot," said Bobby.

"Stuttering!" shouted Benny. "You should resolve to stop st- st- st- stuttering."

"Uh-, uh-, uh, up yours," Bobby mouthed behind his hand.

"I think Aunt Martha should get an extra special thank you from you boys," their father said with a grin.

"Oh sure," they groaned.

"Now be nice," said their mother. "My sister meant well."

"Maybe we should take a picture of the boys wearing her gift and send it to her."

"Da-ad," the boys groaned as he grinned from ear to ear mischievously.

"Barry," cautioned his wife.

"Maybe we could start one of those family web sites and post it on the net," their father continued with an impish grin.


"Honey, I think that's enough teasing," replied their mother. "Aunt Martha just heard Pokemon was a big rage and thought you boys would be into it."

"Yeah, really into it," chortled their father, laughing so hard tears were forming in his eyes.

"Well, there won't be any pictures, but you will have to wear them. We won't have Aunt Martha wasting her money, and we aren't going to waste perfectly good clothes."

"But underwear with Pokemon characters? Mom!!!!"

"Wish I could be there in gym class when you boys change," Barry chuckled as he looked at his sons.

"Can we be excused?" the four boys asked.

"In a hurry to write that thank you letter?" Barry asked. The boys rolled their eyes. "You're excused," he said with a grin.

Heading straight to their room, the boys flopped down on their beds with long faces.

"What the fucking shit we going to do?" asked Bobby.

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not wearing no little kiddy underwear to school," observed Brett.

"I didn't mean about the underwear," said Bobby.

"If you mean New Year's resolutions, I think you should really try to stop swearing," suggested Benny. "You're going to do it in front of Mom or Dad one of these times."

"Yeah, well I think you should really try to stop smoking."

"You two are such total morons. What were you thinking blurting those ideas out at the supper table?" asked Brent.

"I was thinking you should resolve to kiss my ass," said Bobby, making a face at his older brother.

"You should resolve to stop picking your nose," retorted Brent.

"Oh yeah, well you should resolve to keep your finger out of your butt."

"I think Benny should resolve to stop playing pocket pool," offered Brett, not wanting his younger brother to feel left out.

"The day you two resolve to stop sniffing each other's butt," Benny rejoined.

"Kiss mine."

"Well, Brent and I are going to stop doing those, ah, you know, those, ah, wrist exercises," Brett said with a wide grin as he studied his kid brother.

"Fuck, you see the look on Dad's face?" giggled Benny, and the four boys rolled on the floor with laughter until their sides ached.

"Guys," Brent said, "Forget the resolutions. We got an important problem. What are we going to do about Carson?"

"Yeah, that's what the fuck I was asking in the first place," Bobby said.

"Carson coming here is going to spoil everything," groaned Benny

"Maybe we can find some way to keep him occupied so we still go ahead with our plans for Chucky," suggested Brett.

"Maybe," agreed Brent. "That could be easy actually. We just need to rent him a video of something he likes and give him a few bags of our Halloween candy."

The boys had received so much candy that night, they still had not eaten it all.

"That won't work," said Benny. "You heard what Mom said. He don't wanna become a fat slob like his brother."

"Fuck," said Bobby. "When Mom had started to talk about talking to Mrs. Hurd I thought for sure Scott had ratted on us."

"Oh yeah," agreed his three brothers.

"Wonder why he hasn't."

"You gonna tell anyone you were trussed up like a turkey and got your ass fucked good?" asked Brett, the logical thinker of the four boys.

"Good point," observed Benny.

"Course, I'm not just the brother with the best looks."

"Course not. You're also the one with the smallest dick," replied Bobby.

The three boys high-fived as Brett stuck his tongue out at them.

"Speaking of dicks, I can't wait to see Mark's again."

"Oh fuck yeah. I can still remember the first time we seen it that night over at Justin's when he fucked the ass off his girlfriend."

"Yeah, that was the first time I knew guys fucked that hole in a girl," said Bobby.

"First time I ever knew there was another meaning for 'period'," observed Benny.

"I couldn't stop laughing every time Mrs. Ferguson said that in grammar lessons," giggled Bobby.

"Well, I think instead of period, they should have called when that happens an exclamation mark," observed Benny.

The four boys laughed.

"And they should call having the shits a colon," suggested Brent and the boys rolled on the floor again in merriment.

"Boys!" called their father.

"So guys, lets go over our plan again," suggested Brent in a whisper.

"But what about Carson?" persisted Bobby.

"Well," said Brett with an evil grin, "If he really wants to lose weight, I think we could show him some way cool exercises that would not just help him reduce weight but make him feel real good besides."

"Oh yeah," grinned his brothers, their eyes sparkling.

"Actually," said Bobby, "that could be fucking hot."

The four boys gathered together in a circle, but this time not for a jerk not until later anyway. They had serious planning to do. They were so serious, when they were finished their planning they even decided to make some sincere New Year's resolutions. Actually, that had become a tradition of the boys, and of course, done with typical Brewster flair and good intentions. The boys pulled down their flies and stood in a circle in the middle of their bedroom.

"Everyone ready?" asked Brent. His brothers all nodded. "Remember, these have to be real resolutions. Resolutions that will improve us."

"You gonna resolve to get plastic surgery done on your face?" Benny asked with mock surprise.

"I'm gonna resolve to get surgery done on your nuts," retorted Brent.

"Cool," observed Bobby. "Can I have them?"

"It would be an improvement over your little marbles," joked Brett.

"How'd you like my marbles in your mouth?"

"If we hurry up with these resolutions, you're on."

"Then I resolve on the Brewster balls to destroy the secret pictures I've taken all last year so I can't blackmail nobody no more," announced Bobby as he suddenly reached over and slipped his hand in Brent's fly.

His brothers stared at him in surprise. Now that was being serious!

"Okay," said Benny as he reached over and slipped his hand in Bobby's fly, "I resolve on the Brewster balls to never again humiliate my classmates like I did on Thanksgiving."

"And I resolve on the Brewster balls not to seek revenge on the dumb jocks who keep teasing us about looking like girls even though the stupid dickheads deserve it," said Brent as he reached over and took Brett's balls in his hand. With their long, blond hair extending down to their nipples, deep blue eyes, smooth complexion and fine features, the slim five-foot twins were often teased about looking like girls.

"Then, I, ah," stumbled Brett, taken totally by surprise. He'd been planning on resolving on doing his own homework or putting some of his allowance in the bank instead of spending it the moment he got it or something similar. He hadn't considered resolving anything like his brothers had. "I resolve on the Brewster balls," he began as he desperately tried to think of something equal as he reached for Benny's balls, "to destroy the book of wizard spells so we can't trick anyone no more like we did on Halloween." He slipped his hand inside Benny's fly and cupped his warm, hairless nuts, completing the circle. That done, and their hands already in position, the four boys did what only was natural under the circumstances.

Seven o'clock Friday night Charles Elwood, their next door neighbour, arrived. The seven-year-old had been so eager to spend the evening with his heros he hadn't slept a wink the night before. He had always wanted to be like the four boys, especially Bobby, and after they had gotten him a great part in the Thanksgiving play as their servant boy, he literally worshipped them. The youngster had put on his new Gap cargo pants and his cool red, black and white Tommy Helfiger shirt, two presents he'd specifically asked Santa for because that was what his heros were wearing lately.

"Hey, looking real sharp tonight, Chucky," observed Brent.

Charles's heart felt like it was going to burst, especially when he saw Bobby and Benny were wearing their cargo pants also. As he followed the boys to their room, he tried to imitate their walk, which was a cross between a swagger and a strut.

"You can put your pack over there by my dresser," said Bobby.

His backpack, in the shape of Winnie the Pooh and a gift from his grandparents a year ago, was one of his favourite possessions and doubled as a school bag and an overnight bag. As he put it down, he could not help but notice the new Pokemon underwear still in their plastic in the open drawer. The seven-year-old was practically giddy with joy. He knew that was not their usual underwear, and he knew that they knew he wore Pokemon pajamas from babysitting him. Could he dare hope they have boughten them because they thought his pajamas were cool? That would be so awesome!

The young boy's joy was suddenly dashed when he found out he was not going to be the only one spending this extra special evening with the Brewster brothers. He did not have anything against his fellow grade two classmate, he just didn't want to share his heros with anyone, and especially on this night. The four boys knew how the seven-year-old neighbour idolized them, and they could not help but notice the disappointment in his big brown eyes.

"We're gonna need your help tonight, Chucky," said Brent as he sat down on his bed and Brett jumped up on the top bunk.

"You are?" the young boy asked in surprise.

"Yep. We got some real special things planned just for you tonight."

"You do?" the boy asked, his big brown eyes growing even wider. His light honey-brown hair, cut in the same style as Bobby's, stuck up at the back of his head.

"So we're gonna need your help convincing Carson that what we're gonna do is cool."

"Heck," the boy said with a shrug of his shoulders and a shake of his head, "everything you do is cool."

"Damn," said Bobby. "We were supposed to help you with your vocabulary. Cool guys say 'hell', not 'heck', okay?"

Charles nodded so eagerly his fine, soft hair bounced.

"So, we can count on you, right Chucky?" Bobby asked as he stepped up to him and put his arm around his shoulders with a smile.

"Hell yeah," Charles replied, his grin so wide you could see every one of his square white baby teeth. As impossible as it sounds, when he and the four brothers high-fived the grin grew even wider.

Carson's parents dropped him off fifteen minutes later. Like Charles, he was wearing new Christmas gifts too, a colourful red and green sweater and baggy black jeans. He glanced around the room uncomfortably.

"You can put your bag over by Chucky's," suggested Brent.

He put his duffel bag by the dresser and sat down beside Charles with a self-conscious smile. Although the Brewster brothers had never teased him or picked on him like a lot of other kids did, he'd heard that they were pretty wild and it was comforting to see a familiar face, even though he and Charles weren't buddies or anything like that. Actually, Carson was quiet and shy and most kids were afraid of his asshole bully brother, so he didn't have any really close friends. The six boys sat there awkwardly and silently. At seven thirty Barry and Brenda Brewster announced they were leaving.

"So, when are you going to be coming home again?"

"Very late," said their father.

"After the midnight buffet."

"Probably not until two or even a bit later. After all, we won't be here for the next millennium party."

"You boys are going to be all right looking after Charles and Carson by yourselves?" asked Brenda Brewster. "Maybe I shouldn't have offered to have Carson stay over too."

"Hey, no prob Mom," assured Brent.

"Maybe we shouldn't go out," she said, glancing at her husband.

"Oh fu- fu- for goodness sake no," said Bobby. "Go have fun."

"Yeah, we'll be fine," chorused his three brothers.

"All right. You boys be good."

"We will," the four promised with huge, angelic grins.

Brent watched out the window as the station wagon pulled out of the driveway and headed down the street. "Okay, you guys," he said as he turned around. "You want to have some real hot fun tonight?"

"Heck yeah," said Charles eagerly in blind faith.

"Heck?" asked Bobby.

"Hell yeah," said Charles with a grin. He glanced at Carson out of the corner of his eye and Carson smiled ever so slightly.

Carson wasn't sure, but this could be an all right night. "What sort of fun?" he asked cautiously.

"Stuff big boys do," said Brent.

"Learning you some stuff I bet even your brother Scott doesn't know," contributed Brett.

"Learning? Like in school?" asked Carson apprehensively. He was no dummy, but he was not that bright in school either. Besides, they were on holiday. You didn't learn stuff when you were on holiday.

"Not like in school," said Bobby. "Learnin' way funner stuff."

"Stuff that'll make you feel good," Benny said encouragingly, glancing at Charles and nodding toward Carson.

"That'd be way cool," said Charles, getting the hint. He didn't know what the brothers were talking about, but if they said it would be fun, then he knew whatever it was he'd like it.

"This is grown-up stuff, so it's gotta be our secret," cautioned Brett.

"Yeah?" asked Charles, his chocolate brown eyes sparkling with the prospect of doing something forbidden. Even Carson's ears perked up.

"Yeah. That okay? Doing something you gotta keep a secret from your parents?"

"Heck yeah," said Charles.

"Heck?" asked Bobby.

"Ooops, I mean hell yeah," said Charles with a grin. He and Bobby high-fived.

"You okay with this, Carson?"

"Sure," he said with a shrug.

"Okay, first we got to get comfortable," said Brent.

"How we do that?" Charles asked.

"We strip down to our underwear," Bobby said with a grin.

Chucky giggled. Carson frowned.

"What's wrong, Carson?"

"I don't like taking my clothes off in front of other people."

"Yeah, when we went swimming in school Carson was always the last one to change into his suit, and the only one who wore a T-shirt."

"I just don't like people staring at my body, okay?" Carson said defensively as his eyes began to narrow.

"I bet that's a problem," said Brett, quickly thinking on his feet. "I can see why guys would stare at your body."

The look on Carson's face wavered between anger and hurt.

"I bet you got an awesome chest," Brett continued.

"And arms," added Brent, seeing what his twin was trying to do.

"Bet you got real strong legs," said Bobby.

"Oh yeah," agreed Benny. "Bet a lot of kids envy you."

"Envy me?" chubby Carson said. That was a new concept for him. He found it quite pleasing.

"Sure, that's why kids stare at your body, right Chucky?" Brent asked.

Charles looked at him uncertainly. That was not the reason why everyone stared at Carson. They stared because he was the fattest kid anyone had ever seen.

"Yeah, you know about that, don't ya, Chucky," urged Bobby. "You're like me. Us cute guys are used to having people stare at us."

"Yeah," Charles grinned. At four feet [1.22 m] and fifty pounds [23 kg], and with his honey-blond hair and big brown eyes, it wasn't the first time the seven-year-old had been told he was cute. It was the first time his hero had said so though. If the evening continued like it had started he was going to have a very sore jaw in the morning.

"Trust us, Carson," urged Brent.

"Yeah," said Bobby in support.

"You can trust them," said Charles. "They know some way awesome stuff." He thought back to the night they had babysat him and they had caught the Boogeyman. Now that had been awesome.

"Well, okay," replied Carson.

Nobody had ever suggested he had a body to be envied before. Anyone who could suggest that had to be trustworthy. As the boys began to unbutton their shirts, he drew his new sweater off over his head. He moved slowly, watching the others and trying not to be obvious. The twins wasted no time and just dropped their clothes where they were standing. At five feet [1.52 m] tall and a hundred-and-one pounds [46 kg], the two teenagers were at that stage where they had lost the soft contours of pre-teenagers, but had not yet developed the muscular definition of older teens. Besides, they had inherited their mother's fine bones, giving them a more delicate appearance. For this evening the twins had chosen to wear their boxer briefs, Brent his black, cotton knit Calvin Kleins and Brett his grey, ribbed Marky Marks.

Benny slowly pushed down his cargo pants, revealing a pair of Navy blue polyester-cotton briefs with a white waist band, and Bobby quickly followed. For this night the ten-year-old had chosen a pair of tighty-whities, Stanfield regular rise briefs with a double panel fly front and support pouch, just like his dad often wore. Charles hadn't thought about choosing underwear. In fact he was wearing just what his mom picked out for him that morning, a plain pair of no- brand white cotton briefs. Last to drop his pants was Carson, revealing a pair of loose fitting Nevada navy/green plaid cotton boxers. Despite the earlier comments by the boys, he kept on his short-sleeved T-shirt. He and Charles sat there self-consciously, but the four Brewster brothers seemed to be accustomed to going around in just their underwear.

The door bell rang at exactly eight-forty-five and Brent went to answer it. Mark Fording was standing there dressed smartly in a white shirt, dark blue suit and bright red and green striped tie.

"Starting the party early?" he asked with a large grin at the sight of Brent standing there in the doorway in his underwear.

"Just getting everyone comfortable," Brent replied with a twinkle in his eye.

When the fourteen-year-old took the older teen downstairs, he was not overly surprised to see the rest of the boys already stripped down to their underwear too. Despite their evident eagerness and his desire to teach Tony and his buddy a lesson, Mark was still uncomfortable with the plan, and as they waited for their two victims he debated for the last time if he shouldn't really back out. At nine o'clock the door bell rang again and he had run out of time. Once again Brent went to answer it.

"Hey, what's with the fuckin' gaunches, squirt?" asked Tony with a snort.

"Just being comfortable," replied Brent. "That's what we Brewsters do in the evening."

"Oh yeah? Your cousin too?" asked Tony with a leer as he glanced over at Eddie.

"Course," said Brent with a suggestive grin as he looked at the two teens.

The two boys did not look their typical selves. In anticipation of some hot sex, they had showered, shampooed, and put on clean jeans and shirts. With his natural dark looks and his long, black hair washed and combed, Tony was not that bad looking. Even Eddie with his gangly arms and legs and acne was decent looking when he was clean, sort of an innocent farm-boy look.

"Cool aftershave," Brent observed. Both boys smelled faintly of marijuana, smoked on the way over to bolster their courage. The two boys took his sarcasm for innocence.

"So, like, where is your cousin?"

"Follow me."

Brent lead them to the guest bedroom in the basement. The two drug pushers rubbed their sweaty palms on their jeans in nervous anticipation as they recalled the last time they'd been shown to that room. At that time they'd had no idea what they were going to be getting into. This time they did, or more appropriately, thought they did, and their hearts were racing in anticipation, and apprehension. Opening the door, Brent motioned for them to enter ahead of him. The sight of Brent's three brothers and two seven-year-olds sitting there in their underwear, and Mark Fording standing in the middle of them in a suit was not what the two horny teens had expected.

"What the hell is this?" asked Tony.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough," replied Brent as he closed the door behind him.

"Don't play smart with me you little snotnose," snapped Tony. "What the fuckin' hell sort of stunt is this?"

"I'd be careful what I'd say," warned Mark.

"Oh yeah? Then you tell me what the hell this is. You having a New Year's party with your little playmates?"

"I think you really should watch your tongue," Mark replied calmly, his doubts quickly disappearing. The asshole was making this easy for him to go along with the boys' plan.

"Oh yeah, well your tongue can watch this," said Tony with a smirk as he jerked his thumb at his crotch.

"Yeah, and when you're done, your tongue can watch my butt," joined in Eddie.

"So, the boys were right. You two really are fags," commented Mark, not believing how the freaks had given him the perfect opening.

"Hey, man, now you watch your fuckin' tongue!"

"You better take that back."

"I think Mark's talking about this," said Bobby, having taken two Polaroids out of his desk during the exchange. He handed them to the two boys.

They stared at the two pictures in disbelief. "What the fuck sort of joke is this?"

"No joke," said Brett. "That's pictures we took of you with our cousin Halloween night."

"No fuckin' way. We were with a girl that night."

"Yeah. And she was all girl," added Eddie.

"So you two were bragging for a month after," observed Mark.

"What? You think I don't know a girl when I'm fucking her?"

"You two are usually so doped up I doubt if half the time you even know if you're fucking a human."

The four Brewsters giggled and several pictures and ideas for the future flashed through their minds. Carson and Charles sat there bugeyed and pointy eared with the cursing and nature of the conversation.

"So that was why you were chasing that dog in the parking lot the other day," said Bobby with a wide grin after a moment and the four brothers snickered as they high-fived.

"Very funny, squirt. I'm telling you that was a woman we had down here on Halloween."

"Right," agreed Eddie.

"That's not what those two pictures say," accused Mark.

"Yeah, you can see our cousin is no girl," Brent pointed out.

"You were both certainly close enough to know that!" giggled Benny.

"That's for fuckin' sure," added Bobby, his hazel eyes sparkling. "You'd have to be blind not to notice our cousin has a dick."

Charles and Carson watched in wide eyed and slack-jawed attention.

"No way," objected Tony as he shook his head. "These are faked."

"Oh yeah," sneered Mark. "As if these boys have the skills and equipment to fake pictures that well. Com'on, the evidence is there."

"What fuckin' evidence?"

"Yeah? No way are these real."

"That is you two in those pictures."

"They look like us, but ."

"Oh, imposters now, huh? Com'on, nobody can look like you two, not on purpose," he insulted, his anger growing by the second. First the two jerks had screwed and told, something a guy doesn't do if he respects the girl, and now that they were caught in their lie, they were too cowardly to admit the truth. "You both have been bragging for the last two months about how you did the boys' cousin together. This is a picture of the two of you having sex together, and it is in this room."

"Well, yeah, but ."

"The problem is you didn't know the boys had taken pictures and it would be found out that instead of a big boobed brunette like you've been claiming, it's some dude with a goatee and moustache."

The two bewildered boys looked at each other helplessly.

"Shit," continued Mark. "You must have been really doped up not to know it was a guy you were messing with that night."

"No way. We weren't smoking that night," observed Tony.

"Yeah. We had to look after Tony's kid brother."

"Well, if you weren't so high you didn't know you were making out with a guy, then you must have known you were doing it with him."

Tony and Eddie looked at each other again even more helplessly. They were not fast thinkers at the best of times, and this was not the best of times. They looked back at Mark, and then at the six boys in their underwear. "Soooo," Tony said slowly. "What is going on here?"

"The boys are looking after these two youngsters tonight," Mark began. "And they figured it would be a great opportunity to explain to them about guys who like guys, and since they know I'm an authority on sex, they asked me if I'd help them out. We figured you two boys would be ideal models to demonstrate guy-guy sex for us, and from the look of these pictures, we were right."

"Fuck you."

"In your dreams," said Mark with a smile, knowing he was in control here.

"So why you doing this? You a boy lover or something?"

"Better than pushing drugs on little kids."

"That's a matter of opinion. Besides, I told ya, I wasn't pushing them on your kid brother."

"That's not what he said."

"I explained what happened. It was a misunderstanding."

"And I told you what would happen if I ever caught you trying to sell him drugs again."

"And we haven't, have we Eddie?"

"Right. No way," Eddie replied, shaking his head vigorously.

"I also told ya if you keep pushing drugs on little kids some day you're going to pay for it. Well," the seventeen-year-old said with a grin, "this is the day."

"Com'on Eddie, we're out of here."

"You better listen to what we have to say," warned Brett.

"Oh? You have something to say too?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"You'd better listen," warned Mark.

"Listen to what?"

"You do what we say, and you get these pictures," said Brett. "You don't, then Chucky and Carson will show these around the playground when they go back to school."

The two seven-year-olds had not yet seen the pictures, but from the conversation, they were eager to do so.

Tony studied Brent for a moment. He'd heard plenty of stories about the Brewsters, most of them contradictory, but from the look in the fourteen-year-old's eyes, he believed he would do what he said. "And what exactly do you expect us to do?"

"That's where I come in," said Mark with a grin. "I'll be giving the directions."

"Which are?"

"Well, you can begin by demonstrating for the boys how two guys kiss each other," Mark said with a grin. Charles and Carson glanced at each other and their eyes opened still wider.

"We'll pay for the pictures. Or make a swap. We can get our hands on some quality grass. Or even heavier stuff."

"I don't do drugs, and nor do these boys. There is only one way you'll get these pictures."

The two pushers looked at the photos and then at each other. "This is blackmail."


"We get the pictures before we do anything," Tony said, figuring once they got a hold of the pictures there was nothing the boys could do.

"Sure," agreed Brent to their surprise. "You get the first set. Then after you do everything we say, you get the second set."

"What the fuck you mean the second set?"

"These aren't the only two pictures we took."

"Times wasting," urged Mark. "Make up your mind."

"We got no choice do we?"

"First smart thing you've said all evening."

"All right," Tony agreed, gritting his teeth as he fought the temptation to reply to Mark's smug comment. "Give us the pictures."

Brent handed them over.

"All right. Everyone one get comfy," began Mark. The boys sat on the carpet, forming a circle around the three older teens. "Now," began their teacher for the evening, "the first step in having sex is called petting. That's to get each other in the mood. Understand?"

Charles and Benny glanced at each other and shook their head.

"Okay. Let's put it this way. The first thing a couple does is kiss and hug."

"Oh yeah," blurted out Charles. "My sister and her boyfriends do that all the time."

"Right," smiled Mark as he thought about Charles's sexy sister. The word was that nobody had yet cracked her cherry, though it was not for lack of trying by at least half the boys at the high school. "Well, two guys can do the same thing." He looked over at Tony and Eddie. "Go ahead, show us what it is like to kiss."

Tony and Eddie glared at Mark and then glanced at each other. They reluctantly turned to each other and held out their arms. The four boys giggled as after a few false starts their lips met for a split-second kiss.

"Com'on, you can do better than that," urged Mark. "Kiss like you really mean it."

"Fuck you."

"You know, if you keep arguing, we'll just say forget it and show these pictures to every kid that you sell drugs to. I don't need this."

The two boys kissed, this time more meaningfully even though they were seething inside. They both began to turn red as they heard the boys giggle.

"Now remove each other's shirts and caress each other's chests."

Tony had a broad chest and an impressive mat of hair for seventeen. Eddie's chest, on the other hand, was smooth and skinny. The boys began to run their fingers over each other's pecs, clearly feeling awkward and clearly steaming with anger.

"Suck on Eddie's nips, just like you would with a girl."

Tony glanced at Mark and as Mark raised an eyebrow, he reluctantly bowed his head and slipped his lips over Eddie's teat. Eddie's body could not help but respond to the hot, moist mouth, to his surprise and mortification, and to everyone else's amusement, everybody except Tony of course.

"Come up and see how hard Eddie's teat is."

Charles readily got up and approached the teenager to the cheers of his mentors. Carson got to his feet a bit more slowly, and grinned as the Brewster brothers cheered him on too. Standing there in his jockey briefs, seven-year-old Charles reached up and gingerly touched Eddie's nipple with his slender, soft fingers. Carson followed suit, cautiously reaching out as if Eddie's nipples might be hot. Actually, they were, and very hard.

"What's it feel like, to be hard like that?" asked Charles, feeling comfortable and brave in the presence of his heros.

"Well, it's hard to explain," replied Mark as he thought about it, and then with a smile, he added, "but it is easy to show." He was surprised how Charles had given him an opening for his next step, almost as if he'd been rehearsed for the part. "Go ahead, Tony, show the kid."

"Show him? How?"

"Suck his teat like you did Eddie's."

"Christ, he's a kid!"

"Do it," Mark said firmly. "And Eddie can do Carson."

The two teens squatted down in front of the two seven-year-olds. Straining to control his anger, Tony placed his lips over Charles's little nipple and began to suck. As he sucked on the smooth, pliable boy breast, still round and soft with baby fat, he tongued the boy's tiny teat in an attempt to get him hard as fast as he could. The faster this ordeal was over with the better. In response to the suction and the attack by the teen's tongue, the boy's little teat began to stiffen immediately. Following Tony's lead, Eddie raised Carson's T-shirt, revealing two very large fleshy mounds that many thirteen-year-old girls would give their eye teeth to have. As he began to suck and lick Carson's teat, the four-foot [1.22 m], seventy-pound [32 kg] boy giggled with excitement and quickly forgot his embarrassment. It was not long before the two boys were unable to stand still as the strange new irritation burned in the centre of each breast.

"So, how's it feel?" asked Bobby as Tony sat back and Charles stared down at his stiff, protruding little nipple.

"Awesome," he replied with a huge grin.

"Yeah," agreed Carson. "It's sortta, well, sortta-."

"Like a mosquito bite, but way more," observed Charles.

"Yeah," agreed Carson with a grin. "Just like that."

"It's gonna get even better," Bobby promised with a grin. "Way fuckin' better."

The boys looked up at Mark, and he continued with the instruction. "Now, this kissing and caressing and everything is called foreplay. Another exciting part of foreplay is getting each other naked." He looked over at Tony and Eddie. "Go ahead guys."

Charles and Carson glanced at each other with huge, excited grins and quickly sat back on the floor to watch. Carson slipped his T-shirt off, and smiled when not one of the boys looked over at his round stomach and rolls of fat. The two teens they were watching were anything but excited as they undid each other's belt and unsnapped each other's jeans. As they began to pull down each other's fly, Brent and Brett glanced over at each other and smiled. People often say there is a special link between twins. In this case each of the boys was feeling a stirring in his boxer briefs and knew the same was happening to his brother.

The two performers were feeling no such emotions as they mechanically stepped out of their jeans and stared at the floor, unable to look up at the audience watching them. Tony had especially chosen one of his beer print boxer briefs, bright red ones with the logo "In Budweiser", figuring it would impress the Brewster boys' cousin. Eddie had had the same idea, and in light of their last experience, had chosen Joe Boxer cotton boxers with a "slurp that smile" print, figuring it would not only get a chuckle, but give her a clear indication that he wanted a repeat performance. Now the two boys stood there in embarrassment, waiting for some comment, especially from Mark.

"Okay," he continued, trying not to show his pleasure in their discomfort as he saw the boys cringe. "Now remove each other's party underwear." Actually, for freaks, he had been surprised in their taste in underwear.

The two hesitated, and Tony opened his mouth to object, but then thought better of it. He turned and slipping his hand under the elastic band of Eddie's boxers, he began to draw them down. For the past two days Eddie had pictured someone drawing down his underwear this night, but it certainly had not been his best buddy. He could feel his ears turning red as he felt Tony's hands slipping along his hips, drawing down his boxers. Slipping his hand under the elastic band of Tony's underwear, he wondered if his buddy felt as mortified as he. As the boys stepped out of their underwear, their immediate impulse was to cross their hands in front of them, but logic told them that to do so would only draw attention to the fact they were embarrassed exposing themselves. Instead, they left their hands dangling awkwardly at their sides. Tony even managed a proud smirk as he looked up at the circle of boys staring at him.

"Now, as you can see," Mark continued, thoroughly enjoying himself, "boys are not all the same when it comes to their private parts. Tony here, for example, has a lot of crotch hair, and his cock is circumcised. Come up and take a good look."

The two seven-year-olds glanced at each other, and with huge grins, got to their feet. Tony continued to smirk as he told himself that he was giving the boys the opportunity to see a real man's dick, but a voice in the back of his mind reminded him that the boys staring at his cock were only seven years old.

"Eddie, on the other hand, is uncut. See how his foreskin is still covering the knob of his cock?"

The boys took a good look and nodded. They'd noticed the difference in boys when they'd stripped for swim classes, or taken a leak in the school boy's room, but they'd never had any way of finding out why.

"Show the boys how your skin can be pulled back."

Eddie hesitated, and then slowly eased back his foreskin. He was not feeling smug at all. He was totally embarrassed.

"Now then, one of the nice things about being a boy, is that a boy can have a lot of fun with his dick, and can make himself feel real good by doing stuff with it. Probably the most common way is by rubbing it. You can rub it with your fingers, or you can lay on your stomach and rub it against the bed sheets or a pillow, or even lay on your stomach on the floor and rub it against the carpet," Mark said with a grin as he looked at the two youngest boys sitting on the floor in their underwear and listening to him with rapt attention. "Rubbing your cock is known as jacking off. You boys ever play with your pricks?" he asked, looking at Charles and Carson specifically.

Carson shook his head. "Mom says boys aren't supposed to touch themselves there."

Charles looked at Bobby with a guilty, panicked look.

"Well, that's cuz she's a mom," said Bobby. "If she had a dick, she'd know that is a dumb rule. Every boy jacks off regular once they find out how awesome it is." He looked over at Charles and winked knowingly. Charles smiled back, still uncomfortable, but feeling better.

"Show us how you boys usually jack off," Mark instructed.

Stripping was one thing, but jacking off was totally going too far. Eddie and Tony glared at their director, but from the look on his face, they knew that as embarrassing as this was, it was nothing compared to if those pictures got in the hands of the wrong people. With that thought in mind, they reluctantly and self-consciously slipped their fingers about their limp cocks and began to fiddle with them, shaking them and tugging on them as they'd been doing for the past four years or more. The boys watched with wide-eyed interest as the cocks of the two demonstrators slowly began to swell.

Being young and full of hormones, the two boys became stiff in spite of the circumstances. Tony's was the fatter and was six inches [15 cm] long. Eddie's was a bit longer but thinner. Mark glanced over at the two pupils.

"Go ahead, get up and have a good look."

The boys did, and were immediately joined by the four Brewsters. Tony glared at the twins as they made a big show of squatting down in front of him and examining his protruding erection.

"You can feel them if you want," Mark encouraged, motivated by wanting to embarrass the two victims rather than by wanting to educate the two seven-year-old pupils.

The twins knew he meant Charles and Carson, but they could not resist reaching out and wrapping their fingers around the erections of the two drug pushers. Brent's black Calvin Kleins and Brett's grey, ribbed Marky Marks were tented out, something that was obvious to everyone.

"Fucker," cursed Tony under his breath as Brent wrapped his fingers about the teenager's bone.

"Maybe before the night is over, I will fuck you," Brent whispered in his ear with a twinkle in his blue eyes as he gave the boy's cock a tug.

Brent stepped back and chubby Carson eagerly stepped up and wrapped a plump fist about the stiff cock and squeezed it with his stubby fingers. To the seven-year-old boy, it looked huge. Tony tensed but could do nothing about it. Eddie was thinking the same as Charles took his stiff cock in his small hand.

"Now," continued Mark. "Which one of you is going to jerk me off?"

"Forget it," Tony blurted out.

"Then it will be you," Mark announced as he pulled down his fly.

Slipping his fingers inside his suit, he withdrew his semierect cock and motioned for Tony to take it. Carson and Charles were not the only two to lean forward to watch as Tony reluctantly reached over and wrapped his fingers about Mark's semierect cock, which was already longer than any of the six boys in the audience. It quickly began to swell and was soon standing fully erect. By this time Benny's Navy blue polyester-cotton briefs and the support pouch of Bobby's Stanfield briefs had very prominent bulges. Mark leaned back against the dresser and grinned as Tony wrapped his fingers about his thick, seven-inch [18 cm] tube and began to jerk him.

"Now, when you get older, you can make sperm. You boys know what that is?"

"Sure," said Charles proudly. "That's the stuff that makes babies."

Charles thought back to three months ago when he and the Brewster brothers had caught the Boogeyman under his bed. That had been awesome enough, but even more awesome were the spankings that they'd given him and some of the other things that had happened that night. That was the first time he'd ever heard of boners and jacking off and cumming. He'd spent many nights over the next three months playing with himself and recalling everything that his four heros had done that night, and especially picturing the image of the Boogeyman desperately pounding his cock and cumming all over himself. Charles's little cocklet tented out his white cotton briefs uncomfortably.

Carson didn't say anything as he stared at the teenager's huge cock. This was all totally new to him, and he was feeling a mixture of emotions. Like any typical seven-year-old boy he was curious about anything related to being a boy, and this was one of the most exciting lessons yet in that regard. Also like most seven-year-olds he'd already been brainwashed into thinking that anything involving his privates was dirty and bad. So, mixed with the wonder of the moment was an apprehension, a nagging guilt that what he was observing was wrong. He didn't know it, but the Brewster boys were about to introduce him to a totally different way of looking at things, the Brewster way.

"Well," Mark announced a couple minutes later, "I'm about to shoot mine." His breathing was heavy, as if he'd done laps in the gym. "Somebody better grab me something to shoot it in."

Brent grabbed Tony's beer briefs and held them up to the flushed, panting teenager.

Mark had no sooner grabbed them than his big dick began to gusher. He sighed with the pleasure as rope after rope of thick, teen cum shot out of his cock and into Tony's underwear. The Brewster brothers glanced at each other with knowing smiles and Bobby and Charles exchanged leers. Carson, Tony, and Eddie were all too fascinated by Mark's climax to notice anything else. Carson's little cock twitched inside his loose Nevada navy/green plaid boxers as he stared at the stained underwear and the milky globule hanging from Mark's flushed cockhead. Mark finally wiped the tip of his cock off with Tony's briefs and dropped them on the floor.

For the Brewster brothers the sight of someone cumming was hardly new, but it was wild to see a hunky teenager with a humongous cock like Mark's cum, and even wilder to see him shoot his load in someone else's underwear. As for Charles, this was now the fourth time he'd seen someone come, the previous times being the night they had captured the Boogeyman when Brent and Brett had cum while they'd spanked the creature, and they'd made the Boogeyman so hot he'd jacked off. To the wide-eyed seven-year-old it was just as awesome as the first time.

"There's other ways for a boy to make sperm," Mark said after regaining his breath. "One is to have his cock sucked. Eddie, you seem to know all about what it's like to get a blow job, you take it from here."


"It looked like you were really enjoying yourself in the picture."

"I don't know nothing about that picture," the teenager repeated, this time with a definite whine. "The person who blew me was a female, a gorgeous looking female," he insisted.

"Whatever," said Mark, clearly showing he didn't believe him, and didn't care. "You did get blown, like you've been bragging, and you did enjoy it."


"Tell us exactly what happened that night."

"Well," he began, hoping to prove he'd had sex with a girl, "one of the twins brought us down here to this room in the basement, and this gorgeous brunette with huge boobs was laying there on the bed with her legs spread apart and just aching for sex. We were both going to fuck her, but she said she was aching to give one of us a blow job, so we decided Tony would fuck her while she gave me a blow job.

I was just going to take my dick out my fly but she was so hot she pushed down my pants and underwear and began to lick my nuts and my dick. It was awesome. She took my nuts in her mouth and sucked them, one at a time and then both, and as I started to get a boner she took my cock by the base and held it up and began to lick it, like it was an ice cream cone. I was so fucking hot I began to leak pre-cum, and the slut licked it off as it oozed out of my cock. That was so awesome! Then she slipped her mouth over my cock and went down, all the way to the base. Fuck, I don't know how she did it, but she took the whole thing in, and then she began to work her mouth up and down the whole length as she sucked. I came in no time!"

It had been easy for Eddie to describe what had happened. It had been his first and only blow job and he'd told the story to anyone who would listen. He'd also wanked off at least four dozen times over the past two months thinking about every detail of it.

"You got all that Tony?"

Tony glared at the seventeen-year-old.

"Asked you a question."

"Yeah, I got all that," he said surlily. "You wanna hear what I was doing between her legs at the same time?"

"No. I want you to do your buddy, just as he described it."


"Get on your knees and give your buddy a blow job, just as he described."

"You gotta ."

"You got a problem with that?" Mark asked as he glanced at the photos.

Tony reluctantly got to his knees. The son of a bitch was going to pay for this big time.

"Hey, I'm sorry, man," Eddie apologized. "I had no idea 3; "

"Let's just get this fucking night over with."

Holding him by the hips, Tony leaned forward and began to lick his buddy's hairy balls just as he'd described. They were salty, and he could smell their sex. He'd listened to Eddie's description a hundred times since that night, and he'd hoped he'd have the chance to have such an experience too, but he hadn't imagined it would be this way. As he took Eddie's lower nut in his mouth and began to suck, he pictured the seven boys behind him watching, and he resolved he would make them pay for this, every single one of them from the little fat slob and his wide-eyed chirpy little buddy to the smug, macho Mark Fording in his expensive suit and lady-killer smile. Most of all, he would make the Brewster brothers pay. He had no idea how they'd taken a Polaroid of him Halloween night and been able to crop the broad out and replace it with that dude with the goatee, but they were going to pay, big time for setting him up.

As Eddie began to swell, Tony took his cock in his hand and began to lick it. It was not that unpleasant a taste, but the act was repugnant and perverted, as the person performing it anyway. Being the recipient was something different, or so he imagined never having been a recipient. How many guys had he told to suck his cock and had later imagined them doing it? How many broads had he imagined dropping to their knees in their lust-driven frenzy for his body? He felt Eddie tremble and a drop of pre-cum oozed out of Eddie's cock. The fucking bastard! How could he be enjoying this? Reluctantly obeying the voice behind him, Tony extended his tongue as far as he could like a kid whose parents were forcing him to eat something distasteful and he licked up the clear, sticky droplet. At least it had next to no taste. Just like Eddie, bland and with no taste, he thought as another droplet oozed out of his buddy's cock. His face flushed with anger, he licked it up, and then went down on Eddie's cock before he could produce another drop. Anything to get this humiliation over with.

As he watched the scene before him, Bobby reached down and fingered the bulge in his tighty-whities. Charles quickly mimicked his hero, and seeing his classmate touching himself, Carson gave in to temptation and reached down and squeezed the tiny boner inside his boxers. Noticing the action, the twins leered at each other as their hands slowly slipped down to their laps also.

Tony heard someone comment about being a hungry cocksucker, one of the Brewster boys. They all sounded the same, even the fourteen-year-old twins. Fucking brats hadn't even had a voice change yet. As he worked his mouth up and down the stiff, slender cock of his best friend, he thought about each of the boys. That foul mouthed youngest brother he'd forgotten his name would never have a chance for a voice change. He'd cut off his balls and shove them down the punk kid's throat. As for his brother, maybe he'd shove them up his arse. Better yet, he'd shove one up each of the twin's buttholes and then have the punk kid suck them back out.

He was concentrating on his revenge so hard that by the time Eddie's warning registered in his mind it was too late. Eddie trembled and ran his fingers through Tony's long, freshly shampooed hair as he began to shoot his load. The first went straight down Tony's throat, and the second filled his mouth as he realized what was happening and began to draw back. The third and fourth sprayed his face as he drew off of Eddie's throbbing cock.

"Eewwww, gross," observed Carson.

"Not really," said Mark with a husky voice, keeping his eyes on the seventeen-year-old boy kneeling on the floor, ropes of his buddy's fresh cum oozing down his cheeks and filming his lips. "Can be very erotic."


"Can be a real turn on."


"Real enjoyable," Mark explained. He hated drug pushers, and especially those who pushed their poison at elementary schools. He especially hated Tony Amatto ever since the son of a bitch had tried to sell his kid brother some grass. Seeing the cocksucker kneeling there, angry as hell and powerless with his buddy's cum dripping from his ugly face was more than real enjoyable. It was stupendous.

"Yeah?" Carson said doubtfully, but Mark was too busy enjoying the moment to hear him.

"Fuck yeah," said Bobby, seizing the opportunity. "Getting sucked off can be way awesome."

"You've been sucked off?" asked Carson with wide-eyed surprise.

"Oh yeah," sighed Bobby as he thought back to his first time. He and his brothers had been searching their parents' bedroom for Christmas presents, and instead found a stash of their dad's porn magazines under the bed. Being more of the "doer" type than the "observer", they soon decided to try some of the things that were in the photos. That had been back when the ten- year-old was a little kid, back in grade two or one.

Carson looked up at the two boys in the middle of the room. Getting his nipple licked and sucked until it was hard had been awesome, and he knew fiddling with his dick felt good. It made sense that getting your cock sucked would feel good too. Eddie certainly looked like he had enjoyed it. Carson shifted his weight as he thought about what it would be like. The chubby seven-year-old felt a strange new feeling between his legs as the pleasure from his earlier fiddling turned to an ache of desire.

"Now," said Mark, looking forward to the next embarrassment he was going to inflict on the two losers. "There is one more way that a boy can have fun. You're the expert on ass fucking from the look of that picture, Tony. Why don't you explain how it's done to the boys?"

"Hey man, I was doing it to a girl man, and a cunt. That fucking picture is a fake. No way would I have ever stuck my cock up a guy's ass."

"Yeah, right," Mark said sarcastically, leaving no doubt that he didn't believe a word of it. "Well, you know what we'll do if you don't do as you're told. Now, be a good little pervert and show the boys here how to fuck butt."

Tony glanced over at his buddy, and Eddie stared back with a desperate, pleading look. The son of a bitch had come in his mouth. Besides, he'd imagined in more than one jerk off fantasy getting a girl so hot for his body she wanted him to take her up the butt. A butt was a butt what difference was it really if it was a girl's or a guy's? It would also pay Eddie back for making him lick his pre-cum, and he could say he really didn't have any choice. Besides, probably most important of all, it was an opportunity to find out what it would be like to fuck butt, an opportunity he was not likely to get again from a man or a woman.

"Lay on the bed, on your back with your legs raised like the broad was that night," Tony ordered, glancing at Mark out of the corner of his eye when he said "broad".

"Tony, com'on man, you can't be serious."

"You want those pictures circulated?"

"Course not."

"Then do it."

The boys giggled as Eddie, blushing a bright scarlet, lay on his back. Mark suggested they prop up his ass using pillows, little knowing that the Brewster boys were well aware that he had practical knowledge. Commenting that it was going to be difficult without lubrication, the seventeen-year-old was surprised when Brett dashed off and returned in minutes with a tube of KY jelly. He decided it was best not to ask where he'd gotten it, or even more mysterious, how he knew what it was. The brothers grinned with anticipation as Tony greased up his cock, and forced the lube up his reluctant buddy's butt with his greasy middle finger. Charles and Carson sat there with their eyes popping out of their heads.

Under Mark's guidance, Tony knelt between Eddie's legs and positioned his cock at his greased entrance. Eddy closed his eyes as he felt the hard, hot knob wedging between his asscheeks and he wished he could block this entire scene out of his mind as easily as he could block it out of his sight. Tony's greased organ slowly began to enter and Eddie inhaled sharply. He was being fucked for Chrissake, and by his best buddy. He could picture the leering faces of Mark and the Brewster brothers watching him, and the gaping stares of the little brats. What the hell must they all be thinking of him? He had no way of knowing, but all six youngsters were openly fiddling with themselves outside of their underwear, and Mark wished that he could do something about the bulge jutting out his suit pants without Eddie or Tony noticing.

Eddie could not believe this was happening. This was supposed to be one of the hottest nights of his life, even hotter than the Halloween night. What had really happened that night he was no longer sure. They hadn't been smoking, but he'd heard of guys who had high flashbacks or whatever, something to do with drugs left in their body. It certainly had seemed like he'd made out with a chick that night. Mark did have a point about the punk kids not having the ability to fake a picture so well.

Anyway, that was done and past. What was happening to him on this night he clearly understood. Never in his sixteen years had he felt so humiliated. To make matters worse, as Tony rammed his hard cock up his ass, it struck something deep inside him, something that sent a shiver through his groin. To his mortification, he was starting to get a boner.

"You can see how much fun this is," Mark said. "See how fast Tony is fucking, as if he can't get enough of Eddie's ass?"

He was fucking fast, but the reason was to get this over with although Mark was partly right. He was feeling good. After all, his cock was surrounded by a hot, moist ass, the hot moist ass of the son of a bitch that had come in his mouth. With the physical pleasure and the pleasure of revenge, what was there not to enjoy? So what if they were being watched. Let the brats see how a real man fucked.

"And you can see Eddy is enjoying it since he's getting a boner."

The sixteen-year-old's heart sank and he wished he could shrink and disappear. He kept his eyes closed, knowing what he'd see in the faces of those watching, and afraid what he'd see in the face of his best friend. He was right. Tony stared down at him with a combination of anger and disbelief. The son of a bitch was getting a boner, and only one type of guy could possibly enjoy getting fucked. His best buddy! Tony humped his hips even more furiously, and to Eddie's relief, it was not long before Tony was shooting his load up his ass. When Tony finally withdrew, Eddie kept his eyes closed and prayed that they'd let them leave now. There couldn't be anything more they could make them do.

"Would you two boys like these dickheads to bring you off?"

Eddie could not believe his ears.

"What you mean?" asked Charles.

"How would you like to get your dicks sucked off, or maybe jerked? Or maybe you'd like to try fucking some ass?"

The two seven-year-olds glanced at each other, both thinking the same thing, both having the same desire, and both having the same apprehension. As Charles slowly began to grin, so did Carson.

"You mean it?" Charles asked.


"Then I want to fuck one of them," Charles announced, taking the lead.

"Right on!" exclaimed Brent and Brett together.

"Way to go," encouraged Benny.

"Fuckin' right," agreed Bobby.

"So which of these assholes you want to fuck?" asked Mark.

Charles looked at one, and then the other, concentrating as hard as if he'd been asked which of two Pokemon cards he wanted to buy for his collection. He thought back to the time he'd done the Boogeyman and how great it had been. "I think," he finally said, "that I want to do it to Tony, on account Eddie just had his done."

It was Tony's turn to stand there slack-jawed and speechless.

"What about you Carson? What would you like to do?"

"I wanna get my dick sucked," he said.

"By Eddie?"


"Way to go dude," said Benny, slapping him on the back.

"Yeah, fuckin'," agreed Bobby.

"Knew you were cool," observed Brent, and Brett readily agreed.

Carson had never felt so great in all of his seven years as he hefted himself to his feet.

"Com'on," complained Tony. "Get real. They're little kids for fucksake."

"Yeah," agreed his sidekick, but only half-heartedly. He knew it was not going to make a difference.

"I have no problem with that," observed Mark. "Anyone else got a problem with that?"

"No way," chorused Brent and Brett.

"Yeah, think it'd be way hot to watch Chucky fuck the crap out of Tony," said Bobby. "And I just happen to know Chucky's one hot fucking machine."

Charles beamed even brighter than Rudolph's famous nose.

"And it's gonna be awesome watching you give Carson his first blow," said Benny. "But I want you to do something special for our new friend," he continued, putting his arm about Carson's shoulders. "I want you to start by licking his feet and sucking his toes and then work your way up to his cock. That okay with you Carson?"

"Licking my feet?" the boy asked with a giggle.


"Wow yeah," he said, wiggling his toes.

"Gonna have to work on his vocabulary too," Bobby observed dryly.

"Go to it," Benny encouraged as he guided the chubby seven-year-old over to a sour looking Eddie.

Carson pushed down his boxers and lay down on the bed on his back. His little two-inch [5 cm] boner stuck straight up in the air. Eddy knelt at the foot of the bed, and taking a pudgy foot, he bent over and began to lick it. Carson giggled and squirmed and his little dick jerked. This was so awesome, and to think he'd made a big fuss about coming here when his mother had announced the plans she and Mrs. Brewster had made. If she only knew what her son was doing at that moment!

Meanwhile an even more dour looking Tony had gotten on all fours on the floor and Charles had stepped up behind him. He glared down at the carpet angrily.

"Whoa, looks like you've grown," observed Brent. "Maybe we should put a bit of KY on it this time."

"You think so?" asked Charles, bursting with pride.

This time? Despite his fury, Tony had not missed the phrase. The kid had done this before? What the hell type of kids were these? He'd had sex once in his life, last Halloween, and dammit, it was with a girl. The teenager concentrated on that thought as Charles grabbed his hips with his hot little hands, and pressed his greased prickhead against his butthole. He could barely feel the kid's little cock as it entered him, but it might just as well have been a monster like Mark's. It wasn't the size that was important. It was the fact that the boy was doing it to him. There he was, a senior in high school, seventeen-years-old, and getting his ass fucked by some little seven-year-old snot nose.

Eddy was feeling just as humiliated as he sucked on one pudgy toe and then the next, and licked the fat kid's feet. They were clean, but that didn't matter. This was abuse. He quickly worked his way up Carson's thighs, which were almost as thick as his own, and began to lick the kid's little nuts. They were the size of walnuts, and several shades darker than the boy's skin. Eddie slipped both in his mouth and sucked on them, and then he engulfed the boy's little cock. Carson squirmed and shivered with the awesome experience of having a hot mouth envelop his stiff boycock and suck on it for the first time. This was the hottest thing that had ever happened to him, and he had the Brewster brothers to thank for it. He didn't know how he'd do it, but he'd pay them back for this somehow.

Soon the two seven-year-olds were puffing and grunting and squirming as a strange tension grew between their legs, a tension that was totally new to Carson and still a surprise and mystery to Charles. The pleasure rippling through their irritated little cocklets was powerful, and undescribable. It grew and grew until suddenly they gasped with wild abandon as their bodies were raked with dry orgasms. Chucky grasped Tony's asscheeks as his little boner throbbed inside the teenager's asshole, and Carson thrust his hips to and fro wildly with the first orgasm of his life, bouncing his fat ass on the bed so hard it creaked. The two boys finally collapsed in a daze of total ecstasy.

"You satisfied? We can go now?" Tony asked sourly as he got to his feet.

Mark looked at the Brewster boys, and they nodded.

"Yeah, you can go," Mark said, and the two boys quickly reached for their clothes. "Guess this is one night you're not going to go around bragging about," Mark observed as the two quickly got dressed. Tony choose to stuff his underwear in his back pocket instead of wearing it.

The troupe headed up the stairs, Charles and Carson having retrieved their underwear and put them back on. As Tony and Eddy headed down the street, the two teenagers said nothing. For one they were too embarrassed, and for another, they were planning their revenge on those back at the Brewster household.

"Too bad you had to give them the photos," Mark observed as he watched them out the window. "We could have made them our slaves, something to mark the first year of the second millennium. Better yet, we could have used them to force them to stay away from your schools with their drugs."

"Still can," said Brent.

"What do you mean?"

"They forgot to ask for the second set," he said with a grin.

"And even if they had, those weren't the only pictures we took of them," Brett said with an identical smile and his brothers chuckled.

"You boys are nasty."

"Sure are," the four said together as they high-fived.

"Well, guys, it has been a most unusual New Year's Eve," observed Mark as he headed for the door.

"You have fun?" asked Brent.

"Yeah," he said, nodding his head after a pause. "Yeah, I did."

"Cool," observed Brett.

"Hey, its only half an hour before midnight, stick around," offered Brent.

"Yeah, we can have some fun together while we wait for midnight," said Benny suggestively.

"Like?" Mark asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bet we can get you hotter than you've ever been in your life," the twelve-year-old said.

"I don't think so boys," the seventeen-year-old high school student said with a grin. "I prefer women as my partners."

"You never done nothing with a guy?"


"Wanna try?"

"I'll leave the boy-boy stuff up to you boys."

"Oh?" said Brent, sidling up to him. "That an offer?" He cupped Mark's crotch. "We could show you the Brewster version of popcorn balls."

"We could each take one," said Brett.

"I'll get the popcorn popper," offered Benny as he headed for the kitchen.

"Boys, that's not what I meant," Mark protested, reaching down and stopping Brett's hand as the fourteen-year-old began to pull down his fly.

"Com'on," coaxed Brent. "You ever have your asshole rimmed?"

"Tastes great stuffed with buttered popcorn," called Benny from the kitchen.

"What's rimmed mean?" asked Carson, intrigued by the idea of buttered popcorn.

"Well, it's hard to explain, but it is easy to show," observed Bobby, glancing up at Mark impishly as he quoted him.

"Yeah, we can show you that, and a lot of other stuff," Brent added.

The five boys grabbed Mark and began to drag him to their bedroom.

"Bet with six hot, horny boys feeling you up we will get you hornier than any woman ever has," observed Benny as he followed the boys with the popcorn popper, popcorn, salt and butter.

"Bet I can French kiss even better than Brittany," observed Bobby, referring to the girlfriend the boys had watched him making out with over a year ago.

By this time they had dragged the hapless seventeen-year-old coconspirator to their bedroom and had wrestled him to the floor. Benny turned their radio on to the local rock station and started up the popcorn maker before joining his three brothers and their two young charges in removing the teenager's suit jacket. The six of them soon had the boy's suit jacket, tie, shoes and socks off. As the twins each sat on one leg and Benny and Carson each sat on an arm, Bobby and Chucky unbuttoned his shirt.

"Hey, he's got more chest hair than the last time we seen him," observed Benny.

"Last time? What do you mean last time?" he asked.

"Nice and fine," said Bobby as he ran his fingers through the blond hairs and he and his brothers ignored the question. "Like silk. And he's got pit hairs too, look."

The boys all leaned forward and Bobby snuggled down and sniffed his pits. "Mmm, Sport deodorant, I think," he said as he nuzzled his nose in the boy's pit. In spite of everything, Mark felt a stirring in his pants as the boy's soft dark brown hair brushed against his underarm.

"Hey, you horny toad," wait til we strip him laughed Brett.

"Okay," Bobby readily agreed, as he and Chucky undid the boy's belt and drew down his fly.

Soon his trousers were pulled off and chucked aside.

"Way cool underwear," observed Brent as the six boys all looked down at the hunky stud now in just his skivvies. He had chosen his favourites, fine rib knit cotton Calvin Klein briefs, grey heather with contrasting tonal logo on the black band. Even soft his ample cock filled out the pouch of the flyless briefs.

"So who gets to take off his underwear?" asked Brett.

"Chucky, and Carson, together," suggested Brent. "This is their night."

"Yeah!" agreed his three brothers.

Charles and Carson beamed as they glanced at each other. Bobby took Carson's place holding down Mark's arm and the two seven-year-olds slipped their hands under the elastic waist band. Slowly pulling the teenager's underwear down, they revealed a thick, curly bush of blond hairs and a very large and gorgeous cock. He lay there pinned down on the boys' bedroom carpet, naked and vulnerable. By this time the popcorn had finished popping and Benny quickly dumped it in a bowl and added the salt and melted butter. The boys each took a handful, and then with their mouth's filled, they began to caress the naked teenager's body, running their buttery fingers over his chest and along his thighs. His cock immediately began to swell, much to their amusement.

Taking another handful of popcorn, they stuffed their mouths again and continued their caresses, running their greasy hands over his pecs and fondling his nipples, running them over his six-pac abs, and along the inside of his thighs. They stopped, each in his own time, for another handful of popcorn and then continued to caress the handsome teenager, wiping their greasy fingers in the thick hair on his chest and on the fine hairs on his forearms and thighs. Bobby was the first to stroke his balls and Brent was the first to run his greasy fingers along his butt crack. The others all quickly took their turns. Between the caresses of their soft, warm hands and the greasy massage, Mark's cock sprang up in no time. The six boys eagerly descended on it, stroking the massive organ gently and with rapt inquisitiveness, their buttered fingers stroking and squeezing it until he was dripping pre-cum.

"What is that?" asked Carson as he watched the clear droplet ooze out of Mark's pee slit.

"That is pre-cum," explained Bobby.

"Why does a guy's thing do that?"

"I dunno. Why does it do that anyway?" Bobby asked looking up at his brothers.

Benny, the authority on all things sexual, was the first to respond. "It's actually to make his cock head slick for when he sticks it up a girl's cunt, or her ass," he added, glancing at Mark and giving him a wink. Mark wondered if that was just a dirty comment, or a lucky guess. There was no way the boy could know about him and Brittany. At least he didn't think there was. After seeing the boys in action this night, he could not be sure. "It also makes for some way hot foreplay," Benny continued, bowing down and flicking the droplet into his mouth with this tongue. Another drop quickly appeared, and Bobby swooped down for his treat.

Mark could not believe what was happening as he oozed out still another drop. Never had he produced his natural lube so quickly. Feeling Brent's long, silky hair brush against his naked body caused him to produce a fourth, which was quickly snapped up by Brett, and again the fourteen-year-old's soft hair caused still another droplet, this one consumed by Chucky. As the seven-year-old smacked his lips like he'd just sampled a delicious candy, the thought caused still another droplet to ooze forth, which Carson quickly consumed.

Laying down on either side of him, Chucky and Carson began to lick and suck his teats, delighting in the salted butter and delighting even more as his nipples grew firm just as their own had done earlier that evening. The two young boys keep an eye on the teenager's twitching cock, eager to swoop down and sample another droplet of that clear, sweetish nectar. Bobby pressed his young lips against the boy's, and as they began to kiss, the ten-year-old slipped his tongue in the mouth of the older teen. As his hot, moist tongue slipped along Mark's and tried to worm under it, Mark felt more pre-cum oozing from his cock and someone's tongue quickly lapping it up. Bobby had not been joking. The kid really knew how to French someone.

Meanwhile, twelve-year-old Benny had slipped behind him and was showing him his tongue skills also. He could not believe it as the boy expertly ran his tongue slowly along his buttered crack. He could feel the boy's hot drool oozing between his asscheeks, and then he felt the youngster's hot, firm tongue striking at his pucker. The boy was actually forcing his tongue up his butthole! More pre-cum oozed out, and unnoticed, it oozed along the cleft on the underside of his cock.

While Benny rimmed him, the twins were also demonstrating their oral abilities. The two boys had begun by licking his buttered, salted balls and coating them with their saliva. They then took them in their mouths and sucked on them and rolled them in their mouths. As they allowed the saliva drenched balls to slip from their hot mouths, the two fourteen-year-olds kissed each other and then turned their assault to the towering pole above the boy's eggs. It was standing up stiff and proud, and the twins ran their tongues up each side, starting at the buttery base and running up to the sensitive ridge around the knob, and then back down. As the boy oozed still more pre-cum, one or the other of the six boys swooped down for the offering.

Bobby finally swung around in a sixty-nine position and offered the teenage boy his young, three-inch [7½ cm] dick. Unable to resist trying the tidbit, Mark took the four-foot four [1.32 m], sixty-four pound [29 kg] younger's cocklet in his mouth and began to suck on it. Having rolled him over on his side, Benny snuggled up behind him and slipped his three-and-three-quarter [9½ cm] inch dick up his buttered ass. As he felt the hot, hard little pricklet enter him, Mark wondered if this was how Brittany had felt the night he'd first fucked her ass, except of course his cock was a lot bigger. While Benny fucked him, the twins were happily taking turns sucking on his cock. While one went down on it, the other licked his nuts, and then vice versa.

Mark reached down, and finding the stiff little dicks of the two seven-year-olds sucking his nipples, he began to wank them. The boys' tiny pricklets were no thicker than his pinky finger and felt strange after have become accustomed to wanking his monster cock. The two boys squirmed with the unique pleasure of having someone else fiddling with their dicks. As they sucked on the boy's teats even harder, they felt hands take theirs. Allowing the twins to guide their hands down to the boys' hot, hard cocks, they knew what to do. They eagerly began to pump the young dicks, which now at the age of fourteen, had reached five inches [12½ cm] in length.

The announcer on the radio had begun the countdown. The year had less than five minutes to go, and so did the seven horny boys. Mark began to groan and twist with anticipation of his approaching orgasm, as did each of the other boys. He sucked and worked his mouth up and down Bobby's little pricklet eagerly, desperate to bring the young boy off at the stroke of midnight. Meanwhile Benny had slowed down his humping and lay there quietly with his cock up the teenager's asshole, calming himself down before the final assault. Brent and Brett had taken their cue from the throbbing of the monster cock they were licking and also slowed down as they reached down and stilled the eager young hands pumping their cocks.

Then as the countdown began with a minute and a half to go, all seven of them began moving, each eager to reach his own orgasm upon the ringing in of the new year, and each eager to bring off the boy they were pleasuring. Two hot little mouths sucked and slurped on Mark's hard little teats like babes on their mother's breast. Two much more mature mouths sucked and slurped on his throbbing cock in anticipation of a creamy treat of their own. Bobby had reached around and was massaging and kneading the soft, tender buns of the seven-year-olds on either side of him, and Benny was fervidly kissing the back of Mark's neck as he humped him. Mark meanwhile worked his sphincter open and closed in time with the little prick ramming his butt and sucked on the smooth little dick in his mouth as he wanked the tiny, velvety pricklets of the babes sucking his breasts.

The seven horny boys gasped in the hot, musky sex-laden air as they sucked and fucked and jerked, as they squirmed and quivered and ached with the anticipation of cumming. Their bodies grew hotter and hotter and they began to sweat with the exertion. Ten, nine, eight, seven. The fourteen-year-old twins eagerly licked and nibbled on the hot, throbbing seven-inch [18 cm] teen cock, their long blond hair gently caressing Mark's thighs. Six, five. The two seven-year-olds did not understand the biology behind what was happening to them, but they understood pleasure and as they approached their climaxes they madly pumped the hot five-inch [12½ cm] cocks in their hands. Four. Benny gasped for breath as he rammed his cock in and out of the hot, moist, hitherto virgin asshole and as his young, hairless balls tightened. Three. Mark felt his balls tighten also and he sucked on the young boy cock in his mouth like a drowning man sucking in air. Two. The two seven-year-olds felt the strange tension growing stronger and stronger in their loins as the teenager's fingers wanked on their little cocklets in desperation and young Bobby vigorously fingered their little buttholes as he felt the spring about to uncoil in his loins. One, midnight!

The seven of them groaned as one with the ecstasy of their climaxes. Chucky and Carson trembled and pressed their faces against Mark's furry, heaving chest as the still new and awesome tremors of dry orgasm passed through their loins. Bobby grunted as a similar tremor passed through him and he bucked with his orgasm, working his cocklet in and out of Mark's mouth. At the same time Benny rammed his hips forward until his hairless pubes were tightly pressed against Mark's hot butt and he trembled violently as his dry orgasm caused his body to twitch uncontrollably. With the onset of their orgasms, the two seven-year-olds had stopped jerking the twins' cocks and their grips tightened as their bodies were raked with ecstasy. The hot, hard twin cocks needed no further stroking as they pulsed in the tightly gripping fists and throbbed out thick shots of hot, juicy teen cum. The boy juice shot out of the horny teenagers and sprayed the naked bodies of the two young jerkers, the seventeen-year-old whose teats they were still sucking, their kid brother, and each other. As the boys around him trembled with their orgasms and as the hot, slimy cum of the two young teens struck his body, Mark inhaled deeply and his hot thick seven- inch cannon jerked wildly as it shot, spraying the faces of the twins and their kid brother and spattering the young bodies of the two seven-year-old boys. In their thrashing and excitement, ropes of cum from his twin brothers and from the seventeen-year-old he was fucking even struck Benny.

"Awesome," gasped Brent as he finally flopped on his back, a pendant of Mark's cum hanging from his chin and a rope of his own trickling down his chest.

"Totally," agreed Brett, wiping the film of cum off his lips with the back of his hand as he flopped down on the other side of Mark

"Way cool," remarked Chucky as he looked wide-eyed at one boy and then the next, trying to take in every sight, smell and sound.

"Oh yeah," Carson gasped, still trying to catch his breath after the explosion of his dry orgasm and looking at the ribbon of cum across the back of his fingers and the spatters on his stomach and thighs.

"Totally wicked," agreed Mark, surprised at how much he had enjoyed it and how powerful his orgasm had been.

"Right on," panted Benny, his stomach rising and falling as he looked at the spatters of cum on his body and wondered whose they were.

"Oh fuck yeah," said Bobby.

"Thought you weren't gonna swear in the new year," reminded Brent.

"Oh fuck."

"Ten minutes after midnight. I think that's a record for breaking resolutions for you, Bobby."

"Man, I need a smoke," sighed Benny as he raised himself on his elbows.

"Thought you weren't gonna smoke," reminded Brett.

"Well, at least I'm not the first to break his resolution," he said, grinning over at his younger brother.

"Hey, don't look at me. Brent and Brett broke theirs first."

"What do you mean?"

"You were going to stop jerking off."

"We didn't jerk off. Carson and Chucky jerked us, so that don't count."

"No fucking way," protested Bobby.

"Well," said Benny with a shrug, "we weren't serious about those anyway. The real ones are those we swore over our balls on," reminded Benny. "We haven't broken any of those."

"Oh yeah," agreed his brothers.

They all lay there on the floor, thinking about their welcome to the new year and wondering what it held in store for them.

"Hey look," Brent whispered.

They looked over to where Brent was pointing. Charles and Carson had snuggled up against each other in the corner and were sound asleep, their arms about each other.

"So, Mark," the boys said as one as they surrounded him. "You wanna try four on one?"

"Wicked, little dudes," he said with a smile. Why not? The millennium only comes around once, ah, how often was that? He could not concentrate as one of the twins began tickling his lips with his dickhead while the other began lubing up his ass with KY. Benny and Bobby had each taken a ball in his mouth. Getting off three times in four hours was going to be a new record, not a bad way to begin the new year. It wasn't exactly how he'd planned on starting off the second millennium, but like many others before him, the seventeen-year-old had discovered when you're with the Brewster brothers, nothing is what you expected.

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