PZA Boy Stories
Chapter 16: Ft Mg — Chapter 17: M-dog Mt tb

Daemon Way


Chapter Sixteen

— Ft Mg —

"We'll just have to pull Cory out of school," Marian Wilson observed.

Cory's ears perked up. Pull him out of school? Now that was the type of thing every thirteen-year-old boy wanted to hear! Well, unless they were a sweet teacher's pet like Dominic Halder, or a total geek and egghead like Wilbur Thornton. Normally he didn't pay much attention to his parent's inane conversation at the supper table, his mind being on something else, something important, like Antoinette Gilles's cunt for example, and his parents usually talking about some boring adult crap, like the health of his mother's aunt or his father's job.

"I'd hate to do that," his mother continued, "but I don't see that we have any other choice, unless I cancel my plans to go to Aunt Edna's."

"It would be a shame to do that," his father observed. "You already have the flight booked and she's expecting you, and I know how much you want to go."

"I do, but having Cory come with me might be too much for Aunt Edna."

Go with her? Too much for Aunt Edna? How about too much for him? How did the conversation switch from the happy thought of not going to school to the morbid thought of spending time with his mother's crabby old aunt? She might be his mother's favourite aunt, but she had to be like a hundred years old, and did nothing but complain about her health and bitch about how spoiled the younger generation was and ask you to repeat things a hundred times. Sure, he could understand his mother wanting to go give her a hand, the old biddy having fallen and broken her hip and having a hard time getting around and it being her favourite aunt and all. She and his father had talked about it and it was all planned. She'd go spend a week or two with her and he and his father would batch. It would be fun actually, just the two of them. He liked being with his dad, and of course with his dad's work and all, there'd be times when he'd be home alone, to do things. Then just when it seemed everything couldn't be better, there had to be some sort of infestation in the Humboldt Redwoods and his father had to go up state to check it out.

"I'd take him with me, but I'd be camping out in the bush most of the time, and the job could take two weeks, maybe more, and we wouldn't have much time together."

Spending two weeks in the middle of a forest with a bunch of squirrels and who knew what lurking in the bushes wasn't exactly his idea of fun either. "I could stay here."

"Alone?" his parents said together.

"Sure. I'm thirteen. And I know how to use a can opener."

"I don't think so."

"Sure I do. You just take 3;"

"I meant stay home alone smarty pants," his mother said, making a face at him.

"Hey, it'd be no problem. I've seen 'Home Alone One and Two'. I think my marbles are still in the back of my closet, and I can rig up some paint cans incase anyone plans on robbing the place," he said, referring to the scenes in the two movies. They'd actually been not bad movies even if the first had been made before he was even born and the second the year after.

"Good try, but no."

"I could stay with Terry's parents. Or Anthony's."

"I understand Terry's parents have been having enough trouble handling one teenage boy."

"Terry's ungrounded now. Besides, it was just a little thing."

"Two weeks is a long time to ask anyone to take you in."

"Anthony's parents wouldn't mind. I'm sure. We have sleep overs all the time." Actually, staying with Anthony for two weeks would be like having a sleep over every night. It would be awesome.

"I don't think so," his mother responded, knowing all too well the mischief the two boys could get into.

"But you don't want me missing any school."

"You want to be going to school?" his parents asked in mock surprise.

"Sure. Of course," Cory replied, putting on his most angelic face. He could tell he wasn't fooling either one of them. "I know. I could stay with Goosey Gilles."

"Goosey Gilles?" asked his father.

"Mister Gilles I mean. My phys ed and health and Computer8 teacher."

"I know who you mean. I thought you and your friends hated him."

"We do, but, ah, well, maybe if I spent a couple weeks with him I'd, ah, get to know him better, and, ah, maybe get to like him." His mother and father gave each other a curious look and then looked back at him. He wasn't fooling them there either. "He said if any of us ever had to be alone at night we could spend the night at his place."

"He did?"

"Yeah, on account of you know, not wanting kids to be home alone and stuff." His parents' eyebrows rose. "Really. He worries about stuff like that. I'll go ask him right now."

"I think maybe we 3;," began his father, but Cory was already heading out the door.

It was almost ten to six, time for him and Billy Dean to head over to the Gilles's for their daily fuck anyway. Billy was waiting at the end of the street as usual. For the past two weeks the two of them had been making regular calls to the Gilles's residence, and it was not to use the pool.

"Howzzit goin' my homey?" asked Billy, greeting the thirteen-year-old with a high five as he hopped into his Corvette convertible.

"Cool. The rents are having a bit of an issue, but it'll work out," Cory replied. "I see you're bringing your cameras again."

"Yeah, Annette's agreed to another photo shoot."

"Guess she'd rather pose for dirty pictures than fuck with you," Cory observed with a grin.

"Oh, we get a fuck in besides, don' you fret 'bout that homeboy," Billy said with a wide grin.

Over the past two weeks the two had developed a close friendship based on some common interests, sex basically, and on the need for each other. Billy needed Cory to continue his access to the Gilles's household, and Annette in particular. If it wasn't for the mother having the hots for Cory, she'd never let him in the house. Hell, the way she felt about blacks she wouldn't let him within a hundred miles of the place. When he was with Cory on the other hand, it was as if she didn't even know he was present as she flashed Cory that love struck schoolgirl smile and the two of them headed off for the bedroom. As for Annette, she ran hot and cold, like most bitches. She spread her legs for him because she loved getting it, like all bitches unless they were lesbians, but deep down inside she hated him, because he was black, because all bitches have penis envy, probably for a dozen other reasons he didn't even know about, so if it wasn't for the relationship between her mother and Cory there'd be no relationship between them.

As for Cory, he needed Billy too. Having him fucking Gilles's daughter was sweet, because his daughter was supposed to be all so perfect and pure and everything, and even more so knowing how prejudiced Goosey was about any race that wasn't white, and having Billy taking pictures of her and selling them was not only further revenge but profitable too. After their first visit to the Gilles's, he'd shown Billy the recording of him and Annette and gave him a copy, with the agreement that they'd split whatever money he got from selling copies of it and from any future pictures he made of the Gilles family. Cory knew having the video was priceless to Billy, and in gratitude he wouldn't welsh on their deal. Besides, he still had the original, and if Billy did screw him, well, it was illegal for a twenty-four-year-old man to have sex with a fourteen-year-old girl and it wouldn't be his fault if the video somehow got in the hands of the police. So, it wasn't a matter of who was using whom, but rather that they were using each other.

Antoinette looked out of the livingroom window with a jumble of emotions as she watched for the red Corvette convertible. Never knowing from day to day if Cory would show up or not, she was a bundle of nerves every evening worrying that he might not show, that something had detained him or something had happened to him, or that he'd lost interest in her, worrying that Julius might decide not to go jogging with François and Anton as had become his latest habit and would be there when Cory showed up, worrying Julian or her youngest daughter, Juliette, might decide to stay home and ruin her day. A day without Cory would ruin her day, and it had happened.

He was irresponsible that way, but then he was only thirteen, and it wasn't as if he was obligated to come, or to even tell her if he was coming. It was that youthful, carefree abandon that made him so special, especially in contrast to Julius who had every minute of his day planned out and every day of the week for that matter, and who blew his top if anything changed. Routine, predictable and dull. That was her husband. Cory was a breath of fresh wind after a day of stale air. He was unpredictable, he was exciting, he was so full of energy, and he made her feel young and daring too. Doing what they were doing was daring. A forty-year-old woman having sex with a thirteen-year-old boy! She knew it was illegal, and immoral, and that it could ruin her marriage, and if his parents found out she'd be thrown in jail, but she didn't care. An hour of sex with Cory was worth the risk.

That didn't mean that what they were doing didn't bother her. The hour he was with her was like being in heaven, no cares or worries and filled with pleasure. It was as if she was thirteen again herself. But then he left and Julius came home, stinking like a wet dog and all sweaty and in a foul mood, as were Anton and François who usually went directly to the bathroom to shower and then shut themselves up in their rooms, and she was back to reality and her own stress and anxiety. What sort of mother and wife was she to be having sex with a thirteen-year-old boy? He was little more than a child. How could she risk her marriage and her reputation, her very freedom, for an hour's roll in bed? And how could she let his friend, that black nigger, be with her daughter? Oh, she knew what they were doing while she and Cory were downstairs. Mind you, she had little room to talk considering what she and Cory were doing. Still, a black man? She'd talked to Cory about it, begged him not to bring him, but then he'd get angry and threaten not to come back anymore if Billy wasn't welcome, and she'd end up asking him to forgive her.

The arrival of the Corvette brightened up her spirits. Greeting him at the door, she gave him a big hug and they kissed, not a mother-son kiss, but a hot, passionate lover's kiss on the lips. She'd at first been embarrassed when he did that in front of the black man, but she felt so loved and so aroused by that simple kiss that now after two weeks it was as if he wasn't there. Actually, she'd gotten to totally ignoring him, hoping by doing so he really didn't exist, but she saw the arrogant smirk as he glanced at the two of them on his way up the stairs and for a moment her anger flared. Pouring Cory a large glass of cold milk, she lead the way into the bedroom where she already had a platter of chocolate chip cookies waiting, not the store boughten kind but made herself. He stuffed one in his mouth and took a gulp of milk as he sat on the bed and turning on his walkman, he watched her as she began to strip to the vulgar song. He loved watching her strip, and one day had even made a video of her with their cam recorder. Actually, she enjoyed doing it, except for the foul music. It made her feel young again and for ten minutes she was a sexy young girl again with a slim, attractive body, not a forty-year-old woman with a few too many pounds and wrinkles that makeup could no longer hide. Easing down her panties, she shook her hips, causing her belly to roll and her backside to flap. She'd told him she'd gone on a diet to lose some weight for him but he'd told her get off it, that he liked that she was fat because there was more for him to love. He'd said fat, and actually he'd said there was more for him to fuck. His blunt honesty and vulgarity reminded her of when she was fourteen and had spied on her cousins and listened to them swearing. All boys are blunt, and all boys swear. That was part of his charm. She hadn't always thought that way about boys, and certainly had not allowed her boys to swear, but things had changed over these past two weeks.

"Lay down on your stomach," Cory ordered, his words muffled having stuffed another cookie in his mouth. He took a long swig of the cold milk, washing it down, and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

"My stomach?" she asked with a smile as she sat on the bed, puffing slightly from her strip tease.

"Yeah, I want to fuck your ass."

"Oh," she said in surprise and disappointment, "I don't think 3;"

"Think?" asked Cory, raising his right eyebrow and giving her a cold look.

"I don't 3;"

"Don't?" he asked even louder and giving her an even colder look.

"I've never done it that way."

"Never? Goosey's never given it to you up your ass?"

His foul language gave her goose bumps. She was not accustomed to hearing curse words, and certainly not from children, but it was that very language that made it exciting being with him and that made her feel young.

"No. Never."

He'd told her that was what he and the other students called Julius, and she'd found it humorous, and yes, daring. It was like two school kids sharing a secret. He didn't usually mention Julius, for which she was grateful. It was difficult being reminded you had a husband when you were having sex.

"It's dirty and, well, I'd rather we have, that we fuck like we usually do."

She was going to say it was also demeaning for a man to take a woman that way, but she decided not to. She didn't want to offend him, and he was only thirteen. He wouldn't understand. She was also going to say 'have intercourse' but he'd told her on the second day they'd had sex that the word made her sound old, and that she should say fuck. He was right, it did make her sound younger. It still gave her goose bumps just the same.

"Being dirty is all the more reason to do it," Cory said, giving her that dirty leer that sent a quiver between her legs.

It was funny how sex was dirty when you were a child, but became clean and acceptable once you were an adult and married. It was much more fun being dirty she'd found. As they'd been talking, Cory had been undressing, and he now he laid back and raised his hips and pushed down his underwear. He was erect, which she knew was not unusual for a boy his age, but she hoped her dancing had been at least partly responsible. As she looked down at his slender, four-inch [10cm] penis and then up into his eyes, lust welled up from deep inside her, a lust like she'd never felt with Julius. Taking it up the ass was dirty, but what they were doing was dirty as it was. Sex was dirty. That was what made it so pleasurable and so desirable. The thoughts came at her rapidly, one after another, along with the overwhelming sense of guilt and sinfulness and filthiness, all the feelings she'd felt as a curious young girl. If doing it with a thirteen-year-old boy was taboo, then having him take her from behind had to be even more so, and would be even hotter and more pleasurable because of it. It would be damn fucking hot. Her heart was pumping with the thoughts, with the vulgar thoughts of a thirteen-year-old boy, not the thoughts of a wife and mother of five. That was why sex with him was so wicked, wicked in both senses of the word. That was why she desired him so badly.

"Don't worry dumpling, there's enough juice in these to give your cunt a good fucking today besides," he said, cupping his dangling balls in his hands and bouncing them. As she rolled over on her stomach, her loins on fire, Cory smiled.

Billy was doing his own coercing upstairs, but not having the advantage of Cory's headband to implant his thoughts and transmit his emotions, he was having a much more difficult time.

"Baby, it's not a big deal. It's just a little hair. It will grow back."

It was just a little hair, a little patch of reddish-brown hair, and it would grow back, or so she hoped, but it was a big deal. It was her badge of womanhood, her proof that she was no longer a little girl. She remembered her pride at the first signs of it on her pubes, and how she'd stuck out her groin and walked around in the shower, hoping one of the girls would notice. She was the first in her class to get hair down there. She was also the first to begin developing breasts. She was an early bloomer, like her mother, so her mother had told her. Of course having hair down there was no longer needed to tell that she was a woman. Her pert young breasts were proof of that. And she was having sex, with a man besides, not just some teenage boy. That was a true sign she was a woman.

So why didn't that make her happy? She and her girlfriends had spent hours talking about boys at their pajamas parties, until the parents at whoever's house they were at told them for the tenth time to stop talking and go to sleep. They'd imagined who they'd like to see naked, who they'd like to 'do it' with, who they'd like to marry. They'd even sworn a pact to tell the others about their first kiss, their first date, and yes, the first time they actually did it, though they all swore they'd never go that far, well, unless the boy was very special. She wasn't the first to kiss, or date, her father saying that was definitely out until she was sixteen, but she was pretty certain she was the first to have done it. Unlike Chrissie who had kissed Kenny at Christmas last year, and unlike Cindy whose parents didn't live in the dark ages and had let her begin dating this last September, she hadn't grabbed a phone two weeks ago and phoned everyone about losing her virginity.

In fact she had cried all that night, and all the next day, right up to when Billy and Cory showed up once again. It had been hot at the moment, very hot, though even then she'd had moments of regret while they were in the middle of doing it, but after they'd gone she'd never felt so miserable in her life. She never had felt so used, so degraded, and so filthy. She'd showered for an hour, after her dumb brothers had gotten out of the shower, but still she could feel his slime on her body, running down her legs, and she could smell the stink of him on her skin, the stink of a black man, and it was impossible for her to wash out what he'd deposited deep in her body. And, along with the filthiness and shame were the guilt and the remorse over having done something she could never undo, and the fear, the fear of what her father would do if he found out, and the fear of catching something. But then they'd shown up a second time and the moment she laid eyes on him she felt the same rush of arousal, the same aching need to feel him inside her. By the time they'd gone up the stairs and they'd stripped the feeling had gone, as suddenly as it had appeared, but by then it was too late.

"You want me to do it?"

"No!" She looked up at him pleadingly but she could tell he did not care.

"Do it, and I'll give you a reward," he said with a leer, "a nice, big reward."

He cupped his crotch and flashed her that smile that made her feel like dirt.

"If I do what you ask, will you promise we won't do it today?"

He snorted. "Yeah, sure."

She waited while he set up the video camera and the lights and checked his digital camera, and then on his signal she walked over to her bed and sat down. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and removed it, and pushed down her skirt and stepped out of it, ignoring the mounted camera and Billy snapping pictures of her at different angles. She hesitated, debating if she should make one last plea, but she had nothing to offer, and besides, once the tape was rolling, Billy got angry if he had to stop and reshoot. She reluctantly pushed down her panties and stepped out of them and then looked down at her soft, curly bush, looking at it longingly and with a touch of sadness. He had better be right that it would grow again.

Taking the can of shaving lather, she shook it and sprayed it between her legs as he'd told her he wanted her to do. She had no knowledge about shaving cream and it blasted out suddenly and sprayed not just her pubes but her thighs and vulva and half her stomach. Picking up the safety raiser, she dragged it carefully over her belly like she'd done on the balloons Billy had lathered up for her to practice on. Two had popped before she got the hang of it. The raiser slipped along her smooth skin easily, gathering up the excess lather. Following Billy's instructions, she swished the raiser off in the basin of water they'd gotten from the upstairs bathroom and then ran the raiser up along her thighs. Pressing her trembling lips together and fighting back her tears, she looked up at Billy peering at her through the lense.

"Go ahead, cry. Let it out. But keep on shaving."

She fought back the tears, trying not to cry because he'd said it was okay to do so, but she could not hold them back. The first overflowed her lower eyelid and trickled down her cheek. Another quickly followed, and as her lip quivered, the dam burst and her tears flowed. She ran the raiser along her belly, feeling it catch as it caught the first of her hairs. She wiped the tears from her eyes so she could see what she was doing, so she wouldn't cut herself, leaving shaving cream on her cheeks. She continued to drag the raiser along the lower triangle of her flat stomach, catching more hairs. She looked at them forlornly as she swished the raiser in the basin and they floated to the top. They would notice when she changed for gym class tomorrow. What could she tell them? That she had an operation? They'd never believe that. That she'd done it for a lark? To be daring? Yes. That would impress them. The corner of her lip curled ever so slightly.

"Great. I'm glad you got over the crying jag," Billy said, "now let's have a big smile and look happy."

Actually, when he'd seen her tears he'd decided to have two series, one in which he would dub instructions and show her reluctance and tears, a little teenybopper being forced to shear her precious locks, her soft baby cheeks streaked with tears and spotted with shaving cream and a weak little whimper of a smile, and then a second video cutting out any evidence of sadness and instead showing a sexy teenybopper deciding to shave her pussy to the background music of some teenybopper band, maybe the Hansons or the Backstreet Boys. He zoomed in on her face, showing her tears, and then wiping them away, showing her concentration. He zoomed in on her crotch, showing her pubes slowing being revealed from under the thick shaving foam, and then on the bowl, showing her curly reddish-brown hairs floating in the bowl. Ever so slowly she got down to her pussy and ever so gingerly she shaved up her to lips. Having her wipe herself clean with a cloth, a pink facecloth with little embroidered flowers he'd specially selected, he had her shave off the few remaining strands as he zoomed in on them and on her naked pussy, and then he had her pose and model before the mirror, admiring her new, denuded body.

"Beautiful. Totally awesome, babe. Now put these on."

He tossed her a blouse and dress he'd brought, still in their plastic bags. A frilly dress and blouse, with lace and flowers, the type of dress a mother would pick out for a girl her kid sister's age to wear to a special party.

"Go ahead."

She put them on, feeling silly. Billy smiled. She looked far from silly. With those full cheeks and fresh, rosy blush, she looked like she could be seven.

"Now let's go to your sister's room."


"You get shaving cream in your ears? You heard me," he said roughly.

Getting up and following him, she sat down on her sister's bed. Putting a few of her sister's stuffed animals and her Raggedy Ann doll beside her and handing her one of the picture books from her sister's bookcase, Billy set up the cameras once more.

"Okay, now I want you to put the book down, pull up your dress and pull down your panties, and finger fuck yourself."

As she looked up at him, he smiled. He'd never planned on fucking her this day.


Cory on the other hand had come with every intention of fucking her mother. He'd been thinking about fucking her up the ass for several days, and had decided this was the day for it. As he crawled on top of her, he felt like that sailor, Ahab or whoever from Moby Dick. She wasn't that big, but then nor was he, and she did have a nice fat, white ass, each cheek the size of one of his pillows on his bed. He was about to poke her when they heard a bang upstairs and she jumped, almost bucking him off.

"That's okay, it's just a balloon," he advised, stroking her fat cheeks and snuggling back into position. "Billy brought some balloons. I think they're celebrating their two-week anniversary."

Antoinette had a pretty good idea what anniversary they were celebrating, and she didn't want to think about it. As she felt Cory's stiff, red-hot poker poking her backside, she concentrated on it instead. At least it was a pleasant thought in a way. Actually, it was a dirty thought. What he was about to do was a filthy, perverted act. A boy should not be sticking his penis in a woman back there. Actually, that made it erotic in a perverted way. This was truly sex solely for the pleasure of sex. It was certainly not something Goosey would do, which made it all the better. That was a strange thought to have, but before she had time to think about it she felt him pressing forward and his stiff, slender penis stretching open her rectum. She inhaled sharply as he penetrated her, not because of the pain as he was much too slender and much too short for that, but because of the strangeness of having a penis inserted up there. Cory sank it up her rectum until his little patch of curly hair was pressing against her backside, which for the thirteen-year-old boy was not all that great a distance, and then he withdrew it. It did feel pleasant in a perverse way. As he sank it back in, her anus burned with the friction and a quiver passed up her rectum. Yes, it did feel good.

Cory of course had fucked her son Anton this way and he was surprised how different it felt fucking his mother. Of course she was a lot fatter and more cushiony than Anton's body, but that wasn't it. Her ass was just as tight and just as hot as his had been. The difference was that she was a woman. That was the difference. A guy only had one hole to use. With a woman a guy had a choice, and this was not normally the first choice for a man and woman. What was the same was the way it made his cock throb and the tip of his cock tingle. He concentrated on that pleasure as he rode her, and of course transmitted that pleasure to her. He'd been using the headband now for a month and a half and he'd been reading his great-grandfather's diary every night so he was getting quite proficient. He knew how to project his ideas and how to focus on a single person or broadcast to several, and he knew how to do the same with his feelings and emotions. It was all a matter of matching his ideas with ideas the other person would have, or their desires, and like his great-grandfather had written, the better you know the other person the easier it is because you have a better understanding of the other person's thoughts and desires. Actually, he thought with a smile, he was discovering his great-grandfather was quite a rogue himself.

Antoinette quivered, responding to the friction of his stiff little dicklet, and to his thoughts of pleasure, opening and closing her sphincter in time with his fucking just like she did her with her cunt. Her ass was just as hot but a lot drier. Mind you it wouldn't be so dry in a minute or two. Antoinette quivered with the thought, not sure it would be all that pleasant having him shoot his stuff up there. She inhaled deeply and tried to focus. That was difficult with him humping her ass and with the burning pleasure about her sphincter. What was confusing was why had she thought of his great-grandfather?


Annette was concentrating too as she slowly eased her middle finger up her recently shaved pussy, and as she did so she could not help thinking of the sensation of having Billy's long, hard penis penetrating her. Billy had accompanied Cory nine times and they'd done it every time except for one other time besides today, and on five of those days they'd done it twice. That means they'd done it twelve times in the past two weeks. She remembered each and every time, the pain of his entry, the pleasure of having him working his hot, hard organ in and out of her, the pleasure of the four orgasms she'd had in the twelve times, and the guilt and regret and shame for the twenty-three hours afterward until he arrived again. At least he didn't have his filthy organ in her this time. At least what she was doing this time she knew other girls her age did, perhaps not in front of a man, and not in front of cameras, but they did it. At one time it had been considered a sin and dirty and something only someone who was sick-minded did. Many still felt that way. Her parents she knew did. But many said now it was okay. It was normal. Some psychiatrists and some doctors even said it was beneficial. Of course none of her girlfriends did it. They knew of somebody who knew somebody who'd done it, but they didn't know anybody themselves. Well, now they did, but she'd never tell them.

Billy smiled. This was going to be totally wicked. Her baby-like face, sweet and innocent, and looking so pensive and solemn was perfect. It was just how someone finger fucking themselves for the first time should look. Of course as she got into it that would change, which would be perfect too. The discovery of the pleasure of that secret and forbidden act. The video should be mandatory viewing in every girl's school in the country. The little girl clothes and doing it in her kid sister's room was a nice touch. He made sure he got a picture of the stuffed animals and little girl trinkets on the shelves, including the family picture, and of course of her sister's grade two books on her desk. With her clothes, and her shaved pussy she could pass for seven. This was going to make a lot of money for him and Cory.

Sticking her finger in her cunt as far as she could, she slowly eased it back out. The pleasure was not the same as when Billy used his thing, but it was similar, and it was totally herself doing it. She slowly eased it back in, concentrating on the strange sensation. She was beginning to get wet, and as she worked her finger in and out, it slipped between her lips much more smoothly. If she angled her hand in a certain way, as she slipped her finger in she rubbed against her clit. Of course she had no idea that was what it was called. She just knew there was a spot that if it was rubbed it grew hard and it sent tingles of pleasure through her vulva and up her vagina. That was the spot Billy's dick had rubbed the very first time they'd done it, and the first time she'd had an orgasm. She concentrated on that spot and that pleasure, blocking out Billy and the cam recorder and the flashes of the digital camera. She concentrated on the throbbing of her labia and the warm, pulsation of her vagina. She tightened her muscles about her finger as she eased it in and out. It was slippery now, slippery with her juices. She was not aware of it but her breathing was growing heavier. Billy smiled as he zoomed in on her slick, dribbling pussy and up to her face. He was right. She was digging it.


Cory was breathing heavier also as he rammed his body against Antoinette, driving his aching, itchy cock in and out of her asshole as the tension in his loins built and his cock seemed to go numb. With each lunge and withdraw the pressure increased until suddenly he felt a twang deep in his groin and his young, thin semen spurted out of his burning little reed and up Antoinette's rectum. He quivered with the pleasure and he grasped her tits tightly as his little balls drew up tight under his spurting stem. He was filling her fucking ass with his stuff! He was filling Goosey Gilles's wife with his fucking juice! It was fucking wicked!

He lay on top of her for a long time, his stiff cocklet still up her hot, moist hole, all the moister now with his jizz shot up it. He lay there until his breathing returned to normal and he finally eased it out and rolled off her, and as she rolled over he snuggled up to her and rested his head on her heaving breasts. His hand absentmindedly slipped down over her round stomach and through her damp hairs to find her slit. He rubbed it with his fingers, running his pointer finger along the slit and causing it to part. The bitch had just been fucked up the ass and was eager for more, he thought, just like Billy said they were. Well, that was all right. He had plenty more to give, and that was what the bitches were for. He slowly slipped his finger in between her labia and up her hot, wet vagina and he felt her cunt muscles grip it, the two of them totally unaware that at that very moment her daughter was doing the same thing to herself. He slowly drew his finger out and then slowly eased it in again and she quivered and moaned with the pleasure and her cunt began to fill with juice. Cory's little cocklet began to rise up again. He'd shot off only ten minutes ago, but he was young, and his balls far from empty. He slowly began to pull apart her legs. This was his eleventh time with her, and on each of those previous ten days he'd done her twice each day with the exception of two days. This would be his nineteenth fuck.

"We should wipe it off before you insert it," Antoinette said, her voice husky with arousal.

"Why bother? It's just going to get all wet and sticky again," Cory replied as he knelt between her legs.

"But 3;"

She was too late as his stiff cock slipped between her labia and into her cunt. She was slick and dribbling cunt juice in her arousal, and his cock was slippery with his cum and her ass slime. He slipped in easily. He trembled with the delight of having his stiff little reed surrounded by hot, pulsating, wet flesh, and he began to gyrate his hips once more, working his cock this time in and out of her pussy instead of her ass. So what if his cock was slimy and shit-streaked from having just been up her ass? Fucking was supposed to be dirty and wet and hot. Mothers were much too fussy about cleanliness. As Antoinette trembled with the pleasure of having her pussy fucked and the perversity of having her pussy fucked by the little pecker of a thirteen-year-old boy, the vulgar thought crossed her mind, its filthiness both revolting her and perversely arousing her. Of course she had no way of knowing her thought was his as she felt his little organ working in and out of her.


In the bedroom above, her daughter was rapidly working her finger in and out of her hot, throbbing pussy, her cunt juice dribbling out of her swollen lips and puddling on her kid sister's comforter. Her chest rose and fell as she felt that strange, still new tension developing in her loins, that tension that was so frightening and so pleasurable. She tightened her labia about her finger as she worked it in and out and she closed her eyes as she drew closer and closer to that point she'd only reached four times before. With a whimper and a gasp, she arched her body and quivered uncontrollably as she reached her fifth orgasm, and the first by her own hand, as her aching, smoothly shaved pussy pulsated hotly and gripped her rapidly thrusting finger slick with her cunt juice.

And in the bedroom below, her mother felt Cory's slender reed begin to throb up her vagina. The thirteen-year-old was filling her pulsating, aching cunt with his hot, thin juice, filling her cunt as he'd ten minutes ago filled her ass. She grasped his slim, athletic body tightly and trembled as she reached her own orgasm, and she thrust her hips up and sank back as her hot pussy, dripping with thick, slimy cunt juice, throbbed repeatedly and her legs convulsed uncontrollably. This was her hottest orgasm yet.

Chapter Seventeen

— M-dog Mt tb —

Thanks to Bob for suggesting the scene in the park.

Totally unaware of what was happening with his wife and daughter at home, Julius pushed through the thick underbrush with his two boys, all three of them with dread and yet a sense of excitement, and a sense of anxiety. The sight of Lad, Bob Moser, and Lane Spudder waiting for them on the other side did nothing to alleviate any of those feelings. The anxiety was in part because they never knew from day to day if they would show up. It had been sixteen days now since their first encounter with Bob and Lane, and on nine of those, in no particular pattern and including today, Bob and Lane had been there, sometimes waiting for them or more often arriving after they did. They had shown up a tenth time, the Friday before last, the Friday of the week they'd first shown up in the clearing. It had been the first day the two of them were late and of course they hadn't waited for them. Bob had let them know in no uncertain terms that the next time that they were to wait for them, and from the anger in his eyes and the brutal way he and Lane had fucked them that day, they were never going to make the mistake again. As for Lad, he had been present on seven of those days, and had been there alone on four others.

"Well, there's our three bitches, right on time," Bob said with a wide grin as he looked at his wristwatch. Even coming to get abused, Goosey Gilles followed a schedule. That Julius knew that he knew that, and purposefully arrived late, or not at all on some days, was part of the joy of abusing him and his boys. Julius and his two sons, hot and perspiring in the early evening sun and from their jogging these past ten minutes, just as Bob liked them and had warned them they had better be, quickly stripped off their sweaty jogging suits.

"I can't get over how fucking eager you three are to get your asses fucked," observed Lane with a shake of his head as he and Bob began to strip also. He would have been there every day to lay into François and relieve the pressure on his balls, but Bob had explained to him about keeping them guessing if they would arrive, and making them appreciate getting fucked by not showing up some time, and he was right. They were always more appreciative if they were on time, and always more eager after missing a day. His former teacher knew a lot more than just soccer and school stuff.

"Like I've been telling you Lane, good little bitches like these three are always appreciative of a good fuck," Bob said, enjoying his barbs as much as he enjoyed getting his nuts off. No matter how hard they tried to conceal it, he could tell they were seething with anger at his comments. One of these days Julius and maybe even his two sons would explode and strike out at them, and he couldn't wait. He'd love to smash the dog-loving hypocritical bastard in the nose, and considering Lane's hatred for the man, he had no doubt he could handle the two boys.

"You do love your doggie pal, don't you Julius?"

Julius could not deny that, and knew there was no point in doing so. Bob Moser knew. Over the past three and a half weeks he'd come to love the dog even more than he loved his wife, and to look forward to their romp in the park. On those days Lad didn't show up, he went home despondent and was twice as sharp with his students the next day.

"Go ahead, tell him. Tell him how much you love him, and how appreciative you are that you're his bitch."

Julius dropped on his knees and petted the dog, who jumped about and licked his face and tried to get behind him, having by then associated the man's sweat with fucking just as he associated the scent of a bitch in heat. After having received Cory's thoughts about how much he loved the dog and the emotions that went with those thoughts at least once a day Monday to Friday for the past three weeks, and in triple doses on those romps in the park that Cory had witnessed, he had come to fully integrate those feelings without Cory's assistance or presence, like today. With Bob's prompting, he told the excited German Shepard how appreciative he was that Lad had chosen him to be his bitch, how much he loved the feel of his big, rubbery cock up his ass, how he loved getting fucked by the dog even more than he enjoyed fucking his wife. It was embarrassing and degrading to say those things before his two sons, but he knew Anton would get the brunt of Bob's anger if he didn't do as he was told, something he'd explained to his sons as to why he allowed Bob to bully him. It was for their protection. They understood. Besides, it was all true, the protection, and his profession of love.

Then it was Anton and François's turn. The two naked boys, sweating and flushed from their jogging, knelt before Bob and Lane and told them how glad they were that they'd come today, and how much they loved feeling their cocks up their asses and how good the two of them made them feel, and what fortunate bitches they were. They reached up and caressed their abuser's cocks, telling them how they dreamed about their wonderful cocks at night and how they wished they could come home with them and fuck them all night. It was embarrassing and degrading to say such things before their dad and each other, but they also knew that if they did not say and do as they were told the fucking they'd receive would be even rougher and more brutal than normal. Twelve-year-old Anton was at that stage of puberty where his body at times performed like a pubescent teenager, and at other times like that of a child, and was in a constant state of horniness. To be truthful, he did dream about Bob at night, not always pleasantly mind you but always waking up with a hardon that he could not help but jack off. François, at nine, was not yet at that wild hormonal stage, but as Bob knew, even boys that age had a sexual side and again to be truthful, there were days when the itch up his ass got so bad that he wished Lane was there to satisfy it.

Of course their audience in the bushes, who on this particular day was Terry and Anthony, didn't know any of that. All the two thirteen-year-old boys crouched there in the underbrush knew was that their hated teacher was a weirdo who liked getting his ass fucked by Terry's dog, and had two sons who were little cock-loving faggots. Watching the three of them was always great for an hour's amusement, and never failed to get them aroused.

Lad finally got what he wanted, and the German Shepard, already erect, eagerly mounted his bitch, thrusting his stiff, sticky-looking cock up the man's awaiting rectum, which by then had gotten use to the rough entry. He immediately began to squirt out his cum as dogs do, and Julius trembled with the sensation of the dog's slimy load squirting into him and of his thick, hot cock now slickly pumping in and out of his rectum. No matter how many times they'd done it, he still thrilled at the burning sensation around his sphincter, and the hot throbbing of his rectum as the dog fucked him, and he could not avoid getting partially aroused. He loved the dog more than anyone or anything in the world, and the dog brought him a pleasure nobody else could, not even his wife.

Bob, horny from a day's abstinence from Anton, and turned on by his verbal abuse of Julius and humiliation of his sons, had Anton drop to his hands and knees like his father and kneeling behind him like Lad had, just as roughly rammed his cock up his ass. The boy was still a tight little bastard despite all the fucking he'd received, which made fucking him all the more enjoyable. He shoved his aching cock up Anton's ass until his coarse hairs were pressed against the boy's smooth backside and his low-hanging balls were bouncing against the still maturing sacs of the twelve-year-old, and then he withdrew until the knob of his thick cock was stretching open the boy's sphincter until it almost popped out. With a grunt of pleasure, he repeated the cycle, practically knocking the slender boy off balance in his lust and fury.

Kneeling beside him, thirteen-year-old Lane Spudder just as savagely dog fucked young François's ass, his hatred for Julius transferred to his nine-year-old son. Like all healthy thirteen-year-old boys, he was horny as fuck, and doubly so having abstained yesterday. Besides, listening to the little faggot saying how much he loved cock and wanted to be fucked got him even hornier. He flexed his young, muscular legs and drove his slender, teenage cock in and out of the boy's hot, moist rectum, eager to please the boy if that was what the arrogant little faggot wanted.

Bob and Lane of course fucked the two boys in front of Julius so he could watch, so he could see the looks of humiliation and suffering on their faces, and the looks of sexual lust as they accepted their fate, and of course so the two boys could see the look of bliss on their father's face as he was rapidly dog-fucked by the German Shepard. It was a mix of contrasting and strong emotions that Julius struggled with from the moment they were done until the next time they did it. He loved Lad, and the only pleasure he got out of life these days was getting his ass fucked for that half hour in the park. He also hated his obsession and the filthiness of the act and his lustful enjoyment of it. He hated Bob Moser and what he and Lane were doing to his sons, and he hated himself not being able to put an end to it, but as he'd explained to his boys, and as he believed, Bob would only think of things even worse if they resisted. Besides, if Bob ever revealed what went on that hour in the park, his career would be over, and his family ruined.

Anton and François underwent the same swing of emotions. At the time they knew of no greater pleasure than having their asses fucked, though there were times, when Cory was present, that it was much more pleasant than others. Then afterward, like their father, they felt filthy and perverted having engaged in the act, and having enjoyed it so. Each night they struggled with the comments and insinuations by Bob and Lane that they were fags, having engaged in the sex only because they didn't want Bob to further abuse their father, who despite what they were learning about him and despite his cowardliness before Bob Moser, they still loved, and because were taking the abuse and brunt of the hatred Bob and Lane had for their father and older brother. The struggle was, they enjoyed the sexual pleasure, as the boners they usually got testified.

Bob and Lane of course knew the angst they were causing the three of them, and that made fucking them and abusing them all the more erotic. And so, as Lad filled Julius with his jizz out of instinct, and yes, out of pleasure, Bob shot his wad up Anton and Lane his up François with not just the enjoyment of their ejaculation, but with the enjoyment of knowing how humiliating and debasing that was for the sons and their father.

Today Bob was feeling particularly vicious. Before having the boys stand and their father kneel down behind them and suck the hot, slimy cum back out of their rectums, as he and Lane sometimes did but other times didn't, keeping them guessing and off balance, adding to the dread and apprehension of the Gilles's and adding to their own pleasure, he had Julius tell his sons how much he loved them, which he truly did and passionately said so, and how glad he was that they little faggot man-lovers, which created him even more angst. Bob and Lane saw the struggle in his face and the look in his eyes, and delighted in what they thought was his pain in saying something he did not believe and did not want, and in his frustration and low esteem in not being able to stand up to Bob. What they did not know was that deep down inside, Julius Gilles was a boy lover, and the reputation he'd developed was nothing more than a wall he'd built around himself to hide and contain his true feelings. They did not know that Julius Gilles deep down inside believed all boys would be man-lovers if left to their normal instincts, and despite society's condemnation, wanted his to be just such boys, though of course willingly, not because of coercion and fear. So when they forced him to tell his sons how turned on he got sucking the cum from their assholes, only he knew that he was speaking the truth, and as much as it was the truth, he hated himself for those feelings. And, when he told them he was glad they were man-lovers, in a sense that was true too.

Bob and Lane enjoyed this post-fuck humiliation as much as the fuck itself, and as Bob felt his cock beginning to rise once again, he thought of a change in their routine.

"I know how eager you are to have a go at your dog-loving daddy's ass and drink up Lad's spooge," he said, "but I think today we'll give you a break from that."

The two boys could not hide the relief that passed over their faces. They did enjoy the hour of sex in the park despite the humiliation and degradation, but sucking the German Shepard's slimy cum from their father's ass was definitely not a part of that enjoyment, though even then there were occasions in the park, when Cory was watching unbeknownst to them, when even doing that filthy, perverted act had filled them with unbelievable lust and pleasure, something else that haunted them for the rest of the day and gave them nightmares at night.

"You're such horny little fag boys today, I think you deserve a second shot of man juice to keep you happy until we meet again. What do you say Lane, you ready to give your little fag boy another shot of your spooge?"

"Oh yeah," Lane replied, always ready to get one off.

"Since I know you were looking forward to drinking Lad's jizz, I'm going to let you drink mine," he continued, looking directly at Anton's face to see his reaction. Bob's lips curled as he was rewarded with a look of dismay and disgust, as he knew he would be. Boys and teenagers have such a hard time masking their true emotions, which was one of many things Bob loved about boys and teenagers. The twelve-year-old's heart sank as he stood there, looking at Bob's once again erect cock. The last of his cum had oozed down in several streamers from his peehole over his knob and down his shaft where it still clung, and the seven-inch [18cm] fuck meat was smeared from the load it had shot up his ass and with the juices and shit from his rectum besides.

"Com'on, drop to your knees and let's see you give it a nice licking just like the time you licked your daddy's pecker."

Forcing back the urge to puke as he dropped to his knees, the fresh-faced boy stuck out his tongue and ran it up the man's cock, the bitter, slimy cum and the acrid smears of anal juices and shit from his own ass causing the boy to hack. Knowing that if he did puke, it would anger Bob who would then make him do heaven's knows what, he held it down.

"So fucking eager it's making you choke, eh?" observed Bob, knowing full well the effort the boy was making to hold back his vomit in total disgust. Being a boy lover himself, Bob felt a pang of guilt, but glancing over at Julius and seeing the man's look of frustration and embarrassment, he felt justified in what he was doing. He'd resolved six months ago he'd get his revenge on those who had caused him such pain and had deprived him of his pleasure of being with boys, and that was exactly what this was about. He turned his attention back to Anton. Knowing he had no choice, Anton ran his tongue up the man's shaft and over his knob a second time, and then a third. It wasn't getting any better.

Following his mentor, Lane offered his smaller but just as begrimed cock to François, and following the lead of his brother, the nine-year-old ran his tongue up the boy's throbbing, filthy organ, fighting back his urge to puke also, and fighting back his tears of humiliation. When Bob had said he was giving them a break, he had honestly believed that the day's session was over. Lane's cock was foul with his cum and the juices and shit from François rectum also, and his mouth reacted by increasing his flow of saliva to wash the foul taste away, causing Lane to observe that he liked licking his shit-smeared, cum laced cock so much it was making his faggot mouth water. Hearing the boy's foul comment caused Bob's cock to lurch with arousal, smearing Anton's spit along with his anal juices and shit along his nose and across his cheek.

His voice husky with lust, Bob ordered Julius to stick his middle finger up his ass and goose himself. Wishing he could bring an end to what was happening to his boys but knowing he could not, Julius slowly slipped his finger up his slime-filled rectum and began working it in and out. Lad's copious load oozed out of his asshole and into the palm of his hand and down the back side of his thighs. There was good reason God created dogs with a knot to keep their cock and their jizz up a female's cunt, and having no stopper and being worked out besides by Julius's finger, his slimy spooge flowed out of his ass as copiously as his wife's juice flowed out of her cunt.

Placing his hand at the back of Anton's head and grasping his hair and pulling his head back, Bob slipped his cock between his lips and into his mouth. Ramming it down his throat, he quickly withdrew it before Anton choked and told the boy to tighten his lips about his sausage and to hold in his breath when he rammed his cock down his throat and to grab a breath if he needed it through his nose when he withdrew. It took them a half dozen trusts, accompanied by gags and a flow of tears, before Anton got accustomed to having his throat fucked. Kneeling there passively as the man rammed his cock in and out he felt used and humiliated by the perverse act, compounded by having it done before his dad and kid brother.

Again, following his mentor's lead, Lane did the same with François, though at thirteen, his cock was barely long enough to reach the back of the nine-year-old's mouth. It was a new experience for Lane, and fucking the boy's mouth he found was just as erotic as fucking the other side. The boy tightened his lips about his slender cock as he'd been instructed, and his saliva flowed over his thrusting cock, basting it in his spit. François also gagged the first few times until he got accustomed to breathing while having his face fucked. Seeing Bob holding his brother's head firmly and pressing his nose in his curly bush with each forward lunge, he was glad that at least he only had Lane's cock to contend with.

And so the two of them deep throated the two boys, ramming their cocks in and out of their faces with renewed lust and eagerness while their father knelt there helplessly and watched as he finger fucked his spooge-filled ass. In his lust and desire to humiliate Anton in front of his dad, Bob did not hold back as he worked his thick, throbbing cock in and out of the boy's mouth, delighting both in the physical pleasure and in the look on Julius's face as he watched his son being deep throated. Lane similarly trembled and panted with the pleasure once again throbbing through his stiff, aching teenage cock, which was always ready to be used for what was really its main purpose. That pleasure was supplemented by the fact he was fucking François's face in front of his loathsome father. It was fucking hot, and when they came, they shot their jizz straight down the boys' throats. Having no other choice, Anton and François gulped and swallowed the thick, slimy jizz as they tightened their lips about the perverse hoses in front of their father as he finger fucked his slimy ass, his own cock jutting up stiffly in the air in arousal.

Finally pulling his cock out of Anton's mouth, Bob told him to squeeze the remaining jizz out of it and to lick it clean. Anton did so, and as he squeezed the thick, sticky organ, a thick dollop of creamy spooge oozed out of it. Sticking out his tongue, he lapped up the bitter, slimy droplet, which was immediately followed by another. Again, Lane followed the example of his mentor, and he trembled with joy as François's hot hand squeezed his throbbing cock, and like toothpaste oozing out of a tube, a thick glob of teen jism oozed out of the tip to be lapped up by the nine-year-old faggot boy's tongue. At the same time Bob ordered Julius to take his finger out of his ass and to lick the thick, gooey spooge that had flowed out of his ass and over his fingers and hand. Julius's look of utter disgust as he stuck out his tongue and lapped up the salty, slimy guck coating his palm and middle finger caused still more creamy cum to ooze out of the still stiff cocks of his sons' abusers for them to lick up. The slimy, foul-tasting dog spooge clung to his palm and formed sticky streamers between his lips and his hand as he licked it up. In the bushes, Anthony and Terry were tightly squeezing their own tubes as they shot their second load into the grass. Wait until Cory saw the tape they'd made of this!


Cory, to Julius's surprise, was at his home when he returned. To his even greater surprise was the announcement by his wife that Cory's parents had to be away for a week, and possibly two, and that Cory wanted to stay with them. Knowing how his students felt about him, that was an even greater surprise. The greatest of all though, was that his wife was in agreement. He glanced down at Cory, sitting there at the table looking so sweet and innocent, a glass of milk and plate of chocolate chip cookie crumbs sitting before him. As the boy looked up at him with such pleading eyes, he was immediately suspicious. None of his students could possibly want to stay with him, and Cory least of all. After what he'd just been through at the park however, he was in no frame of mind to think clearly, wanting nothing more than to brush his teeth and get the foul taste of dog spunk out of his mouth and to have a long, hot shower, and he certainly was in no position to disagree with his wife considering what he'd just done behind her back. Besides, as he looked at Cory he felt a surge of sympathy for the boy and a desire to help him. Of course that surge was Cory's doing, but he was also, deep down inside, a boy lover, and Cory was a very attractive boy. Besides, perhaps it would better his relationship with his students, which he knew was getting progressively worse with his increased crankiness as a result of his worries, lack of sleep and rapidly declining sense of self-worth. And, perhaps his sons could have some influence on the incorrigible youth, or he could himself. His claim to his sons that he wanted to better the lives of his public school students was not totally a lie. The first thing he'd do is see that he stopped wearing that stupid metal headband. How his parents put up with it, he could not understand.

To his wife's surprise, and that of his sons, he agreed, and the call to Cory's parents was a surprise to both of them. The only one of them all that was not surprised was Cory, who returned home to find the tape Terry and Anthony had made waiting for him. They'd told his parents it was a school project, and trusting Cory and his friends, they didn't question it or bother checking what was on it. If they had, that would have been the biggest surprise of all, and there was no way they'd have let him stay with Julius Gilles. In fact they'd probably forbid him from ever seeing Anthony and Terry again besides. As Cory watched the tape, he smiled with the thought that as he'd been fucking Julius's wife up the ass, Julius and his boys had been getting it up the ass too, and as he'd rolled her over and fucked her with his slimy, fouled cock fresh from her fucking ass, Anton and François were getting a cum and ass-juice slimed cock of their own fresh from their own assholes. He arched his back and groaned with pleasure as he jerked off another load, his third that day, and he still had another hour or two to go before bed! It had been one hell of a wicked day, and the days ahead were promising to be even more wicked.