J.O. DickingsonAt Their MercyChapters 8-10Chapter 8Warning Welcome:This is a story about us (Jay and Tyler, age 11, and Billie, age 9) taking over the mind of a forty-four-year-old man. If you don't like stories about poopy diapers, you might wanna skip this chapter. If you do, then you can thank R****** along with us for this idea. If you got any ideas yourself what we can do with ol'man Wallace that we haven't already done, let us know and we'll do it. Then we'll make him tell you all about it. When I could not take my usual dump and morning piss last Friday, I immediately suspected my preteen tormentors were involved. When Saturday came around and I still had not felt any need to perform those two basic bodily functions, I knew the three boys were responsible. At ten that morning their arrival confirmed it. "Hi, Mr. Wallace," they greeted cheerfully as they came sauntering into my kitchen and headed straight for the refrigerator and cupboard. "Boys," I replied, trying to sound pleasant so as not to offend them, although I had come to associate their presence with my humiliation. Whenever they arrived, I had a staring role in the performance of one of the most perverted acts I have ever known. They helped themselves to the Gatorade and bag of Nachos that I kept on hand just for them. "You better strip so we can get going," said Jay. Over the past two months I have done many things under the hypnotic control of these boys, and I have learned I might as well go along with them as much as I can for my own health if no other reason. Willingly exposing myself was crossing the line even though they have now seen me naked plenty of times. "Ah, shithead. Haven't you learned not to fight us yet?" asked Jay with irritation. The key word immediately put me under their hypnotic spell. The boys had something big planned or they would not have put me under so quickly. I had learned by now that they enjoyed toying with me as much as they enjoyed making me perform obscene acts for their entertainment. "Now, strip you fucking shithead." "Even though I've seen it seven times now, I still can't get over how the old fart obeys us the moment he hears the word shithead," observed Billie as I began to unbutton my shirt. "Me neither," agreed Tyler as Jay left the room, "but isn't it neat?" "Fuck yeah," swore Billie. "And what we make him do is even neater!" The two boys laughed as they helped themselves to another handful of Nachos. I was just stepping out of my underwear when Jay retuned with a couple shopping bags. I had no memory of making the purchases, but evidently I had. In the first bag was a pack of adult extra large disposable diapers. I stood there helplessly as he opened the pack up and put one on me. Tyler and Billie glanced at each other and giggled. This was followed by a pair of extra large plastic pants. In the other bag was a pair of men's shorts, brilliant lime green, and a polka dot short-sleeved shirt. "What do ya think?" Jay asked the others once he had dressed me. Billie and Tyler were laughing so hard they could not answer. "Okay, shithead, listen real close. Today you are a little boy, and we are your babysitters. We want you to talk and act just like a two-year-old. Course you can really understand all the words you understand now, and you can think just like you do now, you just can't act or talk like an adult. You got that?" "Uh-huh," I replied, nodding my head as a two-year-old might. "Right-on," Jay said and the three boys high-fived. "Now, when you hear someone say the word 'good', you are going to start to poop your diapers. And when you hear someone say 'nice', you are going to start to pee. When someone says 'great', you will stop pooping or peeing. Understand?" I nodded my head, my adult mind screaming its objection to what the boys had in mind but being unable to do anything about it. With those simple instructions, we headed outside and down to the park at the end of the street. There were several mothers and little children and a few slightly older children at the playground. Being a bachelor and sticking pretty much to myself, I did not know any of them by name, but I did recognize them all of being from the neighbourhood. "Go ahead, baby Wally, you can play on the playground while we have a visit," said Jay with a wide grin. I ran over to the swings immediately, the baby part of my mind bubbling with excitement, the adult part dreading what was going to happen. "Swing," I said, pointing to the swings. "Yes, that's right," said Jay with a smile. "Swing," I said more emphatically. "Oh, you want a push?" I nodded my head enthusiastically. When I was really a child of two, I could have spent the entire day on a swing set if anyone had let me. Now forty-two years later, I was feeling the same way again. The three boys glanced at each other with huge grins. Jay came over and helped me get on and then pushed me for a while. Quickly tiring of that, he told me to go play on the slides. All the mothers were looking at me strangely, and some of the children were also. I played on the slide and got my babysitters to play with me on the teeter-totter for a while. It took all three of them to balance me. They quickly tired of that and we returned to the swings. Two of the older boys came over to where we were and got on the swings beside me. They were about four or five years old. After looking at me for a while, the braver of the two boys spoke up. "There something wrong with him?" "What do you mean?" asked Jay. "He's sortta big to be liking to swing so much." "Yes, he is," agreed Jay. "So, is he, you know, stupid or something?" "Yeah, Baby Wally has a problem that way." "He's a retard?" "Yup." "He your brother?" "Nope. We're babysitting him." "He's weird." "Yeah, he is. You mind him playing on the playground?" "No. It's just weird seeing an adult playing on all the stuff is all." "So you think that's bad?" Jay asked, glancing at the others with a twinkle in his eyes. "No, just weird is all, not good or bad," the boy replied innocently. I immediately began to release the shit that had been filling my intestines for the past two days. The first warm, thick turd eased out easily. A mixture of emotions passed over me. I was thankful for the final relief, and the physical sensation was pleasant to both my two-year-old mind and my adult mind. Of course I was embarrassed as hell, and feeling the warm shit oozing along my butt crack was weird. Most of all, I was angry with my tormentors for their control over my simple bodily functions. The boys all noticed the odour immediately. "Great," Jay said after a moment. "I think he just farted," the braver of the two boys whispered with a grin so his mother would not hear. "Uh-oh. Baby Wally, did you go poop?" "Wally go poop," I replied as if it was a perfectly natural thing to say as I nodded my head. "You're kidding! He didn't?" the boy giggled as he glanced at me, then at Jay and finally at his buddy. "Yep, he did. Gotta put a diaper on him." "Bet it's a big one!" He and his friend giggled with amusement. "It certainly is," observed Billie. "When he goes, he's got lots of poop." The two boys laughed, and then one called his younger brother of about three over. "Hey, this retard poops his pants." "No way." "Can't ya smell?" "Yuk. He stinks." "He certainly doesn't smell good," Tyler said with a twinkle in his eye. I immediately began to force out another turd, refreshing the air. "Yuk, I think he's doing it again!" "Hey poop head, that feel good?" Even at two years of age I would have known they were teasing me. I began to turn red. "Hey he's poopin' so hard his face is turnin' red!" "Baby Wally, it's bad to poop your pants," Jay said sternly. "And it certainly can't feel very great." I ceased my efforts to evacuate my bowels even though there was still a lot more left. It did not feel great. I could feel the hot mush along the crack of my ass and down between my legs. It was sticky and foul smelling, and I felt filthy. "Yeah, pooping your pants is not nice," observed Billie. I began to release my bladder, and after holding it all this time, the release felt good despite my situation. The hot piss soaked into the padding around my crotch and began to spread across my stomach. "Hey, how come he looks like that?" asked the first boy. "Baby Wally!" scolded Jay. "Are you going peepee?" "Baby Wally peepee," I announced gleefully. "Oh great!" I stopped. By this time the circle of kids had grown to about nine, ranging in age from probably two to six. As each newcomer arrived he was told what was happening and the group of tiny kids giggled and pointed and held their noses. "That's weird, a grown man peeing himself." "He's a big dumb poophead," observed one of them. "I'd sure hate to change his diapers!" "Yuk, that's for sure." "Hey, poophead, you like going in your diapers?" I looked at my baby sitters for help. "He doesn't know it isn't good," observed Jay. I resumed emptying my bowels much to the amusement of the boys around me. I should have known I would not get any help from my three tormentors. The teasing began anew. "Yeah, he doesn't know it isn't nice," agreed Tyler. I continued emptying my bladder, soaking the front and underside of my diaper and feeling the piss spread across my belly. I stood there, forty-four years old, crapping and pissing my pants, the butt of amusement and teasing from a gang of little children, and there was nothing I could do about it. "Com'on, Baby Wally, lets go for a slide," said Billy wickedly. The others all knew perfectly well why he suggested it, and they followed me with perverted amusement. I went over to the slide and slid down it as the kids all glanced at each other knowingly. I could feel the hot, sticky shit oozing inside my diaper and spreading across my butt. As I walked, I could feel it hanging between my legs. The stink was overpowering and I noticed the children were keeping their distance. Gradually my audience wandered off or left with their mothers. Finally it was just my three tormentors and I. Taking me down to the ravine, Jay pulled down my lime green shorts. "So, ya havin' fun, Mr. Wallace?" I shook my head. "Bet you're really hating us right about now," he said as a matter of fact. "Yes," I said. "That's too fuckin' bad," he said simply. "Get on you knees, shithead." Unable to do anything other than glare at him, I did as I was told as he pulled down his fly. "We don't want your diapers getting dry, Baby Wally," he said with a wicked grin. Pulling out his penis and pulling open the top of my plastic pants, he moved close to me. A second later a yellow stream erupted from his dickhead and splashed against my diapers. I stood there helplessly as his piss soaked into the padding and the aroma of fresh piss enveloped me. When he was done, he stood there and laughed as he shook himself off. We returned to the playground. Finally around noon the boys decided it was time to go for something to eat. I drove them to the MacDonald's near by. The heat in the car was oppressive, and the stink from my dirty diaper unbearable. Of course the boys would not think of going through the drive-through. As we sat there eating, the patrons around us all moved away from the stink emanating from me. A number looked at me with disgust, evidently wondering how a grown man could be so careless in his personal grooming. A few glanced over with sympathy, evidently realizing the problem couldn't be as simple as that. If they only know just what my problem really was. I sat there embarrassed as hell and wondering if a two-year-old had any such feelings at that young age. I also wondered when this humiliation was going to stop. After lunch, we went shopping at the Target Store. The boys wanted me to buy them some comics and some gum, something they seemed to be continually chewing. As we approached the clerk, she wrinkled up her nose and took a step back. She gave me a look of disgust. I wanted to tell her just what her place was, and lecture her about judging people without knowing anything about them, but all I could do was stand there and give her as mean a glare as a two-year-old can. We returned to the playground, and the boys took me down to the ravine. "Well, Baby Wally, you want some candy?" Tyler asked, handing me one of the suckers I had just bought the boys. As I began to suck on it, he drew down my shorts and had me kneel like Jay had. "Gotta keep those diapers nice and wet," he said with a grin as he began to empty his bladder. His hot piss soaked into the padding of the diaper and into my shit. All I could do was kneel there sucking on my sucker and let my eleven-year-old babysitter soak my diaper with his urine. "He's such a shithead," observed Jay. "Yeah, but he's our shithead," Billie said with a grin and the three boys laughed as they high-fived. We returned to the playground and to a new group of children who soon discovered my situation. They surrounded me and teased and taunted me, all to the amusement of my tormentors. All I could do was stand there and take it while my three babysitters lay down on the grass and read their new comic books. Midafternoon Billie added his piss to my diapers. We returned to the McDonalds for an afternoon snack, and then went back to the Target store to buy the boys some water pistols. Throughout it all, I tried to ignore the chaffing between my legs and the fact my diapers were stuck to my body. I could not ignore the looks the other shoppers and the clerks gave me. The boys finally took me home around supper time. "Thanks asshole," Jay said, at last pronouncing the cue that released me from their hold. "Smell ya later." The boys all giggled and gave themselves high-fives as they headed up the street. I went into the bathroom and removed my shoes and socks and slipped off the shorts and shirt the boys had dressed me in. Very carefully opening up the adhesive tapes, I slowly removed the sodden, shit-filled diaper and placed it in a plastic garbage bag. My stomach, butt and legs were smeared with shit. It was caked to my pubic hairs and between my legs and was wedged up the crack of my ass. Stepping into the shower, I washed for over half an hour, but I could not really clean my lower body as well as I would have liked. The inside of my thighs, my genitals, and my ass crack were so raw and sore I could barely touch them. I applied Vaseline to the tender areas, including my red, itching penis. Putting on a fresh pair of diapers in the hopes they would be more comfortable than shorts, I crawled into bed even though it was only seven o'clock. I was totally exhausted. As I was drifting off, I made a mental note to myself that tomorrow I was going to have to get some talcum powder for my diaper rash. Chapter 9Warning Welcome.This story is about us, three preteen boys and a fourteen-year-old boy, controlling the mind of a forty-four-year-old man. If you don't like this idea or stories about peeing, you will want to skip this chapter. If you do, then we hope you have fun reading it. Thanks to J** for this story idea. To our many faithful readers, if you can think of something we have not done yet and would like to see a story about it write to us and let us know for chapter 10. Love ya, Jay, Tyler, Billie and Jarred. Lately I have been looking at the want-ads and the selling prices of homes in the area. I don't want to leave my home of twenty years, nor the good job I have, but moving is the only solution I have to getting rid of my three tormentors. I've tried repeatedly to break the command that I would not tell anyone of their control over me, other than through these stories that I have to write and pass on to Master Jay, but it is of no avail. Perhaps it is just as well I cannot break that command. I'd be too ashamed to tell anyone what has been happening to me. Besides, if I went to the police I would have no proof to back my accusations. If I went to the boys' parents, they certainly would not believe their sweet, innocent boys would be capable of doing the perverted things they have done over the past two months. I certainly know better. Several times Jay has phoned to tell me of comments he has received through some other poor soul he has posting these stories for him, and each time I have tried to convince him to come over and talk about what the boys have been doing. I am more than willing to meet them half way, to accede to whatever demands they might have if they would only stop humiliating me and forcing me to degrade myself, but any attempt to have Jay meet with me has been to no avail. I have even gone so far as to contact the other two boys, but their response has been that it was totally up to Jay. How I could have my life totally destroyed and everything I value left to the whims of a dark-haired, dark-eyed, eleven-year-old demon by the name of Jay; his innocent-looking, blond-haired pal of the same age, Tyler; and their nine-year-old redheaded pal, Billie, was something I would never have dreamed. It is now my worst nightmare. Their last visit to me was last Sunday afternoon. It was a hot muggy day and I was out on the back patio reading the want-ads. They came sauntering through the house and onto the patio as arrogant as ever. Typically, they left the back door wide open, and probably the front too. This time they had with them a friend that had joined them on three previous occasions, fourteen-year-old Jarred. "Hi, Mr. Wallace," Jay said as he flopped down on the lounge chair beside me. "Fucking hot ain't it?" I grimaced with the utterance of the curse word, but I said nothing. Two months ago I would have reprimanded him for his vulgarity, but I knew now it would be futile to do so. "What's the matter, you didn't hear me, asshole?" "Maybe he got shit in his ears," Billie suggested with a grin, evidently referring to the last time we had met. The boys had dressed me in a disposable diaper and then had made me dirty it and wear it for the day in public. "Sorry, Master Jay. Yes, it is hot." "Fucking hot." "Yes, fucking hot," I managed to say. The four boys glanced at each other and smirked. "You know, the more I've gotten to know you, Mr. Wallace, the more I've gotten to like you," said Tyler with an innocent smile. He brushed his blond hair out of his hazel eyes and peered up at me from behind his long, blond eyelashes. "I've gotten to like you too," I lied. "Aw, gosh," he said. Sitting down on my lap, he threw his arms around me and gave me a kiss, straight on the lips. The other three boys laughed. "So, we could all use some Gatorade, and some chips," he hinted. I hurried into the house to get the refreshments for my masters and Tyler took my seat. As I filled the bowls with chips and got the Gatorade out of the refrigerator, I wondered if I catered to them and did everything exactly as they wanted, if maybe then I might be able to reason with them. "You were rather slow, asshole," Jay commented as I rushed back outside. The four boys were sitting around the patio table. "Sorry, Master Jay," I replied as the hair on the back of my neck rose. "Well, we'll let it go this time," he said condescendingly. "I'm sweating like a pig," said Jarred as he opened up his shirt. "Help Jarred off with his shirt," ordered Tyler. I hurried to obey. "Take off my runners too, and my socks." Even though he was not one of my three masters, I obediently did as I was told. That, and the fact I was not under the hypnotic control of the boys, did not go unnoticed by the four of them. As I removed Jarred's Adidas airwalks, the unique odour of sweaty teenage feet wafted up to my nose. His socks were damp from perspiration. "Go ahead," he said with a grin as he put his feet up on the picnic table. "I know you're aching to smell them." I crouched down and inhaled deeply, much to the amusement of the boys. "Go ahead, lick them." They were clean but salty with sweat, and smelled of hot runners. I dutifully licked the backs of his feet, and then between the toes and then his soles. As I began to suck his large toe, I noticed him reach down and begin to rub his crotch on the outside of his Calvin Klein jeans. By the time I was finished sucking on his toes, he had an erection. "Come and remove my runners and socks too," ordered Billie once Jarred indicated he had enough. I hurried to obey, and on Billie's demand I sniffed his sneaker scented feet too. "I know something else I bet you've been dying to sniff," he said with a suggestive leer as only a nine-year-old can leer. The others all laughed. "Because I like you so much, I'm going to let you." He stood up and had me remove his green Bugle Boy shorts and white jockey briefs. His little penis, two inches [5 cm] at the most, was stiffly jutting up in the air. Watching me licking Jarred's feet and the thought of what he was going to have me do evidently had gotten him aroused. He stood up and I knelt down behind him and sniffed his young, boy butt. The natural odour of his body, a combination of perspiration and the muskiness of his anus, reminded me he was only nine years old. "Lick my butthole." He was nine years of age, but he was no innocent little boy. As I ran my tongue up the crack of his ass, I thought back to July 5 when I had been forced to worship all three of my master's butts. While I licked his asshole, Billie reached down and fondled his stiff little penis. Finally telling me to stop, Billie slipped off his blue and yellow striped Adidas T-shirt and stretched his slim, naked body with exaggeration. He sat down on the lawn chair, spreading apart his legs and allowing his stiff boyhood and little, hairless testicles to be fully observed. The little demon knew how I felt and was testing me. I bit my lip and said nothing. "That looks cool," observed Tyler. "It is kewel," joked Billie. Tyler stood and quickly stripped. "Ahh," he sighed as he reached between his legs and flopped his testicles. "My nuts were boiling. Come smell how hot they are, Mr. Wallace." I stepped over, and crouching down, I sniffed at his young nads. The odour of boy sweat gave me a strange feeling inside. Part of me longed to be a carefree, bold youth again too. Part of me remembered my own budding sexuality thirty years ago. As I looked up at him, the corners of his mouth curled ever so slightly. He knew perfectly well the effect he was having on me. "Go ahead," he said as his eyes slanted and his lips turned to a smirk. "Suck them." I bent forward and took his little testicles into my mouth. Their taste was far different from Billie's butt. As I rolled them in my mouth, his penis began to rise. He did not let me stop until his cock was fully erect. It was just over three inches [7½ cm]. While I'd been sucking on Tyler's nuts, Jarred and Jay had also stripped. Jay was the only one not erect, and he noticed that I noticed. "C'mon then, cocksucker," he said with a smirk as he flipped his limp dick with his first and second fingers. "Come suck me." I knelt before him and took his little boy dink in my mouth. If anyone had told me two months ago I'd be jumping to the slightest whim of a bunch of children I'd have said he was crazy. As for what those whims were, two months ago I had no idea children could have such vulgar thoughts. It did not take long for Jay to become as erect as the others. Even after he became stiff, he had me continue sucking on his three-and-a-half inches [9 cm] a few more minutes. For the next two hours the four boys kept me running, fetching them Gatorade, refilling their bowls with chips, getting sunblock and rubbing it on their naked bodies, and setting up the electric fan. Whenever I was not dashing about, one of them would have me sniffing and licking some part of his body until I got him erect again. When even that became boring, they had me run downtown to get them gum and comic books. While they sat there in the patio chairs and read, I had the first chance to catch my breath and think since they had arrived. "Mr. Wallace," called Jay, looking up from the Power Rangers comic he was reading. "Yes, Master Jay?" "You really love us, don't you?" "Yes, yes I do," I said. "But we have to talk about what you 3; we have been doing." "Sure. What do you want to talk about? The day we became your masters down in the ravine? Bum fucking that straight dude friend of yours, or our football jerks 3; ah, jocks?" he asked with a grin. "Or about boogers?" asked Billie. "Or poopy diapers?" asked Tyler. "That jerk off lesson you gave at school?" Jarred asked. "Maybe about dogs," Billie suggested with a wicked grin. "Boys' bums?" Tyler asked with a twinkle in his eyes. "That wild party we had at your place?" offered Jay. "All of them," I replied. "So, go ahead," offered Jay. "Well, the thing is this. We can't keep going this way." "Right." I stared at Jay. He was agreeing? Was he willing to negotiate some sort of truce? Could I be so lucky that the novelty of all this had finally worn off and he was willing to quit altogether? "Then you agree, this has to stop." "Stop? I didn't say anything about fucking stopping." "But you said we can't keep going this way." "Right." "What do you mean then?" "Just that. We gotta change a few things." "Change?" "Yeah." "Such as?" "Well, like we shouldn't have to come put you under a spell every time we want you to do stuff. Like, we should be able to just come over here and have you do it without having to say the key word, you know. Like today." My plan was working! "Well, sure, there are some things you could come over here and do." "Like what?" "Like today, coming over for drinks and snacks." "And running around naked." "Yeah," joined in Billie. "It's so kewel being able to strip butt naked." "Well, yes, I suppose, but we have to be careful about the neighbours." "Fuck the neighbours," observed Jay. "Yeah, fuck the neighbours," agreed Billie. "We know what we can do with their minds if they have a problem with us being naked," said Tyler with a grin, and the other boys all laughed. "But no more of that sort of thing between you boys and me," I proposed cautiously. "Right on," said Jay. "Just what I was saying. No more mind control." "And no more juvenile humour." "What's that?" asked Billie. "The pooping and peeing stuff." "And boogers and farts?" "Yes." "Then what's the point?" "Yeah," chimed in the others. "But if I agree to letting you do some things, you have to let up on others." "Fuck we do. We can do whatever the fuck we want," observed Jay. "But I'll agree to let you boys do " "You'll strip when we tell you to strip, without us putting you under our control?" Jay interrupted. I hesitated. That was the one thing I had held off doing willingly to this point. I weighed the pros and cons to the concession. I seemed to be making some headway with the boys. "Yes." "Fucking kewel. Okay, strip." "Now?" "Yeah." "Here?" "Awh, asshole, just fucking do it?" I slowly began to remove my clothing. One part of me was rejoicing that I had finally come to an understanding with my tormentors, but another part of me was nagging that giving in to even one of their demands was wrong. Besides that, there was an underlying suspicion that Jay was still up to something. "Alright," said Tyler. "This is so kewel having our own personal adult to order around." "Yeah, our servant to do our every bidding," said Billie. "A dude who worships our every word," said Jay. "A dude who worships our butts," said Billie and the others laughed. I stood there in my back yard, stark naked before the four boys just as I had in the ravine eight weeks ago when this had all begun. "Stick your finger up your asshole." "Ah, boys." "Fucking stick it up, dude," said Jay, his voice rising with irritation. "We have to decide which things are acceptable, and which are not." "Everything we tell you is acceptable," Jay said simply. "Right on," the others agreed. "No, I 3;" "Did he say no? "Did you say no?" "Yes." "You said yes?" "No, I said there are some things we have to agree on that you won't ask me to do." "Forget it." "You can't expect me to just obey everything you say." "You gonna stick your finger up your ass or not?" "No." "Guess again shithead." With the magic word, I felt myself falling down that all too familiar tunnel, dropping faster and faster, leaving my conscious will behind and dropping down to the level where I was the object of the boys every command. As I fell, I heard the boys talking. "What the fucking shit was that all about?" "Fucked if I know." "The shithead thought if he served us drinks and snacks, we'd let up on the dirty stuff." "But that's the best stuff." "Why would we do that?" "The shithead must think we're a bunch of dumb kids to agree to that." "He's the dumb one." "We gotta show him." "We will, next time we meet. Remember what J*** wrote what we could do?" "Yeah, now I see why. He must know bout dudes like ol'man Wallace." "The old fart's a stupid shithead thinking we would stop doing this stuff." "Yep." "So we still gonna do what we planned?" "Course." "We still gonna do it in the bathtub, or should we do it out here?" "Let's do it right here." "Ok, shithead, lay down on the deck." "Wait, let's get a blanket." "Kewel." "The blue blanket off the top of his bed." "Yeah, go get it shithead." I returned with the satin comforter off the bed and spread it down on the deck. I lay down on my back and the four boys lined up beside me, Jay at my head on one side and Billie at the other side, Tyler to my right at my hips, Jarred to my left opposite Tyler. "Play with yourself," Tyler ordered. I reached down and began to fondle myself. Unable to resist the physical stimulation, my dick slowly began to swell. I was almost getting use to masturbating before the boys. They fiddled with their own dinks while they watched me. When I was erect, Jay ordered me to place my hand at my side again. "Okay, guys, at the count of three," said Jay. "One, two, three." Jay was the first, his yellow stream suddenly gushing out of his penis and striking me in the face. "Open your fucking mouth." My mind fought back but my mouth slowly opened. He aimed his stream for my parted lips. The sharp, salty fluid filled my mouth. "Swallow." I did, and somehow stopped from gagging on the warm, acrid urine. Tyler was next, his stream arching out and spraying off my erect cock and basting my testicles in his warm fluid. It flowed between my legs and soaked into the comforter. Billie's stream struck my chest, running over my teats and across my chest in a yellow torrent and soaking my chest hairs. Jarred ran his stream down my thigh, causing a trill to run through my body. He basted my naked feet with his hot urine. Four streams of hot boy pee played over my body. Dozens of tiny yellow rivulets trickled through my body hair and down my sides to soak into my comforter. As Jarred began to play his stream back up my right leg, Tyler played his down the left. Spraying my genitals, Jarred ordered me to resume playing with myself. I began to work my fingers up and down my shaft while he directed his piss at my pumping fist. Meanwhile Billie and Jay were exchanging positions, Jay running his stream in circles over my chest and filling my belly button with a tiny pool of piss, Billie running his stream up to soak my hair and back to my mouth to drink. The air was filled with the nitrogenous odour of fresh piss as four amber streams criss-crossed over my naked body. The boys had evidently been saving up for this moment, and their streams seemed to be endless. Hot piss ran down my chest and my sides and along my legs and arms. Pools of piss collected where ever there was a hollow, and what flowed off my body was soaked up by the comforter under me. Boy piss filled my mouth faster than I could swallow and ran out of the corners of my mouth and around my chin. Through it all, I lay there and pumped my stiff cock. One by one the boys finished and shook off the remaining drops on my drenched body. Seconds later I reached my climax. My cum shot into the air and landed back in my piss-soaked hairs. A gob ran down the crevice between my right leg and groin. Another struck my right thigh. The remainder oozed out of my throbbing cock and over my fingers. "That was kewel," observed Billie. "Yeah," agreed Jay and Tyler. "I still can't believe the stuff you guys make this old dude do," observed Jarred. "Yeah, well, that's what he's here for," said Jay with a grin and the four boys high-fived. "Well, I'm gonna have to split," said Tyler. "My grandparents are down visiting." "They kewel?" asked Billie. "Oh yeah, they brought me a bunch of gifts, and they're treating us to pizza tonight." "I gotta go too," said Jarred. "Told my dad I'd mow the lawn." "For free?" "Course not," he said with a grin. "So, we'll be seeing ya," said Jay as the boys dressed. "One last thing. We don't want ya to forget us, so we want ya to sleep with this pissy blanket on your bed tonight. Got it?" "Yes, Master Jay." "Great asshole." As I began to regain my own consciousness, he added, "be sure to stock up on a lot of junk food and drinks, cuz we're gonna have a sleepover at your place next." As the boys left and I headed to my bedroom with the piss drenched comforter, I decided it would not matter what job I took, or where I moved to. I had to escape. Chapter 10Warning/Welcome.This is the ongoing story of the mind control three preteen boys and a fourteen-year-old have over a forty-four-year-old man. If you like stories of dominance and of scat, read on. Comments can be sent to us (Jay, Tyler, Billie & Jarred). Thanks to J*** for this idea. When I was a boy, I used to look forward to Saturdays. Saturdays meant no school, time to play with friends, afternoon matinees, and staying up until nine or maybe even ten. Later as a teenager I still looked forward to Saturdays for much the same reasons, except of course my choices of entertainment were somewhat different. Even as an adult I looked forward to Saturdays as a break away from work, and a chance to relax and enjoy my hobbies. With the arrival of the boys from hell three months ago, that changed. Saturdays were spent in dread wondering if my tormentors were going to show up. In the case of this last Saturday, there was no question. Jay had phoned on Monday to tell me to expect company Saturday night. He knew there was nothing I could do about it, and he knew now I'd worry for the entire week knowing they were coming. Of course he didn't say how many or who was coming to add to my tension. So for the entire week I fretted about it, particularly considering the last time Jay had thrown a party at my house. I described that in Chapter 4. I considered moving out some of my best furniture, or at least covering it with plastic or sheets, but I knew the boys would not like that and would just have me remove them. Actually they arrived just before supper, each carrying their pajamas, toothbrushes and other personal belongings their parents had insisted they pack for the sleepover. Little did they know what their sons were really up to. Nine-year-old Billie used a Garfield backpack and fourteen-year-old Jarred an Adidas backpack, marking the wide difference between the two boys that otherwise had some very common interests, namely games of perversion and humiliating me. The eleven-year-olds, Jay and Tyler, came with plastic grocery bags, reflecting a different kind of coolness. Following a discussion whether to eat out or order in or have me prepare their meal, a discussion which of course I did not participate in, the boys decided on me going to get Kentucky Fried Chicken(c). As I drove out, I wondered what the boys had planned for this night. I knew that whatever it was, I was not going to like it. There were two things that at least I had going for me: this time there were only four boys instead of eight, and this time we were not having pizza. Of course they could have more boys arriving while I was gone. I did not like that thought at all and tried to put it out of my mind as I waited for our order. When I returned home and heard my stereo blasting out some rock song called "mmmBop" as I pulled into the driveway, my heart took a leap for my throat. Cautiously opening the door and going into the living room, I was relieved to see just the four boys there. They had done some rearranging of the furniture while I'd gone. The whicker chair from my bedroom and one of the Oak Royale chairs from the spare bedroom had been moved out into the living room. The two chairs made a rough circle with my suave brown, Italia leather sofa and matching leather recliner with the glass coffee table in the centre. I fully expected the boys to flop right down there and eat, but much to my surprise, and relief, they suggested we eat at the dining room table. Throughout the meal, which I'm surprised they shared with me, the boys talked about different music groups and friends they knew and the usual chatter I suppose you would expect from preteen and young teenage boys. That is something I don't know since I don't have any children of my own, and if you've read any of my previous encounters with these boys, you know they are not exactly your typical youngsters. At least they were not in someways. As they burped and immediately engaged in a contest, and as they wiped their greasy lips off with the back of their hands and then their hands on their pants, it was hard to believe they were not your average group of boys. "So what do you say guys, should we begin?" asked Jay. "Sure," the others agreed eagerly. "Then let the ceremony begin," Jay announced dramatically with a wide smile as he got up from the table. Jay sat down in the whicker chair and put his sneakered feet up on the pillows from the spare bedroom that had been placed in front of it. Jarred sat down on the Oak Royale chair to his right, and Billie took the recliner on his left. Tyler sprawled out on the sofa, casually putting his sneakered feet up on the expensive leather but glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. His lips curled slightly and his eyes sparkled when I said nothing. The boys had me sit on the coffee table in the centre. "We still haven't found a name for ya, Mr. Wallace," he said, sounding almost apologetic. "I still think Poochie is a good idea," complained Billie in the typical whiny voice of a put- out nine-year-old. "We already discussed that," Jay said with a frown. "Ol'man Wallace ain't our dog." "I like, you know, the magic word that hypnotizes him," commented Tyler. "Yeah, but each time we called him we'd be remembering how we used it to put him under." "Yeah, we need something totally different," agreed Jarred. "Maybe we should just call him his name," suggested Tyler. "What is your name anyway?" "Alexander." "Come scratch my back, Alexander," tried Jay, and I was half way up before I realized he had not really given me a command. I sat back down sheepishly as the boys laughed. "Gotcha trained good," Jay said with a grin. "Go get us some chips, Alex," Tyler ordered. "Kiss my ass, Alexander Wallace," tried out Billie. The boys looked at each other and wrinkled up their noses. "Got a middle name?" "Phillip." "Phil." "Philly." "Alexander Phillip. A.P." "That could be for 3; ass 3;" "Phart with a ph," suggested Tyler and the boys laughed. "Ass poop," offered Billie. "Apple 3;" "A.P. Arm Pit." The boys looked at each other, at me, and then at Jarred who had made the suggestion. "Ha, that's it, dude!" replied Jay. "Kewel," agreed Billie. "That's definitely what he is," observed Tyler and the boys all laughed again. "Arm Pit when we are alone, and A.P. when we are in public, though we'll know it's not for Alexander Phillip," suggested Jarred. "Then it's agreed," pronounced Jay. "Okay, strip, shithead," With the pronouncement of the magic word I began my trip down the dark tunnel, signifying the boy's will over mine, their total control of my mind. I allowed myself to fall deep into the trance, knowing that there was not a thing I could do about it. I slowly began to remove my clothes while the boys watched as if I was an erotic dancer. Had the boys been older, they probably would have made me do it to music, probably one of their meaningless songs like the one presently on the stereo. I finally stood there before the boys, a forty-four-year-old, five-foot-ten [1.78 m], hundred-and-eighty pound [82 kg] man, exposing his hairy chest and hairy potbelly along with his privates to a group of grinning boys still considered to be in their childhood. "Okay dude," Jay said, addressing me, "we got this like bonding ceremony we planned out. One of the readers, J*** , figured like it was time we made this official that we're your masters, and said he hoped Jarred could be here too. Well, me'n Tyler 'n Billie talked about it, and we figured Jarred should be one of your masters too." He smiled over at Jarred and Jarred returned the smile, an exchange between two close buddies. "Jarred helped us out a lot with what we're gonna do," he said, glancing at Jarred appreciatively. Jarred's smile widened and he blushed a bit, embarrassed by the complement. "You explain it, Jarred." "Well," he began, "its like taking a blood oath, you know, like Huck and Tom in that movie by Disney." I didn't know anything about the movie, but I got the idea. "The four of us are gonna do stuff together, and that'll make us all one, 'cept we're not gonna cut ourselves or nothin'." "What we got planned is even better," interrupted Billie, evidently eager to begin. "Tell him the rest," prompted Jay, enjoying the tension he was building up, as if he was the ringmaster at a circus. "The other part of it is making you our total and complete slave, for ever and ever." "We got some great stuff for you to do," Tyler added, fidgeting in his eagerness. "And when we're done, we'll sign this pact that will seal the deal," concluded Jay. The boys grinned at me like Cheshire cats, and then they looked at Jay. "We're like all your masters, each of us equal, but I'm still the leader." "Supreme Master," said Tyler, looking at Jay as if Jay was his idol. You could see how proud he was that they were best friends. "So I go first," Jay grinned, chewing on his gum vigorously in his excitement. "Move that table and lay on your back Arm Pit." I moved the table and lay down on the shag carpet. They put one of the pillows under my head. As the boys gathered around me I prayed they were not going to piss on me like they had done out on the patio the last time they were here. "Okay, we're gonna tell you what we are and what you are, and you're gonna tell us back stuff we tell you," Jay explained as he towered above me. "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul." Jay knelt down beside me with a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Open your mouth wide," he mumbled. As I did so, he puckered his lips and removed his wad of gum. Working his jaw as he leaned forward, he allowed a gob of spit to ease between his lips and then sucked it back in. He wouldn't! "Stick out your tongue and don't you fuckin' swallow, dude." I stuck out my tongue. His dark brown eyes gleamed brightly as the first gob collected at his puckered lips and then dropped like a pendant to land on my tongue. His slimy spit oozed down over my tongue and before the pendant separated he slowly allowed another gob to flow from his mouth to mine along the thin strand of spittle joining us. He had worked up a mouthful of spit and my tongue was coated by the time he had emptied his mouth. Hawking up a thick gob from this throat, he spat it in my mouth as a final indignity. As he sat up, Tyler squatted down on the other side of me and told me I could put my tongue back in as he removed his wad of gum. Tyler's hazel eyes sparkled with equal delight as he bent his head over until our lips almost touched and he opened his mouth, allowing his mouthful of saliva to flow directly from his mouth to mine in a flood. I wanted to gag as his warm, slimy spittle flowed into my mouth but I knew I did not dare. The addition of Jay's and his saliva caused my own salivary glands to start producing. Little redheaded Billie was next. The slight, four foot [1.20 m], sixty pound [27 kg] imp sat on my chest and his greenish eyes stared directly into mine. The power and dominance in his eyes were frightening. He allowed his spittle to gather at his parted lips and then sucked it back in teasingly a few times. Finally, his eyes took on an extra gleam and he allowed his spittle to drool from his lips and drop into my mouth. His eyes never left contact with mine the whole while. Being last, Jarred had worked up a mouthful of slimy, bubbly spit. He knelt beside me as had Jay. His face was flushed with arousal and his hazel eyes took on a look of lust as he added his spittle to the others as Jay had, one slow pendant at a time, each flowing into the other in one constant flow from his mouth to mine. "Close your lips and slush our spit about," ordered Jay. I worked my cheeks in and out, churning up their saliva and mine and coating my teeth with it. "Just like our spit is mixed in your mouth to become one, so are we one, one for all and all for one. We are equal and your masters, and just like your spit joins with ours, you're joined with us forever as our respectful and humble slave. Now swallow our spit in homage to us, and then thank us for letting you have our spit. I wanna hear you tell us how much you love our spit, how you love its taste and how it feels sliding down your throat, and how most of all how you love and respect each of us." By this time my cheeks were bulging. I closed my eyes and took my first gulp. Hot, thick, bubbly spit slid down my throat in a slimy flood, my mind reminding me four-fifths of it was spit from someone else's mouth. I swallowed again and fought back the desire to gag. It took half a dozen swallows to empty my mouth. "Thank you for letting me have your spit," I found myself saying. "I love it. I love the taste of your spit and the slimy way it oozes down my throat. Most of all I love and respect my masters Jay, Tyler, Billie and Jarred," I stated, my voice reflecting that I really sincerely believed what I was saying. On the surface and in my mind I did. However, much deeper down in my mind, a voice silently added, 'until I move away from here.' The boys looked over at Jarred. They were evidently following a planned script that they had prepared for this evening. "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul," Jarred began. By the time the evening was over I was going to hate those lines. "Ya admire us cuz we're perfect," Jarred continued. "You on the other hand are defective. We're like prime rib and you're like hamburger helper." The boys giggled. "We got perfect bodies, and most of all, we got perfect feet," Jarred continued. "You're gonna take off our runners now, and you're gonna show us how much ya admire our feet by sniffing them and then licking them clean. You love the sight and smell and taste of our feet." The boys all returned to where they had been sitting. Sitting down before Jarred, I unlaced his Adidas airwalks and removed them. The aroma of his sweaty teenage feet wafted up to my nostrils and I had an uncontrollable urge to smell them. The boys hooted and laughed as I raised his stocking feet to my nose and inhaled as if I was inhaling a fine wine. The rank odour of sweaty feet and hot sneakers filled me with desire. Removing his Calvin Klein socks, I gazed down at his naked, slim feet and I felt like I had never seen anything so beautiful. Raising his left foot, I bent my head and began to lick it, first the back, and then the sole, and then working my tongue between each toe. I finished by sucking on each of his toes. When I finished and looked up at him, I could not help but notice that his Calvin Kleins were bulging out even more than in the most suggestive ad C.K had ever come out with to sell their jeans. In that Jay was the leader of my four masters, I figured I should do him next. Crawling over to the whicker chair on my hands and knees, I removed his Nike runners and socks. Once again the sight of the young boy's naked feet filled me with admiration and with lust. I held them before me and inhaled their pungent odour, and the smell of his sweaty feet made my saliva begin to flow. As I began to lick his salty feet my flow of saliva rapidly increased as if I was eating the most savoury meal of my life. I bathed his feet in my spittle and lapped it back up eagerly. As with Jarred, I concluded by sucking each of his toes. Moving on to the sofa, I removed the blue and white Reeboks and blue socks of his best pal and repeated showing my admiration and willingness to serve. As I did so, I glanced out of the corner of my eyes and noticed that the other three boys were fondling themselves through their jeans while they watched me. Master Billie was the last. He lay back in the recliner and looked down at me with eager anticipation as I removed his Adidas runners and his socks. Of all the four boys, his feet had the strongest odour and I could not help but see the small black patches between his toes. "I been wearing the same socks for a week, and running up and down in the ravine to be sure I had some toe jam for ya, Arm Pit," he said with a proud grin. "Wasn't that nice of me?" "Yes, Master Billie, very nice." The smell only enhanced my admiration for the slight boy feet and tiny delicious-looking toes. I attacked his feet with the gusto of a mad man, inhaling their sneaker-scented fragrance, licking their salty sweat, wedging my tongue between his toes to sample his toe jam, and sucking on each tiny digit. 'This is so fucking kewel," he commented as at last I looked up at him for approval.
"Just like our toe jam is mixed in your stomach to become one so are we one, one for all and all for one. We are equal and your masters, and just like your spit joins with our toe jam, you're joined with us forever as our admiring slave. Now in homage to us, thank us for letting you clean our feet with your tongue," Jarred ordered. "Tell us how much you love our toe jam and how you love its taste and how you ache for our feet, and how most of all you admire us." "Thank you for letting me clean your feet with my tongue. I love the sweaty taste of your toe jam and I ache for your feet. I admire my masters Jarred, Jay, Tyler, and Billie," I stated, again my voice reflecting an honestly felt sincerity. Also again much deeper down in my mind a voice silently added, 'until I move away from here.' The boys grinned at each other and high-fived. They next turned to Tyler. "Hope all that toe jam didn't fill ya up, Arm Pit," Tyler said as he stood up and began to draw down his shiny black Umbro shorts. Stepping out of them, he removed his shirt and then pushed down his Jockey underwear. His little three-inch [7½ cm] dick jutted out stiffly. "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul," he began. "We are the kewelest dudes you have ever known. We are like the most noble guys you know. But you, you, Arm Pit, are a worthless piece of shit. Whenever ya see us ya gotta stare in awe at our kewelness and wish that you could be like us." He looked at me wickedly. "You're gonna show us how much in awe ya are by licking our cocks clean. Ya love the feel, sight, smell and taste of our awesome dinks and ya wish ya could worship them all day." Tyler sat down on the sofa and spread his legs invitingly. Walking over to him, I got down on my knees and stared at his little boy-size dink. "I want ya to pull back the skin real slow before ya start lickin'." Although he, like the other three boys, was circumcised, he still had a fair amount of skin and at his young age, it still clung half way down his knob even when he was erect. I took his little stiff dink in my hand and slowly eased the skin back. In doing so, I revealed a thin cream-coloured film at the top of the shaft and just under the ridge of his knob. "Didn't wash under the skin this week just for today Arm Pit. Wanted to be sure I had some delicious dick cheese for ya to snack on. It's the least I could do considering all the snacks you provide us." The boys all laughed at that. "So go ahead and lick it clean dude. I know yer achin' for it." I was aching for it as he said despite how revolting another part of my mind found the idea. Actually, being unwashed made licking his boyhood all the more appealing to my hypnotized side. As I bent my head and stuck out my tongue, the saner part of my mind reminded me that these types of days would soon be no more. I had the house up for sale and I had several job interviews scheduled for the upcoming week. The sharp taste of his unwashed dick returned my mind to the task on hand. I ran my tongue along the shaft and up over his knob and then back down under the knob. The greasy taste of his smegma would have been disgusting under other circumstances, but in my hypnotized state it was as delicious as a rare cheese. I licked his hot little dink hungrily until he began to squirm and told me I had better stop. "Oh man, that was freakin' hot!" Billie was next, and like his hero Tyler, he too had purposefully left his dick unwashed and he too had a thin film of smegma for me to lick off. I took his little two inches [5 cm] in my mouth and sucked him gently as he stretched back in the recliner. His dick cheese had a flavour of lard and a hint of milk and I licked at it eagerly. Before long he was squirming and twisting in the recliner with that pleasure boys his age should know nothing about. Going over to the kitchen chair, I admired Jarred's five inches [12½ cm] in my hypnotized state as if the previous two boys' cocks had been appetizers. Unlike Tyler and Billie, he had kept himself very clean. The flavour of fresh boy dink assaulted my tastebuds, causing my saliva to begin to flow copiously. I basted his dink with my saliva and spread my spit all over it. I then clamped my lips tight around the base of his cock and sucked the teendick-scented saliva back into my mouth and swallowed. My hypnotized body turned to goose flesh in its ecstasy and I licked his hot cock in a desperate need for more. Not ready to climax yet, Jarred stopped me a few minutes later and had me move on to Jay. Jay's three-and-a-half inches [9 cm] looked like a little cocktail weenie, and I gazed at it with just as much gusto as I had Jarred's. Like Jarred, the eleven-year-old had kept himself clean. Once again I went down and paid homage. Once again I delighted in licking my master's cock clean. Of course once again my master eventually began to squirm and twist with forbidden pleasure as I did homage to his dick. Jay finally stopped me. "Just like our dick cheese has joined in your stomach, so are we one, one for all and all for one," said Tyler. "We are equal and your masters, and just like your spit joins with our dick cheese, you're joined with us forever as our awed slave. Now in homage to us thank us for letting you have our dick cheese. Tell us how much you love our dick cheese, how ya love its taste and smell, and how much in awe you are of us." "Thank you for letting me have your dick cheese," I began. "I love the greasy taste and sweaty dick smell of your smegma, and I am in awe of the kewelness of my masters Tyler, Jay, Billie and Jarred." "Now it's my turn," announced Billie with some eagerness. "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul," he began. He was the fourth, and I was glad the last, to go through this ritual beginning. "We are generous and giving. You, Arm Pit, are so needy. Whenever ya see us ya gotta stare in gratefulness at our generosity and wish that you could be so giving." He looked at me gleefully. "You're gonna show us how grateful ya are by accepting our snots. Ya love the taste of snots, dude, and ya wish ya could snack on them all day. Go get a candy dish, one of those fancy crystal ones." I hurried into the dining room and returned with a cut crystal candy dish. "Now come here and tell how much ya want to eat my snot." "Please, Master Billie. I want to eat your snot," I said as I knelt before the recliner. "You can do better than that." "Please," I begged plaintively. "I need to have your snot. I love the taste more than anything in the world. I'd be so grateful to eat it." "Henh," Billie snorted. "Right on you stupid fucker!" Billie grinned wickedly as he dug a thick, slimy wad out of his right nostril and wiped it on the dish. Jarred blew his nose with his fingers and scraped the slimy mucous off his hand with the edge of the dish. Tyler and Jay had me dig out their snots myself. Under their instructions, I mixed the slimy gray-green snot and clear mucous of the four boys together and then scooped it up with my first two fingers. "First lick the plate clean like a good boy," ordered Billie. I ran my tongue over the plate, licking off their slimy, salty mucous. "Gross," gagged Tyler. "Yeah, isn't it?" giggled Billie. "He'll fuckin' do anything," observed Jarred. "Okay, now pop our snots in your mouth and chew like its gum," ordered Billie. I stuck my fingers covered with the salty mass of slime and semisolid mucous in my mouth and sucked it off them. Saliva filled my mouth in response to the strong taste. "Just like our snots are mixed in your mouth to become one so are we one, one for all and all for one," recited Billie as I chewed my nasal gum. "We are equal and your masters, and just like your spit joins with our snot, you're joined with us forever as our grateful slave. Now swallow it and in homage to us thank us for letting you have our snot. Tell us how much ya love our snot and how delicious it tastes. Tell us how grateful you are to each of us." "Thank you for letting me have your snot," I found myself saying. "I love it more than I love candy. It tastes delicious." Despite knowing what is was, my mind did indeed feel that it was delicious. I am so grateful to my masters Billie, Jay, Tyler, and Jarred." "This is so hot," said Jarred. "You know some young dudes have been writing to us and telling us how cool we are and how they wish they could do things like we do. Like, we're the future, man, and you're history." Jarred looked down at me smugly. "Youth rules," he said with a grin and the others began to chant "youth rules". "Old shits like you we'll keep around to please us cuz pleasing us will make you feel young too. Ya like to please us don't ya Arm Pit?" "Yes, Master Jarred, I do like to please you. That is all I live for." "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul," he began with the ritual introduction. Each of the boys having recited it already, I had thought we were done. I wondered what more they could possibly have in mind for me. "Whenever ya see us, ya gotta wish ya was young again, but ya never can." He looked at me with a leer. "But you'll always be able to please us, cuz we'll always need pleasing. Like right now I'm aching to get off, and we all know how ya love the feel, sight, smell and taste of our awesome dinks. Isn't that right?" "Yes, I do," I replied as my mind accepted his words. "I could worship them all day." "Then come over here and do homage to them with your mouth Arm Pit. Show us how good a cocksucker you are." Jarred sat on the edge of the chair and spread apart his legs. I eagerly went over to the boy and readily took his hot young shaft in my mouth. I sucked on it and licked it. I savoured his boy taste, his boy smell, the shape and texture of his young dick. I eagerly sucked on it, wishing it could be forever. It was hot and hard as only a teenager can get. He was soon squirming and panting, and before long his little dick squirted out his hot cum. I swallowed the offering as eagerly as he pumped it into me while the other three boys watched. "Atta boy, Jarred, fill his guts," Jay cheered. "Yeah, freakin' hot!" agreed Tyler. "Give it to him good, dude." "That is so kewel," observed Billie. "I can't wait til I can start making my stuff." I went over to Jay. He spread apart his legs and I went down on his stiff boy cock. The difference of one and-a-half inches [4 cm] meant nothing to my mouth. He was my master and I wanted to please him, and I knew I could. Jay was soon trembling and flushed with his dry orgasm, witness to my skills as a slave. Billie's little two inches [5 cm] was next, but my administrations brought just as loud a result from him when at last his little nine-year-old body bucked with his orgasm. Finally came Tyler, spread out on my leather sofa like a Roman emperor and running his fingers through my hair as if I was some plaything as I sucked him off. I was his plaything, and I would eagerly suck his cock or any other part of him at his slightest wish. As he shuddered and groaned with that final pleasure, I felt just as good. "Just like you just sucked each of us off, so are we one, one for all and all for one. We are equal and your masters, and just like your mouth joins with our pricks, you're joined with us forever as our eager slave. Now do homage to us by thanking us for letting you suck our cocks. Tell us how much you love our cocks, how you love their taste and smell and feel and sight, and how most of all you want to please each of us." "Thank you for letting me suck your cocks. I love boy and teen cock. I love the way your hard, hot cocks feel and look. I love the dink taste and smell of cock. Most of all I want to please my masters Jarred, Jay, Tyler, and Billie." The boys smiled at each other, their faces flushed with the sexual pleasure I had just given them, but also flushed with the power that they were feeling. You could see it in the sparkle in their young eyes, and in the slight curl of their sweet boy lips. In their innocent boyhood they revealed their feelings openly and unashamedly. "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul," Billie said, signifying still another indignity. "We are clean and pure. You, Arm Pit, are dirty and impure. You even love the smell of farts. It's like wonderful perfume to your nose. So let's hear you beg us to fart in your face." "Please," I said plaintively, let me smell your farts. I love their foul odour. I worship the air in your bowels." My mind was saying things way beyond what the boys had requested. My saner part cried out its objection, but was quickly smothered. These were my masters. They were cool, and they were right. Whatever they wanted, I was eager to give. "Fucking far out," laughed Jarred. "Yeah," Billie agreed with the widest grin yet. "Freakin'. This dude is so sick," agreed Tyler. "And he's all ours," Jay said with a grin and they hooted with laughter as they high-fived. Surrounding me and turning their backs, the four boys bent over and shoved their butts out. One by one they commenced farting in my face, loud, full farts, filling the room with their foul, shitty odour. I sat there and inhaled, and although I was fully aware of the stink, I inhaled heartily and eagerly. "Just like our farts all joined together, so are we one, one for all and all for one. We are equal and your masters, and just like our farts joined in your lungs, you're joined with us forever as our worshipful slave. Now do homage to us by thanking us for letting you smell our farts. Tell us how much you love the smell of our farts, and how most of all you worship each of us." "Thank you for letting me smell your farts. I love the shitty, stinking smell of farts. Most of all I worship my masters Billie, Jay, Tyler, and Jarred." Tyler looked down at me. "We are your masters, and you are our slave. We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul. We are strong," he gloated. "You, Arm Pit, are weak. You are so thankful that we are here to protect ya and look after ya. Yer so fucking thankful you even like it when we piss on you." He looked at me with a wicked leer. "You're gonna show us how thankful ya are by accepting our piss. Ya love the taste and smell of piss, dude, and ya like the feel of hot piss running over your body. Now come here and tell how much ya want my piss." "Please Master Tyler. I want your piss. I want to taste it and smell it. I want to feel your hot urine running over my body," I said as I looked up at him. "Go get us four glasses. Those fancy wine glasses." I hurried to obey and then knelt there before the boys in my living room. One by one their hot urine flowed from their little boy hoses and I knelt humbly and let them piss on my head. Four rivulets of urine ran down over my face and neck, down over my naked body to soak into the living room shag carpet. Hot boy piss ran over my chest, soaking into my chest hairs and continuing down in yellow rivulets to soak into my pubic hairs and wash over my penis and testicles in a warm flood. As the boys drew close to the end, they finished off in the wine glasses. "Just like our piss mixed to become one and flowed over your body, so are we one, one for all and all for one. We are equal and your masters," announced Tyler as he handed me his wine glass of dark yellow fluid. "Now swallow our piss in homage to us, and just like our piss joins in your stomach, so you're joined with us forever as our thankful slave. After you've drunk our piss, do homage to us by thanking us for letting you have it. Tell us how much you love our piss, how you love its taste and smell and how you like how it feels flowing over your body. And tell us how thankful you are to have each of us." I took his glass and inhaling deeply, I downed the glass of hot, salty urine in one draught like cold beer on a hot summer's day. "Hey, the fuckin' dude really loves it!" "Yes, I love your hot piss. I love the taste and smell of urine and how it feels flowing over my body," I parroted. "I am so thankful I have you, Tyler." The boys all hooted and laughed and commented on my stupidity and filthiness, and mostly on my eagerness to serve them. One by one the others handed me their glass and I drank down the hot, foul yellow fluid and thanked them for it. "We are your masters, and you are our slave," announced Jay and for the eighth time I listened to the introduction. "We have total control over what you say and do. We control your mind and your body. We own your soul. We are wise. We know what is good for you. You are Arm Pit. You don't know nothing. You need to be looked after. You live only to obey us. Nothing else matters to you in the whole world but us. Now you will show us how obedient you are. You will come here and lick our assholes. You will lick them like they are the most delicious things there are. You worship our bums. Ya love the way they look and feel, the way they smell and taste. So come sit on the floor and worship them." Jay lay on his back on the shag carpet, being careful to avoid the large wet spot where they had pissed on me. He had me squat down with my butt on my heels, and then slide up under him as he threw his legs up over his head. As he watched me begin to lick his butt, he took his limp little organ in his hand and began to fondle it. It was not long before he was erect. He wanked on the little three-and-a-half inch [9 cm] boner as I ran my tongue over his butthole, savouring the musky, mushroom aroma and flavour. He glanced up at me with those dark, devilish eyes, and a slight smile crossed his lips as I ardently licked his boy butt as if it was the most delicious thing I'd ever tasted. In my hypnotized state it was. I licked and sucked on his little asshole in adoration. He was soon bucking and gasping with a powerful orgasm. Billie was next, choosing to roll over on his stomach on the recliner and have me lick his butt that way as he rubbed his stiff little dicky against the leather upholstery. I licked the nine-year-old's pale, almost white globs, their colour so symbolic of the innocence and purity of childhood and standing out in contrast with his darkly tanned back and legs. I licked the two delicious globes, slowly working toward his crack and aching with desire. Pulling his globes apart, I ran my tongue up the crack and savoured the puckered little butter tart, savouring the natural taste of the young boy. I licked the little puckered hole and wished I could do it forever. As he reached his dry orgasm and trembled with the pleasures assaulting him, I felt the pleasure that only a slave can know when he knows he has pleased his master. Tyler similarly rolled over on the sofa and ground his eleven-year-old penis against the soft Italia leather while I licked his butt. I matched his grinding motion, bobbing my head back and forth in unison as I first licked his ass cheeks and then ran my tongue up his crack. I sniffed at his butthole, delighting in the spicy aroma. I ran my tongue over his hole and again was rewarded with the unique taste of mild salami. I licked at his hole as a kitten would a saucer of milk. It was not long before he was squirming and whimpering with his dry orgasm also. Jarred choose to have me lay on my back and then straddled me and squatted over my head. I licked the fourteen-year-old's soft, smooth butt, gradually making my way to the crevice as I had done with the others. Spreading apart his cheeks with my hands, I ran my tongue up the crack and he shivered with delight. I sniffed at his butthole, and inhaling his unique aroma, I too shivered with delight in my hypnotic state. His delightful teenage hole smelled of raw bacon and a musky sexuality. I ran my tongue over his asshole, savouring his meaty flavour. His sphincter contracted and dilated as I tongued it as if eager to accept my tongue in his body. Jarred began to squirm and his breathing became laboured. Seconds later I felt something hot and slimy splat against my stomach and then on my chest. Jarred sighed with the pleasure rippling from his rimmed asshole and the pleasure throbbing through his cock as he shot his teenage cum over my stomach and chest. "Just like you licked each and all of our butts, so are we one, one for all and all for one. We are equal and your masters, and just like your tongue joined with our assholes, you're joined with us forever as our respectful and humble slave," said Jay. "Now thank us for letting you lick our butts. I wanna hear you tell us how much you like to suck ass, how you love the taste and smell, sight and touch of boys' butts, and how most of all you will obey each of us." "Thank you for letting me lick your butts," I said. "I love to suck ass. I love the taste and smell of boy butts and feel of your soft, smooth asscheeks. Nothing is more beautiful than their sight. I live to obey my masters Jay, Tyler, Billie and Jarred." The boys all high-fived and then looked over at Jay. "Ok dude, time for you to take your oath." The boys all stood before me and I sat on the floor. "We are your masters," Jay announced. "You are our slave. You will respect and do homage to us." The four boys hawked up a mouth of spit and spat at me. Jay's spittle oozed down my face, Tyler's stuck in a globule to my chest hair, Billie's oozed over my cock and onto my balls and Jarred's ran down my thighs. "I am Arm Pit," I said, reading from a written script Jay handed me. "I have no will. You have total control over my life. I swear I shall be loyal and serve my Masters Jay, Tyler, Billie and Jarred for as long as I live." Taking my underwear, I spit in them. "We are your masters," Jarred announced. "We are perfect. You are defective. You will admire us. Come kiss our perfect boy feet." I crawled forward and kissed each of them on both feet. "I am Arm Pit. I am defective. I admire my masters Jarred, Jay, Tyler, and Billie and I will for as long as I live for they are perfect," I said, bowed before them. Spitting on my toes, I worked the spit between them and then wiped them off with my underwear. "We are your masters," Tyler said. "We are kewel. You are worthless shit. You are in awe of our greatness. Come lick our dickheads." I licked each in turn, remembering the dick cheese I'd cleaned from each. Jarred's now tasted of cum. "I am Arm Pit. I am worthless. I am in awe of my masters Tyler, Billie, Jarred and Jay and I will be for as long as I live." Taking my underwear, I wiped the head of my dick in them. "We are your masters," Billie said. "We are generous and giving. You are needy. Come and be grateful for this gift we give you." The boys each dug deep into their nostrils for the last snot they had been saving for this occasion. Rolling it into one ball, Billie had me stick my tongue out and accept it. "I am Arm Pit. I am needy. I am grateful for the generosity of my masters Billie, Jarred, Jay and Tyler and I will be for as long as I live." Taking my underwear, I blew my nose heartily in the pouch. "We are your masters," Jarred said. "We are young. You are old. Come give us pleasure." The boys crowded around me and I did whatever they said, sucking on their limp dinks, licking at their nipples, massaging their bumholes with my fingers. At the same time I played with myself, getting myself hard. Despite all I had been through, my penis responded readily. As I approached my orgasm, I serviced my young masters more desperately. "I am Arm Pit," I announced as I shot my load into the pouch and back of my underwear. "I am old. I desire to please my masters Jarred, Jay, Tyler and Billie and I will for as long as I live." I finished squirting my load into my soiled briefs. "We are your masters," pronounced Billie. "We are clean and pure. You are dirty and impure. Come and worship us." I stepped forward and the four boys turned and farted in my face. I kissed each asshole in return. "I am Arm Pit. I am impure. I worship my masters Billie, Jarred, Jay and Tyler and I will as long as I live." Holding my underwear behind me, I farted into them. "We are your masters," said Tyler. "We are strong. You are weak. You are thankful you have us. Taking one of the glasses, the boys managed to force out a remaining few ounces of piss. Tyler handed the quarter-full glass of strong, deep yellow piss to me and I drank it in one gulp. "I am Arm Pit. I am weak. I am thankful for my masters Tyler, Billie, Jarred and Jay." Taking up my underwear, I relaxed and strained to empty my bladder. After a few minutes my urine began to flow and I soaked my underwear with my own piss, the excess dripping off and onto the carpet. "We are your masters," said Jay. "We are wise and all knowing. You are a retard. You will obey our every wish and command for the rest of your life." I again stepped forward to receive my command. "Clean our assholes with your tongue." I snuggled up to Jay and stuck my tongue in his tight little hole. I wormed it in, tasting his muskiness. I darted my tongue in and out until he was satisfied. I went on to Billie. As I prepared to stick my tongue up his hole, he strained to open his sphincter wide so I could stick my tongue in as far as possible. His hole was acrid, but I dutifully stuck in my tongue and licked. When I was done, he turned and gave me a look of power and superiority like I've never seen. Tyler was next, and he waited a long time before announcing he was satisfied with my job. Jarred was last, and by the time I was done rimming his shitter he was stiff again. "I am Arm Pit. I need looking after. I will forever obey my masters Jay, Tyler, Billie and Jarred." Taking my soaked underwear, I opened my asshole and wiped it thoroughly, leaving faint brown smears. I then slipped them on. "That's the only underwear you will ever wear again, and you will never wash them," commanded Jay. "Yes Master Jay." Taking a permanent felt marker, each of the boys approached me and signed their name on my underwear. "Now we need some more snacks. You rented that video we asked you to?" "Of course Master Jay." We lay down in my bed and watched the movie The Full Monty together. I paid it little attention. The boys had their way today, as they always did, but this would soon end. Yes, I had sworn to obey and worship and everything else. I did feel that way. I loved these boys with all my heart and ached to serve them. But I also knew that once I was gone, once they were no longer in my sight, they would have no control over me. It is impossible to serve and wait on them if I'm in another city and they have no idea where I am. I know anyone reading this will think this is stupid. By writing this the boys will know my plans. Well, I asked them if they ever read what I wrote. They said why read it when they done it? Jarred said he hated reading anyway, even if it was something about sex, and, to everyone's laughter, Billie said he'd wait until they made a movie of it. So, I know they will not be reading this. Even if they do, or one of the hundreds of readers out there tells them my plans, there is nothing they can do about it. By the time this chapter of my humiliation is posted, the house will have been sold and I'll have signed a contract for a new job. One by one the boys dropped off to sleep. I don't think the movie was all they had expected it to be, and it certainly did not compare to what the boys themselves have done. I laid there thinking for a long time. Opening my eyes, I found Tyler's young, perfect feet in my face. I quietly leaned forward and licked the boy's tender soles. Behind him was Billie, laying on his side with his beautiful young butt turned to me. Leaning over farther, I gave it a respectful lick. I rolled over. On the other side of me was Jarred. His boycock, now limp, looked so delicate and innocent. I slipped my lips over it to savour it one last time before going to sleep and it began to swell in his sleep. Allowing it to slip from my lips, I looked up to see Jay staring down at me from over Jarred's hips, his dark brown eyes staring deep into mine, penetrating my mind. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips and then lay back, continuing to stare at me with that blank, frightening look. I closed my eyes but could still see the demonic stare. What was he thinking? |