PZA Boy Stories

Howdy Doody

The Program

Book Two

The Boys in the Field

Part One (2nd section)

For the boys in The Program, being assigned upstate was very much more preferable to Long Island assignment. First of all, the greater majority of the boys were lower and middle class boys from rural areas, most of them at least 90 miles [150 km] or more from New York City. Upstate, you could open the front door of the cabin and tell 24 boys to go outside and play and they most probably wouldn't see another sole for the day. Do that in the middle of Long Island, and they would meet hundreds or thousands of people really fast. That's not a really good idea!

Recreation for those upstate was external. Recreation for those downstate was internal and every boy in The Program agreed; external was better.

Upstate boys learned to snow ski, downstate boys learned to bowl. Upstate boys learned to sail, downstate boys learned to skate. Upstate boys learned to water ski, downstate boys swam. On the upside for the downstate boys, they met the high rollers. The upstate boys met the men in gingham. On average, downstate boys left The Program close to $25,000.00 richer than upstate boys because of the higher tips they received.

The bulk of the boys' free time when not out in the field was taken up by academics, but you can't stop boys from ages eight to 16 from playing, and when they played, they played hard.

By Friday afternoon, Alex had talked to several boys in the cabin who had been with the clients that Alex and Aaron would now spend the weekend with, and was as comfortable as he could be, knowing that what he was about to do was have sex with two strange men that he never met before. At least he was confident that they wouldn't turn around and beat the hell out of them or worse. As with all the boys, Alex looked at his situation pragmatically. Yes, he was going to get fucked, but he was being paid to do it, and, he would be getting out of jail in months rather than years. If that's what it took, Alex was ready to lay down on the rug in the Governor's office!

Each boy upon going out into the field took some clothing and the usual personal items like tooth brushes, etc. With both the men that Alex and Aaron were now going to spend the weekend with known to The Program, Alex and Aaron were packed very lightly. They would leave the cabin around 2:00 for the two hour trip to Vermont, and would be picked up around 3:00 on Sunday afternoon. They would be back at the cabin for Sunday night dinner.

Just after 4:00 Jerry knocked on the door of a very nice and very large log cabin style home in the green mountains of Vermont and the door opened with a man standing there with a spoon in his hand.

"Hi Roy." Jerry said to the man and ushered the two boys into the cabin.

"Boys, this is Uncle Roy." Jerry said as the door closed behind them.

"Roy, this is Alex, and this is Aaron."

The man looked down at both boys and the smile he had on his face when he first opened the door was still there. He shook both boys' hands.

"Welcome boys, forgive the mess, I'm cooking dinner in between work, and I'm behind in my chores," he said as both boys exchanged hellos with him.

"Roy, I'm off, I'll see you Sunday afternoon." Jerry said as he approached the front door. With goodbyes said, the boys were now alone. Uncle Roy lead them into the kitchen and had them put down their over night bags in the living room on the way to the kitchen and Alex looked around.

"Mess?" Alex thought to himself. To Alex the place looked immaculate.

Roy was preparing a roast leg of lamb for dinner and the house smelled of wonderful smells to both boys. Obviously, the man knew how to cook. Alex studied him as the man made small talk. He was good looking, maybe a little chubby and possibly gay Alex thought to himself. From the other boys at the cabin, Alex knew that both men were computer program writers (Whatever that was!) and Roy worked at home on the computers while his partner, Dwayne, work in a very big office they had with at least a dozen people working for them. By Vermont standards, they were very successful and very rich, and once a month would have two boys from The Program over for a weekend.

They usually brought back the same two boys month after month once they found two they liked, and the last set of boys they had just left The Program. So they were now looking for a 'replacement' set. Alex was told that if he and Aaron were made this replacement set, it was a very nice and very easy way to spend at least one of the weekends with clients. Some clients wanted the boys to fuck almost constantly; Roy and Dwayne had the reputation of being a much easier 'job'. The boys would most certainly end up in bed, but not around the clock!

With the vegetables now on the stove and in the oven, Roy took the boys on a tour of the house. The two men slept in separate bedrooms and Alex would sleep in Dwayne's room. Aaron would sleep with Roy. With bags unpacked and stowed away in the closet the house was now gone through room by room to acquaint the boys with their surroundings.

The two men were collectors when they weren't writing computer programs for their clients and the house was stuffed with different works of art and pieces of furniture that they had collected through the years. Their idea of having fun was sifting through every dusty attic and store they could get access to and Aaron found that pretty interesting. Alex didn't really care until some money figures started to come forth. The very beginning of a lifelong passion was taking root, and Alex didn't notice it.

Both bedrooms were upstairs in a loft that was split 50/50 and a huge bathroom was in between the two. The front of the house was a glass wall, and it over looked a valley that was all tree's. The house was completely secluded and private in every direction. That was a good thing, both Roy and Dwayne saw little use for clothing once inside the bedroom and the boys there during the weekend wouldn't either. Alex knew that, it was the reason he was packed so lightly.

A huge Jacuzzi sat in the middle of the bathroom, and Alex already knew from his talk with the other boys, that he'd be seeing a lot of it with Aaron and the two men. Any boy who had reported being in it was very wide eyed at describing it. Alex didn't know what to expect, but he did know that it impressed the hell out of the other boys.

The computer room was hooked up to the men's office and at least six machines sat there with screens running. Neither Alex nor Aaron knew anything about computers, but one of them was set up as a game machine and Roy would teach both boys how to play on it before the weekend was over he promised.

TVs were not a part of Roy's or Dwayne's life. Classical music was, and it never stopped playing until bedtime in the house. There were two Baby Grands sitting in one corner of the living room. Being in Vermont, a fireplace was a must and this house had one that you could put a Volkswagen in. It had huge sliding glass doors in front, and took logs the size of trees as far as Aaron was concerned. A fan kept the hot air circulating, and it was always ablaze whenever the boys were there. To say the least, both boys were extremely impressed by their first clients.

Roy and the boys were back in the kitchen preparing dinner when an alarm went off and Roy looked at a monitor hanging in the kitchen. Dwayne was coming up the driveway, and it was showing on a security camera. Alex was getting damned impressed.

The boys and Roy were setting the table as Dwayne came in the front door. Alex didn't know what to expect, but he was slightly stunned once Dwayne came into the dining room with a briefcase in one hand and a huge bunch of purple and white Lilacs in the other. A Golden retriever followed him in with his tail going back and forth like a windshield wiper blade gone nuts.

"Where the hell did you get them?" Roy asked his friend as Dwayne handed him the flowers.

"John brought them up from Washington." He said as he put his briefcase down and looked over to Alex and Aaron. Alex was looking at a man he had completely not expected to see. Alex envisioned a book worm type, maybe even a pansy. He was looking at a guy who might be able to give Coach a run for his money in the fitness department. He was impeccably dressed, and he had a tan like he just came off a Florida beach.

"Hello," he said to the boys.

"You must be Aaron and Alex. My name is Dwayne."

Aaron shook his hand and introduced himself.

"You must be Alex," he said as he went over to him and shook his hand.

"Yes sir," Alex said.

"First, I am Uncle Dwayne and this is Uncle Roy," he said as he pointed to his friend.

"It makes things a whole lot easier to other people if we have any company or go out together," he told the boys. Neither Alex nor Aaron had considered either going out or anyone else coming in. As far as they knew, these were the only two men they would be with and they were not going to be leaving the house for the weekend.

"If it's agreeable with you, Aaron will be with Uncle Roy this weekend, and you will be with me. Is that OK Alex?" the man then asked Alex.

"Yes sir," Alex said before he remembered the 'Uncle' part. Dwayne smiled at him.

"Sirs are very wise old men. I'm neither wise nor old." He said and gave Alex's hair a tussle. Dwayne didn't wait for a response from Alex, he turned to Roy and asked when dinner would be ready. He knew the answer; dinner was always at 7:00.

"Good, we have close to an hour before dinner, lets get washed and dressed for it," he said after Roy confirmed the time.

Picking up their over night bags from the living room, all four went upstairs to the bedrooms. Getting 'dressed' for dinner Alex and Aaron would soon find out really meant getting undressed. Going upstairs, the thought of getting dressed for dinner disturbed Alex a bit. He knew that his bag had underpants in it and personal things, but very few clothes. How could they get dressed if they had no clothing to change into?

On the way to the bedroom, Roy started the water in the Jacuzzi. Then, he and Aaron disappeared into his room and Dwayne then closed his bedroom door and the two were now alone.

"First, we take a quick bath, and I'll get some dinner clothes for you Alex," he said to the boy as he sat down at the end of his bed. Alex didn't need a sign to tell him it was time to get naked. He moved over to him and started to unbutton his shirt. Dwayne took Alex's hands away and brought them down to the boy's side.

"Much more than half the fun is opening the Christmas present!" he said. Alex turned a little red.

"I was told you have never been out before, it's true, isn't it?" he asked the boy as he saw the color change in his face. Alex shook his head yes.

"And Aaron too?" Again, Alex shook his head yes. Dwayne smiled at the boy standing in front of him with his shirt half open.

"Neither Roy nor I will ever hurt you in any way. If you don't feel comfortable about anything, all you have to do is let us know and it will immediately cease," he said to Alex.

"You don't have to worry about us going back to make any negative reports on you. We would never do that," he said.

"The both of us love boys too much to ever hurt them. You have our promise on that. OK?" he said. Again, Alex shook his head yes.

"Good." Dwayne said, "Now let's see what Santa has brought me!"

Not so much as an undressing, but more like a grand opening, the man sitting before Alex took the boy's clothes off and as he did felt every inch of the boy's body like a blind man reading brail. Dwayne said nothing, but Alex didn't need to have anybody tell him that his body was being fully appreciated by an expert in the field.

With Alex now totally naked, Dwayne put a terry cloth robe on the boy and took off his own clothes as the boy watched. Alex was a bit surprised at himself as the man stripped. He had most certainly seen naked men before, but none that he felt sexually attracted to at the sight of them. The caretakers at Elmira not withstanding, only dirty old men or sadistic jail guards had sex with boys. Dwayne was neither. He was obviously smart, obviously richer, and a whole lot nicer than anybody who ever approached him before. He also had a body that had no flaws whatsoever as far as Alex could see.

Dwayne put on his own robe when they left the room and walked into the bathroom with Roy and Aaron already in the tub. Aaron had a head full of shampoo, and he was sitting in front of Roy with his back on the man's chest. Dwayne got into the Jacuzzi from the opposite side and Alex slid in position in front of Dwayne. Neither Alex nor Aaron had ever been in a Jacuzzi before, and they both wondered what all the fuss was about. It was a nice very warm bathtub with swirling and bubbling water surrounding you, but nothing to go nuts over as far as they were concerned.

Once both boys had their hair washed and the front of their chests, it was time for them to turn themselves around and have Dwayne and Roy wash their backs. That's when the fun began. Aaron turned around into Roy's lap and Roy positioned him to where the boy's genitals were just below Roy's. Aaron could feel the man's erection on his tummy, but it was being fairly mitigated by the water that was washing over Aaron's legs, thighs, and now his genitals. Aaron had an erection, but knew Roy couldn't feel it since there was no contact there between the two. As Alex was positioned in an identical manner, Aaron heard the motors under the Jacuzzi go into a different mode and the water that was previously swirling about was now erupting into a very fast boil. Nothing or nobody was touching Aaron or Alex other than water, but to both boys, it began to feel like they were being jerked off by fifteen pairs of hands. Aaron started off with his hands laying on top of Roy and within less than a minute he had them wrapped around the man's upper chest and had him in a bear hug as his penis found its way to Roy's scrotum and nestled itself against the man's testicles. Nobody needed to tell the man when the boy could no longer stop the climax that was being demanded by his testicles and prostate. Knowing the boy had come, Roy pulled the boy's body up until his penis protected the boy's genitals by the continuing action of the water. Roy's penis, now laying flat against Aaron's anus left little doubt in Aaron's mind that the man followed Aaron to climax by less than fifteen seconds. Aaron could feel the surges as the man's climax flowed through his penis and undoubtedly landed somewhere on his cheeks.

With Dwayne sitting across from Aaron and Roy, Dwayne knew when the both of them came and as Roy did, Dwayne opened his legs that, up to that point in time, were shielding Alex's genitals from direct contact with the water flowing from underneath the boy. Now, Alex was feeling what Aaron already had. Dwayne pulled Alex up to the man so that they were both on top of each other's penises and the water worked its magic on them as now Alex's testicles were being massaged to orgasm.

"Uncle Dwayne," Alex said just as he realized that he was going to climax. He didn't finish the sentence as Dwayne hugged the boy and said "It's OK Alex, let it go." Dwayne felt the boy's climax as he redirected Alex's body to the water and knew it was now massaging his anus and prostate. Alex came with a low groan that he felt from the tips of his toes as they dug into the groin of Roy across the tub. Roy watched as his friend milked the boy's climax to give the boy maximum pleasure as he stroked the boy's feet and legs that he held snuggled against his groin. Alex now felt the man he was laying on top of climax, but not the semen he knew would be flowing out of him. The water was too hot to allow that, and Dwayne's penis throbbed as the boy pressed his stomach against the man's penis and held it tightly against both their bodies. It was another five minutes before any of them released each other from very tight embraces. While Aaron and Alex didn't know it at the time, Dwayne and Roy had already made up their minds: They had found the 'replacements' they were looking for and Aaron and Alex would return for many months to come.

Both boys were carried out of the Jacuzzi by their respective uncles and each went back to their own room and dried off their new 'nephews.' As Alex stood there next to Dwayne's bed, the man went to his closet and brought back two robes. The robes had peacocks and twisted trees and pictures of temples on them and both Alex and Aaron were soon to discover, that during the weekends at the house, the boys were either wearing these robes or they were naked. It didn't really matter to Uncle Dwayne or Uncle Roy which, they were equally happy.

Now Alex knew why he and Aaron were packed so lightly. Both boys also now knew why talk of the men's bathtub brought every boy's eyebrows up. Neither man actually touched them or entered them, yet they were damned good and fucked!

The 'bathrobes' that each boy wore were actually Japanese kimonos. They had a drawstring around the inside, and were held together by flaps. If you wanted them to stay on they would. If you wanted them off or open, that was even quicker and both Uncle Roy and Uncle Dwayne were experts at getting them off.

Within ten minutes of arriving back downstairs, the dinner was on the table with all four participating in the preparations. Roy wasn't a good cook; he was damned near a chef. In fact he had taken several semesters at The Culinary Arts Institute of America in Poughkeepsie, New York specifically to 'bone up' on his cooking expertise. He had no intentions of becoming a professional chef; he just wanted to learn how to cook better.

Both boys sat down to food that neither one had ever tasted before, but not before they were given the ground rules by Roy concerning eating. They would be encouraged to try the meal prepared, but did not have to eat any of it if they didn't want to. A substitute was always available to them. The boys had never eaten lamb before that they knew about and had never had mint jelly or asparagus before. As adults, they now have the meal at least monthly, and that first night saw very few leftovers which made Uncle Roy very proud of himself. Very often the man found little boys to be very picky eaters who were unwilling to try something different. These two boys passed his litmus test without even knowing what the test was. Desert of 'make it yourself' Strawberry Shortcake saw both boys loosening the drawstrings on their kimonos.

It was close to 8:30 by the time they were finished and bedtime was at hand. After teeth brushing, Alex and Aaron went back into the bedrooms with their respective uncle's and doors quietly closed.

Alex was rested from his Jacuzzi experience and as Dwayne unwrapped the boy's kimono he laid him down on the bed with the boy's feet dangling off the end of it and dropping down to the floor.

"I'm told that both you and Aaron wet the bed. Is that right?" he asked the boy as the man went over to the dresser.

"Yes Uncle Dwayne," Alex told him.

"Good, I always wet the bed too when I was your age and I always loved the feeling of wearing a diaper at night," he told Alex. With that he pulled out a handful of adolescent sized diapers and put them on the nightstand by the side of the bed and turned out the lights. Alex did wet the bed, but he hadn't worn any diapers that he knew about, so he really didn't know what the man was relating to. Dwayne now returned to the foot of the bed and looked down at Alex laying there waiting for him. The boy's very stiff erection instantly told the man he was recovered from his earlier climax. Dwayne unwrapped his own kimono and there was also now no doubt in Alex's mind that the man was remarkably endowed. He couldn't match Coach in the size department, but Alex knew that when the man entered him he was going to be fully aware of it.

Dwayne dropped to his knees before the boy and took the boy's genitals in his hands very softly and gently.

"I'm also told that you don't ejaculate yet," he said to the boy.

"No Uncle Dwayne, Michael said that I would start to come in a few months maybe," Alex told him.

"Michael was right. Your testicles are almost ready to produce your eggs for you, I don't think you are more than three or four months away."

"How can you tell that?" Alex wanted to know.

"Your little balls feel the exact same way mine did just before I came for the first time when I was your age," the man told him.

"My teacher showed me the way," he told the boy as he pressed both of his thumbs very carefully up into the boy's inguinal ring (the boys just knew them as their ball pockets) and wrapped his four fingers around each testicle. Dwayne was now ready to taste the boy for the first time, something he wanted to do since walking in the front door. Alex closed his eyes as the man's tongue swirled around his penis and drew it in deeper into the man's throat as he sucked progressively deeper with each forward movement of his face. Dwayne knew exactly what he was doing and didn't want Alex to climax too soon. It was a very long night, and this boy was too beautiful and delicious to waste in a five minute romp.

Several times Dwayne brought the child to the brink of climax as Alex's hips rose off the bed and the man would withdraw from his penis and take in his testicles one by one and massage them back to reason. From his own experience as a child, Dwayne knew what the boy was feeling deep within his groin and he wanted the boy to experience it for as long as he possibly could. Dwayne's teacher opened Dwayne's body up to a whole new world as a child, and Dwayne wanted Alex to know the joy he had experienced.

On the 4th or 5th climb up the mountain for Alex, Dwayne stood up. Picking up the boy's legs, he positioned his penis that was dripping with precum and entered Alex for the first time that night. The feel of a man's penis entering him was now fairly routine for Alex and as Dwayne's penis sunk slowly into the boy, Alex gently flexed his sphincter muscle against the man's shaft as Michael had taught him to do. Each time, Dwayne's own penis involuntarily flexed in response like a telegraph. Again, Dwayne was in no special hurry and the two made love for the longest time that Alex could remember it taking. In the meantime, Dwayne made no move to masturbate the child and to Alex, he was somewhere in sexual limbo, a place he didn't know.

Finally, Dwayne reached down to Alex's waist and picked the boy up off the bed without retracting his penis. Alex was impaled on the man and almost laying flat as Dwayne walked around to the side of the bed and sitting down on the bed, brought Alex up towards his chest as the two scooted over to the center of the bed. Dwayne picked up his legs and Alex sat back on the man's knees. Taking the boy's penis into his hand, it was Alex's decision on when he would climax, the movement was the child's to make. Alex had brought his legs up and he was now basically on his knees sitting on top of the man, and with Dwayne's hand during holding his penis, he leaned forward and kissed the man with a very deep passion as he brought himself and Dwayne to climax. Alex now felt the man's body heat as his seed bathed his rectum in waves as it left the man's penis. The two stayed joined as one for what seemed hours to Alex. The boy didn't mind one bit. He was fully satisfied and now dripping in perspiration as was Dwayne. When the two finally did separate, Alex remained on top of Dwayne with his arms wrapped around the neck of his new lover and waited for his heart to go back to beating like something normal.

Alex was completely surprised with himself. He really didn't know what to expect the first time out of the man who made love to him, but he most certainly didn't expect to have any personal feelings about the matter one way or the other. The 'job' would get him out of prison very fast, and he would have money when he left. To him prior to the encounter, it was simply business. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, something had changed.

"When you made love with your teacher, did you love him?" Alex asked the man under him.

"Yes, from the very first time when I was six until I was fifteen years old," Dwayne told the boy.

"Why did you stop loving him?" Alex asked.

"I never stopped loving him Alex, he died when I was 15."

"Oh." The boy said and figured he had ventured into forbidden territory. It wasn't forbidden territory to Dwayne, he wasn't ashamed of this teacher, he did love him.

"I was raised by my teacher from age six. He was a retired College professor and he died in his sleep when I had just turned 15," he told Alex.

"I loved him more than I loved my parents who were too busy to raise me,"

"Was he gay?" Alex asked.

"No, he was a boy lover and he loved only me." Dwayne told the boy.

"I'm gay I think." Alex confessed to another human being for the first time in his life.

"Alex, at twelve years old, I really don't think those feelings are set in concrete yet," he told the boy.

"You'll know that a lot clearer when you're a lot older. Why do you think you're gay?"

"Because I love Aaron and he's a boy like me." Alex told him as he lifted his head and talked directly to Dwayne.

"I also have sex with men, and that's being gay isn't it?"

"Yes and no. If, when you get older you would rather have sex with a man instead of a girl, I would say you could call yourself gay," he told the boy.

"In order to know that, you need to have access to girls. I don't guess you're around too many girls lately are you?" he asked the boy. Alex smiled and blushed for the second time around the man.

"No," he giggled.

"Well then, I would wait until some pretty little girl picks up her dress and you go walking in the other direction before you make up your mind concerning your sexuality," Dwayne told the boy.

"But I do love Aaron and have sex with him when I don't have to," Alex continued.

"Well, look at it this way; if two boys are on a desert island and they end up in each others bed, are they gay, or are they simply meeting a basic sexual need that everybody is born with?" Dwayne asked the boy. Alex understood where the man was coming from, but he didn't really understand Alex's dilemma.

"But I don't have to love it when I have sex with you," Alex confessed to the man. If Dwayne was clueless before, he no longer was. Dwayne reached his hands up and held the boy's face. He kissed him very softly and laid the boy's head back down on his chest.

"Thank you Alex," he told the boy and couldn't hold him tightly enough to return the love.

Alex awoke from a sound sleep feeling a diaper being put on him and Dwayne curling back up around the boy as he drifted off back to sleep. His first night in the field was over, and Alex and Aaron had made lifelong friends without realizing it.

Aaron's first night began with the closing of the bedroom door behind him. Roy had already put some diapers on the nightstand and now the man had undressed himself. Sitting down at the side of the bed he reached over and took off Aaron's kimono and studied the boy's body for a good long time. Pulling down the covers, Roy got into the bed and Aaron got in next to him as the man turned out the bed room lights.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do Aaron, but I want to make love to you," he said as he turned Aaron around and put the boy on top of him with the boy's penis now within reach of his waiting mouth. Having someone perform oral on him was now routine, and something that Aaron came to enjoy probably best of all, especially when Alex and he did it together. Aaron had performed oral on the caretakers as part of his training and found it reasonably acceptable. He didn't hunger for the men to ejaculate in his mouth, but neither did he find it to be repulsive, especially when his own penis was also being sucked on at the same time. Alex didn't yet ejaculate, but he knew when his friend did start coming, he would be expected to swallow him. The thought excited Aaron, and the boy didn't really understand why.

Alex was fairly basic in his technique. Roy was anything but basic and Aaron found himself stripped of all inhibition within 15 or 20 seconds. Sitting there doing nothing while he was being bathed in Roy's loving wasn't going to happen as Aaron took the man's penis in both hands and slowly uncovered Roy's head from his foreskin. The man's head looked almost exactly like Aarons did three month's earlier before his Bris and Aaron knew from personal experience that the man's head would be super sensitive to the touch. Aaron took the foreskin ¾ of the way off his head and using his lips, moved the rest of it down and off the back side of the rim. Except for the fact of the head being larger, it both looked and smelled exactly like Aaron was used to and Aaron knew exactly what the man was now feeling. Roy had about six or so inches [15 cm] and Aaron was already trained to deep throat almost seven [18 cm] if need be. As much as Roy would have preferred to hold on forever, Aaron coaxed the man's juice from his testicles in less than two minutes.

Using his lips, Aaron pulled the man's foreskin back over the tip of his engorged head and very gently continued to suck on the man's foreskin which traveled very slowly back and forth over his protected head until Roy had Aaron climaxing in primal pleasure.

Either Roy was a very good liar or the boys he previously chose were mediocre when it came to making love. Aaron didn't think of himself as especially talented, although he never received any complaints from Alex when his friend wanted to make love to him. That's all he cared about, and never really thought about it. Now, Roy was either going way overboard with praise for the boy, or Aaron was 'gifted.' The answer Aaron would learn over the next two months was that he was gifted. Most boys in The Program had clients who were 'repeat' customers about 40 percent of the time. Aaron's tally was closer to 90 percent, and it usually meant that Alex was sent along with him. Having repeat clients was easier for the boys, it eliminated a lot of the guess work when it came to what pleased a client and what to expect from them. It also increased the tips.

Roy had turned Aaron around and gushed all over the place as the boy wrapped his arms around the man's chest feeling his soft penis against his abdomen. Aaron said little as the man caressed his back and ass and rambled on. Aaron awoke at some point with Roy very gently entering him and, like Michael, the two drifted back off to sleep with the man securely imbedded in his young love.

Dwayne awoke dry. Roy wasn't so lucky, but it didn't seem to bother him much to Aaron's relief. Dwayne usually awoke first and the sound of the Jacuzzi filling once again woke both Aaron and Roy up as the man's hand once again found the boy's genitals.

"Oops, I guess I forgot something!" Roy said as the wetness of Aaron's scrotum became apparent to the man.

"I'm sorry," Aaron said.

"If I really cared, you'd be in a diaper. Fact is, I don't care. I wet the bed myself until I was 14, so nothing's new to me," Roy told the boy as he gave him a kiss. Aaron smiled, but didn't really respond. He knew the man knew he wet, he also knew the man preferred boys who did.

Roy flipped Aaron over his shoulder and walked into the bathroom with both Dwayne and Alex already in the tub. All Alex could see was Aaron's ass and legs dangling, but from the sound of Aaron's giggles, it didn't sound like Aaron was having too bad a time of it. From the size of his boner, it didn't look like Roy was having any problems either. Alex sat back as Dwayne washed him just as he had done the night before.

Morning bathes were much quicker than evening bathes, but they still came with the boys being mechanically masturbated by the Jacuzzi. Both Roy and Dwayne knew exactly where to position the boys and themselves and no mornings would begin until each person was drained of any leftover tension.

"How does it do that?" Alex wanted to know as he came lying in Dwayne's lap.

"Didn't you ever point a shower head down on your penis in the shower?" Dwayne asked him.

"Yes, but I still had to touch my dick to make it go off," Alex said to him. Both men laughed at the remark.

"Which do you think feels better?" Roy now asked the boy. Alex pointed down to the water. That brought another round of laughter as the two men got up and started to dry off. After drying off, Roy went downstairs to start breakfast while both Aaron and Alex were dried off by Dwayne and put into fresh kimonos. After a shave for Dwayne and teeth brushing for the boys, the three of them went downstairs for breakfast. Neither man ate a large breakfast; they had two main meals a day, one at lunch and then dinner. Breakfast was largely continental for them, but the boys were always fed more than that. Again, Roy was a great cook, and his omelet's and waffles were as good as any five star hotel or restaurant food the boys ever tasted.

That night brought a small surprise to the boys. Each had thought they would be paired with the men for the duration of the weekend. At bed time, Dwayne took Aaron to his room while Alex went with Roy. The men themselves thought it would be a pairing for the duration. Dwayne preferred older boys of 12 to 14 while Roy preferred younger one's 8 to 11. However Aaron's expertise was shared with Dwayne by Roy and Dwayne wanted to evaluate it for himself. Both men were uncircumcised, and both men were sold on Aaron's abilities. The greater majority of the time, Aaron did sleep with Roy, but Dwayne always managed to find some time for Aaron to work his magic at some point before the weekend was out.

Most of their days with Roy and Dwayne progressed pretty much the same way for the next 21 months, Aaron would be taught to cook by Roy, Alex would be taught computer programming by Dwayne. Both men's passion was playing the piano, and the boys spent many hours listening to them play duets on the Baby Grands. Neither man was a slouch on piano; they played classical music and were very good at it. At a time when every boy in America was into Kiss and the Rolling Stone's, Alex and Aaron were developing a taste for Mozart, Strauss, Beethoven and Brahms.

The men's second passion was for antiquing, and again, they were extremely good at it. Spring begins high season for collecting, and the boys eventually found themselves tagging along on trips throughout New England digging through dusty shelves and dirty basements and attics. By the end of their time in The Program, their skills at detecting junk and fakes from real antiques grew considerably and they would both excel to the point of being able to open their own store in a very well traveled town in New England, where they are currently one of the most successful shop owners in New England.

Upon their return to the cabin from the first weekend with Dwayne and Roy, the boys learned that the men had already requested that the boys be regularly assigned to return to the men monthly.

"The both of you made an exceptional impression on them." Jamie told the boys as they unpacked Sunday afternoon.

"It usually takes them a few trips to make up their minds concerning having a steady boy, they wanted to make sure you would not be scheduled with anyone else," he told them. Maybe Roy wasn't just saying things for nothing Aaron thought to himself.


Mark and Steven arrived back at the cabin close to 8:00 and both Alex and Aaron wanted to sit down and talk with Mark concerning his weekend in Albany. Both Alex and Aaron waited for the return of their friends and sat down together with them for dinner.

Mark and Steven had a room at a hotel just in back of the Courthouse on State Street in Albany, and although Mark didn't know it, he was looking at the windows of the Courthouse where both Alex and Aaron were sentenced by Maximum John just a little over three months earlier. As Mark told of his weekend, and what he was seeing, Aaron thought back on his days in Albany. It would be really nice he thought if the city burned to the ground. Alex was thinking more along the lines of a very big bomb.

Mark and Steven spent the majority of their time in the hotel room which adjoined a room next door with two clients in it who were in town for a Judicial Conference that was being held at the SUNY Campus on Washington Avenue. The only time Mark and Steven went out was to go to Jack's at the end of State Street for dinner, and that was for only one night.

Whenever the clients weren't attending the Conference, they were balling Mark and Steven but it wasn't a bad time for either boy and they both received a $250.00 tip from each man. Mark thought that was really great. Alex and Aaron didn't tell Mark that they had each received $500.00 from Dwayne and Roy, there was no point in it.

None of the boys knew it at the time, but the four of them would be staying home for the next three days, and their mornings would find them on the mountain skiing while their afternoons were spent in school.


On Long Island, the boys spent the first three days acclimating themselves to their new surroundings and the most difficult thing for any of them to master was their new found freedom. Up to this point in time, they were told what to do and when to do it. For some like Jimmy and David, it had been very close to a year since they were first arrested.

"What do we do now?" was the most frequently asked question amongst themselves. Classes filled Jimmy and David's mornings, while Conner and Sean who were both basically illiterate, went to school all day.

David was happy going off riding bikes or went skate boarding but Jimmy went to the gym and practiced karate and judo with Harry. Not only was Jimmy learning to handle himself, he was very close to Conner in case Conner or Sean went off. Michael knew Jimmy would take care of Conner, but he also asked Jimmy to keep a close eye on Sean as well. Jimmy didn't know it, but he wasn't alone. The Elmira caretakers left very little to chance, and most of the people on Long Island didn't know that no less than six people were watching two little boys there very closely. When Sean or Conner burped, Elmira knew about it.

Jimmy and Conner were assigned to their first week end trip on Thursday morning. They left for the Hamptons and would be there until Sunday morning. South Hampton is a great place to party in the spring and a top designer was having a party to celebrate a recent show that was extremely successful for him. The client had secured boys before from The Program, and Jimmy and Conner were now part of a four boy team. The two other boys had been there before, so in effect they were 'showing the way' for Jimmy and Conner. Jimmy was really happy for the company, he was as nervous as he had ever been in his life. Conner was on an adventure.

The designer had rented an estate that had two houses on it. The boys were put up in the owner's 'Cottage' and the party would be held in the Main House which was separate and apart. None of the boys ever saw the party, but they saw a lot of the designer and his assistants. Jimmy had never come into contact with fashion designers before and he wondered if what he saw that weekend was real or a fantasy. The men were all very nice, very polite, very stoned, very bombed and very horny. Everybody seemed to have a really great time, but did they do this somewhere every weekend?

The boys' clients were strictly the designer and his assistants. All the boys were given very strict instructions not to engage with anyone else for any reason and none did. The Party started at the main house around 10:00 each night and went until probably 6 or 7 in the morning. The boys' day rarely started with the clients until at least 3 or 4 in the afternoon when they woke up and they were gone again by 9:30. Basically, the boys played on the beach all morning and most of the afternoon, and had supper with the clients and went to bed. Then they went back to bed and went to sleep. All four boys came back to the Cottage with a $1,000.00 tip apiece and a hell of a lot of stories to tell each other about parties in South Hampton and people in the fashion world.

David and Sean during the weekend found themselves in Atlantic City. A very nice elderly gentleman who was a high roller hosted both boys. The client had two passions; gambling and boys. Both boys were flown from Islip to Atlantic City with a guard escorting them and their weekend started less than fifteen minutes after they arrived at the hotel. While the client would have preferred older boys or even men, he was very leery about aids. All the boys in The Program were tested for any STDs every week, and were known by the clients to be free from any problems that might shorten their fun.

David at thirteen was ejaculating, and the client kept his well pretty empty at least three if not four times a day. The man was afraid of hurting Sean due to his size, so he did not have anal sex with Sean, but he did very much enjoy oral sex, and Sean was kept fairly busy in that respect. Usually, the man went to the Casino about 10:00 after putting the boys to bed and by four in the morning he would be back ready to party all over again.

Both David and Sean came back from their weekend and went directly to sleep and woke up at noon the next day. The man was old, but he had a huge amount of energy. He was also very generous and he gave each boy a token as a tip and told them to go to the window and cash them in. David looked at the single chip and was down trodden. His spirits picked up when the lady at the window handed him five $100.00 bills. Sean wasn't sure how much he had in his hands; he just knew David was practically dancing out of the lobby on the way out the door. Both boys met with the same man several more times over the next year, and found themselves not only in New Jersey, but Las Vegas as well. As did all the boys, they learned to love Las Vegas; it was like going to the circus, animals and all. When David needed to go find Sean, he knew to go to the tram between the Mirage and Treasure Island, Sean was a constant passenger.


Mark and Steven went out the following weekend, and on the Wednesday following that, Mark went out alone. Steven stayed behind and opted to stay with Jamie whom he had developed a strong relationship with. Mark did not know it at the time, but his new client was a Greek National who owned very large olive groves back in Greece and Cyprus and was a very traditional Greek, much like Mark's father.

Stavros was 34 when he first met Mark. He was the only son of an extremely wealthy Greek landowner, his mother died when Stavros was four years old and he was then raised by his father's house keeper, a woman from Sparta named Adell who first came to work for Stavros's father when she was eleven and Stavros was born. At age 15, she took over raising Stavros and she was the only mother the boy ever knew. Stavros never married, his life is his business, his sons and his grandchildren. Adell remains as administrator of his household.

The man had enough money, and when it came to the boys in The Program, he bent the rules when it came to associating with them. Twice before, the man had taken boys of Greek ancestry back to Greece with him as his adopted children and the boys now lived in Greece as his children.

Since a very large amount of cash went to The Programs administrators as the boy received his new Greek passport, boys who were of Greek descent and free of any and all family ties were funneled to the client with The Program's blessings. Mark was going to be given the option of going to Greece with his new 'father'. The morning he first met the client, Mark knew none of what was about to transpire.

Once The Program notified the client that they had a boy who fit the requirements, the man would visit with the boy for several visits. Stavros owned an apartment on the West Side of Manhattan overlooking the 79th Street Boat Basin where he kept his boat when it came over for the summer.

On the morning that Mark met him, he asked Mark how old he was. Without thinking, Mark told him "12". The man had asked Mark the question in Greek. Mark did not read or write in Greek, but he did know how to speak the language from his parents and grandparents who always spoke to each other in their native language. Once Mark realized what had occurred, he was quite surprised.

"You're Greek too?" he asked the man.

"So am I!" he told the man who was sitting down now satisfied that the boy was who The Program said he was.

Up to that point in time, it was Mark's experience to be fully naked and probably well on his way to being entered within 15 or 20 minutes of meeting a new client. This man made no move to undress Mark, and Mark was taught that the clients liked to undress the boys themselves, unless told otherwise.

"Let's you and I talk and learn to know one another," the man told Mark as he sat Mark down on the couch next to him and had Mark lay his head down on the man's lap. Mark's first observation was that either the man had no penis, or was soft.

One of the cardinal rules all the boys in The Program were taught, was that personal information that could lead to the identity of the boy or The Program was forbidden. Questions like the boy's last name, where he lived, where he lived before he entered prison, where he went to school were strictly taboo. Mark was aware of this restriction. The client was aware of the rules, and took great pains to avoid any of these questions and besides, if he went back to The Program and offered to take the boy, he would receive every bit of that information anyway.

Without specifics on anyone's part, Mark and the man spent the next four hours talking to one another. Much of Mark's discussion with the man involved his abandonment by his family and the talk was far from easy for Mark. It took him months to admit to himself that he had been cut loose by everyone he loved, and despite his teachings, he lost it several times.

When the man traveled, he always traveled with his housekeeper who spoke only Greek. As the two spoke she was supervising the cooking the kitchen and by dinner time, Mark and the man had pretty much learned all they needed to know about each other for the weekend. Mark was also told that if he needed to speak to the house keeper, it would have to be in Greek, since she spoke no English. Marks first visit with the man was a 'getting to know you' weekend for the man, and Mark assumed that the man was just overly curious. After dinner they both went out for a walk and Mark took his first carriage ride in Central Park before returning to the apartment.

As Mark would soon learn, Adell ran Stavros's houses with full authority; she supervised not only the cooking and cleaning, but every aspect of the home which included Mark's care. By 9:30 she told Mark that it was bath time and she proceeded to undress Mark and had him get in the tub and scrubbed him clean. Drying him off, she put him in a long nightshirt and told Mark to say "good night" to Stavros and put Mark down to sleep in the man's bed. It all reminded Mark of his mother and grandmother.

"Do you wet the bed?" she asked Mark as the boy's head reached his pillow. Mark nodded his head and the house keeper went to the bathroom and came back with a urinal and a diaper. Picking up his nightshirt, she took his penis in her hand and told him to pee as much as he could. Then without comment she put a diaper on him and pulled his nightshirt back down.

"When you go to sleep tonight, try to remember to put the diaper back on, but the bed is protected if you or Stavros forgets," she told him. It was very clear to Mark that the woman knew Greek tradition very well; she never batted an eyelash, and knew full well that Mark and the man would be sexually engaged within hours.

Mark was asleep when the man came to bed some time around midnight. He awoke to Stavros sitting beside him with the nightshirt going up and over his head. He took off Mark's diaper which was still dry and held Mark's erection in his hands as he looked at Mark's naked body for the first time. Bending down, he kissed Mark on the stomach and got up and moved to his side of the bed and took off his clothing. Mark figured that the man was something between 30 and 40 and was pretty athletic looking. He had a large chest that was pretty hairy, much the same way his father looked naked, only this man was certainly bigger, especially in the muscle department. As the man sank his head down on the pillow next to Mark, he reached over to the boy and pulled Mark alongside himself.

Stavros was uncircumcised and had a penis of about 6½ inches [16 cm] or so, it was not the longest that Mark had ever seen, but it was pretty close to being the fattest. His head stuck out a bit, and Stavros peeled down his foreskin revealing a head gleaming with precum. Stavros reversed Mark's position on the bed and then leaned over and drew Mark's penis into his mouth and washed it clean as he took the boy in scrotum and all as Mark tasted the man for the first time. It wasn't Marks father making love to him, to the boy he was both bigger and much better. When Mark finally drifted off to sleep the boy and man had explored every inch of each other's bodies, and Mark was exhausted after climaxing four times under the man's expert guidance. He fell to sleep with the man sucking on his testicles and slept like a rock using the man's stomach for a pillow.

Mark awoke in the morning with Adell opening the window blinds. It was well past 9:00 and the man was gone. Mark realized almost instantly that he had fallen asleep without putting the diaper on. As the house keeper pulled down the covers to take Mark to the bathroom for a bath, Mark laid there in a wet stain that was fairly immense.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep without putting the diaper back on," he told the house keeper.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, little boys wet the bed, and Stavros knows that," she said as she took Mark by the hand to bathe him.

"As a boy, Stavros rarely woke up dry, I'm quite used to changing his bed."

Mark was used to getting up with erections and used to walking around naked, but this was a woman who was now holding his hand and leading him into the bathroom and Mark was pretty self conscience about his condition. As Adell had him stand in the tub and washed him, she noticed his deep red blush. She smiled at the boy. Taking her finger and flicking his penis up and down a few times she said to Mark, "You blush because you have a cock that is ready to fuck? Be happy, the girls will love to see something so beautiful as this." Mark giggled a little more out of nervousness than anything else.

"Never be ashamed of a straight stiff cock, it is what makes you a man. You have a very beautiful cock and a handsome set of eggs, they will make fine babies for you when you grow a little," she told him and gave him a hug. His grandmother spoke to him and his brothers much the same way. It must be something about being Greek Mark thought to himself; American mothers would go off screaming in terror if their little boys got a boner in front of them. American mothers would never suggest to their children that they use their genitals for anything else but urinating; nobody but perverts ever did that disgusting thing!

"Where did Stavros go?" Mark asked the house keeper as she dried him off and put a pair of underpants on the boy.

"He has gone to meet with some distributors. He will be back in about two hours and you will then be going out to lunch with him," she told the boy.

"First, you have breakfast."

Mark's morning was spent eating breakfast and then helping the house keeper with her chores which included getting the bed stripped and remade.

"Do you think he's mad because I wet the bed?" Mark asked as the two replaced the sheets on the bed.

"You are a boy and boys wet. Stavros knows that. Besides, he knew you wet when he took your diaper off last night. You did not try to hide the truth from either of us."

"How long have you known him?" Mark asked the house keeper. She smiled.

"Since he was a baby and came out of his Mother's womb. He grew up just like you are now wetting the bed and walking around with a very stiff little cock all over the house," she told Mark. Now Mark giggled not out of nervousness. He liked Adell and the feeling was mutual.

Mark was supposed to be with the man for two days. Stavros was in town for the week and would be leaving for Greece in another four days. Mark remained with them until the day they left. The man did not give Mark a cash tip when the visit was over. He presented him with a gold chain that went around Mark's neck with a Greek Orthodox medallion attached. Mark liked the man very much and really hoped he would see him again. Mark returned to the cabin upstate and figured life would now return to normal and in a few days he would be going back out to another client. Mark knew the man would be returning to the United States in four weeks, and maybe he would see him again at that time.

Three weeks went by and Mark was not sent out. Steven had gone out twice with other boys, but Mark remained at the cabin. Most of Mark's time was spent in class and when he wasn't in class he was going somewhere for dental work or eye exams, or medical exams. Mark's Greek client came back on schedule and Mark met him at the airport when the man and the house keeper got off the plane. Mark spent the next week with the two, and Mark's relationship with the man and his house keeper got deeper. Mark was taught not to get emotionally involved with the clients and he was finding himself up to his eyeballs in emotion. The man was very kind, very gentle, very funny and made Mark feel like someone really special. Adell was more like a grandmother to Mark than his own grandmother, and she very plainly adored and pampered him.

Upon his return to the cabin after the second visit Mark was in a deep funk and Jamie saw it. Rather than have Mark waiting and wondering if and when he was going out into the field for the next four weeks, Jamie decided he could keep Mark's spirits up without making any promises or giving the boy any false hopes.

"You won't be going out for the next four weeks Mark, Stavros has made arrangements with The Committee and you will be returning to him in New York when he gets back next month." Mark was a little confused. If he didn't go out, how could he make money like the rest of the boy's were? Besides, the man wasn't just a client to Mark anymore he was getting much too close to the man and his house keeper. It was beyond money as far as Mark was concerned.

As all the boys were, Mark was told that the team leader was there to help him in any way possible and that no subject or problem could not be discussed with him.

"Can I not go to Stavros next month and just go back out to the field like the other boys are?" Mark asked Jamie.

"Why, don't you like Stavros, has he done something that's against the rules?" Jamie asked the boy. Mark now felt kind of trapped. Stavros hadn't broken the rules, he had. He had feelings for a client and that wasn't supposed to happen. He had let it happen.

Mark said nothing, he sat down and lowered his head. Jamie didn't need a road map to figure out where the boy was at. At the same time, he needed some guidance. He couldn't tell the boy what he knew, nothing was certain yet.

"I will contact the Committee which will take a little time to see if we can arrange to get you back on a normal schedule, in the meantime, you won't be going out until it's resolved. OK?" he asked the boy. Mark shook his head and returned to his room. Steven was not there, he was with Alex and Aaron and Mark stretched out on his bed. He wished Michael was there, nobody understood him like Michael did.

Jamie sent a message to Elmira and Doc had Mark transferred back to Elmira for 'tests'. Michael was now very close to sending his latest unit off to the field and after dinner, Michael had Mr. Bill watch his new dorm while Michael went to the ward to speak with Mark. Mark thought he was there for tests. He didn't know what tests, just tests. Mark had not seen Michael for almost three months now and was really happy as the caretaker walked into the ward and sat down on the bed next to Mark. Saying nothing, Michael reached over and took Mark into his lap as he had done probably hundreds of times in the past. As Mark wrapped his arms around Michael's neck, the caretaker stood up and walked over to a far corner of the ward and sat down in a recliner and sat back with the boy.

"Tell me about Stavros," Michael said to the boy very quietly in his ear. Mark began the conversation very calmly and quietly in the beginning, after ten minutes, the boy was pretty much an emotional train wreck. He really didn't want to go back to the man, he didn't want to see him again, and he wanted to just go out and make money and get out of there as fast as he could. Michael did a whole lot of listening and very little talking.

So called 'professionals' spent years in school learning to deal with children, and most wouldn't know what a kid was about if they fell over them. Michael had no years of schooling behind him in dealing with children, he was one himself once, and knew a child's pain when he heard it. He also knew the boys in his dorms better than they knew themselves. Mark was terrified of once again being abandoned, and was trying every way he knew how to detach himself from the Greek man that was very quickly becoming the father he always thought he had.

"Mark, there were two boys before you that became clients of Stavros before you did, and each and every one of them is perfectly all right and they remain very close to this day," Michael told the boy.

"I have never lied to you and I am telling you that Stavros will not abandon you in any way. I want you to go back to The Program and next month, go back to Stavros. If you do not want to continue to see him after that, the Committee will assign another boy to him in your place." As Michael knew, if he recommended that Mark jump off a bridge, the boy just might do it, the bond between Mark and Michael was that tight. Mark spent the night sleeping in Michael's lap in the recliner.

Mark was returned to the Adirondacks the next morning and the paperwork that the Committee was working on and that was being worked on in Greece finally came through about two weeks later. A week later Mark was transported to Albany and delivered to the Albany Yacht Club. Stavros's boat was there which had come over from Greece and an hour later, Stavros and the housekeeper flew in from Boston and boarded the boat.

None of the caretakers really knew the figures involved, the Committee never divulged such information to anybody, but the cost involved in Mark's adoption by Stavros alone had to be in seven figures for the Committee to agree to it.

Mark knew nothing about the plans until he boarded the boat in Albany. He knew the boat was coming over from Greece, Stavros had told him so the month before. The Committee did not want Mark know anything about any plan since that knowledge could possibly reach the ears of the other boys in The Program, and what was actually transpiring was not officially sanctioned. Getting personally involved with clients was forbidden. Mark left the cabin upstate expecting to return and Alex and Aaron expected him back as well. Mark would not be seen again for eleven years.

Boarding Stavros's boat in Albany was very much a culture shock for the boy. The 'boat' as Stavros always described it was the man's home away from home, and he loved to spend a lot of time on it. A 'boat' to an American child is something like a runabout or a small cabin cruiser. It didn't really dawn on Mark until he walked down the dock to the boat that what Stavros owned was an ocean going yacht one hundred and seventy five feet [53 m] long. Stavros wanted the boat to go up the Hudson to Lake Champlain and pick Mark up in Plattsburgh, a mere 45 minutes from the cabin where Mark was staying. The boat was too tall to go through the locks. Mark was looking forward to going down the Hudson River and back to Manhattan.

Stavros and Adell came on board just before 5:00 and the boat was steaming down the Hudson River within fifteen minutes of their arrival. Mark had scanned the ship from stem to stern and the Captain allowed him to steer the ship under the careful eye of the helmsman until Adell called him to the Dining room for Dinner. By the time the ship reached the Kingston Rhinecliff Bridge, dinner was over and Stavros placed a little green book in front of Mark. Mark did not read Greek, and Stavros explained to him that the book was a passport. It was his passport if he wanted it, and he would be taken to Greece as a Greek citizen. Mark opened the book and thumbed through the pages. It had his picture in it with about eight or ten pages in it with stamps on them and they were signed. Mark didn't really know what the book was about; he had never seen or heard about passports before. Nobody he ever knew had one.

"I would like you to come to Greece and live there with me as my son," Stavros began telling the boy.

"There are already two other boys who live there, and you would join them as my family if you want to. I will raise you as my son and the boys who are already there would be your brothers."

Mark was stunned. "Why?" he asked the man sitting before him.

"Because I love you and I think you already know that," the man responded without hesitation.

"I don't want you to give me an answer right now; I want you to think very long and hard about it. We will be staying in New York tomorrow, and if you decide to stay, I will abide by your decision. OK?" he asked Mark.

"On this boat, I do my very best thinking up on the boat deck watching the scenery go by. Go up there and see if it works for you too," Stavros said to the boy as he got up and gave Mark a kiss on the forehead.

Mark did as was suggested and went topside to the boat deck and probably did a whole lot of thinking, but nobody really knows for sure since Mark never told anybody about it. Adell found the boy asleep just after dark sitting in a deck chair and had a deckhand carry the boy down to his stateroom where she undressed Mark and put him in a diaper. Stavros wanted the boy to make his own decision, and never joined the boy that night. Adell stayed with Mark in his room and slept on a chair in case Mark awoke in the middle of the night.

Once the ship passed Poughkeepsie, it could steam at 25 knots and was in New York by 1 a.m. Mark awoke in the morning with Adell filling the bathtub with water and taking off Mark's diaper. Mark was very quiet and even more confused. He was being asked to leave the only home he ever knew. To leave the country he knew for somewhere he didn't have a clue about. What about ever seeing his family again? Mark needed to be back in Michael's lap. Michael would know what to do and what to say. Mark wanted to speak to Michael.

'Speaking' to Michael was no easy task. For security reasons, there was never any telephone, radio or fax communications allowed in or out of Elmira, not between the guards, and not between the trustees and the people involved in The Program, it was always done face to face. The Payant murder came very close to closing down The Program and interception of communications in the Payant case was what almost caused everything to collapse. It was not going to happen again.

Mark was bathed by Adell, but as she dried him off she looked into a very sad boy's face.

"This is the third time I've seen a face like yours on a boy when they try to decide what to do," she told Mark as she picked him up and carried him back into the stateroom and put him on his bed.

"Let me show you something," she said as she took a picture album off the shelf in a bookcase. Putting down the album in Mark's lap she opened the book and it contained page after page of pictures of Stavros with two boys Mark had seen pictures of in the Apartment.

"This boy's name is Nicholas. He is now 18 and he is engaged. Stavros adopted him five years ago," she told Mark as she flipped through about ten pages of the boy.

"This boy's name is Alexander, and he was adopted two years ago. He is now 15." Again, she flipped through about eight or ten more pages.

"These boys are from The Program!" Mark said as he looked at the pictures. Adell was taken by surprise.

"You know these boys?" Mark shook his head no.

"Then why do you say that?" she asked. Mark flipped back through the pages and pointed to each boy's ring. Then he showed Adell his ring. The house keeper understood.

Nearing the end of the album, the pictures were of Mark. Mark recognized where and when the pictures were taken, Stavros almost always had a camera in his hand.

"Stavros loves Nicholas and Alexander very much. He also loves you and wants you to live with him always," Adell told the boy.

"I would never see my mother or father again would I?" Mark asked the house keeper as the huge pool of tears could no longer be contained in the boy's eyelids and now streamed down his cheeks in a continuous flow.

"Almost a year ago Mark, your parents made a decision that was best for them. Now, Mark needs to make a decision that is best for him, not for someone else," she told him as she cradled him into her lap.

"I do not condemn your parents, but I would never have done to you what they did and I know that Stavros wouldn't have done it either!"

"Can I speak to Michael?" Mark now asked the woman.

"Who is Michael?" the house keeper asked.

"Michael is my caretaker," the boy said as he picked up his hand and showed her his ring once again. Adell did not know who Michael was, but she did know the significance of the ring. Both Nicholas and Alexander still had theirs on, and had it refitted every six months as the boys grew.

"After breakfast I will speak with Stavros," she told the boy.

Stavros very much wanted Mark to return to Greece with him, but as with the two boys who he had previously adopted, the decision was strictly the boys to make. Nothing prevented him from telling the Captain to continue down the Hudson and Mark could figure out what to do in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but that was not his way of doing things. After breakfast Adell spoke with the man telling him of Mark's request to speak to his caretaker. A few phone calls were made, and at around 11:00 Mark along with Adell were on their way to Teterboro airport. By 2:00 Mark was in a van going through the gates at Elmira and Adell was the guest of a very nice elderly gentleman in Skaneateles Lake. It was a very quiet afternoon for Adell, the man spoke no Greek.

The first time Mark came through the doors of the prison, he was handed a jar with a little boy's penis in it and told to behave himself or else. Now, he was accompanied by two guards with more gold and brass braid than General Westmoreland. About five minutes after Mark arrived, Michael came into the room and Mark took a flying leap into the man's arms as Michael retreated with the boy to the medical ward and a little more privacy.

Mark was overjoyed to be with and see Michael again, but by the sound of his bawling, nobody would ever have guessed it. Doc had been briefed by a senior guard on the situation and Doc then briefed Michael before Mark's arrival. Now Michael sat there and comforted the boy back to coherency. After probably ten minutes and three or four false starts, Mark's dilemma was unfolded into Michael's lap and Mark expected a very neat resolution.

"Stavros wants to adopt me and take me back to Greece with him," Mark began.

"Yes Mark, I knew that he would want to do that if you and he loved one another, and I know that he loves you," Michael said to Mark.

"The only real question is whether or not you love him enough to want him to become your father. If you don't love him, say 'no' and he will accept that answer."

"But what about my mother and father?" Mark asked the caretaker. Michael always made it his practice not to lie to the boys in his care. He also didn't want to come straight out and tell Mark that his parents were basically dirt bags who had dropped him like a hot potato at the first sign of trouble.

"Mark, if Jimmy told you his parents wanted him to come back home, what would your advice to Jimmy be?" Michael asked the boy.

"Fuck them!" the boy said without hesitation. Michael said nothing for a long time, he just looked into the boy's eyes. Jimmy's parents were no better than Mark's were and the boy knew it deep down inside himself. He just wasn't really ready to verbalize that fact to himself. Mark laid his head down on his caretaker's chest once more for the last time.

"But I won't ever see you again either!" he said to the man.

"Mark, I know exactly what Nicholas is doing right now, I know exactly what Alexander is doing right now, and I will know what you will be doing if you chose to join them!" he told the boy.

"We may not see each other, but I'm never too far away, and I always know what's going on with the boys I love."

Mark was boarding the ship with Adell just after 7:00 and met Stavros on the pier. Picking the boy up Mark wrapped his arms around the man's neck and simply said "Yes" in his ear. The ship cleared customs four days later with a Greek crew of 16, a Greek housekeeper and a Greek national and his son.

Today, Mark manages the worldwide distribution of his father's olive business and is married with five children; all boys. Stavros now has a total of twelve Grandchildren, seven are boys. Mark now has four brothers and they all work for their father in his business. Stavros is the Patriarch of the family and the children are all raised in Greek tradition as taught by their mothers and Adell whom they consider their grandmother.

When Mark did not return from New York on his third visit, it created a huge stir in the Cabin, especially among Mark's closest friends, Alex, Aaron and Steven. No boy had ever disappeared from within their group before and Aaron was extremely paranoid. Aaron envisioned Mark being badly hurt, maybe dead. Were they all going to 'disappear' one by one without a trace?

Where was Mark? Why wasn't he here? Despite Alex's attempts to allay Aaron's fears, Aaron wasn't convinced and refused to go out the following weekend. Aaron could be forced to go out, but the caretakers feared that he was too unstable to send out, he might run. A message was sent to Elmira. At the same time, Aaron sent his own SOS to Doc and Michael. Aaron received a message within the hour from Doc to stay where he was and that things were being looked into.

Just after lunch two days later Aaron received a radio telegram from Mark telling him and the rest of the boys that he was fine, happy and in no danger. The message contained the pre-arranged coded language that each boy had agreed upon to let each other know that they were all right, and Aaron's blood pressure returned to normal. Nobody could have faked the message, Mark was OK and Aaron now knew it. He didn't know where his friend was and wouldn't for another three years but he knew that Mark was safe and well wherever he was.

The adoption of Mark now presented a problem regarding Steven; he was missing a partner. The two options available were to return him to Elmira for a new partner, or have him join one of the existing teams at the Cabin as a 'floater' whenever a third boy was necessary. The latter option was adopted and Steven stayed primarily with Aaron and Alex when they were not out in the field and with the caretaker of his choice when they were gone. For the most part, Steven stuck very close to Jamie and it remained that way until Christmas, 1989 when Steven returned to Elmira for the Holidays and returned to the cabin with a new partner in January, 1990.