Chapter 14: M-dog Mb tb — Chapter 15: Ft Mg
Daemon WayTeacherChapter Fourteen— M-dog Mb tb —
Thanks to Billy for the character of Billy Dean and Bob for the action in the park. Emerging from the Seven-Eleven with a Slurpee, a bag of chips and a Mars bar, his Tuesday lunch, having given the school lunch his mother had packed to Fats, who never had enough to eat and was always grateful for any supplement to what his mother packed for him, Cory sought out the shade on the side of the building. Quickly devouring the bag of chips and the chocolate bar, he took out a smoke from the side of his sock where he carried them and lit up. Inhaling deeply and holding the smoke in, he exhaled slowly, enjoying the dizzy sensation it gave him. Inhaling again, he thought about yesterday. It had been wicked. First Terry's dad had given him five bucks, which he'd just spent, for taking Lad out for his exercise, Terry still being grounded, for sneaking out of the house after curfew he'd discovered from Terry that morning, and once again praising him for his sense of responsibility, his loyalty to his friend, and his concern for animals. Of course he made a show of refusing the money, just enough to sound modest but not enough to change Terry's dad's mind, and accepted the praise. Hey, if it made Terry's dad feel good, why not? If Terry's dad only knew what type of exercise he was taking Lad out for! Once they arrived at the park, Lad had only one thing in mind, and that was to head for the clearing at the far end of the park behind the thick bushes that separated the park from the freeway. As a result, they ended up at the clearing ahead of schedule. That was fortunate because he'd no sooner released Lad from his leash and had made himself comfortable to wait for Goosey Gilles than the park groundskeeper showed up, and headed directly for where he was hiding and Lad was waiting. Although he wasn't doing anything wrong, he prepared to grab Lad and make a run for it. Then a guy that looked about his age showed up, and from the conversation between the two, which he easily overheard from his hiding place, he realized the man was the famous, or perhaps better, the infamous Bob Moser. Pastor Winthrop had ranted about the man for the past half year every time he passed by his place if his dad was outside and had cautioned, or perhaps better, had ordered his dad to warn him about the dangers of strangers. The Reverend was not the only one with that message though the story being passed from student to student about Bob Moser was totally different. Moser's trial had been big news so there was little he didn't know about it. On top of what he already knew, in the brief conversation he'd overheard between Moser and the student who had joined him, Lane, he'd discovered that both had good reason to hate Goosey Gilles. He'd been afraid their presence might scare off Goosey and ruin his plan, but to his surprise they'd hidden in the bushes also, so close he could practically reach out and touch them. Then Goosey had arrived and done his thing, and his sons Anton and François had arrived as per the instructions on the audio tape he'd made of Goosey's voice and had played over the phone. He really hadn't thought out a plan much beyond that, other than having them discover their dad in a compromising position. The rest just happened, and it had happened quickly and with surprising ease. He'd barely thought of the idea of Bob Moser and Lane seeking their revenge on Goosey than the two broke from the bushes. Later he wasn't even sure if he'd purposefully broadcast the idea to them by way of his headband or if it had been totally their idea. He had thought of the two of them screwing Goosey's kids, and they'd followed up on his idea immediately. Whether they'd enjoyed it as much as they appeared to have because of their hatred and desire for revenge, or because he was sending them messages of hate and pleasure, he didn't know. Certainly the messages he was sending them didn't hurt. The idea of making Goosey suck the cum out of his sons' asses like he'd made Goosey make Jonah do to him, and then having his sons suck Lad's cum out of his ass had been immediately accepted by Bob Moser too. Again he was not sure if some of the things Bob and Lane said and did were really the result of his messages being sent, or if they were their own thoughts and emotions. At any rate they were truly angry with Goosey, and truly pleased by what they'd done. There was no disputing that. And he had it all caught on tape to prove it! "Hey kid! Hey kid! Kid!" It took three times before he realized someone was calling him. Coming back to the present, he looked up to see a man sitting behind the wheel of a jazzed up red Corvette convertible beckoning for him to come over. Cory was no fool, and the man was not the type of guy that looked like he could be trusted. A young Afro-American with his hair in dreadnaughts, large white Fedora, an open, gaudy, multicoloured silk shirt with several chains and a large silver bling bling about his neck and resting on a smooth and muscular chest, and a half dozen large rings on his fingers, the man looked like a sleaze despite his handsome Afro-American looks and disarming smile. At the same time, it was noon and there were plenty of people going in and out of the convenience store, so what was the guy going to do? Besides, he could take care of himself. Slowly getting to his feet, he sauntered over to the guy, putting on his coolest look. "Whazzup man?" "You enjoying that smoke?" "Yeah. Ya wanna drag?" The man took the cigarette and took a long drag and held it in before exhaling through his nose. He was putting on his cool act too. "You like to try smoking something better?" "I don't do pot." "Maybe you'd like something else," the man replied in a conspiratorial whisper. "Uppers, downers, maybe some Crystal Meth?" "I don't do drugs at all." "How about a dirty magazine then? Never met a boy who didn't like dirty pictures." "Let's see it." The man reached into a box in the back seat and took out a glossy magazine and flipped it open to a picture of a woman sitting on a chair, legs spread, pussy spread open. "What you think of that?" "I can get naked pictures of women off the Net," Cory replied with a shrug. "Sides, she's sortta old." "Old?" Billy began. The woman was probably only in her mid-twenties, same as he. On second thought, for the kid that probably was old. "Nothing wrong with older women," he said instead of objecting. "They can teach a kid a lot of tricks, if you know what I mean man," he said with a leer. "Besides, they don't tell, they don't yell, they don't swell, and they're appreciative as hell." The joke was way older than he was, and it was lost on the boy. The boy was right though, she was old for what he'd be interested in, and pictures like that were easy to get even for a teenager his age on the Internet. The Net was killing his business. "How about something closer to your age then dude?" he suggested, determined to make a sale. "Maybe something with guys and chicks?" He fished about in the box again and pulled out a copy of American Nudist Cory glanced at the picture the guy had opened the magazine up to, a black and white of a group of both sexes playing volleyball. "How come they're all naked?" "They're nudists." Cory looked at him blankly. "Nudists are people who like going around naked all the time. They like the feel of the sun and the wind on their naked bodies. They figure it's healthy and more natural than wearing clothes man." "They go around naked all the time?" "Yeah," Billy said, flipping to another page, of what looked like a family walking in the forest. He sensed a sale coming. "And they let their pictures be taken?" "Yeah. They're all from a nudist colony." "Man, you talkin' shizzle." "What you mean?" "We learned about the thirteen colonies in school. They were all Puritans, not nudists." "Not that type of colony, man. I'm talking about a place, like you know, a holiday camp, where people go around naked, men, women, families, twenty-four seven." "Kewel." "So what do you say? Ten bucks." "If I want to see naked people, I can see them for real." Billy frowned. The kid was not being as easy a sell as he'd thought he'd be. "Maybe you'd like something with some action, you know?" he said with a wink. "I got mags of people doing it, and CD's, videos too, tapes and DVD's." "So do I. Videos that is." "Oh yeah? Where'd you get them?" "Made them." "Oh yeah?" Billy replied, his eyes widening in surprise and in interest. "I got to get back to school. We'll see ya around." "Yeah, sure kid. I'm usually here at noon if you want to look me up." Nudist colonies. Twenty-four seven. Now that would make for an interesting holiday vacation. A lot better than the summer camps his parents sent him to every summer. Maybe he could use his headband to get them all to go next summer. He smiled. It would have been wicked if one of the original colonies had been a nudist colony. Maybe nudists who were oppressed back in Europe or wherever. Now that would have made an interesting Thanksgiving with the Indians. Cory's smile widened. "Cory. Cory! Cory Wilson!" Cory blinked his eyes and looked up at his history teacher, Mrs Pakorny, or Mrs Porky as her students called her. Now it would be interesting to see her naked. Not! He could just imagine her rolls of blubber upon rolls of blubber. It was enough to turn his thoughts back to history.
As he headed home after school, he wasn't totally surprised when a red Corvette convertible pulled up along side him. Billy motioned for him to come over. Glancing at Anthony and Terry, he nodded toward the car, and the three walked over. "Can we talk, the two of us?" "These are my best buddies. We can talk in front of them." "It's about what we were talking about at noon." "That's okay. They're cool." "About those videos you said you have," Billy began cautiously. "Oh they know about them. They've seen them, haven't you guys?" The boys nodded. "Well, I was thinking, if they were any good, maybe I might buy them off you." "Oh, they're good," said Anthony with a wide grin. "So, can I see them?" "Sure," Cory said with a shrug. "When?" "Why not right now?" "Right now?" "Sure. Well, one of them anyway. Then I got to have supper and then we got other things to do." He looked at Anthony and Terry and the two smiled knowingly. So Terry and Anthony piled into the back of the convertible and Cory in the front and Billy drove them home, dropping Terry off at his house, and taking Anthony and Cory to Cory's house and parking in the alley where they wouldn't be seen. Making sure his mother wasn't in sight, Cory ushered Billy upstairs to his room and he and Anthony went to the kitchen to talk to his mother about Anthony staying for supper. Joining Billy a few minutes later, Cory selected the tape of Goosey teaching his boys how to suck. Billy, having thought the tapes Cory had made were the stuff that teenage boys made of themselves, showing themselves stripping or maybe even playing with themselves, the type of stuff kids these days shared over the computer or even put on their blogs, sat there on Cory's bed in surprise. The two boys were hot looking, and having them wearing the school uniforms was a nice touch. Men liked videos about boys in private schools. And having their instructor as their dad was hot too. If it wasn't for the occasional blurriness and the occasional wiggling of the camera, you wouldn't have known it was made by a thirteen-year-old kid. Actually, those amateurish flaws made it all the hotter. By the time it was over, he had a raging hardon, and, he noticed, so did the two boys. "That's really hot man," he admitted. "I noticed you liked it," Cory said with a smile as he glanced at the bulge in Billy's jeans. His jeans were tight, and he clearly had a nice size package. Cory and Anthony had boned up too, which wasn't unexpected for two thirteen-year-old boys. "I'll give you fifty bucks for it." "How much will you sell it for?" "Well, there's not much interest in videos of men and boys 3;" "Don't shit me." "I 3;" "How much?" "The quality isn't all that great, you know, with the jiggling of the camera and 3;" "Forget it then." "Cory! Time for supper!" That put an end to the conversation. Making sure the coast was clear, Billy slipped out of the house and the boys, their jeans still bulging, joined Cory's parents for supper. Afterward, they swang by Terry's to pick up Lad, and raced off for the Westside Park. Keeping an eye out for Bob Moser or Lane, they slipped into Cory's usual hiding spot to discover that the groundskeeper and his former student were already there in the clearing. Anthony, knowing nothing about the previous day, was disappointed, figuring their entertainment would have to be called off. To his surprise, Cory released Lad, and to his even greater surprise, Goosey and his two sons came pushing through the bushes a minute later. Julius had spent the previous evening talking to his boys, trying to explain to them what was going on, though honestly he did not know himself, and to alleviate their fears, though his were mounting each day as he was falling deeper and deeper into a perversity that was as troubling as it was arousing. First of all, finding out about the fake phone call, he had no idea how someone had made a copy of his voice, but evidently it had to be Bob Moser or Lane Spudder, and most likely was the former, being the adult, and the two of them having had plenty of conversations. Why had Bob done it? Well, despite what the courts had said, the man was clearly a pervert as he'd always claimed. What he had done to them that afternoon was evidence of that. Why them? Well, it was well known that he'd spoken against the man before and after his trial. He had to have it in for him. And he had to be jealous that he'd taken over as coach for the high school soccer team, and had to disagree with his choice for team captain. The presence of Spence Spudder's younger brother Lane was proof of that. That explained how his two sons had happened to come to that part of the park at that time, and why Bob Moser and Lane Spudder had done what they had done. As for what he had been caught doing with Lad, that was much more difficult to explain, and much more embarrassing. It was stress. The stress of teaching and particularly teaching public school kids who didn't want to learn and whose parents were constantly criticising the public school system while lying for their children. When a person was under a lot of stress they sometimes did strange and unexpected things in an attempt to relive the stress. For the rest of that evening and all that night, Julius had tossed and turned, and all the next day at school all he could think about was that incident in the park. His boys had accepted his explanation, and he had even managed to alleviate their fears, telling them that despite what Bob Moser and Lane Spudder had done, they were unhurt and safe now and Moser and Spudder had had their revenge. They were good boys and had believed him, and they were of strong character and would survive this latest humiliation and degradation. They had survived the others, the things with Cory Wilson. They were Gilles's after all. He wished he could believe what he'd told the boys as easily as they'd believed. That Bob Moser had been behind this latest there was no doubt, and that it was in retaliation for his comments there was no doubt either. The man disliked him. The man was likely afraid of the competition had he gotten on at the Royal Academy. Why else would he not have stepped up for him when jobs came open? In fact he had to have spoken against him. Why else would the Board not even grant him an interview? And the man was definitely a pervert as he'd claimed. What he'd done to Anton, and forced the three of them to do, and had encouraged the young student Lane to do was proof of that. He was more than a pervert. The man was crazy. He'd seen the lust and the hate in the man's eyes. In fact, now he thought about it, Moser had to have been planning something long ago to have taped his voice, before Reverend Winthrop's discovery of his true nature actually. That the man was done with him he could only hope, but that he feared was not so. In fact he wondered if the whole business with the dog had right from the beginning somehow been Moser's doing also. What made things even worse, he could not explain any of what was troubling him to his wife. His explanation that it was school stuff and stress was sufficient, but his worry and anxiety and sleepless nights were becoming common occurrences, and she had voiced her fear that he might be heading for a nervous breakdown. And speaking of school, four days had gone by since his students had seen the video with him and Stuart Millburne and nobody had said a word about it. He had really expected to have been called to the Board Office and fired Monday morning. His relationship with the students had been strained these past two days, and he suspected them of snickering and making rude comments about him behind his back, though he was never able to catch them, not that he'd have been able to do anything about it. It had been a very tense and uncomfortable two days, and the worst had been walking into his Health 8B class second period that Tuesday. He avoided looking directly at them as much as he could. To his amazement, they were surprisingly well behaved and attentive, the best they'd been all year. Anton and François had not been able to think of much else than that incident in the park for the rest of that day and night and all day Tuesday either. Every time they closed their eyes they saw their dad, naked and on all fours, being fucked by the German Shepard. Every time they moved they felt a sharp pain shoot up their rectums, their assholes having been rubbed raw and their rectums brutally stretched, and they relived the humiliation, and the pleasure, of being raped. That was the most bothersome of it all. They had been brutally raped, in front of their father, but it had felt good having a hard, hot cock working in and out of their asses. They'd gotten hardons for Heaven's sake! They could not deny the pleasure, to themselves nor to each other. What sort of boy enjoyed being fucked? Well, they knew the answer to that, and they were not that type of boy. They were not! As for the filthy act Bob Moser had called felching, they would never forget the embarrassment of having their dad sucking the cum out of their assholes, nor the foul taste and disgusting sliminess when they'd sucked the dog's stuff out of their dad's asshole. And there was their dad's explanation. Bob Moser was a degenerate pervert just as their dad had always claimed. That added to their faith and belief in him, and their admiration for him standing up for what he believed in prior to and during the trial. They knew about the stress, having heard their parents talking about it often enough, and the same for what their dad had said about teaching public school. The papers and TV were always criticising teachers and the education system. That their father had chosen to dedicate his life to teaching in the public system rather than the private was a credit to him, especially considering the consequences. He certainly had been acting strangely and doing unexpected things. That explained the bit about the dog, though how having sex with a dog helped relieve stress didn't make sense. Of course, they didn't know much about sex. Anton was after all only twelve and François nine. If they did, then maybe they'd understand how thinking about what had happened to them had given them hardons that night when it had been so humiliating and dirty. Maybe it would help relieve their own stress and fear as they wondered if things really were over. Julius had wondered how his sons were dealing with the incident the next day. Actually, he'd thought about it in his Health 8B class. That was also when the idea had come to him that the three of them had to go back to the clearing behind the bushes in the park again that night. They had to return to the place where it had happened, to confront their fears, and if Moser and Lane happened to show up again, which considering their motives he was sure they would, to confront them too. It was the only way. For his sons' sake, he had to work something out with Moser somehow. Above all else he had to protect his boys, and he would willingly do anything toward that end. So, Julius was in a way relieved to find Bob Moser and Lane Spudder waiting for them. Cory smiled as he focussed the cam recorder on the group congregating in the middle of the clearing. Lad was obviously excited to see his bitch, and eager to begin as he jumped up on him repeatedly, and when the man didn't drop down on all fours, tried humping his leg. Julius smiled down at the dog as he tried to get him to sit and be patient and as a feeling of warmth and of love, a deep emotional love even deeper than the love for his wife or the love for his children passed over him. Lad was the only one who truly was able to arouse him and please him, who unconditionally loved him. Despite the circumstances, he felt himself growing aroused, feeling the same intense horniness of a thirteen-year-old boy. Cory smiled. "Well, looks like your lover is excited to see you again," Bob Moser said with grin, finding the situation humorous. "And we're glad to see the three of you too," he added, glancing at Lane, who quickly nodded in agreement, the lust already evident in his eyes. "Bob, we need to talk." "Sure, Julius. We've always had time to talk to each other. But maybe you'd better get your lover under control first. We don't mind," he said, glancing again at Lane with a leer. "Go ahead and strip down for him. In fact, we can all strip while we talk." He began to unbutton his shirt, and taking his lead, Lane pulled off his black fishnet tank top, revealing the black-haired student's slim but athletic, darkly-tanned chest. Julius hesitated. It would help calm down Lad. It would be impossible to talk otherwise. He pulled his jogging sweater off over his head, and nodded to his two sons to strip also. If they stripped, it would appease Moser, and give him time to reason with the man, and if all went well, stripping would be all they'd have to do. Uncertain, but trusting their dad, they began unbuttoning their shirts. "About yesterday," Julius began as he pushed his jogging pants down. "Lane and I are really sorry about that, about how rough and abrupt we were," broke in Bob, having rehearsed what he was going to say. Julius looked at him in surprise. "We really are. It was just that we'd gotten so hot watching you and your lover here," he said, nodding at Lad who was leaping about and wagging his tail excitedly as he watched Julius step out of his jogging pants and catching a whiff of the scent of the man's sweat. "And besides, you have two very handsome and sexy young boys. Lane and I couldn't help ourselves, especially seeing how badly they wanted to mess around. We promise today we'll be much gentler and take things much slower." "Today? Now about my sons 3;" "You must be very proud of them, being so good looking and sexy, and having such open attitudes about sex. Not all boys would be so accepting of their dad having sex with a dog, or so willing to have sex with other guys. I suspect they learned that from you." "Well 3;" "To be honest, Lane and I weren't sure if you'd return today after what happened yesterday. We're glad you have. Really glad," he said, eyeing young Anton as the boy stepped out of his jeans and stood there in just his socks and underwear. "And looks like your boy is glad too," he smiled. Anton, much to the boy's embarrassment, was hard as a nail, which for young Anton, also to his embarrassment, was pretty much his normal state. "We want to make it up to you, and to correct any misconceptions or fears you might have about what had happened." Having expected Bob and Lane to show up for more revenge and a confrontation, Julius was caught off guard by Bob's almost apologetic tone. Nor had he been prepared for praise for his sons. He glanced at Anton. His boy was erect, which meant that he was turned on by the idea of having sex with the man as Bob had implied. That could only mean one thing. Julius's first reaction was one of absolute denial. His boy couldn't possibly 3; yet there was no denying he was erect. His second reaction was one of abhorrence. The possibility of his son actually enjoying having sex with a man was not something a father readily accepted. Lad leaped on him and tried to knock him down, impatient to begin. He had room to talk considering what he'd been doing. He glanced at François as the boy stepped out of his briefs. The boy had a little boner too. Of course. His boys were healthy, normal boys. At their age anything and everything gave them a boner. In a way that was good. Being turned on made what Bob and Lane were about to do to them that much easier for them. He had come here expecting to help his boys confront what had happened the previous day and to confront their fears, not to have sex again. Of course if they were willing, and if it was seen as something natural, not perverted 3; They would have to have another talk about this later. Dropping to his hands and knees there before his two sons and Bob Moser and Lane Spudder, Julius braced himself as Lad immediately mounted him and wrapping his forelegs about his waist, began to hump him like the bitch he was. Unable to look at any of them, he looked down at the grass as he felt the dog's rubbery cock, wet from his pouch slime and from pre-cum, probe his backside, and with their previous experience, quickly find his opening. He inhaled sharply with the pain as the dog roughly penetrated him, his pointed, narrow cock sinking up his rectum. Of course as dogs do, Lad immediately began producing cum, easing the pain of his initial penetration and making it that much easier to ease his cock in and out of the man's hot, wet asshole. Feelings of love and of pleasure flooded over him once again. Bob Moser smiled as he watched his hated accuser getting his ass fucked by the slobbering German Shepard. He'd heard the man's sharp intake of breath, but had taken it to be out of pleasure, not pain. The man was a sick pervert, and a hypocrite accusing him of perversity considering his after-supper pastime. As he'd thought last night about what had happened there in the park he'd depended on that little unknown desire of Julius Gilles. He and Lane Spudder had raped the man's two boys, and had forced the three of them to felch afterward. Julius could have reported them and had them arrested. However, if he had, what he'd been doing in the park would have come out and Bob Moser was depending on Julius Gilles not wanting to let that happen. To be sure the bastard didn't report them, as backup he'd thought up the little speech about him and Lane being sorry, and why they'd been so rough, and wanting to make amends to alleviate the boys' fears. He'd seen the look of fear in their eyes yesterday, and when they'd met up today, something which considering what Julius had done to him and their relationship to him turned him on. He also knew a father's love for his boys and his instinct to protect them could override even the embarrassment of the world finding out he was a pervert who liked getting it up the ass by a dog, so he knew he had to be sure in Julius's mind his boys were in no danger. The fact they'd both boned up had played right into his plan. That they had boned up had come as no surprise to him, having a close empathy for boys and an understanding of their sexuality, something most adults and especially fathers had a blind spot for and something he figured Julius would mistake for the boys' acceptance of what they were being forced to do. Praising his boys and playing on Gilles's pride and making him think they wanted it would confuse him, and hopefully enough so he would not object when they raped the boys again. Despite the boys being aroused, it would be rape. From the glances the two boys were giving him and Lane, or more specifically their crotches, they were clearly roused but also apprehensive and definitely reluctant. And from the looks in their eyes as they watched their dad getting his ass fucked, they were clearly confused, being both disgusted and aroused by what was happening. Their confusion would help him and Lane. Running his fingers over Anton's smooth, compact buttocks, he wanted to take the boy and kiss him and fondle his tiny boy organs until the boy was so hot he'd beg to be fucked, but that would have to be another time. In time he'd make the boy a little cock-hungry man-lover. Right now he just wanted to ram his aching cock back up that tight, hot asshole and fuck the shit out of the kid. Stepping up behind the trembling boy, he placed the tip of his erect organ against his opening and felt the boy immediately push out. The kid might be frightened but he was already on his way to becoming a man-lover. Grasping the boy's hips, Bob lunged forward suddenly, driving his cock forward, his slope-head forcing the boy's still tight sphincter open and his knob popping inside. The boy inhaled sharply with the acute pain of having his rectum entered so roughly and without lube. Just as the boy had assumed his dad had gasped with pleasure with his initial penetration, so did Julius assume the same about his son, whom he could not avoid watching, Bob having positioned the two of them directly before him. Lane spread apart François's cheeks and placed his cock against his opening, and like the previous day, he felt the nine-year-old opening his asshole to him, which told the thirteen-year-old that the kid wanted it and so had to be a little faggot. Bob had met him on his way to school that morning and had asked him how he'd felt about the previous day, and had suggested that they meet the Gilles's again that night to be sure the bastard or one of his brats didn't squeal on them. That was fine with Lane. As he'd told Bob, he was no faggot, but he'd enjoyed fucking the shit out of François for what his dad had done to Spence, and he'd happily do it again. That he'd meant. So, grasping the younger boy's hips, he shoved his slender cock up the boy's ass, delighting in the way he tensed and inhaled sharply. Whether it was in pain or pleasure it was all the same to the thirteen-year-old as lust and revenge welled up in him once more. So once again the six of them fucked there in the clearing of the park, unaware that again they had an audience, this time an audience of two, and unaware everything was being recorded. Bob Moser rammed his thick, seven-inch [18cm] rod in and out of young Anton, delighting in the heat and tightness of his ass and delighting in making the boy squirm and gasp with a combination of pain and pleasure as he thrust his cock in and out of the boy faster and faster and harder and harder, once again the pleasure of fucking the young boy and the pleasure of revenge against Julius Gilles through his boy combining in a delicious rush. Sweat beaded on his forehead and ran down his temples to his neatly trimmed goatee and strands of dirty brown hair came loose from his ponytail. At the same time Lane fucked the shit out of young François for the same reasons, that of lust and revenge. His young cock throbbed with pleasure as he rammed it in and out of the younger boy's hot, moist rectum, the pleasure between his legs rivalled only by the pleasure of the look of humiliation in his eyes and the eyes of his brother. His lithe, deeply tanned, athletic body glistened with sexual sweat and the dark-eyed boy's eyes sparkled with lust. Lad, meanwhile, rammed his knot up Goosey's rectum and spurted out his doggy cum with the delight of a dog fucking his bitch as his slobber dribbled down the man's back. It was not long before Bob and Lane were filling Julius's two sons with their own hot, slimy loads, while hiding in the underbrush, Cory and Anthony were grasping their young, throbbing cocks as the two boys sprayed the vegetation before them with their hot teenage seed. Once again Bob Moser had Julius felch his two boys, delighting in the look of shame and embarrassment as the man fastened his lips to his boys' assholes and sucked the fresh cum back out of their rectums and swallowed it. Once again he had Julius's two sons suck the doggy slime out of their father's hole, delighting in their looks of disgust and at the sight of the slime smearing their rosy lips and cheeks. Although they had come only minutes before, Cory and Anthony pounded their stiff cocks as the two thirteen-year-olds watched from the underbrush. Having implanted the idea during Health 8B class that morning that Julius take his sons to the clearing on his daily jog, Cory had hoped that Lane and Bob would return on their own accord. He felt confident they would, Bob clearly having discovered Julius's routine and both Bob and Lane clearly having enjoyed themselves the previous day. He'd planned no more than that, figuring things would take their natural course, other than augmenting the lust of all five, six if he included Lad though he was not sure he was having any effect there, besides broadcasting general feelings of shame and filthiness for the Gilles family and feelings of hate and lust for Bob and Lane. Watching the humiliation and degradation of Goosey Gilles and his two boys was even more of a rush than the previous day having his close buddy Anthony there to witness it with him, besides having Anthony whacking one off along with him not just once but twice. This time Bob Moser added a new twist. After the two boys had felched their father, once again giving him a raging boner, rather than having Julius return home with a set of blue balls, Bob had Julius's two sons lick their father's aching cock, much to Lane's delight and of course both unaware that the boys were not new to licking cock. As Julius stood there in the grass and the two boys knelt before him and ran their tongues over their father's stiff, twitching dick, Bob had to wonder at their comfort with performing the perverse act and their skill in doing it. The two sons ran their tongues up opposite sides of their father's shaft and up over his knob to his piss slit and then back down. Anton swirled his hot, red tongue around the rim of his father's knob like he was licking an ice cream cone and François followed, running his tongue over his father's knob slick now with his brother's spit. The two boys were going at it as eagerly as Bob had imagined and wished boys would do him in his hottest fantasies. As Julius tensed and threw back his head, Bob placed a hand on the back of Anton's head and his other hand on the back of François', holding the two boys in place as their father shot off, his loose cock jerking wildly with the hottest, most copious load he'd shot since the time he'd triple banged his wife. As he groaned with the ecstasy of ejaculation, he laced the faces of his two sons with his hot, thick semen. A thick, juicy streamer laced Anton's face from above his right eye, across his nose and along his left cheek. A second struck below his left eye and down across his upper lip to curl around the right side of his chin. Striking François in the centre of his forehead, the third shot oozed down between his eyebrows and over the bridge of his nose, down to the tip where it hung in a pendant. Another shot laced his upper lip, forming a runny, slimy moustache of spooge. Drawing François closer, Bob squeezed Julius's swollen cock, painting a streamer of cum across the boy's eyebrows. Milking his cock, he dribbled cum over the flushed faces of both boys. Having the two boys face each other, he had them lick their father's slimy load off each other's face, warning them to collect his creamy cum in their mouths but not to swallow. François licked the streamer of cum from Anton's chin up along his upper lip to below his left eye. Anton caught the pendant of slime hanging from his brother's nose and licked the streamer along the ridge and between his eyebrows to his forehead. The boys extended their slimy, cum-coated tongues and lapped up the puddles of cum clinging to their cheeks and lining their eyebrows. Like two thirsty kittens they lapped up the slimy, whitish cream from each other's face, and then squeezed out the remaining droplets from their father's still stiff cock and allowed them to ooze into their open mouths. Satisfied, Bob instructed Julius to lie on his back and open his mouth and then had his two boys kneel on either side of him and drool out his cum back into his mouth. The two boys sat there on their heels and bent over their father, their faces flushed a bright red with embarrassment and their cheeks glistening from each other's spittle, and opening their mouths they drooled the mixture of spittle and their father's cum into his mouth. His cum, thick and slimy, clung to their lips and formed a slimy streamer from their mouths to his as they slowly filled his mouth with his cum. Cory zoomed in the cam recorder, capturing the looks of disgust and shame on the faces of the two boys, and the look of revulsion and humiliation on their father's, and then the looks of pure lust and evil on the faces of Bob Moser and young Lane Spudder as he and Anthony shot off another load. Chapter Fifteen— Ft Mg —
Thanks to Billy for the character of Billy Dean and the plot of this chapter. Julius Gilles arrived at school Wednesday morning with dark circles under his bloodshot eyes and slumped shoulders. He had almost phoned in sick but had decided at least being at school would get his mind off the only thing he'd been able to think about all last evening and all night. He had not slept a wink. His wife of course wanted him to take the day off and go see a doctor about getting a letter saying he needed to go on stress leave, or at least to get some medication for his stress. Julius of course knew the stress had nothing to do with work, but he could hardly tell her what was causing his distress. How do you tell your wife of eighteen years that you have fallen madly in love with a dog? How do you tell her that the best sex in your life, even better than your wedding night or the previous week when you'd triple banged her for the first time since they had met, has been these past four weeks getting your ass fucked by a German Shepard? Adding to his stress level was his total inability to explain what was going on. Why did he have the sudden fixation on the German Shepard? He'd never had thoughts of bestiality before his encounter with the dog that afternoon in the park. Well, not between him and a male dog at any rate. Even before that, why had he performed a strip tease in front of Cory and Anthony that day he'd given them detention, and then again when they showed up at his home? Now that he'd never fantasized about before. And why had he stood there goosing himself with the pepper mill while those same two students had screwed his two sons? Why had he performed oral sex on Cory and Anthony that day he'd stripped for them, and then with young Jonah Winthrop in the park and later with Stuart Millburne in his office, and why had he felt compelled to teach his sons how to fellate a man? None of it made any sense at all. Of course everything that had happened to Anton and François was a huge contribution to his high stress level. What sort of father taught his sons how to strip to vulgar music and then stood idly by goosing himself while his sons were being fucked by two of his students? What sort of father taught his boys how to suck cock by having them perform on fruit before him, and then engage in sex with each other and then with him? Having the two of them abused by Bob Moser and their fellow student Lane Spudder because of him these last two days added to his already heavy burden of guilt and shame. As he'd told the boys earlier, the two had forced them to engage in those filthy and debasing acts because the two had a grudge against him, and Bob Moser was a sick pervert and Lane Spudder a bully. That he was proud of them for the way they'd handled their abuse was small compensation for the feelings of shame and filthiness that they had to be feeling. What sort of father was he that he could not protect his two sons from the abuse they were receiving because of him? His feelings of shame over his fixation with the German Shepard, his frustration in being unable to explain what was happening to him, and his guilt over being powerless to protect his sons were only a part of what was troubling him, a very small part of it. What was causing him more stress than all three of those combined was the fact that he'd found everything he'd done with his two boys erotic. Seeing them stripping naked had gotten him aroused. Watching them sucking on the fruit and then each other had gotten him so hot he hadn't given having them lick his cock a second thought. Even seeing them getting fucked up the ass by Bob and Lane had gotten him aroused, and performing the filthy act of felching with them and seeing their tiny wieners becoming erect had gotten him so hot he'd actually enjoyed it when he'd spattered their faces with his cum and Moser had forced them to snowball. He hadn't had that discussion he'd intended on having with his sons last night. He'd used the excuse that they'd evidently found the experience arousing, and if it had brought them pleasure, it was best he leave that alone. That was an area he certainly didn't want to explore. The reality was how does a father tell his sons that he had been turned on by watching them engage in sex? How could he tell them that sucking the cum out of their asses and having them suck the dog slime from his had given him an erection and a desire stronger than he'd ever had before? How could he tell them that having them lick him off and then drool his cum back into his mouth had gotten him hotter than their mother could ever get him? How could he explain why he had such feelings? Of course he knew why. That was the bottom line, the deep, dark, dirty cause of his stress. Deep down inside he was a boylover. That was not a new revelation. He'd realized that as a young teenager in junior high. While his buddies were jerking off with thoughts of Playboy centerfolds and of making it with their big-busted teenage classmates, he was jacking off with thoughts of his younger cousins and seeing them stripping down at night to go to bed. In high school while his buddies were trying to make out with their female classmates he was hanging out at the pool showers and lockers drooling over the smooth pubes of elementary age boys. One reason he'd chosen teaching as a profession was to be in the company of young boys all day. One reason he'd wanted to teach at the Royal Glencoe was because it was an all-boys school. He knew that but he really hadn't thought too much about it until he'd been teaching for a couple years and had found his mind wandering to thoughts of sex with attractive boys in his class while his students were doing their seat work, and he'd found himself resting his hand on their shoulders as he bent over to help them, his eyes stealing down to their crotches. Revolted by his thoughts and feelings, the result of a deep-seated guilt built up by years of brainwashing by his strictly religious parents and the church and negative propaganda of the media, he'd repressed those thoughts and feelings and had concentrated on his teaching. Over time he buried those thoughts deeper and deeper and he guarded himself against them by becoming stern and distant from those he actually desired, using sarcasm and putdowns in place of his love so they would hate him, until he forgot those desires completely and his fake attitude became reality. For over a dozen years he'd forgotten until the incident with young Jonah Winthrop had brought those long buried feelings back to the surface, and the incidents with his sons had fanned the glowing embers of his long repressed boy love. "Shit, was Goosey ever in a foul mood today," observed one of his students as a group of them headed for the Seven-Eleven at noon. "You're not kidding." "Guess he hasn't been getting any from his wife." "From Mister Millburne you mean." The boys laughed. "Actually, maybe his wife is glad he's got a thing for Millburne. Can you imagine what it must be like having to make love with him every night?" "Huh, every night? At his age it's probably more like once every couple months." "Maybe one of us should go see that she gets some screwing. Bet she'd be grateful," Cory observed, recalling the conversation with the black hustler the day before. "Forget her. Have you seen his daughter? Now she's got a nice set of boobs!" "Forget both of them. It's Goosey who needs a good screwing. Maybe by someone like Eminem," one of the boys observed, referring to a black rocker particularly known for his obscene lyrics and violence toward gays. "He was especially rude to you today." "Yeah. Telling me if I have to go take a leak so often maybe I should start wearing a diaper. Shit, all I did was ask to leave the room. I should have gone up and pissed in his pocket." Julius had been in a particularly foul mood. Having had to face his demon the previous night, he'd resolved to bury those feelings once again and even deeper. His sarcasm and put downs came even harder to his students having lightened up with them since the video incident in Health 8B in fear that if he angered them they would use the incident against him. Weary, frustrated, guilty and feeling totally helpless, he'd resorted back to his old habits. As he sat there suffering the angry glares of his students, in a way it felt good to have things back as they had been before this nightmare had started. Arriving at the Seven-Eleven, Cory spotted the jazzed up red Corvette. The guy who'd talked to him yesterday was slipping some bills in his shirt pocket and the two high school students who had been talking to him were slipping plastic baggies of something inside their school jackets, probably grass. Spotting Cory, the dude waved him over. "Hey, my man, whazzup?" he asked, giving Cory a high five. "Not much. You?" "Life's sweet." "Kewel." "Been thinking of that video you showed me, of the two kids and their dad." "I've decided not to sell it." "Yeah? Man, that's too bad. I know I was stringin' ya along yesterday, but hey, that's bizness, you know?" "Sure." "So, maybe we can renegotiate. Cigarette?" Cory accepted the cigarette and let the man light it. He took a long drag and held it in. "So, you name your price. You want cash? Magazines? Dope? Cigarettes? Maybe a young bitch your age? Maybe her moma? Or her little brother?" "Nada." "Dude, everybody wants something. You name it, I can provide it." "What do you want?" "For it?" "No. Just, you know, in life." "I want to make it big. You know, a mansion, a Rolls, money to burn, a good-looking mama on each arm 3;" "And you'll get that dealin' and pimpin'." "Hey, dude, don't you go dissin' what I do. All a man needs is a stable of good ho's, a reputation for good stash. Actually I plan on making it big in the film industry. All I need is one hot porn star, maybe another Rip Torn or Jeff Stryker or Jason Adonis, or a movie like Deep Throat like Linda Lovelace made to make a name for myself. Once they see the artist I am, I'll be on my way." None of the names meant anything to Cory. "Can you meet me at my house tonight, at, ah, ten to six?" "Sure, my man," Billy said with shrug. "Thanks for the smoke. I gotta go get some Nachos and cheese." "Here," Billy said, handing Cory a ten spot. "They're on me." "Kewel. Catchcha later. Oh," he said as an afterthought, "maybe meet me on the corner instead of at my house, okay?" "Gotcha." Billy smiled as he watched the kid disappear into the convenience store. With his moves and attitude he should have been black. Maybe he could take the kid under his wing and train him as his assistant. Better yet, with his looks, maybe he could make him a porn star. There was big money to be made in child pornography these days. He'd have to get rid of that goofy metal headband he was forever wearing though. If nothing else, if he befriended the kid maybe he'd give him the video he'd made of the guy and his two kids. If that didn't work, if he could just get a couple nude pics of the kid he could always threaten to post them on the Internet and blackmail the kid for it. As he headed down the street at five-fifty sharp, he spotted the kid standing at the corner. "So where to, my man?" he asked as the kid got in. "Five blocks down and hang a right. At Eaglemont Drive, head left for six blocks to 118th, then turn up Mulberry Way for three blocks to 38 Mulberry Crescent. You like swimming?" "Swimming? Yeah, sure. But I didn't bring any trunks." "We won't be needing them," Cory said with a smile. The family Mazda minivan was in the drive, Julius's 04 Lincoln Cartier was not. "Better park in the street." They walked around to the back door and Cory rang the bell while Billy gave the place a quick lookover. Large pool with inlaid stone patio, fancy cedar deck and furniture, large propane BBQ, a portable mini-bar, and a landscaped backyard with fruit trees, a flowerbed border and manicured lawn behind a six-foot [1.80m] brick privacy wall-very nice. This was not a mansion, but it was no poor man's house. A girl in a long-sleeved blouse buttoned at the neck and a jean skirt past her knees with knee-high white socks answered the door, a teenybopper, with gorgeous, long, curly red hair and an alabaster complexion. It was difficult to tell her age. Looking at her face you'd think she was barely out of elementary school, fresh and clean with full baby cheeks and a dimpled chin and unmarred by makeup, but looking at her body you'd think she was in high school, nice firm boobs perched high on her chest, a slim waist, flat stomach, and gorgeous legs. It was a shame they were hidden under so much clothing. She looked at the two of them in surprise, and especially at Billy, whom she glanced up at with an unmistakable flicker of repugnance and apprehension. Billy was very much aware of that look as fleeting as it was and his anger immediately began to rise. She turned and called for her mother, and seconds later the woman came to the door. She was not a bad looking broad considering she had to be in her late thirties, maybe even forty. Her gorgeous red hair, long and curly like her daughter's, fell over her shoulders. Like her daughter she was wearing a long-sleeved blouse buttoned at the neck but under it you could tell she had a nice pair of boobs too, heftier and more matronly of course, the boobs of a mature woman. Under her ankle-long skirt she was packing a bit of a stomach and she was perhaps a bit broad in the backside, but Billy liked a woman with a bit of meat on her ass. He hated screwing a boney ass. She had few wrinkles at the corner of the eyes and corners of her mouth but she had nice full lips perfect for sucking and attractive blue-green eyes. She too looked at them with surprise, and at Billy with a look of even greater aversion. Mother and daughter were very much alike. "Hi," Cory said brightly, ignoring the looks. "Mister Gilles said we could come by for a dip in the pool. Thought we'd let you know in case, you know, you came out while we were out here, especially since we forgot to bring our swim trunks." He smiled at Annette and up at her mother with a childlike, impish grin and an image of him, and then of Billy, standing there before them in the nude flashed through their minds as they felt a sudden ache of arousal pass over them. "Mister Gilles isn 3;, ah," Antoinette began. She was going to say her husband wasn't at home at the moment and that they'd better come back when he was, but standing there in front of a young nigger who could easily overpower her and her daughter, and do God knows what with them, and very likely would like to from the looks of him, she thought better of it. "Ah, can't come to the door right now," she said instead. "Maybe 3;" "That's okay. Just tell him that Cory and, ah 3;" "Billy, Billy Dean, at your service," Billy said, introducing himself with a flourish as he removed his white Fedora and bowed deeply while flashing the mother, and especially the daughter, his most disarming smile. Now the daughter would make an excellent porn star, at least for a couple months until she lost that sweet, innocent look and took on the look of a slut like all women did once they got a taste of cock. As he smiled at her he wondered if she was a virgin yet. He'd love to correct that flaw personally. His cock began to swell in his tight jeans with just the thought. "You can just let him know we're here. He don't gotta join us or nothing. Are Anton and François here?" "No, they've gone with their-ah, they've gone out." "Okay, that's kewel. Julian?" he asked, knowing very well that he spent every minute he could with his girlfriend but checking to make sure, not that it really mattered if he was there, just as it didn't matter if Goosey's youngest daughter was there either and who, as it turned out, was over at a friend's working on a school project. "No, he's out too. Now, if you'll excuse us, we were doing the dishes," Antoinette said abruptly, wishing to end the conversation. "Yeah, sure," said Cory as he began unbuttoning his shirt. "We'll just jump in the pool and cool off." Mother and daughter were far from cooling off as they felt another surge of arousal pass over them. Glancing up at Billy, who usually wore his shirt with only the fourth button done to show off his chest, Annette wondered what it would be like to run her fingers over his smooth, black skin and over the pert nipples she could see peeking out from his open shirt. She immediately began to blush with the unusual, obscene thought. She pictured herself running her tongue over those chocolate rosebuds and sucking on them as her hands caressed the inside of his thighs and his black organ rose in his tight jeans. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and her jaw dropped with the totally perverse thought. As her vulva throbbed warmly she suddenly stepped back in fear and shock. Antoinette was momentarily lost in her own strange, perverse thoughts. The boy, who couldn't be more than thirteen, had said they hadn't brought their trunks. Picturing her wrapping her arms about him as he stood there naked before her and caressing his compact backside, she wondered if they were as smooth and warm as she imagined. An ache of desire and sense of excitement, mild but perceptible, rose from the centre of her breasts as she imagined him exposing them and then kissing and nibbling on them. Her desire rose as she imagined reaching down and cupping his testicles, smooth and warm 3; She closed the door and stood there staring at it. What was wrong with her? He was only thirteen! Where did such obscene and perverse thoughts come from? Billy stared at the closed door, and then down at Cory, who was standing there with a silly-looking grin on his face. Although only twenty-four years of age, he'd been around plenty long enough to know prejudice when he saw it, and lust too. He'd just seen both. The look on the faces of daughter and mother when they'd first laid eyes on him were looks of disgust and revulsion along with a good dose of fear and hatred. He knew those looks. He'd seen them plenty of time from white folk, especially those who had an arrogance about themselves, as he got the sense these two had. But over the next minute or two he'd seen those looks turn to looks of desire. He'd seen those looks before too, from white chicks who thought it would be hot to make it with a black man, and from black chicks who knew a hot body when they saw one. He'd had his share of those looks. He was a flashy dresser and good-looking, and though perhaps on the short side and a little lean, he did have one sexy body. "Last one in has to kiss the other's ass," announced Cory, who by then had removed his shirt and dropped it on the deck. As the boy pushed down his shorts and his boxers at the same time and eased his right runner off with his left foot, Billy knew he'd never beat the boy, and he knew the boy would hold him to the consequence too. No longer under Cory's direct influence as they returned to their dishes, mother and daughter nonetheless continued to think about him and Billy. Antoinette of course recognized Cory from the time he and the other boy had shown up for a dip in their pool, totally unannounced then too. That was also the day she and Julius had had the hottest sex they'd had in their lives, and, she recalled now that she thought about it, it had begun with the same feeling of randiness as she was feeling now the moment the boy had shown up at the door. As she recalled that most unusual evening, she absent-mindedly reached down and pressed her fingers between her legs to relieve the itch that had developed there just as she'd done that day. She had figured back then it most strange her husband would invite the boy to use their pool, and she knew he was not the type her boys would be friends with, but evidently he had, so it was possible he'd done it again. He had been acting most strange lately. Even as strange as he was acting though, there was absolutely no way he would have invited the black to their house. He and she had many things in common, which was why they had such a happy marriage compared to many of their friends. One of those things was their agreement on the place of the black race. They might call themselves Afro Americans or blacks or whatever now, and they might have jobs way above their station in life thanks to affirmative action and at the expense of hard working, decent white people, but they were still lazy, untrustworthy, stinking niggers no matter how television portrayed them. The mere thought of him in their pool sent shivers of revulsion up her spine. They'd have to drain the pool and wash it down with bleach. She turned her thoughts back to Cory. Those were much more pleasant thoughts. In a few more years all the girls would be chasing him. He would make some girl quite the catch when he became a man, some girl in his class of course, not someone like Annette. There was something sexually attractive about him. She tensed and drew her legs together. Just thinking about the boy was giving her throbs where she hadn't had throbs since she'd been a teenager herself. Perhaps it was his animal sensuality. Lower class boys were like that. Annette, like her mother, was thinking of Cory and Billy too, but unlike her mother, her focus was on Billy Dean. Like her parents, she had an aversion and fear of black people, having been brainwashed all her life by her parents, by her church, and by the friends she socialized with to think that way. Despite her fear and loathing, he was attractive in a dark, mysterious way, and his skin was so appealing and enticing, like a forbidden fruit. Cory had said that they'd be naked. She'd never seen a boy naked before-well, other than her two younger brothers, but that was when they were babies, and that didn't count-and she certainly had not seen a man. Now if she could catch a glimpse of the two of them that would be something to tell her friends at school, and especially if she could catch a glimpse of Billy. She'd heard black men were especially large down there, though she had no idea what large really was. That was one thing they did not explain in sex ed classes. Actually, sex ed classes didn't tell a girl much of anything. Annette shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. Just thinking about them was giving her a strange feeling between her legs, a feeling she'd never had before. Cory had, of course, dived into the pool first, and he had exacted his prize from Billy, who didn't really mind. If kissing the white boy's ass cheek was going to get him somewhere with the boy it was a small price to pay. As the two splashed and floated about in the water and enjoyed themselves in the heat of the early evening, they both thought of the two women who had greeted them. Billy of course focussed on Annette. She'd make one hell of a good subject for his camera. He'd start with still pictures of her, slowly undressing and posing nude in provocative positions. The clothes she'd been wearing would be perfect, and then another series in perhaps something more childish and frilly, and of course in a school girl uniform, like those of the two boys Cory had a video of. As he thought of the video, he realized there was a similarity in appearance between the younger of the two boys and the girl. Could they be brother and sister? Cory had mentioned something about two boys. He glanced over at the thirteen-year-old who had found a large beach ball and who was trying to climb on top of it in the water. Did he have another reason for inviting him to go swimming other than to enjoy a cool pool on a hot October day? Cory had been doing a lot of thinking since the conversation that noon about screwing Goosey, his wife, and his daughter, and about Billy's comment the day before about screwing older women. Thinking about sex was a regular thing for him, especially during boring classes, which meant most of them. He'd never done it with a female before, and really wasn't in all that much of a hurry for his first experience, not that he hadn't thought about it before and not that he and Anthony hadn't discussed who they'd like to do, celebrities and people they actually knew on numerous occasions. Gilles's wife and daughter had not been two of them, but actually, doing it with Annette or Antoinette for his first time would be rather cool now that he thought about it. It really didn't matter which. A cunt was a cunt and he'd read all there was to know about how to do it from porn so it didn't matter if who he did it with had experience or not. Having made up his mind, he began to put his plan into action in Computer8 Class that afternoon, bringing up the memory of the previous day and sending the images to Julius, and then sending the messages of how hot and horny he'd been and how much pleasure he'd gotten, and how he had to take his sons to the park again and experience it all over. At first Julius had rejected the idea, as he could tell from the way he'd screwed up his face and shaken his head, as if being bothered by a pesky fly. Well, he was pesky, and he kept up the feelings of pleasure and horniness, which from the bulge in Goosey's pants were evidently being received, along with the ideas that he had to go back and take his sons to show them that what they were doing was natural and all right. Those thoughts took a lot more effort and were met with a lot more resistance, but they were thoughts Julius wanted to believe himself and by the end of the period, Cory was pretty sure he'd broken through. Of course Lad would not be there in that he was planning on being at Goosey's house in his absence and Terry was still grounded, and he'd heard Lane tell Bob that he wouldn't be there the next day also and Bob had decided to give the day a pass. None of that really mattered. The point was getting Julius and his two sons out of the house. Going a day without getting fucked would make Goosey and his sons appreciate the next day all the more. That would mean they'd return home that much sooner, which didn't give him and Billy that much time, and they might even catch them doing it, but that didn't really matter either. Actually, that would be rather fun! Unable to resist the temptation of seeing Cory and Billy naked and telling herself that she was simply checking up on them to make sure they were not up to anything, Antoinette peeked out at the back yard from behind the curtains in their dining room, keeping one eye out for her daughter who had gone upstairs to her bedroom. The two were floating and swimming about, which again gave her the shivers as she thought of the black nigger in their pool. She turned her mind to Cory to get the unpleasant thoughts out of her mind. She thought back to his previous visit, and how as soon as he'd arrived she'd started getting aroused, just as his presence there today had the same effect. She had been precocious as a child, and wondered if that was why the presence of a thirteen-year-old boy was having such an effect on her. By thirteen she knew that she was pretty and that she could get men in 'that' condition just by giving them a pouting look, or by a strategically placed hand, which she frequently did just to watch them squirm with embarrassment. A year later she had been the instigator in checking out along with several of her closest friends a younger boy on their street, and when her male cousins had visited over the summer, she'd spent a lot of time spying on them, listening to their vulgar stories and jokes and catching them on more than one occasion taking a leak in the woods on her parent's property. Those had been fun times. As she studied Cory, she also recalled the hot time she and Julius had had when he'd returned home that day. That had been most atypical. Over the past several months Julius had been particularly despondent, and especially since school had resumed. Their sex life had basically come to an end, Julius being too tired, too preoccupied with work, too worried, or whatever to make love to her. Even the mere hint of it from her had sent him into a fit of depression this past month. She at first worried that it was her, that he was no longer finding her attractive or desirable, and she'd made special efforts to make herself appealing, but to no avail. That was particularly upsetting. She was only forty. She had many years of an active sex life yet as far as she was concerned. Cory got out of the pool and stood on the edge in plain sight. The boy really was naked. She envied him, his youth, his lack of inhibitions, his freedom. He was so young, so virile. He had years of active sex ahead of him. Well, a few anyway. It was a shame that a man's peak came so early really. By the time the boy was eighteen he'd have reached his peak in performance and it would be downhill after that. It was a shame really for him to spend the next five years, the years he was the most physically capable, satisfying himself with his hand when he could be with a woman. Of course that did not have to be. He was in need and unsatisfied, and so was she. Lots of women had sex with younger men. Even women with boys. You read about it in the paper all the time. She reached down and absent mindedly stroked herself. Annette peaked out from behind her bedroom curtains, wishing she could have a closer view. She could barely see Cory's things. From what she could discern, they were about what she'd imagined they would be. It was rather disappointing. They weren't much bigger than her brothers' when they were babies. They certainly were not as big as Cindy, who had seen her older brothers', claimed they were. To her delight the black man climbed out of the pool. He was of course much bigger than Cory, and so were his things. He was totally black, not having a tan line like Cory. As she watched him, she felt an ache between her legs. That was ridiculous. He was a black man, way below her station in life. She thought back to stories about slaves, and how the white owner had his way with the black women, and how sometimes the black men did things to the owner's wife or his daughter. Of course she was not supposed to see such shows, but her parents trusted her and hadn't put any blocks on the television or the computer, and such shows were common enough that she didn't have to even search for them. She reached down and began to stroke herself. "Time for a game of periscope up," Cory announced as the two of them dived back into the pool. "What exactly is that?" Billy asked. In response, Cory reached under the water to grab Billy's more than ample appendage and give it a stroke. "Hey!" Billy objected as he pulled away. "Bet I can get my periscope up before you can get yours up," Cory challenged, reaching between his legs and stroking himself. "You're on," responded Billy, taking up the challenge. He was young and virile, and he had an advantage over the thirteen-year-old. He'd noticed the mother and daughter peeking out of the house and watching him. He knew that in their eyes he was dirt, but he also knew he was attractive, and that sometimes being dirt was not a bad thing. For one, it got the women all the hornier. So, concentrating on the image of the two staring out of the windows at him, he thought about what it would be like to fuck them, perhaps with both in the room, one watching while he rode the other, and then vice versa. Now that would be hot. It would be even hotter if he could tape it. Taking the daughter's virginity in front of her mother, and then doing the mother in front of the daughter, now that would be hot. A movie like that would sell big, especially if it was advertised as being real, not an act. His cock quickly began to swell with the thought. He should have bet the kid something. That the kid had to kiss his cock if he got it up first or something. Cory of course was fully aware of the two of them being watched. In fact he'd done his best to project his thoughts to each of them, making the mother hot for him and the daughter hot for Billy. He had no idea if he could do that from the distance he was, though it was not that much farther than he was from Julius when he was in the clearing in the park, and he did have an unobstructed and uninterrupted view of them except they were behind glass. He wondered if that mattered. Pushing those thoughts aside, he imagined what it would be like to have Billy fucking Annette while he was fucking her mother, the two of them side by side like he and Anthony had been side by side when they'd fucked Anton and François. His young cock expanded quickly with the thought. Even if he couldn't project his thoughts to the two females, his thoughts would speed up his erection. He should have bet Billy something, like having to kiss his cock if he got it up first. It was impossible to say which of the two got erect first, and likely it occurred at the same time. The two decided to call it a tie at any rate. Being erect was their only similarity as the two floated on their backs, their cocks sticking up out of the water. Cory, five feet [1.50m] tall and ninety-three pounds [42kg], his stylishly gelled, spiked and highlighted reddish-brown hair now plastered to his scalp and held in place by his metallic headband, had a dark tan and a distinct tan line with a creamy white stomach and buttocks. His cock was two fingers thick and had a small patch of reddish-brown hairs just above it. In contrast Billy was five-foot-eight [1.73m] and a hundred and forty-five pounds [66kg] with dark black skin head to toe except for the soles of his feet and his palms and wore his coarse black hair in dreadnaughts. His seven-inch [18cm] sausage was as black as the rest of him and was topped with a dense bush of curly black hair. "Goosey should be home around seven-thirty," Cory suddenly said as he climbed out of the pool. "We got about an hour." With that he turned and headed into the house. Figuring Goosey had to be the Mister Gilles Cory had referred to upon their arrival, and that Cory had seen his daughter watching them from her upstairs bedroom and had gone to make his move with her, Billy debated his options, which took all of a minute, and climbed out of the pool and headed for the house also. Considering her feelings about him, and that at the same time she had been checking him out, fucking the mother would prove interesting. Getting a quick lay of the lower floor and seeing her nowhere in sight, he headed down the hall where he suspected she had retreated and where he figured the master bedroom would be. Finding the door closed and concluding that confirmed his suspicion that was where she'd taken refuge, he slowly and carefully opened it a crack and peeked inside and quickly closed it again. He'd be damned if the kid hadn't sought out the mother. He probably hadn't noticed the daughter upstairs. Well, Billy thought with a leer, all the better for him! His stiff cock leading the way, he bounded up the stairs in hot anticipation. Cory had of course seen both of them and had made his choice. Concentrating on Antoinette and telling her how desirable he was and how good a virile thirteen-year-old boy could make her feel, he had said nothing as he had stood there in the living room dripping wet and stark naked and stared up at her. Having seen him coming toward the house and having chosen to remain standing where she was, Antoinette had already made up her mind what she was going to do also. Having gone without for the past month other than the one wild pre-supper frenzy with Julius, it was not a difficult decision, so Cory did not have a difficult sell. Picking up a fleecy bath towel on the way to the master bedroom, she sat down on the bed and dried him off, as she had dried off her five children after their bath although she'd long stopped doing that before any of them were thirteen and although her boys had the occasional boner, they were toddlers at the time with toddler-size erections. Drying off his naked body, she caressed it gently with the soft towel, rubbing his back and slipping her hands down to caress and knead his smooth, compact buttocks. She continued down each leg and as he held up one foot and then the other to be dried, his erect penis stood up firm and attentive. She dried off his chest and his nipples quickly became firm as she brushed the fleecy blanket over them. He had an athletic body, firm and with the new muscles of a thirteen-year-old boy and a flat stomach. As she dried off his erect penis and tender, dangling balls, he squirmed with the pleasure. He stood there and watched her as she quickly stripped for him, dropping her blouse and skirt on the floor and looking at him seductively as she removed her bra and then her panties. He stared at her unabashed and attentive, his green-blue eyes taking in her breasts and slowly dropping down to view her hairy pubes and the luscious cleft below them. Reaching out and taking his hand, she drew him close and as she lay down on the bed she drew him to her. He reached out and caressed and stroked her breasts, and as he did so his little dick jerked with excitement. He ran his fingers in concentric circles about her nipples, beginning wide and drawing closer and closer to her nipples until he ran his finger tips over them gently, sending shards of arousal through her breasts. He snuggled down and kissed and licked her boobs and then sucked on one nipple and then the other, teasing them with his tongue as he sucked on them and causing her to quiver and gasp with the pleasure his mouth was causing. He knew from hours of reading the porn Anthony had shared with him what to do, and what women wanted. It had been a long time since Julius had played with her breasts and sucked on them. He used to enjoy them years ago when they were dating and when they'd first married, but by time the time François had been born he'd bypassed them for more direct foreplay lower down. Although he'd never said so, she'd wondered if suckling five children had left her breasts unattractive. Delighting in the thirteen-year-old's attention to them, and in his youthful inexperience, she found herself growing even more aroused. Of course Cory's own arousal transmitted to her by way of his headband accented her own desire. She caressed his smooth back, this time without the towel, and reached down and caressed his smooth, compact buttocks. They were so smooth and so firm compared to the hairy, flabby backside of her husband, so delightful to caress. She drew his naked body to her and quivered as she felt his little weiner burn hotly against her belly. This was perverse having sex with a thirteen-year-old boy, but it was so erotic. She could not remember when she'd felt so hot. Rolling over on her back and taking him with her, and spreading her legs and raising her knees, she guided him into position between her thighs. Wiggling down until she felt the tip of his hot little pee-er against her slit, she quivered in anticipation and opened up to him. Feeling her hot, wet slit slipping over the tip of his stiff little cock, the boy, barely into his teens, inhaled sharply in anticipation and delight. Placing her hands on his hot little buttocks, Antoinette gently pressed down on them, pushing his body closer against hers and sinking his stiff little organ into her eager pussy. She quivered with the eroticism and groaned in ecstasy. She was taking the boy's virginity. Billy had meanwhile located Annette's bedroom where she'd stood anxiously waiting, hoping desperately that it would be he who entered and not Cory, but at the same time fearful and dreading the moment. Naked and wet, he had stridden over to her and had drawn her to him and kissed her hotly and roughly on the mouth. It was a one-sided kiss but for Billy her innocence just made it all the hotter. Pulling her blouse out of her skirt, he slipped his hands up it along her back. His lips still locked to hers, he unfastened her bra and ran his hands along the soft, warm curve of her body to cup her young, budding breasts. Pushing her blouse up, he caressed and squeezed them, delighting in their firmness and compactness. He brushed her nipples with his thumbs, causing her to inhale sharply and quiver with the sharp pleasure piercing her until then unfondled breasts. Breathing heavily, he ran his hands down her smooth, narrow waist and slipped them under the band of her skirt and pushed it down over her hips, letting it drop to her ankles. She stood there trembling, wanting him and yet not wanting him, eager for delights she and her girlfriends had only dreamed and giggled about over pajamas parties, but frightened by the unknown. Billy cupped her buttocks and caressed them through her panties. Her pink, frilly panties were so smooth and satiny. His stiff cock jerked and a large, clear droplet of pre-cum formed at the tip of the black knob. He reached around and ran his fingers along the innocent girl's crotch, feeling her heat and desire throbbing through the sheer cloth of her underwear. He pressed his fingers between her legs, seeking out her slit and another droplet formed at the tip of his one-eyed monster, forcing the first to begin oozing down the underside cleft of his knob. He kissed her savagely as his hands slipped under the elastic of her panties and pushed them down, and cupping her naked buttocks he drew her slight body to him, squeezing his throbbing cock between them, his pre-cum, hot and sticky against her naked flesh. She wanted him. He had seen that in her eyes the moment he'd stepped into the room. Despite her fears and anxiety, she wanted him. Her lust having been ignited by Cory's thoughts and his own desires that he'd projected and which had supplemented her own, glowed like the embers on the hearth, and Billy's caresses and kissed now fanned those embers, causing them to flame. With her blouse pushed up to reveal one breast and her skirt and panties at her ankles, he drew her trembling body to his, her firm, aroused nipples pressing hotly against his naked chest and his stiff, dripping cock pressing against her ribs below her breasts. He reached down and ran his first two fingers along her pussy slit and she tensed. She was hot and wet and from the resistance to his probing fingers, evidently still a virgin. This was going to be so fucking hot. He rubbed the lips of her pussy with his fingers to coax out still more of her hot cunt juice, and then rubbed the tip of his black sausage between them, slicking up the knob. He wanted her to remember the pain when he took her virginity, but he didn't want to damage that delicate flower. In the bedroom directly below them, Cory was pumping his ass in his first fuck, and it was all that the porn stories Anthony had shared with him had said it would be. He worked his hips to and fro quickly and excitedly, driving his little dick in and out of Antoinette's cunt and sending piercing ripples of pleasure through his knob and up the four-inch [10cm] shaft. This was far better than jacking off and felt every bit as good as fucking her son's ass had felt even if she was not as tight. His hot breath panted against her soft breasts as he worked his throbbing cock in and out her pussy, causing her to squirm and gasp with pleasure just like the stories had described. Already hot on her own accord, receiving Cory's thoughts of pleasure and awe at his first fuck through his headband besides accented her lust. She could not believe this. It was even better than having sex with Julius, even better than their first time together. Her hot, moist cunt grasped onto the little reed that was working in and out of it. It felt so small and yet so firm and so hot. Her cunt juices flowed copiously, and unstoppered by his young little cock, they washed over it and gushed out of her cunt to bathe his dangling balls and the insides of his thighs. Cory discovered that fucking a woman was a very wet process, especially a forty-year-old woman. Upstairs, Billy had removed Annette's skirt and panties and had lain her on her back on her bed, pushing aside her stuffed bunny to make room for them and knocking her school backpack on the floor, spilling out her books and the new pencil case her mother had bought for her at the beginning of the school year to mark her entry into grade nine. She was about to experience another entry, that of Billy's aching, dripping, black cock. Facing the reality, now she reached up and tried to push his hands away in protest as he spread her legs and knelt between them. Although her body was aching for it and her pussy was hot and wet and ready, her mind broke free from the trance she had been in and objected. Years of preaching and parental lectures triumphed over a few minutes of lust as she realized she was about to lose her virginity, and not only that, but lose it to a black man she'd only met forty-five minutes ago. Her resistance did not deter Billy. In fact it made it all the better. That was how sex with a woman was supposed to be. Men were born for fucking, and women were born to resist. He hoped that she would fight for a long time, and not just this time but many times in the future. Her resistance would make his triumph all the more delightful. Of course she would eventually give in to his power, to the power of his cock and she'd become the slut that all women are. Hopefully that would be many fucks from now, and for now she was a fourteen-year-old virgin about to have her first feel of cock, and he loved it. Placing the tip of his aching, black cock against her virgin pussy, he slowly pressed forward. She tried to push him off her but he reached up and grasping her wrists held her arms against the bed. He pushed his hips forward, wedging the tip of his cock between her resisting pussy lips. Annette, hot beyond his wildest expectations, tensed and clenched her pussy lips together as she struggled not just with him, but with her own conscience. She wanted it, and yet, she did not. She knew she was supposed to wait until she got married, but she wanted it so badly, and marriage was a long way away. Thinking about doing it only a few minutes earlier as she'd watched him floating in the water, his majestic member sticking up out of the water so inviting and proud, she'd wanted it so badly, and was so certain. Doing it with a black man was especially dirty and disgusting, but it had been that sense of wickedness that had made the thought of doing it all the hotter. Now she was getting what she wanted. Billy's stiff, hot cock was pressing against her hymen. The pain was unbearable and she bit her lower lip as he pressed on, stretching her lips apart. She heard him telling her not to resist him, to relax and to open up her pussy to him. She did not know how to open her pussy but she wanted the pain to end so badly. And then she felt his long, black sausage rip open her hymen and she screamed with the pain as his cock pushed into her soft, wet, pussy, first the knob and then his shaft. He sank deeper and deeper into her, splitting her apart. It felt as if his stiff cock was stuck half way up her belly and she half expected to see it sticking out of her belly button as she inhaled sharply and glanced down past her breasts and her flat stomach to see the deep black rod buried between her legs. Cory was humping Antoinette madly now as he felt the familiar pressure developing in his loins. He was doing it! He was fucking! He was doing what every guy his age dreamed about doing. And when he came instead of shooting his stuff into a handful of Kleenex or into another guy's ass or mouth, he would be shooting his stuff up a woman's cunt. He was now officially a man. Or at least he would be in another minute when he shot off his load. He grunted and gasped as he humped his very first woman, Goosey Gilles's wife, and he smiled as he thought what the man would think if he could see the two of them. He was fucking the man's wife, in their fucking bed, in the bed where he did her. Tonight he'd sleep right where they were that very moment. That was so fucking wicked. Sensing the boy's approaching climax, Antoinette worked her cunt muscles in time with him, enjoying his youthful enthusiasm and unpolished approach. He'd soon be shooting his stuff into her. Julius used a condom ever since their youngest had been born seven years ago. It would be nice to feel a man's hot seed spurting into her again. Well, a boy's. She closed her eyes and squeezed her cunt muscles together, grasping onto the thin reed pumping in and out of her, he cunt so slimy and juicy the boy was having difficulty keeping his little cock inside. Billy was having no such problem as he pumped his seven-inches [18cm] of throbbing meat in and out of the woman's daughter. She was so delightfully tight! Oh, after that initial pain of entry she'd relaxed her cunt muscles, but even relaxed the virgin hole squeezed about his cock tightly as a woman's cunt should. He banged the naive fourteen-year-old girl savagely in his lust, thrusting forward and driving his aching, throbbing cock deep up her cunt, and then withdrawing it until he almost pulled it out of her slimy, throbbing pussy. Her bed creaked as he thrust her against it roughly, and she gasped and groaned with the pleasure and the pain of her first fuck. He could tell in her eyes she was still resisting in her mind, but her body had no such choice. Massaged by his hot, hard cock, her cunt responded as all cunts did, and as her hot, slimy cunt juice bathed his cock he could feel her pussy throbbing with pleasure. Annette trembled as his long, black cock sank into her and withdrew repeatedly, as it brushed against her clit and sent spasms of a totally new and frightening feeling through her throbbing labia and up her vagina. Mortified that she'd succumbed to temptation and had given this stranger the one thing she was supposed to save for the right man, her virginity, she at the same time trembled with the most powerful and frightening pleasure she'd ever know, and ever would. Her cunt was burning and she could feel her cunt juices dripping down the inside of her thigh and tremor after tremor of pleasure pulsated between her legs. Her breathing grew deeper and more laboured, matching his, and she groaned and gasped with the pleasure pulsating through her cunt. Billy sensed her change, and smiling with the triumph, he lunged forward and drew back like a mad man, fucking the shit out of her. And then he was exploding, filling her with his seed, with his black seed, filling her with the slime from his swollen black balls. She trembled with the realization of what was happening and then arched her back and whimpered as she reached her orgasm, the first orgasm of her life, and she grasped him and bucked wildly, mad with lust. Below them Antoinette was thrusting her hips forward and drawing back as she felt herself approaching her orgasm, banging her body against the slender, naked body of the boy between her legs. She wrapped her arms about him and squeezed him so tight he could barely breathe, and then with a cry of ecstasy she trembled uncontrollably as she reached her climax, something she often did not achieve with Julius. Her pussy throbbed with a pulse of its own and shards of pleasure ripped through it and she sighed with the acute pleasure as she trembled over and over with her orgasm. And then Cory was trembling too, his ninety-three-pound [42kg] body quivering in the arms of a woman sixty pounds [27kg] heavier and three times older than he as he shot his thin, watery boy seed up her throbbing pussy, his hairless balls drawn up tight under his pulsating cocklet. The four of them finally separated and lay back, gasping and quivering with their delight, eyes half closed, genitals dripping wet, hearts pumping. They lay there in numb ecstasy, enjoying the bliss of their climax and the knowledge their partner had gotten off too. Cory absent mindedly caressed Antoinette's breasts and kissed her on the lips. She caressed the thirteen-year-old's naked buttocks and returned the kisses. They embraced and Cory snuggled in her arms, his dicklet snug in the hot, slimy fold of her cunt. He slowly rocked and his cock quickly began to swell, and feeling it growing in the valley of her cunt, Antoinette gyrated her hips, excited that he was growing aroused again and so quickly. Billy had meanwhile taken Annette's hand and had wrapped her fingers about his sticky, limp sausage and had wrapped his fingers about hers. The feel of her hot little hand about his meat caused it to begin swelling again, and the look of wonder and innocence on her face as she felt it swelling in her hand sent an ache through his loins and caused his cock to swell even faster. He reached between her legs with his other hand and stroked her wet, sticky pussy, sticky with her cunt slime and the copious load of spooge oozing back out of her now abused and still gaping pussy. He rubbed her clit, causing her to lurch and ache for the pleasure his cock had so recently brought her. Eager to bring her the pleasure again, he once more rolled her over on her back and mounted her. She quivered as he sank his long, black cock up her vagina once again, and as he began to fuck her once more she trembled and whimpered with delight and with the sweet pain of having her recently abused and stretched pussy lips being rubbed even rawer. She worked her cunt muscles as he fucked her, working up another flow of sticky cunt juice to ease the friction of his long black cock rubbing in and out of her no longer virgin cunt. It took longer this second time, and by the time he was ready to come she was quivering and gasping with her own orgasm once more. Billy shot his load into her with equal delight, the black hustler's only regret being that he hadn't caught the taking of her virginity on tape. And as daughter was gasping and trembling with her second orgasm as her cunt was filled with ball juice a second time, so mother was heaving and panting with her second orgasm also as her hot, throbbing cunt was filled once again with boy juice. Cory thrust his little cocklet up her hot, slimy cunt as he felt his seed throbbing out of his thin cock and he closed his eyes, delighting as much in the pleasure of his ejaculation as in the knowledge that at the age of thirteen he could make a grown woman and mother of five groan and whimper like a horny slut just like Anthony's porn described. Cory debated staying there in her arms until Julius arrived, but decided that might be pushing his luck too far. As he headed for the pool to get his clothes, he met Billy coming down the stairs. The two grinned at each other and high-fived, their cocks now limp and sticky and dangling between their legs. Putting on their clothes, they heard a car pull into the driveway. Julius and his sons. Making a desperate leap, Billy managed to grasp the top of the privacy fence about the back yard and to pull himself up. As he turned to reach down to give Cory a hand up, he saw the boy disappear back into the house. Dropping down the other side as Julius and his sons entered the back yard, he made his way through the neighbour's yard and to his car. Wondering what he should do and how Cory was going to get out, he watched the house anxiously. After what seemed like hours, the front door flew open and Cory dashed down the front walk and leaped into the Corvette and Billy gunned the engine. "Dude, that was fucking hot," Billy said with a wide grin as they spun around the corner at the end of the block. "Yeah, real sweet," agreed Cory, the disc from the Gilles's cam recorder which he'd set up in their master bedroom after school while Julius was at school marking papers and Antoinette had gone to pick up her sons and daughters, and the school's cam recorder which he'd set up in Annette's room, tucked safely inside his shirt.