Main boy character(s):
Alex (12yo), Aaron (10yo), Mark (12yo), Steven (10yo), Jimmy (14yo) Conner (9yo), David (13yo) and Sean (11yo)
Story codes: Mtb bb – cons anal oral mast – prost Length 50,000 words (c. 100 pages). |
Howdy DoodyThe ProgramBook TwoThe Boys in the Field |
SummaryThis story is the second part of a trilogy. It is a continuation of a previously written story, 88E469SD, Ward of the State . In order to follow much this story, it's necessary to get some back ground information from that story.This story is primarily limited to eight boys involved in The Program, Alex and Aaron, Mark and Steven who were based out of Upstate New York, and the other four, Jimmy, Conner, David and Sean who were based out on Long Island. The final part, Mark's New Home, follows one of the boys all the way from America to his new home in Greece. |
DisclaimerIf you are under the legal age of majority in your area or have objections to this type of expression, please stop reading now.If you don't like reading stories about men having sex with boys, why are you here in the first place? This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life. It is just a story, ok? |
Author's noteThank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at howdydoody(at) or using this feedback form, please mention the story title in the subject line. |
MeasurementsThe author of this story used inches, feet, pounds and °F, as customary in the USA and UK. As help for the other readers I added between square brackets the conversion into cm, m, km, kg, and °C.Céladon
First PublicationJohnnie's Pages - Stories and Poems. |
IntroductionI did not include any of this information in the original story, but having received multiple requests to know what occurred with the boys during their participation in the Program while out in the field. The boys, (now men) agreed to sit down with the writer over a weekend during a very cold and snowy week-end in New England and put their collective memories down on tape.
Part One (1st section)Aaron and Alex left Elmira along with Mark and Steven. The boys would be transferred to a cabin owned by the State and run by the Department of Correctional Services. Officially, it was a 'Wilderness Training Camp.' In actuality, it was a large house that contained twelve teams of boys who were part of 'The Program'. The cabin was run by four trustee caretakers, as well as two guards who oversaw the Program but rarely had direct contact with the boys. The cabin is located in the Adirondack's, in the middle of ski country.Jimmy and Conner along with David and Sean went to a cottage on the grounds of a former mental hospital on Long Island that was also run by the State for the prison system as a 'Half-way House' (officially). Like the cabin upstate, it had twelve teams of boys and four staff, along with four guards. The story continues: The boys left Elmira in a cold April drizzle. The sky was its usual overcast gloomy gray, but the boys didn't really mind, they were leaving prison and going outside the walls of a building that looked like Dracula's castle. Most prisons in New York State look like Dracula's castle; their design is very expensive, very depressing and very deliberately so. Two vans headed down the driveway and Aaron looked back. Unlike the Albany County jail and Danamora, Elmira was not a hell hole for Aaron and the other boys. Here, he was not starved and beaten, he was not afraid for his life and terrified by his surroundings, he was warm and protected, had a full stomach and a clean bed to sleep in. He now also had Alex who would protect and defend him. Turning back around, he looked over to Alex who was staring out the window. "I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Daryl. Did you?" he asked his friend. "No, he was with Patty and Kellie in the gym when we left." Alex told his friend. Aaron's thoughts drifted to Patty. She had become more and more visible to the boys as they neared the end of their training and Patty and Daryl were now always together. "Do you think they do it together?" Aaron asked Alex. Alex turned to look at his friend. "Why, did you see something?" Alex asked. "No, but everybody else is, so why wouldn't they be doing it too?" Alex thought about it. "No, I don't think so. Doc would go ballistic," he said. "Besides, Patty can't fuck, she doesn't have any balls!" "But Daryl does!" chimed in Mark in the back seat. "If Doc heard any of this conversation, none of YOU would!" the driver then interjected himself into the conversation. The boys all felt silent. Talking about Patty was never casually allowed, and the subject was once again shelved for the time being. The van entered the Thruway toll booth in back of the van holding Jimmy, Conner and Sean and overtook it as all the boys waved to each other. Aaron smiled as Conner sat on Jimmy's lap jumping up and down like a Mexican jumping bean. Conner looked completely different three months earlier when they last rode in a van entering the prison; for that matter, they all did. Within a half hour, Aaron was tired of watching cars streak by, and grabbed a pillow and put it on Alex's lap and stretched himself across the seat. Alex took Aaron's ear in his hand and slowly massaged it as Aaron drifted off to sleep. Alex looked down at his friend as the boy's breathing grew deeper by the minute. The boy now lying on his lap was his new world. As long as he had Aaron, his sense of belonging and security was intact. Aaron was his responsibility to take care of and protect, and in return, Aaron was his to love. Alex entered jail as far as he knew just a boy who was caught playing around. Now, the boy laying there sleeping in his lap meant everything to him and he was going to fuck his way out of jail. He couldn't really understand how all of this made any sense. To compound his confusion a car went by the van and he saw it before he heard it. His left ear was deaf because of a broken eardrum caused by a guard and he couldn't even remember being hit. Alex picked up a pillow and put it between his head and the window. He closed his eyes, but he didn't sleep. Steven, seeing Aaron stretch himself out across the seat, did the same and laid his head down across Mark's lap. Steven was happy that Mark had chosen him as a partner; at twelve years of age Mark was two years older than he was and it was Mark's job to protect him. Mark wasn't the biggest or strongest boy in the unit, but both Aaron and Alex were his very good friends, and the three of them stuck very close together when it came to any trouble. Besides, Mark was a lot of fun to play with, especially in bed. The highway noise and rocking of the van did its job very quickly and found Steven asleep in less than five minutes with Mark stroking his thumb across the boy's temple. Mark was very happy with his choice of Steven as his partner. The boy was fun to play with and liked to do the things that Mark also liked to do, like play Nintendo and skate. Even though Steven was two years younger, he wasn't a whiner or a baby and when Mark wanted Steven to have sex with him, Steven never said "No". Lunch time found the boys in Lake George Village as both Aaron and Steven were awakened. They parked in front of Fort William Henry on the lakefront in front of a row of paddle wheel steamers that plied the waters during tourist season. For the very first time in very close to a year for most of the boys, they were actually walking down a public street without chains around their ankles and wrists. In street clothing, and with a guard in regular clothes and not a uniform, they looked like everybody else who was walking around. The boys were so excited, that even if the guard told them that they wouldn't be fed, but just walked around, none of them would have cared. They were tasting freedom and they relished it! Skipping lunch wasn't the guard's way of doing things and the boys found themselves sitting down to a meal in a restaurant over looking the Lake that took almost an hour to finish. Both Alex and Aaron had been to Lake George before and knew their surroundings. Mark and Steven had not, and they figured they had somehow found Disney World by mistake. The guard took them to the top of the mountain overlooking the lake after lunch, and the boys climbed boulders for nearly an hour before it was time to get back on the road. It was dark by the time the van pulled into the camp, and the boys all filed into the cabin just as dinner hit the table. Officially, the boys were now in a 'Wilderness Training Camp'. In New York, you send a boy to wilderness training when you want to 'correct' a boy who is misbehaving or bad. It's sort of like Tough Love or Boot Camp or Survival Camp. There are those places, but they are not part of The Program that these boys were in. Real 'Wilderness Training Camps' in New York State are run by sadistic pathological sociopaths who shouldn't be running dog kennels or slaughter houses. These boys weren't there to be abused, starved or beaten; these boys were there to make money! Aaron, Alex, Mark and Steven now found themselves in a 'cabin' that was formally owned by a multi millionaire, who had 'donated' his former hunting lodge to the State of New York (For a huge tax write-off of course!) The boys sat down to a roast beef dinner with more than a few of the boys already there familiar to them as visitors to Elmira over Christmas time. After dinner, the boys were shown to their rooms which already contained their trunks of clothing and they unpacked as quickly as they could. Alex wanted to explore his new surroundings as soon as possible. Each room had a double bed. Each had a TV and a stereo. Every room had its own toilet and each room was connected on each side by two doors that could be locked from either room. Aaron opened his door and knocked on the door inside. Mark unlocked his door and the two rooms were now connected. Aaron thought it was cool. Alex rather liked his privacy, but was never threatened by Mark and the boy allowed the door to remain open. Each room had a large window and Aaron opened the drapes first. It was pitch black out, but the window overlooked a lake and he could see lights reflecting off the water from houses around the lake on the other side. He couldn't see much more, but it was the first room he had been in a bedroom with a window view for almost a year. He was dying to see it the next morning and left the curtains wide open for the first light of dawn. The cabin had four large shower rooms and each shower room was assigned to three rooms of boys. As the boys would soon learn, the shower rooms were the center of social activity and they were as active in the morning and evenings as the showers in Elmira were, only on a smaller scale. The boys met with their new caretakers for the first time about an hour after dinner in the Library. There were four caretakers. Like Michael and their caretakers at Elmira, they were all trustees and all four of them were in prison for sex offenses. Unlike the Elmira caretakers, the boys did not have to sleep with them, but they assured the boys that they would not be kicked out of bed if they chose to do so! As it turned out, the caretakers had very few lonely nights to deal with, so there was never any pressure on the boys one way or the other. "The first thing you're going to realize when you get up tomorrow is that there are no locked doors, there are no fences with razor wire, and there are no guards with guns to prevent you from running away." The cabin leader said to the new boys as they sat there. "You could run if you chose to, but it would be the dumbest thing you ever did in your life!" he continued. "First, if you run, you will get caught and be returned to prison. You won't be returned to The Program, you'll go to general population," he said. The boys all knew what they were being told. If they were not in The Program, they would be beaten, abused, fucked, starved and very much more, and then the inmates would get their turn at the boys when the guards were finished. The team leader continued. "Probably your best source of information and answers to any questions you might have would come from the other boys in the cabin," he told them. "Getting it straight from another boy would probably be more acceptable to you, so feel free to ask any questions you have. If there's something that they can't answer, any one of us will help you in any way we can. Tomorrow you are restricted to the cabin for orientation. After tomorrow, you may leave with another member of the cabin if you want to, but you must stay together for at least a week until you know your way around the grounds," he told them. The boys all looked at each other. "You are in the Adirondack State Park. Children have walked away from their campsites up here and have never been seen again. The last little boy, a six year old, disappeared less than two years ago. This is deep woods territory, and I'm not trying to bullshit you when I tell you that you could very easily get lost and never be found. Don't go out alone, and when you do go out into the woods, tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back," the caretaker told the boys. They could feel the excitement rising within themselves as the caretaker spoke. Going out, even with another boy, was something they hadn't done now for almost a year in some case, now they were one more day away from opening a door and walking outside? They were almost giddy with excitement at the thought. As for getting lost in the woods: In New York State? In 1989? Alex didn't think so. A few years later, Alex read of a Corporate jet that went down in 1968 trying to land in Plattsburgh. It was finally found in the mid 1990s sitting on the bottom of Lake Champlain. "Mealtimes are 7 to 9, 12:00 and 7:00 unless something special is going on or you're out in the field and return late," he told them. "We do not get up in the mornings at a scheduled time because some boys don't get back from the field until very late, so breakfast is always served between 7 and 9 in the morning. So if you want to have breakfast cooked for you, you need to get to the kitchen by 9. If you wait, you'll have to cook your own breakfast. There's always extra food and stuff in the kitchen to make a sandwich, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want it. All chores are rotated between all the boys. You will be responsible for keeping your own rooms clean and will rotate doing laundry and cooking as well as KP duty and general cabin cleaning," he told the boys. "If you look around, the place is fairly well kept and clean, and we'll all help to keep it this way." "Most of the rules and regulations will be explained to you tomorrow, but there is one rule that you need to learn immediately," he said as he stood up. "There are 24 boys in the cabin, and each one has a partner. You are forbidden to interact with another boy unless his partner also fully and freely agrees to the arrangement. Do you have any question about this rule?" the caretaker asked the boys. "What if a bigger boy makes you do it with you?" Steven asked. Steven's question did not come out of thin air. Steven was sent to prison for 'having sex' with other boys. At age ten he was raped by two of them in the school bathroom and they testified that he was the instigator. Normally, the boys wouldn't have gotten away with this bullshit, but one of the boy's father was a District Attorney. Since we all know that children of District Attorneys never lie, Steven was quite naturally found guilty of making two boys three years older than him screw him in the ass on the bathroom floor. "It has never happened here, but if it did, you would tell a caretaker and the boy responsible would be returned to Elmira," he told Steven. "Some of the boys here are more than partners, some are couples and they are never interfered with. All the boys know that, and they know that there are very serious consequences if the rule is broken. You don't have to worry about any boy here doing anything with you that you don't agree to, Steven." Steven was happy; Alex was happier. Nobody but him was going to touch Aaron, he would see to it! Alex reached over and took Aaron's hand in his. The caretaker smiled, he had read the new boys' files, he knew about the new couple. The caretakers preferred couples; they always took care of each other and there was rarely any problems with third party interaction. With the meeting over, Alex and Aaron returned to their room to finish unpacking. Aaron stood by the big window over looking the lake below and saw that the window opened. He wondered if it was locked, and tried it. The window opened to the outside and a very chilly wind began blowing in moving the curtains. Aaron got down on his knees and put his arms out the window. He looked at his hands stretched out before him, they were in free air! The cold wind hit him in the face and he felt it on his cheeks, it was cold, yet it was wonderful to the boy. "Alex!" he called to his friend. "Look, no bars." Alex came over and looked out the window. He searched the grounds for a fence or a light tower. Between them and the lake there was nothing but trees and bushes and some houses. "Come on," he said to Aaron. "It's getting cold in here and we still need to take a shower before bed." Aaron's arms came back in the window as Alex closed it. As Aaron was getting undressed, there was a knock on the bed room door. "Go into the bathroom." Alex told Aaron. "But why?" Aaron asked. "Just do it!" Alex told him as he went to the door and waited for Aaron to shut the bathroom door behind him. A caretaker had come to pick up the now empty trunks and drop off more towels and sheets. After the caretaker left Alex opened the bathroom door. "You can come out now." Alex said. Aaron came back into the bedroom now fully naked. "Why did I have to do that?" he asked his friend. Alex looked at Aaron. "Because you were getting naked stupid!" he said to him. Aaron smiled and laughed. "Alex, we've been naked for the past three months in front of everybody. What's the big deal?" he asked. "Then we had to be naked and now we don't and I don't want people seeing you naked unless you have to be!" Alex said to Aaron as he got out of his clothing. "I'm the only one who gets to see you naked, and I'm the only one you do it with from now on," he told Aaron matter-of-factly. "Nobody sleeps with you but me from now on. Understand?" he said. Alex was getting agitated, but more importantly, he was getting teary eyed. Aaron saw the distress in his face. Aaron laid down on his back looking at his friend who was now shaking a little. Ever since the guard at Danamora hit Alex with his fist and made him deaf, Alex was never too far away from loosing it and wanting to either fight or cry. Alex was completely changed from that time forward, he was always fun to be around when the boys were alone together, now Alex was always on the defensive. "Nobody touches me but you Alex. Don't worry about it," he said. Aaron reached up and took Alex by the wrists and brought him down on top of him. Wrapping his arms around his friend, he felt Alex shudder. Aaron's big strong Knight had a few chinks in his armor, and it was better to mend them in private as he pulled over the bedspread and covered both of them up in its warmth. Showers would wait; it was time to get Alex back on thick ice. Mark and Steven had finished unpacking after dinner and as soon as the meeting was over, they undressed and went to the showers together as they had done for the bulk of the last three months. Shower time was play time as far as Steven was concerned, getting clean was an afterthought. Prior to being raped by the two boys in school, Steven had very little sexual contact with other children, an exploratory with a male cousin at age six and a circle jerk in the bathroom in little league, but that was about it until he found himself on the floor on his hands and knees in school with two boys humping him. Now, he was in prison, he was ringed by his caretaker and he was in The Program where he would be having sex with men for the next two years. After spending nearly eight months in a county jail and a youth facility getting his balls fucked off, The Program was heaven to him. His partner Mark was a very nice friend, and he sure did know how to do it! There was another pair of boys in the shower when Mark got there with Steven and the boners on both boys instantly told Mark that the shower scene remained the same as in Elmira. Mark sat Steven down under a shower head and Steven needed no instructions. As Mark sat in his lap, Steven entered Mark as both boys washed each other from head to stomach. Steven didn't especially like receiving anal, but on the other hand, Mark did. What Steven did like was receiving oral and Mark was a pro when it came to keeping Steven happy. Mark didn't mind one bit. Steven had a great set of balls and a pretty good looking dick, and sucking on Steven reminded Mark of the fun he always had with his brothers and cousins back home. The two were a perfect match and rarely disappointed each other. By the end of the shower, Mark and Steven met the other two boys already there, and discovered that they slept in the room next to Mark. Another set of doors were quickly opened after showers, and the new boys were soon to discover that the interconnecting doors were rarely closed and you could see from on end of the cabin to the other most of the time. After showers, the boys noticed a large box just in front of the window and took the pillows and the quilt off the bed and opening the window, laid down on the box and stared out from underneath the quilt. It was pretty cool, but what was really exciting was seeing no bars and screens in front of the window. Both boys stretched out on the box and wondered what the lights on the top of the mountain were all about. Both Mark and Steven fell to sleep in about five minutes of staring and woke up freezing a few hours later. Closing the window, they went to bed wrapped in each others arms for warmth and comfort. It was a 50/50 arrangement.
The trip to Long Island for Jimmy, Conner, Sean and David was just as exciting to them as it was to the van going Upstate, it just took a little longer. The van stopped for lunch in New Paltz and the guard made a mistake by asking Conner where he wanted to eat. Jimmy ate Pizza Hut food shaking his head; he could have gone to a real restaurant with real food. With an abbreviated lunch, the van pulled onto the grounds of a former mental hospital and pulled up in front of a very large cottage with boys playing both inside and outside. They surrounded the van as the passengers got out. Jimmy recognized a few of the boys from Elmira who were there during Christmas. Looking around, the place was fairly secluded, with very large brick buildings off in the distance that were surrounded by razor wire and towers. Jimmy knew the place to be a prison, but he didn't know its name. Neither did he want to! There were no fences or towers around the cottage and he could see a highway down a grassy knoll with constant traffic moving along it. A one minute walk could put him there with his thumb sticking out and him gone in minutes he thought. But then; what would happen to Conner? "Dumb thought" he said to himself and turned around and walked into the Cottage with Conner practically dragging him by the hand. The fourteen year old Jimmy was partnered with nine year old Conner, and David, a thirteen year old was paired with Sean who was 11. Jimmy and David's responsibility was to take care of the two younger boys and Jimmy took his responsibility very seriously. Since boys don't love boys unless they are gay, Jimmy didn't love Conner, but pity the poor dude who stepped between him and the boy. Jimmy could kick ass and made no bones about anybody who challenged his dominance over Conner. One aspect of Conner that irked Jimmy was the little boy's penchant for jumping into caretakers laps and having them pick the boy up in their arms. Jimmy was determined to break the child of that habit; it bothered him when Conner went to another person for attention. He never asked himself why. Like upstate, there were 24 boys in residence, all paired. three other boys were Conner's age, and all were paired with boys ages 13 and 14 which afforded the younger boys maximum protection out in the field. Conner met the younger boys first. All the younger boys were very firmly attached to their partners unlike Conner who flew around from area to area with Jimmy watching very closely. Dinner came shortly after they arrived, and the talk at the table was of news from Elmira and what team they came from. Michael now had eight boys at the Cottage, and they all had their favorite stories to tell about the caretaker who ringed them. Conner's meal time routine at Elmira was to sit in his caretaker's lap and eat from his plate. When Jimmy took Conner as his partner, Conner continued the practice with Jimmy. Now, he was the only boy in the cottage sitting in his partners lap at the table. It got the attention of not only the other senior boys, but their little ones as well. After dinner it was unpacking time and most of Conner's unpacking was done by Jimmy. Conner was very busy flipping through channels on the TV and watching cartoons. Finally, Jimmy switched off the TV and undressed Conner for showers, Conner had not fallen asleep on the ride down much to Jimmy's surprise and Conner was beginning to fade by the minute. Taking off his own clothes, Jimmy picked up Conner and walked down the hall to the shower. Two other boys were already in the shower and nearly finished when Jimmy came in with Conner. Jimmy stepped into the shower and sat down on the floor of the shower stall and began washing Conner's back as the little boys head went slowly towards Jimmy's chest. Half asleep, Conner wrapped his arms around Jimmy as he let go of his bladder all over Jimmy's stomach. Conner's first day ended halfway through the flood, and there would be yet another one that night. The other two boys watched the flood and Jimmy washing his charge. There was no doubt in their minds concerning the relationship between the two. This went beyond partners; this was a new couple in the Cottage. Unlike upstate that was still wrapped in the final snows of winter, Long Island was beginning to bloom with color. Upstate, the birds were still silent. On Long Island, they were chirping away and the flowers and trees were blooming all around the cottage. It was quite a bit warmer than upstate Getting back to their room, Jimmy lay the now soundly sleeping Conner down on the bed and dried him off. If Conner was awake, he'd probably want to be putting on his pajamas for bed, Jimmy thought to himself. Jimmy preferred Conner naked in bed and moved the boy up to his pillow. Going over to the window, he opened it as a little cool breeze came through the opening. Going back to the bed, he pulled down the covers and got in and dragged Conner on top of him where the little boy always slept. After turning out the light he pulled up the sheets and blankets and a very big quilt and snuggled in with Conner feeling the cool air go through the room. He was toasty warm under the covers, as he stroked Conner's hair which was now growing back in at a pretty good clip and looked into the child's sleeping face. If he were gay he could very easily love this boy he said to himself. Jimmy's hand went down Conner's back and over the top of the boy's buttocks. Doc's diet was taking its toll on Conner's body and a lot of it was going to Conner's ass. It was warm and soft and Jimmy liked it that way. Should he get back up and put a diaper on the boy? Since it certainly wouldn't be the first or last time Conner pissed all over him in the middle of the night, Jimmy said screw the diaper. Besides, it was chilly in the room and he didn't really feel like getting up again. If Conner pissed, he pissed. Reaching over to Conner's lips he kissed him very gently and softly and backed away from the little boy's sleeping face. Conner was out for the night. Jimmy kissed him again. And then again. Nobody could see him and even Conner didn't know he was being made love to. Jimmy fell asleep with Conner's soft penis sitting around his belly button. It was becoming Jimmy's preferred method of falling asleep. At thirteen years of age, David was a good match for the eleven year old Sean who was both physically and emotionally much younger than his age would indicate. The team at Elmira knew that Sean would need a very strong personality to meet Sean's needs emotionally, while at the same time, not crush the boy's spirit with unyielding dominance. He was also capable of protecting Sean physically if he had to. David came from a very nice upstate New York family. He had two brothers and a sister and up until the age of 13, nobody in the community knew that David was a very dangerous little boy. Two months after his 13th birthday David went on an overnight camping trip with his family and the boys slept in a separate campsite from their parents and his little sister. Each campsite had its own campfire. About 10:00 that night after the boys fell asleep, sparks from the boy's campfire caught fire to a nearby wood, and the cops suspected arson. As every law enforcement officer, social worker, psychologist and District Attorney in the United State's knows, where there is fire there is always sex. There was a fire, therefore, they needed to know where the sex was. David had an extremely nice and cordial conversation with a social worker, and told the nice lady that he had masturbated with his brother on a few occasions. I don't mean just thought about doing it, he actually did it! David was found guilty of arson and was quite obviously also a sexual deviant. Now, if David's parents didn't agree to give up the boy to the State, they were obviously in cahoots with the pervert, and the other three children would be taken away also. No boy or girl in the United States EVER touched their genitals and if the boy openly admitted to doing so, the boy must be being raised by sexual deviants! For jerking off with his brother and being stupid enough to admit to it, David was raped for the first time two days after he entered the Orange County Jail. He was put in a cell with three other boys, and the guard said to him "Good luck" as he locked the door behind David. The guard knew David was about to get his ass fucked off, he counted on it. He would have been severely disappointed if David wasn't and the boys who screwed David knew that. The guard was not disappointed the next day when he wanted to see David's bloody underpants as proof. Now, David was a graduate from The Program and would be partnered with Sean for the next two years. David was a very quiet boy, but one seething with anger. Luckily he didn't take his anger out on Sean; he was waiting to get back outside. At 13, he had an original sentence of at least five years from the judge before getting out, he now knew he had two years, and was counting the days when he could go back to Middletown and thank a whole lot of people. Being teamed with David was most probably the best thing that could have happened to Sean and ironically, it was also the best thing that could have happened to David as well. At age 13, if you had put a gun in David's hand and pointed out a few key people to him, the last thing in the world you would want to do was to write those folks an insurance policy. David could very easily now kill. Putting Sean in his hands was very much like putting an egg into a gorilla's hand and getting him to understand that his own security now depended upon keeping the egg whole. The attention and devotion that Sean now needed supplanted David's desire to go out and crush, at least temporarily. David had come from Coaches dorm, and only Jimmy could exceed David's abilities at protecting himself and Sean. David had chosen Sean from Michael's dorm, mainly because he knew that Sean was very subservient. David wanted a partner he could control, and not one who was an equal to him. David was through with being led to the slaughter, it was somebody else's turn for a change. As for Sean, when David first asked him to become a pair, Sean asked Mr. Bill, his teacher and mentor who had ringed him about it. David wasn't the warmest fuzzy Sean had ever met, but neither was he cruel or cold to Sean, something that Sean was very used to in his eleven years. Sean was told by Mr. Bill that both he and Michael would be watching over him, and if there was a problem, Sean needed to send a message to Doc immediately. As all the boys did, Sean had a way to get a message back to Elmira and the caretakers there; it was always their safety net in case of trouble. Now, the two boys were alone and about to go out into the field together as a team. After unpacking all their things, David turned out the lights and sat down on the end of the bed that overlooked the window. The only light in the room came from the bathroom. David looked out at the cars moving back and forth on the highway wondering who the people in the cars were and where they were going so fast. Since getting on Long Island, everybody seemed to be in such a fucking rush. Either he was going sixty, or standing still in traffic. What was wrong with these people? He wondered. Sean came up to David as he stared out the window and stood at the boy's feet with his hand on David's knee. David looked over to Sean who had put on a pair of pajamas. David was still in his underpants. "Cute pajamas," David said somewhat sarcastically. David immediately regretted his stupid comment. To Sean, they were cute and his eyes immediately reflected the rejection he felt. David knew he had just fucked up and had to correct the situation before it got out of hand. Emotionally, Sean was a basket case, and never too far from loosing it. Once he did, David would have a job on his hands getting the child back on track. "I'm sorry Sean, I really like Bugs Bunny and they are really nice," he told Sean as he lifted the boy up on his lap and opened his legs to allow the boy to sit down on the bed in front of him. He wrapped his arms around Sean's waist and hugged the boy. "It was a dumb, stupid thing for me to say," he said to Sean as he kissed the boy on the neck. Sean overlapped his arms around David's arms. For good or for bad, this boy was his rock and his security, he needed him very badly. "Do you miss Elmira?" Sean finally asked David as both boys watched the highway. The truth was, David was extremely glad to be out of there. But he also knew he couldn't exactly tell Sean that. "I miss Coach and Doc and the rest of the caretakers, but not so much the jail," he said to his young ward. "That's what I meant," said Sean. "And Mr. Bill too," he added. "Yeah, Mr. Bill was cool," David said. Sean dropped his head and David soon felt water falling down on his arms. The mention of Mr. Bill triggered emotions in Sean that he had suppressed all day long, now they were coming out. Again, David knew he better defuse this situation before it spiraled out of his control. "C'mon Sean, I'm going to take care of you and everything is going to be fine," he told the boy as he picked him up and turned out the bathroom light. Going back into the bed, he laid Sean down next to him and curled up in back of the boy and wrapped his arm once again around his waist and cupped the boy's stomach in his hand. David's other hand dropped to the boy's crotch and moving his hand inside the pajama slit he cradled Sean's genitals in his hand. David didn't need or want sex with the boy, he needed Sean to feel secure and loved. Maybe he could do that for him; maybe he could do that for himself. Sean felt David's hand as it wrapped around his genitals and thought that he would next be feeling his pajama bottoms being lowered. As David snuggled in close to him and drew the boy's bottom up close to David's groin, Sean realized that David didn't have an erection. If David wanted sex, he would most certainly have pulled his pajamas down himself and guided his partner's penis into him, but this wasn't the first time that he slept with David when all they did was fall off to sleep, and Sean could wait until his friend needed him. Sean put each of his hands on top of David's hands. He liked close contact; it made him feel safe and warm and wanted. More than anything, Sean needed to feel wanted.
Upstate, daylight broke into the room and Aaron awoke first. Alex was between his legs as usual and using Aaron's tummy as a pillow. Aaron had to piss like a racehorse despite the fact that the bed was already soaked by both boys, but if he pulled out away from Alex before Alex was ready, there would be hell to pay for him for the next many hours. Waking up Alex pissed off was not the way to go, and Aaron knew that by now. Aaron moved his body up which slid Alex's head down to his groin and Aaron rubbed Alex on the head. "Alex, either I'm going to go to the bathroom, or you're going to be taking a shower!" he told the boy who was now inches away from his morning erection. Alex opened his eyes staring at Aaron's boner. It wouldn't be the first time he had emptied his friend's bladder into his stomach by drinking his urine, but he too had to go. Looking at his friend's penis standing there, Alex thought back to county jail when Aaron was still uncircumcised. His dick looked OK to Alex back then, but now, it looked more like his own after Aaron's Bris in Elmira. Alex felt the ring around his neck which was the clamp that took off Aaron's foreskin. Nice job Doc, Alex thought to himself as he bent over and gave it a kiss. Aaron giggled, but still had to piss. Play would come later. Flipping over, Alex and Aaron went into the bathroom and watched as the bubbles rose in the toilet. For a moment, Alex's boner retreated, but by the time both boys crawled back into bed, neither one noticed any change. However, they no longer had bladder erections. Alex attached himself to the back of Aaron's neck as he positioned himself between Aaron's legs and pressed against Aaron's knees which opened the boy's legs to receive him. On a very well traveled route that no longer needed hands to guide him, Alex entered his friend as he usually did every morning and made very slow and very passionate love to his friend alongside him. Aaron closed his eyes as Alex tenderly kneaded his testicles in his fingers very carefully. Neither boy was fucking, they were making love and they both knew the difference. Aaron felt Alex's dry climax as his friend finished and knew that Alex would now make Aaron happy as he turned him around and took him into his mouth. Many people, including Michael had made love to Aaron in this way, but only Alex really knew how to make Aaron feel like the most wanted boy in the world. Alex listened to Aaron's heart beat after he climaxed until it went back to a normal rhythm. A very fast beat told him how much his friend loved him; it also told him that he wasn't completely deaf. Both meant everything to him. As Aaron laid there looking down at his friend with his ear to his heart he looked out the window. Very light snowflakes were coming down and gliding past the window in front of him. This was a scene in jail you didn't often see. Aaron hadn't seen it now since last year. "Look!" he screamed at Alex as he propped himself up on the bed. Alex looked out the window. "It's just snow," Alex said as he looked back at his friend. "Yeah, but this snow we can touch!" Aaron said as he jumped out of bed and opened the window. Alex came over as Aaron held out his hand and a snowflake dropped into the palm of his hand and melted almost instantly. Before it did, you could see perfectly clearly the flake and its intricate design as it turned to water in the heat of his hand. "Aaron, its just snow! We've seen tons of snow," Alex said. "Look Alex, have you seen snow that looks like this before?" Aaron asked his friend as he pointed to snowflakes sitting on the top of a small mound on the window sill. Alex looked close. The flakes were all distinct and separated and they all had different designs on them that were perfectly symmetrical. The snow he knew was one great big blob, usually wet and dirty. He looked closer at a flake coming down from the sky as it passed the window and dropped to the sill below. It too was a single flake. Alex found it interesting, but he wasn't about to lose any sleep over it either. "Maybe they have different snow here in the mountains, I don't know," he said and went off to the showers. Aaron did find it interesting. He focused his eyes further out the window. There was about two inches [5 cm] of new snow on the ground, and off in the distance, a very big mountain. Aaron saw the scars on the mountain and knew it to be a ski area. That's where the lights the night before were coming from. He looked down at the lake. The ice was gone, but no boats were on the lake. What was the lake? What was the mountain? Aaron backed up away from the window and looked out at the whole scene. If he had to be in prison, this was the place to be! Shutting the window, he went into the shower room down the hall and sat down with Alex on the shower floor. For the past three months his day began and ended with a very warm shower and his friend washing him and they would for the rest of his life. Mark awoke with Steven sitting up at the end of the bed watching TV. Mark looked out the window at a sunless sky not really knowing what time it was. Did they miss breakfast? Mark moved his upper body down towards Steven and came up in back of him. Steven laid back on Marks chest still watching TV and picked up his right leg from the knee off the bed. If Mark wanted to reach his genitals, they were now available, it was Mark's right. Mark slid his hand between Steven's legs and held the boy's testicles in his hand. As he kneaded the boy's testicles Mark watched as Steven's penis responded to his touch. With the boy's head staring straight at him, he watched as Steven's penis reacted to his pulse rate. The TV no longer mattered to Steven; he closed his eyes as Mark drew the boy's testicles into his mouth along with his penis and brought him to his usual morning orgasm. Mark backed off Steven's penis as he felt the boy orgasm and watched as it slowly retreated back to a semi flaccid state. Mark loved to tease the boy by every once in a while kissing the tip of his penis or sucking in a testicle, his penis didn't know whether to rise or fall. Mark had also figured out weeks earlier that if he blew air on Steven's balls they would go scurrying up into their pockets for warmth and then very slowly would drift back down. It was almost as much fun for Steven as Nintendo. As Alex and Aaron passed by Mark's room on their way to the shower, Alex knocked on his door and went in. Seeing Mark buried in Steven's groin was about as common to Alex and Aaron as tying their shoes. "We're going for showers and breakfast Mark," Alex told his friend as he sat down on the end of the bed. "Want to come or are you two just going to do it all day?" Steven giggled as Mark backed his head away from Steven's groin. "OK," said Mark as he lifted himself away from Steven. It was almost 8:30 by the time the four new boys sat down to breakfast, and all four showed up in pajamas and bathrobes since they didn't know what was acceptable. There were about ten boys already eating and except for two of the youngest boys, one who wore pajama bottoms and the other who was naked; the rest of the boys were all in their underpants. That was the last morning the new boys wore pajamas to breakfast as well. The boys were now used to eating exceptionally good food at meal times while at Elmira, but the food now had increased in variety to the point where the new boys didn't know where to look first. From A to Z every type of food was available, from cereal to fruit to pancakes, eggs, and meats. Rarely did Aaron sit down to a meal during his entire time in The Program when he did not think back about the food in the Albany County jail. 90 percent of it was inedible and while the Hispanic and colored inmates seemed to thrive on the garbage the guards threw at them, real people got sick and lost weight. Combined, Alex, Aaron and Conner had lost close to 50 pounds [20 kg] sitting in jail in Albany in less than six months. As of the day they left Elmira after the three month stay, they had regained more than 60 pounds [25 kg]. Conner and Sean were still on a weight gain program developed by Doc and would remain on the program for almost a year. Following breakfast, almost half the boys in the cabin were leaving for the mountain to go skiing. Skiing was easily arranged for the boys, the State owned the mountain and every boy had their own season ski lift pass. The new boys had a meeting to attend and watched as the other boys climbed into vans and disappeared down the driveway. "Do any of you ski?" the team leader asked as they headed to his office for the meeting. Alex and Aaron did, Mark and Steven did not. "Good, tomorrow if you want, you can go skiing and I'll sign you two up for classes if you want to learn. We're about to run out of snow, so you don't have all that much time before the mountain will close until next year." The boys didn't really say anything; they just looked at each other. None of them could comprehend going skiing or being outside quite yet. Sitting down in his office, the team leader introduced himself. He already knew who the boys were by name and had read each boy's file from Elmira. He knew what Doc, Michael and the rest of the caretakers had to say about each boy, and he knew their history concerning incarceration. His name was Jamie. "Basically, unless there is a problem, you four boys will be living here for the next 21 months. That probably sounds like a very long time to you, but believe me, the time will fly by faster than anyone of you can possibly believe," he told them. "When you are not in the field you will either be in class or participating in recreation. The team's job is not only to see that The Program runs smoothly out in the field, but to get you prepared to take care of yourselves once you leave The Program. It's a very large job, and that's what will make the time fly by!" Jamie then went on to tell the boys about the other team members: Scott was in charge of the kitchen and their housing situation, and the boys would learn how to cook, clean and shop for themselves as part of schooling. Sam was in charge of their medical needs and reported back to Doc. Jerry was in charge of their transportation needs. "One by one, you will come into contact with the team, they already know who you are and why you're here, and if you want to know who they are and why they're here, all you have to do is ask them," he told the boys. "Just like at Elmira?" Steven asked. "Exactly!" Jamie said to him. "But there are a few differences here when it comes to living in the cabin. You each have your own separate rooms with your partner. You cannot interact with someone else's partner without permission from the both of them. You cannot enter someone else's room without their permission and they cannot enter yours," he told them. "Basically, in Elmira you had no privacy. Here, you have complete privacy if that's what you want." "When will we have to go out for the first time?" Alex now wanted to know. Jamie looked at some papers on his desk. "All four of you will be going out this Friday. You and Aaron will be going to Vermont. Mark and Steven are going to Albany. All four of you will be back here Sunday afternoon around dinner time." Jamie told the boys. Jamie saw a look of concern on all four boys' faces. He had seen that look many times on boys who went out for the first time. "The men you are meeting are very well known to many of the boys here. I'll have them tell you everything they know about them and what you can expect to encounter," he said to them. "You will never ever be sent out if we thought it would endanger you. The men you will meet are screened very carefully and are known very well by the guards." The boys were told. Alex didn't really like that statement. "Is that supposed to be something good?" he asked the team leader. Jamie knew about Alex and his deaf ear. "If something happened to you, the guards would lose a great deal of money Alex. There are guards who like to hit people for kicks, and there are guards who like to make money. The guards around you now are the ones into money, not knocking kids to the ground for no good reason," he told the boy. "You know about my ear? Alex asked the caretaker." "Yes, I know everything," he said as he handed Alex his file. Alex thumbed through a couple of Doc's and Michael's notes. Before this, he didn't know how concerned Doc was about his ear. He also didn't know how much Michael cared about him and worried so much about him. He handed his file back to Jamie; this wasn't the time to start thinking about Elmira. Friday was three days away and there would be plenty of time to talk to the other boys. He thought to himself. "Will Aaron and I have to go to Albany sometimes too?" Alex now asked. "No. No boy is ever sent to the county were he was sent to prison from," Jamie told the boys. Aaron was very happy to hear that, he didn't ever want to see Albany ever again. Aaron squeezed Alex's hand; something that Jamie didn't miss seeing. There was no doubt in his mind that Alex and Aaron were a couple. Rarely did boys hold hands unless they were, especially in public. He thought it would be wise to make a pre emptive comment, especially since observing Alex's possessiveness over the younger Aaron. "There may come a time when one of you or the other is sent out alone rather than both together. If that happens, you need to discuss where the partner staying behind is going to sleep," he told them. "You will have three options available, and you both need to agree on one of them. You can either stay in your own room alone, stay in another room with both room mates permission, or you can chose to stay with a caretaker. Whether or not the boy remaining back interacts with anyone else while his partner is gone is something you both have to agree on before you separate." "How come?" Mark now asked. "Because as partners, the only other boy you can have sex with is your partner, unless the both of you agree otherwise Mark. It prevents fights and very bad feelings from occurring, and we live too close together for that," he told not only Mark but all the boys. Since the caretaker now brought the subject out into the open, Alex jumped in with both feet. "Nobody does it with Aaron but me," he told the team leader. Jamie shook his head. "Except out in the field!" he said to Alex point blank. "Right," Alex said. The meeting now shifted its location and Jamie showed the boys all around the cabin and one by one, introduced the boys to the rest of the team members and whatever boys had not gone skiing.
On Long Island, David had gone to sleep holding Sean in his hands which were now soaked in pee along with a pair of heavy cotton pajamas with Looney Tunes on them. Sean was no longer alongside David, he was on top of him. Sean had peed in the middle of the night, and still asleep, he was at it again with David's underwear taking the brunt of the deluge. David had been together with Sean now for two months and golden showers were becoming as common to David as teeth brushing. It didn't make it easier for him, he had stopped wetting at age 4, and was pretty comfortable around toilet bowls and very dry beds. At the same time, he also knew that it was forbidden to interfere in any way with a boy who wet, it was something that was fully sanctioned by The Program because many clients preferred boys who wet and even paid extra for them. When David had first sought to take Sean as a partner, he was told by both Mr. Bill and Michael that what he was taking on was little more than a very small boy, despite Sean's age, and he would have to fully understand that or find himself an older boy. Now, looking down on the soggy little pile lying on top of him, he asked himself if he would switch boys if he had the opportunity; the answer was "NO". Sean awoke with a kiss on his forehead from David. "Come on little man, I think the ark has landed." David said to Sean as he rose off the bed and took his charge into the shower with the boy's pajama bottoms falling to the floor as he walked. No, David wasn't going to trade the boy in for a drier model, Sean was his to keep for the duration and he'd just have to learn to swim. Jimmy awoke with the bed bouncing as usual. For whatever reason, not only did the bouncing not bother Jimmy, when Conner wasn't sleeping with him at Elmira, Jimmy actually missed it. Additionally, when Conner didn't bounce in the morning or was interrupted before he finished, Conner was one moody son of a bitch to deal with during the morning. Conner's eyes opened as the boy heard the chirping of birds outside the window. He hadn't seen or heard birds in six months or more. Conner moved over on top of Jimmy with Jimmy now feeling the very familiar cold and clammy ass of Conner. He cupped both of the boy's cheeks in his hands to get them warmed back up. Jimmy felt Conner's penis flex on his belly button as he caressed the boy's ass back to warmth. Conner picked up his head and look down into Jimmy's eyes. "Yes, I felt it!" Jimmy told the little boy. Conner's head went back to his partner's chest as he giggled very softly into Jimmy's chest and wrapped his arms back around him. Spritz in the shower the night before or not, Conner made some new laundry that night and Jimmy wasn't all that surprised as he reached over and felt the sheets Conner just left. Conner never jumped out of bed, it always took him a few minutes to fully awaken and recover from his bouncing. Jimmy continued to stroke the boy's back and cheeks as Conner began to concentrate on the sounds coming from the birds. A knock on the door brought Conner's head back up. "Can I come in?" Sean asked on the other side of the door. "Sure!" said Conner and in flew Sean, wet and naked as he climbed onto the bed and scooted himself under the covers next to Jimmy. David followed Sean into the room as Jimmy reached an arm over Sean and draped it across the boy. David wasn't nearly as possessive of Sean as Jimmy was of Conner, and thought little of his charge under Jimmy's control. He was drying himself off wearing a pair of underpants as he walked over to the window and looked out. "Want us to wait for you and have breakfast together?" David asked Jimmy who was still lying in the bed with Conner on top of him. "Yeah," Conner said as he flipped off Jimmy and bolted for the bathroom with Sean in tow. Jimmy got up unconcerned about his being naked or the very obvious erection he had. Every boy in the room had been together hundreds of times naked before, every boy in the room had made love to each other many times before. It was now old hat and something none of them even thought about. "Do the other boys wear clothes here?" Jimmy asked. "Everybody I saw either had on pajamas or underpants," David said. "But I only saw a few in the hallway. What are you going to wear?" Jimmy asked. "Underpants I guess," David told his friend. As David answered, the team leader knocked on the door and walked in. "Hi guys," he said as he came into the room. "What do the boys wear here in the morning?" David asked the caretaker. "For breakfast, most boys are in underwear, some are in pajamas, and a few little ones are sometimes naked," he said. "It really depends upon what they sleep in." "But we all slept naked at Elmira. Besides, our boys wet the bed!" Jimmy told the man. "Well, here you sleep in what you want to sleep in and if you want to come to breakfast naked, that's your call, but you asked me what the other boys wear," he said. "Every boy here has seen naked bodies before, so I don't think they'll be shocked if you show up in your birthday suit, but most boys are in underwear at least until after breakfast." At that point Sean and Conner came out of the bathroom. "C'mon Jimmy, let's go take a shower and go eat!" Conner said to him as he took Jimmy's hand. "We'll have a meeting in my room after breakfast," the team leader told Jimmy and David as he left. "You have a good hour before breakfast ends, so you have plenty of time," he told the boys. Closing the door behind him, the team leader chuckled to himself. He loved boys fresh out of Elmira; they didn't know when to get dressed and when to get naked. He most certainly preferred them naked and missed being back upstate now and then. Birthday suit my ass, Jimmy thought to himself as he walked down the hall and got into the shower with Conner and Sean. David sat down on a toilet seat top as Jimmy soaped himself up as the two little ones played on the floor. When he was done, Jimmy sat down and soaped up Conner who laid down on the floor waiting for him. Conner wasn't a shower freak, but he was a massage freak and showers always came with a very long flowing massage from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. Conner liked the middle part best of all. Finishing Conner, Jimmy looked over at Sean who was now laying next to Conner. "Did you get washed?" Jimmy asked Sean. Sean shook his head yes. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Sean was ready for another one. Jimmy squirted a bunch of liquid Ivory soap all over Sean and washed him again as Conner assisted from the other end. "You're going to make a nice mother some day." David said to Jimmy has the three of them left the shower stall about ten minutes later. David needed to dry off again and put on dry underwear after the new shower he received shortly thereafter. Just as with upstate, the food on Long Island was good enough for a Governor. Fitting, since he was paying for it. Both Conner and Sean were still on special diets ordered by Doc, but they now received a shake at breakfast and dinner, rather than five times a day. Sean was close to reaching his weight to body ratio and Doc had determined that he never would achieve an optimum ratio since his growth was stunted at too early an age. He was a small boy, and he would be a small man. The damage was already done. Conner on the other hand was growing and gaining at a rate that Jimmy was beginning to regret. Both Sean and Conner were accustomed to being picked up and carried by the Elmira caretakers; it was very deliberate and very calculated. Both were severely abused and neglected as very young children, both would now be over indulged to compensate. For the Elmira staff, it was easy. Now the boys were in the field and Jimmy and David had to carry the weight. Jimmy figured that now that they were out in the field, it would be easier for him to 'break' Conner of the carrying routine. Jimmy was a little disappointed when he saw two of the smaller boys being carried into breakfast. He was even more disappointed when Conner watched as each boy reached the table under Conner's very close scrutiny. Jimmy would make a bet Conner's observation would see him back into Jimmy's arms. Jimmy and David were very happy at their choice of clothing. Not one boy wore street clothes and almost all were in underwear as was Jimmy and David. Two of the little ones were naked and one in underpants, and both Conner and Sean opted for Yosemite Sam and Tweety. The new boys were neither underdressed , nor overdressed. First impressions were a complete success! After breakfast Jimmy and David went back to Jimmy's room with Conner and Sean. Jimmy won his bet with himself as Conner made damned sure his new little friends saw him being carried out of the kitchen by his partner. Conner had been in jail long enough to know that his safety and well being depended largely upon who he knew and who he associated himself with, and in this setting, Jimmy was top dog. His dependence upon physical contact with Jimmy would ease over time, but he rarely ventured very far from Jimmy's sight or hearing. In the beginning, it was largely at Conner's insistence. Eventually it would be Jimmy who held a very close leash. Their meeting with the team leader was pretty much a carbon copy of the meeting upstate, but the question of the first encounter wasn't asked. The boys knew the rules after the meeting, but Jimmy really didn't care about knowing when he was going out in the field, he just wanted to start the process so he could get out of there! The new boys would learn at the meeting that their new team leaders name was George who was also their teacher, John handled food and the Cottage duties, Greg was their new Doctor, and their transportation was handled by a caretaker that also doubled as their recreation administrator. His name was Harry and both he and Jimmy would become especially close over the next 21 months, he was a physical Education major who was taught and trained under Coach, and he was a Martial Arts instructor. Jimmy would suck every bit of knowledge and ability out of the man that he could for the next 21 months and by age 16 when he left The Program, even Harry was no match for the boy.