PZA Boy Stories


The Toy Collection


A story set in at an indeterminable point in the future where two men meet and discover a way to turn innocent boys into playthings that allow them to fulfil the needs of their loving but sadistic natures.
Publ. July-Sept 2011
Finished 23,500 words (47 pages)


Matt 37 (Master), Ryan 35 (Master), Eddie (Senior Slave), Tyler 12 (Younger Boy Baby), Lex 15 (Alpha Boy Pup), Benji 14 (Older Boy Baby), Trixie 14 (Bitch Boy Pup), Cunt 14 (Slave)

Category & Story codes

Non Consensual Man-Boy story/...
Mb Mt tt Mdom/slave non-cons anal oral body modification age-regression bdsm chast humil med pierc tort ws


This story is the complete and total product of the author's imagination and a work of fantasy, thus it is completely fictitious, i.e. it never happened and it doesn't mean to condone or endorse any of the acts that take place in it. The author certainly wouldn't want the things in this story happening to his character(s) to happen to anyone in real life.

The theme explored in this story is FANTASY. Just as one can enjoy violent videogames or movies without committing or condoning violence in real life, a person can enjoy violent fantasies of abuse without promoting abuse in real life.

By scrolling down on this page and reading the story I declare that

  • I am of legal age of majority in my area ,
  • I like to read fictional stories where boys are kidnapped, raped, tortured, etc.
  • I understand the difference between fiction and real life,
  • I do not condone these actions in real life.
  • I agree that anyone who attempts to do in real life all or any of the things depicted in this story needs to be turned over to the local cops for the harshest penalties the law allows
If this type of material offends you (why are you here?) then

Author's note

Thank you for taking the time to send feedback to the author at fisal(at)hush(dot)com or through this feedback form with Fisal - The Toy Collection in the subject line.

Chapter 1
The Idea

It had been a few years since I had played properly. There had of course been the odd occasion where someone would catch my eye and get my attention, a few brief encounters where I would get to flex the perverted and sadistic side of my personality, but these were in the main very unfulfilling experiences for me as they were brief little kinky connections that I could never really develop. Life now required me to focus my attention on business matters and rebuilding my fortune after a previous business venture had nearly ruined me. The result was I never stayed in one place long enough to get really involved in anything and it had been several years since I had sold all my slaves and returned to the boring world of corporate law. I now spent my time travelling around from planet to planet following the money and just getting the occasional fuck from an available whore whenever I could. The irony was that more than any time before I needed something to be able to regularly vent my anger on. Something I could beat and whip, something I could use to ring out the frustrations of my day. I missed having that release, but it wasn't practical to travel with that sort of luggage.

All my life I have had a dominant and persuasive personality. Even as a teenager I had engineered situations where several of my friends had found themselves in service to my sexual needs. One particular boy I had known from kinder garden had even become a source of additional pocket money for me when I had taken to hiring him out to an older man who had once made a pass at me. My interests had further developed when I left my home planet to attend university and found a niche fraternity that catered for students that had extra-curricular perverted tastes. I graduated from university with a healthy law degree and a lifelong membership of a brotherhood society that supported men who like myself, enjoyed domination, violence and extremely creative perversions.

But for the last three years I had let that side of my nature take a back seat.

That said, there had been one little scene I found myself falling into, more by accident than anything else. I hadn't really thought much would come of it at the time, but it planted the seed of an idea in my head that my mind kept coming back to.

I had been retained to attend to the legal needs of a client having some patent difficulties. The client had no representation close to one of the central hubs and so I had to travel out to them and spend time at his offices situated out on the outer rim of the nebulous; a god forsaken little station orbiting a small exhausted mining planet. I wouldn't normally travel so far, but as my client happily paid my high fees and was the type that never supplied enough information to really be able to construct a case, I had had to travel and meet them in person. To be honest, I didn't even know what the exact nature of my client's business was. He had always avoided answering the question when asked and all I know was that he conducted research.

It turned out that the dispute my client had was with one of his employees, an inventor who refused to sign over ownership of technology that had been developed as part of a wider research project into influencing human behaviour. As soon as I had discovered the nature of my client's research I became instantly intrigued. The small voice I carried around in my head that reminded me of my true nature suddenly demanded my attention. But the detail was still difficult to get hold off; I was kept away from the main areas of the business and was only allowed to meet with specific individuals who had clearly been briefed to contain any superfluous details not related to the legal issues sounding the case. I found this all very frustrating and if it wasn't for the high fee my client was happy to pay I would have left.

But then by chance I bumped into a man whilst showering in one of the local gyms. I recognised, or rather I recognised the tribal tattoo on his arm that identified him as a player of my sort of games. His face was also faintly familiar, but then I have met a lot of people in my time. I showed him my own tattoo similar to his and also symbolising we had the same sexual tastes albeit aligned tastes rather than compatible tastes. We had similar physiques as well, strong powerful frames, but with muscles that had not been overdeveloped. Like me, he obviously took care of himself, but didn't overdo the vanity.

As we dried off we got talking about shared acquaintances and experiences. His name was Ryan and it turned out we both used to spend our free time in the same clubs, possibly at the same time as we were able to share stories of scenes and events related to our shared acquaintances. No doubt we had known each other in some way, but had never really spoken. We bonded instantly and he invited me round to his apartment to play with what he mysteriously called his toys.

Eager for the diversion and knowing I would at least get a decent non work related conversation, I wrapped up the business of the day and picked up a bottle of vodka as I headed over to the address Ryan supplied me. His apartment was on the more luxurious side of the Station and only a short shuttle ride away from the hotel I was staying in.

It turns out he had two toys and by toys he meant small boys he kept as playthings. The first being a Pup halted with the physique of a 16 year old, but obviously well used as a Pup as he had good muscle definition and moved on all fours with practiced ease. He sat in front of me and greeted me shyly by sniffing around my feet and offering me a leather clad paw when I reached down to pat him. His tail wagged around excitedly as if it was in some way responding to the boy's emotions and when I ran my hand across his head to stroke him he began to whine a little, obviously enjoying the attention.

But my attention was quickly pulled away from the Pup as what really caught my eye was Ryan's other toy. A boy of about 12 3; well 12 if you gauged him by height and build. Everything else about his physical appearance indicated he was much younger, a baby in fact. Dressed in a light blue romper suit, his bulging waist line revealed he was wearing a bulky diaper underneath. He sat on a rug in Ryan's living room where he had previously been snuggling up to the Pup before my arrival had interrupted them.

At first I was shocked to see a boy controlled in such a way, his wide eyes followed me around the room as Ryan led me further inside, I could see the rhythmic movement of the bright blue dummy he was sucking on and the clicking noise it made as it knocked against a ring hanging from the boy's septum.

Ryan sat me down and handed me a drink, the Pup had come round to the side of me and sat on its haunches with its head slightly cocked and its paw on my knee.

"He wants to get to know you," Ryan said, "Feel free to stroke him and if you want him to suck on your bone then go for it."

Never being one to be shy of such offers I eased myself forward slightly in my seat and taking the Pup's collar pulled its head into my groin so it could nuzzle my hardening cock and get used to the new man smell. All the time my eyes were fixed on the baby boy staring back at me with big round blue eyes.

"That's an interesting thing to do to a slave," I said nodding over to the boy baby.

"Not a slave," replied Ryan, "He's my little Baby Boy."

Ryan went over and with an ease that indicated the boy's lightness and Ryan's strength, picked him up returning to sit in the chair next to me with the boy on his lap. "He's wary of strangers," Ryan said as he started to bounce the boy on his knee, "Even though I did tell him he had a new uncle coming to visit."

I realised I was still staring at the boy and my obvious fascination had not gone unnoticed.

"Tyler seems to have grabbed your attention," Ryan said laughing whilst still bouncing the boy who had started to giggle.

"Yes. Sorry Ryan, just not seen a boy regressed so totally before, I'm guessing you use stims on them."

Stims were a sophisticated designer drug that were tailor made to interact with the brains chemistry to invoke specific types of behaviour. I had used them myself in the past but found that they removed the element of humiliation from my play. I liked a boy to feel ashamed of the things I made him do, but I can see the advantages if you want to put a boy into a specific state of being and keep them there.

"Nope, no stims on Tyler, I use a more evolved method of control to keep him in this state," replied Ryan.

It dawned on me that Ryan must be connected with my client's business. The two playthings he owned were the results of the research my client was conducting. My inner voice sat up right and took control of me.

The Pup by now had worked quite a moist patch on the front of my jeans with its tongue and had started to whimper desperately wanting to get to its bone. I stroked the dog's back marvelling at the furry softness of the outside coating of his short black rubber body suit, Ryan certainly didn't spare the expense or his imagination in regards to his playthings, this trip was starting to look like it would turn out to be more exciting than I had first thought.

"He's a real cutey," I said and reached over to give the baby boy a little rub on his tummy.

"Say hello to uncle Matthew," Ryan coaxed as he took Tyler's dummy out of his mouth.

"Hewwo Unkwal," Tyler said shyly in a child's high pitched voice.

I was surprised at how much his babyish speech turned me on and I couldn't help but grind my groin further into the Pup's face. "Hello there little one," I said whilst still rubbing the boy's tummy and watching the grin spread across his face as he began to relax in the presence of his new uncle and suck on his thumb in the absence of his dummy. His soft blond hair fell over his face and his Daddy would from time to time brush it back. Ryan obviously cared a great deal for his boy, but the ring through his nose hinted that they played other types of games other than just Daddy and baby.

I felt, I should let Ryan know about my own credentials at being a Dominant player. "I've played with regression before and often put a boy in a diaper, but that's mainly because its more convenient than having to untie them so they can use a bathroom properly," I said as I sat back again to enjoy the Pup's attention. "Its been a while though, I used to run a club on one of the leisure stations, a place called 'Hades', had a stable of about 30 slaves there at one point, all trained by me."

"What happened?" asked Ryan

"It started to become more of a business than a joy, plus it lost me all my money when they changed the law so only indentured slaves could be owned, had to let half my stock walk free. So I sold up and returned to the boring word of corporate law."

Turned out that Ryan know the place, "Yeah, I remember Hades, had some great times there, loved the zero G wet rooms and the weekend parties that used to take place."

"Yeah, I miss those as well, I find myself sitting in hotel rooms jacking off on my own these days," I said mournfully.

"Well I'm stuck out here in the middle of nowhere and its good to have some family love to come home to, I still like to play though," and with that Ryan unbuttoned Tyler's romper to reveal two silver rings through each of the boy's nipples that matched the one the boy had through his nose. Ryan began to tweak and tease them as the boy softly moaned around his thumb and twirled his soft blond hair. "See, he loves his Daddy teasing him."

"Is it fuckfuck time Daddy," the boy asked.

"Maybe later."

"But I'm horny Daddy."

Ryan reached down into the boy's romper and began to fondle the front of the boy's diaper.

"So tell me more about what you're doing out here?" I asked, hoping that my tone was suitably casual as to not arouse suspicion and stop him from telling me what so far no one else had.

Luckily Ryan did not seem to have that much inhibition and began to tell me his story explaining how he worked as human behaviour scientist for an organisation that had developed amongst other things a reprograming device and a drug that heightened the body's natural sensitivity and the minds suggestibility, "Its real cutting edge stuff and we are stuck out here in the middle of nowhere as its as far away from prying eyes as its possible to get." Being of similar minds Ryan obviously felt comfortable telling me about his work. "The Pup was part of a test programme being carried out by the Physconetics company I work for."

I maybe a bastard when I need to be, but I do have a conscious when it comes to manipulating people I see as my equal and I had to confess to Ryan.

"Before you go on," I interrupted, "I need to let you know that I'm retained by your company in a legal matter and no one has shared information like this with me as yet."

"I'm guessing that because no one knows your hobbies," he replied.

"Just thought you should know so we don't end up getting in an awkward situation."

"No worries, consider this all strictly off the record."

"Absolutely," I assured him "Please continue."

"The kid had been delivered straight form a juvie penitentiary complex not long after its 15th birthday. We fitted a development halter to stop it from ageing anymore and began experimenting with its pain threshold."

I looked down at the Pup who was still nuzzling my groin. His tail, obviously wedged firmly up his arse, bounced around just like a real Puppy's tail does when they get all excited.

"Basically we took the kid to hell and back until he was completely broken, then we taught him to behave like a dog. We conditioned him so that when he behaved like a dog there was no pain, but when he didn't behave like a dog then it was just constant pain."

I reached down and lifted the Pup's head by gripping one of the rings on its collar. "That's not really new though," I replied "that's a way slaves have been trained for years."

"Indeed, but the pain this Pup experienced was like nothing you have ever seen before, make yourself comfortable and let me show you." Ryan grabbed a remote from a side table and switched on a wall display, as he dialled through the menu to find the video he wanted to show me I unzipped my jeans and reached in to grab my cock. As soon as the Pup caught sight of my 9 inch [23 cm] erection he sat up on his hind legs and lifted his paws in a begging motion his long pierced tongue hanging from his lips and drawling saliva down his chest. Still holding its collar I pulled it across so it could lick and nuzzle my naked cock, its little tail wagging around like crazy.

As the boy Pup began to lick its treat I watched the video Ryan had selected, The display began with a title screen "Physconetic Research, Subject 14, Session 4," before the title screen faded I could already here the screaming. The opening scene revealed a naked totally shaved boy tied down to a hydraulic bondage chair. A clamp fitted to the boy's screaming mouth held his jaws apart and stretched out a long pierced tongue, obviously part of a process to modify the tongue and make it permanently longer. Across the boy's forehead a thin strip of metal with two flashing leds had been secured, part of the reprogramming device Ryan had previously mentioned. Two black rubber clad men stood each side of the boy. One was using a steel sound stuffed down into the boy's urethra to hold his little swollen red cock out of the way whilst the other whipped the boy's balls which were already red and swollen to unnatural proportions. I held the Pup up again by its collar and looked at how its cock and balls were now. The Pup was wearing a shiny black rubber knee length body suit smooth across his groin and chest, but with a slight soft furry texture across his sides and back, its cock and balls totally encased in the same black rubber, had obviously recovered from his treatment as his balls had returned to relatively normal size although his scrotum had been stretched as his balls, whilst close to his body, sat further back towards his arse. The effect was that the Pup could not close his legs properly without crushing himself and his balls always remained on display when he was viewed from the rear. His cock was sheaved inside a much bigger rubber cock with a small silver tube poking out of the end to allow the Pup to piss. I reached down to fondle the doggy dick and as I did so the Pup wrapped its paws around me and gently started to hump up against my arm. I laughed and pulled the Pup back down to my groin and let my cock slip into its mouth.

Tyler shifted in his Daddies lap so he could snuggle into Ryan's chest, sill sucking on his thumb and still with his Daddies hand rubbing the front of his diaper. Ryan dialled up the next video "Physconetic Research, Subject 14, Session 7." This time the scene revealed the boy stretched out face down on a rack, his arse filled with a beer can sized plug, One of the rubber men was fitting small electrode pads onto the boy's sweaty skin, the pads seemed to cover the boy entirely. The other man obviously of camera, waited until all the pads were fitted before he began to shock the boy. Each shock sent the boy into convulsions until eventually the boy began to make a barking sound. At this point the shocks were stopped. Ryan fast forwarded the video "He continues to bark for about 20 minutes, whilst he is barking he is not being hurt," Ryan explained. When the video resumed the boy's throat was obviously exhausted and the barking had turned into the whining noise a distressed Puppy would make, when the whining eventually stopped the shocks began again. It wasn't long until the boy was barking again like a good little doggy.

"Its quite intensive pain he is getting," I commented.

"Yes, The pain stimulates a chemical that makes them more receptive to the mental conditioning," Ryan replied. "The more they hurt the more the message is enforced into the subconscious. The Pup was created before we learned how to synthesize the chemical, so he had a rougher time of it than he would have had if he went through the process now."

"This is the one of him getting his tail fitted," said Ryan and dialled up the next video. "Physconetic Research, Subject 14, Session 11." This time the screen revealed Ryan himself and holding up a black rubber tail to the camera, Ryan turned the tail around in front of the camera to show that the part that fitted into the boy was a hollow rubber sleeve that contained a membrane of rubber that opened and contracted like a sphincter. "It allows the Pup to defecate without having to remove his tail," said Ryan as the image of him on the screen began to push the tail into the boy's arse.

"One more," said Ryan as he dialled up another Video. "Physconetic Research, Subject 14, Session 8127." This time the boy was in his cage dressed in the same Pup outfit he currently wore. Whilst he licked along the side of my cock with his extended stretched pierced tongue, I continued to watch the videos that showed how he was created.

The video showed the Pup drinking from a bowl until one of the rubber men opened the cage. As he did so the Pup began barking excitedly and licking the man's hand. The man attached a lead to the Pup's collar and pulled the Pup out into the room and walking it around for a while before leading it across to a treadmill where he tied the lead off against a post before switching the treadmill on, the Pup had no choice but to keep walking in its dog like fashion as the machine began to slowly increase speed. Before long the Pup was having to run on all fours. To encourage it the rubber clad man whipped the Pup from time to time eliciting a whelp or a Bark from the Pup in response.

"There's more," said Ryan, "But for another time, I don't like playing this stuff in front of Tyler."

"What about the Pup?" I asked.

"Doesn't worry him, he doesn't recognise himself as a human anymore. He's all Pup."

I moved the Pup down to work on my balls and marvelled at how it had ignored the visuals and sounds from the video display. It was so focused on my cock nothing around it seemed to matter. "So did you train Tyler in the same way," I asked.

"Sort of," said Ryan, "Tyler was more of a home project though. But I used many of the same techniques. Only this time I found a willing boy. Tyler has always dreamed of being treated like this, so it was a much easier process." Ryan could clearly see my fascination. "Let me get him off to bed and I'll tell you about it."

"Oh 3; Does he have to go, I'm enjoying his company," I said disappointedly.

"Hey Tyler, why don't you give your Uncle Matthew a cuddle before bed time." Tyler grinned and clapped his hands.

Ryan stood up lifting the baby boy at the same time. He grabbed the Pup by its collar and pulled him away from my dick and led the Pup out through a door into what I guessed was the kitchen. He returned leaving the Pup and carrying a towel which he passed across for me to clean the saliva from my dick. Once done and with my cock once more tucked inside my pants he passed Tyler over onto my lap.

"I don't like talking about his training in front of him, It kind of breaks down the fourth wall. What matters is how Tyler is now, not how he was before," Ryan explained.

I held the boy by placing my hands under his arms and pulled him further onto my lap, the boy lent in to me and I could feel his warm body against mine.

"Tywer wan to kiss," he said. I leaned forward and let Tyler kiss me on the cheek, the bulk of his soft diaper pressing into my cock, The Baby boy smelt of baby powder and faint whiff of urine, his body felt lean underneath his soft romper and I began to wonder what he looked like naked.

From the kitchen door I could hear a scratching noise from the Pup who was obviously a little put out that he had been excluded from the exciting things that were happening in the room. Tyler leaned down onto my chest and wrapped his hands around me.

"He really likes his new Uncle," said Ryan.

"I guess he does," I replied, reaching around and holding the boy against me by the back of his diaper, I could feel something round and hard buried deep in his diaper and guessed the boy was plugged.

Ryan disappeared back into the kitchen leaving me alone with his boy. I heard a yelp from the Puppy and Ryan's voice say "get in you cage and settle down." I continued to stroke the boy's back as he sleepily yawned, excited at the new company but too tired to stay awake his eyes began to droop.

Ryan returned with a baby bottle full of a creamy looking liquid and a bib. "Here, give him his night time bottle and then I'll show you his nursery."

Ryan tied the bib around the boy's neck and I took the bottle and held it against his lips. The small teenage boy dressed as a baby sitting in my lap eagerly swallowed the rubber nipple and began sucking down the warm fluid. "What is it," I asked.

"Dog spunk," Ryan replied with a wide grin on his face, obviously he was looking to shock me. I looked up at him indeed shocked.

"Its okay, he loves it and its full of protein he needs as he doesn't get to eat solids."

Tyler did indeed seem to be enjoying his drink and he enthusiastically sucked on the bottles teat pulling the warm creamy cum into his mouth at such speed that small globs spilled out from the corners of his lips onto his bib.

"A friend of mine is a vet and has a thing for feeding slaves animal spunk, he gets me all sorts of flavours for him, he especially loves horse cum," explained Ryan.

The boy laying across my chest was crushing my excited cock so I tugged the half full bottle away from the boy's mouth who tried to hold onto the teat until it popped from his lips. "Cum cum," he said in his little baby voice. I smiled and pulled the boy round so he was sitting up properly and I was more comfortable before re-inserted the teat so the boy could continue drinking.

"I can't believe you have him drinking this stuff so readily," I said.

Ryan grinned "Just because he's dressed as a baby doesn't mean he is treated like a conventional baby. He is my toy, my plaything and I have all sorts of ways of making sure he always knows that."

Still holding little Tyler in one arm and his bottle in the other, I stood up and followed Ryan through the apartment until we came to a door with 'Tyler's Room' written on it in a baby block type font. Leading me through Ryan revealed a childs nursery with all the furniture scaled up to suit Tyler's teenage size. In the middle of the baby blue coloured room stood a crib, with high bars and soft padding around the inside edges, looking down into it I could see a harness and a number of soft plushie toys. Positioned behind the cot was a sling conventional in shape but made of baby blue leather with padded restraints. Across the room through another doorway I found a bathroom containing a changing table, Ryan indicated I should lay Tyler down on the changing table.

"Would you like to change him," he asked.

"Sure," I said "I'm intrigued to find out what he looks like underneath all his baby clothes."

I let the boy take control of his own bottle and began to undo the poppers positioned along the crotch of his romper. With his romper removed I got to see the boy placidly lying there in just his bulky disposable diaper which had obviously been well used. I untapped the sides and pulled the front of his diaper down to reveal his tiny little cock of about 2 inches [5 cm] and a tattoo of a little tEddie bear on his smooth pubis. A small ring was pierced through his foreskin keeping it closed and pulled up over the tip of his cock, a small silver chain led from this ring to one underneath his small smooth scrotum. It effectively kept the boy's penis pulled down and stopped him from having an erection.

"Cute," I said and pulled the boy's legs up by his feet so I could slide the diaper out from underneath him. When I done so I found that the boy was indeed plugged.

"I don't let him shit in his diapers," Ryan explained "I can't be doing with that sort of mess to clean up."

Ryan then reached over and pulled the plug from the boy. I was amazed to see how wide the plug was for such a tiny little boy hole, Ryan took the empty bottle from the boy's mouth and replaced it with the plug. The boy had to stretch his mouth to fit the plug in so the feeling he must have got when it was stuffed into his little hole must have been incredible.

"Tyler clean his pluggy," coaxed Ryan in a voice he obviously used to encourage the boy. He then lifted the boy and took him across the room and sat him down on a small childs potty.

"Tyler go PooPoo," Ryan said.

The boy was obviously embarrassed at having to suck his dirty plug and use his potty in front of his Daddy's new friend as he blushed and turned a crimson red whilst looking down at the floor to avoid my gaze.

"Go fix a fresh drink Matt and I will finish up here."

Taking my leave I left the nursery and returned to the living room where I sat and contemplated how horny all this was making me and how lucky I was that I had stumbled across all this by accident.

Ryan returned a few minutes later "Tyler wants a kiss goodnight from his uncle,"

I smiled and returned to the nursery to find Tyler dressed in a fluffy tEddie bear footed sleeper and thick matching mittens strapped into his cot. Not wanting to remove the dummy secured in the boy's mouth I leaned over and kissed the baby boy on his cheek.

"Good night litlun," I whispered whilst reaching down and pressing my hand down onto the front of his diaper. The small boy looked back at me with wide interested eyes as I started to massage his little cock through all the padding. I felt like a dirty uncle molesting his brother's children and the sordidness of the idea was turning me on.

But I couldn't rush things and Ryan obviously was protective of the boy or he would have offered me the chance to play with him. So I left the horny little boy squirming in his diaper and trying to rub himself with his thick padded mittens.

Back in the living room Ryan had retrieved the Pup from its cage and had his 8 inch [20 cm] cock buried deep down the Puppy's mouth.

"Just taking a piss bud," be with you in a minute."

"I think I could do with one of those," I said and took out my own cock to wait my turn.

Ryan finished and as he removed his cock from the Pup the Pup kissed the tip of it and gave a small bark.

"His way of thanking his master," Ryan said and clicked his fingers indicating to the Pup to move across and drink from my cock in the same way.

The Pup scooped across on all fours tight up to my legs, keeping its body low it tipped up its head and swallowed my cock deep into its throat.

"You can just let go and piss straight into him," Ryan explained.

"Wow," I said, "that's quite a skill."

"Yeah, took an age to train him, but he prefers it now as spilling some means he gets punished and he will try and avoid that at all costs."

After I had finished and settled back into the chair Ryan began to tell me Tyler's story. "He was a local lad, his mother one of the station whores had become a sort of friend, or at least someone I could buy a bit of weed off from time to time. She know I had the Pup living with me and so know I was a bit of a kinky fucker, so she told me about the time she had caught her son dressed up as a baby and all the baby paraphernalia she had found when she searched his room. It got me thinking about the whole regression thing and if it could be done using the same techniques we used on the Pup. Then a few months after this she told me she had been caught by the feds selling illegal stims for her pimp. She was going to prison for a long time unless she could pay a fine, but even then that would only reduce her sentence. So being the kind guy I am I offered to help her out by buying her son. I was upfront and told her exactly what I intended to do, but she really couldn't care less. I think she would have sold him to me sooner if I had ever asked."

Whilst Ryan was telling me this he had returned his cock back to the Pup's mouth and was slowly pumping his meat down the Pup's throat.

"Need to get off bud, take his arse if you want, or wait until his throat is free again."

I looked at the Pup's arse and its wagging tail and decided I'd wait for its throat as I could then get the dog to do all the work.

"I'll wait, too interested in your story to concentrate on anything else."

Ryan smirked and leaned back sipping his drink. "Then let me continue 3; So I arranged for the kid to come home with me, well, actually I abducted him and brought him back here completely blindfolded and hooded so he could see or hear nothing. He had no idea where he was or who had taken him. Had to get the spare room sorted first."

"All that nursery furniture," I interrupted curious to find out where he had got it from.

"No 3; not at first, I had a tank made up which I filled with bull's cum my vet friend got for me. The tank he lived in that for the first three months he was with me, I had to fit him with a special hood so he could breathe but never see or hear anything. I wanted his life to be more than just about the pain, this time I really wanted it to be a form of hell, the only time he came out was for his physical treatments and boy did he get a lot of physical treatment. For three months he had no idea what was going on, his life alternated between being submerged in disgusting fluid and being prodded, pierced and beaten. I'd sometimes just spend hours with him tied down across my lap whipping his cock so the drugs I had injected would be stimulated into the tissue cells."

"That sounds like my kind of scene," I said to which Ryan raised his drink and smiled at me.

"The pain wasn't just about the enjoyment I got from hurting him although I have to admit I did enjoy it. The pain works on a more psychological level, the idea being that he would eventually have this rebirth into a much more pleasant life and so prefer the baby treatment."

Ryan stopped talking and passed the Pup over to me by its collar. "Here, take a turn, I don't want to cum just yet and I'm getting damned close."

I leaned across and took the Pup by its collar whilst once again freeing my cock. "That must have really fucked him up though." I said as I pushed myself back into the Pup's throat.

"Yeah, it did, I kind of went to a really dark place along with him, he became just an object to me really, something I could beat and whip whenever I felt like it and the tank kept him out of the way when I couldn't be bothered with him. To be honest I think I let it go on for too long, I kind of lost my way with the plan and didn't know how to make the change to bring him back to something resembling a human," Ryan paused to refresh his drink.

"So what happened," I asked urging him on to tell me more.

"Eventually I came across this guy who does this deep level hypnosis work using brain pattern stimulation, he specialises in altering personality problems but has a side line in adapting slaves so they suit their masters needs a little better. I had to pay a fortune to go on a course to learn how to do it. He paused to drink some more.

"Why reprogram him when the point of the tank and the treatment was to break him?" I asked.

"The reprogramming wasn't to make him forget, but to pass the experience into a deeper level of his consciousness. Basically he behaves like a baby desperate to keep his daddy happy because bad boys get taken by the bogey man."

This was all a lot to take in, but all of it fascinated me. "So that's why you didn't want to talk about this in front of him?" I asked.

"Yes, its something we never talk about, its his private little fear, he only mentions it when he has a bad dream and needs a cuddle from his Daddy."

The Pup had been working my excited cock all the way through this story and I couldn't hold back my orgasm anymore. Fuck it, I thought, and let myself tip over the edge shooting my cum deep down into the Pup's throat whilst I thought about Ryan whipping Tyler's little defenceless cock until it was red and swollen in welts.

I left Ryan shortly after our conversation about Tyler's training, I still had a lot of questions, but needed to think about what I already know. I had in the past owned my own slaves and some I had even treated with the kind of kindness that made them more of a boy than a slave, but I had never taken the daddy role in such a serious way and the idea was very appealing.

I became fascinated by the thought of having my own boy to keep in this way, I had buried within me a fatherly instinct, but my nature was to abuse and humiliate my playthings and I was acutely aware that having a real child of my own would make this a very difficult hobby to indulge in; where would the boundaries be between my parenting and domination instincts. But seeing this boy all wrapped up in his daddy's love and accepting the abuse his daddy gave him as an act of love filled me with desire to put together my own family.

The realisation that I could indulge both my nurturing and sadistic natures in this way filled me with a desire that I had not felt for many years. I decided that the nomad life had to end and it was time once more to settle down and build up a new business based on my other interests and skills. This said, it still took me a full six months to sell of my current business and another six months to finish getting everything in place so I could begin my new life.

Chapter 2
Back in Business

With the business sold and a few million credits in the bank I was now in a position to realise my plans. I had bought a modestly sized island on a small moon in an area of space well away from the main commercial shipping lanes. Here I could get some privacy as I was as hidden away as much as I possibly could be. Only a few others lived on the moon and all were the kind of hermit dwellers that inhabited such places for their own privacy needs, so I know that I would not have any bother from neighbourly intrusion.

Ryan had been very helpful supplying me with more details of his training techniques, it seems that he had held back with some of the detail when we first met, not surprising considering some of the secret nature of his companies experiments, but over subsequent meetings we had got to know each other better and he had taken me more and more into his confidence. In order not to complicate my friendship with Ryan I had also withdrawn my services from Ryan's employer a move which Ryan understood was out of respect for his situation.

When I had told Ryan about my plans he had become almost as excited as I was and revealed that his expertise lay in inventing gadgets and technology that would be a great help to me. His ideas really complimented my own, so much so that I decided to offer him the opportunity to become a business partner. We really had started to hit it off, and it wasn't long before he had given up his own work and moved into a wing of the house I had built on the island. I needed his knowledge and his ideas needed my money. I don't do Boyfriends, not the kind you would end up marrying, but Ryan and I got very close and would often spend the night together in the same bed enjoying the pleasure of his boys. Little Tyler was especially pleasing to fuck as he seemed to enjoy having a cock up his arse as much as he did having a dummy to suck on.

Ryan also had a lot of useful contacts and was a great help sourcing equipment and supplies, including the negotiation of a supply contract with his Vet friend; we would defiantly be needing a whole lot more of his supply of animal cum. In addition we managed to source supplies of the experimental drugs his company had created for modifying behaviour and the medical apparatus needed to alter a boy physically, mentally and biologically.

My plan was to develop Ryan's techniques to build up my own little family of slaves, Boys and Pets so the processes and equipment could be perfected. Then if successful to create more to sell on. I could create little toys designed specifically to meet a client's tastes. From an idea thought up from a chance meeting a potential lucrative business was about to be born.

But for now I wanted to concentrate on creating my own little toys. I had had a few agents in the past that I used to procure suitable slave material and I re-established contact with them to see if they were able to help me find boys between the ages of 10 and 14. Ryan's research had found that boys in this age range take to the re-conditioning better as the hormones their bodies were naturally creating had a helpful effect with the supplementary drugs that were used to heighten their sensitivity. Also the very act of going through puberty made it easier to mould their sexual tastes.

The dealers I spoke to all seemed interested; especially when I indicated that in the long term I would be looking for a regular supply. One, a man name 'Nomax', offered to come and visit me with a few possible specimens that had just come into his possession. I only really wanted to start with one or two, but if others were available I could always place them in stasis until we needed them.

It quickly became obvious there was a lot of administrative work that needed to be done and I wanted Ryan and I to be able to concentrate on the fun stuff, So I contacted a friend I had sold some of my old slaves too and asked to buy back a slave called Eddie that I had previously used as a general dog's body when I ran my club. He was available and soon Eddie was back with me. When I had sold him he was a pretty little 18 year old and had grown into a very good looking 24 year old. His last owner had made sure that he had kept his body in great condition. He arrived naked and excited to be back with his old master, to reward him for his eagerness to please me I spent the night fucking him before sending him across to get the same from Ryan.

I had him shave his body smooth before fitting him with a cock cage and fitting him with a smart suit type uniform. His instructions were to be always available to carry out any instruction Ryan or I gave him. We would be using him as a Butler, a Secretary and a fuck toy. A role he had performed for me and his previous owner with amazing efficiency. He would make a great start to the staff I was going to need to keep this place running.

The day the agent arrived with the first batch of potential stock was an exciting day. Ryan and I waited by the landing strip as the shuttle arrived, The Pup who was now getting used to having 'Lex' as a proper name because it would otherwise get very confusing when we had other puppies running around, sat patiently by his masters feet whilst Tyler was being looked after by Eddie back at the house.

The shuttle arrived and I greeted Nomax warmly despite being repulsed by his old fat sweaty body which he poorly hid under a cotton robe so thin it could be seen through in the strong summer light. I led him back to the house for refreshments whilst his men unloaded the cargo that I was anxious to take a look at. Over drinks he told me that all these boys had been collected from various institutions that looked after children when their parents were not able to, in each case the parents had shown no interest in having the boys returned to them and had signed them over for sale as slaves when they could no longer afford or be bothered to pay for their care. Apparently this happened quite a lot, not surprising when the human race had grown to over 200 billion in number and was now spread out across several star clusters. But it meant that there was a legitimate supply of material for my experiments and general enjoyment.

Nomax himself had a taste for young boys and came accompanied with his own boy pet, a skinny child of about 6 years old, covered from head to toe in gold paint and held on a slender gold chain connected to the boy's balls. This guy really did think he was something special. As we talked to Nomax, he motioned for his pet to move under his gown so he could urinate into the boy. I caught Ryan's eye and know he was like me imagining what it must be like for the boy having to dig around in the folds of its master fat to find what would probably be a disappointingly small nub of a cock.

I resisted the urge to over power this mess of a man so I could turn the tables and place him in servitude to his pet. The idea turned me on, but the potential for a regular supply of boy stock was much more important. "One day I thought."

All the boys he brought were beautiful in their own way and I could see the toy potential in all of them. There were six of them ranging between the ages of 11 and 14. The youngest, being comforted by the oldest was already crying and became hysterical when separated from his protector by Nomax's handlers. All the boys were lined up in a row, naked and tied by their hands to ceiling hooks hanging from the roof of the studio space I had designed especially to view potential stock. The boys stood rigid staring at an invisible spot ahead of them obviously briefed to ignore anything else going on in the room. Although I had already seen a few of them trying to catch a glimpse at Lex who Ryan was holding close to him on his lead. They were obviously looking at this teenage boy treated and acting like a dog and wondering what was in store for them.

Ryan and I walked down the line to view each boy whilst Nomax began his sales pitch.

"These are all prime specimens that I thought met your specifications Mr Leeke," Nomax said to me in his rasping voice.

The first a pretty little 12 year old red headed boy looked so delightful I know straight away that I was going to take him. Not usually one for red heads, I could see the potential in his physique for training as a pup, his shoulders were broad and his mouth wide. I wanted a community of pups on the island that held a hierarchy and this little tyke would defiantly be up there with the alphas. Nomax using a short silver studded slave stick poked around at the boys as he showed of his stock.

"See how well endowned he is," Said Nomax using his stick to hold the boy's cock away from his balls, "6 inches [15 cm] on such a young boy is very unusual."

The boy was blushing and it was obvious that if he could he would have tried to get away from the three grown men inspecting him like a piece of meat, at the very least he would have liked to have used his hands to cover himself up from our prying eyes. Instead he blushed red and carried on staring directly ahead as we walked around him.

"Is he a virgin?" asked Ryan, the boy's eyes angrily flicked across to look at Ryan and then almost immediately realising his mistake, returned his gaze to the front.

"HOW DARE YOU!," bellowed Nomax into the boy's face and with violent jab he pressed his stick into the boy's balls and released a charge that made the boy drop at the knees and hang from the post by his hands. I smiled as further down the line one of the smaller boys lost control of his bladder and pissed all over the floor.

The boy next to him was 14 and also had good pup potential. Although this one would defiantly be a bitch as his arse had a certain plumpness that made it inviting for a fuck. My plans for a bitch pup was to use Ryan's genesplice technology to alter the size of their genitals but increase their sensitivity. Their cock and balls would then be permanently tucked away tightly in a golf ball sized spherical pouch made of soft velvet self cleaning material that would act like a clitoris and be porous enough to allow the bitch to squat in order to piss. An alpha would be forced to spend time licking his bitch to stimulate it enough to freely offer up its hole for the dog to use. Ryan had got very excited when I first mentioned the idea and had been drawing up all sorts of additional plans.

The third boy in the line just did not look right, his face had a certain uneasiness about its features that would make it unpleasant to look at. Of course it could be reconstructed and made prettier, but then not every boy was going to get the opportunity to be a toy so I was quite prepared to reject offerings. However, I had already decided I needed to increase my staff so the general day to day chores of running my business and even my household could be carried out without me ever having to concern myself with them. This boy could defiantly be employed in such a way and I was playing around with the idea of covering them from head to toe in rubber and calling them my House Monkeys. The thought of Eddie overseeing a tribe of helpful house monkeys was very appealing and I'm sure Eddie who had always shown an aptitude for a more dominant role would be delighted. Or perhaps I would just use this one to experiment on so I could perfect some of my techniques before I began working on the boys properly.

The fourth boy was a contender to be a little baby boy, A freckly little button nosed 12 year old with short brown hair and a slender but curvy frame. He had been the boy who had lost control of his bladder when the first boy had been punished, a puddle of his piss had formed around his feet and Lex was stretching forward on his lead to get at it.

"Go on then," said Ryan and slackened the lead so Lex could move forward and start lapping up the piss on the floor.

The kid, to his credit remained still and ignored the boy pup lapping up the piss. He was perfectly smooth and looked like the kind of boy who you could spend the day cuddling up to. My darker side also felt a strong urge to spend some time torturing such a cute little creature. I was surprised to see that even in this intimidating environment the boy's pert little cock stood erect and slightly moist at the uncut tip obviously enjoying the feeling of Lex's long tongue licking the piss from his legs. This boy defiantly had potential. Ryan pulled his Pup back from the boy before it got too carried away.

The fifth at 15 was the oldest and also had potential, I just couldn't think of what. To be honest, by the time I got to Boy 5 I was already feeling a little overwhelmed. I would definitely take him, but spend some time pondering what I would do to him. Maybe I would just be conventional with this one and keep it as a slave. I would always need something to treat as a urinal or an assistant in the labs. The decision could be made later, no need to rush such things.

The sixth and final boy was another baby contender, aged 14 and extremely short for his age he looked like the sort of kid that would constantly be up to mischief. The idea of having a boy that would need regular punishment had been an idea I had played with but had dismissed thinking it best to concentrate on creating one such toy at a time. But now I got to thinking that this kid might be better turned into a boy of a more toddlerish age. Maybe not even being kept in diapers, perhaps training pants and at the constant point of being potty trained. Yes, this boy could be an older baby, more of a big brother to Tyler, sometimes bully and sometimes protector. Inquisitive and constantly getting into trouble and disappointing his Daddy that he would eventually come to absolutely adore. Something I would discuss with Ryan later.

This was all getting too much for me and I could see that Ryan was also getting overwhelmed. Not wanting to spoil any of the merchandise I invited Ryan and Nomax to one of the lounges so we could discuss terms of payment.

As we sat and haggled over payment Nomax entertained himself by bending his slave over his lap and working his fat swollen hands into the boy's arse. The boy to his credit remained silent despite being in obvious discomfort. It amused me to think of how this abuse made me feel. If the boy had been a few years older, I probably would have been turned on by seeing such abuse and humiliation, but as the boy was only about 6 I felt for some reason appalled and disgusted. But not because I thought the boy was too young to be treated in such way, but more that the boy was too young to really appreciate and understand the degrading treatment he was receiving..

Nomax and his slave handlers left later that evening accompanied by a box full of cash and a promise of more of the same if his future products were of equal quality. Before they left I had Eddie photograph them and the handlers assist me in getting all but one of the new purchase secured into a stasis booth where I would leave them until I was ready to begin work on them. The one boy not secured was the oldest boy that I had no real plans for. This boy I had shaved and placed in a cage in my playroom. Later that evening Ryan and I had our own private little party whilst Eddie was charged with settling Tyler down in his nursery.

Chapter 3
The Program Begins

We began to refer to the boys collectively as the stock and until I chose new names for them we referred to them individually as Boy 1 to 6 as that's what Eddie had written on the back of the photographs he had taken of them that were now pinned up on my study wall. Apart from Boy 5 that is, who was the only one that had not been placed in storage whilst we put the final touches to the plans. Boy 5, I had decided to call Cunt and keep as a slave using only traditional training methods to get him into the slave mind-set. I know that calling a slave Cunt is a bit of a cliché, but it's a name I found always reminded a slave of their place in my world. Whilst I continued to make preparation I didn't want Cunt to be a distraction to me or Ryan, so I had him bound and hooded and thrown into one of the cages in the playroom. Eddie was tasked with making sure he was watered, fed and cleaned. A task I know Eddie delighted in as his chastised state had not been altered since he had first arrived and I could tell he was beginning to get incredibly horny. When a chastised Eddie got horny he would release his sexual frustration by committing little acts of brutality on the slaves he was able to dominate. Both Tyler and Lex were out of bounds to such treatment from Eddie, but Cunt defiantly wasn't and on more than one occasion Eddie had reported that he had had to crush Cunt's nuts as an incentive to get the boy to eat the liquidised leftovers that had been prepared for him.

For the rest of the stock I finally settled on the following.

  • Boy 1, Age 12 - Possible Alpha Pup
  • Boy 2, Age 14 - Bitch Pup
  • Boy 3, Age 13 - A Possible Present for Eddie
  • Boy 4, Age 12 - Possible Baby
  • Boy 6, Age 14 - Definite Toddler
After careful consideration and discussion with Ryan I settled on starting the process with two of the boys at once, Boy 2 and Boy 6. The first members of my family were going to be my bitch pup and my little toddler boy and Ryan and I were both in agreement that this complimented the make up of our current family.

We spent a few more days making the final preparations and then we began.

Two huge glass cum tanks had been built in the conversion lab and filled with warmed bull's cum. Ryan and I, dressed in white cotton medical suits, checked we had all the equipment we needed and that Eddie had finished getting it all ready overnight. The boys had been removed from storage and laid out on top of two gurneys placed at the front of each tank. Using a thick dilapidation paste both boys had been stripped of the light fuzzy teenage body hair that covered them and fitted with thick padded rubber mittens and the reprogramming strips across their heads that would allow me to project specific thoughts directly into their confused and frightened minds.

A chip was inserted into the arm of each boy that would react with them at a genetic level and halt any unwanted development and ageing in the boy. These devices were extremely expensive and dangerous if left fitted for more than a few years. Eventually these boys would need to grow up as their cells would still age albeit much more slowly.

Hoods that Ryan had designed which were advanced versions of the ones he had used for Lex and Tyler were placed on them that totally sealed them off from any external sight and sound apart from the tiny headphones inserted into their ears. Through these the conditioning recordings we had prepared could be played to them that would help re-enforce the mental changes I would be making to them. Once on, the thick padded hoods would mould to the boys' faces and become a second skin until they were removed. Tubes were pushed through seals on the front of the hoods and down into their mouths and noses. Air would be pumped through the nose tubes effectively forcing the boys to breathe at a controlled rhythm and the mouth tubes would be used to feed them their new cum diet. The hoods secured around their necks with locks were totally impenetrable meaning that the boys could be left unbound in their tanks as there was no way they could remove any of the fittings that had been attached to them. Finally their tight little boy holes were plugged and catheters pushed down into their cocks so the remainder of their bodily functions could also be controlled. I took my time over fitting the plugs as there is nothing like playing with a helpless teenage boy's virgin little hole. Obviously it would have been a 100 times better of the boys had been awake and able to plead with me to stop. But there would be other boys and other occasions to play such games.

Whilst all this was going on Eddie scooted around us with a video camera recording all the activity so I would always have a permanent record.

Once we were sure that both boys had been fully prepared a winch was pulled down from the ceiling and attached to clips on Boy 2's mittens. The boy was raised and moved across to the opening at the top of the adjacent tank and slowly lowered into the thick gloopy liquid. When only the boy's mittens were visible the clamp was released and the boy slipped slowly down to the bottom of the tank. Ryan checked the monitor on the control desk to confirm the boy's vital functions were all operating normally. When he was happy that everything was as it should be he pressed a switch to turn on the antigrav generator at the base of the tank which held the boy in suspension preventing him from falling to the bottom of the tank. Lights shining up from the floor of the tanks made the cum opaque enough to see the shape of the boys as they floated around inside.

"One boy in the womb," Ryan said with a wide grin on his face.

Once we had completed the same process with the second boy in exactly the same way, Eddie and I sat down at the control desk facing the tanks and initiated the reprogramming system so that we could wake them from their enforced sleep. Suspended in a state of sensory deprivation and with their last memories being my inspection and the slave handlers forcing them into the stasis boxes, the shock of waking up in a blind and death state with tubes and plugs invading their body was obviously traumatic and for a period they flayed around inside the tank trying to find an understanding to the position they were in. Little did they know that the tanks would soon become an environment they would look forward to returning to as at least whilst they were there they would not be feeling any pain.

I stood back to look at the effect of the two boy shaped shapes floating around in the white creamy fluid. The effect was very artistic and I began to think about building these tanks into the wall of my study or bedroom so I could display them as artworks.

Once the boys had settled down I printed out two labels with the names I had chosen for each boy and stuck them onto the side of the tank. My new Toddler Boy was going to be called 'Benji' and my new Bitch Pup was going to be called 'Trixie'. I know it's such an effete name, but the idea of calling this little puppy slut Trixie amused me. Ryan programmed the conditioning system so that at random intervals each boy would hear their new name repeated softly in their ears which would help them begin to associate themselves with their new names.

With nothing left to do for now Ryan and I retired to the playroom to give Cunt some attention.

Chapter 4
Playing with Cunt

We entered the playroom having changed from our lab clothes and put on matching rubber body suits. Eddie accompanied us dressed only in a Jockstrap and Boots holding Lex on his lead. I enjoyed seeing Ryan all dressed up. In his rubber he looked formidable and I know the Cunt would be terrified at seeing us.

As I had said before Ryan had often let me play with Lex and Tyler, but I had held back my true nature slightly out of respect to how he liked his toys to be treated. Ryan had already told me how much he looked forward to playing with the Cunt in a way he didn't feel was appropriate for his own toys. I had also held back from playing to heavily with Eddie as he had grown to an age that I found less appealing sexually. But now I had my own toys and one in particular ready for some proper traditional attention from his new Master. He had been housed in his cage for a few days now, we had brutally raped him the first night and then left Eddie to deal with him until we had finished getting the first two boys ready for conversion.

"Let Lex free and get Cunt out of his cage and displayed in front of us," I ordered Eddie.

"Yes sir," replied Eddie. Who then opened the cage and pulled the unhappy helpless boy out by his foot onto the cold hard floor of the playroom. "Stop fucking crying and kneel before your new master," snapped Eddie.

The boy knowing the pain that Eddie could cause him quickly pushed himself up onto his knees in front of Eddie. SLAP, Eddie struck the boy across the face, "Not me you stupid Cunt, This is your Master," Eddie said indicating over to me, the boy looked confused for a second and then shuffled round on his knees. "Faster than that," Eddie bellowed at him and using his foot shoved the boy hard in the back so that he fell sprawled out at my feet.

"Present Cunt," shouted Ryan.

"Up on your knees," Eddie screamed.

The boy remained on the floor with his hands wrapped around his head sobbing and pleading in a hoarse broken voice for mercy.

"Eddie, get the prod," I instructed.

Eddie retrieved a cattle prod from a nearby cabinet.

"Get this worthless piece of shit up on his knees in the presentation position," I instructed.

Eddie came forward and placed the end of the prod between the boy's exposed arse cheeks and released a charge that sent the boy flying across the floor once again. Eddie walked over to where the boy was now curled up in a foetal position and leaned down, He pulled the boy's legs apart and before the boy could react had settled the prod onto the boy's scrotum and zapped him again. This time the boy let out an ear piercing scream and doubled back over crying louder than ever.

"I said on your knees," he screamed at the boy.

He grabbed the boy by his hair with one hand and with the other he pushed the end of the prod between the boy's lips so a good 4 inches [10 cm] of it filled the boy's mouth and pushed down into the back of his throat.

"Kneel Before Your Master Cunt."

This time the petrified boy obeyed and shuffled up onto his knees and across the floor, all the time choking and gagging on the prod pushed down his throat.

"Look at that," said Ryan pointing to the puddle of piss the boy had left behind. He clicked his fingers to get Lex's attention who had wandered off to sniff around the cage "go get it boy." Lex padded over to the puddle and dropped down onto his back to roll around in it.

"Disgusting little Pup," I laughed.

Cunt arrived at my feet, his knees and feet grazed scratched from his journey across the floor. With tears still streaming down his face he looked up at me with a pleading look. "Don't look at me Cunt," I shouted at him and Eddie used the prod in his mouth to pull his head down so he faced the floor.

"Looks like you have a lot to learn," I said to the boy as I unzipped my fly and took out my cock, I indicated to Ryan and Eddie that they should do the same and position themselves around the boy. Pointing my cock at him I began to piss and the others quickly followed. The snivelling crying boy knelt in front of us as we all splashed our urine across his body, face and hair.

"Open your mouth," I ordered and this time the boy obeyed straight away. I let my stream of piss work its way up his naked body until I was pissing directly into his mouth.

"Swallow it Cunt," shouted Ryan and the boy reluctantly began to swallow.

Lex was in piggy pup heaven as he rolled around in all the bigger puddles we had created and began to lap at the floor.

"Here boy," I said and grabbed him by his collar pulling him up onto Cunt so he could lick the piss from the slaves bruised face.

The boy was now even more petrified as this strange rubber clad boy beast clambered over him, his dick had shrivelled up tightly against his balls and he was visibly shaken with fright.

"Eddie, you remember the basic rules I expect of all my slaves don't you?"

"Yes sir," he replied.

"How long do you think it will take to train Cunt here to follow them?" I asked

"A few hours for the basics sir if your happy to let me be a bit creative in how I go about it."

"You have free reign," I said, "But first I want to see this boy fucked by this dog."

Ryan looked across to me "He's never fucked anything before," he said.

"He will soon have a bitch to lord over," He should have a chance to develop his technique.

"I guess," responded Ryan

Lex, who after all was a hormonal teenage boy under all those Puppy mannerisms was obviously excited about the idea and pulling away from Cunt sat up panting in front of his master with both paws held up in front of him and his long tongue hanging out.

"You want Cunt Boy?" Ryan asked reaching down to stroke the pup's head. Lex barked his response and wagging his tail with excitement started to make a small whining sound.

I reached down and pushed Cunt's head towards the floor, Eddie pushed the boy's arse up into the air by pressing the end of the prod once more into the boy's balls.

"Go on then boy," said Eddie and Lex bounded round behind the boy, jumping up and placing his mitten clad paws onto the boy's back he started to try and stab his rubberised cock into the boy's arse showing his eagerness to prove what a big dog he was."

"Help him Eddie," Ryan ordered

Eddie reached down and took the pup's cock and guided it towards the boy's tight little hole, With a hand on the pup's arse he guided the dog forward until the head of the pup's cock pushed into the boy. The boy began to scream at the invasion into his tight un-lubed hole and tried to move away from the pain. Eddie lent forward and slapped him.

"Stay where you are Cunt, If this pup wants to fuck your worthless little arse then you will let him."

"You're a worthless slave," I added, "Even this pup has authority over you."

Lex began to move his cock in and out of the Cunt in rapid jabs, with Eddie still guiding him he would on every dozen or so strokes push himself deep inside the Cunt. To all of our amazement he seemed to be a natural little fucker, switching positions from holding his back upright by resting his paws on Cunt's back as he took his quick rapid stroked and leaning into Cunt with his paws wrapped around the slave and biting into the slaves back as he pushed deep inside.

Ryan was grinning with pride at his pup "Good boy Lex," he said as he patted the dog. "Going to have to get myself a new little virgin pup though"

The Cunt trapped under the rampant Lex bawled and howled with each stroke and bite, which seemed to just spur the Puppy on more.

This was indeed hot and both Ryan and I were wanking ourselves to orgasm as we watched the pup fuck his practice bitch whilst Eddie, frustrated and horny but knowing his place and not complaining about being denied his own orgasm, was leaning down to help the Pup with his first fuck. It wasn't long before Ryan and I pumped hot thick ropes of cum over the boys at our feet, as cum splashed onto the Cunt's back the Pup, still fucking away, eagerly dived down to gulp it up not caring if he bit into the Cunt's flesh as he did so.

"Clean us up Eddie," I commanded and Eddie scooted away from the fucking Pup who now had the hang of what he was doing and kneeling down before us, used his tongue to lap the sticky cum off my cock before moving over to do the same for Ryan.

"Lets go," I said to Ryan, "Eddie, start training the Cunt so it knows how to behave in front of its Masters."

Lex was still eagerly fucking his prey, its extended rubber cock would never soften and the Pup had the energy to keep going even though his real cock buried deep inside its rubber sheath had long since spurted its load of boy juice.

"Damn, I'm proud of that dog," said Ryan as he clipped the lead back on Lex. "But I think I need to do a re-design on the cock sheaves."

Later that evening we left a happy and satisfied Pup playing with Tyler in the lounge and went to checked on the boys in the conversion lab, both had stopped struggling and hung motionless in their cum tanks, the display on the side of the tanks showed that both were in fine health considering their predicament and that they had both had half a litre of Guerrilla cum pumped into their throats within the last hour. Now that they had calmed down we could move to the next phase of their reconditioning and I initiated the programme that would start to introduce the concept of being devoted to their Daddy and Master. As each boy dozed they would dream of a man who would one day come and rescue them from this evil predicament, not a fully focused dream as yet, but one that would grow more and more vivid for them and their training progressed.

Chapter 5
Further Developments

Cunt had learned his lessons from Eddie well. He sat before me on his knees with his eyes cast down, his hands clasped behind his back and his tongue hanging out. Eddie had obviously had to go quite hard on him to get him to comply with the rules of his new life as the boy's body was covered in welts and bruises, his pretty face swollen and grazed from the punches he had taken.

I had stood at the playrooms viewing gallery to watch Eddie's technique. The boy had been secured by a chest harness to a long chain hanging down from a winch in the centre of the room. Eddie allowed it to be slack when he was instructing the boy so that he could move and when the boy failed in his tasks the chain was tightened so the boy was hanging and Eddie had a stationary target to use various punishment instruments. Cunt was learning all about slave positions and the appropriate way to present itself to its Master. I had watched Eddie strike the boy with paddles, whips, floggers and his own fists. It very much reminded me of how I had broken Eddie in when I had first taken him on as a young 15 year old.

I waited until Eddie had finished getting the boy to lick up his own blood from the floor before I entered.

"Kneel before your Master Cunt," Eddie had said and the boy immediately spun round on his knees and assumed the greeting position. Eddie stood behind the boy with his feet apart and hands behind his back, his own face cast down.

"Show me what the Cunt has learned."

"Present Position 1," commanded Eddie.

The boy spun round and dropped his arms and head to the floor whilst raising his arse high.

"Presentation Position 4," Eddie commanded again

The Boy quickly sat up on his knees clasped his hands behind his back and leaned his head up to the ceiling opening his mouth into a wide yawn. Eddie took a long 12 inch [30 cm] dildo from the cabinet and pushed it down into the boy's gaping mouth like a bird feeding a chick. To my amazement the boy managed to swallow the whole thing so that only the rubber balls at the base of the dildo rested against the boy's chin.

I raised an eyebrow and looked across to Eddie "That's very good, how did you get him to loose the gag reflex?" I asked.

"Trial and Error Master," Eddie replied. "I filled him up with cum and kept stuffing cock down his throat, every time he puked I made him lick it up and then we carried on until he learned not to gag."

"Very enterprising," I said, feeling somewhat impressed by Eddie's creative imagination.

"Presentation Position 1," ordered Eddie

With the dildo still buried down the boy's throat he returned to his previous position with his arse raised high into the air. Eddie reached down and pulled the dildo from the boy's throat and brutally reinserted it fully into the boy's arse.

The boy squeeked at the shock of the sudden intrusion, but made no other sound and seemed to accept the dildo stuffing him, presumably because he had spent many hours getting to know it.

"What is your name?" I asked the boy

"My name is Cunt, Master," replied the boy slurring the words as he struggled to open his bruised mouth.

"What is your purpose Cunt?"

"To obey my Master."

"Lick my boots Cunt," I commanded.

The Slave dipped its head forward and began to wipe its swollen tongue across my boots.

"Good, you have done well Eddie. Secure the Cunt and come to me in the outer lounge."

I turned and left the room.

Adjacent to my playroom I had fitted a lounge area where a more relaxed style of play could occur or a breather could be taken from the intense scenes that often occurred inside my playroom. Eddie soon followed me through and took up his standing present position in front of me. I looked him over, his time with the Cunt had obviously taken it out of him somewhat as his own body was sweaty and dirty with flecks of blood on the jockstrap the only article of clothing I had allowed him to wear whilst he had been attending to Cunt's training.

"You have done well Eddie, I made a good decision in buying you back even though it cost me more than I sold you for."

"Thank you master."

"You have changes since I last owned you, you have more of a dominant side to you."

"Yes sir."

"Do you still enjoy being my slave?" I asked "You may speak truthfully and freely."

"Yes Sir, I do. I was so pleased when I found I would be returning to you 3;"

"Carry on Eddie, you have more to say I can tell"

"Thank you Sir, Its just that I have noticed you have also changed, what your doing here is beyond anything I have ever seen before"

"Does what is going on here interest you?" I asked

"Oh, yes sir. Very much so."

"That's good as I want to get you more involved."

I reached forward and took hold of his chastity cage and reached into my pocket to remove the key for the lock, Eddie looked up into my eyes and quickly reverted his gaze back to the floor.

"That's okay Eddie," I said, "Its about time you had a promotion I think." I unlocked the chastity cage and freed up his cock. "You will always be my slave and will always be subservient to me and Ryan and anyone else I invite here that I consider my equal. But every slave I have here will be your inferior and every boy will be your equal."

"Thank you Sir," Responded Eddie with a massive grin on his face.

"You know the difference between a slave and a boy don't you?"

"Yes sir, Cunt is a slave and Tyler is a boy, Benji will also be a boy."

"That's correct."

"But what about Lex and Trixy Sir?"

"That's a good point, they are pets and your job will be to help me train and care for them, when I allow it you may also play with them."

"Very well sir."

As his chastity cage came off Eddie's cock lept to attention at its full 4 inches [10 cm]. I looked at the small cock which looked odd on such a healthy muscular boy. But not surprising after years of being locked away and only allowed to become fully erect a few times a year the muscles wasted. Eddie spotted me looking and blushed.

"Go clean up and report to Master Ryan in the Conversion lab and he will use some of his techy trickery to increase the size of this," I said as I reached down and tugged affectionately on his little dick.


"Yes Eddie."

"Does this mean that I'm no longer to be kept in chastity."

"For the time being Eddie, If I find your enthusiasm for your work lacking I will cage you once again or even have Ryan reduce it until its too small to do anything with, but for now your free to use your cock as you wish on any of the slaves here, although currently there is only Cunt, but I'm sure he will be obliging especially as I'm putting you in charge of his training."

"One more thing Eddie," I said and handed the boy a little black box surrounded in a blue ribbon

"For me Sir," asked Eddie.

"Yes, open it."

Eddie opened the box and found a solid silver cock ring inside engraved with my name and a statement that Eddie was my property.

Cruelly the work that Ryan carried out on Eddie's cock meant it was going to be a least a week before he was able to use it without any discomfort, But Eddie being trained as a lover of pain didn't wait that long before he found a home for his new 7 inch [19 cm] rod inside the Cunt.

Chapter 6

Back in the Conversion labs the boys had now spent seven days floating around in their tanks. The conditioning information being piped into their ears and influencing their imaginations had been kept subtle but constant and every hour they were delivered a fresh mouth full of animal cum which they had no option but to swallow down. Each morning we would induce a deep sleep in both boys and remove them from the tanks so that their bladders and bowls could be drained and an injection of vitamins could be given. But other than this, their time in the tanks was constant.

"Now that seven days have passed they will have developed a level of familiarity with their surroundings. Its time to start the next phase," Ryan explained. "It's not good to let them get too settled."

We had decided that we would only remove the boys one at a time from their tanks so that we did not get ourselves confused or risk either of the boys becoming aware of the other.

I decided that Trixie was to be first and ensuring he was induced into a deep sleep we raised him out of the cum tank, placed him on a gurney and disconnecting him from the life support tubes.

"Before we do anything else we need to make sure his airway is clear and its good opportunity to start work on his tongue," explained Ryan. He then reached into the seal at the front of the boy's hood and pulled the boy's tongue through so he could fit the clamp to stretch the boy's tongue. Once happy it was securely in place we wheeled the gurney through to the wet room so we could clean the spunk from him.

"The cum seems to be making his skin softer," I said.

"Yes it does that," replied Ryan as he used a sponge to wipe the boy down.

Once cleaned off we pushed Trixie into the medical room and strapped him onto a surgical chair Ryan had designed that allowed us to adjust the position of the boy so we could pretty much have him placed at any angle we needed. Ryan lifted the boy's feet into stirrups that held his legs apart and exposed the plug in the boy's arse so he could more easily remove it, whilst doing this I began to pull out the boy's catheter.

This phase of Trixie's transformation I was happy to let Ryan lead as it would mainly involve the use of the technology that he had developed. But I still wanted to ensure I kept control of the overall process.

"First thing we should do is wake him," I said, "that way he can get to feel what's going on even if he can't see or hear."

"Sure," said Ryan, "But he's going to scream."

"Kind of the point," I replied as I initiated the controls to wake the boy.

As he started to stir Ryan began to fill various syringes.

"So whats first?" I asked

"Injections first," replied Ryan, "This one will start to reduce the size of his genitals," and he pushed the long sharp needle of syringe into the boy's cock.

The scream from the boy was ear shattering and he would have broken free of his tongue clamp if the pain from that had not been just as bad.

"If he thought that hurt he's in for a surprise," said Ryan as he pushed a second syringe into the boy's scrotum.

Again the boy screamed and tried to thrash around in his bonds.

"Hold his head Matt," instructed Ryan.

I obliged and Ryan injected into the boy's exposed tongue.

The boy's screaming this time was gurgled as his tongue immediately swelled up.

"Last one," said Ryan in a mocking soothing tone and pushed the next syringe into the boy's arm. "That one is the one we developed that heightens sensitivity."

"Not so squeamish about that one is he?" I commented. "What's next?"

"We fit this into his arse," replied Ryan holding up a small chip. "It generates the hormones that will keep Trixie wanting lots of attention and stimulates the prostate to make getting fucked more enjoyable. Tyler has a similar one fitted and you have seen how much he loves having his Daddy's cock inside him."

Ryan pulled two latex gloves onto his hands, lubed up and began pushing three of his fingers into Trixie's already stretched little boy hole.

Again the boy began to scream, but Ryan kept pushing and after a while the hole opened for him and he had his whole hand inside the boy. Once he could get his hand in and out relatively easily he took the chip in with him and pushed it into the flesh up against the boy's prostrate. "When this little baby gets going he will be like a bitch on heat, desperate to have a cock in him," laughed Ryan.

"Will he be in that condition permanently?" I asked.

"Not unless you want him to be, you can programme it so he has periods where he is overwhelmingly horny, or you can just switch it on or off as you like using a control pad."

Ryan remained standing beside the boy with his hand pushed deep inside. "This will bond onto his flesh so there isn't any danger of him shitting it out," he explained. "I'm working on a sister chip for you that will fit into the Dog's penis sleeve and alert them when a bitch is nearby and on heat. Probably get it to do something like vibrate or stimulate extra sperm production."

"Fucking Hell Ryan, you really are an evil genius," I said marvelling at how creative and exciting Ryan's little inventions were.

I had already decided that only the alpha dogs would be fitted with one of Ryan's special tails, the Bitches would be tailless so their little bitch pussies were always available for use. The idea was that a bitch could not refuse the attention of an alpha pup.

"Now we need to stimulate the blood flow around his genitals so the drug flows through fully and they reshape evenly," said Ryan as he handed me a small cock whip whilst he started to push a steel sound into the screaming boy's urethra.

I began to whip the boy's balls and cock. Which invigorated the boy's screaming.

"When he is nicely swollen down there switch over to his tongue," Matt said, "When the swelling reduces he will be a lot smaller, we will repeat the process until you have got the size you want.

As I struck his cock and balls they grew swollen and red with tiny little welts appearing across them, but the skin never broke, I had after all, had many years experience of applying such treatment. Once they were fully covered, I switched to whipping the boy's tongue until that too was similarly swollen.

Once I was happy that this part of the treatment was completed we once more induced a deep slumber and provided the boy with a final injection to numb the pain. I only wanted him to feel the pain when he was out of the tank, inside the tank he would be free from all pain and come to think of his time there as a place of peace and refuge. Once safely back in his cum tank we began to prepare Benji for the start of his journey into becoming my little boy. Ryan had successfully created Tyler using his own methods, but had a head start as Tyler had already developed a taste for such treatment. This transformation would be a complete reprogramming, but more psychological and less physical than Trixie's as I wanted this boy to think and act like a little boy, but a boy who needed sexual pleasure from men and who would feel shame and embarrassment about some of the treatment he would receive.

The work we done on the boy outside of the tank was therefore much quicker. I was already happy with the size of the boy's pert little penis, I liked the way his tight little foreskin stretched across the tip. So we only injected the boy's balls so I could shrink them slightly to pull them more tightly into the boy's body to make him look more pre-pubescent. A chip was fitted to his prostate to give him the same joy from hiss Daddy's cock that Tyler got from Ryan's. But the chip wasn't as sophisticated as the one that had just been fitted into Trixie.

Once the work on Benji had also been completed and we returned them to their tanks we set up the next level of the psychological training. Trixie would now be programmed to take on the instincts and the actions of a bitch pup. Benji would be programmed to take on the actions and instincts of a mischievous little boy who loved his Daddy. Getting the conditioning programmes together was quite a laborious task and best explained by revealing the results than by writing about the work we carried out at this stage.

The final act of the session was to add an odour to the air supply being piped into the boy's nose. The odour was a synthesized version of my own body smell; a smell they would soon come to crave.

This process was repeated with variations on a daily basis until I was happy that Trixie's tongue had been suitably lengthened and his genitals had shrunk enough to fit into the little pouch we had designed to act as a little clitoris. Ryan had taken my idea further and designed the pouch so that the ring that fastened it to the boy would mould on permanently and would gently vibrate when being licked or stroked.

Benji also was coming along nicely and his balls had pulled back against his body giving his genitals the appearance of a 6 year olds, albeit more in proportion to the boy's actual 14 year old frame. Like Tyler I had also had the boy pierced with rings fitted to his scrotum, penis, nipples and septum.

Both boys had gone through 40 individual sessions of torment. When it was no longer necessary to whip their genitals I had switched to administering shocks through the electrodes across their body. In total they had spent three whole months undergoing treatment.

Trixie was now ready to move to the next phase and begin the training that would help with the physical adjustments of moving and behaving like a boy Pup. Ryan had persuaded me to take a back seat during this phase as he had developed the techniques he had used previously and wanted to surprise me with the results. I did however insist on being allowed to come a view some of the sessions and still had Eddie attend with the video camera so I could have a record of everything that went on.

Benji had already moved onto the intensive phase of his mental conditioning, a process which would take another four weeks. Those were very frustrating weeks for me watching him float around inside his cum tank getting prepared to meet his Daddy.

I was beginning to find taking part in the actual processes quite boring, I still wanted the end result, but the sessions with the boys became routine and lacked the sexual excitement I was hoping to feel. Eddie recognised this and began to take on more of the work so I could spend more time entertaining myself in a more traditional way.

Chapter 7
A Boy is Born

The physical programme to turn Benji into my little boy was now complete with the final session being the addition of a tattoo of a tEddie bear to his pubis so he matched the tattoo that Tyler also had. The next phase for him was to finalise the psychological development. I was nervous about this phase as until we removed Benji from his tank and woke him there was no real way of knowing if the procedure had been a success. Ryan was confident that it would work as he had already created Lex and Tyler, but I was not so sure as it had at times felt like we were making it up as we were going along.

If his conditioning had worked correctly he would wake up thinking that the day was like any ordinary day with no memory of the experiences he had undergone in the past three months although the trauma of those experiences would be buried deep down in his subconscious only to haunt his dreams and to drive him towards his Daddy for comfort. If Benji was a failure I would have been disappointed, but at least we could learn from that and try again, the other boys in stasis awaited their turns and I was prepared to deal with failures until I got it right.

The day I choose as Benji's birthday Ryan had called me into the playroom where I found Cunt kneeling on the floor with his arse high in the presentation position. Eddie had spent the morning looking after Tyler and had kept his wet night time diaper and had now wrapped it around the Cunt's head. With shackles on his wrists, ankles and collar securing him to the floor, the Cunt was going nowhere.

Eddie had taken to staying naked in the playroom apart from his boots and collar, he obviously enjoyed the feeling of having his new 7 inch [18 cm] dick swinging around and his cock ring kept him stiff and proud.

"I fixed up the Pup's cock sleeves," said Ryan as he walked in leading Lex who for some reason had an odd gait to his walk, "Your going to like this," said Ryan.

He pulled the Pup into a begging position so I could see the dog's new cock. "Looks just like the old one", I said "Just a little thicker. Did you fit the bitch on heat detector chip?"

"Indeed, look at his balls."

I looked down and saw that Lex's balls whilst still pulled back so they fitted between his arse were much bigger than they were previously." No wonder the pup was walking oddly, obviously getting used to having to move with his legs wider apart so that he didn't crush his own nuts.

"Now watch," Ryan unclipped Lex who bounded over to his prey and mounted the Cunt. This time he didn't need any help from Eddie to find the hole he wanted to fill. Rearing up on Cunt's back he pushed forcibly in and began to fuck the slave as he had done before his little puppy tail waggling around in excitement and his big heavy balls swinging forward and slapping against the Cunt's own bruised balls.

"Good doggy," coaxed Ryan

"After only a few short minutes Lex began to howl as he arched his back and thrust deep into Cunt's arse.

"He's really feeling his orgasm this time," said Ryan.

"Obviously," I responded, "But looks like he needs to build up a bit of stamina."

"He's feeling it more this time and he's not used to the sensation," said Ryan, "But keep watching."

As the Pup's orgasm subsided he leaned back over the Cunt's back and began to bite into the skin as he had done before. The Cunt underneath him began to moan and whine, his diapered head writhing around against the floor.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Once the Dog orgasms," replied Ryan, "The front end of the cock swells up so the cock is locked firmly inside."

"Wow, how long for?"

"Only for a few minutes, but it can be set to last as long as you want it to. I have also increased the amount of spunk he produces, right now he is still pumping cum into the Cunt's arse and enjoying his orgasm."

"That's bloody amazing and to be honest I'm a little jealous."

"I can fix you up if you want," Ryan said laughing.

"No bloody way am I letting you dabble with my bits like that," I replied joining in with the joke.

We left Lex to enjoy his time with the Cunt under Eddie's supervision and returned to the tasks that awaited us in the conversion lab.

Trixie floated around in his tank and would today be rested from any sessions ready for his pup suit fitting tomorrow. Trixie was now only a few days away from being completed and I could sense Ryan was eager to show me the results of his work. Today though, was Benji's day. The day my new little boy would be born. I was very excited.

Ryan had explained that the process of bringing Benji into the world was one that couldn't be rushed, he had been in an extremely deep trance like state for over a week now and had to be brought back from consciousness slowly. This apparently involved lots of tapping away at computers and so I soon grew bored and left Ryan to his work whilst I took a walk along the beach impatiently throwing sticks for Lex to fetch.

Finally after a few anxious hours I got a call from Ryan saying that he was ready.

We removed Benji from his tank whilst he was in a deep slumber and as we had now done many times before, washed him down to remove the animal cum that coated his body. Whilst still asleep his hood and tubes were removed from and I lifted him of the gurney so I could cuddle my little boy for the first time as I dried him off with a warm fluffy towel.

I dressed him in a pair of training pants and a set of soft cotton pyjamas and carried him through to the house where I had prepared a childs bedroom for him. The room was painted blue with large cartoon motifs of Teddy bears in bondage around the walls.

It wouldn't take him long to wake up, so I sat by his bed so his Daddy would be the first thing he would see.

It was the early hours of the morning and I had had a long night getting all the final preparations in place for my little boy and so I dozed off a little whilst sitting on the end of Benji's little boy bed. I awoke with a start realizing I had a pair of arms wrapped around me, looking down I saw Benji's little face beaming up at me.

"I had a bad dream Daddy," he said in a light croaky voice before burying his head back into my chest taking a big sniff of his Daddies smell.

"A bad dream? What was your bad dream about?" I asked my face breaking into a wide relieved grin as I reached my arms around him and pulling him closer to me.

He screwed his face up in concentration, "I can't remember Daddy."

"Its okay now little boy, Daddy's here," I said I gently stroked his bum. As I did so I could feel a warmth spread within his training pants.

"Have you just gone potty in your pants little boy?" I asked lifting him slightly so I could look him directly in the face.

"Yes Daddy," he replied blushing intently and dropping his eyes away from mine.

"Big boys like you shouldn't have little boy accidents in their pants should they?" I asked in a slightly more sterner tone.

"No Daddy," He replied sheepishly.

"Any more of those then its back to diapers for you," I said, "Next time you ask Daddy for potty."

"Yes Daddy."

"What must you do?" I asked, enjoying the feeling of shame my little boy was clearly experiencing.

"Ask Daddy for Potty," whined back the embarrassed boy.

"Lets get you changed then," I said and lifted him up and carried him through into his bathroom where I had installed a changing table so I could deal with the occasions when my little boy had his accidents.

I laid him down and pulled his pyjama bottoms down to his ankles, I ripped off his training pants and his little boy dick responded to my attention with the wet wipes by getting excited and poking straight into the air. "Excited little boy?" I asked as I sprinkled some baby powder onto his groin and across his little Teddy bear tattoo.

Benji giggled, "Yes Daddy."

I waited until he had softened again and then attached the little chain that hung from the ring under his scrotum to the ring that pierced the tip of the foreskin.

"Guess what?" I said.

"What Daddy."

"Its your birthday today."

His face lit up and I couldn't help laughing at how delighted and joyful he was, defiantly a big change from that scared little freckled face boy I had first met a few months ago.

I quickly changed him into fresh training pants and pulled his pyjamas back up and carried him through to my own bedroom. With Benji all the time giving me little boy kisses.

Excited though I was, it was still very early and I needed a bit more sleep. I stripped and climbed into bed pulling Benji in with me who giggled as he brushed up against his warm naked Daddy, I dozed off cuddled up to my new boy as he buried his head once more into my chest and sniffed the comforting smells of his Daddy.

I didn't sleep for long and woke with a start as I realised my cock was surrounded by two small warm hands, I opened my eyes to find Benji snuggled up to me holding my cock as he had been programmed to feel secure and comforted when he was able to hold his Daddy.

I reached down to remove the boy's pyjamas bottoms and handed him a small tube of lube. "Why don't you get Daddy's willy nice and lubed and then you can have your first birthday present of the day," I said.

Excitedly Benji scooted up on his knees and lent over me enthusiastically applying far too much lube to my hard cock with his small soft hands. Once ready I pulled myself up into a sitting position and brought the boy across onto my lap. He wriggled around a bit feeling my hardness slip around the smooth groove of his bum and tease his excited little hole.

"Sit up a bit little one," I said and the boy sat up whilst I positioned the tip of my cock at his hole. His own little boy cock pulling at its' chain in an attempt to fully stiffen.

With my hands on his hips I began to slowly guide him back down a until his hole stopped resisting the impending intrusion and began to open slightly to let me in; pausing so he could get used to the feeling and enjoying the anticipation of the tightness of his virgin hole.

"How does that feel little boy?" I asked.

"Wonderful Daddy, can I have more."

I began to guide him down but he no longer needed the encouragement and began to slip his bum down further onto my cock. I felt his little hole willingly open up to take my thickness and enjoyed the warm sensation of being inside my teenage sized toddler boy. Once 4 inches [10 cm] were inside of him I could feel myself push against his prostate and he gasped slightly before quickly pulling back.

I stopped him from pulling himself all the way off me.

"Did that hurt?" I asked

"No Daddy, it felt funny."

"Try again," I said and once again started to guide him back down. Obviously feeling a little apprehensive this time he slipped his thumb into his mouth. When I reached his little joy button again I held him down and let him ride out the feeling until he got used to it and recognised it as pleasure. It was obvious that he was not going to be able to take my full 9 inches [23 cm] without a lot more practice, but for now 4 inches [10 cm] was obviously enough as I could see his cock was already leaking boy cum out onto my chest.

I scooped his cum up with my finger and put it to his lips. His little tongue shot out to lick up the offering and his face broke into another wide grin.

"Will you teach me to fuck like you Daddy?"

Benji had been programmed to have a little dominant streak and I was determined to find a suitable subject for him to bully and to develop his own burgeoning sexual tastes upon. He was programmed with the need to force others to pleasure his cock, but his little cock wasn't really designed to please a man so I would eventually have to get him a little boy toy of his own.

"Not just yet little man."

"But I'm a big boy now Daddy."

"Yes you are, and Daddy will find something for you to practice on. But for now you need to learn how to be fucked," I explained as I slowly guided him up a little and brought him back down. I repeated this a few times and then let him take over. It wasn't long before he started to build up a little bit of speed.

"Not to fast Benji," I said "Daddy likes it nice and slow."

"Okay Daddy," he replied as he slowed down.

He returned to slow regular strokes and I started to coach him on how to use his muscles to milk me as he rode up and down my shaft. It took him a while, but when he got the hang of it, it drove me wild.

After a while I could feel myself building up to an orgasm.

"Hey Benji, Daddy's going to make cummies in your bum. When I tell you I want you to sit down on Daddy's cock as far as you can and squeeze your bum really tightly."

"Okay Daddy."

The boy repeated his bouncing on my cock waiting for his instruction.

"Okay 3; Squeeze down now," I said and as the boy dropped down I pushed up but still only managed to get about 4 inches [10 cm] inside of him.

As I began to pump my cum into the boy I could feel his muscles tighten around my cock.

"Keep squeezing and releasing little boy so your bum milks all the cum out of Daddy," I said and the excited little boy dutifully complied.

Once I had finished l lifted him off my cock I span him round and inserted a small boy sized plug into his hole.

"You can carry Daddy's cum around with you for a while," I said

"Yes Daddy."

We hugged for a while before I carried him through to the bathroom so he could take his first shower with his Daddy.

As I walked into the kitchen a little later I found Eddie dressed back in his suit feeding Tyler who was sitting in his high chair with Ryan eating breakfast reading a newspaper. Both Ryan and Eddie know to regard the day as another normal day and Tyler had spent the night being flooded with false memories of having an older cousin.

"Its my birthday uncle Ryan," said Benji running up to Ryan and wrapping his arms around him.

"It is indeed," he replied catching the running boy in his arms and lifting him high in the air. "Hey Tyler, Say happy birthday to Benji."

"Happy birthday Bengy," replied Tyler.

Ryan played with Benji for a few minutes and then sat him down at the table next to Tyler's highchair.

"Fix Benji his breakfast please Eddie," I instructed and lent across the table to Ryan and kissed him "Thanks bud," I said. "He's perfect."

"Cum cum please," asked Benji and Eddie dutifully obliged and filled up a plastic beaker with chilled ram's cum.

I sat back in my chair eating the toast the Eddie served me and watched as Eddie entertained to the two boys as he fed them their breakfast.

After breakfast I dressed Benji in a pair of light blue cotton shorts and T shirt with a cute "Daddies little Monster," slogan on the front. Grabbed a change of diapers that Eddie had prepared for me and with Tyler in his buggy and Lex bounding along at my side I took them for a walk down to the beach leaving Eddie preparing for the birthday party as Ryan continuing work on Trixie. Lex and Benji hit it off straight away and whilst I sat on the hot sand feeding Tyler a cooled bottle of cum both boy and pup rolled around in the sand and played chicken with the lapping waves.

As I watched them playing it dawned on me that I was very content and already had a little family. My relationship with Ryan had grown stronger and stronger and my feelings for Tyler were already paternal. I began to wonder if I really needed to create a third baby boy.

Chapter 8
The Birthday Party

Later that afternoon back at the house we held Benji's birthday party. Obviously it was never just going to be a conventional tea party with cake and balloons. Benji's birthday party was always going to be a kinkier affair than that and to be honest it would be Ryan and I who would have the most fun but the boys would get to play some rather interesting party games.

Both Tyler and Benji had been dressed up especially for the occasion with Benji wearing a cute little scout uniform and Tyler in a cub uniform. Both outfits being a present from Ryan who had a little fetish for boys dressed in such a way.

As Eddie would be helping the boys, Tyler in particular, he had dressed up in a Scout leader uniform so he could match with the boys. I had been tempted to make him dress as a clown. It would have been fun to watch the kinky clown scare the little boys.

The boys had been treated to traditional party food and had both had a bib placed on them to keep their little uniforms clean. Benji hadn't liked wearing a bib and had at first protested saying that he wasn't a baby anymore. But after being told that bad boys didn't get presents, he had relented and sat at the dining table with a little Teddy bear bib tied around his neck tucking into ice-cream and cake creating just as much mess as Tyler.

After the food and a little clean up, Benji had politely allowed Tyler to help him unwrap his presents.

Ryan had helped me create a mould of my erect cock which I had used to create a colourful silicon dildo for Benji to practice with. I wrapped it in a big bow and gave it to a delighted Benji who immediately tried to put as much of it down his throat as he could.

I had also bought a soft toy monkey, I got the toy a few weeks ago and Ryan had used images of it to implant into Benji's subconscious. When it had been unwrapped he clasped his hands in delight and welcomed it like a long lost friend. Boy and Monkey would be hard to separate from now on in and when misplaced my little teenage toddler boy would throw an anxious tantrum until the monkey was found and they were once again reunited.

Ryan had bought Benji a construction set obviously in the hope that he could foster a similar interest in inventing in the boy as he had. But he also bought a set of baby blue reigns that Benji had eyed suspiciously.

"For when you need to keep him close by," he had said to me when the present was opened.

A great idea as there would be times when I didn't want Benji to run off and I didn't want to have to collar the boy so I could attach a lead.

Ryan and I sat back and watched our little scouts play with their toys for a while. Lex lay obediently at Ryan's feet obviously feeling somewhat out shone by all the attention being lavished on the boys. But his time would come. Eddie sat with Benji and showed him how the construction set fitted together and Tyler sat happily watching sucking on the dildo model of his uncle's cock.

I hoped that future parties would be filled with more friends for Benji, but for now he had to make do with us.

"Quite like the idea of forming a little scout pack," Said Ryan as he rubbed his crotch.

"We could get them to earn special badges," I said warming to the idea myself.

At the back of my mind I began to fear the size of the population I could end up building as the process of creating boy toys was obviously a success and my mind now reeled at the possibilities we had to create all sorts of toys. I would need to spend time getting all these ideas into some sort of order and take them forward as a proper plan.

Once the boys had finished playing and eating Eddie asked if it would be okay for him to give Benji a surprise present. I agreed and we moved through to the playroom with Benji leading a tottering Tyler along by his hand. Eddie had decorated the room with balloons and streamers and moved all the equipment to an anteroom so the boys had room to move around. Currently the only thing in the room was the Cunt in his cage which Eddie had placed directly in the centre of the room.

The boys didn't often get a chance to come into this room as this is where their Daddies played. I would eventually build them a more suitably furnished playroom of their own. But as today was a special day I figured it didn't really matter.

The Cunt was obviously terrified having seen how the room had been decorated and for the first time seeing one of the teenage boys he had arrived with when first brought into my possession now dressed so childishly. There was obviously something new about to happen to him and past experience had taught him that whatever it was, it wasn't going to be pleasant. Well not for him at least.

Ryan and I took up seats on a sofa and Eddie served us drinks before turning his attention back to the boys.

"Who wants to play horsey with the Cunt?" he asked.

"Me Me," Said Benji raising his hand and eagerly eyeing the slave cowering at the back of his cage.

Eddie unlocked the cage and reached in to pull the kneeling cunt out by his collar.

"Presentation Position 1," commanded Eddie and the Cunt dutifully bent his head down to the ground and raised his arse high into the air.

From one of the equipment racks Eddie produced the tackle that would turn the Cunt into a horsey plaything for the boys. A saddle was fitted across his and back secured with straps running around under his chest, a bit shaped gag was pulled into the boy's mouth connected to a harness that pulled across the boy's head and ended in a set of reigns.

"Who wants to pin the tail on the horsey?" Eddie asked as he retrieved a long horsehair tail shaped so that it rose stiffly for the first foot and then flared out into loose hair.

"Me Me," repeated an excited Benji.

Eddie helped the boy position the large bulbous rubber end of the tail at the entrance to the Cunt's hole and with an enthusiastic push Benji drove it deep into the Cunt who yelped.

"Horses whinnie," yelled Eddie as he struck the Cunt across the arse with a riding crop and continued to do so until the boy started to whinnie and neigh like a horse.

Once Eddie was sure that all the straps were tight and secure, he helped Benji climb up onto the saddle and fit his feet into two spiked stirrups.

Ryan and I couldn't help laughing at the site of a teenage boy dressed as a boy scout sitting on top of another teenage boy dressed up as a pony. The size difference between Benji and the Cunt worked just right and Benji's feet dangled just far enough off the floor to be able to swing his legs in the stirrups.

"Giddy up Horsey," he said as he kicked the stirrups back into the Cunt's thighs so that the thin needle sized spikes entered the flesh causing small droplets of blood to appear.

The Cunt screamed through his gag before remembering his new instructions and turning his scream into a desperate sounding horse whinnie, then lurched forward blindly on all fours not being able to see where he was going due to the blinkers covering eyes.

Benji held on tight and using the stirrups and reigns encouraged the boy to move around the room, gathering speed until the boy had Cunt moving at quite a trot. Eddie continued using the crop across Cunt's arse reminding the boy to make his horse noises for the boy's entertainment.

The Cunt must have been mortified to be used in this way by a boy who was technically his own age and for all I know they may have even once have been friends.

Whilst all this was going on an excited Tyler had climbed up onto his daddy's lap and laughed along with us as we watched the hilarious scene unfold in front of us.

"Daddy, can I take the horsey outside," asked Benji.

Maybe after Tyler has had a ride I said and Eddie swapped the boys over. With Benji now curled up next to me on the sofa we watched as Tyler tried to imitate his new big brother. Benji got excited and kept jumping up to run over and point out where Tyler was going wrong. It wasn't long before the excitement got too much for both of them and Benji pushed Tyler whilst enthusiastically trying to help him guide the Cunt around the room.

Tyler fell from the saddle and began to cry. Eddie picked up the crying teenage baby to soothe him and I called Benji over to me.

"What did you just do?" I asked sternly.

"Nothing Daddy," he replied before adding "Sorry Daddy."

"You don't push Tyler," I said and pulled the boy across my lap whilst simultaneously pulling down his shorts and training pants.

"Don't spank me Daddy," he pleaded.

But it was too late as I began to spank the boy hard until his bum was a bright red.

"Now go stand in the corner until I tell you otherwise," I said.

With his shorts and pants around his ankles the embarrassed crying boy shuffled across the room and stood in the corner.

"Hands on head," I called as I looked over at the smirking Ryan who had been rubbing his cock all the way through the boy's spanking.

"I got to do something about this," said Ryan pointing down at the tent in his trousers.

I stood up and took the sniffling Tyler from Eddie and instructed him to attend to Master Ryan whilst I continued to calm the boy down.

Eddie dropped to his knees in front of Ryan and dutifully opened his mouth to take Ryan's cock.

"I think I need a fuck more than a suck," Ryan said and clicked his fingers to indicate that Eddie should turn around.

I had watched Ryan fuck before and he would often be quite gentle unless fucking the Cunt. He certainly never went rough on Tyler who would happily bounce around on his Daddy's thick cock. But to Eddie's surprise he was obviously in need to work through some pent up aggression as he laid into Eddie with a vigour that caught even him by surprise. When I asked him about it later he told me that he had thought Eddie was getting a little bit comfortable with the relaxed way I treated him and thought the boy needed a reminder about his position within the household. I suppose he had a point, but I also suspected that Ryan just found the idea of brutally fucking a boy in a scout uniform too much of a turn on to resist; especially as he would never fuck Tyler in such a rigorous fashion.

Whilst Ryan attended to Eddie I placed the now calmed Tyler back onto the Cunt and taking a lead attached to the boy's head harness, led the baby around the house so he could enjoy riding the horse.

Benji remained in the corner for half an hour before I called him over to me.

"Are you sorry for what you did?" I asked.

"Yes daddy," he replied still sniffling having spent the last half hour crying.

"You need to apologise for being a bully then," I said "I'm very disappointed in you."

"Sorry Daddy. Sorry for disappointing you," he said and began to sob again.

I pulled him closed and pulled up his pants and shorts before pulling him into a hug.

"That's okay little boy," I said, "You have had your punishment. But you need to apologise to Tyler and uncle Ryan."

I cuddled him for a bit longer and then gently slapping his sore bum I nudged him across to where Ryan sat with Tyler so he could go and apologise.

Sometime later the events of the horse play had been forgotten and we all curled up in the lounge to watch a film. Tyler and Benji, now dressed in their pyjamas, sat cuddled up between Ryan and myself as we reclined on a sofa. Benji had called his new cuddly toy Mr Monkey and was busy trying to keep ownership of it as Tyler had shown an interest in acquiring possession. For now it was just a game between them but I could predict that at some point there would be tantrums and I was interested to see how that would pan out.

The Cunt had been brought in from the playroom and was being kept busy washing the taste of Eddie's arse from Ryan's cock whilst I had Eddie between my own legs sucking gently on my balls.

Lex occasionally padded though resting a paw on one of our legs so we would remember he was there and scratch him behind the ear. The pup was obviously missing the attention and was stealthily trying to remind us of his existence. But ignoring him a little had been our intention as we wanted him to become less needy of human sexual attention so he was more ready to take control of his new bitch.

Benji had curled up beside me and was gently stroking my real cock with the fingers of one hand whilst holding the silicon version of the other up to his lips. I twiddled his nose ring a little and smiled down at him.

"I need potty Daddy," Benji informed me after a while.

"WeeWee's or PooPoo's," I asked

"WeeWee's," Benji replied. I could see somewhere in the back of his eyes a distant realisation that this was an embarrassing phrase for the 14 year old boy I had turned into my little 6 year old toddler. But his conditioning meant he had no control over his new personality and the vocabulary he used.

"Want to go WeeWee's like a big boy?" I asked and received an eager nod in response.

"Yes please Daddy, can I go weewee like you and uncle Ryan?" he asked.

"CUNT!" I called and the slave boy detached himself from Ryan and shuffled over. I pushed Eddie away and stood Benji between my legs. Pulling down his scout shorts and training pants I unclipped the chain holding his cock down and pointed his small cock towards the Cunt's mouth who, having developed an understanding that refusal to obey would mean punishment, had dutifully opened his mouth and extended out his tongue to provide a little shelf for Benji to rest the tip of his little boy cock on. The Cunt was used to Ryan and Eddie and myself pushing our adult sized cocks down deep into his mouth well past his gag reflex so we could piss straight down his throat. He had never had to cope with swallowing to keep up with the flow and I know he was going to have a problem.

I held Benji's little boy cock and pushed it into the Cunt's mouth, "Go on then little boy," I said and Benji began to unloaded his bladder into the Cunt.

"I'm a big boy," Benji exclaimed excitedly as he released all the fluids he had consumed during his party.

As I suspected the Cunt having got used to holding a cock deep in his throat was not used to having to drink piss in this way and couldn't swallow it down fast enough. As a result Benji's piss poured out of his mouth and onto the floor.

"You are indeed," I said congratulating the boy and pulling his shorts and pants back up.

I sat the boy back on my lap and looked down at the Cunt who obviously know that he had fucked up.

I kicked the boy in anger "How dare you spill piss on my carpet," I yelled at him. Eddie, see to it that this boy sucks all the piss from this carpet and cleans it fully, then take him back to the playroom and punish him." I instructed.

Leaving Eddie rubbing the Cunt's face into the piss soaked floor Ryan and I took the boys through to the bedroom where we stripped them and allowed them to play with their Daddy's cocks for a while before it was time to put them to bed.

Chapter 9
Puppies Play

I hadn't ignored Trixie, I just wanted to settle into a routine with Benji before I added anything new to the mix. Ryan had kept busy taking the bitch through the final stages of its transformation. This mainly involved lots of treadmill work to build the pup's physique; this would ensure the muscles it would use to move around in a dog like fashion were already well developed and the dog could move around with ease in a dog like way. The final touches to the mental conditioning were also carried out that would block the pup from being able to verbalise any sounds other than dog type noises.

The Pup's suit had been fully fitted a few days before and Ryan had since banned me from the conversion lab so the unveiling of his final adjustments would be a total surprise.

When the day came for Trixie to come into our lives properly I was just as excited as I had been when Benji was born. Once again I found myself walking along the beach in anxious anticipation of Ryan's call letting me know everything was ready.

Trixie was going to be an exciting addition to the family as he would add an additional element of kink that I couldn't achieve just yet with Benji, having decided to develop the boy sexually over time. Ryan was also excited as it allowed him to develop Lex's own puppy behaviour. The idea of Lex being an alpha Pup and having a bitch to use was very appealing to him.

I had left Eddie looking after Benji and Ryan whilst I took my walk and kept myself busy thinking of a way to thank Ryan for all his help and dedication to my little project. Well to be honest, it was really our little project as he obviously enjoyed what he was doing as much as I did.

When the call finally came I rushed across to the conversion lab to find a grinning Ryan standing next to a canvas covered cage. From inside the cage I could hear muffled scraping noises and a soft whining sound similar to the one Lex makes when he wants some attention.

"Is he in there?" I asked

"He is," replied Ryan and with a flourish he ripped the canvas from around the cage.

Inside the 14 year old boy I had earmarked as my new bitch pup was dressed in a short rubber body suit identical to the one Lex wore. His head muzzled as Lex's was from time to time, stared out at me from behind the bars, with a long pierced tongue flicking around the edges of his lips he was obviously anxious to be free of the cage so he could meet his master properly.

"Does Trixie want to come out and play?" I asked in a tone you would adopt when speaking to a real puppy.

Trixie yapped excitedly in response,

"His bark is more high pitched than Lex's," said Ryan, "I shrunk the vocal chords deliberately so we could tell them apart easily."

I unlatched the cage door and reached inside to grab Trixie's collar. The pup had become nervous as soon as the door had opened and I noticed that a puddle was forming on the cage floor.

"He will have quite poor bladder control for a while," said Ryan, "It will develop but for now when he is nervous or over excited he will piss himself a little."

"That will be great for the carpets," I said jokingly.

"Thought of that," replied Ryan "Lex has been programmed to love the taste of bitch piss."

I pulled the reluctant pup out from the cage and sat down to examine it properly. I rolled it over onto its back so I could examine the bitches clit. The small velvety smooth ball like pouch contained the boy's shrunken genitals perfectly and as I stroked it the pup began to whimper and lifted his mitten clad paws and legs up in a begging motion, obviously keen on the attention it was receiving.

"Likes having its clit stroked I see."

"Yes," replied Ryan, "if its stimulated for too long he will start to leak pre-cum."

"He can still cum then?" I asked.

"Not quite," replied Ryan "He leaks cum if his clit is stimulated or he has an anal orgasm. He also leaks a bit when he is on heat and I have added a chip to Lex so that his olfactory can detect the smell of bitch cum. When that happens it stimulates his doggy cock and makes him horny."

Once again my mad kinky inventor friend had outdone himself.

"Is he on heat now," I asked.

"Yep," replied Ryan as we both watched the cum seeping through the material covering my bitches little puppy clit.

I pulled the pup back onto its feet and moved it around to see how Ryan had worked the suit around the boy's arse. Not surprisingly, Ryan had created the suit so it fitted the curvy shape of the boy's rear. The rubber of the suit tightened as it run into the groove between his cheeks so that they were permanently pulled apart and kept the boy's hole exposed. Looking closer I could see that the rubber entered the boy's sphincter and a probe with my finger found that it was quite secure."

"Like what you done with his Pussie."

"Its good isn't it," replied Ryan "The suit stops just before the main sphincter muscle and stretches when it needs to without coming loose."

"Lets introduce him to Lex then," I said clipping a lead onto the pup's red leather collar and leading it out of the Lab.

I took Trixie into the garden so the pups could meet outdoors. Ryan went off to fetch Lex and I led Trixie around to test how well he moved as a pup. The physical training had obviously been a success as the pup was able to move a quite a pace on all fours, although Lex having had a few years head start was able to run around much faster.

When Ryan came into the garden Lex was already pulling on its lead and sniffing the ground, having already detected the presence of the bitch from the trail of cum it had left as I walked it around the garden.

We let the puppies off their leads so they could meet each other properly.

A barking Lex bounded over to a surprised Trixie who instantly rolled over onto his back, lifting his paws into the air to adopt a position of supplication. Lex at first growled at the intruder obviously confused that there was a presence of another dog in his territory, but then the hormones the boy pup was being flooded with took over and he began sniffing around the whining bitch until he found the source of the enticing smell. Without any further hesitation his long pierced puppy tongue began to lick around the bitches clit stimulating more leakage and driving the alpha pup even wilder with sexual energy.

"Whose that Lex," I asked in the tone I took when playing with the puppy "Is that your bitch"

Lex barked in response and then to my surprise moved up alongside Trixie and cocked his leg releasing a jet of piss from his cock all over the bitch pup laying underneath.

"Oh yes," a grinning Ryan said "Lex now likes to mark his property."

"Fuck Ryan, that's fantastic"

Once Lex finished pissing Trixie spun round and lifted himself up onto his paws holding his arse high into the air. Lex didn't need any encouragement and immediately began to sniff and lick his way around Trixies pussy.

"His prostate chip has just switched on," commented Ryan "Trixie is now in full slut mode."

Lex sniffed and licked for a little while longer and appeared a little hesitant to climb up onto his bitch.

"Go on boy," I said "Fuck your bitch."

That was the only encouragement the boy pup needed and immediately jumped up and wrapped his paws around the bitches back and stabbed his excited cock deep into the bitches pussy. Both dogs began to whimper excitedly as Lex began to rapidly hump his bitch and prove his credentials as an alpha pup.

The time Lex had spent practicing his technique on the Cunt had obviously paid off as after the initial attack he began to slow his thrusts and relax into his fuck.

"That's a good boy," said Ryan "You take your time and enjoy it."

Both pups were clearly enjoying the sex as Trixie was pushing back into Lex as much as Lex was thrusting forward. After a while Lex released his hug like grip and placed both paws onto Trixies back as he arched his own back and spilled his puppy cum deep into the bitches pussie.

Once the Alpha Pup had orgasm'd the mechanism in his puppy cock that prolonged the orgasmic high kicked in the pups became locked together. Exhausted they both fell to the ground and rested with Lex's cock still buried deep inside Trixies pussy and his paw wrapped around his bitch, both pups still feeling an orgasmic high lay panting on the floor.

"Think we should remind them both that they belong to us," I said to Ryan and we both took out our own cocks and pissed over the happy puppies.

We now had two modified and conditioned puppy boys to play with. For now the family was complete.

The End


This is the story of how I built up my little perverted family. I have told the story this far because it introduces the principle members of my family. From this point onwards things expand rapidly and a little community forms on my island consisting of like-minded people and their little boy pets.

There are many more adventures and they will be the subject of future stories.

Send feedback to the author through this feedback form with Fisal - The Toy Collection in the subject line.