J.O. DickingsonAt Their MercyChapters 4-7Chapter 4Everyone at some point in time knows something terrible is going to happen that he has no control over. An upcoming test when we were kids, an upcoming performance evaluation at the office, a family reunion we're forced to go to, it can be anything. I knew something terrible was going to happen Friday. Master Jay told me so when he stopped by last Saturday night to pick up the story I wrote. I did not know exactly what was going to happen, or who would be involved, but I knew it would be demeaning and perverted in a way that only an eleven-year-old can twist things.I tried not to think about it all week, but that was impossible. Having your life completely turned upside down by a group of smug preteens is not something you can just put out of your mind. Besides, as I expected, throughout the week it was impossible not to run into Bradley, the twenty-five-year-old assistant who had been working at our office this past year. Whenever we saw each other, my cock became instantly erect, and I felt a desperate need to fuck the young man's ass just as Jay had said would happen. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was feeling the same need to have it fucked. We had to get away from each other or else I would have done it, just as Jay had made us to it last Saturday as I described in Chapter 3. The events of that afternoon can never be erased from my mind, and were doing nothing to alleviate my fears about what was going to happen on Friday. Friday finally came around, and shortly after I returned home from work my tormentors arrived. Master Jay, the leader of the boys, was wearing black, which I thought quite symbolic of the wickedness I was getting to know in the eleven-year-old boy. He had on a black Umbro T-shirt, the sleeveless type that showed off the soft contours of his shoulders and upper arms and that has tiny holes in the material so you can see the wearer's skin. His trousers were black Hollywood jeans with shiny silver buttons down the sides of the legs, and he was wearing black and white Nike runners with thick soles and black Nike socks. His best buddy and the second of my tormentors, blond, blue-eyed, innocent-looking Master Tyler, was wearing blue and white Reebok runners and a blue Reebok shirt with shiny black Umbro shorts. The reason I know about the shorts is because I recently bought a pair for a young nephew of mine. With the arrival of summer almost every preteen boy in the neighbourhood is sporting them. The last of the group, nine-year-old Billie, evidently liked Adidas, or else his mother did. His runners, his green soccer cap, worn with the brim pointing to the back of course, and his black shirt with a yellow stripe all bore the Adidas symbol. The only exception was his green Bugle Boy shorts. "Hi, shithead," the boys greeted in unison, and I immediately felt myself falling under their control. They walked on past me to the living room. "Hey, all right, ya got everything ready for the party just like I told ya," Jay observed. I beamed back at him, a warm sensation passing over me knowing I had pleased my master. As per his instructions, I had given the living room a thorough cleaning, which did not take long in that I am particular about neatness and cleanliness and totally abhor slovenliness. I had stocked up on potato chips, Cheezies, soda pop, and Gatoraide. Finally, I had gone out and boughten two Nintendo 64 and two Mortel Kombat video games and set them up as instructed in the living room. "Better strip down to your underwear," Jay ordered. "The rest of the guys will be here soon." I did so obediently, my only goal to please my masters, although deep down inside, my mind screamed its objection and my body tensed with a combination of anger and dread. What did the boys have planned? As I stripped down, Master Jay gave me my instructions. I was to serve the boys like a good host, making sure their glasses were always filled and the snack bowls were never empty. No matter what they told me to do, I had to do it. I was their servant. No matter what they did, I could not object or do anything about it, no matter what it was. I was their servant. Looking me over as I stood there obediently and outwardly unashamed in my underwear, he had me get a pair of scissors. He then proceeded to poke a hole in the back of my jockey briefs and rip it wider to reveal my anus, and to rip the pouch in front so you could glimpse my testicles and penis easily. The door bell rang again. "Go welcome our guests," Master Jay ordered. "Welcome then to your Masters' party, and then ask who you should announce. And your name for tonight's gonna be Buttface." "Yes, Master Jay," I replied as I'd been told to do so in one of our earlier encounters. When I opened the door, I recognized one of the two boys on the steps as Darren, a nine-year-old boy who had joined my tormentors last Saturday. They looked at me in surprise and then glanced at each other and giggled. The sight of a forty-four-year-old, hundred-and-eighty pound [82 kg] man standing there in his underwear had to be totally amusing for a nine-year-old. "Welcome to the party of Masters Jay, Tyler and Billie," I greeted. "Whom shall I tell them is here?" The boys glanced at each other again. "Kenny," replied the first, a sandy-haired youth with high cheek bones that gave him a narrow-eyed look. His close-cropped hair, high cheek bones, pug nose, thick lips and big ears gave him the look that reminded me of an innocent farm boy spruced up to go to church. "Darren." The boys were identical in size and weight. They even dressed similarly, both wearing Vibrations socks and Vibrations T-shirts, Kenny's a vivid blue and Darren's a lime green. They also both wore jeans, Darren faded, torn cutoffs, and Kenny Levis. Both were around four feet [1.20 m] tall and sixty pounds [26 kg]. I introduced our two young guests and offered them snacks and drinks. A few minutes later the doorbell rang again. Three boys were standing at the door, two ten-year-old boys and a twelve-year-old. Their reaction was identical to the two first boys. "Welcome to the party of Masters Jay, Tyler and Billie," I greeted. "Whom shall I announce?" "David," said one of the ten-year-old boys, a brown-haired, brown-eyed youth, who like his friend, was wearing the typical garb of boys his age, runners, shorts, and a short-sleeved shirt. "Isaac," said his friend, a long-haired blond with greenish-blue eyes and who in a few years would be the dream of every teenage girl. "Ryan," said the oldest and tallest of the boys. He had thick, sort of spiked black hair and deep blue eyes. He was wearing the typical garb of older boys, UVS runners, a grey Quicksilver cap, worn backwards of course, Bugle Boys wide leg jeans, and a tan Guess shirt. The boys settled right in to their video games, pairing up on the living room floor and switching with each other while I hurried about the room filling their glasses with soda and filling the bowls with snacks. Typical boys, they did not bother removing their runners, and they left the cans of pop and bowls of chips on my expensive glass coffee table, the mahogany end tables, or on my eggshell coloured shag carpet, along with the bowls of chips. When they dropped any of the snacks, which happened with almost every handful as they crudely stuffed their mouths, they just ignored it and it was eventually ground into the carpet. I stood there and watched helplessly. I felt sick as I thought of the expense of having the living room carpet shampooed. After half an hour Isaac declared that he was bored and asked if I had any good music, like the Spice Girls or Backdoor Boys. Of course I had both tapes, Master Tyler having told me to buy them specifically for the party. I put on the Spice Girls, which generated some talk about one of them leaving the group and even more talk about how hot they were and how they'd like to feel their boobs and such things. Even though I knew how crude some of the boys were from things they had made me do previously, I was shocked at boys that young talking of such things. Isaac had me turn up the stereo full volume, which cut out any further conversation. Dancing around to the music, Isaac knocked a bowl of chips onto the carpet. He bent over to pick it up but Tyler told him not to bother and ordered me to refill the bowl. Darren, Billie and Ryan asked for some smokes, which I gave them and even lit up for them. I quickly found some ashtrays, which I had being a smoker myself, but the boys more often than not just let their ashes fall on the carpet. When they were done, they just ground them out on the glass table top. "Hey, you guys wanna have some fun we can't have at home?" Master Jay asked the group, as if their present behaviour was typical good behaviour at home. Maybe for these boys it was. Needless to say, they all said they wanted to, and asked what Jay had in mind. "Well, like we pair up, and each time a guy loses a round, Buttface takes off a piece of the guy's clothing, until there's just one guy left." "All right losers, get set to strip," announced Ryan. With four pairs of boys playing, it was not long before I was removing Isaac's Reeboks, and then Tyler's and soon the other boys' sneakers. Eight pairs of sweaty boy feet confined in sneakers all day left a distinctive odour wafting through the house but the boys did not seem to notice. I lined their runners up along the fireplace. Ryan was the first to lose a sock, a Wilson sports sock. Others were quickly added. When I removed Darren's Vibrations, I could not help but notice his feet were not exactly the cleanest, and he smiled up at me with a knowing smile, evidently thinking back to the comments about toe jam from our last meeting. I prayed that we would not get into feet licking tonight. Isaac was the first to lose his shirt. As I slipped his red Reebok's off, my fingers ran along his soft, warm body and I could not help but think of how young he was. "Fucking shit, all I got left is my pants and gaunches," he commented, quickly dispelling any thoughts of his innocence. I wondered if he had picked up that language from television or the internet like many adults claim. "Hey, Buttface, put some chips in my mouth for me." I fed Master Jay a hand full of chips, the crumbs and pieces falling to the floor unnoticed as he concentrated on winning the match. That was followed by a spate of such demands to be hand fed and to given drinks to, more for the amusement of seeing me do it than any need for refreshments. I did so with a broad smile even though I was seething inside. Ryan's tan Guess shirt was next to go, despite his bragging. Tyler was the first to lose his shorts, followed by Darren's faded Levis and David's shiny blue diamond Umbro shorts. The boys laughed and giggled as one by one they were reduced to their underwear. "Aw, Jesus fucking shit!" cried out Master Billie, the first to lose the final round. Amidst the cheers of the others he stood and I removed his little white jockey underwear and revealed his tiny limp dink and hairless balls. Isaac soon followed and I drew down his pale blue Vibrations to reveal similar naked pubes. It was not long before the contest was down to Master Jay and Ryan. After a strenuous game, Ryan was the victor. As I drew off Master Jay's deep blue Russian Navy jockeys his privates brushed up against my hand. He glanced at me with a blank look and I wondered if it was by accident. "So, what did I win?" "Any game ya want." "For real?" "Course" "Far out. Mortel Kombat," he said as he removed his plaid boxer joes and tossed them at me. I noticed he had a sparse patch of hairs at the base of his little penis. He was the only boy that did. "Hey, let's do it again for another game." "But we're already naked." "Buttface could dress us all." "I got a better idea. This time the winner gets Buttface to do whatever he wants him to." Cheers resulted from that suggestion. My mind raced with all the possibilities, especially considering what the boys had already made me do as I've written in earlier parts of this story. "Hey, anyone hungry?" "Hell yeah," came the chorus. "Whad'ya wanna eat?" "Pizza," again came the chorus. "What kind?" There the commonality ended. The conversation finally concluded with me taking orders for eight different large pizzas. The boys began to play and Isaac was the first to win. He demanded I come over and smell his armpits. That sent a round of laughing amongst the boys and for the next little while I ran from naked boy to naked boy to sniff their sour pits, and it was evident not one of them had showered recently. Billie commenced the next trend by digging out a long, slimy snot, and dangling it out so I had to stick out my tongue to receive it. When it was his turn, Ryan blew his nose in his hand, purposefully sneezing, and then offered me a palm of the slimy lime and white snot. "Eww, gross," came the response from the others, but they all gathered around to watch me suck and lick the nasal mucous off his hand. The slimy, salty snot clung to my lips and as I tried to lick it off Kenny observed how much I must like it, much to the amusement of the rest. I began to turn red with humiliation. Master Tyler initiated a round of fart sniffing, and for the next while I ran from boy to boy to sniff at their assholes. Each one bent over and tried to blow the loudest, smelliest fart he could. With the arrival of pizza, I hoped the boys would end this game, but the boys were so eager to continue they kept on playing and had me feed them. Their lips and chins greasy from the pizzas, they didn't worry if they dribbled any onto the carpet, and I was too busy to wipe any of it up. It had to have been half an hour after the pizza had arrived that the mishap occurred. When I was attempting to slip a wedge of loaded pizza into Isaac's mouth, the topping slipped off and fell on his leg. "Jeez, ya almost dropped it on my dick," he complained. "Hey, Isaac, yer supposta eat the pizza, not fuck it," someone commented. "Oh yeah, well fuck this," he replied, picking up a wedge and tossing it. By this time the boys had had their fill of pizza, especially after snacking all evening, which meant almost half of each large pizza was left. Isaac's little trick was the trigger that started the food fight. Boys began grabbing pizza slices and tossing them at each other. Tomato sauce and cheese and pizza toppings flew through the air, hitting naked, dodging boys, and splatting against the walls. A slice hit my five hundred dollar oil painting by Rennet. Several slices hit my cream-coloured drapes and slid down them, leaving streaks of sauce and bits of topping. My heart sank as several struck the back of my two thousand dollar suave brown, Italia leather sofa and just hung there. As the boys dodged the flying pizza, they knocked over their drinks and left them there to soak into my shag carpet. Lamps and ornaments were toppled from the end tables and all I could do is stand there like a mindless idiot and watch with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Hey, Kenny, you could throw more pizza if ya used both hands instead of using one to play with yer dink," called out Ryan, bringing the free-for-all to a halt and focussing everyone's attention on the nine-year-old. "Twasn't playin' with it," he retorted. "I gotta take a pee." "Hey, me too." "Now ya mention it, me too." "I gotta go so bad my eyes are turnin' yellow." "Bet I gotta go more'n you." "Bet not." "Oh yeah!" "Hey, let's have a peeing contest!" suggested Tyler. "Aw, I don't wanna have ta get dressed and go outside." "Who said anything about going outside?" "Where then?" "Right here." "In the house?" someone asked incredulously. "Right here in the living room." The boys giggled and several looked over at me. I just stood there and grinned as my heart pounded and my mind screamed. They wouldn't! "So, everyone line up here," Tyler indicated. "On the counta three everyone start to pee, and Buttface will decide whose goes the farthest." "Can tell ya now, I can hit the wall on the other side of the room." "Yeah, right." "Okay, Buttface stand over there and watch," Tyler indicated. My heart felt so tight in my chest. I was sure I was about to have a heart attack. The position Tyler had indicated for me to take was beside my leather sofa. I opened my mouth but could not object. My three masters smirked, knowing full well what was going on in my mind. "Everyone ready? On the count of three." After all the pop, they all did have to go, and they all had to go badly. Eight streams of yellow arched out from their pizza-spattered, naked bodies. The boys strained to force out their piss. I cringed and wanted to cry as one and then another stream reached the sofa, soaking the cushions with hot piss or splattering against the back. Dark, almost black, splotches spread out over the leather as the hot piss soaked into the cushions. David won by managing to arch his yellow stream over the sofa. As bladders emptied, the streams retreated along my carpet back to the row of eight naked, pissing boys. The nitrogenous odour of hot piss filled the room. "So, I get one of the games?" "Anyone ya want." "Hey, there's two more games left. What else can we try to win another one?" "Let's see who can loogie the furthest." "All right, bet I can hit the sofa from here." "Hey, I can hit that ugly picture on the wall." That ugly picture was a five hundred-dollar reproduction of Genet's Evening in Venice, one of the oil paintings not spattered by flying pizza. "I got a better idea," announced Tyler. "What's that?" "Buttface." "Far out!" "Let's get started!" "Okay, ya gotta stand behind here, he said, taking one of the pizza boxes and placing it on the littered carpet. "And Buttface, ya stand there." "Shit, any moron can hit him from here." "That's the idea," Tyler said with a grin. Tyler stood behind the box and the boys all lined up behind him. He tossed a juicy gob that struck my left cheek and ran down to hang as a pendant from my jaw. All eight hurled a gob that struck me somewhere, most of them in my face. All I could do was stand there and grin like an idiot while their spit oozed down my cheeks. I was instructed to take two steps back, and the boys all tossed again. Again all managed to hit me, most of their slimy spit striking my chest and sticking in my chest hair in bubbly globs or running down my sides. The third round eliminated Kenny and David, and the fourth Isaac, Jay and Billie. The fifth eliminated Darren, leaving only Tyler and Ryan. Thirty-five loogies of spit later, twenty-six of which had struck my body, Tyler was declared the winner and he claimed the other Mortal Kombat game. "Okay," Ryan said in his defence, maybe you can loogie the farthest, but I got the best aim. "Hey, for another game, let's see who has the best aim." "I'm in," said one of the boys and they all quickly agreed. "Say who can hit the target the most times out of ten loogies." "So what's the target? "Take off your gaunches, Buttface," Master Tyler ordered with a grin. The others all cheered and poked each other in the ribs. They each stood up behind the box and tossed a spit bomb at me while I stood at the first elimination point. Most hit my lower torso, with a number making direct hits on my penis or testicles. The spit collected in gobs in my hairs, which eventually became so saturated the spit began to ooze in slimy rivulets down over my genitals. "Hey, his dick is growing." "The old bugger's enjoying it!" "Hey, no fair, the target's getting bigger!" Darren complained and everyone giggled at that. "Hey, Buttface, getting spit on turn ya on?" "Maybe its making him think of a hot, slimy cunt." "Maybe he just likes boys spitting on him." The boys continued their elimination contest, my semi-erect cock and my balls now dripping with spittle. Billie ended up being the winner of the Nintendo game. "Uh, oh." Everyone looked at Kenny. "I gotta poop." "Bet I can poop farther than you." "Bet not." "Bet I got more poop'n you." Everyone giggled and glanced at our hosts. "We got no more games left, but for those who want to have a contest, the winner can have anything of Buttface's that they want," announced Jay. "Right Buttface?" "Yes, Master Jay." Everyone opted to play. "We need eight chairs," Jay said, looking at me. I brought in two chairs from the bedrooms and we went into the kitchen. Jay positioned them with the kitchen chairs around the table, banging them against my expensive Oak Royale dining room furniture without the slightest concern. To me the scraping was like the noise of fingernails along a blackboard. He then had the boys sit on the backs of the chairs with their dirty feet on the cushions and their butts hanging over the chair backs. Taking my finest china out of my buffet cabinet, he handed them to me and told me to place the plates under each boy's butt. "And if anyone misses, scoop it up with your hands and put it on the plate," he said with a grin. "Bombs away!" someone called. One by one the boys began to defecate. I scurried around behind them, trying to be sure the plates were directly under the turds that began to emerge from their boy butts. One by one, they dropped their turds amidst exaggerated grunts and groans, each boy claiming his turd had to be the biggest he had ever dropped. The room began to smell like a campground pit toilet. The boys had not been exaggerating. They all had to take heavy duty shits. When everyone was done, I was instructed to place the plates on the table so they could compare. They did so with much holding of noses, making of faces and obscene comments. They finally decided Kenny was the winner. "So whatcha want, Kenny?" "Dunno, the old dude ain't got nothin' I want," Kenny replied as he began to get down from the chair. It began to tip, and as he jumped off he slammed into David. David reached out to support himself as he fell forward and stuck his hand right in his plate of shit. "Awe yuk!" he cried. "Gross!" "You fucker," he cursed, looking at Kenny. "Hey, sorry, it was an accident." "Yeah," he said with a sudden gleam, "accidents happen." "Hey dude," said Kenny backing away. "Do it!" someone shouted. "Fuck, stay away," Kenny said trying to get away, but the others purposefully blocked him. He turned, but before he could escape, David slapped him on the back, leaving a brown hand print. Turning around, Kenny grabbed a handful of shit from the nearest plate with amazing speed. "Alright, take this then," he said, slinging it at David. It struck his chest and chunks dropped off onto the floor. "Shit fight!" someone yelled. Boys grabbed handfuls of shit and lobbed them at each other without hesitation or pausing to aim. Shit splatted against naked bodies, against the walls, against the china cabinet. Boys smeared their caked hands on each other's butts and on each other's chests, and they tried to rub it in each other's hair. Brown chunks of shit clung to the refrigerator like obscene magnets. Flying shit struck my chest and stuck in my chest hair as I stood there watching helplessly, my mind totally devastated by what was going on around me. Turds struck the burners on the stove and disappeared. Naked feet stepped in it and tracked it about the kitchen. The boys finally collapsed in exhaustion on the chairs, smearing the cushions with their pizza and shit spattered butts. "What a freakin' mess," observed Master Tyler with a grin. "Oh man, look'it the time," observed David. "I gotta be going." "Aw, jeez, we was havin' so much fun too," commented Isaac. "If I don't get home soon my mum'll ground me for a week!" groaned Darren. "Hey, what would she say if she saw ya now?" asked Jay and they all laughed. The boys trooped into the bathroom, leaving a trail of shit behind them, and washed up in the tub. They used up every facecloth and towel I owned. They carefully picked their way back through the ruined living room to get their clothes still neatly stacked up by the fireplace. "Fuckin' fantastic party, guys," said Isaac as he stepped out the door. "Yeah, we gotta do this again," said David as he joined Isaac. I prayed not. I was going to have to disinfect the entire house. "Yeah, thanks a lot. You dudes throw one wild party," agreed Ryan, and so did Darren and Kenny, the boys now all washed and looking pure and innocent. I wondered what they would be thinking as they walked home, and what their parents would think if they knew what perverted things their sons had done this evening. "Hey, any time dudes," the hosts replied. "We should all thank J**o," said Master Tyler. "It was his idea to have the party." "And some of the party games," said Jay with a wicked grin. I looked at my three tormentors as the door closed. "Don't you boys have to be going home?" I asked hopefully. "Unuh. I told my folks I'd be at Jay's," replied Tyler. "And mine think I'm at Tyler's," Jay said with a grin. "And mine don't give a fuck where I am," said Billie, pretending to be cocky but I could see in his eyes that it was a front. His parents really did not care, and although Billie was pretending he did not care either, he did. "So, let's go wash up." The boys lined up in the bathtub. Having no more clean wash cloths, the boys made me get my clean jockey shorts and use them to clean the shit off their bodies. I then soaped them up and washed them thoroughly from head to toe, rubbing the soap into their skin and then rinsing them off with lots of hot water. "Make sure you clean my dick real good," Darren said with a wicked grin as I self- consciously soaped up his little boy genitals. To my disgust, and his amusement, his little dick grew hard in my hand. As I washed it, he jerked his hips to and fro, fucking my hand with a satisfied smile. The two older boys didn't comment and didn't respond to my contact physically, but I could tell from the looks in their eyes that they particularly enjoyed watching me perform the demeaning act of washing their buttholes and their genitals. "Okay, Buttface," Jay said as the boys stepped out of the tub, "your turn." I stepped into the tub and the three boys proceeded to wipe me off and then lather me up with soap. The three spent a particularly long time washing my hairy chest, my butthole, and my genitals. At one point Jay was working the lather up on my chest, Tyler was occupied rubbing his soapy fingers up and down my butt crack, and Billie was entranced as he drew back the skin on my cock and soaped up the knob and my balls. It felt strange having three sets of tiny boy hands massaging every part of my body. When they touched my private parts it felt particularly strange, and especially when I noticed they all had little erections. What they were doing was for the morally depraved. We used a blanket to dry off. Rolling one of the television sets back into my bedroom where it had come from, I popped in one of the videos the boys had ordered me to buy, Scream 1. The four of us, now fresh, clean and naked, lay propped up with pillows on my bed. The boys were enraptured by the killing and violence in the movie. I sat there more in a daze as I imagined my ruined home. I figured the damage on the screen was minor compared to the damage to my home this night, and to my mind. To see my orderly, immaculate home fouled by every imaginable body excretion was a mental blow more painful than a blow between my legs. After the long day and excitement of the evening, it was not long before Billie had nodded off. Try as hard as he could to stay awake, Tyler finally succumbed as the movie ended. "Turn the T.V. on to Much Music," Master Jay ordered, and turn the volume down. I did as commanded. "Mr Wallace?" he asked quietly as I lay down on the bed beside him again. "Yes, Master Jay?" I whispered. "You remember what you did with Jarred?" "Yes." How could I possibly forget the disgusting things I had been forced to do for him! "I want you to do the same to me." We glanced over at the two sleepers and I carefully got up and walked over to the foot of the bed. Kneeling down on the floor, I bent my head and began to lick the backs of his feet. Having just washed them, of course they smelled fresh and clean. As I worked my tongue down, he spread apart his toes and I licked between them. Once both of his feet had received a thorough tongue bath, I began to work up his legs, running my tongue up the calf of one and then the other leg. I continued on to the inside of this thighs, leaving behind a thin trail of spittle. "Jarred was right, this does feel weird," he whispered with a satisfied grin. He rolled over on his stomach and I dutifully ran my tongue over his soft, pink butt. Despite my humiliation, I had to admit the young boy smelled good. Climbing up onto the bed, I thought I saw Master Tyler's eyelashes flutter. As I spread apart Master Jay's butt cheeks, I glanced over at Master Tyler out of the corner of my eye. Running my tongue along Master Jay's crack and licking his butthole, again I was sure I saw Master Tyler's eye flick closed. He had to be awake and watching us. I felt Master Jay's asshole contract and open in response to my licking and I dutifully returned my attention to it. After a few minutes, Jay rolled over on his back. His dick was stiff and the skin was stretched back off the knob, revealing a reddish-brown mushroom cap. I bent over and with reluctance and disgust at the perverted act I was being forced to perform on the eleven-year-old boy, I stuck out my tongue and ran it over his tiny walnut sized balls. I continued up his stiff dick, which was no longer or thicker than my index finger. It could not be more than three inches long. I licked from the hairless pubes up to the tip of his mushroom cap and then back down. After a minute, I continued up his naked pubes. "No," Master Jay whispered with a huskiness in his voice, "Just put your mouth around my dick and suck it." I did as I was told, easily accommodating his little boy dick in my mouth. I sucked gently on his stiff little weenie. I could hear Jay's breath becoming heavier and slower. He squirmed and wiggled his hips, and then he began to pant, and suddenly he thrust his hips forward and drew them back in several rapid motions. He was dry humping my mouth. He trembled violently and then collapsed. I did not need him to tell me to stop. I lay down beside the naked boy, his thin chest heaving up and down as he panted for air. "Whoa, dude, that was like totally awesome," he finally whispered. "We're gonna have a lot of fun times, Mr. Wallace." He lay on his back and closed his eyes. I raised my head slightly and looked at the other two boys. Billie was curled up and soundly asleep, looking like an innocent cherub, a smile of pleasure on his lips as he probably dreamed about the obscene party we had just held. Tyler was stretched out on his back, a smile on his lips too, and his hand at his hip where it had fallen. His little boy dick was still sticking straight up at the ceiling, the knob still flushed from the wanking it had just been receiving. I lay back and stared at the ceiling and wondered if this was the end, or the beginning, of the fun times. Nobody could possibly suggest something more demeaning than what the boys had done to me that night. "Hey, Mr. Wallace, ya like football?" Jay whispered. "Yes," I whispered back. "Cool. I got two high school football players I'd like ya to meet." Jay closed his eyes again. "They like need a major ADDA2D adjustment." A smile curled his lips and in minutes he was fast asleep. The foul odour of piss and fresh shit wafted in from the living room and kitchen. All I could do was lay there with the three sleeping boys and wonder what Master Jay had meant by that.
Chapter 5Special thanks to S** (C**) for suggesting Chapter 5.You know the feeling you had as a student when the teacher returned your exam and instead of the high mark you were expecting you failed? Or when you took the car in for a simple tune up and the mechanic phoned and said that when they were checking it out they discovered a problem with the transmission? Well, that feeling of your heart sinking down in your chest was the feeling I had late this afternoon when I answered the door and found Jay and Jarred standing outside. Master Jay, my eleven-year-old tormentor, was wearing what I had come to realize was his favourite clothes a black, sleeveless, net mesh Umbro T-shirt, black Hollywood jeans with silver buttons down the sides of the legs, and black Nike socks and runners. Combined with his thick black hair, dark brown eyes, and sassy smile, it gave him the look of mischievousness and smoldering sexuality. Today he also had a Nike backpack. I had met Master Jay's friend Jarred two weeks ago, the afternoon I had been forced to engage in sex with Bradley, the twenty-five-year-old apprentice at our accounting firm. That experience I described earlier in Chapter 3. Jarred was the typical fourteen-year-old, five foot seven [1.70 m], a hundred and twenty pounds [55 kg], all legs and arms, a few pimples on his forehead, and his hair cut short on the sides and darkened with the honey blond top long. He had hazel eyes with long eyelashes that I imagined teenage girls found sexy. Jarred was wearing a Calvin Klein cap, an oversized blue and grey checked shirt, Calvin Klein jeans, and Adidas airwalks. "Well, don't just fucking stand there, invite us in," snapped Jay. I stepped back even though at that time I was not under his hypnotic control. I knew there was no point in trying to refuse him all he had to do was say the magic word and my mind would be his to command. "Hey, ya got the place lookin' all right," Jay observed. "Ya shoulda seen it, Jarred, it was one fucking mess last Saturday. Shit and piss and pizza everywhere!" It had taken me all of last Sunday to clean and disinfect the kitchen, living room and bathroom after the party Jay and his friends had held. I got the bulk of the crud off the shag carpet, but then I had to pay a professional to come in and shampoo it. As for the suave brown Italia leather sofa, I had been sure it was beyond repair, but I sent it off for cleaning and they did manage to save it, at a cost of six hundred dollars. I had told them there had been a party and one of my friends had gotten drunk and had passed out on it. I could not very well tell them that it had gotten in the way of eight preteen boys having a pissing contest. Jay has told me men have been writing him and asking when my account of the party would be coming out. I can't imagine their response when they read the part previous to this one. Jay said the place they have been posting my stories has been down for two weeks, and I'm hoping it will be down permanently. "So get us some Gatoraide, will ya?" "I don't have any." "Oh yeah, then after this you fucking make sure you always have a supply in the fridge, understand?" "Yes," I replied, and then added "Master Jay." A smile curled Jay's lips. He knew I was not under his control and did not have to say that. Or was I now totally under his control and did not need to be hypnotized? That thought frightened me more than did the unknown plans the boys had for me this afternoon. "Coke?" I offered. "That'll do." I went and got it, thinking about the difference between obeying the preteen boy willingly, and doing what he demanded while hypnotized, and wondering if the difference mattered. The doorbell rang and my heart sank. I prayed this was not going to be another party. I honestly could not take another one. It was going to take weeks to recover from the trashing of my home and belongings the previous weekend. When I opened the door, I found two older teenage boys standing there and looking sheepish and perplexed. I knew that look, and I knew the two boys in my house had to be involved. The two boys at my door had to 17 or 18. They were both around six feet [1.80 m] tall and a hundred and seventy-five pounds [80 kg]. Both were wearing blue jeans and green school jackets with while sleeves and green-and-white-striped collars, cuffs and elastic waist bands. In gold was the name of the school, Crestview High, and the head of a bison, the school mascot and the name of their football team. "Hey, guys," said Jay. "How was football practice?" "Ah, fine," said one, glancing over at his friend. "Anything unusual happen?" asked Jarred with a knowing grin. "You know anything about that?" "About what?" asked Jarred with an innocent look. "We don't know anything about what happened," Jay said. "Tell us about it." "Well, things were going great, but then me and Josh started to get dizzy and disoriented," the one boy said, glancing over at his friend. "It finally got so bad Coach Bayer said to go back to the lockers. We did that but then we must have blacked out or something, cuz we can't remember anything else except we both had this need to come here." "Maybe you've been out in the sun too long," observed Jarred. "Yeah, but why the urge to come here?" "Yeah, we've never been here before," Josh said. "So that's it?" Jay asked. "No, not quite," said the first boy, glancing at his friend again. "You still feel that way?" "Oh man, George, I feel it so bad it's hurting if I don't do it soon." "Same here," George said with a worried look. "Do what, dudes?" asked Jarred. "This is so weird, man." "Yeah, like totally." "So?" The two boys glanced at each other with embarrassment and then over at me. "Well, it's like this. We just gotta strip naked in this dude's living room and let him do whatever he wants to do to us." "Can't explain why, man," said Josh. "It's just like in our heads and we got to obey." "Well, by all means, obey," said Jay with a grin, and he and Jarred gave each other the high five. Then Jay turned to me. "Go get your shaving kit and a big basin of hot water Buttface." The two teenage football players glanced at me, their faces reflecting the surprise that an eleven-year-old would speak that way to a forty-four-year-old man. They were even more surprised when I turned to obey. I was still not yet under Jay's control, but I knew to refuse him would just result in him putting me under. If I was able to avoid that, then just maybe I would be able to have some control over what happened later. That was my plan at least as I headed for the bathroom. By the time I got back, the two boys had removed their school jackets, their athletic runners, their socks, and their shirts. George had close-cropped black hair, thick tufts under his arms, and tufts around his nipples and at the V of his neck. There was just a sparse line down the centre of his chest and disappearing in his pants. Josh was a brunette with a perfectly smooth chest. His hair was shaven at the sides with the top long and combed back in a Mohawk strip. Both boys had muscular pecs and as they drew down their jeans and stepped out of them, I could see they had athletic legs too. Jay told us later that they were excellent football players. George was a quarterback and Josh played centre. The boys self-consciously pushed down their boxer joes and stood up, feeling relieved now that they had completed their tasks, but embarrassed to be standing there nude before us. "Now then shithead," began Jay, and I felt myself falling into the post hypnotic trance I had been trying to avoid. I noticed the same glazed look pass over the two football players' faces as they fought to stay in control. I found out later from Jay that they had spiked the boys' water bottles with Rohypnol, more commonly known as the rape drug, and once the boys were back in the locker room, Jay and Jarred put them under and told them to shower and come straight to my place. They also told them that they were to strip and let me do whatever I wanted to them. Of course the boys told them they would not remember anything about Jay and Jarred being in the lockers. "Know how you two are always taking my lunch when I'm waiting for the bus and picking out whatever you want to eat?" "Yeah," the boys replied uncertainly. "And when I said I'd like to be football players like you when I grew up, you said I could start practising, and you took my school books and tossed them back and forth like a football and told me to try to get them back?" "Yeah." "And when I said I wanted to be big like you, you said let's see how big you are now and pulled down my pants in front of everyone." "Yeah." "And said it was a good thing I had no hairs cuz you'd never be able to find my little dick?" "Yes," they replied, getting very uncomfortable. "And said it was so little you had to look twice to be sure I wasn't a girl." "Yes," they said, shuffling even more. "Well, dudes," smiled Jay, "this is payback time for that, and for all the other times you guys hassled me." He turned to me. "I want you to shave off all the hair on their bodies from the neck down." I approached the boys and they could no more resist me than I could stop myself. I began with Josh, figuring he would be the easier having less hair. I lathered up his arms and it did not take me long to remove his fine sparse hairs. I then had him raise his left arm and I cut off his armpit hair as short as I could before using my safety razor to remove the rest. After his armpits, I did his legs, again easily removing the sparse hairs. Up until then Jay and Jarred had paid little attention, but now they came closer to watch. I clipped his short hairs as close as I could, and then lathered up his pubes and began to shave them. "Careful you don't cut his dink," observed Jay. "Yeah, he's already cut," joked Jarred and the two boys giggled over the joke. It was embarrassing squatting there before the teenager's genitals and shaving his crotch, and it must have been doubly worse for him. As I got close to his penis, I had no choice but to move it to the side with my hand so I could so I could clip the few hairs on his testicles. Josh looked to the side with embarrassment, and I finished him off as fast as I could, feeling the same way about having to hold his limp penis. Finishing with Josh, I turned next to George. His hair being darker and thicker, it took me longer to do him. I finally did depilate his arms, legs and chest, and began to work on his pubic hairs. The boys joked about him still having his foreskin, and they hinted that maybe after I was finished shaving him they could arrange for me to cut off his skin at the same time. From my previous experiences with the boys, I would not put it past them. As I shaved his crotch, I occasionally brushed my hand against his cock by accident. It was embarrassing touching the teenager's privates like that, and the two of us looked away in shame. Finally I was finished and I wiped George's genitals off with a warm cloth. "That is much better," observed Jay. "Sure wish I could fucking be there when you explain this to the guys in the locker room on Monday!" He and Jarred howled. "They look so kewel," observed Jarred with a choking laugh. "Just like little boys again." The two boys broke out in laughter again "Now, take a seat," Jay ordered, and as the two boys sat down on my leather sofa, I cringed. Jay opened up his backpack and took out a number of bottles and boxes. "Mr. Wallace, trim their eyebrows, you know, so they are thin like a girl's." I approached George. "What colour lipstick do you think would look good on Josh?" Jay asked his friend. "Hmmm, how about that Cherry red?" "Yeah, with red nails would be kewel." "You do his lips and I'll do his nails." "Fingernails and toenails." "Fucking good idea." "Pucker up Josh." The two boys worked in silence while I trimmed George's eyebrows, Jay applying the lipstick and Jarred the nail polish. "Hey, you're good," observed Jarred, looking at what Jay was doing. "Been watching my sister." Finishing with George, the boys and I switched. "How about this Midnight Blue for George?" asked Jarred. "Oh yeah, that'd be kewel." "With the silver nail polish?" "Fucking far out, dude." Finishing up, the boys applied cheek blush and eye shadow and eye liner to their two subjects. Their youthful faces began to take on a definite feminine appearance. The doorbell rang and I jumped. Jay looked at his watch. "Right on time. You two girlies go in the bathroom," Jay ordered as he got up to answer the door. It was Bradley, and he had several large boxes and shopping bags. The boys took the stuff and heading to the bathroom, told us to wait. We did so in silence, both thinking of the post hypnotic suggestion Jay had planted in our memories the day I had fucked Bradley, and which fortunately had by now lost its effect. About fifteen minutes later the boys reappeared, each looking like the cat that ate the canary. "Gentlemen, we would like to introduce to you," began Jay like a circus announcer, "Georgette and Joshalina." The two boys stepped into the living room. George, or Georgette, was wearing a black wig which completed the transformation of his face. He had a low cut, sleeveless silk blouse, evidently a padded bra, and a black skirt that reached just below his knees. Joshalina had a brunette wig with long curls to her shoulders, a tight white cotton short-sleeved blouse also with a padded bra, and tight red skirt that ended just above her knees. Both were wearing open toed sandals. The two young boys doubled over with laugher. The older two stared at us helplessly and desperately, their eyes pleading with us to bring this to an end. "Ok, lets go." "Where?" I asked. "There's a volleyball exhibition game at the high school," he said with a grin. The two older boys glanced at each other with desperation, their painted mouths dropping open. "Well, com'on, let's go." We moved mechanically, our minds and limbs fighting every step. We went in Bradley's convertible, Bradley, Joshalina and Jarred in the front, the rest of us in the back. As we walked up the sidewalk to the school, Jay whispered to us, "Hey, did I mention that you lovers can't get enough of each other?" As we entered the school, I felt a wave of desperate need pass over me. I looked at Georgette, and at the same time I felt a wave of panic. This was a school for Godsake, and the girl I was having the hots over was a seventeen-year-old boy! I glanced over at Bradley and saw the same look of lust and panic in his eyes. I looked at my date, and my desire for sex caused my now stiff cock to ache. Georgette had the look of unquestioning love and teenage hots in his (her?) eyes as he (she?) stared up at me, but beneath that, there was an even more primitive look, the look of fear. I had a good idea what was going on in the poor youth's mind. What if someone recognized him? What should he do if he saw someone he knew? Worst of all, what were these feelings of desire for the older man he was with? Until that moment he had only had such feelings for girls. Joshalina was going through the same turmoil. Approaching the boy and girl taking the silver collection, I could see what they were thinking as they studied us. They had to be wondering who these two older men were with these two painted ladies, and they certainly had to be wondering who the two harlots were. I glanced down at the floor, and I noticed except for Jay and Jarred, the others were doing likewise. As we headed into the gym, I could feel the eyes of the two taking up the collection on us. Taking up places in the bleachers, we began to watch the game, but I knew that not one of us was concentrating on the game in the middle of the gym. I fought the desire as long as I could, but finally I could not resist putting my arm around my date. I noticed as soon as I had done so, Bradley did the same with Joshalina. Georgina snuggled up to me, and pressing her leg against mine, she placed her hand on my thigh. I drew her closer to me and inhaled her perfume as I slid my hand down her side to just under her bra. The two tormentors behind us snickered and giggled. Several people walking by glanced up at us. I overhead one of them ask if the others had seen the old codger with the young painted up babe. One of the girls in the group commented that it was impossible not to notice the two girls, they had such a load of grease on. When another group passed, one of the boys said it was funny, but somehow the two girls with all the makeup reminded him of someone. Jay leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Com'on dude, you got the hots for your date. I wanna see ya feelin' her up a bit." I snuggled up close and felt her bra with one hand while I gave her a peck on the cheek. Georgina responded by running her hand up my thigh to my crotch. She had to feel my heat of my hardon through my trousers. I was aroused, and that was very wrong considering the circumstances. It was wrong, but I could not help it. I kissed her cheek again, more passionately. "Uh oh, trouble." I looked up to see a man around my age in a suit heading along the bleachers and looking right at us. He was not smiling. "That's the fucking school principal. You guys head for the car. We'll stall him." As we made our way down out of the bleachers, the fellow kept his eye on us and continued walking, evidently intending on intercepting us once we reached the gym floor. Jay and Jarred managed to get between him and us, and by the time he got around Jay and Jarred, we were heading out the door. Jay and Jarred joined us a few minutes later. "I'm hungry." "Me too." "Lets go to McDonalds." Arriving at the fast food restaurant, Bradley began to head for the drive through, but the boys were having none of that. We went inside. The place was packed with teenagers and young couples and the occasional family. Quite a few looked up at us as we queued up to order our food. As we found a place to sit with our dates, I again heard the same comments, about old men and girls young enough to be their daughters, about the amount of make-up our dates had, and how someway they reminded others of people they could not place. As we ate in silence, I felt my lust for my date growing to the point of desperation. As I looked into her eyes, I could see the same lust for me. I could also see the desperation, the fear, and the confusion. Jay and Jarred were practically in hysterics watching the four of us. On the way home, Georgette snuggled up to me and placed her hand in my lap. I wrapped an arm around her and drew her close. "Okay, dudes," said Jay as soon as we returned to my house, "let's go to the bedroom and see some hot loving." "Yeah," grinned Jarred. "We wanna see a lot of kissing and hugging between you lovers." "And stripping. Let's get those clothes off those girls, boys." Bradley and I needed no second invitation. Even though I knew that this was not as my mind was saying, I could not help thinking of the boy in front of me as a hot date, and I knew he could not help but think of me as some hot teen-lover. We embraced and kissed passionately, George's lipstick tasting sweet and leaving a smear on my lips. We kissed over and over, each kiss becoming more lustful, and we ran our hands over each other's bodies. Unable to take anymore, I removed his blouse and skirt, and he removed my shirt and trousers. We lay on the bed kissing and embracing, me in my briefs, him in his hot black bra and panties. Soon his panties were sticking out in a most uncharacteristic manner for a girl. I removed his bra and kissed his breasts, running my hands over his back and sucking on his nipples. We removed our underwear together. Meanwhile Bradley and Joshalina were laying beside us on the bed and doing the same. "Now, George, tell Mr. Wallace you love him." "I love you," he said. "Slap him in the face as hard as you can, Mr. Wallace." "Yes, Master Jay," I said, immediately slapping George as hard as I could. "Now, each time any of you say what we tell you, you say it like you mean it, and if you don't, then the other guy will slap you. All you shitheads got that?" "Yes, Master Jay," I replied as the other three also replied in the affirmative. "Now, George, tell Mr. Wallace again that you love him." "I love you, Mr. Wallace," he said sincerely although I could tell in his eyes how repugnant he was finding the words. "Tell him you think he's real handsome." "You are really handsome." "Tell him he turns you on." "You really turn me on." "Now your turn, Mr. Wallace. Tell George you really love him, especially his butt." "I love you George, especially your butt." "Turn around and spread your ass cheeks apart with your hands so he can have a good look at your butthole, George." He did so obediently, but not without embarrassment and shame. What could this young high school boy possibly be thinking being forced to do such a perverted act before a total stranger, and a grown man besides? "Now we want you to tell him how hot you are for him, and how you want him to lick your ass and stick his tongue up your hole, George. That's because you really do love him, and you want to have sex with him bad. And we want you to tell him how much you wanna get your ass fucked, George, cuz you really love him too." "I think you're really hot," he said, parroting Jay. "I want you to lick my ass and stick your tongue up it." "I 3; I 3;," I struggled, "I want to do it a lot." George turned around and smacked me just as he'd been told to do if I was insincere. The boys howled with laughter and gave each other high fives again. "I want to lick your ass, George. I'd love to lick your ass," I said more sincerely. He turned and got on his hands and knees. I got in position behind him and ran my tongue along his ass crack. Upon the boy's instructions, he spread apart his cheeks with his hands and I ran my tongue up his crevice and worked my tongue in his hole. It was a weird sensation, and I felt myself getting aroused despite the situation. The boys had told me I loved him and wanted to have sex with him, and those thoughts combined with the physical stimulation overrode any shame and repugnance I was feeling. My arousal did not go unnoticed by the boys. "Beg him to fuck your ass, George." "Please," cried George desperately, "Please fuck my ass. I love you so much." "Your turn, Josh. Stick your finger up your ass and tell Mr. Straton that you wish it was his big cock fucking you." Josh looked Bradley straight in the eye as he eased his finger up his butt. "I'm wishing it was you're big hot cock up my ass instead of my finger, and I'm really hoping you'll fuck my ass for me," the teenage boy said, his voice desperate and sincere, his eyes pained with shame and disgust over what he was saying. "I'd love to. I'd love to fuck your tight, cute ass," Bradley replied, just as he might have on one of his hot dates. I said the same to George, my mind telling me I was in love with this handsome young stud while my conscience screamed that what I was saying and feeling was shameful and immoral. The boys giggled and slapped each other on the back. "Do it," Jay said. Bradley and I knelt behind the two teenage boys and applying gobs of spit to our cockheads until they were slimy and slippery, we eased our hot cocks up their butts with as much lust and desire as we would have plunged into a woman. The two boys grunted and squirmed in their mad desire to accept us. Jay and Jarred tossed off their clothes. Both boys were erect, Jarred with a five-inch [12½ cm] teenage cock and Jay with four inches [10 cm], impressive for a boy his age. Jay knelt before George and Jarred before Josh. "Okay, girls, you love cock so much you want more. You want to suck ours." Without hesitation the two boys bent their heads and took the two young boys' dicks into their mouths. They sucked and worked their lips up and down the slender shafts of the boymeat. It was not long before the six of us were climaxing, five of us with wet, thick loads erupting from our dicks, the sixth trembling with just as much enjoyment with his dry orgasm. The two youngest boys collapsed on the bed and grinned at the four of us. "That was fucking kewel," Jay said. "You dudes make great girls." George and Josh glanced down, flushed with embarrassment, unable to do what their minds were screaming for them to do. They had just eagerly offered up their butts for a hot fucking, and had hungrily gone down on the two youths like wanton hussies. Their makeup was smeared and their wigs had become crooked in the excitement of climaxing, adding to the impression they were two loose and hot whores. "Yeah," said Jarred with a satisfied smile. "We gotta do this again sometime." "You assholes can go now," Jay announced, and the four of us began to emerge from under their control. We all glanced anywhere but at each other in our embarrassment and shame as we quickly dressed. The two high school boys and Bradley left without a word and as soon as they could. Jarred and Jay got dressed and headed for the door. "Hey, Mr. Wallace," Jay said, "your readers are going to expect a hot story as good as the others you wrote, so you do a good job." Then he added with an evil grin as he stepped outside, "By the way, ya like dogs?" Before I could reply, the two boys turned and left. I could hear their laughter far down the street even with my door closed.
Chapter 6Warning Welcome from Masters Jay, Tyler and Billie:If you been reading these stories then you know it's about us three boys, ages 9 to 11, having hypnotized a forty-four-year-old man and making the old fart obey us. You also know if you got any ideas of stuff we can do you can send them to the above address and we'll sure act out your fantasy or fav pastime. In this chapter ol'man Wallace is our new pet dog, and does, well, what doggies do in the park. It that offends you then you better go to chapter 7, but if you are like reader M**c who sent us some kewel ideas including this one, then here is a great story we're calling 'Our New Pet' I am a man of routine and orderliness. I know at the office they joke that they can set their clocks by me, and they joke that I probably even have the paper clips arranged in my drawer by colour and the spices in the spice rack at home alphabetically. That people can predict what I will do and when I will do it is something I am proud of. To me that is being dependable and organized, although I know to others they think that means being boring. Yes, I do get upset if things are out of order, or not as they should be, or if things happen that interrupt my routines. It is an inconvenience and an inconsideration of my time. That is my nature, and after forty-four years, that is not going to change. My working life is just an extension of my personal life, or maybe it is the other way around. I follow the same practices of routine and orderliness at home as I do at the office. I do my major shopping regularly once every two weeks, the Saturday morning after each payday. As soon as I return home, I check the purchases with the till receipts. It is surprising how often the checkout clerks make errors. I suppose it is because people in those jobs aren't the most intelligent. If they were, they wouldn't be doing that sort of work. Anyway, after checking the receipts, I put the purchases away, each in its own spot. Of course I don't organize my groceries alphabetically, but I do put all the same category together, soups with soups, vegetables with vegetables, and the like. I then sit down for a cup of tea before making lunch. Routine and orderliness make for an efficient life. This Saturday morning was like any other payday Saturday morning, but as I sat down for my pre-lunch tea, I had a problem. There was a small collection of purchases left on the kitchen counter that I had no place for. I stared at the two receipts again. From the grocery store:
Of course by this time whenever something totally out of character happened, I knew the source. Five and a half weeks had gone by now since my child tormentors, the three denizens from hell, had chosen to cross my life, all because I had crossed theirs and had phoned their parents about them constantly cutting across my property on their way home from school and stealing my apples from my tree. These purchases had to be their doing. I could not figure out the why behind this latest scheme of theirs, or rather, this latest scheme from one of the wicked minds that has been reading my account of the boys' weekly tortures. Perhaps this was purely innocent. Perhaps they wanted a dog but not the responsibility of looking after it, so found a solution in having the animal stay with me. Even if that was all it was, I prayed not. I do not like animals. Actually I like them even less than I like kids, and with my three tormentors, I was disliking kids more and more each week. I keep my house immaculate, and the idea of an animal with all its fur and smells and clutter and bodily functions made my hair stand on end. I have always been particular about my home and belongings, and after the party the boys threw at my home three weeks ago just the thought of anything happening sends me running for the Valium. Even after three weeks, every time I make supper I cringe at the memory of having to clean the mushy, stinking turd out from under the burner on the stove. Now if the boy's intention was not for me to keep a pet for them, then I had no idea what to expect. I was confident that their plan was much more than that though, and that it would be something degrading and perverted. I did not have to wonder long. I was just finishing my tea when the doorbell rang. "Hi, Mr. Wallace," my three tormentors greeted as I opened the door. "Boys," I replied, less than enthusiastically. My three tormentors glanced at each other. "Masters," I quickly corrected. "That's fucking better," Master Jay commented, and the three exchanged satisfied grins. I was not under their hypnotic control and did not have to follow their command to call them Master, and I certainly could reprimand Jay for his language. Insolence and vulgarity in children are totally unacceptable and intolerable, and I will never understand adults who put up with it, especially parents. However, this was different. If I reprimanded these boys, it would only worsen things between us, and I certainly did not intend on antagonizing them. "Kewel, you got all the stuff," Master Billie said, spotting the items on the counter. "Then we might as well get started. Strip down," ordered Master Jay. I stared at him. I knew to refuse would just mean that he would put me under his control and then I would have to do it, but there was no way I was going to obey that order willingly. Even though the boys had not only seen me naked the past five times we had met, but had watched me doing some very disgusting things while I was naked, I was not going to willingly humiliate myself. "Damn shithead. Now, fucking do it," Jay snapped. Responding immediately to the posthypnotic cue, I reached for the top button of my shirt as I felt myself again falling under his spell. It was like falling down a long, dark shaft, dropping faster and faster as my own mind was left at the top and all that remained was an emptiness waiting for Jay to fill. It was not long before I was standing before the boys stark naked. In the beginning they had been keenly interested in my nudity, but by now it had become common place for them. "Go put on your jock strap." I left to do as I had been told. How he knew I had one I did not know, but I suspected he had either asked once when I'd been hypnotized, or had simply been in my personal drawers in my bedroom. I soon returned. "Okay, now squat down and listen to this real close, shithead," Jay commanded, and I immediately squatted down. "You've been behaving real good," he began, and I felt a flood of pride that I had been successful in pleasing my master. Deeper down my mind was asking me what the hell I was proud about, doing perverted things for a group of spoiled, vulgar brats. "But you have to do it better and harder, understand?" "Yes, Master Jay." "Like dude, we are your masters and you are a shitting good-for-nothing slave. You gotta treat us like kings, like the most important people in your miserable life, understand?" "Yes, Master Jay," I repeated most subserviently. "Okay, you remember that, even when you are not hypnotized, got it?" "Yes, Master Jay." "It's sortta like how it's gonna be today. The three of us are your masters, and you are our dog. You are a good dog, obedient as hell. We tell you to do something and you wag your doggy tail and run and do it. Got that?" "Yes, Master Jay." "Ya gotta be a dog, like totally dude. Ya gotta act like a dog, think like a dog, bark like a dog, you are a dog, not a man, 'cept you can understand our words. Ya got that shithead, you are a dog, a big hairy dog that loves his three masters. If you understand, bark like a dog." "Rarff, rarff," I found myself saying and the boys cracked up with laugher. To my dog mind that meant they liked what I had done. "Rarff, raff, rarff," I repeated enthusiastically, eager to please my masters, which made the boys laugh all the more. "Okay, Poochy, that's a good boy," Jay said, patting me on the head. "That's your name, Poochy, understand?" "Rarff." Getting the collar, Billie put it around my neck while Tyler opened up the retractable leash and Jay gathered everything else up in one of the plastic shopping bags. "Hey, where is the can opener?" he asked, looking at me. I opened my mouth, but I could not say the words. I tried again. "Fucking far out, you really got him thinking he's a dog," giggled Billie. "Go ahead boy, go over and show him where ol'Wallace keeps the can opener." I scooted over on my hands and knees to the right drawer and then squatting down, I reached up and put my paws on it. "That's a good doggie," said Billie, coming over and patting me on the head. "Ok, we're going to take you for a walk, Poochy, you like to go for walks?" "Rarff, rarff," I replied, grinning up at Jay. "Being such a smart dog, you can walk on your hind two feet, unless we say otherwise." With that we headed out the door and down the street, me in just my jock strap and with Billie holding my leash. We cut down the alley and headed over to the small park along the ravine near my place. There were several other kids there on the playground equipment, and a few families. They gave us a curious look when we arrived but soon ignored us. I knew they were all from the neighbourhood, and although I knew I was a dog and felt like a dog, I knew deep down inside that was not right. I wondered what they were thinking. It could have been worse, the boys could have had me go naked. Of course that would have been reported, and that would have ended their fun. As it was, I was surprised nobody objected to what I was wearing. The boys decided that I should have my lunch first, and selected the chopped beef. It resembled canned corned beef in appearance and consistency. They dumped it in my bowl and I got on hands and knees to chow down. The taste was not totally unpleasant, although I saw little resemblance to real beef. On the other hand, the odour and knowing what it was made of made what I was doing revolting. As I bit into the pasty lump, it was a strange combination of feelings. On the one hand I was a dog and this was delicious, but also in the inner recesses of my mind where the boys had been unable to reach, I knew what was reality. With each bite my stomach objected, yet I eagerly took another munch and even licked my bowl clean. Again Billie petted me on the head for being such a good Poochie. The boys then took me for a bit of a walk along the edge of the park 'in case I had to go poop'. A man walking his lab approached from the opposite direction with evidently the same idea. After the dog did his business, he continued past us, giving me a look that was both of bemusement and disapproval. He was evidently amused that I would play this game of being the boys' dog with them, but also critical of my choice of skimpy cover. As we continued on, I instinctively obeyed my doggy impulse and got down on my hands and knees and sniffed at the dog poop by the side of the path. Unable to stop myself, I swatted above it and began to add my own. The boys quickly huddled around me so the others in the park would not see, but they could barely stand they were laughing so hard. "Now that is a real good Poochie," said Billie as he patted my head, and the boys giggled hysterically. The boys released me from the leash and had me retrieve the ball for a while. Even though I keep myself in shape by going to the gym once a week, I wasn't up to chasing a rubber ball all afternoon, and I was soon exhausted. They then decided to have me sit up and beg, and to perform tricks, rolling over and playing dead, shaking my paw and the like. Each time I was rewarded with a Canine Chewy Out, little squares of beef-flavoured treats that were not that bad except for knowing they were dog food. Again on one hand I was eager to perform for my masters, for their praise and for the treats, but at the same time I knew they were humiliating me. By this time it was close to three and the others using the park had left. A dog came by and the boys used the treats to coax the animal over to us. They tried to get the two of us to play together, but it did not work. I was under their control, not the other dog. They were about to give up when another dog appeared, and seeing us, headed over to join us. Of course one of the first things the two animals did was check each other out. The boys had me get on my hands and knees and do the same to the dogs. The dogs, one of them female and the other male, tolerated me but did not return the action. Again, the dog part of my mind saw nothing wrong with this but deeper down I hated the boys for what they were making me do. Another dog arrived and hot on its heels were two more. The one animal was evidently a female, and evidently in heat from actions of the other two dogs. They were joined by the other male dog and the three chased the bitch around, each trying to mount her while the other two tried to prevent the third from doing so. The boys were much amused at the attempts of the dogs to mount the female. "How come that other dog isn't trying to screw?" Billie asked me, indicating the first dog that had arrived and that was now heading down the ravine. I looked up at him, unable to answer. I gave him a whimper. "That's okay, you can talk to answer my questions," he said. "The other dog is a female," I answered, my voice sounding strange and my mind torn between the command to act totally like a dog and the permission to speak like a human. "Then how come the others aren't trying to screw her?" "She must not be in heat." "What's that mean?" "When female dogs are ready to get pregnant, they give off a scent that will tell the male dogs that they are ready for sex." "Well, hey, you're a male dog, go get it," Billie said with a grin. I took that as a command and immediately headed over to the other dogs. The dogs were not impressed with my interference, and let me know with growls and bared teeth. I was unable to defend myself in any other way than as another dog. I growling back and snapped my teeth at them. "Hey, Poochie, come back here," Billie called, seeing my problem. "That's okay, boy," Tyler said patting me on the head. "We know you like boy dogs better anyway." The others laughed. "Hey, do boy dogs do boy dogs?" Billie asked me. "No, not normally, although I have seen some so excited by the heat from a female dog they have tried to have sex with a male dog." "So guy dogs really get turned on by this scent thing?" Tyler asked. "Yes." "That's why they sniff between the legs?" asked Jay. "Yes." "That's where this scent is?" "Yes, from the female's vulva." "What's that?" "Her sex organ." The three boys silently watched the three dogs competing with each other for a minute. "Sooooo," said Jay, drawing out the word. The way he said it and the look in his eyes frightened me. "If a dog smells that scent it tells him come screw me, right?" "Yes." The boys looked at each other, each evidently having the same thought. "Take off your underwear, Billie." Billie quickly removed his pants and underwear and pulled his pants back on. Taking his underwear and picking up some stones at the edge of the ravine, the three boys approached the dogs. Chasing off the males with the stones, they used the treats to coax the female over to where I was. Opening up a can of dog food for her, she gave them no objections as Billie rubbed his underwear between her legs. The stimulation of her vulva caused her to produce even more of the scent. Having me take off the jock, they rubbed it between her legs too while she finished off the can of dog food. As soon as the food was gone, the dog took off. The boys had me put the jock back on and get on my hands and knees and Billie rubbed his stained underwear along the crack between my ass cheeks and over my asshole. He was still doing that when the three dogs they had chased off returned looking for the bitch. They instead found me. They immediately sniffed between my legs at the jock, and at my asshole. One of them, a German Shepard, was convinced I was the real thing and suddenly leaped on me, wrapping his legs about my waist with a vice like grip and thrusting his lower body at my ass. The boys hooted with excitement. "Atta boy Poochie, let him have a good fuck," called out Billie. The boys distracted the other two dogs with the treats while the German Shepard shuffled up closer to my ass and continued to thrust his body at me. "He's really gonna do it." "Look. Lookit his cock." "Jeez. It's as red as a fire hydrant." "I think it's gonna go in him." "Fuck, lookit!" I felt the dog's hard sticky-headed cock poking between my asscheeks, trying to find the opening. It felt as hot as hell. Obeying Master Billie's command, I opened up my sphincter and squirmed to get in the right position. Finally feeling the tip of his hot cock at my anus, I strained to open up and pushed my hips back. As soon as the tip of his hot, red organ spread open my anus, the dog instinctively lunged forward, probably thinking it was a vulva if a dog can think. I inhaled deeply as I felt his long, slender cock penetrate me. It was hot and slick, and he sank it all the way in with one lunge. The dog humped as only a dog knows how, with sharp rapid thrusts. His hot breath panted against my back and his furry body grasped me tightly as he humped between my legs. I could feel his drool dripping on my body and running down around my ribs. The three boys were sitting there in rapt attention, a look of amazement and of amusement on their faces. It was a perverted amusement, the amusement of seeing something dirty happening, and the amusement of seeing someone they hated being humiliated and debased. This was the ultimate humiliation, being subjected to the animal lust of a dog, being screwed by a dog in a public park as if I was a dog myself. At least there was nobody around to witness it. Suddenly the dog tightened his grip about my waist and as his slender dick throbbed he pressed his furry body tighter against my rump. He was shooting his stuff up my ass. I was actually being pumped full of hot, thick dog cum! The moment did not escape the boys and they hooted and cheered even more. Satisfied, the dog withdrew his cock and dismounted. Looking around over my shoulder, I saw his cock, red and slick, still sticking out of the hairy encasing, a final drop of dog cum still clinging to the opening. The other two dogs were straining to get loose. The boys released one of them, a Doberman. Like the German Shepard, he wasted no time in mounting me. A couple quick sniffs to make sure, and he circled behind and leaped on me. My asshole now slick with dog cumm, he had less trouble penetrating me. The boys laughed and called out encouragement as the animal began humping my ass. He thrust his cock in and out rapidly, caring only for the release of his seed. I had to brace myself to withstand the force and fury with which he was humping. Once again the boys sat there and watched, thoroughly enjoying my humiliation and debasement. The Doberman was soon pumping its thick white seed up my asshole to join that deposited by the German Shepard. The last dog, a black lab, didn't mind that two others had preceded him. He attacked my ass with just as much interest and fury as the first two. I could do nothing but kneel there as the three boys cheered and laughed and made dirty remarks about what a hot bitch their Poochie was. The black lab certainly agreed, and he thrust his cock in and out of my abused asshole with a frenzy, his drool literally streaming out of his mouth and basting my back and ribs. He too finally added his doggie cum to the two loads already up my hole. I just counted my blessings that nobody else had come to the park throughout it all. The boys finally put my leash back on and returned me to my house. Billie opened up a can of the chunks of beef with gravy as a reward for my good behaviour, and as I stood there on my hands and knees in the kitchen and ate, the boys got a snack themselves. They discussed the day's events as they made peanut butter and jam sandwiches and helped themselves to the Gatoraide in the refrigerator. "You was real good today, Poochie," Billie said, coming over and patting me on the head. "Did you like your afternoon with your masters, Poochie?" "Rwruff, rwuff," I replied. "Bet you liked getting screwed the most, huh?" he asked "Rwruff," I answered. The three boys high fived and giggled. "You can have my underwear to remember it by," Billie said. "You can curl up with it tonight when you got to bed and smell that doggie scent and remember how great it was." The boys headed for the door. "Okay asshole, this has been fun," said Jay. With the cue word I felt myself starting to emerge from that dark tunnel. "I'll be over for the story tomorrow. And by the way, you might wanna know we got two more guys that have sent us ideas. That's seven different guys that have sent us ideas so far. Isn't that kewel?" "Yes," I replied. "Cool." "Not only that! We checked where they've been posting your stories. The first chapter is sixth out of the top 20 this week! A hundred-and-forty-one guys read it. Too bad they didn't all send in ideas!" The boys all giggled as they headed down the street. I showered for over an hour, and even then I did not feel clean after what had happened to me. At this moment my skin is covered with goose bumps thinking about it, and even now I swear I can feel the dog cum up my ass. I've finished the story, and I wonder if maybe this time the boys have not gone too far. Surely once men read this one, they will stop reading these stories and this nonsense will stop. Jay said seven men have written them ideas, so I know that there has to be at least two more encounters with my tormentors. I am thankful that not everyone who reads these stories responds. It is bad enough knowing that there are a hundred-and-forty-one men who have read about my humiliation. The only consolation I have is that things cannot possibly get more humiliating or perverted than what the boys made me do today. Of course, that is what I figured last week also. However, there is nothing I can do about it, at least for now. It is late and I think I will have a snack before I go to bed. I have this craving for a warmed-up can of Ballard's beef and gravy, and then I think I'll curl up with Billie's underwear and gnaw on my new rawhide chew for a bit.
Chapter 7Warning Welcome from Masters Jay, Tyler and Billie:Hi again, dudes. This is the ongoing story of how we three preteen boys are controlling the mind of a forty-four-year-old shithead neighbour. This chapter is for dudes who are young boy butt lovers everywhere. Thanks J** for suggesting this chapter. It was kewel, dude. Like always, if ya got an idea send it on to us and we'll do it and have ol'man Wallace tell ya about it. Today is July 5th, and it is the fourth cold, miserable, rainy day in a row. If the weather had not enough to put me in a bad mood, my three tormentors, Masters Jay, Tyler and Billie, came sauntering in this afternoon. Up until today they at least rang the doorbell first, but this time they just came walking in. I was in the living room reading. "Hi, Poochie," Billie said with a grin, referring to our last meeting in which the boys had turned me into their pet dog and had made me do some disgusting things that in my opinion only the most perverted of minds could have dreamed up. After even a week of soap and hot water, I have not been able to feel clean. Speaking of clean, I could not help but notice the three trails of muck across my cream-coloured shag carpet. The hair on the back of my neck rose. The boys noticed the look on my face. "Oops, sorry Mr. Wallace," apologized Jay, bending over and removing his mud-caked Nikes. "Yeah, forgot," said Tyler with a sheepish grin as he did the same, chunks of mud falling off his Reeboks. "Yeah, real sorry," agreed Billie, removing his runners also, his so caked with muck you couldn't tell what brand they were. How these three boys apologizing for tracking mud into my house could be so polite and innocent at one moment, and so vulgar and cruel the next, I could not understand. At the moment, they were standing there the picture of childish purity and wide-eyed innocence. Typical boys, they had apologized but then just dropped their muddy sneakers where they stood. Billie had even stooped to wipe his muddy fingers off on the carpet without the slightest thought that would be wrong. These were the same three boys that since the middle of May have been making me do perverted and disgusting things that no boy their age should even be aware of. "My fucking socks are wet too," observed Billie as he removed them also, dispelling any notions of his innocence and purity. "Mine too," said Jay. "And the bottom of my pant legs." "Hey, dudes, we might just as well strip naked." "Yeah," the other two agreed with a grin. That was becoming their natural state whenever they were at my house. In no time the three boys were standing there in my living room without a stitch of clothes and without the slightest embarrassment. They glanced at each other knowingly, noting that I had not objected even though they had not yet put me under their hypnotic spell. I know for some men the sight of three naked preteen boys would be arousing. I saw nothing stimulating about their naked pubes or tiny genitals. Actually, I do not really like children, and with my upbringing, I found such forwardness offensive. "So what game did you buy us?" asked Jay. I got up and handed them the package. They excitedly tore it open. "Hey, kewel! Submarine." "So who's going to play first?" They settled on one of the traditional ways of making decisions that boys have used for years paper, rock, scissors. At first try, Billie and Tyler chose rock, Jay chose paper. The two boys played off, Tyler making scissors with his two fingers and Billie holding his out flat to represent paper. I grimaced and almost objected as the two older boys grabbed the cushions off my Italia leather sofa and tossed them on the floor to sit on as they set up the game, but I knew to make a fuss would only result in them purposefully doing something to them. "Hey, Mr. Wallace. Gatoraide and chips," ordered Jay. I went into the kitchen and got them their snacks. Following one of their previous commands, I always made sure I had stocked up on them in case the boys stopped in. The fact that they had not yet placed me under their hypnotic control was not lost on me, nor on them. I brought over the glass coffee table and coasters for them to put their stuff on, but they chose to use my plush shag carpet instead. They glanced up at me to see if I would respond, and again exchanged grins when I did not. Over the course of the past two months, the little denizens from hell had been taking over my life to the point that for much of it I had learned just to go along. What was happening at the moment was mild, and I was thankful that was all they were doing. I knew deep down inside though that there had to be something else coming. "Hey, dude, lay down here on the rug," ordered Billie. "On your back, with your head here," he continued, indicating a spot near the two boys who had commenced playing the game. I lay down on the floor. Billie walked over, and with a satisfied smirk, straddled my head and sat down, his bare butt pressing down on my face and his little testicles brushing my forehead. The other two laughed. "Hey, you got any dog food left?" "Nump," I replied, his butt pressing down on my face. "That's too bad. It was so kewel watching you eat it," giggled Billie. "Yeah, you was one fucking kewel dog, dude," agreed Tyler. "Obedient as all hell." "Yeah, you really loved your fucking masters," laughed Jay. "That was the kewelest part," said Billie. "You really loved us, dude." "You love us today, Mr. Wallace?" "Yefph," I managed to reply. "You love my bum?" Billie asked and his two friends giggled. "Yefph," I lied. "Didn't sound very fucking certain," Billie said. I cursed myself silently for the slip, knowing that to give them the slightest reason to doubt me was to invite their wrath. "That can be changed," Jay observed. "Yeah, shithead," the three said in unison. I lay there helplessly as I felt myself falling again down the long dark chute, dropping down, down, down to where the boys had total control over my mind. Billie got up and the three naked boys looked at me. "What's your fav thing to eat?" asked Jay, "the thing that tastes the greatest?" "Hot apple pie," I replied. "Yeah, well, you think of how great that tastes, and then double it, cuz from now on that's how our butts are going to taste to you," he said with a grin. "Whenever you see them, your mouth's gonna water for them just like if they was apple pie." Billie wiggled his naked butt before my eyes. As I looked at his little nine-year-old bum, the thought of tasting it suddenly became very attractive. The boys could evidently see that in my eyes and they hooted with delight and gave each other high-fives. "What's your fav smell?" asked Tyler. I hesitated before responding, not sure if I wanted the boys to know the truth, but I was compelled to tell them. "Roasting turkey." The boys laughed. "Then," Tyler said, "you're gonna like the smell of our butts even double how ya like the smell of turkey, got it?" "Yes, Master Tyler," I replied as I had been taught weeks ago. The thought of sniffing their young butts actually started my mouth watering. I tried to swallow without them noticing, but was unsuccessful. "The fucker's drooling," observed Tyler with a twinkle in his hazel eyes. "Let's see," said Billie. "That's taste and smell. What's left?" "Sight and touch," said Tyler. "And sound," said Jay and the boys giggled. "Well," said Billie, "from now on the sight of our butts is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen in your life, and your fingers are itching to touch them. And," he said with a giggle, "you love the sound of our farts 3; like your fav music!" "Yeah, dude," said Jay, "ya love our butts like 3; like the Power Rangers love fighting." "Like a dog loves its master," suggested Billie. "Like a priest loves God," said Tyler with a wide grin. "Yeah," they all agreed. "Ya worship our butts." I did. I sat there and eyed each naked youngster, noticing each boy's uniqueness as a passion passed over me like I had never felt before. I had an overwhelming desire to totally savour the three boy butts before me in every way possible. "Go ahead," said Billie with a grin, again obviously reading my mind. Jay and Tyler paused in their game to watch as I sat up and Billie backed up over to me. Placing my hands on his hips, I bent my head forward and sniffed at his little bum. It was fresh and clean, not the just-did-my-laundry-in-Downy freshness, and not the soapy clean after a bath, but the freshness and cleanliness that only a nine-year-old boy can smell. It was the scent of innocence and boyhood. I ran my fingertips over his small, mellon-sized globes, the skin smooth and soft as satin. My entire body quivered with delight as I caressed his ass cheeks. I stuck out my tongue and ran it over his two pale pink, almost white globes. They had only the vaguest taste of salt. I began licking on the outer edge and slowly worked inwards toward his crack. As I approached it, I felt myself tensing with eager anticipation. Spreading apart his cheeks, I revealed his little boy button. To my mind his little puckered hole looked like a delicious butter tart. I stuck my nose up to it and sniffed. The pure scent of boy made my head spin. I licked his asshole, savouring his natural flavour. He squirmed and giggled as I forced my tongue into the little pucker. He was only nine years old and what I was doing was sinful and disgusting, but the desire to relish this sweet, innocent boy's ass was overpowering. Pleasure swept over me as I rimmed his delicious asshole. "That's so kewel, dude," he sighed. "Don't stop." I had no intention of stopping what I was doing to this perfect specimen of youth. I massaged his tender young butt as I lapped at his hole like a kitten lapping milk, enjoying the taste, smell and touch. I closed my eyes and sighed with the pleasure, oblivious to the two boys watching me with perverse amusement. Billie was breathing heavily and squirming with delight. As I increased my intensity he reached between his legs and began to play with himself. Our bodies became flushed with sexual arousal and delight, mine with the joy of worshipping his butt, and the nine-year-old with the joy of being rimmed combined with his self-stimulation. Finally he shuddered violently and forced his butt back against my face. He whimpered with delight as waves of orgasm rippled through his little dinky and caused his entire body to tremble. At last he pulled away and turned to face me. The skin on his little erect dink was pulled right back, revealing a tiny red knob. His little dink had to be no bigger than my pinky, but it had responded like any full-sized cock. His face was flushed with his first ever dry orgasm and his eyes were sparkling with the newfound joy it had brought him. "Oh dude, you're the best fucking ass licker in the fucking world," he gushed, his voice high with uninhibited childish enthusiasm, but the vulgar words that of the coarsest adult. He looked up at me, his hazel eyes reflecting an innocence and honesty that only a nine-year-old's eyes can reflect. It was incongruous with his stiff little dinky. Jay and Tyler had been watching and I noticed both had erections also. They quickly resumed their game, and soon Jay triumphed. I'm not sure that he wanted to win from the look on his face. Tyler approached me with an impish grin as Billie took his place and he and Jay set up the game again. "Go for it, dude," Tyler smirked and he turned and offered his young eleven-year-old butt to me. It was bigger than Billie's, but still small and tender, the ass cheeks more the size of small watermelons. As I bent over and inhaled, I was surprised at the difference. His butt was spicy, like the aroma of a delicatessen. It was not one distinct spice, not a sharp aroma, but more of a mild blend. As with Billie, I began licking his cheeks and working toward the centre. His butt was saltier, but not unpleasant. As I worked toward his little butthole the aroma increased, and his butt took on a meaty flavour that reminded me of a mild salami. Spreading apart his asscheeks, I ran my tongue up the crack, savouring the flavour and enjoying the pleasure that I was obviously bringing him. Copying Billie, he reached down and began to finger his little stiff dink. After a few minutes, he laid down on his back. Throwing his legs up in the air and raising his butt, he had me sit on the floor with one leg on each side of him. As I continued to lick his butt, he reached for his dick and began to jerk himself off in earnest. In that position I was able to lick the delicious asshole of this hot, prepubescent boy and watch him wanking his little three-inch tool at the same time. In the back of my mind my conscience reminded me that this was not something that I should be doing, but the demand that I worship this youngster's little butt was far stronger than my conscience. Being able to see the smile of ecstasy on his face as I rimmed his hole, I eagerly slipped my tongue inside his little opening to please my young eleven-year-old master. A smile curled his lips and his young innocent face took on a leering, fuck-this-is-good smile. His chest, still soft and rounded with prepubescent fat, was rising and falling quickly. He began to squirm uncontrollably and I had to hold him by the hips as he trembled and jerked and then cried out with his orgasm, his little dick trembling and throbbing in a practice dry run. "Oh, yeah, dude," he finally sighed. "That was so hot. I'm coming over here every fucking day so you can do this." I wished that he would. "To fuck with this game," said Jay. "It's my turn." The leader of the three boys sauntered over and leered down at me. "So how you enjoying your afternoon, Mr Wallace?" "Wonderful, Master Jay," I replied. "I've never felt so good." Part of me affirmed that was true, while the other part screamed its objection. "Your dick hard?" "Yes." "Take it out and show us." I pulled down the fly of my trousers and worked my stiff cock out through the openings of my underwear and trousers without the slightest hesitation. My six inches [15 cm] had never felt so hot or hard. It was not the first time the boys had seen it in its erect form. "You want my butt, dude?" "Yes, Master Jay." "Tell me how much." "I want it bad. I need to touch it, to smell it. I want to lick it, every inch of it. I want to rim your little pucker and bring you pleasure," I replied, begging in my desperation to cherish the youngster's ass. "All right, dude, go for it," he said with a leer as he got on his hands and knees. I dutifully sat on the carpet behind him and took his soft, young butt in my hands. I massaged his cheeks and worshipped them. I drew close and smelled them. Unlike the other two boys, Jay had a musky, mushroom aroma about him. I parted his cheeks and sampled his hole. He tasted like raw mushrooms too. His boyish but handsome good looks, his devil-may-care attitude, and his budding sexuality gave him a totally different sense than Tyler and Billie. As I rimmed his hole, the other two boys watched. Both were erect, and both were pumping on their little dicks for a second time. "Hey dude, go ahead and jerk off too," Jay said with a leer as he reached up with one hand and began to fondle himself. His dick was bigger than Tyler's by about three-quarters of an inch [2 cm], Tyler being slightly more than three [8 cm] and Jay being just less than four [10 cm]. I did not need to be told twice. Nuzzling my nose between his ass cheeks and inhaling his pungent aroma, I began to pump my own straining cock. I thought back to the first time the boys had made me jerk off in front of them. That seemed so long ago now. I focussed back on Jay's ass. The unique flavour and aroma of this hot young boy's butt were overpowering. My mind was spinning with the pleasure of his unique smell and taste, and soon my dick was spurting out my cum, shooting up into the air and landing on my shag carpet in thick creamy gobs. I did not care where I was shooting. Continuing to jerk off until I was squeezing out the last of my cum, I lapped at his puckered asshole eagerly as my hot cum oozed down over my fingers. Jay trembled and tensed as he pushed his ass back with his orgasm, his hot little dink throbbing out his imaginary sperm. We finally lay back on the carpet, the four of us exhausted and flushed. We breathed deeply, enjoying the post climatic rush. "Hey, it stopped raining," observed Billie. "Kewel. Lets go down to the park and toss frisbee." The boys quickly dressed, switching from their adult games to their boyhood ones as if they were one and the same. For these three boys, maybe they were. "Ya really liked our butts?" Jay asked as he put on his black Umbro T-shirt. "Oh yes. I loved them, each of them in a different way. Billie's youth and innocense, Tyler's brashness and lack of inhibition, your hot emerging sexuality, they were all different, all so enjoyable." "Kewel," the boys said together. "Till next time." As I watched them leave, I wished next time was there already. "Oh, yeah," said Jay, sticking his head back in the door. "Thanks, asshole." With the cue word I felt myself coming out my hypnotic trance. I remained sitting there on the floor, my limp dick, sticky with my cum, still hanging out of my fly. I thought about what had just happened here. Although I was once again out from under their control, I knew I was never going to be able to look at the backside of a young boy the same way again. As I slowly got to my feet, I was not sure how I felt about that. |