Chapter 60: M-dog t-dog b-dog Mg Mt
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Sixty = Concluding chapter IV— M-dog t-dog b-dog Mg Mt —
Thanks to Bob for the idea for the scene with Anton and Julius being dog fucked and the father sucking the dog's cum from his son's ass, and to Billy for suggesting the former Gilles home become part of the Wilson-Dean-Schuller Entertainment Company and that Julian accept his transsexuality. This is the fourth of a series of concluding chapters in which our heros get their well-deserved rewards and our villains get their just punishments. "That was a great lunch, Mrs. Gilles, ah, I mean, Mrs., ah 3;" Anthony still wasn't accustomed to calling Antoinette Mrs. Wilson, or by her hyphenated name. "Thank you, have another sandwich." "Ah, no, thanks, I'm stuffed." That wasn't something one heard Anthony say very often, but it was true. Of course after snacking on the midmorning pastries for her meeting, and four large double decker sandwiches, even his appetite was satiated. Antoinette had commented on the appetite of both of Cory's friends. Of course Cory knew what had caused the two teenage boys to have an even larger appetite than normal that day. "What about you dear?" she asked, handing the plate to her nephew, Benji Gilles. His mother and father had gone to the funeral of his great-aunt on his mother's side, and had left him there while they were away. "No thanks Aunt Antoinette. I'm full too. May me and Anton be excused to go the kennels and play with the dogs?" "Of course. You were going to go check on them after lunch, weren't you dear?" she asked, looking at Julius. "Ah, yes, I was." "Me and Terry never did get to the kennels. We sortta got sidetracked this morning," Cory said, glancing over at Terry with a knowing smile. "I got some stuff to do at the Eaglemont Studio. You guys wanna join me, or check out the kennels?" His smile broadened as he looked at Anthony, and Anthony could not help blushing. He knew damn well what Cory was thinking. "If you want, we can play Barbies," Juliette offered. "Thanks, but I think I'll join Cory," Anthony said. She of course had no interest in playing Barbies with a boy any more than he had playing Barbies with a girl. "But," he whispered to her as he got up from the table, "I have something in my backpack that I know you'll like. It was hot and sweaty biking out here this morning." Juliette's eyes lit up. Anthony knew that in offering to play with him she was hoping for something in return, and she knew that Anthony knew what that was. Happily accepting his gift, the eight-year-old ran off to her room, and closing the door, she lay on the bed and burying her face in the cotton briefs, she inhaled deeply as her other hand slipped between her legs. Anthony had worked up a sweat biking to the Estate that morning, and his underwear was still damp. He had purposefully put on a dirty pair from the laundry basket that morning and Juliette quivered with arousal as she inhaled the sharp, sour fragrance, her little hairless pussy swelling as much in response to the delightful aroma of Anthony's underwear as in response to the caressing of her fingers. The pleasure she derived from his soiled briefs, stained with dribbles of piss and cum leaks, was just as powerful as the sharp shocks of pleasure shooting up her tender pussy as she fingered her little clit. For the next hour or two she would be in seventh heaven, for which she'd have to find some way to repay Anthony. Anthony knew that of course, and though he wasn't into flat chested, bare pubed eight-year-old girls, he knew there was no harm in building up some brownie points in case he needed a favour down the line. Besides, he didn't mind going commando. One of the many interests Antoinette and Julius had developed since their move to Mountainview was raising show dogs, Antoinette having developed quite an interest in dogs after the surprise Christmas gift of a dog from Julius a year and a half ago after having a dislike and fear of dogs all her life. Upon their approach to the kennels the dogs went wild with the sight of Julius, Anton and Benji. Lad particularly could not contain himself and the moment Julius entered the compound he leaped upon his favourite bitch from behind and tried to hump his ass in a standing position. Rocky was just as eager as Lad but was at a quandary whether to hump Anton or Benji. The boys solved the problem with Anton dropping to his knees and petting their Rottweiler with one hand while reaching under him and squeezing and tugging on his sheath with the other. That left eight-year-old Benji with the Gilles's two show dogs in the compound, a Dalmatian by the name of Prince Aric and a Saint Bernard by the name of Bernie. Benji was no stranger to either of them and they both eagerly and willingly accepted his intimate touches. Julius's brother Jacques had sworn that he and his family would never visit his wacko older brother and his family again after the absurd and totally revolting wedding of his oldest daughter. Jacques was just as snobbish and arrogant as Julius and the rest of the Gilles family, and had the same abhorrence and hatred when it came to coloured people and homosexuality. The increasingly eccentric and scandalous behaviour of Julius and his children had been gradually driving a wedge between Julius and the rest of his family to the point where the family was beginning to wish Julius had changed his last name along with his wife. The wedding of his underage and obviously pregnant daughter to not just one man but two, and both of them coloureds, had been the last straw and it was not only Jacques who decided to never have contact with him again. But then Julius opened up his private school, which the entire family saw as just another insane act, and suddenly had more money than the rest of the family added together. Jacques had no idea being the Principal of a private school for delinquents, addicts and perverts paid so well, not knowing of course the real source of the money that had purchased the Wilson-Dean Estates. Having a millionaire brother could convince anyone to change his attitude and his deepest held opinions, and when one has a nagging, social-climbing bitch of a wife who hated her in-laws you but loved social position and prestige too much to not cater and suck up to her perverted, fat slob of a sister-in-law, that change in attitude and opinion was guaranteed. That even included allowing your one and only son, the most brilliant and promising member of the Gilles family, to visit his favourite uncle and aunt. Deadly afraid that young Benji might blurt out the perversion the two of them shared, Julius didn't dare refuse Benji's visits and he catered to his young nephew's every wish, endearing the boy even more to him. One of those wishes was that his uncle and his cousin Anton join him in 'playing' with the dogs, not because he needed any reassurance regarding what he was doing, but because he delighted in being able to engage in his secret perversion with others who felt the same way as he did, something he could not do at home with his two pets, Dobe and Shep, who were fucking their young master or getting blown by him almost daily. The young boy had a marvellous and mysterious touch when it came to animals, and animals seemed to sense that the young boy was in many ways more animal than human. At that very moment the blond, curly-haired cherub was expertly coaxing out the long, red cocks of both dogs, tugging and squeezing the sheaths of both of them, one hairy sheath in each hand. Rolling Prince Aric over on his back, Benji bent over and slipped his lips over the slimy red dick that was beginning to emerge, coaxing it out further with his tongue. Ever so slowly the dog's slick, rubbery pecker emerged out of his hairy sack. Bernie needed no guidance in approaching the boy from behind and despite his size the huge dog agilely and gently mounted the boy. At close to two hundred pounds [90kg] and standing twenty-seven inches [68cm] at the shoulders, when they were both standing the massive dog's shoulders were above the boy's waist and he was almost four times heavier than the fifty-five-pound [25kg] boy. Lad was the first to get an erection and wild with anticipation of fucking his favourite bitch, he was at that moment excitedly poking Julius's massive backside with his slimy, rubbery cock in a frenzy to insert it up his rectum. Julius of course was well experienced at this by now and just as horny as his doggy partner and he wiggled into position, knowing just what height his ass had to be at just as Lad knew by instinct what angle his cock had to be at to penetrate his human bitch. Anyone watching would have to conclude that the man was eager to be fucked by the German Shepard from his behaviour, and that he was accustomed to doing it with dogs from the way he positioned himself and how easily he and the German Shepard got right into it. They would have arrived at the same conclusion about Anton who was being mounted just as eagerly by his Rottweiler, and who was just as expert in assuming the bitch position as his father. They would have been correct on both counts. It was a touching family scene, father and son kneeling there side by side and accepting the two horny male dogs like the faithful bitches that they were. Despite his parents' obesity and the rich diet his mother kept the family on, and despite the entire family in their misery and frustration having turned to food as a crutch to handle the troubles and frustrations in their life, Anton was as skinny as a rail, thanks to a high metabolism combined with an active sex life, and he had not grown much since entering puberty, neither in height nor in length. He was still just under five feet [1.50m] and weighing eighty-eight pounds [40kg] you could still easily count his ribs, and his cocklet hadn't changed at all in its soft state, though now hard it had gained an inch since this time last year and was now four inches [10cm] long though as slender as his thumb. His thinness, his short cock and hairless pubes, the boy having shaved off the few fine hairs that had grown, added to his youthful attractiveness, and his black mascara and purple lipstick, multiple ear piercings, nipple rings, nose stud, eyebrow rings and tongue stud, his latest piercing, reflected his wild side. The only thing he had in common with his father, who was now over two hundred and fifty pounds [113kg], mostly gut and ass, was the black scalp and red Maltese Cross haircut the two shared. That, and a fondness for being fucked by dogs. Both father and son had truly come to enjoy their canine trysts, with Cory's help by way of his headband of course. There was no need for foreplay, no need for discussion of any sort, and their partners harboured no feelings of guilt or animosity as was usually the case in having sex with people. It was pure and simple sex, sex in its rawest form, and Julius and Anton felt great about it. That had not always been the case. When they'd first begun, it had been with reluctance, and they'd felt dirty and ashamed while they were doing it, and for days later. Gradually that had changed. Now they looked forward to their time with their stud dogs, and they felt no guilt nor any negativity whatsoever over their desires. It was sex at a pure, animal level, erotic and satisfying physically and mentally. Their desire for canine sex was nowhere near as great as the passion Anton's eight-year-old cousin had however. Having been introduced to the joy of sex with dogs by his uncle almost a year and a half ago, with the help of Cory's headband, he'd been engaging in their secret pleasure every opportunity he could find since. With his sweet, innocent looks and behaviour, neighbours were quite willing to let him play with their dogs, and once they found out what sort of play Benji enjoyed the most, their dogs were eager to play with him. Dogs know when the bitches in the neighbourhood are in heat, and Benji, whose scent they all came to associate with sex, was always in heat, so just as in nature, the dogs were constantly swarming around his house and looking for action, which young Benji was more than willing to provide. Benji's skill as a dog lover was obvious as he eagerly sucked on Prince Aric's stiff, slimy-looking, red cock and worked his lips up and down the length of the foul organ like most eight-year-old boys suck on a cherry popsicle. To Benji, a dog's slimy, rubbery cock tasted even better than a cherry popsicle and his mouth quickly filled with spittle which he allowed to baste Prince Aric's hot cock and pick up its flavour before swallowing it. As he knelt there on all fours sucking the Dalmatian's cock, Bernie was rapidly plunging his massive cock in and out of the young boy's asshole, and like the good bitch that he was, Benji worked his sphincter in time with the plunging and withdrawal of Bernie's long, thick cock. Like all dogs, Bernie had begun coming the moment he'd inserted his cock up Benji's hot, moist asshole, and his rubbery organ was now noisily schlucking in and out of his ass as Benji tensed his young, naked body and raised his buttocks like a good little bitch. Julius, Anton, and Benji were soon grunting and panting with arousal, their own cocks stiff as a result of the hot, hard pricks plunging in and out of their butts and massaging their prostates, and the hot, slick dog cum oozing out of their assholes and down along their ass cracks and the backs of their dangling balls. The three dogs doing the fucking were snorting too, their tongues hanging out and dripping with spittle as their cocks throbbed hotly up their partners' rectums. Finally Bernie, Lad and Rocky grasped their bitches even more tightly about their waists with their front legs and lunged forward, ramming their knots into the willing and aching male cunts and spurting out their cum even more rapidly and forcefully. Their swollen knots plugged the tightly gripping assholes just as effectively as they would normally plug a bitch's cunt and kept the three dogs firmly united with their bitches as they pumped their rectums full of hot dog slime. As Prince Aric came, Benji did his best to swallow the thick doggy slime but there was just too much and the Dalmatian was spurting too rapidly so that his slimy cum oozed out of the corners of Benji's mouth and around his chin to form an obscene goatee. The other three dogs stood there locked with their partners, a dazed, contented look on their faces as they emptied their swollen balls, content to just stand there with their swollen cocks up their bitches' rectums for the next twenty minutes. Julius and his young son and nephew knew that they didn't have much choice other than to kneel there on all fours and let nature take its course. When at last the dogs pulled out, Julius knelt behind his son, and fastening his lips to his asshole, began to suck the slimy dog cum out of his ass. That was part of the routine he'd been forced to perform for Bob Moser for those initial months when he and Anton had serviced Lad and whatever other dogs that had been attracted by their rutting in Riverside Park. Back then he'd sucked on his son's asshole with nausea and shame, performing the humiliating act unwillingly and angrily, forcing back the impulse to puke knowing Bob would just force him to suck up his cum-laced vomit. Now after a year and a half, he sucked the cum from his thirteen-year-old son's rectum willingly and eagerly, having come to enjoy the filthy, obscene act and to even enjoy the taste of dog cum and ass slime. As Julius ate out his thirteen-year-old son, young Benji knelt behind his uncle's broad buttocks and parting his fat, hairy cheeks, fastened his smooth, young lips to his uncle's asshole and began to suck out Lad's slime. Unlike his uncle, he'd never found the perverse act humiliating nor shameful, being too young to have been brainwashed into such thinking by his parents and society. He loved the taste of dog cum as much as he loved the taste of dog cock, and besides, the eight-year-old boy wanted to please his uncle, who had taught him the joys of sex and the fun he could have with his little pee-er, and from the eagerness with which his uncle sucked the asshole of his cousin, the young boy could only conclude that his uncle would enjoy the same thing being done to him. Not wanting the boy to feel any shame or guilt over what he was doing, and afraid if he upset the boy he might tell his father what the two of them did, Julius knelt there and allowed the boy to suck his asshole, unable to tell him it was actually a filthy, perverted act that guys should not engage in with each other, and that unlike his son, was not bringing him any pleasure at all. Cory, Terry and Anthony had meanwhile gotten dressed and Sangha Chouan, who had been hired on permanently as chauffer for the family and valet for Billy, Juan and Cory, had driven them to the Gilles's old home in Eaglemont which Billy, Cory and Jacob Schuller had converted into a studio for the making of porn videos and photographs, some up front and open before cameras and a filming crew, others clandestine and with the participants unaware by use of hidden cams, which Billy jokingly referred to as their reality shows, and some of them using the one-way mirrors and hidden passageways and alcoves throughout the house to provide live entertainment for a selected audience. It was in one of those alcoves built around the perimeter of the basement and behind one of those mirrors that Cory took his two buddies. The tiny room they were looking in on was formerly Julius's workroom which except for a few additional tools and pieces of equipment had been left much the same. They had no sooner sat down than the door opened and Nicole Halder was thrown into the room, quickly followed by Juan Carlos and his wife Annette Carlos-Dean and two masked males. "I'll teach you to go checking out other guys while you're with me," Juan snapped as he glared at Nicole angrily. "But I 3;" "Do you deny you were checking that guy out, slut?" "I was just 3;" "Yes or no, bitch?" He slapped her hard across the face, cracking her lip and drawing blood. He had treated her roughly before, but never this roughly. "Yes," she said, cowering before him. All she'd done was look, and she couldn't help it. With his olive skin, dark eyes, and chiselled body, seventeen-year-old Nicholas Pandoppolis was a Greek god, and with his tight shorts and unbuttoned shirt what girl could resist admiring his body? She was after all a healthy eighteen-year-old girl, nineteen next month. Nicholas of course knew that he had what it takes and dressed provocatively whether he was trolling for pussy or not. "When a girl is with me, she has eyes for no other men except me, understand me?" "Yes," she said meekly, glancing over at Annette with embarrassment and hopes for support. Annette quickly glanced away, just as embarrassed as the older girl. Even though she was only fifteen she knew it was a double standard, but that was the way men were, her father, her husband Billy Dean, and her other husband Juan Carlos. Juan openly looked at other women when he was with her, and in fact he had been sleeping with Nicole these past two months while she was carrying their son. He'd said that men needed sex just like they needed to eat and drink, and that he was doing her a favour screwing other women while she was big with their unborn child rather than expecting her to spread her legs every day for him in her condition. Juan, like Billy, was always thinking of what was best for her and she was ashamed of having been peeved with Juan and jealous of Nicole. She was lucky to have such considerate husbands as Juan and Billy. Women were, after all, created to serve men and provide them pleasure. He was quite justified in expecting her as his wife to cook and clean house for him and to satisfy his sexual appetite, which was very large, and which she also knew she should be thankful for. "Then you understand why I have to punish you?" Nicole nodded meekly. One thing she'd learned very quickly when she and Juan had begun going out together was that Juan expected his women to be loyal to him. There was nothing wrong with that. Her mother had been loyal to her father. They had loved each other deeply, and when she'd died of complications giving birth to her wretched little brother, her father loved her so much he couldn't bring himself to date another woman, not even after fourteen years. So Nicole made no resistance when the two masked males who had met them at the door stepped forward and tied ropes around her wrists and then tied the two ropes to hooks in the ceiling so her arms were raised above her head and spread out in a V. There was something familiar about both of them, though she wasn't sure what it was and she was sure she'd never seen either one of them before. There certainly wasn't anyone in her circle who was into leather and bondage. The older of the two stood a little over six feet [1.80m] and weighed over two hundred pounds [90kg], all of it solid muscle. He was built like a football player with sturdy thighs and arms and a broad, muscular chest. Dark brown hair covered his calves and his forearms and formed a dense mat over his chest. The other was a boy, perhaps twelve or very early teens from his size, with fine blond hair and steel blue eyes. His body was trim and muscular, but still hairless and with the rounded contours of a boy who had not yet entered puberty. He was maybe five feet [1.50m] tall, and ninety pounds [40kg]. Juan stepped forward, and grasping her blouse, he yanked it open, popping the buttons off, and then ripping it from her body. She wanted to cry as the shreds fell to the basement floor. It was brand new. She'd boughten it just yesterday purposefully to impress Juan, and it had taken a month's allowance. Slipping the knife out of the holder he had strapped to the back of his calf, he cut the straps of her bra, revealing her breasts to the two strangers. She had firm, attractive breasts, an attribute the eighteen-year-old knew men admired though she noticed there wasn't the slightest spark of interest in the eyes of the two masked individuals. "Please, no," she pleaded as he reached out for her skirt, but he ignored her as he tore it from her body also, and then yanked down her panties, revealing her strawberry-blond pubes and delicious-looking cunt. She stood there naked and exposed, unable to even cover her privates bound as she was, and the two masked strangers grinned at her, enjoying her embarrassment and humiliation. Each taking a breast, they caressed and squeezed the warm, firm mounds and ran their fingertips over her nipples. Being sensitive as they are on all young, sexually active girls, they of course quickly responded and were soon firm and protruding and aching with that sweet pain that one both loved and hated. Grinning evilly at her, they raked their fingernails over the swollen, irritated buds, sending shards of pain through them and through her breasts. They repeated the torture over and over, causing her to jerk and cringe with the pain, even when they pretended, reaching out but not actually touching her. Seeing her tensing with the anticipated pain, they laughed at their trick and the next time grabbed her swollen teat and gave it a cruel twist. Searching in the cupboards, the younger of the two took out a can and opening it, took out two alligator clips. Nicole looked on in horror as he handed one to the older individual and the two advanced, opening up the jagged-toothed clips and clipping them onto her sore, swollen nipples. She shrieked and jerked with the pain and again they laughed at her as they attached a fine chain to each of the clips and added a weight to the end of the chain. Pain shot through her swollen, red nipples as they were stretched and as her two torturers set the two weights swinging. "I think she needs spanked," Juan observed, and the two individuals dutifully stepped up behind her. The oldest swatted her first, slapping her naked buttock with the palm of his hand with a resounding and painful slap. The younger followed, slapping the other cheek. They took turns, and with each slap they hit her with more force until her backside was crimson and smarting with the spanking. They were not holding back. A year ago she'd enjoyed doing the same to her kid brother Dominic when he was still living with them and before her father had sent him to live with Julius Gilles in punishment for supposedly raping her, which she'd falsely claimed he'd done when her father had caught the two of them screwing, and in the hopes that Julius Gilles's strict discipline would teach him the evil of his ways. She had enjoyed torturing her kid brother whom she blamed for her mother's death just as her father had, and she knew now how he must have felt as her bottom burned as if it had been skinned. "Now that you have her ass nice and tender, I think she needs a good whipping," Juan directed, and the two readily responded. Taking a fan belt down from the hook on the ceiling beam, the older of the two flicked it across her tenderized backside, causing her to jerk and yelp with the pain. The younger meanwhile searched in one of the drawers in the workroom and took out a battery-operated vibrator. Turning it on, he placed the tip against her asshole, sending vibrations of stimulation through her pucker. And so as the one whipped her buttocks and sent lashes of pain through the tender flesh, the other massaged her anus, sending vibrations of stimulation and pleasure through it so that she was squirming one second with searing pain and the next with electrifying pleasure. The younger individual slowly inserted the tip into her opening and held it there so that as she jerked with the pain of the whipping and sank back, she sank back onto the vibrator, driving it up her rectum. Then as the boy took over whipping her backside, which by then was crisscrossed with thin red lashes, the older took the vibrator and stepping in front of her, ran the tip along her labia, smearing that most delicate and precious of her parts and her fine, freshly shampooed strawberry blond hairs with the shit and ass slime that had stuck to the vibrator. He perversely ran it along her slit, sending ripples of pleasure through her labia and up her vagina while her stomach turned in revulsion with the thought of the shit-smeared vibrator touching her pussy and as the younger boy lashed her tender backside, sending pangs of pain through the glowing flesh. The older boy placed the tip of the vibrator against her clit, sending pangs that were not that different up her vagina and causing her labia to swell and her pussy to begin filling with juice. Just as the younger boy had placed the tip against her anus, the older now placed the tip between her labia so that as the younger boy whipped her ass and she automatically jerked forward, she drove the vibrator up her hot, rapidly filling cunt. Soon the vibrator was coated with her slimy cunt juice and with a smile, he withdrew it and easily inserted it up her asshole. All the while her boyfriend of two and a half months and the young girl he'd introduced to her several weeks ago as his wife stood there watching her humiliation and abuse. Removing the vibrator once again, the younger boy perversely held the tip up to her lips like a tube of lipstick and proceeded to paint her lips with the slime from her ass and her cunt, to the amusement of Juan and the embarrassment of his young wife. Though she knew he had a quick temper, something it seemed all Latinos had, Nicole could not believe he was treating her so cruelly, just for looking at another boy. Actually she could not believe any of this was happening to her. Two years ago she was on the top of the world, popular, desired, and dating a handsome, awesomely built football star, Kenneth Ballard, to the envy of all the girls at William Cleaver High School. Then, toward the end of their senior year, he dumped her, and not only that, dumped her for a guy! After bragging what a stud he was, and what a gentleman, how humiliating was that! And he'd dumped her not for just any guy, but for her kid brother! She could not have hated two people any stronger than she hated the two of them when it all came out, making her the laughing stock of their graduating class and the entire school. She had at first sworn off all guys, seeing them all as oversexed perverts with only one thing on their minds, and had thrown herself into her studies and life as a first year university student, but rumours quickly started that she couldn't attract guys so there had to be something wrong with her, and then even more vile rumours that she didn't like guys, and everyone knew what sort of girl that made her. So, she'd begun flirting with the most macho and chased after studs at the University of California Riverside campus with such enthusiasm that her former highschool classmates began whispering behind her back that she was a slut, and the guys she had gone to school with the year before began asking her out on dates, with, she quickly found out, the expectation that she was hot to put out. The truth was that filled with remorse and guilt over having had sex with her kid brother, something she'd found immensely pleasurable but also immensely disgusting and shameful and something she'd never been able to explain as to how it had happened and why she'd done it, she was actually filled with revulsion every time a boy began to get too intimate. Then just over two months ago she'd met Juan. He was handsome and had a rad body and he was older and more mature than the university boys she'd been dating, and he was charming, as Juan could be when he wanted to. He romanced her with gifts and flowers and flattery, and desperate for the love that she'd felt she and Kenneth Ballard had, she'd fallen in love with the suave, good-looking, twenty-seven-year-old Puerto Rican and she'd given him the most precious thing she owned, her body. For a month they were deeply in love, but then she began to learn more about the man she'd fallen in love with, things like he had children by two other women, that he was married, and that he earned a living by engaging in various unsavoury activities. But she also learned that he was a dedicated father and husband, honest, loyal to those close to him, and a gentle, caring lover. "Now, are you sorry you were making eyes at that other dude?" "Yes." She was sorry, very sorry, even though she hadn't been making eyes at him. "So who is your one and only lover, the only one you have eyes for?" "You are." "Whose body do you worship, ho?" "Yours." "You're hot for my cock, aren't you, bitch?" "Yes." Nicole knew he didn't mean anything derogatory by his vulgarity. That was just his way of talking, the way he'd been raised. He called every female a bitch, even his own wife. Nicole stared at the floor as she flushed a bright red, her cheeks turning as crimson as her buttocks. His wife was standing right there listening to all this. What must she be thinking of her, admitting she worshipped her husband's body, that she was hot for, for, for his cock? Of course Annette knew all about this side of Juan. She had gotten use to the language of her two husbands, their vulgarity and coarseness just part of their honesty and earthiness, and actually, part of their raw, animal sex appeal. And she had come to accept their perverse interests. Why shouldn't her husband have sex with another woman? Sex and love were not the same thing. Besides, she had two husbands, and she was having sex with two other males besides them herself, two brothers. She watched emotionlessly, almost detached, as if it was some rap video, or one of the porno videos her husbands enjoyed watching and made her watch with them, as Nicole was untied and told to bend over and spread her legs. She stood there and watched as her husband stepped up behind the abused woman, the clips and weights still attached to her breasts, and unzipped his pants. It was only when he pulled out his long, stiff cock that she felt anything, and then it was a feeling of envy and of desire. Nicole was not the only one who was hot for his cock and as she watched him step up behind Nicole and coating the knob of his long, brown sausage with the cunt slime that had been smeared over her asshole and that had dribbled between her legs from her cunt, she wished that she was the one he was about to fuck. Even when he roughly and crudely shoved his cock up Nicole's tight, virgin ass instead of her cunt as she and Nicole had been expecting, she still wished that it was her he was shoving it in. It was a love-hate relationship she had. Having sex with a coloured man was disgusting and filthy and it made her skin crawl just thinking about it, but she loved cock, especially her husband's, being fucked by it, having it up her ass, and sucking it, and seeing it sinking up Nicole's asshole made her cunt ache with lust and caused her to clench her asshole with desire. Juan was very much aware of that as he slowly sank his cock up Nicole's tight asshole until his coarse hairs were pressing against her tender, sensitized buttocks, and it was one of the reasons he'd invited her along for this little show. A bitch had to be reminded her place and how fortunate she was, even when she was your wife. Slowly drawing back and easing his long, brown cock back out of Nicole's rectum, he paused and then sank it back in, enjoying the physical pleasure as much as the humiliation of the two girls. He was breathing heavily with lust, and Nicole was breathing heavily also as she lost her anal virginity. After fucking her for a minute, he instructed Annette to step up in front of her and told Nicole to remove her skirt and panties and to eat her out. Nicole had never touched a woman sexually, but she'd watched many videos with her boyfriend, who seemed to enjoy seeing two women getting it on, and after two months she knew it was useless to argue. She grasped Annette's hips and with a grimace, stuck out her tongue and ran it up her slit. To Nicole's disgust, Annette began to swell immediately. Of course Annette had no more delight in having sex with a woman, but she was aroused from watching her husband, and she knew he was only thinking of her pleasure and had told Nicole to eat her because he didn't want to be the only one getting pleasure. She was so lucky to have such a considerate husband who even while having sex was concerned about her sexual well being. So, as Juan fucked Nikki's ass and she licked Annette's cunt, her two masked abusers finally removed the clamps from her tits and removing their jock straps, approached her on either side. The older had a generous cock, which at the moment was rock hard, and as he stroked it he ran the tip over her swollen nipple, sending ripples of arousal and sharp pleasure through her breast. The younger was indeed a preteen, his cocklet a nice size and with a long, beautiful foreskin, but his pubes totally hairless and his dick a pure white-pink. He might be young, but he was not so young he could not get hard, and he rubbed the tip of his stiff little dick against her other nipple. Cory, Terry and Anthony could not just sit there passively after all they'd seen, and the three randy teens pulled out their cocks and began beating off as they watched the live show in front of them, made all the hotter in that they knew the actors, including the masked torturers. It was not long before there were six hot, throbbing cocks and six pairs of balls aching to get off a load, and two cunts throbbing and dripping with juice. As Juan began to fill her asshole with his hot slime, the older of the two masked individuals began to spurt his load over her breast and the three young boys in the audience shot out their young teen loads into the tissue that was conveniently provided in the alcoves for the audience. The youngest, not yet able to come, trembled and jerked with his dry orgasm with just as much pleasure as the others as Annette arched her back and quivered with her climax and Nicole Halder shuddered with hers. At that moment the door to the room opened and two individuals stepped in, and older man in his forties with a touch of grey at the temples, and a striking, underdressed young woman at least half his age with gorgeous, long, dark brown, red-streaked hair, huge, round boobs, and an expensive diamond pendant in her cleavage. "Oh, hi, dad," said the younger of the two masked individuals as John Halder stared in total shock and disbelief at the scene before him. "Dad?" Nikki said in even greater shock and disbelief at not just seeing her father in all unlikely places, but suddenly realizing why the two masked individuals had looked so familiar. Immediately after lunch while Julius had headed to the kennels and Cory and his friends had gone to get dressed, Julian had headed to the Galleria at Tyler, one of Riverside's major shopping malls. He didn't have to meet his date until three, but he liked to browse in the upscale and trendy stores for the latest fashions, and he liked the attention he got when he strolled around the mall. He was a very striking woman. Tall for a woman, he had put on considerable weight, thanks to the calorie-rich diet his mother had the family on and his weakness for sweets, but also thanks to Doctor Copelan's Natural Breast Developer and the drugs Freddy Rabb had provided him during his formative stages, most of the fat he'd gained had gone to his boobs, and the rest had gone to his hips, giving him a broader beam than was normal for a boy but which was typical for girls. Despite the daily intake of sweets and fried food, the acne that had plagued him a year ago had cleared up, again thanks to the pills Freddy provided him and the cleansing creams he applied to his skin every night before going to sleep along with André's Extra Strength Hair Remover for Men. He always had thick, gorgeous hair, and having let it grow out for the past year, it now flowed over his shoulders in thick curls, which he'd streaked with deep red just like his mother's. His father had on more than one occasion observed that his hair was the other thing he'd inherited from his mother, besides his large boobs. His father had never been able to accept his choice of sexual satisfaction, which in Julian's mind was a minor perversion compared to the quirks of the rest of his family, and especially his father. As he strolled out of the dress shop, he was very much aware of the looks of envy he was receiving from the women, and as he sat down on the bench and crossed his legs to reveal his shapely thighs, he was even more aware of the lust in the eyes of the men and teenage boys who passed by. His legs, once covered with a mat of fine, dark-brown hair that was the envy of other teenage boys, were now completely smooth, and he delighted in showing them off, wearing the shortest skirts possible and still stay in fashion, or absent-mindedly hiking up his dress in the presence of men. The extra fat that had gone to his thighs and been kept in check by regularly playing soccer with his brother and brothers-in-law, and a regular swimming schedule, swimming developing not just his leg muscles but also his breasts. It being almost three, he headed over to Helzber Diamonds where he was to meet his date. Ever since lunch he had for some reason felt especially horny. "You look totally ravishing, as you always do." "Thank you," Julia said with a delighted smile and a modest blush. Thanks to her regular intake of estrogen and daily applications of depilatory cream, her cheeks were smooth as a baby's bottom. She knew that but she never tired to hearing complements regarding her beauty. "So, I imagine you are wondering why I asked you to meet me here." "Yes, I am," Julia replied, fluttering her eyes at her date flirtatiously though the reason for meeting her at a jewellers was obvious. "Ah, Mister Halder, how nice to see you," said the owner as he hurried over to greet them. Julian looked at his date. Mister Halder? They'd been seeing each other for two months with an increasing frequency, but just as John had never asked her for her last name nor offered his, nor had Julia. It was just irony in a way, him flirting with the man who had given his father his walking papers. Of course neither knew, but their initial meeting had been no coincidence. They had met each other there at the Galleria at Tyler and though he'd had no interest in women since his wife had died, throwing himself totally into his work in his grief and misery, John Halder had found himself immediately attracted to the young woman, and Julian had found himself attracted to the distinguished looking gentleman who, like most men, had paused to admire his beauty. Both feelings had been natural given their physical appearances, but they had been greatly augmented by Cory and his headband, Cory knowing that Julian frequented the mall at noon and in the late afternoon when businessmen were on their lunch break or heading home, and having easily planted the idea in John's head one day when he was at the school to check out Helzber Diamonds for a gift for his daughter for Valentine's after school Friday, and then for Julian to check out their specials at the same time, during which time of course he'd remained hidden just outside the store. What was Valentine's after all if one didn't play a little cupid, especially one with Cory's skills and a mind as dirty as any healthy fourteen-year-old boy? "I assume this is, ah, the young lady for whom you requested the piece," the owner observed, not knowing exactly what he should call the young woman who was young enough to be the man's daughter, but which he was sure was not. Taking out the necklace, Julian was awed by its beauty, and by its obvious cost. As he turned and the jeweller fastened it about his neck, the man could not help but glance down in admiration at Julian's well-exposed and ample boobs. "It is gorgeous," Julian observed, looking at himself in the mirror. The diamond pendant rested perfectly in his cleavage, drawing attention to his boobs though they certainly needed no help in attracting looks. "As are you, my dear," John said sincerely. As they headed back out into the mall, he casually observed that the store also had a very nice selection of engagement rings. The hint did not go unnoticed by his date. They had not gotten intimate, in part because unlike most men, John's attraction was more than lust, and in part because he was not that sort of man even before he'd gotten married, and was certainly not now since his wife's death. Besides, finding an appropriate place was difficult. He was much too young to be making out up at Makeout Point or on the sofa of his date's home, and with Nikki living at home it would be awkward bringing Julia home for the night, and uncomfortable having sex with his young date in the bed where he'd had sex so often with his wife anyway. That only left him one choice, and he was not about to cheapen their relationship by taking her to a motel. Julian had been happy with the nonsexual aspect of their relationship, finding it satisfying to be admired for whom he was, for who he was as Julia that is, rather than as a sex object to satisfy the horny needs of men old enough to be his father, which was the thought of most men of John's age who tried hitting on her. Given the expensive gift, however, a kiss was not going to do this time, and the horny feeling that had struck him over lunch had suddenly doubled the moment she'd set eyes on him that afternoon. Walking the mall always got him aroused, and knowing what was in the back of his mind and John Halder's for that particular date, Cory had easily enhanced those feelings during lunch, knowing that nature, and Julia, would take care of sparking John Halder's desires along with a little post-hypnotic suggestion of his own. Coyly telling John that he wanted to thank him for his gift, Julian told him he knew of a place nearby where they could be alone, and though John declared that wasn't necessary, he could not ignore the feelings he was having, feelings he hadn't had for a long time, and he was actually glad that Julia had come up with a way out of his problem of finding a suitable place to express those feelings that had been building all month. The place Julian had in mind of course was his old home, another suggestion that had been planted in his head by Cory and which was perfectly logical and quickly accepted as his own thought, as was the idea that they go to the family room in the basement, which would not be as awkward as using his parent's bedroom or that of his sister or himself. Of course hearing voices in his father's former workroom and assuming it was a couple of his brother-in-law's filming crew putting together props for an upcoming movie and intending on telling them to make themselves scarce for a few hours, he and John had stepped in at the worst possible time. Actually, as far as Cory was concerned, it was the perfect time, and they hadn't had to resort to the contingency plan he and Juan had to prolong Nikki's torture in the workroom until her father and date arrived. "I 3; ah 3; I'm 3; ah 3; sorry about that," Julian fumbled as the two of them stepped back into the hallway. "I 3; ah 3; thought the place would be deserted this time of day." "What is this place?" John asked, still in shock. "It's my former home. It's 3; ah 3; been 3; ah 3; converted into 3; ah 3; a movie studio." "A movie studio." "Ah, yeah. I thought for sure there'd be nobody here at this time of day. I'm really sorry. I didn't know of anywhere else to go to 3; ah, well, to go. I guess it doesn't matter now anyway. I don't imagine you want to, ah, well, do anything," he fumbled. The kid in the mask and leather harness and the young woman closer to his age bent over getting her ass fucked by his brother-in-law, her tits dripping with cum and having evidently just tongued his younger sister, had called his date dad. He didn't have clue how the hell they could have met up with his brother-in-law and sister, or how he could have such miserable luck for them to be at that exact location that precise hour, and he certainly couldn't imagine how his date had to be feeling having discovered his son and daughter in such a compromising situation. "No," said John suddenly and firmly, his voice tinged with poorly repressed anger. He knew what Julia was trying to say. What they'd just seen had to have been a terrible shock to an innocent young thing like herself. He had known his son was a little pervert for a year, ever since he'd found the little bastard forcing himself on his sister, and his first thought was that he was doing it again, this time with accomplices. The problem was that from the sounds he'd heard from the other side of the door and the look on his daughter's face, she wasn't being forced to do anything. Those were the sounds and the look of someone who was thoroughly enjoying herself, enjoying getting it up her backside of all things, and in the presence of others, and engaging in a filthy act with another of her own sex! What sort of children had he raised? They attended church every Sunday since they'd been born, and if he wasn't the area superintendent for the public school system, he'd have sent his children to a proper Catholic school, but he figured he owned the public school system that much. Even so, his son was even a choir boy for God' sake! Actually, thinking about that and revelations about Catholic priests, and recent rumours about Bishop Henry himself, perhaps that was where the problem had begun. It certainly wasn't his fault. He'd lead a decent, Christian life. Hadn't he been strict with his children? He'd given them food, shelter and clothing. They were not wanting. Hadn't he sent his little pervert son for counselling with Father Henry as a good Catholic was taught to do, and then to live with Julius Gilles, the strictest teacher he knew until the man with berserk? Well, just because he had two deviates as children, he wasn't going to let that ruin what was supposed to be a perfect day, and the conclusion to something that he'd been wanting now for some weeks. His children were not going to ruin what up until a few moments ago had been the happiest day of his life since his wife died, not like his son had ruined his life by being born, not like his self-centred, whorish daughter had shown what she thought of his principles and values. "Is there another room we can use?" "Ah, yeah, sure," Julian said in surprise. "Ah, yeah, I know where we can go, if, ah, well, if it's not being used." After his first surprise, he peeked in first before opening the door wider and stepping inside. His sister's room was the closest that could come to being a room he as a young woman might have had. It still was made up as a fourteen-year-old teenage girl's room, but it was close enough if you didn't look around too closely, and what he was intending on doing wouldn't be leaving John any time to be examining the decor. Julian need not have worried. Fuelled by his anger and disgust over what he'd seen his children doing and now even more determined to satisfy the lust that he'd come so close to satisfying and the pleasure that he'd been denying himself for so long, John Halder had only one thing on his mind. Grabbing Julian with an uncharacteristic savagery, John pressed his lips against his forcefully, and accustomed to men being so filled with lust for him, Julian returned the kiss with equal lust. Their lips met repeatedly and hotly as they tore each other's clothes off, tossing their garments recklessly about the room until the older man was naked and perspiring and Julian was down to his lacy black bra and specially designed thong panties. Removing his bra, John cupped his breasts and kissed them and fondled them, delighting in their firmness and size just as he'd imagined they would be, the breasts of a young, vibrant woman. He ran his tongue over Julian's nipples, causing them to quickly become firm, and he slipped his lips over the right and sucked eagerly on the swollen teat as his ran his right hand down over Julian's delightfully flat stomach toward his skimpy panties. Julian twisted away, at the same time reaching down and caressing John's stomach and running his fingers through his coarse hairs. The man was well built, and he eagerly reached down further and fondled his sweaty, low-hanging balls and his rapidly growing cock, something John had never had a woman do to him before, not even his wife with whom he'd made passionate but very traditional love. He once again reached for Julian's cunt but Julian reached down and guided his hand back up to his breast. John understood, knowing a woman needed more foreplay than a man, and in his lust and after all these years forgetting. He did not mind. Julia had very pliable and delightful breasts that he eagerly caressed, kissed, and sucked. After kneading and caressing his ass for a while, Julia once again took his cock, now rock hard and aching, and began to slowly stroke it. John began to slip his hand down toward her crotch again. "I 3; I can't," he said, pushing John's hand away. "It'll be all right," John assured him, inching his hand back down toward forbidden territory. "I love you so much. I 3; I need you so much." "I feel the same way about you," Julian confessed, and he did, completely and sincerely. "But 3; but I'm 3; it's, you know, that time of my month." It was not his first time using that excuse with a man, and he said it convincingly. That stopped John's progress, as it did with every man. It was at that point that in the past Julian offered his alternative, to give his lover a hand job, and though disappointed, the man usually relented, discovering to his delight that Julia could give a man a hand job like no woman he'd ever known before could. That usually allowed their relationship to continue for several more dates, at which point if Julian was really hot for the man, which he usually was, he'd offer to give him a blow job, or offer him his ass, two other alternatives that invariably his lover took in his lust to get off. In John's case, Julian wanted badly to be fucked like a woman and skipped the first two alternatives and went straight to offering John his ass. John rejected the idea outright, finding just the thought of sticking his cock up such a dirty place repulsive, and as a gentleman, not expecting that much of his date when she had no control over nature's cruel trick on them. Normally Julian would have been delighted in delaying the inevitable, but this time she sincerely wanted her ass fucked and was persistent. As he stroked John's cock and kissed him and assured him she did not mind, John was feeling much too horny and too desperate to put up much resistance. Retrieving the tube of lubricant and pack of condoms he'd brought with him from the pocket of his trousers, having told himself he had no intention of using them and cheapening the loving relationship he was building with Julia but that a true gentleman was prepared just in case, John was surprised when Julia told him she wanted it raw, that she wanted to be able to feel his flesh inside her, against her own. As surprising as her crudeness was, it was also highly erotic and more than made up for being denied her other opening. He could not refuse. Quickly lubing up his stiff cock, he knelt behind her on the bed as she assumed the position on all fours. Her black thong was especially designed for this emergent action, having instead of the single strap between her legs and extending up her crack to the elastic band of her panties, having two straps spread apart like the top of an X so that her rear opening was readily available, something that should have raised his suspicions but which in his lust his mind ignored. Pressing the tip of his aching cock against her back hole, he slowly pressed forward. Julia of course was accustomed to this and easily opened up to him, allowing him to sink his cock up her rectum at first try. Grasping her tits, he squeezed them tightly as he began to furiously fuck her ass, delighting after all these years in feeling hot, moist flesh surrounding his aching bone even if it was not the flesh he'd been expecting nor was accustomed to, but which to his surprise, felt just as good, perhaps even better considering its tightness. Julia eagerly worked with him, constricting her anus as he withdrew and opening up as he sank back in, delighting in feeling his hot, stiff cock up her ass. John approached his climax with amazing speed, and again his young innocent surprised him by telling him to stop and allow them time to cool down so they could make this last, which of course he readily did, his mind once again in his lust ignoring the obvious clue. After a brief respite during which he kept both of them aroused by playing with Julia's delightful tits, John began again, working his aching but not quite so desperate cock in and out of Julia's asshole, delighting in the thrills running through his erect flesh and the obvious response of pleasure by his sensuous partner. Julia was finding it pleasurable too, much to his delight, and as John approached his orgasm for the second time she was close to having hers also. Each time his knob brushed against her prostate the closer she was to cuming. The two of them began fucking furiously once again, John rapidly pumping his hips to and fro, ramming his cock into her body so hard he practically knocked her over, and withdrawing it and plunging in again in desperation to cum, something he hadn't done for over fourteen years, not even by his own hand. Julia just as eagerly worked with him, clenching and relaxing her sphincter, and as she felt herself approaching her climax, she was unable to stop from pumping her hips to and fro rapidly also. As he felt his cum about to erupt, John grasped Julia's hips tightly, riding her like the bucking bronco that she was, and unintentionally pushing the straps of her thong down as she thrust her own hips to and fro. Unable to resist the temptation and acting on impulse, John reached around and down, following the curve of her belly, and as he felt his cum rushing up the core of his cock he slipped his hands inside Julia's thong and wrapped his fingers about her stiff, throbbing cock. As his cum began to spurt up her rectum, the first cum to erupt from his tight, swollen balls in over fourteen years, her stiff cock slipped out of the flimsy thong in all its glory and she too began to spurt, just as violently and just as copiously. Feeling a man deep inside her, his hot, throbbing cock filling her body with his seed, her own swollen, numb cock spurting out her own hot, thick cream, the exquisite pleasure of being used as a woman and the unique ecstasy of ejaculation that only a man can know, it was, for Julian, the best of both worlds, of being a woman and of being a man. John was not so fortunate. At first confused and bewildered, it slowly dawned on him what was happening. At the sound of the door opening, he, and Julian, gasping and glowing with the ecstasy of their orgasms, looked up in a euphoric daze at the five individuals they'd walked in on earlier. John shuddered with the undeniable pleasure of his release but as he saw the look of disgust and surprise in the eyes of his daughter and the sparkle of delight in the eyes of the young son he'd ignored all his life and despised for having sex with another male his heart sank. He'd just been caught in an intimate act with a member of his own sex himself. His cock up a young man's tight ass and his fingers wrapped about his stiff, spurting cock, he could only kneel there behind the big-breasted transvestite in humiliation and anguish, too overcome to do anything. Watching the scene from the hidden cam in the room, Cory and his friends were totally delighted as they madly wacked off to still another climax themselves. This was one hot day, and they still had the evening and the night, and the entire weekend ahead of them!