PZA Boy Stories

Diabloa5 & The Aconite Acolyte

Proofreading, Research, & Added Dialogue by ColeEricEdwards

Dunn's Chronicles

Part 1: In Light and Chaos

Chapter 5½ Bonus

At the insistence of the boys, Thorvald agreed to take them to Six Flags Over Georgia immediately after breakfast was finished. He had hoped to enjoy them more intimately that morning, particularly Milo, whom he had yet to go all the way with, but he decided that he could delay that until after their return to the mansion later that afternoon.

He had Max make a couple of calls to the recreation park so that everything would be ready when they arrived. The flight would take just under an hour in his new Eurocopter X4, which was capable of achieving three hundred knots. When he gave the good news to the boys, they were quite exited and were once again the best of friends.

Once Max had made the announcement that everything was prepared, Thorvald, Milo, and Anthony took a five minute golf cart ride to the small heliport that was situated behind the mansion. Two helicopters sat there, the older one being a Bell 206 Jet Ranger, and his latest toy; the bigger, sleeker looking X4. The boys seemed to be gripped with awe as they stared wide-eyed at the two helicopters; perhaps they were thinking that the trip was going to be just as exciting as the rides at Six Flags.

Thorvald would have preferred to have Milo seated at the front with him, maybe sitting upon his knees, but he had promised Anthony the pilot's seat ride, knowing that the boy needed his attention. He was sure that something had gone wrong between Anthony and Greg during the night, and he had to do his best to fix it. Like Carl Fisher, he knew that he was always at the mercy of a boy that might talk too much, or talk to the wrong people. An angry boy could very well do just that, and once the story was out, it would be very difficult to subdue it. Such a thing had happened once before and only his influence and money had saved them. He did not want to endure that experience again. He trusted Anthony, and was mostly sure that the boy wouldn't expose him, but he thought that it was always better to be safe than sorry.

While the boys crawled around on the X4 and marveled at it, Ivor went through his checklist. Max had already gone through it, but Thorvald never started the helo until he had double-checked everything himself. First, he looked over the engine, then the oil and fuel levels, the rotor blades, the skids, belts, battery, clutch cable, and the lights. Then, he crawled into the cockpit and ran down the startup procedures. Once everything looked good, he placed his headset on and opened the fuel lines.

"Hey Milo," he said, motioning to the boy, "come here."

Milo stepped onto the landing skid and poked his head into the cabin. Thorvald would let Anthony ride in the pilot's seat first, but Ivor just had to let Milo start the vehicle.

"See this button?"

"Yes," Milo answered as he followed Ivor's finger.

"Press it."

Licking his lips in anticipation, Milo reached across Ivor's lap and pressed the yellow button. The engines began to howl as it warmed up, quietly at first, and then growing louder. Ivor looked out the canopy and waved Anthony in. The boy opened the passenger cabin door and crawled in, sitting beside Ivor. Milo walked around the front of the helicopter and sat beside Anthony, shutting the door behind him.

Ivor handed the boys helmets with a built-in headset, and they put them on. After making sure that both boys were buckled in, Milo nudged Anthony and pointed to another button, which Anthony pressed. The rotors began to spin above them, and the boys looked up through the greenhouse windows at the spinning blades, unable to keep the exhilaration from showing upon their faces.

"Okay boys," Ivor spoke into his headset, "here we go!"

Ivor lifted the collective lever on his left, and the rotors began to lean forward. The cabin started to shake a little, and then they began to lift into the air. Beside him, the boys squealed with delight. Ivor smiled inwardly, ah, the joys of youth. Once they were hovering a few feet in the air, Ivor pressed down on the left anti-torque pedal and the helicopter slowly began to rotate to the right. They continued to lift as Ivor eased off the pedal, and as he pushed the cyclic pitch control forward, they were off.

After the first five minutes of flight, Ivor readjusted his seat and invited a delighted Anthony to sit between his knees and have his first flying lesson. The boy listened attentively to Thorvald's instructions, and then put his hands under Ivor's on the pitch control. The man gave him some time to get the feel of it, guiding him for simple maneuvers, and answering his questions. Then Ivor pulled his hands away and settled them close by on the boy's thighs, leaving Anthony in charge. It lasted for almost twenty minutes, which seemed very short to the thrilled boy. The weather was perfect with close to no winds. In the end, Ivor was quite satisfied to share the experience with Anthony, who was intelligent and easygoing, and knew how to please him in more ways than one.

When they reached the theme park, they landed on a cleared area of the parking lot and Ivor began to shut the helo down. When everything was switched off, Ivor and the two boys left the cabin and headed toward the gates to the theme park. They were met by two attendants, Mark and Rose, who were there to cater to all of their desires. The attendants would clear the rides that they wanted to go on, point out the various attractions, and supply them with anything they wanted to drink or eat. Ivor and the boys received special VIP badges, and then they excitedly stepped into the park.

Anthony already knew the layout of the park and immediately began to voice his opinions about where to go, which rides were best, and which shows to catch. Of course, they had immediate VIP access, meaning there would be no lines for them to wait in, and they would always get the best seats. It also meant that they could go on any ride as many times as they wished. Ivor stayed with the two joy-filled boys, taking as much pleasure in their company as they did in the attractions. First up was Goliath, described by the park as a massive hypercoaster that drops you twenty stories at seventy miles per hour, and then drops you straight down before putting you into a 4G turn. Anthony went for the front row right away, while Milo was a bit hesitant. From the way the boy looked up at the thing, it appeared as though he wasn't sure that was where he wanted to sit. Thorvald of course, had ridden this beast on prior trips with Anthony and others, so he knew that it could be intimidating the first time.

"Okay, okay," Anthony said as he glanced back at Milo, "we'll sit further back, but just the first time around. Trust me, after you give it a try, you'll want to sit up front."

Milo slid into a seat a little farther back from the front, and Anthony and Ivor joined him. Once they were buckled securely inside, the ride operator gave them a thumbs-up and pressed a button on his control pad, releasing the brakes and moving the rollercoaster forward. It was a long climb up the track, straight towards the sky. Anthony had his hands up, and he goaded Milo as he looked over at the nervous boy.

"Come on, hands up!" Anthony urged.

Milo appeared a little scared, but adopting a false look of bravado, he put his hands up as well. The front of the coaster crested the top, and then quickly started to pick up speed. The boys were still sitting with their backs pressed into their seats and could see only blue sky. Suddenly the ground came back into view, and Milo let out an exhilarated, "holy shit," as a quick flash of light of the on-ride camera took their picture. The view down twenty stories wasn't the same as it was looking up.

The boys felt their backsides leave their seats as the straps held them to the car. Both boys instinctively dropped their arms and grabbed onto the safety bar tightly. The ground came up fast, giving the impression that they were going to crash into it. Then they hit the second drop, straight down. There was a feeling of weightlessness and a fluttering of butterfly wings in their stomachs as the boys held on for dear life. The 4G turn changed everything as it pushed them back hard into their seat. The skin on their faces was pushed back as the air rushed past, and they felt wild and alive.

The remainder of the ride wasn't so bad, a few sharp twists and turns, and a few bunny hops that left their stomachs hovering twenty feet above the ground. Finally, the coaster slowed heading into a stop in the station. Once they were back to the relative safety of the earth, the boys wobbled over to the souvenir stand to look at their picture. They both erupted into a fit of giggles when it appeared on the screen.

"You look like you're about to shit your pants!" Anthony said, doubling over with laughter.

"You grabbed the bar too, chicken." Milo shot back with a chuckle.

Both boys laughed and wrapped their arms around each other's shoulders. There were still many attractions to ride and much more fun to be had.

"Ok Milo, let's go on another one, but we're riding in the front row this time."

Milo's face gave him away; he wasn't ready yet, and this ride didn't do anything to help with that. He would prefer a safer ride, but also didn't want Anthony to think he was a wimp.

Anthony, at this point, had somewhat forgotten the past night with Greg. His excitement and enjoyment were at full peak. Nevertheless, as they went from one ride to the next, some of his resentment began creeping back into his young brain. It had been a brief time of bliss, but Ivor, as time went by, was beginning to neglect him again somewhat. The man seemed to be totally seduced and captivated by the newer, younger, Milo.

Milo himself was not completely innocent in their intense and frequent interactions. Touching, holding hands, fluctuating between laughter and speaking together in hushed tones, it seemed to any outsider to be the perfect father and son outing, as long as you did not notice the furtive kisses and caresses, the clandestine fondling that would happen when not within sight of others.

It was clear to Anthony that Milo was the star of this show, and he himself was merely a side attraction. He noticed Ivor's occasional effort to take him into account and please him from time to time, but the attention he received had felt forced. Obviously, Thorvald's true interest lay with the other boy. Anthony had been shaken by the events of the previous evening, and was trying to tuck those feelings away for now and concentrate on the fun, but the thoughts kept coming back again and again. Had it not been for that terrible night, Anthony would certainly have contented himself with all that was offered to him, which was a lot - certainly more than any normal boy could possibly dream of.

Milo, on the other hand, had decided to win Thorvald over and get invited to the mansion as often as possible in the future. He was not ignorant when it came to beautiful cars, expensive houses, and luxurious vacations; his parents had money too, and he knew well enough that these were things that many boys his age would often dream about. But the older man provided him with something else, feelings that were new to Milo; feelings of power and importance. Milo really felt different from all the ordinary, everyday people, far above them, in fact. He relished the grand treatment. To feel special, looked at, singled out; this was exactly how he felt now and had since they had arrived at the theme park. He could feel all the eyes of those common people fixed directly upon him, as they stepped aside to let him pass. To Milo, this was exhilarating.

Something special had clicked between Milo and Thorvald...rather Ivor. Milo had felt it when they had been left alone and he had been questioned about how he felt, and how it had been with Greg. The attention Ivor poured upon him, the way in which he listened. Then there was that treasure trove of costumes, which Milo enjoyed combing through, and then putting on an exhibition for Ivor. The way Ivor's eyes soaked up his body, the feel of his tender touches as his fingers gently caressed his skin. Milo was growing confident now that Ivor would be won over before the end of that wonderful day, if he wasn't already so. It had all come together for Milo; Ivor was clearly smitten with him. And yes, he was definitely ready to secure as many visits as he could with the older gentleman.

Thorvald was fighting a losing battle within himself; he had been for at least the last hour. All he could think about was tearing off Milo's few clothes and taking him; using the boy in all the known ways, and perhaps some unknown ways as well. Ivor's thoughts raced and darted about. He wanted to use Milo's mouth, his ass, thighs, feet, armpits, and belly; he wanted to revel in them and plant his seed everywhere. He had thoughts of his semen splattering across the boy's face and dripping off those rosy lips. Images flashed across his brain of the boy's bare chest, coated with cum, droplets of ivory semen staining those creamy thighs, soaking those bare pits, and spraying over the soft belly where it would collect into a tiny pool of sperm in the adorable little belly button.

It had been years since Ivor had been so infatuated by a boy. It was not that he lacked for boys in those years; quite the opposite, he had two or three "young servants" at his disposal in the mansion at all times. During his trips for business or vacation, Max always came through and provided more wherever he went.

Then there were the St. Xavier boys - these were the best, because they were not paid for sex. They were well-educated boys, many of them rather rich and coming from good families. They came to him of their own free will, and Ivor had to play at seducing these boys and see if he could get them to go further. Well, in fact it wasn't exactly like that, they were Carl's boys and came because Carl sent them, and for what they were told he had to offer them. Occasionally, there was the boy who did come for raw sex, and he didn't disappoint them, but it was the seduction game that Ivor enjoyed the most. Yet to Ivor, there was something more, something different in Milo.

Ivor's grooming seemed to have worked very well with Milo. Ivor wanted him badly; he had to have the boy now. He would never be able to wait until they got back to the mansion! Trying to pilot the helo with the boy on his knees in this state would be out of the question. Asking the park for a private place for an hour or two with the boys would be too compromising. A sudden arrival at a nearby hotel in the helicopter would also be too risky. No, he needed some relief right now. Then they could prepare their return trip to the mansion. They had been here at the theme park for over five hours now; he thought the boys would accept his petition for an early departure. Suddenly, Anthony returned to his mind. He had completely forgotten about poor Anthony and the attention the boy needed. He had been so caught-up with Milo; he had to redress that.

Errors often come from the best intentions. Ivor decided to solve both problems in the same manner. He quietly asked Anthony to join him in the restroom that was next to the arcade. He planned to achieve his relief while showing his enduring interest in the boy. After asking Milo to stand just inside the door and keep an eye out, Ivor took Anthony into one of the tiny stalls and locked the door.

The minute the latch was thrown, Ivor began to kiss and grope the boy all over his tender young body. Anthony, who had not been expecting such a fierce assault, allowed his instincts to take over and was soon in the right mood. Ivor could feel the boy's erection poking his thigh through the material of both of their pants. His own erection was jabbing Anthony in the stomach, just above the navel. Ivor wanted a fast relief, but he knew that he had to pay a little attention to Anthony if he was going to make things between them right again.

He coaxed Anthony to balance himself up on the toilet seat. The boy grabbed hold of the cubicle walls to steady himself while Ivor fumbled with the fly of the boy's pants. After unzipping them, he slid them and the boxer shorts down the boy's slender legs, then lifted first one foot and then the other to remove his clothes. Leaving the boy's shirt, shoes and socks on, he wadded up the pants and boxers and placed them upon the toilet paper dispenser before returning to his work.

Anthony's cock was stiff as a rock and pointing upwards, directly at Ivor's chin. It was pulsing slightly in anticipation of what was about to take place. As Ivor bent slightly to get at the right angle, he could smell the musk pouring from the boy's loins. It had been a rather hot afternoon, and the youth's penis fairly reeked of dried sweat and that sweet, youthful "penis" odor that was always so familiar.

As Ivor opened his mouth and took the rigid member into it, Anthony let out a deep, guttural moan above him. The man went to work immediately, running his tongue across the boy's penis as he bobbed his head. The sweet, salty taste of the kid's cocklet was almost enough to make Ivor cum right there. His hands drifted around until he had a butt cheek in each one, and he began to knead them like dough. When his finger brushed Anthony's anus, the boy gasped and moaned loudly.

From the door, Milo quickly cleared his throat, and then dashed across the room to the sink. A second later, the door squeaked as it was opened, and a man's heavy footsteps could be heard. Anthony ducked his head down the second the door had opened, and he was now bent over, his upper torso lying against the back of Ivor's neck and shoulders. Ivor froze with the boy's cocklet in his mouth as he listened intently.

The man walked to the urinals and unzipped his pants. A moment later, the sound of a urine stream splashing into the bottom of the porcelain filled the room. Milo turned on a sink and pretended to be washing his hands while the man took what seemed to Ivor to be the longest piss in history. Holy shit, he thought as his neck started to get sore from Anthony's weight, did you drink an entire gallon of soda?

After what seemed like an eternity, the man zipped his pants and flushed the urinal. He then walked across to the sinks and washed his hands. After using the blow drier that was mounted on the wall, the man finally left the restroom.

"He looked at me funny," Milo giggled as he returned to his post by the door, "I was washing my hands for so long that he probably thought I was OCD."

The coast now clear, Anthony popped his head back up above the cubicle wall, much to the relief of Ivor's neck. The man removed Anthony's cock from his mouth long enough to roll his neck across his shoulders. It made a loud cracking sound and instantly felt better. He then resumed sucking on the young boy's hardened cocklet.

Anthony moaned again and started to pump his hips, pushing himself in and out of Ivor's lips. Ivor swirled his tongue around the plump head, then stopped sucking again. He wrapped his hand around the boy's penis and squeezed it, rubbing it hard while he sucked the boy's balls into his mouth. He sucked on them for a moment while he jerked the boy off, then pulled them back out to explore further down.

He kissed the space where Anthony's ballsack met his body, then began to lick, sliding his tongue back and forth across the perineum. Anthony's scrotum lay upon his cheek, and his nose was buried between it and the side of Anthony's upper thigh. He inhaled the boy's musky scent as he pushed his face further and further, reaching closer towards the boy's bumhole with every lick. As his tongue finally flickered across the puckered anus, Anthony gasped loudly.

"I-I'm gonna cum," Anthony whimpered from above.

Before Ivor could remove his face from between the boy's legs, Anthony let out a loud moan and Ivor felt the boy's cocklet dancing wildly in his hand. He felt the warm cum as it spattered against his closed eyelid and forehead. Bringing his face away from Anthony, he opened his unspattered eye and saw the boy look down at him and giggle.

"Hehe, sorry, I couldn't hold it."

"It's quite alright," Ivor said with a smile as he brushed the cum off his face with a finger, "now it's my turn."

He licked the cum off his finger and stood up. Anthony hopped off the toilet and tried to bend over to take down Ivor's slacks, but the tiny stall was too crowded. Ivor ended up having to remove his pants and underwear and straddle the toilet while Anthony knelt in front of him, still nude from the waist down.

Anthony wrapped his child-sized fist around the man's rigid and impressive hard-on. Looking up at him, the boy smiled as he stroked it, first up to the very tip, then back down to the base. The sensation made Ivor moan quietly; the boy surely knew how to give a fulfilling handjob. Anthony winked up at him, then leaned forward and gingerly took the man into his warm, wet mouth. Anthony had just taken the head of Ivor's cock into his mouth, when Milo again cleared his throat from the restroom door and then dashed across to the sinks. Anthony had just enough time to stand up as the door squeaked open. Ivor looked down and realized that both his and Anthony's legs were visible from beneath the stall, which was raised about eighteen inches off the ground. Apparently, the newcomer noticed this, too.

"Lookit," said a young sounding voice, "there's two people in there!"

"Uhm..." Milo stammered, "Yeah, that's my dad and my brother."

"Why are they both in there together?"

"Well, my brother is handicapped, and my dad has to help him use the bathroom."

"Oh," said the boy, who then walked over to the urinals.

Anthony's face turned red as he stifled a giggle. Ivor silently mouthed the words "What's so funny?" to him, which made Anthony cover his mouth with his hands. Without warning, Anthony opened his mouth and let out a strange sounding groan.

"Ah'm okay, yaaaaaaaaaaaay!" Anthony said, doing his best Special Ed impersonation.

The boy finished peeing, and as he walked back towards the center of the room, Ivor got a small peek at him through the crack between the stall door and the frame. The boy was about nine or ten, blond, and cute as a button. Ivor stared at him wistfully; he would be a heartbreaker in a couple of years.

The boy took another glance at the dual-occupied stall, then turned and hurried out of the restroom without washing his hands. Milo dried his own and returned to his place at the door. Anthony erupted into gales of laughter as he knelt back down to resume the blowjob.

"Smartass," Ivor scolded, trying not to grin. Anthony settled down enough to inhale most of Ivor's cock. The boy had to deep throat it to fit that much in, and Ivor enjoyed the feeling of the soft palate as it squeezed around the head of his cock. The boy wrapped his hand around the part of Ivor's shaft that wasn't in his mouth and stroked it in time with the bobbing of his head, eliciting moans of pleasure from the man.

Ivor placed his hands on either side of Anthony's head and began to hump himself in and out of the boy's mouth unceremoniously. When he felt the youth's finger tickling around his hole, it was all over for Ivor. He pushed himself deep into the back of the boy's throat, and emptied his balls. He moaned loudly and removed his cock, leaving a string of semen leaking from between the boy's lips.

"You're the best Anthony; that was fantastic. Let's go now," Ivor said as they quickly dressed, "Milo's probably getting bored."

As they left the stall, the door once more opened and another young boy walked in, this one possibly around twelve or so. Whoops, Ivor thought as he glanced over at Anthony, who quickly wiped the cum from his mouth. Anthony gave the newcomer a sheepish grin, and then followed Milo and Ivor out the door, leaving the boy staring after them.

Thorvald was feeling better, and he threw his arm around Anthony's shoulder. His desire was far from extinguished, but for now, it was temporarily satisfied.

"Let's do one more ride and go home. Otherwise we won't have any energy left for what's awaiting for us there." He said as he winked at Milo and patted Anthony's firm bum.

"Two more rides;" Milo negotiated, "right Anthony?"

Anthony looked from Milo to Ivor and back, and nodded silently.

"Alright, alright, let's go then," said Ivor.

Ivor kept Anthony close to him the rest of the time they were in the park. He realized that he might have made a mistake in the restroom, and that the boy may have felt used rather than loved. Perhaps he should have paid more attention to Anthony instead of just blowing him. He would have to be more mindful in the future.

While they waited for their last ride, Ivor called Max to prepare for their return. The Goliath awaited them once again, only this time, they were going to ride in the front row. Milo had overcome his apprehension at some point, and was now excited about being first in line for the colossal roller coaster.

From then on, Ivor could easily see the contrast between the two boys, Milo, full of energy and excitement, and Anthony, who seemed to be rather quiet. The boy remained silent during the helo ride home, choosing to sit in the back looking out the window, while Milo sat up front on Ivor's lap, chatting away and showing his enthusiasm of using the controls under the man's supervision. He also shamelessly teased the man by pressing himself against him, his buttocks grinding on Ivor's near permanent erection.

As soon as they had touched down, Ivor suggested that they all relax in the pool for a bit. A few minutes later, the trio were stripping off their clothes and jumping, naked, into the crystal clear water.

Ivor was harder than ever, his tool waving around with the current and getting the undisputed attention of Milo. The man swam to the edge of the pool and pulled himself out, sitting at the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water. Without a word, Milo quickly swam over to him and went to work, engulfing as much of the large erection as he could. After a few minutes of pleasure, Ivor stopped him, pulled him out of the water, and laid the boy across his lap so that he could play around with the kid's ass and tight little hole.

"Does this bother you, Milo?"

"Nope, I like it," the boy cooed.

"I'm rather big; it might hurt you a bit."

"I know, don't worry, I've done it plenty times." Milo had turned half way so that they could look at each other eyes.

"Plenty, you're sure?"

"Enough, for sure," said Anthony, who had gotten closer.

The boy was treading water as he watched the two, curious to see how they would proceed and how it would go. He had done it with Ivor himself "plenty" of times, and he knew that it was not an easy fit.

Thorvald had his favorite habits for each boy's first fuck outside the mansion, which he now followed for Milo. He took the boy by the hand, led him to the large Jacuzzi, and turned on the water jets. There were cushions positioned on one side of the Jacuzzi, and a small cabinet within reach. After they slid into the burbling hot water, Ivor opened the cabinet and took out a tube of KY jelly.

He pulled the boy close to him and kissed him while he began to play with the kid's hole, trying to stretch it a bit. Beneath the foamy water, Milo played with his cock, squeezing the tip slightly, and then stroking it up and down with both hands. Then, Ivor maneuvered the boy half out of the water and comfortably onto his stomach on the cushions, with his soft round cheeks and tight little hole well exposed. Bending over the boy, he lowered his face to the kid's backend and inhaled deeply.

First, Ivor began to work the boy's anus with his mouth, rimming around the wrinkled skin and pushing his tongue inside. Then, he removed his tongue and replaced it with two of his lubed fingers. He found the boy's prostate and rubbed it softly, eliciting a positive response from the kid. Obviously, Milo was very appreciative of the man's ministrations, as he emitted small moans of pleasure from time to time and stretched his limbs, arching his back like a cat.

Ivor pictured himself as a true lover of boys. He had found ways to satisfy his needs, as well as theirs. It was all morally disputable, of course, but at the same time, he knew the risks. He didn't want them to feel any pain, discomfort or unease. He never imposed any sexual activity, well, at least not most of it. If things did not work out the way he wished, he did not insist or use coercion; he preferred to seduce the boys and allow them to make their own decisions. A few boys had left the mansion after a simple weekend of fun and had chosen not to return. Ivor missed them, but it was their decision.

The rented houseboys, however, were another story entirely. For these, Ivor was never directly involved in the recruitment or training process, but he always tried to ensure that they accepted their part and had as good a life as possible in that context. It was hypocritical, for sure, but the only acceptable way for him.

Ivor had enjoyed and tasted many different types of boys over the years, and found there were very few he disliked. Over time, He had learned how to make anal intercourse as enjoyable an experience as it could be for the boys. It took lots of time and effort, but Ivor was convinced that it was both the right way to do it, and the best way to have the boys willing to come back for more. He knew that some loved it, while others only did it to please him or to get something from him. Boys were not the innocent angels described by many; that he knew very well, too.

The foreplay went on for thirty minutes. Anthony seemed to grow bored watching the other two, and perhaps feeling left out again. He went back to swimming and would throw an occasional glance at them now and then. He came back, however, when things started to get more serious, looking for a good show from the two. He seemed to be divided, caught between wanting Milo and Ivor to have fun together, and secretly hoping that the man's entry brought at least a little pain to the boy. Anthony felt Milo had done everything he could to be Thorvald's chosen boy this weekend, and he seemed to have succeeded in supplanting him as the man only had eyes for Milo now.

When Ivor felt that the boy's hole was loose enough, he removed his fingers and stood up. The tip of his cock throbbed slightly in anticipation as he moved himself into position above the exposed anus. He adjusted himself and placed the tip of his cock at the entrance. He could feel the boy's pulse against the head of his prick as he slowly pressed himself against the youth's hole. After asking if Milo was ready, he had the boy slowly slide back into the water. The pressure on Milo's anus coming from the boy's own weight at first. Then, from Ivor who carefully started pushing upwards and into the kid's rectum.

"Wow, it feels so big," Milo squeaked.

"Yes, it is," Ivor replied. "Are you ready, love?"


Ivor gently held the boy in place as he gave a slow and steady push forward, feeling the hole loosening around the shaft of his cock. The boy shuddered beneath him and gave a small sigh of pain.

"I'm in. Milo, you're doing great, now relax and push out, it will make it easier."

Steadily, Ivor began to thrust forward while letting the boy's body slide further down until the kid's smooth backside was immersed beneath the bubbling water. He knew that this would have a soothing effect and helps alleviate any pain or discomfort the boy might feel.

Nearby, Anthony was watching them while he played with himself. He studied their faces and expressions as he tried to emulate their feelings. The sight of the two having intercourse had a strong erotic power over him, and he rubbed himself ever more frantically.

It took twenty more minutes for Ivor to get enough of his thick meat inside so that he could start the real fucking. He stood up again and put the boy back on the cushions, enjoying the soft feel of the boy's delicate skin, the supple flesh under his fingers. The position and angle were perfect and after testing the boy's compliance with a few more jabs, he started pumping in and out trying to gain a few more inches. "Ah, sweet Jesus, Milo, you feel so good. How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay. It kinda hurt at first, but not so much anymore. It feels a little strange, though, I've never had one so big before."

Ivor slowed himself down and leaned forward, planting a kiss between the boy's wet shoulder blades.

"I'm going to cum soon, and I want to look at your beautiful face as it happens. Here, can you turn around and get on your back, baby?"

Milo nodded, and Ivor gently slid his cock free from the tight hole, moving slowly so as not to hurt the boy. He kissed the boy's neck, and then helped him roll over into position. Once Milo was settled down and comfortable, Ivor guided the boy's legs onto his shoulders, and then leaned over him and used his hand to guide his cock towards the child's anus, pressing the tip against the wrinkled hole.

"Anthony, can you come here please?"

As Anthony climbed out of the pool, Ivor once again pushed himself into the boy, feeling the tightness of the boy's anus as it swallowed his rock hard cock. Again, he moved slowly and steadily to keep any pain to a minimum.

Once he was fully inside and Anthony was standing over them, Ivor had him lie down beside Milo. He resumed his thrusting, slowly at first, then picking up speed while he kissed them, first Milo, then Anthony. His hand wandered across Anthony's smooth body until it found the boy's stiffening cocklet. He wrapped his hand around the smooth young rod and started to rub it up and down, matching the speed of his thrusts into Milo.

Within a matter of minutes, Ivor felt the orgasm building in his loins. His hand froze on Anthony's erection and squeezed it while his own cock began to pulse. Through slit eyes, he looked down into Milo's beautiful face, staring into the boy's alluring blue-green eyes. As the waves of pleasure washed over his body, Ivor moaned loudly, and then clamped his mouth down over Milo's, burying his tongue in the child's mouth. His moans of pleasure muffled as the orgasm peaked.

Beside them, Anthony sighed in a high-pitched voice, and Ivor felt the boy's cocklet throb in his hand, then he felt the warmth of the youth's cum as it ran down his clenched fingers. After Ivor had pumped all his seed into Milo, he gently pulled himself out and lay down between the two marvelous young creatures, panting slightly, and embracing them both in his strong arms for a well-deserved rest.

"It's getting late," said Ivor as he stretched his arms, "I think you should have dinner here. Max will take you back to the school afterwards."

The boys did not refuse. They had been lying together in the hot tub and talking for the last half hour. Ivor was becoming hard again; despite his age, he could become aroused quickly and often without having to resort to Viagra, the way Carl Fisher had to.

"Before you guys eat, I'm ready for another quickie. Who wants it first?"

Both boy's arms shot up into the air as they volunteered enthusiastically. In an attempt to correct his recent mistakes, Ivor chose Anthony first, and did a somewhat rushed yet satisfying fuck, allowing Anthony to orgasm without having one himself. After a few passionate kisses, he resumed his lovemaking with Milo; this time, it worked almost magically.

Due to the previous loosening up, entry was easy and natural this time around, with almost all of his large cock sliding neatly inside. The rhythm was fast and intense as the man made contact with the boy's prostate with each and every thrust. It was a rare feat for Ivor, who felt the boy's muscles tense and squeeze his manhood every time he drove himself into the boy's rectum. They were both rewarded handsomely; Milo with a string of multiple dry orgasms, while Ivor experienced two orgasms back to back. But the final run was to last for quite some time before he could cum again; letting both partners share in those wonderful feelings that were to bring them even closer together.

Anthony understood he was no match for Milo, and he finally accepted it. Before the two lovers were done, he had climbed out of the Jacuzzi and left them alone, going to the game room to wait for dinner. It was Milo who came to fetch him, just before seven that evening.

"Anthony, you there? Dinner is ready."

"Almost done," said Anthony, "I'm nearly finished with the single player mode."

"Wow, you're good."

Milo watched in silence for a few minutes while Anthony took out snipers in the game.

"You're not angry, are you?" He asked timidly, "I kind of took your place this weekend."

"No," answered Anthony, "I'm not …at least, not with you. You did right; that was the deal, Ivor is a good man and I think you made his day."

"Yeah, I feel great with him. I sure hope that I can come back soon."

"Don't worry, you will. He'll make sure of that. I might come back too, as long as Greg doesn't show up. He's a monster, you should avoid him."

"Yeah, I didn't like the way he treated us yesterday."

Anthony missed a shot in the video game, which alerted the enemy team to his presence. He swore under his breath as a hail of automatic rifle fire took out his character. The continue screen popped up, and he pressed "No" and set the controller down.

"That was nothing. Believe me, you don't know him, and it's better if it stays that way."

"I thought Greg was a great guy, he seemed okay at school."

"No, you're wrong. He's not a nice guy at all. Come on, let's go get something to eat, I'm done playing this game."

Still both naked, the duo bounded down the stairs and joined Ivor in the kitchen. Anthony was still having strong feelings about what had happened the previous night, and with good reason. He still trusted Thorvald, but he didn't want to return if it meant that Greg would be here. Encouraged by his talk with Milo, he finally spilled his guts at dinner. He told Ivor all about his fears, his terrible experience at the hands of Greg, and his now deep-seated hatred for the prefect.

Ivor listened in silence. He had never suspected the extent of Greg's sickness; it was a real problem, and one that would be difficult to solve. The prefect was pivotal in the club workings and activities, and more importantly, Ivor knew of the close relationship that linked Greg to Carl. Ivor did not want to give Anthony false promises, so he remained vague in his answers. He saw the disappointment in the boy's eyes, but for now, he could offer nothing better. Too much was at stake.

When they had finished dining, Ivor presented each of his guests with a gold ankle bracelet as a parting gift. Both boys were pleased and promised to wear them the next time they visited the mansion - Milo more so because of his kinky side, knowing that he had pleased the man so much. He insisted on trying it on right away to see how it looked.

Ivor thought that it looked lovely on him, and hurried to the study for his digital camera so that he could take a few pictures of the boy posing lasciviously. He then asked Anthony to join Milo for a few poses as well, and then he warned them not to show or wear them at Saint Xavier since the anklets might cause unnecessary questions with the staff members and the other students at the school. The boys, now dressed, headed towards the waiting limousine. Ivor taking this last moment to soak up the beauty of the boys as they stood by the back door saying their goodbyes. Before climbing into the backseat, Ivor promised he would have them visit again as soon as possible. Milo's face lit up, but the pain Ivor had seen earlier on Anthony was evident and continued to weigh on him. He felt responsible for what Greg had done, and couldn't resist blurting out, "I promise Greg will not be invited back." This put a smile on Anthony that warmed Ivor's heart.

Ivor wanted to have them back as soon as the next weekend, as long as his affairs permitted. The flu thing was a real worry; Ivor had already lost a lot in the China crisis and it was far from over. With luck, he would have more intel about it the following day.


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