PZA Boy Stories


With input from and editing by
Maiocxx and Magnus Emendator


Continuation of Moonweezle9's Apocalypse

Chapter 54
Chris Discovers Dildos

Roy and Essie did a wonderful job organizing a school for all of us in our little colony on Paradise Island. Once we realized that their plan called for a two-room school, we made a couple of trips over to the Miami area with them and found usable desks in a school located near where they had once lived. Fortunately for us, the desks had sat there untouched since the alien invasion without being exposed to the elements. We just had to take what we needed and airlift them back to our island. Then, we converted a couple of small meeting rooms in our former resort property into classrooms and we were ready to go.

'Sarge', as we were all soon calling Roy, had majored in science with a minor in math while Essie, soon to become 'Mama Essie', had been an elementary teacher. Their plan was for Essie to take the younger kids while Sarge took the older ones with each concentrating on the classic 'reading, writing, and 'rithmetic' curricula of the frontier schools of America's past.

We had every reason to believe that everything would all work out fine and that we would soon have everyone at least getting a basic education. However, there was one incident that might have ruined everything before we even got started.


Of course, I didn't know about all of this until much, much later. However, it seems that Essie's house in Miami had had a terrace, something which those in the southern part of America like to call a 'patio'. Before the alien invasion, in the afternoon when she had the time, Roy liked to sunbath nude on that patio since it was screened from any prying eyes by a privacy fence. Any noisy neighbors had no way of knowing just what sun worshiping Roy was up to on that patio. Of course, the invasion had put an end to sunbathing. The chance of her being discovered by a hungry alien was just too great.

Well, once Essie and Roy had gotten comfortable in one of the guest houses in our little complex on Paradise Island, Roy realized that it too had a nice little private terrace that was completely screened from passersby by a four foot high [[1.2 m] hedge. It wasn't long before she decided to resume her sunbathing habit, now that she was safe beneath the cloaking field that concealed us from alien eyes.

The only problem was that Chris and Joe had built a little platform up in a tree not more than fifty yards [55 meters] away from Essie and Roy's place. While they didn't use it all that much, they did use it now and then to get a good view over the island. Since it was built of old wood that the boys had salvaged, it blended in nicely with the tree and was not noticeable from the patio where Roy sunbathed unless you were looking for it.

Roy, now that she was teaching again, didn't have all that much time to sunbathe. However, when she could find the time, she liked to spread out a towel on a chaise longue on the terrace, open a good book, and lie out in the sun while Essie was out of the house tending to other things.

As fate would have it, Roy found time to sunbathe one day when Chris and Joe decided to climb up to their little 'tree house'.

The boys climbed up the tree using the small footfalls that they had nailed to the trunk of the tree. Once there, they scanned the seaward horizon to see if they could see anything on the water. Then, seeing nothing, they turned in the opposite direction and were surprised to see in the distance their new teacher, 'Sarge', lying there with her back to them. The thin sinewy body and the gray 'crew cut' hair identified her to them. However, it was the fact that she was nude that caught them by surprise. Nudity by itself was an everyday thing on the island. It was just that they weren't expecting their new teacher to join them in practicing it.

Like a lot of the boys on the island, they themselves were nude. Thirteen year-old Chris had short dark blonde hair and blue eyes. His slim body was beginning to show what would soon be well-defined muscles. At this point, he weighed about 110 pounds [50 kg] or so. His gift from the aliens had been super hearing and sense of smell so he could easily hear the buzzing sound as well as the moans of pleasure that were coming from the slim woman and whatever it was that she was doing down there on her patio. Fourteen year-old Josiah, 'Joe' to all of us, was only slightly bigger than Chris but looked much the same except for his brown hair. However, his gift from the aliens, the ability to heal himself, was of no help in seeing or hearing what the woman on the patio was doing. From the distance where they were in the tree, he could not hear anything that was happening down below like Chris could.

When she rolled over in their direction they could see that she had something in her hand and was apparently inserting it between her legs. All that they could tell (even Chris with his heightened sense of hearing) was that she seemed to be enjoying whatever it was that she was doing.

Joe turned to Chris and said in a whisper, "We need to get out of here. What if she sees us?"

For a moment Chris turned his attention away from the woman on the patio and whispered back, "I'd like to know what she's got there. She seems to be having some sort of sex, but how and with what?"

"I don't care. I'm not going to get into trouble finding out. Who knows what women want or excites them? Besides, I like what we boys do. I'm climbing down and getting out of here while I can," replied his friend.

"Go on down, I'm coming," whispered Chris taking one last look at the distant woman on the patio.


Things might have ended there, but curiosity got the better of Chris. The next day, he waited until the same time of day and crept up to the patio intent on finding out what Sergeant Ruth was doing. Sensing that she was there, he got down on his hands and knees. Then, he crawled up towards the bottom edge of the hedge that separated the patio from being seen by anyone who happened to be passing by. As he got right up to the hedge, he made the fatal mistake of snapping a twig as he was about to try to see through the thick leaves.

That noise was enough for 'Sarge'. Two years of dodging aliens had honed her skills and made her alert to the slightest sound. Silently, she sprang into action. Nude, she leaped up from her towel. Quietly, the trusted 45 caliber pistol that she was never without found its way into her hand as she eased over to the edge of the hedge. No one was going to take her by surprise!

Seconds later, Chris found himself looking up at the barrel of the naked woman's pistol. "What the Hell do you think that you're doing, you little pervert? I realize that most of you kids run around naked on this island, but that's no excuse for you to be sneaking a look at me on my own patio."

Chris lay on the ground naked with his belly pressed to the grass. He had his hands up as best he could while lying spread-eagled before the obviously angry woman. Finally, he managed to stammer, "I just wanted to know what it was that was giving you so much pleasure. I was by here yesterday and heard you moaning and something buzzing and just wanted to know what it was."

"All you had to do was ask. Did you ever think of that? You didn't have to sneak around. I've been defending Essie and myself from aliens for the past two years. What if I had shot you first and asked questions later? The way things are, 'dumb ass' will get you killed," barked the angry woman.

Finally, she calmed down somewhat. Still holding the gun on him, she barked at the boy, "Get up and come on in here and I'll show you what it is that's making you so damn curious."

Chris stood up and brushed the grass and dirt from the lawn off his naked body. Then, he walked onto the patio through an opening at one end of the hedge while Sarge kept her pistol aimed at his midsection.

The boy was fascinated by the naked woman's body. Her sinewy masculine form looked more male than female, but the fact that she had no penis or testicles was something that Chris had never seen before. He'd heard that women had only a cleft between their legs, but, at his age, had never seen a naked one before. His eyes were large and, despite his fear, fixated on her body.

There was a small metal table on one side of the patio. Sergeant Roy laid her pistol down on the table and wrapped a robe around herself. Then, she picked up the small plastic object that was lying there. She looked at it, smiled to herself, and then turned around to show it to Chris.

"This is what you saw. Most people call it a 'dildo', or at least they did before the aliens came," she said as she held out the flesh colored artificial penis for him to see. "This one has a switch on one end. If I flip the switch, it vibrates. Both men and women can get pleasure from one of these."

The naked boy looked at the slender plastic object in her hands with wonder. The thing was less than three inches [7 cm] in diameter and maybe six inches [15 cm] long with a rounded head. A larger ring separated the four inch [10 cm] handle from the rest of it. As Sarge had said, there was a switch on the flat end of the handle that he assumed was where the user could activate it. Chris could see that it was meant to be inserted somewhere. He had seen the woman with it between her legs, but he did not readily comprehend just how a man could make use of it.

Finally, he said in a questioning voice, "I don't see how a man or boy could use that thing."

That was when Sarge evidently decided that she would show him by giving him a little demonstration that would broaden his knowledge as well as serve as a punishment for his brief venture in to voyeurism.

"If you'll come into the house, I'll show you how it works for a man or boy, if you like?" she said in what was by now a polite tone of voice.

Chris, ever the curious, hesitated only a second before replying, "Sure, why not?"


Once in the guest house's bedroom, Sarge motioned for Chis to lie down on the bed. Somewhat reluctantly, the naked boy stretched out face up on the woman's bed. Sarge reached down from under the edge of the headboard and produced a nylon rope. She took the boy's arm and stretched it out over his head in the direction of the bedpost. Slowly, she wrapped the rope around his arm securing him firmly but gently with it.

Perplexed, Chris looked up at the woman and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm tying your arms to the bed. That's part of the way that it's done with men and boys when they use a dildo," she replied.

Then, she took his other arm and tied it to the other bedpost.

Once that was done, she walked around to the foot of the bed and took a moment to look down at the naked boy staked out on her bed as she admired her handiwork. Next, she took the remaining rope and wrapped it around each of the boy's ankles in a deceptively loose manner. When she was done, she smiled down at Chris. Then, without warning, she pulled on the two ropes so that both of the boy's legs were quickly hoisted up toward where his wrists were already firmly bound to the headboard. Before he hardly knew what happened, Chris was firmly bound to the bed with his butt up in the air and fully exposed while his feet almost reached his hands.

He twisted and turned now afraid of just what might be coming next. One half of him was secretly telling himself that he wanted out of there Still, the other half kept reminding him that he had asked to learn about 'dildos' and didn't want to stop without learning how they were used to give sexual pleasure to men and boys. The fear of being called 'chicken' if the other boys learned of what he had been doing still outweighed good sense in his teenaged mind.

Sergeant Roy stood at the end of the bed with a tube of gel in her hand. Slowly she squeezed a little on her palm as she spoke soothingly to the frightened boy on the bed. "You wanted to know what a dildo was and how it's used by men and boys, am I right?" asked the woman as she again smiled at Chris as he tested the ropes that held him tightly in position with his butt in the air. Then, she put one knee on the bed and leaned forward as she smeared some of the gel on and around his boy hole.

"I'm not going to hurt you, only demonstrate how a dildo works for men and boys. Tell me, if you want me to stop," she added. Then she flipped the switch and the soft whirring sound began.

Slowly, she ran the vibrating dildo up and down his butt crack while with her free hand she caressed his smooth inviting butt cheek. The soft vibrating sensation was pleasant but not all that erotic to the boy. Unconsciously, he wondered to himself if this was all that there was to it.

Then it happened. Without warning, the woman inserted the vibrating dildo into his virgin anus. She was careful not to go too deep with it only barely penetrating his hole.

Chris bit his lip so as not to scream as he suddenly realized where and how a dildo was inserted in a man or boy. Before he could say or do anything, Sergeant Roy pulled it out. She was no fool and had taught for too many years not to be able to recognize when a lesson had been learned. Besides, even in the present relaxed atmosphere of Paradise Island, she had no intention of abusing a child. Her only real objective had been to educate Chris while teaching the boy a lesson in respecting another person's privacy.

She stood at the end of the bed and looked down on the bound boy and said, "That's how a dildo is used on a man or boy. Of course, to get the full effect, you have to insert it in all the way and let it vibrate for a while. Most people who use one leave it in until they achieve orgasm. You do know what 'orgasm' is, don't you?"

Chris nodded as his chin quivered. Relief flooded over his face as he realized that she was not going to stick it all the way into him.

The woman untied the ropes so that the boy's legs were lowered back down onto the surface of the bed. Sarge ran her hand through his hair and then patted him gently on the shoulder. "So, now do you understand what a dildo is and how it's used?"

The boy nodded and answered, "Yes ma'am, I do.

"In the future, if you have any questions, I want you to come to me and ask them. Don't sneak around. Do you understand?" Sergeant Roy said in her best school teacher voice.

Again, the boy looked at her and replied, "Yes ma'am. I understand. It won't happen again."

"Do you have any questions about what you've seen or learned here today before I send you on your way?" she asked.

The boy lay there for a moment and then looked up at the woman. His handsome young face looked very serious as replied, "Just one question, ma'am. Can I come back and try it again sometime?"

Chapter 55
Learning About Dildos

Chris had hardly gotten back to his room when Joe came by wanting to see what he was doing and to see if he wanted to do something with him. Well, you know how it is with teenagers, even ones who regularly have all the boy on boy sex that they can handle. As soon as Joe asked Chris what he had been doing, Chris couldn't wait to tell him that he had found out what it was that Sergeant Roy had been doing when they saw her from their tree house while she was sunbathing nude on her patio.

"Guess what Chris? I found out what 'Sarge' was doing when we saw her from the tree house yesterday," said Chris grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh yeah," the other boy answered while looking quizzically at his friend. "Just what was it that she was doing that was giving her so much pleasure? She looked like she was really enjoying whatever it was."

"She was using something called a 'dildo', replied Chris. "It's kind of like a slim plastic flashlight only it doesn't have a light and is sort of pointed at one end. She was sticking it in her pussy and flipping a switch on its end so that it was vibrating. To her, it was like 'doing it' with a guy. Evidently, it's a woman's way of doing what we do when we jack off and don't have a partner."

Joe looked at him wide-eyed with an aura of disbelief on his face and replied "No way!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too at first," his friend said. "I went back over to her place earlier today and got right up to the hedge around her patio when she caught me trying to see what she was doing."

"No way! Did she tan your butt or what? Surely, she didn't let you get away with that did she?" asked Joe as he marveled at his friend's seeming bravery.

"Nah," replied Chris. "But, she did make me come into her house so she could 'demonstrate' how men and boys use a dildo."

"What did she do to you? You gotta tell me," begged Joe.

"Well, at first I couldn't figure out how that thing was gonna do anything sexual for a man or boy, but she sure surprised me. She had me lie down on a bed and tied my arms over my head. Then, she tied ropes around my ankles and pulled them up almost to where my hands were tied to the headboard on the bed. Of course, that left my butt sticking up in the air. Well, believe it or not, she turned on that dildo thing and acted like she was going to stick all six vibrating inches [15 cm] of it up my butt.

"Did she really do that to you?" gasped Joe as he realized just how a dildo was used on a man or boy.

"Nah," said Chis. "She just ran it over my hole so that I got the message. Honest, Joe, I didn't know that you could do that to a boy and give him pleasure. I guess that's one way that a boy can be raped, if you wanted to be rough with it."

Joe thought a minute and then spoke hesitantly to his friend. "I think I may have seen one of those 'dildo' things and not realized what it was. I was going through the things that were in the medicine cabinet in my room and found this thing that was left there by one of the previous 'guests' that sounds like what you're calling a 'dildo'. At the time, I didn't know what it was and just tossed it in the back of the linen closet in the bathroom. I think that it's still there. Maybe we ought to check it out. What do you say?"

Chris grinned mischievously at his friend and replied, "Hell, yes."


I guess that what happened next was just two curious boys trying to learn about a sex toy, but looking back on it I want to laugh.

Well, Chris and Joe went to Joe's room and rummaged through his linen closet until they found what they both now knew was a 'dildo'. Joe stood there holding it looking at it like it was some sort of magic wand that might at any moment bite him.

The dildo that he had found in his room was beige plastic. Like the one that Chris had seen at Sergeant Roy's place, the thing was less than three inches [7½ cm] in diameter and maybe six inches [15c m] long with a rounded head. A larger ring separated the four inch [10 cm] handle from the rest of it. As Chris looked at it, he wondered if it were made by the same manufacturer as the one that he had seen the day before.

"There should be a switch on the flat end of the handle where you can activate it so that it will vibrate when you're using it," he told his friend. Sure enough, Joe found the switch on the bottom, flipped it, and the strange device started to give off a low whirring sound as it vibrated.

"What do you say we try it out?" asked Joe as he stood there fascinated by the vibrating sex toy in his hand.

Chris smiled that wicked smile of his and replied, "I want to be first."

The two boys went back into Joe's room. Fortunately, like most of the boys at their end of the island, they were already naked. Chris lay back on the bed and grabbed his ankles with both hands and pulled his legs up over his head so that his butt was a waiting target. His friend stood there grinning back at him with his own wicked smile as he held the vibrating dildo.

Then, Joe walked over to the bed and ran the dildo over Chris's crack letting his friend get the feel of the vibrating object that was tracing a pattern between his firm young legs. Slowly, but surely, Joe eased the dildo into Chris' boy hole. Not sure of what he was doing, he hesitated. Unfortunately, Chris didn't know what to expect and was impatient.

"Come on Joe, shove it in there. I want to feel what a dildo does to you that makes sex better for you. Push it in-n-n-n-n-n!" commanded the other boy ending in something that was only a little less than a combined scream of surprise and pain.

As Chris had wanted him to do, Joe had given the vibrating dildo a big push. Evidently at that point his friend's resisting sphincter muscle must have relaxed or at least given way to the pressure. At any rate, the thing suddenly slipped almost all the way into his friend's hole so that only the handle remained visible outside of his body. The momentary pain was a lot more than Chris had been expecting. His shout of pain was easily heard some distance away.

As fate would have it, Joe's cousin, A.J., was on his way over to see him when he heard this shout of pain. He came rushing through the door to Joe's room only to find Joe standing there stunned by the turn of events while poor Chris was dancing around trying to reach around and pull the vibrating dildo out of his butt as he kept yelling "Get it out, get it out! It hurts like hell!"

A.J. stood there for a moment looking at his cousin and his friend and wondered just what the heck they had been doing. After all, up until that moment, none of the boys in their colony had done anything with a dildo. Like Joe, even if they had found one, they most likely would have had no idea what it was.

Finally, A.J. exclaimed, "What the hell are you two doing?"

Joe regained his wits enough to reply "Chris wanted me to stick this dildo thing in his butt, but when I did he starting hollering about how much it hurt and jumping around wanting me to pull it out."

"Back when we were still at home, one of the older boys in my gym class brought a dildo to school one day and showed it around the locker room. He said some guys liked having one up their butt and some didn't. It looks like Chris is one of the ones who don't like it. Well, crap, let's pull it out of him. If it hurts that much, it's got to be no fun to have in your butt, now is it?

Finally, the two boys (both naked themselves by the way) managed to pull the dildo out of Chris. He stood their rubbing his butt with tears running down his checks breathing hard. "I'll never do that again!" he proclaimed.


You will remember that when we rescued Alph and Delta, the two hybrids from the Mount Argus base in Alaska, young Dr. Mark Gordon had decided to come with us to our little colony in the Bahamas. When he came with us, he said that another doctor there was the one in charge of the experiments and that his name was Dr. Smith. While we were getting on with our life off the coast of Florida, things were going on in Alaska of which we were unaware at the time. Shortly after we had been there, here's what happened next.

The day after we had been at Mr. Argus on Temno Island, Dr. Harry Smith, surveyed the lab building on the grounds of the army research base. Two of the three test hybrids were gone and the one that remained would happily kill any human foolish enough to get close enough to its cage. At least the bastards didn't damage the lab facilities. That new virus that we developed to kill the aliens is still there and as deadly as ever, thought the doctor to himself.

Smith was a middle-aged man from the Midwest who had been in the Army his whole medical career. At 48, he stood about 5ft 10 [1.80 m] and weighed 165 lbs. [75 kg]. His hair was gray and thin above the dark frames of the glasses that he always wore. The white lab coat over his 'greens' made it clear that he was a medical professional.

The fact that he, and the now missing Dr. Gordon, had only a few days before found the perfect virus to use to kill the alien invaders was all that mattered to the middle-aged doctor. Screw Gordon, he thought to himself, I've already infected all three of our hybrid test subjects with the virus. All the colonel needs to do now is figure how to get this one picked up by an alien ship. Any contact with him will spread the virus and these damned aliens will be history.

The fact that their research had also found that humans as well as human alien hybrids were immune to the effects of the virus thereby making them the perfect carrier also crossed his mind as he walked across the room.

The doctor took a plastic dish from a cabinet and went over to a twenty-five pound [11 kg] sack of dog food and filled the dish. Then he put it on the floor near the cage of the remaining hybrid. Carefully, he used a long stick to push it up to the edge of cage. The hybrid snarled and grabbed the dish and started gobbling up the dog food. Smith looked at him and a small shudder went up his back. Satisfied that the hybrid had been fed, Smith left the lab building to find the colonel to report that he was ready for the test hybrid to be used as bait for the aliens.


Transporting the hostile alien hybrid had been Hell. The fact that he would have gladly killed any human dumb enough to get too close to his cage only made matters worse. In the end, Dr. Smith had had to tranquilize the thing before a helicopter could lift his cage and transport it to the middle of a runway at the former commercial airport near Juneau. The logic was that if they left the thing in the middle of a runway at an unused airport, it would make enough noise to attract the attention of an alien space craft who would then take it back to one of their ships thereby infecting a whole segment of the alien population. Even if a curious alien did not take it back to its ship, exposure to the virus by even one alien still stood a good chance of infecting the whole ship. Either way, it would be the first step in taking back the planet and besides, they still plenty of the virus left to use on other aliens as the opportunity presented itself.

Chapter 56
Using Dildos

Another new development in our little colony was the budding romance between Mark and Rebecca. Sure, Mark enjoyed sex with another guy as much as the next fellow, but only when there was no other alternative but "taking things in hand." However, he was really heterosexual at heart. Rebecca, in turn, had a thing for him from the first time that she had walked in on him in the shower right after he had arrived from Alaska.

Over time, it became evident that they were interested in each other. This was followed by them becoming a couple and then, one day, Mark proposed to her. Well, that's how we had our first real wedding here in our little colony on Paradise Island.

Of course, as weddings go, it was a relatively simple affair. Rebecca and a couple of the older girls went into what remained of Nassau and found what had once been a boutique. They had rummaged around their stock until they found a simple white short formfitting dress that would do for a wedding dress. Somehow, they even found material from which to make her a veil.

On their wedding day, she looked beautiful in that dress with flowers in her hair above the veil. Mark wore white cotton pants with an open neck pale blue shirt. Since we had no one who was a clergyman, they stood on the terrace at the former resort that was now our larger colony and recited vows to each other. Since this was a 'formal' affair, everyone even wore clothes. Still, I was surprised when they asked me to bless them and declare them married. Afterward, we had a modest wedding 'feast' and danced to recorded music. All in all, it was a lovely day and, well, just so 'normal' to see a couple in love getting married. At the same time, after all that we had been through and all of the friends and family that we had lost to the aliens, it was somehow sad at the same time.


Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you want to look at it), Chris and Joe and A.J. got into some of the wine that was being served at the wedding and, before long, were somewhat intoxicated. None of them had forgotten their experience with the dildo. The three of them were draped over an outdoor couch sipping their wine and talking. Then, as the wine lowered their inhibitions, their conversation turned in the direction of the dildo

"Hey Chris, you should have seen your face with that dildo up your butt!" exclaimed A.J. after a long swig of the wedding wine. "You looked like someone had just stuck a firecracker up there the way that you were jumping around that day."

"Oh yeah! You would have been jumping around too if you had had that thing up your butt" declared Chris vehemently slurring his words from the effects of the wine.

"That so," replied A.J. "I'll bet that I would like it, unlike someone else that I know."

"I've still got the damn thing in my room. I dare you to try it yourself. Joe can be a witness, unless of course he wants to try it too" stated Chris.

"Let's go over to your room and I'll try it for myself" said A.J., rising to the challenge.

With that, the three of them casually left the wedding celebration. Somewhat unsteady on their feet, they slipped away unnoticed taking a bottle of wine with them.


Once in Chris's room, A.J. pulled off the tee shirt that he had worn to the wedding and let his board shorts drop to the floor. "I think that this would be easier to do in the shower than the way that you did it. Are you up for it?" he asked questioningly of Chris.

"Sure, why not," was the response as the other boy began to strip off his own clothes.

A.J. went into the shower and turned on the water adjusting it until he had the water comfortably warm. Chris retrieved the dildo from a drawer in his dresser and followed his friend into the shower.

The dildo was beige plastic. The thing was less than three inches [7.5 cm] in diameter and maybe six inches [15 cm] long with a rounded head. A larger ring separated the four inch [10 cm] handle from the rest of it. Using the switch on the flat end of the handle, Chris activated it so that it vibrated and started to give off a low whirring sound.

The warm water of the shower cascaded over their naked bodies inviting them to touch one another in an erotic way. In his free hand Chris took a piece of soap from the shower dish and began to soap A.J.'s chest slowly working his way down his abs and into his closely trimmed pubic area. With his other hand, he circled the other boy's stiffening penis probing it with the vibrating dildo. In spite of himself, A.J. quickly became fully erect. As he leaned back against the tile wall of the shower, his eyes were glazed as the dildo traced patterns up and down his rock-hard cock.

While his friends engaged in shower sex, Joe slowly stripped and began to run his hand up and down his own now-hard penis enjoying what he was watching.

Chris reached around and ran his free hand up and down his friend's back. Then, he clutched one of his firm, round butt cheeks and squeezed. A.J. let out a little moan of pleasure and turned his face to the wall of the shower indicating that he was ready to try the dildo for himself.

"A.J., based on what happened to me; I think that if you relax and push outward I can enter you with the dildo less painfully than when I did it myself. Do you want to try it that way?" Chris said softly in the ear of the boy he was about to impale with the slim piece of smooth plastic.

"Yes, let's do that. I really want to try this for myself. Whatever will make it easier and better, I want to try it that way," A.J. whispered back.

Chris positioned himself directly behind his friend. At first he only ran the six inch slim piece of vibrating plastic up and down A.J.'s crack. Then he slowly inserted its tip in the virgin opening. A.J. winced as the alien object invaded his body. Both Chris and Joe could see that he was determined not to cry out no matter what happened. Chris eased the bullet-shaped head of the dildo into the opening, but A.J.'s sphincter resisted. Chris, inexperienced as he was, knew that he had to press harder so that the thing would slip past the resisting muscle.

Joe could see A.J.'s face distort from the momentary pain, but still his friend did not cry out. Somehow, it made the whole thing even more erotic for Joe and he ran his hand even more vigorously up and down his now rock-hard penis.

Chris eased the rest of the dildo into his friend's ass. Neither boy knew just what they were doing. Both were surprised when the head of the dildo began to press against A.J.'s prostate giving him that mix of pleasure and pain that comes with another guy's cock or a dildo up your butt. In response, Chris began a slow in and out motion which increased in speed as A.J. became more and more aroused.

Chris reached around with the fingers of his free hand and found A.J.'s nipples as he continued to pound his friend's butt with the vibrating dildo. His fingers moved with a skill that he had not realized that he possessed. Slowly, he massaged each brown nub as the dildo worked its way in and out of A.J. Only the sound of the cascading water and the low moan of the vibrating dildo broke the silence as A.J. was consumed by a pleasure that he had not previously known existed.

Then, Chris stroked A.J.'s hard penis in a soapy, but very effective motion. It didn't take long before A.J. rose up on the balls of his feet so that he was straining as he continued to lean forward with his arms against the tile wall for support. Moments later, his eruption of a big stream of cum was followed by several shorter bursts.

Chris slowly pulled the dildo out of his friend and adjusted the shower so that the warm water flowed over both of their still panting naked bodies. For a second time, Chris took a piece of soap in his hand and started washing A.J.'s torso. A.J. in turn found a piece of soap and began to wash the other boy. Then he leaned forward and kissed Chris on the lips. There was only a moment's hesitation and then both boys were deep kissing each other as they continued to run their hands over each others bodies.

They motioned to Joe to join them. Seconds later, all three friends were in one big wet embrace as the warm water ran over their smooth naked young bodies.


Shortly after Mark had arrived on Paradise Island things had happened up in Alaska that would affect us all. By the time that Rebecca and he had married, the virus that Dr. Smith and he had perfected at Mt. Argus was about to begin its work.

The insectoid shuttle craft was making an aerial sweep down the Gastineau Channel in the Alaskan panhandle when it detected a life-form among the remains of the municipal airport at Juneau. The scenic beauty of the steep mountain terrain of the area ranging as it does from about 3,500 feet to 4,000 feet [1,000-1,250 m] in height was lost on the alien pilot. Even the Juneau Icefield with its Mendenhall and Lemon Creek Glaciers as seen from the air did not interest him as he moved in closer to investigate whatever living thing was there at the old airport.

Usually, some kind of remaining wild life could be found coming in to the once populated areas looking for food. However, this was different. There was something in a cage on the runway that was alive but registered on his instruments as not quite Earthling and, yet. not quite alien either. The pilot (whose name by the way was Omosh) maneuvered his craft carefully circling a second time to ensure that it was not some sort of trick. Then, he landed his small ship alongside the cage. He needed to check this thing out personally.

With his weapon at the ready, Omosh descended from the craft and walked around it so that he could see clearly whatever it was in the cage. When he came face to face with the creature, he was horrified. Its head and features were just like his own, but the body was obviously Earthling in shape. This monster was some sick cross between his own race and that of this stinking planet that the natives called 'Earth.'

Omosh tried talking to it, but it only snarled and tried to grab him through the bars of its cage. The insectoid alien didn't need a second attempt to know that the thing would have killed him without a second thought. Moments later, he was on the radio asking his superiors for instructions. He certainly wasn't going to bring this 'thing' back to the mother ship without orders to that effect.

A few minutes later, he was told to remain on site until a larger space craft arrived. It would use a tractor beam to take the 'monster', cage and all, back to the mother ship for further study.

Omosh acknowledged the order and then sat back to await the arrival of the larger ship. At least it was no longer his problem.

Little did the insectoid aliens realize that they had just signed their own death warrant.


Of course, at the time, those of us on Paradise Island knew nothing of what was happening up in Alaska. After the celebration of Mark and Rebecca's wedding, we turned our attention to improving our food sources. After all, we were fast learning the hard way that the canned and packaged foods that were left behind when our world was overrun by aliens weren't going to last forever.

We did some research about the Bahama Islands and found that, before the alien invasion, there had been a Mennonite mission-run commercial farm near Blanket Sound over on Andros Island only 30 miles [50 km] from where we were located on Paradise Island. They had been growing everything from habanera peppers to sorghum and potatoes, and had numerous fruit orchards and honey-bee hives. Interestingly, the Mennonites had also been running the largest car repair and carpentry shop on the island. We might also find things that we could use there as well as the farm itself.

Additionally, Abaco had been known for producing oranges, grapefruits, and cucumbers. Surely, the fruit trees would still be there and could be cared for and harvested. We weren't that big a colony and it wouldn't take a huge amount of food to keep us going, but it would take food. Making sure that we had that food available was something that, of necessity, we had to do.

We decided that maybe it was time to get Cecil and his family and maybe even Jacob and Timothy, the two Amish farm boys who had joined us in Pennsylvania, to see if we couldn't return the Mennonite farm to production and, thus, hopefully solve our slowly developing food problem.

In addition, using Alexey, our human-fish hybrid who had originally been part of the Russian genetic experiments, we hoped to see if we couldn't make fish a regular part of our diet.

Yes, things were looking very promising that day on Paradise Island. Only time would tell just how successful our efforts would be.

Chapter 57
Farming on Andros
and Contacting the Army

The island of Andros itself is 100 miles [150 km] long and about 40 miles [65 km] wide at its widest point. Before the alien invasion, only a few thousand people had lived over there. Most of them had lived in a narrow strip of land on the eastern side of the island. Except for the Mennonite farm, and the rest of the land along its eastern edge, the island is mangrove, pine forest, dense jungle vegetation, and mud plains. Still, it was the closest commercial farm to our settlement on Paradise Island.

We decided that maybe it was time to get Cecil and his family and maybe even Jacob and Timothy, the two Amish farm boys who had joined us in Pennsylvania, to see if we couldn't return the Mennonite farm to production and, thus, hopefully solve our slowly developing food problem.

After talking it over with them, Cecil and Mariah decided that they wanted to try their hands at the former Mennonite farm on Andros Island. Along with a needed change of scenery from their former island home with its bad memories, they felt that they could use their three boys (Gil, Char, and their 'adopted' son Bert) along with Jacob and Timothy, the two Amish farm boys from Pennsylvania, as the nucleus of the crew needed to run the farm. A few of the other boys could also go over with them temporarily to help get things in shape. Since it was now time for a break in schooling, we felt that we could get things going and then maybe use some sort of communication system to keep Cecil's boys education going once schooling resumed.

After their drinking episode at Mark and Rebecca's wedding, I thought that some hard work would be just the thing for Chris, Joe, and A.J. If they were being kept busy, they wouldn't have time to get into trouble was my thinking.

That gave Cecil and his wife three of their own boys, aged ten to thirteen, and three others aged thirteen and fourteen. With the big Afro-Bahamian supervising them, that would be enough to get things moving. Plus, the farm came with a good supply of farm machinery that would augment their labors once we got it going and put back into service.

Alexey, our human-fish hybrid who had originally been part of the Russian genetic experiments, also decided to go with Cecil and Mariah and the boys to see what he could do from there to expand the seafood component of our diet. After all, there are a number of 'blue holes' in and around Andros that tend to be good places to look for fish and other sea creatures that could grace our tables. As support for Alexey's work, we sailed the Gaviota over from Cecil's island and anchored it off shore near the Mennonite farm. That way, Alexey could explore the blue holes and not have to worry about getting back to the farm for the night since he could spend the night on the sloop. The plan was for him to use the ship's engine and anchor near where he was currently exploring and/or working. Even though he was as young as many of the other boys in the colony, being a hybrid, Alexey had the mind and maturity of a much older person and thus could undertake this exploration alone or with another boy as his helper.

Additionally, we decided that Adrien would use the shield device from the crashed space shuttle on Cecil and Mariah's small island and reconfigure it to protect the Andros Island farm from any unwanted alien attention.


Cecil and Mariah set themselves up in the former farm-manager's house at the old Mennonite farm complex. The house was a low-slung frame structure with a hipped tin roof and a big veranda on the windward side. Except for a few broken windows, it had survived the alien invasion relatively intact. There was enough room in the house for them and their three boys plus a bunk-house for the other three older boys and Alexey, when he was there. There was also a big eat-in kitchen where they must have fed the farm staff when the Mennonites were working the farm. Mariah quickly figured out that she could feed all eight of them at the big table that was part of the kitchen. Then, she set to work cleaning the dust and dirt from the house. This would easily become their new home.


Using the sailing ship, Alexey explored the blue holes around Andros checking off each one and its potential as a source of food for their colony. He had quickly concluded that, if they rotated which hole they fished so as not to overdo it, they should have plenty of fish to augment their diets back at the colony on Paradise Island.

Alexey had just finished exploring the last major hole when he swam up alongside of the Gaviota. Joe stood there naked on the deck looking down at him. Then, he hurried over to where the rope ladder was draped over the starboard side of the sloop. An equally naked Alexey pulled himself up the ladder and onto the deck. The two boys stood there for a second and then embraced and kissed deeply and passionately. Moments later, they were entwined on the deck giving way to their passions.

Fourteen year old Joe had taken an immediate liking to Alexey. The blond younger boy with his aquatic skills fascinated the older boy. Brown-haired Joe's 110 lbs. [50 kg] matched the weight of the younger boy. Both were lean and muscular with little body fat. When Alexey asked Cecil to let him have one of the boys to go with him to explore the blue holes, Joe was the first to volunteer. From the beginning of their trip, they had slept together naked in the same bunk on the little sailing ship. Both would have agreed that the sex had been great. Even so, they had not neglected gathering the information that they had been sent to obtain. It was just fun, as well as work, when the two who were working together were also lovers.


Back on Andros, once they got the farm machinery working, things went quickly. In only a week or so, they had the fields cleared and plowed and ready for planting. That day, Cecil was standing at the end of the biggest field surveying the work that had been done. He flagged down the tractor that A.J. was driving. He wanted to talk with him about how his boys had behaved the night before when they had pestered him until he let them spend the night with the older boys in the bunk house.

A.J. didn't want to lie to Cecil, but he didn't know the man well enough to know how he would react If he shared with the older man that all six of the boys had enjoyed a 'circle jerk' in the big group shower last night before turning in for the night. The fact that his oldest son, thirteen year-old Bert, had shot cum further than any of the six of them was just not something that you casually shared with a boy's father.

However, before A.J. could wiggle out of telling Cecil the truth, there was a loud, low-pitched squealing sound of something crashing to earth. Looking in the direction of the sound, Cecil and A.J. could see a trail of smoke and flame in the sky coming from what was quickly becoming apparent as an alien shuttle craft plunging out of the sky toward the island. Fortunately, the angle at which the ship was coming down meant that it would skim the tops of the palm trees at the far side of the field and not crash directly into the ground. Nevertheless, the two of them wasted no time in rushing in the opposite direction from where the stricken ship was headed. A deafening crash and the crunch of twisting metal was heard as the ship hit the ground. Then, there was silence except for the crackle from the low flames that came from one end of the wreckage. While the ship had crash landed, it was relatively intact.

A.J. used his 'sight beyond site' ability to determine that there were two of the insectoid aliens in the shuttle craft. However, he could also sense that only one of them remained alive and was injured.

Cecil and A.J. watched as the remaining insectoid alien staggered from the shuttle craft and collapsed face up on the ground. Hesitantly, man and boy approached the creature each with a shovel in their hands with which to defend themselves if needs be.

As it turned out, the shovels were unnecessary. When they got up to where the alien was lying on the ground, he was obviously dead. However, it was also clear that he had been suffering from some form of disease. He was pale and discolored with large splotches of ugly, darker skin crisscrossing his face and exposed hands and arms.

Little did they realize at the moment, but this was only one of the insectoid aliens that had or was dying from the virus that Dr. Smith and Mark Gordon had perfected at the Mt. Argus base back in Alaska.


The next day, there was a meeting back on Paradise Island at which it was decided that the time had come to contact the remaining American Army personnel up in Alaska in order to find out what was happening with the aliens. The big question was, 'What was the illness that was attacking the insectoid aliens and to what extent had it succeeded in eliminating them as a threat to the remaining human population?'

In order to prevent the colony on Paradise Island from being located before they knew the intentions of the Army personnel in Alaska, it was decided to go over to mainland America and contact the Army from there. Then, even if they figured out from where we were contacting them, it wouldn't be where we were actually located. Mark Gordon was reluctant to be the spokesman for our little group. We all understood his reluctance to contact the Army. After all, they had every right to consider him a deserter.

After some deliberation, we decided that Mark would first try contacting his old boss, Dr. Smith, and see if he could get the information that we wanted from him. If that didn't work, Adrien and I would be the spokesmen while Mark would remain in the background advising us but not revealing his presence to whomever we were able to contact with the Army up at their base near Anchorage. Even then, it was thought best to stick to radio and not reveal the fact that Adrien is a hybrid.


Using the space craft that our little band of colonists had taken from the white aliens, Adrien, Mark Gordon, and I flew over to the Miami area intent on contacting the U.S. Army. While Adrien and I might have reached them through our long range alien communications abilities, Mark had no such abilities and was needed for his knowledge of the Army. In addition, he knew what they had been doing up in Alaska before he came south with us. In other words, he knew how to 'talk the talk.'

We decided to take a cautious approach to landing in the Miami area and put down on a stone terrace at one end of the overgrown garden of the Vizcaya estate on the south side of the city. Before the alien invasion, Villa Vizcaya was a museum. It was the former estate of wealthy businessman James Deering who had been an International Harvester executive at the time that it was built almost a hundred years ago. The big stone neo-Italian building with its dark red tile roof stood there, only a little the worse for wear, but still every bit the Italian Renaissance revival masterpiece that it had always been. The three of us climbed out of the space craft with our portable cloakers operating and our weapons at the ready. The ship itself was also cloaked. However, no sign of human or alien life was found anywhere in or around the mansion. Before climbing back into the ship, the three of us stood there on the stone terrace for a moment admiring a scene right out of 17th century Italy. Only the overgrown vegetation in the garden and the Roman sarcophagus that had once served as a fountain before the invasion betrayed the now rundown state of the place.


Since Mark had been stationed at the Mt. Argus base, he knew the call signs for both that base and the main Army base near Anchorage. At least we would not have to hunt for the base's on-air location. He decided that contacting Dr. Smith, his former colleague and boss at Mt. Argus, would be the least likely to arouse any suspicion or reaction on the part of the Army.

As it turned out, we didn't have long to wait. Mark connected with Dr. Smith on the ship's radio only after the second or third try that afternoon.

"Gordon, is that really you? Where the hell are you?" came the reply over the airways.

"Let's just say that I'm busy carving out a new life for myself somewhere back in the States," responded Mark. "We've had one of the insectoid alien shuttle craft crash here and can see that the pilot was sick with something. Does that mean that the virus on which I worked with you is doing its job?" asked Mark.

"Hell, yes. It's working," replied Smith. "We left that remaining infected test subject at the old Juneau airport and those fools took him up to their ship. Too bad they didn't realize that they were infecting their whole crew. Ever since then, the bastards have been dropping like flies. We've finally got them on the run. At this rate, they'll be gone in another month or two."

"That's great news!" exclaimed Mark. "Has the main base up at Anchorage remained safe from the aliens through all of this?" questioned Mark.

"Yes, they managed to fight off any attempt to destroy them. However, there were two or three attacks before the aliens gave up. Currently, the Army has extended their control into most of the old Anchorage metro area. Survivors have come into the city and others have been airlifted there from here and there where others have somehow managed to survive. The Army has set up anti-aircraft positions at key points to protect the civilians. Since the disease has been killing off the insectoid aliens, they haven't had the strength or will to worry about what the remaining humans are doing down here on the planet."

"We did some good work in perfecting that virus. Without it, God knows where we would be today," said Dr. Smith.

"What the hell are you doing anyway?" asked the doctor.

"I went with the group that freed Alph and Delta, the two human-white alien hybrids that we had at Mt. Argus. Believe it or not I'm now the medical professional for a small colony of kids and young people in a sub-tropical area. We captured an alien space craft and use it to get around. We have also adapted alien technology to cloak our settlement. In addition to the two hybrids that were at Mt. Argus there are also several others here that provide us with near-genius intelligence that makes a lot of things possible that would not otherwise have been doable for the people here," explained Mark.

"What's the current attitude of the Army up there regarding other groups of survivors? We're not interested in moving to Alaska and just want to be left alone," was Mark's next question.

"I'm not sure. The Army wants to keep alive as many people as it can, given the fact that there are so few humans left on the planet. Of course, if you're protected and flourishing, I doubt that they would have any problem with you continuing where you are. Of course, I'm sure that you understand that they would like to know where that is," stated the doctor matter of factly.

"I think that my group would first want to meet with a representative of the Army or whatever civilian authority there is and give them a tour of our facility before revealing our whereabouts," replied Mark soberly. "Is there someone that we could contact about arranging a visit?"

Dr. Smith was silent for a minute while he pondered Mark's question. Then, he replied "Col. Harry Lancaster is the head of civil affairs up in Anchorage. Let me contact him and get back to you. I'll see if he's agreeable to your proposal."

"Tell you what. Let me contact you again in an hour or so. By then, you should have been able to talk with this Col. Lancaster. If he's agreeable, you can hook us all up together and we can discuss it," countered Mark, taking no chances.

"Sounds like a plan. Check back with me in an hour. I should have something by then," replied Dr. Smith.


The next hour passed slowly with tensions among Mark, Adrien, and I running high. Trying to take the edge off of things, we toured the deserted mansion killing time as we waited to talk with Dr. Smith again.

We ended up sitting around the big table in Vizcaya's Renaissance Hall. I had found a tourist guide to the place on the floor of the room where the wind must have carried it. From it, I learned that the floor to ceiling stone mantelpiece in the room had come from a chateau in France while the huge tapestry on the wall was 16th century Italian. Cippolino marble columns that flanked the doorway and a beamed ceiling from Venice completed the scene before us. We all felt that we were somewhere in Europe. The miracle was that the elements had not gotten to the things in the room now that it was almost three years since the alien invasion. Only the thick layer of dust on the table top betrayed the fact that no one had been there in a long time.

Almost reluctantly, we returned to the space craft to reconnect with Dr. Smith.


As it was, Dr. Smith had been able to reach Col. Lancaster and already had him on the line with him when we called back.

After introductions all around, we made our proposal to the colonel.

"If you folks are self-sufficient and cloaked so that the remaining aliens can't see you, you might just as well stay where you are. We have enough problems just feeding and protecting the civilians that we already have here in the Anchorage area. If we can get the aliens off the planet, then we will need to start thinking about moving a least part of our group south into a warmer area," said Col. Lancaster.

"Our colony down here just wants to keep up with developments with the alien eradication efforts. I assure you that we have no interest in coming to Alaska. We would just like to be able to check in with you on a regular basis for updates and let you contact us, if you have a need to do so," responded Mark.

Then he added, "The hybrids that resulted from the mating of humans with the white aliens have produced several near geniuses that are useful members of our colony. They have enabled us to do a lot more than if this group had been limited just to humans. Does that give you any problem?"

The airwaves crackled for a minute before Col. Lancaster responded, "No, that's not a problem. We also have some here with us. We've come to realize that they can be a vital and productive part of the new society that will populate Earth in the future."

"That's good to know. Speaking of the white aliens, what's the status on getting rid of them as well. After all, in the long run, they didn't seem to be all that friendly," asked Mark following up on the other alien race.

"The hybrids seem to be safe from the virus that has been killing the insectoid aliens but it affects the white aliens differently. Instead of dying, they just get sick and suffer from a loss of stamina. Just this week, they signaled that they planned to leave the planet. They can't seem to do anything to make themselves immune to the virus and it has become endemic on this world. It's like we have a defense that keeps them away and does nothing to affect us in the process," interjected Dr. Smith.

"Col. Lancaster, why don't you check with your superiors and we will contact you again in a week. If it's alright with them, we will remain where we are, but keep in touch with your operation there in Alaska," proposed Mark.

"I'll do that. We'll expect to hear from you in a week," replied the colonel.

With that the two signed off with both sides not sure that they could fully trust the other nor knowing what to expect next. As the old saying goes 'Trust is something that has to be earned.'

Chapter 58
First a Meeting, Then a Visit to Paradise Island by the Army

Alan Gates rubbed his eyes and took another look at the clock on his bedside nightstand. He was already late in getting out of bed. Then, he shrugged and turned back toward the still sleeping form of the boy beside him in the bed. Randy moaned and moved slightly in his sleep no doubt still dreaming about the night before. The man smiled as he thought to himself just how much he had come to love the boy as both his child and his lover. As far as he was concerned, it had been a great day when they had decided to take homeless kids into the homes of surviving adults there at the base where they were in Alaska from among the survivors that populated the Anchorage area. In fact, it was the only logical solution for what to do with the orphaned kids that they had turned up in the months since the alien invasion had killed off the majority of humankind.

Randy was fourteen and stood about 5ft. 6in. [1.70 m] tall and weighed about 135 lbs. [60 kg]. He was lean and muscular and spooned himself nicely again Alan's body when they slept. The man ran his hand tenderly down the boy's exposed back and hesitated as he patted his firm, rounded butt. Then he thought to himself that it couldn't get much better than this.

Alan was now forty seven years old. Once married, but with no kids of his own, he had been divorced for five years when the aliens had struck. As the commanding officer at the base, he had had the good fortune to have had most of his men and women in what had once been a NORAD underground concrete structure and thus they managed to survive more or less intact in spite of repeated attempts by the aliens to dislodge them.

He was 5ft. 10in. tall [1.80 m] and had once been on the track team back at VMI as a cadet. He still ran for exercise, although since the alien invasion, he was now limited to a treadmill in his underground base's gym. Still, he had managed to maintain his weight at a trim 175 lbs. [80 kg] For a man of his age, he looked good.

The boy stirred on his side of the bed. He opened his eyes and smiled at the lover who was also his guardian. Alan bent down over him and kissed him full on the lips. To say that the two of them enjoyed their relationship was an understatement. Each truly satisfied the other's needs.

Of course, the fact that their general was in a sexual relationship with a 14 year-old boy was not something that was generally known. As far as most of the base and community knew, Alan Gates was just doing his part by serving as the foster parent to one of the children who had lost their own families to the aliens and somehow managed to survive until found by the military.


Gates found Col. Harry Lancaster waiting in his office when he got there that morning. As a brigadier general who had been the base commander when the aliens struck, that disaster had caused him automatically to activate 'Project Pegasus' and thus become the surviving officer in charge of 'EmerCom' which was the Army's acronym for 'Emergency Command'. The change of command automatically gave him an extra star so that Alan Gates was now a two-star general.

Secretly, he liked the higher rank and increased authority that went with it. Equally secretly, he had not been sure how they were going to stand up against the aliens until the medics had perfected the virus that was now killing the insectoid aliens and making the others sick in the process. Finding other human survivors could proceed unrestricted now that they were not under constant threat of an alien attack.

"Good morning, general. I have an update from my meeting with those survivors that yesterday contacted us from Florida."

"Good, Good. Have a seat and tell me what you found out from your talk with them?" ordered Gates.

"Thank you, sir," answered the colonel taking a seat on the other side of the general's desk. Then, he said, "Apparently, they represent a self-sufficient colony somewhere in the south Florida area. They claim to have several hybrids among them who are providing advanced technological support. They say that they have even captured one of the white alien's shuttle craft and are using the shielding capability from another one to cloak their colony from the aliens. If what they say is true, they could provide additional tech support that we could use once the remaining aliens are either dead or leaving the planet. I would like to have permission to set up a meeting with them to see if their claims are true."

"If what you say is true, this could be a real find for us. In addition, perhaps some of the refugees here could be relocated south to join them, particularly if they are shielded from alien eyes," responded Gates.

"Sir, I would recommend that we wait until we have more information on them before proposing anything like that. They indicated that they just wanted to make their presence known but were not interested in anything more than liaison with us here in Alaska. I'd really like to meet with them in order to evaluate their technology as well as their potential for absorbing further survivors of the invasion. At this point all we have is their word for their capabilities. The main thing is that they are not the typical group of survivors huddling in the ruins of what was once their home town and just hoping to survive another day without being eaten by the aliens," said Lancaster.

"That makes sense. Go ahead and arrange a meeting with them, but be careful. Don't take any chances," ordered Gates.

"Understood, sir," acknowledged the colonel.

"One other thing, general. I feel sure that they are going to want amnesty for Dr. Gordon, the Army medic who went with them when they freed those two hybrid test subjects at the research facility down on Temno Island. He's presently providing their medical support and I would have to assume that they won't be willing to give that up," added the colonel.

The general hesitated a moment before answering. "Well, if he stays there with them, I think that we can agree to that. However, if he wants to come back up here, it would be a different story," responded the general in a decidedly cool tone of voice.

"Very good, sir. I just wanted to be clear about that," replied Lancaster.


A week later, Harry Lancaster stood on the tarmac in the shade of the old control tower at what had once been the main runway at Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida panhandle. He fidgeted as he waited for the arrival of the delegation from the 'Florida Colony' as he had begun to call it. Both sides had wanted to meet on neutral ground and this was as good a place as any for that to happen.

Eglin had once been a major military installation but was now deserted. The few air force personnel and civilians who had somehow managed to survive the alien invasion had long ago been evacuated to more secure locations. Now, three years after that invasion, the bombed out hangers and buildings were slowly but surely being reclaimed by the native vegetation and forest that had once existed there before the base had been created in the 1930's.

The colonel had flown south in one of the few military transports still serviceable. Even with the aliens on the decline, two of the ten remaining fighter jets in the whole of the U.S. Air Force had provided cover for this mission. After three years of dodging alien attacks, being exposed at the ruined base still made him nervous. As a result, he paced up and down waiting for the arrival of what he knew were the most unusual group of survivors to be found since the invasion. His carefully-pressed ACU camouflage uniform and black beret along with his sand-colored boots left no doubt that he was part of the American Army. He also knew that his 9mm Beretta side arm would be of little use if an alien craft spotted him.
[Note: ACU = Army Combat Uniform. This is the standard work uniform for the American Army. It is easily recognized by its abstract camouflage pattern.

There was no way that Harry Lancaster was expecting what happened next.

Even though he was wearing an earpiece that connected him to his own aircraft where his men were monitoring the radar, there was no warning of any craft in their vicinity. The only thing that he heard was a slight hissing sound like an engine being shut down off to his right and followed by a moment of silence. Then, an alien space shuttle seemed to materialize right there on the runway not more than a hundred yards from him as the craft's cloaking device was switched off. If he had not been told in advance that these survivors possessed a space shuttle, he would have run for cover at the very sight of it. As it was, he steeled himself and waited for a door to open.

Just to let him know that he was dealing with humans and not aliens, Derrik and his friends had carefully painted in block letters the word "ENTERPRISE" in foot-high dark- blue letters on the side of the space shuttle. Underneath in smaller red letters was the phrase, "One Small Step for Mankind." When the colonel saw the words proudly proclaiming that this was a human space craft, he breathed easier and his heart stopped racing.

The door to the craft opened and Derrik came down the ramp. Harry Lancaster was startled. Why the Hell was a teenager part of this delegation? was the first thought that raced through his mind. He could see that the good-looking boy coming toward him had what the military called 'command presence.'

That was something that he, like all military personnel, respected. It was something that could be sensed. It meant that the kid was a leader and that it showed through even when you just looked at him. Then, the older man was pulled back to the present and remembered that the boy had most likely had to grow up quickly in order to survive. He also remembered other situations over the past three years where there were kids who had been forced to grow up overnight. That was just a fact of life since the alien invasion.

Looking back at the shuttle craft, from his military personnel file, Lancaster recognized Dr. Mark Gordon coming out of the door. However, the third member of the delegation had to be the hybrid that they said would be with them. The colonel thought that it was funny how he looked more like a totally ripped muscular swimmer than some sort of half-alien 'boy genius.' Big Polaroid sunglasses covered his eyes which would seem logical since the aliens were known to be sensitive to bright sunlight.

Mark Gordon had met Col. Lancaster once or twice when he was stationed at the base in Anchorage before being sent to the research facility on Temno Island. As a result, he knew that it really was him standing there on the tarmac.

"Colonel Lancaster, sir, you may recall that we met when I was stationed at the base near Anchorage." Then turning to his friend, he added, "This is Derrik. He was the founder of our colony and is still our leader while the other fellow over here is Adrien. Adrien is a hybrid as we indicated when we talked with you on the radio. He is the man responsible for much of our ability to adapt alien technology to our needs," explained Mark as he handled the introductions.

"I'm glad to meet all of you," replied the colonel as hands were shaken all around.

"Even though the insectoid aliens are dead or dying and the other aliens are sickly and most likely not out on missions, we should get out of the open just to be on the safe side," cautioned Derrik.

"Yes, you're right," said the colonel.

"In the interest of time, we would like to recommend that you come with us to our colony. There, we have electricity and air conditioning while I would imagine that things are pretty much in ruins here at Eglin," suggested Derrik.

"Yes. Well, I'll admit that I certainly want to see your colony. I've already told my escort to keep our planes in that surviving hanger over there where we already have them hidden and to wait for my return. Fortunately, some of the communications satellites in this area are still working. I'll be able to communicate with them by phone while I'm out of direct contact. I'd like to bring my aide with me, if you don't mind," replied the colonel. Then he turned and motioned in the direction of the control tower. A young man in his twenties emerged from the doorway and walked over to where they were standing.

"Of course, colonel," replied Mark.

Tom Allen had just made captain when the aliens hit. In fact, he had planned to host his promotion's 'wetting down party' at the "O-Club" the evening of the attack. As things turned out, he never had that party.

Allen had grown up in a small town in southeast Missouri. He was lean bordering on gaunt and stood about five foot ten [1.80 m]. He was dressed in the same uniform as the colonel only with his different rank insignia. He had gotten his commission through the Army ROTC while in college and liked the military. He was still trying to decide whether or not to stay in the Army when the alien invasion had happened. Now, he was just committed to doing his duty and staying alive in the process.

The young captain marched rather than walked over to where the group was standing, stopped, and crisply saluted the colonel. Lancaster returned the salute and then turned and introduced Allen to the three men from the colony.

"Shall we board colonel? We estimate that we can have you back here in about six hours. I believe that would be about seventeen hundred hours in military time," said Adrien.

The colonel looked a little flustered and then nodded his agreement and started in the direction of the space shuttle along with the rest of the little group.


As a precaution, Alexey had remained in the pilot's seat on the space shuttle while Derrik, Mark, and Adrien had met with Col. Lancaster. Since the work of getting the farm back into production over on Andros had been completed, Cecil had not minded Derrik's request that he accompany them to meet with the Army representatives.

As the colonel boarded the ship, Alexey turned toward the door and had chairs already coming up from the deck for them. The older man was startled at how young the boy was who was sitting at the controls. The fact that he was a hybrid was not apparent.

Sensing his thoughts and wanting to put him at ease, Alexey said, "Dobroye utro polkovnik. Good morning colonel. I'm Alexey. I'm a hybrid originally from the Russian experiments. I'm part fish. Although I may look very young to you, I'm actually quite a bit more mature than I look and am fully trained as a pilot. However, Adrien will actually be flying the ship once we are airborne."

Lancaster swallowed hard and replied, "Pleased to meet you, Alexey. I'm sure that I will be seeing a lot of new things at your colony." Alexey along with Derrik and Adrien with their alien abilities could sense the colonel's moment of fear and unease and then how he was able to check his emotions as quickly as they had betrayed his true underlying feelings.

As soon as all five of them had boarded and were seated and buckled in, Adrien closed the door to the shuttle craft, activated the cloaking feature, and took off in the direction of Paradise Island.

However, what Col. Lancaster and Capt. Allen did not know was that, on boarding the shuttle, Adrien had activated a scrambler so that the homing devices that both carried on their person were rendered useless. The moment that they were airborne, the personnel on the ground at Eglin had lost all contact with them.


Thirty minutes later, the space shuttle touched down near the beach outside the former resort hotel that was now the larger of the two settlements on Paradise Island. It was just before lunch time and a number of the boys were swimming and playing in the water at the beach beside the place where they had landed. Derrik, Mark, Adrien, and Alexey along with Col. Lancaster and Capt. Allen disembarked from the shuttle and stood there for a moment while the two men from Alaska watched the naked boys playing in the surf. Both of the men were taken aback by the fact that everyone was having a good time with no fear of being discovered, let alone eaten, by hostile aliens. Then, they looked around and realized that all of the kids were naked.

While they were still absorbing the sight of naked boys splashing in the water, two of them came running up to where the group was standing. It was the twins, Cole and Cody. The two cute 13 year-olds with their light-brown hair and bright-blue eyes stopped just short of the Army officers and stood there wide-eyed looking at the uniformed men. Then, almost as if on cue, they started sobbing. Of course the sight of two distressed naked boys standing there looking at them and crying unnerved the men and their first impulse was to reach out to try to comfort the distraught boys.

Only Derrik and the hybrids with their special abilities could sense what was happening. The boys' father had been away on active duty when the aliens had struck. This was the first time in more than two years that the twins had seen anyone in uniform. It was too much for them and they had given in to their emotions.

Turning to the two confused officers, Derrik spoke up and explained, "The twins' father was away on active duty with the Army when the alien invasion occurred. Afterwards, we found them living in what had been an orphanage. Seeing you just now triggered their memories of the loss that they suffered. I'm sorry if they startled you. However, I'm sure that you must have seen a lot of people over the past three years who have lost loved ones."

Lancaster knelt on the ground in front of the boys, opened his arms, and enveloped the naked boys in his big arms. Then, the three of them just stood there in a big embrace while tears continued to flow down the boys' faces. Derrik and the hybrids could even sense that it was all that the man could do not to cry himself. From deep within him came the memories of his own lost family.

Then, he pulled a handkerchief from his uniform pocket and softly wiped away first one and then the other boy's tears. "I know how you feel. We've all lost loved ones to the aliens. We're just here to see if we can help." The boys hugged him once more and then slowly walked back in the direction of the beach. Just then, Rebecca came out onto the terrace of the main building and rang an old fashioned school bell calling the group on the beach up for lunch. Then, she waved at the men standing there beside the shuttle and motioned to them to come on up.

Mark turned toward the colonel and said "That's my wife, Rebecca. She has lunch waiting for us. I hope that you like sea bass."

Until this meeting, Lancaster had almost forgotten what sea bass tasted like. If they had sea bass, then that in itself was worth the trip.

The men sat down at a table in one of the small dining rooms that had once hosted private parties when the place was an upscale resort. In an adjoining room came the sounds of children laughing and conversing over lunch. Rebecca returned with a platter that contained large slices of grilled sea bass. A green salad with oil and vinegar dressing accompanied the meal. For the military men, this was a real treat and convincing evidence that this was indeed a self-reliant colony.

Chapter 59
Capt. Allen Experiences Alexey

"How did you manage to catch this sea bass? It's delicious." asked Col. Lancaster as the group finished their lunch. "That was an excellent meal."

Mark Gordon smiled and turned in the direction of Alexey and said "Alexey here is our fish 'wrangler.' Being part fish himself, he can talk the fish into a net. They are caught and on the boat before they know what hit them. It's really a very efficient way of fishing when you're doing it for food."

"I'd like to learn more about that myself," replied the colonel. "Captain Allen here was an ag major in college. He would probably find it even more fascinating than I would. Isn't that so, captain?"
[Ag = American colloquial term for 'agricultural']

"Yes, sir. I would really like to see Alexey in action. Fish farming was part of my studies while I was in college," added the young captain.

"Well, I think we might be able to work that out. Alexey could take Captain Allen out for a demonstration while we give you a tour of our facilities and answer any questions that you might have and still get the two of you back to Eglin by seventeen hundred hours. Would that work for you colonel?" asked Mark.

The two army officers exchanged glances and then Col. Lancaster replied, "That would be fine."


An hour later, Tom Allen and Alexey were on board Cecil's cabin cruiser which had been brought around to this side of Paradise Island just in case the Army visitors wanted to tour the area by sea. As it was, the young Russian expertly steered the small boat out into the deep water south of the island and then cut the engine.

As the boat bobbed there on the water, he turned to the young captain and said "I have gills and can breathe under water and am also able to communicate with aquatic life. It's relatively easy for me to get fish to do what I want. They're really not all that bright."

"That's kind of what I expected when you told me that you were part fish," said Tom.

Alexey pulled his tee shirt over his head and then undid his belt and stepped out of his board shorts. He wore no underwear and anyway was used to going nude. He stood there looking at the young captain expecting him to strip as well.

"If you will take off your clothes, you can follow me into the water and watch as I call the fish. I have a snorkel and mask that you can use to see how I collect fish that we can use for food back at the island," explained Alexey.

Tom Allen was somewhat perplexed. The naked boy that stood there on the deck of the boat was good-looking. He was thin but muscular with little in the way of body fat. His two inch [5 cm] penis nested above small but prominent balls that were held closely to his body. Tom could not tell just how old he was but he looked to be ten or twelve. Talking with him, one got the impression that he was ten going on forty. Secretly, the young officer would liked to have reached out and run his hand down the boy's smooth hairless young body. However, not being sure of the situation, he stifled the urge and started to undress. In his mind he wondered if he should ask for swim trunks, but then he figured 'What the hell, there are just the two of us out here' and continued taking off his uniform. When he was done, he stood there naked with the boy looking at him from across the deck.

Tom was lean bordering on gaunt and stood about five foot ten [1.80 m]. He weighed about 150 lbs. [70 kg] but looked thinner. His hair was a dark auburn brown while his complexion was slightly freckled although he had enough pigment in his skin so that he still tanned. It was just that he was one of those guys who would always seem to be thin even though his military training had left him in good physical shape with well-defined muscles.

He could tell that the boy was looking at his three inch [8 cm] cock nestled as it was beneath a closely trimmed patch of auburn hair that was almost orange in color. This left Tom wondering if fish were the only thing that they were going to explore out here on the water this particular afternoon.

"Krasnyye volosy, red hair," said Alexey. "I've never seen a man with red hair down there before."

Tom blushed slightly at Alexey's words and looked down at his pubic hair. Saying just what you were thinking was not something that he was used to in the army.

"Surely, you had red-haired people there in Russia. Didn't you?" asked the young officer not sure how to respond to the boy's candid statement about his body.

"Yes, I'm sure there were some, but when I was not at sea, I was held at a test facility in Novosibirsk on the Ob in Siberia. Most of the time I just saw people in lab coats who poked and prodded me and ran tests. I heard one of them say that we were on the campus of a big university there in that city. Later, I was led to believe that it was a secret project at the Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, but I was never sure. I would imagine that even the university's top administrators didn't know that the project existed. Let's just say that it was my lucky day when I escaped and was able to work my way west. It was only after I came here with their relaxed attitude about clothes and sex that I took my first shower with another boy other than the one who was with me in the Russian experiments."

"What do you mean 'their relaxed attitude about clothes and sex'?" asked Tom with a perplexed look on his face.

"In the part of our colony where you had lunch, clothing is optional. In the other part just down the way from the first, you are expected to wear at least shorts and maybe a tee shirt unless you are on the beach or in the pool. I'm sure that you have noticed that our colony is composed mostly of boys. One of the results is that there is a lot of boy on boy sex and nobody thinks anything about it. We have a very relaxed and stress-free society here," explained Alexey.

"You mean that it's OK for anyone to have sex with anyone any time that they feel like it?" questioned the young officer. He stood there wide-eyed and surprised at what the boy was saying.

"Yes, that's correct. However, both parties have to consent. No one can force themselves on another person. I suppose that would qualify as a crime here as it was in other parts of the world before the aliens came. However, we've never had it come up here as far as I know," answered the boy.

"Does that mean that I could ask you if you wanted to have sex with me and I wouldn't be breaking any laws or otherwise get into trouble?" Tom asked, now both surprised and intrigued by the possibilities.

"Of course," said Alexey. "So long as it was what we both wanted, it would be alright."

"What if I said that I would really like to have sex with you right now? What would you say?" the young officer asked the boy.

Alexey smiled and slowly walked across the deck of the cabin cruiser. He stood there naked only inches from the equally naked Tom. Then he reached out his hand and with one finger slowly traced a pattern down the man's body from his pecs to his navel. He stopped and looked the young officer in the face and said "I would say that I would like that very much."

The boy took Tom by the arm carefully guiding him closer to him. Then, he slowly turned the young officer around so that the man had his back to the young Russian. Tom stood there unsure of what the boy had in mind. Alexey started to use his hands to massage Tom's neck and shoulders. The kneading of his stiff muscles felt wonderful. Relaxing feelings swept over him that erased any lingering tensions from the trip from Alaska. Alexey watched knowingly as the man let out a sigh. Then, there was a muffled moan from Tom as Alexey's fingers caressed his nipples. The boy tweaked Tom's nipples gently causing both of them to harden instantly. Then, he circled them in turn with his fingers just brushing the tips gently enough to cause a wonderful sensation to course through Tom's body. At the same time, the young officer could feel the boy's erect penis brushing against his back as he continued to run his hands over his nipples and then over the rest of his upper his body. Tom was now breathing hard in response to Alexey's caresses and could feel his own erect penis throbbing in anticipation of what might come next.

Tom was a virgin. Until now, he had never had sex with either a man or a woman. For years, his sole sexual outlet had been masturbation. He was wide-eyed and incredulous as new and exhilarating waves of pleasure swept over him.

"Damn. I didn't know that it could be like this! How could I have missed something this good?" Tom exclaimed out loud as Alexey took his rigid organ in his mouth and slid up and down on it sucking as he went.

The orgasm that followed was the most intense that Tom had ever known. Alexey could have told the fish to walk on water, it wouldn't have topped the sex that Tom had with the Russian boy that afternoon.

They used their remaining time to unwind by fishing for an hour or so. The young officer was fascinated by Alexey's almost casual way with fish. Getting them into a net was nothing for the boy. Tom Allen wished that fishing was that easy back in Alaska.

Later, standing there on the deck of the cabin cruiser, they used fresh water to wash the brine from their naked bodies. By then they were wiping the salt from each other like they had known one another for years instead of only for hours.


Back at the complex, Col. Lancaster had toured the facility accompanied by Derrik, Mark, and Adrien. The fact that they had things like electric lights and running water, not to mention shielding from the aliens and their own space ship, distinguished them from the other survivors that he had seen in the last three years. This was a society, no really a civilization, in its own right. Yes, it was different from what he had known before the alien invasion and in some ways superior to it, but it still was a human civilization and one that seemed to be working well.

At the end of the tour, they returned to the small conference room where they had had lunch. The four of them gathered around the table with Derrik, Mark, and Adrien eagerly awaiting what Col. Lancaster's appraisal of their colony might be.

Harry Lancaster cleared his throat and said "You fellows have done a wonderful job here. I've never seen a group of survivors who were more self-sufficient than you are. Furthermore, your adaptation of various components of alien technology has given you the advantages of both worlds. The fact that you have been able to utilize the alien shield technology to disguise your settlement so that the aliens can't find you borders on genius. I only wish that we were as advanced at our base back in Alaska.

That said, we need to find a way to move some of the survivors that we now have in the Anchorage area south to a more hospitable climate. This should be possible now that the aliens are on the run. However, what I don't see is sufficient food resources here to accommodate any significant increase in your population. As a result, I don't see us asking you to take in any additional survivors.

My recommendation will be that we establish a separate colony for our refugees somewhere in the South where we can grow food to support the population. However, I believe that we need to ask you to help us with technical support and input on what you have learned that works and what doesn't over the past three years that you've been building up your own settlement."

"I would be glad to consult with your people," said Adrien matter of factly. "However, they would have to be comfortable working with a hybrid like myself and be able to treat me as an equal. After all, when we found Alph and Delta at the research facility on Temno Island they were being treated like little more than lab rats. How about it colonel, what's the current attitude toward hybrids up there in Alaska? We're not going to be treated like blacks were treated in America as recently as sixty years ago, particularly when we're the ones with the superior knowledge that you need."

Col. Lancaster squirmed in his chair. He was used to people taking orders, not giving them. He hesitated before responding taking time to get his emotions in check.

"We've come to respect hybrids as another, although new, ethnic group here on our planet. It's obvious that they have a lot to offer our society and that we can have a mutually beneficial relationship. I'm not aware of any hybrids that are currently being treated as less than equals by any of the personnel in our command. However, it's true that we have only a few hybrids who live among us there in Anchorage.

I won't deny that the hybrids at Temno Island were bred and used for those experiments. However, it was at a time when we were desperately trying to find a way to defeat the aliens before they killed all of the remaining humans on the planet. In retrospect, can I say that it was the right thing to do, no, I can't, but it worked and I thank God for that fact daily."

There was a momentary tense pause in the conversation. Almost a full minute went by in which the group around the table just sat there and looked at each other trying not to say anything that they might regret later. Then, in a calm even tone Derrik spoke up saying "Colonel, I'm sure that you can understand our position. We want to help anyone who needs our help, but not at the expense of our freedom. We believe that by absorbing alien technology and adapting it to our needs we are in a position to defend ourselves in ways that you cannot match. Hopefully, that's something that need never happen. I think that all of us here in this room want to get along in peace. Let's not get bent out of shape over things that happened in the past. They need to stay in the past."

"Yes, of course, you're right. We need to stick with the big picture. I think that the first thing for us to do is to decide where we want to establish our southern settlement and then we can ask you for your help with the details.

Of course, General Gates is in overall command under the 'EmerCom' plan that the Department of Defense had in place in case of an emergency like the alien invasion. We're still under martial law and I will need to get his approval for anything that we discuss," replied Col. Lancaster.

Derrik had an amused smile on his face as the colonel finished speaking. Harry Lancaster couldn't see anything funny in what he had said. Then he noticed that both Mark Gordon and Adrien also seemed to have amused looks on their faces.

"I wasn't aware that I said anything that was funny," stated the colonel with a look on his face that made it clear that he was getting pissed at their reaction to what he thought was a diplomatic way of asserting the authority of his general over all of the American survivors.

"Unfortunately, your general and his 'EmerCom' authority doesn't extent to us," replied Derrik coolly.

"What do you mean, it doesn't extend to you? The American government set up EmerCom to cover the type of situation in which we now find ourselves. All of America is covered in the OpOrder under which we are now operating. No part of the country can opt out" stated Lancaster in his best military voice. 'Who the Hell did this kid think he is anyway' crossed his mind not knowing that both Derrik and Adrien could hear everything that he was thinking.

"That maybe colonel, but you seem to have made a mistake. We're not in America. We're in the Bahamas. We'll be glad to work with you, but as equals, not as some group obligated to take orders from your general," said Derrik politely but firmly.

Lancaster was stunned. Up until now, he thought that they were still somewhere on the coast in Florida. The fact that this group of survivors might be in the Bahamas had never crossed his mind. He reeled unsure of how to handle the situation in which he now found himself. He had no authority to extend American rule to the Bahama Islands. Even the Canadians who maintained their emergency command center in the Rocky Mountains were treated as a separate nation, although they coordinated their resistance to the aliens with the Americans in Alaska.

Harry Lancaster knew when he was out of his depth. The only thing that he could do was contact General Gates for further instructions. Putting a saving face on things seemed the best course of action. Pulling himself together, he responded as civilly as he could under the circumstances saying "I honestly had no idea that we were in the Bahamas. I will need to contact my general before proceeding any further. Let me just say that wherever we sit up a settlement in America, I feel sure that we will want to consult with you and get your help in making it a success. Surely, you would help us to ensure the survival of the human race?"

"Of course, colonel. We would be glad to help. Only it has to be with the understanding that we are allies, not subjects. Furthermore, there will be no effort to prosecute people like Dr. Gordon here who may have left American jurisdiction with legal issues pending. Will you carry that message back to your general?" stated Derrik.

"I understand and will convey your conditions to General Gates," said the colonel. "I can't speak for him and can't give you an answer without talking directly with him. Surely, you can appreciate that."

The four around the table heard the door open and turned in time to see Captain Allen and Alexey coming into the room. The colonel without thinking motioned to them to take seats at the table with them as though it were his meeting.

Breaking the tension, Mark Gordon spoke up and in a pleasant voice asked "How was the fishing? Did you guys catch anything?" (Of course with Alexey's special skills he already knew that they had.)

"Yes, we've got a chest full on the cabin cruiser that a couple of the boys are bringing up to the kitchen as we speak. Alexey is very impressive calling the fish into the nets. I wouldn't have believed it, if I hadn't seen it myself," replied the young captain.

"Colonel Lancaster, I would like to request that I be allowed to remain here for a few days to observe this settlement in operation, if that's acceptable to our hosts. I can return to Alaska when we have our next meeting," requested Captain Allen.

"Your recommendation has merit," said the colonel. "However, that would, of course, be up to our hosts."

"We would be happy to have Captain Allen remain with us for a few days. I feel sure that there is much that he could learn from us that would be helpful to you in the establishment of your southern colony," said Derrik.

"Then, it's settled. When our hosts return me to Eglin, they can bring back your gear. I know that we didn't bring much with us, but I feel sure that they can provide you with some civilian clothes to wear while you're here," responded Col. Lancaster.

Since Alexey has been showing him around, they can share a bungalow, assuming that's alright with the two of them," added Derrik.

Both Captain Allen and Alexey looked at each other and smiled. "That would be fine with me," said Tom Allen. "I agree. I would be happy to host the captain while he is with us," added Alexey. Then they both thought what a great idea that was and just how great the sex would be.

Chapter 60
Paradise on Paradise Island
and A Fateful Meeting in Florida

General Gates was pissed. He sat there at the desk in his office on the base outside of Anchorage and pondered the situation now before him. 'How the hell had Lancaster missed the fact that this latest band of survivors was in The Bahamas and not in Florida!' That was the main thought that crossed and re-crossed his mind. While there were only small bands of survivors scattered around the world, the only way that they were going to beat the remaining aliens and survive was to work together. He knew full well that didn't have a chance of happening if it appeared that the Americans were going to annex anyone smaller and weaker than they were.

It also appeared that these survivors were more technologically advanced than the forces that he commanded. Yes, he needed them and more importantly, he needed to learn from them so that he would be able to defeat any would-be aggressive surviving aliens that might still be out there. He struggled with his emotions, but in the end came to grips with the only logical solution: accept their terms and welcome them as allies even if most of them were American expatriates and not really Bahamians.

The General fished for the keys that he kept in his pants pocket. Finding the right one, he unlocked the bottom drawer on his desk. He reached down and found the bottle of Jack Daniels that he always kept there. Taking a glass from a small rack on the side of his desk, he poured himself a double shot of the amber liquid.

He savored the bourbon as it went down, then picked up the phone to summon Col. Lancaster to tell him to inform the Paradise Island crowd that he would accept their terms.


Captain Allen thought that he had died and gone to heaven. He had never before known the kind and extent of the sex that Alexey and he had been having during the past week. That day he had even confessed to Alexey that his secret desire was to be tied up and sexually exploited.

That same evening, as Alexey and he got ready for bed and another round of sex, the already naked Russian boy smiled and went over to the dresser in the room that they were sharing. At first, Tom's eyes were glued to the boy's cute butt and he failed to notice what Alexey was doing. Then, when he turned back to the young captain, he had what appeared to be a length of silken cord in his hand.

"Tonight you will get your wish," the boy said as he looked at him mischievously. It slowly dawned on Tom that he was talking about the sexual fantasy that he had shared with him only earlier that day.

Alexey walked across the room and took the young man by the hand and led him over to the bed. Before he pushed him down on its smooth surface, he looked at him standing there, still in his tee shirt and shorts and said one word. "Strip."

Tom frantically pulled off his tee shirt and pushed his boxers down with both hands and stepped out of them. Still smiling, Alexey pushed him down onto the surface of the bed and in one quick motion straddled him with one leg on either side of his torso. His three inch [7 cm] penis was only inches from Tom's mouth as the boy pushed his arms up above his head. Then he used the silken cord to tie his hands to the bed posts.

Jumping off of the young Captain, he took a second piece of cord and tied Tom's feet to the foot of the bed so that the man was spread-eagled on the bed face up. Then Alexey made sure that the knots that held his lover were tightly holding him in place.

The young Russian stood at the foot of the bed for a moment, admiring the man that he now had tied and defenseless. The way that Tom was stretched and tied made his muscles taught and lent a dramatic air to the situation. The fact that he was now excited by the prospect of the sex to come was evident as his five inch [13 cm] cock stood fully erect at a right angle to his twitching body.

Satisfied with his work, Alexey said, "It takes more than one person to really exploit someone who is tied up like you are now and I wanted you to have the best possible fantasy that I could manage. I learned a few things about pleasing a man when I was being held by those Russian scientists. I've asked a couple of the other boys to come over to help me give you a really good experience. Besides, there are others besides me who have never seen red hair down there around a man's cock."

"Wait a minute. I'm not sure that I want to have more than just you when we have sex. You should have asked me first," responded a surprised Tom.

"Don't worry, you'll like this," was the mischievous reply from the young Russian.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the bungalow. Alexey left for a moment and answered the door. When he returned, he had the twins, Cole and Cody, with him. Both the cute 13 yr olds, with their light-brown hair and bright blue eyes, were enticingly naked. The boys had the beginnings of well-defined muscular bodies and, quite frankly, Tom couldn't help but find them sexy, as they stood there looking at him.

The twins walked up, one on each side of the bed, and looked down at the prostrated and defenseless Tom. The fact that two identical sets of eyes were glued to the almost orange hair around his rock-hard penis was not lost on him. He also couldn't help but notice that their own penises were fully extended at three inches [7 cm] or so. They vibrated slightly just below a narrow fringe of brown pubic hair. Subconsciously, he thought to himself that their cocks were probably as hard as rocks; he knew that his own had been when he was their age.

Then, as if on signal, the two of them dropped to their knees and started fondling his nipples with one hand while with the other hand each ran their fingers through his pubic hair. They moved on to feeling his penis while taking turns licking it in little individual, teasing motions. There followed a low moan from Tom as the twins tweaked his nipples gently, causing them both to harden instantly. Then they teased the tips with their tongues just enough to cause a wonderful stimulating sensation to pulse all the way through his body, leaving his cock oozing pre-cum. At the same time, Alexey positioned himself between his legs and took over licking and sucking his drooling penis. Up until now, Tom had thought that he had been having wonderful sex with Alexey, but this was like the difference between mono and stereo sound. His breath came hard and his heart raced not sure of what might come next. He only knew that he was lost in a wonderful world of sexual fantasy come true.

What he had not seen was the third boy who had entered the room behind the twins. Cole and Cody pulled away from Tom's body in order to make room for a boy of about nine or ten. The boy was one of those lean kids who look muscular because they have so little body fat. Only a slight quiver in one cheek and a tremor in his left hand revealed whatever nervousness he was having at the prospect of having sex with an adult man. He had not seen this boy before and caught himself trying to remember at what young age he had first secretly started to experiment with sex. Allen guessed rightly that the boy was a virgin.

The kid climbed up on his chest and straddled his body. His penis was a hard two and a half inch [6 cm] cocklet that probed the man's lips, wanting entry into his mouth.

What the hell, thought Tom, at this point, anything goes. He opened his mouth and took the boy's small penis in his mouth, sucking eagerly on the source of his boyhood. Even as he neared his own release, he could tell that the boy was having his own dry orgasm. Then he literally exploded, flooding Alexey's mouth with cum.

If this was temporary duty, permanent duty would kill him, but what a way to go were the thoughts that crossed his mind as he lay there exhausted from the overload of sex.


The second meeting between the Army and the Paradise Island representatives was noticeably more tense than the first meeting. A day earlier, Col. Lancaster had radioed the Island to ask for a meeting to discuss cooperation and consultation with an American effort to set up a colony in the Mobile area, along the coast of Alabama. With only a little discussion, the group in The Bahamas agreed to meet. The only difference was that this meeting would be at the Eglin site in Florida rather than at Paradise Island.

This time, when the space craft materialized on the tarmac at the old air base, there was no surprise among the American military personnel waiting for them. Only grim faced soldiers and airmen were waiting in the shade of the ruined hangars.

However, what did surprise them was the fact that when the islanders disembarked from the ship, Derrik, Adrien, and Mark Gordon were all wearing the traditional white knee length shorts and short sleeved white shirts along with knee high white socks that marked them as members of the Bahamian Navy or, more accurately, the Royal Bahamas Defense Force. Since they were claiming to represent The Bahamas, they had decided to look the part. (However, they had taken care to not wear any rank insignia or actually claim to be military personnel).

By comparison, the Army men looked almost like laborers since they were all wearing their ACU camouflage uniforms and black berets along with their sand-colored boots. By comparison, the Paradise Islanders looked cool in their tropical uniforms while the Americans all looked hot and miserable in what they had been wearing in the much cooler climate of Alaska.
Note: ACU = Army Combat Uniform. This is the standard American Army work uniform. It is easily recognized by its abstract camouflage pattern.

Inwardly, the Paradise Island delegation knew that they had made the impression that they had wanted. The soldiers and airmen were thrown off balance by the 'uniforms' that the survivors were wearing. Inwardly, the men from Alaska were still trying to figure out these 'survivors'. What was clear was the fact that they were definitely unlike any others that they had encountered in the past three years.

What really caught the Colonel's eye were the newly added small crossed Bahamian and American flags that were painted on the side of the space shuttle just beside the door. In addition, underneath the flags were the words 'Working Together'.

Harry Lancaster bit his lip as he advanced to where the three young men from Paradise Island stood at the bottom of the steps that gave entrance to their space shuttle. Inwardly, he thought to himself just how much he would like to take the ship away from these smug bastards. Unfortunately, he remained unaware that both Derrik and Adrien could read his every thought.

Keeping their emotions in check, Derrik, Adrien, and Mark Gordon snapped to attention and saluted the Colonel in their best carefully rehearsed military manner using the salute common to all of the British Commonwealth countries rather than the American salute.

Again, the Colonel was thrown off balance. He stopped short and returned their salute before he had a chance to think about it.

Mentally stumbling, Lancaster stammered for a moment before saying, "Great to see you fellows again. We've been able to get the air conditioning going at a small conference room in the hangar behind me. We would like to hold our meeting there, if that's acceptable to you."

"Of course, Colonel, you're the host. We will meet wherever you like," said Derrik.

The Colonel winced inwardly. He was still not comfortable having to deal with a teenager as the leader of a group of survivors. Again he stifled his emotions, and forced a smile as he gestured with his hand in the direction of the nearest hangar.

Then he asked, "Do you still have your other man onboard the space shuttle? I believe that his name was Alexey. Would he like to join us along with the three of you?"

"Alexey is indeed onboard and so is your aide, Captain Allen. We thought that some of your technicians might like to tour the ship and get a better understanding of how it works, while we are in conference with you. Would that be acceptable to you?" asked Adrien, as he turned pointing to Captain Allen, who now stood in the doorway to the ship.

"Why yes, of course. I was hoping that you would let us tour the craft while you were here," responded Lancaster. With that, he waved in the direction of the hangar, and one of the Air Force officers came running out to where they were standing on the tarmac.

"Captain Martin, our guests are set up to let some of our people tour their ship. My aide, Captain Allen and one of their hybrids, Alexey, are on board and ready to welcome our people. Please take care of it," ordered the Colonel.

"Certainly sir," responded the officer. The two of them exchanged salutes and the one called 'Captain Martin' turned toward the ship as Col. Lancaster and the others headed toward the hangar conference room.


A few minutes later, Captain Martin and two other Air Force personnel stood at the bottom of the steps leading into the space ship with Captain Allen looking down at them.

The military personnel included the previously mentioned Captain Martin. However, what had not been said was that he was actually a military intelligence specialist who had been included along with the two technical experts to learn what he could about the space craft now in possession of the Paradise Island survivors. He was also tasked with evaluating it from a military perspective while the other two men were to evaluate it from a technical perspective. Both Lt. Sims, and Master Sergeant Jones were experienced pilots and familiar with Earth designed craft and their systems. If anybody could understand the alien craft, they could.

Let's just say that they were surprised by the simplicity of the controls that they encountered in the space ship. All three of the men were even more surprised at what appeared to be a boy of about twelve acting as their host. However, when he spoke and explained things to them, all doubts about his abilities vanished.

The most impressive thing to them was the child-like Alexey taking the Air Force men up in the space craft. (Just bringing chairs up out of the deck of the space craft for them to use in flight was impressive to the men from Alaska). Each in his turn had a chance to sit in the copilot's seat and briefly fly the ship as they flew over to the old Navy base at Pensacola and then as far as Mobile before returning minutes later to land at Eglin.

The men were convinced that they could operate the ship on their own if they wanted to, or for that matter, if they needed to.

Unfortunately, at the time of the alien invasion, Lt. Sims had lost his whole family to the aliens including his pregnant wife. His hatred of the aliens burned deep within him. Although only a hybrid, the proximity of Alexey to him had gradually gotten to be too much for him. Suddenly, he stood up and turned in the direction of Alexey. The Russian boy looked up in time to see the business end of a Beretta 9mm pointing at his forehead by the suddenly wild-eyed young officer.

"You and your damn alien relatives killed my Sarah!" Sims screamed at him. "I'm taking this ship in the name of the United States Air Force. Tom Allen, Capt. Martin, and MSgt Jones were all momentarily stunned. Yes, the Americans had orders to learn as much as they could about the space craft and its technology, but no orders to try to take it from the Paradise Islanders. This could ruin everything.

There was a long, pregnant silence. Then, Captain Martin spoke. Carefully and calmly he addressed the distraught junior officer, "Lieutenant, put your weapon down. This young man is our ally. He's done nothing but show us every courtesy."

The Lieutenant stood his ground with his weapon only inches from Alexey's head. Tears were streaming down his face as he spoke. "I don't care. He and his kind killed my wife and unborn baby," replied Sims as his voice cracked with emotion. His hand trembled slightly as he continued to hold his weapon close to Alexey's head.

The distraction of Martin trying to talk Sims out of his weapon gave Alexey just the opportunity that he needed. The young Russian flexed his mind and Lt. Sims flew back hitting the bulkhead hard. As he struck the hard metal wall, his weapon clattered to the deck along with the now unconscious man.

The other three men stood there wide-eyed. They had been totally unaware that hybrids possessed the ability to use force with their minds.

Alexey sat at the controls of the space craft breathing hard. What he had done took a great deal out of him, but not enough to cause him to pass out which would have been the case if he had wanted to kill the crazed officer.

"I'm sorry that Lt. Sims, lost family in the invasion," said Alexey. "Perhaps you should help him up off the deck and take his weapon. He should regain consciousness in few minutes."

Martin and Jones managed to get the unconscious Sims into a chair. Then Captain Martin turned in the direction of Alexey. He stumbled over his words as he spoke to the young Russian. "I had no idea that Sims had that in his background. A lot of the survivors don't want to talk about their lost family and we try to respect that. All that I can do is extend my apology on behalf of the United States Air Force for what's happened here."

Alexey looked at him in that unnerving way of his that made him seem to be twelve going on forty and then smiled slightly before responding. "I'm a hybrid who was raised from birth in a laboratory in Russia to be used for experimental purposes. I've never knowingly harmed anyone in my whole life. I'm truly sorry that the Lieutenant is in such pain. However, I think that it would be best if you took him back to the hangar and restrained him until you can take him back to Alaska and get him the help that he so obviously needs."


Both Derrik and Adrien were alerted mentally by Alexey once Lt. Sims had pulled his weapon on the young Russian. They stopped talking and abruptly stood up in the middle of their discussion in the conference room of the hangar. Col. Lancaster and his delegation were both shocked and surprised when Derrik said in a calm emotionless voice, "There's been an incident on the space shuttle. One of your officers has gone berserk and been restrained by Alexey. We need to go back to the ship."

The Paradise Islanders headed for the door trailed by the small delegation of Army and Air Force personnel. When they got to the space shuttle, Captain Martin and Sergeant Jones had a still woozy Lt. Sims on his feet with his hands tied behind his back coming down the steps of the space craft.

"What the hell happened here?" demanded Lancaster in his best command voice.

"Sir, Lt. Sims lost it and pulled his weapon on Alexey, the young Russian hybrid. It seems that Sims lost his entire family in the invasion and blames all aliens as well as all hybrids for that loss. He just couldn't handle being that close to a hybrid."

"Alexey evidently has the power to defend himself with his mind. He threw Sims up against the bulkhead hard enough to knock him out without even touching him. That's when we took over and tied him up. I've already taken the liberty of apologizing to the young man on behalf of the Service. With your permission, I'd like to get Sims over to the hangar where we can confine him until we can take him back to Alaska and get him some help," said Martin.

"Make it so," ordered the Colonel. Then he turned toward the other Paradise Islanders and said, "I'm sorry that anything like this has happened. I assure you that I had no idea that Sims had anything like that in his background or he would never have been with us at this meeting today."

"Colonel, I asked you earlier about attitudes toward hybrids among those of you located in Alaska and you told me that was not a problem among your people. It looks like you were wrong," responded Adrien in a voice that made it clear that he really thought that Lancaster had either not known what he was talking about or had been lying.

"It also seems that you failed to mention that hybrids can defend themselves with their minds and can exchange information mentally as well," replied the now grim-faced Colonel.

"We had hoped that it would never be necessary to use mental force with people like you. It now seems that we were wrong," answered Adrien.

"Unless we can learn to trust each other, nothing is going to get done," interjected Mark Gordon. "As someone who has seen both the military and the survivor sides of this, I believe that I can speak to this better than anyone."

There was a long pause and then the others nodded in agreement. It was going to take time and effort to learn to work together if there was going to be a refugee settlement at Mobile, or anywhere else for that matter.

Chapter 61
Mobile, An Alliance, & The Army's New Shuttle Craft Fleet

The space shuttle sat there in the middle of the tarmac on a taxiway opposite the remains of the control tower at what was left of the commercial airport that had served the Mobile area prior to the alien invasion. The advance party from Alaska had discovered it just sitting there when they had reconnoitered the area before their main body was scheduled to land a few hours later. Outside the craft on the ground beside the runway was what was left of two of the insectoid aliens. Of course, there wasn't much left of them. After all, an alien body was still food to the remaining wildlife that now freely roamed the area.

Lieutenant Walloch, the squad leader, had radioed back to the American advance base at the old Naval Base at Pensacola that there was no life left in or around the craft and that it seemed to be intact.

Col. Lancaster had made his headquarters in Pensacola. It was he who was in charge of implementing the Gulf Settlement as it was being called. He wasted no time in ordering that a guard be posted on the space craft and to keep people away from it. Then he sat back and thought to himself, That'll give us one of those damn space craft. Now, let's see if those bastards in The Bahamas meant what they said about cooperation. With that, he radioed Paradise Island and asked that they send over some of their people to Mobile to help 'evaluate' the craft that the Army had just discovered and secured. Then, he sat back in his chair and relaxed for the first time in weeks.

Only then did the rest of the advance party get clearance to put down on an adjoining runway and the Mobile phase of the Gulf Settlement began in earnest.


The following day, the troops on the ground at the Mobile airport had been alerted to expect a friendly space shuttle from The Bahamas to land there. Still, they were not expecting it to seem to materialize on the tarmac where only a moment earlier there had seemingly been nothing.

This time, Derrik, Adrien, and Cecil made up the 'evaluation' team. Since Cecil really was a Bahamian and in his youth had spent some time in the Royal Navy, Derrik had asked him to accompany them just for show. However, since he was the man in charge of their farm on Andros, he most likely would be of help to the Americans who were trying to establish a settlement there on the Gulf Coast.

Derrik admitted to himself that Cecil looked the part. His ancestry being 100% African, his skin was the color of old mahogany. His body rippled with muscles that were the result of hard work. Now going on forty, he stood six feet [1.80 m] tall with firm, pronounced pecs and hard shoulders and arms with well-developed biceps. As Derrik tended to remind himself, when Cecil moved, it was with the grace and ease of a jungle cat. If you had happened to meet him somewhere, you would have known instantly that if you had good sense this was not the kind of man with whom you would trifle.

Adrien, on the other hand, looked more like a totally ripped Olympic swimmer. To the group from Alaska, he seemed to be of college age. Little did they know that he could easily see in the dark and communicate telepathically with other hybrids and people like Derrik who possess what might be called 'special skills'.

While they had been warned that Adrien could use force with his mind, they were unaware that in his makeup he retained the alien feature that if the need were to arise, he could kill with his thoughts. For them, it was hard to conceptualize that Adrien was the real brains behind this group of kids and a few adults being able to survive in The Bahamas. That he was what we would call a 'boy genius', particularly when it came to adapting alien technology to their needs, was something that they would have to see in action for them to believe the truth of it.

Now going on sixteen, Derrik also stood there on the tarmac. At 5 foot 9 [1.77 cm] tall and weighing about 150 pounds [70 kg]] with light brown hair and hazel eyes, to the men and women from Alaska, he looked like the typical teenager. If they had not been told that he was one of the leaders of this group of survivors, they would have wondered what he was even doing there

As at their previous meeting with the American military, the Paradise Islanders were all wearing the traditional white knee length shorts and short sleeved white shirts along with knee high white socks that gave the impression that they were members of the Bahamian Navy. They had taken care not to wear any rank insignia. Even their combination caps only had a fouled gold anchor above the black chinstrap on the bill. There was nothing that would reveal if they were officers or enlisted personnel or even actually military personnel for that matter. The Alaskans could assume whatever they liked.

Col. Lancaster was still over at Pensacola but planned to fly over to Mobile later that day. The same Captain Martin that had met them on their last visit at Eglin had been assigned to work with them in their evaluation of the alien craft. Jeff Martin was 30 years old and stood about 5ft. 10 [1.78 cm] tall and weighed 165 pounds [75 kg]. He had sandy blond hair that was slightly curly and already thinning. He had grown up on a ranch in Colorado before graduating from the University of Colorado and getting his commission through the officer candidate program. As an intelligence officer he was good at his job. While polite and diplomatic, he didn't trust the Paradise Islanders any further than he could throw them. Inwardly, he was not comfortable with having to treat these people differently from the way he would normally treat survivors. He himself had survived this long by being careful and had no intention of letting his guard down now.

As he reached the bottom of the steps to the Paradise Island space shuttle, Martin stopped and held out his hand. "Derrik and Adrien, it's good to see you again. I haven't met your friend here," said the captain in a polite voice that masked his suspicions.

Shaking the Captain's hand, Derrik turned to Cecil and said, "This is Cecil Blount. He manages our farm properties. We thought that he could be of assistance in evaluating the land that your settlers are going to farm. Additionally, we would like to work out some food exchanges with your people once you are up and running agriculturally here in the Mobile area."

"Uh,Yes. I'm sure that he can help. Let me get someone to serve as host to him while we take a look at the space craft that we discovered here," responded Captain Martin.

He motioned with his hand and the same Sergeant Jones that they had met during their last visit hurried out from the nearest hangar. Along with Jones was an Air Force officer who was introduced as Lt. Malchesky. Martin explained that both men were trained pilots and would help in evaluating the alien space craft on the other side of the tarmac.

A quick call back to the hangar and a young woman in uniform came out to where they were standing. She introduced herself as Lt. Davis and asked Cecil to accompany her to discuss the farmland that the colony planned to cultivate.

Derrik and Adrien along with Martin and the other two Air Force personnel were then free to walk over to the other space craft.

After a brief inspection of the craft, it was plain that it was indeed intact. Evidently, the two aliens that had been onboard had been sick but were able to land their craft before going outside where they must have collapsed and died.

Adrien looked at the Air Force men and said "This craft seems to be in working order. Would you like to try it out?"

The three of them looked from one to another questioningly before Captain Martin spoke up saying, "Yes, let's give it a try and see what we have here."

Adrien sat down in the pilot's seat while the lieutenant took the copilot's seat. The young hybrid caused chairs to come up out of the deck for the others. He smiled inwardly. Just making the chairs materialize out of the deck always seemed to awe anyone not familiar with this sort of craft.

Turning to Lt. Malchesky, he said, "You had better notify your party that we're going to fly this bird or they might get excited."

The young lieutenant nodded his agreement as he smiled at Adrien. Then, he radioed the base that they were going airborne.

Adrien activated the controls, sealed the door to the ship, and proceeded to take off.

Once airborne, he leveled off at a comfortable flying altitude and proceeded to circle the area around the airport in increasingly larger circles.

After a while, Lt. Malchesky spoke up saying, "Let me take the controls. I'd like to see how this baby handles. She certainly rides smoothly."

"Certainly," replied Adrien as he allowed the young lieutenant to pilot the craft. After a few minutes, Malchesky noticed that Adrien, while letting him control the space craft, had not taken his hand off of the wheel at the pilot's seat.

"You can take your hands off the controls. I'm an experienced pilot. I assure you that I won't try anything without checking with you," said the lieutenant.

"I'm sorry, lieutenant. If I were to take both of my hands off of the controls the craft would assume that there was a problem and go into automatic shutdown," replied Adrien.

"What do you mean?" stammered Malchesky. "Why would you need to keep your hands on the controls?"

"The alien technology that operates this type of craft is keyed to sensing that the pilot has a genetic code that is common to the aliens of both races. Unless the operator has this in his DNA, nothing will happen. You won't be able to activate any of the systems much less the engines. This genetic code as far as we have seen thus far is also found in the hybrids of one of the alien races and humans. Being only human, you don't have this code in your DNA. As a result, the craft will not operate unless it can detect that code in the person who wants to fly it. It's their way of preventing anyone but one of their own from using one of their craft," explained Adrien. "We've just lucked out that hybrids have inherited this ability."

The American military personnel were stunned. The implications of this were huge. Even if the remaining American armed forces found a fleet of these space shuttles, they couldn't even activate their engines let alone get them off the ground without hybrids to pilot them. No wonder Adrien had pressed the issue of how the military was treating hybrids in Alaska. Without them, alien craft like this one would be virtually useless.

Adrien resumed full control of the space shuttle and piloted the craft back to where it had been on the taxiway at the Mobile airport. He knew that what he had just told them was something that they would have to report up their chain of command. The importance and implications of the genetic code to whatever plans they might have had for the alien craft would have to be absorbed and plans changed before anything else could happen. The fact that this also placed a high value on hybrids for their ability to utilize the alien technology was also a game changer. How the American military and the Paradise Islanders would now coexist had also been altered in a big way.


Once Col. Lancaster learned that it took a hybrid to fly the alien space craft, he lost no time in contacting General Gates by radio. To say the least, neither man was pleased to learn of this development. Time was of the essence, if they wanted to mop up any remaining hostile aliens as well as claim any of their technology that could benefit the human race. It was obvious that arranging for hybrid pilots from the Bahamian settlement was their only option until hybrids could be found who could become pilots for the American military. This meant that maintaining good relations with the survivors in The Bahamas was critical. As a result, the General ordered Col. Lancaster to meet with their representatives and work out an agreement that would get them to pilot the shuttle craft while the Army took care of any remaining hostiles.


Lancaster radioed ahead that he wanted to meet with the evaluation team from The Bahamas and that he was on his way over from Pensacola. Promptly at 1600 hours (4pm) his plane touched down on the runway at the old Mobile airport. Hurriedly disembarking, he was met by Captain Martin and escorted to the small conference room where Derrik and Adrien had been meeting with the Captain as well as Lt. Malchesky and Sgt. Jones.

After the usual formalities, the six of them sat down at the conference table. There was a pregnant pause before Col. Lancaster spoke up.

"Let's get right to the point. If it's going to take hybrids to operate the alien space shuttles, we're going to need your help to eliminate any remaining hostile aliens. We need your pilots to fly American military personnel from place to place since it can be done more quickly using alien shuttles than conventional aircraft. We're also going to need to learn how to operate and fly these shuttles. So, you can see that we need someone who's already familiar with the shuttles to act as instructor once we have hybrids from among our own people who can become pilots. We want to work out something with you that will make that happen. Eliminating any remaining hostiles is also something that I think would benefit all of the remaining humans left on Earth," explained the Colonel in a crisp emotionless voice.

"I'm going to tell you something that's top secret. The General has just informed me that we have overrun a small alien base in the Los Angeles area and captured two more of their space craft intact. Apparently, those craft were found under similar conditions to what we have here. The craft were intact with the aliens near their ships dead on the tarmac. Until now, we weren't able to figure out why we couldn't get them to work. I'll be honest enough to say that if it weren't for the fact that their race was in the process of dying, we wouldn't have been able to accomplish that in the first place. However, today you've done us a great service in providing the missing link in what it will take for us to make use of these craft," said Lancaster.

Adrien and Derrik exchanged knowing glances before the hybrid cleared his throat and spoke up saying, "We're just as interested as you are in eliminating any remaining threat from hostile aliens. However, there are only a few hybrids among us as well as a few humans who were given special powers by the 'white' aliens. We've tested our theory that only hybrids and those with alien gifts have the necessary DNA that will enable them to fly a space shuttle by themselves. That would be eight of us except for the fact that two of the hybrids among us were liberated from holding cages in the medical experiments section of your base on Temno Island. I can't see them volunteering to work with the very people who treated them little better than lab rats. That would seem to leave us with six who can currently fly the alien space shuttles. Find us more hybrids that are willing to learn how to fly and we will be happy to teach them. In the meantime, it looks like you have at the most six of us who can pilot a shuttle and most of them will be seen as children by your soldiers. The real question is: Can your men work with a pilot who looks like he ought to be out playing with other kids his own age?"

Jack Lancaster's knuckles were white against the hard polished surface of the table as he replied to Adrien, "We have no choice but to learn how to make that happen. This is a new world. Old ideas of who can or cannot do something can't hold us back. We still have military discipline among our men. If we tell them to work with someone who looks like a kid, then they damn well are going to have to do whatever it takes to make that happen. The pilot commands the aircraft. The senior officer among the embarked men and women commands those who are being transported and commands the mission itself. It's always been that way and I see no reason for that to change now."

An hour later they had worked out a plan to search out and eliminate any remaining hostile aliens as well as to make a scouting trip to the 'white' alien mothership to see if there was any technology that could be salvaged that would benefit the human race. The first step would be for Derrik to work with the military and serve as pilot for their work in eliminating any remaining alien sites using the Mobile/Pensacola area as a center of their search. Adrien would go with the scouting mission to the mothership. Meanwhile, the Alaskans (as they were now being called) would hunt for any hybrids that might exist among them that could be trained as pilots.


The whole group of survivors on Paradise and Andros Islands in The Bahamas were abuzz with talk of reconnecting with the American survivors in Alaska. The fact that Derrik, Adrien, Mark, Alexey, and now Cecil were currently, and had been, meeting with their representatives at sites over in Florida and Alabama raised new hopes that at least some friends and family members might somehow have survived and been given shelter in Alaska. Of course, Derrik had already addressed the group there on the island and made it clear that they were claiming to be a Bahamian settlement in order to avoid being dominated by the American military. Young as most of his settlement were, they understood that they didn't want some outsiders coming in and telling them what to do. They liked the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed and had no wish to change it back to what they had known before the aliens came.

That night, Jimmy Benton tossed fitfully in his sleep. In his dream he was back at space camp in Alabama sharing a room with his friend and fellow actor, Randy Oster. They were in the shower together in their room. He was on his knees taking Randy's cock in his mouth as the warm water from the shower cascaded off their naked bodies. Jimmy could feel himself sucking on his friend's cock. The dream became so intense that he could feel his friend reaching a climax and cumming on him there in the shower. He awoke breathing heavily and covered in sweat with his own cum on his lower body from where he had climaxed in his sleep in a 'wet' dream. He was thankful that he had been sleeping naked and without any covers.

As he cleaned himself up as well as the few spots on the bed, he hoped that he could connect with Randy again, now that they were in contact with the American forces in Alaska. Yes, he was one of those who wanted to find out about someone in his past. He assumed that Randy, his friend and fellow actor, was safe with the military in Alaska. When they had liberated Alph and Delta from the research site on Temno Island, they had found out that they had just missed him being there. Now seemed like the time to try to reconnect. Little did Jimmy know that Randy was living with (and sleeping with) the commanding general of the Alaskan forces.

Chapter 62
We Meet Quaid

From space, Earth stretched out below them like a blue-green carpet. From the window of the bridge of their space shuttle, they could see much of the Southeastern part of the United States. The sun was just going down on the distant horizon. Slowly, the vast green expanse below them turned blue-black in the enveloping darkness. As Adrien maneuvered the space shuttle alongside the white aliens' mothership, the silver sheen of it glowed as it was bathed in the full light of the setting sun. In his wildest dreams he had never thought that he would be in space, let alone piloting a space craft out there.

The alien mothership loomed large as they closed the distance between them. As the airlock on the side of the alien craft became visible, he mentally scanned the ship for signs of life. Sure enough, there were three or four aliens who were still alive in the ship. However, it was also evident that all but one were seriously ill, if not about to die.

From the ship's console, Adrien called out to Lt. Walloch. The same squad leader who had found the alien craft on the tarmac back at Mobile was in command of the boarding party. His elite combat-trained soldiers were now checking and rechecking their weapons in preparation for boarding the alien ship.

"Stan, I've scanned the ship and there are only three or four aliens still alive in it. Only one appears to be conscious and he's both confused and scared. You and your men shouldn't have any problem boarding, but I would be ready for anything once you're through the airlock."

"Copy that," responded the young officer as he fingered his weapon.

Stan Walloch had worked his way up from sergeant in the enlisted ranks, only becoming a commissioned officer after the alien invasion. Gen. Gates had needed experienced men who were proven leaders to command the relatively few troops that had survived the original attack. Walloch was one of the few men still alive who fit that bill. He was also someone on whom the general could count to get the job done.

Stan was from a blue-collar Polish-American family in Chicago. When he graduated from high school, he had quickly decided that the military offered a better life and more opportunities than would ever be the case if he followed his father and grandfather into a factory where he would always be a nameless cog in a big machine. Stan stood about 5 ft 9 in [1.70 m] tall and weighed a trim 155 lbs [70 kg]. Back in high school he had played basketball and wrestled. Staying fit was already a way of life for him before he ever joined the military. Now at 35, he was still in great shape for a man of his age.

Adrien and Stan had hit it off almost from the very beginning. Life had never been easy for either one of them. Early on, over a couple of beers, they had exchanged their life stories. That was all it took for a mutual respect to begin to develop that soon blossomed into a real friendship that was, perhaps, best described as a true 'Band of Brothers'.

There was a sudden jolt and a soft bang as the two craft connected. Adrien activated the seal and the space shuttle was secured to the side of the mother ship. The young lieutenant gave a hand signal that told his men to get ready.

Adrien flipped the switch that opened the door of the shuttle. The metal panel slid back silently as Stan and his six men rushed into the airlock. The access panel that opened the door to the ship was there beside the door. Pushing a button, the door slid back and the squad streamed inside. Much earlier, they had learned that both alien races breathed basically the same air as that of Earth. Once entry to the craft was achieved, a few sick aliens didn't have a chance when facing a squad of well-disciplined well-trained American soldiers.


Only one alien crewman remained on the mother ship that had so far not become a victim of the illness that was killing off his shipmates. "Quaid" was as close as we might get to being able to pronounce his name in English. He was really just a young technician who had been the alien equivalent of "drafted" into their military. He had never done anything except work on the computers and the other systems that ran the ship. All he really wanted to do was survive and go home. He hated the military life. However, when his shipmates started getting sick and then dying, fear and desperation consumed him. As it turned out, he really had nothing to fear. He was one of the very few aliens that were immune to the virus that Dr. Smith had developed on Temno Island. While at first it had quickly proved fatal to the insectoid aliens, it had eventually had the same effect on his people as well. The only difference was that it took longer for that to happen. In the meantime, his shipmates slowly became weaker until they went into a coma from which they never recovered. Only a week back, the last remaining medical member of the crew of his ship had realized that he was immune to the virus. However, as it turned out, it was too late for him to try to find out what it was in Quaid's make-up that made him immune. Thus, when Lt. Walloch and his men stormed in, the young alien was convinced that he was destined to be the last of his kind alive on the ship.


Quaid had learned from his shipmates that the Earthly signal for giving up was to raise your hands over your head. When Lt. Walloch and his men rushed into the equipment room where he was, he was already holding his hands over his head and had no weapon on his person. The young alien was ready to die and even welcomed the idea. Fortunately, that was not going to be.

The young lieutenant had his 9 mm Beretta pointed at Quaid's head as he stood there with his hands over his head while the other men in his squad also had their weapons trained on him. However, it was the alien's appearance that both surprised and confused Walloch and his men. Quaid was quite obviously human.


"Adrien, you'd better come over here on the double. The alien who's conscious is no alien, he's human!" radioed Walloch back to the shuttle craft.

"What do you mean 'he's human'?" asked Adrien.

"You have me there, but he seems to be completely human. I need you to see if you can talk to him. Either he doesn't speak English or he's forgotten what he knew. We can't seem to understand anything that he's saying and since we can't communicate telepathically, we're at a loss over here."

"Stan, I'll have to shut down the shuttle in order to do that. However, there's an alarm system that's built into the bridge controls that I can activate that will let us know if any craft approaches our shuttle. Is it OK with you if I do that and then come over?" asked Adrien.

"Yes. Go ahead and make it so. I think that we're safe up here, but an active alarm system would make me feel a lot better about having you leave the bridge of our ship," replied Lt. Walloch.


Three minutes later, Adrien was in the equipment room on the mothership sizing up the alien human technician. From his appearance, the hybrid could see that their prisoner was just a boy. He appeared to be about fourteen or fifteen in Earth years. He was dressed in a form fitting one-piece beige outfit that was much like what we would have called a "jump suit." His straight black hair was cut short while his complexion was what we on Earth would call "olive." Adrien estimated his height at 5 ft 9 in, [1.70 m] with a weight of something like 150 lbs [68 kg]. With his prominent cheek bones and slightly hooked nose, his face reminded the young hybrid of pictures of American Indians that he had seen in books back on their island. Even though the jump suit made it hard to tell, it appeared that he was either lean or very thin, probably because whatever diet they had had him on there in the ship was not enough food for him.

Adrien thought to him telepathically first in English. Quaid, the alien tech, reacted to the words in his head that he was getting from Adrien by shaking his head and his hands in surprise. It was obvious that the boy was getting the message but not understanding it. As it was, the telepathic abilities that Adrien had also gave him the power to absorb language skills fairly quickly from whosever mind he was probing.

As it was, it only took the hybrid a few minutes to learn much of the alien boy's language. Then, he shook his head and looked Quaid in the face and thought back to him: My name is Adrien. I'm part human, and part the same race as your shipmates. What is your name?

Adrien waited for a moment and then came the telepathic reply: I'm called 'Quaid.' How is it that you can communicate this way? I thought that only people like my shipmates and our enemies from our home world could do that.

"Hybrids like me seem to have inherited that capability, along with a few other humans who were given the ability by others from your home world like your shipmates," replied Adrien out loud. Then he added, "You seem to be of the same race as the people on this planet. How is that?"

"Yes, I'm of the same race as the people from this world. This is not the first time that people from my planet have visited this one. In earlier visits, conquest was not part of the plan. Those were just visits of exploration in which examples of plants and animals were taken home for scientific study. Scientists from my world realized that they could breed those that were called 'human' as well as some other plants and animals that were deemed to be useful on our world. That was a long time ago. Now my kind has become numerous on our world as well as a part of the fabric of society. However, as a minority race from another world we are confined to a supporting role in society. Often, we have been discriminated against and even abused as well.

The other race that is now here on your world is the enemy of our society. They are descended from alien creatures that were also brought back to our world just like I am descended from Earth people."

Adrien was amazed at what Quaid had said. Human civilization had always thought that there were other intelligent races out there on other planets somewhere in the galaxy. It was just that they had never thought of other humans as being part of those alien civilizations. Introducing (or rather reintroducing) Quaid to the planet from which his ancestors had come was going to be interesting to say the least.

"It has been handed down among my kind for generations that my people are descended from a race called the 'My-uh.' Do they still exist here on what you call 'Earth'?" asked the boy.

Again, for the second time that day, Adrien was shocked. The Maya of Mexico had still been living on their ancestral lands in Yucatan when the aliens had struck. Whether any of them had survived the invasion was an open question. The fact that some of them had been taken to another world in centuries past was mindboggling.


Quaid was taken under guard to a small conference room on the alien mothership. Adrien took a seat across the table and indicated to him telepathically to sit down, that they wanted to talk to him in more detail. A fully armed guard stood watch over them to ensure that the alien human didn't try anything.

"Tell me Quaid, you look to be about fourteen or fifteen in Earth years. Do you know how old you actually are as we count time here on Earth?" asked Adrien, as he looked at what he assumed was a boy sitting across the table from him.

"You count time in Earth years. That is correct, is it not? By that measure, I am twenty four years old," replied Quaid his face expressionless.

For the third time that day, Adrien was shocked. That can't be right; Quaid appears to be only a boy. How could he be twenty four years old? thought Adrien.

Reading his thoughts, Quaid smiled softly and then answered the unspoken question saying, "Our civilization has a way of suspending aging. It does not make us live forever, but it does keep us from aging as long as we have regular anti-aging treatments. It is often used in our civilization to keep people at the peak of their physical and mental powers. There is a machine here on the ship for that purpose. If you were to use it now, your body would not need another treatment for an Earth year and you would not age during that time."

"Why did they not wait until you were a little older before stopping the aging process?" queried Adrien.

"I had already learned all that there was to know to perform my duties as a technician here in the ship. I had shown an aptitude for this sort of work. It only made sense to those in my military who were making decisions to use me as you see me. As a result, my aging was suspended and I was put to work keeping this ship running," explained Quaid.

"How would you feel about coming to live among others of your kind here on Earth? Would you like that or would you want to continue to live on the planet where you grew up?" asked Adrien.

Quaid thought for a moment and then answered in a flat emotionless voice. "I have no one back on my home world. Among the people of my world, I am part of a minority group that is marginalized in our society. I would welcome the opportunity to explore your Earth if there is a chance that I would be treated as someone who is equal to any other person."


With Quaid's willing help, it only took a few days for the American technicians and soldiers on the mothership to evaluate the advanced technology that was part of the ship. During that time, it was determined that there was nothing more to be done for the sick aliens, and the last of them expired shortly after the boarding took place. It took somewhat longer to get Col. Lancaster and Gen. Gates to let Quaid go to the Paradise Island colony so that Adrien, Derrik, and the others could teach him English and the way that Earth people live. Well, that's not entirely true. Teach him the way that people lived on Paradise Island might be a better way to put it.


When Adrien landed the space shuttle on Paradise Island, it seemed like all of the residents of their colony had turned out to see their first human alien. When Quaid emerged from the ship, it would have been hard to tell who was staring the most, the alien or the Paradise Islanders. The alien was also surprised that many of them were completely naked. For a brief moment, he even wondered if he had fallen in with some primitive society.

Derrik had already linked mentally with Adrien and absorbed enough of the alien language so that he could communicate with Quaid. He broke the tension by saying to him telepathically that they were all happy to meet him and then repeating his greeting out loud to the assembled group. After that, he turned to the alien and thought, Since Adrien is married and would like to be with his wife and child, I will be acting as your host while you are staying with us. I was given telepathic powers by some of the people from your home planet. Let me show you to your quarters so that you can freshen up. Then, I will answer any questions that you have and start to help you learn our language. If you have the same ability to absorb language skills that Adrien has, that shouldn't be any problem.

Quaid answered out loud, "Yes that would be good. I would like to 'freshen up' as you put it. Rest assured that I too, can absorb languages. It is your culture that will be the real challenge for me since it already seems to be so different from what I have known."

As soon as they could break away from the crowd, the two of them walked up the low hill from the beach area and stopped at one of the bungalows that had once housed upscale guests. Derrik gestured in its direction and said "We have a room and a bath in here set aside for you. I'll be in an adjoining room. Let me show you to your room."

Quaid was impressed with the large double bed and dresser in French provincial style with its fruitwood finish. The Stiffel brass lamp with its silk shade glowed softly from the nightstand by the bed. Through a door at one side of the room he could see what he assumed was a bathroom that was decorated in beige ceramic tile. This was so different from the Spartan quarters that he had known all of his life that for the first time he really felt like an alien visiting a different civilization, if not a truly different planet.

"Can you show me how what you call the 'bath room' operates?" asked Quaid. "I have not seen anything quite like this on my home world or in my ship," he explained.

"How have you been used to bathing?" asked Derrik.

"The best way that I can explain it, is one walks through a doorway and water vapor mixed with what you would call 'soap' is sprayed on you. Then you walk through another doorway and you are rinsed off. There is a third doorway that dries you. That is how we stay clean," explained Quaid.

"We don't have anything like that. You have to do it yourself here. You mean that you have never taken a shower where the water just runs over you and you wash yourself?" asked an amazed Derrik.

"No, I have never done that. Can you show me what you mean?" asked the alien. "I would like for you to demonstrate how it is done here on Earth," Quaid said.

Derrik was flustered to say the least. He had never had that request before. He hesitated for a minute and then thought to himself, 'What the Hell, I might as well be the first one to have a shower with a human from another world.'

He smiled slyly at Quaid and then thought to him, 'Why not?' He kicked off his shoes and reached down and took the edge of his tee shirt and pulled the garment up and over his head. Depositing it on a chair, he steadied himself and unzipped his board shorts and let them drop to the floor. He hesitated only a second before pushing his low-rise briefs down his slim legs to join his board shorts on the floor. Standing there naked, he looked Quaid in the face and said to him out loud, "Take off your clothes and follow me into the bathroom and I'll show you how to shower."

Quaid quickly kicked off his own shoes and then pulled on the fastenings of his one-piece jumpsuit-type garment. Apparently, it had something like Velcro fasteners so that one big pull and it was wide open. He stepped out of it with ease and stood there looking at Derrik. It was not lost on either one of them that they were looking at someone from another world.

By coincidence, both Derrik and Quaid were 5 ft 9 in [1.77 m] tall and weighed about 150 pounds [68 kg]. However, that's where the similarity ended. Derrik looked like the "All-American Boy" with his short light brown slightly curly hair and hazel eyes and fair complexion. Quaid on the other hand, had shiny straight black hair that was cut short while his complexion was what we on Earth call "olive." With his prominent cheek bones and slightly hooked nose it was easy to see how he was descended from the Mayan people of Mexico. Even though it was not true, both of them appeared to be about 15 years old. Their bodies were slim if well-muscled. Each of them had flaccid three and a half inch penises [9 cm] which hung over full, rounded balls that were held close to their bodies. Neither one of them had pubic hair. In fact, both seemed to be hairless below the neck. The only difference was that Quaid's penis was obviously thicker than that of the Earth boy and, like that of a lot of olive skinned people, was almost brown it was so much darker than the rest of him.

Quaid followed Derrik into the bathroom. The Earthling turned on the water in the shower and adjusted the faucets until he had a comfortable temperature. The young alien followed his every move. Taking his time, Derrik explained to a wide-eyed Quaid how the controls for the shower worked. Then, he stepped into the warm wet cascade and let it run over his naked body. Taking a piece of soap from a wall dish, he started to soap himself. Then, he motioned the young alien to join him in the water. Slowly, Quaid got under the shower and stood there luxuriating in his first Earth-type shower.

Derrik noticed that the alien's penis was hardening as they stood there together under the cascade. Not sure of how Quaid handled sex, he cautiously said, "It looks like your body likes this kind of shower," and pointed toward the alien's growing erection.

Quaid blushed and said, "I'm sorry. On our world, sex is normally not permitted unless reproduction is sanctioned. We usually take pills that keep us from having any sexual arousal, especially while we are in space. However, I ran out of them the other day and was not sure where the supplies of them were kept in the ship."

The Earth boy smiled and said, "That's alright. Here in our colony, we enjoy sex whenever we like. We even have one part of our settlement where they go naked much of the time. Say, would you like to have sex with me here in the shower? We can do that, if you like." An embarrassed Quaid looked down at the tile floor of the shower and nodded his head slowly to indicate that he did.

Derrik gently pushed the young alien back against the tile wall of the shower. Quaid's eyes were glazed as the earthling's experienced hand ran up and down his by now rock-hard cock. His heart raced as for the first time in his life he actually felt just how good it could be to be having sex with another person. His blank expressionless face made him appear to be almost in a trance. By instinct alone he reached out and started to stroke Derrik's equally hard penis.

The Earth boy moved closer to him. Their wet bodies enveloped each other as they kissed passionately on the lips. Quaid returned the kiss probing with his tongue for entry. They found themselves locked in an intensely passionate kiss. It was then that something in their implanted alien DNA must have kicked in and further stimulated their already overheated sex drives. It was as though everything in their entire bodies was put on hold as every fiber of their being was focused on sex. For Derrik, their mutual climax was the longest and most profound orgasm of his life. For Quaid, it was a new and intoxicating experience. When it happened, both of them erupted in long streams of cum followed by several shorter bursts. Even then, their kiss continued as their passion spent itself in exploring and learning the details of each other's body.

Turning off the water, Derrik introduced Quaid to the further pleasure of drying off your sex partner with a big terrycloth towel. Then, they both collapsed on the bed still trying to recover from the exertion of their sexual high.

As they lay there, Quaid turned his face toward Derrik and asked, "How soon can we do that again?"

Chapter 63
Jimmy, Randy, General Gates, and More

Adrien landed the alien bulk carrier on the runway at the military base outside of Anchorage, Alaska. Even with his experience at piloting space shuttles, he was impressed with just how smoothly the big ship handled. His cargo, which was composed of advanced alien technology from the white aliens' mothership, would be analyzed, modified as needed, and incorporated into the arsenal of the American military and that of the other Earth nations. Looking back over the last couple of weeks, Adrien knew that they were fortunate that Quaid could tell them where to find a bulk carrier capable of space travel. Without it, they would never have been able to move much of their present cargo from the ship to the base.

Lt. Walloch sat in the co-pilot's seat. As the senior military officer present, he was responsible for the cargo and seeing that it was delivered to the base.

Jimmy Benton occupied a seat behind him in the ship. Randy Oster and he had reconnected by radio and, with General Gates' permission, had arranged to meet. Both were looking forward to the visit.

Three technicians from the base were the other passengers. Suffice it to say that all had been impressed by the things that they had witnessed during their stay onboard the alien craft.

As soon as the cargo bay was opened, from across the tarmac came two front-end loaders eager to begin unloading the precious items taken from the alien ship. The technicians with their clipboards and lists of cargo stood by ready to assist with the unloading. All three of them were thinking about which of the items they themselves most wanted to analyze.

Then it happened; there was a brilliant flash of light in the western sky followed shortly by the distant sound of an explosion. If this had been unexpected, panic might have set in at that moment. However, everyone who was present knew that this was the end of the insectoids' mothership. One brief visit by a landing party had confirmed that they were all dead. Unfortunately, the remaining humans onboard were also dead. It was clear that most of them had died from thirst and starvation. They had remained unfed in their cages once the aliens had taken sick. The stench from the dead of both races had been so bad that it was quickly determined that destroying the ship was the only logical thing to do. The fact that they were landing in the Anchorage area at the same time as the ship was scheduled to be destroyed, was merely coincidental.

A black sedan came around the corner of the nearest hangar and drove out to the ship. There was a small red rectangle mounted on the front bumper that displayed two white stars. Both Lt. Walloch and Adrien recognized the plate as designating this to be General Gates' car. As soon as the car stopped, Randy Oster flung open the back left door and ran toward the bulk carrier. Seeing the car, Jimmy Benton ran down the ramp from the ship's passenger compartment to meet him at the bottom of the ramp. They literally ran into each other's arms and enveloped one another in a big hug. They just stood there rocking back and forth while muttering each other's name with tears streaming down their faces. Neither had thought that they would ever see each other again until they had reconnected by radio only a week earlier.

Several of the young soldiers nearby looked on, wistfully envious of these boys who had managed to find each other after all of the devastation, and thinking of their own friends that they knew they'd never see again. More than one had tears in their eyes.


At fourteen, Randy stood about 5 ft 6 in [1.70 m] tall and weighed about 135 lbs [61 kg]. Jimmy was as tall as his friend but at thirteen, he was a few pounds lighter. Both boys were naturally lean and wiry.

Alan Gates was now forty-seven years old. Once married, but with no kids of his own, he had been divorced for five years when the aliens had struck. He kept his 5 ft 10 in [1.80 m] frame in shape by running although that had been limited to a treadmill in his underground base's gym these last couple of years. Still, he had managed to maintain his weight at a trim 175 lbs [80 kg]. For a man of his age, he looked good.

That evening, when General Gates entered the master bedroom of his quarters, Randy was just turning on the shower in the bathroom. It was one of those large shower stalls so that Jimmy and Randy, who were already naked, had no trouble getting into together. Each of them took a piece of soap in one hand and began to wash the other's slim, muscular body. Randy stood there under the warm cascade, looking at Jimmy's naked body and inviting package, with undisguised lust. Of course, Jimmy was looking back at Randy the same way his friend was looking at him. After all, it had been a long time since they had shared a room and each other's bodies back at space camp. By now, both boys were hard and stroking themselves. Then, Jimmy reached over and took Randy's dick in his hand, and started to stroke it.

"I've never forgotten the time that we spent together at space camp before the aliens came," said Randy as he rubbed soap over Jimmy's smooth chest and abs.

"I haven't either," Jimmy responded, as he began to rub Randy's crotch and balls.

"Th-that's OK," Randy said, as he became more and more excited from the actions of his friend. In response, he reached over and took his friend's dick, and started rubbing it as well. The two of them pressed closer together feeling the other's body up against their own. The soap made their skin feel warm and silky to each other's touch. Their eyes were glazed as their attention focused on nothing but the all-consuming sex.

"Oh man, that feels so good," Randy moaned. Releasing Jimmy's dick, he dropped to his knees and took the other boy's hard organ in his mouth rolling it around and sucking it at the same time. To his friend, his mouth felt fantastic. The sensation was more intense than he had ever known before and within what seemed like only a moment or two, Jimmy was ready to shoot. At the same time, Randy continued to stroke his own dick slowly as he sucked off his friend.

"Oh God, Randy, I'm gonna cum, man!" Jimmy panted, as he tried to pull his cock out of his friend's mouth, but Randy held him firmly around the waist so that Jimmy shot his load directly into his waiting mouth. Jimmy pumped out five big spurts of cum followed by several smaller bursts. The whole time Randy's mouth remained tight around his friend's rock-hard organ so that he swallowed every bit of it.

Randy stood up slowly and wiped the back of his hand across his mouth as he still stroked his own dick. Jimmy looked at him, still shaking from the orgasm that he'd just had. He reached over and pushed his friend's hand away from his dick. Then he dropped to his knees and studied his friend's cock for a second; pre-cum shone on its head and dripped toward the floor where it mingled with water from the shower. Jimmy opened his mouth and took in his friend's four and a half inches [11 cm]. He ran his tongue around the underside of it as it slid in and out of his lips. In no time at all, Randy too, shot his load filling Jimmy's mouth with the saltiness of his own cum. The boy tried to swallow it all but some of it spilled down his chin as the cum pumped out of Randy's pulsating dick.

Finally, Randy stopped and Jimmy got up from his knees panting in exhaustion. They were facing each other with the water continuing to pour down on their bodies. Then, they reached for one another and pulled each other close. Randy looked Jimmy in the face and kissed him full on the lips. Their mouths parted and their tongues mingled as, for the first time in their young lives, they French-kissed. As their lips parted they could taste each other's cum in their mouths. Their hands strayed back to one another's dicks and slowly stroked them as they came down from their sexual high. They stood there with the water still running over their panting bodies not thinking about anything else. For both of them, it just felt good.


Alan Gates was lying on the bed and had watched the whole scene. Before they had gone very far with the shower sex, he was naked and stroking his hard five inch [13 cm] penis. Turned-on watching, he was rock-hard by the time they climaxed, triggering his own massive orgasm with more cum than he had seen since his twenties! If he had been telepathic, he would have agreed with them that, it just felt good.


Adrien had enjoyed his dinner at the officers' mess with Stan Walloch. The steak had been particularly good and was admittedly a nice change from the predominantly seafood-based diet that kept him and the others on Paradise Island fed. Although he did not normally drink alcoholic beverages, he was having a small after dinner drink before retiring to his room in the BOQ section of the base. He was about to ask Stan about their next assignment when he heard it. There was an unmistakable voice in his head that could only have come from someone else in the room with telepathic powers.

Having been told that there were no hybrids on the base, Adrien was shocked to say the least. Cautiously, his eyes circled the room trying to determine from which person the voice had come. Across the room, men and women were finishing their meal and chatting. No one in particular seemed to stand out or even be taking an interest in him. Then he noticed a table on the far side of the room. There sat a young officer with a boy at his table. The kid appeared to be about thirteen or fourteen, but just seemed to be an ordinary young teenager no different from others that he had seen elsewhere on the base or on the streets of Anchorage the couple of times that he had been to town.

Again, there was a voice in his head. It was soft, but he could hear, I wonder if he can read my thoughts like I can read his?

This time, Adrien was sure of it; the voice had to be coming from the boy at that table. He thought back to him telepathically, Yes, I can read your thoughts.

The boy jerked as though he had been struck. The man across the table from him looked as stunned as the boy was. Then they both looked in Adrien's direction.

Very calmly, He looked back at them, his face not revealing his true emotions. Then, very carefully he thought to the two of them, We need to talk. Is there someplace around here where we can get together that's private?

The young officer looked right at Adrien. Only a slight tremor in his right hand betrayed his emotions as he thought back to him, There's a small conference room out the door to your left. Follow us. We'll meet you there in a couple of minutes. With that, he and the boy stood up and slowly walked in the direction of the door.

For the first time, Adrien got a good look at them. It was obvious that they were related. Both of them had the same short auburn hair. Each had freckles visible across the bridges of their noses that trailed off onto their cheeks. Both of them stood about 5 ft 10 in [1.80 m] tall, but while the young officer weighed about 160 lbs [73 kg], the boy appeared to be lighter at perhaps 145 lbs [66 kg]. The officer was wearing the ACU camouflage uniform, which was the standard uniform for the military personnel on the Alaskan base. The boy had to be a civilian and was wearing jeans and a sweat shirt over a long-sleeved shirt. Both were slim and appeared to be fit but he could only guess at that.

Adrien hesitated a moment and then calmly excused himself telling Lt. Walloch that he wanted to go back to his room and get in some reading before he turned in for the night. Stan had noticed a good-looking nurse across the room and was happy to see him go.

A minute later he opened the door to the small conference room. Looking back at him were the man and the boy that had communicated with him telepathically in the dining room. The young officer also held a 9 mm Beretta pistol that was pointed at his midsection.

"Come in and close the door," the young officer commanded, his voice clear and strong.

Adrien slowly came into the room and carefully closed the door behind him. He could tell that the young man with the gun meant business.

"Now lock it. We don't need anyone wandering in here while we talk."

The young hybrid did as he was told and then turned to face the man and the boy. Calmly and carefully he thought to them saying, I'm Adrien from Paradise Island in The Bahamas. I'm a hybrid. You two must also be hybrids or we wouldn't be able to communicate this way. I was told that there were no hybrids on the base except for myself. How is it that the military doesn't know about you two?

The obviously frightened boy had turned toward the young officer while Adrien was talking. He stammered out loud, "I knew that he could hear me. What are we going to do?"

"That depends on what he's going to do," replied his calmer older brother (for that was what he was.)

Adrien replied, "I'm not going to do anything. However, we could use your help in flying the space craft. Of course, that's if you have the alien gene in your make-up which, by the way, I'm pretty sure that you do. How is it that you can communicate telepathically?"

"We've always been able to do that," replied the young officer. "Our mother always claimed that she was abducted by aliens, probed and prodded, and then released. They must have done something to her while she was on board their ship. She never said what, but we think that we inherited this ability because of whatever it was. However, she could talk to us this way too."

"I know humans who were given what you might call special gifts by the aliens. However, I've never met anyone who inherited those gifts like you say that the two of you have," answered Adrien. "By the way, you know my name; what are your names?"

"You might as well know who we are. There's nowhere that we can go anyway," replied the young man. "I'm Lt. Davis, Matt Davis, and this is my younger brother, Mitch. He was here in Alaska visiting me when the aliens attacked. We're originally from the Indianapolis area, but there's nobody left for us back there anymore. We lost our parents in the attack."

"How would you feel about learning to fly the space craft? We could use another couple of pilots in our work mopping up from the aliens now that the virus that one of your Army medics developed is killing them off," continued Adrien.

Matt and Mitch looked at each other and then back at the Paradise Islander. "If we can be treated like other people and not locked up because we're 'different,' we'd be all for it," answered the older brother. "However, up to now, everyone around here has been scared to death of aliens or anything even remotely alien for that matter."

"Well, I tell you what. Come out to the flight line in the morning and let's see if you can fly the space shuttle. If you can, and I feel sure that you can, the general is going to want you doing just that and believe me, he won't care if you have two heads when you do it," replied Adrien with a grin on his face.

"What about Mitch here. He's just a kid. He's only fourteen. Surely, they won't want him as a pilot?" questioned Miles.

"If the rest of the guys currently flying the shuttles were all standing here right now, you'd find that Mitch would not be the youngest one in the room," said Adrien.

"OK, we'll meet you on the flight line in the morning. Does 0800 hours work for you?" asked Lt. Davis as he holstered his weapon. "I wouldn't mind finding out if I can pilot one of those space shuttles. I'd really like to show the smug bastards on this base that hybrids are something other than just odd balls. It would be great to see the looks on their faces when I sat down at the controls and they responded to my touch when I know that they can't do that and I can."

"Yes, that would be worth seeing. I'll see you in the morning at 0800," replied Adrien.


Back in their room, well, really Lt. Davis' room, the two brothers talked while stripping off their clothes as they got ready for bed.

Having taken off his boots, Matt undid the fasteners and stepped out of his ACU. His khaki boxers followed and he stood there naked looking at his brother. Mitch pulled his sweat shirt off with the rest of his clothes following.

There was a moment when the two of them stood there naked looking at each other. Both were thin and wiry with firm, well-developed muscles. Each had auburn hair and freckles, but neither one had much in the way of body hair. In fact, their pubic hair was sparse but not completely missing as was the case with a true hybrid like Adrien. If someone had seen either one of them naked in the gym locker room they would have only assumed that they were guys who chose to trim but not shave their packages.

Matt was the first to turn toward the bed. He pulled the quilt back and got under the covers. Mitch followed him on the other side of the bed. The boy turned over on his right side and settled in for the night. Matt moved up closer to him until the two of them were spooned together with the older brother effectively holding his younger brother close to him. Their naked bodies were up against each other with Matt's front pressed again Mitch's back. This included having Matt's cock pressed against his brother's hole. It was a feeling of security, not sex that Matt gave to his brother. In turn, Matt felt reassured that he would not lose his brother like he had the other members of his family. Both drifted off to sleep dreaming of the morning when they would fly the space craft. Needless to say, they both slept well.

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