Chapter 61: Mttt gg ttgg
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Sixty-One = Concluding chapter V— Mttt gg ttgg —
Thanks to Billy for the idea that Julius becomes popular with students and to Bob for the idea of Julius becoming a human toilet for his students, and thanks to Ben for the Leather and Lace video idea. This is the fifth of a series of concluding chapters in which our heros get their well-deserved rewards and our villains get their just punishments. Unaware that his oldest son and daughter with the help of his wife's fourteen-year-old lover were exacting revenge against John Halder for his wrongful dismissal, Julius Gilles was, at the moment that John Halder was filling Julius's son's ass with a hot load of cum, naked, sweaty and horny as a teenage boy as he engaged in his school's soccer team's mid-game team bonding and good luck ritual. They had been leading their opposition, Saint Patrick's, the strongest team in the league next to themselves, throughout the first half of the final game of the season and were at the moment five points ahead. They'd not only had the psychological advantages of being undefeated all season and of playing in their own gym, but also of the Gilles Outreach School for Exceptional Youth being located in a converted old warehouse on the edge of the Industrial Park beside Baldwin Park, a neighbourhood even the most streetwise were leery about being in never mind the children and parents of a rich, upper-middle-class school like Saint Patrick's. It was a neighbourhood where many of his students did business, with Baldwin Park, Riverside's lower socioeconomic class district, being where many of his students lived. Julius had been despondent and desperate when the idea of starting up a school for youth who were turned off by school had popped into his head. As was his nature when he got an idea, he went full steam ahead with it and soon discovered that there was a need for just such a school, with its own unique rules and structure to accommodate the needs and interests of the delinquents, addicts, and unwed mothers who made up the student body, the students who could not handle the regular school day with bells and routines and who could not relate to suit-and-tie, white middle class teachers who had no idea what sort of lives they were living. A grossly overweight forty-six-year-old teacher with a Maltese cross haircut and a black-dyed scalp with a fondness for shit, piss, and dogs, and with a pregnant teenage daughter, a gaunch-sniffing eight-year-old girl, a Goth faggot son, and a cross-dressing she-male, Julius was far from a typical teacher or administrator. The team bonding pre-game, mid-game, and post-game ritual they'd established was far from typical either. As they burst into the locker room at half time with their five point lead the gosey Ganders were in great spirits. Quickly stripping bare ass naked, they gave their coach, who had also stripped, a group hug, rubbing their hot, sweaty, muscular teenage bodies against him, their smooth, hard chests rubbing against the older man's hairy, jiggling breasts and his hairy back, their strong, muscular thighs rubbing against his flabby ones, and their flat, six-pack teenage abs rubbing against his blubbery gut and against his fat ass. They offered up their hairy, sweaty armpits to their coach to sniff and to lick, and as he dropped to his knees those who'd been the top players in the first half offered up their hot sweaty balls for him to fondle, sniff and lick. It was a good luck ritual, a celebration of their mid-game success, and a reaffirmation of their masculinity and their comradeship as a team. Nobody knew exactly who'd come up with the idea, but it was a ritual they'd begun prior to the very first game, most of them at that time admittedly reluctant and embarrassed by the homoerotic overtones. They had, however, engaged in it with more and more enthusiasm and faith with each game they'd won and now every player eagerly and willingly participated. Similarly nobody knew where the idea of their top players pissing into the team's trophy cup their coach had boughten them after winning their very first game and then passing it around for each player to anoint his pits to absorb the top players' strength and virility before passing it to their coach to chug-a-lug the remainder of the strong, deep yellow power drink had come from, but to be one of those to piss in the cup was an honour that each strived for with each game until it came to the point where their skills had been so perfected it was impossible to name just one or two players as having outperformed the others. So at the midpoint of that final game, three players held the trophy cup before them and emptied their bladders and after everyone had sprinkled their sweaty armpits, Goosey downed the remaining putrid, deep yellow piss willingly and amongst the cheers of his devoted players. The three players having sweated profusely under the hot California sun and with their exertion, their piss was concentrated and the odour and taste sharp but Julius drank down the warm brew as if it were the finest wine. Julius had no idea if the ritual had anything to do with having gone from coaching the biggest losers of the year the previous year to coaching a team that had not lost a single game, but he was not about to question his change in fortune while on a winning streak, and certainly not now during their final game for the championship. Wiping the foul-tasting piss from his lips with the back of his hand, he slipped his fingers under his pits and flapped his arms as he stood there buck naked in the middle of his players and gave the team a gosey honk and his players did the same. There were many reasons for the turnaround of Julius's fortunes. For one, he'd always had a love for the game if not a great coaching skill, and this past year it seemed like he was constantly coming up with new and effective playing strategies that just kept popping into his head, thanks of course unbeknownst to him to Cory. For another, he had changed his coaching practices and attitude, just as he'd changed his teaching techniques and attitude toward students, both of which had also just come to him while relaxing at home in the evening. He justified the marked change in his behaviour and philosophy as having been necessary for the types of students he was now dealing with compared to Lincoln Junior High and the Royal Glencoe Academy for Boys. In place of sarcasm and putdowns were now praise and encouragement, and in place of fear and punishment were hope and rewards, both in the classroom and on the soccer field. Today was a good example. Realizing his students' minds would be on the big championship game, instead of forcing them to come to school today or just allowing the soccer team to skip classes so they could practice like in the regular school system, he'd given the entire school, soccer players and non soccer players, students and teachers, the day off. The result of course was that almost the entire school had come out to support the team, another reason for their extra effort that evening. Another factor was that he had a team of boys who were hard and muscular and naturally aggressive and physical compared to the pampered and self-indulgent students at Royal Glencoe Academy for Boys whose main purpose of having a fit body was to attract girls and their aggressiveness was for short-term and personal gain. His new students were also unaccustomed to excelling at anything or getting praise, so they were ecstatic with each success on the soccer field and practised all the harder for the next game. Besides, while the rgab soccer team had been filled with dissension and discontent, the gosey Ganders were unified and passionately loyal to each other and to their coach. And, while the rgab team had been lead by a captain who hadn't wanted the position and whose promotion by his father had been resented by his teammates, and who'd lost his passion for the game, the gosey Ganders had a skilful and natural leader as team captain, Chang Tse-tung, a handsome, lean, fifteen-year-old gang leader from Riverside's Chinatown. As gang leader, he regularly did business with Billy Dean, who had sweetened their arrangement by introducing Chang to his fifteen-year-old, pregnant wife, the daughter of his coach and school principal, who had been told to give the handsome young teen a blow job whenever he wanted, and being a typically horny fifteen-year-old boy and delighting in being blown by a sweet-faced, cock-hungry white girl like Annette, Chang wanted it frequently. Unbeknownst to him or Annette, Billy and Juan had also decided that he would father Annette's next baby after the Chouan brothers, figuring Chang and Annette would produce a very attractive Chinese-American regardless if the child was male or female. Of course the grandfather of Chang's future first child was totally unaware of what his daughter was doing with the captain of his soccer team, or of the future plans of his sons-in-law. His fat body glistening with his own sweat and that of his team, including Chang's, he was at the moment nuzzling the boy's skunky armpit, inhaling the sour fragrance and lapping up the rivulet's of salty sweat trickling down from the slim but muscular Chinese boy's hairy well. Having played especially hard that first half, the fifteen-year-old had worked up a good sweat. His salty perspiration had a unique spicy tang, the result of the salt and pepper cuttlefish and deep-fried pork balls he'd eaten for lunch. While the other players rubbed their hot, sweaty bodies against his, Julius bent over and ran his tongue over the broad, smooth, muscular chest of the fifteen-year-old boy, delighting in and yet revolted by his spicy Chinese sweat. He tongued his tawny teats until they were both hard and Chang's thick, teenage cock had begun to rise. Placing his hands on his coach's shoulders, Chang pushed Julius down to his knees and he smiled smugly as the sweating, pudgy white man sniffed at his hairy balls just as eagerly as he'd sniffed his skunky pits. Nauseated by the smell and taste of the yellow-skinned, slant-eyed Chink, and bewildered how despite his disgust he was horny as hell and lusted for the boy as normal men lusted after young women, Julius licked and sucked on the boy's balls as if they were as tasty as the pork balls Chang had eaten earlier. The boy's partially erect cock began to rise and Julius turned his attention to it, slipping his lips over the knob and beginning to suck. He delighted in the taste of the boy's flaccid cock and in feeling the horny Chinese boy swelling with desire in his mouth while at the same time he was filled with shame and humiliation performing the perverted act on a teenage boy, and nauseated that the cock in his mouth was of a yellow-skinned gook. He was rewarded for his efforts by a quick spurt of hot piss that Chang had held back in reserve for this moment, knowing how his coach delighted in drinking it fresh straight from the tap. Julius did, and as he swallowed the nitrogen-rich waste, his own cock began to rise with arousal. Nothing was more erotic than drinking another man's piss straight out of his cock. Having become stiff, Chang pushed his hips forward, driving his cock further into Julius's mouth, and as Julius tightened his lips about the thick shaft of his rigid, amber dink, Chang began to draw it back out. He sucked hungrily on the boy's cock as Chang began to face fuck him and he swirled his tongue around the boy's sensitive knob. Chang quivered with delight and wondered if Annette had learned her skills in sucking cock from her father. Although he delighted in both females and males, the fifteen-year-old boy saw himself as favouring women, though in this case he was hard pressed to say which was better, father or daughter. Many would consider what they were doing homosexual, but the boys crowded around them saw it only as their team captain getting his reward from his coach for an excellent first half. None of them considered Chang as a faggot, nor their coach for that matter. They all knew Chang made out with the opposite sex, and their coach was married and had children. It was simply a matter of rewarding Chang for his skills as team captain that first half, and Chang rewarding their coach for his coaching efforts, feeding him his cock, and now a thick, copious load of cum down his throat. Chang grasped Julius's shaved head as he threw back his own and grunted and snorted with the pleasure of ejaculation and Julius eagerly swallowed the Chinese boy's thick, spicy slime that tasted of raw oyster and cuttlefish. Refreshed, the team and coach trotted back out onto the field with even more confidence. Although the other team played hard and played well, they were no match for the gosey Ganders. At the end of the second half as the team raised Chang on their shoulders and cheered their captain and their coach for their final win, and as he stood there in the centre of the field with his boys and accepted the championship trophy, Julius could still taste Chang's raw cock and spicy jism. Heading back to the locker room, they stripped down once again and engaged in another group hug with their coach in the middle and each of them rubbing his hot, sweaty body against his soft, flabby flesh. One of them began to piss, spraying his coach, himself, and his surrounding players with his hot, yellow brine. The pungent smell of hot, fresh piss ignited the need in others and several more added their streams to the golden shower. Dropping to his knees, Julius opened his mouth and eagerly accepted the deep yellow stream of his Captain, swallowing the putrid, pungent piss as fast as he could. As Chang finished, another player stepped up to his human urinal. It was a filthy, animalistic orgy that had become a ritual with the boys, an acceptable release of their pent up emotions following the game. One of the others stepped up to the piss-drenched, piss-drunk coach and turned around. As the boy began to squat, Julius crouched down, and as the boy slowly began to crap, Julius opened his mouth, taking the stinking, deep brown turd in his mouth. As it continued to ease out of the boy's ass, Julius swallowed it whole until it at last taper off and he sucked the rest of it down his throat. It was quickly followed by a second and a third, and after Julius licked the asshole of his player clean, the boy was followed by another. Turned on by the eroticism of a man three times their age and in a traditional position of authority kneeling there and eating their classmates' shit, several of the boys began to swell. Normally boys that age would be embarrassed, especially given the homoeroticism of the situation, but for Goosey's players the obvious lust was a natural outgrowth of their natural teenage baseness, another natural bodily function like pissing and crapping. And so as their coach crouched there before still another player and willingly became his human toilet, several of the players gathered around them and began to whack off, and as Julius swallowed the last of the boy's foul, pasty shit and licked his brown, crud-encrusted lips, he was sprayed by hot, thick ropes of teenage cum, the slime spattering his fat body and running in rivulets down his jowls and over his flabby breasts. While Julius was engaging in the unconventional post-game ritual with his players, Cory was hosting a pre-graduation pool party for many of his fellow classmates, former students of Julius's. It was a strange mix of students. Some of the boys were considered the biggest nerds and geeks of the school, others were jocks which was one of the most esteemed cliques in the junior high school culture, some were members of the elite in-crowd, others were scholars and on the fringe, and still others were loners and totally on the outside. They were sprawled around the pool as only gangly, double-jointed teenagers can sprawl, feasting on burgers, fries, and sodas, staples for any junior high party, noisily chatting, necking, and roughhousing in a scattering of pairs and small groups, with rap music blaring at full volume from a ghetto blaster somewhere. It was a typical teenage party, but there the similarity to other junior high pre-graduation parties ended. Unlike other parties, these participants were stark naked as per the practice on the Wilson-Dean Estate, and the boys outnumbered the girls five to one, there being only four girls present, Molly Vickers, Trang Ng, Ashley Rowan, and Nicole Halder, and none of them looked like they wanted to be there despite flirting and necking with any boy who approached them. A large flat-screen monitor had been set up on the patio and as Cory announced that the world premier of 'Leather and Lace' was about to be presented to kick off the evening's activities, Molly and Trang glanced at each other in horror. Why quickly became evident. The video began with Molly Vickers dressed in a frilly, pink dress and bonnet reminiscent of the far south in the previous century acting all demure and innocent and pampered as the "plantation owner's daughter," the owner being a cameo played by Julius Gilles. She looked the part with her billowing, frilly dress and with her long, curly tresses and big doe-like brown eyes. The screen personality was far from the one that her classmates knew, that of a strutting, arrogant, sassy teenage girl, an undisputed leader among girls, confident of her feminine charms and leading the boys about by the nose, or more accurately, by their stiff dicks. The Molly Vickers on the screen was the total opposite of the cockteaser everyone knew in real life, a personality few realized was all an act to coverup her insecurities and shyness. The appearance of Trang Ng as the maid/slave, but suspiciously dressed in a leather halter, tight leather pants and high leather boots with a studded belt and chains dangling from her hips and about her neck, was just as contrary to her personality as her school mates knew her, a petite, quiet, submissive Asian teenager, the typical oriental girl, shy, timid, modest and obedient. That was, in her case, her true personality, the fifteen-year-old having been raised with old world values and customs by her immigrant parents. At the moment she was trying to shrink into the shadows, eyes downcast and one hand trying to cover her crotch while her left arm tried to hide her small but attractive young breasts. That was in marked contrast to the Trang Ng on the screen who looked and acted like a sexy dominatrix of Grade B porn movies. At first the reverse in personalities was confusing, especially with everyone expecting the spoiled daughter of the plantation owner to really be in charge and to any moment have her defiant slave duly punished, in the wild imaginations of the teenage boys hopefully having her panties pulled down and having her spanked, or even having her naked butt whipped as a coloured slave should be. The other slaves, bit parts played by Billy's cousins, were quickly dismissed so that the two main characters could get down to business. It was a simple plot, as is usually the case in porn movies, but more developed and realistic than most, a characteristic of the Wilson-Dean-Schuller Entertainment Company which made their films so popular. The publically dominant white girl and the publically reluctant but submissive coloured slave when in private reversed their roles to their real personalities. As the leather-clad dominatrix ordered her mistress in their secret little game to strip, the interest, and the pricks, of the male teenage audience was aroused. As the camera zoomed in on Molly's blushing face and gorgeous boobs and backside, the boys all leaned forward for a better look at those things Molly was well known for flashing her teachers and skanky old men but which for some of the audience had still been unseen. To their disappointment, the camera teasingly skirted the major object of their curiosity. Unbuckling and removing her halter to reveal she was wearing brass-studded pasties, Trang ordered her now naked, trembling, white mistress to drop to her knees and confess her wicked thoughts about the young men on the plantation, and as Molly described in vivid and graphic language how hot the young black slaves made her feel and how she spied on them taking a piss and ached for their big black cocks, there wasn't a boy watching who didn't drop his hands to his lap in embarrassment to try and conceal what was happening between his legs, not an easy thing to do when one is stark naked. Telling Molly that she has to be punished for her lustful thoughts so unbecoming a young white girl of her station, Trang ordered her to stand up and bend over the back of the sofa. The nerds in the group of course had seen Molly's charms revealed before, but their eyes were still glued to the high definition flat screen with just as rapt attention of some of the soccer players and student union preppies who were seeing for the first time, close up, those charms that Molly had over the past year been flashing her teachers and skanky old men. Stepping up behind her, the leather-clad Trang began to spank her, and from the sounds and the reddening of her bottom, it was clear this was no act. Picking up the feather duster she'd entered the room with, Trang struck Molly's smooth glowing bottom with it, and then removing the leather strap hanging from her belt, began to use it with resounding whacks that caused the boys in the audience to jump and to flinch. As Molly's bottom grew redder and redder, so did the cheeks of the Molly and Trang who were being forced to watch the video along with the rapt audience of boys whose eyes were glued to the action on the screen, their drinks and burgers forgotten. Well, except for Fats Fortillini, at least until Trang ordered her mistress to stand and turn around. A close up of Molly's quivering cunt revealed the lips had become swollen and had grown moist, supposedly in reaction to her spanking though of course it was really the result of frigging herself whenever the camera had zoomed away from her bottom to reveal her tearful face and the pain she was really feeling, or the lust and delight in Trang's eyes, a commendable act considering how embarrassed and remorseful she was really feeling treating her best friend so. Continuing to admonish Molly for her lustful and sinful thoughts and for becoming aroused by her punishment, Trang slipped the handle of her feather duster up Molly's now well lubricated and dripping cunt and began to frig her, causing more than a few boys to begin leaking pre-cum, much to their embarrassment but physical delight and their fear that they were going to shoot off a load in front of everyone. Commenting that punishing her was obviously not working, Trang observed that the only way she was going to be able to cure Molly of her lustful thoughts for boys and wanton, unbecoming behaviour, was to show her an even greater pleasure than a boy can provide her. Removing her pasties, the normally shy and submissive Trang forced her best friend in real life, who in public acted the dominant of the two, to drop to her knees and to lick and suck Trang's tits and nipples. Trang, two months away from her fifteenth birthday, still had small but firm, pert breasts, and seeing her friend and classmate Molly, also approaching her fifteenth birthday but the bigger-breasted of the two, reluctantly licking her butterscotch-coloured boobs and sucking on the darker, dime-sized nipples, had every boy leaking pre-cum. After a full two minutes of having her boobs licked and sucked until her nipples were jutting out hard and aching with arousal, Trang removed her leather pants and forced her errant mistress to continue down over her flat, smooth stomach. She hadn't anything on under her leather pants, and as the camera zoomed in it was evident from her swollen cunt lips and the juice glistening in her jet-black hairs she'd gotten aroused. She was, in part the natural result of having her tits and nipples sucked and in part because like Molly she'd been forced to finger-fuck herself when that part of her body was off camera. In actual fact, despite her physical arousal she was ashamed and filled with guilt engaging in such lewd and disgusting behaviour with another girl, and especially her best friend, and in front of the camera. As Molly began tonguing Trang's swollen cunt, it was too much for half the boys watching and they had to reach down and squeeze their aching, stiff cocks below the knob to quell their arousal before they shot off a load. Trang and Molly, at the moment, were flushed with embarrassment and shame, though the following Monday the boys who were at the party would all claim the two were hot and aching for sex from watching themselves in the video. Ashley and Nicole, sitting there beside them, were staring at the screen in shock, unable to believe what they were seeing and embarrassed for the two girls, their cheeks flushed with shame. They wanted to pull their eyes away from the action on the screen, but they were too embarrassed to look at the two girls beside them, and they couldn't look at the boys who were sitting there bugeyed and stiff, conditions that the four girls could not help but notice, so they continued to stare at the screen, evidence the boys at the party would later claim of their own latent lesbian interests. Back on the screen Trang had hidden her revulsion and shame and had pretended to eagerly and willingly spread her legs so Molly could give her now juice-filled cunt a good licking. The cameraman zoomed in to show Trang's clit as Molly struck it with her tongue, and then to show Molly's curved tongue licking up the slimy-looking juice between Trang's cunt lips and then drawing it into her mouth to swallow, leaving a slender, translucent filament of cunt juice connecting Trang's swollen, wet cunt and Molly's smooth, moist lips. The two girls wanted to die as the nerds, jocks and coolest boys in their school, including Molly's ex-boyfriend Nick Dawson who had broken up with her after a two-year relationship after she had revealed his most intimate and embarrassing secrets a year ago and Ben Hanson who both Molly and Ashley had tormented and teased for years, watched with wide-eyed and stiff-cocked wonder as Molly eagerly inserted her tongue into Trang's hot, swollen cunt and as Trang arched her back and groaned with pleasure. They had, of course, made the movie under protest and had engaged in the filthy, disgusting act with reluctance and revulsion only because they'd been blackmailed into doing so with threats of showing their parents some of the other videos the two had made, including the gang orgy they'd engaged in with the nerds of Lincoln Junior High at Callie Dean's whore house, just as they'd been blackmailed along with Ashley and Nicole into attending Cory's pre-grad party. You would never know they'd done the movie under duress from the way that Molly was attacking Trang's cunt with her tongue. Actually, the two girls could not ignore the physical pleasure that was pulsating through their loins and during the filming they had been overcome with feelings of love and lust for each other so that in the end they had actually willingly and enthusiastically engaged in the foul act. Of course they did not know that those feelings of love and lust had been created and sustained by Cory who was watching them from behind the cameras, basing them on the natural pleasure they were already feeling. As for those watching the film, Molly and Trang's lust was evident along with the fact that the two had to be lesbians, reinforcing the rumours that had been circulating about the school about the two for a year now. Ashley glanced at the two guiltily and with a touch of envy and wondered what her two best friends would think if they knew she'd been stealing their soiled underwear and having lustful thoughts about the two of them this past year. Actually as the camera zoomed in on Molly's hot, moist tongue eagerly lapping up the slimy cunt juice flowing from Trang's swollen cunt, and on the look of ecstasy on the faces of the two fourteen-year-old girls as they obviously began to climax, the two girls found themselves once again recalling those feelings of love and lust for each other and a flush of randiness flooded over them, thanks of course once again to Cory whom nobody noticed was concentrating on them instead of watching the video. When at the end of the video Trang, her legs spread wide open and her swollen cunt dripping with cunt juice and spittle, throatily told Molly that she'd never find sex with boys as enjoyable as she'd found sex with her, and Molly, with her smooth cheeks and lips glistening with Trang's cunt juice, sighed deeply and admitted that no boy could possibly please her like Trang just had, there was not a boy in the audience who was not thinking that given three minutes with them they'd show the two lesbian sluts what a boy could do. Cory did not need his headband to know what they were thinking as he stood and asked if there was anyone there who would like to show the four girls how much pleasure a guy can bring, nor did he need his headband to encourage them to step forward as the twenty boys glanced at each other and leered. Fats was the first to raise his hand, and when Cory told him to take his pick, he hefted himself to his feet with a big grin normally reserved for the buffet table, which in a sense the four naked girls were. Wiping the mustard and relish from his double patty hamburger off his lips with the back of his hand, he waddled over to Molly much to her dismay and to the cheers of the others. Jerome Eisenstein and Wilbur Thornton quickly volunteered and with a nod from Cory, Jerome headed to Ashley, who had teased him relentlessly over the past three years almost as viciously as she'd teased Ben Halder, and Wilbur headed to Nikki Halder, the fourteen-year-old nerd having never in his wildest and hottest daydreams ever imagined fucking a gorgeous, stacked, eighteen-year-old first-year college student! Fats, Jerome and Wilbur had of course been introduced to gang banging by Cory over a year ago at Callie Dean's whore house back in grade eight, at which time he'd promised the group of boys he'd invited to Molly and Trang's humiliation that the two girls would put out for them any time they wanted. Wilbur had been the first to take him up on that promise, and it had taken the thirteen-year-old three months to get up enough courage to approach Cory and ask him if he'd really meant it, and another month to get up enough courage to approach Molly and tell her he wanted to get it on with her. He of course immediately told his best friend Peter, who several weeks later, one sweltering summer day between grade eight and nine, worked up enough courage to see if Wilbur had been telling the truth, finding of course that he had. By the beginning of grade nine, word had gotten around to the select group of boys who'd participated in that mid-February orgy and they began making regular requests of the two girls. Mark Mathers, the downy-cheeked captain of the Lincoln Junior High Soccer team had not been one of those fortunate enough to have attended that free-for-all at Callie Deans. Being strikingly handsome with his thick, auburn hair and hazel eyes and long, feathery eyelashes, and with a trim, muscular body the result of his athletic interests, Molly and her little gang had not teased him as they had the nerds and geeks of the school, and though like any red-blooded heterosexual teenage boy he found Molly, Trang and Ashley hot, he hadn't hit on them. Molly at the time was going with Nick Dawson, and he himself was making out regularly with Emily Richards, one of Lincoln Junior High School's cheerleaders whose virginity he'd taken. With his looks and body, she was not the first girl he'd fucked, the handsome, horny junior high stud having lost his own virginity to Betty Baggers at the age of twelve, and though he wasn't the first, he was one of the earliest to discover Betty's charms. No prude and no virgin, he'd been nonetheless shocked by the video, and even more so by Cory's question and the almost immediate response by three of the biggest nerds in the school. Not to be shown up by a bunch of geeks and having a reputation to uphold, he quickly raised his hand and with a nod from Cory quickly stood and approached Trang, his throbbing, stiff fifteen-year-old cock leading the way. She was a hot little package and he'd on occasion wondered what a piece of Cambodian tail would be like, and he was certainly the man to show the lesbians what pleasure a guy can bring a girl. Cory smiled as he glanced at the four randy boys and advised anyone who wanted a piece of tail to just step up and take his turn when one of the girls was free. To the laughter of the remaining sixteen boys, he also observed that he was sure they wouldn't mind if anyone wanted seconds or thirds or even fourths, and reminded them that a girl could bring a guy pleasure with more than just her pussy. As Fats approached Molly he told her he wanted her to ride him, a position he'd discovered was easier for him given his bulk and weight. So as he lay on his back, Molly reluctantly but obediently straddled him, knowing she had no choice and knowing from experience the sooner she got on with it the sooner it would be over. Ashley lay down on one of the poolside mattresses beside Molly and hesitantly and uncertainly spread her legs for Jerome, taking her clue from Trang who was taking the same position for Mark on the other side of her, and from Nikki who was similarly spreading her legs for Wilbur. To the embarrassment of the four girls the rest of the boys formed a circle around them to watch. Fats was rock hard and his large, fat cock was slick with teenage pre-cum, and Molly had assumed this position with him before, and in fact had also done so for several others, including Eli Dean and his nephew Billy, so she knew what she was doing like the little whore she'd become. It hurt spreading her legs so wide to straddle Fats' girth, but at the same time it opened her cunt up wide, something that did not go unnoticed by her audience. Trying her best to ignore the gaping boys around her and the disgusting fat slob between her legs, she grasped his fat cock and slowly lowered her body, easily slipping her pussy over his slime-coated knob. Inhaling deeply with the disgust and with the pain of taking him without being aroused herself, Molly slowly sank down, impaling herself on his stiff organ. To those watching of course her sigh and the eagerness with which she sank down on his cock were taken to mean something quite different. Over the past year and a half Trang had become as much a whore as Molly, regularly pleasuring Eli Dean and his nephew Billy and on occasion Eli's sister Callie, besides of course the nerds and geeks whom she'd helped introduce to the pleasures of sex at Callie Dean's a year ago, but that didn't make her any more comfortable with what was happening than it was for Molly. Lying there on her back, her legs spread and raised like the whore she was while Mark Mathers, one of the handsomest, hottest and most desired guys at Lincoln Junior High, slipped his dick up her pussy and began to hump her she felt humiliated and dirty. This was not the romantic act of love that teenage girls pictured it as, and as Mark panted and snorted above her, pounding away at her with the object of achieving his own pleasure and the obvious conclusion that she was a slut, it was the filthiest act there was. As for Nicole, this day was a nightmare that was not going to end. Instead of having a romantic afternoon with the man she loved, she'd ended up being bound, spanked and whipped by her kid brother and his lover, the football stud she'd been madly in love with in high school and who had totally humiliated and made a fool of her at the end of her senior year. And then simply because she'd looked at another guy, the man she loved, who himself was married and flaunted the fact that she was only one of many he was having sex with, tore off the blouse she'd bought especially for him and had her brother and his lover rub their filthy dicks over her breasts while she was brutally raped up the ass and forced to lick her beloved's wife's pussy. Then just as her brother's lover spurted his filthy, slimy stuff all over her breasts and the man she thought loved her pumped her rectum full of his stuff, she was discovered by her father. Her mind still in shock and humiliation over her treatment, she'd been dragged to another room in the house where she found her father, who'd lectured her and her brother on morality and Christian values and whom she'd thought the most moral and upright man she knew, screwing the ass of a big-boobed, big-dicked teenage transvestite. Her mind in even more of a daze, she'd been taken to this place and told to strip, and to do whatever she was told to do or a video of what she'd done that afternoon would be sent to her closest friends. Unable to believe what was happening to her, she'd sat there stark naked with a bunch of horny, naked junior high boys watching two fourteen-year-old girls whom she'd never met before but who were sitting beside her engaged in the same filthy act she'd been forced to perform just hours ago. And now, she was laying on her back with a pimple-faced fourteen-year-old kid screwing her like he hadn't had sex in a year with an idiotic grin on his face in front of two dozen total strangers. As for Ashley Rowland, her nightmare was just beginning. She had come to this goofy party only because Molly and Trang, who had been her two best friends throughout elementary school and most of junior high, had said they'd also been invited and were coming, though of course she did not know under duress and because they were being blackmailed. She had drifted apart from the two of them this past year, what with their weird behaviour going without panties and bras and flashing their teachers and skanky old men, and if you believed the filthy rumours going around, doing a lot worse, and besides, she'd developed a few weird behaviours herself. She'd missed their companionship and hoped maybe this would be the beginning of renewing it. Besides, she had a secret crush on Trang, an obsession that she could not explain and that thoroughly disgusted and troubled her but which brought her immense pleasure when she lay in bed at night and fantasized about the two of them as she sniffed a pair of Trang's stolen underwear. Those were two good reasons for coming, but the main reason, unbeknownst to her, was very similar to the reasons the other three girls were there. Cory had told her to come or he'd reveal to everyone who had been stealing panties from the girls' locker room all year, and what she did with them. Watching Molly licking Trang's muff, something she'd imagined doing many times though not with the leather and lace stuff, had shocked her even though she'd heard rumours the two were lesbians and were putting out with any boy who wanted them to cover up that fact. Having frigged herself almost daily, often thinking of Trang while sniffing a pair of her soiled panties, the video had also gotten her highly aroused. So with her pussy slick with juice and having frigged herself frequently, often with three fingers, and with Jerome rock hard like his fellow classmates and his cock slick with pre-cum, she had no problem accommodating Jerome despite the fact the floppy-eared, fifteen-year-old Jewish boy was built like a horse. What was difficult was that she'd never had sex with a boy before, which quickly became evident as Jerome struggled to find the right position to penetrate her, the boy of course having availed himself of Molly and Trang's services from time to time but out of guilt and his religion not as frequently as some of his classmates and so not as familiar as they were with the process. As he looked at her in frustration, she had no choice but to explain to him that this was her first time with a boy. Jerome's eyes popped open so that he looked like a squished frog as Molly had often described Fats Fortillini, in this case a big-eared frog. A wide grin slowly spread from one giant ear to the next. He could not believe it. He was about to screw a fucking virgin! He had chosen Ashley out of revenge for the way she'd treated him and because this was his first opportunity to show her he was not the loser she thought he was. He was no virgin and she was, and he was going to take her virginity. He could not believe his stroke of luck in that he could have chosen Nikki or Trang. Even better was the look of envy and admiration from his fellow classmates who had overheard Ashley's confession despite it having been a whisper and the noise the other three couples were making. Molly was breathing heavily as she flexed her leg muscles, raising her body until she felt Fats' thick knob stretching apart her labia and then relaxing them and sinking back down on his stiff, throbbing bone. She worked her cunt muscles in time with her rhythmic rising and falling, tightening them as she rose up and then relaxing them along with her leg muscles as she sank back down. The boy beneath her was concerned only with his own pleasure, which was immense with Molly's hot, muscular cunt squeezing his aching cock and her cunt juice basting it and the belief that the whore was so hot for him that she was willingly riding him. Despite appearances, Molly was actually filled with disgust. She hated the stench of Fats' sweat and the feel of his soft blubbery legs between hers, and the feel of his flabby, sweaty breasts which she was forced to grasp to keep her balance and to help her rise up and down his cock, rivulets of his sweat running between her fingers. She hated the fat, ugly dork and that she was being forced to have sex with him. Her only solace was that she was not alone in her humiliation and defilement, and that she was experienced and skilled enough to know how to work her pussy and stimulate her clit so that despite the embarrassment and perverted act she could bring herself some measure of physical pleasure. Trang was feeling much as Molly was, humiliated that she was being used, that she was being forced to engage in what should be a private and loving act in front of a bunch of grinning, perverted junior high boys. Like Molly she worked her cunt muscles in time with Mark Mathers' thrusts and withdrawals, in part because it was a reflex reaction by then after having been screwed hundreds of times by men and boys who were only interested in their own pleasure, in part because being taken without any foreplay she was desperate to work up some lubricant to ease the chafing of Mark's rock-hard cock, and in part, like Molly, if she had to engage in this humiliating act she might as well enjoy it. Nicole, on the other hand, simply lay there inertly and allowed the fourteen-year-old boy to do his thing. Accustomed to having Juan's cock inside her, it had not been that difficult to accommodate the boy's cock, it being much more slender and shorter, and besides being covered with his own slime. Besides, what pain there had been was nothing compared to the pain she'd felt already, physical and mental, the physical pain of having been spanked and whipped and her anal virginity taken roughly and cruelly, and the mental pain of her humiliation being witnessed by her kid brother and her former boyfriend and by her father. So she lay there on her back, her anus still sore and burning from her earlier rape, the salty, slimy taste of a woman's cunt and juice still on her lips, her legs spread and raised as the pimple-faced kid she'd never met rammed his young cock in and out of that most private part of her body in front of a bunch of strangers, and, she'd noticed, her brother and his lover. Lying beside her, Ashley was having an even worse time of it. For the first time in her life, having turned fifteen two months ago, a boy had his thing inside her, something that every teenage girl wonders about and fears and at the same time desires and daydreams about, wondering who it will be, dreaming it will be the love of her life, and that her first time will be the most romantic and beautiful thing she'd ever experience. This was far from any romantic fantasies Ashley had ever had. This was filthy and humiliating, laying on her back on a pool cushion with one of Lincoln Junior High's biggest nerds taking her virginity in front of her two best friends and a mob of horny, perverted boys. She'd wondered what it would be like to do it with a boy when she'd masturbated, if it would feel as good. Having a boy's filthy cock plunging in and out of her pussy wasn't anywhere near the pleasure she felt using her own hand. She hated the feel of him inside her, violating her. She hated feeling his naked, skinny chest pressing against her breasts each time he lowered his body. She hated his hot breath blowing in her face. She hated him. The four boys, on the other hand, were feeling great. They were gasping and snorting with pleasure as they felt the pressure building up in their loins and as their stiff, aching dicks grew numb and ripples of pleasure pulsated through their irritated knobs and up their throbbing shafts. They openly grunted and inhaled deeply as they squirmed with rapidly growing ecstasy, that throbbing pleasure that only a boy can know between his legs combined with the chauvinistic pleasure of proving their virility and manhood to themselves and demonstrating it to their peers. Not one of them was a virgin, and everyone in the room knew it. As they felt the pressure rapidly growing deep in their loins, they thrust their hips to and fro madly, driving their swollen, aching cocks in and out of the hot, juicy cunts grasping them, their physical pleasure exceeded only by the pleasure of knowing they'd gotten the girls just as hot as they were. It was with that thought that they exploded, shooting their stuff in wild, abandoned ecstasy, openly grunting and groaning as they filled the hot, slimy cunts grasping their stiff cocks with their own slime. That was what fucking was all about, providing them pleasure, and that was what girls were for, to provide guys pleasure. Fats' flabby chest rose and fell and rivulets of sweat funnelled between his folds of fat and trickled down his cheeks as he shot his load up Molly's tightly gripping cunt. Beside him Jerome was panting with the exertion and pleasure of his own climax, his thin chest rising and falling as sweat trickled down over his ribs and his balls drawn up tightly under his cock, having filled Ashley's cunt with their contents. With the knowledge that it was the first load to ever be shot up her cunt, and that he'd made her squirm and squeal like a whore, made this the best fuck he'd ever had. On the other side of him Mark Mathers was glowing with the same pleasure as the three nerds who'd shot their wads, the handsome soccer player having the same glazed look as his young, teenage cock burned and throbbed with his ejaculation. And, Wilbur Thornton arched his back and relished the pleasure of his ejaculation, and the knowledge that he'd fucked a real woman, and had made her squirm and buck just like a whore. The four girls of course were feeling anything but pleasure as they disengaged, their hot, swollen cunts filled with boy slime, nothing but vessels to provide their partners pleasure, none of them having enjoyed the act despite what their partners thought, all of them feeling degraded, used, and ashamed. They had little time to think of that as the next four boys approached them. As Terry approached her, Molly rolled over on her back on the foam mattress Fats had been laying on, immediately sorry she had as she felt his sticky sweat on her back and buttocks. His buddy Anthony at the same time approached Ashley, who automatically spread her legs without thinking, her mind a total mess. Manuel Martinez, one of Mark's fellow soccer players, approached Trang, the idea of fucking the same ho as his team captain appealing to him, and like her best friend Molly, Trang obediently and robotically rolled over on her back. Joshua Bernstein, the Student's Union treasurer and one of the most charismatic and popular boys at Lincoln Junior High, and a virgin, stepped up to Nicole Halder, his heart pounding just as hotly as his erect cock. Again the four boys plunged their aching cocks up the hot, swollen cunts of their partners. Terry and Anthony, thanks to Cory, had plenty of experience at fucking, and though his experience was much more limited, Manuel was no virgin, no surprise considering his dark good looks and hard, nut-brown body combined with his hot Mexican blood. There had been plenty of hot young Mexican girls across the border willing to spread their legs for the Mexican-American stud, and plenty of white girls in Riverside who could not resist his dark good looks and charm. As for Joshua, he'd seen enough porno flicks on the Internet and enough fucking that evening to know what to do. And so once again the four girls lay there on their backs and worked their cunts in time with the thrusts and withdrawals of the four boys, and with the physical stimulation of their first round, their hot, juicy cunts were soon throbbing and aching to get off as badly as the swollen cocks they were grasping. Concentrating on that throbbing pleasure between their legs in an attempt to block out the humiliation of being gang banged and being used by the gang of boys, the four girls began to gasp for breath with the same pleasure and urgency as the four boys, and as the four boys thrust their hips forward and groaned with the ecstasy of their ejaculations, to their delight their partners similarly bucked and groaned with orgasms. The four boys had barely gotten to their feet when they were replaced by four others, those watching having become so horny they had to get one off before they shot off on their own. Laying there on her back, her eyes clamped closed, unable to stand the leers of the boys surrounding her and the embarrassed glances of the other three girls, Trang shuddered with revulsion with the sharp stink of garlic, and even more so with the realization she was about to be fucked by Spaz Spatski. Wanting to vomit, she kept her eyes tightly closed as she felt his knees between her knees and his hard cock poking at her cunt. As she felt the hot, wet splatter against her breasts and the trickle down their sides she knew it was the retard's drool and her skin crawled as her body tensed and she felt him enter her. Of course Spaz and those watching him took her actions was meaning something totally different. Cory of course knew the truth, and he didn't need his headband to know Trang's true feelings. He had in fact set it aside as he approached Nikki Halder, having no need to use it to cause her further humiliation and shame. He felt no remorse about what was happening to any of the four girls. They'd all brought it upon themselves with their smug attitudes and they way they'd humiliated and embarrassed those who were now seeking their revenge. He particularly held no regrets concerning Nicole Halder considering how she'd treated her brother and his good friend Dominic. Arranging her spanking and anal rape that afternoon in front of her kid brother and her discovery by her father, who deserved everything he'd gotten that afternoon also considering his treatment of his son, had been a sweet and just punishment, made all the sweeter by the look of gratitude and pleasure in Dominic's eyes. Now as he sank his cock up Nicole's abused and hotly throbbing cunt, he glanced over at where he knew Dominic and Kenny were sitting and watching, and the look of sheer delight in Dominic's eyes told him that this revenge was right. He grinned as he slowly began to work his hips to and fro. He had the skill and the ability to make this last a very long time, and he had every intention to make her squirm and cry out with multiple orgasms in front of her brother and former boyfriend before he was done. Nicole cringed with despair and humiliation as out of the corner of her eye she caught the smug, satisfied grin of her kid brother as his friend and classmate began fucking her. Tyrone Washington, a tall, black boy and one of Mark Mathers' best buddies and fellow soccer player, and Tyrrell Lord, one of the handsomest and most popular boys in Lincoln Junior High and class president, stepped up as Terry and Anthony got to their feet, their still stiff cocks slick with cunt juice and dripping with their cum. Eager to see if Molly's talented tongue could do the same with a cock as it did with a cunt, and not that anxious to sink his cock up a slimy cum-filled cunt that had already been screwed by two guys, Tyrone presented his monster sausage to her. Thinking the same as Tyrone as he glanced down at Ashley's cunt though being the third to screw the curvaceous recent virgin was tempting, Tyrrell similarly presented his stiff cock to Ashley, figuring being the first to get head was as good as being the first to crack her cherry. Molly's tongue was as talented as Tyrone had hoped, even more so, the fourteen-year-old girl having sucked plenty of cock over the past year, including Eli Dean's thick, black monster. So she licked Tyrone's thick shaft and swirled her tongue around his black knob and up the funnel on the underside of his glans, driving the boy wild and causing his pre-cum to flow even more copiously than it had been watching her doing Trang's muff. As Molly's tongue swept over his dark black knob and lapped up the clear, slimy fluid, Tyrone shuddered and was sure he was going to pop a load any second. That was Molly's intention. Her attack on Tyrone's cock wasn't because she loved cock as Tyrone and the others assumed and would later claim, but because she knew all the tricks to getting a guy off, and the sooner she got Tyrone off and out of her mouth the better. Despite the number of times she'd given head, she hated it. It was a filthy, vulgar act and the most demeaning thing a boy could make a girl do. As for Tyrrell, Ashley had fantasized about him of course, as every junior high school girl did what with his good looks and rad body and being so popular and all, but those fantasies had not included sucking on his thing. Oh, she'd heard about boys asking girls to do that when the girls refused to let them between their legs, and she'd wondered about it, if any girls actually did it, and if it was really as disgusting as she imagined it would be. As she slipped her lips over the knob of Tyrrell's cock, she immediately gagged. It was not so much the taste or the smell of a boy's cock, but the very idea of putting something so dirty in her mouth. It was even more disgusting than she'd imagined. She was not the first to give Tyrrell head. When his charm failed to get a girl to spread her legs for him, it usually succeeded in convincing her that if she wasn't willing to put out then she at least owed him a blow job. With his looks and personality, he usually got one or the other. So, he understood how it was for Ashley being her first time, or at least he thought he did. Telling her to lick his shaft first to get used to the taste of dick, and then to swirl her tongue around his knob and pretend it was an ice cream cone, he looked down at her with an encouraging smile. Ashley reluctantly did as he said, going slowly and taking deep breaths. It did not help much, especially getting a full whiff of his blood-swollen cock. How Molly could do it so eagerly to Tyrone she could not imagine, unless she was as much of a slut as some people claimed she was. It was disgusting, but at least it was not as disgusting as getting screwed by Spaz. The retard was humping Trang like he was in a race or something, like you see dogs doing it in the street with short, rapid strokes. And he was snorting and drooling and making weird noises, even weirder than the ones he usually made. Of course one could hardly blame him. It was his first piece of tail. Being mentally disabled didn't mean he didn't have the same feelings and needs as any other fifteen-year-old boy, but it did mean that he knew his chances of ever doing anything with a girl, even just hugging her or kissing her, was next to zero. To actually be getting laid was beyond his wildest hopes. Even just being invited to a party other than 'special' parties his parents and special teachers arranged once in a while with others like him had been an unlikely dream. So, being invited along with others of his age, others who were normal, to Cory's pre-grad party had been so unbelievable he'd been even more hyper than he usually was all week, and that day they'd had to give him some pills to calm him down he was so excited. Now he had his thing in a girl. He was doing what he'd thought he'd never ever do, even when he was an adult. He was just like every other boy in that room at that moment, and that was as great as the fact that he was losing his virginity. Yes, he was grunting and snorting like a stuck pig, but who could blame him as his swollen cock burned and throbbed with unbelievable pleasure. In marked contrast, Cory slowly and rhythmically humped Nicole, his main purpose not being to bring himself pleasure, but to get her off, to make her squirm and squeal uncontrollably in front of her brother and former boyfriend. With that in mind he made sure he rubbed her clit as he worked his swollen cock in and out of her hot, juicy pussy, and he rubbed his naked chest against her boobs and her nipples, getting them hard and sending spasms of arousal through the irritated, swollen teats to augment the pleasure that was pulsating through her cunt. He was expert at what he was doing, having learned from the best, including his mother and of course the mother of his children who took great delight in the skills of her young lover and was constantly finding new techniques that the two of them could try. Despite her embarrassment and her disgust, Nicole was getting aroused. Cory's cock being the third in fifteen minutes to be working in and out of her cunt, her flesh could not help but respond, and as it did, Nicole, like the other girls, concentrated on that pleasure not so much because it felt so good, but because in doing so it was possible to block out the feelings of shame and revulsion and humiliation. Of course concentrating on it intensified the pleasure so Nikki was the first of the four girls to reach an orgasm, and it was long before Cory was ready to shoot, something that anyone with any experience knew, which included almost everyone in the room, was rare between a girl and a boy and affirmed Cory's reputation of being a cocksman. Spaz of course was the first of the four boys to reach his climax, and he shot his stuff up Trang's cunt with wild abandon and raucous delight. With Molly's skill and concentrated effort, it was not long after Spaz that Tyrone was shooting his stuff down her throat, his long, black cock throbbing and spurting out his thick, teenage cum with a pleasure like he'd never felt before, and with such force and volume that Molly could not swallow it all despite her experience and his slime overflowed from the corners of her lips. Tyrrell was soon to follow, the knowledge that he was about to give the girl sucking him her first taste of cum making his climax all the more pleasurable. Ashley's novice blow job had been irregular and awkward, which added to Tyrrell's pleasure, knowing it was her first time. He gave her plenty of warning, and at the final moment he drew his cock back so that he could fill her mouth with his hot, salty slime. As she felt it spurting into her mouth she wanted once again to puke, but she managed to fight the impulse and began to swallow out of necessity. Cory was the last to come, and as Nikki trembled and bucked with her third orgasm and cried out with the unbelievable ecstasy exploding between her legs, that Cory's prowess as a fucker would be reaffirmed throughout Lincoln Junior High next week was guaranteed. As Cory finally got to his feet, Denis Bois stepped forward, and to the amusement and delight of the gang of boys circling the four girls, he told Ashley and Nikki to sixty-nine. As Nikki lay on her back and Ashley straddled her in the opposite direction and the two girls began to lick each other's cunt, their pussy lips swollen and slimy with cunt juice and fresh cum, Denis stepped up behind Ashley and spread apart her ass cheeks with the comment that he was about to go where no man had gone before, to the laughter of the boys watching. Denis was a much different boy from the shy, angry young loner of a year ago who had given Julius Gilles and two of his children their famous Maltese Cross haircuts that had changed the course of so many lives, including his own. The boy who'd gone unnoticed and unappreciated in his previous schools found himself an overnight celebrity. The angry young man with no friends and no hope who had been destined to hole up in some campus bell tower some time in the future and use the university students for target practice to ease his anger and frustration, and likely end up dead himself, suddenly found himself a leader with admiring followers, and with one close friend in particular who had encouraged him and supported him when he'd needed it the most. He and Cory exchanged knowing grins as he wedged his dickhead in Ashley's asshole and began to press forward. Inspired by Denis's action, Ben Halder suggested that the two lesbians give them a live show, and to show just how much they loved each other, that they should rim each other. His suggestion was quickly supported by Nick Dawson, Molly's former boyfriend. She and Trang knew there was no point in arguing that they were not lesbians. They would not be believed, and they would pay for their resistance. So they assumed the same position as Ashley and Nikki with Trang straddling Molly, but instead of presenting Molly her cunt, she shuffled further down to offer Molly her asshole. Ben quickly found a couple floatation devices and stuffed them under Molly's head, and several more under her hips to raise her ass so Trang could more easily lick her asshole. As the two best friends slowly began to lick each other's asshole, nausea causing their heads to spin and their stomachs to churn, Cory donned his headband and stared at them. He'd let them suffer with their disgust and shame for a few minutes, but then he'd help them see just how hot it was to rim and be rimmed, and how much they loved each other to perform the act on each other. He'd make them feel as hot and as eager for each other's asshole as he'd made them want to lick each other's muff in the movie. The others settled in to watch the live poolside performances. The night was young yet, and this was going to be a very long, hot party.