The Devil's Advocate
Christian's School of Humility
Chapters 22-24
Chapter 22
Like usual, I have plenty of nightmares this night. They turn out to be a repeat of the day's activities. Only the events are exaggerated and stuff. For example, in the dream my father visits the hole in my door about a dozen times instead of just the once. Also, Bobby turns out to be an actual girl instead of a boy. Don't ask me why that dream felt like a nightmare but it did.
The last dream I have is the worst. In it the doctor pushes the ribbed metal rod into my dick and fucks me with it for a very long time. I try to stop him but my hands are tied down somehow. The dream feels very real and I can even feel the pain like it is actually happening. As I wake and my eyes begin to focus, I quickly discover it is happening!
However, instead of the rod the doctor is at my hips pushing a plastic tube into my penis. I go to reach up but my hands are indeed tied down.
"Please, I don't need any medicine!" I beg as he connects a large syringe to the tube.
I can do nothing but watch as he slowly presses the plunger and sends the fluid into my bladder. The all too familiar burning quickly follows. I know the deed is already done so I stop begging and start breathing shallow in hopes of minimizing the pain.
By the time the syringe is empty, my bladder feels like it is going to pop. He clamps the tube off.
"Ow!" I yell when he attaches a clothes pin to the end of dick to help hold the hose in place.
I lay there moaning in pain as he slowly puts everything back in his bag.
"I will be back tomorrow for the tube," he informs me as he loosens the left leather wrist cuff.
He loosens the cuff but does not remove it. He then leaves. I frantically struggle to get my wrist free. It takes me over a minute to get my hand out of it. I use this hand to free my other wrist and leg bindings. This isn't as easy as it might sound. Not with a bladder full of burning medicine. It hurts like hell each time I lean this way or that in order to reach my other bindings. The ankle cuffs are the worst.
I finally get them off and rush to the toilet. I barely even notice my weight swinging back and forth under me.
"Owie! Owie!" I yell as I pull the tube from my dick and the liquid fire squirts out.
I chastise myself for pulling the hose out first. I can't believe how stupid that was. My instinct was to get that fucking hose out of my dick. However, had I left it in I could have expelled all the medicine via the hose instead. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
After the last of it comes out, however, I realize I did the right thing. Otherwise the medicine wouldn't have been able to treat my urethra. In fact, I would bet money the doctor had hoped I would leave the hose in. That way he would have an excuse to give me another treatment tomorrow.
As the burning finally dissipates, the pain is replaced with anger. I can't believe the doctor would wake me like that. What really pisses me off is that I wouldn't have even needed the fucking treatment had he not stuck that damn rod in my dick!
I go through my normal morning routine
3; to include my exercises. When I'm putting on my school uniform, however, I notice the newspaper sitting at the end of my bed. I had forgotten about the gift. Great, now the doctor has an excuse to visit me for the next week. This is one gift I wish I could return.
I put my clothes on and then do my hair and makeup. The hole in my door is still open so I decide to skip breakfast again. The last thing I want is to fill up on dog food and then chase it with a half-gallon of cum.
As I put my shoes on it dawns on me that no one has come in to put my cage back on. I look around and find it is sitting on my nightstand along with the special screwdriver. I frown. They want me to put it on myself. I'm tempted to just leave it off and then use the excuse that no one ever told me to put it back on. Yeah, like that would fly. They would probably just give me a spanking for being a smart ass.
"A smart ass for a smart ass."
I can already hear the bad jokes.
Getting the cage on turns out to be a bit of a chore. It's also very aggravating. I got a little hard during my bath but have been surprisingly limp the rest of the morning. However, I get rock hard once I start thinking about my cage and stuff. It is like my dick knows what is about to happen and is using the only defense mechanism it can think of.
I try every trick I can think of to get it to go soft. Nothing seems to work. Not even pouring cold water on it. Then I get an idea. I pour some cold water in my enema bag. I remove my plug and insert the hose in its place.
Holy cow! Yeah, that did the trick! This stuns my dick and I quickly lock the poor guy in his cage before he can stand back up.
I make it all the way through my first class without interruption. I don't even get bothered during the intermission between classes. I use this time to read through my newspaper. The sports section is missing but other than that it is a complete paper. It's even current. I thought for sure the doctor would fuck with me and provide month old papers or something.
It feels like I've been in this place for years. As I read the paper I half expect to see headlines like, 'Man walks on Mars', or some other major story. However, it's just the same old stuff going on. It's still interesting to read. It makes me feel kind of connected to the rest of the world. Almost like I'm out there experiencing it all like everyone else. The funny thing is that if I was not locked up here I probably would have spent 90 percent of my non-school time sitting in my room at home anyway. Granted, I would have had a lot more fun doing it. I would be playing xbox, watching movies, etc.
As I read through the paper I notice that the doctor has highlighted about every female relating story and advertisement. He highlights panty sales, cooking tips for Christmas, etc. I try my best to ignore them but it's not easy. Sadly, some even look interesting to me. For example, I see a nice cotton rose pattern nightgown. It's pretty and looks very comfortable.
I'm not saying I want to wear a girl's nightgown. However, it would be better than sleeping in the nude. The covers they provide me have too much starch or something in them. They always feel a little uncomfortable on my skin
3; especially now that my nipples and stuff are more sensitive.
My morning of peace comes to an end half way into my second class.
Knock. Knock.
I almost cry when I hear the knocks. I just started to get my hopes up that I might be left alone today.
I kneel down in front of the hole and press my cock cage against the cold door. Drew's cock comes through the hole a second later. It doesn't take much to figure out it is his cock. The dead giveaway is that it smells sweet. Today it smells like strawberries. His groin is also baby smooth, just like mine now is. I start crying a little as I begin thinking again about how I'm now permanently bald down there.
I give Drew the best blowjob I know how. As one of my trainers, he might have a say on when this portion of my training will come to an end. Not that I think it will ever truly end. They will probably expect me to suck dick almost every day from now on. However, at least it won't be 15 to 20 times per day.
It's not long and I have a mouth full of sissy cum. I display it to my trainer and he gives me permission to swallow it down. I no more than swallow and another cock comes through the hole. This one is Victor's. I give his dick the VIP treatment as well. Tuesday he made it sound like he was my blowjob trainer. I don't know how official that title is but it is better safe than sorry. The next cock through the hole belongs to daddy. The bend in his cock makes it pretty obvious. Plus, it smells just like daddy.
I'm tempted to beg again to go home. However, the hard cock looking me in the face tells me that it would do no good. I won't be getting any help from daddy. I give him an okay blowjob but definitely not the best I'm capable of. He doesn't deserve my best. Plus, the worse the blowjob the less he will probably visit the hole.
As it turns out, daddy visits the hole three times total today. He cums a lot each time so I think he is refraining from playing with my sisters or any of the other kids in the school. Don't I feel special
The Dean visits the hole twice and Victor three times. There are a variety of other staff as well. Drew takes the prize though with six visits. I'm not sure how much estrogen Drew takes but I'm pretty sure he feeds me at least a daily's dose worth via his cock.
When I do my lunchtime exercises I decide not to put any tree ornaments in the training room. I probably will put a few in there by the end of the week but my dick is still sore and I want at least one more day to recoup.
By the end of the day I count at least 20 visitors to the hole. Several are the same people though. The last visitor is the worst. When I kneel in front of the hole a very tiny penis comes through. I'm pretty positive that it is Bobby's weeny. It's so small that only a couple inches actually make it all the way through the hole. I hear people on the other side laughing and making jokes as Bobby stands there.
At first I think this is mainly just a training exercise in humiliation for Bobby. I even laugh a little myself at his expense. I feel bad about it but it has been a very hard day and my body just needs a good laugh.
Funny or not, I still am required to do my part as well. I know he can't cum yet but I still do my best. I even press hard against the hole so I can reach his tiny nuts. It takes some doing but I manage to suck them into my mouth along with the rest of his tiny penis. He groans a little when I do this. I don't think it is pleasure though. I think I'm just pulling his nuts a little too hard. I give them a good bath with my tongue and then release them just in case I'm hurting him.
I hear the men on the other side of the door cheering Bobby on.
"Do it! Do it!"
There are lots of laughs also. They know he can't cum but they keep cheering anyway. I feel sorry for him but can't help but giggle a few more times myself. However, I'm mid giggle when I hear something that makes me stop in my tracks.
"Hurry up Bobby," I hear Mr. Slusser telling his son. "You said you had to potty, so go."
I can't believe Mr. Slusser is having Bobby use me as a toilet. The humiliation of it is almost unbearable. I'm just thankful that they can't see me through the door.
For a moment I think Bobby is too frightened to pee. However, right when I think he might give up trying I feel pee rush out the end of his dick. It feels much different than when the grownups peed in my mouth last week. Bobby's stream is very thin yet still pretty strong. I easily keep up with it. His piss isn't all that bad. It tastes almost like water.
"Ew, he's drinking my pee," Bobby says in amazement.
This gets a loud round of laughs from the men outside.
"It's okay Bobby, she enjoys it," Mr. Slusser says, putting emphasis on the word 'she' to let his son know he addressed me improperly.
I get several swallows before he finishes. Thankfully, I remember to save the last mouth full for inspection. When Bobby pulls away I open my mouth and bring it to the hole. The men outside make me display the piss for several minutes as they chat outside. During that time I feel one or more men spit in my mouth several times. It's so disgusting that it makes my skin crawl. When they finally let me swallow I can't help but gag in revulsion.
I bring my mouth back to the hole for final inspection and they spit in my mouth three more times. This time I almost get sick when I swallow it down. There isn't much taste to it. It's just the thought of what it is. Of course, now I have to show my mouth for inspection again. And yes, they spit in it yet again. This repeats twice more before they get tired of humiliating me.
I remain kneeling at the hole just in case. However, I get no orders nor do any more dicks come through. As I hear the last of them leave I go to my bed and cry.
Shortly after this, Drew comes in and removes my ball weight. He tells me to put it back on in the morning. He leaves without saying anything further. I'm not sure if he removed it because I was so good today or if it was just for medical purposes.
Thursday turns out to be an exact copy of Wednesday. The doctor even flushes my bladder out again with medicine. I get the first hour off again and then steady visitors the rest of the day. This of course includes Victor, dad and the Dean. The only main thing that is different is that Casey is there today instead of Drew.
At first I thought it was a good thing that Drew wasn't there. That meant I didn't have to suffer through the humiliation of sucking an adult sissy off a half dozen times. I quickly find out that Casey has her own way of humiliating me through the door.
As my first class ends I hear some noise outside my door. I assume it is my first customer of the day so I go ahead and get into place despite there not yet being a knock. I kneel and see Casey positioning a chair several feet away from the door. My first thought is that she is setting up a waiting room outside. That way all the men can rest while they wait their turn at my mouth. This thought is utterly humiliating, but not as bad as what the purpose of the chair actually turns out to be.
Casey turns her back to me and then leans forward, using the chair to help maintain her balance. She then leans back and pulls her skirt up and over her waist. She is wearing a black thong and her rear end looks absolutely gorgeous. You have no idea how badly I want to grab the screwdriver and remove my cage. My desire grows as she pulls the thong off.
I'm so engrossed with the peep show that I don't take the time to analyze what she might be up too. Her next move, however, makes it blatantly clear. She spreads her ass cheeks apart and then backs her rear end up until she is pressing hard against the door. I get a perfect view of her lovely asshole.
Knock. Knock.
I lick my lips in anticipation. I ate her pussy last week but this is going to be even better since I'm sure she won't make me drink her pee this time. It would get all over the place if she tried to pee through the hole.
I patiently wait for her to angle down so I can access her pussy. I can see it through the hole but there is no way I can reach it with her at this angle. Almost a full minute passes though without any movement.
This time the knocks actually sound angry. How can she expect me to eat her pussy if she isn't going to present it to me?
Oh, no! She doesn't want me to eat her pussy, she wants me to eat her asshole! I stare through the hole in shock. I did this to Drew's asshole and much worse with Bobby's, but my brain still needs a minute to cope. Apparently, a minute is too long for Casey.
Casey's asshole moves away from the hole. A second later the door opens, pushing me back on my plugged rump. I look up in fear at an extremely pissed off Casey. It is hard to tell if she is angry because I didn't obey the unspoken order or if she is just offended that I might not want to lick her back there.
"I'll do it! Please, I'll do it!" I quickly beg.
"Oh, you are going to do it alright," she growls. "However, I'm going to give your ass a few licks first."
The anger in her voice makes it clear she doesn't plan to use her tongue. I will be lucky if she doesn't use the whip.
"Get into position!" she orders.
Her voice is so enraged that it makes me shiver in fear. I quickly obey. I get on my hands and knees and crawl to the spot on the floor where Danielle punished me two weeks back. Apparently, that exact spot isn't required for punishments. Casey grabs a hand full of my hair and turns me so I'm facing the door instead of away from it. She then drags me toward it until I'm next to the Christmas tree. I'm wearing my school uniform today and my bare knees are grounded to the floor. The tinsel from the tree snaps against my belly and chest as it takes the path of least resistance. My left side stings a little as the steady current courses through me. My sensitive left nipple is covered by the tinsel as well and the stinging there feels the worst. It's bothersome, but it pales in comparison to what I know is coming next.
I start to cry when I feel Casey kneel down next to me and flip my skirt up onto my back.
"OH!" I scream in pain as the first hit lands.
Her hand lands on my large plug and across my ass cheeks. It hits much harder than I thought she was capable of. The plug is hit so hard that it feels like she just plowed her fist up my asshole.
3; one, ma'am," I manage to say.
They come so fast that I can't count them out loud. I just let out a long yell of pain followed a moment later by, "Five, ma'am!"
The pain is horrible. It is much worse than when Danielle punished me. Casey is hitting me much harder. Plus, I have a bigger plug now and a weight on my balls. The plug is the main factor though. The pain from my ball weight swinging back and forth pales in comparison.
"OH! God! Nine
3; nine, ma'am!" I yell. "Please, no mor
My begging is interrupted with a hard spank. Only this one lands lower on my thighs. Just low enough that part of her hand contacts my weighted balls.
I involuntarily try to lunge forward. However, her hand still has a grip on my hair and she holds me in place. I gag and dry heave. She doesn't try to stop me when my body drops down to the floor. She just stands over me and waits for me to recover. It takes me almost a minute before I can get back into position.
Danielle warned me that bad things could happen if I tried to beg during a punishment. She wasn't fucking kidding!
"Ten, ma'am," I count out.
"Ohhhhh!" I scream throughout this series. "Fifteen, ma'am."
I brace myself for more but none come. Instead, I feel Casey holding my plug in place with one hand while her other gently rubs my sore rump.
"Clean your mess," Casey says a moment later in a much calmer voice.
I look below me to find a pool of cum mixed with piss. The piss doesn't surprise me but the cum does. I came during Danielle's punishment also but Danielle had let my plug almost pop all the way out in between hits. Casey's hits came way too fast for that. The plug was only coming out maybe two inches before the next hit was already landing and slamming it back it. Apparently it was still enough pumping action to get my ass clit to release a load.
I lean down and slurp my mess up. It's nasty but seems insignificant compared to the punishment itself.
Casey walks out of the room while I'm still cleaning up. The door slams behind her.
Knock. Knock.
I hear about 30 seconds later. I very quickly shuffle over to the door and press against it. Casey's butt is pressed up against the hole again. The throbbing in my butt reminds me what will happen if I delay. I have my lips against her butthole in less than a second. I press my face hard against the door and give her asshole several kisses to let her know I learned my lesson. From this day forward I will eagerly eat her asshole whenever she presents it to me.
I hear her moaning as I kiss and lick her hole with gusto. I doubt she takes daily enemas like I do, but she actually doesn't taste all that bad. She has a stronger taste than Drew and Bobby did but it isn't offensive or anything. I'm still a little reluctant to stick my tongue inside. I of course do it anyway. I'm pleased that I find nothing lurking there. Once I confirm this I start fucking her ass with my tongue. I even press it in deep and wiggle it around some. She seems to enjoy this the most.
Casey has me lick her asshole for about 15 minutes before she finally pulls away.
"She's not too bad at eating ass," I hear Casey say.
I feel a tinge of pride when I hear the compliment. I blush though when I realize she was saying it to someone in the hall and not to me. My face turns absolutely red in humiliation when my dad's dick comes through the hole a few seconds later. I can't believe daddy seen me eat Casey's asshole.
I eagerly eat Casey's asshole three more times this day. It's disgusting each time, but by the end of the day I realize it isn't all that bad. If anything, I should feel honored to eat her ass. Or at least I know there are many men out there that would feel honored to do it. She is very pretty and has a nice ass. Hell, my dad probably even fantasizes about it. And yet it is I who actually gets to taste it.
I end up drinking Bobby's piss again today. However, it is more private this time and takes place during lunch. I'm just finishing my workout when Mr. Slusser escorts Bobby into my training room. They sit on the couch and watch me. I blush but finish out my routine.
Once I'm done, Mr. Slusser whispers something into Bobby's ear. Bobby blushes and then walks over to me.
"I have to go tinkle," he whispers.
I know what Mr. Slusser wants and I get down on my knees in front of Bobby. It only takes a minute this time before I feel his warm piss filling my mouth. I'm not at my hole so I drink it all down. Mr. Slusser doesn't seem to mind that I didn't display any in my mouth at the end.
"How about you two go take a warm bubble bath together?" Mr. Slusser says as I stand back up. "I'll be back to get you in 45 minutes."
Bobby reaches out and grabs hold of my hand. I don't say anything but this catches me a little off guard. It's not a romantic type of hand hold. It's more like he feels he needs to be escorted by me, like some six year old crossing the street with his mother. Now that I think about it, he often talks very childish also. I'm betting this is his mom and sister's doing.
We only have 45 minutes together but we do a surprising amount of bonding during that time. Which I'm guessing is Mr. Slusser's goal.
Bobby is very playful during our bath. He tosses bubbles and stuff at me. It seems very childish but it only takes a minute before I'm laughing and doing the same to him. While he acts like a six year old in the bath, I quickly discover afterward that he is very smart. I have some questions about Mr. Slusser's math class and Bobby easily answers them. I get excited when I find out he has four of the same classes as I do. He just has three of them at different times than I do. I guess I shouldn't be that surprised we are taking the same topics. It's not like we are old enough to start specializing in anything. Even his other classes are the same subjects as mine. They are just more advanced.
Bobby tells me that I could probably ask the Dean for permission to switch my classes around so he and I could share most of the same schedule. I tell him I will think about it. However, I have no intention of following through. The more classes we have together the more time we will probably be expected to share outside of school studying and stuff. I like Bobby but I feel it is best that I don't make too much of a connection with him. His family scares me a little. Besides, I like Danielle much more. Not that I have any classes with him.
Our time together ends much too soon. However, I think it is clear that we will end up spending a lot more time together in the future
3; probably a lot more than we want.
My dreams this night bother me a lot. Not because they are scary but because they aren't. I dream of sucking dicks and eating cum, yet in the dream I'm not disgusted at all. In fact, I seem to enjoy myself and can't get enough cum in my belly. When I finally wake I lay there for some time, not sure what to make of it. I'm ashamed of my subconscious for enjoying the dream, yet I can't deny that life would be a lot easier here if I allowed myself to enjoy more of it.
Doing all of this gay shit has become easier for me but I'm still disgusted each time. I'm not sure I could ever talk myself into actually liking any of it. Okay, maybe I could enjoy some of it. Fucking Bobby's hole had been disgusting but still a little enjoyable. My ass clit also feels pretty good when it is milked just right. Wait! What am I saying!? I can't allow myself to give in to this gay shit!
I look over at the clock and see it is 3 a.m. No wonder, it's super late and I'm not thinking straight. I roll over and try my best to get back to sleep. It's not easy with the room lights on and the Christmas ones constantly blinking.
I'm barely back to sleep when I'm woken by the sound of someone at my door. My body automatically gets up and heads to the door so I can kneel at the hole. I'm half way there before I'm awake enough to realize what is going on. The person isn't knocking, they are entering. I take a step back in shock when I see Ray's huge frame come into view. I get even more concerned and confused when I glance over at the clock and see it is only 3:45 a.m. Something is going on.
For a brief moment I get my hopes up that Ray is here to rescue me. However, when I see his face I know this isn't the case. I know that look. It is the look of lust. My eyes instinctively go to his groin. Sure enough, he has a very large lump there.
I'm very scared and slowly back away. As a guard, Ray's job is to protect me just as much as it is to keep me from escaping. However, who protects me from Ray? I glance over at the camera mounted on the wall. It is the closest thing I have to a body guard. With luck, Ray won't try anything if I stay in clear sight of it.
"The late night recordings are erased every day," Ray says when he sees me looking at the camera. "No one ever reviews them unless an incident is reported."
He takes another step toward me and I almost piss myself. He is so big and strong. He even makes the Dean look puny. I start trying to think of a way to escape him but it is hopeless. Even if I could get past him, I have nowhere to go. All escape routes are locked. Plus, my shock collar would drop me in my tracks. My bathroom has a lock on it but it requires a key to lock it.
"Please," I beg.
I don't know exactly what he wants but I know it isn't going to be good.
"Calm down, girl," Ray says. "I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to."
I find this highly unlikely. However, I try my best to at least look like I'm calming down. I figure the calmer I am the calmer he will remain.
3;what do you want?" I manage to ask.
"I just wanted to come in and let you know your secret is safe with me," Ray replies. "I don't plan to tell them about your little escape attempt."
After four days I kind of figured this was the case. I'm glad he is confirming those suspicions. However, the message he is giving me doesn't line up that well with his body language.
"Thanks," I say.
"No problem," he replies. "I know how hard it is for new boys in here. There is no reason I can't do you a favor from time to time. It's not like you wouldn't do the same for me."
"Thanks," I say again when it is clear he is waiting for a response.
Ray keeps looking at me like he is still waiting on a response. A very uncomfortable moment goes by. During this time I rethink what he just said. He was a little cryptic but I think he wants a 'favor' from me. I'm pretty sure that favor is sex. However, I wouldn't call it a 'favor', I would call it 'blackmail'. On the surface, it seems like an obvious bluff to me. My escape attempt happened on Monday and it's now Friday. I highly doubt the Dean would look kindly on one of his security guards waiting that long to report such a thing.
The Dean might even fire Ray over something like that. Ray is rich and all but that is because he has an inheritance, not because he holds a powerful position in the community or anything. His job was probably more of a favor than anything else.
For an instant I think about calling his bluff. However, it dawns on me that if I don't do him a favor now then he won't do any more for me in the future. I doubt he would overlook continued escape attempts even if I do him a favor. However, there are many other minor violations he might overlook. Plus, there are probably minor things he could do for me as well. For example, he could maybe bring me a late night meal from time to time. Of course, it would always mean giving him additional favors in return. It would suck having to give him sex in return for a simple sandwich or other scrap of food. That said, it would be worth it so that I don't have to eat as much dog food.
3;what do you want?" I whisper.
I see no reason to play his cryptic game. I don't even see why he is bothering with it. This is one big mother fucker. He could easily take whatever he wanted and I would never dare tell on him. If I told on him and they didn't fire him then he would be free to take his revenge out on me. Plus, there would be a good chance the whole escape incident might get uncovered during the ordeal. That would mean a major punishment from the Dean on top of having to constantly worry about painful late night visits from Ray.
"What are you offering?" he replies.
It seems a very stupid question. He's extremely rich so there isn't anything of monetary value that would interest him. Not that I have much anyway. No, all I have to offer him is sex and he knows it. He even rubbed his dick through his pants as he asked the question. I can only guess that he finds it exciting to play this little game.
"I could give you a massage," I whisper.
It is the first non-sexual thing that pops into my head. I know it is a weak offer but I'm having trouble offering a sexual favor in return for something. I guess technically men and women exchange sex for favors all the time in relationships and stuff. However, in this instance the idea of doing it makes me feel dirty
3; like I would become a prostitute or something. I would be whoring myself out for sandwiches and shit.
The worst part, however, is that it would take away the one thing that has kept me sane. Up until now, I've maintained my sanity with the knowledge that all of this gay shit is being forced on me. I either please them or I'm punished. That is not the case here. We both know that he isn't going to turn me in for my escape attempt. I also suspect he wouldn't hurt me that bad if I refused to barter with him.
"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Ray replies. "It has been a long week and I could use a nice massage."
I'm stunned. I can't believe he actually went for that. He even seems delighted with it like maybe I offered way more than I needed too. This is odd considering I thought I was offering considerably less than he wanted.
My joy quickly turns to dread when it dawns on me that his idea of a massage might be different than mine. I've heard stories about what goes on in massage parlors. They have sex in them sometimes. They call it a 'happy ending'. I just know that is what Ray is going to expect.
I take a step back as Ray walks right up to me. He brings his hand out but doesn't grab at me. Instead he just holds it there. It takes me a moment to realize he is waiting for me to undo his cufflink. I reach out with shaking hands and do so.
Ray's cufflink is very fancy with a little shield and other details on it. It could be made out of a half dozen cheap metals but I know it isn't. It's probably silver or white gold. I doubt he would ever wear anything less. I haven't known him for long but it is clear he has taste when it comes to clothes. Even his uniform looks custom made. Except for the long sleeves, from a long distance his uniform looks similar to what the other guards wear. However, when you get up close you see they are very different. Ray's uniform not only fits better but is made out of what looks to be very expensive material.
My hands are shaking but I make damn sure I don't drop the cufflink on the concrete floor. I hand it out to him but he doesn't take it. He just pulls his hand back and extends the other one. I remove that cufflink as well. He glances over at the nightstand. I get the hint and lay the cufflinks there.
When I turn back he is standing there with his hands at his side. I just stare until he motions with his right hand that I should undo the rest of his shirt now. I work on his tie first.
The tie is dark blue like his pants, but it also has just slightly lighter blue stripes on it. The tie alone probably costs $100. It takes me a moment to figure out how to remove it. I've only worn a tie once before and it was a clip on. It's not rocket science but the last thing I want to do is damage it. What really throws me for a loop is the tie pin. I've seen men wearing them before but have never really thought about them much. Who would? I was surprised to find there is a small metal chain connecting them to the shirt. The chain makes sense but it was still unexpected.
I closely inspect the chain. It takes me only 20 seconds to figure it out but it seems an eternity with Ray staring at me. Ray is amazingly patient with me. He even seems to enjoy watching me figure everything out. However, I'm still shaking in fear at the prospect that his patience might suddenly run out.
I'm pretty sure that Ray would get into a ton of trouble if he beat the shit out of me. However, there is still a lot he could do to punish me without leaving that many marks. Plus, I can easily see someone as big as Ray accidently letting his anger get away from him.
Once the tie is aside, I start working on his shirt. I try my best not to look him in the face. However, I can still feel Ray's eyes on me. I get the shirt unbuttoned but when I go to pull it out of his pants they won't come. I know he is probably wearing garters of some kind. My dad wears them sometimes to help hold his shirt in. I never closely inspected his but I have inspected the ones my sisters sometimes wear.
A couple years back I started spying on my sisters sometimes when they changed clothes. It was never really a sexual thing. I was just a curious kid. I even sometimes went into their rooms and looked through their underwear drawers and stuff. I knew it was a very bad thing to do, which of course was one of the main reasons I did it. Anyway, I got a close up inspection of their garter belts and have an idea of how they work. I also know there is only one way to remove them. I'm going to have to undo Ray's pants.
He is wearing a thick black leather belt. As I unbuckle it, Ray reaches down and slides it free from all the belt loops. He folds it and lays it on the bed. He doesn't say anything but the message is crystal clear. He is keeping the belt within arm's reach in case I fail to please him. I have no clue, nor do I want to find out exactly how hard he could hit me with that thing without leaving any long term marks.
As I mentioned earlier, when I was janitor I spent weeks wishing to get a good look at Ray's dick. Well, be careful what you wish for. As I unzip him I realize I'm about to get a very close up view of it. I even instinctively kneel down in front of him. I'm not sure why I kneel down. Maybe it is just from all that time at the door in front of the hole. Regardless, I realize I might be giving him the wrong idea so I go to stand back up. When I go to stand, however, Ray's hand comes to my shoulder to keep me down.
I let out a small moan of despair, but I don't try to struggle away from him. Not that I actually could. I do, however, look up at him briefly. He is staring back at me so I blush and quickly avert my eyes. I can't believe this is the same guy I chatted with all those times. I can't believe he would make me do this. Of course, he probably can't believe I'm actually doing it.
I can't help but wonder how many other boys he has done this too here. I doubt that I'm the first. However, I suspect that he doesn't do it to all of them. I'm sure Danielle would have warned me if that was the case. Granted, it is also possible Danielle is simply the only boy Ray hasn't messed with. Danielle is the Dean's son/daughter after all.
As I pull his pants down, Ray's dick swings out and slaps me in the face. I jerk back like it is on fire. I can't believe a Nig
3; I mean, a black man's dick just touched my face. I dare not even think the 'N' word in front of Ray. I never say the 'N' word but I'm ashamed to admit that I sometimes think it.
I honestly don't want to be prejudiced in any way. However, you have to keep in mind that there just aren't that many blacks around where I live. The number of blacks in my city is very low to begin with. Add on the fact that I live in a somewhat rich neighborhood and that narrows the number of blacks even further. I guess that last part sounds prejudiced also
3; but it is true. There just aren't that many rich blacks in my area.
I really don't think about racial stuff that often. I usually don't even notice the color of people's skin. However, there are certain times that I do. For example, I would hesitate to have sex with a black girl. It would have nothing to do with how attractive she might be to me; it just feels wrong for some reason. I think it is because I didn't grow up around any blacks and I'm just not used to the idea of it. The thought of it makes me feel similar to what I felt the first time I slept with one of my sisters. Granted, it didn't take much effort for me to get past that little taboo.
As you can imagine, being touched by Ray's dick feels like a double taboo to me. It's a dick and it's black.
I don't get much time to dwell on it. Once his dick comes into view I mainly think about how huge the fucking thing is. It is about 9 inches [23 cm] long like the Dean's. However, Ray's dick is almost three inches [7½ cm] thick. That's only half an inch thicker than the Dean's but that half inch makes it look a shit load bigger.
I can't help but stare at it. I kneel there stunned like that for almost half a minute. The longer I stare at it the bigger it seems to get. Finally I get ahold of myself and continue with my task. I unhook his shirt garters and he allows me to stand back up so I can remove his shirt. I fold it very neatly and place it with his tie. When I turn back I see Ray stepping out of his shoes and pants. He sees me watching and gives me a wink. I blush and quickly look down. Of course this only puts my eyes on his cock which makes me blush further.
I pick his pants up and fold them neatly. This isn't part of my training so I guess I don't have to fold all of his clothes. However, it still feels like the right thing to do. It shows a kind of respect for him. Or at least it doesn't show disrespect which is the last thing I want to do.
I hear my bed springs complain and I turn to see Ray getting on the mattress. To my surprise, he rolls over onto his stomach. I guess he is serious about wanting that massage after all. I'm still reluctant so I take my time collecting his socks and underwear from the floor. I even neatly arrange his shoes at the base of the night stand.
Ray is patient, but I can only delay so long. Finally, I have no choice but to crawl up into the bed with him. I've given my mom a few massages but they were always just her shoulders. We were always fully clothed also of course. As I crawl next to Ray I realize I might have bitten off more than I can chew. The task suddenly doesn't seem as simple as it did just a couple minutes ago.
There is no turning back now. Ray looks even more intimidating now that I can see all his muscles. His muscles aren't as well defined as what you see in body building competitions on TV. However, he still looks pretty muscular. It would probably only take a few weeks of dieting for him to loose what little fat he has covering those muscles. He still wouldn't win any competitions. He is huge but not that huge. He's just extremely fit. My guess is that when he's not at the school then he's at the gym or at home working out.
I kneel at his left side and reach for his neck muscle. My hands look so white and tiny on his huge black shoulder. I can't believe how hard his muscles are. It feels like I'm trying to squeeze a chunk of warm metal. It's a huge contrast from what my mom's shoulders always felt like.
"Straddle my back," he orders.
I have to admit that my current angle is pretty bad for this task. I was just hoping to be able to do the job with minimum physical contact. I should have known better than that. He is so big that I have to actually stand completely up before I can get up on his back. When I kneel down I spread my knees wide but they don't even reach the bed.
"Oh," I groan as my weighted nuts press hard against his hot flesh.
The pain is bad but not as bad as it could be. I can thank little Bobby for that. I busted several nuts in him yesterday and that soothed my blue balls somewhat. I still try several angles to help relieve the pressure. None work that well. I do find, however, that when I lean forward and press down on my hands it does cut the pain significantly. I need to do that anyway for the massage so it works out well.
My fingers are too weak to do much good on Ray's hard muscles. I spend most of my time just pressing down with my palms in various spots. I feel very humiliated as I give Ray his massage. I would feel humiliated no matter what guy I performed this on. However, I would be lying if I said Ray's skin color didn't add a lot to my humiliation. It's not because I feel superior or any shit like that. It is because it feels so odd and wrong to be touching a black person like this. Okay, maybe I'm a little prejudiced but isn't everyone?
I blush when I remember the video camera in the room. God, I hope this isn't some trick the Dean or my trainers are pulling on me. If so, then they will probably be emailing this video to everyone on the staff
3; to include my dad.
I massage his back for over 15 minutes. He just lays there and moans from time to time. I flop onto my side when he decides to turn over. It is a bit abrupt but at least the massage is finally over.
"Do my front now," he says as he lays back.
I guess I'm not done after all. I climb back on. This time I straddle his stomach. I make sure I pull his hard dick off his stomach so I won't be sitting on it. I can still feel the huge thing up against my right hip. I do my best to push it out of my mind.
I'm beat red as I work his front. I do everything I can to keep from looking him in the eye. Even without looking I can tell it won't be long before he expects his 'full release'. The only question is how he will obtain that release. The only thing I know for sure is that he won't deep throat me. Victor brags about me being good at sucking dick, but I'm not THAT good. Deep throating Ray just isn't physically possible. He would do permanent damage if he tried and he knows it. Of course, that still leaves lots of possibilities.
My brain frantically runs through all the possible scenarios. I try not to but I just can't help myself. This goes on for over five minutes. The scenarios just keep getting worse and worse and I'm about to start crying. Ray must have figured my brain was about to explode because he finally reaches up and grabs hold of my hips. My body jerks when he grabs hold.
I freeze and involuntarily look into his eyes. I can easily tell the moment has finally arrived. What happens next catches me by surprise. One of his large hands slide up my back and lightly grasps me at the back of the neck. He then applies pressure. Like an idiot, I try to resist. There is no way I'm going to overpowering this guy. I don't even think he notices that I'm trying to pull away. He just keeps pushing me down until my upper body comes to rest against his.
He then pushes me downward. At first I think he is going to make me suck his dick after all. However, he stops when my face comes even with his chest.
"No," I whimper when he angles my hand and presses my lips down against his left nipple.
I struggle again but with equally poor results. When this doesn't work I try to go to that dark space in my mind. However, as I back up I quickly run into Janice who blocks my way. She takes control of my body but forces me to stand there and watch and feel everything that is going on.
It angers me that she would keep me from my safe spot yet again. I can tell by the way she is sucking Ray's nipple that she enjoys at least part of this. She's a girl, why wouldn't she enjoy it? So, it's not like I was trying to abandon her to perform some horrible task
3; at least not for her.
Ray's pecs are actually larger than Danielle's breasts. However, his are manly and full of muscle. His nipples are smaller than Danielle's but he still has plenty for me to suck into my mouth and flick with my tongue.
I can't believe I'm actually sucking a black man's nipple! As bad as this is, I just know it is going to get much worse.
I suck on the nipple for several minutes before Ray moves my head to the other. As I suck on this nipple it dawns on me that Janice is no longer there. It's just me. The bitch has ducked away and left me by myself. I know it is only fair after what I did to her with my dad, but this still seems unbelievably cruel of her.
"Keep licking, sugar," he says as he moves my mouth to the right of his nipple.
I'm more than happy to comply. At least now I'm just licking his chest and not his nipple. It's still gross and humiliating but it could be much worse. He moves my head back and forth on his right pec for a minute and then things do indeed get worse. At first I think he is just going to have me lick the outer side of his pec. However, he keeps pushing me to the side until my tongue runs into hairs from his underarm.
"Lick!" he growls when I quickly pull my tongue back into my mouth.
I refuse at first. I even try to muffle a 'no' through my tightly closed lips. All it takes is a small squeeze on my neck to get me to change my mind. It isn't that painful and I doubt he would squeeze my neck much harder than this, but it sends a clear message he will probably do something else to hurt me if I don't comply.
I gag and feel like I'm going to be sick as I let me tongue come out of its hiding place. Oh, God! I'm licking his armpit! He tastes just like he smells
3; manly. It's horrible to perform the act but it really doesn't taste that awful. Nowhere near as bad as the Dean's dick tasted yesterday. Ray is much cleaner but he isn't perfectly clean. His flavor is mixed in with that of salt which tells me he probably sweated a little since his last bath.
I'm licking for almost a minute before something else occurs to me about his flavor. There are no chemical type tastes you might expect from an underarm deodorant. At least I assume deodorant isn't tasteless. This seems odd for Ray. In addition to wearing fine clothes he also always smells good. I even asked him once what cologne he wears. All I had at home was my dad's Old Spice. I would have much preferred smelling like Ray. I quickly changed my mind when he told me how much it cost. My allowance for a full year wasn't enough to buy a bottle of the stuff.
My face is beat red as I run my tongue back and forth across the kinky hairs. His underarm gets a thorough bath before he finally pulls me away from it. When my mouth comes to his nipple again I start licking and sucking on it with gusto. I work on it like a starving baby trying to feed. I much prefer the nipple over his armpit. I nurse the nipple for a minute before me moves me over to the left one. I work even harder on this one.
My efforts pay off and he rewards me by not making me lick the other armpit. Instead, he puts his finger under my chin and lifts up until I'm forced to look him in the eye. I can see the lust in his brown eyes. The next thing I know his large lips are on mine. I try to pull away but he is holding me in place.
I'm sure he thinks he is rewarding me further by giving me the kiss, but he's not. I almost prefer the armpit. Not in a million years did I think I would ever kiss a black man. The disgust is unimaginable as his tongue invades my mouth and we start to share spit. I'm quickly discovering that I'm a lot more racist than I thought. This is 100 times worse than when I kissed Danielle for the first time. There is nothing I can do except accept it. If Ray wants to kiss then we are going to kiss.
I try to force his big tongue out of my mouth using my own. However, this only seems to encourage Ray further. I struggle against the kiss for over two minutes. Finally, I give in and let my stiff body relax. I don't kiss back but I'm no longer fighting it. I have more fight in me but it is my hope that he will realize he won the battle and halt the kiss.
Another minute, then two pass and his tongue is still darting around in my mouth. It becomes clear he doesn't plan to stop kissing any time soon. A part of me wants to start fighting again but I'm just too emotionally and mentally drained.
"Mmm!" I groan into his mouth when I feel one of his large fingers worm into my asshole.
His finger is big but is nothing compared to what I've had up my hole in the past couple weeks. My outburst is more to let him know I don't want him sticking anything in there. I know how it works. First it is one finger and then two. The next thing I know he will be trying to stick his huge dick in there. With a little effort I'm sure I can probably physically handle his dick. However, I'm not so sure I can handle it mentally. I've had a man's dick up my ass, but this one is much bigger and
3; well, it's black! I know it shouldn't matter what color it is but it does.
Despite knowing where this is headed, I still can't help but moan in pleasure as his finger diddles me deep inside. God, he knows how to play with my clit! I moan into his mouth and do a little dance as his finger wiggles around. Having my body betray me like this is very humiliating and upsetting. My hips even try grinding back against his finger.
I freeze as Ray slowly works a second finger inside. He is proceeding just as I feared he would. At first I try to fight the inevitable by squeezing my hole tight. His strong unlubed fingers keep pushing and I have no choice but to relax my hole. I know it will be too painful if I don't. I even arch my back slightly in order to help accommodate them.
I'm embarrassed to admit it but Ray's two fingers feel perfect inside my hole. They are just big enough that they help fill that empty feeling I get whenever my plug is out. A larger object would fill the bill also, but I prefer sticking with the low end of the scale. I just wish this was the biggest thing he planned to push in me. I already know better though.
I can tell that Ray is letting me set the pace. Or at least he is letting my body reactions set it. He didn't add the second finger until I was dancing around on the first one. With this in mind, I do my best to hold still as the two fingers start wiggling around inside me. God, that feels so good! What are in those drugs they have been giving me? I know this feeling can't be natural. If it was then I'm pretty sure I would have discovered it a long time ago.
I don't know what scares me more. That this feeling is a result of the drugs or that it might actually be natural. If it is the drugs then that means they are forcing these feelings on me. That's horrible. However, if it is natural then that means I won't be able to ever escape it. Even after I run away from this place I will always be tempted to rub myself inside there.
I hold out for only a minute before I'm dancing on Ray's fingers. A minute later and I'm moaning into Ray's mouth again.
He works my hole for another two minutes. I let out a moan of despair when I feel the fingers finally start to pull out. Part of me wants them to stay in there because they felt so good. Another part of me wants them to stay in there because I know what will be coming next once they are gone. I want this whole horrible ordeal to be over but I so don't want that big black dick up my hole.
"Mmm!" I try to protest when I feel the head of his dick slide up against my hole.
I found a dirty sex story online once. In it the author referred to the head of a man's penis as being like a warm soft plum. Well, the head of Ray's dick was warm and kind of spongy like a plum but it felt more like the size of a fucking apple! Unfortunately, I'm not exaggerating that much. God, this is going to be a tight fit.
My skin crawls as I feel him rub the head back and forth against my hole. The head of his dick is covered in slippery precum and he is lubricating my 'ass pussy' with it. I know I should be thanking him for the lube, but right now all I can think about is the disgust of having a black man's precum smeared on me
3; plus, what I know is about to happen.
As disgusting as it is, I have to admit that it sends shivers up and down my spine and makes my toes curl each time the head of his dick rubs across my hole. I even shamelessly push back a few times.
As Ray uses one hand to guide his cock, he uses the other to hold onto my waist. It takes me a moment to realize his hand is no longer on my neck forcing me to kiss him. I want to break the kiss right away. However, I'm scared Ray might get upset if I'm too abrupt. So, I keep kissing him for 20 seconds or so before I slowly pull away. He doesn't seem upset but I still lower my lips back to his several times for a few tender kisses.
"It's too big!" I say when I feel the head of his dick pressing hard against my hole.
Ray ignores me and keeps adding pressure. I want to protest further but I know I'm better off taking deep breaths and relaxing my hole the best I can.
3;oh," I groan as the pressure against my hole increases.
I know my hole has been stretched wider than this before but that knowledge does little good in easing the discomfort. It has been many days since my hole has been stretched this far. Plus, it has been several hours since I took my plug out. My poor hole thought it had the night off and now Ray is trying to stick a telephone pole up it.
3; oh
3; OH!" I yelp when his apple pops inside.
Fuck that is big! Oh, shit! He's stretching me so wide!
I try to struggle again when it fully dawns on me that he isn't going to be happy with just the head inside. He's going to bury it real deep and then start pumping my ass pussy with it. I can barely handle the tip.
Even Danielle's cock seemed much too big once she/he started pumping me with it. I think it has something to do with how my insides have to rearrange themselves with each stroke. Or, maybe it is the way the cock kept bumping into my ass clit on each thrust. All I know for sure is that Ray's dick is almost twice the size of Danielle's. Even if he doesn't physically injure me I think the ordeal will probably mentally damage me.
Yet, a sick spark of excitement shoots down my spine at the thought of Ray's big apple bumping into my ass clit over and over again. I just know that the ass orgasm it would create would be beyond anything I've experienced so far. A perverted part of me wants to experience that anal climax. However, another part of me is scared to death of it.
"Please don't," I beg. "I'll do anything else you want. I'll be a good girl for you. I promise."
I blush as I add that last part. However, I know it is important to say it. It is about the only thing I can really offer him. Offering simple obedience is pretty pointless with someone as big as Ray. He can easily take whatever he wants from me. However, getting me to act like a girl and maybe even pretend to like it
3; that is something I have to volunteer. Okay, maybe he can force that out of me also. However, can he do it without leaving marks my trainers might notice?
"Oh, you are going to be a good girl for Ray alright," Ray says with a chuckle. "Trust me; I've seen straight boys turn into flaming sissies after getting a taste of my dick. I've watched you via the cameras. They already have you at least 9/10ths of the way to being a complete sissy. Once I breed your hole you will be begging to come home with me so you can be my bride."
Be a nig
3; I mean, a black man's bride? I don't think so. I also want to deny to myself that he is wrong about the 9/10ths part. However, he's probably right. I honestly don't feel like I've changed that much in the past few weeks. Yet, when I stop and actually think about it I realize I've changed a ton. The Jack from three weeks ago probably wouldn't even recognize me.
3;oh," I groan as Ray slowly feeds me his dick.
Ray's big apple presses hard against my ass clit and then slides on past. The tight fit is uncomfortable, yet still sends tingles through my body.
"Ugh!" I grunt when his apple presses against something deep inside me. "It hurts!"
It is a very uncomfortable feeling. I felt something similar with Danielle. However, Danielle's dick managed to get past this spot somehow. I can already tell though that Ray's dick is way too fat for that. It will be extremely painful if he goes deeper. I fear it might even injure me. Thankfully, Ray listens to me and stops pressing forward.
"I think I reached your cervix," Ray says with a chuckle.
I can tell he thinks he is making some kind of joke but I don't get it. I don't know what a cervix is but I doubt I would find his joke funny even if I did know what it was. Right now all I can think about is that pain inside me. He stopped pushing but he hasn't pulled back any in order to relieve the pressure.
"There are two ways we can do this," he informs me. "I can bury the rest of my dick up your pussy or you can be a good girl and show me how you play giddy up. So, do you want to be a good girl for me now?"
My blush deepens as I nod my head up and down. I'm not that sure I would live if he fed the rest of his cock to me. I suspect he knows this also. Or at least he knows he might injure me. So, it is very possible this is just a bluff. I'm not willing to take that chance.
I feel Ray's hands leave my hips. I hold still for a moment and then slowly pull myself forward. Another tingle shoots up my spine and my toes curl as his apple runs across my ass clit in the opposite direction. I keep pulling forward until the underside of his apple is pushing against the inside of my ass ring. My instinct is to pull his dick the rest of the way out. However, I know that if I do that then I will just have to squeeze it right back in. I'm sure Ray would enjoy the sensation of forcing his apple back inside, but I sure as hell wouldn't.
I take a few deep breaths and then slowly push back. Fuck that is a big dick! His dick is hard, yet still pliable enough that it compresses a little inside my tight hole. That said, it still has to be at least 2½ inches [6 cm] thick in its compressed state.
His dick reaches that uncomfortable spot deep inside me and I immediately start pulling myself forward again. I go all the way to the tip and then press back again. I repeat this over and over. I also increase the speed a little each time. I know that the faster I go the faster he will cum. Plus, I can't deny that the faster pace makes my ass clit feel better also.
I can only go so fast in this position. I'm doing maybe ten pumps a minute at best. Ray isn't holding my upper body against his so I take a gamble and use my hands to lift myself up. Ray doesn't protest. He looks pleased if anything. He did say to 'play giddy up' and sitting up like this is how one would do that I guess.
I'm able to increase my speed a bit in this new position. I'm still going mainly forward and back though. If I'm going to get the speed necessary to get Ray to cum then I'm going to have to change my position even more. So, I get my feet under me and hover over him in more of a squatting position. This new position works perfect.
The position becomes even better when Ray grabs hold of my ass cheeks. His strong fingers constantly knead my ass cheeks and occasionally spread them painfully wide, but their presence helps me maintain my balance.
I use my leg muscles to lift myself up and then let gravity quickly pull me back down. All I have to do is make sure my legs kick in before his apple punches through my cervix
3; whatever that is.
"Tell Ray how much you like his nigger dick," Ray groans.
My eyes get big when I hear him use the 'N' word. I've heard a few of my friends say it a few times in the past. However, it was them saying it just to say it. Just like all the other curse words we know are wrong to say. They certainly never used the word in reference to an actual black person. And they definitely never said it in close proximity to a black person.
It seems odd that Ray would use the word himself. I guess it isn't any more odd than him speaking about himself in the third person. Regardless, I'm not about to use the word.
3; I like your dick," I whisper back to him.
"Say 'I like Ray's big dick'," Ray groans back.
At least he didn't use the 'N' word that time. I still hold back for a moment before I comply.
"I like Ray's big dick," I groan as I drop down on his huge dick once more.
"Keep saying it," he commands. "Make sure it is loud enough for everyone to hear."
I freeze when he says this. Are we being watched? Or was that just a kind of saying? I'm tempted to ask but decide it is best not too. If the answer is 'yes' then I'll still have to do all of this. Only then I will know there is someone watching and they will know I know. Right now I at least can still hope no one is watching. Plus, anyone watching will probably at least pretend they hadn't seen the whole ordeal.
"I like Ray's big dick," I say as I start moving on his dick once more.
I say it in a normal voice instead of a whisper, but Ray apparently doesn't feel it is loud enough. He lets one of his hands slide off my ass cheek and onto my balls. He then encases my balls and weight in his large fist.
"I like Ray's big dick!" I say much louder when I feel Ray squeeze my nuts slightly.
My balls have felt a ton better ever since they started milking me. However, that doesn't mean they still don't hurt when being squeezed.
"I like Ray's big dick!" I all but yell three more times before he stops squeezing.
Ray stops squeezing but he doesn't let go. At first, his fist moves in sync with my hips. However, on each upward hump my ball weight seems to feel a little heavier. He is clearly adding more resistance. It doesn't take long before it becomes very uncomfortable. His tugging down makes my weight feel at least five times heavier. To make matters worse, he starts adding resistance in the opposite direction whenever I hump down. Basically, my balls are being pulled when I go up and pushed on when I go down. Only it is I doing most of the pulling and pushing. Ray is mostly just holding his hand in place.
I try doing even shorter strokes but Ray isn't happy with this and starts squeezing my nuts again. The pulling and pushing is uncomfortable but it still feels ten times better than when he squeezes. So, I start doing deeper strokes again.
"Oh! I like
3; Ray's big
3; ah
3; dick!" I grunt as I punish my nuts with each hump.
Danielle told me a couple weeks back that I should learn to embrace pain and mold it into pleasure. There is no way that is going to happen. I've tried that a few times and it has never worked. However, I have found that I can sometimes block out some of the pain and focus more on what little pleasure might already be there. That's what I start doing here. As I rape my hole with Ray's huge black dick I try to block out the pain coming from my nuts and focus on that odd perverted pleasure coming from my ass clit.
The pleasure is mixed in with a bunch of pain and it takes me a minute to locate it. When I do find it I grab on with both hands and hug it tight. The perverted pleasure is all gooey and slimy and keeps trying to slip away. It is like a greased pig and gets loose a few times but I just keep chasing it down and grabbing hold. It takes several minutes but I finally tire it out and it just sits there and lets me hug it.
"I like Ray's big dick!" I grunt as I wrap my arms and legs around my slimy glob of pleasure.
"I like Ray's big dick!"
"I like Ray's big dick!"
As I bounce up and down on Ray's dick I discover a flaw in my plan. The more I embrace the pleasure the more I'm starting to believe what I'm chanting out loud. It's Ray's big dick after all that is strumming my ass clit. It isn't long and I'm humping Ray's dick with everything I have. I even start trying to force his big apple past that tender spot deep inside me.
"I love Ray's big dick!" I yell as I feel an anal climax nearing.
"God, I love Ray's big dick! I love Ray's big dick! I love
3; ohhhh!"
I bury his huge dick deep in my ass and start convulsing. Like all my prior anal climaxes, this one is scary and pleasurable at the same time. However, just like prior ones it doesn't quite feel like a normal climax. It is intense enough though that it makes my head spin for a moment. When everything settles down I find I'm laying against Ray's chest again with my face near his neck. In my afterglow I actually get a strange urge to kiss and suck on his neck. I don't do it of course. Only a fag would do something like that.
"Do you want to come home with me yet?" Ray laughs.
I don't answer. However, I do think about it. I don't seriously consider the offer but I can't help but wonder what it would be like to be Ray's live in girlfriend/wife. He would probably 'breed' me several times a day. Eventually I'm sure I would learn to take his huge dick all the way inside me. He might even train me how to take all of it down my throat. Though I'm still not sure that's possible.
In time I might even get used to kissing him, sucking his nipples and licking his arm pits. It's a frightening thought but I know it is true. I would get used to it just like almost everything else I've learned recently.
I wonder if he would keep me in my cock cage all the time in order to make me beg for regular milkings? I also wonder what my parents would think about the whole thing.
My thoughts are interrupted by Ray's dick burying itself deep inside me again. I got so caught up in my own climax that I failed to notice Ray hadn't cum yet. I guess that's not very wifely of me.
One thing that I've noticed about my anal climaxes is that my 'desire' never fully goes away. Ray's huge dick just milked a large load out of me and I still feel a slight desire to cum again. Still, the desire is diminished just enough that my humiliation and disgust override it. All I want right now is to get away from Ray's huge cock. That's not going to happen though. I don't even bother trying to pull myself away. Instead, I lay my upper body flat against his strong chest and hug him the best I can. His body is now sweaty and smells even manlier than before. Rubbing against his sweaty body makes me feel all dirty and yucky. However, it is still better than if I were sitting up again. If I did that then I would be forced to look down at him again. Plus, he would be able to see all the shame on my face.
Ray doesn't seem to mind. He just grabs my hips tight and starts humping up from below. Thankfully, he takes care not to drive up too deep into me.
You would think that I would be used to humiliation by now. However, as Ray grunts below me I lay my head against his strong chest and weep silently. I feel one of Ray's large hands rub up and down my sweaty back. At first I think he is trying to comfort me. However, after a minute the hand grabs hold of the back of my head and guilds me until my lips are over his left nipple. I hesitate only a few seconds before I start sucking on the salty offering.
Ray begins to moan as I suck his nipple. Realizing this might get him off faster, I start going to town on the nipple. I suck hard on it. I flick my tongue around on it. I even nibble it a little. It takes less than two minutes for Ray to start cumming. He holds me so tight that I can barely breathe. I also feel his dick swell even bigger and become as hard as steel. Next I feel him shooting deep inside me.
"Ray's breeding your hole."
I'm light headed from the lack of oxygen and I'm not sure if it is Ray that says this or if it is Janice.
Ray keeps jabbing my hole for almost a full minute before he comes to a rest. I keep sucking his nipple for another half minute before I realize I can stop now.
I expect Ray to push me off him in disgust or something. However, he holds me tight and runs one of his hands up and down my back. For some weird reason I feel the need to be held right now. His hug makes me feel all yummy inside. Yet, at the same time I feel pretty disgusted by our sweaty bodies sliding against each other and the feel of his sperm sloshing around in my bowels.
There is an awkward silence in the room as we lay there. It's about two minutes before his dick gets soft. I feel him reach over and grab something off the nightstand. As his dick slides out of my hole I feel my plug being put in its place.
"Ugh!" I grunt as the large plug pops in place.
The thought of having Ray's sperm corked inside me makes my skin crawl. It's at least an hour until I do my morning enema. By then my body will have soaked up most of the black man's sperm. As bad as that thought is, my mind is worried more about what Ray might want me to do next. If you make a mess then you clean it. If this was official training then my trainers would have me licking Ray's dick clean right now.
Thankfully, Ray doesn't make me do this. Instead, he slides out of bed and goes into the bathroom. A moment later I hear him running a bath.
"Come in here sugar," he orders.
I reluctantly climb out of bed and enter the bathroom. I freeze when I see Ray standing in front of the toilet. I immediately assume he wants to use me as a toilet. However, he just starts pissing in the toilet bowl. I continue to stare at Ray as I breathe a sigh of relief. He doesn't have that pro body building ripped look but his sweaty glistening body still looks like it belongs to a Greek God or something. I can only imagine how many hours he spends in the gym lifting weights.
Ray's piss comes out in a thick strong stream. He was courteous and lifted the toilet seat beforehand, however, I can still see piss splashing out of the bowl. I kept close watch so I know what to clean later. I guess I should be upset that he is making such a mess, but I'm not. Not really. I'm more than happy to clean up after him if it means not having to drink his piss. I've gotten pretty good at being a toilet but I doubt I could have handled Ray's thick stream. And damn there was a lot of it also. His piss seemed to go on forever.
"I might let you drink it next time," Ray tells me.
I come out of my trance and look up at his face just in time to catch him giving me a wink and a smile. I blush profusely. I can't believe he caught me staring like that. He clearly misread my stare. I want to explain but I'm too embarrassed to say anything. Hopefully, he will forget the incident by the next time he 'visits'. If he doesn't then I can always explain then.
Ray flushes and then walks over to the tub and climbs in. He turns the water off and then waves me over. I reluctantly climb into the tub with him. It's a big tub but it suddenly seems much smaller with Ray sitting in it. I don't get my own space in it like when Danielle and I shared it. I try sitting down near Ray's feet but he grabs my waist and easily pulls me up until I'm sitting in his lap. Thankfully, he allows me to sit with my back to him. At least this way I don't have to look him in the eye.
"Mmm," I moan in pleasure as his strong hands start washing me.
I blush the second I let the moan out. I can't believe I did that! Sure, it felt good but the last thing I want is for him to think I'm enjoying myself. I bite my lower lip to help keep from moaning further.
It only takes Ray's large hands a couple minutes to fully scrub me down. He then hands me a bar of soap and a pink bath scrub. I start with his legs since they are right in front of me. I take my time but I'm not sure why. I know I'm going to have to do the rest of his body eventually anyway.
I spend at least two minutes on his legs and then bashfully turn so I can face him. I blush as I reach out and start scrubbing his chest, shoulders and arms. I make sure I clean his underarms extra good just in case he decides to make me lick them again. My blush deepens when I look down and see his semi hard dick sticking up out of the water. His dick gets real hard as I wash it and his large balls.
I quickly go from cleaning his dick to masturbating him. I don't want to do it but I assume he will fuck my ass again if I don't. He lets me play with his cock for a couple minutes before he stops me.
"You're a horny little slut aren't you?" Ray giggles as he pulls my hands away from his cock and balls. "We don't have time to do it again today. Don't worry; you will be surprised how often I'll be able to sneak in here and breed you."
This comment of course makes me blush further. I also swallow hard at the thought of Ray breeding me on a regular basis. I kind of figured this would be the case, but it still catches me off guard when I hear him actually say it.
As I dry Ray off I can't help but stare at his semi hard dick. I just can't believe that huge thing was inside me. It just doesn't seem possible that something that big could ever fit in me. I mean, my ass was virgin just a few weeks ago.
Ray takes his time dressing. Thankfully, all I have to do is hand him his items. I don't bother dressing myself. My normal wake up time is in about 30 minutes. I would just have to undress at that time anyway so I can take my morning enema. I also plan to take another bath. I still feel dirty. I think part of the reason is because I shared the last bath with Ray. I think the main reason is because I still have his cum plugged inside me. Now that I think about it I think I will do my morning enema the second Ray leaves the room.
Before leaving, Ray walks over to me and gives me a hug and a kiss. I return the kiss without thinking. I'm still disgusted by it but it seems trivial compared to what we just did.
"The turkey dinner belongs to your dad," Ray whispers as he hugs me. "The needles belong to the Dean. That one isn't as bad as it looks. He will just pierce your ears if you select that one. They will eventually do that to you anyway. Of course, he might want to do something sexual with you also."
I can't help but smile a little as Ray backs away. Maybe I have an ally after all. I had planned to select the turkey dinner. Ray just saved me from a very awkward and embarrassing session with my father. The information about the needles is pretty valuable also. From the sounds of it I have nothing to lose by selecting that one. They will pierce my ears anyway and it's not like the Dean won't breed me anyway. Still, do I really want to accelerate that process just for a small gift?
Ray stares at me for a moment like he is debating something in his head. He then leans back in and gives me another passionate kiss.
"Select the leather paddle that has the word 'SLUT' on it," he whispers. "You won't enjoy it but you might discover why you are really in here."
I'm a bit stunned when I hear this. The Dean already confessed that he was the reason I was in here. Did he lie or possibly exaggerate? I wouldn't put it past the asshole. However, if he isn't the reason then what is? Ray turns and leaves before I can ask any follow up questions. As a minimum it would be nice to at least know who that paddle belongs too.
It takes me a couple moments to get over the shock of this new information. Once I can think straight again, I go to the tree and look at the leather paddle. The card attached to it just says Jawbreakers 2013. I like jawbreakers but hadn't planned to select this item. Jawbreakers just aren't worth a spanking. Plus, there is no way I want to select an item with the word 'SLUT' written on it.
I reread the card a few times hoping the number might suddenly take on more meaning. It doesn't. I'm tempted to use the phone in my room to try the number. However, I'm too scared. You would think I would have the balls to at least pick up the receiver to see if the line is active. Plus, maybe try my 10-digit code to make sure they have actually deactivated it. However, I've been deathly afraid of even looking sideways at that phone.
In my defense, the phone does seem an obvious trap. Besides, even if I could make a call there isn't anyone I can trust. Even the cops in this town can't be trusted when it comes to this school. If they could then the school probably would have been shut down years ago.
I finally put the paddle back on the tree and sit down on my bed. I just sit there and watch the tree lights blink on and off. I want to give Ray's new information some serious thought. However, there just isn't enough data. Instead, I end up just spacing out as I watch the hypnotic tree lights. I don't break out of my trance until my clock radio goes off.
Chapter 23
It doesn't take long for me to figure out why Ray was so bold this morning. After going through my morning routine I turn on the TV only to find my first classroom is empty. I wait another 15 minutes before I'm certain there is no school today.
I'm a bit confused. I don't remember my sisters ever getting any days off from school. Trust me; I teased them enough about it. It was one of the few things I had over my older sisters. They got to brag about their great grades and future hopes and stuff. However, every holiday I got to tell them about all the fun I had on my day off. It was even better around Christmas when I would get several days off in a row.
If they aren't here though then where are they? Wait
3; of course
3; mentors! Geese, no wonder my sisters always got so pissed when I teased them about this. While I was having fun with friends they were spending time with their mentors probably getting sex related training and stuff.
My father was always gone on these days also. I would bet money he spent these days at Victor's house. It certainly would explain some of the stories they told me once I started working here. How they would take students to Victor's place sometimes and make them play together. How they would sometimes even have the kids suck their dicks while they watched football and stuff. They even sometimes referenced holidays. I just never put it all together until now.
I flip through the channels and discover the school isn't as dead today as I thought. One of my class channels is a feed from the indoor basketball court. While it is a basketball court I have never actually seen anyone playing basketball on it; not even when I was janitor. They would sometimes do exercises on it but mostly it was used for sex training. This training varied greatly. Sometimes you would see two or three class rooms full of kids there all paired up in groups of two to four.
What I see there now is a little different than normal. There were at least 40 kids but only one teacher. While this is right about the correct number of kids, there were almost always three or four teachers present. Most of my attention, however, goes to the girls themselves. They are all naked and in one big circle. They are all watching about five girls who are having sex with each other on some mats in the middle of the circle. I've seen this exercise before and it's one of my favorites.
The girls take turns entering the little orgy in the center of the circle. The first time I seen this I thought it was all random as to when a girl would enter or exit the circle. The number in the middle even seemed random. Sometimes there would be as few as two or three and other times as many as 20 or more. My dad later explained to me that it was anything but random. Every girl at the school wears the same type of wrist watch. They look like simple digital watches but apparently they have a few special features. One of those features is that it can be used kind of like a beeper. Only they normally vibrate and not actually make beeping noises. Apparently, when they participate in this auditorium exercise a computer sends signals to this or that watch to let the girls know when to enter and exit the circle. How often they have to enter and how long they have to stay in the center is of course decided by their grades and other evaluations kept in the computer database. The worse they are doing in the school the more often the computer selects them for the center.
That is interesting and all. However, I mainly just liked watching them play with each other. Though, I have to admit that it did add a bit of excitement knowing this is a kind of punishment for the girls and that they didn't know exactly when their time to enter would occur. Sometimes I would focus on this or that girl as she stood there waiting for her watch to go off. They always looked very distressed as they waited there. You knew the second their watch went off because they would swallow hard and blush.
As I watch my TV I notice extra girls entering the gymnasium from time to time. Once they enter they approach the teacher who then types something into his laptop. The newcomers then then join the other girls. I watch this channel for over an hour. During that time I see several more girls enter and 'check in'. It is around the one hour mark that I also notice a few girls do the opposite. They approach the teacher and have him type something into the computer. Then they leave. It dawns on me that I'm watching some kind of perverted child care system.
They come to the gymnasium until their mentor is ready for them. They then go out front at a specified time or possibly after getting a page from their mentor. Their mentor then picks them up and takes them somewhere private for their special training session. It is just a guess on my part but it does make sense. There were a ton of kids and only so many teachers. Not all of the teachers probably have room in their houses for all the kids they mentor. So, they rotate them in and out like this.
I keep an eye out for my sisters but they don't show up. It's possible they might arrive later in the day. I turn the TV off though. It's not that I find it boring or don't want to watch. It's just that it is too damn frustrating with this cock cage on and all. The frustration becomes overwhelming and I start to get way too tempted to grab the special screwdriver and remove my cage.
Instead, I grab my text books and study. Believe it or not, I actually wish I had classes today. Reading the books just isn't the same without the lectures to go along with them. Just sitting around and doing nothing, however, would be too boring. Plus, there is a chance I would get in trouble if I just laid around all day.
It's about 9 a.m. before I start to get hungry. God, I haven't eaten anything all week! I don't know why I hadn't noticed this until just now. For a moment I'm scared I might be deathly ill. Then I realize why I haven't been hungry. It's because I've been eating cum! With all those visits to my door I've probably eaten more 'food' this week than I normally do.
I open my fridge and find it just as empty as the last time I looked. I kind of hoped some food fairies might have restocked it while I slept or something.
For a moment I think about the turkey dinner card on my Christmas tree. If Ray is correct then that card belongs to my dad. The card is attached to a round paddle. Does that mean my dad would just paddle my butt a little in exchange for the dinner? It is very tempting to select it. However, I remind myself that they will expect him to treat me like any other 'student'. That means he would probably have to do something a little more sexual in addition to the spanking.
I try to convince myself that the dinner is worth sucking my dad off or possibly do some other sexual act with him. It's not like I haven't already sucked him off. Plus, I'll no doubt have to have sex with my dad again in the future anyway. Still, I just can't get myself to give in. Instead, I grab my food and water bowls. I fill one with bottled water and the other with dog food.
Dog food is a lot easier to eat when you are starving. I'm not quite there yet. However, I'm scared that if I wait a couple more hours I might convince myself to go for the turkey dinner.
In the past, I always felt embarrassed and humiliated when I ate from my feed bowls. That is because I was pretty certain I was being watched. Today, however, there has been no indication anyone might be watching. In fact, Ray's actions this morning kind of indicate the opposite. Though, he did whisper to me which seemed a bit odd if he felt we were alone. I feel a little silly but I eat on the floor like normal just in case. I even make sure I don't use my hands during the process.
I'm not sure why, but I start crying mid-way through my meal. It just seems to come from nowhere. Sure, I'm ashamed and stuff but that's nothing new. I just chalk it up to the estrogen doing its thing. Of course, thinking about the estrogen gives me more reason to cry and the tears begin to really rain down into my food dish. Man, I wish I had classes today. When I watch my classes I seldom have time to think about this depressing shit.
Speaking of depressing
3; where's my newspaper? I stand for a moment so I can look around for it. I even go to my door to see if it is laying there. That fucker didn't bring me a paper today! I look in the trash can for yesterday's paper but the can has already been emptied.
"This day sucks," I mumble as I kneel back down on the concrete floor so I can finish my breakfast/brunch.
The next couple hours are just as boring as the first few. It's so boring that I actually start to look forward to my lunchtime exercises. I get a knot in my stomach, however, when the time actually arrives. It's time to make a final decision on what items, if any, I plan to take with me from the Christmas tree.
I blush as I grab the needles and the 'SLUT' paddle. My blush deepens a minute later when I'm placing the two items on the couch. It isn't until then that I realize exactly how my decisions must look to my trainers; especially if they weren't listening in when Ray told me about the items. All they see is me selecting needles and a paddle which would imply I'm into pain or something.
My exercises go pretty well. I still have to do 12 jumping jacks but they don't hurt my balls that much. With all my recent milkings, my balls haven't been hurting that much. Plus, I think my nuts are starting to get used to my weight. That said, it is still far from being pleasurable.
I take an extra-long bath after my workout. It is the closest thing to defiance I've shown in days. However, I figure 'fuck them'. They have me sitting around doing nothing all day anyway. Plus, that warm bubble bath feels so damn sublime. I think I get a little too relaxed because at one point I find myself playing with my nipples. When I realize what I'm doing I blush and quickly pull my hands away. I'm more confused than ashamed. They are normally so sensitive. They still are but it almost felt good playing with them while they were warmed by the water.
The little incident does make me study my nipples a little closer. It could be my imagination but my areolas seem a little puffier than they should be. I tell myself that it is just the warm water. However, deep down I know it is probably more than that. The estrogen is probably starting to kick in. I've spied on my sisters enough to know how it works. First the areola gets puffy. Then the chest itself starts to get fattier and kind of cone shaped. The next thing I know I will have breasts just like Danielle. This thought gives me a mix of conflicting emotions. I'm mostly scared and disgusted at the thought, but there is also a small part of me that seems
3; I don't know
3; kind of excited about it I guess. Don't read that the wrong way. I still don't want boobies
3; I really don't. However, a part of me looks forward to telling Danielle about this recent development. It is kind of like Danielle and I will have something else in common
3; if that makes any sense.
Thinking of Danielle makes me wonder what she is doing today. The Dean is her mentor so it is possible Danielle is servicing his huge dick right now. This thought upsets me. I get even more upset when I realize Danielle might actually be spending the day with her asshole of a boyfriend.
Thinking of Danielle and her boyfriend ruins the mood of my bath. I start the tub draining and pull myself from the warm water and yummy bubbles.
Seriously, what does she see in this Edward guy anyway? Okay, according to Danielle he is good looking, big and manly and has a huge dick. I can see why she would want him as a fuck buddy or maybe even a boyfriend. However, Danielle talked like she wanted to marry the guy. I just don't see her being happy married to someone like that. He's too much like her father.
This last thought concerns me. I've heard how girls often marry men that remind them of their fathers. Danielle certainly thinks of herself as a girl. Hell, for the past few minutes I was even thinking of him as one.
Grrr! Why is Danielle not in my room with me anyway?! If there is no school today then technically this is an extended weekend and Danielle is supposed to be spending her weekends in here with me
3; not out frolicking around with some asshole.
I'm so angry that I decide to act out a little and not to put my school uniform back on. Instead, I put on my new yellow dress that Drew got me.
The second half of the day goes just as slow as the first. I even fall asleep a couple times while reading my text books. No one comes in to wake me which tells me I'm probably not being watched. I guess it is equally possible they are watching but just don't care since it is kind of a day off for me.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
I almost jump out of my skin when I hear someone knock on my door. I sit there stunned for a moment. I then rush to the door and kneel down. I now wish I wasn't wearing my new dress. I don't want to get cum stains on it. Plus, I always lift my skirt up so that my visitors can hear my cock cage rub against the door. That's easy to do with my school uniform's short skirt. However, it is a pain in the ass with this long yellow dress. I do it anyway just in case. As I bunch it up around my waist I cringe at the thought of all the wrinkles I'm creating in it.
The Dean's huge dick comes through the hole the second my cock cage taps against the door. I do a double take when I see his cock. On top of the head of his dick are three tiny little scoops of ice cream. Each scoop is a different color and about a quarter inch across. When I look closer I see two tiny slivers of what I'm guessing are banana. And of course the whole thing has a little chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top. Apparently, this is my banana split. I'm sure he finds this very funny but I sure as hell don't.
I kick myself for selecting his item. I should have guessed he would do something mean like this.
The ice cream is slowly melting on the end of his dick. I see it starting to slide so I quickly put my mouth over it and suck it inside. I figure there is no reason to let it go to waste. To my surprise, it actually tastes good. I swallow it down. The flavor slowly disappears and I'm left with just the taste of the Dean's manly dick. At least his dick seems rather clean today.
I barely get started on his dick when it withdraws from the hole. A second later the door opens; pushing me back on my rump. I grunt as I land on my plug.
I crawl backward in fear as he enters the room. Did I do something wrong? Did he find out about Ray? Did he find out about my escape attempt?
I look up at his face and see no anger there. This relaxes me some but I'm still a little worried. It would be just like the Dean to try to catch me off guard. Try to make me think everything is okay and then suddenly go off on me.
I reach a wall and can't back up any more. I close my eyes tight and wait for the worst. He walks on past me though. I open my eyes and watch as he goes to the edge of my bed and begins to undress.
I'm a bit confused. Is this training? Is this punishment? Or is this just part of his 'gift'? Okay, I guess everything in here is considered 'training'. However, it would be nice to know what subcategory I'm about to experience.
I cautiously stand and start taking my pretty new dress off. The Dean hasn't indicated that I need to get naked. Nor do I want to seem too eager. However, I doubt my dress will fair very well if I keep it on. I cringe when I remove it and notice a few marks on it from the concrete floor. I will have to try to wash that out later. It's a little wrinkly now and needed a good wash anyway. It's a light yellow cotton material so I'm thinking warm water with no fabric softener. I hope it has a cleaning tag though so I can make sure. I would hate to ruin it.
I glance back over at the Dean and see him watching me with a smile. I blush and quickly avert my eyes. I have my dress off but I'm sure he will want my plug out also. If he was here for just a blowjob then he wouldn't be getting naked. I make no attempt to remove the plug. If he wants me to take it out then he is going to have to order me to do it. Instead, I just stare at the ground and pray that my assumptions are wrong.
I look back up a half minute later when I hear the Dean crawl into my bed. He looks over at me and I look away again. This time I focus on the mess of clothes he left on the floor. Before he can order me into the bed I walk over and start picking his clothes up. It's the only thing I can think of to help delay the inevitable. Plus, the mess bothered me for some reason; which is odd considering how messy I've always been in the past.
I take my time as I neatly fold each item and put it on the nightstand. I even fold his socks and underwear. He waits patiently, but eventually I run out of items. I get a knot in my stomach as I lay the final piece of clothing down.
"Where's Danielle, sir?" I ask, hoping I can sidetrack his plans a little longer. "Is she with her fiancé?"
"Her what?" the Dean replies in confusion.
Pay dirt! He's biting.
"Isn't she engaged to some guy named Edward?" I say.
I feel kind of bad for selling Danielle out like this. She never said she was engaged. In fact, she only said she was thinking of asking her father if she could get engaged to Edward. That means the Dean is probably unaware of how serious the relationship might be.
I know it is a pretty shitty thing for me to do. However, it does have the potential of killing two birds with one stone. It could ruin Danielle's relationship with Edward, but more importantly, this information might upset the Dean enough that he gets dressed and leaves so he can confront Danielle. Danielle of course will be pissed at me. I'll just play it off as though I misunderstood what she said. She will forgive me and we will become closer than ever. Plus, they claim makeup sex is always the best. Wait, what am I saying?!
My train of thought is interrupted by a loud chuckle from the Dean.
"I wish I had a dime for every guy she falls in love with," the Dean replies as he pats the bed next to him. "She's daddy's girl and always will be. I've already bought the house next door so she will have a place to live once she gets old enough."
I slowly crawl into bed and sit at the spot the Dean patted. As I do so I notice him holding a small jar in his left hand. The jar is clear and I can see the two needles floating around in a transparent fluid. I'm guessing it is alcohol to help sterilize them.
"I'll marry her off but it won't be to some jerk like Ed," the Dean continues. "Most likely it will be to another girl that daddy can play with."
As he says this last part the Dean leans in and gives me a kiss on the forehead. It takes me a moment but it dawns on me that he isn't talking about an actual girl. He's talking about matching Danielle up with another sissy
3; like me.
The thought of being married to Danielle makes my heart flutter and I can't help but give the Dean a small smile. The smile quickly disappears, however, when I realize exactly what this would mean. I know I keep thinking of Danielle as a girl but she isn't. She's a guy! I don't want to be married to a guy; especially one whose father would share our marriage bed.
Sure, I hate the idea of Danielle hooking up with some other guy. However, that doesn't mean I want to hook up with her. I tell myself this but I'm not totally convinced it is true. I really enjoy my time with Danielle. I can easily see us sharing a house together. In fact I think it would be awesome. However, it's the sharing the bed part that bothers me. We are both
3; well, guys. It's wrong
3; right? Don't get me wrong, Danielle definitely knows how to please a guy. Plus, if I had to choose a guy to have sex with I would pick Danielle in a heartbeat. Her cock is the perfect size and her cum tastes so sweet. Having sex with a guy though is just wrong
3; despite what Janice keeps whispering to me.
"Why did you pick the needles?" the Dean asks as he gives the small bottle a shake.
I swallow hard as I hear the needles click around inside the bottle. I figured the Dean would make assumptions about my selection but I never expected him to come straight out and ask me about it.
3;I don't know," I reply. "I just like ice cream."
It is true. I do like ice cream. Not enough to be poked with needles though.
"Aren't you scared I might want to poke these into your balls?" he says with an evil smile.
This was a legit question. This definitely came to mind the first time I seen them.
"Not really," I lie. "It's a Christmas present so I guessed they were for something other than poking my balls. Poking my balls with them seems too much like a severe punishment. If you are going to severely punish me for doing nothing wrong then what would be my motivation to behave?"
Don't ask me where that logic came from. I didn't even know what I was going to say until after I had already said it. I analyze it afterward and am surprised at how much sense it actually makes. Maybe I'll make a good Humbled Girl after all.
"Good point," the Dean says with a chuckle. "You are forgetting one thing though. That's the fear you would have of me doing it again if you were a bad girl."
I swallow hard. I hadn't thought of that. If he used them on me then I would know for sure how much they hurt and my fear of them would probably be doubled. The Dean stares at me until I become convinced he is actually going to poke my nuts with them. I do a horrible job of hiding my fear and it isn't long before I feel a tear run down my cheek.
"Don't worry," the Dean says with a chuckle. "As long as you are a good girl I promise I won't ever pierce your nuts."
The Dean sounds sincere but I'm far from relieved. There are still plenty of spots on my body he could use the needles on. Plus, his statement makes it clear that my nuts aren't completely off the menu. It just means he will probably give me increasingly disgusting and horrible demands down the road until I'm a bad girl and refuse.
"Thank you, sir," I whisper.
"No problem," he replies with a smile. "Now why don't you get down there and lick my asshole a little for me."
I stare at him in shock as he rolls over on his stomach. I knew he would eventually find something I would refuse to obey but I didn't think it would happen this soon. I can't lick the Dean's asshole
3; I won't! However, the Dean gives the bottle a small shake and I find myself crawling down the bed.
Normally, I would think the Dean is bluffing. However, my stupid mouth has kind of backed him into a corner. If he backed out of this threat it would just prove I was right about what I said earlier. There is no way the Dean could allow that. It would give away too much of his power over me. I'm obviously no genius but even I can see that.
As I position myself at his rear, the Dean raises himself up just long enough to stuff a large pillow below his hips. This raises his butt a little higher in the air. I still have to use my hands though to reach in and pry his cheeks apart. I feel ill as his asshole comes into view. I've eaten ass three times now but this is much worse
3; it's the Dean. That said, it does look surprisingly clean.
I still have to close my eyes for a moment so I can settle my stomach. When I open them back up the Dean's asshole is still winking at me.
I can't do this
3; I just can't! Yet, I'm shocked to find my face slowly inching toward the Dean's buttocks. I feel almost like I'm watching everything from outside my body. It takes me a second to realize that Janice has taken control.
3; no
3; no! the voice in my head screams at Janice.
Janice doesn't listen; she just keeps lowering my head until my lips come into contact with the Dean's asshole. If that isn't bad enough, she puckers my lips and gives the Dean's hole a loud smooch! I blush profusely. Why did she have to do that?! What will the Dean think?!
"Mmm," the Dean moans in pleasure as Janice sticks my tongue out and starts licking. "Such a good girl."
Janice might be controlling my body but she hasn't blocked me out completely. She leaves me in charge of all the signals coming from my tongue and nose. I can smell the Dean's manly scent and I can taste him as well. I can even feel my tongue rub back and forth across his hole. I try to block these signals but Janice won't let me.
It frightens me how strong Janice has become. I can only blame myself. It is I that gave her life and it is I that kept relinquishing control over to her. However, I only gave her that control so she could carry my burden for me. She wasn't supposed to use it as an opportunity to build power and take over. Yet, I fear it won't be long before she does just that
3; if she hasn't already. I would actually be fine with that if she would just let me hide in my dark corner. I would gladly stay there forever and let her run the show. However, she isn't happy with just that. She wants me to not only experience everything but even forces me to take on all the nasty duties. It's like she is dragging me around on a mental leash and making me do all her crap chores. Where did everything go wrong? It was supposed to be her on the leash, not I.
The Dean's asshole might smell manly but it tastes very similar to Casey's did. I try to pretend that it is Casey's hole I'm eating but it doesn't work. I keep trying to pull away from the Dean's asshole but Janice has too strong of a grip on my leash.
I swear I can hear Janice laughing in the background as I try to wrap my mind around the fact that I'm rimming the Dean's asshole. Janice has me harden my tongue and poke it deep into the Dean's hole and wiggle it around for ten seconds. She then pulls my tongue out and makes me lick across it ten times. Then my tongue hardens and goes back inside again. She repeats this cycle over and over again. The rhythmic sensations across my tongue become almost hypnotic.
As I bury my tongue in the Dean's asshole for the tenth time I suddenly realize that Janice is gone and I'm actually in charge again. When I go to pull away, however, Janice is there to hold me in place. This seems to be a recurring game of hers. She isn't content with just making me endure all of this. She wants me to be an active participant as well.
Janice forces me back into the rhythm. Sure enough, about a minute later I find it is me in control again. This time I don't try to pull away. What's the point? This way I at least feel a little bit in control. You have no idea what it feels like when Janice takes over like that. To lose all control over my body, yet still be aware of everything going on
3; it's very scary. When I was in grade school I got in a fight once with an older boy. He was much bigger than I was and easily overpowered me. I was lucky that he didn't bash my face in. However, he did sit on my chest and pin my arms under his legs. I could barely breathe and felt so scared and helpless. That's kind of how I feel whenever Janice grabs my leash and starts manhandling me. It's a very horrible feeling.
"Good girl."
At first I think it is Janice telling me this but then I realize it is the Dean.
"We would have done this a long time ago had I known you were going to be so good at it," the Dean tells me. "Most students require several whippings before they get this good. I will have to tell your daddy about your special little talent. Maybe he will want to take your tongue for a test drive as well."
I feel my face burning with embarrassment. I also feel very hopeless. If I do a bad job then I risk punishments. If I do a good job then everyone finds out how good I am at it. There just isn't any winning.
That said, I know the path of least resistance is still my best option. At least this way I'm only hurt mentally and not physically as well. Still, the thought of my father hearing about this makes me feel ill. I know the Dean will blow it all out of proportion also. Please Dean, don't tell daddy about this!
I want to back out or at least reduce the quality of my performance. However, even if Janice would let me do this I know the Dean wouldn't. He now knows how good I am at this and isn't going to accept anything less. My only hope now is that if I get an A+ in this that they might not make me practice it that often. It's pretty weak but at least there is a spark of hope in the thought.
As I pull my tongue from the Dean's hole and start licking it again, I suddenly realize that the flavor is similar to Casey but not as strong. Did the Dean wash his hole before coming here? Is it possible he likes me more than he lets on? For a moment the thought makes me feel kind of yummy inside. I tell myself that this is no reason to get sweet on the guy. He's still an ass. For goodness sake, just look at what he is making me do! Yet, for the Dean this gesture is almost like bringing me a dozen roses.
The yummy feeling quickly disappears when I taste a small hint of cherry. I would know the taste of Danielle's lip gloss anywhere. If I looked at his asshole close enough I bet you I would find small lipstick marks also. It wasn't the Dean that cleaned his asshole, it was Danielle. This seems more characteristic of the Dean. Make Danielle rim his asshole and then come in here and have me do it as well so he can compare the two of us.
My very short-lived love for the Dean might be gone but I don't feel as bad as I did earlier. Knowing Danielle licked the Dean's asshole earlier helps put this task in perspective. It's still a horrible task but at least I'm not related to him like Danielle is. I can only imagine how horrible the task must be for Danielle.
There is more to it than just that. Knowing Danielle licked this same asshole earlier almost makes it feel like she/he is here right now with me; like we are somehow sharing a secret bond. Granted, that bond is currently through the Dean's asshole.
I work the Dean's asshole for at least ten minutes before he turns over. By this point my brain is dizzy and numb from the humiliation that I actually chase his hole with my mouth and tongue as it moves away. It isn't until my head hits the mattress that I realize what I'm doing and back away from his hole. My blush deepens and I pray the Dean didn't notice what I just did.
As my mind settles back down I start to feel ill again. I tongued the Dean's asshole! This is all I've been thinking about for the past ten minutes, yet it isn't until now that my brain has time to really let it sink in. A few tears run down my cheeks. I don't want to give the Dean the satisfaction of knowing he made me cry again so I force myself to stop. I rub the tears away with the side of my hand before the Dean can see them.
As the Dean settles back I get a good view of his cock again. The thing looks absolutely massive. It was just this morning that Ray was laying in almost this exact position on my bed. At the time, I thought Ray's dick was much bigger than the Dean's. I'm not so sure now. The Dean's dick looks awfully menacing.
"Time to play horsey," the Dean says with a smile.
This is very similar to something Ray told me this morning. I swallow hard at the knowledge that the Dean might have been watching us after all. However, I then remember how legitimately curious the Dean seemed to be about why I picked the needles. Yet, Ray did whisper it. I try my best not to think about it. There just isn't enough information to know for sure one way or the other.
"Mmph!" I grunt as I reach back and pull my plug out.
My blush deepens as I bring the plug to my lips and lick it off. On the bright side, it at least tastes cleaner than both Casey and the Dean's assholes did. I want to delay what is coming next but it is too embarrassing to linger on the plug. So, I lick it clean as quickly as possible. I do, however, take my time putting the plug on a shelf. The nightstand has all of the Dean's stuff on it so I use it as an excuse to get out of bed and walk the plug to one of the other cabinets. Unfortunately, this only buys me an extra 20 seconds or so. I try to make each second last as long as possible but they slip through my fingers all too fast.
Before I know it I'm crawling back into bed and then straddling the Dean's tummy. I expect the Dean to take over but he doesn't. He just lays back and watches me. I reluctantly reach back and grab hold of his huge cock. The head is covered with his precum and feels very slimy. It's disgusting but I'm thankful for it. The precum will make the insertion go much smoother.
I line his dick up with my hole and slowly push back. His dick pops inside much easier than Ray's did; not because it is that much smaller but because my hole is a lot looser from wearing my plug all day.
As more of his dick sinks up my asshole I wish I could tell the Dean about Ray. Just so the Dean would know I've already had a bigger and manlier cock up my hole. I wonder how much this would piss him off. I also wonder if it might turn him off knowing a black man's dick was up my hole just this morning. Of course, it's possible he knows all of this and it is the thought of Ray's dick up my hole that is turning him on.
I keep my mouth shut of course. Even if the Dean and Ray are working together doesn't mean I still can't use this to my advantage. Ray will still have to do 'favors' for me in order to maintain their little game. Plus, I can always feed Ray misinformation in order to help get me out of here sooner. For example, I can tell him how much I'm starting to like it here and other bullshit like that.
With half of the Dean's dick up my hole, it's time to get into hover mode. I get my feet under me and then squat there with half of his dick buried in me. I'm about to start humping when the Dean does something that makes me freeze in my tracks; he starts opening the little bottle.
I can smell the alcohol as the lid comes off and he starts fishing out one of the needles. I swallow hard. I knew this moment would come but I'm still very scared. I've heard girls at school talk about what it felt like to get their ears pierced. They claimed it didn't hurt that bad. However, they also said their earlobes were numbed with ice first. The Dean clearly isn't going to use any ice.
As the Dean displays the needle it suddenly seems much bigger than before. It's actually pretty small, but it is still at least four times as thick as a normal sewing needle. I want to run away but I hold my ground. I tell myself it will only hurt for a second. I also imagine how fun it will be to show my newly pierced ears off to Danielle.
"I'm going to pierce your ears today," the Dean informs me.
I try to act surprised. I'm not sure how convincing I am but I at least keep from smiling. I'm starting to like my agreement with Ray more and more. It's kind of neat knowing ahead of time what the Dean has planned. It makes me feel almost like I have some kind of power over him.
"I want to ring more than just your ears but your father won't have it," the Dean informs me. "However, he never said I couldn't poke a few extra holes."
3; what?!
"I was thinking a hole through each nipple and maybe even one through your cock," he says with an evil smile. "If you are a good girl though then I might reconsider."
Ah, there it is. He's bluffing in order to get me to humiliate myself further. Damn, this inside information really is vital. The Dean had sounded very convincing. I'm pretty sure I would have believed him had I not known better. I can't just call his bluff though.
"I'll be a good girl, sir! I promise!" I say as convincing as possible.
"Do good girls like having cock up their ass?" he asks.
"Yes, sir," I reply, not sure what else to say.
"Do they like having just half a cock inside them or do they like to bury all of it deep inside?"
"All of it, sir?" I ask more than answer.
Does he really want me to take all of him inside my hole? Okay, of course he does. But does he think I can actually take that much? I hover there expecting him to provide me some kind of alternative. However, he just silently watches me.
I lift up until only the head of his dick is inside me. Then I slowly sink back down. It feels so yummy as the head of his dick slides across my ass clit. However, a moment later it is pressing against that tender spot deep inside me. I press down harder. I fit an extra inch but it feels too uncomfortable and I'm forced to lift back up. I know it can't be done but I have to at least make it look like I'm trying. Otherwise he will catch on that I know he is bluffing. So, I keep trying over and over to force more of his dick inside. At one point I actually get to about the 7½ inch [19 cm cm] mark. This tells me I might actually be able to fit the remaining 1½ to 2 inches [4-5 cm]. However, it's just so uncomfortable that I decide it is best not to let the Dean know I can actually take that much. If he knows I can handle it then he will expect it from me every time.
"I want to be a good girl but you are just too big, sir," I say in my cutest voice as I lift back up.
The Dean doesn't say anything. He just leans up and grabs hold of my left nipple. He then pulls it out away from my body. My nipples are sensitive like usual and his rough treatment makes me feel like I have to pee or something. I try to look worried as he brings the needle up against the side of my areola; like he would actually pierce me there.
"AHHH!" I scream as the needle slowly pushes inside.
I hear myself scream like a girl but I'm in so much shock that I feel like I'm watching and hearing everything from outside my body. I can still feel the pain though. I feel the tip of the needle slowly work its way through my areola and out the other side.
Holy shit! He actually did it! He stuck the fucking needle all the way through my tit!
"Owie! Owie! Owie!" I yell as he wiggles the needle.
The pain of the whole ordeal is so intense that it overloads my senses and exhausts me mentally. My eyes roll into the back of my head and for a moment I even black out. The Dean gives my face a slap and I quickly return to the living.
"I'll be a good girl! I'll be a good girl!" I hear myself chanting before I'm even fully awake again.
The Dean finally lets go of the needle. The lid is back on the little bottle and sitting next to him on the bed. When I see him reach for it again I quickly get back into my squatting position and sink his dick as deep as I can. I hit that sensitive spot around the 6 inch [15 cm] mark. I bite my lower lip and press down even harder. When I hit the 7 inch [18 cm] mark I want to give up again. However, I think about where he might stick that next needed and I try even harder.
I'm pretty sure I'm around the 8 inch [20 cm] mark when I feel the warmth of his body just below my buttocks. I take a few deep breaths and then press even harder. Something inside me gives and the last inch quickly sinks inside.
I've got the Dean's huge dick in my cervix! the voice in my head says in both surprise and shock.
I still don't know what a cervix is but I don't know what else to call that spot. However, I make a mental note to look the word up later in my biology book. I'm sure it is something I've already been taught in my other school but wasn't paying attention.
"Good girl!" the Dean praises as my buttocks press down against his thighs. "Don't worry, they say the first time always hurts the most."
I'm not sure but I think this is the Dean's way of telling me he took another one of my cherries. I want to point out to him that Danielle already managed to get past that sensitive spot. However, I feel it is best to let him have his little victory. Besides, he is technically the first real man to go past that spot. Plus, he is much bigger than Danielle and is in much deeper.
I go to lift back up but the Dean puts his hand on my hip and holds me in place.
"Just sit there a little bit and let it stretch your hole," he instructs.
I know he is probably right. If I pull up now then the next deep stroke is probably going to be just as hard as the first one was. If my hole stretches a little first then maybe it won't be so bad. Still, that throbbing deep inside makes me want to pull off. I keep taking deep breaths in order to help fight off the urge.
There is an awkward silence as I squat there with his dick all the way up my ass. I blush and do my best not to look him in the eye. Time seems to pass very slowly as I sit there. Five long minutes go by before I realize the discomfort inside me has all but vanished. To verify this I lift myself up a half inch and then drop back down.
There is still a tiny bit of discomfort. However, it is mixed in with this weird sick kind of thrill. Danielle fucked my ass pretty good but I know that is going to pale in comparison to what is about to happen. God! I still can't believe I have all of the Dean's huge cock up my hole. This is going to be so intense once I start fucking it. Just the thought of it makes goose bumps pop up all over my body. I also give his huge log another small thrust.
I bite my lower lip and force myself to look into the Dean's eyes. The smile on his face and the look in his eyes tells me he knows what I'm thinking; or at least what I'm feeling. I'm still disgusted at the thought of fucking him, but he knows that my ass pussy is starting to betray me. He knows I'm getting an itch deep inside that only his huge dick can scratch. Just thinking about it makes me give his dick another small hump.
Hold still! the voice in my head yells.
I hear Janice laughing in the background at my predicament. I would like to blame the humps on her but I know she has nothing to do with it. I've had the controls for several minutes now. She is just sitting back there with a bucket of popcorn and watching the show.
"You want to fuck that dick don't you?" the Dean says with a chuckle. "Ask nicely and daddy might let you bounce on it a little."
The comment embarrasses me. It also angers me that he can read me so well. I'm at such a major disadvantage. Who knows how many little boys the Dean has gotten his dick into? I'm sure he has seen many of them react just the same as I.
There is no way I'm going to beg for my ass to be bred. Sure, my hole is craving it a little. However, anal sex with a guy is so gross. Plus, I've never had anything this deep before and I'm kind of scared it might be too intense. Yet, I can just imagine how good that anal climax might be while I bounce up and down on the Dean's manly dick. Just thinking about it makes me give his dick another hump.
The hump sends sparks throughout my body. I go to give a much bigger hump but the Dean's hands are holding me down. I look at him in confusion. Isn't this what he wants? Of course it is. However, he wants something else as well. He wants me to beg and humiliate myself also. I'm not sure how much more humiliation my mind can handle. I know I have no choice though. He will tease my hole; punish me with the needles; or possibly a dozen other things until I give in.
3;can I
3; can I ride your dick, sir?" I beg as I start crying.
If this isn't humiliating enough, the fucker actually lays there and pretends to be thinking about his answer; like he's not sure I've earned it or not!
"Please sir, I promise I will be the bestest girl in the whole world."
You have no idea how hard it is for me to swallow my pride and say this. Not that I have much pride left. I'm certain this will do the trick. This is something I heard Danielle say and I suspect it is a line she often uses on the Dean.
I think my suspicions are correct because I feel the Dean's hands let go. Now all I have to do is get the courage to actually start riding this bronco. As it turns out, the bronco gives me no choice. The gate opens and it starts bucking underneath me.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" I grunt as the Dean drives his hips up from below.
The first couple thrusts catch me off guard and I'm thrown several inches up each time and plummet right back down. On the third thrust I tighten my leg muscles so I won't drop. For some reason I feel this is a smart move. After all, if I hold myself up then I won't sink back down on that huge dick. I realize my mistake about a half second later when the Dean drives right back up into me balls deep. His hips drop and then he drives up into me. He does this over and over; only now he is humping three times faster because he doesn't have to carry my weight with each thrust.
The sound of the Dean's hips slapping into my buttocks echoes throughout the room. My weighted balls are hanging down and make first contact during each slap. It is uncomfortable but most of my focus is on the sensations coming from deep inside me; especially those last three or four inches [8-10 cm]. The thrusts are so hard that it feels like he is going much deeper than he actually is. And my ass clit
3; oh, God! It's like he is a Boy Scout trying to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together. My clit is glowing and feels so yummy as his huge dick slides back and forth across it.
The Dean is a primitive beast as he brutally humps up into my hole. I'm too stunned to work out what I'm supposed to do; so, I just hover there and let him have his way with me. I can't believe how different this fuck is compared to Ray. Ray's fuck seemed like a lover's embrace compared to this. And Danielle's fuck
3; it isn't even in the same ballpark.
I'm not saying I like the Dean's style more than Ray or Danielle's. Okay, maybe part of me does. However, it is so very intense. I'm not sure I would want to be bred like this all the time. I would miss the intimate and delicate methods Danielle and Ray seem to prefer. Wait! What am I saying?! I don't want any of this!
I hear Janice laughing in the background again as I tell myself this. She knows better. She knows there is a small part of me that enjoys my anal climaxes a little too much. I hate to admit it but she is right. Even if they let me go home today I'm sure I would continue playing with my ass clit. I tell myself I would only do this with my fingers or via small dildos. While I might be able to get by with just that, I know there would always be a part of me that would crave the real thing. The disgust of actually seeking the real thing would probably keep me in check. Yet, I would always have that sick disgusting desire to feel a real man deep inside there. I push the thought out of my head. Just because it might be true doesn't mean I should be thinking about it. Thinking about it just makes me want to cry.
My brain is so over flooded with sensations that everything starts becoming a blur. I can still focus on this or that but everything else kind of goes to the side. Of course, the main thing I focus on is my clit and that itch deep inside. I know I'm just digging a deeper hole for myself by focusing on these things. However, I'm not about to focus on the disgust or humiliation. Besides, I'll have plenty of time to focus on those once this whole ordeal is over. I'll no doubt be focusing on them for days to come.
The Dean humps up into me like this for at least three minutes before he stops. This is actually pretty impressive considering the Dean looks to be in his late 40s if not early 50s.
"Don't stop now!"
I don't say it but I can tell the Dean can read it on my face as I stare down at him. He just smiles up at me.
I try to hold my ground but the itch inside me is just too great. I blush and avert my eyes from his as I slowly lower myself back down on his dick. It feels so delicious that I lift myself back up and pound down real hard. I do this several times before I get myself under control. I get only three slow strokes out though before I lose control and start pounding up and down again.
The sensation is almost too wild to explain. It still kind of hurts deep in there but it hurts so good. It's not all discomfort of course; far from it. There is an avalanche of pleasure signals as well. Unfortunately, most of these are going to my cock which can't do anything with them since it is still tightly caged. Every instinct in my body tells me to reach down and try to remove the cage. I manage to keep my hands away. Touching it is a punishable offense. Plus, it seems pretty obvious that the purpose of the cage is to teach me how to cum with just my ass clit. If they see me grabbing at the cage then that means they won't trust me not do the same once the cage is off. Thus, they will make me wear it even longer.
I try to slow back down but my body just won't let me. Something is building inside there and I'm not going to be happy until it peaks. As I bounce up and down I can't help but sneak peeks at the Dean's face to see if he is getting close or not. I know my main job is pleasing him but it would be nice if I climaxed before him. There isn't much I can do though to slow him down.
However, I quickly learn there are things he can do to hinder me. As I ride my big horsey, the Dean reaches up and flicks my pierced nipple.
"Owie!" I grunt.
Amazingly, I had all but forgotten the needle sticking through my tit. God, how does one forget something like that?! There is even a very thin trail of blood running down my chest and tummy.
The pain takes me down a notch but a few thrusts later and I've climbed back up. He waits a moment and then flicks it again. He does this over and over again. It becomes like some kind of perverted reverse tug of war with me struggling to cross the line while he keeps pulling me back.
"Uh! Uh! Uh!" I start grunting a few minutes later as I finally drag myself across the finish line.
This anal climax is insanely intense. I grunt for almost a minute before I realize I'm doing it. I blush and bite my lower lip through the last of the climax.
"Such a good girl," the Dean says with a smile. "Did you like cumming on daddy's dick?"
My blush deepens as I look away from his face and nod my head. Thankfully, he is satisfied with the nod and doesn't make me say it out loud.
I sit there for at least two more minutes with his dick buried deep in me. The Dean just patiently waits and watches as my legs and body tremble in the afterglow of my climax. When my body finally starts to settle down the Dean gives me a small nudge to remind me to get back to work.
There are still a few tingles but mostly each thrust just brings discomfort and additional humiliation. I'm a good girl though and do my best to please 'daddy'. As I ride his white pony the Dean scoops up globs of my cum with his fingers and feeds it to me. It's disgusting but seems trivial compared to all the cum I've eaten this week. He makes me lick and suck each finger spotless before reaching down to scoop up another helping.
I'm licking the last of it off his fingers when I hear him grunt. He has his index and middle fingers in my mouth and buries them deep in my mouth as he goes stiff and starts giving me a sperm enema. The tips of his fingers slide into my throat and I start gagging and trying to pull my head away. However, he clamps his thumb under my chin so he can hold the fingers in place.
I guess he figures that if he can't deep throat me with his dick yet then he can at least use his fingers. Or at least that is what I think at first. However, as he tortures my throat I notice his moans seem to coincide with each of my gags. This confuses me at first. Then I realize that my whole body is convulsing each time I gag. This includes my asshole. The Dean is basically masturbating himself via my gag reflex. Leave it to the Dean to come up with something so perverted and sadistic. The fucker is lucky I didn't throw up all over him.
The Dean gags me for over a minute before he removes his fingers. By then my face is half covered with tears. Thankfully, all the makeup Drew got me is water proof. I can't imagine why a girl would use anything but water proof makeup. I know I would be redoing my makeup at least ten times a day if it wasn't. As it is I constantly have to do touchups.
The Dean takes a minute to catch his breath. He then gives me a nudge to let me know I should pull myself off his dick. When I pull up it dawns on me that putting my plug half way across the room wasn't a good idea. Normally I would press the plug against my hole as the dick popped out. Without the plug I have no choice but to use my fingers. I clinch my ass as much as I can as his dick slides out. At the same time I press the bottom of my fingers against my hole.
I hear the Dean laugh as he watches me wobble across the room. I grab the plug and slide it in as I move my fingers away. Overall I do a pretty good job. However, my fingers and palm have a pretty good coat of slime on them. It's disgusting and I want to wipe it off on my leg or something. However, the Dean is watching me like a hawk. So, I reluctantly bring my hand to my mouth and lick it clean. I scrunch my face up in disgust but I manage to lick it all up without gagging. When I look back toward the Dean he motions toward his dick.
I look down and see his semi hard dick is coated with sperm and ass juice. I almost gag just looking at it. It's tempting to beg to get out of the chore but I know it won't do any good. Plus, it is possible this is some kind of test to see if I've gotten used to the flavor of cum yet. I know I didn't do too well with the fingers but if I perform this chore well then maybe they won't send people to my door hole anymore
3; or at least not as often. Yeah, it's not very likely that this is the case. However, there is at least a splinter of hope; and in this place hope is a very scarce and precious commodity.
I hold back my tears as I crawl back onto the bed. I lean down and lick across the Dean's messy dick. The Dean's strong manly flavor is the first thing that registers. As that dissolves, however, I note a small minty flavor. This confuses me for a second; then I remember mint is the flavor I used for my enema this morning. My enema was many hours ago and it surprises me that the flavor would linger that long. I'm undecided on whether I'm grateful for this or not. The mess tastes a little better because of it but it also reminds me exactly where this dick has been.
I lick at his dick for a couple minutes. To my surprise, his dick doesn't get hard again. I can only guess that he spent most of his day off playing Danielle. As I look at his semi hard dick I realize that it might now be small enough and just soft enough for me to deep throat. For some reason I get this urge to test the theory. I don't do it though. If I did then the Dean would call me a cock hungry slut or something. He might also expect me to finish what I start.
As I admire the Dean's dick, I start thinking about Danielle. I think about how we probably both shared this same cock today. I lean down and give the cock another lick. At the end of the lick I covertly give it a small kiss. I know it's silly but I miss Danielle and wanted to give her a small kiss
3; even if it is indirectly. The tender moment is ruined, however, when I realize the Dean might have other boys he mentors. I pull my head away from his dick. Exactly how many boys' assholes was this cock up today? I doubt the Dean showered after each one. I push the images out of my head
3; thinking about such things isn't healthy.
Thankfully, my cleanup duty is already over and the Dean seems satisfied. The room seems awkwardly silent as the Dean lays back. His eyes are closed but I don't think he fell asleep. I'm not sure if he would get mad if I got out of the bed so I stay there. I do, however, crawl up the bed a little so my head isn't too close to his groin. The last thing I want is to have my mouth easily available in case he decides he wants to take a piss or something.
I keep scooting up until the top of my head bumps into his outstretched arm. I bite my teeth together hard, afraid I might have disturbed his peace. His arm bends down and kind of rests on my side, but otherwise he doesn't seem bothered. My body goes stiff and I stare at the side of his face in hopes that he might actually fall asleep, if he isn't already.
As I lay there I realize how close I am to his sweaty arm pit. The smell is very strong. It's weird but the smell is disgusting, yet at the same time kind of inviting. I can only guess that it reminds me of my ordeal with Ray this morning. Just don't ask me why the thought of that horrible ordeal would attract me to the smell. Thankfully, the attraction is only minor. It's not like I'm going to lean over and start licking it or something. In fact, I dread the thought of the dean possibly pulling me in tighter and making me lick his pit clean. Thankfully, he doesn't.
We lay like this for a long time; him resting and I breathing in the smell of his armpits. My head is kind of swooning by the time the Dean finally stirs. He is almost all the way out of the bed before my head starts clearing. I'm disgusted to admit that a part of me actually misses his small embrace and strong smell. I know it is wrong but laying there felt kind of yummy and seemed so
3; right. What is really weird is that I felt so safe and secure lying next to him
3; yet, I know for a fact that I was anything but.
I dreamily watch him as he grabs his pants. At first I think he is getting dressed. However, I notice he is actually digging through his pockets. I get a little concerned when he pulls out a small 2"X2"X1" [5x5x2½ cm] box. It's not very big but I know the Dean could probably find plenty of nasty things that could fit in it.
I cautiously sit up as he lays the box on the pillow next to me. The further I am from that box the better. He doesn't make an attempt to open it. Instead, he reaches over and grabs the small bottle holding the other needle. I swallow hard as he slowly unscrews the lid. I start scooting away when he fishes the needle out with his thumb and index finger.
With the needle out, the Dean puts the lid back on the bottle and sets it aside. The Dean sits on the edge of the bed and then looks at me and then down at a spot next to him. I know he wants me to sit next to him but I'm hesitant to obey. All it takes is an angry look and I find myself scooting over toward him. I almost pee myself as I get within arm's reach of him and that nasty needle.
My whole body is trembling in fear by the time I get to the spot he indicated. The Dean doesn't look angry. In fact, he looks rather pleased. However, that doesn't mean he still won't do something horrible to me.
"Owie!" I yell as he uses his index finger to flick my pierced nipple again.
I was concentrating so much on the hand holding the needle that I hadn't paid attention to his free hand. I'm giving it plenty of attention now though. He flicks my nipple several times and then grabs hold of the needle sticking out of it and kind of wiggles it back and forth.
"Owie! Owie!" I protest as he tortures my nipple.
I try to embrace the pain like Danielle told me I should. However, the pain is just too intense. I'm starting to wish that I had practiced with the clothes pins each night like Danielle had suggested. Maybe then I would not only be able to embrace pain like this but even turn it into pleasure. It still sounds impossible to me but what if it isn't? What if I could actually learn to do that? It would make times like this a ton easier. It sure as hell was worth a try.
I moan and groan for over a minute before the Dean finally lets go of the needle. His hand then reaches up toward my face. I open my mouth, expecting him to try to deep throat me with his fingers again. However, he grabs my left earlobe instead. It takes me a second before I realize he is about to pierce my ear.
As his other hand maneuvers the needle into position, I feel an avalanche of mixed emotions. There's mainly fear and dread. However, deep inside there is also relief that my ordeal is almost over. There is also a tiny bit of joyful excitement that I'm about to have pierced ears. Believe it or not, this is something that I've wanted for over a year now. I might not have been the biggest boy in my class but with pierced ears I stood the chance of being the coolest. It always ticked me off that my sisters were considered old enough at age eight for pierced ears, yet my parents said I was too young still when I asked at age 11.
"AH!" I scream as the Dean pushes the needle very slowly through my earlobe.
Fuck that hurt! It's bad enough he isn't numbing it with ice; couldn't he at least jab it through faster?
I try to be strong as he grabs hold of my other ear. However, I break down and start begging him not to pierce it. I promise to be a good girl. I even promise to try harder to deep throat his dick. Nothing works.
"AH!" I scream as the needle passes through the other lobe.
"Don't touch them," the Dean instructs as he moves away from my ear.
"Owie!" I grunt as he suddenly pulls the other needle out of my nipple.
It takes all my willpower to keep my hands away from my three new holes. It becomes even harder when I feel little warm droplets of blood dripping from them.
The Dean takes his time replacing the needles in the bottle. He then grabs the small box and opens it. A small alcohol packet comes into view. As he lifts the packet up, my heart flutters a little and I almost smile when I see two little diamond earring studs underneath.
The Dean puts the box down and rips the alcohol packet open. He pulls out a swab and brings it toward my right ear.
"Owie!" I yell as the stinging begins.
I yell out two more times as he uses the swab on my nipple and other ear. I start getting giddy again, however, when he grabs the box once more. I'm extra excited because these are very close to the kind of earrings I envisioned wearing when I was still a boy. Well, I'm still a boy. I meant when I was still dressing as one. You know what I mean.
I have to bite my lower lip to keep quiet as he pushes a diamond stud into each ear hole. Once they are in the Dean steps back and admires his handy work. Thankfully, he seems pleased with the positioning. It would have sucked if he decided one or both had to be redone.
"You were a good girl," the Dean praises as he gives me a small kiss on my forehead.
It's a small gesture, but the Dean seems surprisingly tender and sweet as he does it. It makes my tummy feel all fuzzy inside.
A small part of me actually feels disappointed when the Dean turns and starts getting dressed. What is really upsetting is knowing that this tender side of him will no doubt be gone the next time he visits.
As he dresses, the Dean gives me instructions on the proper care of my freshly pierced ears. He tells me where more alcohol swabs are located and to let my trainers know if I feel any discomfort or see signs of infection. As he tells me all of this it becomes clear I'm not the first one he has giving this speech too. It makes me wonder how many other kids' ears he has pierced. Were they all boys or did he pierce the girls' ears sometimes also?
All of this is interesting to think about but it quickly vanishes from my thoughts once he steps out my door. The second my door closes I jump from the bed and run to my makeup mirror so I can admire my new piercings.
I've got pierced ears now! the voice in my head yells with joy as I view them for the first time.
To my surprise, there isn't any blood. There are a couple drops on my shoulders but that is it. I smile and turn my head back and forth as I try to get a view of every angle. I'm not just happy with the piercings. I'm also happy with the diamond ear studs. They are perfect. They look cute and feminine right now because of my makeup. However, I'm sure they will look cool while I'm dressed like a boy also. That of course is assuming I'm ever allowed to dress like a boy again. This last thought starts to ruin the mood.
I jump and almost pee myself when I hear a knock at my door. God, that scared the shit out of me. It's been five minutes since the Dean left and I thought for sure I was now alone. I stand there stunned for a moment and then remember my standing orders. I rush to the door and kneel down in front of the hole. Leave it to the Dean to ruin a perfect exit by returning for a blowjob.
I hear movement outside the door. Then something comes through. Only instead of a cock it is a long narrow bowl containing a full size banana split!
My heart flutters once more as I accept the Dean's present. I want to thank him but he turns and walks away before I can. The Dean acts mean a lot but I'm starting to think he might be human after all.
I'm sure they probably sprinkled estrogen or something on it but the banana split still seems to taste better than anything else I've ever eaten. I guess a few weeks of eating primarily dog food and cum will do that to your taste buds.
I'm full before I get it half eaten. It tastes so good though that I can't stop myself from finishing it. The tummy ache comes right about when I finish the last bite. God, why did I have to eat the whole thing? The tummy ache is a little uncomfortable but it is worth it. It could be weeks before I get to eat something that good again.
I wait the rest of the night for my second visitor to come but he doesn't. I guess I'm okay with this. I mean, I really don't feel like being played with any more today. However, this means I won't know when my 'gift' will be delivered. Will it be tomorrow? Sunday? Or will it be delivered at all? I don't like the idea of someone just showing up at random to play with me. Okay, I guess that kind of happens already. However, Ray indicated that this person was going to be pretty rough. He also indicated that I would learn a lot about why I was here.
I fall asleep this night wondering about what Ray meant. I would like to say I had dreams about it also. However, instead I mainly have dreams about the Dean. You will just have to guess at what I did to the Dean in the dream
3; it's not something I care to talk about. Not only is it too disgusting and embarrassing but the dreams are becoming way too vivid. They seem so real that it scares me to think about them.
Chapter 24
Saturday isn't Christmas but it feels that way when I wake up. I not only get to spend today with Danielle but I get to show off my new dress and pierced ears as well. I also have diamond stud earrings to brag about and a new makeup set. I'm so excited!
Unfortunately, when I pop awake I find I'm alone in my room. I look over and see that it is only 3:30 a.m. I guess I am a little too excited for the day to begin. Either that or my body remembers being woken up yesterday at this time by Ray. I panic when I think about Ray. I quickly lie back down and pretend to be asleep. The last thing I want is for him to see me awake and decide to come pay me another visit.
I lay there for almost an hour before I fall back asleep. The whole time I worry about Ray coming in and making me lick his pits and nipples again. A few times I swear I even hear someone walking around in the hallway. No one ever enters my room though.
I only get an additional 30 minutes sleep before my alarm goes off. I'm kind of peeved. I couldn't get to sleep at 3:30 a.m. and now I can barely open my eyes. I come wide awake though when I remember Danielle.
I look around and find she isn't here yet. That's actually a good thing. This means I might be able to get my enema and stuff done before she arrives. It's so embarrassing when she watches me do that. I feel in the Christmas spirit so I decide to mix in a little candy cane flavoring/smell to my enemas. I blush in front of the camera as I prepare the enemas. There is only one reason someone would prepare their asshole like this.
I have mixed feelings about preparing myself like this. A guess I wouldn't mind too much if Danielle wanted to do something sexual today. Still, I would be just as happy if nothing happened
3; you know, with her really being a guy and all. However, if something does happen today then I want her to know I took the time to prepare myself in order to make it extra special.
I finish my enema and bath but Danielle is still not here. I would really like for us to do my makeup together this morning so I decide to eat first. I check the fridge in hopes that the food fairies might have come last night; they hadn't. I'm pretty sure I was supposed to get a fresh supply of food yesterday evening. They either forgot or decided to put it off until Monday since it was a three day weekend. Never mind the fact that I will now have to eat dog food for Christmas
3; grrr!
It is possible that Danielle might bring some real food. However, I decide not to risk it. If she doesn't bring any food then that means at some point today she will get to watch me eat the dog food again. It's so disgusting and would really ruin what I hope will otherwise be a perfect day.
As a compromise, I only fill my feed dish half way. I'm not that hungry anyway. I only eat it because I know I will be hungry later if I don't. I don't want her to catch me feeding so I eat it all down real fast. I then brush my teeth and mouth out the best I can.
When I put my yellow dress on I realize I forgot to wash it last night. The wrinkles aren't that horrible and there aren't too many marks on it but it still bothers me. It's too late now. It would take hours for it to dry properly.
It's now about 6 a.m. and Danielle still isn't here. I start to worry that she might not be coming. She promised she would but it's not like she has full control over her schedule. The Dean might have decided to keep her home today. I just hope she didn't decide to spend the day with her asshole boyfriend.
I start cleaning the room up in order to take my mind off it. I clean the floors, tidy up the cabinets, you name it. I know Danielle and I will mess the bed up right away but I make it anyway. I even make sure the sheets are real tight and that there are hospital corners.
I feel like crying when 7 a.m. comes around. Danielle is always early
3; it's starting to look like a no show. Reluctantly, I give up and go ahead and put my makeup on and do my hair. I do my makeup in anger but I have to admit that I still look rather radiant once I'm done; especially with my new earrings. It is kind of a special moment being all dolled up with my earring for the first time. I really wanted to share it with Danielle.
I mope around for another hour and a half before I hear motion in the hall. I'm hopeful that it is Danielle, but I also fear it might be Ray, the Dean or a half dozen other unwelcomed guests.
I rush to my door and look and listen through my hole. I swallow hard when I hear voices coming my way. One does sound like Danielle but there is someone with her.
As the voices get close I rush back to my bed. I don't want Danielle catching me at my hole. I'm sure she already knows what it is for but it would still be embarrassing to find me kneeling in front of it.
Butterflies flap around in my tummy as my door opens. It takes a second for them to round my tree and come into view. Danielle comes into view first followed by Edward. I know it is him before Danielle even introduces us. He looks exactly like she described. I hate to admit it but he does look rather handsome and manly. I can see why Danielle is attracted to him.
"Why is he here?"
I ask in a nice calm voice but I'm actually rather pissed. Edward has no business being here! This place is for students, teachers and other employees only. Not to mention the fact that this is supposed to be Danielle and my time together
3; alone!
Danielle doesn't say anything. She just rushes into my arms and gives me a big hug and kiss. I try to stay angry at her but it is hard with her cuddling me like this. As she hugs me I have a clear view of Edward who is giving me an evil smile. There is no other way to describe that smile. He's definitely thinking of something naughty.
"You got your ears pierced!" Danielle says when she notices my diamond studs.
"Yes! Don't they look awesome!" I reply.
"So, this is the other sissy?" Edward rudely interrupts.
Edward doesn't wait for a reply. He just walks over to me and starts inspecting me like I'm a piece of meat or something. He even turns me around in a circle.
"Not bad," he says as he gives my ass a squeeze through the dress.
As he spins me back around I give Danielle a worried look.
"It's okay," she mouths back with a smile.
"Hmm," Edward says in disappointment as he rubs his finger back and forth across where my breasts would be if I had any.
This embarrasses and upsets me at the same time. I'm barely able to keep from crying. It's not my fault I don't have boobies yet. I want to explain that I've only just started my estrogen treatments. However, I doubt Edward gives a shit. He only cares about what I have now, not what I will have in the weeks to come; typical male.
"I've got to take a piss," Edward crudely announces. "When I come back out I want you two on the bed ready and waiting."
I stand there stunned as he turns and goes into the bathroom. I quickly snap out of it.
"What's going on!" I angrily whisper to Danielle.
Danielle gets a concerned look on her face when she realizes how upset I am. This in turn angers me more. Seriously, did she really think I was going to be happy about this?
"It's okay," Danielle tells me as she starts to get undressed. "Dad
3; the Dean said it was okay. Come on, it will be fun."
I stand my ground. I even push her hands away when she tries to help me get undressed.
We hear the toilet flush. Danielle looks toward the bathroom door and then back at me with a very worried look on her face.
"Please," she begs with a whisper. "He will get angry if you don't do what he says."
Danielle waits until the last second and then jumps into the bed naked just as Edward exits the bathroom. Edward sees me standing there fully clothed and gets an extremely angry look on his face. The look makes me take a step backward. I'm so scared that my body begins to tremble.
"What the fuck is this!" he growls at me.
"It's okay baby," Danielle tries to soothe him. "She's just shy. Come on, we can get started and she can join us later."
"No one's talking to you bitch!" Edward snaps at Danielle. "This is between me and sissy pants here."
I don't like being called a sissy. However, what he called Danielle upsets me even more. I want to defend Danielle's honor but Edward is just too fucking big. Four years' worth of growth is a huge difference when you are a teenager. All I would do is provoke him into hurting not only myself but Danielle as well.
"I'm sorry, sir," I whisper. "I'll be a good girl."
You have no idea how hard it is for me to say this. Backing down like this makes me look weak in front of Danielle. That's not how I want her to think of me.
My submissiveness seems to appease him. The anger leaves his face and is replaced with that damn evil smile. He folds his arms and does a kind of exaggerated tap with his foot to show that he is waiting for me to obey his prior order.
I reluctantly start undressing. It doesn't take me long considering I really don't have anything on except my one piece dress. Edward laughs when my cock cage comes into view. This embarrasses and angers me further.
"I remember when Rebecca had to wear one of those," Edward says with a laugh. "It took less than two weeks before she was begging to be milked."
It takes me a second to realize who he's talking about. I'd all but forgotten that Edward had a younger brother/sister enrolled in the school. You would think Edward would be more understanding and caring. After all, it could have just as easily been him their parents selected for enrollment. Of course, he is way too old now to be enrolled.
Edward walks over to me as I fold my dress up. I try to back away when he reaches down toward my cage. He gets hold of my ball weight though and stops me in my tracks.
"Oh!" I grunt as he maneuvers me around by my weight.
He sits on the edge of the bed and guides me until I'm standing between his legs.
"You would be surprised at some of the things Rebecca would do in order to get milked," Edward says as his face suddenly turns serious again. "Of course, if she didn't do them then she not only didn't get milked but she got punished as well. Has anyone ever squirted BenGay into your cage before? I did that to Rebecca once. After that there wasn't much she wouldn't do to please me."
My eyes get big and I swallow hard. I can only imagine how painful that would be. My hand instinctively goes toward my cage just in case.
Edward finally lets go of my ball weight. I slowly back away as he starts to undress. I try to keep my eyes focused on the floor but I can't help but sneak peeks as he disrobes. While they were feeding Rebecca estrogen I think they were feeding Edward steroids. He is very muscular. It's amazing to think that Rebecca would have ended up looking similar to this had they not enrolled him/her here. You can already tell that Rebecca will end up looking vastly different when he/she is Edward's age.
As I sneak peeks at Edward I realize that he represents everything I will never become. Instead of becoming tall and strong I will probably stay short and weak. Even worse, I'll get girly hips and breasts. It's enough to make me cry. I probably would if Edward wasn't here to see me do it.
Edward tosses his clothes on the floor as he takes them off. My instinct is to pick them up and fold them but I don't. I figure 'fuck him'. He will be going home with wrinkly clothes today. It's a small victory on my part but it's something at least.
I blush as Edward's dick comes into view. Danielle wasn't kidding
3; he's pretty big. He's not as big as the dean but his cock is still pretty impressive. I would estimate it at about 8 inches [20 cm] long and around 2 inches [5 cm] thick. Danielle and I have pretty decent sized cocks but I doubt we will ever get as big as him. In fact, it is the biggest cock I've ever seen on someone his age. That is not to say I spend that much time checking out other boys' packages. However, when you are at the urinal or showering at the gym and stuff you can't help but notice.
"Like that do you?" Edward chuckles when he catches me looking. "If you are a good girl then I might let you play with it a little."
My face turns beat red. I look away but my eyes wonder back just seconds later. He notices and chuckles some more.
My body jerks when he grabs hold of me again. At least this time it is my shoulder he grabs and not my ball weight. He nudges me toward the bed and I climb up.
"Ugh!" I grunt when he sees my plug and pulls it out.
I was still crawling up on the bed and was completely unprepared to be deplugged. He wasn't even gentle about hit. He just grabs it and yanks it out. For a second my asshole feels almost like it has been turned inside out. I stop in my tracks and reach back to make sure everything is okay. Edward gives my right ass cheek a hard slap to get me moving again.
"How about you two show me what you do in here when no one else is around," Edward says as he sits back against the headboard.
I give Danielle a concerned look. Danielle doesn't look as worried as she was earlier but I can tell she is finally starting to realize how stupid it was to bring Edward here. There isn't much either of us can do about that decision now. All we can do now is obey Edward and hope we appease him.
I get a little concerned when Danielle takes me in her arms. I know Edward wants us to play together but I'm not too sure he will be happy about us getting all lovey dovey. I'm no idiot. I've come to accept the fact that Danielle has sex with other people. However, that doesn't mean I like it; and I sure as hell wouldn't like it if I saw her kissing and hugging someone else. Sex is one thing but kisses and embraces are for lovers
3; right?
Edward doesn't object when Danielle pulls me down on top of her and starts French kissing me. It feels very awkward at first with Edward watching us. However, it isn't long before I start getting into it; Danielle is a very good kisser.
Within a few minutes I almost forget Edward is even there. In fact, this is very much like I expected today to be. Edward spoils the mood of course. He starts telling us how slutty we are and how we are a couple sissy fags.
You are the fag that is sitting over there playing with yourself while you watch us!
Yeah, I don't actually say it. However, it's true. He's sitting back stroking his huge cock as he watches Danielle and I make out.
The next five minutes become like a roller coaster ride. First Danielle and I rise up in a wave of intimacy and pleasure and then Edward says something vulgar and demeaning that plunges us down in a rush of humiliation and embarrassment. We go up and down like this over and over again.
Within a couple minutes, however, I start to suspect that this isn't the first time Danielle and Edward have ridden this particular carnival ride. Edward is saying a lot of shit but he isn't actually telling us what to do. Danielle seems to already know what he wants to see. It's possible this is due to Danielle's expertise with men, but I'm not so sure. I think maybe Danielle has put on shows for Edward before
3; possibly many times.
Rebecca; of course! I kick myself for being so stupid. It only makes sense that Edward would make the two play games together. Hell, it might even be how they met. After all, they only live a block apart. I can easily see the Dean pairing Danielle and Rebecca up for 'study' sessions and junk like that. Edward and the rest of his family would no doubt be invited to watch their little play dates. I can't even imagine how humiliating and embarrassing life must be for poor Rebecca. I swallow hard when I realize my family might be invited to watch my play dates also.
I try to push this last thought out of my head. I tell myself that I'm just letting my imagination run away with me. After all, it's not like I got to see any of my sisters' training. Okay, I did once I got a job here but never before that. Of course it is possible that was only because they were keeping it all a secret from me so I wouldn't blab about it to all my friends. It's not like my mom or sisters would ever blab. Okay, this train of thought is starting to backfire on me also. I think I will just focus on Danielle's kisses.
Danielle and I are working so hard to please Edward that we start to sweat. It acts as a lubricant and our bodies start sliding against each other. I know I should be repulsed by the sweat but it feels so yummy whenever our bodies glide together like this.
It's odd but Danielle and I seem to almost smell better when we sweat. It's never strong smelling like the Dean, Ray or some of the other men around here. I'm not so sure it is the estrogen though. I think our sweat is just interacting with our perfume and stuff. I guess it could just be my imagination also.
I freeze when I feel Edwards hand rest on my shoulder. He doesn't seem to be trying to nudge me off Danielle so I do my best to just ignore him. The touch does add to my embarrassment though. I'm actually a little surprised at how embarrassed I am with Edward here. I thought I was getting used to guys watching and playing with me. Hell, I think I've done something sexual with almost every guy that works here. I guess I'm more embarrassed with Edward because he is closer to my age. Danielle is even closer to my age but it's not the same with her. I know she isn't going to judge me that harshly since she is basically the same as I am. That isn't the case for Edward. He is pretty much the opposite of Danielle and I.
To my surprise, Edward is pretty gentle as he glides his hand across my shoulder and up and down my back. I get goose bumps when I realize his hand is going lower and lower on each pass. I freeze again when he finally reaches my butt. At first his hand just gently slides back and forth on my rump. I hate to admit it but it does feel pretty good.
However, the second I relax again he takes advantage and lets his fingers go into my crack. I try to tighten my cheeks again but it's already too late to block his access. While I might not be able to block access, I do manage to hold his hand still. I also let out a small groan in protest.
3; it's okay sugar," he whispers in my ear and then gives my shoulder a tender kiss.
I knew he had to get closer in order to touch me down there but I didn't realize he was this close. The closeness scares me for a few seconds. However, his gentle touch combined with his soothing voice quickly begins to relax me once more.
"That's a good girl," Edward whispers as my body loosens up and he is able to glide his fingers back and forth in my crack.
Edward is far from being the first male lately to call me a 'good girl'. However, it feels completely different when he says it. Unlike everyone around here, Edward isn't saying it in regards to my training. He's saying it in regards to how I'm responding to his touch. It's almost like something I might say to a girl I was on a date with and she let me get to first or second base. I guess technically that's exactly how he meant it.
Part of me wants to stiffen up again and possibly even try to push him away. I know how guys are. This is just a big game to him. Sure, he can and probably will force me to have sex with him if I resist him. However, it will be a greater conquest if he can get me to come along willingly. Something he can brag to all his buddies about. Though I'm sure he will leave out the fact that I was really a guy. Or at least I hope he leaves that part out.
I don't want to give him that victory. However, he's so big and strong and yet he is being so gentle and is making such an effort to convince me to give in willingly. It makes me feel
3; kind of special. The fact that Danielle is here makes me feel even more special. I mean, she has longer hair and is prettier than I am. She also has better curves and even has nice boobies. I'm not an idiot. I know he will play with her also. However, it's still special that he is providing me attention first.
"Mmm," I moan into Danielle's mouth as Edward wiggles his middle finger into my asshole.
Oh my! He really knows how to use that finger. He slides it in deep and wiggles it right on my clit. God, that feels so good! I'm quickly starting to understand why Danielle likes him so much. I still think Edward is an asshole but I might consider marrying that finger of his.
Edward wiggles that finger right on my clit for almost a full minute. However, he very slowly starts backing it out. It moves out so slow that at first I think he just doesn't realize he is about to slide off my clit. I arch my back a little so my rump will raise just enough for his finger tip to get on my clit again. A half minute later, however, his finger is too high again. I have to rise up on my knees a little this time to get him back on target.
When he rises up off my clit a third time I realize this is no accident. He is teasing me and making me chase his finger. I feel a little angry with myself for falling for his little trick. I blush as I chase the finger again anyway. It just feels too yummy to let it escape. It isn't long before he has me all the way up on my knees with my ass arched high in the air. If that isn't bad enough, my upper body has moved as well. In order to chase Edward's finger I went from kissing Danielle on the lips; to sucking her nipples; to kissing my way across her belly.
I blush as I come face to face with her penis. It is the first time anyone has seen her and I get this intimate. Okay, the cameras have recorded us and I'm sure people have watched us through the one way mirrors. However, this is much different. Edward is right here staring at us. All it takes is a small nudge from him to get me to lower my head and take Danielle into my mouth.
I know I should be disgusted by having Danielle's cock in my mouth. However, I'm not. Not really. I'm sure Edward's magic finger is playing a part in it but I think mainly it doesn't bother me that much because I've become so used to sucking cock these last several days. Those cocks of course still disgust me but this one is attached to someone I actually care for. That somehow makes sucking Danielle seem a lot more appealing than it did the last time we were together. Of course, given the choice I would rather it be someone sucking me instead. That's not going to happen though with this damn cock cage in place.
Danielle lets out a moan of pleasure as I suck her cock. I think I surprised her by how good I have become at it. I gag a little but I'm able to easily deep throat her now. I also provide more suction and use my tongue a lot more now than I did before. She had to have noticed the hole at my door. I'm sure she is well aware of where my new skills have come from.
Edward's finger has been wiggling on my clit nonstop for over two minutes now and my toes are really starting to curl up. As I suck Danielle I feel Edward drool some spit on his finger and my hole. It grosses me out a little but it does make it feel naughtier and kind of gooey and good.
I groan in protest around Danielle's cock when Edward suddenly pulls his finger out. My groan becomes a more serious protest when I feel his huge dick slide between my ass cheeks and press against my hole. I chastise myself for being caught off guard by this maneuver. Seriously, what the hell did I think he was leading up too? I guess that is the problem
3; I wasn't thinking. His magical finger made sure of that.
"Please d
3; ugh!"
I try to beg him not to do it but it's too late and he buries himself all the way to the balls. He puts his hand on the back of my head and pushes me back down on Danielle's cock before I can try to beg him to take it out.
Edward's cock is a lot smaller than the Dean's but it still hurt a lot when he shoved it in like that. He drove it all the way into my cervix in one thrust. I really do need to look up that word. Whatever that spot is inside me it felt very uncomfortable with him just violating it without any stretching first.
Edward lets go of my head and grabs hold of my hips. He then starts pounding in and out of my hole. I lift my head again so I can tell him to slow down but he just moves his hand back to my head and pushes me down again. I struggle a little in his grip but finally give up and focus my attentions on trying to get my hole to accept his violent intrusion.
I do my best to focus on my clit but he's just too aggressive. I feel a few tingles but mostly it's just uncomfortable. He hammers away at me like that for at least five minutes. Then he just pulls out and pushes me away. I fall on my side and look up at him in confusion and anger.
"She's a dead fish," Edward tells Danielle as he flips her over on her tummy and lifts her rear end up.
I struggle to hold back my tears. I know I wanted him to stop. However, it is upsetting to just be tossed aside and labeled a poor fuck. Ray and the Dean sure seemed to like breeding me. They knew what they were doing though and took their time. Edward might know how to use his finger but he sure didn't please me with his cock. And yet he has the balls to sit there and blame it on me. That said, I'm sure there is something I could have done to make it better for him.
"Get up here," he growls at me.
I quickly get back up on my hands and knees. I'm confused at exactly what he wants but I figure this might be my chance to redeem myself.
Edward grabs a hand full of my hair and presses my face into Danielle's crack.
"Get in there and prep her for me," Edward orders as my lips press up against Danielle's asshole.
I struggle to pull away but Edward easily holds me in place. Danielle's asshole seems like a delicacy compared to the Dean's. However, that doesn't mean I planned to volunteer to lick Danielle back there any time soon. This is far from voluntary though. I'm going to lick her hole whether I want too or not.
Danielle moans in pleasure as bring my tongue out and lick across her hole. She moans louder as I wiggle it inside. She keeps moaning as I give her the same treatment I did her dad yesterday. It's hard to tell if she is really enjoying it this much or if she is just exaggerating so that Edward might take it easy on me.
Edward has me rim Danielle for about three minutes before he finally pulls my head away. It was really hard to breathe in there and I take several big breaths of fresh air. Edward cuts my air supply off once more by sticking his dick in my mouth. I gag as he presses it hard against the entrance to my throat. I tell myself that he isn't any bigger than Victor or my dad. In fact, his cock might be a little thinner even. This doesn't help though. He's just too brutal. Even Victor wasn't this bad. Edward doesn't stop pushing until his cock finally pushes into and down my throat.
"Do you like the taste of your ass?" Edward says with a laugh.
The thought of where his cock just was makes me gag harder. He chokes me on his dick until I feel like I'm about to pass out. He pulls out long enough for me to take a couple breaths and then pushes it back in. He repeats this two more times.
I sense that he's positioning me again, but I'm too dizzy to tell for sure what is going on. When the room finally stops spinning I realize the right side of my face is being pressed against the small of Danielle's back and I'm looking at Edward's cock fucking in and out of her hole just inches away.
He gives Danielle's hole about ten strokes and then pulls out. A second later his cock is deep in my throat. I didn't even realize my mouth was still open. I struggle for a moment but I start to get dizzy again. He pulls out after a minute and shoves it back into Danielle. I'm still trying to catch my breath when he pulls out and shoves it back down my throat. You would think I would be totally grossed out at the thought of sucking a cock that was just in someone else's asshole. That is the farthest thing from my mind though. All I can think about is getting my next breath.
My whole life becomes about getting that next breath. I loose complete track of time and have no clue how many rotations he does before he finally unloads in Danielle's asshole. I know he came because he finally stopped fucking my throat and gave me time to breathe a little. He also grunts and cusses a lot as his hips shudder and twitch. He holds his dick deep inside Danielle for at least a minute. He then pulls out and feeds it to me again. I'm too weak to fight and just let him fuck my throat until he is satisfied his dick is cleaned of all his cum and Danielle's ass juices.
He pulls out and lets go of my head. I collapse on the bed, exhausted and out of breath. I close my eyes and feel myself starting to drift off. My eyes pop back open when I hear Edward say something to Danielle about feeding me. The thought of eating dog food in front of both of them is less than appealing. As it turns out, he has something even worse in mind.
Edward grabs a hand full of Danielle's hair and maneuvers her around like a rag doll. When her cock brushes against my lips I open my mouth thinking Edward wants me to suck her off. However, the cock moves out of range and I find her balls at my lips instead. I instinctively start licking but they move away as well. I lick at Danielle's taint as it passes by but then quickly shut my mouth. Edward wants me to eat his cum out of her asshole!
I try to pull myself out from under Danielle but Edward grabs hold of my ball weight.
"Get to work sissy," Edward growls. "There better not be a fucking drop left in there when you are done!"
I cleaned little Bobby's hole earlier this week but that was different than this. That was my own cum and Danielle wasn't there to witness it. What Edward is making me do goes well beyond just trying to embarrass and disgust me. He's trying to put me in my place and show Danielle who the real man is around here. He not only fucks my girlfriend up the ass but is now making me clean his mess up.
I tell myself that I won't do it. However, Edward gently squeezes my balls and I find myself licking at Danielle's sloppy hole. I lick and tongue her hole for about a minute and then Edward squeezes again. I know what he wants but I wait until the pain is almost unbearable before I comply. I begin crying as I seal my lips to Danielle's hole and start sucking. As I rotate tonging and sucking Danielle's hole I realize that what little man was left in me is now gone; or at least that is how Danielle is going to view me from now on.
I'm in such mental pain and despair that the next few minutes become a bit of a blur. I'm pretty sure that Edward praises me for my cleanup job. However, he also says something about punishing me for my delay in undressing earlier. The next thing I know I'm in a similar position as earlier with my ass high in the air and my head down in Danielle's lap sucking her dick.
I'm happy to be pleasing Danielle but I'm also confused as to what is going on. Are we starting all over again or something? The answer to my question comes in the form of a whooshing sound followed by an explosion of pain across my ass.
"AH!" I scream around Danielle's cock as Edward's belt lands on my ass.
Fuck that hurt! I've never been whipped with a belt before. I figured it must hurt pretty bad but had no idea it was this painful. It makes the bare hand spankings seem like foreplay. I try to escape but Edward has a firm grasp on my nuts with his other hand. Danielle is holding my head and I can't even lift up in order to beg for mercy.
Edward isn't playing around either. I can tell he is putting all his strength into each hit. He wants to make sure that the next time he tells me to do something that I damn well do it. It seems a crude and barbaric technique but let me tell you
3; it's fucking working! By the tenth hit I already know I'm now one of Edward's bitches. From now on if he says jump I will be asking how high. Hell, I won't even ask how high
3; I will anticipate his desire and just do it. There is no way I want to experience this kind of pain again.
At first I think Danielle is helping Edward by holding my head down. However, around that 15th hit I feel her cum in the back of my throat. I guess my new oral skills were too much for her and she was just riding out her climax. Her climax is just ending when everything suddenly stops. She not only lets go of my head but Edward stops hitting me with the belt as well.
My instinct is to jump the hell up and run like crazy. However, my burning ass reminds me that I'm Edward's bitch now. I need to be the bestest girl possible for him. There is no doubt in my mind that he will chase me down and double my punishment if I try to escape. I'm scared but I force myself to remain kneeling there. All I can do is pray that my man is satisfied with his handy work and won't resume the whipping.
"I think it is time you left," I hear Ray growl behind me.
I spin around in shock. I turn just in time to see Ray let go of Edward's hand. It takes only a second for me to realize Ray had stopped the whipping. I know it is Ray's job to provide security but my heart still flutters at the thought of him caring enough to come to my rescue. I wouldn't say it was a 'romantic' feeling. It just made me feel kind of special I guess.
That said, Ray looks very pissed. He's acting very professional but I can see the anger in his eyes. My fear is that part of that anger might be directed at me. After all, this is technically my room and Edward and Danielle are my guests
3; sort of. Ray might feel I'm partially responsible for what was going on in here.
I know that sounds like nonsense. However, you have to consider how people have been treating me in here during the past few weeks. I'm getting used to being blamed for everything even when it's not really my fault.
Edward is absolutely livid and for a second I'm certain he is going to bitch at Ray
3; possibly even call him the 'N' word or something. Lucky for Edward he gets a better view of Ray and quickly decides to keep his mouth shut. Edward still stares Ray down a moment before he gives in and starts dressing. As he puts his cloths on he keeps looking my direction and giving me an evil stare.
"I will finish with you later."
He doesn't say it but I can easily read it in his face. Part of me almost wishes Ray hadn't intervened. My punishment will probably now be two fold the next time Edward gets his hands on me.
"She stays," Ray growls when Edward tosses Danielle her clothes.
This really makes Edward fume. He scares not just me but Danielle as well. I crawl up the bed and hold Danielle's naked body to mine. I would like to say I did this just to provide comfort to her. However, it's just as much for me. If Ray was standing closer I probably would have hugged him instead. Or at least I would have had I known for sure he wasn't angry with me.
Danielle and I are still sitting up in the bed hugging each other when Ray escorts Edward out of the room and down the hall. I pull myself away from Danielle once the security door locks behind them and I feel safe once more. I don't say anything but I'm rather upset with Danielle right now. Why the hell did she have to bring him here?
I thought Danielle was my friend. I thought she even loved me. Yet, she does something like this. It's like she was trying to hurt me emotionally. Well, it worked. I got hurt both emotionally and physically. I hope she's happy with herself!
"I'm sorry," Danielle says in a soft voice.
I know I deserve a lot more than this from her. She owes me an explanation and a whole lot of begging for forgiveness. However, I just can't resist that tender voice of hers. She sounds so sincere also. I try to hold out for more but I just can't. A second later I find myself hugging her again. I don't say anything but I know she can tell I have forgiven her.
Danielle and I lay on the beg hugging each other for over 30 minutes as we wait for Ray to return. He never does though. Finally, Danielle gets up and goes into the bathroom and runs a bath. I'm in heaven during the following two hours. Danielle bathes me; dries me off; rubs lotion on my sore rump; redoes my makeup and hair; you name it.
The best part is when Danielle gives me a massage. She massages one muscle group for a couple minutes and then leans in and gives tender kisses all over it. Then, she moves on to the next. The massage alone lasts at least 30 minutes. If I ever give Ray a massage again I think I will give him one exactly like this one. I know he would love all those little kisses. It is the least I can do for him being my knight in shining armor.
Unfortunately, thanks to my cock cage I'm not able to get a full release like Ray did with his massage. The massage still feels real yummy. By the end of it I almost forget all about the whipping. I'm reminded the second I turn over and my sore rump contacts the bed. I groan and Danielle giggles. I can't help but start giggling also. It feels so good to laugh again. This is something that I only manage to do when Danielle is around. This is how I know we were meant to be together as friends
3; if not more.
We spend most of the day chatting. Danielle of course has a ton more to talk about than I do. It's not like I don't have my share of stories, it's just that most of what happens in here I don't want her to hear about. It is extremely tempting to tell her about what Ray and I did. This is definitely a story I know she would enjoy. I don't dare tell her though. She is the Dean's daughter/son after all. I know she wouldn't turn Ray and I in but she might accidently let it slip.
I'm not too sure why I'm so tempted to tell her about Ray. I mean, I'm still pretty grossed out and humiliated by the encounter. Not that I would ever tell her about the gross parts. I guess I just know Ray is the type of guy Danielle would gladly go on a 'date' with. He's big, manly and has a huge dick. For once I would have a story she can actually relate too. Plus, I could brag about bagging him before her. That of course is assuming she hasn't had him already.
This last part gets me curious and so I start up a conversation about Ray. You know basic girl talk about how big and strong he is. I even tell her that I think he looks kind of cute. This of course backfires and she starts teasing me about having a crush on him. I give her nipple a light pinch in retaliation. This leads to a couple minutes of horse play. I quickly give up when she manages to get hold of my left nipple. It is quickly healing but is still sore from the Dean's piercing session with me.
I bring Ray up again as we catch our breath. I straight up ask her if she has ever done anything with him.
"No," she tells me with an exaggerated frown. "Daddy won't let me."
Danielle looks up at the video camera and then brings her lips real close to my ear.
"I think daddy is scared Ray might be bigger than him," Danielle whispers and then starts giggling.
I try not to laugh but can't help myself. What she said sounds so much like the Dean. It isn't long before we are laughing so hard that we can barely breathe.
"If you ask daddy nicely he might let you do something with Ray," Danielle whispers as we calm down.
I think she is joking and start laughing again. I stop a few seconds later when I realize Danielle isn't laughing. I blush when I realize she thinks I really have a crush on Ray. I want to deny it but decide it is best to just drop the subject. I would hate for Ray to overhear me telling Danielle I don't like him that way. Plus, I'm not completely sure it is true. I mean, he seems a nice guy and all. Plus, I get the feeling he likes me a lot and that kind of makes me feel special in a weird way. That is not to say I want to have sex with him again or anything. Though, I have to admit that his big apple did feel good rubbing against my clit.
Talking about Ray of course brings up the topic of Edward. I frown as Danielle starts talking about the boy again. However, my frown quickly disappears when Danielle starts talking about breaking up with him. She starts talking bad about him and pointing out all his flaws
3; flaws I noticed before I even met the asshole.
"I mainly only went out with him to find out if he was really related to Robert," Danielle says at one point.
"Robert?" I ask in confusion.
I know damn well why she really went out with him but this name makes me curious.
"You know
3; RR," she whispers. "I overheard my dad say once that RR was Edward and Rebecca's uncle."
I pull my head back and look at her in shock. I know who RR is. Everyone around here knows who RR is.
"Your dad is messing with you," I whisper with a nervous laugh. "RR doesn't really exist."
I'm pretty sure her father is messing with her but I'm not so sure that last part is true about RR not existing. I mean, if he didn't exist then how did all the rumors and stuff begin? RR, by the way, stands for Robert the Rapist. According to the rumors, about 30 years ago this Robert raped over 100 boys and girls in the local area. These weren't just one night stands either. He kidnapped and kept each one chained up for weeks. During that time he did all kinds of sick sexual stuff before finally releasing them. I never could get a clear understanding of whether he kidnapped them all within a short period of time or if it was over the course of many years. Of course, the big question was whether any of the stories were true at all. I even researched it once at the library. I looked through several old newspapers and only found a few mentions of kidnappings and rape. None mentioned RR though.
Personally, I think some sick parent made up the story in order to scare their kids into not speaking to strangers and to always make it home before curfew. Parents do sick shit like that sometimes. I hate to admit it but it worked. My friends and I are always talking about RR. We always say stuff like, "You better not cut through the woods on the way home or RR might get you." We say it as a joke but there is also always a little seriousness mixed in.
Danielle, however, is giving me a very serious look.
"You are fucking with me!" I scream at her when she finally cracks a smile.
We go back to horse playing and laughing. What started out as the worst day ends up being one of my best. It's amazing how much fun we have considering we didn't even turn the TV on. It's just us sitting and talking about everything from makeup to our dream boyfriend. I feel a little bad when I give my description of my dream boyfriend and realize that I didn't describe Danielle. She doesn't seem to mind though. And it's not like her dream boyfriend was anything like me. After thinking about it I realize that all of this was okay since Danielle and I are more girlfriends than boyfriends.
I'm mainly joking around when I give the description of my boyfriend. After all, it's not like I really want a boyfriend. However, Danielle has a way of getting you to talk about things like this. While I don't want a boyfriend, I have to admit that the man I describe does sound a little yummy. I mean, I would find him yummy if I was gay and all that.
I describe my dream boyfriend as being handsome and much older than I am. He's big and strong with a large cock. He's also manly and likes to take control. As I describe him I think I'm making it all up off the top of my head. However, as I finish the description I realize that I'm describing the Dean. This confuses me a little. I blush when I realize that I might have given enough details for Danielle to figure out who I'm talking about. Luckily she thinks I'm talking about Ray. This embarrasses me also but not as much as if she had guessed the Dean.
Danielle uses different wording but I quickly realize that her dream boyfriend is basically the same description as mine. I know it's silly but for a moment I actually feel a little angry that she would go after the same 'imaginary' man as I. Then I realize that this is the same exact description she has given a dozen times in the past when describing this or that 'dreamboat'. If anyone was copying it was me. I guess Danielle is starting to rub off on me a little.
The day isn't all just sitting around and talking. Danielle also teaches me a few things about makeup and hair. I also get her to teach me how to do some advance toenail and fingernail designs. She even knew how to do those fancy rose-like designs that Drew had. Danielle shows me how to do them. It looks so simple when Danielle does it but I quickly find out that it will take weeks of practice before I manage it. I think my problem is that I rush it too much. I keep wanting swivel the tiny brush around on the nail and have the rose design just magically appear. That is basically what it looks like Danielle did. All I get though are random red blotches.
I finally give up on the roses for today but I'm determined to practice every night until I perfect it. I will probably have to ask Danielle to buy me an extra bottle of red nail polish. In fact, I might need two or three more before I perfect this. I don't like the idea of asking her for this though. If I know the Dean then Danielle probably doesn't get much for an allowance. I grin to myself a little when I realize I know someone that could very easily afford to buy me the polish
3; Ray. He will expect something in return of course. However, I might be able to keep that to a minimum if I practice a few seduction techniques I learned in one of my classes. I feel a small surge of power when I realize I could do this for future 'favors' as well.
The idea of trying to manipulate Ray like this makes me feel a little bad. After all, he literally saved my ass today. However, I need to think of it as negotiation, not manipulation. He will still end up getting what he wants; he will just have to pay a little more for it is all.
My thoughts are interrupted by Danielle kissing me. She gets on top of me and starts Frenching me passionately. It still feels kind of weird to be kissing a boy like this but it feels special with Danielle. However, I can tell she is leading up to something a lot more intimate than kisses. I try to push her off me but there isn't much I can do. My finger and toenails are still wet and I have to hold them way out to the sides to keep from ruining them.
"Danielle!" I say in frustration when she leaves my mouth and slowly kisses her way down past my shock collar.
Danielle just replies with a giggle. She knows I will get into it once she starts tickling my clit. Sadly, I know she is right. I'm quickly becoming a slave to my ass clit. I guess it is my body's way of compensating for the cock cage; which of course is the reason they put it on me in the first place. It angers me how easily they are able to change the way my body operates.
"Mmm," I moan as one of Danielle's fingers slide up my hole.
Danielle's lips reach my chest at the same time. I buck a little as she sucks and nibbles on my sensitive nipples. I normally hate when my sensitive buds are being played with but they actually feel kind of good with her doing it at the same time she rubs my clit. It isn't long and I'm having to bite my lower lip in order to keep from begging her to breed me. Her finger feels good on my clit but I need something a little bigger inside there.
Danielle reads me like a book. She gives me a wicked smile as she removes her finger and kneels between my legs. She looks down at me seductively and begins playing with her cock. I expect her to ravish me but she just kneels there and masturbates.
Don't waste it! the voice in my head is screaming as I watch her play with herself.
I'm too humiliated and embarrassed to verbally beg her to breed me. However, after a minute I find myself lifting my legs up and putting my knees to my chest. I know Danielle won't be able to refuse an offering like this. She tries to resist but she doesn't last long. First she brings her hands away from her cock and starts caressing me. She slides her fingers all around on my ass and private area almost like a blind person would while trying to get a mental picture. She spends a lot of time on my balls and around my cock cage. You can tell she is turned on by how nude and smooth I am there; even more so than she seemed to be when I still had hair in that area.
"Mmm," I moan with pleasure as she finally lines her cock up and slowly sinks it in me.
This position allows Danielle to go almost as deep as her daddy did yesterday. Danielle isn't as thick though and instead of discomfort I feel mostly just tingles of pleasure. All it takes is a few pumps into my hole to get me to wrap my legs around Danielle's back. I know my wet toenails are going to be ruined but I don't care. I just can't risk Danielle trying to pull out in order to tease me some more. Plus, if I squeeze hard enough I might be able to force her even deeper inside me.
At first our efforts seem to conflict with each other. However, within a minute we are in perfect sync with Danielle pulling out and me using my legs to pull her right back in.
As Danielle jackhammers in and out of me I feel something warm dripping on my tummy and chest. I look up to see a slow thick stream of sperm oozing out the hole in the end of my cock cage. It feels good to be milked but I still wish I didn't have this cock cage on. How much longer are they going to make me suffer in this thing anyway? My guess is they will keep me in it until they feel I no longer want out of it; In other words, a very long time.
I try not to dwell on that thought. Instead I focus on Danielle's wonderful cock as it drives in and out of me. Each time she pumps into me a few drops of sperm drip out of my cage. It's almost like we are part of some kind of perverted water pump.
We work together like this for at least five minutes before I finally unhinge my legs and let Danielle take full control. My whole body is tingly and glowing now. I just dreamily stare up at Danielle as she continues to have her way with my hole. I get a sick kind of thrill when she finally tenses up and starts making sugar sweet moans and grunts. A second later I feel her coating my insides with her warm gooey juice. The feeling would normally disgust me. However, it makes me feel special knowing I pleased her so much.
Danielle grabs my butt plug and gently corks me with it as she pulls out. I'm quickly learning that my plug seems to play a vital role in the breeding process. Just fucking my hole isn't enough. They also seem to want to plug it each time after so that my body is forced to absorb most of it. This thought normally grosses me out. However, it doesn't seem that bad with Danielle. Absorbing a part of her like this actually makes me feel closer to her.
Danielle crawls up the bed until her dick is next to my face. I only hesitate a few seconds before I start licking and sucking it clean. This does gross me out but I try my best to hide it.
My heart flutters a little when Danielle leans down and starts licking and sucking the cum off my tummy and chest. Normally she uses her fingers to scoop it up and feed it to me. It feels special to have her clean the mess up instead. Once she has it all she brings her lips to mine and gives me a loving kiss. My eyes get big when she starts French kissing me and I feel a large stream of cum ooze into my mouth. This catches me off guard and I panic and try to force it back into her mouth. Gravity is working against me and the cum just drops right back into my mouth. I finally give up and just let it settle in my mouth. Danielle keeps kissing me though. I want to resist but her tongue feels too good and I soon find my own tongue dancing with hers.
Our tongues are coated with sperm and it is pretty gross. Yet, it also feels kind of erotic in a perverted kind of way. The mix of feelings is confusing and I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad when she finally breaks the kiss. Danielle backs away a couple feet and then just stares down at me. I know what she is waiting for. I blush as I force myself to swallow the gooey mess. I have to swallow three times to make sure I get most of the gooey stuff out of my mouth. Even then I can still feel and taste it coating my tongue and mouth.
Luckily, it is getting late and I'm able to excuse myself to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth and prepare for bed.
When I come back out I find Danielle standing there holding one of my presents. I glance over at the clock and see it's still three hours until midnight.
"It's close enough," Danielle giggles as she puts the box on the bed.
I swear Danielle is more excited than I am as I unwrap the present. I'm a bit disappointed though when I open it to find a large school book bag/backpack. It is the exact same book bag/backpack that all the students at the school have. It's even got the same red and black tartan pattern on it as my school uniform. To be honest, I thought these things were issued by the school.
I give Danielle a smile and hug in hopes that she doesn't notice my disappointment. My guess is that the Dean probably gave this to her to give me. Plus, she probably couldn't afford to buy me something on her own.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything," I whisper as I break the hug.
Danielle gives me another hug and kiss to let me know it's okay. She knows I would have gotten her something if I could have.
When I go to lift the bag out of the box I notice it seems a bit too heavy. She has put something inside the bag like a present inside a present. Could it be what I think it is? I get excited as I quickly unzip it. My smile gets much bigger when I look inside and find it full of school supplies. This might not seem like much to you but I view it as an outstanding gift. There is a bunch of stuff inside but the best part is the paper and pens. I can actually take notes now during my classes and do work assignments! How awesome is that! Life around here just got a ton less boring! I'm almost crying with joy as I sort through it all.
"Are you sure all of this is okay?" I ask.
"Of course, silly," Danielle replies.
This is not only a good gift but a great sign that I might be getting out of here soon. There are a lot of pointy things in the bag that could be used as weapons. They wouldn't allow me these things unless they are starting to trust me. I'm sure it will still be several weeks before they let me out, but at least it won't be several months like I was starting to fear. Or at least I hope I'm not reading too much into this gift.
As I sort through everything I feel something in one of the side pockets. I open it and discover a cock cage. It is shaped just like the one I have except this one goes together different. There are no screws on it. It appears to be held together with just a simple latch. There is a small lock with it but the keys are provided.
I look up at Danielle in confusion and with a little bit of concern. I mean, I thought I only had to wear a cage for another week or so. Why am I getting one as a gift?
"Trust me, that will become your best friend," Danielle giggles as she reads my expression. "They will require you to wear it sometimes but most of the time it will be your choice. You will choose to wear it a lot more than you might think. I still wear mine a lot when I'm in class or out in public; especially if daddy hasn't let me cum recently. The last thing you want is to get a hard on under your dress."
I hadn't really thought about that. The pleated skirts can only hide so much. I can only imagine what kind of trouble I would get into if someone noticed I had a little bit too much down there. Being discovered like that would be pretty embarrassing also.
As I put everything away I'm tempted to ask Danielle when I might get to use it all outside this room. I doubt she knows the answer though. Plus, even if she did know I doubt I would want to hear it. I'm sure I have at least several weeks left. However, if it is actually months then I'm not sure I could handle that information right now.
After everything is put away Danielle and I jump back into bed. We remove our plugs and I lick them both clean.
Right when I put the last plug on the nightstand the room lights suddenly go out. This is the first time the lights have been out since I arrived here and it surprises and even scares me a little. At first I think it is a blackout but I notice the Christmas tree lights are still blinking and the clock radio hasn't gone dead.
"Looks like Ray is giving us a little privacy tonight," Danielle whispers as she cuddles up next to me. "Maybe he likes you as much as you like him."
Danielle giggles at her joke; if she only knew.
The lighting and mood is very romantic but we are too tired to make love. Instead we cuddle and kiss for a while and then finally drift off to sleep.